#mike ross whump
liar-or-lawyer · 8 months
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spelldaggered · 2 years
shortness of breath
fandom: suits pairing: mike/harvey words: 695 warnings: panic attack
As they exit the courtroom, the walls of the building feel like they're starting to close in on Mike.
He can hear Harvey calling his name from behind, sounding increasingly irritated, but Mike couldn’t respond even if he wanted to right now. Between the ringing in his ears, the tunnelling of his vision, and a tightness in his chest he can't seem to ease, Mike can't focus on anything besides getting out of this goddamn building and getting back to the office, or their apartment, or literally anywhere else that isn't here.
Here, where he just fumbled what should have been an open and shut court case because the opposition caught him off guard with a piece of information he should have seen, should have known already, should have researched. And anyone else might have been annoyed with themselves, might have rolled their eyes internally, but their world wouldn't be ending.
Mike isn't just anyone else though. He's Mike fucking Ross, and he doesn't fuck up in the courtroom.
"Mike!" Harvey all but barks at him, but it's still not enough to slow him down - the doors are yards away, and beyond them lies the outdoors, open space, somewhere for Mike to hide and try and calm himself down.
He pushes the door open with more force than necessary, practically jogging at this point in his desperation to be free, and then he stumbles round the side of the building and collapses against the wall, practically bent double. With a hand on his racing heart, Mike desperately tries to suck in a breath, but he can't, he physically cannot fill his lungs with enough air, and he's freaking out.
What the fuck is happening to him?
"Mike," he hears Harvey say, sounding far away and in his ear at the same time. "You need to slow down, I need you to slow your breathing. Can you hear me?"
Mike nods, strained, teeth gritted against a feeling that is and isn’t pain at the same time.
"Okay, breathe with me. In for four- Mike, I need you to breathe in when I do, okay? In for four... that's it... and then out again. And in... and out..."
"Harvey," Mike gasps, trying to take a shuddering, heaving breath in, and failing miserably, "I can't breathe. I can't breathe."
"You can, you can breathe. Just gotta do it with me. In and out, come on, follow me."
They stand there for an interminable amount of time, thankfully shielded from most people by the building's architecture, and slowly, second by second, Mike's lungs start to work again. His whole world narrows to Harvey's voice, his low and steady instructions to breathe in and back out again, until eventually he manages a few shallow breaths on his own, and the worst of it seems over.
The world comes back into focus again, and with burning cheeks, Mike turns away from Harvey and the stares he knows don't exist but can feel anyway. With his palm flat against the stone, Mike braces himself against the courthouse, staring at the ground and squeezing his eyes shut. Embarrassment and fear from what had just happened, and shame and frustration for what had happened earlier, all come flooding back to him, and he’s overwhelmed for a moment.
"Mike?" Harvey asks gently, a soft voice he usually reserves for the two of them in the privacy of their own place.
Sensing he needed more, Harvey places an uncharacteristic hand at the small of Mike's back, hardly an overt romantic gesture, but far more intimate than they usually are out and about, especially when at work.
"I couldn't breathe," Mike says in a shaky, slightly rasping voice, trying to clear his throat when he hears it. "What the fuck just happened?"
"Pretty sure it was a panic attack, sweetheart," Harvey says, nudging Mike ever so slightly so he turns away from the wall to face his partner instead. Harvey looks into Mike's still-scared eyes and gives him a small, slightly amused, slightly pitying smile. "Welcome to the club."
Mike takes another long breath in, still uneven, but his strongest so far. "This is a bullshit club."
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ishkabibblethings · 2 months
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Suits 2x12 Blood in the Water
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whumpdoyoumean · 8 months
Whumptober #21
“What are your choices when someone holds a gun to your head? You do what they say or they shoot you, right? Wrong! You take the gun. You pull out a bigger gun or you call their bluff or you do one of another 146 other things.”
146 other things.
The words echo around in Mike’s mind. It seems a little ridiculous now, as there is an actual gun pointed at his head and he can’t think of a single damn way out of it. Harvey also appears to be at somewhat of a loss, his hands above his head in a fashion similar to Mike.
The armed man is calm, casual. He glances over toward Donna’s desk. She’s crouching behind it, and Mike guesses that she’s calling 911 right this second--if she hasn’t already. The man doesn’t seem concerned.
“Your issue is with me,” Harvey is saying. “Let Mike go. He has nothing to do with this grudge of yours.” His voice is calm, too, but forced. There’s an edge of desperation to it.
The man looks over at Harvey now and smiles. 
It freezes Mike’s blood.
 “’This grudge of yours,’” the man repeats. “Funny, you say it as though you actually remember me.”
“I do,” Harvey says, voice as level as ever. “I do remember you. Harrison. Joe Harrison. Your case was back when I worked with the DA’s office. Put you away for robbery and attempted murder, isn’t that right?”
Harrison’s face flickers, just for a moment. Then he nods slowly. “You do remember me, then. You remember what you did to me?” His tone is losing its measured steadiness. 
“I seem to recall the judge and jury sentencing you to a fair bit of prison time. Why don’t you put the gun down and we can talk about whatever it is that’s bothering you,” Harvey says slowly, reaching forward.
