#mr. and mrs. suarez
kermitisverycool · 7 months
Yesterday at like I don't know how late I played olba with the goal to get to Derek's Step 4 ending when suddenly a realization hit me and I think I'm valid for it
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Look at those two and tell me you don't see it, I dare you
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adventuresofeme-sea · 6 months
Derek, to MC: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Mr. Suarez, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
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soranatus · 8 months
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Mr. Fantastic & The Invisible Woman - 1960’s. By Luis Valero-Suarez
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cove-simp · 2 years
i apologize in advance...
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roninkairi · 7 months
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...I don't have the heart to tell her Spongebob is there...'
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I don't think pizza is gonna bring him back to his senses. Might as well try Beat The Common Sense Into You No Jutsu. I mean it did wonders for Naruto..
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Is there any universe where Raph is NOT the hothead?
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(looks it up on Google)
Ok...so by definition magma is molten rock that is underground, while lava is described as molten rock that has broken through the earth's surface.
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Just putting this here for educational purposes
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Ember: At least you're not with TMZ!
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Aannd I'm happy.
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...no one tell him Spongebob is here too.
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Hoo boy..this guy kicked my ass on my last stock.
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srenorsomethin9 · 9 months
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I let Derek tell his family that we're in a relationship but before he could even say anything, Mr. Suarez just get's straight to the point lol
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sunbloomdew · 11 months
i'm playing derek dlc for the first time and i'm losing my mind HE IS SO CUTE!!!! when he asked mc what they thought of him when they first met him and i picked the "i thought you were cute" option and he was so HAPPY????? i'm this close to naming him my fav ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
also i love the dynamic between mc, cove and derek, they are besties 😭😭
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neyxmessi · 6 months
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
Or better yet, YOU come back to me T_T
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This team was, is, and will always be my everything. Even this jersey is making me cry.
MSN was not just a trio, it was revolutionary, it was a blessing, it was a lifestyle. Reunite besties, give me something to live for!!!
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solosergiohd · 9 months
Mr. Wolf as El Tigre (Manny Rivera), Diane Foxington as Frida Suarez, and Mr. Piranha as Rikochet
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peachiseas · 9 months
I'm also someone who didn't understand Baxter's hold on everyone. I get it, it's full of drama and angst. You've got an LI who can be your ex and you can play it up on his route. He's flirty, sweet, and smooth but deep down he's hurt and traumatized. These kinds of flavors appeal to a lot of people. Realistically, I could never go back or talk to someone who told me to fuck off and cut contact with me for 5 years. No matter what the reason was.
Derek suffers from being absent for 10 years, but dude at least bothers with phone calls and occasional visits (according to the in-betweens). I also get that his family get in the way a lot but they're endearing (Jorge being my favorite) and welcome you with open arms.
The other reason why some didn't enjoy the DLC much bc it starts at Step 2 where you're both 13 and that's probably not as exciting for them bc all you do is slight flirting and being all blushy and shy, unlike in Step 3 where you get to do more than that. That kind of reason though irritates me. I didn't hear anyone complaining when they flirted with Cove at 13 but Derek? nah that's boring. It's all about experiencing the joys of young love and being silly teens!
Tbh... I'm going to be honest, Baxter in game is literally word for word one of those love interests you would read about in a cheesy melodramatic korean romance webtoon. And you know those work well for that audience, but in Our Life? It really doesn't hold up especially when all of his issues stem from being "too rich" which gives off a woe is me attitude and "my parents are too controlling" which is more acceptable but it also gives off a woe is me issue especially because once again. His family is ultra wealthy. It sounded more of an inconvenience than it did a legitimate problem for him in step 3 because he easily had the finances to break away from that, or that could have been just shoddy writing. And then ofc you have the random shoehorned "my parents are super bigoted" line that boils my fucking skin cause it feels so fucking weird to just have that in there and then move on like nothing happened and you got to sit with the information that real world racism and homophobia exists in a game like OL still.
It's just so very weird and very mishandled, and I feel bad cause I like the idea of Baxter actually trying to struggle to get his independence, but we get. None of that.
