#metaverse virtual city
metaverseconsul · 19 days
MetaSphere: Your Virtual Social Hub
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Explore a Metaverse virtual city designed for social interaction, with dedicated spaces for every interest group.
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klogggzz · 1 year
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B!tches Mad, Kause I Look Bad As H3LL💫
🎽👖👡~ @Her_SL | “Sylena Set” (inkludes top/bottom/heels & is Available @ Cakeday)🤍💫
💅🏼~ @shop1990.sl | “Iridescent Croc Set” (Available @ Sabbath Event)🖤💫
🕶~ @xetament ; DIEM | "Clero Shield” (Available @ The Mainstore)🤍💫
LM📍: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/CAKEDAY/101/64/30
LM📍: http://
1990 Mainstore🏪: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Redwood/98/57/3667
HER Mainstore🏪: https://l.instagram.com/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmaps.secondlife.com%2Fsecondlife%2FDragon%20Mountain%2F161%2F240%2F22&e=ATM6tKYLYm_Aif534__8Z1HHLMUlBraqnM39g8NgqLNWBYHaDBQxkhH0qI4fsRlA31CvV5_sk07XXZBxRAoRoitD_pCQzEc8B4eqQng&s=
Diem Mainstore🏪: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Neptune/41/29/2802
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leroyjefferey · 2 years
Enchanting Week-Blessed by Angels Oracle cards weekly message.
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skylarwoodford · 10 months
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Dance the night away!
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metaversegeneration · 2 years
giveaway contest GDCC Blockchain
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Metaverse - What is it? Can We do Retail Shopping in Revolutionary Metaverse? 2022
What's interesting is how the metaverse will change retail experiences for both consumers and brands. With only sight and sound, our senses are limited, potentially leaving much to be desired.
Metaverse – What is it? Can We do Retail Shopping in Revolutionary Metaverse? Impact of Metaverse on Retail Shopping? 2022 Metaverse – Imagine a virtual world in which people live, work, shop, and interact with others all from the comfort of their couch in the physical world. This is known as the metaverse. “Metaverse” didn’t become a household term until Facebook changed its corporate name to…
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Since the virtual reality service’s launch in 2021, the so-called “successor to the mobile internet” became the recipient of a kind of soaring hype few things are ever blessed with. According to Insider, McKinsey claimed that the Metaverse would bring businesses $5 trillion in value. Citi valued it at no less than $13 trillion. There was only one problem: The whole thing was bullshit. Far from being worth trillions of dollars, the Metaverse turned out to be worth absolutely bupkus. It’s not even that the platform lagged behind expectations or was slow to become popular. There wasn’t anyone visiting the Metaverse at all. The sheer scale of the hype inflation came to light in May. In the same article, Insider revealed that Decentraland, arguably the largest and most relevant Metaverse platform, had only 38 active daily users. The Guardian reported that one of the features designed to reward users in Meta’s flagship product Horizon Worlds produced no more than $470 in revenue globally. Thirty-eight active users. Four hundred and seventy dollars. You’re not reading those numbers wrong. To say that the Metaverse is dead is an understatement. It was never alive.
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cyberpunkonline · 7 months
Cyberspace Sentinels: Tracing the Evolution and Eccentricities of ICE
As we hark back to the embryonic stages of cyber defense in the late 1990s, we find ourselves in a digital petri dish where the first firewalls and antivirus programs are mere amoebas against a sea of threats. The digital defenses of yore, much like the drawbridges and moats of medieval castles, have transformed into a labyrinth of algorithms and machine learning guards in today's complex cybersecurity ecosystem. The sophistication of these systems isn't just technical; it's theatrical.
The drama unfolds spectacularly in the cyberpunk genre, where Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics (ICE) are the dramatis personae. Let's peruse the virtual halls of cyberpunk media to encounter the most deadly, and delightfully weird, iterations of ICE, juxtaposing these fictional behemoths against their real-world counterparts.
We commence our odyssey with William Gibson’s "Neuromancer," where ICE is not only a barrier but a perilous landscape that can zap a hacker's consciousness into oblivion. Gibson gives us Black ICE, a lethal barrier to data larceny that kills the intruding hacker, a grim forerunner to what cybersecurity could become in an age where the stakes are life itself.
CD Projekt Red’s "Cyberpunk 2077" gives us Daemons, digital Cerberuses that gnash and claw at Netrunners with malevolent intent. They symbolize a cyber-Orwellian universe where every keystroke could be a pact with a digital devil.
