#minnie comms
minniemaymalady · 1 month
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sketch k0-mm
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I recently requested a Commission from @nonbinary-hatter to draw my precious baby dorks, Gene, and my OC, Alexis. I keep being super obsessed about them, it's becoming an issue.
Anyway, they were kind enough to indulge me and draw me this absolutely adorable piece of them eating ice cream on the beach!! And in a stroke of absolute genius, they gave Gene a Minnie Mouse swimsuit to match Alexis' Mickey Mouse swimsuit, which is just so 🥺
Thank you so much Hatter!! This came out so flipping adorable.
[ID]: Digital fanart of Gene from Bob's Burgers as well as an OC named Alexis, who has short, fluffy brown hair and black glasses. Alexis is wearing a blue, Hawaiian shirt, as well as purple swim shorts which have a simple Mickey Mouse on it. They are holding a chocolate ice cream cone with a huge smile on their face. Their eyes are also closed in contentment. Gene is standing right beside them holding an ice cream cone with three scoops comprising of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Alexis's arm is wrapped around Gene's middle, and Gene's eyes are also closed in contentment. Gene is wearing a matching red Minnie Mouse swimsuit with white polka dots and a black bow in the middle. They are standing in front of the beach, and the entire scene seems to be a photo in a watermelon frame. The text "Summer of 2024" can be seen on the bottom.
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dnangelic · 3 months
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foolshoujo · 4 months
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hobiebrownbrowser · 1 year
Opposites attract
Hobie Brown x Hippie/Fairy FEM!Reader
Summary:Y/N is like a Fairy cottagecore kind of person, pretty aesthetics all around their Fairy filled fantasies. Hobie digs it bc he thinks it's cool 💙
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You were simply just reading a book in your spare time, Not a lot of things to do since nothing was happening in the city. It was calm today, no cop cars zooming past your window at 3AM. Probably because spiderman took care of them all already.
You peered at your cracked open window, A flash of silver catching your eyes. It was sudden, but faint. Curiosity getting the best of you, you lookef outside to be met with an unknown object on the floor. It looked like a pin, having purple aspects on it.
"What is kanka?" You look around clearly confused, not sure where the shiny object came from.
"Can I have that back mate?" You were startled by a sudden voice, almost dropping the pin from your hands. You looked around for the voice, eventually looking up to be met with spiderman himself. Without thinking you throw it to him, impressed by the fact he caught it with one hand.
"I neva' seen a lush like you around' ere." You told him you recently moved here, Having a conversation with a stranger you just met a few seconds ago. You learned his spiderman logo was 'spiderpunk'. A fitting name for someone who looks like he'd smash the guitar on his back against someone's face.
You two ended up talking the night away, The man complimenting how beautiful you were just before having to 'splits the jit' You couldn't help but laugh, A flustered look on your face as you bid farewell to spiderpunk, watching as he swings from building to building. A smile on your face as you go back and enjoy the rest of your night.
It had been a while since your interaction with the spider dude. Looking through the library for any kind of books you can get your hands on. The one that caught your eye was named "The Metaphor Of Capitalism" your mind curious on what the book meant.
You ended up buying it, hands filled with bookbags as you make your way back home, Stopping by a small food stand tucked away in a corner. You greeted the workers with a smile, ordering two tacos beside a very tall figure. His cheeks were sculpted, His eyes half lazy as he does the same.
A lousy smirk on his face as he talks with the employees, he seemed to be known here, Having a friendly conversation with everyone who was near. Your eyes catching on the purple pin on his vest. It was the same one spiderpunk had lost temporarily, your mind clicking as you realized who the man beside you was.
You squinted your eyes, Taking your tacos and exiting the small alleyway. You didn't want to just shout out his identity, simply walking away, heading back to your apartment complex.
You arrived shortly after, placing your newly bought books down as you get ready for bed. A knock on your window stopping you. You walk towards the window, immediately looking up to be face to face with spiderpunk once again.
"Been awhile innit?" You nodded, a conversation soon striking between the two of you. He talked about all that happened today, Sitting on your balcony as he rambles on. It was fascinating to hear it from him since he saw it with his own two eyes. Possibly being the center of attention.
You listened throughout the whole night, Exhaustion hinting at the both of you as you bid him farewell once more. A shiny object eluting light. You picked it up, Grasping the pin in your hand as a small feeling told you he'd left it on purpose. A yawn escaping you as you call it a night once more.
Ever since the both of you met around four months ago, you'd see each other everywhere without much effort, Sheepishly remembering all the pins on his vest. You felt like a detective, trying to crack the man's secret identity. You didn't wanna invade his privacy however, so you stopped.
Talking to spiderpunk on your balcony almost everyday felt unreal, it became like a common routine. Your shyness washing away the more you got to know him, often placing desserts outside for him if he ever swung by for a quick hello.
You wouldn't say you "weren't" curious on what he looked like, but the anticipation was killing you. You knew it was wrong wanting to see his face but you couldn't help it, Trying to push down the thoughts wasn't working anymore. You just had to clarify if it was him you saw at the taco stand a few months back.
Still remembering the man's gorgeous face was haunting you, his brown eyes gleaming as he ordered his food. You wanted to get to the bottom of this, Pulling yourself together and waiting for him to swing by, sadly he didn't stop by today, A pout hinting at your lips as you lay in bed, letting sleep take over you.
A knock awoke you, Your eyes peering out the window. It was still the darkest of nights outside, Your body jumping up from your bed as another knock occured. A groan leaving the collapsed man that rested on your balcony. You quickly pulled him in, his suit torn up as you hurry to get a first aid kit.
You placed him on your soft comforter, worry on your face as you frantically pace around before checking his heartbeat. A sigh of relief washing over you as he was only out cold. You decided to let him have your bed, Grabbing a few blankets and huddling up into a chair.
