#murder drones little cyn
hugsandchaos · 7 months
Behold, I’ve brought you all more fluff!! And with a little twist!
“But I’m not... yawn... sleepy yet.” Cyn said. N couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the fact that she yawned while trying to deny being tired. He continued down the hallway, which was thankfully empty of worker drones and humans, and smiled to himself.”Sure, little buddy.” He said. He may not know a lot about worker drones, but he knows for a fact that they need to sleep, especially young dronelings like Cyn. He walked into the library and began searching for the restricted section.
In the restricted section, there was a small basement that N had somewhat claimed as his space. Well, it was more of a space for Cyn than himself, but no one was using it until he came along.”Yawn.” Cyn said again. She was trying to keep her eyes open as N walked through the darkened halls, but it was getting harder to do so. It was 8:48 at night, and the sun had gone down around 5 since it was winter. Since N adopted Cyn just over two years ago and became her big brother, he tried his best to change his sleep schedule so he’d be more available during the day, but Cyn ended up basically trying to do the same thing by staying awake at night. She never made it past 9PM.
As he neared the “kid’s books” section, which was right next to the restricted section, he slowed down and glanced at the shelves filled with books.”Want to grab a book for a bedtime story?” He asked. Cyn rested her head against her big brother’s chest and eyes were almost closed, but she was still trying her best to stay awake.”Yes, please.” She said, her voice box volume dropped down to a mumble. N made a turn and looked over the many book spines. The books were pretty thin, so it was sometimes easy to miss certain ones.”Do you have one in mind?” He asked.
“Cat in the Hat.” Cyn replied. N quickly found it and used his tail to very carefully tip the book over, then caught it when it fell.”Done.” He said. He turned around and left the kid’s section, walking around the shelves and entering the restricted section.
The restricted section was the darkest place in the library, even during the day, but N could see pretty well in the dark thanks to his programming. Plus, he had memorized where exactly it was after spending a few months hiding in the manor to get better shelter for Cyn, so he found the trapdoor with no problem. N stopped in front of it and lifted his tail up so he could hold the book just above Cyn.”Think you can hold this for me?” He asked. His little sister moved her arms a bit and N carefully set it down in her arms so she could hold it.”Thank you.” He whispered. He was then able to use he tail to wrap around the trapdoor handle and lift it up.
This next part was a little tricky.
Ignoring the ladder — since it’d be even more difficult —, N hopped into the trapdoor and swiftly let go of it with his tail, letting it fall back into place right after he disappeared into the basement. He successfully landed on his feet and looked down at Cyn. She had decided to put on her pjs earlier since they were comfortable and warm, so he wouldn’t have to keep her awake longer for her to get changed. He looked back up after making sure she wasn’t disturbed too much by the short drop, his eyes immediately landing on the other side of the room.
On the other side, the room had a shape lined with blankets and pillows he had taken from a room full of spare bedding, along with an old green snake “squishmallow” plushie he also found outside, that was built as a sort of nest for the small droneling falling asleep in his arms. A bed-nest, one might call it. There wasn’t much room for N to hang upside down when he slept, or in the bed-nest for both him and Cyn, so he usually just slept on the floor outside the nest. He walked over to the bed-nest and set Cyn down in it. She patted one of her hands around until she found her snake plushie and pulled it closer while N grabbed the book from her and one of the blankets that weren’t used for the construction of the nest itself to tuck her in.”There, comfy?” He asked, sitting down outside the bed-nest.
“Comfy.” Cyn confirmed quietly. N smiled and opened the book to begin reading to her.”The cat in a hat…”
It didn’t take long for Cyn to fall asleep, she was halfway asleep on the way there. N closed the book and set it down next to himself as he turned to face the entrance of the small basement, just incase someone suddenly opened it and he’d have to fight. As the seconds turned to minutes, N soon began to think about what he should do tomorrow if something happened.
