#mike is gay change my mind you cant sorry
winderlylandchime · 8 months
I’m just gonna go ahead and say sorry in advance the man lost his mind with the next ep but 3x04 1/2 ‘He would make great marketing for durex. Remember their covid ads? Funny as shit. Why is she here? Why can’t she take the kid with her to the hospital? I thought i gave Brian permission to hit this fucking kid? Yeah! Eat the chips you little bitch.‘ we got to Mel and Linds picking donors ‘FRESH SPERM?! LINDSAY HE IS 19- What are the-THEY CANT GO TO A SPERM BANK? THEYRE GONNA PICK BETWEEN THEIR FRIENDS?! Girl, what makes you think any of them want a kid at all or better yet with you? There is no way Brian would let that kid get into the ‘vette. JUSTIN! WHY ARE THEY CASUALLY SAYING HEY TO EACH OTHER? oh Justin hates this kid (Mel and Linds pick Mikey) MICHAEL?! THEY ARE PICKING MICHAEL?! MICHAEL?! MIKE? MIKEY?! Because he invited a kid to a comic book store? THAT IS LITERALLY HIS JOB! Thank god the diner doesn’t have more male waiters because she would think someone wants a kid just cause they told her the specials’ ‘WHAT IS WITH THEM MOVING IN SO FAST? I THOUGHT THAT WAS A YOU PEOPLE THING *waves at me*’. ‘Have you noticed that whenever Lindsay and Melly want something from someone they make them a meal? (mikey and Ben are taking a shower and he actually fake gagged) The only shower scenes I like are Brian and Justin’ ‘he’s going through Brian’s stuf- he has a lot of dildos, why am i acting surprised..HE STOLE HIS BRACELET! How dare you, you little shit! BRIAN HE HAS YOUR BRACELET! HE DOES NOT OWE ANY OF YOU ANYTHING ESPECIALLY NOT MONEY! I know I said hit him but this *points to the toilet scene* is WAY fucking better! Do Ethan next!’ He is once again using Shazam to make his playlist even better. ‘Usually when people start doing drugs, they become fun before they ruin their lives, this dude is just hitting the gym? Boring. Oh he’s angry and jealous of Michael isn’t he? Well that’s not healthy’ he is once again using Shazam, this is getting ridiculous. ‘OKAY BRIAN!! Oh damn, I don’t remember him being all 6 packy before. Why is a cop there?’ ‘Why is he surprised that he wont have full rights? Dude, you’re a DONOR! But don’t worry they never hold their word, they force the donors to step up one way or the other. Make sure you have life insurance. THATS WHY THERES SPERM BANKS MELANIE!’ And thee scene is coming up (my cousin thankfully reminded me to record him here bc she knew he’d lose his mind and thank fuck she did. Usually i record him for big moments but i almost forgot here) ‘HE ACCUSED HIM OF WHAT NOW?! *pauses tv* OH FUCK HIM AND FUCK WHOEVER MADE HIM! That is such a horrible and serious accusation to make cause some people, HA, some people..good one (his name), GIRLS! WOMEN! aren’t believed! And boys! Oh don’t even get me started and i know it’s ironic because im yelling at a boy BUT DIFFERENT! WE DONT EVEN GET TO COME FORWARD CAUSE WE SHOULD BE HAPPY WE GOT LAID! And if it was done by a man? Well then we are forced to be quiet because we get mocked since apparently gay is worse than rape. But Brian is gay, so of course he did that and nobody would think otherwise. Because gay means predator in their peanut shaped brain! Meanwhile PRIESTS exist! Or those weird family friends that you have to change outfits for when they come over but nobody calls that out. HOW FUCKING DARE THEY? You know what? FUCK EVERYTHING AND ESPECIALLY FUCK THAT KID! His family better know better, i have no faith in them but they owe him that! Nobody will believe this, he literally hates kids!‘ He then got up and went outside to smoke. I forgot that when the whole Florida gay ban bullshit happened, this man FLEW to florida to protest (we are nowhere near florida) so I should’ve seen this coming tbh. And when he came back inside he just went ‘I do wish they showed him being interrogated because I know for a fact my man was giving sarcasm and anger and funny insults!’ ‘Well look at that, it’s almost as if you shouldn’t move in together after like a week!’
Melanie and Lindsay’s insistence on using known sperm over donor sperm baffles me and must be because for TV reasons because it’s so bananas. LOLing at them making someone a meal… that is so true!
Ben not becoming more interesting with a drug problem IS A MOOD. And true.
His reaction to this storyline is everything. Factually, false accusations are incredibly rare and yes, it’s a double-whammy for boys. The other part of this storyline I hate? Is that Claire is right to believe her kid. So rarely do parents believe their kids and go to the police, when they should. I hate hate hate this storyline with a passion. I get why it happens (Justin still believing in Brian and doing whatever needs to be done to clear his name) but FFS CowLip why why why do you have to create a narrative around a false accusation?
YOUR BROTHER FLEW TO FL TO PROTEST? He gets all the fist-ally’s in the world! I love him.
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clericbyers · 5 years
14 + byler :)))
Mike settled down on the Wheeler’s couch on a cushion that had practically been shaped by him from his constant visits. He leaned his head against the back cushion and let out an attention-wanting groan. Will looked up from his readings and spared the other boy a quick glance.
“Did you have a good day at school?”
“Does it sound like it?” Mike rubbed at his face and then brought his hands back to tangle in his hair. “You are so lucky to be on break right now.”
“Do you want to talk about?”
“Not particularly,” Mike gruffed but turned his head when he heard Will shift himself closer and tuck himself into Mike’s side. “Hey, buttercup.”
Will snorted but leaned up a little to kiss Mike’s cheek. “Tell me about it. I wanna know and help you feel better. That’s what boyfriends do, right?”
“Yeah, that’s what good boyfriends do,” Mike grinned and took both of Will’s hands in his own to bring them up to his lips for a kiss. “Love you, baby.”