The chromatic haze of "Ghost in the Shell" offers ICE that intertwines with human cognition, reflecting a reality where software not only defends data but the very sanctity of the human mind.
In Neal Stephenson’s "Snow Crash," the Metaverse is patrolled by ICE that manifests as avatars capable of digital murder. Stephenson's vision is a reminder that in the realm of bytes and bits, the avatar can be as powerful as the sword.
"Matrix" trilogy, portrays ICE as Sentinels — merciless machines tasked with hunting down and eliminating threats, a silicon-carbon ballet of predator and prey.
On the small screen, "Mr. Robot" presents a more realistic tableau — a world where cybersecurity forms the battleground for societal control, with defense systems mirroring modern malware detection and intrusion prevention technologies.
"Ready Player One," both the novel and Spielberg's visual feast, portrays IOI’s Oology Division as a form of corporate ICE, relentless in its pursuit of control over the Oasis, guarding against external threats with a militaristic zeal that mirrors today's corporate cybersecurity brigades.
And let’s not overlook the anarchic "Watch Dogs" game series, where ICE stands as a silent sentinel against a protagonist who uses the city’s own connected infrastructure to bypass and dismantle such defenses.
Now, let us tether these fictional marvels to our reality. Today’s cybersecurity does not slumber; it's embodied in the form of next-gen firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and advanced endpoint security solutions. They may not be as visceral as the ICE of cyberpunk, but they are no less sophisticated. Consider the deep packet inspection and AI-based behavioral analytics that cast an invisible, ever-watchful eye over our digital comings and goings.
Nevertheless, the reality is less bloodthirsty. Real-world cyber defense systems, as advanced as they may be, do not threaten the physical well-being of attackers. Instead, they stealthily snare and quarantine threats, perhaps leaving cybercriminals pining for the days of simple antivirus skirmishes.
But as the cyberverse stretches its tendrils further into the tangible world, the divide between the fantastical ICE of cyberpunk and the silicon-hardened guardians of our networks grows thin. With the Internet of Things (IoT) binding the digital to the physical, the kinetic potential of cybersecurity threats — and therefore the need for increasingly aggressive countermeasures — becomes apparent.
Could the ICE of tomorrow cross the Rubicon, protecting not just data, but physical well-being, through force if necessary? It is conceivable. As cyberpunk media illustrates, ICE could morph from passive digital barricades into active defenders, perhaps not with the murderous flair of its fictional counterparts but with a potency that dissuades through fear of tangible repercussions.
In the taut narrative of cybersecurity’s evolution, ICE remains the enigmatic, omnipresent sentinel, an avatar of our collective desire for safety amidst the binary storm. And while our reality may not yet feature the neon-drenched drama of cyberpunk's lethal ICE, the premise lingers on the periphery of possibility — a silent admonition that as our digital and physical realms converge, so too might our defenses need to wield a fiercer bite. Will the cyberpunk dream of ICE as a dire protector manifest in our world? Time, the grand weaver of fate, shall unfurl the tapestry for us to see.
- Raz
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machinegrl · 6 months
ty for tagging me @vicciouxs ! ♡
tagging: @skaterboisims , @scifidreams , @lilamausmaus (idk if u've been tagged already feel free to skip tho!)
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ANIMAL: luna moth
COLORS: june bud
MONTH: june
SONG(S): world ♡ princess - grimes  , i wanna be software - grimes , metadata - willix and ZØMB , stargirl - yameii online
PLANTS: wisteria
SMELLS: peppermint / menthol
GEMSTONE: alexandrite
TIME OF DAY: midnight til dawn
SEASON: summer
PLACES: metaverse / a bustling city
FOOD: cotton candy
DRINKS: pixel flavored coca cola byte or ramune soda
ELEMENT: space / akasha
SEASONINGS: paprika / black pepper
SKY: starry night skies
WEATHER: summer breeze
MAGICAL POWER: teleportation / shapeshifting
WEAPONS: laser guns
SOCIAL MEDIA: twitch / myspace
MAKEUP PRODUCT: lip gloss, glitter & graphic liners
CANDY: pop rocks
ART STYLE: contemporary
FEAR: kenophobia
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: android / virtual girl
PIECE OF STATIONARY: neon gel pens
CELESTIAL BODY: star clusters
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zts134070142 · 6 days
"Virtual City", "Floating Island" Metaverse lets your dreams fly and lets you experience virtual life #谢章 #第五城 # Vcity.app
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metaverseconsul · 19 days
Explorer's Edge: Discover the Uncharted
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Navigate through dynamic landscapes, from ancient ruins to futuristic Metaverse Virtual city .