Taking care of a worker droneling was a bit more than N had expected. In the past, he was trained to take care of his squadron incase they had gotten injured. He had been taught to keep watch for signs of danger while they rest. These skills weren’t exactly well suited for becoming a big brother, but he was prepared to learn how to best provide for Cyn considering that worker drones don’t need to drink oil and actually eat things sometimes, like batteries. On top of that, worker drones had weaker metal than disassembly drones, especially as dronelings, so he started permanently borrowing the blankets and pillows used to make the nest to avoid her from getting any pains that would make moving her limbs more difficult for her.
However, something N hadn’t taken account for was how much Cyn needed him to be there emotionally. How much she would want to play with him, how much she wanted to talk to him, but he was always happy to do so. Even when he was tired and wanted so badly to just take a short nap. Overall, it was a big change in N’s life, but he wouldn’t give her up for the world. He was going to protect her and stick around as long as he could, and no one would ever change his mind.
There wasn’t a clock in the basement, and N didn’t have an internal clock like worker drones, so he didn’t realize how much time had passed. It was now 11:34 at night, way past the time he’s been trying to fall asleep at, but at least he was starting to fall asleep. He was laying down on his belly with his arms crossed in front of his head as makeshift pillows, his tail laying slightly curled up on the floor next to him. Both of his wings rested outside of their hatches, but they were still folded so they wouldn’t take up too much space.
N was getting closer to falling asleep when he felt a small tug on his coat.”Tugging.” A familiar voice said. He was quickly snapped back to wakefulness and began worrying about what could be wrong.
He sat up and turned around to see Cyn awake and on the verge of tears. She was clutching her snake plushie the best she could with one hand. N immediately knew what this might be and turned around fully just as Cyn spoke.“You’re not going to leave me alone, right? Like mom and dad did?” She asked. N’s eyes widened and he shook his head. The first time he heard that question, it was like his core shattered like glass. He was almost too shocked by the question to answer, so for a few seconds, all he did was hug her while formulating a verbal response. That’s not saying it still didn’t make him want to hold her and swear on his life that he wouldn’t do that.“No, of course not.” He replied, making sure to keep his voice down to a whisper. Cyn mumbled the word “sniffle” and used her free hand to try to get rid of the digital tears.“Do you want a hug?” N asked. Cyn nodded and mumbled the word “nod”, dropping her snake plushie and letting it tumble into the nest. N wrapped both arms around her and pulled her close.
He remembered that night as well as Cyn did. It was a big turning point in both their lives, especially since he saved her’s. If only her negative emotions were in the form of a physical creature, then N could put an end to his little sister’s suffering once and for all.“It was so cold. The darkness was so scary.” Cyn said quietly. N lifted one of his hands up to pat her on the head in a reassuring gesture.“I know, but you don’t have to worry about it anymore. I’ll never abandon you.” He said, repeating the promise he’s told her time and time again whenever she thought otherwise.”I know. Sniffle. Thank you, big brother N.” She said. N smiled a bit. Looks like the hug did the trick.”Anytime, little buddy. And if you have another nightmare, I’ll still be here.” He added.
Cyn pulled away from the hug and smiled a bit.”Okay. I think I can go back to sleep.” She said. N let her crawl back into the bed-nest and was about to turn back around, but stopped when she said “It’s cold”. He looked for the blanket and quickly found that Cyn was already trying to get warm underneath it with her snake plushie. He looked to the side of the bed-nest for the other two blankets and picked them up to pile them on top of Cyn. He made sure to sneak in a few small pokes at her belly to make her giggle a little and lift her spirits before she would return to slumber.“Warm enough?” He asked.
“No. I’m still a little cold.” Cyn replied. N hummed and made a thoughtful expression, one that he knew looked a little goofy. Cyn giggled again at the look on his face.”Big problems require big solutions.” He said.
