lixxen · 28 days
hello dear beloved mutual. WHAT the fuck is happening in iasip?????? i thought it was wholesome like mr rodger's neighborhood or smth?????
IASIP is NOT wholesome at all, I'm sorry I've misguided you
It is genuinely a show about horrible people doing bad things. It's a completely satire show and you're not supposed to condone these fuckers at all. They ruin pretty much everyone who interacts with them's lives (besides a trans lady!! Shout out to Carmen)
Like. It's genuinely a great show because one minute you're like "man they're just silly guys" then they open their mouth and you're sitting there with your mouth open or head in hands
The main characters are: an unchecked autistic guy who is illiterate and a stalker, a BPD guy with a god complex who is a possible psychopath and hinted at could be a serial killer, a gay man who has daddy issues and Catholic guilt that's so bad he is homophobic half of the time and is basically in a relationship with the possible murderous psychopath (they're the definition of codependency), Danny DeVito <3 (who is manipulative as FUCK), and then a woman who is the twin to the possible murderous psychopath and could be a decent person if she wasn't around the rest and tried
It's the longest lasting sitcom and is pretty well written and as long as you acknowledge the show is satire and VERY reflective of the time it was airing per episode, you'll have a fun time. Like. It should have awards. It's impressive in many ways. And the creators ARE the actors. I'm not kidding. One of the guys gains and loses 60lbs for a single season and it's dedication. They also ship the two codependent fuckers openly. There's 16 seasons and there's another coming soon
But yeah. A ton of sensitive content happens so it's not for everyone. There's a few episodes removed from streaming for certain content
Here's the first season episode list:
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I'm in season 9 still. I literally can write essays about these fuckasses.
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druidberries · 3 months
wcif the ears & earrings for your mushroom girl?? she's so pretty!💛💛
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well first of all thank you!! <3 her ears are actually an accessory that comes with the earrings which you can get here (nsfw warning for the post!)
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pixelshary · 12 days
in your pinned post, wcif the outfit your sim is wearing? it's such a cozy aesthetic btw!
hi momokyuuu! 👋😊 thank you so much!! 🌼 it's this outfit from another wcif >>here<< 👈 wish you a good day/night! ☕🌿
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
are you wcif friendly? i tried checking your pinned post, tho i might've missed it
hi! I've never gotten a wcif before so I never really put if I'm wcif-f or not in my pinned post, I can't guarantee I can find what your looking for (since I don't have ts4 on my laptop anymore), but I can try!
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tangledstarlight · 3 months
okay kind of a goofy question - the red sweater gifset from FRIENDS you just reblogged. can you explain what happened? i'm kinda confused </3 tysm!
okay so! it’s a couple of episodes after chandler and monica have gotten married and everyone but ross knows that rachel is pregnant and they’ve all been trying to work out who the dad is. earlier in the episode joey is all ‘omg i know who it is. a guy left this sweater at the apartment a month ago’ and it’s the red sweater, BUT they all think it’s rachel’s ex, tags.
anyway it’s not tags sweater and at the end of the ep (the gifset) ross is leaving monica’s apartment when he spots the sweater and is all ‘oh hey i’ve been looking for this for like a month’ and everyone GASPS!
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lixxen · 19 days
hello beloved mutual lixxen. im curious of about danny phantom! ive seen your reblogs of it, and i was wondering if you could explain the premise of it? bc my memory of it was a kids show from nickelodeon, but it seems super popular. is it still running??
anyways it seems kind of fun, im thinking of starting it
Welcome back to Lixx explaining hyperfixations!!
Danny Phantom is a children's cartoon from 2004 that has three seasons and a graphic novel (that came out last year) (the show has been done for twenty years)
It focuses on Daniel Fenton, who is a 14 year old who lives in a small town somewhere in the northern Midwest of the US (near Wisconsin but not in it). His parents are scientists/inventors who are obsessed with ghosts. They create a portal that should bring them to the Ghost Zone, a special realm that ghosts come from, but it doesn't work. Danny does inside of it and turns it on, which turns him into a Halfa. A Halfa is a half ghost, half human. He canonically dies twice in the show. I will not elaborate on how this kid just dies a few times.