A few minutes passing but no signs of sleep looming over you. You were too worried, constantly checking up on the masked friend as he shifts in his sleep. You decided it was best to stay awake, grabbing a book and reading the hours away. A groan making your ears perk as you cover your face with your book.
He looked around clearly lost, until he spotted you. Wincing as the bruises on his back fought with him. You told him to keep still, not wanting him to open up the stitches. He obliged, cracking jokes at a time like this.
"Got myself in a bit of a pickle, yeah?" A smile creeping up on your face as he gives you an explanation on all he remembered. You nodded before handing him a cold beverage from your mini fridge, An act of kindness falling from him as he whispered a quiet 'thank you'.
You felt your heart flutter as he suddenly pulled off his mask. Your body struck standing still as you examine his face before looking away apologetically. He only chuckled, knowing he was handsome himself. You helped him up, setting a pillow below him. Your faces being inches apart.
Your eyes peering into his as the comforting silence developed through the both of you. Your eyes widening as your lips found a way to one another, The kiss becoming passionate as you close your eyes. You'd pulled away for air, your eyes blinking as you contemplated what just happened.
"I've be waitin' to do that." You look him in the eyes before feeling embarrassment wash over you, A smirk plastered on Hobie's face as you continue to exchange small glances to one another. The night filled with laughter as you lay there with your boyfriend.
"Who knew you'd fall for spiderman like he fell for you?"
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Commission completed! (Click here to see the commission)
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spitblaze · 1 year
FTM ancedote is that i have a sibling in a similar age range, so grandparents and stuff always wanted to get us matching gifts, but most matching shit is always boy/girl. as the older one, they'd always get the girl stuff, and i'd ALWAYS get the boy stuff, and i was so mad about it. not because it was boy stuff, but because i hated football.
how did my grandma know. does my mother know the repurcussions of getting me the blue mickey bedsheets instead of the pink minnie one.
other one is that my given name is VERY easily mixed up with its masc version. one time at the doctor's office i got called up for an x-ray over intercomm, and the guy on the comm called me "mister," probably misreading my first name. i had to have a moment of, "hey, wait, did that mean me? am i the mister?" and i blame x-ray intercomm guy for a lot of my eggcrack moments. sudden jolt of joy over being "misgendered" at the ER.
abag (assigned boy at grandma)
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wittylittle · 7 months
J’étais au karaoké avec la Licorne américaine et ses amis. C’était pas une soirée de chant ordinaire. Les gens sur scène avait le droit de se déshabiller pendant leur numéro.
J’avais remarqué un couple à quelques tables de la nôtre. La fille portait des oreilles de chat et un costume trashy kinky. Tu sais, des bas résille, des gants rayés un peu emo. Des cheveux courts de punkette. Et surtout, elle était tenue en laisse par son partenaire.
Ils sont montés sur scène ensemble. Ils avaient l’air de préparer un mauvais coup. Elle s’est mise à chanter un truc pop insignifiant, en jouant les gamines. Et petit à petit, c’est le gars en chemise de soie qui s’est mis à lui retirer ses vêtements devant nos yeux, pendant qu’elle tentait de lire les paroles devant elle sans être déconcentrée. Et qu’il se mettait derrière elle en la touchant vulgairement. En retirant son top, son soutien gorge s’est retrouvé au dessus de ses seins. Elle portait des porte jarretelles. Elle a timidement tenté de replacer ce qu’il lui restait sur le corps. La foule criait de délice.
Je tenais la main de ma Licorne américaine, et je ne pensais qu’à une chose. Je veux faire le meme numéro. Je me suis dit que je voulais préparer un show semblable avec lui. Je voudrais qu’il me manipule comme elle se faisait manipuler devant tout le monde.
Quand ils sont partis sous les applaudissements et les cris de joie, j’ai regardé la licorne, avec un regard allumé. Il m’a fait un clin d’œil complice. Je ne sais pas si il pensait à la meme chose que moi. Je vais devoir lui en parler ce soir.
J’ai hâte de retourner dans d’autres soirées stimulantes comme ça.
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swedesinstockholm · 8 months
6 septembre
n. a liké mon dernier post sur ig, est-ce que ça veut dire qu'elle est pas ultra remontée contre moi? je lui ai toujours pas répondu et ça me hante. je suis hantée par mon propre ghosting. dans le livre de léa rivière elle parle de doulas de déménagement pour rigoler mais c'est un truc qui devrait vraiment exister. j'ai commencé le livre sur l'argent de christophe hanna aussi j'ai passé l'après-midi à lire le sans plus pouvoir m'arrêter, c'est passionnant de voir comment tous ces artistes s'en sortent avec l'argent, ça me fait dédramatiser ma situation de pauvresse sans revenus qui vit chez sa mère, même si aucune des personnes interviewées jusqu'à maintenant ne vit chez ses parents, beaucoup reçoivent leur aide financière. beaucoup ont renoncé au travail alimentaire aussi et se contentent de presque rien. enfin c'est ce qu'ils disent, c'est un peu facile de romanticiser ça cf. constance debré.
hier j'ai envoyé mes poèmes-radio à r. et j'ai pas pu m'empêcher d'ajouter déso de te forcer à lire mes textes! et il m'a dit t'es sérieuse quand tu dis ça?? et je suis partie dans mes jérémiades nanana j'ai pas confiance en moi et j'ai peur de faire chier les gens etc c'est QUAND que je vais arrêter avec ça? il m'a dit qu'il adorait mes textes et que j'hésite jamais à lui en envoyer. JAMAIS. en majuscules. j'étais à un demi doigt de lui répondre JE T'AIME. hier soir il m'a envoyé un selfie avec une grosse peluche minnie trouvée dans un fourré et j'ai bu mon verre de limoncello cul sec pour m'en remettre. il l'a gardée pour sa fille. je suis hantée par le moment dans son message vocal du camping hollandais où on entend sa fille soupirer dans son sommeil et il dit ah voilà que ma fille ronfle aussi... à sa manière. dans une vidéo de son écran d'ordi on voit des petits polaroids d'eux deux en noir et blanc. quand il m'a dit qu'il faisait du camping avec elle j'ai pensé au souvenir fin comme un voile que j'ai d'être montée sur une colline derrière mon père en chantant une chanson en luxembourgeois à propos d'un sorcier lors d'un séjour en camping seule avec lui. mais il me reste juste cette impression fugace. je sais pas si quelqu'un a déjà théorisé le cas de l'orpheline de père qui tombe amoureuse d'un jeune père et qui est obsédée par sa relation avec sa fille? mais l'orpheline est laide et le jeune père ne sort qu'avec des bombasses.
