kari-go · 10 months
Hi. I read your anwser about Fu and Marinette having only the boxes, but not the Miraculouses... If I may, I would like to share my headcannon abot the Miraculous box, I'm glad, if you like it, and feel free to use whichever you like, but I don't want to mix up you cannon.😊
For you: how about if the holder of a box (since the boxes changing, not necescerly the Kwami's Miraculous' box, just a box in general) gets near to a dormant Kwami, they wake up. They don't have to releval they are there or anything, just makes it more likely for a Guardian/Box holder to find a Miraculous (but if they don't, the Kwami returns to slumber😄)
The headcannon for the show, feel free to use any😉:
So, it's offical that the Guardian looses their memory after giving up the box to the next one, and the box can be tracked. So, I felt there should be some advantage as well😃.
First, only the Guardian can open the box. Only them. There could be some get around, like they can allow others to do so, like Marinette calling Alya and giving temporal permission, but most of the time, it's exclusive. However, it can be tricked, like when Flairmidable stole Ladybug's yoyo, or (at least I theorise it) when Hawk Moth akumatized Chloe to Miraclequeen to be able to open it (at least I think that's why HM did not kept the box on himshelf)
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Second, the kwamies linked to their respective box, as a butterfly and peacock feathers appeared when the Box transformed, despite these were missing from the box.
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That link means multiple things. But it's easiest to explain, it's kinda like a giant Miraculous for all Kwamies. First, they can't leave the box, no matter what, if the Guardian doesn't allowe it (maybe having a holder is an exception, but otherwhise, no). They also can be controlled by the one holding the box, like a holder could control them. They can't give power trough the box, but they bound to obey, like Nooroo obeys Gabriel. This can be overwritten if the kwami has a holder, which would result in a mental powerstugle, where being a holder is an advantage, but the Guardian can focus their mental force to the kwami in the expense to lower their control over the other kwamies... So, all together, the result depends on the Holder or the Guardian's mental force and where the kwami's loyalti lays. This way a Guardian can remove a kwami from an undeserving user, so, even if the stone is with the holder, they can't transform...
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I'm not sure, but maybe the Box could generate a Miracle book with the currently known infos about all Miraculouses (but not everything, even unknown secrets, that would be too much)
Also, as I mentioned it one earlier ask, I would use the box to determine powers like the Rooster's, like it can use Miraculous power, but only if it's in the box, and such... I'm not fully know the.implications of this one yet, just thought it would be neat😄
Also, as a bonus; Since Suh han mentioned Guardians not suppose to wear Miraculous, but Marinette did, and Fu named LADYBUG as his succesor, not Marinette, and the box turned to Ladybug patterned, not Marinette's pink with flowers, I theorize Fu accidently connected the Ladybug Miraculous with being the Guardian of the Chinese box. So, Marinette doesn't have to loose her memories when time comes, just give her earrings to somebody else 😄
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I hope you
Marinette doesn't have a box, Marianne does, they're different people.
Guardianship isn't tied to the boxes, most of the Guardians didn't have a box. But that is an interesting idea, I like it, but won't use it.
That is interesting but wouldn't work for me since Marianne isn't a guardian. You also can't take a miraculous from a weapon like Felix did in the show. You can't do that, only the holder can.
Yeah, that could work, and the way to tell the kwamis they can go out is just tapping on the box which opens the compartments. I think that anyone who is holding the box can control the kwamis, but only if their miraculous is in it.
No, the Grimoire is something that someone has to write, the miracle box is just an object.
Hm, interesting, that could happen.
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I hate how it's Chloe almost making Marinette drown years before he and Marinette even met that causes Adrien to break off his friendship with Chloe. He didn't cut her during Despair Bear, he didn't cut her after Miracle Queen, heck he didn't even cut her after the ridiculousness that was Queen Banana. But THIS is what makes him break it off? Get outta here.
I mean.
Despair Bear was Chloé trying and making progress, even if it's small and slow progress.
No one really brings up MiracleQueen like???? Even Mari just sees Chloé as an annoyance like always rather than a danger so that's just shit writing.
Queen Banana was somewhat complicated but Adrien already cut her off then didn't he?
I assume that this last thing is half 'oh finding out about this really shitty thing even if it was years ago' and half 'given where TA is going with this, I doubt she expressed any regret or remorse for that' which is the tipping point.
But also.
Chloé: *does something a fucked up child would do*
TA: "See totally evil and iredeemable!"
Gabriel: *does literally All That as a grown ass adult*
TA: "He just wants to save his wife uwu tragic character will be remembered as a hero."
