#might revisit this idea later
crunchchute · 6 months
hmmm new follower here how bout some good ol vampire dave :]
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sorry this took me 300 years to do and its not even that great but i tried (ーー;)
tysm for the ask!
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mxdragonsdoodles · 2 years
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Meant to post this awhile ago
Not sure how I feel about I like the outfits but idk about the drawing in general
[Don’t trace, repost or edit]
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theladyfae · 2 years
honestly if behet ghol midam could be argued as being mizumono from hannibal's pov i don't know how i'd feel
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faceeeeee · 8 months
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Update: As soon as I started the rig I gave up
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retro-ramblings · 9 months
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protect me from what i can’t see
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narutomaki · 8 months
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Believe me when I say that I tried to do both a face and skin lighting and I despised both. I love working in this style and will one day learn how do. Today is not that day
Prompt fill of October 4th from @tojoctober prompt list, Day 03: Safe
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fandom-blackhole · 11 months
for sleepover ask 💌 :
historical!au + bookstore!au
obi-wan (mullet!wan) is a quiet (but sometimes bitchy) bookstore owner. period piece. could be ye olde bookstore in medieval times, a bookstore next door to a saloon/brothel in the wild west, etc.
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Come Celebrate with Me!
6. Bookshop AU 1. Historical AU (Wild West)
Bookshop Owner!Obi Wan x Teacher!Reader
You were still rather new to the small town when you'd entered the small bookstore looking for materials that'd be good for your newly acquired teaching position. Upon entering the store itself gave off a first impression of being heavily disorganized and all over the place, but with closer inspection you'd noticed it was rather neatly organized just in the owner's own self appointed system. 
It was as you trailed your finger along several titles stopping to gently pull out a weathered copy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, that you'd noticed a brush of movement, silent in every way but to the eye. Just barely seen over the top of a neighboring shelf, you'd spotted a person puzzling over the books in front of them, or at least it seemed that way with what little you could see of flickering eyes that seemed bluer than the sky outside and furrowed brows. You hadn't meant to watch the person, but each time you'd tried to pull your eyes away, back to the shelf in front of you, you'd found them drifting back to glance at those clear blue eyes. After the third time this happened, you felt an embarrassed frustrated flush heat the tips of your ears as you made yet another attempt to page through the copy in your hands, only managing to leaf through a few more pages before finding your eyes trailing upwards once more, only now your eyes met the clear blue as they'd finally noticed your own quiet movement. 
Fully embarrassed now, you watched with a bit of alarm as the person moved in your direction, the clear blue of their eyes now shining with curiosity. In only a few seconds he'd made his way to where you stood clutching Frankenstein to your chest like a lifeline once you got a full view of the man.
Clean. That was your first impression of him. His hair sweated back behind his ears and fell in soft waves to the very top of his shoulders. Shoulders of which you couldn't stop your brain from making an appreciative note were broad with strong looking arms and a full chest connected. He wore just a simple loose cream button down and brown trousers with a set of similarly colored suspenders, of which didn't seem to be doing much as they hung loosely around his waist, and what a waist it was.
Thoughts leading nowhere good, you startled and snapped out of your revelry, dragging your eyes up to meet his again, only pausing once to take in the pin secured to the not of his loose blue neckerchief, small and weathered bronze, obviously old and loved it was circular and printed with what looked like a set of wings with a star connecting both sides in the middle, it was quite beautiful in a plain sort of way. 
Once your eyes met again, you found a soft smile and crinkled eyes to greet you along with a just as softly accented, "Hello there."
Still embarrassed at your gawking, you cleared your throat and answered with your own soft, "Good afternoon."
The man unphased, and seemingly endlessly curious leaned forward, smile somewhat mischievous now, said, "I truly hope its not too forward, but I've never had the grace of seeing you around before, let alone in my shop, may I ask for your name?"
Stuttering out your name, you felt the heat return, but more as a simmering in your chest as you heard the man speak more, his accent a perfect compliment to the rest of his perfectly imperfect-ness. But the man, completely oblivious to your quiet replies, only smiles wider at you and bids you welcome to his shop once more as he introduced himself to you before asking, "And what brings such a fresh face to this part of the world?"
"Oh, I've, uh, I've been hired on to be the town's school teacher. I haven't come with too much and the books at the school building seemed a little worse for wear, so I'd thought I may come refresh the shelves, so to speak."
Brightening even more- you were almost certain he was partially made of pure light at this point, scared if he got any brighter you would no longer be able to look at him, and what a shame that would be- he pointed to the book still clutched in your hands.