“Don’t move!” Harrison barks, turning the gun on Harvey. Mike starts to move forward, but Harvey gives him a warning look, shaking his head just slightly. “You think I wanna talk to you? Hm? You think I got this--” He waves the gun for emphasis. “--to talk? You think I killed my parole officer to talk? No. No more talking! My brother is dead. I didn’t even get to go to his funeral!”
Mike feels the blood drain from his face, and his stomach turns. This guy’s already killed today. There’s no coming back from that. But Harvey, ever his Harvey self, doesn’t seem phased.
“Your brother,” he says, his voice taking on a gentler tone. “Devin, right?” 
“Shut up!” Harrison’s voice is pitched up, and loud, the facade all but gone as he steps forward and holds the gun under Harvey’s nose. “Don’t you say his name! You don’t get to do that!”
Harvey’s remaining remarkably calm, staring at Harrison. All Mike can look at is the gun. He wants to move, but he can’t.
“Well, you obviously came in here with something in mind, Harrison,” Harvey says. The gentleness is gone. There’s poison in his words. His face is hard. Mike wants to tell him to shut up but he’s terrified that anything he does will set Harrison off.
“I’m getting tired of standing here,” Harvey continues, “and my shoulders are sore, so either do what you’re gonna do, or leave.” 
Harrison stares. His hand is shaking. He stands quietly for a long moment, long enough for Mike to think that maybe things are going to turn out okay, before he snaps.
“You arrogant son of a bitch!” he shouts, bringing his gun down against the side of Harvey’s head. Harvey goes down, holding his temple as blood starts pouring from the cut.
“Harvey!” Mike cries, shaken from his fear-induced paralysis by the need to make sure his mentor--friend--is okay. He’s hardly taken a step before there’s a deafening crack, and suddenly he’s back against the wall, sliding to the ground. Donna is screaming and Harvey’s shouting his name and it isn’t until he feels the warmth of blood spreading over his thigh that he realizes what’s happened. The pain comes a second later, and he gasps, black spots swimming in his vision. 
“Shit! Mike!” Harvey’s yelling, and Mike can’t see him because Harrison is standing in the way.
He answers the moment he catches his breath enough to speak. “I-I’m okay. H-Harvey? I’m okay,” he calls, hoping the pain doesn’t come out in his words.
“Don’t worry, Mike. I’m gonna get you out of this,” Harvey responds. There’s movement behind Harrison, and Mike sees Harvey get slowly to his feet. Harrison is breathing heavily. 
“That’s your fault!” he shouts. “I didn’t want that!”
“What did you want?” Harvey asks. He’s holding his head with one hand (a bloody hand), and the edge of his desk with the other. For the first time on this hellish night, he looks scared. His perfectly sculpted hair has fallen partially, hanging down over his forehead, and there’s blood running down his face and neck and settling on the collar of his shirt. Mike has heard that head wounds tend to bleed a lot, but the amount of red is unsettling. 
“I don’t know, I don’t know!”  Harrison is running his free hand through his hair. The other hand holds the gun. “I had a plan, I did, I did, but you--” He points the gun back at Mike. “--weren’t supposed to be here, and neither was she! You mixed me all up!” He stops talking at the sound of sirens, looking up. 
Mike’s not a religious guy, never has been, but he finds himself praying that the sirens are stopping outside the building. They do, and Harrison and Harvey make eye contact.
“They’re coming up here,” Harvey says. “No matter what you do, they’ll be here in the next minute or two. This doesn’t have to end with anyone dying.” He straightens up from the desk and puts himself between the gun and Mike. “Joe--”
There’s another gunshot, and Mike can’t stop the scream that rips from him.
Donna watches as Harvey crumples to the ground and wants to scream, but Mike is in hysterics, and she can’t afford to be. Harrison is standing over Harvey, pointing the gun at his head, and yelling incoherently. Donna has no idea what he’s saying, but he’s waving the gun around and there’s no way she’s going to let him kill Harvey. 
No way in hell. 
She takes her heels off and straightens up from where she’d taken refuge behind her desk, slowly, quietly. She picks up the vase from her desk. Mike eyes her through the window, still in tears, but he quickly looks away to avoid drawing Harrison’s attention.
Atta kid. 
Her bare feet don’t make a sound as she takes a few quick strides into Harvey’s office. 
Harrison doesn’t turn before she brings the vase down on his head. It shatters (which is definitely going on the company payroll), and the man falls bonelessly to the ground beside Harvey, the gun clattering to the floor. She quickly kicks it toward Mike. 
“Mike,” she says, dragging the unconscious Harrison out of the way so she can get to Harvey easier. Mike is staring at the blood spreading across the carpet beneath Harvey. The kid’s face is white as a sheet and shiny with sweat, and his leg is bleeding all over, and he’s gasping and saying Harvey’s name, begging and swearing and saying please be okay over and over like a prayer. Donna had been about to tell him to pick up the gun and hold it on Harrison until the cavalry arrives, but she isn’t sure he could even hold a gun, much less aim or use it if the need arises. Plus he needs to put pressure on that leg and besides, she can hear them coming up the stairs.