“Yeah, yeah, and you know I love you, too, but you’re not gonna escape explaining your day to me.” Green eyes darkened with warning but there was a shy lilt to his lips that betrayed the humor in his threat.
“Alright then, I’ll open up.” sighed Mike as he started playing with Will’s fingers. “It’s funny how you can be a senior in high school, one of the older kids, and just because you’re gay you get absolutely zero respect from anyone.”
Will detangled one of his hands from Mike’s and reached up to brush stray locks from his forehead. He leaned up to press a small kiss to the bared skin and cupped Mike’s face with a warm smile. Mike had been pretty open about his sexuality once El broke up with him and he entered high school. He didn’t want to be hiding anything after hurting so many people, El especially, trying to deny who he was. She was understanding, having broken things off anyway to focus more on her own self identity and knowing that Mike very well needed to do the same. It was only the following summer that Mike and Will has gotten together. Will was lucky enough to not live in Hawkins anymore so he never got the direct homophobia Mike often did in these parts.
Mike wasn’t ever jealous or angry about it, he knew Will faced his own issues in his town and they both could never escape it as long as they were out. Hell, they still couldn’t escape the bullying even as kids who barely even understood what the implications of being a boy who liked boys meant.
Still, Mike found himself often miffed that he had to face things alone. To his knowledge still, he was the only out kid at Hawkins High, and thus faced the most harrassment over his sexuality. His only friends really were Lucas, Dustin, and Max, as no one else wanted much to do with him. Even the teachers tried their best to avoid Mike at school, which both helped improve and destroy grades as various teachers either didn’t bother to grade his work or just gave him an A so they didn’t have to think about him.
“You’re almost done,” Will reminded him softly. “You’re almost free of Hawkins. Then you can leave this shitty town and their shitty people and live the life you want to have.”
“The life I want to have is one right beside you.”
Will blushed and tilted his head down to take Mike’s top lips with his own in a kiss. “I wish I could keep those people away from you when you’re not at my side.”
Mike kissed back slowly, taking in the affection and letting it sooth the burns left by the insults he faced all day. The words usually didn’t tear at him, but whenever Will was in town to visit, the disgusting words and slurs started targeting Will, too, and that’s what mostly got under Mike’s skin. He sighed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.
“As long as I have you, I can make it through. You’re worth it all, I hope you know that.”
Will rolled his eyes. “I was possessed by a literal demon when we were kids and you still stuck by my side. I think I know very well.”
“Good.” Mike grinned and tucked Will closer into his side with a hum. “You wanna tell me about what you were reading?”
“Oh this?” Will smirked and tossed the book aside to tangle his fingers in Mike’s hair. “I think I’d rather spend my time studying something else.”
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fruitpunchninja101 · 4 years
Slow Dancing In The Dark
Characters: Hanji Zoe x Levi Ackerman
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: T
Here’s part 1 of my gift for  LeviHan Eggscghange 2020 :) I hope my dear giftee enjoys this.Part 2 will be out in a couple of days!
You can also read this on AO3
Working for Sina Industries has always been a life long dream for Hange.As a wide eyed child,she would always watch live broadcasts of their space launches and tell herself one day shes gonna be there.Standing in mission control smiling as she watched one of her creations get sent to a different planet.Armed with a degree & a determined heart,she applied as an engineer.You could imagine her disappointment when she was crammed into an 8x12 cubicle in the basement to design and develop circuitry which their boss greedily takes credit for all the damned time.She's pretty good at keeping a front that shes a pretty chill with all her bosses bullshit but she finally lost it when he started harassing a temp.Hange bravely spoke out and got into a heated argument with her boss.She got supended for a week after that.
It took almost six months before she was promoted to another 8x12 cubicle.Only this time,shes moving up on the infamous 17th floor.The place where they flung all the adept yet problematic employees.Its pretty much the same,shitty boss,intricate work but now on a higher pay grade and a lot more hearsay about her reputation.Its not so bad though,despite the lack of recognition and grueling work hours she met a handful of wonderful coworkers who shared the same pain.
Mike and Nanaba were sort of the required stable couple of the group.She met them a month after the big promotion when she caught them making out in the copy room.She's probably standing there for an entire minute awkwardly making fake cough noises to alert them of her presence.Enter Erwin Smith,he casually strode up by the couple and grabbed the box of printer ink Hange desperately needed.He's like freaking Captian America & Superman combined except he has a mind of a slytherin.Not that it was a bad thing.
And then there's Levi,The crabbiest member of their little group,Mr.I-look-very-angry-and-irritated-all-the-time-but-inside-lies-a-total-softy.He’s a clean freak who befittingly,is a sanitary engineer.Rumors say that Levi had tendencies with violence and had to be sent at 17th floor for precaution.There used to be a time when they didn't get along.She'd been very welcoming towards him but hes always been aloof and cold.She didn't mind it at first,but after a while it kinda got into her nerves.Til that christmas party back in 2017,where she had a few drinks and sort of confessed that she liked him and it really bummed her out that he didn't feel the same way.For the first time,she saw something other than disinterest and irritation on his face...she saw confusion.He asked her what shes on about,then reminded her that he just made her chocolates for valentines day when she won't shut up about craving something sweet.He doesn't do that kind of shit just for anyone and after that,hange was pretty sure they've become best friends.
Their friendship was forged in companionship in misery but as time passed they became her second family.
One of the things that Hange looked forward to is hanging out with them every Friday night at a dive bar a few blocks away from their office where they get shit faced and let off some steam from their work.Hange was preoccupied with the jukebox when Mike arrived with his arm slung over Levi dragging the smaller man into her space.”You'll never guess what happened.”The man announced and before she could answer the man screamed."Someone got asked for a date!"
"Ohoho!Whos the lucky girl?"Nanaba came out of nowhere carrying two mai tais and handed one to Hange before heading over at Mike's side.
"Petra Ral."Erwin chimed cooly while sipping a glass of scotch.His blond hair still laid perfectly even after a long tiring day at work.
"From PR?Holy shit!Good job!"Hange said slapping Levi’s shoulder hurting her hand in the process.The man didn’t even falter from where he stood,all he did was stare straight at her before scowling."It's not a big deal.”He said settling his gaze on his side.