"And a wonderful start to your new collection if I might say. A quite many lessons you can squeeze out of my dear friend Ms. Shelley for any age group, I believe," pausing he clasps his hands behind his back, getting a bit of afar off look to his eyes, one that lead you to believe he was deep in thought, before humming and asking, "Do you have any more books in mind you want specifically, because I'd be more than happy to help find anything as well as make any of my own suggestions."
At his offer you felt a bit of relief, and nodded just slightly, "I more so just came in to browse, shocked a store like your own would be in such a small town, but any and all help would be much appreciated Mr. Kenobi."
"Please, no need for formalities, they make me feel stiff and always seem too polite, just Obi Wan is fine. Well as long as you are comfortable with that, my dear." 
With his words, the never ending flush of heat returned once more, as you just nodded a but speechless following the pet names and in his earnest gaze.
After that he led you around the shop offering several more books as he told you a bit about the town and the people, but especially focusing on the children. He'd explained that he'd been holding a story hour for the younger of the town for the last few months and was quite overjoyed that the younglings, as he liked to refer to them as, were finally going to be receiving a proper education.
You truly hadn't meant to spend more than just a few minutes in the bookshop, and possibly only grab two or three books, but you'd noticed that as you'd stepped out of the building after nearly fight with Mr. Ken-, Obi Wan, over whether you were paying for the books or not- he'd eventually won out in just giving you the books, but was unaware of the pennies you'd dropped onto the table quietly by the door as you'd walked out- you'd noticed the midday sun had dipped down as the gold and red hues of sunset started to take over.
As you headed to the small home next to the school house, you felt a nagging sensation at the back of your head, and in turning, you found Obi Wan standing outside his door watching you walk away. Still close enough, you could see his lips turn up once more into a smile as he lifted his hand in a wave, which you returned both, before turning away once more.
The last thing you thought as you'd turned away was how his hair wasn't the sand blonde you'd thought it was in the low light of his shop, but in fact had a coppery hue which formed a glowing hole around him in the dying light of day. 
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justajoshe · 24 days
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Hey, wha's up @snowsocks ! And thank you! I'm v proud a how their refs turned out :D
Woody's occupation is 'digital content creator', meaning he jus blogs for a living having ads run on his blog. He mostly redraws things and activities he's seen on the island and talks bout wha he had for dinner
I actually made mock ups of wha his blog might look like a while back, but nvr got around a finishin em
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tha s a glue gun
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artandalloy · 1 year
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this one was super challenging for some reason
i guess its probably just that cyclops (cyclopses? idk) aren't my favorite, and it was hard to figure out an interesting design for one
originally i was gonna be subversive about it. i made a design where the face of the character was eyeless, and then i had the eye on her chest... but the design wasnt great and the pose was super lame so i just threw it away and started from 0 after like an hour and a half. :)
im not thrilled with the end result, but im probably just being overly picky.
this is for @catbatart's monster march art challenge
is it normal to credit the challenge creator each time? idk i saw some people doing it. i dont know how social media works. rambling over
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So for Shining Smooch Week last year, I actually planned a full fic to correspond with each of the themes, but I never got around to writing it and I'm not sure if I'm going to find time to do it so uhhh... Here's the outline I had prepared for One Big Happy Family.
Day 1: Yesterday
Dwight and Gretta reminisce on the adventures that everyone forgot, and the adventures that they got to remember.
In the end, Dwight proposes to Gretta
“We are the adventure I want for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and forever.”
Day 2: Marigold 
The day after their engagement, Dwight and Gretta leave marigold flowers on the base of the Queen Tree.
When they return later, marigolds have sprouted and have a subtle glow.
Day 3: Crown
Dwight and Gretta get married! During the ceremony, Queen Britta walks in and congratulates them both
Queen Britta crowns Queen Gretta and Prince Consort Dwight with marigold wreaths. 
Day 4: Gothic 
Dwight and Gretta move into a different house down the road, leaving the old castle in the capable hands of Baldric and Hexcela.
The house has gotten quite crowded after Baldric and Hexcela had twins [Cordelia & Cassandra].
They quickly find out that the house is haunted
The ghost is a very nice old woman who died of tuberculosis in the 1800s
Dwight gets Gretta to agree that the ghost is welcome to stay and even arrange a room for her. 
Day 5: Heart 
Baldric and Hexcela have told Chlodwig that he has to move out. 
He asks Gretta to stay in her hermit hut, but she informs him that they don’t have a hermit hut and a ghost is sleeping in their guest room.
