#my baby just need a hug :(
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Part 2. This time its the Tokyo Five (As I named them) Headcanons in the reblog tags appreciated
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pinksiames · 2 months
I literally never want to see him cry again omfg
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sarascamander · 14 days
Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?
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femmefataletters · 20 hours
Thinking about the fact that in s1ep6 when Barry burns Rafe's arm, poor baby probably had to bandage himself up all by himself. It just makes me so sad for no reason because Rafe's always alone and he literally has zero support system. And, his hands were shaking when he attempted to steal from his dad's office and when Ward catches him, he doesn't even look concerned or notice the burnt arm of his son??? Something about that just makes me so mad and sad like wtf. Rafe needs a big hug, man. I soo wanna be his stress reliever, his balm that calms him and more. I am literally not normal about this man. Like imagine someone burning ur arm on a fucking motorbike and having no one to turn to but yourself :(
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angelxd-3303 · 2 months
I can't believe I forgot to post this, I drew this ages ago lol.
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Inverted version, just because:
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I would die so many times playing this game bc I'm just so focused on how much I love the toys... I just wanna take them home with me. 🥲 Can't wait until my DogDay plushie comes in.
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justanotherfangirlwup · 6 months
I'm in love
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owl127 · 1 year
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Can someone give her a fucking break???
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paintingspaceghosts · 1 month
Renée Minkowski calming Eiffel like a horse since episode 4.
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arkhamjack · 2 months
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Knowing that what he's saying to Vash is one massive projection……. fuck...
Knives feeling hurt (by literally everything), betrayed and lied to (by Vash and humans), humiliated and treated like an animal (the inherent experience of being other), stolen that which was dearest to him (his innocence and sense of safety), having his every word questioned and laughed at while being dragged through the dirt (invalidation and internalisation)
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EDIT: Yes Knives is a hypocritical loser I’m not excusing his actions at all‼️ He’s an overpowered princess with a disorder like!! He’s very sensitive and emotional, in fact BOTH he and Vash are very much so - the difference is Knives is selfISH and he knows what he’s doing is wrong HE JUST DGAF bc staying on the same path and not making an effort to change and grow and mature from his childhood self is just EASIER (he’s like too far gone or whatever but actually not bc blank ticket yada yada ), compared to Vash whose sensitivity, in contrast, manifests itself more as selfLESSNESS☝️ I could say so much more I need to stfu ok bye
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My Star wars Thoughts Today:
•I'm sure this has probably already been done somewhere, but the scene on Revenge of The Sith where Palpatine is laughing in the Senate hover (bumper) cars hall, dubbed over with Mandarc's voice from Dexter's Labratory.
You're welcome.
•Commander Fox trying to explain his problem/s to his brothers with only screaming and emphatic hand gestures.
(They panic hug him when he starts crying after they both just give him thumbs up.)
•Star Wars The Clone Wars movie set Au where the actor playing Anakin can't stop bursting out laughing after every single one of his 'Dark and brooding scenes', making the other's join in with him.
The actors playing the clones are a huge family of Kiwi's and are a mix of husbands, fathers, brothers, cousins, nephews etc and they're always caught goofing off or breaking the fourth wall during filming and are the absolute life blood of the set always making each other and everyone burst out laughing, or into tears during really emotional scenes.
The Togruta actress playing Ahsoka impressing everyone with her screeching, Pteradactal impressions.
The actors playing Anakin and Padme giggling whenever they have a cutesy love scene together. The actors playing the clones make it harder by making kissing noises and stupid faces in the background.
•One of the clone Commanders pops his helmet on one of his little baby vod's heads and all the entire battalion hears is 30 parsecs of a raspberry playing over their shared speaker out of nowhere.
Bonus if it's somehow an open comm channel so anyone in the vicinity of the clones can hear it too.
Imagine several clones sitting in an important meeting and both them and the Jedi suddenly hear that noise crackle over the clone's comms.
1. "And General Greivous' ship the - *Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt~*"
They all stop and stare.
Now Obi-Wan Kenobi can never get that noise out of his head whenever he thinks of or has to face General Greivous -Hence why he never really takes him seriously.
2. A clone is cleaning his weapon and all his brothers around him hear is-
He stops cleaning and stares at his Vod who all stare right back at him, a mixture of disgust and amusement on their faces as they all begin walking out of their shared barracks.
"Keep it to y'self Vod."