“Or big hugs?” Cyn suggested. Now who was N to argue with that?”If that’ll help you sleep better, then sure.” He agreed. He lifted the extra two blankets off her and picked her up so he could sit down in the bed-nest with his back leaned behind him. Then he let the droneling lay on top of him with his arms wrapped gently around her.”Goodnight.” He said.
“Goodnight.” Cyn mumbled, making sure the one blanket was still over her.
N lifted his wings and wrapped them around himself, making a sort of extra blanket over Cyn. He knew he wasn’t the softest thing, but he definitely was one of the warmest, so times when Cyn would wake up from a bad dream and try to sleep with him in the winter for safety and warmth wasn’t uncommon. Even though the three blankets actually did make her feel warmer. Listening to the continuous humming of his core, she was instantly reminded of how much N helped her. She remembered when he scooped her up from the snow when he first found her, when he would comfort her during awful, loud storms, when he would pick her up and run away from any intruder after “taking care of them” as he put it, and all the times he would walk seemingly forever while carrying her in the middle of the night in search of shelter and supplies for them. The humming that was always a bit louder and faster than a worker drone was the sound of safety now. Cyn closed her eyes and held the snake plushie close to herself as she began to drift back to sleep.
N waited until he was sure Cyn was asleep to close his eyes again. He listened carefully for any sound of footsteps, but heard nothing except his little sister sleeping peacefully again. He soon found himself falling asleep as well, but he had stayed awake and kept watch long enough. Besides, he was a light sleeper. He’d wake up if anything happened. For now, N would take a break from the constant vigilance he tried to maintain whenever he could and get some sleep.
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Unless we get official confirmation that "Cyn" no longer exists/never existed in the first place and is nothing more than a hollow shell for the Solver to control, I refuse to believe she's not still somewhere in there and isn't actually a sweet little precious baby angel who should be protected at all costs and deserves to be saved and reunited with N just as much as Uzi does.
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umblrspectrum · 9 months
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for how much i love to drag pngs around, it turns out that i actually don't know how to animate all too well
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livvylubug · 4 months
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“Hair” - After death AU mini comic! Woop!
This au isn’t gonna be a full on comic but I’m definitely gonna be drawing little mini lore stuff because I can.
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erinartemis · 5 months
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oh no who gave cyn social media access-
Full image w/o text under the break! :D
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cyndr0n3 · 2 months
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There is 1 reason I haven't posted this earlier and thats because tagging would be a nightmare.
A couple of characters with no corrolation whatsoever...
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caramelizedout · 10 months
Hello murder drones fandom today I bring the creechur
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shinyshade8026 · 2 months
Here is that Cyn ramble you guys wanted!!
This is all according to MY AU!!
Have a Cyn screenshot before we get into it
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Okay, so. Back at the manor, the AS technically 'saved' Cyn from the pile of dead Drones, giving her the power of the solver to free herself, then Tessa finds her and takes her in. By accepting the AS's help, she basically gave it access to everything. It mainly stayed 'subtle' or whatever, but it started to affect the way Cyn spoke and moved. The last time we see Cyn's body with Cyn in control was all the way back with a writing I did, where S helps Cyn get her favorite teacups. After that, it's all the AS, which affects the other drones, giving them the 606 error.
The AS is using Cyn's body as a host, controlling her every move, like a puppet. She remembers nothing from when she was removed from control to when she is free other than small tiny details. This means she has no idea that her body was used to slaughter the gala, or that the others were turned into disassembly drones and sent to earth, and she has no idea what the AS did to Tessa.
She's been idle really, a sort of coma if you will.
Then S gets her with the patch.
The AS is contained, now nothing more than a tool. Cyn comes back, groggy and not understanding what is happening. She finally sees for the first time in forever, and is met with the scared faces of S and N, plus two drones she doesn't know (Doll and Uzi). It takes her a moment to register who S and N are, because they look so different from what they did at the manor. She then steps towards them and they step back. She is confused, why are her siblings moving away from her?
