neoangelz · 4 years
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neoangelz · 5 years
cafe prince || jung jaehyun
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college student!reader, barista!jaehyun, fluff, lots of nonsense that I tried to edit and fix pffffffft
overview: jaehyun has been nicknamed the cafe prince by the locals because of his handsome looks and charming personality. what they don’t know is that he’s really just a dork with stupid pickup lines that somehow manage to woo you.
word count: 2k+
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The cafe seemed busier than usual. Students at this place wasn’t a surprise; they came here to study, gossip after school, grab a sweet treat, take pictures for social media to look cool, etc. Today, however, an unruly amount of teenage girls were packed inside the small building, giggling and trying to sneakily take pictures of someone working behind the counter. You peeked over the large line to see who attracted such a large crowd.
Suddenly you understood.
Behind the counter, carefully adding whipped cream and chocolate to a girl’s frappuccino, was a very good looking barista. Wisps of brown hair fanned in front of his lashes. He finished making the drink and handed it to the girl, flashing her a bright smile. You could feel the entire line of girls, and yourself, swoon. Then you shook your head, embarrassed at being seen acting like a fool. You’re a university student, not a blushing teen in love.
After waiting for what seemed like forever, it was finally your turn to order. The handsome barista returned to the cash register and rested his hands on the counter. He gave you a warm smile. “What can I get you?”
At that moment, you realized you didn’t even think about what you wanted, so to avoid embarrassing yourself further you said the quickest thing that came to mind. “The 127 latte.” You weren’t too fond of the 127 latte, but you panicked. There’s no turning back now.
“Hey that’s my favorite drink, good choice.” The barista winked at you. You fought the bubbly feeling that was making you a bit spacey and handed the money to him. As he was getting your change, you glanced at his name tag.
Jaehyun huh?
You noticed he was wearing an IU sweater under his apron. “Hey, I like IU. Her latest song with G-Dragon is good,” you said casually. Jaehyun looked up at you in surprise.
“How did you?-”
You pointed at his shirt and he looked down for a moment before he started giggling. A shy blush was evident on his cheeks. “Ah, I didn’t realize what shirt I had put on this morning. Yeah I’m kind of a big fan. I went to one of her fan signs and she autographed my album.”
“Did you get flustered?” Jaehyun snorted and got to work on finishing your latte, shy smirk on his face. You noticed deep dimples appearing.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t,” Jaehyun chuckled, sticking his tongue out at you. He handed you your latte and a napkin. You thanked him and went to find a place to sit. Some of the girls around you, mentioned you a few times in their conversation and you wondered what exactly they were saying about you. Sitting down at one of the booths in the back of the cafe, ready to study for your first exam, you noticed that Jaehyun scribbled something on your napkin.
Are you from France? Because madamn
You almost choked on your spit. You bit down hard on your lower lip so that you wouldn’t burst out laughing. What kind of lame pick up line- and to steal it from th internet no doubt. You couldn’t fight back the smile that stretched itself across your face as you took a sip of your latte.
For some reason, it tasted better than you remembered.
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Months had passed since that day, and Jaehyun had earned himself a nickname from the locals. They referred to him as the Cafe Prince for his good looks and charming personality. Sure that was true, but you personally knew that he was also a giant dork with poor pick up lines that somehow managed to woo you.
Every time you came into the cafe, he greeted you with a wink. “What will it be today milady?” Which had you rolling your eyes, but smiling nonetheless. You knew each other’s names by now, and had this weird relationship going on. You started ordering the 127 late more frequently, mostly because it was a drink that took a while to make, which gave you time to converse with him. Within the time span of two to three minutes, you two talked about music, what you did outside of the cafe, where you go to school, etc. Of course only if there wasn’t a long line waiting behind you, then you only got a few words.
Today, however, you wanted something different.
“The Cherry Bomb tea sounds good to me.”
“Hey, that’s my favorite drink!” Jae laughed.
“Really? Because I thought the 127 latte was?” You raised your brow.
Jaehyun motioned for you to come closer. You leaned forward, and it was when you could feel his breath on your ear your realized exactly how close you were to him. Your heart sped up and mentally you told yourself to calm down.
“See, I’m not exactly a coffee person. I prefer tea,” he confessed. You pulled away with a dramatic gasp, covering your mouth to be even more so. Jaehyun laughed.
“You heathen!” You joked. You both laughed it off before he yelled your order over to his coworker, Taeyong, whom you had also became quite acquainted with. He then turned back to you.
“So how did your exams go? From what you told me last week, they sounded brutal,” he inquired. You groaned and started going on and on about how your professor kept adding unnecessary info in your study guides, causing extra stress. When you spoke, Jaehyun always paid close attention, his focus entirely on you when he wasn’t making a drink.
You heaved a sigh. “I think I did okay, but it was a stressful experience.”
Jaehyun patted your shoulder in sympathy. Today he was wearing a fitted black long sleeve shirt and jeans. A pair of rounded glasses rested perfectly on his nose. He always looked so incredibly good, it wasn’t fair. You couldn’t help but notice the way his muscles flexed when he worked, the tight material of his shirt only allowing you to see them even more. He could make even the slightest gestures look unbelievably hot, and the already attractive gestures become knockouts. For example: when he wears dress shirts and rolls the sleeves up.
