#mmu fic
deepdeanvsweston · 22 days
Trying to write an emotional fic but it is SO HARD when the weather is glorious because my writing will just veer violently into
"and the body, blue and bloated, just lay there... basking in the GORGEOUS SUNLIGHT forewarning of SUMMERRRRR!!!! :D :D :D"
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ah0yh0y · 10 months
thanks for the tag @quotidian-oblivion i dont have many wips but ill give this a go
(first two are platonic murder most unladylike fanfic , rest are original work) (idk why im describing them its just fun)
rules: make a 24 hour poll with the names of your wips and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for every vote it gets.
i did not do a good job at it BUT VOTE PLEASE it will give me a reason to write
anyone else can have a go if they see this!
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julilovesmmu · 2 months
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not sure if i ever posted this, but it's an excerpt from a figure skating au fic that i never ended up finishing!!
i used this as mostly experimentation of descriptions and imagery, as well as a way of getting some of my figure skating brainrot out of my system D:
let me know what you think!! maybe one day i'll find the motivation to at least finish the first chapter...
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ilyfynn · 3 months
you guys I posted the first chap of murder au anyway because I realized the draft was gonna delete itself if I didnt
the same applies for flower shop ngl
I don't like how I've written it out so when I finish the whole fic I will probably write it out all over again 💀
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saetgvia · 9 months
hey guys! welcome to my fic blog 😋
this is where i’ll be posting fics for mmu (which is what i mainly write for) and potentially other universes as well! my requests are always open :)
- angel
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deepdean-detectives · 2 years
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Murder Most Unladylike writing prompts!
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greenhorn-art · 8 months
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Prince of Shadows, Lord of Thieves by alkat
Fandom: The King's Avatar | 全职高手
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Words: 1 929
Once upon a time, their exploits were immortalized by artists and writers across the tapestry of history. Once upon a time, they were worshipped as gods and reviled as demons. None of that stopped the Met from stealing all their shit.
About the Book
FONTS: Alegreya [Google Fonts], Lato [Google Fonts]
IMAGES: all art made by myself @greenhorn-art for this fic
MATERIALS: regular ol' printer paper (8.5"x11", 20lb, 96 bright); ~2-2.5mm binder's board; Neenah cardstock (8.5"x11", 65lb, bright white); Cialux bookcloth (black); waxed linen thread (30/3 size, white); wheat paste (1:4 flour:water); paste wax (from a friend, unknown ingredients&quantities, some kind of wax and turpentine/mineral spirits)
PROGRAMS USED: Affinity Publisher 2; Affinity Designer 2; Bookbinder JS | Renegade's Community Imposer (settings: Quarto, snug against binding edge, custom signatures of 2, 1, 2 sheets).
Text & QR codes printed with colour laser printer (duplex, flip long edge), images printed with inkjet printer. QR codes generated with LibreOffice Writer, snipped, saved, and inserted where needed.
BINDING: quarto (quarter-letter) size, sewn board binding with french link stitch and breakaway spine.
So this one all started because the visual of HST's outfit was so fun that I was possessed by a visceral need to draw it. Inspiration slapped me across my mind's eye, and much like a medieval knight being slapped in the face by a glove (which didn't actually happen, that's a myth that sprung from the throwing down of a gauntlet. but that's beside the point), I felt bound to take up the challenge. Which lead me to draw a few more, and then I ended up binding the whole thing.
(Also, I find it really amusing that the famous Terracotta Warriors were just storage for YXs stuff. And the gang going 'shopping' at various exhibits for gifts for friends/family,, like that sure is SOME window shopping! I can hear it now: 'Oooh I'll take one one those SMASH, and that SHATTER, and throw in some of those CRASH, they're going to love these! 😇'. All in all, it was a fun little read, and fun little project! :D)
About the Art
Because this was initially a one-off drawing I tried a new art style (and struggled to at least not stray too far for the rest). It was fun and helped me think more about shape and visual focus, instead of being caught up in the details.
The crow (based off of image ID: 4039963 from Rawpixel) and the red umbrella on the front cover were filled curves made with the pen tool. The illustrations' poses were based off of a combination of images found on Google and photos taken by myself.
Pinterest is awful for sources, but it would have been handy to pin the references I'd googled. Only remembered to save the one of a man sitting at a desk. (I deliberately searched for someone sitting with bad posture because YX is described as being "slumped" over the desk. I figure that since "the laws of physics held no meaning to ["cursed souls eschewed by the natural order"]", they'd also be immune to mundane things like discomfort from sitting hunched over for too long. Back pain images were a gold mine! All I had to do was choose one with lighting that would give me a silhouette.)
The Myriad Manifestations Umbrellas and illustrations were drawn in Procreate.
I opted for a more plain umbrella design because it's not (presumably) a fantastical weapon in this story. Though the initial version did have YX cradling the donghua!MMU.