c'est le deuxième matin que je marche jusqu'au cap d'agde et puis je reviens, il m'attire comme un aimant, j'adore regarder les gens sur la plage en chemin, c'est mieux que le musée. je vois des photos partout avec des compositions parfaites et des accords de couleurs parfaits tout est BEAU et bouleversant mais hier j'avais pas mon téléphone et aujourd'hui j'osais pas prendre de photos de peur de me faire rabrouer/d'être invasive. j'adore regarder les retraités sur la plage, avec leurs corps vieux et fripés et mous et bronzés, j'adore les regarder se la couler douce, lire des livres et des magazines et faire des sudokus et des mots croisés sur leurs petits fauteuils, dormir étalés sur leur serviette, offerts au soleil, les femmes seins nus et insouciantes. ils sont magnifiques. j'avais l'impression d'être john wilson en marchant au bord de l'eau avec ma casquette et mon grand tshirt blanc, en réalisatrice de plage mais qui fait le film dans sa tête.
8 septembre
ce matin quand j'ai allumé mon téléphone j'ai eu un rush d'adrénaline que je voulais pas du tout avoir en voyant les messages vocaux de r., comme si mon corps savait ce qu'il allait me dire. je crois que j'ai un reste de ptsd du mois de juin, à chaque fois que je lui dis un truc et qu'il me répond par plusieurs messages vocaux je m'attends à être terrassée au sol. ce matin sur le canapé j'ai senti la tristesse tomber sur moi comme un dôme qui me coupe du reste du monde, ou comme une chape de plomb, la cape rigide de playmobil qui se clipse au niveau du cou. je lui avais lancé comme ça qu'on commençait quand il voulait à travailler et il m'a répondu qu'il avait mille casseroles sur le feu et moi j'en ai zéro et il s'en excuse platement, il dit désolé d'avoir mille casseroles sur le feu et pas toi, puis il dit que c'est pas ce qu'il a voulu dire, et il l'a pas dit comme ça non plus, mais je l'ai senti bien fort. il a essayé de me rassurer en me disant qu'il voulait toujours le faire mais qu'il savait juste pas à quel moment, et puis il ajoute enfin je sais pas à quel point c'est vraiment rassurant d'entendre ça, comme s'il présupposait que j'étais accrochée à cette collab comme une moule à son rocher, ce qui n'est pas faux, mais il est pas censé le savoir, ni même le supposer, et encore moins le suggérer, me le rappeler, me le FROTTER sous le NEZ. en attendant ça me fait encore passer pour la plus needy de nous deux, celle auprès de qui il doit s'excuser de pas être dispo, celle qui a besoin de lui et qui se retrouve donc en position inférieure.
mais y a pas que ça qui m'a plombée ce matin sur le canapé, l'autre truc qui m'a fait sentir l'abattement jusque dans les muscles de mes jambes, ou peut être que c'était les os, je sais pas faire la différence, j'en parle dans mon poème, de mes os marrons glacés que je traîne en faisant un bruit de rouille, damn je suis une bonne poète, la prochaine fois qu'on me demande ce que je fais je dis poète, je suis poète, le livre de christophe hanna m'a donné assez confiance dans ma condition de poète, en plus la poésie ça englobe tout, c'est parfait. et donc justement, ce qui m'a rouillé les os ce matin aussi c'est quand il m'a raconté qu'il avait commencé une formation pour avoir le statut d'artiste, l'équivalent du statut d'intermittent en france mais pas tout à fait pareil, pour avoir droit au chômage entre les contrats, et je sais pas pourquoi ça m'a déprimée. enfin si je sais, c'est toujours la même histoire, je m'en sors pas avec la vie et quand je vois que les autres avancent, prennent les devants, apprennent, ça me déprime. ça me déprime que eux fassent et pas moi.
parfois j'aimerais vraiment être j. qui a sept ans de moins que moi mais elle peut inviter toute la famille à un apéro dînatoire dans sa nouvelle maison, dans son jardin recouvert de moquette-gazon et d'asphalte, chef d'oeuvre de décor surréaliste, avec des petits ficus qui dépassent et les gamelles du chien rangées contre le mur blanc, nu. j'ai pris un million de photos mais j'avais peur d'être méprisante. j'espère qu'elle me déteste pas secrètement. personne a bitché sur la copine de s., j'étais un peu déçue. je me disais aussi, en parlant de couple, peut être que r. m'a sauvé la vie finalement en reléguant notre relation au stade de l'amitié, parce qu'il m'a encore parlé de son ex pendant trois heures, la mère de sa fille, pas la bombasse, mais peut être que la mère de sa fille aussi est une bombasse et que ça l'a aveuglé au fait que c'était une chieuse, d'après ce qu'il raconte en tout cas. et donc tout ça me fait penser que peut être que les relations avec lui sont compliquées et archi chiantes et qu'en restant son amie d'eau fraîche j'échappe à tout un tas de complications inutiles et de souffrance. même si j'ai déjà souffert pour une vie entière cet été.