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zyullaart · 5 years
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I want you to be happier ❤
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flashflashitsash · 5 years
Their ice creams don’t match luka and kagami.
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Their ice creams match themselves
In season four theyre going to learn more about themselves as a person, and how to love themselves.
@gryffindorcls @lalunaoscura @hermionemonica
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lil-sebastian-rip · 5 years
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pieeface · 5 years
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Happy again
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kodikarkodi · 4 years
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lottiejames · 5 years
Am I the only one
who found that anticlimactic?
I mean, language barrier probably plays a huge role
but...it just...umm...yeah...
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gingerdaile · 5 years
I'm tagging Miracle Queen as MiracleQueen, Miracle Queen, Miracle Queen Spoilers, MiracleQueen Spoilers, and MLB Spoilers. It's supposed to be leaked today as well.
Yes, I will be watching it. I'll watch it after work.
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da-tasuky · 5 years
Idk Ukranian. Miracle Queen spoilers ahead...
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stshinjigahara · 4 years
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Do NOT click on the link if you do not want spoilers for the Miraculous Ladybug episode “Loveater” - the first part of the finale for season three. 
Also do NOT click on the link if you do not want spoilers for the Miraculous Ladybug episode “Miracle Queen” - the second part of the finale for season three. 
So I want to preface this by stating that these are my feelings as of watching “Miracle Queen.” I obviously have no idea how the writers plan to take things, so I will always be willing to watch and keep my opinions tamed. Because until we see the fallout and the entirety of the show, it really is hard to say one thing is ruined or another arc is completely dead.
I personally am very confused about this finale insofar as a catapult to the rest of the story.
I don’t have much comment on the Love Square - I have a year to quell my whining and be on board with them growing apart so that they can - in a healthy manner - grow together. That’s me struggling with change and knowing I’ll grow to love Lukanette and Adrigami only to have another shift back to the Love Square. It’s not a bad thing - just something to get used to.
What I am concerned about are the storylines of Chloe and Gabriel.
I am fully prepared to be Boo Boo the Fool, but we still have two episodes that can explain why she went from being her own, independent hero to well...this. 
Should recovering from Chloe’s kind of raising be in a straight line? No.
Should we at least have some indication of that turmoil? Yes.
One thing that continues to be a little frustrating to me is the amount of focus on Marinette. I don’t mean this in a disparaging way to Marinette - it has quickly made her the most relatable characters in the show. While her role as protagonist demands that, I would argue that Adrien’s role as deuteragonist has been largely underutilized in this department. 
With Adrien, we have the opportunity to explore Chloe’s ascension from descension to corruption. Now I’m not saying that Adrien is beholden to solve all of Chloe’s problems - far from it. But there could have been moments of connection. I think of “Despair Bear” and how Chloe so desperately tried to appeal to Adrien’s sense of being kind. What does a Chloe who is genuinely trying to change look like in comparison to that? I’m not expecting this to be addressed in “Felix,” but how perfect of an opportunity would it be to see Felix being a smarmy git only for Chloe to be torn between being “in” with the rich mean kid and staying true to her changes? What about seeing Adrien react if Chloe does side with Felix? And what that means to Adrien and to Chloe, separately?
I do not have much faith that Chloe will be redeemed after this, but I would not be shocked if we saw her do a 180 further down the line. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised and the rumors of a new Bee holder will make her realize what her decisions have led her to both gain and lose. That Ladybug ever gave her the Miraculous after Chloe’s antics was a huge grace. Now our only hope left is for Chloe to recognize how to be a hero without that Miraculous. Can she? Time will see.
Okay. There is a LOT to unpack here. The scenario that he set up - akumitizing Chloe, attacking Fu, revealing the identities of the secondary Miraculous holders - it should have held a lot of interest. But it just fell flat. Many others have better described how lackluster the fight was, but I am still bothered by how passive Hawkmoth was.
I understand that Dragonbug’s power probably made penetrating the area of the fight difficult. But having Hawkmoth stand on a roof like a spectator after our season two finale brought him into the ring felt flat as a pancake. Heck, we’ve seen him be a thousand times more active in “Ladybug” alone this season. Mayura we may be able to forgive for falling to the broken Miraculous, but when you put the main villain in the background and have a fight that isn’t as grand as it could be, there is going to be some frustration. 
