#mr gallavich
mickeyalekslaydr · 1 year
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oh the thumb ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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trashmartianx · 2 years
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yesdevineruler · 2 years
Ian and Mickey are cuddling right now.
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the idea of mickey being a kids show host is also really funny but he's actually the electrician who sets hired to the set.
ian's show is on pbs though, so you guessed that right ! if i go the route of confirming the autism coding, ian's gonna be bipolar and autistic and they'll just coexist.
I haven't decided if mickey is neurodivergent too? he like, is less knowledgeable about it and doesn't understand all of the terms, but I could see him being undiagnosed and a bit oblivious. maybe ian jokingly accuses him of being autistic offhandedly and then there's a Conversation (tm) about how different traits show up.
also this will be on ao3! i've posted some info on this au on my blog, thatoneao3author. it's called the Interstellar Ian AU, while the fic is going to be titled 'bright as the stars'.
you got some special insider (now not insider) info because i haven't posted about the accidental autistic coding on my blog yet actually
omggg ian making a joke about both of them being autistic and mickey becomes the physical embodiment of the 🤨 emoji and ians like.....wait are you not.......hold on lemme pull smth up real quick *googles "raads r test"*
this fic sounds very cute i WILL be tuning in and i expect all my followers to do the same 😤
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milky-m-milky · 1 year
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Ian's gift 🥰💖
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mrs-monaghan · 24 days
Hello, mrs monaghan Well, I wanted to know why you think jikook isn't fanservice?
And first of all I want to make it clear that I’m also a jikooker and I’m sure jikook is not a fanservice!
But I was watching a video about -fanservice on Kpop- and in this video I found some comments from armys saying "imagine how the jikooker would look when Jimin or jungkook, show up dating someone else" or "the hate they will suffer, when taking on a girlfriend" and so on and so on….
It is not possible that jikook is simply fanservice! it does not enter my head even after my death! I do not believe and will never believe that Jimin or jungkook would have the courage to do it! even though I still find thousands of antis saying they do everything because the company forces them. I will never believe that all that jikook is, is just acting, or a simple friendship.
Even though they show up dating someone else, I still can’t believe jikook was a fanservice. I’ll never tacar hater on them either! because I’m a jikooker and no matter what happens I will always support them! and wish them always be happy!
Obs: sorry for any mistakes in English. I'm not fluent yet lol
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Well, I wanted to know why you think Jikook isn't fanservice?
Actually anon. Jikook are sometimes fanservice.
And that includes this long awaited travel show. They have mastered the art of enjoying their rlship publicly while hiding behind what they get accused of every single day. Fucking genius!
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And yes, absolutely. If it comes out they are seeing other people, it won't be because Jikook was never real.
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fuckshitslover · 1 year
gallavich daughter gets diognosed with borderline personality disorder
They walked into the dark, gloomy office dimly lit by the fluorescents that were all too familiar. The couple had started to sense something off with their daughter, fearing the worst. They immediately got into the car and set off, Y/N with them. She didn’t know exactly why she was going, she had just thought they were being precautionary because of her dad’s mental illness being genetic and all that. She wasn’t worried about being bipolar, recognising all of the symptoms early on, only having a few insignificant ones. (but that wasn’t uncommon with growing up in a place like this).
You see, Y/N was adopted 7 years ago, making her 6. Her family was okay, not much better than the others in this town but not all bad. That was until they found out her brother had gotten into a car accident. He had always been the golden child of the family, so her parents went mad. They resorted to what everyone else in this city did, drugs. Her dad was a recovering addict, and it sent him and her mom into a downward spiral. Someone saw them, worried (knowing that they had a young kid) and reported it to DCFS.
She was in a group home for about 6 months, being a shy little girl and not talking to anyone. That was until two scary-looking men in big black uniforms walked in. She was starstruck. They walked over to the front desk and she ran to them, tugging on their uniforms with a big smile, trying to impress them so that they would take her home. It had worked. The next day they took her back to their shabby two-bedroom unit, and as soon as she walked in, it was a home. Their home. Now, back to the current situation.
Y/N was sitting in a waiting room chair, watching her dads walk up to the front desk, worried looks on their faces. She had been acting out recently, being closed off and getting into more trouble than usual. They tried to do their research, thinking it was nothing. They found out that all her symptoms could lead to borderline personality disorder. She had recently been getting bullied and it takes an event to set off.
They sat down in a bland-ass room, Y/N sitting in front of the desk, biting her lip. “Okay! Hello Mr and Mr Gallagher-Milkovich, what can I do for Y/N today”? The doctor said way too enthusiastically.