“Mike!” she says again, louder, and Mike looks up at her, eyes wide. 
“You need to try and slow down the bleeding in your leg.” She drops Harrison’s arms. He doesn’t move or make a sound, and she wonders vaguely whether she killed him. Not that she cares.
She returns to Harvey’s side and she knows for sure. 
She wouldn’t give a shit.
Harvey is splayed on the floor, his white shirt no longer so, and he’s gasping for air. Donna loosens his tie, then moves her hand up to smooth Harvey’s hair back from his forehead. His eyes are open, but they’re glassy and roaming. 
“Harvey,” Donna says, only her voice cracks and it ends up being more of a whisper. She clears her throat, swallows. 
“How is he?” Mike asks, and Donna flashes him a tight, fake smile (not her best one, but still maybe convincing?).
“He’ll be fine, Mike. How are you?” Her hands are over the wound now, and she hates the feeling of his blood on them. She wonders vaguely if it’ll ever wash off.
“I’ll be fine,” Mike responds. 
They both look up as SWAT gets to the floor. The one in the lead looks around the room and lowers his gun partway. 
“This the shooter?” he asks and Donna nods. He says something into his earpiece that Donna doesn’t catch, and two other SWAT guys come in and whisk Harrison away. While they do that, he gets down on his knees next to Donna, pulling a pair of rubber gloves out of his pocket and putting them on. “Sir, can you hear me?”
Harvey’s gaze slowly shifts to the man and he nods slightly. 
“My name is Pat, I’m gonna help you while we wait on the paramedics to get here. Can you tell me your name?”
“H…Harvey. ‘s Mike okay?”
“My buddy Jimenez is helping Mike right now,” Pat says. “I’m just gonna get your shirt open, get a better look at that wound.”
“Where are the paramedics?” Donna says as Pat yanks open Harvey’s shirt.
“There was a big pile-up, things are a little backed up...they’ll get people here as soon as they can, ma’am.” 
“That’s bullshit!” Donna cries, and she can feel the panic she’s been pushing down all night threatening to erupt. 
“S’okay, Donna.” 
She looks down in surprise. Harvey is smiling up at her. Well, grimacing, really. He’s trying to hide it, but she can see the pain--in his eyes, the way they crinkle at the corners, in the slight downturn of his eyebrows, the tiny ridges between them, in the way his Adam’s apple bobs up and down.
“I’m-” Harvey continues. He swallows, blinking hard. “‘m alright.”
“Of  course you are. I know that,” Donna says. She looks back at Pat, who’s rifling through a pouch at his hip. He pulls out a clear circle of plastic with a tab on one side. “What is that?”
“This is a chest seal. This is going to keep air from entering the chest cavity and collapsing his lungs.”
Donna has to blink back tears as Pat pulls the backing from the chest seal and presses it over the bullet wound. Suddenly Mike lets out a loud cry, and Donna turns sharply, heart hammering. 
“Mike?” Harvey says, eyes widening as he slowly cranes his head, trying to look at him. “Mike?”
“Jimenez?” Pat calls over to the officer next to Mike. 
“Had to apply a tourniquet to his leg, sir,” Jiminez says, and Pat grimaces a little. 
“Those can hurt,” Pat says to Harvey, “but it’ll get the bleeding stopped.”
“I’m okay, Harvey.” Mike’s words are strained with pain, but Harvey relaxes a little at the sound of his voice. 
“Are you okay, Donna?” 
Donna looks up at Pat, a little startled at hearing her name. “I’m fine.”
Pat is eyeing her closely. “Are you sure? You’re looking a little pale.”
Donna’s not sure why that’s what does it, but suddenly there are tears streaming down her face. She takes a shaky breath. “I’m fine,” she repeats a little louder. 
“If you need to take step away for a minute, take a breather--”
“I’m not leaving him,” she says firmly. Pat nods. 
“I understand.”
“Sir?” someone says from the doorway. “The paramedics are here, they’re on their way up now.”
Donna looks down at Harvey and tries to smile. “You hear that, Harvey? Help is here. You’re gonna be okay.”
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our-lovely-things · 10 months
This is not what I meant when I said I wanted more Suits Fanfic:
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(I was hoping for lots of caring Harvey and some Mike Whump.)
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schrijverr · 1 month
I just binged ur Mike Ross whump fics on AO3 and i loved them!!
ahw thank you so much, im glad you enjoyed them✨💕
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geminihurt · 3 years
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This isn’t the first-aid kit from the kitchen. Use other people’s antibacterial cream? Please. I might as well give myself a staph infection - Louis Litt
You’re not fine. And after I’m done kicking his ass, the guy who did it isn’t gonna be either - Harvey Specter
Whumptober 2021 Day 3 - “Who did this to you?”
Suits 2x12
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Suits fic.
So this ended up pretty long, I got a little carried away. I’m not even sure if tumblr will let me post it. I hope you guys like suits as much as I do. Prompt: Okay can I see, like, early Mike just started working at the firm and he's trying to keep up with Harvey's almost non-stop schedule and ends up sick but tries to keep going? Cue "annoyed" (but actually worried) Harvey?