So much could have been done with this. They had Snake Noir right there with the possibility of him losing the cat miraculous only for Ladybug to recognize him, stutter out Adrien’s name and cause Hawkmoth to falter. Only for Aspik to use his second chance. They had the possibility of using Rena Rouge’s illusion to make it seem like Fu had fallen and force Ladybug to choose between maintaining to fight with Miracle Queen or saving the Guardian. We could have had Lila on the scene for an extra all civilian turned villain punch. We could have had Hawkmoth having awareness enough to realize some Miraculous hadn’t been used and could be taken from the box without impact, thus leaving Marinette as the Guardian with yet more missing Miraculous in a parallel to Fu.
In short, between the scenario that was set up and the ability to rewind with the snake Miraculous actively in play, I needed to feel worried. I needed to cry, unsure of what was going to happen. I needed to be teased, to be worried about the future even knowing we have more seasons down the line. That is what a finale is about and yet what this finale struggled on the most in its fight scene.
Now to Mayura in relation to Hawkmoth. I have NO WORDS as to how aggravated Gabriel makes me. In one breath, he swears never to make Nathalie transform again and in the next he keeps her transformed in broad daylight knowing she has straight up collapsed at least once this season while transformed just to attack Fu’s shield?
I’ll be frank - I am salty to death over the rumors of Mayura being Hawkmoth’s “boss” and making him look like a “baby” not coming true. Was it a language barrier? Misunderstanding? Misquoting? Really Emilie’s version of Mayura who fit this bill? Who knows. 
But what I do know is that seeing that ending without knowing what impact the fixed peacock Miraculous brings leaves me a little more miffed than satisfied. From translations, it seems like they translated the grimoire? Which had a cure for the Miraculous? After having had it for...who knows how long? Is this what Tomoe was doing for Gabriel?
It just feels hollow after spending a season worrying and wondering about Nathalie and Emilie’s conditions. Can they sell it to me in season four? Maybe. I’ll remain open to those possibilities. But this just seemed like the most safe of the options of showing us the Miraculous being healed. It’s tacked onto the end - it’s done offscreen and by means that we haven’t been privy to. It makes me lose that sense of wonder about what happens and leaves me wondering why we went through the grief in the first place.
None of these things mean that I hate the show - I’m still very excited for “Chat Blanc” and “Felix.” I’m still going to watch the show until the end and will be thrilled to see myself proven wrong in certain aspects. But just because all of that is true doesn’t mean I won’t have opinions about the show, albeit knowing its target audience is far younger than I am. It’s a good show and a good ride that I’m going on regardless. I have respect for Thomas Astruc even if I don’t understand every decision that is made. And I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that all the negatives that I and others have pointed out are for a reason - even if we can’t see them just yet. If I’m proven wrong, well, at least we have the highlights of the show to enjoy. And there are definitely more highlights than there are low.
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ahenix · 5 years
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Am I the only one who think that Snake Noir really looks like Adrien when he had the snake miraculous? Doesn’t it remind Ladybug of him as well?
anyway Snake Noir is an awesome baby and i will protecc him at all costs
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cutechibilolita · 5 years
Spoiler but not really a spoiler. I just put this here so y’all don’t kill me.
So ummm Andre(is that the icecream guy’s name?) totally watched Adrien transform. Am I the only one to catch this. But I mean he probably didn’t notice, he’s just as dumb as the rest. No one notices shit up in there ya know.
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flashflashitsash · 5 years
Hiya, feel free to answer this privately or not it's up to you. I'm only on season 2 of ML but I have seen some spoilers and I'm wondering if you'd explain it to Me? (I love spoilers so don't feel bad) Did Adrian real start dating someone else and Marinette with Luka? My Adianette heart is breaking.
The show is making it seem like they’re dating other people. But it’s not confirmed. Warning—I may spill more than you want to know...sorry in advance.
What I can tell...
is that Marinette is officially starting or has let go of Adrien in a romantic sense.
Kagami is going to continue to pursue a relationship with Adrien even though he’s not exactly sure.
Luka is chill. He’s letting mari figure out what she wants.
Now I personally don’t think they will “officially” date kagami/luka. I think it’s going to be flirty are they or aren’t they dating.
Kagami is very controlling (personal opinion) and I think if Adrien pursues kagami it will just be another relationship like with his father.
I really don’t think marinette will ever officially date luka. I just don’t see it happening.
The ending card is what really threw me for a loop.
It was ladybug and adrien up front, then marinette walking to luka and chat noir walking to kagami.
I think ladrien/marichat is going to continue to happen, just more emotionally romantic.
Ladynoir will be a mix of both. While Adrienette will grow platonically.
But I could always be wrong.
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lil-sebastian-rip · 5 years
┃┃╱╲ In this
┃╱╱╲╲ house
╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love
▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate
a decently written chloe bourgeois’ redemption
╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲
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