#mostly joke
keets-writing-corner · 3 months
can you all IMAGINE being Vaggie???
you're an exorcist. You're supposed to kill demons. You're an angel. All you're life you've followed the first man, and heard tales about the dangers of questioning heaven. Tales about Lucifer. You know he's not to be messed with and that he's the king of hell. That heaven FEARS him to a degree.
then you show compassion to ONE demon once, against Adam's orders, and boom. Now you're cast out. You're stuck in hell. Oops this cute girl shows up??? She's taking care of you?? Clearly your intuition that maybe the sinners didn't all deserve to be killed were correct. She's nicer than a lot of people in heaven-WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS PRECIOUS BEAN IS LUCIFER'S DAUGHTER???
clearly heaven was wrong about a lot of things, so if the big bad lucifer has a daughter this sweet, maybe something is up with him???
And then you meet him, and like, meeting your partner's parents is already nerve wracking and this is supposed to be THE king of hell, THE fallen angel, THE GUY THAT HEAVEN FEARS and the first thing he does is completely flub his words out of excitement, mispronounces your name, hugs you and calls you pretty???
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like how weird is that to process????
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i hope when you guys imagine female Ian Gallagher, you picture me
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enderwalking · 2 years
gonna start calling c!ranboo an abuse apologist just to feel something
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nianeyna · 2 years
I think. there is only one sign of adulthood and that is. becoming obsessed with Doodads and Devices. If you are a young person and you do not care about Tools... congratulations, for your life is still ahead of you. if on the other hand, you are a young person who is very excited by the idea a Stand Mixer or 3D Printer... welcome. to the ranks of the Grown Ups. prepare to receive only Useful christmas gifts forevermore. don't worry though... you'll like it.
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lycanthropdyke · 9 months
Wait if transmascs on T develop prostate tissue does that mean they should get prostate exams
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werebutch · 2 years
Took the extra time to thank me for no reason well yes this person wants me of course
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Fuck that post going around saying "you can have coffee in your story without justifying it :) you don't need to explain everything :)" I want, no, I DEMAND a fully researched ethnobotanical paper on every single food item in your work, if you don't explain to me where did potatoes come from in your fantasy setting or don't explain how the industry of coffee works over interstellar distances with full detail you are doing things wrong and I personally hate you and I hate your stupid story, fuck you
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queenburd · 4 months
in the span of hours tumblr has banned an out trans woman who was outspoken about her harrassment and the unfairness of the website's system and MULTIPLE out trans women who commented on the absurdity of the situation--has even banned them for posting pictures of hammers and cars.
if staff thought this was going to make the situation go away, all staff's gotten is a class action lawsuit. good job, hellsite "moderators." you showed your whole ass and you're going to go to court. again.
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singt0me · 2 months
pour one out for kevin day, queen of exy, for fumbling both jeremy knox AND jean moreau. personally i would never recover
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FNAF puppet and Michael Afton got beef,,
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sturgeonposting · 1 month
Lowkey grinds my gears when people tag me in pictures of gar
Like he is beautiful he is wonderful but he is not a sturgeon
He doesn’t even have denticles
he doesn’t even scutes
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Come on guys let’s put on our thinking caps
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
people seriously pretending EEAAO is overrated suddenly bc it swept awards? it swept awards largely because it is very very very good. I cried like someone who's just had a religious revelation BOTH times I watched it bc it touched something raw and real and beautiful but it was also just very, very funny. everyone's performance kills and the concept is creative and interesting and doesn't distract from the emotional core. you guys are just contrarian.
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bubba-draws · 5 months
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They now have a mouth and they must scream
Buy me a kofi?
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timeskip · 3 months
This is maybe a bit of a petty complaint since I don't think that anime adaptations HAVE to adapt the source manga without cutting things out, but I do think the Dungeon Meshi anime is worse for the fact that this particular conversation isn't there:
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This chapter is the final chapter before the one where the red dragon appears. In addition to adding to the mounting dread about what Falin's fate is, it also gives context as for WHY Falin's body being found completely digested (excluding the bones) is so bad. I saw someone (and my brother said something similar while we were watching episode 11) be confused on why Falin's skull is so shocking, since the rules of revivals haven't been laid out as well as in the manga
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i think im having a stroke
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petoskeystones · 13 days
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one tab open on the terror (2018), the other tab open on “schools with polar studies degree”
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