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galacticgraffiti · 2 years
𑁍⋆ Eya - Ep. VII ⋆𑁍
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Rating: General Wordcount: 3.7k Characters: Eya (Nautolan!OC), Kad (Clone Trooper!OC), Minretesh (Togruta Smuggler!OC), mention of Katla (belongs to @rowansparrow) Warnings: none, really. some situational anxiety that gets resolved, some (oblivious) flirting
A/N: If anyone guesses who Minnie's 'uncle' is I'm giving you a reward. Idk what the reward is yet, but please, please give me your wildest guesses! I would love to hear what you think...
Eya Artwork ⋆ Eya’s Charactersheet ⋆ My Masterlist
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A Mandalorian, a Clonetrooper and a Smuggler Walk into a Bar...
Coruscant 20 BBY
Kad’s comm rings. Eya sighs and calls out for him, but he doesn’t respond. After a while, the noise stops, and Eya rolls back over. They are way too exhausted to get him, he’ll be back in a minute anyways.
Only- after two second of silence, the ringing starts again. 
Eya huffs in annoyance, and picks up. Kad won’t mind, it’s probably just one of his brothers anyways.
But the voice that sounds from the device when Eya clicks the button to accept is unfamiliar to them.
“Kad? Man, where are you-“
“This is Eya,” Kyreya interrupts the voice at the other end of the line.
Kyreya can positively hear the other person think.
“I… Kad has mentioned your name. You sound… different from what I imagined.”
Eya chuckles.
“Will you tell me who I am speaking to?”
“What? Oh! Oh, sorry, it’s- sorry, it’s been a long day. This is Minnie!”
Eya furrows their brow.
“You might know me, but I’ve never heard of you,” they say. Their statement is met by silence at the other end of the comm. Then, a slightly guilty voice.
“I… yeah. I told him not to. The less people know of me the better. For everyone involved.”
Oh. How mysterious… and shady.
“And yet you’re still talking to me.” Eya’s voice is slightly amused. “And you told me your name within the first minute of this call.You’re not very good at keeping secrets, are you?”
Laughter sounds through the static of the comm line.
“You got me there,” the woman says. “You… I mean I feel like I know you. Kad talks a lot of you whenever we- well. Anyways… Before I let anything else slip, just tell him Minnie called, will you? He should call me back as soon as he can, or the window is gonna close. He knows that.”
Before Eya can say anything else, the comm clicks. This… Minnie person just hung up.
Eya stares at the blinking light, contemplating this confusing interaction. They’re still holding the comm in their large hand when Kad walks back into the room, two steaming cups in his hands.
“Here you go!” He smiles and Eya automatically smiles back. Something in his face exudes a calm happiness that gets them every time. It always feels like nothing bad can happen as long as Kad is around.
“You had a call,” Eya informs him while reaching for one of the mugs in his hand. Kad plops down next to them, cocking his head in response to their blunt statement.
“A call? I’ve been gone for what, a couple minutes and-“
“I thought it might be Kal,” Eya says quickly. “I didn’t mean to snoop, I just-“
“It’s fine.” Kad puts his hand on their thigh. “I’m not scolding you. Who was it?”
“She said her name was Minnie,” Eya recounts. “And for you to call her back ASAP.”
Kad’s hands tighten around his mug. His face goes strangely expressionless as he takes a deep breath.
“You spoke to Minnie?”
Eya has never seen him like this. He smells… anxious. Nervous.
“I didn’t- not really. She just told me her name and said she… she said she knew of me. That you’d mentioned me.”
Kad makes a noncommittal noise and closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. He puts down his mug and takes the comm from Eya’s extended hand.
“I’ll be right back.” His tone is short, but Eya can feel that he’s not angry, not really. Just… nervous. Why, they couldn’t say.
Kad vanishes into the next room, and Eya can make out his muffled voice through the wall, though they can’t hear what exactly he is saying. The supposed call doesn’t take more than a few minutes, and when Kad reappears, he is wearing the civvies he keeps in Eya’s flat for when he has time to stay longer. The barracks aren’t exactly the place to keep civilian clothes - being as they technically are against regulations.
Eya narrows their eyes.
“Where are we going?”
“I am going to meet Minnie.” Kad says, pointedly stressing the “I.”
Eya gets up from the floor, placing one hand on Kad’s shoulder, and Kad sighs deeply.
“No point in trying to convince you that everything is fine and I can go alone, huh?”
“None,” Eya says cheerily, hastily strapping on their holsters.
“You don’t need those,” Kad sighs. “We’ll be perfectly safe.”
Eya wants to answer, It didn’t sound like it, or I don’t trust this Minnie. They don’t. They just shrug.
“Never hurts.” They grab the keys from the bowl by their door. “We’re taking my bike.”
The entire ride, Kad offers no explanation of who Minnie is or what it is they are doing. Eya doesn’t ask, they just punch in the coordinates and follow the nav’s suggested route.
They assumed their destination would be in the lower levels. Everything about the call, from Minnie’s vague answers to Kad’s obvious discomfort with Eya learning about his… friend… suggested it.
They are surprised when the nav takes them up. Not all the way to the surface, but farther up than anyone they know lives, except Lys.
Far enough that there is actual sunlight reflecting in some windows. 
Eya twists around to look at Kad, but he just shrugs and says nothing. It’s unusual for him to be so quiet. Normally, he is a source of joyful laughter and entertainment. Kyreya wonders if they should have actually let him go alone. 
The nav brings them to a small landing platform alongside one of the bigger downwards tunnels. Eya lands carefully, parking their bike next to newer, shinier versions of itself, next to city speeders that cost more than they make in an entire standard.
Once they get off, Kyreya turns to Kad, who shifts uncomfortably.
“Kad’ika.” They place one hand on his shoulder, one of their tendrils curling around his arm when he extends his hand. “I know I said I wouldn’t let you go alone but you seem… strange. I’ll wait here if that’s what you want. Whatever this is.”
