#mostly just for my personal reference but he could use some connections so pls feel free to take a look!
misqnon · 2 months
i stopped reading usosan fanfic for this (actually i was happy to stop bc it was smut and i wasnt in the mood to read smut but was too lazy to look for non smut)
I KNOW.. PLEASE .. why does only sanji get to be free .. im so sad for them. reiju the literal (former) child soldier and pudding with no one to care for her and love her. i assume theyll come back in the cover stories. .. please oda... pls..
NOO AHDNSBF.. i can relate though i always do exactly what im warned not to do
"it was all me. next i will be asking the size of katakur- [gunshots]" NOO HOW COULD THEY SILENCE U LIKE THIS ... dont worry I'll ask in ur place
u cant put improper french in ur fanfic!!!!
reading the water 7 arc when usopp splits always kills me inside... it hurts so bad. i hope that if/when sanji and zoro fight, its THAT emotionally impactful. like all the hidden meanings and . angst.. i want good angst. if they do actually get into a fight To The Death, i dont think anyone but luffy could stop them. i could also imagine theyre fighting to the death and like . what stops them is someone in the crew is put into mortal peril and theyre forced to work together (bc that's always how it goes). what they should actually do is sit down and talk about their feelings... with a mediator perhaps....
"but why does shuggy feel like one of the most likely to me." IT DOES TO ME TOO!!! like the subtext... is there... it is so much There.
"that is canon shuggy to me. oda doing it kinda halfheartedly in a roundabout way for laughs but the fandom is popping bottles (we popping the BIGGEST bottles when shuggy happens tomorrow-)" YEAH i think even if this is the case its a win. canon gay old guys??? who have been pining after each other (well mostly shanks pining after buggy) for what .. 25 years?? that would be amazing..
"do u think zoro will get more development of him as a character by the end of the story?" i do!!! i think he needs a bit more depth tbh. like he is a wonderful character and im not saying he should have a sadder backstory or something but. to me rn i think hes a bit more two dimensional compared to the rest of the crew. like yeah simplicity is wonderful but i think to me hes less.. of a simple character.. and more like a character that needs to have more emotional highs/lows. i know i could love him so much more if i just ... knew him better. anyways i think its coming bc there have been some realizations involving his character? backstory? recently. and i assume oda knows that he could use more emotional depth. stoic and aloof characters are fine but i think the real appeal is when u get to see into their mind for a second and understand who they really are as a person
sexualize him to the point the audience wonders if hes actually a woman
thank u for watching my 4kids sanji video. i actually have like 5 videos saved of trace heatfist because he is so weirdly attractive in the 4kids dub but i will spare u. also idk if uve heard 4kids luffy but imo his voice is way better than the funimation dub???
"WHILE CONNECTED to a GIANT PROJECTOR…THIS briefly flashed on the screen before i frantically clicked away. no one saw but i. i did." this is EXTREMELY FUNNY. i really enjoy embarrassing stories because i find my own embarrassing stories very funny (when i tell them to other people)
brainwash everyone into believing sanji one piece is gay in SOME way.. ur doing gods work
i love how not normal u are about him
"(nodding) no go on what animal parts" see if u had read dungeon meshi i could reference it and everything would be so much easier, BUT YOU HAVENT /lh /teasing
ok but i have been obsessed with animals since i was a kid (especially lions and wolves (special interest go brr)) so probably lotta lion parts... because theyre cooler looking than wolves. and also just give me wings for good measure. i want to fly. nevermind that wings are meant for lightweight creatures. these are magic wings. its one piece..
i saw u post abt nightcrawler and i was never really into x men but hes pretty
i stared at the law comic... for.... like... 10 minutes.... rhank u ... for putting that onto my . feed
YEAH HES 6'3. actually hes the shortest warlord, tied with boa hancock. 6 feet tall is short in one piece
"gay art markets" already intrigued.
THATS SO COOL AJJDHSDJ.. i have been to a few anime cons and i dont remember?? ever seeing any law's??? its very sad .. i went the year before last year i think. i did see a huge furry one time (at the anime con). they looked like they were 7 feet tall. it was really exciting. and intimidating. that weird mix of the two. i am 5'3 for reference.. like wow. u are huge.....
"i love ur insane thoughts pls continue to share."
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"i will do the same someday when i am less shy and ashamed of my unhinged fandom thoughts" pls do!! share ur own!! (when ur comfortable!!) i will not judge .. this is a judgement free zone. and also a shaming free zone
"such as making zoro amvs to abba in my head on the way to therapy." u are so powerful...
"thats a line my therapist actually said in response to something i did once." ur therapist sounds cool wtf. i never got a cool therapist
YEAH I SAW PPL TALK ABT IT SO I RECOGNIZED THE POSSIBLE CROCODILE.. i saw someone say croc was gonna be... some white dude.. and internally i was crying.. how could u do that to him
thank u for ur sacrifice
(watched the video) omg its prozd!!!! i love stuart.... Stuart.. stuart little.. ???? no wonder he got along with mice
YEAH I HEARD THAT TOO?? LIKE WTF IS HAPPENING... its cuz crunchyroll is funding ...
did my meme image come off as ambiguous. i asked my friend if it was ambiguous and they said no.. but i had nothing wlse....
robin canonically having touched (crushed) franky's balls for an extended period of time is so weird to me. thats what i think abt when i see naked franky..
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p.s. i will add u there... my discord is something like. stupid.. stinky... or something... i dont remember. u saw the doflamingo snail just remember that. oh wait i also have my name as my name. ok. i forgot about that.
send me ur sanji pics .
rowan i am honored 
ok that gives me a question tho. i feel like u mentioned sanuso before and im curious. do people?? have ships with characters in them that they dont like?? like before i converted u. i feel like i could never like a ship that had a character i disliked in it. or at the very least i would grow to like both the characters
THE COVER STORIES i didnt think about that!! yes…oda please…i know u havent forgotten about reiju bc u put her in that one really fruity chapter cover with tashigi for some reason…
to all the haters that i dont have….but my silence. for $5,000 a month,
APPARENTLY NOT the french in my fic is all now double checked….to my embarrassment 
TRUE IT WOULD BE LIKE THE USOPP SPLIT…and yea. that moment WAS a lot. i think i teared up. there are a lot of “crewmate almost leaves the crew” moments and i think a fight between two strawhats (which has also happened before! but usually at least one of them is luffy!) could feel similarly. i like ur interpretation of how it could go too…there’s this trope in zosan fanfics where robin ALWAYS is all up in there business trying to mediate them and i both love it and hate it lmao. like yea she probably would notice but also why does she always gotta be ur guys’ therapist….and in canon. for a moment like that. it would probably have to be luffy wouldnt it??
oda: haha guys i made buggy gay isnt that Funny
the fandom: [hooting and hollering]
I AGREE COMPLETELY ABT ZORO. HE DOES NEED JUST A BIT MORE EMOTIONAL DEPTH. MAKE HIM GO THROUGH SOMETHING…stoic and cool characters REALLY DO need a moment where they ARENT STOIC AND COOL to be more well-rounded…and zoro hasnt really gotten that since that one time he cried at baratie like a thousand chapters ago (literally). and that was a very brief moment. he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her more…when is zoro’s enies lobby. i dont actually need an entire arc like that for him (i mean i'd love that but i dont expect it) BUT AT LEAST GIVE HIM SOMETHING!!
“sexualize him to the point the audience wonders if hes actually a woman” already there babes 🫡 just doing my part
THE GALLERY I WORK AT IS SUPER CHRISTIAN I THOUGH GAY SANJI WAS GONNA GET ME FIRED ZJBFVHDCSKJ it was. it was so funny afterwards tho. i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it
“i love how not normal u are about him” 
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not 6’3 and shortest warlord. dkjnvkjnfvkj
“i will not judge .. this is a judgement free zone.” WRONG bangs my sanji gavel. 
my therapist IS very cool she makes fun of me but in a good way and also makes me laugh. and i make her laugh. bc i am ridiculous. i got very lucky
i dont think theyve made any casting choices for s2 publicly yet so…we will See..
STUART KILLED ME but so did “HIS NAME IS LUFFY! THAT’S Monkey Luffy” its been playing in my head. also sanji’s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth. that scene where he’s completely enamored by a rat that’s sitting in a woman’s shirt and he is completely ignoring the woman. for the rat 😭 SANJI LOVES MICE MORE THAN WOMEN CONFIRMED-
no but i saw clips of that scene and about cried. same to that mouse wedding he attended in a drawing request oda did kfnvkjd. can u imagine the first time they get rats in the galley and they’re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and he’s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names. they would be like. 😮
also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! 😭
AMBIGUOUS?? I DONT THINK SO? I liked it. we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY
I ADDED U ON DISCORD!!!! sanji pics…breathes in…i will add a couple more here but. should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)
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also check out how much this dude can cry!!! (laughing but also crying):
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0 notes
prkrc · 5 years
hey there demons! it me, sam! this is just parker’s same old intro edited with some updates and wanted / taken connections, so feel free to take a look if you’re interested! messaging me @ellvie is probably easiest!
DISCLAIMER: this is a sideblog so i might post stuff to the wrong acc sometimes js
so, this guy right here…riley ignatius parker-warrington…will throw hands if you call him anything other than parker. it’s what everyone calls him. you gotta be really special to call him riley and not immediately get decked for it. tbh most people probably think parker is his first name anyway so! moving on
parker was born to a wealthy family in a small but affluent village called alderley edge in cheshire, england. he’s the youngest of four sons so he has three older brothers.
his family, the parker-warringtons ( known more commonly as the warringtons ) are stupid rich. it hurts me to think about it askdh. they’re basically the british rockefellers. parker’s great x6 granddad started the family business back a couple centuries ago and nowadays they’ve got their hands in everything from business to architecture to real estate to education to oil…they own a lot of stuff. the warrington building in downtown london was completely made up just now is basically the rockefeller center of the uk. 
the family drama has been highly publicized in the uk & europe for longer than anyone can remember at this point, but not as much in america. 
anyway, parker spent his early years sheltered and pampered and homeschooled by tutors and nannies bc his parents never had time for him but it’s whatever he got over it really early on in life.
parker’s always been a huge troublemaker with a restless nature so his wealthy, uptight, lowkey shady af parents who are obsessed with the family’s image could never really deal with him and eventually decided to just ship him off to boarding schools all over europe, just one after the other after the other bc he kept getting kicked out lmao.
about the only thing he enjoyed about his childhood and schooling were his music lessons. he was taught to play piano, violin, and even the harp. other things like math and history and science didn’t come easily to him at all, but music? he was great at it and he’s always loved it. during his teen years while away at boarding school was when he first procured an electric guitar and learned to play. along with that, he also discovered punk music, aka the greatest thing in the entire fucking universe if you ask him. far as music goes, he’d found his calling in his early teenage years.
at school he was basically that rebellious kid in all the movies who wore doc martens with his prim & proper school uniform and carried around a pocket knife and cut class to go smoke while vandalizing school property and would absolutely fuck up some prissy pretty boy’s face just for looking at him the wrong way.
literally the only reason he actually graduated rather than flunking out was because his father was able to pull some strings aka bought his very last boarding school a whole new library wing. parker did actually consider running away a few times, but there was a part of him really reaaaaally deep down that actually enjoyed some aspects of school ( though he very strongly believes many education systems across the world need a serious overhaul and blahblahblah don’t ask him unless you want a lecture ). anyway, the moment he was done with school, he did finally skip out on…well, everything and everyone and ditched the country altogether, heading out first to seattle washington, then to los angeles, california, and then he finally settled in new york city when he was twenty years old, meaning that he’s lived in nyc for the last three years!
started his band, rabid porcupine, right after moving to the city. they’re a punk band, popular among the subculture and virtually unknown to everyone else. parker is the lead vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, overall face of the band but don’t get it twisted he could never go solo his whole band is important to him.
his parents have threatened to cut him off & disinherit him about a billion times but will probably never actually do it even though they see him as a huge disgrace to the family name. they call sometimes but he never picks up. if anybody asks he’d probably say that he hates his family but he honestly doesn’t. i don’t think he’s capable of hate lmao. he doesn’t like them and he’d rather stay away from them bc he and his family just do not get along, but at the end of the end of the day, v deep down he has like….a teeny tiny molecule of affection for them even though his family is 100% genuinely awful people
so, parker left nyc for a bit! even though it was only like a week ago in real time i wanna say he’s actually been gone for about two to three months maybe? idk but he went back to england in a rush, just kinda vanishing overnight as he tends to do.
he told no one where he was going or that he was even leaving at all. not even his roommate or…the person he’s very attached to, stas. he didn’t wanna tell anyone why he had to leave.