Hange smiled.
He’s shy.Levi Ackerman is actually being shy about getting asked out by an adorable strawberry blonde colleague.Isn’t that precious?She’d never seen him like that before.Heaven knows how much she wanted to tease him about his situation but she can clearly tell by the way he clenched his jaw and the deep creases on the space between his brows that if she says anything,he'd run straight to the wall to escape,cartoon style.
Mike started telling the story and Levi sneakily started edging towards the exit.Before the questions came flooding in,Levi was already gone.
“I think I should follow him.“Hange announced.
"Try to convince him to go out with Ral!"Mike shouted which prompted Erwin to take his drink away from him."I think you had enough."
"Goodluck!"Nanaba raised her drink at her.Before helping Erwin keep Mike's drink away from him.
Hange found Levi brooding on the sidewalk while smoking.”Can I get a light?”She asked.
“Its cold.”He said,which also translates to she should go back inside or she’ll catch a cold.Levi’s nice like that,it took everything in her to hold back and not make a snide comment.He alwas hated it when he gets called out for being considerate.
“So Petra Ral huh?”She started.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“We don’t have to,If you don’t want to.”Hange calmly took a box of cigarettes from her pocket and stood a bit closer to him.
“Good.”He said before tossing her his lighter.
Hange bit her lower lip to stifle a smile and Levi was already armed with his grumpy face.He's getting a little agitated.She let the silence drag on for a while as she started to giddily shift from where she stood.Unable to contain her curiosity.
“But its Petra Ral...The Petra Ral!Our company sweetheart.”She exploded.
“I barely know her.”
"Isn’t that what dating is for?!Besides,She probably just needs to get dicked down."Hange said casually."Go for it!Have a little fun.What’s there to lose?"
"Yeah well...I don't think I could."Levi started bouncing his leg.Is he nervous?Agitated?Both?It seemed like he's trying to say something.
“Levi,you know we wont judge you if you’re gay right?You don’t have to hide it from us.”
“Why would I be hiding that if I was?”
“Then what are you nervous for?"
“I’m not nervous...I.."Levi paused as if he's considering if he should tell her."I haven’t...I...”
“You're acting like you've never been out on a date."she said.
Levi visibly stiffened and averted her curious eyes.From where she sat,she could see how levi clenched his jaw and feel him hold his breath.No?It cant be...
"Oh.Its been a while for you huh?like 6 months?"She tried to take a wild stab but was met with silence.Hange sobered."You’ve never been on a date before?"she repeated a little louder than she meant to and not soon after she found Levi's hand over her mouth.
“You wanna scream that a little louder?“
“EVER?!”She peeled his hand off her face and asked.
“Tch.I dont need this.“Levi rolled his eyes and started leaving but hange caught his arm.
"Hey!I'm sorry.I didn't know.Its nothing to be embarrassed about.Its just,its a little uncommon you know.I'm really sorry.I didn't mean to be a dick.”
She assumed that its not because of the lack of people who wanna date with him.Believe it or not,this whole quiet mysterious guy persona is a total chick magnet.She even had several people from the office ask about him every once in a while.So what happened?Is it trauma?Is he aromantic?Holy shit!How could she be so insensitive?
“Stop looking at me like that.”He frowned.Snapping her out of her thoughts.
“Sorry,I was just thinking...”
“Don’t think of anything.Just mind your own business and let me be.”
“What kind of friend would I be if I let you be?”
“A good one.And stop drawing conclusions!I can practically see the thoughts up your head.I'm not anything I just...dont know how.”
“why are you so intent on giving up?!I thought you like her!”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Oh please Ackerman!How can you not?She's the perfect mix of adorable,kind,fiesty and beautiful...she’s perfect for you!”
"What do you want me to do?"he asked,in his how can I make you shut up tone.
"What if I help you?You could...I dont know...practice with me?I could help you with the whole dating thing!"Levi looked at her as if she grew another head.Honestly shes just happy he didn't look disgusted with her proposal.He gave her a once over before pinching the bridge of his nose.She knows this maneuver.Its the what-have-i-gotten-my-self-into or holy-shit-am-I-actually-considering-this move.“Are you sure about this?”He asked.
Hange made a gesture of crossing over her heart and raising her right hand up and levi scrunched his brows together.
“Quit downplaying this.I’m serious.”
“I wont offer it if my not 100% I’m serious. The last guy I went out with was a total disappointment and Petra deserves better than that.You know she helped me last Christmas...”
“Yeah,yeah she helped you change your tire."He supplied,refraning hange from tellong the story again.
“And in exchange I'm gonna help you be more fun and well rounded for your date!It's the circle of life!”Hange enthusiastically smiled.
“Alright.How do we start?”Levi asked.
"Ask Petra to reschedule your date for next week,Then we can take the whole week to practice."
The harsh sun bore down on Levi as if reminding him never to indulge Hange with her antics again.Aparrently,she found Petra's online journal and identified that she had two dream dates.One is a carnival date (which explains why he is standing in line for cotton candy out in the middle of the goddamn afternoon.) and the other was spending an evening at a local jazz bar in the city.
Levi doesn't know how she successfully lured him out.You see,he liked his comfort zone and for some unknown reason Hange always challenged him to take a step out of the little box he created around him.And although there are times when she proved that taking a risk was worth it,Levi never really appreciated getting stuck in very shitty situations like now.He doesn't know how she seemed fine with all these shitty conditions.Maybe because she's been busy talking about her new droid remodel.
"Hey Levi are you listening to me?"
"Yes."He said exasperated.
"What was I saying then?"She folded her arms and raised her brows,challenging him.
"You're planning to replace fiberglass with aerogel as insulator on your next shitty droid."He said which earned a bright smile from her.Tch!He rolled his eyes at that and stepped forward after the couple infront of them was served with an unreasonable amount of cotton candy.
"I'll get the giant sunshine surprise."Hange said and the vendor then started shaping the cotton candy into a big daisy.Hange looks absolutely delighted.