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skylarwoodford · 10 months
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An evening out with my amazing friend, Jae
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Metaverse - How Do You Build a (Digital) City?
Metaverse – How Do You Build a (Digital) City?
Metaverse – How Do You Build a (Digital) City? Virtual Reality – “The Internet today spans 200 countries, 40,000 different networks, millions of servers, billions of websites, tens of billions of different devices and billions of different people,” says Matthew Ball, a venture capitalist and author of a new book called “The Metaverse and it will revolutionized everything?” “But it’s primarily 2D.…
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minecraftdreamer · 3 months
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The morning was excellent and the city awoke slowly. Sunlight fell in slants across the grand facade of the cathedral, casting pixelated shadows that played on the well-trimmed digital hedges. It was quiet now, the kind of stillness that would saturate the air before the virtual visitors walked the cobblestone paths and admired the minarets and spires that reached up towards the cerulean sky. The river, a shivering blue ribbon, cut through the heart of the landscape, reflecting a world that didn't need to breathe but was nonetheless alive.
In this corner of the metaverse, someone had spent countless hours stacking blocks upon blocks to recreate what many knew as an iconic monument, crafting it with the care of a stone mason of the old. They had built not just a memorial, but a sanctuary where the secular rubbed shoulders with the devout, where creeper and avatar would stand in equal awe. There won't be natural wind here, but the leaves seemed to rustle; no scent of fresh bread from the boulangeries, yet one could almost taste the warm croissants.
Would the creator wander these virtual alleys, a silent observer of the bustling activity that would soon fill this void? Or would they, too, become a participant, forging stories and memories in this grand homage to a city known for love and art? Time here ticked at the pace of servers and connections, devoid of the mortal constraints yet bound by the aspirations of those who breathed life into these squares and rectangles.
The cathedral stood testifying to man's pursuit of beauty and immortality, whether on earth or in this realm of creativity and imagination. The morning sun continued its ascent, promising a day of possibility in this pixelated Paris—a world within a world.
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odaclan · 1 year
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Breaking news! Gifu city announced a “Metaverse Gifu Castle” project. Metaverse, in this case referring to a virtual space, aims to recreate the Gifu city and castle of Nobunaga’s time and allow visitors to view them using VR apps.
The initial phases is projected to launch summer of 2023, with the more complex VR functions hopefully ready to access by incoming visitors in 2024. 
The archaeological team has so far been able to excavate and study enough material to allow the digital artist team to create a full 3D reproduction of the castle (see the above images), but now they’re aiming to push it further for a more immersive experience. 
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kreuzaderny · 11 months
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Lessons From the Catastrophic Failure of the Metaverse
There was a time, not so long ago, when every major architect on this planet was “building” in the Metaverse, the brand name for the open-world virtual reality platform and associated projects under the aegis of Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta. Last year, some staggering names such as Zaha Hadid Architects, Grimshaw, Farshid Moussavi, and, of course, the Bjarke Ingels Group pledged to create “virtual cities,” virtual “offices,” and equally vague sounding “social spaces” to be funded with cryptocurrency and supplied with art (NFTs). The eagerness to latch onto whatever the newest trend the increasingly desperate and failure-prone tech industry dished out was so palpable that even real-life developers like hotel chain CitizenM and brands like Jose Cuervo got involved and threw what one presumes is a whole lot of actual money at the enterprise. The rush to move into virtual real estate was a full-on frenzy.
In some respects, who could blame these companies and firms? Since the virtual reality service’s launch in 2021, the so-called “successor to the mobile internet” became the recipient of a kind of soaring hype few things are ever blessed with. According to Insider, McKinsey claimed that the Metaverse would bring businesses $5 trillion in value. Citi valued it at no less than $13 trillion.
There was only one problem: The whole thing was bullshit. Far from being worth trillions of dollars, the Metaverse turned out to be worth absolutely bupkus. It’s not even that the platform lagged behind expectations or was slow to become popular. There wasn’t anyone visiting the Metaverse at all.
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