#mother in law room
enticinglycute · 10 months
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Salt Lake City Guest Bedroom: large farmhouse guest room idea with light wood floors, gray walls, and no fireplace
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cdmtraveling · 10 months
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Garage Large Inspiration for a large craftsman detached two-car garage workshop remodel
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 month
Every time we open our home to loved ones I remember that I’m very autistic and all my little routines and habits and environments get disrupted and I get more and more agitated and have to consistently remind myself louder and louder that I love them and that my suffering is temporary.
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https-vintage · 20 days
Gushing about my better childhood Dr
I want to take a minute to gush about how excited I am to shift to my better childhood dr, but specifically about how excited I am to make my communion and my confirmation in that dr, because I grew up with a mother who acted like those two days that were supposed to be about her daughter were actually about her, like my hair, dress, and makeup. Everything was all what she wanted it to be, but she made it out like it was all what I wanted when it obviously wasn't, which made me feel bad about it when I said I didn't want those things, and on those days we kind of just went where she wanted me to go, you know? We visited relatives, family, friends, and neighbours that I didn't feel comfortable around or even knew, and we'd be there purely because she wanted to show me off, which is a big part of why I'm so excited for my better childhood dr, because on those days it will actually be about me. This time I will actually wear what I want, we will visit who I want, do what I want, and it's going to be so great because I really deserve for those days to just be about me.
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It's fucking 4 am. It's FUCKING 4am. It's fuuuuuckingggg 4 am. It's FUCKing 4 am.
It's 4 am fucking.
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solar--spectrum · 17 days
Why is it that I'm keen to be devoured by you
When there's the option of a love affair that's pure and true?
I always choose the dungeon over the sea view
It's wrong, but I want you tonight
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amidwesternhero · 5 months
Finally back home after a wonderful, but long week in Ireland. I am worn out and happy to be back home to the cats and my bed.
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drusill-a · 6 months
This Christmas my only real family are my two mongrels, my yorkie, my cat and an almost empty bottle of wine stolen from my brother's wedding gifts hidden behind my bed.
#i cried for several hours last night to the extent that my head still ached for half a day afterward#there were a few mini-crying sessions during the day also#yesterday i laid out to my mother what i think#more openly than i have in many years#it started with her asking why i was upset and i replied something that she shouldnt bother#and should return to spending the holidays with the people she loves the most#aka Jarosław Kaczyński his crew and those protesting in defense of /free media/#it would have been nice if i hadn't burst into tears immediately but you can't have it all#(all while my brother and sister-in-law tried to clean the room next door and pretended not to hear)#overall i'm shocked at how strongly the realization hit me#that nothing will ever change when it comes to my parents#and it will only get worse#they will become more hateful#more narrow-minded#more hating imagined enemies of poland constantly finding new ones#as apparently i still had some hope!#given that i cried for about two hours after i stopped yelling at my mother#(also on the verge of tears)#but i had hoped that when tvp will be turned off#a detox from that trash would bring some truth to them at least in some matters#instead they simply switched to tv republika :))) my mom promised to cut down on watching politics said on holidays#said we simply won't discuss it and watch sth else#and she and my father will be more careful not to subject me to watching rightist propaganda#and today no change they've been glued to the same channel for half the day :))))#it hurts so damn much because they are good people#just with zero critical thinking skills so susceptible to manipulation#i was numb for years#and suddenly such a reaction is a surprise for me#i didn't know i had hope that something would ever change so it's an interesting revelation in terms of introspection#// negative // no point in this rant i'm just processing!
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gulliblelemon · 7 months
Someone lend me some of their social battery to willingly go trick or treating tonight. I’ve spent all mine doing an in-law outing. WHY ARE THERE PEOPLE? I can’t people.
