#more it's about how much time and effort goes into actually keeping a house clean
ccrites · 3 months
it's a compliment, I swear
i absolutely adore freak!Soap and the thing that got brain worms wiggling was "I can make him better--" "Not if he makes you worse first."
there's zero plot yet, let's see how this goes
There’s something odd about being paired with this team.
There always is.
The last-comer. The new-comer. The new girl. You’re unsure if there’s disdain in their voices, it doesn’t seem to be. In the past, it’s been much clearer when they didn’t want you here. Others haven’t put much effort into hiding it either.
But you’re here, and it should feel great. This should be everything you’d ever worked for, placed atop the mountain you’d climbed, the mountain of success. Seeing the top, a something wrapped in a nice little gift wrap, screaming You’ve earned it, open me, while you still huffed and puffed with the effort you’d put into actually getting there.
But the mountainside is steep under your feet, keeping you from ever reaching that peak, always making you slide back down, a little further each time. The grip on your soles is never strong enough and your fingers bleed from the effort of holding on. 
Perhaps that something is not even worth it.
You’re not exactly there yet, to find out if it is. Maybe you should give up, but you’re obstinate like that.
The bullets fly around you, voices scream in your head, the orders making sense for the mechanical machine in you they’d built, but not for the little girl inside, cowering in fear, eyes wide, brimming with tears, asking shakily What do we do now?
Your body moves. You’re the beacon of hope for these men (over-inflating your sense of importance much? maybe), when there’s no hope to be had. 
But it’s never them you help, either. (That’s more likely)
(Not important enough.)
They’re so… untouchable. Inhuman. You’d think the machine in them had taken over, surpassing the man inside, killing the boy. 
Maybe they’re monsters. 
Maybe they’re heroes. 
Either way, it hurts seeing their glacial eyes, listening to the gruff shouts, obeying their orders yet yearning for the compassion you had to show everyone to be shown back to you.
Your foot slips off the mountain again, and your nails rake against the slippery rock. You’ll fall if you keep wishing for shit you can’t have.
Not important.
Not worth it.
You run soundlessly through the macabre orchestra of pained shouts and stern orders, your knee guards absorbing the shock as you fall to the ground near the downed soldier, rushing to help. He yelps in pain as you peel off blood-drenched clothes, but you slam an open palm against his mouth, a hushed Keep it down unless you want to get us both killed, Corporal. The kid’s your age, you think, but he looks much older, with the way his face is contorted in pain, eyes scrunched shut, drawing lines of distress you know will, at some point, become permanently engraved on his face.
Growing old is a luxury, at this point.
You clean his wound and wrap it with gauze, pop out a pill to feed it to him dry and send him on his way to Medevac, they shouldn’t be far anyway. As you help him to his feet, the voice of the– your Captain crackles in your ear.
“No medevac for him, yet, soldier, we need all the firepower up ahead. We’re closing in on the target.”
“He’s gravely injured, sir-”
“If he can walk and pull a trigger, you’re sending him our way. Better yet, how ‘bout you join him, too. If he’s so injured, he’ll need a helpin’ hand. Understood?”
Your temple hurts with how hard you grit your teeth, but you utter out a clenched Yessir.
You’re unsure if you hear a faint smile in the ‘Atta girl he says lowly in your ear.
The target is not there when you reach the rendezvous point. You keep the curses you wish to spit out behind clenched teeth and sealed lips as your eyes adjust to the darkness inside the dilapidated house. The man you’d helped, running on fumes and a stim shot, immediately separates from your hip to join his buddies– pardon, his teammates–  on the other side of the room, the other part of the squad. So much for a thanks.
But your attention is pulled elsewhere.
You think you’re dreaming, at first.
He’s one of the machines. A depiction of a man, a painted facade of tan skin and quirked smiles, hiding well-oiled components, hard like steel, programmed for merciless killing. 
His flesh is softer than you’d expect when your hands sink into the blood and viscera.
Not a machine, then. Your eyes flicker to the crimson-coloured serrated knife on the floor. 
Must’ve pulled it out of himself, the madman.
The idiot.
“Should’ve–” he hiccoughs, as you work through meters of gauze and bandages, “Should’ve seen the other guy. Thrashed ‘is face up. Almost ‘ad ‘im.”
“The-” your voice catches as you look up to his face for a second. He’s smiling, the bastard. Blue eyes stare back at you, almost crazed. His teeth are dripping red as he runs his tongue across his lips and grins. “The target?” 
He gasps out a wet laugh. “No, lass, but I got a bullet in ‘im, too. ‘Is lackeys are good, though.”
The Lieutenant barks a reproach at the downed man but stays out of your space as your hands work mechanically on him, focusing on keeping his blood in till the other medics arrive with a stretcher for him. You’re not following what’s going on around you, maybe you should, especially if the walls could collapse around you. That’s the last of your worries now. When you’ve got him stabilized, you keep pressure with one hand on his abdomen, right on the side. It looks sickening, the way his skin is torn on the sides, yet you can’t help but think of the photos you’d been shown, back in basic, of those old WW2 planes, riddled with bullets, holes in the steel that should bring them down, that flew back to base against all odds. Survived despite everything.
He’d stayed alive till you made it here.
There’s nothing to do, not here, not now at least. Voices talk and talk, and debrief, and plan, but you tune them out. Your free hand roams. and it’s not till the helmet is already off, unclasped and discarded on the floor next to him, your fingers threading through the sweaty matted mohawk, that you realize what you’re doing.
Your first instinct is to pull it away like the touch of him burned you, but he’s fast. Maybe it’s the stim shot (second one you’ve used, you only have one left, you categorize mentally, planning already for next time, when you’d need to be sure to have more) or maybe it’s the machine hidden behind the vulnerable flesh, but he manages to grip your wrist with impossible strength.
Your eyes meet, and something stings. It’s electric and painful, and you hate how vulnerable you feel, when he’s the one almost bleeding out under you.
His lashes are long and dark, eyes half-lidded, yet not sleepy. You don’t have to worry about keeping him awake. The blue in his eyes flickers with something dark, and you want to look away, but you can’t. Your own eyes, wide and alert, are stuck on him.
You’re stuck.
His hold tightens on your wrist as you try to pull back gently, a part of you still worried that he might go into shock at any moment, but you only manage to twist your sleeve uncomfortably, unmoving from his grip. Slowly, pointedly, his eyes move between yours and your hand. The hand that had been soothingly petting him not even a minute ago. The hand that had stuffed gauze in the hole in his body, knuckles deep, while the other squeezed the peroxide bottle on the wound. The hand that was still covered in his blood. His blood.
The seconds stretch agonizingly long as he pulls it closer, back near his face. The eye contact makes fire blaze in your stomach, just to the side, mirroring his wound like a cursed voodoo. 
You’re frozen, unable to react, as he licks a stripe from your wrist to the tips of your fingers. 
The trail he leaves behind is wet and cold, yet it blazes through your veins like liquid fire, keeping you immobile as he runs his tongue over your digits, perversely, lazily circling each of them–
Captain Price’s voice suddenly pierces the bubble, dousing you in cold water (you needed it, you were burning up).
“Get me Laswell on the line, now, we are packing up. Sergeant, you broken?” Price barks.
Your hand is freed, and as the other medics take over your patient– the Sergeant– your blood-soaked glove wraps against the wrist he’d been holding tight, a sickeningly sticky grip over where his warm palm had wrapped against your bare wrist. A memory to keep or to forget, an imprint to copy on your skin, or to soothe its absence.
Maybe it’ll bruise in the shape of his grasp.
“I’ll survive, little birdie patched me right up. She’s as gentle as it goes, Cap, finally had the chance to feel it first hand.”
You hold the retch in your throat, despite an awkward tingle in your chest. The praise feels crude, wrong, like the gift had been plucked off the top of the mountain and dangled in front of you, just as you were about to reach it yourself, damn it–
A heavy tap on your back almost makes you choke as he chuckles darkly, “Let’s hope you won’t have to feel it again, soldier.”