The whole plan of you not becoming attracted and falling in love wasn’t working so well.
“I hate when professors do that, luckily I haven’t had anyone like that this semester,” Jaehyun said, adding a tiny bit of sakura syrup to your drink. He finished his work and handed you your drink. He leaned forward again and motioned towards Taeyong. “Hey look, this drink almost matches perfectly with Teayong over there.”
You placed your hand over your mouth to stifle your incoming laugh knowing very well that if Taeyong heard you, both you and Jae would get a slap upside the head. Taeyong had earned a nickname from the locals as Sakura Teayong because of his bright pink hair.
Taeyong placed his metal pitcher of steamed milk down and turned towards you two. “Are you guys making fun of me?” He leaned on his elbow and raised an eyebrow.
Both you and Jaehyun gulped and returned to your previous position and giggled.
You cleared your throat. “Aside from pinky over there, have you seen the others recently?”
There were also times where some of Jaehyun’s friends would come into the cafe and whole place always got ten times louder whenever they were around. It disrupted your study sessions. One time, you watched as a really tall boy ruffled Jaehyun’s hair while speaking in a cooing voice, causing Jae to laugh so hard he almost knocked over a pot of coffee. Then Taeyong came over and told them to quiet down or leave. For someone who appears as soft and gentle as he does, he sure wasnt someone to mess with.
“Nah I haven’t. But I overheard some girls talking about some really weird coffee that we don’t sell. What did they say? Lulu coffee?” His nose scrunched up as he tried to remember. He looked like a cute, confused puppy.
“Foofoo coffee?” You asked.
Jaehyun looked at you, even more confused. “Foofoo coffee?”
“Yeah, it’s what people call coffee with lots of syrups, sugar and whipped cream,” you explained. Jaehyun nodded before a dumb smile appeared on his face.
“Heh. Foofoo coffee.” Then he burst into a fit of giggles. He turned towards Taeyong. “Hey Ty?”
Taeyong turned around again. “What?”
Jaehyun could barely get the words out without snickering. “Foofoo.” Then he threw his head back and laughed so hard he had to brace himself on the counter as he slowly sunk down to the floor.
Taeyong sighed before pushing Jaehyun to the back. “This is why people don’t come here often, you’re too obnoxious and disrupt the peace I try so hard to preserve” he muttered under his breath. Jaehyun was still laughing in the background.
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It had been almost eight months since you first met Jaehyun. Summer came and left, and now you were starting a new semester at college. Fall colors were everywhere and you were so happy to start wearing sweaters and sweatpants again. You and Jae had become so close, people at the cafe were wondering if you two were dating. You laughed at the thought.
“You’re the first person today to not ask for a pumpkin spice latte, it’s kind of refreshing,” Jaehyun sighed as he handed you your caramel iced latte, also known as the Yestoday Latte. You laughed and paid Jaehyun for the drink and went to your usual spot in the back. This time, you were upset to see that he hadn’t included a napkin with a terrible pick up line. You sighed, you were really looking forward to it, as much as you hated to admit it.
You can’t date the cute barista Y/N, you never engage in activity outside of the cafe. Just stop thinking about it.
As much as you tried to push down your silly feelings, they just resurfaced, growing each time. You couldn’t even focus on your homework because your thoughts kept distracting you. You let out a groan of frustration, slammed your textbook shut and gathered your things. Jaehyun watched as you leaved the cafe in a storm.
“Hey! Y/N, are you alright?” He called out.
He got no response as you hastily left the cafe and made your way home. Upon reaching home, you stormed up the stairs and into your room. You flopped onto your bed and let out the loudest and longest groan possible. You can’t keep hanging around the cafe, Jaehyun was too big of a distraction.
Since then, you ordered your drinks to go and left as soon as they were finished. Jaehyun was sad that you didn’t stick around, your presence always put him in a better mood. At first he wondered if you stopped hanging around because he forgot to write a pickup line for you on a napkin. It wasn’t that he forgot, he just couldn’t think of anything at the moment. Did you suddenly lose interest in him?
Days turned into weeks, which turned into a month. He only saw you when you ordered a drink and then left.
You thought that your life would get easier by not hanging around much, but you were wrong. You missed Jaehyun and his silly pick up lines. You missed watching him work from afar and engaging with his friends. You missed watching him getting smacked by Taeyong whenever Jae made fun of him, you missed his deep dimples and catching him looking at you or vice versa. You missed your conversations over your common interests and your lives at university.
Congratulations Y/N. You really like this dork.
You couldn’t deny that fact anymore. Looking over at your calendar, you decided to go to the cafe on Saturday. You had to talk with him.
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Saturday morning, you woke up earlier than you wanted. Your body seemed to be anxious. You took a shower and put on a casual yet nice looking outfit of jeans and a sweater. Standing in front of your bathroom mirror, you desperately tried to hype yourself up and at the same time tried to calm your nerves.
You can do this, just casually invite him to go see that new movie you both were talking about. Not that hard.
If only it were that easy. The moment you stepped into the cafe, you were shocked to see that Jaehyun wasn’t there at the cash register. Taeyong was there instead. Did his work schedule change? You walked up, trying to not to look surprised or upset. However Taeyong could read you like an open book and gave a soft laugh when you walked up to the cash register.