"That will be 50 dollars."The vendor said offering his open palm to him which prompted him to turn towards Hange."Oh!let me get my wallet!"Hange started going though her bag and for some reason he felt chills run through him.WheN he raised his head,he noticed that people around them started glaring at him.Oh great he forgot!He's in a fake date.He assumed people still think he's obligated to pay.Tch.So fucking primitive.Although he's never the guy who gave much fuck about what others think,he didnt want people to think Hanges being mistreated.Begrudgingly,he paid for the goddamn cotton candy.Hange took that opportunity to talk about how expenses should be handled during dates,she personally likes going dutch but immediately started going on about some studies that says women generally like it when the males carries out the expenses.
Hange's like a battery that never runs out of energy.She wanted to ride every possible attraction from the carnival!Beads of sweat are starting to form on her forehead but she never seem to notice,he started leading her to a park bench to rest for a bit.He appreciated how much she prepared.She was very keen on citing the psychology articles and some magazines she read to help him be better at dating.He doesn't even know why would anyone even exert that much effort for him.
She really is something.
He pulled out his handkerchief out of his pocket and started gently dabbing it on her forehead.
She smiled.
Hange didn't really need to teach him much.Despite the seemingly abrasive qualities Levi possess,the man is a very courteous guy.He said thank you,please and treated the park employees with respect.Shes pretty sure he wouldnt have much trouble impressing a girl."You never told me why you've never been out on a date."She started.
"I was never asked."Levi shrugged as if telling her its no big deal.Hange was shocked at his honesty but appreciated his straight answer.
"Based on my observations today I'd say all those girls that didnt ask you out missed out on a good time."
"Tch!Quit bullshitting me."
"It's true!You diligently listened to my stories, joined me riding all the  and most importantly,you bought me an unreasonably overprized cotton candy."
Levi let out a soft chuckle at that and Hange immediately panicked.This is the first time she ever made him chuckle and goddamn it was glorious.It's like his features lit up and made him look years younger.She had to bit her lower lip to sort of calm her wild heartbeat.They stayed seated on the bench for a while when Levi surprisingly asked her to walk around some more.As they started to amble along the park,an idea popped on her head.
Her hands gently crept on his wrist and made way to cup his hand "what the..."He glared at their joined hands,but didn't find the need to pull away."You're sticky."He remarked
"Does sticky hands really matter if youre holding hands with your crush?"She asked.He kept his eyes on her and he saw blush creep up to her face."I-I mean not me...I meant Petra...which is basically me because im her placeholder at the moment and..."
"Shut up."He slipped his Fingers against the gaps of hers and continued wandering around the park.
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skinks · 4 years
alright, alright, listen up. i have yet to see the second movie (mainly cos i cant find an illegal version>:() but i know the spoilers. so. joe. what the HELL happened to eddie. i'm: furious. please break down what went wrong. i'm procrastinating on an english essay and am about to lose my damn mind a) why is this essay due tomorrow and b) why'd andy do this to us?
fhdkhfksd sorry this is late! I hope your English essay got done in time :0
valid of you not to have seen the movie, unlike some idiots (me) who paid to see it twice in the cinema
it probably all boils down to the difficult task of trying to adapt even one half of a novel as huge as IT into a single film. There just isn’t enough time to really delve into the characters, which is really imo one of the book’s strengths. The characters all feel very solid and distinct because we get so much insight during their chapters, and Eddie’s passages are probably the most engaging. He’s so interesting! He’s so curious and conflicted, so determined and brave and defensive and funny and full of so much love for his friends
There’s an interview Muschietti did at what I think was a book launch q&a for the movie companion book, where he said that he didn’t pick up on any of the repressed sexuality subtext in Eddie’s story. And y’know, I find that odd because to me it’s blatant and widely written about, but whatever. THEN he said he thought Eddie had “enough issues” already without adding the sexuality angle, as if Eddie’s repression couldn’t possibly be deeply linked to his obsessive health anxiety or his struggle for autonomy from the controlling memory of his mother
And so the movie, I think, fails to really delve into the reasons for any of the adult characters’ problems, except for maybe Bill and to some minor extent, Richie.
It’s just that Eddie (and Mike, who’s COMPLETELY sidelined) gets the worst of this lack of characterisation, and instead suffers from mischaracterisation. He’s turned into total comic relief, his hypochondria and “mommy issues” are there only as shallow backdrop for the bullshit “overcoming his cowardice” arc that the screenplay gives him.
I KNOW that this is most likely a runtime issue, and because of the change in screenwriters between ch1 and ch2, but it’s still galling. Eddie’s robbed of all his moments of poignant catharsis that make his arc so satisfying and fascinating and tragic in the book.
Bowers’ death, for instance - Eddie kills him in the book and we’re meant to read it as a mirrored conclusion to the set-up where, as children, Henry breaks Eddie’s arm. Eddie is particularly targeted with homophobia from Bowers in the book. By giving that entire plot to Richie, wherein it’s Richie we see receiving homophobic abuse as a child, and it’s Richie who kills Bowers, the filmmakers are by their own admission showing that they lifted entire chunks of Eddie’s sexuality narrative and just... gave them to Richie instead.
This isn’t to say that Richie isn’t targeted with homophobia in the book - he is, and it’s interesting that he and Eddie are iirc the only two who are - OR that they shouldn’t have given Richie the closeted narrative. I’m very glad we got canonically gay Richie. I just don’t see why we couldn’t have had some canon acknowledgement of Eddie’s many telling moments, many of them shared with Richie, especially his dying words scene. His last words are a cheap joke, and his last WORD is literally “mother”, which will never stop pissing me off lmao. You’re allowed more than one gay character in a story, hollywood
The film’s lack of any reciprocity of Richie’s feelings on Eddie’s end, or in fact the lack of any of the tenderness book!Eddie shows for his friends is the most annoying thing about how they handled ch2 Eddie, in my opinion. It speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of Eddie’s feisty, passionate character.