Then she looks at herself. She sees what she did to Tessa. Cyn freaks out, panicking and scared. She does something, she's not sure what, but it makes all of her code jump to Uzi, and boom, the two are in Uzi's body together and the body Cyn was in before crumples to the ground. Both Uzi and Cyn are freaked out because what the fuck just happened. Cyn then is idly in the background of Uzi's life, watching as everyone picks up the pieces of what she was used for.
Then S and V find Asmi.
Cyn waits a while before making herself hop to Asmi, leaving Uzi. For a long while nobody knows where Cyn is, and even Asmi doesn't notice her in there. Because Asmi's solver code was partly damaged, Cyn helps her by mending the code a bit and lending her help.
Asmi isn't notified of Cyn's existence until she talks to her for the first time after Asmi gets held captive.
Other silly facts about my AU's Cyn!!
Before the AS took complete control of her, Cyn's eyes were more pastel yellow! This is the way S knew Cyn was back when it used the patch
S was the FIRST drone Cyn saw when coming back from being gone, as well as the last she saw before she wasn't in control
When Cyn gets around to building her new body it'll have a tail!!
Speaking of her new body, she really doesn't get around to it for a LONG LONG WHILE.
Cyn was the one who rebuilt S after it was murdered
My AU's Cyn is Aro/Ace, and uses She/They/It
She can still go bother Uzi and even Doll if she wanted (Yes, Doll survives in this AU, I'll ramble about her eventually)
In other words, Cyn is silly baby :]
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phantomcellar · 1 year
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CYN >>>>>
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hugsandchaos · 7 months
Chapter 4 of Caregiver N
I had actually gone ahead and made some of this while... What’s the writer version of doodling?? Anyways, so it might be longer than the last one. I swear, the stories are always longer until I post it. Basically a short of a movie night with N and Cyn.
N opened the vent and crawled out carefully, as to not spill the small bowl of batteries in one of his arms. He stood up and looked over to the bed to the left of him, where Cyn’s drone body laid on her belly, the rest of her centipede-like body coiled up behind her and taking up most of the space. He walked over to her and smiled.”Ready to start the movie?” He asked. Cyn was using one of her big pincers to hold a brown teddy bear.”Yes. Thank. You. Big brother. N. I. Am. Still. A. Little. Ashamed that. You. Found. Me. Like. This.” She said, using another pincer to grab her own arm and gesture upwards to the rest of her body. N sat on the bed and set the bowl down between him and his little sister. He gave her a small pat on the head.”There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He said. Cyn looked down and the bed covers as if still unsure of what to believe. She always felt like this form of her’s was monstrous and terrifying, but N wasn’t afraid of her earlier.
N could tell she was still not very convinced and frowned. He pondered about what to say next when an idea popped into his head. He switched his hands for his claws and opened his back hatches to let his wings out. As a bonus, he changed his screen to show one of his eyes instead as an X mark. Unfortunately, he could never let the X mark all across his screen on command, that’s more of a programmed reaction to really intense emotions, specifically when he’s ready to attack.”Look, now we’re both in our monster modes!” He cheered, bending over to be at eye level with her. N smiled and made sure that all his sharp teeth were on display, which would’ve been scary if Cyn didn’t know it was a kind one. She looked at his claws and soon smiled. Slowly, she used her nearby pincer claw to lift her arm again and placed her hand on top of them.
N slowly sat up and rolled his arm a little so he could gently grab Cyn’s hand, which clutched onto palm part of his claws in return.”Besides, how can you be scary when you’re so squeaky?” He asked.
“Confused expression. Squeaky?” She asked. Then N reached over to her with his other hand and used his claws to very gently poke at her sides.”Squeak! Giggle. Giggle.” She said. N soon stopped and poked her where her nose would be, making her giggle a little more.”See? Squeaky.” He said.