“Jae isn’t here today, it’s his day off.”
You nodded and all hope flew out the window. I guess you would have to do it another time. You thought about going back home, but you didn’t want Taeyong getting suspicious, even though you’re sure he’s been onto you since day one. “What makes you think I’m here to see him? I just want a 127 latte please,” you huffed, crossing your arms.
Taeyong snorted. “Right away your highness,” he teased.
You rolled your eyes and waited for your drink. Taeyong made it faster than Jaehyun did. You unzipped your purse and got out your wallet to pay, but Taeyong stopped you. “It’s already taken care off,” he said, giving you a smile. Your eyes widened but you didn’t say anything. You were about to leave the cafe when Taeyong called out. “Hey what are you doing? You can’t leave with that cup!”
You looked down and realized he made your drink in one of the cafe cups, meaning you had to stay inside to drink it. To be fair, you never said to make it to go. Giving him a suspicious look, he just shrugged before winking at you. Before you could say something back, two costumers walked in. You went and sat at your usual spot in the back. The table had a bunch of napkins on it, the previous customers must’ve grabbed more than they needed. You reached for one and just stared at it, before you reached into your purse and pulled out a pen.
The napkins made you think of Jaehyun and his pick up lines.
Your hand moved before you even processed what you were doing. Two minutes later, the napkin was covered in doodles and Jaehyun’s name written in different ways. Soon you had gone through five napkins, each covered in doodles and Jaehyun’s name. You were busy working on the sixth one, forgetting all about your latte.
“Wow, you write my name nicer than I do.”
You shot up in surprise, the pen flying out of your hands. Jaehyun was leaning on the table, a mischievous smile on his face. Your heart did triple flips. “H-how long were you standing there?” You stuttered before words started to form properly. You made a move to scrunch up all the napkins you doodled on before he could see any more, cheeks flushed.
“Not long. Can I sit?” Jaehyun pointed to the spot across from you. You nodded and he slid in.
“So, I haven’t seen a whole lot of you. What’s up?”
This is it. This is your chance, right here, right now. “I’ve been kinda busy, I really want to do well in my classes. I’ve been studying more at home because I felt kind of distracted here.”
Jaehyun nodded. “I see. What was so distracting?”
You gulped. Was he on to you? Did he figure it out? Were you that obvious about your crush on him? Jaehyun was staring at you, his lips twitching into a smile. Jerk, he was totally doing this on purpose. You justed want to crawl into a hole and hide.
“Hey,” he said softly. You looked at him and tried to stay focused, but it was really hard to do that when he was looking at you so endearingly. This was so unfair.
“Hmm? Anyways, I uh was wondering if you’d like to- well it’s because we talked about it and you seemed really interested in it so I kinda figured-”
You stopped babbling. Jaehyun had leaned in super close to you, resting his chin on his hand. “Ye-yes?” You held in your breath.
“Would you like to go out sometime?”
Was it your heart that exploded? You felt like your could rocket out of the building in excitement, and yet your body relaxed, your nerves calmed down and you felt yourself melting under his gaze. You gave him a smile, probably the biggest one yet. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Jaehyun’s dimples never looked deeper as he gave you a big smile as well. The two of you sat there smiling at each other until Jaehyun gently took hold of your hand and softly rubbed the back of it with his thumb. Your heart speaks up at the gesture. You were so tempted to close the gap between the both of you, his lips looked so soft and inviting.
Jaehyun seemed to know what you were thinking, because he started to slowly move in. Then a hand shot between your faces and you both jumped away in shock.
“Ew, not in public please. I have a pda-free, friendly atmosphere to preserve,” Taeyong huffed.
You laughed but Jaehyun was glaring at Taeyong. You poked his cheek to get his attention. “Weren’t you going to take me out anyways, Cafe Prince?” You teased. Jaehyun grinned and took hold of your hand.
“Of course.”
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neoangelz · 5 years
minor temptations | wong hendery
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vampire hendery x female reader
warnings: some mature language and actions, mentions of injuries
word count: 1.2k
overview: hendery thought he could hold off on asking for blood, until you started making things unknowingly difficult
Of course it was possible to hold off until the two of you returned to the apartment complex. Sure, he was a little thirsty but nothing he couldn’t handle.
Or so he thought.
It was already hard enough to refrain just from smothering you in soft kisses the moment you stood outside his apartment door in a sundress and a windbreaker, clearly ready to take on the indoor marketplace you gave such high praise to every time he brought it up. It was intriguing to him, really, that the tradition of market places where locals came to sell their goods was still as highly popular as it was many years ago. That was one of the cool things about being a vampire; seeing history evolve but traditions carry on.
Especially when the future brought him such a cute girlfriend who didn’t make him feel like a monster when he told her he was a vampire, but instead asked if he could talk with bats or if that was something else the internet lied about.
“Hendery I- hello? Earth to Hendery?”
Hendery focused on you and the two different jars of jam in your hand. You bit your lip to suppress your smile. Ever since you first saw him this morning, Hendery seemed to be in a world of his own. It was kind of cute really, seeing him look wide eyed at the overwhelming amount of booths this year. However, you really needed an opinion on which jar or jam to purchase because you only had so much money and the market had so much other stuff you wanted to look at.