Kad grins, a shadow of his usual relaxed ease flashing across his face.
“Hmm, thank you dear. But I think it’s about time you met Minnie anyways. If I didn’t know any better I’d say she’s spying on me and waited for a moment where she’d catch you if she called. She’s been… curious. About you.”
Eya’s tendrils curl as they contemplate Kad’s confession. Then, they nod.
“Whatever you say. Can’t say that I’m not curious either… You’re sure you’re not in any danger?”
Kad chuckles.
“Yeah… yeah, I’m sure. I promise I’ll explain, it’s just… easier to do it now and talk later. We need to hurry.”
He drags Eya over to the glowing window front they parked in front of. It’s a restaurant of some kind, a nice place like the ones Eya used to take… they interrupt themself. Katla is gone. Don’t think about it now. What was will never be.
The look the hostess shoots them when they enter the establishment is priceless even without the extra sniff of pitying disgust that Eya gets. 
“I’m sorry, all of our tables are-“
“We are expected in one of the private lounges,” Kad interrupts her confidently. He leans closer, and the lady can’t seem to help but imitate his secrecy. Kad smiles at her.
“Minretesh Rowe.”
It sounds like a password, and it obviously does its job. A fake smile appears on the face of the hostess, her teeth shining nearly as bright as Eya’s own. Only the metal coating is missing, but even with that, Eya doesn’t think the hostess’ teeth could be shinier.
“Of course! Of course, if you’ll just follow me.” 
She leads them down a comfortably illuminated corridor Eya didn’t even really notice before. For someone who is usually very aware of their surroundings, that’s quite a feat, and Eya wonders if it is on purpose. Probably is. Who the hells is this Minnie person to warrant such secrecy?
Two doors hiss open, and the hostess bows.
“You’ll know the way from here, I assume?” she asks. The way she says it makes Eya think of the way their crewmates challenged each other without ever really saying anything at all. You’re sure you know how to use that? The hostess’ voice sounds like that. Like a challenge, a test. You’ve been here before, right? You belong here, right?
She reminds Eya of all the upper class snobs that used to watch blood drip off their knuckles in the ring, sipping Corellian whisky and talking about the latest fashions while Kyreya - while Jaro - fought for their amusement.
“We do, thank you,” Kad replies smoothly, placing his hand on Eya’s back and steering them towards the last booth on the right side of the open bar. 
It is quiet in here, a small band playing discreet Glimmik in the corner, the air filled with murmurs in different languages though there’s no one to see except a bartender droid behind the counter. Eya’s tendrils curl as they try to establish a baseline of atmosphere, but all they catch is neutrally guarded courteousness and the occasional whiff of… greed?
Hm. That is not very telling at all, and it makes Eya even more unsure of what to expect.
Kad leads them into the booth at the corner, and keys in some sort of code. The doors slide open and Kad quickly pulls Eya inside before the doors quickly shut again.
Kyreya’s hands automatically ball into fists, and they bare their teeth before their eyes adjust to the light. The air tastes of… anticipation. Amusement. Genuine care, but also impatience.
“Hmm, here you are. I was wondering if you’d make it.”
Eya’s eyes snap to the origin of the sound, and the sight nearly takes their breath away.
A Togruta sits in one of the velvet seats, leaned back in feigned relaxation, her legs crossed. Long lekku drape across her shoulders, marked with intricate patterns on wine coloured skin. Her face is so pale blue it seems to nearly glow in the dark, an impression that is only amplified by the strings of beads around the Togruta’s montrals.
Her voice is missing the static that comes with comms from a planet as densely populated as Coruscant, but the faint accent and the distinct note of superiority are unmistakable, even from the short amount of time Eya has heard her voice.
“You must be Minnie,” they say, baring their teeth at the beautiful woman. Minnie laughs and inclines her head, her dark eyes travelling across Eya’s massive body from tendril to toe. Kyreya has to fight down the urge to look away, instead focusing their pale cybernetic eye on Minnie’s small, soft body to scan for hidden weapons.
“I prefer that strangers call me Minretesh, actually.” Her voice is smooth and not unfriendly. “You must be Eya.”
Eya blinks, storing the information about the two hidden double-vibroblades in Minretesh’s thigh holsters in the very forefront of their mind. Inwardly, they smirk at Minretesh’s response. Two can play that game.
“Actually, I prefer that strangers call me Kyreya.”
Minretesh lets out a short, dry laugh that won’t fit her soft, sweet body at all. Eya has to fight against the happy little dance their tendrils want to dance because they made Minretesh laugh.
“Hm. Very good. Pleased to meet you, Kyreya.” She bows her head, touching her chest in three places, and Eya’s eyes go wide in surprise. That’s a Nautolan gesture, the greeting of the three hearts. 
It’s a form of hello, one that is used to signify purity of intention, a promise of trust, and an untranslatable sense of what Eya can only call pre-respect. The common respect towards people who have neither proven or earned, nor disproven their worthiness of trust.
Before they can help themself, their hands have already repeated the Togruta’s greeting. Minretesh’s eyes twinkle in the low light.
“There. Now we are not strangers anymore. I am Minnie.”
Eya opens their mouth to respond, but Kad’s impatient voice cuts in from the side.
“Now that everyone has met and flirted enough, can we get down to business? I thought it was urgent, Minnie.”
Minretesh’s dark eyes never leave Eya as they carefully sit next to Kad, squeezing onto the bench that is far too narrow to hold them both. Part of Eya wonders if that was intentional.
“I did say that, didn’t I?” Minnie clicks her tongue. “Well then. Since you brought a friend I assume last time didn’t go over too well?”
Kad shakes his head.
“No, that’s just coincidence. We’re fine, the guard is… fine. Took some convincing but we’re all grateful.”
Eya watches the conversation unfold, still not entirely understanding what is happening.
