modelpluswarsaw · 2 years
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Hanna Juzoń for MUUV Apparel SS2022 Collection Campaign Captured by Paulina Wesołowska 
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dravvingtreasurexmaps · 3 months
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searchfactory · 10 months
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Muuv Creative / AUKI / Identity / Packaging / 2023
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tanix-dragon · 9 months
I just reblogged this post, and for good reason--when I saw it, it made me freeze. Dragonbrain turned on and I felt the strongest wing shift of my life and started doing a fear-response throat click. While I am not familiar with that particular building or even the book it's from, and it's definitely not a source or anything, it's so eerily similar to something in my dragon-self's memories that I know what the stone of that place feels like under my claws.
I also know what it sounds like to hear chains drag across its floors.
The absolute flood of noemata, of impressions, I got from this is insane. I have to write them down fast before I forget.
The stone is rough and course under claws.
There were chains. I was chained.
There were other dragons, too, and most were chained, although some were ridden by... something, some smaller creatures, and while they did not want to be, realistically, they had no choice
I was much, much smaller--an adolescent, maybe? I remember thinking that I could carry one of the smaller humanoids (I think they were humanoids, and I'll just call them that for now) if I had to but it wouldn't be easy. (For reference, the size I'm usually used to knowing myself to be is, like, fifty feet.)
I don't think all of my red markings had come in yet. I could be wrong, but my visual memories aren't showing me the markings on my forelimbs.
I was in a... cell, I think, down in a dungeon, and chained up like a horse is tied to a post. There were other dragons down there, too, the ones that were either there for "early processing" or tossed down there until they "broke." I think? It was dark, and wet, and stony, and some of us were kept down there.
There was a dull red dragon down there with me, a male, I think an adult but not a terribly old one--by my noemata and reconstruction of my language, that would make the correct pronouns muut/muuk/muuv, so we'll just go with those.
I don't know muuv name but I think it started with an Ez- sound, maybe ended in an -iel? Human brain wants to say Ezekiel but that's obviously not right... or maybe it was an El- with a z not long after? Elaziel, Ezkhaliel? I don't know. Something like that.
Muut... couldn't fly, I think, or couldn't walk, or something. Muut was missing a limb, or had a badly damaged one... I know muut had a really badly fucked up forelimb but I think muuv wings were messed up, too? I don't know for sure. All I know is, muut was scarred and beaten, and muuv spirit was basically broken. Seeing me, though, reignited something in muuk, like muut couldn't stand to see such a young dragon down there.
I think muut aided in my escape, somehow? I don't know for sure, but I can hear muuv scratchy voice shouting "Mor anor axid, mor anor axid! Mor anor axid veran!" which is "Let them fly, let them fly! Let them fly away!" The use of anor tells me there were multiple escapees--Dranonic's singular pronouns are gender-neutral and you would never call another single dragon anor, since it's strictly plural.
I know I got away, somehow, perhaps because the dragon mounts of the humanoids heeded the red dragon's cry, or maybe I just got lucky. I took a bad injury, somewhere on my right side...? I don't know where, exactly.
I think there was a light green dragon involved somewhere in all of that, too, but I don't know where. Female, and older than me, I think, so prrrobably same pronoun set as the red dragon? I don't remember much about muut though, just that muut was down there in the dungeons with us.
The humanoids wanted us for... something. Mounts, mostly, I think, although I get the distinct impression that there was an arena, too. Maybe that's what the dungeon was for.
I think that the humanoids harvested the bodies of those of us who died. Scales for armor, wing membrane for cloaks, bones and claws and teeth for weapons.
I know that I flew far, far away from that place, and I think I never looked back. I don't think that, even as an adult, I ever returned, not even for vengeance. I wanted to never fear them again.
So... uh. What the fuck, I guess. That's a hell of a discovery!
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hainesic · 7 days
MUUV. costum de baie dintr-o bucată Plunge Fluff culoarea negru, cupa moale
Un nou costum de baie pe https://hainesic.ro/costume-de-baie/muuv-costum-de-baie-dintro-bucat-plunge-fluff-culoarea-negru-cupa-moale-6f034188d-answearro/
MUUV. costum de baie dintr-o bucată Plunge Fluff culoarea negru, cupa moale
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fiercesheep · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Multi-color athletic leggings from MUUV with side pockets size XXL - NWT.
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oddshadesab · 7 months
SENSUS - Brand Film from muuv creative on Vimeo.