“Sorry, it’s just... a lot to process,” he chuckled nervously. It wasn’t even a lie, he really was taken aback at how busy the place was... which definitely meant asking if he could feed off you was a big no.
You handed him the jars and asked him to pick between either strawberry or raspberry. He slowly turned each jar and observed the dark red fruity paste inside, imagining the taste of both of them. As a vampire, human food just wasn’t enough to sustain him so it was almost unnecessary for him to even eat it. He knew your love for both fruits, maybe he’d let you buy one and he’d secretly buy you the other.
“Strawberry, only because I know you like jam on toast in the mornings with your coffee. I personally think the tastes compliment each other.” He handed you the jar of strawberry jam and placed the jar of raspberry jam back with the others.
You smiled and Hendery thought he felt warmth across his whole body. Handing the jar to the cashier, you then fished your wallet out of your purse. “See, this is why I’m glad I brought you with me, you’re my personal decision maker. Very convenient,” you teased.
The two of you continued on through the marketplace, stopping abruptly when you saw something you had to try or impulsively buy. Soon, Hendery’s hands were full of bags containing homemade soaps, mini fruit pies, fresh eggs and cheeses, various fruits and veggies, two loaves of bread, and jewelry that was made from recycled garbage. You offered to take at least half the bags, but Hendery insisted he carry it all. The busier he was, the more he hoped he would stay distracted. His strong will was diminishing by the minute and you unknowingly were making things increasingly difficult.
He cursed under his breath when you took your jacket off, the spaghetti straps of your dress leaving your shoulders and neck visible to everyone. He could see the marks from the last time he bit you almost fully healed. Gripping the bags tighter, he hoped you’d finally be satisfied with your shopping so you both could return to the apartment complex. Sadly that wish was extinguished very quickly the moment you saw the booths selling clothes. You bounded over and Hendery released a heavy sigh.
“Come on Hendery, you’re being pathetic,” he grumbled to himself.
You were busy thumbing through the different dresses on the rack. Upon finding a cream colored, mid calf dress that looked to be just your size, you immediately made way into the makeshift dressing room which was a corner of the building blocked off with crates and curtains. Inside was a lamp, a chair and a mirror. You slid out of your sundress and draped the new one over your body. After zipping it up, you did a few twirls in front of the mirror. Satisfied with the look and fit, you decided to surprise Hendery with it on a future date.
At least that was the plan until the zipper got stuck.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you said, exasperated. You fiddled with zipper but it wouldn’t budge. It must have captured a piece of the fabric. “Damn it, well that’s just great.”
Poking your head out from the curtain, you spotted Hendery sat on a bench across from the booth with the bags on either side of him as he looked through his phone. You waved your hand, trying to get his attention. Thankfully he noticed and was soon in front of you, bringing all of the bags with him. You stifled your laughter.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, finding the sight of just your head poking out of the curtain rather amusing, then he realized you were probably not decent for the public eye. He gulped.
“You didn’t have to bring everything over. The zipper is stuck, can you free me please?” You pleaded, gesturing for him to come inside quickly.
Torn between wanting to help you and not wanting to feed off you right there and then, he stood a little straighter and once again suppressed his desires. He gently nudged you inside the small space and made work of undoing the zipper. That strange warmth was hitting him again and his brows furrowed. It was when you moved stray hairs out of the way, neck, back and shoulders all exposed that he closes the curtain, slowly drags his finger softly up from your bare back to the nape of your neck.
A gasp left your lips at the sensuous feeling. Suddenly, Hendery burrowed his face into the nape of your neck and gave your hand a squeeze, startling you. You held onto the front of the dress so that it wouldn’t slip down your chest.
“Babe, are you okay?”
Hendery groaned. “I’m sorry. I was going to try and wait, but I’m afraid that’s out of the question now. You’re just too much. Please, may I?” His voice sounded desperate and was just barely a whisper. It sent a shiver down your spine. You knew very well that if you said no, he’d back off immediately. However, he’d probably be a little rougher once you got back to the apartment. You didn’t realize how hungry he was and you felt really bad for not asking how he was doing sooner.
“Go ahead.”
He snaked one arm around your waist and the other gently tilted your head to the side. In the reflection of the mirror you saw him holding you against him, lips pressing feverish kisses from your shoulder to your neck before his pearly white fangs pierced your skin. You sucked in a deep breath, trying to not focus on the pain. Hendery gave you a squeeze and held you against him protectively.
Eyes now red, looking at the reflection as well, Hendery stopped to whisper in your ear.
“That’s kinda hot.”