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tsukana · 6 months
shaun temple the funniest motherfucker in this house rn actually
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isa-ah · 2 years
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just me and noobie sitting at the birthday charcuterie table alone with our wine and milky mountain tea in pin drop silence while my fiance takes a phone call in one room and my mother in law takes a phone call in the other.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
♣ negative in the tags
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elainemorisi · 2 years
why does my house have a (full!) bathroom on the floor with no bedroom and a (large!!) bedroom on the floor with no bathroom. aaaaaaaarg
#these being the 2nd and basement floors#so also obnoxiously difficult to renovate!#(2nd being the top/roof/attic)#iteration 2324 of my immense griping about the general incomprehensibility of non-romantic companionship: built environment flavor#this goddamn house has the goddamn space and the goddamn rooms for another goddamn adult who I am not GODDAMN FUCKING#but just didn't care to put those goddamn rooms near one another why on earth#what suburban use for a FULL BATH IN THE BASEMENT is there#(that is half the ire; if it were just a toilet it at least wouldn't be taunting me like this)#it's a fully submerged basement this isn't some half-finished walkout mother in law suite#let us all once again sing the cheery tune#'why on earth have we decided to tie fucking somebody to all this other unrelated shiiiiiit'#'at least when it was a logical part of the business arrangement there was a reaaaasooooon'#I like that fine! I like romantic relationships fine!#I do not like pursuing them for the sake of actually fully unrelated life goals that feels incredibly disgusting and I won't do it!#(not like morally on a grand scale... ish. like if someone WANTS a romantic partner who is also all the other kinds of partner god bless#I'm fully agnostic on that matter so the idea of dating because I want a roommate is just urg. creeps me the hell out#not as bad as the last iteration of this problem of course which would've been dating because I want a kid. but still bad!)#and I want a roommate damnit :(#but I sure would like to be able to provide them with a reasonably separate personal space too but ALAS
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evergreen-lyricist · 2 years
Hawk, ask game
hi myth!! thank u so much for asking😊
fair warning some of this will be presented sans context bc i am Sleepy & spoonless.
Full Name: Hawk Johnson (*middle name undetermined)
Gender & Sexuality: cis guy, unconcerned about sexuality given the givens (currently has bigger worries)
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity: Korean (adopted by white parents; not culturally immersed)
Birthdate: April 19
Guilty Pleasure: watching the stupidest kdramas he can find & passing it off as "an important part of language acquisition"
Phobia: probably thasolophobia (however it's spelled) which is fear of the deep ocean & what might be in it
What They Would Be Famous For: in-world, it's entirely possible that Hawk would be kind of Known within the Draconic community & supporters bc of his relationship with Attemoon. it's rare enough for humans & Draconic humans to be together, let alone have kids, that they would get a decent amount of publicity regardless of how quiet they decided to keep it. (he is insistent that they keep Luna's face out of it though.)
What They Would Get Arrested For: honestly?? he probably wouldn't get arrested. i can't think of a situation he could get into that could lead to that.
OC I Ship Them With: Attemoon!! they are amazing together & he loves her sooo much😊
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one!!
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: a toss-up between action/adventure & romance
Least Favorite Cliche: definitely the possessive love interest
Talents/Powers: Hawk is pretty much a normal dude, but I'd say his big heart is pretty important in the narrative
Why Someone Might Love Them: Hawk has a very beautiful & distinctive smile. there are a lot of reasons someone might love him, but that's one thing that Attemoon loves about him in particular; his real smile is like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: in-world, some people are going to hate him because of his relationship with Attemoon & everything that comes with that. out of world, there is no reason for anyone to hate him & I'd be very upset if anybody did.
How They Change: Hawk is kind of a passive person. not all the time, but especially at the beginning he definitely lets life lead him where it may. this is partly a cultivated part of his persona & partly the result of some emotional issues. over time, Hawk gets better at being assertive & speaking up for himself, instead of deflecting.
Why You Love Them: gosh. I love Hawk for a lot of reasons, but the one that sticks out to me is that writing him allows me to heal some things that he struggles with that also hurt me. like, Hawk & I are both Korean &, for one reason or another, culturally disconnected & feel inadequate because of that (holy oversharing Batman). in that sense, we can walk together & heal those wounds together.
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caprigender · 3 months
Im having the all-or-nothing spring cleaning project space revamping urges
i want to empty out the bedrooms and reorganize everything but im at work and also reorganizing would probably mean getting rid of things that i do not want to get rid of
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elizjjwold · 4 months
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by Elizabeth Johnson-Wold
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