That’s why I still like ch1 better. Not only is it just a more solid film in almost every way, but Eddie’s always been my favourite from the book and I feel like they did his arc justice in the first movie. Ch2 was attempting too many things, and failed at most of them
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mrswalkers-blog · 6 years
A Golden Cage
Chapter 5 - London
Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
This is the story of Emily, daughter of Drake and Riley. She just celebrated her 18th birthday. She is young, beautiful and full of energy.
Summary:  We are going in the past, in Daniel’s memory of him and Emily.  Daniel leaves for London. Emily keeps calling him every day, jeopardizing her relationship with a guy she is seeing. Will Daniel be able to tell her how he feels?    
Warnings: 15+. 
This series will be NSFW. It will have mentions of sexual abuse and violence. I will tag the chapters accordingly.
A/N: This series is getting absolutely no response. But I still cannot stop writing it. I know it is not scandalous, maybe seeming mundane. But it is close to my heart. And the story is still building.  
Word Count:  1800+
Previous Chapters Link to previous chapters can be found in the master list on my blog page.
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Daniel couldn’t get Emily out of his head. All he could think was the way she looked, laughed, her skin, her smell, her taste on his lips, the way she kissed, the way she clutched his shirt tight pulling him close, the way she felt tight against him.... his hand rubbed his length in the shower, savoring her memories. He stood in the shower, a hand against the wall in front of him, hot water running on his skin, one hand rubbing his own length. ‘Dan!’ he heard her moan in his head as the memory consumed him, he let out a breath he was holding as he found his release in the bathroom of his orphanage.  
Each and every moment of the week that followed after their beautiful moments together, he thought about her, only about her. He was not sure why he was so obsessed with her, now more than he ever was, was it because of the way she felt that afternoon in his arms, or the fact that he was going away from her or because she hadn’t called him or visit him after that day, not even once. She had never stayed away from him for so long. Maybe she was mad at him for leaving. He thought about calling her, so many times. So many times he dialed her number from the phone in the orphanage office, only to cut it before it connected.
Today was the day he was leaving for London, at least for two years, or maybe forever. All he wanted to do was to talk to her one last time, to hear her beautiful voice or her giggle. He checked he had packed everything. All his belongings fit easily in a small bag. A few clothes, a few gifts from her, a wallet with money that wouldn't last a month and a newspaper cutting of him and her, all packed.
Everyone in the orphanage lined up to bid him farewell. He hugged his friends, old and new. It was always emotional when a kid left the orphanage, when adopted or when he became an adult. Today, everyone was feeling proud. None of their patrons ever left the country. Many hadn't even seen a plane up close. London was a magical a land their friend was flying to.
‘Where is your girlfriend?’ a little boy asked him, noticing the girl who visits almost every other day hadn't come to bid him goodbye. He forced a smile, he had been asking himself the same question since last week. He remained silent, unable to decide what to say to the little kid.
‘Did she brake up with you?’ another kid asked, with concern in his eyes. Emily was a princess to them. They all believed she loved Daniel. A beautiful Princess and Pauper story. They hoped they would have a happy ending. Daniel knew it was not possible. Life is not a fairytale.
‘She is not my girlfriend.’ he sighed and patted the kid’s cheek gently.
With a heavy heart, he left for the airport with Rachel. Rachel recited all the pieces of advice she had gathered for him. Be safe, Keep your passport safe, Study hard, Eat healthily, Don't drink too much, Don't do drugs. She went on and on the entire ride. Daniel kept nodding to her, while his mind raced back to Emily.
‘You didn't hear any of the advice I gave you, did you?’ she asked him as he got out of the cab. He chuckled and shook his head. He gave her a warm hug.
‘Can you repeat it for me?’ he said smiling to her.
‘Forget it. Just remember one thing. Get over her.’ she said looking in his eyes. She knew him. She knew it would be hard for him. But she knew it was what needs to be done. He silently nodded and started walking towards the gate. When suddenly his heart skipped a beat, hearing a familiar voice calling out to him.
‘Daniel!’ he saw Emily jumping out of a car, running towards him.
‘Were you honestly going without saying goodbye?’ she almost ran into him, giving him a hug that fumbled him a step back.
‘Sorry I was late, I was told you already left. Asked the driver to drive as fast as he could. Broke two signals on the way! Dad is going to kill me!’ she said in a single breath.
‘Hi,’ she looked at Rachel greeting her briefly.
‘Here, I got you a parting gift.’ she handed him a gift-wrapped box before Daniel or Rachel could speak.
‘What is it?’ he finally said as the surprise on his face changed into a smile.
‘It's a phone. It's about time you had one. Get a sim when you land. Call me. You have my number right? Or should I write it down for you?’ she said in a single breath.
‘I have it written somewhere.’ he said. He could recite her number in his sleep. But it was not the best time to bring it up.
‘Call me okay? Now go!’ she said giving him a quick hug and a quick peck on his cheek.
He saw tears forming in her eyes, while a bright smile adorned her face before he walked in the airport for a new beginning.
Daniel settled in his new life fairly well. He had a room he had to share with a roommate, Mike. He was a simple guy. Spent most of his day playing some games on his laptop. Not much of a social person. Although he did talk to him every once in a while.    
He had almost no one to talk to. Except for Emily, who called almost every day. Talked for hours about her day and asked about his. Daniel entered his room, his phone glued to his ears, a smile on his lips as he talked to Emily.
‘Oh! you reached your room!’ she said as she heard the door close.’ Is Mike home?’
‘Yup,’ Daniel said looking at Mike who was wired to his laptop, ears covered with headphones that tuned out all outside noises. 
‘Say my regards to him.’ Emily said.
Daniel gave a smile to Mike as he looked up from his laptop for a short second.
‘He is busy in his lappy again.’
‘I don't understand how you guys live like this. You should go out, meet girls, get laaaaid.’ she stretched the last word a bit making Daniel uncomfortable.
‘They don't have pretty girls here.’ he chuckled. Shook his head to get the image of her in his arms away.
‘In all of London!? Someone is being picky!’