“Okay. I. Feel. Better now. Let’s. Start. The. Movie. Big. Brother.” Cyn said. N walked over to the TV and turned on Back To The Outback, one of Cyn’s favorite movies.
Once the movie was over, the bowl of batteries was around 2/3’s full and Cyn was in a much better mood than before. She smiled as the credits began rolling and looked up at N, who already knew what she was going to ask.”Can. We. Watch. It. Again, please?” She asked. N smiled and nearly laughed, she always asked that after watching it. He put a claw up near his mouth in thought and hummed, glancing between his little sister, the TV, and the clock. Cyn used one of her pincers to gently grab one of his arms and, as carefully as she could so she wouldn’t accidentally hurt him, shook him.”Please? Please? Please?” She asked again. This time, N couldn’t contain his laughter and let out a small, amused chuckle. He gave in to her request.”Only one more time. After that, you need to go to sleep, okay?” He said. Cyn let go of his arm and instead used the pincer claw, along with another, to put her arms up.”Hooray! Happy! Snake! Noises!” She cheered.
N got up to start the movie all over, given it was slightly more difficult with his claws. He still managed it, though. As he walked back to the couch, Cyn spoke up again.”You. Know. You’re. Kind. Of. Like Auntie. Jackie. Big. Brother. N.” She said. N raised a digital eyebrow as he sat down on the couch. Cyn crawled closer to rest her body against him, clearly wanting to be close to her favorite person.”Oh, yeah? What makes you say that, little buddy?” He asked.
“Because you. Both. Seem. A. Little. Scary. At first, but. You’re. Both. Really. Really. Nice. And. You also. Look. After. Me.“ She explained. N felt his core swell up a bit and smiled.”And you’re just like Maddie. Some people may think that you’re a big, ferocious snake, but I know that you’re a very sweet and special little droneling.” He said, using both arms and his wings to hug her. He knew how much saying that meant to her. It was no secret to anyone who paid attention to her that Maddie was her favorite character in the movie. Cyn turned her head a bit to look up at him and her smile grew wider, her teeth that always seemed just a bit sharper than the regular worker drone’s on full display. N did the same thing. His teeth were bigger and sharper than her’s, not to mention he had more fangs, but that didn’t matter. After a few seconds, he glanced at the TV.”It’s starting.” He mentioned. He pulled one of his wings and his arms, the ones that had to stretch out more for the hug, away from her while his other arm helped support her and his other wing still wrapped around her. Cyn turned her attention back to the TV and used one of her “tentacles” to pull the teddy bear closer to herself and held it, already excited again.
By the time it ended a second time, Cyn had moved closer to herself until she was in the middle of her curled up body and trying to use herself to support her worker drone body high enough to see the screen. The teddy bear was right next to her and also acting as a pillow every time her head titled to the side. N spoke before Cyn could request to watch it one more time.”Alright, it’s time for bed, okay?” He said. Cyn made a slightly disappointed face at this news.”No. Yawn.” She fussed. N reached over and poked her nose.
“Yes.” He said. He stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed to grab the edge of the blanket that was neglectfully pushed to the side earlier. N tossed the blanket over her, moving from one side to the other to make sure it covered her. He had get another one and be careful not to tear either one of them with his claws, but he managed. Once N was done, he knelt on top of the mattress and looked at her worker drone body in the middle of the sort of circle she made, where he saw that she was already falling asleep.”Nice and cozy?” He asked.
“Nice. And. Cozy. Thank. You, big brother. N.” Cyn replied. She pushed herself up as she saw N reaching over her body to give her a pillow, reaching with one of her pincers and gently grabbing it. She placed it by her head and held the teddy bear close to herself, then let herself fall onto the pillow and mattress.”Yawn.” She mumbled. Despite wanting to watch Back To The Outback one more time, she was undeniably ready for a nap. Cyn was going to let herself fall asleep, feeling as if she was sinking further and further into the soft mattress, until she heard footsteps. Footsteps walking towards the vent.