Also, people who complain about Derek's dlc in that regard are usually extremely biased, and I do not take any of that criticism because it's not even genuine criticism. You could say, "I think i would have loved to spend more time with Derek solo," and that would be fine. But to say "I dont like his family because their boring" or "We dont get to make out with Derek or do anything of that sort in step 2" and dismiss his DLC cause of that? Yea, that's the bias showing. Which is funny too cause Derek's makeout scene is leagues better than all of Baxter's makeout scenes combined but whatever
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
Rachel named Brooke “Peyton”, Jesus 😂 She is such a mess 🤣
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ravenousgoblin · 1 year
Okay so this isn’t the first time I realized this but this is the first time it ever really hit me. Derek is the ONLY ONE you can’t be indifferent to when picking feelings in Steps.
You can only be fond of him or have a crush on him. GB Patch said no being mean to Derek 😂 ‘s not allowed 🚫 and they were so right for that Derek deserves the world(I mean all three of them do but still)
But like that’s so fucking funny to me 😂 like, yeah, be mean to the main baby boy all you want, be mean to mr monochrome, but don’t you ever, EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT DEREK SUAREZ OR WE WILL KNOW AND WE WILL COME FOR YOU
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cove-simp · 1 year
Favorite Our Life Quotes [4]:
Mr Suarez: “And, have no fear, Junior and Nicolas will recount the movie so well it will be as if you saw it yourself. I already feel as though I have watched it myself three or four times!”
*context: Mr. Suarez says this after you take Derek home from the soirée*
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
Hi, would you be willing to do some headcanons about mc and Cliff? (platonic of course). I just love Cliff so much.
ME TOO! Here you go :)
-- When they move to town, Cove has never had a friend like you before, so Cliff is SO EXCITED to see how close you two become.
-- Pizza parties? Trips to the movies? Amusement parks? Cliff is thinking of everything a kid would ever want to do, making plans for it and asking your moms if you can come too.
-- If 8-year-old you needs a booster seat, he'll just get one and keep it in his car, ndb.
-- As time goes on, you become like another kid to Cliff, which means you are the second best kid in the universe.
-- Do you have a play at school, or a recital or a sports game? Even if Cove isn't involved, Cliff is there and cheering loud.
-- Is there some kind of "Bring Your Dad to School" event? Cliff is going to be there for Cove, and he would never put himself in that role for you without you bringing it up first, but if you want him to be there for you too then he will!
-- And then he'll cry.
-- Your moms put him on the list of people who can pick you up from school. Sometimes they get busy, and since Cliff owns his own shop his schedule can be a little more flexible. If you get sick and need to be picked up from school, he can come get you!
-- He's at work one day and the school calls, and he tells Mr. Suarez that he has to go get you, and a regular is in there like "I didn't know you had another kid!" And "No, I don't -- well, yeah, kind of." And then he'll cry.
-- Cliff cries so much I love him
-- If you're a girl, I think Cliff would be a protective girl dad. Like he's not trying to enforce any stereotypes, but he makes it clear that if you need any help with anything, if anybody bothers you then to come to him and he'll take care of it.
-- Like I just imagine in Step 3, you working at the tropical place with Cove and some people give you a hard time, like maybe another employee is being inappropriate or weird, and Cove mentions it in passing and Cliff is like "Oh really?" Then he goes to the restaurant later, finds whoever it was and gives them quite a talking to.
-- It's just that whatever you do, regardless of whether Cove is involved or not, Cliff is there for you in the same way a parent would be. College graduation, any sort of event, anything.
-- He has pictures of you in the family photo albums, both because you're always around and also because you're family.
-- Even if you end up with Baxter or Derek, if you have kids then Cliff is grandpa. He'll babysit and be involved.
-- What I'm trying to say is that Cliff is your dad, and it's not like a "oh, he's like my father" thing, no, he is your dad.
-- If you get married to Baxter or Derek and want him to walk you down the aisle, he absolutely would but be ready for the waterworks.
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derekbaxterandcove · 6 months
I really feel like at some point, Mr. & Mrs. Suarez should have put their foot down and told Derek that he was a child too and didn’t need to take responsibility for Nico all the time.
Like obviously he’s the eldest child and will end up taking care of his siblings but Derek took it to an unhealthy level of responsibility and almost possession over Nico’s well being.
We see how much this affects him in his epilogue. Derek is always going to be a naturally giving and protective person-to a fault probably- but I just wish someone besides MC would have told him he didn’t need to do that. Like we see moments where he gets a break but he wasn’t Nico’s parent, he was a 13 year old kid.
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