‘London girls can't hold a candle to yo... Cordonian girls’, he corrected himself,  ‘And besides, I am here to study, not looking for girls.’
‘You can do both! It’s Friday night! Go to a bar have some fun!’
‘Oh yes! that reminds me! Weren't you supposed to go on a Date tonight? What’s his name? Wes?’
‘Oops! I forgot about him!’ she squeaked,’ I am on the date! I told him I need to use the powder room. It's been eighteen minutes. He must think I am taking a dump! Gotta Go’ she hanged up the phone. 
‘Was it your girlfriend?’ Mike asked looking at the wide grin on Daniel’s face.
‘She is not my girlfriend.’ He couldn't believe he was still correcting people.
‘She calls you every day. You constantly smile when you talk to her. You have turned down every girl who showed interest in you. People keep asking me if you were gay. I said you are in long distance.‘ he shrugged.
‘I am not. not gay. not in a relationship.’ Daniel informed him.
‘I don't buy it. I may be a geek, but I am not stupid.’
‘Thats true! as a matter of fact, she just told me that she is on a date, right now. With a guy named Wes. '
 ‘You mean she called you in the middle of a date?’
‘Ya so?’
‘Dude! how naive can you be? She definitely has a crush on you. And clearly you a crush on her too. Why don't you tell her?’
‘I cant. She is out of my league. She is almost a Princess and I am a poor orphan.’
‘So what?.’
‘You won't understand.’
‘Its your choice mate! but if you are not interested in her, stop leading her on.’ 
Daniel’s heart fluttered at the possibility of her interested in him. That’s what he wanted, a possibility with her. But he knew it would never end well. Their worlds were different. He didn't belong in hers and she didn't belong in his. Mike was right, Rachel was right, this needs to end now.
Next day, Saturday, Emily called in the morning. ‘Did you go to the bar last night?’ She would continue talking with him where they last left. As if she was right beside him. 
‘No. How did your date go?’ he asked.
‘Wes said I didn't seem interested in him or something. Can you believe it?' 
‘Emily, listen, I have to go for an interview. I have applied for a job. I will talk to you later.’ he lied. He had to.
‘Ya sure. Best of luck. Call me okay?’ 
But he didn’t. She texted him asking how his interview went. When will he be able to call her? But he replied in a word or two that he was busy and he will call her later. The later never came. He didn't call her and when she did, he just pretended to be at work or at college. 
Emily called him every day, texted him. It pained to ignore her calls, her texts. Slowly her calls became less frequent and soon she stopped calling him.
If it hurt to ignore her calls, it hurt even more when she stopped calling. Daniel would keep looking at his phone. Hoping for a message or a call. He didn't know if he was happy that she moved on or heartbroken.
Time passed, but he still couldn't get Emily out of his head. After completing his graduation, he moved back to Cordonia. A part of him still wanted to see her, be with her, but he kept himself away from her. 
He tried working few jobs but soon realized that a nine to five desk job was not for him. That is when he found that there were few job openings in Royal Guards. He joined the training program. He found the training relaxing him. He would train all day and fell asleep almost immediately when he reached his bed. It was much better than thinking about Emily every night. 
After 10 weeks of extensive training, he was interviewed by Bastien. But when he realized, he was being appointed at Valtoria, he requested to appoint him at some other location. Bastien informed him that it was not his choice to make. By taking the training, he had already committed to serve for at least 1 year at the location he was appointed. 
Bastien handed him his appointment letter. When he opened it, his eyes flew to the words
Emily Walker
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Pixelberry. I only own my Original Characters
Taglist : @agent-bossypants , @mymandrake , @writtenbycandy , @mind-reader1 , @alesana45 , @the-excelsior , @walkerisbae , @butindeed , @notoriouscs , @speedyoperarascalparty , @stopforamoment , @andy-loves-corgis , @jenp02cutie-blog , @drakelover78 , @silviasutton1989 , @annekebbphotography,  @stopforamoment @traeumerinwitzhelden , @blackwidow2721 , @flowerpowell,  @blubutterflyy, @mrsernestsinclaire , @liamskinkyqueen ,  @idonthaveacluesoyeah,  @cleareclipsedeputyathlete, @fluffy-marshmallow-heart
I have used the taglist of Falling in love with you. Please let me know if you want me to remove you or add you to the tag list.