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neoangelz · 5 years
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i made a meme to show you how your support for my writing makes me feel!!!! i just get increasingly excited jsjdndjs
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neoangelz · 5 years
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neoangelz · 5 years
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
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neoangelz · 6 years
mistlefoe || renjun
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in honor of the ten bulletpoint story i did last year, it’s time for yet another nct christmas party.
thanks ria for the gif source *mwah* 😘
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December 2018
Another NCT Christmas party falls upon us
There’s more people to celebrate with this year
Which means secret santas could be incredibly chaotic but fun nonetheless
You did the name drawing a month in advance
It was after a group dance practice and everyone was crowded in the dance studio
A snapback full of folded paper went around the room as people drew names one by one
You were hoping to get either Chenle or Taeil as they would be pretty easy to shop for
So you can imagine the disappointment when you opened your slip of paper to reveal the name of your mortal enemy
aka Renjun
It wasn’t that you hated his guts or anything
You just really enjoyed annoying him as it was easy to get a rise out of him
So now that you had to be nice to him and get him a decent gift
That bugged you
But here we are
Fast forward to the day of the Christmas party and you arrived at this year’s party location
Renjun’s gift was hidden safely in your bag as you scurried inside the building
Just like last year, inside was pure chaos
Yukhei was undeniably the loudest, Chenle following suit
Christmas music was on full blast and almost everyone was donning reindeer antler headbands or Santa hats
Kun, Taeyong, Doyoung and Johnny were all in the kitchen preparing the feast that you couldn’t wait to consume
Not to mention the mountain of Christmas cookies that were sitting unsupervised
You slid Renjun’s gift under the tree and joined the other members in their sing-a-long to Last Christmas
Jeno and Jaemin linked arms with you as you all practically skipped around, cheeks flushed with pure happiness
Then, out of the corner of your eye, there he sat
A wicked smile appeared on your face and you unlinked your arms from the boys and sauntered over to Renjun
“If it isn’t my favorite shortie!”
Renjun glared at you
“Oh great, who let the grinch in here?”
You swatted his shoulder
“The only one who is being a grouch right now is you”
You could’ve poked at him more but Johnny announced that the food was ready
And food is more important than cute tiny angry men
Once everyone was seated, Johnny offered a toast and everyone littered their glasses filled with their own age appropriate drinks
As you ate, your eyes scanned the many tables set up
Your heart felt so warm looking at all the boys, they were truly wonderful friends and you couldn’t have been any more thankful for them
Ten and Kun were laughing about something while Jisung and Chenle were having an eating contest
Yukhei proclaimed he was the winner but he wasn’t even part of it
Then your eyes rested on Renjun, who was talking with Sicheng in Chinese
Renjun was smiling and Sicheng affectionately ruffled his hair
The sight was so precious, you stared a little while longer
Or at least until Renjun noticed your gaze on his
You had planned to stare at him with 100% pure antagonization in your eyes
But instead you were surprised at being caught and looked away quickly
The food was soon gone and everyone helped wash dishes so the process went very quick
Now it was time to open presents
Within seconds the room was covered in wrapping paper, bows and tissue paper as the guys tore into their gifts
Jaemin was your secret santa and he got you the cutest teddy bear holding a heart, some face masks and some of your favorite candy
You cooed at the bear and thanked Jaemin for the darling gift
Almost everyone had opened their gifts
Except for Renjun
Now you told yourself that while you indeed had to get a nice gift for Renjun, he didn’t have to like it
But looking at everyone and their nice gifts and how happy they were
You were suddenly regretting your choice
“What in the world?”
Renjun held up his gift in confusion
It’s was a bushy amount of mistletoe and underneath was a sign that said mistlefoe
“What’s mistlefoe?”
You ducked your head in shame
This was the worst idea you’ve had so far
“It’s a play on mistletoe but instead of kissing someone when you stand underneath it, you fight them”
Yukhei burst out laughing, as did a few other members
“That’s the best present for you Renjun”
Renjun looked at the gift and then right at you
“Was this from you?
You nodded
“I guess you could say that somebody’s halls are getting... decked
*cue johnjae dying*
As you expected, Renjun looked a little disappointed
And you felt terrible
The boys made work of hanging the sign up right away
As the evening went on, people avoided the mistletoe at all costs
Soon almost everyone had passed out in a food coma
Anyone who was still awake were either watching The Grinch in another room, or chatting by the fire
You tried to work up the courage to apologize to Renjun, but you figured he deserved more than an apology
Lucky for you, he was in the kitchen getting himself some hot chocolate and a cookie
“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Renjun looked up at you, almost expressionless
“What’s up?”
So apologizing and offering to get him something else sounded a lot easier in your head
Your pride and shame were battling it out right now
“I’m really sorry about your gift, I just thought it was really funny and fitting! Because, well, you know-“
Suddenly something whacked you on the head
A little sign was hanging in front of your nose
It was the mistletoe
You must’ve been standing underneath it and it fell
Rubbing your head, you tried to pull it off as Renjun burst out laughing
“I guess that mistletoe really wants to fight you, suddenly I’m liking it a whole lot more” he teased
“Just shut up and help me, I think it’s tangled in my hair!”
Renjun walked towards you, slowly
“Wha- what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna fight you, what else?”
You turned on your heel and gunned it out of the kitchen
“Get away from me you tiny angry man!”
“What did you just say!?”
Renjun grabbed your arm and yanked you back
The momentum of the yank sent the sign flying out of your hair and you barely caught it before it hit the floor
You handed it to Renjun and tried to slip out of his grasp
“Not so fast”
He held the sign above your head
“I still get to fight you”
You braced yourself for impact 
“Okay but please don’t bruise my face”
Renjun rolled his eyes and brought his fist close to you
You shut your eyes and awaited your well deserved blow
Instead his hand cupped your cheek and he kissed your forehead
You opened your eyes and stared at him
“Um, what?”