What joy does she get from telling people they have life-changing mental problems? “Umm, just an evaluation,” Ian said quietly, almost unsure about what they wanted. He didn't want to mention that they might know what she has, not wanting to come across eager for this situation, because he wasn’t, neither of them were. They knew that if she had this disease, that it wasn’t medicated like Ian’s, that there was no cure. “Okay! That’s all good, but we normally have the parents leave for this part of the appointment, so we’ll send someone out for you when we’re done”.
Mickey’s heart dropped, he didn’t want to leave her, he had been with Ian to the doctors countless times, never being asked to leave. He knew how stressful these appointments are and couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t want their daughter to be accompanied during an uncomfortable session.
The two men stood in fear and anxiety, not excited for what was to come. All they wanted was to be with their little girl.
“Gallagher-Milkovich? Y/N’s finished her appointment and we need to talk to you,”. Their hearts drop. That only happens if something bad is going on. They rushed into the room with Y/N there, looking at them scared. She obviously didn't know yet. “After today's consultation, and looking at Y/N’s medical records we sadly have to diagnose her with something called Borderline Personality Disorder. We can recommend specialists and therapists, but at the moment there isn't any known treatment other than therapy”. Mickey zoned out for the rest of the conversation.
No, he couldn’t go through this again. At least Ian's disorder is treatable, what was he gonna do with Y/N’s? He could see Ian listening intently, not knowing how he could bare listening to the conversation. Y/N looked scared. Of course she did, being diagnosed with a very life-changing disorder would make you scared. Mickey, who was standing behind her pulled her into him, resting his hands on her shoulder. Y/N was silent, even when she was asked a question, she wouldn’t answer.
They understood why, of course. Even the doctor did, never directly pushing for an answer. Once their appointment was done, they slowly walked out of the building and to the car. Y/N sat down, still not saying anything to her dads. Ian was trying to talk to her, but it always came out in mumbles. She understood why they were so uncomfortable.
I’ll make a part two to this with headcannons <333
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tiktaalic · 8 months
Top five favorite Gallavich moments?
Hmmm. Okay. I am a sucker for the early ones it has to be said.
One: when Ian’s hanging out with Mandy and sneaks into mickey’s room to have sex then comes back out. Sits on the couch next to Mandy. then Mickey comes out tells him to move scooches in next to him and takes the controller while ian goes :]. I like it because ian’s so obviously into him over nothing at all.
Two. Picking ian up from the cops. What’s your relationship to mr gallagher. Partner. Lover. Family. You know. Partner lover family! You know! Lines I never forgot. Ever. Self explanatory.
Three. When ian picks back up sleeping with his 50 year old fwb to get back at Mickey but him and mickey are still hanging out. Mickey says i don’t even know what you see in him. Ian’s like well he buys me stuff. Mickey scoffs. He’s not afraid to kiss me. Mickey cuts his eyes away. CUT TO: ian sitting alone in the van he just drove full of Mickey and his brothers. Mickey launching himself through the passenger seat to kiss ian full on the lips before hauling ass back to the house they’re robbing.
Four. In the wedding ep where mickey’s handcuffed to the laundry machine so he won’t go murder his father and mickey’s like. Look. I love you. I LOVE you. While distractedly walking towards ian before getting yanked by the handcuffs.
Five. These aren’t in order I have to say this now lest I be accused of disrespecting what I’m about to put here. Which is the perfect. Inimitable. Not even a gallavich scene to me it’s like a brother. Guess what we’ve been doing daddy.