That night, as you lay on the thin cot, unable to sleep, you wonder who Price had actually spoken to.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
I am loving the Qsmp PTA AU. For all of the parents, what are each of their favorite and least favorite chores?
oooo we are at peak surburban parenting with this question
quackity's least favorite chore tends to be taking tilin to appointments or extracurriculars or playdates. of course he doesn't want tilin to be locked up in the house all the time, but he's just so busy with other stuff that driving tilin around really cuts into his time and he doesn't count it as spending time with tilin either since he's just driving them places. he'd rather actually go hang out with his kid at like a movie theater or make dinner together or something, but then he has to take tilin for a checkup and that takes the whole afternoon and suddenly it's nighttime and there's just not enough hours in the day. he has a carpool set up with roier and jaiden.
mariana genuinely sucks at babysitting. charlie isn't great either, but mariana would much rather be around juanaflippa with at least one other parent around to help him out. he always loses sight of her at the worst possible moments and it gives him a heart attack every time. charlie meanwhile tells people that family dinners are a chore because that's when he has to spend the most time with his "bitch wife". this isn't exactly true he doesn't hate mariana that much but he's very dramatic about their marital problems. also the entire process of making dinner, and any meals really, for juanaflippa is a headache because of how many allergies she has. of course charlie doesn't mind this his little girl needs to eat, but damn it would be easier if he could just give her a pb & j.
spreen has the energy of a guy who would pass out trying to change a diaper. I have not watched enough of him to know if this is true but it's the vibes i get.
while foolish doesn't dislike socializing he really isn't a fan of all the social events the pta puts on that you have to go to all the time (this definitely has nothing to do with the fact that bad shows up to every single one of these. nope no way not related at all). he'd much rather stay at home sketching out more blueprints (I think he's an architect in this au) or exploring the city with leonarda. vegetta doesn't mind and happily goes to events like these on his own (it's a wonder people still think foolish is the flirt). but vegetta hates home repairs like if the sink busts or something so foolish takes care of that stuff for the family.
jaiden doesn't mind cleaning chores because those give her time to clear her head and she enjoys spending time with the kids so she doesn't mind babysitting either, but cooking is where she fails. girl has burnt water before. she's not allowed near the stove in the house so roier does most of the cooking. meanwhile roier hates doing dishes so it works out for them both.
phil can't stand things that keep him tied up at home for long periods of time. like a full day of house cleaning? nope get him out of there the man needs fresh air at least for a few hours every day. missa dislikes grocery shopping because he can never find what he's looking for or he never brings enough reusable bags or he forgets something- phil does the grocery shopping for them lmao
wilbur has a whole list of mundane chores he absolutely sucks at because he's used to living on the road and keeps forgetting the things you have to do when you're settled in one place for a while. like missa, wilbur also hates grocery shopping. but unlike missa wilbur just uses the wonders of instacart and gets a lot of their groceries delivered to the house. he also sucks at putting laundry away. he's used to keeping his clothes shoved inside a small suitcase you think he's gonna know how to hang stuff or fold it? no he does not. he makes an effort to hang up tallulah's skirts and dresses so she doesn't show up to school in wrinkled clothes, but his own outfits are a mess. at least they're clean. and he also sucks at cooking but like his solution for grocery shopping, he has a dashpass for doordash so he and tallulah eat take out at least 3 nights a week.
bad is like the 50s housewife stereotype except he's a single parent. he cooks he cleans he bakes—he does it all! except vacuuming. on god this man hates vacuuming. I have no explanation for this except I hate vacuuming and I couldn't think of anything else for him
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emchant3d · 5 months
Though the keysmash WIP intrigues me, I gotta ask about "sigh" (although if you feel like you want to share about both, I certainly won't stop you)
congratulations you picked what might be the angstiest options on the list and that's a talent! "sigh" is actually the one fic on there that isn't steddie I think - it's a royjamie fic from ted lasso lmaoooo but! here's a snip!
Jamie isn’t a stranger to taking a hit on the pitch. Can’t be as good as he is, as big a prick as he is, without getting accustomed to the taste of grass in his teeth. 
He sees it coming this time, at least - feels the heat bearing down on him from right field as he moves the ball across the turf, knows if he can just get around this little dick from Man City and send the ball to Dani they’ll score before the impact comes, and he’s moving as quick as he fucking can which is fucking saying something–
But it comes faster than he thought it would, and this shit - it ain’t about the game, is it, can feel the edge of real anger in the way the guy’s shoulder bashes into him, legs tangled with his and sending him slamming down hard and something in him pops and his chest is all pain and he can’t breathe and there’s red and–
And then everything goes blurry.
the keysmash one is steddie but it's VERY heavy so it'll go under a cut. I wanted to play around with the idea that I've seen circling around that after all the upside down issues are resolved, Steve struggles to find a place in the group when he's no longer needed as muscle or a tank, and it got dark.
Warnings for suicidal thoughts, self harm, discussion of an overdose, and a suicide attempt. Anyone reading this PLEASE take care of yourself and do not click this read more if those topics are triggering for you. Please note that while these warnings are relevant, Steve will not die. This will have a happy ending. But the happy parts will not be found below this read more.
He’d thought about a gun, but it would be too loud - and he doesn’t own one besides, and what’s he going to do, ask Nancy? No way. He could buy one, but he’d have to leave the house for that, and if he’s not left for groceries in weeks, he’s definitely not leaving for something as stupid as buying a damn gun. 
Rope, maybe, but he’s never been good with knots and he doesn’t know what in the house is structurally sound enough, and that sounds like way too much effort anyway, and so - this will do. 
He has a plan. He’s got it all figured out. He didn’t know when he would do it, but well. Tonight seems as good as any other night.
No one is coming. No one cares. No one thinks of him and so why is he putting it off? Why is he delaying the inevitable?
He decides the tub is the best place. Only place, maybe. If he fills it first, makes it so the mess falls into the water and can easily drain away, that’s best. He’ll be careful - he’ll do his best to keep it all in the water, to not drip red on the porcelain. He knows how badly it will stain. And he doesn’t want to cause trouble, not with this. He wants this to be quick and painless for his friends (can he call them that? They haven’t spoken in weeks. He and Eddie were never close and the kids don’t come visit anymore and Nancy has Jonathan and Robin–
He can’t think about Robin.)
He doesn’t want this to be traumatizing. He wants to slip away from them like he’s slipped out of the group, mostly forgotten. He’s cleaned the house top to bottom, emptied the fridge and the pantry, left everything pristine. The bathroom will be the only mess, and he wants to keep that as minimal as possible, so. This is the best way. The only way.
He thinks it’ll probably be his parents who find him, eventually. If they make their way back home any time soon. He opens the bathroom window to help with the smell since it will probably be a while, but when it’s time he’ll keep the door closed, keep it contained.
He starts the hot water and goes to get a knife from the kitchen.
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theoldaeroplane · 1 year
can't figure out if my dreams, which usually feature at least one of my parents and more recently, my toxic former boss who made me feel like I was living with my parents again, are purely stress related or if there's something else happening there
general life rambling below the cut
been reading How To Do the Work as part of my ongoing attempt to heal from my childhood. Doing the journaling exercises and everything. My therapist also asked me to spend the next two weeks observing the language I use in my internal narratives about myself so we can talk about them at our next session. So far I'm noticing that I tend to frame myself as downtrodden and often without power.
I've been reading a lot about somatic therapy. I didn't finish The Body Keeps the Score due to life getting in the way, but it's a very powerful book and I think it probably started this line of inquiry. I'm a little skeptical about how scientific a number of the related things I've read are, such as trauma release exercises and the idea that the psoas muscle holds trauma, but I think there's something to the idea. I've been making a conscious effort to keep my shoulders loose and back, instead of tight and hunched forward. I'm very worried about falling into another hole of people who claim to have all the answers. I have great difficulty trusting my own intuition and seek out approval or reinforcement for almost everything I do. (Even writing this journal on a public forum feels like a result of that.)
I actually tried the trauma release exercises on Monday, and on Wednesday I had a very exaggerated anxiety attack for no reason I could pinpoint. It lasted over three hours and persisted through a nap, which hasn't happened before. I have no idea if the two are related, but---I did notice myself trembling slightly during the attack. That's not happened before either. Not sure if it's some kind of subconscious attempt at following the idea behind TRE or not, but I guess it probably doesn't really matter.
I also went ahead and signed up for a yoga session next week, with an instructor listed as being aware of how to work with trauma survivors. It's another Thing I have to do, in terms of not being able to catch my breath, but I want to at least try it and see how I feel afterwards.
For as much of a less than perfect fit my new job is, I really like my new boss. He's got a good sense of humor and he's very patient, and doesn't make me feel like I'm stupid when I make a mistake. I think I'm only now realizing how much damage my last boss did in terms of opening old wounds.
