#mod kaladin
the-daily-male · 9 months
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Today's daily male is Kaladin Stormblessed from The Stormlight Archive!
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thedarkeyedcaptain · 2 months
fun fact that they somehow always forget to mention is that if you survive a high storm bound outside while already injured the stormfather himself is so impressed he gives you a small tablet that only has access to the tumblr app so you can keep liveblogging your lived experiences. for this purpose alone you magically know how to write this foreign tongue with these funny symbols whenever you touch the keyboard (and only then)
This blog is made in honor of Tien.
(out of character under the cut)
basically as the above said: blogging in character in kal's POV as i continue my way through the stormlight archive :)
will be tagging all my posts by book and chapter. if you are unsure about what I am referring to feel free to ask ^^
> #out of character. Kaladin mod (aka ooc op)
> #speaking to the stormfather answering asks
> #character analysis I think you can figure this one out on your own buddy
> #writing surprise I do be writing sometimes! will focus on Kal related stuff here unless I'm very proud of a piece and/or think it deserves more attention
feel free to block any of those if you don't want to see it ^^
also feel free to send asks in general lol (that I of course will also answer in character), although i ask that you don't spoil anything beyond Words of Radiance (since I didn't get any farther the first time)
I am listening to everything audio only and I'm scared to look stuff up on the wiki (spoilers) so you may correct me if I get any names or things like that wrong, though I ask that you not be an asshole about it 🙃
> personal Kaladin Stormblessed interpretation (status: Words of Radiance)
enjoy !
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qprsmackdown · 9 months
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Propaganda (under the readmore)
Kaladin and Syl
they're so. they have a supernatural magical bond called the Nahel bond that literally links their souls. syl's life depends on kaladin's honor and kaladin's life rests on syl's support (bbg is So Fucked Up <3). they're constant companions and support each other through both of their grief and struggles (since they both have been through some Fucked Up Shit). they've defied literal gods (at least, the closest thing to one they had at the time) to stay together. and never at any point is their bond treated as anything other than deeply platonic and deeply valuable to both of them.
Lapis and Peridot
I would like to apologize for any spelling errors/run on sentences here. I’m rambling out of excitement :]
Peridot and Lapis have the most QPP energy I’ve ever seen and I’m not too sure how to describe it. Peridot is canonically aroace and Peridot and Lapis become very close after becoming roommates (they lived in a barn) and Peridot was absolutely relieved to see Lapis return from space.
When they both had to live together Peridot did everything she could to try to make Lapis comfortable (did she fail? Yeah, but she still tried her best) and Peridot even gave Lapis a tape recorder similar to the one she had received as a gift from Steven when she was trying to get used to being on Earth.
They respect each other and make inside jokes about how they used to be villains! They made a bunch of art and put it in their barn and called it “meep morps”! They have a sentient pumpkin dog (named “Pumpkin”)! Lapis and Peridot aren’t canonically QPPs, but if someone told me that they were I’d believe it without proof.
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rowlynne · 21 days
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I'm new here friends, but, I just love her (Kaladin) so much and we both love Gale and she deserves to be immortalized forever online.
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Who They’d Date in Stardew Valley: Stormlight Edition
If the Stormlight characters played Stardew Valley, which NPC would they choose to date? 1.  Adolin: Dates Leah
Adolin: Something about the red hair...the artistry...the bisexuality...
Adolin: Oh wow! I’m just dating Shallan in the game!
Adolin: ...awesome. 
2. Hesina: Dates Harvey
Hesina: I just can’t resist a small-town doctor!
Hesina: This one charges for medical care, though. 
Lirin: T-The monster!
Hesina: Great mustache, though.
3. Rlain: Dates Sam
Rlain: Of all the NPCs, Sam is the most musical.
4. Renarin: Dates Sam
Renarin: Y-Yeah, guys who know rhythms are the best, aren’t they, Rlain?
5. Veil: Dates Haley
Veil: Like I said. I like dumb women.
6. Shallan: Dates Elliot
Shallan: Such a fascinating deconstruction of gender roles!
Shallan: He writes! Plays music! Has long hair!
Shallan: He’s basically a hot ardent!
Kabsal: 👀
Shallan: No.
7. Taravangian: Dates Shane
Taravangian: It is the only logical choice.
Taravangian: Early birthday, easy loved gifts, perfect for dancing with at the first Flower Dance.
Taravangian: Anyone who does ANY planning would choose Shane!
8. Nale: Dates Krobus
Nale: The only character with a dependable schedule and no questionable activities.
Lift: Doesn’t he just sit in the sewer all day?
Nale: Dependable.
9. Rock: Dates Abigail
Rock: Ha! Like I could resist someone who literally eats rocks!
10. Tien: Dates Sebastian
Tien: He likes hunting frogs!
Tien: I think we’d get along great.
Tien: Frogs are basically lurgs, right?
11. Moash: Dates Alex
Moash: An accomplished athlete. Trains to be stronger. Knows the pain of familial loss...
Lopen: Is the only character who goes shirtless!