“I punched you. Softly. With my lips”
His face was red, and you were pretty sure yours was too
Your heart was fluttering and you had to compose yourself and remain monotonous 
Can’t let him know how much you enjoyed that kiss
At least not too much
You cupped his face in return
“Punch me again”
And so he did
This time on your lips
But you weren’t complaining
His lips were soft and you got a slight taste of his hot chocolate
When he pulled away he was looking intently at you
“Thanks for the gift”
Then he flicked your forehead 
“But call me short angry man again and I’ll snap your spine”
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around him
“But what if you’re my cute short and angry man?”
Renjun grumbled as he wrapped his arms around you in return
“And they said romance was dead”
“With you around, it might as well be”
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neoangelz · 6 years
Me: *asks my followers to send me writing prompts*
My Followers: *send writing prompts to my inbox*
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neoangelz · 6 years
my life would be so much easier if i coulD JUST FINISH THIS STORY
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neoangelz · 6 years
TEASING TRICK AFSHDJKDLEWOIWHW2BNXXKOEUWHWBDNX 💘❤💖❤💖💗🖤🖤💗🧡💙💛🧡💚🧡💛💖💓💞🧡💌💝❣💞🧡💟💤💌💞💛💞💘💘💖💜💙💘🧡💕💘💖💘
oh my goodness I forgot I had written that and I went back to read it and I felt so embarrassed ahhhhhh I’m so glad you liked it tho 💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞
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neoangelz · 6 years
wip tag
the tag: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
I was tagged by: @renjunswendy & @stormae 💕
Cupid’s Blade - Ten is the king’s assassin, you’re the daughter of a general ( fantasy au )
Sweater - Yukhei’s spills something on his sweater and you wash it for him, leaving a wild shirtless boy to roam about your abode
Champagne - You crash a party just to get a glimpse into the life of luxury, but end up downing drinks with Jeonghan, a boy who easily gets under your skin ( 1920’s au )
False Halos - Jaehyun is part of some group of vigilantes and you get swept up in the mess ( gang au )
Bulletpoint WIPS
kissing Jaehyun
kissing Yukhei
Pirate Yuta
Hogwarts AUs
I’ll tag @chocojaehyun and @jaeminlore!
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neoangelz · 6 years
nctories >>>>>>> spacehei
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neoangelz · 6 years
hello everyone, I’m going on a hiatus because it’s hard for me to distribute content as of recently, and now that school has started, I really need to focus on my studies. I want to be able to write my stories without the pressure of a deadline. I hope to be back when I can.
Thank you all for reading my stories 💕
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neoangelz · 6 years
Dear Fanfiction Readers,
If you’re afraid to leave a review/comment because you think it’ll sound stupid, don’t be. Just leave an incoherent reply in all caps. We love that shit.
A Fic Writer that needs constant validation. 
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neoangelz · 6 years
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neoangelz · 6 years
melting || johnny seo
Tumblr media
genre: fluff
words: 2.5k+
overview: it’s the hottest day of the year and Johnny is going to drag you to the beach like his life depends on it. A/N: lots of cheesy stuff because that’s how I like it folks
It was a hot day, possibly the hottest day yet this year.
Personally, you thought it was too hot. Which was why you were clad in a sports bra and the shortest shorts you owned. It was worse because you were in the city, which meant no ocean or lake to swim in, and the constant annoying sputtering of air conditioners from your neighbors all around you. Not even the strawberry popsicle you were devouring ( it was your third one too ) could cool you down. You thought of going to the closest community pool, but it was probably packed.
"This sucks," you groaned, displeased that your fan was cranked up to the highest it could go. "Is this how I die?"
"I hope not, although you would die looking pretty hot."
Oh no, a lame pun used to flirt. That could only mean...
"Johnny, how did you get in here?"
"Your mom let me in."
You looked over, Johnny Seo, your best friend of longer than you can remember, stood in the doorway of your bedroom. "I don't even live with my mom, dummy. I thought I said to only use the key for emergencies." Clad in a tank top, swim trunks, sunglasses and a backwards baseball cap, he looked like a jock headed to the pool to pick up girls. "What's with the get up? You look like some swag wannabe from 2012."
Johnny laughed. "It is an emergency! It's hot so I'm taking you to the beach," he said, striking an excited pose. The closest beach was a two hour drive away, and that's if you don't include the city traffic.
"Johnny, that's too far away and we wouldn't get to be there for very long. Let's just go to the community pool." You rolled over, trying to find a position by your air conditioner so that it would give you a breeze. 
"It's closed."
You almost fell off your bed. "Closed!? Why is it closed!?"
"Too many people, they had to close for the day. So we should head to the beach right now because I'm sure others are headed there too and I don't wanna get stuck in traffic." 
You groaned. It wasn't like the beach would be any better, hot and full of people, but at least you could swim. You stood up and began searching for your bathing suit. "Fine, lets go to the beach."
