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masterqwertster · 9 days
One thing that drives me a little crazy for the EXU half while also being completely understandable:
Why does the Spider Queen need Opal to ditch her friends to go fight Predathos? Like ma'am, why aren't you taking advantage of "we'll follow you" to get a whole hit squad instead of just a lonely champion?
And yes, this is probably more about the Spider Queen's own trust issues and visions/understanding of power and a belief compassion (for allies/friends) will hold her champion back. But c'mon. Look at the goddamn logistics of five (six with Cyrus) people fighting for you versus one. In what way is having support that can heal and boost and assist your champion bad? Don't you want a champion that has better odds of finishing the mission and living to serve another day? (probably cares less about champion survivability, being a Betrayer who doesn't care about mortals. But good help is hard to find, especially during a crunch)
I'm just sitting here shaking my head at a goddess desperate to get her pawn in on the fight and going about it the completely wrong way.
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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rinriya · 5 years
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look at them they are so nervous look at the point difference i want to lay down and cry
Cr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI4h8Iqz-mQ
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7happylady · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT6vOSRd-MQ) Cr. shbup
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[ENG SUB/CC] 170715 EXO Knowing Brothers Preview: youtube.com/watch?v=AxL-Mq… Cr: JTBC Entertainment
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masterqwertster · 4 months
Shaking Bells Hells by the shoulders: Please take the time to process your "therapy" trials. Nana Morri is literally messing with time in your favor so you can, as she's repeatedly said, "Take your time." If it's as good as when she had Fearne as a kid, you haven’t even been missing from Exandria for ONE hour yet.
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masterqwertster · 6 months
One thing I love about the new intro is that the first thing FCG sees after the slaughter of the Division of Public Benefit is still Ashton.
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Just, Ashton was the one to find them, the first person they saw after that incident, and it's reflected here (even if FCG takes a swipe at him in that moment of the animation)
I just adore this new intro.
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masterqwertster · 7 months
You know, the funniest answer to "Who was Scrying on Bells Hells?" would be Keyleth.
She was just trying to check-in, make sure they hadn't gotten themselves killed traveling the Shattered Teeth. And got the unfortunate bonus of cutting their secret Tree With Many Answers conversation short.
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masterqwertster · 6 months
Also love that both Allura and Keyleth's reactions to poking Ashton's magic/essence/energies is shaky breath and perturbed stare followed by "What the fuck are you? And by what miracle are you even functioning? Also the vast powers sleeping within you freak me the fuck out."
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masterqwertster · 8 months
Gotta admit, I loved watching Taliesin play Ashton in the corner going "Fuck yes, finally!" as Jirana got through to FCG about getting help for themself too, instead of focusing solely on helping others.
It's just so sweet because he cares so much and is just so happy to see good help finally land on FCG.
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masterqwertster · 2 months
Shaking Bells Hells by the shoulders again: You had a very good recon mission just seeing the other side of the Bloody Bridge and extracting basic info in a small town. Take a moment to report back to people in power all the useful things you already learned. Get more spells/supplies from them. Then continue to the heart of the enemy. Time is short, but probably not so short that you can't take an extra hour or two to do that. Keyleth can tree teleport and she knows where you were. She just couldn't immediately jump to you because she had things to do/settle first. It's a war, powerful people can't come to your aid at the drop of a hat.
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masterqwertster · 3 months
You know what's crazy? Ashton probably provides the most accurate dreams of lifestyles and commodities on modern Exandrian.
After all, they dream their alternate lives. So while those dreams are largely inaccurate to actual current events, most probably exist on a parallel enough timeline to accurately reflect the kinds of things that can actually be found on Exandria.
...And nobody on the fucking moon knows that because they're also being bombarded by a thousand dreams where your teeth fall out like an endless waterfall and your clothes randomly disappear at the most embarrassing moment.
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masterqwertster · 2 months
A point I love about episode 84:
Both of the Shrikes took a look at the Gravity Rock Person dodging nearly every attack from one of them, getting barely hurt by the blow they did land and teleporting them into a livestock pen in retaliation, all before beating the shit out of their boss, and said "Yep, don't want that thing to see us coming. Or running the fuck away."
Just a fun little moment of confirming how scary Ashton's bonkers dunamancy is from the other side.
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masterqwertster · 4 months
I am absolutely worried that Imogen is going to turn on the group for the good feelings she (and only she) gets from Ruidus's core/Predathos.
Especially since the one person she actually listens to, Laudna, is absolutely going to follow Imogen over that cliff edge just because she wants Imogen to feel good.
Darling, learn to say "no" to your girlfriend. Especially when she's making questionable decisions that threaten her safety, your safety, the safety of all your friends, and the safety of pretty much everyone.
...At least the Stormlord is challenging Imogen to hold on to herself and not Give In to the moon bullshit
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masterqwertster · 3 months
So I really don't think Imogen is a super special piece in the Wake Predathos/Us Plot, as the cast seems to think.
I'm pretty sure the Ruidusborn in general are batteries for whatever process is going on, and Exaltants obviously have a bigger charge than the lightly Ruidusborn like Fearne.
So Imogen's only special in that she's one of the "supercharged" batteries. Making her neither necessary for the completion nor a super special and important ingredient for speed.
But that's just my two cents.
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masterqwertster · 4 months
When FCG goes murder-bot mode, they say the mean thoughts they would normally never voice, or even give much of a second thought to.
So I find it interesting that FCG told Fearne "You don't deserve this. You don't fuckin' deserve it. You should have given it to Ashton."
FCG did not need to offer an alternative for who gets the Spark to explain why he thought she didn't deserve it. Telling Fearne she's not worthy, that he doesn't support her choice, can be hurtful enough on it's own. Or he could have said she doesn't deserve it because she already turned it down before.
Instead, FCG specifically states their opinion that Ashton should still get the Spark. Ashton, who wanted the Spark enough to try when Fearne wouldn't and no one else was volunteering anyone but Fearne, who already had such a rough time surviving his attempt to absorb the Spark only to get rejected, who is their best friend and worried them so much with that previous attempt.
It's just very interesting because that means that either FCG was spreading more mean by saying "Give it to the person it will (most likely) kill, again, that you (and I) really like and care about." OR some part of FCG wanted Ashton to try again and (hopefully) succeed where they had failed before by keeping the Spark down this time.
I dunno, just having Thoughts about FCG being kind-of supportive of Ashton while in Murder Mode.
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