Moash: ...shut up.
12. Szeth: Dates Emily
Szeth: Finally. Someone who treats rocks as sacred.
13. Jasnah: Dates Penny
Jasnah: If I were to waste time in this game, I would clearly choose the scholar who spends the most time in the library. 
14. Kaladin: Dates everyone
Kaladin: Wait...there’s a dating mechanic?
Kaladin: Syl told me the bouquets were symbols of friendship!
15. Dalinar: Dates nobody
Dalinar: I do not believe it would be right to date someone else when I am married to Navani.
Navani: Dalinar...it is literally a game.
Stormfather: No, no, I’m with Dalinar on this one.
16. Navani: Dates Maru
Navani: I don’t know...something about this scientist woman who occasionally makes things explode...
17. Gavilar: Dates the Wizard
Gavilar: Secret, arcane power? Yes please.
Navani: That’s not even a datable character!
Gavilar: Bah! Like I wouldn’t mod.
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olivemyheart · 11 months
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mods are asleep quick post ao3 kaladin
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I wish I had more time and patience to put out the high effort low audience fandom content. I'm talking stormlight archive zoo tycoon 2 mods I'm talking kaladin shimeji desktop pet I'm talking bridge 4 media player skins I'm-
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the-shash-emoji · 11 days
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some time ago, I came across a meme on Reddit about the Stormlight Archive. OP had meant it to be about Kaladin, but there was some debate in the comments as to whether he was actually the deadliest man on Roshar. I made an edited version, playing off this idea I’d had in my head for a while that the glyphs, especially when stylized, were pretty similar in function to modern-day emoji (it was especially funny to me since Reddit hates emoji with a passion). I
The joke took off. I’m proud of this thing that I’ve brought to the cremposting community, and to celebrate my grand accomplishment I decided to create a sideblog dedicated to collecting instances of the shash emoji.
My main blog is @sushi1056. I’m happy to discuss the wider Cosmere, or fandom in general, there, but please keep asks on this blog on topic. (If it’s off-topic or personal, I’ll make sure to clarify that it’s Mod Sushi talking)
Submissions are also open to help catch ones I’ve missed, since I’m two years behind at this point
—mod sushi
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anodyne-sunflower · 3 months
What class are you playing right now
So I'm using 2 modded classes: Sea-Forged and a Warlock Subclass called the fathomless. My dude, Kaladin, is a pirate/smuggler of sorts but a good man. He was shipwrecked in my HC of him, and was offered life in return for his loyalty to some old sea God/entity, hence his Warlock side. Lol Those two classes seemed to fit and I am loving the sea-forged one a lot! Especially since it also gives musical proficiency.
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arocharacteradvice · 4 years
Why you shouldn’t avoid using the word ‘aromantic’ to describe your aromantic characters
We get a lot of questions on this blog that mention a difficulty conveying to readers that a character is in fact aromantic, and I feel like I need to point out, as nicely as I can, that ‘aromantic’ isn’t a bad word. 
It’s not impossible for there to be a scenario where using the word aromantic isn’t necessary. What is necessary is erring on the side of caution, because aros are still very much an invisible group. You cannot say of an aro character ‘they don’t date’ and have readers know what that means in the same way you can say of a gay character ‘he only dates boys.’ 
Aromantics can guide you on how best to describe our orientation without saying the word aromantic, but it is not helping us for you to try and use any euphemism you can before you call us by the actual term for what we are. 
I understand not wanting to use modern terms in a fantasy setting, but using an orientation term won’t take audiences out of the story the way saying ‘twitter’, or ‘nuclear power’ will. There aren’t equivalents of twitter in (most) fantasy worlds. There can be a word for aromantic, and your readers will just assume that’s been translated from whatever fantasy language your characters are speaking into whatever language they’re reading the book in. 
Everything in fantasy is translated. Unless they wouldn’t have a version of the thing you’re talking about, please just use whatever words you like. Don’t let a warped idea of accuracy get in the way of an underrepresented group seeing themselves in the media. 
(Especially when, as pointed out many times to male writers who use ‘accuracy’ as a reason not to let women fight, fantasy isn’t realistic. You have dragons in this book, you can have aros. Please don’t be that male writer everyone hates.)
Historical fiction is a little different, but unless you’re writing something with zero anachronisms that is meant to be completely serious, I’d rather an ahistorical term be used than aromanticism be erased.
I know I’ve reassured people before than canonising a character’s orientation via word of god is always possible, but I also want to stress that that should really be a last resort. The few aro characters we have are erased 99% of the time even by people who already know about their canonical, word of god, aromanticism. We need the most explicit canonisation possible, because people do not respect us. Unless you’re willing to personally argue with every fan online making ship art of your word of god aro, please consider that route to be a cop out you take when there are literally no other options. 
I know that sometimes, it is genuinely difficult to make a character’s aromanticism clear, especially in cases where access to the word might be difficult or inaccurate. But the amount of asks we get about how to make it obvious a character is aro, when in the context the asker has given about their story it wouldn’t be necessary to go without the word, is worrying. 
