#miltary diet
fitnesswithtay · 4 months
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|•| hey, i’m tay! and i test out diets to let YOU know how effective, healthy, and just how easy they are to stick to. join me in my practices on ways to figure out what type of diets work. please do remember i am just one person, and whatever diets work or don’t work for me could be totally different from you. see my posts below to know more !!👇👇
(if you want to recommend any diets please put them in my ask!!)
• O.M.A.D.
• Egg Diet
• Miltary Diet
• Intermittent Fasting
• Calorie Deficit
• Keto
• Mediterranean
• Vegan
• Low-Carb
…to be continued.
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readingforsanity · 2 years
The Troop | Nick Cutter | Published 2014 | *SPOILERS*
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Once a year, scoutmaster Tim Riggs leads a troop of boys into the Canadian wilderness for a three day camping trip; a tradition as comforting and reliable as a good ghost story and a roaring bonfire. But when an unexpected intruder - shockingly thin, disturbingly pale and voraciously hungry - stumbles upon their campsite, Tim and the boys are exposed to something far more frightening than any tale of terror. The human carrier of a bioengineered nightmare. An inexplicable horror that spreads faster than fear. A harrowing struggle for survival that will pit the troop against the elements, the infected and one another. 
This one was incredibly disatisfying. The synopsis for this book is nothing like the actual book. For a real review, read below. 
Five boys, along with their scoutmaster, head to an island about three miles from the mainland for a weekend trip that occurs every year. They’re scouts, and they’re there to gain badges needed in order to continue being scouts. All of them have known each other since they began scouts, and their scoutmaster has been their scoutmaster for the entirety of the time. They all know and trust each other, though it quickly becomes apparent that they shouldn’t. There is nerdy Newton, beefy Kent, weird Shelley, and best friends Max and Eef (Ephraim). They spend the first night telling jokes and scary stories until Tim comes into the room and tells them they cannot leave. 
It is here that we are introduced to patient zero. He was a strange man that appeared on the island by boat, and showed up to the cabin explaining that he was very, very hungry. Tim allows him in, but it’s quickly apparent that this mans hunger goes beyond food as he is trying to eat everything in sight. Tim, a doctor, tries to help. When he brings Max into the fold, they find what has caused this mans excessive hunger, along with his rapid weightloss - a worm. A genetically modified worm. Interspersed within the chapters are snippets of news stories, testimonials from a trial as well as log books from the science experiment that has gone wrong. 
Tim is quickly infected with the worms, as is Kent. They both quickly and rapidly begin losing weight. When a massive storm hits the island, they’re left to hide in a cellar. A tree crashes into the cabin, which kills Tim...though his death likely wouldn’t have been too far off. Newt, Max, Eef and Shelley attempt to find food for the group, including kent who is left behind in the cellar as he is currently infected. It is here that Shelley saunters off to himself, and we find that he is actually an incredibly disturbed boy - one who has sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. 
Eef becomes certain that he is infected, and with Shelley’s malicious guidance, begins cutting himself to get to the worms. It is never confirmed if Eef was actually infected or not but he truly believed he was. Shelley then becomes infected as well after attempting to kill him off. Eef dies after setting himself on fire because he had lost his mind thinking of the infection building inside of him. 
Shelley’s infection seems to hit him harder than the others before him. In fact, he turns into a horrible spider-like creature and attempts to kill Max and Newt. It is here that Newt becomes infected as well. A strudy, heavy boy quickly begins wasting away before Max’s eyes. They get patient zeroes boat running, and in an attempt to escape the island that has been quarantined without them even realizing it, Newt is shot when attempting to reach the mainland. 
All of this is because of some strange doctor’s want to build a diet pill, as well as help the miltary with a weapon that would harm their enemies. In the end, Max also becomes infected which took longer than normal to hit him. 
When I first picked up the book, and read the synopsis, I for sure thought this was going to be about zombies. Instead, we have man-made tapeworms that were engineered to infect their hosts and waste them away. Nothing stopped the infection, and essentially, these 5 boys and the two men on the island were left for dead. 
The writing seemed to just go on and on forever, and side stories were absolutely unnecessary. There was no reason to go into detail about any of their lives, except Shelley’s as his was the only one that actually had anything to do with the main storyline with his obsession to kill things. 
3 stars as it was an entertaining read. But, it was hard to keep focus on anything within the story with so much going on the entire time. 
