#monitor what the hell they are on
lilirot · 7 months
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The Four Kings from the official website which afaik isn't anywhere else at the moment?
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mollysunder · 2 months
Sometimes I think about the end of Padawan Lost arc and I'll remind myself that Anakin wasn't just apologizing to Ahsoka but to Shmi too. He couldn't save Ahsoka like he couldn't save Shmi. Even without the nightmares he must have been thinking, "It's happening again. It's happening again. IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN", because once more he's in a position where he has no power to save his loved one. At least in Shmi's case he knows where she is in theory, and felt something wrong. With Ahsoka, Anakin's completely in the dark from start to finish, he can't find her, can't feel her, all he knows is something bad DID happen but has to wait to hear something.
Even the end doesn't really provide any comfort because sure Ahsoka and the others were rescued, but it was out of pure luck Chewie's transmission worked. If the transmission hadn't gone through she and the other younglings were going to be brutally tortured, killed, and then turned into trophies. How do you hear any of that and not feel absolutely useless to the suffering of your charge? From Anakin's perspective, this must have been history repeating itself, but worse, because instead of being ignorant, he was powerless.
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gayanime · 3 months
Apparently I really do have some unhealthy parasocial relationship with Seventeen because since I saw the news of Scoups being exempted from military service due to his injury, I have been so worried for him and the reaction of the public.
Like I literally want to call svt and ask if he is okay, don't let him be on social media too much, everything will be alright, he is so so loved, most people understand, please make sure he takes care of his injury, give him a hug, be strong all of you.
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h0neywheat · 2 months
I honestly do not understand how people can be calm and enjoy driving. there's so many rules of the road and shit to pay attention to and possible distractions that can result in tragedy. it's mentally exhausting and unpredictable. if you make a mistake the best case scenario is someone honking, the worst is ending up dead or killing someone.
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koshka-sova · 2 months
npc to playable wishlist gooooo
i know in my heart some of these will never leave the basement but hey. a fan can dream
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bonus these two form the main story bc they grew on me a bit aha...
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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T'Rahni'hk's Family! + Fun Facts
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tj-crochets · 10 months
Hey y'all! I am once again in health insurance hell, and could really use some help. I have a specific US health insurance question, but it might get long so it's below a read more
My employer offers two health plan options, and they are both absolutely terrible. I want to get my own health insurance, but the insurance broker lady I used when I worked part time says I can't, because I can get health insurance through my employer, even if I opt out. I spoke to another health insurance person today, and she said if I get a letter on company letterhead saying I'll lose health insurance on [date], as long as it's 60 days or less from now, it counts as a qualifying event and I can buy my own health insurance. She said opting out counted as losing health insurance. Do you know anything about this? How do I get health insurance as an individual NOT through my employer even though my employer offers it? The plans my employer is offering are Aetna, and Aetna is the absolute worst and I despise them as a company so much one of my long term goals is to warn people against them. They suck! They refused to pay for my inhaler until I got my doctor to fill out a form like three times, and also I had to email them A LOT and fill out a LOT of surveys with an emphasis on how horrifying I found it that they as a company clearly valued profit over their customer's lives, and would in fact prefer their customers die before they could reach the ER in case of an emergency, as evidenced by their refusing to pay for my rescue inhaler, a necessary life-saving medication. They also require I fill that form out every year, just in case I magically stop being in the small minority of people who get severe adverse reactions to albuterol and levalbuterol
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crmsndragonwngss · 2 months
cUrE hAs nO rIfFs
Please, I am begging, PLEASE listen to music with something fucking better than AirPods
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scalpelsister · 7 months
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my (first!!) pc is built 😭 this was a task and a half and also very very scary lmao. I was SO worried I was gonna break shit and even now that its built and very much so up and running and ok im like... worried its about to break lmao (like its unfounded! but im still like. oh god its going to brick itself at any second). I'm yet to properly test it out with bg3, but it is running my silly cozy little mmos wonderfully. I also now feel like I need to sleep forever after getting this done lmao.
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as you can see I am exclusively using top of the line Pro Gamer peripherals, such as this keeb from 1998. this keyboard is older than me.
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bigothteddies · 20 days
oh boy I got praised in the weekly work meeting this is great
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idk-my-aesthetic · 2 months
Respectfully if you are on a train and take up a table seat and don’t even use it I am eating your phone
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deaths · 10 months
TRAGIC TALE: a nice monitor is used to run a really shitty computer where people just put things into excel and email all day
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unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
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Go see Summer Stock at @goodspeedmusicals it’s amazing and I finally got to meet @actually_will_roland one of, my favorite actors ever. ( I am a massive fan of Will and I’ve never been more starstruck in my life than I was meeting him, he’s exactly how I imagined he would be, if not better) also the dancing was incredible and @corbinbleu is soooo good at tapping. Go see it before it’s run ends!
shoutout to josh's summer stock experience and repping w/the lgw tee while providing pics of the theater features....corresponding with several posts i've seen about corbin bleu fans delighted to meet him in the cozy little stagedoor equivalent that is a hangout in the goodspeed parking lot, we do love to see it
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
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Naz and Geeta have formed a very unconventional friendship that is made up of unsolicited gossip of the tenants from Geeta and trying to teach Naz how to cook
also I have no idea where Geeta’s kara went? (an iron bracelet in Sikhism) I remember checking it on every outfit but I must of fucked something up when i was giving her cc skin details. It seems it is only on her hot weather outfit, but I’ll be sure to fix it when I open the game next 👍
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nappingpaperclip · 5 months
I just got a Spotify ad from meta that said Instagram is ‘working with congress to pass federal regulations on children 16 and younger’s ability to download apps of the App Store without their parental permission’
like they the app store already has age restrictions on every app and you have to have an icloud/google account with a birth date associated to download it… like there are already apps for parents to control kids phone time… like you can just teach your children about internet safety….
If your kid hides something from you it’s because you made them not trust you to handle it respectfully and fairly… how would they even enforce this? what kids need is not LESS rights from the government
maybe I’m being paranoid but I feel like stuff like this is somehow connected to either trans/gay rights (“protecting your children from being influenced on the internet”) or consumer privacy rights (how would they genuinely enforce this in a way they don’t already? ie making you put in your birthday or have an account with a birth date associated with it. are they gonna make u upload your id or something?)
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devilfruitdyke · 3 months
#post (bad) was like 'adults need to take responsibility for what kids see online even publically posted fanwork'#it INCLUDED the sentence 'parents should monitor their kids internet more' and implied that people arbitrarily designated minors#dont have the impulse control to not look at content with warnings#all of this is not fucking true. children are people#and then every note arguing with the original post is like 'can we not have ONE SPACE without FUCKING minors... 😮‍💨'#'why is our responsibility to raise peoples kids for them' 'this implies that non kid friendly content shouldnt exist'#the last one is 100% true for the record but i think what yr getting at is that this random 'antishipper' on the internet#is responsible for like. sesta/fosta. no lmfao get real#and EVERY ONE OF THESE NOTES. is still fully accepting what the original post posits#that people arbitrarily designated minors are unable to resist barging into fan spaces#this is not true. kids are actually able to display the required self control in most cases#it doesnt come from a material condition of being a teenager. it sure as hell doesnt come from lack of brain development#people under 18 (age chosen by the government) are not easily impressed animals who just cant resist looking at triggering things#and then like. start whining about it because of their delicate constitution#the people you are talking about have every marker of 'adulthood'#theyre just a convenient pawn for yall to bitch at each other about shipping fictional characters#thats the only capacity that some people give a fuck about children in and it shows.
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