BUT WE’RE ALL GONNA FIND OUT RIGHT HERE AND NOW SURPRISE! his dad died. yikes. now they had a very…complicated relationship. parker hated his father and his father hated him. tbh his death wouldn’t have been enough for parker to go all the way back to england bc he fucking hates it there if it weren’t for the fact that his dad was pulling some fuck shit from the grave.
long story short, he left the family company to parker in his will. not the family, not his wife, not any of his other three sons. nope. the whole ass billion dollar company, every single subset, everything…was left to one riley ignatius parker-warrington.
naturally he was fucking furious. he hates the family business, he hates their company, he hates office work, and he hates knowing that his father only did it to spite him. he immediately attempted to get rid of the company. tried selling it, just straight up giving it away, even driving it into the ground lmao. just, anything to get it off of his hands and out of his responsibility but nothing has worked so far.
and that’s why he’s back in nyc! he wants a lawyer’s opinion so what i think parker is gonna do here? lowkey try to sneak into town, get some help from a lawyer he trusts and then leave without anyone else noticing or knowing that he was in town at all because he absolutely does not want to be here and he especially doesn’t wanna show his face. too bad for him!
lemme…stop? and just give you a few quick facts bc this is getting super long who’s even still reading this?
looks like he could kill you and could actually kill you
he hasn’t been home in like five years but he still has the heaviest most posh british accent you will ever hear in your life + he knows he’s fulfilling a stereotype here but he doesn’t care he fuckin loves tea
his three older brothers are named sebastian, nikolai, & rian. he doesn’t get along with any of them but he and rian he by far has the worst relationship with rian, his identical twin who’s a few minutes older. unlike most stereotypical twins they’ve literally never been in sync, have never gotten along and have probably beaten each other up before.
his family is big on modern day arranged marriages but you can miss parker with that bullshit he will date whoever he wants
that being said i think he’s probably…straight? idk tho & like who’s really straight anymore honestly
most people think that he’s a jerk bc he’s incredibly standoffish and temperamental but he’s actually…not that bad? like he’s sure he’s permanently grumpy but he also holds the door open for people and says thank you to janitors and probably helps old ladies across the street and would literally rather die than be rude to wait staff in a restaurant
seemingly very passionate about everything always openly expresses his emotions. he doesn’t…know how to hide them? he doesn’t know how to pretend like he doesn’t care?
adrenaline junkie, reckless af & likes to party but isn’t into hard drugs. he’s tried once or twice but just really isn’t a fan. he smokes & drinks & smokes weed sometimes but that’s it
very observant and good at reading people
basically the walking talking rl embodiment of the jerk with a heart of gold trope.
knows he’s not the easiest person to befriend but if you are his friend, then he’s gonna be loyal af, the realest ride or die of all time
however, he tends to take the tough love route when he’s trying to help someone out. like just bc you’re his friend he’s not gonna coddle you bc you’re upset he’s gonna tell you how to how to deal with your problems & emotions
which is funny bc lmao he’s angry af 1000% of the time. will throw hands anytime anywhere
so to the surprise as nobody he took up boxing as a kid and to this day it’s the only sport he cares about at all. he still boxes once or twice a week as a hobby & it’s probs pretty good for him tbh
also took a lot of music lessons back in the day. he’s actually a very talented pianist who probably could’ve gone on to play professionally if he stuck with it but nah. he likes the guitar. you’ll probs never catch him playing the piano which is a shame bc he honestly is a beautiful pianist :/
worked as an auto mechanic before he committed to his band full time but highkey misses it sometimes. he still likes cars & absolutely loves motorcycles, will talk about them all day with you if you want.
he has a motorcycle which pretty much built it himself from scratch and it’s just…it’s literally his child ok he will freak if you so much as lay a hand on his motorcycle ok /f r e a k/ like don’t even look at it the wrong way
feminist af
parker is grumpy and angry and standoffish but look he really is and really tries to be a decent guy. anyone who knows him well would see that very clearly and honestly, that’s probably why they stick around even though he can be difficult.
future step sibling - genesis iver
maternal cousin, don’t get along - open.
paternal cousin, basically the only family member he likes - ingrid larson
ex girlfriend / highkey in love - anastasia sangster
ex on good terms - open.
ex on bad terms - open.
former toxic on / off relationship - open.
fwb - maia kauri.
former fwb - open.
best friend / ride or die - mason grey
roommate - open. please check the main for info on this wc!
close friends - reese monroe, kennedy drakos, isla thompson, open to more.
friends -  warren daily, marnie almeida, sullivan ramsey, alexandra blakely, cameron jones, open to more.
unlikely friends - wren daily, open to more.
frenemies - rosalind cox, jake carver, open to more.
attempted good influence - logan van kamp
workout buddy - willow sparks
enemies - lukas donovan, open to several. parker is a goblin so he could’ve pissed someone off for many reasons
ex friends - jay weston, open to more.
doesn’t like / trust - lex sinclair
since this is officially a novel i think it’s time for me to sTOP LMAO. i have no specific wc in mind but i’d love to plot so please feel free to message me if you’re interested! as always i’m super excited to plot and write with everyone!
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fun asks for boredom: do you read books? have you been to the LIBRARY lately now that it’s open again? do you want book recs? (bc im full of them PLS) - if not books, what are you doing with your free time? tv video games movies? what’s occupying your thoughts, what are you obsessed with right now? wanna infodump on anything? or vent? i want to listen :D
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ive been a few times! i love the work area at my local library bc its always quiet and its got really nice views, so i visit it a lot. but im not a big reader tbh. im dyslexic and a lot of books are just too hard to get through unless theyre digital and i can change the font to something thats easier to parse which not all books/apps/websites let you do. and anybody who says the built in tts systems that these apps have are good enough, are lying to themselves. so most of the time when i buy/burrow a book its usually just a reference book of some kind.
and on that note, this is a Big reason i dont read a lot of comics, that crowded faux handwritten font a lot of them use is hellish for me to try and parse.
and its a bit of a joke amongst my friends that if im not actively making something im probably yakking on deaths doormat, lmao. right now im mostly into writting and doing digital paintings, but spinning and crochet are old favorites
and like, right now my biggest obsession is dnd, i love dming and the more role play focused sand box campaigns. and before anyone points out that theres better systems for role play focused games, i know, i actually like how janky dnd is on this front because it gives both sides of the table way more freedom to do what feels right.
like This is my rant, letting the players Genuinely argue through their character to try and get something done is Way more interesting than just making them role 1 die and do some math.
like, theres this one moment in the first campaign i ran for my best friend that i keep coming back too.
she had accidentally (on her part, this was my plan all along) traded away a mcguffin to the absolute last person she would want to have that.
when Summer(the npc) came to collect the mcguffin from Shiana(the pc) i Could have had zen(my bff) role 1 d20 and add shiana's persuasion modifier to it. and just on a role of the dice i could have decided where this litteraly game ending mcguffin would land.
if Summer gets it an eternal summer would ravenge the world. but her brother in law would be given more time with his family and a chance at survival.
if he didn't Shiana's brother in law and close friend was more likely to... not die, but also not exist anymore. but her holding onto it gave her time to maybe save both him and the world.
by not basing this on a dice role shiana got to Argue with this fairy to try and get her way out of this deal. zen got the experience of him arguing right back and trying just as hard as she was to get the damn thing.
and because she couldn't just role to persuade him they ended up having one of the most intense fights while she was Running For Her Life because she, Zen and shiana, not a trick of luck, royally pissed off the embodiment of Summer. she got to call on the power of both gods she had a connection to and nearly died from overwhelming herself with their power in a desperate bid to buy herself some time.
because we weren't using any strict rules for this, or really Any rules, we were able to tell a story that was much more engaging than one dice roll ever could be.
like, tldr, dnd Is good for role play because its Very easy to just ignore the clunky/underdeveloped rp rules when needed.
also dnd has tieflings. i like tieflings. think theyre Real Neat.
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leavetwn · 3 years
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* KAYLEE BRYANT, CISWOMAN + SHE/HER  | you know SUZIE TANAKA, right? they’re TWENTY-ONE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, EIGHTEEN YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to VALENTINE BY HOPE TALA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole ROLLERSKATES SCUFFED FROM YEARS OF USE, STARTING A JOURNAL ENTRY TWO YEARS SINCE THE LAST ONE, A SIGH OF RELIEF ONCE YOU'RE FINALLY ALONE thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is NOVEMBER 28TH, so they’re a SAGGITARIUS, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
it’s me again ! bringing a character who i’ve played for a while now, just switched up & such for every rp, and now , i’m bringin her here. :^) i hope you enjoy her as much as i do! tw: mentions of mental illness (anxiety)
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: suzie tanaka. nickname(s): su, anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-one. date of birth: november 28th. zodiac sign: saggitarius. gender/pronouns: ciswoman, she/her. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: san francisco, californio. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: part time waitress at cutie pie’s thanks to her skills on skates. full time student at the local college in her junior year as a creative writing major. she minors in film pro eye color: brown. hair color/style: dark brown, upper-mid back length & she usually just wears it in a simple ponytail. it’s more manageable when she’s out. however, when she’s at home, she’ll leave it down. height : 5′3″. clothing style: you can’t really put suzie’s style into one category. it’s inspired by several different eras & many times she pieces it together. some might call it a bit tacky at times, but she thinks it looks cute. to her, that’s all that matters. tattoos: none. probably could never attempt to get one cause she’s seriously afraid of needles lol. piercings: her ears and that’s when she was fairly young. reference the tattoos portion for reasoning.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
when you were around six years old  , you first realized that you were lonely. it wasn’t like you weren’t around other people. it was just that those people were mostly your mom and dad. occasionally your cousins would come over sometimes, but they were all older than you by at least four years. your parents were kind of eccentric, and for that, they experienced how harsh other kids could be very early on. they decided they didn’t want you to experience the same things, so since both were felt they were prepared enough to do so, they homeschooled you to keep you sheltered from those types of things. 
you’re sure they had good intentions. that’s not something you questioned, but you wished they’d at least find another kid you could be friends with or have another kid. you found yourself bored by yourself, so you immersed yourself in things like books or whatever movies they had around the house. this is where your love of fairytales began, and you’d fantasize about living in one while you read or watched the stories unfold.
you lived in your head, and you still pretty much do. you’re an idealist, even though you haven’t seen much of the world. perhaps it’s the fact that you haven’t ventured very far from your home that makes you so, and while life could still be boring, you always had another book or movie to keep you company. you grew content being on your own, and the more that you were, the more you began to enjoy your own company.
that didn’t change the fact that you longed for friends. in all the stories you read or watched, the protagonist had one other person along with them for much of their journey. sure, you had people that you were friendly with, but it was never to the extent that you wanted. it was never a best friend or a close group  —  just someone you saw on few occasions. it also didn’t help how you felt when you were around others. the way you monitored every step you took, the way you crossed your legs, or going over the way you would speak to someone in your head over and over. you figured for the longest time it was because you were shy, but a diagnosis of anxiety gave you a lot more clarity and almost a sense of relief. those things started to make more sense.
being alone helped a lot when it came to academics. you spent a lot of your time studying or looking up random ass facts on the internet, and because of this, you’d call yourself fairly smart. you know your shit. it also helped a lot when getting into colleges. you didn’t aim too high though, not yet comfortable being all the way on your own. so, you chose the nearby university to attend. 
you move out. you’re excited, and your parents are nervous but prepared. they’re not oblivious to the fact that this day would come. you’re ready to go out and face the world, but most of all, you’re ready to make friends. you’re ready to go out and experience the world, every small step at a time. you’re convinced at college you’ll become a brand new person, find yourself, and make plenty of friends. 
it doesn’t go like that at first. of course it doesn’t. it’s a new environment, and it takes getting used to. but soon, people loosen up and warm up to you. you’re quick to make a couple of friends. it isn’t at all like the stories you’d read or watched when you were younger. it is happy and fun and joyous, but you realize that friendships take work. it’s a bit exhausting, as someone who had become such an introvert, but you manage and form close bonds. 
as of now, you are working on your degree and managing life one step at a time. you’re doing pretty well, and things are looking up. you keep your head in the clouds still to this day, imagining what the future will be like. you’re still idealistic and optimistic, not that that’s a bad thing.  
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
i was being exaggerative with the ‘being at home’ stuff rip. i mean, she did spend a lot of time at home, but she wasn’t always there. her dad would take her out to rockin’ and rollin’, and i mean, she fuckin rocks when it comes to skating. it was kind of freeing to her as a child. she def got a pair of rollerblades as a christmas present, and she probably was the kid skating down her neighborhood road and shit from sunrise until her mom told her to take her ass inside. 
maybe seems like she’s ditzy and she’s probably somewhat naive, but she’s definitely not stupid. she’s also a fast learner. she is, however, too nice for her own good. she’ll learn eventually, but she’s hopeful and an optimist at heart 💔
loves her dad but tells her mom everything. she doesn’t recognize it, but her mom was probably her first best friend lmaoo. they have a really good relationship. she has a good relationship with her dad too. he’s a bit more closed off than her mom, and she recognizes that but understands.
has an irrational fear that everyone’s like,,, staring at her & thinking she’s weird. really wants everyone to like her but she’s not sure how to make that happen (news flash, it won’t)
her fam is actually from san francisco but when she was 3, her dad got a better offer in irving so that’s how they ended up here. she knows this & she wonders what life woulda been like if she stayed back in san fran. probably wouldn’t have changed but she literally lives in her head and imagines shit like that’s her job at this point so yehhh 
dreams of being a screenwriter and maybe even a director one day. she saw how film and books influenced her life as a kid & she wants to have the same impact, yk? v cute to me i love that. maybe she’ll write a book one day too who knows
i’m feelin like she has a ton of online friends cause she was seeking connection /w people so it makes sense. shout out to all her online pals who kept her sane & shit, but it wasn’t enough for her cause she really wanted those kinds of things irl.
is a hopeless romantic rip to her. just wants someone to sweep her up off her feet and give her butterflies but this aint no damn fairytale so let’s make it chaotic
character parallels: lily (dash & lily, 2020) , amélie poulain (amélie, 2001) , belle in some ways lmao (beauty and the beast, 1991) more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
*  friends, best friends, etc.  — literally any friends at all. this is the connection she craves the most tbh. platonic over romantic periodt ! she just wants people to braid her hair and have deep, personal convos with about literally anything while legally blonde is on the television. 
* a bad influence  —  i mean, she stayed inside mostly & is kind of an introvert. didn’t have tons of friends either, so she didn’t really have time to go to parties, etc. BE A BAD INFLUENCE SHE NEEDS TO LET LOOSE LMAOO. it’ll prolly take a lot to get her out but hey 
* good influence  — someone she’s a good influence on & who she helps in some way. i could see it happenin’. if you see it happening, i mean... hmu you know where i am mwah 💖
* crush  — someone she’s head over heels with. i mean, it probably wouldn’t take a lot. in my head she be catching feelings way too fast. it’s just a thing, but yeah, it could go either way. maybe your character is into her too or she’ll end up getting her heart broken which is lmao bound to happen one day. could also be someone who’s crushing on her but she’s way to busy focusing all her romantic attention on someone else to notice? idk i’m just here for all the plots.
* annoyance  — someone who finds her ass annoying/does not like her. she wants everyone to like her so it would be so confusing and upsetting and she would be like wtf did i do but i want it cause i love angst. sorry to all my muses out there luv yall but i’m just bein real
* again, anything at all  — if you have an idea that you love, pls don’t hesitate to hmu and lemme know. i promise i will 99.9% of the time be down. the same goes for any wanted connection doodads that i reblog like if u see it and ur like omg i luv that... PLEASE hmu i luv u all already & just wanna have plots and write with you srsly
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awaylaughing · 4 years
Pippa and Hamin for the ship meme!
let’s GOOOOO. Under a read more because I can talk about Ideas For Fucking Ever. The meme in question and if you read this and think “golly gee, I’d love to give you an opprotunity to chat more about othere people” I have a shiny new character page you could reference here.
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
This one I had to think about. Hamin probably makes a better werewolf, but Pippa makes a UNIQUELY terrible hunter so, pivoting ever so slightly maybe she’s more like a behind the scenes information broker type (Pippa, Collector and Keeper of Secrets is incredibly canon after all). She’d obviously have to start off allied with the hunters, to keep the tension with Hamin real and true. Hamin’s pack doesn’t have the WORST reputation possible, but they’re definitely not above suspicion. They retain their passion for ocean voyages, which strikes other people as odd because prejudice.