Tomorrow I have my volunteer work and a friend's dance recital, plus a ttrpg/hangout session, but tonight I'm just going to come home right at 5 and peace out with Zelda and an edible. (I do this almost every night, to be fair, but I didn't really get home until at least 7pm this week).
I've been very worried about money, probably too much. I'm not quite making a livable wage, but cost of living here is very low, and I know for a fact I can make reasonably consistent extra money with the yiff side hustle. (I shouldn't have to rely on that to get by when I'm also working full time, but you know how it goes.) My main expenses outside of the usual are therapy and animals. Therapy sessions are going to start costing me $75 a pop. Jojo needs a checkup, and she's going to need dental surgery soon, so a good chunk of my money is going towards saving for that. I also need to get shirts for work as there's a dress code I've technically been violating for two months. (This is another area where my boss has been very cool.)
The house is a nightmare. The carpet is a dog piss swamp, due to my first month at work resulting in me sleeping 90% of the time, but I have other things I need to buy before a carpet cleaner rental can happen. I think I'm waiting, too, for next week before I do any cleaning---I'm surrendering my pigeon Chanticleer back to the shelter then and I'll be able to really move things around and clean them up. I'm fond of the little dude, but we're just not a match for each other.
I have so much more I could write, but I need to get ready for work. Wish me luck.
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blue-mint-winter · 2 years
House of the Dragon ep 8 - Viserys’ Last Supper
To begin with, no dragons in this ep :( -1.
The issue of Driftmark’s inheritance comes up again because Corlys was injured in war. His brother Vaemond is eager to take over even though Lucerys is the appointed heir.
We already know Rhaenys’ opinion from the last episode, but officially she’s loyal to Corlys and his wishes. However, I’m pretty sure her own wish is actually for Baela to inherit since she’s raising her. The problem is that, unfortunately, Velaryons are practicing male inheritance like the rest of the realm.
Velaryons and Rhaenyra come to the capital to settle the dispute. Hightowers are ruling in Viserys’ name because he’s bedridden. They also made some changes in decor at the castle and Rhaenyra doesn’t approve.
It’s very shitty that Rhaenys still doesn’t know about Laenor being alive and thinks that Rhaenyra or Daemon had him killed.
Rhaenyra makes the proposition about betrothing Jacearys to Baela, making her a future Queen, and Lucerys to Rhaena so they would rule Driftmark. Easy solution. Rhaenys isn’t impressed with the offer but in the end she takes it because it benefits her granddaughters the most. It looks like she puts their future over her own hurt feelings.
The star of this episode was Viserys. The show was quite ballsy to show the extent of his illness, his ravaged body. He’s a suffering wreck and it’s just incredibly sad to see him like that.
When Rhaenyra talked to him and asked him to do something about her sons’ rights, I thought she was being unreasonable. What was she expecting this barely coherent, seriously ill man to do? This is her battle. However, having Hightowers as judges was as good as losing, obviously they’ll be in favour of disinheriting Luke from Driftmark so they could soon do the same to Jace and Rhaenyra’s own claim to the throne. So she probably had a point as only Viserys himself could overrule them.
So when Viserys rocked up all dressed up and on his own feet, fashionably late to the throne room - that was a shocking moment for everyone. Otto’s face? Priceless.
Even half-dead, Viserys will fight for Rhaenyra’s rights. And that’s father’s love.
Daemon helping Viserys ascend to the throne and putting the crown back on his head was a nice moment. Isn’t that symbolic of how it went when Viserys‘ took the throne for the first time?
Vaemond realized the tide turned completely against him and used some strong words. Viserys and Daemon synchronized, resulting in Vaemond’s swift death.
Alicent and Rhaenyra are more civil to each other after the years. Almost as if they missed each other. Alicent even goes back to “supporting” Rhaenyra’s claim. I wonder if she was just playing nice in front of Viserys or she really thinks it’s better not to let Aegon rule. With age Aegon became much worse than before, being a drunk and committing rape of a servant girl off screen. Alicent has to clean up his mess and keep it quiet. She basically has to scare the girl so badly that she won’t ever talk about what happened to her. Just how much shame and guilt Alicent feels for raising her son into this kind of man?
The whole family playing nice in front of Viserys during the supper, pretending to get along for him. One last effort for a dying man. Too bad they couldn’t fulfill his wish to truly make peace with each other. However, in the end it was a result of Viserys’ bad decisions that a rift happened and his inability to effectively mediate and manage them.
Servants putting a roast pig in front of Aemond and Luke laughing at it - an excellent moment. Aemond is carrying a grudge (not even for his eye! for the stupid jokes!) and takes opportunity to provoke Jace and Luke. On the other hand Aegon was nasty to Jace just because he could. Ugh.
Despite Aemond winning against Crispin armed with a morningstar he didn’t risk fighting against Daemon.
One thing I’m curious about is that Rhaenyra’s sons with Daemon were shown, but not Alicent’s fourth kid?
OMG that ending with Viserys telling Alicent about prophecy because he mistook her for Rhaenyra. It must look to Alicent as if on his deathbed he made a wish for Aegon to unite the realm when he meant Rhaenyra. He just caused a major misunderstanding that would cause the succession war! Dammit Viserys!
And thus, the show seems to point that probably most of Targaryen crazy decision-making is because of some prophecy. Probably always the same one.
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katbrando · 2 years
[ questions are from this post, 1-10 here, 11-20 here, 21-30 here, 31-40 here, 41-50 here ]
51-60 - DAILY LIFE
🧡 What does the daily schedule of this home look like? we both work, so we spend most of our time away from home 😭 but we make sure our days off align so we have opportunities for lengthy dates :))) he's up for the sunrise every day, he goes on his little jog every morning, comes home to make breakfast for us (sometimes he has to fight to get me out of bed LOL)
🧡 Who is more of a homebody, and who’s the breadwinner? we're equal as far as that goes! he encourages me to work less but we know if we want to keep our cute little life afloat then we both have to work, not just him. it feels good to put in equal effort, anyway.. i like providing for him, he likes providing for me
🧡 What do your sleeping arrangements look like? Do you sleep together, or in separate beds?  we sleep together, i'm big spoon he's little spoon :'))) hes also a blanket hog because he gets chilly so easily.. he acts as if he's sleeping beauty or somethin but he tosses and turns so much, he looks a mess every morning LOL.. i'm no better tbh
🧡 Who’s the early riser, and who has trouble getting out of bed? Who falls asleep first? diego looooves his early mornings with a good cup of coffee and a stunning view of the sunrise.. and i hate mornings LMAO, being awake before 10am for me feels like torture.. he's extremely insistent about me getting up with him and engaging in his morning routine, and it definitely causes fueds for a while but eventually he chills tf out and decides it's best to maneuver our disagreement in better ways, like offering breakfast in bed and waking me up with little kisses and soft sweet words :')) and I'M the one who always falls asleep first.. when we're spooning i always have my arm draped across him so we can hold hands, the way he rubs my knuckles and the sound of his soft breathing are a combination that always results in an immediate KO, i'm out cold all night
🧡 Who handles what chores around the house? we both Hate cleaning (who doesn't, i guess) but doing it together works great, it's something about the mutual effort towards making our living space clean and healthy not just for ourselves but for each other :')) we do LOVE laundry, though.. his favorite thing is pulling a sweater straight out of the dryer and baking in it while we fold clothes together
🧡 Who deals with the spiders/bugs? HE DOES LMAO i Cannot do bugs 🤢 who knows how he specifically handles them bc i always leave the room
🧡 Who’s the better driver? Do you argue on the road? by default he is, LOL, he's actually a pretty good driver, and even before we met he would frequently take long drives to nowhere in particular. he has to have his seat pushed up a lot because he's also short, and that sight, along with the way his tongue pokes out when he's focusing really hard, is very very very cute :')) also we don't argue on the road, even if he tried to i'd be too busy trying not to get carsick (im Sensitive)
🧡 When you go shopping, who takes the longest? Who’s the worst to shop with? for most shopping, we're about the same! especially clothes shopping since our tastes align very closely and if one of us gets bored then it's basically a guarantee that the other feels the same. grocery shopping with him SUCKS though, he's so picky and pretentious, turning his nose up at things i want to buy LMAO, doesn't matter what he thinks tbh i'm gonna eat what i want anyway (and he's more than okay with that, he's just an Asshole)
🧡 How comfortable are you with sharing? Clothes, personal items, spaces like the bathroom etc. as for me, i'm very comfortable with it! we share clothes all the time, especially. he's okay with sharing most of the time but boy does this man treasure his shower/bathroom time LOL.. interrupting him is a Bad Idea but it's also funny how worked up he gets.. however he doesn't like sharing some of his possessions, namely the ones he inherited from his mother. it's like an unspoken rule: don't touch anything he held on to after she passed away (her old cookbook, jewelry, photo albums, that sort of thing). eventually he becomes more okay with sharing but his mom is such a sensitive topic, it always will be for him
🧡 When you take pictures together, how do you pose? Do you like taking pics together? we love taking photos!!! especially silly ones, but also i fuckin hate it because he can't take a bad picture no matter how hard i try (i succeeded Once by taking a photo of him waking up from a nap, he looks a mess and it's my lockscreen despite his pure hatred for the image) sometimes we take ourselves way too seriously and try to take outfit photos but tbh we're just sooo silly goofy that it shows through in any photo we take 💀
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imaslothandsowhat · 3 months
still unemployed. also, highly anxious and have creeping depression coming back. home situation so stressful with the whole home renovation. we dont have any help and im incapable of doing everything my parents want me to do. i keep having pestering health issues. i dont get enough sleep and i think i have very strong case of insomnia fuelled by horrible anxiety. home renovation is so stressful and shit doesnt work bcos both my parents are old and, well, im not a fucking builder so i dont do it either. they keep having constant bickering to full blown out fights. i cant even clean the house, im so exhausted all the time. i think tis the atmosphere in the house - depressing and hopeless, we all succumbed to it. i dont know how to escape. also, reading horror stories - that may have influenced my mental state in one way or another, who knows, at least it keeps me happy bcos im lost in another book.