For the scene breaks I inserted the images, pinned them inline as character, and adjusted height and baseline in the pinning menu to fit.
The author wrote one scene break differently than the others, using multiple empty paragraphs instead of just one. Following suit, I used a different image for that particular break. I wanted to reference vampires somewhere, so for that break I made two bloody spots resembling bite marks. The blood spots were made with a group of shapes in Designer.
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On cover design:
Because the MMU is what sparks the whole heist, I wanted it on the front cover.
Earlier iterations involved a full cover spread with a man's shadow standing before a shattered glass case, with a plaque mounted on the wall to the left providing information. The plaque was formatted like a museum label and had the author, date published, title, event collection, and story description. I'd also added a QR code to it. Ultimately, I abandoned the concept because it was difficult to decipher what is was when only looking a one cover at a time.
My second idea for the cover would have been a bookcloth-only cover with a cut-out of the MMU on the front, acting like a window showing off an image of the MMU on paper below it. (Inspired by the work of a number of folks over on Renegade's Discord. Here's a few examples gleaned from a quick search: szynkaaa's lung cutouts, some of EHyde's books, and the front cover of Spock's massive all-in-one TGCF). As fun as that would have been to try out, I felt it didn't quite suit the style of the art so I nixed that too.
Eventually I landed on the back cover design with the Met exhibition webpage. At last, I felt that the back & white and simple-shapes-background went with the artwork. The webpage viewed on the phone is based off of the Met's actual website. I took a snip/screenshot of the Met's logo from the banner at the top, then looked at their exhibitions' pages and eyeballed it to create my own. (Threw in the QR because I wanted the easy access to the fic online on the back cover). I chose to use a phone screen rather than I computer monitor because it worked better composition-wise. And besides, while YX may be allergic to owning a phone, SMC is not. I imagine that she saw the news while on her phone then messaged him.
The front cover came together after that. An umbrella for the MMU, and a pop of red. One of YX's messenger crows. A black shape in the background similar to the back cover's, sort of creating a spotlight over the umbrella and placing the rest of the cover in shadow.
Trying New Things: Applying a protective finish to printed covers
Over on the Renegade Bindery Discord, folks have spoken about using a beeswax & turpentine/mineral spirits 50-50 mix to seal printed covers (thank you Kate). According to my dad that's just a paste wax, so he threw 3 different ones at me and said 'have at it'.
I tested them out using the same paper and inkjet I'll use for the cover. I was looking at 1) whether the paste wax affected the paper colour or print quality, and 2) the finish. After applying one coat each and buffing them out I had my winner. Then I applied & buffed two more coats to it and tested 3) water resistance by dripping tea on it. The liquid beaded up and wiped away without staining -- good, three coats will work nicely.
(Test results: Mystery paste wax from a friend wins.
The commercial SC Johnson Paste Wax Original formula (intended for woodworking) has a nice dry shiny finish, but coloured the paper slightly brown -> disqualified
My dad's homemade stuff has a nice shiny/satin finish and didn't change paper's colour, but it felt slightly tacky even after buffing it -- maybe I didn't buff it enough?
The gifted paste wax has a matte finish, didn't change paper's colour (in the image below this one has 3 coats. The paper is now slightly off-white, but still acceptable), and while not as dry-to-touch as the Johnson it was not as tacky as the other homemade stuff.)
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When I print out my quarto covers, I print front and back covers side-by-side on the same page*, with some guides to ensure I'm cutting and gluing in the correct place. (The guides mark the boundaries of the covers and start of the turn-ins, and stop at the edge of where I cut. Before cutting I flip it over to mark the guides [see marks indicated in image below] on the wrong side and connect them so I can see where to glue/place book. Then flip it back over to cut, right side up.)
*I'm being economical here at the cost of possible warping damage. This layout means that I'm only using one sheet of paper, but the grain is running in the wrong direction (across the book instead of preferred head-to-tail/top-bottom). This could cause warping issues, but I'm OK with that. I'm hoping that by just gluing at the edges, instead of pasting down the whole thing, warping will be minimized. (I use wrong-grain endpapers most of the time with larger books anyways).
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I applied the paste wax before cutting out the covers, working carefully to avoid accidentally creasing/bending the paper (which happened twice, but it was minimal and I hardly notice it). Doing so before cutting ensured that the cover material was completely covered. Even the turn-ins -- something I later came to regret. After all, wax is used specifically so that things don't stick to it. It made it rather difficult to drum on the endpapers because I was trying to glue something down onto a waxy surface. It all worked out in the end -- perhaps due to the fact that there were multiple layers of wheat paste which could adhere to each other, followed by being squashed in a press.