That said, you know who ALSO makes a great werewolf? Pippa’s mother and “aunt”, Roshan and Jessamine, so Pippa as part of a bamf all lady’s wolf pack who get tangled up with hunter shenanigans is also an excellent plot. Not least because Pippa would be a very pretty wolf, I dare say (maybe they’d actually be were-jackels, a la the Golden Jackel? A Consideration, given where I HC a modern AU Pippa would be from).
In this case I’d say the lady’s pack almost never maul people, except maybe domestic abusers and rapists, but who can blame them? So another pack moves in (it’s prob Jarrude’s lbr) and causes problems and Very Serious Hunter Hamin (ha) has to wade through the complicated world of lycanthrope politics to find The Truth. And of course falls in love with the nicest werewolf this side of whatever major geographical feature of your choice.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Mermaid Pippa and “fisherman” Hamin, natch. Pippa’s not very ruthless canonically, but I can apply liberal use of Alternate Cultural POVs On Ethics and say Pippa only leaves her goaded people on rocks, she never drowns them! That’s very nice of her! And sometimes she pulls an Ariel and helps a bro out, which is probably related to how her and Hamin meet. Some options:
1. Pippa had previously saved Hamin’s life, so in turn, something happens and she gets caught, and he saves her life as repayment. Similar to Bog Standard Plot Below, she’s obviously too injured to return to sea so they’re forced to cohabitate. High jinks and romance ensue.
2. Bog standard mermaid washed ashore plot. Bathtub high jinks ensue. There’s a scene where someone catches Hamin carrying a bucket of raw fish into his house and he has to explain it away. Leala catches on in the first 20 mins. At some point, they’re forced to bring Pippa to dinner with Hamin’s dad and there is much nerves, only for Pippa to reveal she’s stranded many a gentlemen adventurer in her time and she picked up some epic etiquette knowledge along the way.
3. Hamin gets stranded somewhere and Pippa’s the only person around who can come visit. It starts with her bringing him fish. Requisite Second Act Breakup is when Pippa, conscience having formed in the last hour of run time, reveals a way off his small deserted island. Obviously, he sails off in a huff and they meet up again in the next 35 minutes, have the big damn kiss and idk how you turn this one into a true happy ending and not a sort of esoteric one but Hollywood and or an Indie Darling Director will manage.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Witch Pippa, hands down the answer. She gets it from her grandmother (er, step-grandmother?). Does Hamin have an animal form? If so, does it align to Pippa Aesthetic and is he a snakey boi or, does he get to pick? What would Hamin pick? Seagull - the goose of the sea?
Other option is he’s always human and either case I’m betting Hamin’s not a traditional familiar. Rather, he needed to get out Faerie/Familiarland STAT and filched Pippa’s contract off a Traditional And Proper Familiar and got himself a ticket to human land away from whoever he pissed off.
High jinks ensue.
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
I had to think about this one because I mean let’s be very real here - neither Pippa, Quintessential Nice But Still Privileged Rich Girl or Hamin “cause problems for the staff on purpose” are shoe ins for having worked for customer service. That said, Hamin’s more likely to piss off his dad and be forced to get a job and like, have a real person job in general. So, Hamin’s barista job is his in-world Summit equivelent and he planned to quit the moment he paid off whatever damages he’s definitely paying off.
Except, Pippa comes in and orders only moderately complicated coffee orders and this isn’t a place that does the name thing so Hamin knows Nothing except she’s friendly and pretty and omg this one is perfect to throw in the OT3 because clearly the only reason he doesn’t just immediately ask Pippa for her name and number and also the next 20 years of her life pls and thanks is her hot boyfriend.
(But it’s okay, Pippa has two hands and so does Zarad u_u)
Otherwise she’d have to be someone who just comes to drive through bc idk why he’d hold off on asking since this is HAMIN we’re talking about.
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
...either of these two in academia is an interesting prospect. Maybe he’s a kid who got into archeology because of Indiana Jones and, while there’s far fewer chase scenes and death traps, Hamin ended up with a PhD and a job and look, he’s as confused as you are about how this all happened. It’s alright though because the job does come with cute anthropology TAs who work in an allied and often cross referential field. Pippa’s less immediately enamoured with Hamin but warms up because he’s the only person who actually listens to her and doesn’t treat her like she’s a child just because she’s a short woman.
This one could be set in exciting locales for a bit of Indie Flavour but with more consent and less horrifying age gaps, and no breaking of international laws and if anyone gets squished by rocks it’s a horrifying rock slide scenario.
Alternatively, polisci professor Pippa is working alongside the marine biology department to work on smth enviro-politics and ocean protection. TA Hamin is Very Enthusiastic about helping her out. This one features a scene where people naturally assume Hamin’s the professor and he trolls the ever living shit out of them.
This one is set in conferences which is 10000% less sexy but also way more familiar.
Depends on the vibes u want. Either way, Lyon is there somewhere and he and Pippa are unlikely friends purely because 4′10″ Pippa and like, 6′5″ or whatever Lyon being friends is never not hilarious. He definitely disapproves of Hamin just in general but especially in a library setting.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
This is legit a Knight’s Tale AU, except instead of Jousting, we’ll say Hamin ends up taking Princess Pippa across the country as a sort of personal security situations and, as usual high jinks ensue. IDK who makes the best Chaucer stand in as a pal to help Hamin in his quest but he definitely needs the help. Pippa catches on like, super fast anyway because her interpersonal insight is boss af but she just goes with it because it’s amusing and he’s doing a fine job.
Another candidate for the OT3 bc Chaucer!Zarad is perfect, but so is the plot being that Hamin and Zarad had a thing aaages ago, now Pippa’s being carted off to marry prince Zarad and oh hey this is also nearly a Sinbad AU but with the proper Poly Ending in place
There is no AU where Pippa’s a the knight to Hamin’s prince, I’m sad to say. Her martial skills are about nil.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
HMMM. I think Early Childhood Specialist Hamin and Parent Pippa shake out best, mostly because at the end of the day I don’t think Pippa like...likes kids that much. She doesn’t dislike them but she’d never want a life devoted to spending all her time with them. Her own kids though, different story.
Evil instinct says dad is Clarmont, because I feel like Clarmont is really easy to kill off in incredibly tragic but heroic circumstances and Modern AU Pippa would totally be down for a Clarmont romance. Anyway, Pippa has an adorable little girl who thinks Mr. Hamin is the BEST teacher, he helped her dig up worms for her show and tell at recess mama!
Pippa and Hamin in this set up don’t actually meet for like, a solid three months so they both form skew-whiff images of the other and so they get a CLASSIC “oh no (s)he’s hot / THIS IS MR. HAMIN / THIS IS MS. X” moment. Adorable Little Girl is captain of this ship despite being like, 4 and Pippa and Hamin are just along for the ride.
High jinks ensue.
(alt bc I’m never not on my bullshit dad is Zarad, and not dead and they just never married bc Family Drama and OT3 babey)
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Absolutely writer Hamin and editor Pippa. She inherited from someone who quit and she really shakes things up by like, having Expectations and shit and Hamin, who’s been not in a good place following a personal trauma, finds himself annoyed for all of two seconds before she shows up on his doorstep on the day after a due date because if he wants to play Pippa will Play. And oh no, she’s cute. Hamin is enraptured, Pippa just wants him to work at first. Romance blossoms lopsidedly but he charms her after some sort of deal is struck that includes her dragging him out of the house to buy food or just go for a walk or whatever.
Shenanigan ensue.
This one is pure fluff about the power of human connection, there is no second act drama they get to skip ahead AND collect their 20 dollars it’s great.
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Hey! I am asking for advice. I fucked up a few years ago at the telling apart ghosts and gods and would rather not go through that again. Could you help me out? I really want to get back into it but that was a very bad experience so I'm anxious. Thank you!!
Anon, I love this question and if you're willing to drop some more details in my inbox, anon or not, please do. I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience, but take heart, maybe, that everybody does this at SOME point, and taking a few years off to process is actually a pretty snappy turnaround time.
(spooky occult people only pls)
(scroll along, the rest of you)
It IS a tricky question, though.
Tough love up front: there is no entirely safe, entirely pleasant way to do magic. Fundamentally magic is transformative and therefore often uncomfortable. There's fears and negative emotions to work through, and there's also just some straight up tedium and drudgery, and no matter how cool you are, no matter how sure you feel about your place in the grand scheme of the universe, you will eventually question everything and get some things wrong. There will not only always be risk: sooner or later there will be pain.
But! Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY, anon, and I'm not gonna try to persuade you because if you're asking, you've already made up your mind. You just want to not make the same mistakes over again. You want to make brand new mistakes! It is the only way to move forward.
There is a difference between the merely uncomfortable and the truly dangerous, so ultimately it's a game of knowing when fear is a just a trial to get through versus when fear is a warning keeping you safe. The first time I tried to answer this question I made a quick list of protections, but that's not really the issue. You're wiser than that. You're asking about something diagnostic.
Discernment is the greatest occult skill and one that’s difficult to quantify. It's one of those paradoxes of inexperience, nigh impossible to hone without practice, yet a skill you need in order to get out there and practice.
whatever your prior experience was: what did you learn from it? what was the point where you started to feel something went wrong? identifying that moment, how it felt, how you felt it, will help you more than anything I or anyone else can tell you.
I am, honestly, not the best person to describe how to increase your psychic sensitivity or whatever. The good news, maybe, is that you don't have to be great at discernment before you start. Yes, you can put all your effort into sharpening your senses before you even go out there, which is a noble way of doing it and maybe it will eventually even work, OR—you can put on some safety gear and wade out into the swamp wearing your little floaties so that you don't sink.
Your metaphorical swimming wings here are protections and banishments and the preemptive assistance of something bigger than you on your side. This answer is mostly going to focus on that last part, because "ghosts and gods" implies, I think, that you are ready to work with gods, or at least eager, which is, like, at least half of the process.
However, even then, I do wanna say—while I don't want to discount your negative experiences at all! I don't know anything about them, but I'm sure it was awful!—you, all by yourself, can probably banish most ghostly things you're likely to run into. There's a lotta bark, and usually not that much bite. I wrote up some less formal banishing methods and posted them here on ye old witch blogge, but really, you can mostly just yell at stuff to leave.
(there is a fair amount of repetition between this post and that one! I apologize. I mostly typed these late at night over the course of several days)
Now! Assistance. An ounce of prevention vs a pound of cure and it’s good to pack light.
So much of magic across time and cultures is about negotiating with spirits of some flavor or another. Maybe it's worship or maybe it's bindings or maybe it's strictly transactional, but as beings made of flesh we are forever making pacts with beings made of something else, and hey, it usually works.
The complication here is that the distinction between ghosts and gods maybe isn't that simple. Mess with the wording a little and Catholic saints are basically both. And so are some orisha, some loa, and so on. Baron Samedi (lord of the cemetery, best bang since the big one, etc etc etc) in particular, out of the vodou pantheon, may or may not have been human once, depending on who you ask.
Further: the most readily available spooky occult forces you have are your ancestors. So you'd file that under ghosts, maybe, except that with ancestral veneration practices and all, we inch closer to god territory, in a sense. At least—the rituals start looking the same from an outside perspective. Santeria, Vodou, Epiritismo and many more practices that the ones I'm familiar with involve working with your ancestors to accomplish your worldly goals. We don't consider them ghosts when we work with them; that's not the word we use. But arguably—why not?
So the trick here isn't necessarily how to sort ghosts from gods as much as it is to hang out with some NICE (to you) ghosts and/or gods.
How do you do that?
If you have a good relationship with your ancestors, then you start there. If you, like me, or lots of other long disowned and disinherited magicians, have a disconnect there, then—welp. Consider getting over it by going back further in the family tree (this is what you will inevitably eventually do). Somewhere in there you have someone kind, I promise. But that's not advice I could have followed ten years ago, so I'll get to the alternative in a minute. Let's assume, for the moment, that you accept the logic that your ancestors have a vested interest in protecting their line, and in fact having an active magic user willing to work with them probably makes their afterlives much easier.
There's tons of guides online about how to work with your ancestors. I think sincere, unstructured prayer and a glass of water are the simplest and most powerful of offerings. A candle, if you have one. Just flipping on a lamp or a light switch if you don't.
(I travel with a little LED tealight and a mala made of skull beads carved from ox bone, but I am unnecessarily spooky and dramatic. If anything, my ancestors prefer the plain obsidian mala I first started with. But the aesthetic.)
I'm very, very informal in my ancestral practice. It still works.
Tell them you want to establish a working connection, talk to them about what's going on in your life. Keep it short and don't worry about whether or not you feel anything yet. It might take weeks before you feel something, and that's okay—discernment is, like I've said, the most important but also hardest skill, and it usually takes time and repetition. Offer them something—anything, really, and honestly the plain glass of water is traditional—and ask for their protection. They will almost certainly give it to you.
"But Flowers," you might say. "Fuck that and fuck 'em. I'm not ready to fuck with my family yet."
Alright, little one! I feel ya. It took me ages to warm up to the idea. I promise that it's worth it when you're ready, but having covered ghosts, let's move on to
Step one: ask yourself if you need to fuck around with gods in the first place.
Step two: fuck around and find out.
Step three varies depending on who you're looking for. There is a great deal of anxiety about this in occult circles, especially among people who use the term "baby witch." People are terrified of making the wrong choice. They want it to be PERFECT. They want to be correct. "Who is calling me?" ask a thousand seekers, across forums and places. "I saw a butterfly the other day. IS IT A SIGN?"
(shit, dude, I dunno, probably not, but potentially maybe. Nobody can know but you. just keep in mind that butterflies etc exist on their own and go around doing their own thing and this has absolutely nothing to do with you the vast majority of the time)
You don't need to be wait to be called by a god to offer worship and/or develop a working relationship. I would argue that most people aren't really called, and if you are, you will KNOW. Tumblr likes to say gods need consent and I think that's fucking hilarious. There is no folkloric precedent for that. If you are Called, capital letter Called, you will know, and whatever happens next is between you whatever bizarre shamanic experience you end up having, because you WILL have it, good luck.
But probably that's not the issue here! Moving on with our hypothetical.