Honorable mention to. Mickey saying. You look like a fucking wet rat. Before hauling ian in to make out. Double honorable mention to when Ian’s having his first real bipolar episode and Fiona et al are like oh mickey you did more than we expected you to you did great but you realize this is a lifelong thing right. You stuck around longer than we thought you would and that’s great but it’s going to continue to be hard. And mickey’s crying going I don’t fucking care I’m going to take care of him until he’s better. triple honorable mention. we've never been on a date. what to like a restaurant. yeah. like sizzlers? yeah. you wanna go? yeah. right now? shit i gotta get changed
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Y’all- I spent so long on this
All I did was work on this yesterday starting at 11 am and finishing at 3 am the next morning… aka this morning
And well… I love how it came out Oml
… these two have quite literally consumed my every waking and sleeping thought
Lyrics: Mr. Melancholy by Anthony Amorim (I’ve used it in drawings before but none have fit quite as well as them)
Progress shots:
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        My Gallavich playlist✌️ 
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astaraels · 4 months
Femslash February — Day 2 — Dreams
fem!gallavich; Ian dreams of kissing Mickey. (ao3) @m4ndysk4nkovich @holymurdock @echosluvr @callivich
There was something about Mickey Milkovich that Ian couldn’t get out of her head. It wasn’t a surprise, exactly; they’d been working together all summer at the Kash and Grab after Ian convinced Mr. Karib to take on Mickey for the security gig. He still felt guilty about his wife shooting Mickey, and Ian wasn’t above using that to get Mickey a job for her parole. She’d been out of juvie a month now, and getting to spend nearly every day together was practically a dream come true for Ian. Sure, they were hooking up in the back cooler five times a day when they could get away with locking the front door for twenty minutes at a time, but they were also just…hanging out. Shooting the shit, being dumb teenagers, having fun together. Mickey was good at her new job, too, her reputation in the neighborhood enough to keep dumbass kids from stealing candy bars and pop bottles.
And then there were the sticky summer nights, where Ian and Mickey spent nearly as much time together as Ian did with Mandy—sometimes the three of them hanging out together and running all over the South Side, just taking the time to be. Mandy, thank fuck, still didn’t have a clue about her sister and Ian, which was just as well. Part of Ian wanted Mickey all to herself, a little secret that she could hold onto. And Ian was sure that Mickey felt the same way, even if she didn’t say as much. Mickey never talked about her feelings or anything like that. Hell, she still never let Ian kiss her on the mouth. Other places? Oh, fuck yeah. Ian took advantage of that every chance she got. And if she shoved Mickey up against the wall in the storage room at work, one hand down the front of her jeans to touch her in that certain way Ian knew Mickey liked best, and if she got her mouth on the back of Mickey’s neck, well. Mickey never pushed her away when she did that. Ian would take it as a win.
But in her dreams—oh, in Ian’s dreams, Mickey let Ian get her on her back. Let her press her down into a bed of expensive sheets (usually some kind of fancy hotel, where they could be alone and fuck the way Ian always wanted to with her) and kiss her like she was drowning and Mickey was her only source of oxygen. In those dreams, Mickey opened up willingly for Ian, her lips and tongue all hot and wonderful against Ian’s own. She loved the thought of biting at Mickey’s lips until they were all beautiful and red. Wanted to fuck her face to face, see the bloom of a blush spread across Mickey’s cheeks, down her neck and across her chest. Couldn’t help but want to see that flush darken as Ian pulled her shirt off, then unclasped her bra and took it away, leaving Mickey bare and open for Ian to look at and drink her fill.
In her dreams, Mickey let Ian do anything and everything she could think of—Ian had a vivid imagination, especially where Mickey was involved—and Ian drank in the other girl’s cries and moans, pressed her thighs till they fell open and Ian could nestle between them and devour her until she came, over and over again. Mickey’s thighs were one of Ian’s favorite things; the soft skin over hard muscle, the way they trembled under Ian’s touch even as Mickey growled for Ian to get the fuck on with it, Gallagher, I ain’t got all fuckin’ day. But one day, Ian hoped, they’d have the chance to take it slow. To recreate the best part of Ian’s dreams, even if it was just in Ian’s twin bed. She’d kick Debbie out, lock the door, and make Mickey come undone with hands and lips and and tongue.
Maybe it was nothing but a dream, a faint possibility that Ian clung onto in the sticky summer nights, when she turned towards the wall and slid a hand down under the fabric of her pajama pants, fingers touching herself in just the right way to relieve the ache. It’s not the same as when Mickey touched her, those small, slender fingers knowing just the right way to make Ian throw her head back and gasp in pleasure, but this was a decent second place. She’d had plenty of practice in keeping quiet, too, and when she came it was with the thought of Mickey’s lips against her own.
In Ian’s dreams, Mickey would smile at her, call her Ian instead of Gallagher, and pull her in close for a kiss. Ian knew that Mickey would have to stand on her tiptoes to reach, and the mental picture it created for her made her smile, giggling a little against Mickey’s lips. Mickey would just scoff and smack Ian’s cheek lightly, say something like keep laughing and I ain’t kissing you again, even as she’d move in for another, and another, and another. Ian knew she’d never be tired of Mickey’s kisses.