Mike eyed himself in the mirror subconsciously wearing his too-cheap suit, and too-skinny tie. His first couple days had gone well enough, but now he knew what was expected of him and boy was he out of his depth. Sure he could recite the Harvard law book by memory, but that didn’t help much with all the little nuanced details each draft needed. He slipped his files into his bag and slung it over his shoulder then grabbed his bike to lug down the stairs over his head.
By the time he reached the Pearson Hardman building his heart was racing, and not from the 3 miles he just biked through traffic. What the actual hell did I get myself into? he wondered. Mike had made sure to get to the office 40 minutes early in hopes that he’d have time to review the files Louis requested to be done by this morning, but when he got to the office every other associate was already at their cubicles. Only the senior partners weren’t there yet and even they got there a fashionable 15 minutes early. Mike had hardly sat down when Donna came bustling past the cubicles.
“Harvey wants these by lunch but if you’re pressed for time, do this one first. He needs it for a client meeting at 1:15pm which you should attend by the way.” She was gone before he could say good morning. She winked at him as she walked away, making him feel a little better about the cut and dry work of a major law firm. Thank god Louis had taken one good look at him and deemed him capable of only the simplest of cases. He meant it as an insult but on a day like this, he took it with a genuine smile. Before getting buried in his work, Mike opted to take a quick trip to the coffee machine, knowing that for the next few hours he’d be glued to his work station.
The morning went by quickly but Mike managed to finish the file Harvey needed and the easy cases Louis gave him. Despite a few things he had to do for Harvey, he was pretty proud of what he’d been able to finish. It was 1pm the next time Mike looked up from his work, almost time to go meet Harvey. Reading the small print for hours on end was starting to make his eyes sore so Mike was grateful for a short break from it, even if it is just to talk to a client. Mike rubbed his eyes as he crossed the room holding the stack of papers he had prepared. Harvey emerged from his office and wasted no time flipping through the papers.
“Um, good morning. Or afternoon…” Mike mumbled.
“Yeah okay, these are fine but they could be a little cleaner.” Harvey commented, clearly distracted. Mike felt his shoulders sag in mild defeat. For his first week of work “fine” was pretty damn good, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was slaving over files only to stay invisible. Harvey looked up long enough to read his associate’s face. “You know you’re doing really well competing against a bunch of people who actually went to law school.” Harvey teased in a low voice so no one might overhear them. Mike trailed after him towards the conference room already rehearsing in his head what he would say to the client if he had to speak.
Turns out he didn’t. Harvey introduced them both and Mike shook the man’s hand but apart from that he was mostly there to observe and supply information. Mike would hand Harvey a paper with the most important details highlighted every so often as they discussed legal concerns over a faulty product.
“Don’t worry Dave, we’ll stay on top of this. We’ll find a way to cover this long before anyone can file against your company. It’s not my area of expertise but I would suggest issuing a press release with this information as soon as possible.” Harvey said, handing the man a summary of what their plan was in simpler terms. Mike flexed his aching fingers under the table, trying to rub away hours or rather days of hard work. As much of a relief as it was to be able to sit for 30 mins and do next to nothing, he caught himself glancing at his watch multiple times, anxious about every second he didn’t spend working.
After the meeting, Mike dropped off Louis’s files and got to work on the other things Harvey had left him. These would take some research, great, off to the file room it is then. He gathered his things and sat on the floor, scanning through bins of information. If his eyes didn’t hurt before they certainly did now. Words were starting to blur together and he kept sagging more and more out of tiredness until he was basically laying on the ground, propped up on his elbows just enough to be able to read the paper.
At first he wasn’t sure what woke him, a sharp knock, maybe someone was calling his name? He blinked slowly and looked up to see Rachel staring down at him disapprovingly.
“Odd time for a nap don’t you think?” she said.
“Oh my god, Rachel, what time is it?” Mike asked suddenly alert.
“Almost 4pm.”
“Shit, shit, shit. Harvey wants these by the end of the day.” Mike stammered combing through the files to see just how much trouble he was in. If Harvey stayed late today he had a chance of finishing them but he probably had more work for him to do by now anyway. Rachel gave him a sympathetic look.
“Fine,” she huffed, “I’ll help you.” Mike grouped up the documents for her, pairing the papers he was going to use to prove precedent to the sloppy drafts he’d started. Luckily for him she didn’t comment on how bad they were and got to work on rewriting them entirely. Having her there was a welcome distraction to how run down he was. He crossed his fingers hoping that these hellish past few days were some kind of trial by fire and things would settle down soon.
“Okay, these two are done. But that’s all I can help with. You better hurry if you want to catch Harvey on his way out.”
“Mhmm.” Mike responded without looking up, “thank you for the help.” Rachel paused by the door.
“Don’t get used to it.” She said in a tone that was both serious and lighthearted. When Mike finished a few minutes later and leapt to his feet to go find Harvey, he found that both his legs had fallen asleep and fell rather ungracefully back down to the floor. He banged his elbow on the shelf on his way down.