"Uh, no, wait! I didn't-!"
"Yeah, yeah, Surrrre~ STANK Vod."
"My name is Tanker-"
"*Distant* Not anymore it's not!"
*Tanker let's out a miserable noise*
3. Another clone trooper named Charmer is trying to 'Charm' his way into the pants of a Senator's intern when that sound goes off over his helmet comm.
"How about you and me go out?"
"A little dinner, a little dancing, a little-*Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt~*"
He's left standing there, embarrassed as she runs away, a hand over her mouth and nose to contain her hysterical laughter.
And The Clone Commander is having an absolutely great time sitting back and watching his little Vod cause some chaos.
(They never figure out who it was either.)
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callmeshaq · 2 months
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Just gonna post this thread i made here because people are being really nasty about this child.
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thatsrightice · 4 months
“As I went up the ranks I became a different person with each promotion. As a second lieutenant on Brady's crew, I was eager, unsure of myself, navigating by keeping my eyes on the plane up ahead. As a first lieutenanant on Blakely's crew I was still eager and unsure of myself, but I was in the plane up ahead. To do my job, I almost tore myself in two. Missions drained everything out of me that was in me. As a captain Group Navigator, I was still eager and unsure—no planes were in front of me, and the missions still took everything out of me. When I got out of a plane after a mission I was so exhausted I could hardly walk. I smelled so much of sweat I left my flying clothes outside my barracks to air.”
Harry Crosby in his memoir, A Wing and a Prayer
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“HAHAHA! look at his audial finals! Theyre taller than his fraggin' head!"
“Forget the finals length, look at his legs! He’s got SKYSCRAPERS for stabilizing servos!”
The young bots continued to hurl childish insults at Orion, who could do nothing but sit and watch as the loud voices of his peers rang through the hallway, bringing even more attention to the spat. The students had begun to gather around, some of them starting to snicker at the faces Orion made.
It was one of the few days where Orion was outside of the achives; a school day. It was the end of his second week at [REDACTED]. Like many new sparklings, Orion was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to his new environment and schedule: But he had a very different cause for it. Orion was, in human terms, around seven or eight, but he was only now being put into school for the first time. He knew practically nothing compared to other other bitlets his age. This, Again, was common for many sparklings, especially those of the lower castes; But this again brings up many other problems. Orion had spent half of his life tucked away from civilization in the cybertronian wilds, where food was scarce and life was scarcer. Being taken into Iacon city so suddenly had jolted his senses to an overwhelming point, and randomly being taught to talk and how and have manners was almost a breaking point for the young mech.
Now, Orion was facing a new and very real threat; socialization. Alpha Trion had hoped seeing bots his age would relax Orion some; possibly make his feel more at ease; but the opposite had happened. And, unfortunately. this as just the first of many, MANY rough encounters that Orion would have
“Haha…ew, EW! Look at his denta! They’re so sharp! What’s wrong with him?"
"Sweet Solus Prime! His servos are so sharp! Those things could rip a scraplet apart!”
“EEK! He’s looking at me! Get those creepy eyes off me you freak!”
Orion backed up even further as the crowd got closer and closer to him. Hearing himself clang into the corner of the hallway, Orion reached around the wall for something to grab onto. When he found nothing, he clutched his clawed servos to his chest and tried to make himself as small as possible, letting out an animalistic whimper.
The crowd roared with laughter at the strange sound he made, and only continuer to point out the things that were "wrong" with him: His long arms, his thin stature, his lack of armor; on and on the bitlets went, no sympathy running though their systems.
Just as Orion felt the farmiliar prick of tears in his optics, the bell rang, telling the botlings that they could now leave for the day. As the other botlings ran out the door, Orion blinked and lubricant steamed down his face. He stood there thinking of everything his peers had said about him, feeling something twist inside him as he gingerly grabbed his denta. Alpha Trion has always told him that wrongs could be righted… could he right this? This… none of this made sense…
“Hey! Get out of here you little rust stain! Schools out!”
Orion jumped at the obnoxious sound of his teachers voice. He scurried out of the hallway, head spinning, his metaphorical tail between his legs.
Alpha trions heels clicked as he walked through the hall of records, looking for Orion. He noticed that Orion had been running off with increasing frequency since he bagan school half a cycle ago. Alpha Trion had begun to grow worried; Orion only talked about the things he learned at school and not about his peers or teachers. Not to mention, when he talked about the things that he learned he sounded… somewhat passionless about it. He always came home looking tired and defeated, and Alpha Trion was becoming more and more worried.