Sometimes when they were together, in the bright sunlight at a baseball game or in the darkened theater at the movies, Ian found herself glancing over at Mickey’s lips. And of course Mickey caught her doing it, now and again. Depending on the mood she was in, she’d maybe give Ian a sharp elbow to the ribs and call her a fucking lesbo; other times, her bright blue eyes got a little darker and she licked her lips, like she was thinking of the same thing Ian was. But she never made a move, and Ian never pushed further, no matter how much she ached to press their lips together, let their tongues meet, seal their mouths against one another’s like they were shotgunning a joint.
Maybe it was wishful thinking on Ian’s part. Maybe she was just seeing things she wanted to see. And sure it was frustrating, not being able to kiss Mickey in the way she really wished she could, but Ian could be patient. She could press her lips to the back of Mickey’s neck, to her shoulder, to the place between her breasts, and taste the salt of her skin regardless. In her dreams, though, Mickey takes the first step, slides her fingers through Ian’s long, red hair and pulls her in for a kiss that makes Ian’s toes curl. Sure, Ian might wake up disappointed—she wanted the real thing, after all—but for the moment, she would keep dreaming. And one day, she’d get to feel what Mickey’s lips truly taste like.
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southsidestory · 1 year
Mickey makes the Kash and Grab his go-to shoplifting spot. Mr. Lewandowski should send Kash a thank you card; that old polack has been trying to run Mickey out of his corner store for the last five years.
Ian works late shifts on Fridays, so he’s the one at the register when Mickey swings by at quarter to midnight. He picks up a can of barbecue Pringles, puts it back. A box of Twinkies, puts it back. A Kit-Kat, puts it back. 
“Where’s the king-size?” Mickey asks.
Ian stares at him flatly. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not letting you steal anything.”
“Sure, you aren’t.” Mickey plants his elbows on the counter. “You ever go home, asswipe? Every time I come in here, you’re stocking shelves or brown-nosing customers or doing some other dumb shit.”
“That’s called working. You might’ve heard of it.”
Mickey swipes his wrist over his mouth to erase his smile. “Sounds like a waste of time to me. There’s a lot easier ways to get money.”
“Oh really?” Ian asks. “Why don’t you educate me.”
Fuck, he’s hot when he smirks like that, all snarky and lopsided.
Mickey looks down so Ian won’t see the truth all over his face. He makes himself laugh and ask, “What, you a vice cop now? Officer Gallagher gonna get me to incriminate myself?”
“Screw that,” Ian says. “Couldn’t pay me a million bucks to be a pig.”
Now it’s easy to laugh for real.
“Guess you’re too good for the police academy, Mr. ROTC.” Mickey picks up a packet of Big Red and turns it between his fingers. “Saving your cherry for the U.S. Army to pop when they fuck you over?”
Ian blushes like gingers always do, pink rushing to fill the white spaces between his freckles. “That’s different. The Army protects us from foreign threats. Police are supposed to protect civilians inside our borders, but they usually go after the people who need the most help.”
“Look at that, Ian Gallagher’s swallowed the military propaganda whole.” Mickey mimes knocking back a shot. “Washed it down with some Kool-Aid, I bet.”
“Look at that, Mickey Milkovich knows the word ‘propaganda.’ That’s like sixteen points in Scrabble before bonuses.” Ian scrunches up his nose. “Course, you’d have to be able to spell it.”
Smug piece of shit.
“I’d also have to be a fucking loser who plays board games,” Mickey says. 
He rips open the Big Red packet, unwraps the foil around a slice, and pops it in his mouth. Cinnamon burns his tongue, but it’s a good heat.
“That’s ninety-five cents,” Ian says.
Mickey chews the gum with his mouth open, as loudly and obnoxiously as he can. “Your math’s off.”
“There’s no math, Mickey. The price is on the label.”
Mickey glances over the torn packet. “Fourteen pieces of gum. Ninety-five cents for all of them. I only ate one, so I owe you seven cents—that’s rounding up, so I’m being real generous here.”
Count those points, asshole.
Mickey pulls all the money out of his coat pocket—a few folded twenties and about two dollars’ worth of coins—and picks out a dime to throw on the counter. It bounces right at Ian, who barely catches it before it goes over the edge.
Mickey leaves the rest of the gum behind, says, “Keep the change,” and walks out smiling.
~ ~ ~
I hope you enjoyed this sneak peak of my Gallavich Season 1 canon-divergent fic, If You Have a Problem! You can find it over at AO3 ❤️
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jademickian · 9 months
Galladrabbles: Sworn Enemy
This week’s @galladrabbles prompt is sponsored by @sickness-health-all-that-shit! Here’s some highschool gallavich.