It is only when Minnie starts listing items - mostly foods, some fabrics, some holovid titles Eya recognises - that the kelp finally lifts.
They’ve been wondering how the guard has so many nice things. How they have snacks in their barracks, how Kal gets the expensive coloured inks for their tattoos. How Fox’s caf is the only one that tastes decent in the entire GAR.
It’s all because of Minnie. Minnie, who is a smuggler.
The realisation hits Eya like a speedertrain, but their body stays still. They don’t betray their surprise. Kad still knows, somehow. A small, tan hand is placed on Eya’s knee underneath the table. A small gesture that is meant to call them down and tell them - we’ll talk about it later.
Eya does not calm down; in fact, their mind is going about a million parsecs a minute. This is dangerous, yes. But not because of Minnie, as they had thought. Minnie herself it not the danger here.
This is dangerous for Kad. Because Kad could be court-martialled for importing illegal items. Because Kad could be reprogrammed for breaking the law in any capacity. Because Kad could be executed for treason.
Minnie isn’t the danger. Her occupation is.
Kyreya wants to get up, get out of here, to scream at Kad that this isn’t worth it, to ask why he would put himself in danger like this and not even wait for an answer before they drag him out of here. They want to leave, to banish Minnie and the danger she represents from Coruscant forever.
Eya does none of it. Eya sits patiently, their hands curled tightly into fists, and fights the urge of their tendrils to twitch wildly as they project the fear inside Eya’s head to the world. Hey can’t let that slip.
Minretesh’s eyes are still on them. Even as she goes through lists and flight plans with Kad, she never looks away for more than a few seconds before she focuses on Eya again. It’s disquieting.
Finally, when Minnie starts to pack in her datapad, and Kad shifts next to Eya, they snap.
“What the fuck’s your problem?���
Their voice is bitingly cold, the anger palpable in the air even without the expressive language of their tendrils. 
Minnie blinks slowly.
“What do you mean?”
Eya gnashes their teeth at the calm response.
“You’ve been staring at me this entire time. Are you afraid I’ll attack you? Do you think I’ll report you and risk Kad being sent away to get reprogrammed - or worse? WHAT?”
Minretesh’s cheeks go a very lovely shade of purple, a colour that makes her freckles stand out even more. Eya closes their eyes. No distractions. Family must be protected at all costs.
“Oh.” The Togruta seems to search for words, and Eya can feel Kad’s shoulders shaking next to them. They throw him an annoyed look, but their anger is only met with… amusement? Eya’s eyes snap back to Minretesh, who looks like she’s about ready to flee the scene and never come back.
“I just-“ she pauses and takes a deep breath. “Kad mentioned you. How funny you were, how well you got to know each other. How good you are at your job.” She pauses again, and Eya shakes their head.
“And?” They don’t understand. “If Kad told you about me, then why are you acting like-”
Minretesh blushes an even deeper shade of purple.
“He never mentioned how pretty you were,” she mumbles then. “How- how absolutely fucking stunning.”
It’s the first curse word she has used since Eya and Kad have arrived. It hits right in the middle of all three of Eya’s hearts.
They breathe in sharply, lost for words.
Minnie shakes her head as to refocus, rising from her seat. Eya automatically does the same. Minnie barely reaches their shoulder, though her Montrals could nearly poke Eya’s eye out.
Eya resists the urge to square their shoulders as they look down at the small Togruta. Everything inside them screams to protect. Not that Minnie needs it. The kyuzo petar hidden in her holsters are a weapon only used by skilled warriors, so must have been trained. And yet…
Eya shies back when Minnie raises her hands, then leans into the touch as her delicate fingers trace a path between their three hearts. A Nautolan goodbye, though the path is usually drawn with tendrils. Safe travels, friend. That’s what it means. Eya wonders if Minnie knows what else it implies. May your future paths lead you back to me. May we meet again.
“Kad can give you my frequency. It’s encrypted so I’ll know it’s you.”
And with that, Minnie turns around abruptly and stalks out of the booth, throwing a hasty “Goodbye, dear!” in Kad’s direction.
Eya stands there and seems to have forgotten how to breathe air.
Kad’s hand sneaks its way into Eya’s, and when they turn to look down at him, there is a broad smile on his lips, blinding as the sun.
They bare their teeth at his obvious glee.
“Not. One. Word.”
But they can’t help grinning back.
Minretesh Rowe has not been speechless often. In fact, her tongue is usually so much quicker than her brain that she gets in trouble for it. Regularly.
But the Nautolan that stepped in just moments prior makes Minnie forget every word she has ever known except one. Want.
And when the Nautolan stares back at her with burning eyes and fluttering tendrils, Minnie knows that she is not the only one who feels that way.
Whatever Kad has said, not once did he mention what Eya looked like. A Nautolan, that is all Minnie knew. A good friend, a loyal one. About the only one Kad has outside of his squad, so Don’t worry Minnie, it’ll be fine. They’ll never betray us.
Now, taking in the expanse of Eya’s scarred lilac skin, Minnie believes every word.
Eya stares and stares and doesn’t look away, and Minnie knows she is doing the same. She wonders whether Eya thinks of her as a danger, whether they have detected all of the hidden weapons Minnie carries with her. The nervous tapping of tendrils against each other certainly suggests it.
Eya was surprised that Minnie knew the Nautolan greeting, Minnie saw it in their eyes. Their mismatched eyes, one nature-given, the other a feat of technology. Minnie wonders how a simple bouncer can afford such a piece. Or pure beskar, for that matter. She hasn’t missed the knuckle spikes that are a part of Eya’s fists so naturally that one could mean they had been born with them; or the flash of silver each time Eya had opened their mouth.