He quickly stopped and adjusted his audio receptors. Listening as well as he could, he faintly heard a sound resembling sudden puffs of air. Following the sound, it led him to an old storage room in the back of the archives. Everything back here was dark and musty, probably rusty and broken too, he thought to himself as he stared at an old toolbox left lying open in the middle of the hallway. Hearing the sound he was following again, he listened closely. It sounded almost like… Alpha Trion immediately perked up, running to a storage room a few rooms down and swiftly opening the door.
Alpha Trions spark sank as he stared at the scene before him. Orion was sitting in front of a dusty, broken mirror with a pair of rusty pliers in his servo; they were clamped onto one of his sharpest teeth, and were being tugged at viciously. Poor Orion was sobbing uncontrollably as he continued to make himself bleed. Alpha Trion rushed over, putting his servo over Orions, making him stop in his tracks. Orion glanced at him with a face full of sadness. Nothing was said as Orion dropped the rusty pliers and fell into Alpha Trions open arms. Alpha Trion sighed; he had a sneaking suspicion as to why Orion was so vague about his life outside of the Archives… And he had a horrible feeling about it…
Heheh terrible oneshot(s) go brrrr
No but seriously I had this idea late yesterday and I wanted to post it today but I ended up having stuff to do so I posted it tonight instead. This is less of feral Orion, but more post-feral Orion and the some of the struggles he faces in his everyday life (As well as giving some hints as to why Optimus ended up the way he is now). This ended up being a bit more serious than I intended it to be in all actuality, but you can’t really tell why from this part of the story alone. I’ll probably post that tommorow.
Also just for the record this thing was written on the fly, wasnt proof read, or just generally didn’t get any of that nice professional stuff, so that’s probably why is 1. Sucks 2. Has some gramatical or punctuation errors.
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girlinlavender · 3 months
something I saw someone point out once on i think reddit (I don’t remember who, and it was a while ago, but points to that cool smart dude) is that caligula, misty’s bird, is an african grey.
african greys are supposed to talk. but we’ve never seen caligula speak once.
so it’s almost like misty wanted a bird she could be friends with, talk to, etc… and she was denied a personal connection again.
she must be getting tired of chasing after love she never gets.
after all… when you can’t even confide in a literal bird? even your pets don’t desire your company?
that’s gotta sting.
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norrisgrl · 8 months
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alright, yesterday i was watching videos/pictures of lando and i sTARTED CRYING
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It hadn't ocurred to me until now that Jin GuangYao seems to really have a chip on his shoulder about Wei Wuxian even if he isn't as loud about it as everyone else. And, superficially, he could be just another WWX hater, he has many, but if you look closer, Jin GuangYao probably hates him because he's jealous.
They both were looked down upon by the cultivation world for their humble origins, they were both far more intelligent than people wanted to admit, they both ended up in one of the big clans. They both lost the people they loved the most. They both had to find a way to thrive in the midst of tragedy and a world dead-set against them.
But, while Jin GuangYao was personally mistreated by every clan he landed into (sometimes because of his own actions, oftentimes because of his birth), and had to claw his way into his father's reluctant acceptance, had to lie and craft his way into success; from JGY's point of view, Wei Wuxian had been welcomed with open arms by Jiang Fengmian from the start. He was close with his adoptive siblings, adored by the other disciples, the #4 most eligible bachelor. He dared to be unabashedly himself and that earned him as many admirers as it did detractors. He managed to come back from an eldritch hellhole with unimaginable power. At the end of the Sunshot Campaign, despite JGY having killed Wen Ruohan, all the attention was on Wei Wuxian. Hell, Jin GuangYao was run through by the First Jade of Lan's sword and not the way he wanted, while Wei Wuxian was happily cuddling his very own Lan Jade Hottie right in front of them. Moreover, WWX derailed JGY's evil monologue to make the most crass, uncouth public confession in history.
Dude just kept accidentally stealing the spotlight Jin GuangYao craved so much. No wonder the little guy was more than happy to orchestrate WWX's demise, despite them having no history nor personal grievances.
WWX's apparently easy success was JGY's personal grievance.
Maybe things would have been different if Jin GuangYao had ended up in Yunmeng.
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