Please don’t act like ‘aromantic’ is a word to be avoided at any cost. It allows us to be erased even when we should be represented, and frankly it makes me feel like even our allies don’t want to support us explicitly. 
- Mod Kaladin
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just-antithings · 5 years
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me @ the aro community: why are y’all like this
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Kvothe: What do you know?
Elodin: Almost everything. That almost part can be a real kick in the teeth sometimes.
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thedarkeyedcaptain · 20 days
a very reasonable sentiment, totally agree. everyone around us is invaluable, no matter how shitty they may act. unless, of course, they are against us. in which case violence is okay, but only because it is necessary. life before death. protect those weaker than you, at any cost. sometimes you need to be willing to kill in order to protect.
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kin---aesthetics · 7 years
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can you do an aesthetic for Kaladin Stormblessed (stormlight archive books) who knew he was angelkin?
Here you are!! I hope you like it!!
If you feel that anything needs to be changed, please don’t hesitate to let me know!
-Mod Knight
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shallanspren · 3 years
also (and i’m saying this because there are 17th shard mods on tumblr) but the 17th shard needs to do better, not just with not promoting art by racists on the coppermind, but with amplifying the voices of poc in general. like their podcast about queer rep in the cosmere was fine, they made a huge point to have all but one person on that episode be queer, and it did show. but they need more poc in general on their podcast and monitoring the forum. i don’t think i’ve ever seen a poc on their cast, and granted, i haven’t seen everything, but in the months since i’ve discovered them, i’ve just seen white people doing all the talking.
when it comes to stormlight and even mistborn, you need the voices of more marginalized people in the room. you can do all the research on CRT, but if you’re white, you’re going to have blindspots and the perspective of people who better understand what characters like moash, kaladin, venli, eshonai, vin, and kelsier are going through, are going to add so much depth to the discussions being had.
and since 17th shard is the biggest and most influential platform for the cosmere fandom, they absolutely should be setting a better standard. and they can. there are no shortage of fans on the forums who aren’t white. but when a lot of them simply don’t feel safe enough to be overly vocal, that’s a problem.
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kingjasnah · 3 years
Blasian anon again. I think you missed my point but I also think that's because I didn't explain myself properly. Redzit and Shart I think are a lost cause (except that the mods of shart are actually pretty chill from the interactions I've had) but on here, things aren't great either. Tumblr artists see the whitewashing and over-correct, erasing the biracial aspect of a lot of characters. I'll keep using Shallan as an example bc we're the closest ethnicity wise, but so many artists straight up ignore she's supposed to look biracial. Inspo boards might only take her mixed race into account when it comes to her hair, but ignore that she might have a Japanese nose and white people lips (either in shape or color or both). And this is maybe kind of minor, but using Korean faces as her blueprint maybe isn't great. I don't know a lot of Koreans who would be happy with people thinking they are interchangeable with Japanese (because the history between us is not great). We do look similar, but we're also different.
Not enough tumblr artists are looking at biracial japanese faces when they're crafting their Shallan. And her biracial aspect can't be erased when plucking her from Roshar and putting her in modern Earth aus. She would deal with intense racism and othering. Some hyper sexualization and infantization, people here ignore all of that when taking her into account. And in doing so, contribute to this "pick an ethnicity" bs that a lot of us biracial people deal with all the time. But I think people here are more open to taking that criticism and changing than on other platforms.
As for Sanderson, I'm actually working on a letter to send to him outlining how important it is to double down on the fact that most of roshar isn't white. I've found more private interactions regarding race are more productive, so this isn't something I'd be posting on one of the other popular sites. But like, it would be nice if with the WoR leatherbound, we got an improved Kaladin cover and Shallan endpapers that better reflect her mixed race appearance. Pairing that with something in the acknowledgements about why it was important to correct this, that could go a long way, since not all the fans who purchase that merch are super active on the forums. But if anyone has suggestions of points to include in this letter I'm working on, I'd love to see them.
......okay i see what you are saying. so i absolutely agree with you that when using references for shallan people should look to biracial models but I think it's difficult to declare overcorrectness in fanart cause of how varied those models actually look. i also think im kinda out of my lane here? so grain of salt I guess if anyone who is mixed wants to weigh in on this
i will say that there's a bit of a thing with shallan (and renarin) where people have pointed out their epicanthic folds are respected but they're not for a lot of darker skinned characters who also are supposed to have them...and for renarin I think a lot of that has to do with the east asian infantilization you mentioned. with shallan I feel like this is the case because shallan not being white has been very present on tumblr for years to the point where people are more likely to call out a whitewashed shallan than anyone else.
now ive not seen any modern aus talk about real life racism at all but then again: i don't read fic and i do agree writing a modern shallan shouldn't erase her race
i think a letter is a smart idea though. he is relatively receptive to crit imo and he's So online here definitely seen some of this stuff but.....yeah it's not super fun posting crit that's about both something personal and something systematic on a public forum when you know it's gonna get blasted. id kill for a proper kaladin wor cover
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