You're not waiting around for divine intervention. You're being proactive. You're not waiting for The Call, or even a mild call. How do you choose what god you're petitioning for protection? I doubt you're entirely neutral about it. You probably have a god you identify with or just find really friggin cool. That's a fine and dandy place to start.
The working relationship need not be forever.
Which brings me to my next point. If you are absolutely undecided about what direction to go in, consider going to one of the liminal gods. Your crossroads gods, your messenger gods, often trickster gods. Your between spaces gods. Your portal opening gods.
In Santeria and Vodou, which I keep on referring back to because those are the systems I was raised in, your messenger gods get called very early on in the ritual. Why? To open the way for everybody else. There's a suggestion here that certain gods are closer or more easily reached, so if you want an opener—ask somebody with keys, yeah?
(also technically there's spirits called before then like the rhythm/dance/drums but let's not complicate things. Broadly speaking: key holding gods first)
Catholic saints wise, you've got Saint Peter, right? Santeria has Elegua. Vodou has Legba. Vodou also has the Baron as a crossroads god and yer liminal spaces god and sometimes he also has keys and hey by the way, he's really great, but where was I?
Hermes is another option. Mercury.
There's a bunch of American indigenous options I don't know enough about to confidently say.
SPEAKING of indigenous american, right, there's always Quetzalcoatl—technically—sky god, wind god, messenger god.
There's Odin and I'm actually a big fan, but the Norse magic community is often kind of garbage these days because we've got too many nazis running around, which is a shame.
My point is: there's gonna be somebody who feels close, either because of your cultural background or your aesthetic, and you might as well ask.
Settle down. Call their name. Offer water and a prayer and ask for protection, tell them what it is you want to do, ask for their help on this new life journey.
Worship isn't really complicated unless you want it to be.
Again, don't worry about "feeling" anything. Don't expect anything dramatic. Just offer something, every day or every week or whenever you have the time and headspace for it. Do the motions and mean it even a little bit and with time the rest shall come.
Because EVENTUALLY, you will feel something. It will probably be a mild sense of peace. The ritual feels calming. Something about it feels cozy. Presence is often subtle, but that counts.
Once you feel solidly good about your ritual, I would say that means you have at least some degree of protection, and it's time to wade around the swamp and see what's up. What do you do next? I dunno! I don't know what your goals are! But you have your ancestors at your back, or you're on a god team, or maybe BOTH—go explore!
Confidence isn't everything. But confidence, my friend, is a LOT. There's more to it, of course, but especially early on: fake it till you make it and dream it and you'll be it.
Best of luck, anon. <3
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asinclxirs-blog · 5 years
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[ MUSE 82 ] ●● is that TOM HOLLAND? no, that’s just ALEXANDER “ALEX” SINCLAIR, the 20 year old CISMALE who is a COLLEGE STUDENT. some say they’re ELITIST and VOLATILE, but their family and friends will swear they’re FOCUSED and LOYAL. when i think of them, i think of sleepless nights, bruised knuckles, and sad eyes. i wonder if his family knows that HE WAS RECENTLY DIAGNOSED WITH DEPRESSION. ●● ( Mar && 23 && est && she/her )
Trigger Warnings: mental health, depression, anxiety, references to self-harm and attempted suicide, panic attacks
Hi everyone I’m Mar. I was here once but I had finals going on and time was crazy so I didn’t really get to know everyone. But now I have a lot more time on my hands, and I’ve wanted to bring in Alex for awhile. Listed below are some basics about him, I also have his statistics up on my page that go a little more in depth. I’ll have his bio ready whenever I don’t feel like being lazy. Please love my sad little emotional tornando and give this post a like if you want to plot. You can also message me on my discord mar_rosex#6743 at anytime. I promise I don’t bite. I can’t wait to interact with your muses! ( Also this is so long I write wayyy to much pls bear with me x: )
Basic Intro:
Alexander, aka Alex Sinclair (Don’t call him Alexander unless you want him to throw a shit fit) is the eldest of the Sinclair siblings. During most of the year he’s away at school in Boston. But for some breaks and visits he’s living with his family in Ashcroft. 
His mom left when he was only three. He actually does remember her, though a lot of it is very fuzzy. His feelings are very conflicted. He has abandonment issues just like his other siblings. But he can’t bring himself to hate her. He’s wanted to try to find her for awhile now but worries what the others will say if he does. He has this very ‘the grass is always greener’ perception about her. Like if she were still here they all would have turned out better, or maybe Alex wouldn’t have this irrational need to shut out any woman in his life that attempts to be a mother figure. He knows it’s stupid to hold out hope of ever coming in contact with her again, but that doesn’t mean he’s given up on that dream.
His relationship with his family is complicated. Mostly because they’re aware of his mental health issues, and it embarrasses him. Sometimes he’s around and other times he’ll text his dad the night before Thanksgiving dinner and say he’s gonna spend it somewhere else. He wants to be the big brother that buys them alcohol when they sneak off to parties, and beats up the bullies. He does love them though, even if he’s not good at explaining emotions. His ‘ I love yous ’ are very subtle. If they need him, he’s there without hesitation. While he struggles with explaining things to his dad, he will talk to his siblings. It’s always felt like the three of them against the world. 
He isn’t aware of his father’s illegal business, but Alex doesn’t have much interest in the legal one. Business involves too much talking, too much kissing peoples asses. It’s not his kind of career. But besides this Alex still has an irrational need to please his dad. He feels like he has to do double the work since his mother isn’t there to see all his achievements. He also knows how successful the men in his family are (even if it wasn’t for legal reasons), and he wants to be better than them.
To most, Alex comes off as an outgoing guy, and kind of a dick. On the outside he’s very elitist. He will always try to be the smartest in the room, and let you know it. Alex has always had this irrational need to be the best at everything. Even if he isn’t, he’ll thinks he is. He knows the weight of his name, and has constantly used it over the years to get what he wants. But at the same time he’ll also mock others who do the same and call them trust fund brats. If he sees you as a threat, aka you’re outshining him--it’s a big issue. If he likes you though he’ll stick his neck out for you. (This mostly applies to his siblings, but they’re not safe from his competitive streak either.)  His loyalty to those he cares for knows no bounds. And if you’re in some trouble he’s the first person there to help get you out of it.
Alex’s elitist streak doesn’t just end with interactions. He wants success, he craves it. Give him the smallest bit of power and he’ll run with it. Even if he’s set for life he plans to use his degree to make a name for himself. To be known as more than just another Sinclair kid. School has always come easy to Alex. He decided to attend Boston University and just finished his Sophomore year. Academics have always been something he’s enjoyed, but he can often get away with doing well and not studying. He’s studying Engineering with a minor in Chemistry. Math and Science have always been his favorite subjects. He loves knowing there’s a definite answer. Put him in an English class and he’ll either fall asleep or slowly die of boredom.
But below the surface there’s always been something more to him. He isn’t this outgoing, cocky guy that everyone thinks he is. No one talks about the fact that if there’s too many people in the room his hands will start to shake and he’ll lose the ability to complete a sentence. Or that during parties Alex always ends up outside after it feels like the room is closing in on him. Rumors hushed pretty quickly when someone though they heard Alex say that socializing feels draining. Most assume his permanent frown is due to looking down on everyone else. For some reason he always seems angry, even when no one is trying to steal his thunder. It’s always felt that way. Ever since he was a little kid and would run off only to be found by his dad hiding somewhere, a sobbing mess that couldn’t stop shaking. 
Therapists used to blame his mom, so when he turned 18 he refused go anymore. They said his abandonment issues led to irrational bouts of anxiety. But it’s easy to blame her when Alex has always just been...sad. There’s never been a day where he doesn’t feel the endless need to be the best or please those he cares about. There’s days where he can’t get out of bed. Days where eating or showering seem like too much so he just lays there, wondering why the hell the universe bothered with him. He feels like the doctors never listen. That they think he’s crazy when he’s just angry. 
He’s terrible with his emotions in general. In high school he was nicknamed a hot head for always snapping at others or trying to get in fights with those who threatened him. If it wasn’t for his last name, he probably would have gotten suspended for bruising his knuckles on the other boys’ faces. In college his roommate has forced him to take up boxing, where they’ll go to the gym for hours and just punch the bag. It helps, but the rage is always simmering. Instead of coming off as weepy and sensitive he uses anger to communicate. It’s often a cry for help, but he’ll never admit that. He’d rather have people think he’s a dick than crazy.
Every year it got worse, especially after he moved away to school. In high school he’d be medicated to keep things under control. But without therapy the pills stopped, and so did his control. The panic attacks became more common, to the point where people in his classes would notice the sweat on his brow or the shallow breathing. His roommate would comment on how Alex hadn’t left the dorm in two weeks, or that his phone was off for days. He wouldn’t go home for certain breaks or weekends, worried that his dad would see him and be disappointed. Or that Leo and Dylan would think he was too crazy to be around anymore. 
It came to a head at the end of the current spring semester. His last psychiatrist told him that he was a volcano, and everything was going to blow if he didn’t confront his issues. It started at a party his friends were throwing. They dragged him there The typical signs were all showing. He couldn’t talk to them without downing some drinks. The room felt like it was closing in every time someone brushed against his back. Too small a space and way too many people around. Everything that he’d been pushing away suddenly rose to the surface. He doesn’t remember most of it. He just remembers running out of there, and then he’s in the dorm showers. He didn’t remember the knife he took from the kitchenette or one of his hall mates screaming for help. He always did it as a teenager when his dad was looking the other way, and it never caused too much harm. It was always a release. But this time it was.
So the school sent him home, and his professors took his current grades as finals. He has to go to a psychiatrist for the rest of the summer in order to get cleared to go back in the Fall. She refers to it as ‘the incident’, much like the other few people that are aware of it. She’s also diagnosed him with Depression. He refuses to talk about it head on with pretty much anyone, and his issues in general. Everyone else just assumes he finished the semester out early. Since he has to go, Alex  just tells the psychiatrist what she wants to hear. He takes the pills she gives them but tries to flush them down the toilet when no one is looking. He hates being home. He hates being labeled as a crazy ticking time bomb. His anger hasn’t suppressed, if anything it’s gotten worse. He just wants to go back to that toddler who was laughing with his mom in the backyard and blowing bubbles. Not the mess he is now.
Wanted Connections:
Sinclair Fam: I need this. All the family, all the drama. Give it to me. 
Ride or Die: His best friend since they could walk. One of the only people outside of his family that knows what the hell is going on with Alex. These two are hardly seen apart. They probably are one of the few people who can push him to try in therapy and help him get his shit together. 
College Roommate: I think this would be interesting if it were someone from Ashcroft. Especially since they’re one of the few people who know about the incident and Alex’s struggles. It’d be cool if maybe this was someone who he always knew but didn’t get close with until they lived together. Also now that they’re both home and can see one another again it’d be interesting. 
High School Friends: I imagine he had a small group he was close with in school. People that he still bothers to talk to after graduation. People that he grew up with and know him better than most.
College/Boston Friends: People he met while away at school. Maybe they also live in Ashcroft or recently moved there. 
Enemies: Since Alex is a dick to 90% of the human population he’s well aware that he’s made enemies. There’s probably a line of them tbh.
Ex-Girlfriend: Alex isn’t a relationship guy. That requires too much of letting someone else in. I imagine this was something from highs school and he pushed her away. Maybe it was mutual. Or it could be really messy. I love everything angsty so I’m down for w/e for this. 
Flings: As I said above he’s not into relationships. He’ll usually hookup or do FWB, but he’s pretty private about it. He doesn’t let the line blur between a hookup and something more. Usually if he thinks someone’s catching feelings he’ll end things. 
If you had any other ideas in mind don’t hesitate to hit me up about them. I’m always down for anything, I’m a shameless plot whore. 
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saidbyes-blog · 5 years
( FRIEND OF GRANT'S ) ebony harrison ( 24 / she/they ): demigirl & friends who seemingly clicked despite emotional distance, and acquaintance of mallory's. ( nina nesbitt ) ( PACE / 20+ / SHE/HER )
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hello ! so, i’m typing this up straight after acceptance ( lmao, talk about eager ) so hopefully anything i inevitably forget, i can add between now and when this’ll actually be posted, so you actually have some decent info to work with ! but i’m pace ( which is obviously an alias but,,,, pls just call me pace ! ) and my pronouns are she/her ! and moving on to the one you actually wanna know about... 
—– ❀ okay, so !! as you can see above, ebony is a friend of grant’s ! on the surface, they seem to just ‘get’ eachother, but of course ebony is completely oblivious to who he really is and what he’s capable of. however, because ebony isn’t the most open and uhh,,, Not-Closed-Off as people, it kind of works ? in a,,,, neither of them ask too many questions kind of way ? it’s mutual, y’know ?she kind of sees him as a guy who’s Not Like The Other Guys ( while lowkey a voice in the back of her head is like ALL GUYS ARE LIKE THE OTHER GUYS ) and they just seem to Understand eachother. but ebony can be a sceptical little fuck, and she’s generally just Wary in general sometimes, but she also wants to believe that some people are good and their intentions are as they seem and it’s Pure. even if she EVER got creepy vibes from grant, she’d either be like CREEP EVIL NASTY BYE SEE YA or convince herself she’s making it up because of relationships with people in the past. but ofc, the worst part is that he’s never given her any reason to think grant is anything but just a nice, charming guy who’s maybe a little pretentious and quiet but that’s basically the worst thing about him, and if it were to happen now, she’s in too deep for it to be a red flag. yoikes. but we all know that to everyone else he just looks like a,,, Nice Guy. either way, he’s a friend, and their lack of actually being as close as they may seem isn’t that weird for her ( which i shall explain in a different bullet point bc this is long ! )
—– ❀ she isn’t a complete plum, and won’t turn a blind eye forever, but in the recent months/so far, she’s come to grant’s defence, thinking that anybody who’s pointed the finger at him is a) unoriginal and b) has clearly never met him. she thinks it’s cruel and unnecessary. like, her pov is that he lost his girlfriend, who told the story of what happened/was going to happen to her, and it’s as simple as that, in a ‘why would mallory write about that otherwise’ kind of way. she’s applying logic to it and i’m like oh,,, honey,,, you sweet summer child,,, plus, grant’s manipulative ass is looking all kinds of charming and innocent and whatever. HOWEVER, things slowly unfolding and eventually ebony beginning to question things ! yes pls ! internal conflict !