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noahhernandez · 4 years
I’m OLD and bored 8/7/2020
1.Is there a boy/girl in your life? No!  2:Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? If it is Pajak then no i do not <3  3:What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” A cat, and oddly enough Cardi B 4:What’s something you really want right now? A stable job that I like :)  5:Are you afraid of falling in love? No, but I don’t want to. Relationships are soul sucking and not in the fun way. 6:Do you like the beach? No i do not like the beach one bit. Well, I like being in a beach house but I don’t like getting in the water. 7:Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Yes I have  8:What’s the background on your cell? It is the scene in Hereditary where he husband is on fire 9:Name the last four beds you were sat on? Mine, Emily’s, Bri’s, lol I don’t really know um  ? Probably like my aunts when I lived with her 10:Do you like your phone? Yes it work 11:Honestly, are things going the way you planned? NO! I wanted to have a fun summer and look for another job and think about studying for Grad School and etc etc but I was JOBLESS for FOUR months and bc of COVID we cant do a DAMn thing 12:Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? I have absolutely no idea probably like.. ? I don’t know lol 13:Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? Rottweiler 14:Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional pain, lol it’s funny bc my last answer said physical I have grown up so much  15:Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Art Museum 16:Are you tired? Physically yes lol 17:How long have you known your 1st phone contact? For 16 years because it’s my little sister 18:Are they a relative? omg yes 19:Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? NO ! well maybe 1.  20:When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? I have no idea bitch !  21:If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? no 22:Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? no  23:How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? 3 24:Is there a certain quote you live by? no!  25:What’s on your mind? literally nothing its kind of nice like not thinking 26:Do you have any tattoos? Yes, I have a sleeve so a total of like 9 tattoos i think idk 27:What is your favorite color? black 28:Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Hell if I know 29:Who are you texting? Nobody bc Emily and Janett are at work and Bri (F.) is simply not texting me 30:Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? yes 31:Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? Yeah of course its called  i know things bitch 32:Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Ya of course i can tell michelle faith bri emily and janett everything  33:Do you think anyone has feelings for you? u know probably not 34:Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? my eyes are dark brown lol so no 35:Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? i dont care 36:Were you single on Valentines Day? yes !  37:Are you friends with the last person you kissed? I honestly dont know the last person I kissed like i dont know if it was michelle or not lmao 38:What do your friends call you? Noah 39:Has anyone upset you in the last week? No  ! 40:Have you ever cried over a text? Probably ! Yes when I was told “sorry noah i cheated on you last night” like who TEXTS that LMFAO anyways I cried 41:Where’s your last bruise located? hand from work 42:What is it from? oh from work 43:Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? Bitch i want to die 44:Who was the last person you were on the phone with? leann  45:Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? my dr. martens theyre like 2 inch platforms lmao 46:Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? No lol 47:Would you ever go bald if it was the style? no omg 48:Do you make supper for your family? ew hell no i live ALONE 49:Does your bedroom have a door? omg yes  50:Top 3 web-pages? Facebook, Twitter, Youtube 51:Do you know anyone who hates shopping? Um, no all my friends shop about an average amount 52:Does anything on your body hurt? My back and my feet!!  53:Are goodbyes hard for you? They were sometimes. Sometimes it do be sucking when u say goodbye but didnt know it was the last :( 54:What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? I had the sudden memory of last summer when I fell down the stairs at work and spilled coffee all over myself and had to change 55:How is your hair? Short and not combed at the slightest 56:What do you usually do first in the morning? Pee! !!  57:Do you think two people can last forever? nope!  58:Think back to January 2007, were you single? I was 10 59:Green or purple grapes? Green 60:When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug? um honestly i have no idea lmao we arent allowed to hug each other in these tough times!  61:Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? no !  62:When will be the next time you text someone? I am texting Angel rn actually 63:Where will you be 5 hours from now? Asleep 64:What were you doing at 8 this morning. dead ass asleep 65:This time last year, can you remember who you liked? Nope !  66:Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? this is gay yes all my friends but only because they are funny not because I enjoy seeing them 67:Did you kiss or hug anyone today? I did not hug anyone or kiss anyone today!! ! 68:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? i literally was struggling so hard to go to sleep last night so I was probably really frustrated 69:Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? yes on taking exams normally except my last like ... 2 years of college were phenomenal   70:How many windows are open on your computer? 4- amazon, youtube, CBS and this 71:How many fingers do you have? 10 72:What is your ringtone? like the original one 73:How old will you be in 5 months? 24 LOL  74:Where is your Mum right now? Honestly I have no fucking idea lmao 75:Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?  because they cheated on me, they were very toxic and manipulative and uncaring and i dealt with it for a long ass time and it literally going to kill me if I kept it up. Dealt with bad anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, I wasn’t eating, and I had to start taking medication and see therapy because of it literally it was the worst shit ever  76:Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? No 77:Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? Let me think of some- yes. Faith, Peter, Michelle, Bri, Emily, Janett, Angel, Anissa, I’ll still consider Keyla my friend too hehe .  78:Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? some guy named Chris 79:Is there anyone you know with the name Mike? No 80:Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? yes and I hated it
81:How many people have you liked in the past three months? 0 82:Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? no lol 83:Will you talk to the person you like tonight? no!  84:You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? Definitely MICHELLE and PETER. I would ask Bri and Emily to please not let me get that drunk 85:If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? yes 86:What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? I literally work at a movie theater an nothing cool happens like the last almost 6 years of working there have been boring 87:Who was your last received call from? Leann asking me where my nametag was at in my car 88:If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? um yes 89:What is something you wish you had more of? money !! $$$ 90:Have you ever trusted someone too much?  ya it was some dumb ass shit !  91:Do you sleep with your window open? hell no i live in southeast houston is too fucking humid and hot for that shit i will get mold 92:Do you get along with girls? yeah lmao 93:Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? i dont even know i dont think so 94:Does sex mean love? hell no!  95:You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? nope!   96:Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? ew no those are trashy 97:Did you sleep alone this week? yes lol :( 98:Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? my friends what kind of dumb ass question is this  99:Do you believe in love at first sight?  no !  100:Who was the last person that you pinky promise?  nobody ! if anything I smokey sweared with Michelle like 23 years ago
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nijiimura · 6 years
all greek deities binch 💞❣️♥️💕💖
Aphrodite: what you find attractive in a personwhen we have the same humor, when theyre SUPER passionate about something, their generosity, and their kindness and patience 
Apollo: favourite piece of musiccurrently? lately its been a lot of soundtracks from underrated animated movies  and some covers from said animated movies 
Ares: opinion on wardont like it? but war is inevitable, humanity has been at war with itself since the beginning of time. and war, sometimes, is necessary, to protect  human rights and the innocent... ejkfsnfkdns yea idk how to articulate it idk man war’s gonna happen 
Artemis: favourite animal and whyOTTERS bc theyre so fuckin cool btihc.... sea otters especially theyre so fuzzy and they crack shells open w rocks so when they find the Special Rock they just keep it. they float on their backs and hold hands w other otters so they wont float away!! mommy otters will actually tangle their baby in kelp so they wont float away while theyre hunting!! the mom will also hold the baby on her tummy while floating too :’ )
Athena: share a piece of wisdomwhen punching a nazi, dont hit them in the jaw or cheekbone!! its gonna kill your knuckles!! so gauge out their eyes instead
Dionysus: red, white, or rosé?mike’s hard lemonade yeet
Demeter: favourite season and whyautumn!! i love cool temperatures and tbh in autumn my wardrobe POPS. i finally can break out my favorite bomber, wear jeans and leggings again, long sweaters? sweatshirts? FLANNELS?? you can basically just layer it on up and still can by comfy and killing it!!