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redbreastedbird · 23 days
As the famous ‘40% of the fanfic’, I’d love for you to know that the fact that you wrote ‘thanks for the fic’ in a book for me at a signing is quoted at me by my fandom friends ALL THE TIME
Your books have inspired me so much quite obviously, both in writing fic and writing my own books, and also coming up with ideas and engaging with the fandom and my friends has really helped me through a very difficult depressive period, and a period of working on five shows at once and feeling like I had no personality that wasn’t work
I owe so much to your books and the amazing fanbase they have created, from hundreds of thousands of words, to some of the fun and brilliant experiences I’ve had at signings, to meeting so many dear friends, my best friend, and my boyfriend!
Thank you so much for MMU and a happy ten year anniversary to this wonderful series I have been with since the start
It is BEYOND cool to have people who want to engage with my books and their fandom the way you do. It’s such an honour! I grew up in fandom, and my favourite shows got me through some really tough times, so I know what this means and how much having that outlet can help.
Thank you for making my books part of your life like this!
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pearlofyoureye · 18 days
rb for more responses as i truly cannot pick please and thank you!
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clickingkeyboards · 7 months
The 50 chapter, 90,000 words MMU Franken-fic is done.
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deepdeanvsweston · 28 days
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ah0yh0y · 5 months
character picrew game!!
was tagged by @quotidian-oblivion like 6 months ago thx for the TAG
Rules: Make a couple characters (or just one! as many as you want/have time for) from your WIP. Use whatever Picrew suits the vibe best—just make sure to link it. Tag a couple people to do the same.
I used the same template Quo did. This one
im doing this for my murder most unladylike wip which is untitled at the moment , ACTUALLY DONE!!! (also like 4 months ago i forgot i did this) it is called spreading our ashes in the sun and you can check it out of ao3 by clicking on the title just here!
It features my favourite people - the cambridge crew! (specifically Harold and Bertie) [includes exam mental breakdown and tea]
now this fic takes place right after an exam and like in the 1930s (technically, I did my best) so theres not much room for fun costumes and such so ill be making two versions . 1 - as in how they appear in fic and 2- another version which is just how the characters mentally would dress (excluding stephen and alfred which only have the latter) (i have included analysis to go along with the picrews as well)
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this is going to be long bc i like extracting meaning from the smallest things and like referencing my fic obvi so its under the cut!! also spoilers for the fic as well
fic picrew
Harold has not thought of changing his clothing since coming out of that exam, he is only clenching his teeth so hard it might explode which is why he is wearing a plain jumper over a shirt. the circular glasses are the most south asian thing ever (for me at least) , so thats a reference to that. he is very much trying very hard not to express his emotions, because he knows in the grand scheme of things it is only a "small issue" it doesnt really matter , the past is in the past and he should be done with it. but really he cannot stop thinking about it (shown through how there are stars in the background like explosions you can say but are faint). the white i think was also a reference to the "hot white breathe" of panic. green in regards to this references bile. he is somewhat disgusted with himself i think, and also haven't not eaten his stomach is not feeling great. the scars i think were references to his "night climbing" pasttime , but also in my notes i mention a doorway - who knows what that was about but.
feeling picrew
HE IS EXHAUSTED that is the crux. he is mentally lying on his bed , drifting and then crying into his pillow and curling into his blanket. i always imagine harold with frog-esque things becuase he is very cottage core to me (and also like part of the me thinks he really loves the creatures living in the bottom of the garden), (also gardening is a theme within the family ala my bad gardener george headcanon ,as those on the discord know) . but on another level it is also Harold trying to cling onto comfort, which he cannot get in the actual fic , because he is denying himself it. the scars on his face match up with the actual fic version , his hair is messier from mushing his face into a pillow and he is wearing a cardigan because i think of him as a knitter or that sort of craft aligned and when he is stressed he creates clothing (but thats technically not in this). there was additional purpose behind the sepia filter as well, that i cannot remember at the moment. but right now it reminds me of how harold feels somewhat like a faded photograph destined to a dusty cupboard past his prime (as i say in the additional tags it is much like the outro of olivia rodrigo's teenage dream - "they all say that it gets better/ it gets better the more you grow/ they all say it gets better/ it gets better but what if i dont?")
fic picrew
Bertie here is trying to give a comforting smile at Harold, however his smile is wobbly, becuase he has also have other things on his mind (reeling from a letter from stephen, terrifed of hurting harold and on another level making him more upset (its bc of stephen) but also just being "urgently concerned" , bertie is full of multitudes). this is also referenced by the background in which according to my old notes before finishing this fic is a reference to now Bertie is also exploding with emotion , except with worry instead of panic.
with new eyes however , i think it also reflects how Bertie is also hiding his emotions as well (colour choice to me blends into the background more) because he is so focused on the task at hand, it is natural to him that his other emotions are set to the side in the background so to speak.