—– ❀ however, ebony also briefly vaguely knew mallory ! she attended a few of her yoga classes ages ago, and it’s a complete coincidence that ebony knew the both of them. if/when grant ever mentioned mallory to ebony, the name wouldn’t have clicked, and since she never met her outside of the classes, it took her a while to click why mallory looked so familiar when everything blew up after her death. it kind of weirds her out that someone she knew was murdered, and that it never clicked that Grant’s Girlfriend was the one who taught those yoga classes, but it’s just a complete coincidence ! 
—– ❀ TW FOR ABUSE MENTION: ebony hasn’t read the book, and doesn’t plan on it. she might one day if she’s feeling impulsive and self destructive, but because of the subject matter, she’s avoiding it. it had nothing to do with being grant’s friend ( even though most people would probably question if it’s the Moral and Ethical thing to do, that doesn’t even cross her mind -- she’s not the most moral of people tbh ) and has more to do with the fact that she’s been in an abusive relationship in the past, herself, and she’s just like............nope. ( / end of tw ! )
—– ❀ she didn’t grow up in new york, and has only called it home for for a few years. but she also travels a lot, and is very flaky, and can disappear for periods of time just to show up announced a few weeks later. it’s not weird for her to drop off the grid for a bit ( sounds safe, ebs ) and it’s not weird for her to ditch social circles and local hangouts in general and just ghost, and she’s also lived in several different states across the country. she cannot commit to anything ever, including places. it’s actually odd that she’s been in new york for so long, but she loves the energy and the spirit of the city. and it’s massive so if she tires of a certain spot, she can drift elsewhere ! plus.........plot convenience. 
—– ❀ sometimes she might feel a little out of place tbh ! she’s not an academic and she definitely didn’t come from money, and doesn’t have an abundance of it now, either. she’s a bartender, as that’s always her job when i play her lmao, but i might give her another too but i’m still flipping back and forth so..... tbd !
—– ❀ TW FOR DEATH: a bit of background: she was born in california to amelia robinson & david harrison, a young couple who hadn’t been together all that long when they found out they were expecting, but were madly in love nonetheless. david was completely devoted to his daughter, but he sadly died when she was seven. after his death, some hard truths to swallow came out about him, and her already distraught mother was even more heartbroken. life was pretty rough after his death and her mother couldn’t really cope anymore and became someone that ebs ended up not really recognising, and she became kind of cruel. she’s since forgiven her mother for who she became and therefore how she then treated her daughter, but they’re not close. ebony left cali for a few years after turning seventeen, and when she returned at twenty, she found her father’s broken watch, which she sometimes still wears now. it looks out of place on her thin wrist, especially since the damn thing doesn’t work, but she likes it nonetheless and refuses to get it fixed. in ways like that, she can be,,, a little pretentious ( again, why her friendship with grant works ) and while we’re on the subject of that..... ( / tw ends ! )
—– ❀ her personality is a little messy. she can be very........difficult ? especially as a friend ? though she’s kind-hearted and forgiving and can be very gentle, she’s also temperamental and vague and selfish. she doesn’t mean to be selfish, but she just is. it’s,,, probably infuriating to some people ? as well as the fact that she’s very easily misunderstood due to being hard to understand. yet she also doesn’t like people making the effort to try and understand. yet also wants someone in her life who does understand her. like.........she wants something, but won’t let anybody make the steps to get the thing she wants ? like.............jfc, ebs. she also cannot deal with anything, and it’s not uncommon for somebody to think that everything is going fine and they’re getting on with her great, but then shit hits the fan and the real things happen and she’s like !!! bye !!! so, again, she’s a bit of a flight risk right now. bc like...... well, a murder’s a pretty big thing, my dudes. but also, in her mind, one of her friends is going through some Big Stuff what with his girlfriend being “murdered by her ex” so although most people would be like “gosh golly i should be there for him” there’s a part of ebony that’s like “cannot............deal...............want.......................to yeet.........” but because it’s his Trauma to deal with, it’s easier for her to stay. for example, if something happened between herself and grant that was mutual ( no matter what it was ) that caused angst, that’d be more of a reason for her to Yeet because it directly effects her ? if that at all makes sense ?
—– ❀ quick thing about gender and pronouns !! gender is messy and complicated ( to her ) and she accepted that long ago, but she identifies as a demigirl. her pronouns are she/her, HOWEVER she really appreciates when people use they/them when she hasn’t explicitly stated her pronouns to somebody. she just ,,, thinks it’s the respectful thing to do, but it also makes her feel Valid. she mostly identifies with the gender she was assigned at birth, and tends to present very femininely, but that doesn’t make her any less nb, y’know ? and she doesn’t like people,,, forgetting that she’s Not A Woman ? a lot of the time she’s worried people won’t see her as being nb and even her nb friends she’s sometimes convinced will just forget she’s Not A Woman ?? however, she’s okay with sometimes being referred to as a girl, but always on her own terms. like.......her mobile header literally says ‘sad girls club’ but like..... on her own terms, y’know ? so tldr: if we could pls refrain from referring to her as like ‘the woman’ or ‘the girl’ in threads, that’d be greatly appreciated !
—– ❀ some extras if you want to see/read more about the goblin: stats, playlist, pinterest, aesthetic, old drabbles*, old about/drabble. she doesn’t have a full bio, as the last one i wrote ended up being over 7k words and honestly.........who has the time
* if you click this one, please be aware that trigger warnings apply for abuse, as well as vague/tiny mentions of pregnancy.
extra connections !!! if u want !!!! idk !!!
—– ❀ friends from out of town ! if anybody is from anywhere else in the u.s outside of ny, or they spent a lot of time somewhere else, they totally could’ve known eachother a few years ago. bc ebony has lived in several different places, i can probably wiggle things around and make it work no matter what state they’ve lived in !
—– ❀ friends ! as you might’ve gathered from the rest of the intro, ebony can be a little Difficult, but she’s still kind at heart, and can be soft, and thoughtful ! so, friends that have no problem with her, friends who call her out on her bullshit, friends who she’s ditched in the past, friends she parties with, friends who have tried to Fix her, friends she trusts more than most, etc etc ! as the great sutton foster once said, anything goes !
—– ❀ fwb/hook-ups/flings/exes ! whether they’re things of the past or kind of ongoing, it’s pretty open ! ebony likes people of any and all genders, and ( not dissimilar to mallory, actually ! ) has no problems spreading her love around. which is basically the beating-around-the-bush way of saying she has a lot of sex with a lot of people, and i support her ( ... eh, when it’s healthy ) but one night stands, friends that have no problem keeping things causal, people she dated for a while, something that started casual but Feelings happened and it’s messy, all kinds of stuff is good to go !
—– ❀ people who were also in the yoga classes mallory taught at the time ! it would’ve been a while ago but if the Yoga Peoples would’ve been there back in the day too then perfect !
—– ❀ grant’s other friends ! people who met through grant ! we all have that friend we met through a mutual murderer, right ? or someone who eb met through grant and they can’t fucking stand eachother ? someone she met through grant but then shagged and now it’s awkward ? people who were actually friends with eachother first and one of them introduced grant to the other ? people who she only met at mallory’s funeral bc they were both there to support their murderous pal ? having the two of ‘em meet unrelated and then find out casually like oh shit u know my good bitch grant ? wild ! all kinds of shit !
—– ❀ roommates ! what are the realistic chances of a group of roomies all knowing either the gal who got murdered or her boyfriend ? slim as fuck but plot convenience !! maybe two or three roomies ? ny’s expensive and ebony isn’t a rich gal !
—– ❀ tbh though i also really love just.......... throwing the characters into a situation and seeing how things go, and having people meet for the first time and stuff, but i also love pre-plotted and intenser stuff, and messy/complicated plots work really well with eb ! i love all kinds of things, i’m down for w/e. while we’re on connections though, i tend to suck with plotting and i’m sometimes a little slow with ims, but i just want to make that Known so it’s not taken personally or anybody thinks i’m not interested anymore or anything ! i’m definitely replying, i promise !
okay so if you read all of this, you’re a saint and greatly appreciated ! apologies for the rambling ! feel free to drop by if you’d like to plot or anything like that ! ps. pls enjoy the fact that i scheduled this while watching the ted bundy thing on netflix, bc it tickled me. bit too fitting huh lads. 
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victoryclaimedmoved · 6 years
Does my world count as a fandom... Can I pls get headcanons for lance n' Artemis & Apollo n' even vee... Pls......
♔— «« // SEND ME A FANDOM ! ;
i’ll give you five headcanons of my muse in that universe.
of course it counts as a fandom !!! you and your world owns my soul and i just ?? love it so much i cry ??? this got so long like omg || grimesucker
we talked about it once and i think it’ll be the only time it happens, but in his time in the UC, lance has only ever killed one person – though that is always subject to change. this is after he’s been there for a while now. he did it to protect some of the slumbrats and he has nightmares about it sometimes.
despite being pulled down here and what he’s been through, he still manages to find a way to be positive?? he does suppress a lot of the negative emotions though because he doesn’t want to be a burden on anyone, especially dox after all he’s already done for him. he has a lot of masks that he wears ( mostly when he’s around other people, when he’s at work ) and even though he won’t show it, he’s not dealing well with being in the undercity.
his apartment is pretty small but it’s got enough space for what he needs it for, which is sleeping. he doesn’t really have anything of value with him because everything was left back home when he was brought down. anything that might be valuable stays at carnival with abali.
not the first time that lance gets taken, but the second time it happens ( referenced here ), he gets injected with the sauce and he’s a mess™ when dox and artemis eventually find him. he remembers bits and pieces, faces mostly, that he saw when he was still feeling the effects, but couldn’t describe any of it if he tried. all he knows is that he felt like shit, everything hurt, and his head was killing him. he’s got scratches on his arms and his knuckles are bloodied and bruised because he saw his family members and gage ( under w/e name he was using with lance ) saying things that really messed him up and he tried scratching himself to ‘wake himself up’ and punched walls to try and get them to shut up.
lance is really good at making friends. while he wouldn’t go as far to say that he knows people care about him, he has connections. he generally never starts up a friendship with the intention of having connections, it usually ends up like that one way or another. while some of them are genuine and are friendships, a majority of them stem from working at carnival.
speaking of carnival ( bc only 5?? what are limits idk ), lance is super protective of everyone who works there. he makes it a point to know who works there and even though he doesn’t HAVE to, he’d fight for all of them. tsu-tsu probably beats him to any arising problem, but he’s always there to help make sure his friends and co-workers are okay and safe.
the lion’s roar, his restaurant, is only open certain hours, working around his schedule at carnival. sometimes, if abali needs him outside of that, he’ll close down shop in order to accommodate her needs. working at the lion’s roar honestly brings him so much happiness? it’s one of the very few places where he can make his own rules, where he can let go of all the bullshit and sadness and anger and make something good for people who deserve to have good things ( even if they’re lil shits and assholes. they’re still people ). cooking makes him so happy.
artemis has a lil bit of a reputation as a fighter. she may be small but she uses that to her advantage. people underestimate her because she’s small and young ( she argues that being seventeen is old enough – six is old enough to hold a knife and stab someone ( she would know ) so ?? ). despite all of the fights she gets into, she hasn’t killed anyone aside from pippa, who was her 'aunt’ who continued to raise her and apollo after their parents were killed.
she will NEVER admit it, but she is such a sucker for true love. her parents had it and she wants it, too. but she doesn’t think she’s worthy of it or that she’d ever find anyone who would settle with her. don’t try to accuse her of being a romantic— she’ll take your eye for it and tell you to shove your accusations up your ass.
artemis kind of really looks up to dox. she’s not the greatest at admitting her feelings and generally responds with waving something sharp in response so don’t ask her about it. but if she were good at admitting her feelings and talking about them, she’d say that even though dox is a pain in the ass, he still takes the time to look out for them– all of them, as much as he can. sometimes when she’s afraid, she asks herself, “what would dox do?” and while that doesn’t always give her the greatest solution, she felt brave enough to execute her plan.
linking back to hc #2, artemis is afraid of love. she is afraid that even if she DOES find it, it won’t last. something always goes wrong. always. she doesn’t want to get her hopes up and the only way to do this is to be in control, to stop things before they get serious, before anyone can hurt her first. along with the reputation of being a fighter, she gets the reputation of being a HEARTBREAKER, breaking hearts all over the UC before they can break hers.
throws wes in here bc i love him already. wes goes by trix and is a known troublemaker. he and the twins have known each other for years and have a sort of friendly rivalry going ( no one’s stabbed each other yet ! that’s as friendly as it could get as kids ). it isn’t until after apollo gets attacked and taken that artemis and trix start to hang out more. it isn’t for the best, though, because trix is trying to bring apollo out and get him used to the changes to his nanobots, which artemis disapproves of bc they don’t know the limits of them yet or what apollo is capable of. she almost stabs trix a couple of times and punches him a few times but after a few months, idk how it happens or what the circumstances are, but they end up sleeping together and it’s a rollercoaster of emotions with them pushing and pulling, trying to avoid each other and ending up together at the end of the night and eventually they enter a relationship. as much as artemis tries not to, she feels herself falling for him harder every day and she’s terrified but — she looks at dox and lance and thinks that maybe, just maybe, she can have that too.
artemis is really into painting. she doesn’t get to do it often, but when she does, she can spend hours just creating things. she’ll use other forms of art, but painting is her favorite. she’s got a sketchbook she keeps hidden away with sketches of places and people in the undercity, she’s tagged the sides of buildings and signs. she wants to give the city something BRIGHT to look at. she likes to do landscapes but she only has pictures from books as references and because of this, she doesn’t do them too often. most of her paintings are, like her sketches, of people and buildings.
apollo is the softest boy ever !!!! he may be the older twin, but artemis has always been the tougher of the two. he prefers to talk things out and work through problems instead of attacking each other. that being said, he isn’t afraid to fight someone. if his sister or someone he cares about is threatened, he immediately becomes a threat, especially after his nanobots are messed with.
his dna was mixed with a wolf’s and he becomes easier to anger and is quicker to jump into fights. because of this, he wants to lay low and not bring too much attention to him and artemis. he doesn’t want her being taken too if the people who took him find out that whatever they did to him worked.
apollo doesn’t like that artemis gets into so many relationships. he doesn’t have anything against it and knows that she’s her own person making her own decisions, but he wishes she could see that she IS worthy of finding love just like anyone else if she just gives herself a chance. he’s also tired of having to get into fights every other week after she breaks up with someone.
he’s adopted a dog he named rosewood. rosewood come and goes as she pleases and always manages to show up at the door whenever apollo is leaving or getting home. after his nanobots are messed with, rosewood avoids apollo for a few weeks before she comes around again and sticks around longer than she had before.
