#more everyone loves zoro posts because im trash
greyskyflowers · 1 year
This is kind of rambling because I just really wish I saw more of this but whatever.
I wish I saw more stuff about Zoro's eye and the crew. I'm really interested in how that wound would have been handled by the crew.
The world already thinks the strawhats are fucking nuts, so I have the firm belief that they only let themselves be true, squishy humans with each other. Reindeer and skeleton included.
The rest of the world has seen them cry, bleed, near death, etc but the real stuff is for crew eyes only. The nightmares, the chronic pains, the panic attacks, the depression, the parts of healing that aren't pretty, etc.
Those belong to the crew. No one else gets to see that because being human in front of the world is different than be vulnerable in front of the world. And they love each other too much to let any of them be stripped bare for the world if they have anything to say about it.
I think of Zoro and Luffy as having the first real injuries of the crew. The point of no return injuries. The sealed their fate as pirates in blood and flesh injuries.
No one on the crew has lost anything quite like Zoro's eye. No one has lost any arms or legs, no lost fingers or toes, no lost of the senses like sight or hearing, and no truly horrific scars. Other than Zoro. And after the timeskip, Zoro and Luffy.
So Zoro missing an eye should have been a thing because this isn't something that heals. An eye doesn't grow back. The world changed for Zoro when he lost it (or whatever happened since we don't 100% know).
That's the injury of a human and Luffy and Zoro, and often Sanji, are seen as beyond human by so much of the world. Even the crew.
And that injury must have been fucking wild. Like so much there to unpack. The pain, the recovery, any infection, relearning how to live daily life with half your vision gone. That's a lot of time to be vulnerable.
It bothers the crew that they weren't there to cover his vulnerabilities like they should have been. They weren't there to do that for Luffy or Zoro. But this post is about Zoro, so that's what we're focusing on.
I have been brainstorming how I'd like to see the crew have to deal with this and I think a great way to make this into a hell of an idea for a fic would be way more simple than I was making it. I was originally thinking about shorting the timeskip, ignoring orders to stay separate, the wound happening closer to when they meet, etc.
But then I thought devil fruit. Duh.
What if the crew runs into a devil fruit user with the ability to recreate wounds? It'd have to be some type of time based power that would allow the user to touch the spot of a scar or other old injury and revert it back to the worst stage of it. Maybe it was when it was first received, a infection, etc.
It would work for other things too. The user notices someone doesn't have any glaringly obvious scars to focus on? Try the head, they probably had a concussion at some point. Try the arm, they've probably broken it at some point.
It also requires the user to revert the wound back to it's present state or it has to heal naturally all over again.
And someone who's fighting the strawhats with this power would go right for Luffy's chest scar. Take the captain down in one hit. He probably won't survive the wound again.
There's a couple ways I could see this playing out specifically with Zoro.
Either the user can't get Luffy and goes for the next best, Zoro's eye. (Or chest would be interesting. Maybe both)
Or they almost get Luffy but Zoro gets in the way. Thriller bark all over again.
I think that wound was nasty because I can't imagine Zoro losing an eye with a clean cut. Most importantly though is what stage it goes back to.
It's clearly not when he first got it. The wound is ragged and inflamed. Dried blood is holding the edges and the skin is stained a rusty color. Not that you can tell over all the bruising, big blooms of black and purple and yellow, that creep across his face and even down his neck.
It's a little terrifying.
But that's not even all of it. The wound fucks with a lot of stuff that they hadn't even thought of.
He's got constant, debilitating headaches and ringing in his ears. It makes basic things like focusing, walking, turning his head, etc all very hard and painful.
Loss of appetite due to pain and medication and chewing and even drinking all pull at the wound. So rapidly losing weight becomes a problem.
Sleep is almost impossible. His exhaustion slows the healing process.
Nausea and vomiting from the trauma, headaches and exhaustion. Even further loss of weight, energy, and necessary nutrients.
And once those settle enough, all the other issues become prominent.
Having to relearn balance and depth perception. Both in daily life and fighting.
Having to readjust for having his field of vision cut in half.
The general trauma. Honestly, I just need him flinching away sometimes when he just wakes up and someone comes in on his blind side. Only with them though, that's the only time he lets himself relax enough to be caught off gaurd or allow someone to surprise him.
The body remembers wounds like that. The mind remembers wounds like that. Zoro is a master at mind over matter stuff but even then, sometimes things are so deep and instinctive that it would be very hard to override those responses.
I want to see the crew reacting to it all.
The nights were Zoro stumbles up, pressing a hand to his eye, dripping sweat, and gasping for air because he managed to actually fall asleep, but in doing so forget to take pain medication before it was too late.
The days where getting him to eat something is the hardest battle the crew has had in days.
Chopper near tears with worry and fury. The rest of the crew in similar mindsets.
They find he sleeps best sitting against the wall with one of them, back supported and unable to roll into a painful position accidentally. His head resting on their shoulder and a careful, so so careful, hand to nudge him back if he starts to do something that will hurt.
He lets Chopper have full access to the wound, not even rejecting the pain medication and that alone speaks to the agony he's in.
They want to squirrel him away deep in the ship until he's better, he's too vulnerable anywhere else. It sets their teeth on edge and the idea of anyone seeing Zoro hurt and bleeding like this is unacceptable.