“Big. Brother. N?” Cyn mumbled. N stopped walking and turned around to look at her, even though he couldn’t exactly see her at the moment.”Yeah?” He acknowledged.
“Can. You stay. A. Little. Longer. Please?” She asked. N smiled softly and walked back to the bed, making himself comfortable where he had Ben sitting during the movie. He wrapped his tail around the now empty battery bucket and moved it onto a nearby drawer (did I spell it right??).”Sure. I’ll stay as long as you need me to.” He said.
“Thank. You... Yawn.” Cyn said.
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My biggest fear is that it'll turn out that Cyn and the Solver are truly one and the same, or that Cyn has been fully conscious and in control of the Solver this whole time, or that "Cyn" never existed and is just another alias for the Solver, or that basically any variation of "Cyn is completely, wholeheartedly, 100% the villain, there is no distinguishing her from the Solver, she is in no way a victim, she cannot and will not be saved and the fandom was right to demonize her" will be canon.
Basically I don't wanna be like the cricket having to come to terms with the fact that Jack Horner is an irredeemable monster.
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comfycyn · 2 months
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>> Don't mind me :) just watching you humans and drones_
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livvylubug · 4 months
I really love your style for some reason and your After Death au is scratching something in my brain in a good way. I really like the sibling dynamic for Cyn and Uzi here, hopefully it helps both of em because god knows both have been through the horrors and now with N out of the picture pretty much entirely ;-;
Thank you so so much!! The compliments mean a lot!
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Also yes, Uzi and cyns sibling dynamic is like my favorite thing ever LOL. The after death trio needs eachother, even if one doesn’t admit it (COUGH COUGH V COUGH)
As for N however.
He’s not completely out of the picture, after all they currently have the same goal.
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witch-sweets · 2 months
I created myself a silly little sona
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She's a Frankenstein fusion of my 3 favorite characters ever
(These silly pecknecks)
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And she is just a little bit silly
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tessahhhh · 5 months
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I did the thing (with the template added)
The thing yeah
Characters: Tessa Elliot (Murder Drones), Cyn (Murder Drones), and Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego 2019)
Carmen’s the only sane one there (ily if you know why Carmen isn’t behind the wheel)
“I am mad_angry expression.”
“Then so be it Cyn.”
“You know_Carmen wouldn’t-“
“Leave the poor woman alone, Cyn!”
“Someone save me.”
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sillygoofycyn · 4 months
My name is Star but I don't mind being called the names of my fictotypes:
Galaxy(OC that is also a fictotype, 2nd place in fondness of being called this)
Ruin(Sun and moon show)
Bloodmoon( Sun and Moon show)
Eclipse (sun and moon show, random nickname based off this fictotype that I like: clipsy)
Evil Lunar (sun and moon show)
Jack-o-moon (SUN AND MOON SHOW)
C/Candy(Murder drones non-canon disassembley drone)
Cyn(Murder drones, I'm actually quite fond of being called this[1st in fondness])
Cozy glow( My little pony)
Fluttershy(My little pony)
Pinkie pie(my little pony)
Angel dust (hazbin)
few other OCS that arent too important might talk about in a future post
I'm lamvanosexual, grey asexual, panromantic, and Agender
Ask me anything
Also therian:
Omnitherian (all)
Also Otherkin: omniotherkin (all mythical creatures )
All of my fictotypes except Fluttershy and pinkie pie were past lives! If you think I may be a canonmate of yours, ask me we can compare memories and such
doubles: Sure
Looking for: N, V, Chrysalis, Tessa, Uzi(I need to apologize lol), Chell, Lunar, Sun, Moon, Earth,
DNI(kin-wise): Creator, Absolutesolver, Discord,
DNI(general): abusers, rapists, haters of things I am/support, sexists, racists, victimblamers, antikin, pedos, zoophiles
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