aside from artemis, trix is his best friend. he’s the only one who’s treated apollo the same as before. there aren’t many people you could really trust with your life, but apollo trusts trix with his life— but he does sit trix down and tells him that if he hurts his sister, they’re going to fight. trix mentions that isn’t exactly fair because apollo is much stronger than him. this earns a pap to the cheek and a fond, “life’s not fair, dumbass.”
apollo gets jobs where he can when he can to try and bring in some money for him and artemis. he’s probably been approached by a few gangs?? correct me if im wrong !! but what’s happened to him isn’t common knowledge but no one would be surprised if certain people ( *cough* 5liip, abali, and maybe ??? bratch ??? *cough* ) found out and tried to recruit him bc of it?? he turns them down tho bc he does not want to get involved with that. he doesn’t want a life of fighting and war.
she is hella dangerous. she may only be fourteen but you do not want to be fighting her. she is skilled in all forms of combat and can adapt to just about any weapon given to her.
she doesn’t have any family or friends. she has no ties to anyone and very rarely gets attached to people.
she comes from one of the upper levels ! she was basically bred to be a little assassin / spy because who would suspect a child? definitely not the people she’s killed. however, something goes WRONG and she’s sent down to the undercity as punishment, which pisses her off because it wasn't her fault. then 5liip comes into the picture and she joins {BB} ( getting her brackets tattooed on the inside of her left wrist ) where she works as a spy / assassin for 5liip.
vee has ??? hella information she could give 5liip tbh?? she’s got names, codes, locations— you name it, she probably knows it. she wants to get revenge on the people who sent her down here only because they set her up for failure. she doesn’t fail. vee was probably sent to the UC to get killed but that didn’t really work out well for her former employers.
vee has to be doing something. she doesn’t like being stationary for very long. if she can’t go out or isn’t given a job to do, she can be found training.
she can mimic voices !!! all she has to do is listen to a few words the other person says and she can mimic their voices flawlessly. 5liip and lobster are the only ones who know this.
though she doesn’t show it ( bc she just doesn’t know how to ), she really enjoys the company of 5liip and lobster ; they’re the only two people she will allow to touch her without losing a finger or getting seriously injured. she tolerates the other {BB} members because she has to. she’s not really a people person.
vee doesn’t talk a lot. she communicates mostly through nods or one word responses ( “affirmative,” “negative,” etc ). though she is very intelligent, she wasn’t given much time for speaking when she was on the upper levels. she’s been taught to keep it short and simple. you don’t have to say much when you’re there to kill for the greater good.
if she’s a thing in the 1nh3r174nc3 verse, she’s gonna be. vvvvvv upset that 5liip and lobster are gone ( bc they were the only things that mattered to her ) and probably has like. the worst tantrum ever negl. she completely destroys  some room ( where at? idek tbh ) and if anyone comes near her, she’s gonna destroy them too. but once she’s. pulled herself together, she’s going to do for dox what she did for 5liip. she’s going to be a grumpier version of herself but whatever dox needs done, she’ll go out and do it. 
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amethystblack · 7 years
I've got a question, I messaged you quite awhile ago telling you that you were an inspiration to me as a closeted trans girl. I was curious as to how you started on your journey for all of it, it seems quite overwhelming at first. You don't have to answer this publicly if you don't want to ^.^
well, I don't mind... of course there's always that veil of anxiety in talking about this kind of thing, but i don't really believe in keeping quiet about that kind of thing, especially if it could help someone else.
so... how i started on a journey. well, i wonder...
to tell the truth, i wasn't really responsible about it at first. i was already in university by the time i realized this was something i needed to do. i'd done enough research to understand that it's hard to reverse many effects of T-- so i felt like the younger i started the better. i was always getting older, and therefore i felt like, i was always getting worse (as in, more masculine). the pressure was on. i had been very lucky to be able to pass, in terms of both appearance and voice, even before treatment, but i was worried the longer i waited the more of that i would lose (and i think i wasn't wrong. the last year before i started felt... especially harsh).
of course to start hrt you gotta get approved by a therapist, and gosh, that can take forever, you know? if it happened at all. the process was certainly daunting, and i'm historically not the best at talking about myself anyway. plus money... i really wasn't keen on the matter. i didn't think i had that kind of time. so, i was referred to a certain website of questionable legality where i could order hormones for myself. rather impulsively, i went for it.
i didn't want to tell my parents. i didn't want to tell my family. i didnt think they'd understand. if it meant being happier with myself, i'd resolved to just cut them off entirely anyway. i'd find a place to move out to, i thought, by the time that effects started showing. i'd make it work. this was naive.
and in the first place, it never had a chance because my mom actually intercepted the package i ordered when it arrived-- apparently a box from new zealand is out the ordinary??? nonsense. anyway i was super evasive about it and made up some lie to cover it and she made me send it back and i was a Sad. in retrospect, this was probably a good thing. the friend who had referred me to that site got in some trouble for it later on and wasn't able to transition fully... i sincerely think that that is a major component of why she chose to take her own life.
my girlfriend at the time was pretty critical in the matter. i had actually told her some time in the past-- which lead to her breaking up with me. eventually we got back together and she was an irreplacable support for me. especially as i was first transitioning, she lent me a lot of clothes and helped me shop for other ones, which was huge for the sake of getting me started.
eventually i had to accept the fact that i'd have to at least tell my mom if i wanted things to work out. she had always told me she'd support me if i was gay-- but this was a bit different. i didnt think she'd be ready for it. i wasn't wrong. when i finally came out to her i was able to in no small part because my girlfriend was there with me. my mother didn't really take it well at first. she started crying-- and saying some less than helpful things. but it became clear that she was mostly concerned for my safety above all else... in the weeks following she did some reading on the matter and came around to it fairly well. i was surprised.
my girlfriend and i eventually broke up. the bottom line was i was way too uncomfortable with myself to continue being intimate, and that didn't work for her. it was a nasty break, but the harsh end encouraged me to just go full time. i'd seen that i wasn't going to be happy with myself otherwise. but i had a year and so of classes in uni left, and i was -all- kinds of nervous about it. the advantage that i had was that for the past 2-3 years, i had talked to barely anyone on campus at all. i had been really uncomfortable with myself, so i just avoided everyone... meaning nobody knew me. i wouldn't have to worry about being recognized at all.
... except for by those from my on-campus job. although i knew my employers were the type who would have supported me, our clients were the type who absolutely would not have-- so i made the choice to withdraw. i found a job at a tea shoppe in my neighborhood instead. it was family owned and i made sure the owner supported me beforehand. i often felt out of place there-- but it may have just been the dysphoria (and my boss, despite being supportive, was a very Intense person which totally didnt help at all)... nevertheless, it got me through.
thanks to that, i was able to afford therapy. i found therapists known specifically for gender therapy just so i could get the letter to a physician to approve HRT. i picked the closest one and started meeting with her ASAP. i was really more interested in the letter than actual treatment there, but even so for the most part, i found that i just needed to answer honestly and it worked out fine. the therapist had some key points to ensure before approving me-- first, that i had experience living full time. check. second, that i could come out to my family-- not so check.
she and my mom eventually convinced me to come out to my grandmother, and my father. i felt the rest of the family would be fairly "sure, whatever" about it, but those were the two i was most worried about. i came out to them both by email. my grandmother is a classic right wing christian-born trump-supporting ol' gal, and she is also very particular about how she prefers people and matters of the family to be. ...but defying all expectation, she accepted it without any hesitation, and expressed some amount of disappointment that I didn't feel like I could trust or rely on her for that kind of thing in the first place. So okay, point taken. To this day she still struggles with remembering to use the correct pronouns, but we have kind of a running joke with it... at one point she messed up and she was just like "oh! shucks, just call me Harold." misgender for misgender i guess. still awkward when it's in public-- but kind of funny, and i know she means well.
then there was my father. his initial response to my email was basically a brief paragraph refuting the reasons i'd justified being trans with, and telling me why, in psychological terms, they probably were not actually the case. but frankly that was about what i expected. he and i have been rather distant, and he was not the most accepting or open kind of person in the first place. later that summer we met for the usually one time per year we typically get to see each other. he asked me what i wanted for my birthday. i told him that the only thing i wanted was for him accept me for who i was. he got me a 3DS instead.
but he eventually quietly came around though, i think. to tell the truth intimate discussions are not something we really have so it's hard for me to know his true feelings-- but at the least he goes along with it.
then there were just classes. i hadn't changed my legal name yet so i was still on the roster with some wrong information. so on the first day of class, i pulled each teacher aside and explained my situation to them. the campus policies were in my favor, so they had to oblige when i asked them to refer to me appropriately. fortunately they all seemed very understanding about the matter. i'm lucky to live in a city like this after all. i was able to reach out to other students a little more that year. at the least, i had a few people i could have considered friends, even if i never saw them out of class. but avoidant habits are hard to break. in the end, i graduated without making any lasting connections from university. i would chose not to walk at my graduation ceremony, for the obvious reason.
at some point during that school year my therapist finally approved me to transition. god bless. after reviweing the options i decided to get my hormones from planned parenthood. did you know planned parenthood offers transitioning hormones??? i sure didn't. anyway pls no defunderino thx.
and then i found something out-- i was under the impression that, of course, i wouldn't be able to have biological kids after surgery, but i had not known that HRT would rule that out as well. i wasn't really sure if i wanted to-- and even now i'm ambivalent. but i figured i should leave the door open for it. so despite being approved, i paused everything and took some time and a lot of money dear god what, to store cells for the future in case i ever do decide i want kids. that ended up taking frankly way too long. when it was over with i jumped back on that HRTrain ASAP.
the process of changing names was... tedious, and drawn out, but ultimately unremarkable. there were various forms to fill out and turn in and state regulations, fees, gotta visit this office except jk that's the wrong one try this one except jk that's the wrong one too try this one except jk does this office even actually exist???? and eventually i had to stand in front of a judge and hope he approved it. he took one look at the forms and approved it without even announcing the reason (as i saw him do for other people there) so that was really considerate of him. i was ready with like a full essay in defense, but in the end it was totally okay.
as for the HRT... i mentioned before i felt like i was always getting worse, you know, right? of course due to the nature of hormones, after i started taking them it would be a couple weeks before they kicked in... but it was an immediate improvement for me. from the first night, it completely turned around. everything was getting worse-- no. from then on, it was always going to get better.
oh... and there was one more place i forgot i had to come out to... reborn. people online always "mistook" me for a girl anyway, and that was always a huge compliment to me. so i think a lot of people weren't really surprised. the most awkward thing was actually... my in-game character. the game was already four episodes in or so and i had just used my generic custom trainer sprite from the site generator before for the intro... haha, it's a little silly, but for a long time i had just been editing it a little bit by bit to make it more feminine. it was a little too long before i actually completely replaced it.
...anyway, that was the start of things. beyond long-winded, but hopefully some of it can help somehow. honestly before and after transitioning is really like night and day, so hang in there. i promise it'll be worth it, and you'll surprise yourself in ways you'd never expect.
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cosmosogler · 7 years
hi. today i got up on time, which is a surprise, considering how little i actually slept.
i had dumb dreams. i had more to say about them this morning, but before i could write anything down i had to leave for linda and david’s. 
i was playing a very glitchy game. the level forgot to program in an ending, so it just kind of went on forever until you clipped through the floor. then it turned into like some film noir, i can only think “detective” story even though i am fairly certain there wasn’t really a mystery. it was... hard to see, because it was so dark. i remember there was something going on, but whenever i almost remember what the memory kind of slides around like a bar of soap. so whatever.
i showered and drove over to my relatives’ house. they made waffles and taught me how to make berry sauce. we talked about a ton of stuff. more than i can recall and list here. i ended up staying for four hours, which was just a little too long for me. when i got home i realized i was exhausted. i rambled at oz about jim cummings for a little bit and then i had to turn around and go over to gramma’s with my family for dinner. 
dad said something very interesting while we were on the road. mom asked if i had heard back from taylor about comicon. i said no, she hadn’t texted me back. dad strongly recommended i call. i said i would send her a facebook message about it. that prompted dad to start ranting about talking to someone with your voice and how i never know anything and this is why my generation never knows anything.
not only was it nonsense, it was also blatantly untrue and also annoying? he was sure angry about this imaginary phenomenon though!
while at gramma’s my family sat in the living room around the tv and discussed yet again how our glorious leader is “not a politician” and “not a bad guy” and then they started making, like, weird non-jokes about illegal immigrants and their children and laughing. i sat at the kitchen table staring at my brother while he chewed on the fat end of a water bottle.
it’s weird how gramma and grampa work... gramma basically hates foreign people except when she personally knows them. then she’s kind and even sort of motherly. i guess she operates under the “you’re not like the others” policy.
we had pizza. i also had a klondike bar because it sounded interesting more than because i was still hungry. actually there was so much cheese on the pizza that i started feeling kind of ill just feeling it in my mouth haha.
then we drove home and i diddled around for a while. i didn’t want to do anything and nothing updates on sundays. i played fetch with wiley and my brother in the back yard since the sidewalk was too hot to take the dog for a walk. it was over 100 today. 
i saw that my art trade partner had finally posted a reference of her character so i found some nice pokemon mystery dungeon remixes and got to work. she’s probably too young to recognize the jojo pose i used. it was fun looking up images of cosplayers (and araki himself) doing the poses. i had to use people models since jojo isn’t exactly known for its exceptional anatomical accuracy. especially for the stylish poses.
the character has just a few too many accessories that have to all be different colors for me to adjust the color palette well... and she stressed that the bracelets absolutely had to be “hot pink.” three times.
i noticed that these young artists spend a lot of time making sure their characters look like adult women even though they are basically just fursonas. all three of them were pretty... busty in the references i used. i don’t think i’ve ever drawn any of my non human characters like that...
while i was drawing i was thinking a little bit about why i was doing this. like... i know it’s mostly just to make other people happy and not for any personal gain. even though it puts a lot of stress on my wrist and fingers, especially when i use the tablet. like... i enjoy drawing. i guess that’s the reward here. why did i do the coloring page? because i enjoy coloring. 
but that’s not really what i want to be doing in therapy either, you know? my goal can’t be “help me learn to manage my energy so i can give and give and give.” that’s not gonna fly. 
i was so busy all day that i didn’t really have time to sit and do nothing but think about that goal. i guess that’s why i started writing the journal so early. to give myself time to complain my way through my thought process and hopefully arrive at a useful conclusion this time.