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gazeta24br · 8 months
Na manhã da segunda-feira, 28 de agosto, o RioMar Aracaju entregou as três scooters elétricas da marca Muuv, modelo Beach 4S, aos ganhadores da campanha ‘Clube do Paizão’, que celebrou o Dia dos Pais 2023. A apuração foi realizada através do sorteio da Loteria Federal nº 5.793, de 23 de agosto, e validada pela New Co Assessoria Promocional, empresa especializada na área de Legalização de Promoções com Distribuição Gratuita de Prêmio nas modalidades concurso, sorteio e vale-brinde. Os ganhadores da promoção realizaram compras nas lojas do RioMar Aracaju e após cadastrarem os cupons fiscais no SuperApp RioMar Aracaju, receberam um número da sorte para participar da disputa pelas motos. O psicólogo Humberto Teles Barreto Júnior aproveitou a campanha para se presentear, já que agosto é o mês de seu aniversário. As compras realizadas nas lojas Guadalupe, Democrata e Granado renderam um total de 6 números da sorte. “Fiquei surpreso, pois essa foi a primeira vez que fui sorteado em uma grande campanha. Como achei o prêmio fantástico, pela pegada sustentável, resolvi arriscar e deu certo”. Humberto, que pretende usar a moto no seu dia a dia, vai aproveitar o prêmio para ajudar a reduzir os efeitos da poluição no meio ambiente. “Vou ajudar a essa Terra que tanto nos dá e que tanto a gente usa de forma abusiva”, pontua o psicólogo. Izabel Cristina Santos Correia também foi uma das sortudas que levou a moto elétrica para casa, na cidade de São Cristóvão. “Eu e meu esposo viemos em busca de uma panela elétrica na Polishop. Quando chegamos lá, aproveitamos para comprar uma cadeira massageadora e um multiprocessador. Saí da loja, fiz o cadastro em meu nome e profetizei que iria ganhar a moto vermelha! E foi justamente a que ganhei!” celebra Izabel. O casal esteve no shopping para receber o prêmio na companhia do neto Rafael Correia, que estava radiante com o resultado do sorteio. “Vou usar a moto para ir para a escola”, comemora. Entre mais de 7 mil cupons participantes, Leandro Domingues Duran foi o terceiro sorteado, com o cadastro de nota fiscal relativa à compra de um celular. “Por pouco não deixei de participar da campanha, pois nunca fui premiado em nenhum sorteio. Fiquei surpreso quando recebi a ligação do shopping avisando que havia sido contemplado com a moto”, conta Duran. Apesar de satisfeito com a premiação, Leandro pretende passar a moto adiante e utilizar o valor para outros fins. A ação promocional em celebração ao Dia dos Pais foi iniciada em agosto. Para concorrerem ao prêmio, os consumidores cadastraram as notas fiscais de compras no valor de R$ 150,00 efetuadas nas lojas físicas ou nos canais RioMar Aracaju Online e SuperApp RioMar Aracaju no período de 1º a 20 de agosto.
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nonomesg · 1 year
Are You Looking For Jumpsuit Online
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caiocaixeta-redlion · 3 years
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🛵 Visitando Meu #AmigoRico @deivideradaelli na sua Loja @muuvbrasilia e aproveitando para fazer o #TestDrive nesta Motos Elétricas maneiríssimassss... agende seu o Seu também 😷👉🏻 (61) 99997-3020 | Feira Dos Importados | E-132 • #DiversãoDoDia #RolêElétrico #MotoElétrica #Muuv #MuuvBrasilia #electricmuuv #zeroemissaoco2 #topDemais #Recomendo #LojaTop #AssistenciaNoBrasil #caiodcaixêta #gadunocomando (em Feira dos Importados) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIECLk4HYqS/?igshid=w9cjxjtzaqck
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brumed · 4 years
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Essas motos elétricas com design esportivo são muito bacaninhas! . #MotoElétrica #Moto #Mobilidade #VeículoElétrico #Ecologia #Bateria #Muuv (em Muuvsantos) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6RKvoNhVB6/?igshid=mbn9ec132ffc
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hollywoodtropico · 7 years
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cherrygrams · 3 years
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Carmen Bründler for Muuv Apparel
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hainesic · 14 days
MUUV. Sutien sport V Shape culoarea negru, material neted
O noua lenjerie intima pe https://hainesic.ro/lenjerie-intima/muuv-sutien-sport-v-shape-culoarea-negru-material-neted-34327808d-answearro/
MUUV. Sutien sport V Shape culoarea negru, material neted
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#lenjerieintima #lenjerieintimadama
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swekdonald · 5 years
Moto elétrica mais rápida do mundo será lançada em março
Moto elétrica mais rápida do mundo será lançada em março. Aprenda a converter motos elétricas, Clique Aqui!
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A Lightning Motorcycle Corporation é um fabricante de motos elétricas de alto desempenho que irá lançar em março a moto de produção mais potente e rápida do mundo.
A esportiva batizada de LS-218 chega às lojas norte-americanas pelo preço de US$ 12.998, ou R$ 48.264, sem os impostos, caso estivéssemos falando em importação. E ela…
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marvelman901 · 3 years
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Justice League 123 (1975) . Written by Cary Bates and Elliott S Maggins Art by Dick Dillin and Frank McLaughlin . The Justice League and the Justice Society teamed up against the Injustice Society... . #dc #justiceleague #justicesociety #comics #70s #frankmclaughlin #injusticesociety #batman #icicle #flash #wonderwoman #robin #aquaman #hawkman #wildcat https://www.instagram.com/p/CRmb5d-MuuV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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