“God damn it.” Mike cursed to himself before trying again, much more successful this time. Harvey’s office was empty but it was just past 5pm so with any luck he’d still be in the lobby. Mike took the stairs for lack of time and scrambled down each floor to the building’s main lobby. Despite going downhill the trip sapped up a surprising amount of energy and he was left panting, one hand leaning on the wall before exiting the stairwell.
Yes! Harvey was still here, he probably only stopped to flirt with the receptionist.
“Ha- Harvey.” he said still a little out of breath, “I’ve got those files you wanted.” Mike said. Harvey took them and shoved them in his briefcase, only to pull out an equally large stack for him.
“Thanks Mike, I was going to give these to you earlier but Donna said you weren’t at your cubicle. I need these by 9am at the latest. And do get some sleep Mike, you look like shit, and we have court tomorrow.” Harvey replied. Mike had completely forgotten about their hearing tomorrow. He ran a hand through his messed up hair and straightened his tie in an attempt to look more professional.
“Sure, Harvey, no problem.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Harvey said before taking off, leaving Mike standing stupidly by the receptionist’s desk. He offered the girl a sheepish smile before heading back up to the office to grab his things in addition to the new assignments Harvey just gave him, this time taking the elevator.
When Mike’s alarm dragged him out of a restless sleep he felt.. bad. Not in any particular way, just bad. And he had a feeling this was the kind of tired coffee couldn’t fix. He’d been up all night, getting only about 2 hours of sleep, which on second thought was more like a glorified nap. After a few more minutes of sulking Mike dragged himself out of bed, hoping a cold shower could perk him up. He grabbed a dull, dark grey suit from his closet and a crisp white shirt, he had to be in court later so now wasn’t the time to be taking fashion risks. He picked up the navy blue tie his grandma got for him when she heard about his fancy new job. The thought put him a little more at ease despite the worsening headache he had. Mike took one glance at his bike on his way out before deciding to just take a taxi. He’d probably puke his guts out trying to bike to work when he felt so crappy.
Mike threw a $20 at the taxi driver before jogging up to the building, he hadn’t planned for the extra time he’d spent stuck in traffic so now he was borderline late. It was clear Harvey was in no mood to deal with his associates lateness. He tried to go easy on the kid but with his schedule, lightening his workload just wasn’t an option. Jessica was already skeptical of his choice so when Mike showed up to his office looking pale and sweaty he had his lecture already planned out, for appearances at the very least.
“Shut the door, Mike.” Harvey said in a clipped voice. “Want to tell me why you’re 15 minutes late and look like you just ran a marathon?” Mike adjusted his tie subconsciously.
“I rode my bike, it’s pretty warm out today.” Mike lied. Harvey was tempted to make a remark about how if he can’t afford a taxi maybe he doesn’t belong here but he knew better. Mike didn’t belong there, and that’s exactly why he chose him.
“Sorry Harvey, I’ve been working really hard to finish these and it’s still before 9am, I- I hope that’s okay.” Mike said. Harvey sighed visibly, looking reminiscent of a disappointed father.
“It’s fine, Mike. Just plan better next time. Be back here in twenty minutes, Ray will drive us to the courthouse and for the love of god, do something to make yourself presentable.”
Mike took that as his cue to leave. At first he headed towards his cubicle but a sinking feeling in his stomach had him walking towards the bathrooms instead. He almost felt hungover, the ache spreading through his body from lack of sleep gave him the distinct feeling of being poisoned. Mike barely managed to keep his composure until he got to the men’s room where he ran the last few feet and collapsed on his knees in front of the toilet. He dry-heaved for a moment, using his brief second of relief to lock the stall door behind him. This time he actually brought up the small bit of breakfast he had. It’s just nerves right? Mike rationalized to himself. He just had to get it together. He didn’t want Harvey to regret hiring him, after all he did try to fire him once already.
As soon as Mike was confident that he was done, he exited the stall and made for the mirror to “make himself presentable” per Harvey’s request. Though Mike had to agree with him, his skin was a dull almost greyish color, which his glistening layer of sweat only helped make more visible. His cheeks were flushed a sickly pink. There wasn’t much he could do besides take a few deep breaths and splash some cold water in his face.
When he met back up with Harvey, he looked and felt worse than he did when he came in.
“Mike I thought I told you to do something about-“ he made a vague gesture to Mike, “that.” Harvey scolded, though Mike thought he detected the slightest hint of concern.
“I did…” Mike said, lacking the energy to make a better argument for himself.
“You know that? Why don’t you sit this one out. It’s not that important, I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff for you to do here.” Harvey said. This was his chance to back out, but Mike was too stubborn to quit just like that.
“No, I’m fine. I want to go, really,” he insisted. Harvey gave him a disbelieving look but he didn’t have time to argue with the kid.
“Fine, let’s go. Ray is waiting outside.” Harvey grabbed his briefcase and walked ahead, leaving Mike to try to keep up with him. He couldn’t help but notice the way his associate leaned heavily against the elevator wall, lacking the youthful energy he always had. He should have his earbuds in right now, listening to some ridiculous playlist to psych himself up. The doors opened before he had a chance to comment on it.