and immediately upon saying that i have no thoughts, of course.
i wish... i could get people to see me as a person and not a potential sex conquest or whatever. basically all of my relationships pick one or the other. but my goal can’t be to change how other people think. i can’t force anyone to think anything. all i can do is change how i present myself.
do i need to stop being afraid of judgment? i don’t know how i feel about being judged... i mean, it’s been a part of my life for basically the whole time. it’s gonna happen. it comes with being uncontrollably weird. 
do i need to learn to loosen up and commit? that would really be only for singing and dancing. people wise i run into the same problem as last night. just going to get steamrolled. 
i guess being more confident would help. especially academic confidence. impostor syndrome is deadly for careers. but i don’t think academic confidence is going to help with the underlying “cannot make connections” problem. 
haha. i guess i’m depressed. my brain just said “i could always kill myself. then there wouldn’t be a problem.” i wonder why the “start over” instinct is so strong in suicidal feelings. even if reincarnation was real, losing all your memories and experience could easily lead to you just making the same mistakes over again, even with different life circumstances. that’s not helpful. but then again, carrying your “beyond repair” feelings over isn’t helpful either. i guess that sucks.
should i ask for help from the therapist? as far as “setting a reasonable goal” goes. like, i’m already asking for help in general of course. that’s what therapy is. but again i’m worried about the difference between getting assistance and having my hand held. if i can’t be independent and self-sustaining here, where will that happen? “later”? how far is later? best to work on that now too.
what’s the difference between reasons and excuses? personal opinion, i guess. 
is this a problem i can look up on google? how would i even word that request? “fix my life pls.” “how to make connections.” “suggestions for handling a deep fear of other humans.” should i... be doing some personal research like a google search before asking the therapist for ideas? i don’t really have any other resources. can’t ask my parents. the rest of my family basically says “you have to get over it, you’re smart” when i bring up confidence issues. should i go to the library or something? surely out of the billions of people who have lived someone has had this problem before. 
google says to get people to take you more seriously you have to encourage others to talk about themselves. COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
linda’s advice for academic success was to work harder. as long as you work as hard as you can, things will work out.
i just... i don’t know where the limit is. i seem to have an endless amount of effort i can give and then suddenly i break. but i could just try a little harder if i kept going... i still have energy reserves in there somewhere. i feel like every time i break it’s because i am holding back and not because i am actually sick. like when i try to run. just because i’m tired doesn’t mean it is physically impossible to keep running. i could always just keep going, if i had the mental strength. but i am weak, so i stop running and walk instead. and then i can’t breathe or stand at the end of it because i ran too far i guess.
it’s hard to balance out the knowledge that i am mortal and able to be killed by a mistake with the fact that i have survived everything so far in my life (obviously). it’s not unheard of for people to die after pushing themselves too hard. but i look at that and some insane part of me says “but they were able to push themselves that hard in the first place, and you can’t. because you’re a wuss.”
should my therapy goal be to make better jokes?
but really, all that happens is that i feel like i didn’t REALLY try my hardest, because i have not literally died yet.
maybe i am splitting hairs and not focusing on the real problem when i think about the differences between words, between good connotations and bad connotations. i can’t tell. there’s a lot i don’t know, and even more i don’t understand. there are a lot of questions about myself i need to answer, but i can’t figure out how to think about them in a way that will allow me to give a definite answer. all my answers to hard questions are soft, laced with exceptions and the knowledge that there is more nuance to the situation than i am able to articulate. and then, i guess i get lost trying to navigate that. 
is that what it’s like to be unable to see the big picture? i always thought i was good at that. maybe i am not good at that either.
maybe i am retarded after all. there are a lot of questions i have about myself and i don’t know how to answer them. but i feel like an adult my age should have at least SOME of them answered, and i feel like many of my peers have come to decisions. i’m still trying to figure out what the questions even are. 
or maybe i’m hiding the questions i’ve already answered from myself so i feel less successful. who knows!!!!!
i just want to be safe more than i want to love other people. is changing what i want a good idea? and, if it is, what should i want instead? is throwing safety out the window a form of self harm? smells suspiciously like self harm to me.
if i get hurt again, i guess i could always pretend it isn’t real. or forget about it. but that doesn’t really make me happy either.
i don’t have the strength to back up my requests. evan at villanova made a big show of pinning me against the wall and there was nothing i could do about it because he was bigger than me. craig did his thing and i feel like i could have done something, but chose not to, and therefore what happened is my fault. i don’t remember being able to make a decision because i was so shocked by what was happening. but i should have made one anyway. i didn’t know if screaming would be an appropriate reaction considering there were other people in the room and none of them said or did anything. and when i broke up with craig they tried to get us to “talk it out” so we could potentially “get back together” or at least “be friends.”
what is even the point of having friends if they’re gonna be like that.
i have so many things to say in therapy and NO TIME to say all of them. how do i pick the “most important” things? how do i only pick a few things to talk about and still get across that this has happened for 24 years straight? how do i talk about this stuff when i don’t even WANT to remember it, let alone the fact that i barely remember it anyway?
except, you know, i do remember it very vividly. i just can’t be sure that it’s vivid and also accurate. because memories are persnickety like that. and it’s not like i can just go ask the people who were there what happened. they won’t remember it or they will just straight up deny it happened. like when i told dad that mom used to beat me.
wow it looks like i’m a wreck! how am i supposed to pick one thing to fix when EVERYTHING IS BROKEN?
maybe that’s what the problem is. like trying to fix the plumbing in a house that is on fire.
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apprcnticesuprcmc · 7 years
damn im so worked up about the way tommy and billy mirror each other tho--
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( theyre just always talking about each other. tommy literally will not shut up about him in vol 2. it gives me life )
like, everyone thinks of billy as the warper and fine he is, but so is tommy?? its canon that they both possess this incredible ability to warp the very fabric of reality to their wishes, but it just manifests differently in the two of them. here is a really great meta about tommy warping time.
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( tommy breaking into everyone’s house like it’s nbd. could you imagine living in this area and life is p nice, but occasionally this one family arrives and stars a whole bunch of drama and then just??? leaves??? like they dont even live there but they keep showing up every couple of years?? who are they??? )
we also know that, given the proper training and attention on their mystic abilities, both twins are not only capable of using them, but are even both totally legitimate candidates for the future Sorcerer Supreme. If Billy wasn’t implied to eventually take on the mantle, it is likely that Tommy would have ended up being Strange’s next choice.
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( note: i kind of hate this story it was so over-complicated and dumb - also it’s outside current 616 canon - but it had some interesting pieces about the dynamic of the brothers, so it’s going to be included )
you think it's a coincidence that he was there for the delivery?? nO-- nothing is a coincidence in these boys’ lives. everything about them is so foretold that they got written out of existence and the universe was like ‘‘wait no--’‘ (i mean mostly it was the scarlet witch doing that, but listen there was some p complicated bullshit that went into their reemergence that cant happen on a whim )
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( pls appreciate tommy in this panel he is not having a good day-- )
They literally were created with the combined opposites of tons of things, too. The hate of the villagers at their conception and the love of their parents. the scientific nature of their father and their mother’s magic. hell, in the beginning of the comic, the two were going on this walk and discussing the different sides of ton of shit like poetry/facts, the vastly different families they had. there was even a biblical adam/eve type reference in there--
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( Ah yes. I love when my mentor yells at me over the astral plan while im trying to conceive a baby with my husband. she gives such great tips )
so, even before they were born, they were surrounded by the duality, but what about in their actual lives? the obvious one every one wants to talk about is the physical/mystical aspects of their powers and that’s cool but listen there is so much more okay i just--
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( **vision voice** boys stop fighting or im gonna tell your mother )
take their emotional states for instance! Billy and Tommy are on completely opposite spectrum of the emotional scale, with Tommy being so emotionally stunted that he straight up will say he doesn’t have feelings and Billy being so emotionally involved that it is the primary force behind his abilities ( he destroyed mother with the power of love if that’s not a testament to this idk what is ). If you look at the civil war ii comic with Kate, you’ll notice how billy not only showed up to give emotional support to his friend, he did so in the middle of a crisis. tommy on the other hand? tommy wouldn’t even show his face. he doesn’t really have the jilted lover thing marvelboy is carrying, so there’s no reason he doesn’t tag along unless it has nothing to do with kate and everything to do with the emotional weight of the situation. ( trust me im still pissed he wasn’t in it, even if i can give it an explanation, but that’s just because my speedster son doesn’t seem to be in anything these days ;;n;; )
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( the moral of the story is that there is never a bad time to make out with your boyfriend )
or their differences on right and wrong!! billy lives by the strict, captain america-brand morals of good guys and bad guys. He had a hard time reconciling that the scarlet witch had made a mistake because she was his favorite hero and heroes don’t do things wrong. it had to be the work of an outside force. it’s clear that his morals are very strict - Even in comparison to the Avengers! He’s always here to give people second chances, he never is supposed to kill and he can’t back down if he is faced with something that isn’t right, even at his own personal cost. Tommy, on the other hand, views being a good guy as much more grey. The people that he tends to connect with are more ambiguous in nature, like wolverine and magneto. Heroes to him are not about never doing anything wrong or questionable, but more about intention and justification. the line between heroes and villains is much more blurred for him. its kind of interesting to also note how this effects their individual responses to failure, with billy responding by giving up and tommy by trying harder.
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( cap’s just in the background like 😱 )
there are also smaller contrasts, too! like the fact that billy’s hair is black and tommy’s is white. they have similarities, of course - Like the fact they both have pretty unrealistic expectations of themselves or that they’re both pretty rebellious little punks - but these things don’t necessarily take away from the very important dynamic they share. they are two pieces of the same soul and incredibly necessary to the other in a way that most people could probably never hope to understand. And not just that, they have their fingers in the threads of the universe. they are the very personification of the concept of equal, but opposite. I would love to see more expansion on this in a future comic some time??? pls give me an entire series just about these boys teaming up?? if you don’t think I would put down a ton of money on something like that you are sorely mistaken--
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( why is it that every time vision is seen in the same panels as both his sons he immediately fucks everything up?? who decided this?? )
anyways, i got carried away, but the moral of the story is that wiccan and speed are two sides of the same coin and if i dont get some twin interaction soon im going to go straight to marvel and write them some, myself--
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corink · 7 years
ok I’m gonna share all my thoughts about season 2 under cut because now I kind of watched it twice (this is really long/text heavy)
First I’m gonna talk about characters and then I’m gonna talk about episodes I guess
This season did a really extensive build on Keith.  From the content we have so far, I feel like they’re going to partially build each season around a specific character(s). Here's my theory (not counting Shiro) Season 1 was heavily focused on Pidge's backstory and connection to Shiro through their family and need to go out on their own to save family (Shiro was pretty focused on too but he's like the driving force of the team and the reason they all meet so I’m just referring to the other 4 paladins). Allura had a lot of backstory because she needed to be introduced different while the others knew about eachother beforehand because they went to school together. 
Season 2, still does a lot of individual stuff with Shiro, but there's a ton of Keith backstory. Keith's backstory is also driven by a separate search for something other than Voltron in a similar sense to Pidge in season 1. (so I'm like crossing my fingers that season 3 will do something like that again but with Lance or Hunk. From the way the show has gone it would probably more likely be Lance but I really need Hunk development like pls give me something)
So Keith and Shiro still had good character development and even Pidge somewhat. Keith learning about himself and a little from his past. Shiro bonds more with his lion while struggling to release it from Zarkon’s grip, and remembering more about his time as a prisoner. Pidge is still on the search for her family, and still had character depth, loving tech but learning to understand nature and such with technology and thus bonding with her lion more. Allura is mad at the Galra as a whole, the trauma of waking up 10000 later and finding out your family and all your people were murdered and betrayed by someone who was once an ally. She then finds out someone among her new found friends/family is technically one of the people she hates and thinks she can’t trust even though he never knew this himself and she wants to be mad but she knows he never did anything wrong. So she realizes she was blinded by anger, and while the Galra empire is inherently bad, not everyone who is Galra is bad. 
Then comes Lance and Hunk, who I feel have been very left out (even though they literally had their own episode). I’m gonna start with Hunk. 
Basically he had no character development. It felt like he was almost always there just to say something about being hungry or the butt of a joke (which also usually involved food). In the episode with only Lance and Hunk, Lance got to run off and help save the day, while Hunk was just like continually brainwashed until Lance snaps him out of it in the fight toward the end and Hunk joins in to help fight of the evil creature and Hunk does help out at the end toward to ask for help from the merpeople while Lance is oogling at his new mermaid friend. I think the most extensive scene we see with Hunk doing something that’s not a food joke is like the episode where he and Keith go to get scaultrite for the teladuv and Hunk is the one who figures out how to get the scaultrite. Which is like his 2 seconds of not being a joke/stereotype but is then quickly overshadowed by Keith talking to the mysterious Galra dude (who by they way, we learn nothing about, not to my memory at least). In season one is great to see Hunk, and even though he was still like the food loving dude, it wasn’t his only character element. He loves to cook and he’s really good at it! And the other paladins are glad he can cook! Also he has the whole Balmera arc where he genuinely wants to help them and isn’t reduced to the sideline. Even though season 1 focused on Pidge and Shiro, the other characters weren’t flat, they still had development. In season 2 the focus was Keith and Shiro and even though Pidge and Alura still had mini character things going on, Hunk and Lance were just like not there? 
Speaking of Lance, let’s talk about him now. I was very disappointed, because like Hunk, he was mostly reduced to jokes. See it could be like in ATLA where Sokka is the joke guy and still has character development, and honestly with season 1 that’s where he seemed to be going, but then in season 2 they just dropped it. Lance is still like dorky dude in season 1 but you can also see his sensitive side, that he’s still just a teen/kid and he’s homesick for earth and his family. He has rivalry with Keith but they don’t truly hate eachother and learn to become friends (along with all the other paladins who don’t really know eachother all that well at the start)(well I guess Lance and Hunk had been long time friends and Keith and Shiro knew eachother but no one at the start of season 1 had extreme deep personal bonds of friendship that form later). Anyways, Lance has 2 whole episodes that could have basically focused on his character development and he almost was basically the main focus of both of them. Yet nothing really happened. In episode 2 the only main characters at all are Lance and Hunk, and so this is pretty much the only episode where they have decent interactions that aren’t jokes or like tiny necessary reminders that the characters even exist. Lance works with the rebel merfolk to stop the mind control of the people and then learns that even the queen in mind controlled, so then he and Hunk (after he snaps Hunk out of it while they fight) go to fight the monster and defeat it. In a later episode Lance goes with Pidge and Shiro to rescue Slav from a Galra prison. At first it seems like Lance is going to have some deeper shit in the episode, like character development. He says he’s the sharpshooter of the team at the start and Lance and Pidge are kind of like “sure Lance” then throughout the episode Lance is just kind of running around with this Yupper that he thought was Slav and nothing really significant happens to him other than like trying to escape. Then suddenly at the end Lance has like a tiny moment where he shoots a shot perfectly to save Slav and Shiro is just like “Nice Lance, that’s why we bring our sharpshooter” and Lance just goes “Yup” and the episode just kind of ends (Well Pidge still talking about looking for her brother but nothing to do with Lance).