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pip-n-flinx · 3 years
Actually you know what. Cocktail/drinking headcanons for everyone, not just turians. I want to transcend the mortal plane, please.
Alright, so! We start where I left off on your last ask.
I expect the manufacturers of alcoholic beverages to be aiming for ‘bliss-point,’ simply to abuse a species’ tendency to drink what makes them feel good. Most food production companies are already doing this, and in this age of artificially flavored and sweetened pre-mixed beverages, I think extrapolating anything else for a futuristic sci-fi setting is a stretch. You’d have to presume far reaching legislation that would be nearly unenforceable about the intentions behind every drink’s chemical make up.
I’d extrapolate that different species dopamine (or parallel relevant neuro-receptor) to different compounds in their food and drink, driven by their homeworlds environment and the biomes that the flourish in.
Salarian’s hailing from more tropical climes likely favor spicier cuisine and other pungent flavors, at least if earth norms hold true out in space and across species.
Asari and Humans are a bit of a wildcard here, but I think all species can be expected to have at least some sweet tooth (instant energy makes sugar a powerful biological motivator) so barring something I’m missing I’d expect regional differences of opinion but a general penchant for the sweet.
Asari specifically have plenty of time to age some of the galaxies finest wines, whiskeys, and other dark spirits, so I’d expect them to lean towards a Hemingway-Daiquri rather than the original.
Quarian’s are another mystery, but given the liveships have limited growing space I’d hazard that Quarian’s value calorically dense food and drink, so I’d expect an emphasis on protein and fat for our environmental suit friends. I’d also double down on my dextro/levo commentary from the last ask: probably not fruit based, given the chirality of fructose.
Krogan are interesting, because while Tuchanka now is relatively barren and younger Krogan probably favor fat and protein or other umami flavors, I certainly don’t know much about what a pre Krogran-rebellion Tuchanka looks like. I personally like to imagine Ryncol as something akin to Absinthe or an over-proofed Akavit, just given its effect on non-Krogan.
I’ll repeat myself here for Turian drinks. I think this is the culture with by far the biggest alcohol problem. Incredibly rigid command structure and standard miltary service for every citizen will drive a huge percent of the population towards binge drinking as a coping mechanism, also no fruit additives as we earth-lings know them, same as quarians.
I’ll be honest. Hanar, Drell, Elcor, Volus.... I don’t feel like I know enough about them to even begin speculating on their diet or drinks of choice.
As for how you mix drinks in this multi-racial/cultural setting, I imagine it’s a real task to teach any bartender how to mix drinks for every species that could walk into the bar. I’d expect a move towards prepackaged drinks, and or soda-fountain style syrups that stir in to remove the fuss of serving a busy bar on the citadel/omega station. You’d likely get a far wider array of specialty cocktails in spaces species are less likely to share/cohabitate with aliens.
I’d like to imagine that the Asari have gone and elevated cocktail making to an art, much like the Japanese bartenders of today. They’ve got time on their hands, as do their clients, so I’d expect a wide array of fantastical beverages to be available on Thessia. I suspect that, given the Asari relations with the council races in particular, and the rest of the citadel races more generally, they would also have adapted their beverage lines for export to the various species they might encounter on Illium, Omega, or the Citadel.
Human’s are still relatively new to Council Space, and anti-alien sentiment following the First Contact War probably slowed the development of human-made booze for other species. Turians have probably, as a matter of pride, gone out of their way to make products marketable to the other council races. Salarians are a bit more of a mystery, though given the speed of their R&D I’d be surprised if they weren’t first to jump at the new market the Alliance systems represented.
Hopefully someone finds these ramblings interesting!
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builtbylomastro · 4 years
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Military Diet Total Fitness Plan
Every person in this world either its men or women all want unusual and charming physical appearance. Everybody wants a pleasant lifestyle to and a proper appealing fit and perfect body shape. Our physical appearance is the first thing anybody can see the first and the most, and from your outer style, they can judge you. Therefore, for getting a perfect body a slim, smart physiognomy today, we have slimming centers and gym clubs. rea more about Military Diet .
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amayer · 12 years
Since i didnt write about day 3 of the military diet i guess i might as well now. I ended up losing 8lbs total. On the third day i got a really bad headache and felt nauseated so i cheated that afternoon and ate a morning star patty on toast. The next four days i paced myself and i only worked out twice in those four days. I started back the diet again today grapefruit and all and at the end of the day i weighed 133. My future goal weight is 125.  Ill update more results about tomorrow.
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