Mike felt truly awful at this point. He was starting to doubt whether or not he’d make it through the hearing. As long as he could stay sitting, everything would be fine. He all but fell into the seat next to Harvey and lazily reached up to grab his seatbelt. Harvey saw his minor struggle and opted to just grab the seatbelt and click it for him.
“Get it together, Mike. I’m serious. ‘Cause if you can’t, I’ll have Ray drop you off at home.” Harvey said.
“No!” Mike whined, “I’ve got it.” he said. They continued the rest of the ride in silence, luckily the courthouse wasn’t very far away.
Harvey strode into the courtroom with his usual confidence and grace. Mike on the other hand stumbled a bit, gripping the edges of the rows of chairs to steady himself. No turning back now. It was a simple case, all they were doing was filing a motion to allow them access to a rival companies records, but you could hardly call any case of Harvey’s simple. He was representing some of the wealthiest businessmen in New York. They quickly took their seats and waited for the judge. Mike could practically feel the sweat seeping through his shirt, he was uncomfortably hot now and the nausea was coming back despite his stomach being completely empty from earlier. He stared down at the desk in front of him and tried to focus on breathing.
“Are you okay?” Harvey asked, no longer trying to hide his concern. Mike just nodded in response, not trusting himself to open his mouth. He started shaking his leg impatiently until Harvey told him to knock it off.
“All rise.” A woman said as the judge entered. Mike forced himself to stand but he kept his hands firmly planted on the table. Harvey walked up to the stand and started talking. Okay Mike, just relax, everything is gonna fine, you’re- oh god. The dizziness was pressing in on him from all directions and his vision started to tunnel. He looked up to watch Harvey, though he couldn’t hear much of anything. He pressed a hand to his stomach and closed his eyes as the dizziness and fatigue made his stomach churn. He was pretty sure he was dangerously dehydrated at this point as well since he’s been running on coffee the last few days. Without Harvey next to him to stop him, he started tapping his foot again and used his other hand to rest his head. Mike knew how he must look but nothing could distract him from of primary goal of not throwing up right there in the middle of the courtroom. Harvey kept looking back to him anxiously but couldn’t disrespect the judge by interrupting him to go check on Mike. Turns out, he didn’t have to. Mike swayed slightly in his chair, his head was too foggy to know up from down and before he knew it he was sliding towards the floor, helpless to stop it.
Harvey heard a thud and whipped his head around to see Mike in the floor, struggling to get on his knees.
“Mike!” he called out to him. He knew he should have sent him home, but Mike was trying so hard to impress him he worked himself to his absolute breaking point. “What’s going on?” He asked, trying to sound calm as he moved the chairs out of the way so he could get to him.
“I- I’m fine.” Mike muttered weakly.
“You’re a terrible liar.” Harvey said as he grabbed Mike and hauled him to his feet. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
“But… but the case.”
“Already taken care of.” Harvey said. Which turned out to be true when the judge’s assistant ran up to them with the signed documents on their way out.
“Feel better.” she smiled. If Mike wasn’t so out of it he would be absolutely mortified right now. The last thing he remembered before drifting to sleep was Harvey helping him up the stairs to his apartment, taking off his jacket and shoes before letting Mike sleep this off. Despite how terribly the day had gone, Harvey knew he made the right choice.
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whumpism · 6 years
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Suits - S02E12 (Blood in the water)
I hope this suits (hehe) your needs!
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whumpyfanficpedia · 7 years
[Masterpost] Suits
For more information have a look at the [Fanficpedia]
Mike Ross
The New Deal | complete
15 year old Mike is homeless after running away from his abusive father. Harvey takes him in.
S is for Stalker | complete
Someone holds a grudge against Harvey and Mike is the convenient target.
Work Hazzards | complete
Mike gets injured at work, Harvey is his awesome self.
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webtrinsic1122 · 4 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Fantastic Four (Ultimateverse), Fantastic Four (Movies 2005-2007), Fantastic Four (2015), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Reed Richards/Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm & Reed Richards & Johnny Storm & Susan Storm, Everett Ross & Shuri, Everett Ross & Johnny Storm Characters: Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, Victor von Doom, Everett Ross, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury, Mike Snow Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Post-Spider-Man: Far From Home, Mentioned Major Character Death, Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Gems, Origin Story, Minor Original Character(s), Teenager Johnny Storm, Reed Richards acting as Johnny's Father Figure, Baxter Tower, Fights, Stitches, Johnny is a Pyro, Pyromania, Pyromaniac Johnny Storm, Fire Powers, SHIELD, Team as Family, Protective Team, Probably OOC but its my AU so..., Insecure Johnny Storm, Jealousy, Bullying, Restraints, Everett Ross is a good guy Series: Part 1 of The Fantastic Four's MCU Origin, with lots of Johnny whump Summary:
The world is having a hard time settling after those they lost for five long years are returned to them and Spider-Man is revealed to be a traitor to Tony Stark. New villains are creeping out of the shadows and the world is bereft of heroes with the Avengers either dead or retired.