You should've just stayed in your hot apartment. You both were right about the traffic being bad, you've been sitting here for an hour now. It didn't help that Johnny's AC decided to stop working, on all days to stop working. You stuck your hand out the open window and directed your hand at the sun, flipping it off. Johnny laughed. "That won't help anything." He popped in a cd and cranked the stereo up. A familiar tune reached your ears and you looked at him in surprise.
"This is-"
"Our cd? Yeah it is!" He cheered, imitating the piano keys to MCR's 'Welcome to the Black Parade'. You laughed, you couldn't believe he kept the cd after all these years, and in his car no doubt! That means he listens to it frequently. 
"Ew, you can totally tell we made this in 8th grade."
"Hey, MCR are timeless, don't disrespect my kings ever again."
"Oh my lord Johnny."
You laughed at all of Johnny's lame attempts to re-glorify all the songs on the cd and enjoyed the nostalgia that the songs brought. Seemed just like yesterday you and Johnny were sitting on his living room couch with his bulky dell laptop between your laps, picking songs to burn onto the cd. Your backpacks full of homework, tossed to the side, because everyone knows making playlists are so much more fun. You smiled at the memory. Soon the heat didn't bother you and eventually traffic was finally moving.
You found yourself singing along at the top of your lungs as nature whizzed by behind you. Miraculously, Johnny's AC kicked in two hours into your trip. You both practically screamed in relief and cranked it as high as it could go. Your hair stuck to your face due to the sweat and you could finally brush it back without worrying about it sticking back again. Something glistened in the sun from far away and you knew right away what it was.
"The ocean!" You both said in unison. You giggled and bumped Johnny's shoulder with your fist. Soon the paved road turned into dirt and crushed stone as you pulled into the parking spaces for the beach. You practically flew out the car door and would've gunned it down the path and straight into the water, but Johnny held a firm grip on your beach coverup. 
"Easy there honey," he chuckled, but then he made a funny face. Meanwhile, your heart fluttered a little when he called you honey. You and Johnny have called each other cheesy pet names as a joke in the past and always laughed your heads off, but this time you were both frozen. You awkwardly laughed it off, and he cleared his throat. "Anyways, help me carry stuff down, I drove you here."
"Yeah but you practically forced me to come, need I remind you."
Johnny scoffed and handed you the beach umbrella and your backpack. He slung his own bag over his shoulder and grabbed the cooler. "Don't be a square, let's go have some fun!" And with that he was off, leaving you standing there. Did he just refer to you as a square? Surely he's still not using 'Be there or be square' catchphrase. He hasn't used that phrase since high school, at least not that you've heard anyways. 
You followed after him, chuckling at how much he was still the same Johnny you knew all these years. Just slightly taller, and somehow more good looking. You shook your head at the last thought, and quickly picked up your pace so that soon you were walking right behind him. You were right about the crowds, the beach was packed. But the sight of the ocean made you not care. You could swim soon, the heat would hold no more power over you. You and Johnny somehow magically found a spot to set up. After having the umbrella close on him, and you not helping him for about two minutes because you were too busy laughing and taking pictures, you finally had a nice little spot set up.
"Finally! Now we can swim!" You cheered, pulling your beach cover off. You felt even better after shedding a layer. You were about to take off in a dead sprint, but you noticed Johnny had froze. You turned and saw him just staring at you. "Uh hello? Earth to Johnny?"
Johnny shook his head. "Sorry, I spaced out for a second." Then he threw his cap and sunglasses onto his towel and pulled his shirt over his head. Yeah, you knew Johnny had a nice body, he often tried to drag you to the gym with him, but you refused. Now you could see what waking up early every morning did for him. His toned chest and arms, the sun making his skin somehow even more radiant. You suddenly felt even hotter, your face burning. You didn't wait for him and sprinted right into the water and dove under. The water washed away the heat and sweat that built up, and when you resurfaced you felt refreshed and cool. 
Johnny swam up to you, a big grin on his face. "See, I told you this was a good idea."
You rolled your eyes and shoved him away. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." You splashed water at him, only to discover he wasn't there. "Johnny?" 
Then you were being lifted up and out of the water. "What the-!" You clung onto Johnny as he held you. "Bold of you to assume I would find this funny," you said, sarcastically.
"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't." He lifted you higher.
"Johnny, I swear... don't you dare throw-"
You hit the surface of the water, breaking through it. A stinging pain shocking all your nerves for a moment. You resurfaced to Johnny who was laughing so hard he almost choked. "You wanna play games? Fine, square up Seo!"
"Bring it on loser."
You were exhausted after playing so much in the water. It wasn't so hot now and the crowd gradually decreased in numbers. Johnny had music playing through a small portable speaker, and with the music mixing with the sound of ocean ways tumbling against the shore somehow added to your sleepiness. You would've fallen asleep, if your stomach hadn't growled loudly.
"Gee, how did you know?" You groaned, sitting up. 
Johnny began fishing through the cooler, handing you a sandwich, some fruit and a bottle of water. You looked at the sandwich, it had all your favorite condiments on it. He knew you so well.
"No chips?" You joked.
Johnny stared at you. He unzipped his backpack and produced a large bag of spicy barbecue potato chips. "I didn't want them to get soggy, thank you," he tutted. You smiled and took the bag from his hands. 