The show follows Danny and his friends (and various classmates and reoccurring cast) as he learns how to use his powers and fight off ghosts along the way!
The cast includes:
His older sister Jazz, who is actually a really good big sister who cares a lot even if she's overbearing
Sam, his main love interest who is a Jewish goth girl and doesn't eat meat
His best friend Tucker, who is a techno nerd who loves meat
The A-Listers, who are the popular kids
Valerie, who is a love interest and enemy at certain points
His parents Maddie and Jack, who are overbearing and can be kinda crazy at times
Vlad, his not uncle who is fucking insane and a main bad guy. In love with Maddie
Plus various others!!
The fandom is very active and old. There are regular Tumblr/AO3 events that happen every year with a schedule and there is a steady fanon that has been built around the show that is basically canon (or supported by the canon). The creator, Butch Hartman, is a bigoted asshole who everyone hates.
The show is very fun and it is bingeable. It has a specific formula and is predictable at times. But also, it's very grim because you slowly realize that this 14 year old kid is literally carrying the weight of a realm on his shoulders and is living a double life where his parents basically want him dead and gone while loving his alive self
The fandom loves gore/whump.
I'm not kidding.
I have written a handful of gore fics for this show and tbh they're not even the worst things ever. If you've ever want to see some of the most jaw dropping whump and gore, this fandom has it.
We have fics that are literally the best written alternate universes and have nothing to do with the original show besides characters and death. Like. There's bound books of that specific fic. I haven't read it but it's long and it will make you sob
Some things that are lore building/fanon shit that everyone knows:
Ghost obsessions (you'll know it when you see it)
Ghost cores having specific effects on ghosts (it's canon but not really talked about in canon for more than two seconds)
Danny having allergic reactions to blood blossoms outside of his ghost form
Ghost speak being a ghost language all ghosts speak
Wes Weston and Kyle Weston being unnamed background characters that the fans took and made into full characters. It's actually cool as fuck. They're fully functioning characters and I love them
Death echoes/death days
I will warn that whatever feelings you have regarding to ships needs to be kicked to the side. All things go for ships here. Don't like the ship/don't condone it, don't interact with ir. You will waste your breath trying to play police over ship
Ships also have names. Platonic AND romantic ships. Here's some I can name off the top of my head:
Pitch pearl: Danny/Phantom (Danny gets split into a ghost and human form at one point)
Amethyst ocean: Danny/Sam
Savant Par: Danny/Tucker
Everlasting trio: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Badger cereal: Danny & Vlad (I think????)
Swagger Bishie/Golden Twinkie: dash/Danny
Pink astronaut: Danny/Paulina
Gray Ghost: Danny/Valerie
So yeah lol
This is my most read fic I think. I am gonna start writing again for DP soon. I love reading them
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(here's my AO3 fic tags from my bookmarks for DP)
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lixxen · 1 month
i think your art is super cool btw. rip slur anon who wasn't loved enough and had to cowardly call someone out. i am no coward and i love your art/reblogs its enrichment seeing iasip stuff and not knowing what's going on
LOL thanks. I appreciate it
Like. I wanna know what got them sending me that ask. Is it because I'm openly autistic? Like, congrats I guess. Not wrong?? But that's just a mean word smh. Say it with the whole chest outside of anon if ur gonna send me hate y'know??? Call me a gay or trans slur next ig while we're slinging slurs in my anon box /j
But I'm glad ur getting enrichment from IASIP lol. Bastard show and it is fueling my brain worms. Horrible people being horrible. I'm also into Pacific Rim right now. It's a wonderful mess. I have no urge to draw and other trolls fans I know on other platforms left a bad taste in my mouth so I can't draw trolls rn sadly :(
Thanks for sticking around tho. I love it here even if they call me slurs every once in a while!
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