Chlodwig wanders into the Swine & Slosh Tavern
He tells Jacopo about his plight and Jacopo suggests he rent a room in the upstairs apartment. 
Chlodwig takes him up on his offer and moves in the next day. 
He doesn’t have a bed to start so he and Jacopo have to share.
Chlodwig’s heart beats like crazy all night.
Day 6: Wanderlust 
Chlodwig wanders to the forest the next day to gather the materials to stuff his bed. 
He ends up walking aimlessly for awhile.
As night approaches, Jacopo crashes through the forest and drags Chlodwig back home, grumbling the whole time.
“I know that you have nothing between the ears but at least you should have the sense to be home ah-before dark.”
Chlodwig is touched that he came looking at all
Gretta would have left him to his own devices.
Day 7: Hero
While Hexcela is at work, Baldric is watching the twins.
Cassandra has a minor meltdown and while he is dealing with the temper tantrum, Cordelia wanders out of the house, follow Cordelia POV
Cordelia walks down the road and watches Dwight and Gretta as they are hanging lights on their house. Dwight falls off the ladder and Gretta catches him. They start laughing. 
Cordy giggles and waddles away. She runs into Jacopo a few blocks away and he picks her up and brings her to the tavern.
Jacopo presents the toddler to Chlodwig and tells him to find the “witchy woman” so that he might return her. 
Chlodwig takes Cordy and balances her on his hip with practiced ease and she gives him a big hug. 
Chlodwig pretends to choke and laughs good-naturedly.
Jacopo is staring at the exchange like Chlodwig grew two heads. 
When Chlodwig asks what’s wrong, Jacopo turns red and runs away.
Chlodwig carries Cordy home. They meet Baldric halfway and Baldric is so thankful that she was found by someone safe. 
Baldric and Chlodwig take the girls home. 
That evening, Hexcela returns home and asks Cordy about her adventure. 
While Baldric is blanched in the background and asks how she found out.
“Jacopo and I have tea after work twice a week, darling.”
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So I guess I should cutely explain Nex's cheek hole real quick.
It happened pretty close to the start of Nex's mercenary career where he'd take on practically any job for any price. Unfortunately one of the jobs went south and he had to lay low for a few days while he fixed himself up.
Good news? The town he ran to had one of his old military friends.
Bad news? The friend was Marshall.
Worse news? The drive over took three days and the wound got hella infected.
So Marshall in his mighty wisdom decided to just cut off the dead/infected skin.
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clippy · 1 year
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so today (12/30/22) marks the 10 year anniversary of me making a gijinka of clippy and literally altering the course of my life... i've talked in-depth about the specifics multiple times but that doesn't matter right now... what matters is Clippy is still one of my favorite characters of all time and i love him so much
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sidesteppostinghours · 6 months
4 and 20 for spotify wrapped?
hehe. nice
4. Passing Through (Can't the Future Just Wait) - Kaden Mackay
another non-fhr related one! i listened to this song on repeat because i wanted to base one of the pieces of my portfolio on this song before i switched to computer science
20. Mostly - Vian Izak, Juniper Vale
self indulgent bitter sweet sidestep ending, i just need them to break under the weight of who they are and what theyve done 💕
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j0kers-light · 7 months
I feel like Joker goes through a History of Touches every time he wakes up in a cold sweat after another nightmare about losing his Light plagues him. He steadies his heart by rolling over and watching you sleep next to him. The nightmare felt so real and the fear becomes too much; he has to wake you up..
I wake you up in the middle of the night To express my love for you Stroke your skin and feel you Naked I can feel all of you At the same moment
I wake you up in the night Feeling this is our last time together Therefore sensing all the moments We've been together Being here at the same time Every single touch we ever touch each other Every single fuck we had together Is in a wondrous time lapse With us here here at this moment The history of touches Every single archive Compressed into a second All with us here as I wake you up
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"Ed Iskandar talked with God. Then it was Lucifer’s turn. Now he was addressing Adam and Eve.
Right now, Iskandar was rehearsing the plays from Act I, including Madeleine George’s 10-minute piece about the Fall of Man, which she gives the elaborate title,  “A Worm Walks Into A Garden or The Fall of Man, an experiment in motive and comedy.”  In it, Lucifer tells dumb jokes to Adam and Eve, as a way of seducing them. Adam finds them funny. Eve doesn’t.
“You’re missing a crucial part of your anatomy,” Lucifer says to Eve. “The funnybone.”