A healed wound to show the world is one thing, like the scar he had before the devil fruit user, and even a wound still healing, like Luffy's when he rang the bell after marineford, is different. Both of those are warnings. I'll come back stronger, you can't keep me down.
This is something else.
Someone hurt their swordsman. And they knew that of course, even when it was just a scar, but seeing it makes it real.
It makes something burn in their bellies with fury, wanting to snap their teeth at anything or anyone not crew.
It's a wild possessive and protective feeling. Vicious, a little blood thirsty, and demanding names. They want to know who did it.
Part of what makes Zoro Zoro is how he handles injuries and protects the crew. When he first got the wound he was by himself and probably hid away for a bit to lick his wounds before pushing himself back into everything too quick and with too little care.
So this time they want to care for it right, they want to care for him right.
The wound will heal with or without pain medication, but there's no reason to not make sure he's comfortable and supported.
He can sleep with or without someone, but if having someone there helps keep him in one spot all night and keeps the nightmares at bay, why would they let him sleep alone?
The bandages will be changed regardless, but if his hands shake less when someone else is helping him with the cleaning of the wound and the new bandages, why would they leave him to do it by himself?
It's not weakness, it's trust. It's love and vulnerability that belong to each other, not the world.
Being loved enough to be vulnerable is a privilege they'd never deny each other.
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llamasgotoheaven · 6 years
Hattori, Inazuma, Hatchan !!!!!!!!
Hattori -Tell us about your OTP(s)
Zorobin ;——;The ship of ships. Power couple. Beautiful. Amazing. Bliss.Mutual support and respect. Not super obvious, not touchy feely people who would die for each other??? Give each other space but communicate effectively where it rly matters??? Not joined at the hip, two wholes who go together like peas in a pod.so. Beautiful next to one another. I’ll take 💯 👌✅✅✅👌💞‼️. HONESTLY??? Robin has been on the run her ENTIRE. LIFE. Imagine if she was in a committed relationship or even marriage w a man who was sworn to protect all of his family (nakama) and looked out extra hard for her cause she is constantly a walking target. It’s a match made in heaven. She can teach him to love a little more and get better at accepting love, help him chill and build up his neglected intellect a bit to go with the brawn, (maybe even imbue him w tricks to not get lost as much ??? Who knows). Additionally he can make her feel not just appreciated… But worthy of being in a long term relationship with a great man ??? Who isn’t abusive or creepy to her ???? The way that most men probably have been in her life ??? Seeing as she has worked for crooks ??? I LOVE HOW SHE KNOWS HE’S NOT STUPID AND NEVER MAKES FUN OF HIS MIND LIKE THE OTHERS, DESPITE HIM NOT BEING VERY BOOKISH. Zoro probably gets really sick of being condescended and I think Robin is the first crewmate that doesn’t actively make him the butt of jokes.
They’re just so damn… functional lusty hetero fantasy like??? How can u not love it
She is so n i c e to Zoro and he gets so bewildered like there’s fucking blush on her face in the manga when she first smiles at him it’s small but A D O R A B L E. She also is so happy for him in Dressrosa arc when he ups his game as a swordaman it’s… wholesome
OK LOOK how much calmer zoro has been as a character since after enies Lobby it’s almost 👀 👀 👀 like he wants to impress her and act more mature … . But he is also concerned with her wellbeing.
He gets super PISSED OFF AND PROTECTIVE WHEN PEOPLE HARM ROBIN. He wasn’t even angry in battle when mihawk slashed his chest in two like ????? ZORO has like a record of being respectful towards women but ive never seen him be so…. Protective of one. It’s almost like he’s afraid she’ll vanish from his grip just like Kuina did in like an instant
Like when he’s flustered that he wasn’t acting cool enough for her when she won’t agree to dock onto Franky…
LIKE LITERALLY?B i t chThey’re both goth ass divas !
“They just save wach other a lot cuz they’re powerful Dani”
YA SURE BUT ODA HAS NARRATIVE POWER AND TONS OF STRONG PROTAGS TO USE FOR DRAMATIC MOMENTS AND YET…. Repeating motif 👀 👀 Zoro and Robin looking out for each other in battle and out of battle. Robin trying to nurture the crew member everyone is afraid of bc she probably remembers what it’s like to feel distanced from people around you and having them assume you’re a monster because you appear a certain way. (See: Her whole life. That’s probably why the two of them get along w Chopper so well! He was also treated like a monster too!) Zoro telling Sanji to leave her alone several times. Zoro getting distracted by her during fights w Kaku and super eager to get her back. Literally ive never seen so much hinting at romance in OP!!! She ain’t his sister or mother figure I can tell you that.
They’re like relatives my ass. Oda’s gonna mary them in the epilogue you wait and watchWait and watch _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_
-skypeia-pre Water 7 when aokiji fucks em up-Enies Lobby-thriller bark-Sabody-Fishman Island-Dressrosa
😭 😭 😭
Im still Chelley trash as well after all these years omfg
Inazuma - Can you post a selfie?
Im in app so probably no
Hatchan - Do you forgive people easily
That depends how far their bs extends honestly Some people are better left out of your life as much as humanly possible
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