i try to write. finished one shot. writing another one, a very long one. i have many ideas for fanfics but then i get discourages bcos 'those are just fanfics'. they are not going to get me employed or recognised in any way. its not a published book draft. i cant force myself write an analytical piece of essay on politics - it bores me, kills me. i want to be educated and i try to read some academic articles but i cant physically force myself to open one. also, i want to and, actually, just have to read and learn the laws (plural, yes, so fucking many) of my country so i can be an educated citizen that knows her rights. its intimidating, its a lot, i want to cry often bcos i feel like a failure.
im so old and i dont have a job even though i graduated bachelors already a year ago. i shouldve found smthgn by now. but i dont want any job, i want smthng nice and worthy of m and my time and my knowledge. but i suppose im also very lazy and passive. i thought about starting a youtube channel, but thats also a lot of effort. a lot of energy.
all my energy goes to surviving day by day in this depressed household whre my father is always angry, tired, unhappy and my mother is always angry, tired, unhappy. see, a pattern? i am, too, always angry, tired, unhappy. when things go well, we cherish and we dont do anything. then, things swiftly go to shit and i feel sm anxiety that i feel my heart bursting and bleeding and i dont have any meds (except simple calming one) to help me. i want to cry, often, more often.
i began my singing online classes. it felt like a lot of fun and i enjoyed it. i want to begin my piano classes too, slowly. but then, i feel like a failure bcos its not a job. i dont work. i dont get money. i dont develop myself career-wise. everythign i do and enjoy slightly - its all a mess, its all unworthy, its all pointless. i dont help around the house, i dont help with renovations, i dont work. im nothing, i worth nothing. i dont have a job and im nothing, i dont have a career and how dare i dream big, how dare i be ambitious.
very depressive state of mind. my mind is haunted, i suppose, its hunted even by these sharks of anxiety and self-hatred ingrained so deep within me that it takes me so many years to unlearn that no, in fact, killing oneself is not a logical decision and hating every inch of your being and your personality is, in fact, not a healthy and cool attitude.
well, doing it all little by little. might read some academic articles, might not. who knows? no one fucking hires me regardless of how many cvs i send. my country is rotting, decaying from blatant nepotism and corruption. how will i move through it? i do not know. but i put too much energy already in my beautiful hobbies, in helping around the house, in keeping myself and my parents sane and not going off the rockers. its a full time job, actually! i try to soothe myself before i sleep bcos i wish only to cry and scream bcos how dare my fate not be what i have imagined all these months ago.
the world is cruel, unhappy, damp place. and i think im falling through it. but im trying to remember that this all is just a temporary feeling and i will feel better soon, maybe even tomorrow. my hobbies make sense, they are worth the time, worth my energy. i must try to enjoy my life even though i feel like its running away and i am worthless and my mom's words about 'doing something, write something, DO SOMETHING' are not helping. i simply want to decompose, cease to move forever. why time flies so fast? its already the third month of the year and i havent accomplished anything. work-wise, i guess. mentally? im down again. why life is like this.
tmrw i believe things will be better even though i cant for the life of me force myself to fall asleep early bcos my thoughts are killing me, eating me from the inside. i cant for the life of me force myself to wake up early bcos the dread of the day filled with depressive state horrifies me. what a cycle i live in. i dont know how to get out. and my depressed and angry parents are not helping. and i do not want to leave my house, pls do not suggest, im so sick of this stupid suggestion.
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thistedcurrie49 · 4 months
Plumbers the Unsung Heroes How They Keep Your Home Running Smoothly
Plumbers, the Unsung Heroes: THE WAY THEY Keep Your Home Running Smoothly Plumbers, the unsung heroes of our homes! They are the types who make sure that everything works smoothly inside our daily lives. From fixing leaky pipes to repairing heating system systems, these hardworking professionals are always there to save the time. But how often perform we appreciate their efforts How often perform we acknowledge the importance of their function It's period to give credit where credit is due and understand just how vital plumbers are in keeping our homes functioning. 1. Without plumbers, we would end up being left to offer with the chaos that comes with domestic plumbing emergencies. Picture waking up one morning to discover your bathroom flooded with water, or worse, a burst pipe in the middle of the evening. It's disastrous, right But thanks a lot to the quick response of plumbers, these crises can end up being resolved efficiently, stopping further damage and saving us from potential nightmares. 2. Plumbers also play a significant role in making sure the protection of our homes. They inspect and keep our domestic plumbing systems, making sure there are no gas leakages or faulty connections that could business lead to dangerous situations. By keeping everything in best working purchase, they not just protect our house but also guard our loved types. 3. They are the problem solvers we can count number on. Do you possess a blocked drain, a leaking sink, or a faulty drinking water heater Plumbers possess the experience to diagnose and fix these issues quickly. Their years of training and experience equip them with the understanding and abilities to tackle actually the most complex plumbing problems. They are the superheroes who swoop in to save the day, armed with their tools and ready to obtain the job done effectively. 4. Plumbers, often working in challenging conditions, demonstrate a level of dedication and professionalism and reliability that deserves identification. They brave restricted spots, crawl through cramped crawlspaces, and work in unpleasant positions, all in the name of providing a option to our domestic plumbing issues. Their determination and commitment are really commendable. 5. Believe about the comfort that plumbers provide into our lives. They make sure that we generally have gain access to to clean drinking water, sizzling showers, and working toilets. We often take these points for granted until something goes incorrect. But plumbers are there to produce sure that we may enjoy these everyday amenities without interruption. 6. Plumbers are not limited to residential configurations. They also play a vital role in commercial establishments, hospitals, universities, and other public spaces. Without their experience, these establishments would struggle to provide essential services to the community. From keeping water source systems to installing open fire sprinklers, their work goes beyond our homes and impacts society while a whole. 7. Lastly, let's not really ignore about the economic effect plumbers possess. Not just perform they provide reliable solutions, but they also contribute to job creation and induce local economies. Plumbers create employment possibilities for apprentices, specialists, and support staff, boosting the overall economy and assisting neighborhoods thrive. So, the next period you find yourself in need of a plumber, take a moment to appreciate their hard function and dedication. https://plumbers-barkingside.co.uk Recognize that they are the unsung heroes who maintain our homes working easily. Without them, our lives would be much more challenging and unpleasant. Let's give a heartfelt give thanks to you to these experienced professionals who ensure the comfort, safety, and comfort of our homes and neighborhoods.