The only of the main group I didn’t talk about was Coran so I’m just gonna put a quick little thing for him here. While Coran doesn’t come off as important as the paladins and Allura, he’s still vital and adds his little quirks to the show. Coran is kind of established from the start as the quirky butler of the show who aids in most missions and fixing the castle. He’s also a comic relief in a sense like Lance and Hunk, but unlike them he was kind of more built in the be the comic relief guy from the start. Even with that fact he still has character depth, and his concern for the others still shows throughout the series. Coran always makes quirky remarks but at the end of the day he’s always shown to worry for Allura’s safety and well-being. Whenever she’s used a lot of power/energy and is showing signs of being drained, he’s there to tell her to be careful or ask if she needs a break. He also is kind of the knowledge holder/wisdom with age kind of character because he’s the oldest character in the main team and seems to always know where resources or planets are that the team needs to access/find. His love for Allura as a parental figure is apparent and he even worries for the Paladins, warning them in battles and such (like in season 1 when Keith tries to fight Zarkon and Coran knows just how dangerous that is, then in the final battle of season 2 when Voltron is hit by Haggar he’s very concerned). Anyways this paragraph is longer than intended but I love Coran as a character. 
that’s everything I have to say about the main characters, I’m just gonna run down a few quick thoughts now about each episode:
Episode 1 - Good, jumps straight from the end of season 1. We see the development between Shiro and Keith begin to unfold, Pidge clearly misses the others, and Allura shares how Coran is like a second father to her. Also hilariously we see Coran’s stages of life. Good shit.
Episode 2 - Pretty much everything I have to say about this ep is in the rants about Hunk and Lance above. Best ep for those 2 characters probably. It was ok. 
Episode 3 - [rubs hands] hooo boi this is where I get invested again. I love love love the main cast, but also I want to know more about the Galra. The continuation of the rebel/spy Galra from season 1. Sucks that Ulaz was introduced and died in the same episode, but I’m glad it led them to more Galra rebels later on. Good ep. Also Keith sees the same mark from his knife so more digging into Keith’s past.
Episode 4 - Pidge development episode. Not my favorite episode in the season but it was still good. Loved that Pidge developed without needing to mention the family. Good ep.
Episode 5 - First ep as a team that wasn’t a mission, but just like running from the bad guys. Aside from constantly being on the run, everyone begins to worry about how Zarkon is tracking them and everyone thinks its for a different reason. Also Coran has his moment with the slipperies. Decent ep.
Episode 6 - Team searches for Galra, finds the Taujeerians and helps to save them. Allura and Keith have parallel moments where they each believe Zarkon is tracking them through themselves individually. They both plan to run away and decided to just run away together because it might be either of them. Ends up being a bad idea and then they return to fight Galra fighters and form Voltron and save the day. Hunk gets a new lion movie because everyone else got new lion moves so why not. Decent ep.
Episode 7 - SPACE MALL. The paladins and Coran have their own wild adventures running around the space supermall. Hunk becomes a master chef, Pidge and Lance hunt for money to buy a video game, and Keith asks a knife dude about his mysterious knife. Coran searches for a black market and bargains for dinner plates (scaultrite). Allura stays on the ship and has fun interacting with the mice. Shiro bonds with the black lion and fights Zarkon on the astral plane. 10/10 good shit good shit (I’m a sucker for fun time eps) (but also the Shiro Zarkon fight scene)
Episode 8 - Time to dive into the deep end of Keith’s character. Also the Blade of Marmora is great because I fuckin love rebel groups and it shows a different side of the Galra. Not going to go into depth about this ep but like very important character development for Keith, his past, his family, etc. (also his relationship with Shiro) Great Ep
Episode 9 - Let’s split up gang. Hunk and Keith adventure this time. Didn’t really do a whole lot for either character, just kind of re-established Keith’s new feelings on Galra when they run into an unidentified Galra dude. This ep is ok.
Episode 10 - Kind of ranted about his ep in my rant about Lance. Could have been better. A lot better. Does dig back into Pidge’s search for her family tho
Episode 11 - Revisit to the Balmera and fighting an old foe. Allura’s feelings are shown again about how she misses her past. Thace’s cover is finally blown and he’s imprisoned. Most of the episode is fighting, but the paladins are proving to be better fighters now. Pretty good ep.
Episode 12 - Blade of Marmora and the Paladins of Voltron begin to put their plan to defeat Zarkon into motion. Allura realizes her hate for all Galra is misguided and focuses on defeatin Zarkon’s forces. Keith infiltrates Zarkon’s base and they begin the fight. The plan with the teluduv works setting in motion the final battle to the season finale. Good ep
Episode 13 - YEAH BOI EPIC FINAL BATTLE I’m a sucker for this. First I thought the paladins died so I was like ??? but then it was fine. Then I literally thought Allura died for a moment like I was freakin out but she was okay. The fight was great and then of course they had to go and make Shiro disappear to leave you hanging and wanting more for season 3 good shit.
My hope is that season 3 focuses on Lance and/or Hunk character development (and since they’re long time friends I hope that means something for both of them). Also I want to see development on the other friendships like Pidge and Hunk or Shiro and Lance or Shiro and Hunk (ASSUMING SHIRO IS STILL ALIVE) or Pidge and Keith. Also more Coran is always fun
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kyohiba · 5 years
yi city trio swords spirits au
i love those weapons having a soul and personality stuff 💯💯💯
lmao... what xxc's sword felt when he stabbed sl... :^)
wow yi city is just angst on angst on angst no matter how u look at it
ssyifpfff🌙 imagine xxc sword all those years under xys care
May 25 me, as usual: How About Some Painnn? (in the history of japan video)
yeeting patriarch VOICE*
ssyifpfff🌙 me: some happy bakery, no pain pls you: how about i do... anuwayyy~~
May 25 i basically throw the flour and eggs on the wall and unleash my Suffering Sword to attacc
but im Crying at how xxc's sword mustve felt about It All
yeeting patriarch NYEEHAW
May 25 ssyifpfff🌙 cant rmmbr their names lmao
ssyifpfff🌙 also did xy use more xxcs sword thn his own?? how did xys sword feel abt tht? :(
May 25 me, a furry: imagine xy's sword having cat features
yeeting patriarch SADDDDDDDD
ssyifpfff🌙 xys sword is his fursona send tweet
May 25 im imagining xy's sword to be just a sad boi
n its funny bc the meaning of its name is like "ro bring destruction" or something and the sword itself is just. sad
"master pls dont kill those p- oh no"
ssyifpfff🌙 "master pls dont fight w daozhang- oh dang"
May 25 yeeting patriarch *ears down sadly* master........
ssyifpfff🌙 xys swrod seein xue yang fall apart after xxc dies.................
May 25 yeeting patriarch HEEHEE
ssyifpfff🌙 xxc sword seein it too n Realizing
May 25 yeeting patriarch imagine if xxc's sword's personality is kinda the opposite of his
ssyifpfff🌙 xxc sword is just a big bastard lmao
May 25 yeeting patriarch IM LIVING FOR IT
like... he takes soooooooo long to Understand & Realize how xy truly feels
since the boy is a mess it is indeed hard to figure out if u dont pay attention to the details
yeeting patriarch and he also takes too long to notice the sadness xy's sword carries (openly, in his master's place)
hes so blinded by anger for so long
yeeting patriarch fukc i wanna remember the swords names
hold on
xxcs is Shuanghua
ssyifpfff🌙 and xys is Jiangzai
May 25 saved for future reference due to bad memory
shuanghua and jiangzai...
what about song lan's?
me: *makes it poly even with the swords*
yeeting patriarch i cnat resist
song lans has such a pretty name, its Fuxue
ssyifpfff🌙 and it means To brush away snow
May 25 fuxue... cute
yeeting patriarch i love the meanings
ssyifpfff🌙 fuxue is the glue tht keeps Shuanghua from assassinating jiangzai
May 25 yeeting patriarch IFEBKSUZGJEOZYIS FAVE
ssyifpfff🌙 fuxue is the voice of reason uwu
May 25 yeeting patriarch lmao unexpectedly but expectedly we suddenly started a sword au
ssyifpfff🌙 we cant help ourselves uwuwuw
May 25 fuxue's personality... how can he be like
jiangzai is sad kitten
shuanghua is angery bastard
yeeting patriarch we need something that mirrors song lan
song lan is like very low key, mayb his sword is super extravagant
omg mayb his sword is a wise drunk
ssyifpfff🌙 fuxue: *downs a bottle of wine* reality is a social concept
this is funny but i need Angst
yeeting patriarch not even their swords escape my paws
tht why fuxue is the voice of reason, when Shuanghua is blinded by hate towards jiangzai n its master fuxue has to come in like *rafiki voice* "no..... look Harder"
ssyifpfff🌙 but fuxue cant always be all brains n reason, i suppose it feels complicated towards Shuanghua bc well....................
May 25 yeeting patriarch bc he fucken pierced his master
ssyifpfff🌙 right
May 25 idk how to explain myself i have 2 braincells but. i picture fuxue w the kinda personality tht just accepts what happens ans Sees deeper but at the same time feels a lot, so fuxue must feel strange bein around 2 swords tht hurt song lan.... bc jiangzai cut song lans tongue lmao
ssyifpfff🌙 wow im stanning fuxue out of nowhere in this chillis tonite
yeeting patriarch im a jiangzai stan bc how could I not
yeeting patriarch but i see ur point and love it...
fuxue Understands what they didnt isnt exactly their fault but he cant help that complicated feeling
and upon seeing the Extremes each are, he Has To be the voice of reasonm ?*
yeeting patriarch jiangzai im so sorry i turned u into big depresso
YESS he sees tht neither of the other two have the emotional maturity to try and move forward so he has to push down whatever way he feels and Be tht mature sword
it makes sm sense for jiangzai to be Depresso Esspresso
and it makes sm sense for Shuanghua to be a repressed bastard
ssyifpfff🌙 from like, everything xxc respressed thru the years
May 25 RIGHT
yeeting patriarch it reminded me of what wuxian had said about wen ning
ssyifpfff🌙 not sure how swords work but i assume they have some deep connection w their masters souls? isk
May 25 yeeting patriarch well it's such a magical word so i suppose the weapons do have some sort of connection to their masters cores
yeeting patriarch ANYWYA, THE SCENARIO:
yeeting patriarch imagine one day shuanghua losing it... worse than usual... and snapping at jiangzai and he is like head hung low during mostly the entire thing but then he suddenly interrupts both shuanghua and fuxue (who was trying to make shuanghua stop) and yells. for some reason i picture jiangzai being soft spoken and quiet. and he yells at them "I DIDN'T WANT TO DO ANY OF THAT! BUT MY MASTER... HE... HE..." then the explosion kinda dies out and he continues "neither did he want it, but he didn't understand it..."
ssyifpfff🌙 xue yang @ jiangzai: 'mam thts my emotional support cat sword
May 25 fuxue prob stays silent and evaluates the situation and shuanghua wants to storm out (can he?? can the swords just leave?? lmao)
n after a while fuxue goes to talk w jiangzai and asks him to explain everything he can abt xue yang
ssyifpfff🌙 "we're all under his care now, he need to know him" (this would b during tht time xue yang kept song lan as a fierce corpse
May 25 i imagine the swords selves being like... spiritual? to humans, ofc. but they can touch, hit and etc each other
and i guess they could "leave" within a determined space? as long they arent being used in battle
yeeting patriarch like if they're inside a building they can go to other rooms
yeeting patriarch im sobbing so much at the thought of jiangzai explaining to fuxue what he can about xue yang. parts of xue yang the man himself doesnt know how to face and understand
ssyifpfff🌙 but jiangzai Knows bc hes connected to xue yangs core........... im weak
May 25 ssyifpfff🌙 and fuxue sees tht jiangzai is sincere when he says xue yang didnt really want to do all tht he just felt he had to other path to walk, no second chances
May 25 he explains bits of xue yang's past and how the incidents that occurred during his early years shaped him into being that way
yeeting patriarch that they worsened his nature
and that mostly of all xue yang didn't know how to face his emotions with sincerity. because he couldn't understand the essence of some things for not having properly experienced them when he was growing. that at this point, his self was already too hardened
and how much it saddens jiangzai
yeeting patriarch most of all he explains he does not excuse his master's actions, but he does understand why he does things in his messed up way
jiangzai goodest boy
im sure fuxue would at least try to understand, like at least he ha sthe interest in learning abt their new keeper
ssyifpfff🌙 but shuanghua would take far longer
24h 24 hours ago yeeting patriarch fuxue: adapt to survive
since it was xue yangs actions tht led to xxc to stab himself w his own sword
ssyifpfff🌙 shuanghua must have a lot of guilt somehow even tho its not his fault
24h 24 hours ago yeeting patriarch he directs it all into jiangzai since he cant... yell at xue yang
it was so much harder for make him see deeper into the factors
yeeting patriarch took so much longer for him TO START to let some stuff in and analyze it
that's why mostly jiangzai just... accepts shuanghua's outbursts? he feels responsible for his master's actions even though he has no power nor influence over him
yeeting patriarch but that one day he yelled the boi was going thru so much accumulated shit so he exploded back
got shuanghua all shooketh
shuanghuas wig flew
mabybe he was sneaky listening to fuxue n jiangzai talking
ssyifpfff🌙 and at first even if he cant bring himself to even have a smallest bit of sympathy towards xy, at least he can start to see tht his masters actions were beyond jiangzai, and he couldnt do anything abt them
24h 24 hours ago yeeting patriarch lmao he surely sneakily listened to the talk the other two had
yeeting patriarch he starts to soften bit by bit, slowly, towards jiangzai
yeeting patriarch what if the swords "spirits" can interact with animals?
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