At least now she knows what Kal needs all the expensive colours of tattoo ink for. Or rather, who. At least half of them must go to the masterpieces Kal creates on Eya’s body. Minnie distantly wonders what it would be like to get to touch them, to hold them and kiss every inch of skin she could reach. She wonders if Eya would let her do that, if they would give up control and allow themself to be worshipped. Somehow, Minnie doesn’t think it’s an easy feat to accomplish, and that just makes her want it all the more.
Eya absently stares into empty space as Minnie and Kad talk through the shipment, but Minretesh does not miss the way they go stiff as a board when Kad mentions the Guard. Their eyes squinted, they stare at Minnie like their mere gaze could be enough to make her catch fire and flee the planet.
The fire that gaze ignites in Minnie is of a different sort though, the sort that spreads from their heart, their core, all the way to the tips of their montrals. Desire, not fear.
Eya is intimidating, yes, but they are also exactly the kind of person Minnie had hoped Kad would have by his side to protect him. Sometimes, Minnie feels bad for putting him in danger - he is such a sweet clone - a sweet man - but then she reminds herself that business is business. It’s not personal, or at least that’s what her uncle used to say.
Anyways, it’s not like she sought out Kad. It was the other way around - he looked for her, he flew after her, boarded her ship. He offered a mutually beneficial  deal, a deal Minnie still cannot believe the Guard approves of, or even tolerates. But apparently, the rumours are true - Commander Fox actually will kill for good caf. Not that he has to, now that Minnie brings in her… imported wares.
All that goes through her head as she commits the shape of Eya to her memory as carefully as a painter studying their subject.
It’s a hasty goodbye, and Minretesh for once thanks the fact that her tongue is so much quicker than her thoughts. By all accounts, she should have stumbled over her words, should have sunken into the ground never to be seen again, but instead, there is the possibility - however slight - that Eya might call her.
Minnie’s steps are elated, her lekku bouncing as she makes her way towards the Anak, the ship anchoring at the landing platform right where she left it. Only… the engines are already fired up, the ship nearly vibrating in place as it waits for the return of its captain. 
Minnie quickens her pace after looking at her chrono, nearly tripping over her own feet in her haste. She is so late. The crew is gonna kill her.
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Gimme gimme gimme all your thoughts about Minnie!! I'm so so excited to introduce her - and there will be some more this sweet sweet OC week ❥
@rescuethewretched @deewithani @thefact0rygirl @clonecyare @baba-fett @tenderclio @twistedstitcher27 @spaceydragons @maygalodon @samanthacookieone @fennccshand @equalityforcats @ashotofspotchka @levi-llama @fantastic-commander-fox @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi @lackofhonor @a-c-lee @imalovernotahater @ladykatakuri @solidago-sempervirens @meabravo @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @corrabell @sharpbarnacle @amcheeken @snarwor @basilbumble @dear-fifi @dollydee28 @snakerune @rexscyarika @misogirl828 @stcrmhond @shadesofshatteredblue @purgetrooperfox @tachyon-girl @amyroswell @palpipeen @crowbafett @cyarbika @damerondala @pinkiemme @kakashibabe02 @rain-on-kamino @mando-amando @ulchabhangorm
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thelightofmeridian · 2 years
Quelques informations
Bonjour, bonsoir ! J'espère que vous profitez bien de cette belle journée de décembre. Me revoilà donc pour donner des nouvelles du projet.
Côté administratif :
Le forum n'est pas encore créé : n'étant pas certaine de la faisabilité du projet et s'il plaira à d'autres que moi, je préfère avancer doucement de mon côté sans me mettre la pression.
Cependant, j'avoue avoir commencé à créer un petit serveur discord si le projet abouti pour pouvoir discuter idées de personnages, éventuellement faire des recherches de liens etc (je me bats avec les configurations des bots. Pas si simple ce truc haha) Vous en serez les premiers informés ici-même ou bien sur des serveurs discord de pub.
Eventuellement, je pourrais lancer une recherche de staff pour construire le forum. C'est toujours plus sympa d'avoir des points de vue différents, échanger nos idées, rebondir sur celles des autres plutôt que de faire ça seule.
Univers du forum :
Le contexte est inspiré de la bande-dessinée W.I.T.C.H. (apparue dans Minnie Mag puis WITCH Mag par la suite pour ceux qui connaissent), créée par Elisabetta Gnone.
Contrairement à la BD, l'histoire ne se déroule pas à Heatherfield (planète Terre) mais à Meridian, capitale du Royaume de Metamoor (l'un des nombreux mondes placés sous la protection de Kandrakar).
Les Gardiennes de la Muraille n'existent pas encore : nous ne sommes qu'au début de la prise de pouvoir du Prince Phobos, qui d'ailleurs n'est pas le souverain "officiel" de Meridian. La Reine Weira Escanor et son époux sont toujours en vie, il y a donc toujours de l'espoir !
De ce fait, Metamoor n'a pas le charmant surnom de la Zone Obscure du Non-Lieu. Personne ne sait où la Princesse Elyon se trouve, mais elle est en sécurité loin de de son frère, qui en tant qu'homme n'a pas sa place sur le trône.
La magie est présente partout sur Metamoor. Tous ses habitants ne la pratique pas, mais son usage est considéré comme normal. Cette magie commence doucement à s'épuiser, le Royaume plonge peu à peu dans les ténèbres. La Lumière de Meridian a disparu, transmise par la Reine Weira à sa fille Elyon.
Evolutions possibles/idées en vrac :
Pour le moment, seul Metamoor sera jouable inrp et l'action se concentrera sur Meridian. Selon l'évolution du forum et des intrigues, je n'exclue pas la possibilité de rendre Kandrakar jouable, ou encore la Terre. A voir donc.