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takecareluv · 1 year
𓏲 ࣪₊diary entry : june fifteenth  .ᐟ
finding the motivation to get back into a routine after not having one for so long can be extremely difficult, at least i have found myself struggling a great deal recently.  no matter how desperate i am for a change in every aspect of my life, it’s so much easier to stay trapped within the bad habits that are holding me back — staying in bed all day, mindless scrolling for hours on end, comparing myself to every beautiful girl i come across on the internet, the list goes on.  i’m so caught up in everyone else's lives that i am entirely forgetting to live and enjoy my own.  i frequently tell myself change will come, things will get better, and i will become the person i've always dreamed of being,  the person i've always been jealous of.  but when?  when will things get better?  when will i stop pitying myself and actually do something about the parts of myself i want and need to see a change in?  
i've come to realize the only answer is now.  i can no longer keep waiting for a new day, week or month for a fresh start.  i can no longer keep putting it off and letting my bad habits get the best of me.  the only person i am hurting by doing so is myself.  a transformation will only come if i start putting the effort in now.  so that is exactly what i am here to do. 
꒰ 📖 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
i think one of my biggest faults is i expect change to come overnight and that is just unrealistic. i shouldn't expect to do everything in the first day. it's extremely unrealistic to go from no set routine to adding in every desired step sucessfully in one day.  it takes time and a great deal of patience.  without patience, i have watched myself fail time and time again, crawling right back to the destructive habits i was trying to rid myself of in the first place.  with that being said, it is important to remember there will be ups and downs, good days and bad. consistent and meaningful baby steps towards a bigger goal will make the most difference in the long run.  so don't be too hard on yourself ( i’m saying to myself. . . ) 
. . . yesterday i had what would be considered a good day.  i did my skincare first thing in the morning, took the time to make an extra nutritious breakfast, went for a mile long walk around my neighborhood, and did a bit of extra pampering by having a self care shower . . .  while today, on the opposite complete end of the spectrum, i spent majority of my time either sleeping in bed or on the couch. now usually i would be very quick to get down on myself for being so ‘lazy’.  but instead, i reminded myself days like this are just as necessary as the ‘productive’ days. i am not being lazy by allowing for rest — i am giving myself time to recharge and rejuvenate — something quite vital for everyone’s mind and body.
. . . 
⌗ °. •♡ affirmations to use 𓂃
i give myself permission to relax .
i am taking care of my wellbeing by resting .
it is okay to take a break .
i deserve to rest .
rest and relaxation is productive .
i am kind and gentle with myself .
i trust my body to take care of me .
. . .
it is not just okay, but essential that you listen to your body when it’s telling you it needs rest.  and when you feel this , take the day to nourish yourself in more gentle and relaxing ways : watch a comfort movie / show , take a much needed nap , have a warm cup of tea or a cozy meal , listen to your favorite music , cuddle a pet ( or stuffed animal :3 ) , and overall just relax. do things that don’t take as much energy as let’s say working out or cleaning the whole house, but still allow to keep your mind at ease and away from the potentially ‘dark place’ you may otherwise go to. ( which for me personally is social media  :< )
. . . not being so hard on yourself is a crucial way to keep yourself motivated, inspired, and in high spirits while attempting to stay focused on a goal. and for me right now, one of the top things i am working on in order to keep myself in a more positive light throughout my journey this time around. here’s hoping it goes well . . . 
xoxo, meg 💌
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cantitbeme · 1 year
(not) Getting back together.
I’ve been thinking a lot about us going back together. I can’t accept the idea of not being with you anymore. I can’t bear the thought of not kissing you anymore, not feeling your lips against mine, not feeling your hugs, not hearing your laugh, your voice, your stories, seeing your eyes, feeling your love.
My chest feels heavy just to think about it.
We were so happy together, we made a great team! We used to laugh together, spend quality time together and have lazy Sundays (when I wasn’t too focused on cleaning the house).
I’m aware that I made a lot of mistakes along the relationship, I wasn’t a good girlfriend sometimes. I put a lot of pressure on us and I regret that so fucking much. Like maybe if I had been more chill you wouldn’t have needed to explore other stuff online. The guilt comes and goes. I know it’s no use overthinking about this. What’s done is done and the fact that we broke up is as real as the pain in my chest.
I keep on thinking that you’ll realize you actually want to be with me more that your desire to explore in real life what you’ve been exploring online. The sad thing is that for several months I know you chose our relationship over those desires. You lied to keep it a secret from me, to not break my heart (plot twist: lying was way worse). I think I understand why you lied. But it was selfish. Both of us were selfish. You chose to lie so we could be together, you really wanted this relationship. But you also wanted more. You wanted things I couldn’t give you. You put them aside so we could be happy together, only you weren’t happy. Or you weren’t as happy as we both thought. We both weren’t as happy as we thought.
This incident made us realize that there were more things not ok (I don’t want to say wrong, because we were happy, but we needed to work on stuff we hadn’t realize we needed to work on). Sad thing is, I keep on thinking on all those things that could have been improved. I keep on thinking how we can be happy together.
However, I’ve been ignoring the real reason we decided we’re not getting back together. You need to go out to the world and explore things you want to try. Unfortunately, those things are not compatible with me, with the kind of relationship I need.
I wish you needn’t do that. I wish when you do that you realize it wasn’t that big of a deal. Ideally, you don’t like it. So, if you don’t like it, we could be together again. I want to wait for you. I want to wait for you to go out, try stuff, realize you don’t really like it and want me back. I’m holding on to that. I don’t want to move on.
I know I need to move on. I know my anxiety will kill me if I decide to wait for you not knowing if you’ll want me back.
It’s like my heart wants you back so badly that nothing else matters. But my brain says “girl, it’s not gonna work”.
You definitely have kinks I don’t, and you might develop other different kinks in the future. I might not be ok with those kinks. What’s going to happen then? I know no one really knows the future, how ones going to feel. However, I do know you are a very sexual person, so you might get into new dirty stuff. I think I’m also sexual, it’s not like I don’t have libido. But all my desires are towards you, all I want to do, try and experiment involves you and no one else. There’s a high chance you’ll feel like you need to experiment more in the future. I don’t want to be the one to make you feel trapped. I want to be the one you want to be with, where you don’t feel trapped, where you can be yourself, and where you don’t need anyone else but me.
My brain says: that’s not gonna happen.
But if it does, if after some time, you do come back and want me back… will I want you back? Will I be ok with you having done stuff with other people? Will I still love you? Will I still think our relationship is worth the effort?
I know it’s better to move on, and rule out the possibility of getting back together. It’s the healthier path. It’s what my anxiety needs. I know it’s where all my efforts should lead. But my heart doesn’t want to.
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dunwoodypainters · 2 years
Benefits of Using Only the Best Dunwoody Interior Painting for Your Home
If you live in a residential area and want to look your best at all times, then using only the best interior painting for your home may be right for you. The truth is, there are so many different ways to paint an interior and there are actually many benefits to doing so. If you’re the indecisive kind, it can be hard to know what exactly is best for your home. But with help from this article and some good old-fashioned trial and error, you can end up with the perfect interior design that will make your home feel like you entered it! Let’s take a look at why and how of using only the best Dunwoody Interior Painting for your home.
What Is The Best Color For Your Home?
The color of an interior can make or break a room. Blue is often associated with love, determination, and creativity. It can also be used as a warning sign that something is wrong with the house. You don’t really have to worry about this with the best interior color for your home. All you have to do is take a look at the colors in your home and choose the one that best matches your personality. If you’re really on a diet and can’t eat red or yellow or any other color other than your natural red, then that’s great too. There are so many different types of red and yellow and you can simply go with the type that best matches your home. The only downside to this is that you may not be able to find the perfect combination of blue and yellow for your kitchen or bedroom. So, you could end up with a beautiful space, but with only a few deciduous trees left in the backyard.
How to Paint an Interior
If you want to create a stunning outdoor space, go for a pair of outdoor wall panels. If you want to create an impressive indoor space, try out a contemporary design. You can always spend as much time looking at the inside of a home as you do the outside, but it’s important to look at the outside first. The same goes for your kitchen and bathroom. If they’re both painted the same color (or almost the same color), then you may as well spend the money on the best. And don’t skimp on the lighting either. Home décor that’s been approved by the board of directors usually has great indoor lighting too. And, don’t go overboard on the wallpapers. You don’t have to spend money on the most amazing cover for the walls that you won’t be able to put away until you’re 100 years old. The one thing you should keep in mind is that once you’ve painted the walls, you’re done. So, make sure you start the wallpapering early so that it doesn’t come out as an afterthought.
Don’t Buy Used
As we’ve already discussed, not all paint colors are created equally. Some may contain more pigment than others. And, if your finance allows, you may be able to clean some of the older paint with a roulant and flushing machine to strip some of the dirt and impurities from the walls. But, a paint that’s been painted exclusively once and then flushed is really only good for a few years. So, unless you want to repaint your entire house every time you get a chance, don’t buy used ones.