Lucifer is being played by Asia Kate Dillon.
Dillon was writhing and entwining themself around Eve.  Suddenly Chase Brock, the show’s choreographer, got down on the floor and started to writhe on the floor along with Lucifer. Brock had researched the earthworm, and showed some pictures of earthworms to Dillon on his laptop to suggest other moves they could make."
"50 different plays by almost as many different playwrights is a massive undertaking in which each vignette varies in tone from the one before it.  The actors playing the characters do not change from play to play; this forces the performers to be as comfortable and convincing with farce as they are playing tragedy.  It is also fascinating to contemplate the mental and emotional gymnastics that each performer of The Bats (the resident acting company of The Flea) must have undergone to ensure that each character maintains the same internal psychological throughline when they appear in different plays by very different authors.
The first act deals with the Old Testament books and the Nativity.  In playwright Dale Orlandersmith’s Song of the Trimorph, the angels in Heaven mindlessly worship God (a deliciously petty, yet shrewdly authoritative Matthew Jeffers), who takes it as His due until Lucifer (Asia Kate Dillon) starts to question whether love without choice means anything.
Dillon’s beautifully delicate, white-haired devil is one of the show’s most complex figures. Watching them evolve from nuanced philosopher to diabolical heavy to world-weary cynic, depending on the vignette, is fascinating.  The narrative speeds its way through the Bible. Highlights include Madeleine George’s surprisingly feminist take on the Adam and Eve story; Hwang’s marvelously urgent Cain and Abel tale, which posits the first murder as a story of vengeance against a capricious God; and Mallery Avidon’s whimsically horrifying tale of Noah’s Flood, which also entails the deaths of everyone who didn’t make it aboard the Ark.
The show’s second section deals with the Life of Jesus, with Colin Waitt’s astonishingly variegated boy-next-door Jesus shifting from an idealistic dreamer as he travels with Mary and Joseph to a forceful, almost angry philosopher when he argues with Lucifer about the nature of love to a bratty dolt when he confronts Gabriel about his inevitable fate.  The fact that the playwrights clearly have a different idea of Jesus’s personality sets Wiatt a complex task:  He has to make his Christ the same in all situations; whether he’s being comic or tragic, Wiatt is convincing and moving in a performance of stunning versatility.
Indeed, his likable turns in Gabriel Jason Dean’s beautiful Christ Enters Jerusalem makes his ferocious agonies in Qui Nguyen’s Christ Before Herod and his subsequent crucifixion all the more heartrending. The third act deals with Christ’s resurrection and humanity’s fate at the Day of Judgment, and includes a series of plays set in modern times, as well as God’s final words to Lucifer, Jesus, and to us.  The show’s final Day of Judgment coda by Jose Rivera is an essay of forgiveness and unexpected love."
"Overall, the point of view of The Mysteries leans toward deism, the Enlightenment philosophy that presents God as a kind of clockmaker who created the universe, then left it alone to run according to its own laws. We see God squabbling with, then abandoning, Lucifer, setting in motion the events of the Bible, but even in Eden he is surprisingly enigmatic.
And, as one of the thieves killed with Jesus prophesies, it may all be for naught; he conjures up a future in which "the religion founded -- haha --upon your existence will be held up to justify the slaughter of millions over hundreds and thousands of years, for the brutal sins of domination and exploitation, the lynchings, the massacres and genocide, the relentless militarism. Everything you stood for will be erased."
In any case, the company is an almost constant joy. Among the more striking performances, [...] Asia Kate Dillon is a compelling presence as Lucifer."
"Four dozen playwrights take four dozen spiritual positions, which allows bubbles of radical reimagining to emerge only to sink again beneath the waves. For instance, our very first playwright, Dael Orlandersmith, paints Lucifer (Asia Kate Dillon) as a sweetheart Cordelia type refusing to curry favor with an insecure God (Matthew Jeffers). The fallen Light bringer keeps popping up throughout, and yet while Lucifer makes a number of solid points—many vigorously antichurch—they're still costumed as a blood-smeared reptile. Does evil exist? Or does it only exist when it can dress super cool?"
"It begins with a scene in heaven where we meet the lavish Angel Chorus that will be with us for the duration of the play, and witness Lucifer’s expulsion from heaven, something like in Milton’s Paradise Lost.
We also meet the rebellious Lucifer in that first scene in heaven, played with dazzling cynicism by Asia Kate Dillon, and at the same time the angel Gabriel, played by Alice Allemano, who, obedient to God, in contrast to Lucifer, struggles valiantly trying to make sense out of God’s commands and following through on them.  These two, Lucifer and Gabriel, played by tall, striking people, fine actors who resemble one another, hold the vast array together like bookends.