Eros: describe your crushi dont have a special lady in my life rn but uh theres fanglia
Hades: do you believe in life after death?ok fuck yea in reincarnation!! sorry imma go on a little rant but the idea of heaven is.... idk... the idea that ppl truly believe theyre going to be the same person after death for all of eternity mind boggles me... i truly believe when we die our bodies rot and decompose and we come back as the bottom of the food chain, as some sort of plant, then eventually work back up the chain. it sounds so ridiculous as im typing it out, but i kinda seek comfort in that idea that after i die im just gonna be come a patch of flowers. idk why!! also i used to believe that when we die we basically just “wake up” as our new selves, you just get randomly placed in the food chain, like one day your a 80 y/o man and the next your suddenly a newborn cat. IT SOUNDS RIDICULOUS but YEA either one works anyways reincarnation is cool as shit
Helios: opinion on tanningNDSKNFDSFD BITCH IDFK
Hephaestus: do you think disability can ruin a relationship?if you believe disability can ruin a relationship u deserve a swift kick to the balls and dick
Hera: opinion on feminismabsolutely necessary 
Hermes: last text you sent“bc bakugo in the beginning was basically to make deku's life a living hell” LMAO
Hestia: describe your ideal houselittle house in the woods in the rockies. i live away from the busy city but i’m not completely isolated. i have a screened in porch w a spectacular view of the rockies! i have flowerpots on every windowsill and a small garden in my backyard and a little harb garden in my kitchen. i have a roomy kitchen and a big ol workspace. a bedroom w a giant window facing the rockies! and a wife and some pets to share it with im so..... fuck
Pan: opinion on gay rightsi just wanna hold hands w a girl in public for more than 5 minutes bc im afraid im upsetting someone... i want the people im upsetting removed
Persephone: is climate change really a thing or is everyone just overreacting?bitch climate change is definitely a thing and its already happening!! our weather has been so weird lately because of climate change!!! our seasons are changing!! we’re gonna have hotter summers, fiercer winters!! the ocean levels are rising and cities are already beginning to flood!! you cant undo it!! the artic’s strongest sea ice just fucking broke for the first time on RECORD WE ARE KILLING OUR PLANET
Poseidon: list three fearsdrowning, riding on a motorcycle, and suspense... i cant do it
Zeus: three places you want to travel toalready answered!!
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
The Man, the Myth, the Legend is tired and in pain but that’s his own fault and you will see why: ‘OH HOT GUY ALERT! Emmett..baby..he is wearing denim on denim with a leather jacket, if that doesn’t scream gay, idk what does. GAY! WHAT DID I SAY!’ He just paused the episode and walked to the tv to look at Justins art ‘THATS bc you accepted a boy who wasn’t beaten yet. So of course his work was different, sherlock! Now stop being a prick and let my boy draw on his computer! We expect our students to what now? What did he just say about excelling at everything? Just bc he’s disabled doesn’t mean he won’t be amazing?! Oh just say you don’t accept disabled people you old fart! Fuck you and your tradition! I hate this clown..oh i guess the clown has some brain after all!..BRIAN! Dont put any ideas in his head.. oh he wants him to succeed and be the best and do good and this is a lot to handle on so many pain meds’ ‘why is linds being a bitch? Since when is she so uptight? Oh, the silence is LOUD…BRIAN WILL YOU GRAB THAT AND THEN HE JUST DOES? OH HE IS GONE. THAT MAN IS IN LOVE! HE IS SO IN LOVE AND NOBODY EXCEPT ME FOR SOME REASON SEES THIS *looks at me like he just realized im there too* can you see it?!’ ‘Okay dudes, that was not chill! You don’t do that to your friends. It’s fun to be jokey but that was not cool, yall are better than that…are you tho? MICHAEL BET 5 WEEKS?! i guess people do change. Tell them debbie! At least she gets it, even if she only gets it once every 17 episodes’…‘Ben better be better than David. Oh is he gonna be the one..i mean he’s asking him to talk about comics..david hid them. I hated that. Okay Benny boy, you can stick around, I’ll allow it but you get 3 strikes!’ ‘Okay goatee dude, chill the fuck out. People are allowed to have relationships and still be the hottest thing around. Don’t make him self conscious, i have worked overtime to try and get him to admit to being in love! DONT RUIN THIS FOR ME!….NOOOO HE RUINED IT FOR ME!…MICHAEL! WHAT THE FUCK MICHAEL WHO JUST SAYS THAT TO A PERSON? Just when i was about to be in your corner, someone please hit him! You cant just say fucked up shit and then say sorry! Thats not how that works!’ Then he felt bad for Mikey bc of the school thing and then he hated that he felt bad bc hes mad at him ‘Oh we are getting hot and HEAVY! Bri Bri, i am impressed! You knew he was upset and why! Oh so that guy was nothing but Justin is something? MY DUDES WE SERIOUSLY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO TALK. Aww he doesn’t want Brian to change. Now that’s love! Oh COME ON, I CANT FUCKING WIN EVEN FOR A MINUTE! Im a good person, i deserve good stuff, throw me a bone ffs’ ‘aw Benny boy is listening! Oh he is way better than david! If youre the one, you can stay! Just do me a favor and make mike more tolerable, i am begging for the sake of my well being..that was sweet mike, now give me brian and justin again!’ He had to go and take his last dose of pills for today and he just looked at the ceiling and flapped his arms around while making no noise at all, so id say he’s handling it well. ‘Listen, i am 100% straight. But THIS *points to a paused screen of Brian in the green light in the beginning of the non confession scene* is one beautiful man! I AM INTRIGUED And I would not mind him hitting on me.’ I made a comment that he is now 54 years old to which he puts his hand up in my face and goes ‘I’ll get back to you on that’ and just continued to watch. 1/2 of 2x06
Dear sweet anon - I am SCREAMING over him asking if you see that Brian is in love too. Yes, Brother Anon, that's why we're all here 20 years later. Still sobbing over them.
And yes, Gale Harold is the most beautiful man to ever man. I have a straight crush on him and even at 54 he could get it. The green light scene is one of my favorite. UGH that profile.
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