Use Home Decor That’s Been Approved by the Board of Directors
If you want to create a stunning outdoor space, go for a pair of outdoor wall panels. And, if your finance allows, you may be able to clean some of the older paint with a roulant and flushing machine to strip some of the dirt and impurities from the walls. But, a paint that’s been painted exclusively once and then flushed is really only good for a few years. So, unless you want to repaint your entire house every time you get a chance, don’t buy used ones.
Have Ananias' roof and kitchen roof painted
If you want to create an impressive indoor space, try out a contemporary design. You can always spend as much time looking at the inside of a home as you do the outside, but it’s important to look at the outside first. The same goes for your kitchen and bathroom. If they’re both painted the same color (or almost the same color), then you must make an effort to change the design. And, don’t skimp on the lighting either. Home décor that’s been approved by the board of directors usually has great indoor lighting too. And, don’t go overboard on the wallpapers. You don’t have to spend money on the most amazing cover for the walls that you won’t be able to put away until you’re 100 years old. The one thing you should keep in mind is that once you’ve painted the walls, you’re done. So, make sure you start the wallpapering early so that it doesn’t come out as an afterthought.
Efficient Energy Consumption
If you want to create a stunning outdoor space, go for a pair of outdoor wall panels. And, if your finance allows, you may be able to clean some of the older paint with a roulant and flushing machine to strip some of the dirt and impurities from the walls. But, a paint that’s been painted exclusively once and then flushed is really only good for a few years. So, unless you want to repaint your entire house every time you get a chance, don’t buy used ones.
So Beautiful!
If you love to spend time walking around your house and taking in the scenery, you may be interested in adding an outdoor space to Dunwoody Interior Painting. And, in some cases, you may even consider building an outdoor deck. And, if the weather is nice, you can even anchor your outdoor activity with a great deck furniture piece. And, if you love having a beautiful backyard, there are so many different types of outdoor furniture to choose from. Whether you want a lounge table for chilling on the weekend or you’re looking for an indoor entertainment solution, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect type of outdoor furniture that meets your needs.
When it comes to Dunwoody Interior Painting your home, you’re likely to spend more money than you could ever hope to make. That’s due to the fact that there are many different types of decor. After you’ve made sure that your home is beautiful, you’ll want to keep on decorating it with the perfect items. At the end of the day, your home is your creation and you’re responsible for its masterpiece. So, don’t skydive off with the wrong ideas. Instead, try to use the best color for your home and make sure that it meets your exacting standards. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you can spend more time enjoying your home and less time worrying about the outside.
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chat4change · 2 years
Blog #2
Blog Post #2 link above 
SadieLee Crume Leadership and Social Change UNST-242A-001 Fall 10/23/2022
Blog Post #2
The root of the homeless problem is the housing crisis. Of course, along with the lack of affordable housing, there is unemployment, mental disorders, physical disabilities, substance abuse, crime, and violence. A lot of these things can be tied together but to be houseless is not to have a house because it is getting too expensive.
With rent prices keep going up it is forcing all kinds of people out of their homes. As of 2022 the average price for a single bedroom in Portland, Oregon is $1,500. People who receive disability checks can get up to $500 but that does not cover even half of the rent. 20 years ago that check would have paid for being able to cover the cost but not now. Families have to worry about feeding their kids, buying clothes, transportation, cost of gas and this alone is all very expensive even for people who do have jobs and are living a middle-class life. Something as simple as a medical bill or auto repairs could put but a whole family out onto the streets. Once you are houseless it is very hard to regain that stability again. 
Washington state has a homeless crisis response system that they are putting into place. This system will recognize when a person becomes homeless and the immediate system response quickly moves that person back into housing as soon as possible. There is a lot that goes into this system to help it function properly. The executive summary of Washington's strategy overview states: This update to Washington State’s Homeless Housing Strategic Plan describes the specific actions the state will take over the next five years to work toward the vision of no person left living outside. Through continuing performance improvement efforts and state and local investments, the successful implementation of this plan is estimated to reduce unsheltered homelessness by 12% in 2024. 
This plan has already been in progress for 2 years now and has 2 more years to reach its goal of increasing homelessness by %12. Oregon also has its own plans in motion. Many state officials of Oregon say the cost to fix and tackle the homeless problem will cost around 400 million dollars. They don’t want to just do sweeps and clean up but actually build shelters, affordable housing, and build community. 
The organization Neighbors Helping Neighbors here in Portland was founded by a man named Terrance Moses. Terrance went to the houseless people in his neighborhood and directly asked them what they needed. Collectively they really needed places to dispose of their trash. Terrance and many volunteers now drop off bags and pick them up when they are full. The name of this organization stands true, they really are just neighbors helping neighbors. Just because you are houseless does not mean you want to live in garbage, something as simple as a place to put your trash helps.
Another organization that I actually decided to sign up and volunteer at is a call P:ear. This nonprofit was created to help youth get off the streets, and give them opportunities to learn about art and cooking. They teach work training for trade jobs and even have a coffee shop for these kids to learn the art of making coffee and making money for themselves. This place holds many workshops and offers mentoring. I just found out about P:ear last night while doing some research and decided to sign up for their next training orientation in November. Their website and their story were inspiring and if I am going to be rambling on about how we can help our neighbors I figured I should take action, instead of just writing a blog about the problem.
There is so much data that has been taken and so many laws, bills, and money that needs to be passed and put into action. I do not have control over anything when it comes to how or when the money will be spent. I do however have control over how I spend my time and I want to spend it listening and connecting with my neighbors. I vow to make this more than just a blog I am writing for class, I vow to learn but I also vow to help. My goal by this time next year is to get involved with an organization that builds homes for those in need. As stated previously the root of this problem is the housing crisis. 
  Oregon Community Foundation. “Homelessness in Oregon » Oregon Community Foundation.” Accessed October 23, 2022. https://oregoncf.org/community-impact/research/homelessness-in-oregon/.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Health and Medicine Division, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Policy and Global Affairs, Science and Technology for Sustainability Program, and Committee on an Evaluation of Permanent Supportive Housing Programs for Homeless Individuals. The History of Homelessness in the United States. Permanent Supportive Housing: Evaluating the Evidence for Improving Health Outcomes Among People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness. National Academies Press (US), 2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519584/.
opb. “Oregon Democrats Propose $400M to Tackle Homelessness and Housing Statewide.” Accessed October 24, 2022. https://www.opb.org/article/2022/02/24/oregon-democrats-propose-400-million-to-tackle-homelessness-and-housing-statewide/.
opb. “Oregon Mayors Demand More State Help on Homelessness.” Accessed October 23, 2022. https://www.opb.org/article/2022/10/16/oregon-mayors-demand-more-state-help-on-homelessness/.
Portland Monthly. “These 4 Nonprofits Are Fighting Homelessness One Meal, Bed, or Trash Bag at a Time.” Accessed October 24, 2022. https://www.pdxmonthly.com/news-and-city-life/2019/06/these-4-nonprofits-are-fighting-homelessness-one-meal-bed-or-trash-bag-at-a-time.
p:ear mentor. “Volunteer | p:Ear.” Accessed October 23, 2022. https://www.pearmentor.org/volunteer/.
“What It Means to Be a Low-Barrier Homeless Shelter - Springs Rescue Mission.” Accessed October 23, 2022. https://www.springsrescuemission.org/what-it-means-to-be-a-low-barrier-homeless-shelter/.
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avidjust · 2 years
Broom storage cabinet
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transFORM’s custom closets can provide you with an efficient layout that places everything you need within reach. Install into a wide cabinet with hinge doors the frame is side mounted so can fit into just about any space.