This all changes when Reed Richards is entrusted with studying the left over cosmic radiation on the gauntlet that Tony Stark used to bring back half of all humanity. Four new heroes rise, one a little later than the rest. But it is he Johnny who manages to best the next up incoming mastermind: Doctor Doom.
 (First Part to an eight part series: My take on the Fantastic Four's possible connection to the MCU as we know it) (Lot's of Johnny Whump) {First Chapter is a short detailed outline of what you need to know to understand this AU including who each character is played by!}
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ishkabibblethings · 4 months
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Tragic Mike Hour of Whump
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Suits 2x12 Blood in the Water
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whumptober day 3
prompt: delirium
whumpee: harvey specter (ik like nobody whumps him but i watched a couple seasons of suits and latched onto him so here)(sorry this will appeal to probably nobody lol)
Mike Ross was having a pretty good Wednesday. He and Harvey had just closed a major case the day before, he hadn’t been yelled at by Louis all week, and he’d had a really excellent doughnut for breakfast. He was pretty sure nothing could ruin his day.
And he’d been right, apparently. Jessica had even said, “nice work yesterday, Ross,” to him, which had made his whole month. He was on top of the world. His day only seemed to get better as Donna approached him around ten-thirty, inviting him to the kitchen. 
He grinned at her, grabbing himself a cup of coffee. “What’s up, Donna?”
“Possibly nothing, probably something,” she said, leaning up against the counter.
He raised an eyebrow at her. “What’s that mean?”
“I think something’s up with Harvey,” she whispered conspiratorially.
“Yeah, okay, what is it?”
“He got here late, that is to say, like, two minutes early, but usually-”
“He’s way earlier,” Mike interjected.
“Yeah, and he hasn’t talked to me all morning. He’s just been sitting at his desk. I tried to go in about fifteen minutes ago, but he wouldn’t say anything to me. I wouldn’t be worried usually, but-something’s just off, y’know?”
“You want me to see if he’ll talk to me?” Mike asked, a little surprised. “If he won’t talk to you…”
“I know, but...I’m worried about him. Just try, please?”
“Okay,” Mike said, skeptically. He hadn’t seen Harvey at all that morning, now that he thought of it, which he usually would have noticed, but he’d been so caught up in the euphoria of his excellent day that he hadn’t really paid attention, something that was now causing him to get anxious as he walked towards Harvey’s office. What if there was something wrong with him?
As he approached Harvey’s office, Louis stormed out the door, marching off in the direction of Jessica’s office. He pushed roughly past Mike on his way. “Outta the way, Ross!”
And there went his day. Damn. He’d really hoped to, just once, make it an entire week without being yelled at by Louis. Maybe next week. Right now, he had more important things to think about,
He cautiously opened the door to Harvey’s office, trying not to flinch when Harvey jerked his head up from his computer screen and snapped, “what, Mike? What do you want?”
He didn’t look too great, Mike realised. He stepped closer to his boss, noticing how pale his skin looked, and how tired his eyes were. Tired-and there was something else there, what was it?
“Uh...Donna sent me in? She said you seemed...off?”
Harvey shook his head. “What does she know?” he said angrily.
“Whoa, Harvey, little harsh, don’t you think? She’s just worried about you, and honestly, I’m starting to worry about you too. You don’t look too good.”
“Go away, Mike.” Harvey began frantically typing...something. 
“What’re you working on? Can I help?”
“The-I’m working on the Davidson case. Go away, Mike.”
Mike scrunched up his face in confusion. “The Davidson case? I thought we closed that yesterday.”
“What do you mean? There’s so much to do, look here, see?” Harvey gestured to his screen.
Mike glanced at the computer screen, which was open to a document several pages long. He glanced at the words.
“None of those words make any sense, Harvey, what are you doing?”
“What? No, no, look-”
Up close, Mike thought he recognised the look in Harvey’s eyes-he was delirious, not thinking straight. He shouldn’t be sitting up, let alone trying to work-not that he was doing anything useful, Mike noted. 
He stuck out a hand, quickly, before Harvey could realise what he was doing and avoid him, and pressed it to Harvey’s forehead. 
“God, you’re burning up-hey, no come here,” Mike turned Harvey’s face to him. “Come on, get up, let’s get you to the couch, okay?”
“Mike, no, I’m fine, I gotta-I gotta work on the-the case, Mike!”
“Harvey, we closed that case yesterday. You’re delirious, you’ve got a fever, and you need to lie down.”
“Mike, why’s the room-why’s the room...spinning?”
Mike steadied his boss with a hand to his chest, noticing the heat that was evident even through Harvey’s suit. 
“Alright, yeah, that’s the fever. Just lean on me, okay? We’re gonna go sit down on the couch instead of standing here, okay?”
Mike maneuvered the two of them over to Harvey’s couch and gently lowered Harvey to the soft cushions. 
“Mike...you’re-you’re sure the case is fine?”
“Yeah, Harvey, I promise, it’s okay.”
Mike wrestled Harvey’s arms out of his suit jacket as carefully as he could and rolled up his sleeves.
“I’m gonna be right back, okay?”