Mr. Gomez had just let him out of the disciplinary office pouting, hands in pockets, and stomping away. Ian’s been waiting behind the lockers, bag slung on one shoulder, intrigued about which menacing event Milkovich caused this time. Ian trots to him and
“Hey, Mickey!”
“Fuck off, Gallagher,” the boy replied almost immediately, not chancing a look at the instigator.
“What’s it this time?”
“None of your damn business.”
“I heard there was chair breaking in the 8A room.”
“If you don’t shut up, I’ll be in a neck-breaking mood next.”
“Chairs your sworn enemy or something?”
This guy’s unbelievable. “Yeah, and I’ll add you to the fucking list.”
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crestfallercanyon · 1 month
✨Tag Game Wednesday Thursday✨
Thanks for tagging me!! @jrooc — we’re talking music this week!
Name: crest
What is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month? Bombay Bicycle Club just dethroned Remi Wolf because I keep listening to the same song on repeat lmao
What song do you know all the lyrics to? Several — but the songs I sing to loudest in the car are Street You Live On (Live Version) by Remi Wolf and Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals
What song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don’t? Anything by NSYNC
If you were to be crowned Queen/King/Royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? The Japanese House or Glass Animals
What band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? I’m not surprised by any.
Favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately? I love music and this was genuinely me narrowing it down lol —
“I was thinking about who you are, Your delicate point of view, I was thinking about you — I’m not worried about where you are, Or who you will go home to, I’m just thinking about you.” Little Freak by Harry Styles (Honestly, Matilda by Harry Styles is also incredible too)
“While you were sleeping I turned up the dials, and I walled up your kingdom with radio wires…” This Empty Northern Hemisphere by Gregory Alan Isakov
“I know I shouldn’t need it but I want affection, know I shouldn’t want it but I need attention, Know I shouldn’t say it but I had to mention —“ Touching Yourself by Japanese Waterhouse
“I am the driver, I am the shadow, and I am the hearse.” Mr. Rattlebone by Matt Maeson
Guilty pleasure band or song? Look, the Glee version of Smooth Criminal was fucking incredible and still holds up. Fight me.
Okay let’s talk fandom music:
Fave band or song you’ve discovered from a Fan Fic? This December (Slow) by Ricky Montgomery and @hamartian-cathexis showed me for Thomally: Take it Out on Me by White Lies
Fave Fanfic Playlist? I’ve only seen broken links to playlists I’ve read actually, so I don’t have one — But it sounds fun!
Fave Gallavich song? I’m going to be honest, I was going to say Basic Instinct but because of jrooc I listened to Thunder or Lightning and that IS a bop so I have the same answer:
Basic Instinct - The Acid OR It’s Thunder or Lightning by We Were Promised Jetpacks
Do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? Usually! Unless it’s an artist I know I don’t like, I love finding new music.
What song do you think is Gallavich coded? I’m sorry I’m gonna be annoying and suggest a few
I Summon You — Spoon (which I feel like is actually in Shameless but I honestly can’t remember if my brain is tricking me on that or if that’s true)
Run My Mouth by Ra Ra Riot (more just Ian coded but I see it fitting Mickey too)
Also, for something that’s just kind of Shameless/Gallagher coded, I recommend Happy Family by Sundara Karma
(And Thank you for I need a forest fire - Bon Iver/James Blake because now it��s on my playlists btw)
What’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today? Was gonna suggest Chappell Roan but I think she’s covered —
Talk it Up by Sammy Rae & the Friends is a jazzy bop, so there’s my rec to you ❤️
Now some tags!!!
@michellemisfit , @callivich , @mmmichyyy , @sam-loves-seb , @gallawitchxx , @mybrainismelted , and anyone else who wants to do this!
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ian and mickey - morning after their anniversary night? something sweet with ian being happy mickey organized something for him
Morning After | Gallavich
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pairing: Ian Gallagher x Mickey Milkovich
genre: mainly fluff (brief mentions of sex?)
warnings: slight mention of sexual themes but nothing explicit (unless you count some sappy love scene as a warning, then you've been warned)
word count: 456 (not proofread) 
note: i finally got to this </3 so sorry it too forever-but pls send more >:)
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"Thought you forgot-you know, 'bout yesterday?"
'Course Ian did. Mickey knew that. Why else was he so bitchy during their entire work shift yesterday? Mickey was just waiting for him to admit it.
The two of them were coiled together on the brand new memory foam mattress that Ian had bought, a mattress which was haphazardly strewn onto the floor with creme-colored silk sheets stretched over the corners. By the streams of orange lighting pooling across their bare skin, it had to be the morning of March 22nd-the morning after their 3rd wedding anniversary.