The space is maximized with smart storage features like an Elite Broom Hook, which is designed to keep long-handled items upright and out of the way.Īn organized utility closet is essential to keeping things in order during your day-to-day chores. Install into a custom made narrow cabinet with door attached. Our sliding chrome basket not only matches the cabinet’s finishes but also serves as a convenient place to store your dirty dusting cloths until laundry day. If you’re constructing your laundry or making your large kitchen space more multi-functional, the Semble Broom cabinet is the perfect inclusion. Description Technical Shipping & Returns Warranty. This is an ideal choice for anyone who needs extra storage in a small kitchen. Cleaning supplies are easy to locate and arrange with our pull-out trays. Dimensions: 600mm (L) x 1963mm (H) x 628mm (D) Finish/Colour: Laminex Natural. Fedmax Garage Storage Cabinet 71 Inch, Steel Utility Cupboard with Locks & Adjustable Shelves for Office, Classroom and Kitchen - White w/Silver Doors. Top shelves provide enough depth to hold your extra towels and bulkier linens. Bush Furniture Cabot Tall Storage Cabinet with Doors, Linen White Oak INR 2950. Thanks to a generous amount of shelving, this tall and slim unit allows you to store everyday household items in a smart and organized way. Shop online for broom closet at Ubuy India, a leading eCommerce store with great collection of broom closet at low prices. TransFORM’s bifold hinge decorative doors, fold at the center, taking up less room when opened than conventional style doors. Featured in a prefinished maple and white painted oak, this layout is a perfect blend of style and function. The strand woven bamboo flooring looks modern, but tones with the oak flooring in the rest of the house. The use of a timer is also helpful for those who feel overwhelmed by cleaning tasks in general, as it helps to reset expectations around how much time and effort actually goes into performing dreaded tasks.Utility closets are most commonly used to house your practical day-to-day appliances and supplies. 1 - 20 of 3,354 photos 'broom cabinet' Save Photo A Kitchen for Today in a Classic Craftsman Home Sustainable Home The side of the island has convenient storage for cookbooks and other essentials. You're likely to find yourself racing through the job to "beat" the timer, turning the chore into a game. The use of a timer is optional but recommended, especially for those with a bit of a competitive streak.To remove sticky spills, dampen the microfiber cloth with water for more cleaning power. storage cabinet Use an alternate method of detection (thermal camera, broom handle, etc Reagent Alcohol (Denatured Ethanol) Health- 1, Flammability- 3. Microfiber can also be used to polish glass, without requiring glass cleaner. Microfiber will leave a car's dashboard and console clean without requiring the use of a separate cleaning agent.In place of vacuuming the floor mats, remove them from the car and shake or beat them.Similarly, if you do not own a handheld vacuum and do not wish to buy one, you can use a dust broom or your hands to sweep car seats clean.Three Internal Shelves / Durable Polypropylene Construction. 18' Brookside Wide Storage Cabinet - Room & Joy. This setup is perfect for hiding away those various brooms and mops around the house.The Height of the built cabinet is 2055mm, but a 150mm adjustable foot goes underneath, bringing the total build. 58.89' Beverly 4 Shelf Storage Cabinet White - Chique. Our broom cabinet is a standard 600mm pantry with a divider down the middle for an 1800mm void on one side, and includes a single gloss white door. A woven basket, medium garbage pail, large canvas tote bag, or even a grocery or trash bag are perfectly fine-you just want a receptacle in which you can toss a bunch of disparate items and carry them into the house. Shire Large Plastic Storage Cupboard with Shelves and Broom Storage. Shop Target for broom closet you will love at great low prices. However, there are plenty of other options if you don't have a plastic laundry basket and don't want to invest in one for this job. Over half of recent remodelers wish they would have invested MORE on interior storage and organization items. A plastic laundry basket is ideal for this task because it is lightweight, sturdy, and has handles that make it comfortable to carry.
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signcymbal29 · 2 years
Average Cost of Cleaning Service for a School Things To Know Before You Get This
How To Receive Janitorial Contracts With Schools This is a great discussion on how to obtain cleaning contracts along with colleges. Below is the break down for what goes in to each contract: When Do The Contracts End? There are two ways to begin a deal and what takes place next. You authorize it. You spend the arrangement and we assure you yet another day when that's your turn. On that time, we promise to make certain your residence is prepared for you to start working once again. A lot of institutions are handling with effort concerns just like all services nowadays. Institutions generally don't obtain a lot of a kick out of working with middle-class younger people with small social skill-sets that aren't even being taught through the actual colleges that hired them. The bad instructors in schools can easily still keep their tasks, but therefore can the high-earning moms and dads of unsatisfactory younger professionals. The truth is that it's the universities and colleges that often tend to fall short. The unsatisfactory job as hard as they really want. This may produce them a wonderful target for business cleaning, carpet, ceramic tile and janitorial solutions. But there additionally is the problem of the quality of the products utilized and prices paid out to dispose of them. They also possess other adverse economic impact on the business and community. For instance, some of the components being made use of to correct openings that could cause long-term contamination might be extremely harmful to individuals and wildlife. 1st question is the school public government function institution or private, charter college. What concerning the one or two personal, charter school that goes out of company all the opportunity? If you inquire about it we have no solution. One of the methods in which one of the factors we instruct is to get individuals entailed with these things and in doing that we minimize trainee debt concerns; we offer greater social solutions and we minimize in financial obligation as effectively as we enhance education overall. This question is details to your region. We can aid you know the impact you might have and consider for your time spent certainly there. For school cleaning companies Sector Support Services on how to aid create your travel a wonderful take in, explore: Learn even more How to aid your country Travel and Landscape Design Whether you're appearing to discover concerning landscape style or body for private preservation, our crew supplies a wide variety of tips and tools to aid you do simply that.
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A lot of social universities possess in house union employees for everyday janitorial services. The institution system has a consistent code of standards featuring working problems for its trainees, the regulations on the make use of of restrooms and the suitable staffing. Pupils are required to give their educator a written leave of lack and are likewise forbidden to leave behind their work desks. In some neighborhoods, social schools are simply made it possible for to work with a tiny number of folks and can be forced to admit hundreds of trainees. But, some areas of the country do get that out. In Canada, it's been pretty steady. The district of Ontario is perhaps much more traditional along with its migration policy, at minimum since the 1980s. I assume the majority of provinces are at the very least in support. Some definitely big, but likewise non-urban districts that're going up against some of the significant problems we're encountering. For instance, it's the first time that we've possessed an immigration policy or spending plan deficit in more than 20 years. If they do have in home cleansers after that the focus would be in specialized cleaning solutions. In terms of health dangers, such as breathing sickness such as cancer cells or heart disease, it is very most usual at residence on weekends where moms and dads and child guard the children versus the wind. In China, parents should take out hazardous chemicals which are sent out to the environment, while on school holidays, all citizens need to take out dangerous chemicals which are left behind in their vehicles. Featuring rug, hard floor tile, disinfecting, home furniture and floor care. Do not leave behind anything to blemish. View item web page or blog post on Instagram for additional relevant information! I love how this goes together. I like how this goes all together. When I operate along with individuals I'm additionally very conscious of how they are making use of our restroom room and doing the very most necessary factors in front of them. I enjoy how this goes together. I adore how this goes all together. Personal universities are struck and miss. But what is the social need? We understand our trainee bodies will certainly grow also greater, and the price of public education and learning in a nation like ours are massive. We're not speaking regarding paying for the price of high-quality public education and learning. We're talking about creating links that guard our communities, and the benefits of that job are going to be really felt all over every community. The United States is uniquely positioned and capable to entice and retain the largest social institution grads. They may contract out everything, one company or several services. But what is the perk? It suggests we don't possess to worry regarding all the price of our company in a single bargain or two.". A whole lot of firms are actually carrying out their personal paid-for company, which might be a better fit for Netflix than that of Amazon Prime, the streaming solution. In an e-mail to the Guardian, Hastings claimed he was positive about the new method to licensing. Best tactic is to to begin with train what they tap the services of out for and then revolve solutions. This has actually to be done in a method that makes sure all the brand new hires possess the competence and ability to comply with that mandate, all the perks that happen along with being a excellent PR candidate. But it's additionally one-shot thinking, which demands you to center on what work could be the absolute best area to operate, how that can influence on the hiring process, and that has to be an experienced Public relations specialist.
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house-of-crows · 6 years
What Happens When The Housekeeper Has Been Ill:
I was called in for secondary tests way back in October, since then I haven’t been doing NEARLY the amount of cleaning and upkeep because, hey friends, THEY THOUGHT I MIGHT HAVE CANCER and I had MULTIPLE SURGERIES~ So for the past seven-ish months; keep in mind, I’m STILL only barely eight weeks post-op for my hysterectomy; I’ve been more or less laid up and unable to bend over, or lift more than 5lbs.I was called in for secondary tests way back in October, since then I haven’t been doing NEARLY the amount of cleaning and upkeep because, hey friends, *THEY THOUGHT I MIGHT HAVE CANCER* and I had *MULTIPLE SURGERIES~* So for the past seven-ish months; keep in mind, I’m STILL only barely eight weeks post-op for my hysterectomy; I’ve been more or less laid up and unable to bend over, or lift more than 5lbs. As much as I've wanted to keep up with my agreements and make sure I uphold my end of the dynamic, my health has been far more important. As it should be.