onto more miscellaneous details
-he has a scrape across the mouth from a childhood accident and has a cut across his cheek from his shared night climbing pastime. ---he also has sticky outy ears because i say so -he has the twinkle in his eyes because it is goddam Bertie Wells and he is full of charm and charisma, it is the same twinkle somewhat of the one that Felix, his uncle is reported to have. (he has been trying for years to have it , he has not noticed he kind of already does. nobody has told him)
another note: the green is bertie colour (because his "green trousers" and the blue harold but they have each others because they care for oneanother alot and are focusing on the others concern . harold feels like a very blue person to me (also besties)
feeling picrew
literally not much here other than a more visual manifestation of what he is actually feeling. background is darker bc he has also the holdover from being whipped up wiht emotion since reading the letter form stephen. brighter stars is a "fizzing like a rocket" reference
the moustache change is an oversight, but now i like to think that its a manifestation of how much he feels like hes aged since the events of arsenic for tea and his relationship with stephen (this is like literally pulling stuff out of nothing but like still). the heart breaking , kinda goes two ways: breaking for harold as shown in the fic and also somewhat breaking from stephens letter (also referenced through the picrew through the shooting stars on his shirt like their relationship which was actively not really healthy, and very quickly crashing and burnt through)
although that isnt explicitly shown throughout the fic i did want Bertie's inner turmoil to be an undercurrent throughout.
the pjama shirt according to my old notes has soemthing to do with how raw Bertie is feeling throughout the fic besides him just being worn
Stephen is interesting, as although he's very much explicitly not in the fic he is very much guides Bertie's actions throughout. i honestly dont know why i decided to create him as a picrew as he isnt in the fic but i guess i wanted 4 picrews.
background is a grid bc mans in JAIL LIKE HE DESERVES.
hair is two coloured because i always thought stephen with black hair but the in the books hes got brown? so now hes got two coloured hair bc i wanted to pay homage to that.
stephen was always the type of person to be somewhat perpetually upset with Bertie or actually something or rather , and in Bertie's mind that is the image that is left of him, which is why he looks like hes sulking.
he's sweating because he actually does feel quite guilty and Bertie cannot find in himself a way to fully hold a grudge against him at least thats what it says in my old notes
now, i actually have no idea why he would be sweating maybe prison is hot
clothing - couldnt find prision clothes and wanted some sort of variation so orange on orange is what you get
i have no notes post this point so we are in the vast deadlands now.
jacket literally just feels like a jacket alfred would wear in a modern au, same with the shirt also the eyebrow he would have a slit eyebrow
the heart i think is something to do with the fact that alfred actually really cares for harold (whether harold knows it or not)
only thing i truely remember is for the spotlight background its yellow because he's the one who goes "why the hell are you in the dark" and makes them turn on the light
and thats done i guess hoped you enjoyed this
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julilovesmmu · 8 months
the odds of me writing an mmu fic this weekend are... higher than usual...
main issue is that im not the best at writing characters.....
anyway we'll see
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ilyfynn · 2 months
intro post time bc might as well
hai, i'm fynn! i take any pronouns and am very very bi <3 i am an infj 4w5 461 (personality types nerd) :D
the only really defining thing about me is being an ardent mcsr enthusiast who writes fanfic very fast. i also watch way too much couriway
more info beneath the cut:
my primary fandom is mcsr (minecraft speedrunning :D). it has my whole heart forever and ever. no matter how far the blind is, i will always come home to watch you my silly speedrunners (looking back, this is the cringiest thing I've ever said)
i have also been into:
six of crows/grishaverse my beloved
murder most unladylike: halex fics found in link at bottom
I am a MCC predictions nerd. love mcc forever and ever
once a httyd diehard, always a httyd diehard
lifesteal enjoyer who is currently on fraudwatch (knows an embarrassing amount of lack of lore)
anything mc related really. but mainly my speedrunners. mwa
use ur common sense please. no specific dni - i will happily and capably use the block button should the necessity occur
pfp and header are both couriway. the header is drawn by my irl bestie m. love you m now please revise for physics instead of drawing
pfp courtesy of the talented and brilliant and amazing @notnickel. ily nicki our au will see the sunshine again someday
i promise i am very very friendly interaction please don't be afraid to say hello :D
okay mild tagging system but I'm messy af ):
fynn rambles <- i ramble
fynn's hiraeth <- a fanfic i'm writing
fynn answers <- i answer asks
general ao3 and mmu works (don't expect much as due to unforseen circumstances a while back i had to anon quiiite a few mcsr works)
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saetgvia · 8 months
mmu masterlist
✰ chatfic (mmu but modern) ↬ the gc begins ↬ what? ↬ when nobody does their hw ↬ fandoms ↬ murder in the dark what now ↬ siblings ✰ headcanons ↬ the gang as teachers ✰ drabbles/short fics ↬ none yet!
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deepdean-detectives · 6 months
mmu fic writers will see a traumatised character and go "i can make it worse"
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