Concernant les groupes, ils seront au nombre de quatre pour commencer : la cour royale et les meridianites (les habitants de Meridian). Mais où sont donc passés les deux autres groupes ???? Surprise surprise. Il existerait deux groupes cachés : les murmurants/roses noires de Phobos (fidèles au Prince Phobos donc, de gré ou de force, pour x raison) et la rébellion (pro-Escanor aka la Reine Weira). Les membres de ces deux groupes devront à tout prix garder leur appartenance à tel ou tel mouvement secret et pourront donc agir chacun de leur côté pour faire avancer l'intrigue. Il faudra donc contacter le staff au préalable par mp avant la validation pour l'en informer et la mission "rester discret" commencera donc dès la partie présentation (vous n'êtes donc pas obligés de raconter la vérité toute la vérité la rédaction de votre fiche !!!!) Je prévois des parties privées sur le forum justement, avec la possibilité de rajouter quelques éléments d'histoire pour compléter la fiche (optionnel).
A chaque mise à jour (tous les mois/deux mois ou +, rythme à définir) , l'un des deux camps pourra prendre le dessus sur l'autre (ou pas) et ainsi faire avancer leur souverain respectif (Prince Phobos ou Reine Weira). Les personnages ne faisant pas partie de ces deux mouvements seront donc neutres (cour royale ou meridianites) et auront le pouvoir de ralentir les deux groupes opposés pour rester dans un semblant de "paix", empêcher des événements tragiques.
Et c'est tout pour l'instant, j'espère que ces petites idées vous ont plu ! Encore une fois, s'il y a des intéressés, n'hésitez pas à me contacter ici ou bien sur discord. A bientôt !
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minniemaymalady · 2 months
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simple shading k0-mm
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jaynovz · 10 months
Thank you for tagging me @nijinskys sorry it took so long, my stats page and I have a love-hate relationship
most hits (8,063): Strike Hard -- Cobra Kai. Probably b/c it's my oldest smut fic :D This started out as such a small but passionate little fandom and I wrote this fic right after s1 aired. Good times really, it was the first time I'd written fic in 6 years and I was very pleased with the reception.
fewest hits (42): [podfic] Cold, Dark, Depraved -- Black Sails. My most recent podfic, these never get a ton of hits or kudos, but thanks to everyone who downloads and listens. <3
most kudos (1,361): some ancient call -- Our Flag Means Death. Biggest fandom I've written for so far. Fun little creature au romcom I wrote right after finishing s1 OFMD. Didn't expect the fandom to get this big honestly!
fewest kudos (1): Tied for two podfic: [podfic] hand in unlovable hand --Black Sails and [podfic] announcing your place in the family of things -- Fetch Phillips Archives. Like I said, the pods never get very many hits or kudos. If you liked it after listening, please come back to drop a kudos on the page <3
most comments (129 threads): did the twin flame bruise paint you blue -- Black Sails. My big ol novel! Shout out to the ppl who commented on every single chapter I love you so much.
fewest comments (0): worst ending podfic again!
most bookmarks (384): OFMD creature rom com again!
least bookmarks (0): Four way tie of a bunch of podfic womp womp
most words (138,019): Break Up AU again, aka my Giant Silverflint Mod AU Novel. I DID IT BOYS!
least words (486): a resolution -- Watchmen. a little surreal drabble I wrote for a Rorschach livejournal comm a million years ago that I transferred to AO3, it was my first work!
Thanks again Minnie, mwah
I think all the Sunder City and pirate fam have already been tagged but just in case here are a few :)))-- @asterofthevoid @lupismaris @calamitys-child @frodo-of-the-nine-fingers @rion-writes
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musette22 · 1 year
J'espère que tu vas mieux, mon petit lapin 🥺 l'idée que tu serais malade me fait trop de chagrin 😢donc prends soin de toi s'il te plaît, ma chère 🙏 car t'es la seule que je chéris le plus sur terre ☺️ et sache bien que je t'aime à la folie, ma p'tite Minnie 🥰💛
I thought i'd shake things up for once cause i see u sprinkle some french here and there, you genius brilliant woman you 😅😉 hope you feel better soon, honey 😘😘
My sweetest honey baby, I love you SO much, but you have the audacity to call me a genius brilliant woman when in fact YOU are the completely brilliant autodidact here?? Who writes poetry and makes art and gifs like nobodies business on top of speaking several languages fluently?? I mean... I do believe you are much more of a genius brilliant woman than I am, to be quite honest!!! 💛💛💛
Having said that - merci beaucoup, ma chérie 🥺🥺 J'ai tellement de chance d'avoir une amie comme toi, vraiment ❤️ Aww, j'aime être un petite lapin, si mignon! 🥰 Tu es mon petit chiot, et te t'apelle Buster Brown💕🐶🥰
I hope I said that right, it's been a while since I practiced my French, and it's gotten harder since I started learning Italian, but I tried 😂 THANK YOU for the well wishes, my darling! I'm still feeling crappy but I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow 😘 Love you endlessly, sending you the biggest hug imaginable!!!! 💕💕
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foolshoujo · 9 months
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nathanparisi · 18 days
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English : After Minnie and Gadget, I made Miss Bianca from The Rescuers and Olivia Flaversham from The Great Mouse Detective with their coats.
I find it charming when Miss Bianca turns up the collar of her coat and Olivia is pretty as anything with her coat which for me is more detailed than Bianca's.
Olivia's coat reminds me of Bianca's. Not you ?
Français : Après Minnie et Gadget, j'ai fait Miss Bianca de Bernard et Bianca et Olivia Flaversham de Basil détective privé avec leur manteau.
Je trouve charmant quand Miss Bianca remonte le col de son manteau et Olivia est jolie comme tout avec son manteau qui pour moi est plus détaillée que celle de Bianca.
Le manteau d'Olivia me fait penser à celle de Bianca. Pas vous ?
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somegirlsfromk · 2 months
Minnie se rend dans un lycée pour donner une heure de leçon de musique.A mon avis, avec une prof comme ça, ce serait zéro absentéisme. See you.
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