The scenes in the Garden of Eden are delightful, played, appropriately in the nude, by Jaspal Binning as Adam and Alesandra Nahodil as Eve.  Throughout the play, Biblical episodes are interpreted by the many playwrights in non-canonical ways and the first of these is brilliant:  the knowledge the first couple gain through their disobedient eating of the apple is — how to tell a good joke and how to enjoy one!"
"Act I – The Fall begins with Creation and Lucifer’s fall from grace with God. Lucifer is played by a steady, radiant Asia Kate Dillon who reappears frequently to mix things up with earthlings and the rival angel, Gabriel, played by Alice Allemano makes goodness alluring. God is played by an extremely patient and multi-dimensional Matthew Jeffers whose sense of humor humanizes the Lord."
"As starting points, Dael Orlandersmith’s “Song of the Trimorph (Lucifer’s Lament)” and Liz Duffy Adams’s “Falling for You” are somewhat too abstract, particularly “Falling for You,” which has Lucifer wonder, “How can there be love in the absence of being?”"
"Starting with the Fall, we are introduced to the Angel Gabriel and the fallen angel Lucifer, played by two equally lissome and brilliant young actors, Alice Allemano and Asia Kate Dillon. They compete for God’s affections by using a chorus of singing punk angels."
"Asia Dillon as Lucifer brought the precise mixture of demonic delight and fragility necessary for such an adaptation: watching their performance was like looking at a raw cut in the bowels of the earth, brimming with fire and unimaginable sadness."
(no relevant quotes, but throwing in a brief pdf of a grantee project report that focuses on Engagement)
#edited out inaccurate misgenderings in favor of ''not tiresome'' over ''the Historical letter accuracy of the sources''#which are all right there to peruse as originally written too; so#lucifer isn't evil??? 0 stars. long play too long. ''not that enthused'' reviews are always Worse Quality for limiting the info & taking up#plenty of space with [what info Is given is dedicated to supposedly bolstering some specific ''didn't like that'' view of the author's]#just the kind of stuff that'd annoy me as i hate read movie reviews for things i didn't see in the newspaper at like age 12 metacritically#and that of course [just one person] as the norm whether for ''formal'' reviews or not; liking it or not....not the ideal format.#the emergent info or reflections on the same elements / effects of the material that comes from Various writeups by ppl? mwah.#and of course many include fun little Details / noting something that others don't. it comes with lore#the mysteries#asia kate dillon#lucifer the mysteries#lucifer mysteries#gospel48#unfortunately 2/3rds of the quoted articles on chase brock's page for the mysteries aren't online. cmon....#i feel like there might be one article i found the other night that didn't crop up in this search....might be conflating tweets or smthing#can just update it if so anyways....also again No Idea what the longer brown hair vs shorter ''white'' / blond hair is about lol#it kept being extended & that article i think was written in later months; maybe they cut it partway through#more plausible anyways than that they grew their hair out that hard in just a few months. that they also had during rehearsals. shrug#yeah just revisited my History and no other articles that i found last night (morning); none relevant re: akd lucifer mentions anyways lol#also that that was dialogue akd was delivering as lucifer during the crucifixion...was it given to someone else? is lucifer (probably)#taking the place of one of the fellow crucifees & delivering it; and the author focused on who they're standing in for?
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
I'm still thinking a lot about Ion's grave, and then ranking Ion below Orupeusu in terms of "Most Loved" of the Sunchildren
If you go by Ion's grave, there's a lot of sigils around it -- sigils that you may come across while traversing Enkanomiya (I don't really know if it means much of anything, but iirc I think the sigils also looked like the map of Watatsumi Island--). Maybe the sigils were something related to Ion's fortunetelling for his people -- a charm of good luck he'd give to them to give them some assurance against whatever bad fate awaited them
I guess my brain's going a few different ways with this:
Maybe the people gave Ion sigils to commemorate him because of the joy he'd bring with his fortunes for them. To express their love and gratitude for his act of kindness
In the face of all the false fortunetelling he did, the people would choose to neglect Ion instead, meaning that these sigils instead were made by his caretaker to commemorate him when no one will.
On the same note, because of the false fortunetelling,the people would cast aside the sigils given to them by the Sunchild, returning it back to the Sunchild's side at his tomb. Numbers of false promises of a better life than the one dealt to them.
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