It had been Mickey's plan to go all out on the wedding anniversary this time-the first wedding anniversary being spent at the Alibi and the second spent working overnight together on a security gig until 3 in the morning. This time-after they got off of their shift, of course-their anniversary involved some fancy restaurant that Ian had been eyeing ever since the couple moved into their new apartment, a bottle of (cheap) red wine, and breaking in the memory foam mattress with however many rounds of sex they had went through-Mickey had lost count.
Mickey hummed, using the arm that wasn't currently tucked under own his head to weave through Ian's hair. Ivory skin parted through red waves, the letters of Mickey's tattoos peeking out amongst fiery strands of hair. "Have I ever fucking forgot about our anniversary, Mr. Milkovich?"
When Ian failed to respond-instead just continuing to lazily trace patterns into Mickey's hipbone-Mickey huffed out a soft chuckle and a barely audible 'that's what I thought.'
It was quiet for a while after that, filled with stolen kisses and hands wandering across expanses of naked skin. Ian tore his lips from Mickey's long enough to nuzzle his forehead into his lover's cheek, eyes fluttering close. "You didn't have to do all that, y'know? That dinner date alone had to be-what, a hundred bucks?"
Mickey's scoff echoed throughout the still barren bedroom, his hand disappearing beneath Ian's chin to force him to lock eyes. "Shut up, alright?" His fingertips mapped their way back up Ian's cheekbones, ghosting down the slope of his nose before finding their way back to his chin. "I worked some overtime so I could afford it for you. 'Was just an extra weekend shift I took while you watched Franny for Deb."
It was Ian's turn to hum softly in response, eyes fluttering closed once again as Mickey's fingertips tickled along his skin. "M’lucky to have you, Mr. Gallagher. Y’know that?"
A smile stretched across Mickey's lips as Ian nuzzled further into his open palm. He couldn't help but cup the red head's face in the palms of his hands. "Uh huh, whatever. C'mere and kiss me some more, Red."
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darlingian · 6 months
w e e k l y . t a g . w e d n e s d a y
hello folks. another week. another tag game. let's do it.
Choose a fandom: The Locked Tomb series How did you first hear about it?: My bestie said she thought I'd love this one really traumatized character. I did. Do you own any merch?: Sorta? Said bestie made me a 9th house skull patch with the sunglasses. And I have the roman numeral for 9 on my wrist. What thing involving this fandom do you think non fans would be surprised to hear?: That our main ship haven't kissed even though they're canon. Favourite character?: Harrowhark Nonagesimus. <3 In 5 words explain why they're your fave: Awful darling wet rat girl.
Choose another fandom: Shameless What's your least favourite thing about the source material?: Hmm... I can only pick one? How about not having one of the best actors on the show for essentially 3 years for... reasons? Favourite ship: Gallavich of course. Best fanfic: My favourite is Restoration by Pink_Ink Describe the vibe of the fandom in 5 words: welcoming, talented, engaging, supportive, lovely.
What's your name backwards?: inahC Tell me how old you are the way a three year old might: Uhh I dont have enough fingers and toes for this. What is your favourite icecream?: Mint chocolate flake or coffee. Tell me something you wish more people knew about you: I adore Jane Eyre. I am a Mr. Rochester apologist. Where is home for you?: With friends. If you could be an anthropomorphized stuffed animal, what stuffie would you want to be?: A pusheen. The move you wish everyone would watch: Little Women 2019. It's a perfect movie. What makes you really emotional lately?: Ian Gallagher. I really love him, pals. Are you okay?: I need a little christmas, right this very minute.
@deedala @too-schoolforcool @michellemisfit @suchagallabitch @jrooc @mybrainismelted @heymacy @tanktopgallavich @shippergirl121fic @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @gardenerian @mickeysgaymom @thepupperino @energievie @sickness-health-all-that-shit @juliakayyy @grumble-fish @sam-loves-seb @whatwouldmickeydo @crossmydna @creepkinginc @deathclassic @stocious @callivich @metalheadmickey @mmmichyyy
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
What has jimins dad done that hints at them dating? I feel like a lot that he’s done just shows they’re all super close?
ALL?? Who is ALL?? Check out this post and see the things Jimin's dad did for JK exclusively.
Jimin's dad keeps holding events for JK at his Magnate café. He definitely favors JK compared to the other members. That's his son in law, don't you dare forget.
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