Mike hurried out to find Donna, who was not at her desk. He found her still in the kitchen, an ice pack in one hand and a cup of steaming coffee in the other.
“I know. I was listening. Come on, get moving!”
“Wha-you were listening?”
“Yeah, hurry up!”
“Okay,” Mike said under his breath, hurrying along beside Donna. 
The two of them shortly found themselves in Harvey’s office. 
“Where is he?”
“Shit! I left him on the couch, where did he go…”
“He can’t have gone too far, right?”
“Where would he want to go?”
“Jessica’s office?”
Mike and Donna hurried off once again, this time in the direction of Jessica’s office. Fortunately for them, they could see Harvey inside. Unfortunately for them, he was apparently engaged in an intense conversation with Jessica Pearson herself.
Mike hesitantly knocked at the door, Donna pantomiming the urgency of the situation from behind him. Jessica put a hand on Harvey’s shoulder, holding up a finger in a gesture of ‘just a second.’ 
“He’s sick,” she said bluntly, stepping out into the hallway.
“We know,” said Donna. “He was supposed to stay on his couch. What’s he been saying to you?”
“He keeps insisting he needs more files for the Davidson case.”
“He kept talking to me about the case, too,” Mike said. “I told him like ten times that we finished it already, but he’s not in his right mind.”
“His fever’s gotta be at least like 103 degrees,” Donna interjected. “Maybe worse, I don’t know, but he’s pretty delirious, I don’t know if he’s hallucinating or not, but-”
“We really need to get him to stay still,” Mike finished.
“Yeah,” Donna agreed.
The three of them turned back to Jessica’s office. “Shit,” Mike said.
Harvey had sunk to the ground, back pressed against Jessica’s desk. Mike realised he’d never seen Harvey so disheveled-his hair was messed up as though he’d just woken up, his shirtsleeves were rolled up unevenly, his tie was hanging loosely from his neck. He looked utterly horrible.
Jessica strode over to her desk, bending down and picking up Harvey in one fluid motion. She deposited him on her couch and reached out to Donna, who handed her the slightly-melted ice pack. She placed it on Harvey’s forehead, who recoiled at the sudden change in temperature. 
“What’re you doin’?”
Jessica crouched down to his eye level. Not that he looked at her-his eyes were hazy and unfocused. Mike observed the slight trembling of his limbs.
“Harvey, do you know where you are?”
Jessica glanced up at the pair standing in the doorway and motioned them closer. “Should we call an ambulance?”
“That’s kinda extreme for a fever, don’t you think?” Mike asked. “Maybe just take him to the doctor?”
At this exchange, Harvey managed to look up and lock eyes with Mike. “No! No, I’m fine, really, I’m fine! I don’t need to go anywhere-please, I’m fine, I promise!”
“Hey, woah, it’s okay, Harvey,” Mike said. “We’re not gonna make you go anywhere, but you should really-”
The three non-fevered people in the room shared a look. Mike stepped back and whispered to Donna and Jessica. “We should-”
“I know,” both of them said in unison.
“How are we gonna get him out of here? I mean, can we force him?” Mike asked. 
“I got it,” Donna said. She took her turn to walk up to Harvey and crouched beside him. “Hey, Harv,” she whispered. He turned to face her. “Donna?”
“Yeah, it’s me. I know you don’t want to go to the doctor or anywhere-” he shook his head- “but you’ve got a really high fever and you’re not thinking right, okay? We need to make sure you’re alright. Please, for me? Remember-”
She said something into Harvey’s ear which neither Mike nor Jessica could hear, and he relented.
“Okay, I’ll come with you,” he said softly.
Donna stroked a hand across his forehead. “Thanks, bud,” she said, in the most gentle voice Mike had ever heard her use.
Jessica saw them off out of her office, shooing Louis and his prying eyes away. The three of them stumbled into the elevator and then into Donna’s car. Donna slid in behind the wheel, Mike and Harvey climbing into the backseat. Donna drove off in the direction of the emergency room.
Harvey’s head slid onto Mike’s shoulder, who tried not to move away-the heat coming off his skin was disconcerting, not to mention the fact that this was his boss!
Eventually they reached the emergency room, sinking down into uncomfortable plastic chairs. Donna and Mike shared a tired smile. 
“Didn’t think we’d actually get him here,” Mike whispered.
“Lucky you had me, huh?” Donna grinned. 
Mike smiled back. His Wednesday could’ve gone worse, he supposed.
sorry again for this i know it sucks and its too long and probably boring but at least its something right
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whumpxng · 6 years
1, 3
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
hmm tough question, but i think they’d have to read a tonne of angsty whump tony stark fics (which may or may not include hidden injuries and elevators), they’d have to be really into the mcu movies and listen to probably a mix between old and new rnb and rap music (namely eminem)
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
im uhhh in a lot of fandoms, so im just gonna choose my main whumpees;
MCU- tony stark 
Daredevil- matt murdock 
Leverage- eliotttttt 
DBH- connor
Merlin- merlin 
Suits- mike ross
Supernatural- dean winchester
Heroes- peter petrelli 
Teen wolf- scott mccall 
Voltron- lance // keith 
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