So, then tonight happened. The usual insomniac bullshit, put Ryan to bed around ehh, 1a? And sat awake another hour just in the back, reading up on Pathfinder shit. It started with me wanting a bath, around 3:30a. I figured, let me just scrub out the tub, it’s been ages since I cleaned it and I’m still recovering from surgery. I don’t want to end up with an infection, and I’m still sore internally, so mayyyybe let’s not use a bath bomb either. No sense tempting fate, right? 
So I remove all the empty bottles of shower soap and whatnots on the ledge, scrub down all the bottles, and wipe it off, realize it needs more thorough scrubbing. Fuck, well alright~
So I find the comet, and put it in the tub and wet it a bit to let it soak for a hot minute while I just cleaned off the mirror really quick. *It’ll only take a minute!*
But then I noticed how bad the bathroom smelled; we DO have two cats; so I cleaned the litter tray. But the cats are gross af so let’s replace about 80% of the litter. YAY CLEAN!!! Bath time?
Nope~ Then I noticed how grody the toilet was getting, so of course I had to put in the toilet cleaner and let THAT soak because no way will a bath be RESTFUL if the bathroom smells and I gotta see the toilet. {I don’t stand to pee, so hmmm}
Alright, let me clear off and clean the counter while it’s soaking in, I can sterilize that. Ugly kitty paws all over the counters where our toothbrushes live, so it should be done! Realize the cleaner has to be rinsed off with water, do that too.
Actually scrub the toilet, realize it’s going to take another few times to get that stain off. Fuck me running, well let’s put more cleaner on it. It’s been an hour and a half at this point. Yikes, all I wanted was a damn bath…
Go back to cleaning the counters and re-sanitize because yeah, there’s spilled makeup and some dust on the splash guard, oops~ Realize how long it's been since you've done a Full Face, feel appropriately ashamed of self.
So I throw out all the bottles of half-empty soaps and a bar that’s been there since I don’t know when. I put away the hair dryer, the straightener, the electric trimmers and a find place for the charger.
So then I clean the light switches, wipe down the door knobs, and vacuum up all the spilled litter. Then I notice how gross the running boards are, and the rims of all the cabinets, so lemme just run a wet paper towel around to clean up all that dirt. Oh gee, it’s *actually ON THERE*, lemme find an old tooth brush- fml- how did it get this bad wtf
I scrub the toilet the second time and wipe down the rim of the tub. Let’s put a bit more cleaner in, just to be sure. Right? Right! Let’s scrub down the rest of it just to be sure, too. MORE COMET!!
Actually finally get to scrub out the damn tub, it’s been nearly two hours and forty five minutes at this point god damn it! Fuck me running.
Realize that the towels are gross too having been sat on the rack for at least two weeks at this point and the bath mat totally needs to be washed as well. LET’S DO SOME FUCK MOTHERING LAUNDRY! WOO!
So I put the load of Sir’s work clothes into the dryer and start up a load of three towels and a bath mat, and get back to the hustle. There’s the sink fixture to clean, the shelf between the sink and the toilet, the support posts to dust, ohh lemme just scrub out that sink too, that is some kinda build up what with all the back and forth and sponge rinsing I've been doing-
The dryer’s done and I’ve got Sir’s clothes to fold and put away, let’s not disturb Him, and just leave the clean clothes on the couch. Oh fuck that’s a lot of discarded clothes on the couch. Hmm, Someone hasn't been using the laundry basket. Can't blame Him, it's all the way in the bedroom. Alrighty, MORE LAUNDRY! I GOT THIS!!
Three and a half hours later and at least now the towels are in the dryer and it feels like some sorta progress?? But I waste time searching for the charger for the dirt devil, and decide I’ll just get the mini shopvac instead. I zoom up all the cat hair in the hall and on the air vents, and all the bits in the corners of the bathroom, take out the trash, and sweep up the living room too. Decide not to do the living room litter box because my back is slowly killing me at this point and I don’t know if I can kneel for that long. Small sacrifices, it can be done this afternoon.
Mephi comes in with the fleece mouse I made Lilith as a kitten, fine, let me play with the cats for a bit while the toilet soaks for a third time, and I wait on laundry, can’t be that bad can it…? Let’s have some tea! Put the mug in the microwave and go check on laundry before grabbing the feather toy to play with the kitties.
Twenty minutes of kitty time and somewhere near the four hour mark, the towels aren’t remotely dry, so let’s put ‘em back in! Realize I forgot my fucking tea, and reheat it so the honey will melt into it. Discover it’s a bit strong and bitter, and acknowledge the irony.
It is now seven thirty, and I’ve spent about fifteen minutes running back and forth writing this, giving the cats their breakfast, rescuing my forgotten tea, and scrubbing out their water dish and decidedly Not Doing Dishes. 
I still haven’t taken a bath, but at least my bathroom is {relatively} clean, and remind myself it’s only been eight weeks since a major invasive surgery. I’m Trying, and that’s what counts.
And I just realized I've a toilet to scrub for the third time.... Guess I might not get that bath after all~
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fandom-monium · 2 years
Best Friend’s Brother AU
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Cleaned up a bunch of doodles i did for this au. In this au:
modern, human, no magic au
boi has raccoon eyes in EVERY universe
boi has flapjack themed socks in EVERY universe
he wears a lot of black. and yellow. but mostly black bc its practical. easy to clean, easy to style. It goes with everything.
Hunter and Luz are siblings. Hunter was taken in before Luz was born
him and Luz fight. A lot. As siblings should
For reasons, the Nocedas move to Bonesborough just before Luz starts high school. Hunter's adaptable he doesn't care
their first day at Hexside, they split since he's 2 years older, and soon Luz becomes fast friends with treehugger Willow and eventually mythology-obsessed Gus
Hunter reluctantly gets befriended by the Blight twins. They're friends now, there's no escape
Hunter got his left ear pierced when he was in middle school. The pain traumatized him so it's just the left. Doesn't get more until 2nd year high school. Can't stand the idea of piercing his right tho. Not sure why
Now a solid friendship, Willow feels comfortable enough to visit Luz's house
Was NOT aware the cute but intimidating new student from school lives here and thinks she's got the wrong house
she doesn't. He welcomes her in, explaining Luz went out for a minute but should be back soon.
They're both pretty shy at first. On Willow's end, they've never talked and this boy is older, not to mention he seems to be friends with Amity's older siblings. Not the best line up. For Hunter, he's only seen her in passing, only heard Luz brag about "my bestie, Willow" this and that. Neither of them have much to go on, but this is his sister's best friend, this is her best friend's brother, and they are gonna make an effort because they love and care about Luz, and they understand getting along is important for her.
So they talk. Small talk, but they talk, slow and a bit awkward as teenagers are. "Oh, what track are you in?" "Into any sports?" "Whats your favorite color?"
Hunter hates small talk and meeting new people is terrifying; it's not so bad bc he recognizes Willow and it's only her, but she notices he's getting more nervous. She opts out of the conversation first, giving him a reassuring smile, "Sorry if I'm keeping you. I'll just wait here till Luz gets back."
And he is NOT having it. How dare this v cute girl come into his house, under his roof and be all considerate and accommodating??? No. No he will not be bested like this.
He waves her off and returns her smile, continuing the conversation with renewed vigor.
Luz returns just as Willow's starts going more in depth about her more exotic plants (she mentioned she has her own little green house at home and Hunter has never been more intrigued). She is v much elated to find her bro and best friend are getting along. Sadly, they have to end the conversation there, and as they part, Hunter going up to his room and Luz tugging Willow to the next room, they exchange a "Nice meeting you!" "You too. See you around..." but it's actually nice and both look forward to the next time.
While they don't hang out at school, they start talking in the halls whenever they pass each other. The Blight twins say nothing when they notice Hunter taking the long route to their next class.
Willow frequents the Noceda household. A lot. In her defense Luz is needy and constantly needs love and affection, so she's invited everyday. But even Luz has a life outside the house, has other friends and school activities to attend to. So she ends up resting at the house like a pitstop, doing homework and stuff, waiting for the bus or for her dads' to pick her up (sometimes Hunter will keep her company)
Hunter falls first in every universe.
BFB!Hunter | BFB!Willow
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