"I hope our future children inherit your lame sense of humor. The world would be so boring without it,"
Johnny stared at you, eyes wide.
"What?" You asked, confused.
"You- you just said our future children," he mumbled. 
A blush crept its way to your cheeks and you tried to fight it. "No, I said your future children, silly."
"Oh, maybe I'm hearing things."
"Probably," You nervously laughed. You open the chips and began to munch on them, along with your sandwich. Johnny twisted his bottle of water open and took a swig. You both sat there eating and enjoying the music. You couldn't believe your slip up earlier, what was that all about!? Talk about the most embarrassing thing to ever happen. Luckily, Johnny seemed to have forgotten all about it. 
After eating, you ended up falling asleep. Johnny used your cover up as a blanket and draped it over you. He pulled out a book he wanted to read as sat there, occasionally peeking over at you to see if you were alright. His mind was buzzing with what you said earlier, surely he heard you correctly. When you woke up, the beach was almost empty. The sun was hanging low over the horizon, about ready to start setting. 
You watched with dreamy eyes and the way the sky changed to hues of pinks and purples, golds and flaming oranges. You felt a hand on your shoulder. "We should start packing up, don't wanna get stuck in traffic again."
You stood up and brushed off any sand on you. You then gave your coverup a shake before pulling it over your head. Making sure your beach towel was also sand free, you folded it up and placed it in your backpack. Johnny started picking up trash and threw it away, packed the cooler and closed the umbrella. The sun was starting to vanish when you both started walking back to Johnny's car.
The air was cool, a complete contrast to earlier. "It'll get warmer as we get closer to the city, so relish in this as much as you can," Johnny said. He loaded everything into the trunk and walked over to the passenger side of the vehicle and opened the door for you.
"Why thank you kind sir," you teased. 
"Don't mention it, m'lady."
As the engine started, you looked out the window just in time to watch the sun vanish beneath the water, as if she wanted to go for a swim herself. You buckled yourself in and relaxed in your seat as Johnny drove off. Crushed earth turned to smooth paved roads and you watched as nature whizzed by, gradually turning into more developed areas and civilization. 
Johnny had connected his phone to the car speakers and soon music could be heard once more. "I would have never pegged you as an indie person," you said, enjoying the soft voice of the female singer who was currently playing. You made a mental note to look the song up later. 
"I'm still full of surprises, are I?"
"I guess so."
You looked out the window, stars appearing one by one in the inky sky. You reached for your water bottle at the same time Johnny reached for his. Something warm and soft, that was definitely not your water bottle, met your hand. You looked over and saw that it was Johnny's hand. You both yanked away super fast, thankful that it was fairly dark so you couldn't see your dark cheeks. 
"Sorry I was-"
"I was going for my water-" 
Awkward silence filled the car. Soon you were back in the city, colorful lights illuminating through the windshield and reflections dancing on your skin. You reached your apartment complex, and after parking, you both just sat in the car. 
"That was a lot of fun, thanks for dragging me out of my apartment. I probably would've died in there," you joked. You hoped your ac managed to suck out some of the hot air and cool it down while you were gone. Johnny just stared at the steering wheel, as if he was contemplating something. "Johnny, you okay?"
"Yeah sorry, spacing out again."
"You spaced out quite a bit today, something going on?" You looked over at him and he turned towards you. The city lights somehow made him look even more attractive and you cursed under your breath. 
"Kind of hard not to space out when you have a beautiful girl in your presence."
His words went right to your heart, and nothing could stop you from feeling jittery. "Are you flirting with me, Mr. Seo?"
"Only have been for the past 4 months or so, thanks for noticing."
You were shocked. 4 months? So all those comments you thought of as your usual banters were him flirting? So what he said this morning, then, too...
"Well... to be fair, they could be easily confused for your jokes," you confessed. It was the honest truth, you just thought he was being silly. Granted, you always found yourself becoming more and more attracted to Johnny. With his silly jokes, adorable laugh which you could never tire of hearing, charming smile and his good heart. You remembered actually taking a good look at him one day, realizing he had gotten far too handsome. 
"I figured, I'm glad that's just what it was though, and not you rejecting me." Johnny groaned and rested his head on the wheel. Then he sat up again. "So... Y/N, how do you feel about this?"
"I'm honestly flattered, I wish I noticed earlier."
Johnny's face brightened. "So that means..."
He didn't have time to finish, as you leaned over and kissed his cheek. "If that was your way of asking me to be your girlfriend, there was my answer." You giggled and unbuckled your seat, grabbing your backpack from the back and swung it over your shoulder. Johnny sat there, stunned. 
"Thanks Johnny, I'll text you when I get inside." With that, you shut the door. As you walked up the steps, you turned around to make sure Johnny was okay. He was doing a happy dance in his seat and you burst out laughing. 
"That's my boyfriend," you chuckled, the very thought making you feel warm and happy.
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neoangelz · 6 years
DONT APOLOGIZE FOR HAVING A LIFE!! ur life isnt supposed to revolve around this blog and if u post stuff late then u post stuff late!! its nbd cuz u need to take care of yourself and your needs before anyone elses!! so take care of yourself and relax now that its summer!! i love u!!
Thank you so much. I just feel so bad because everyone waits for so long 😔
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