nemworld · 10 months
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*会場:Gallery IYN / Creation Cafe IYN
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azumikanon · 2 years
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Family of Minority 猫人の世界で一人の人間の少女が、猫人の母親や仲間たちに囲まれてのんびり楽しく暮らす風景を北欧の夏至祭になぞらえて描きました。 The work depicts a human girl living a joyful life in a cat person's world, surrounded by her cat person mother and her friends, in a scene likened to a Mid Summer eve. #illustration #illustagram #art #midsummafestival #catart #girl #イラスト #IYN #MESSAGE展 #夏至祭 #アート #猫 #少女 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfL9RAEv_My/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yanarchy072 · 2 years
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・ ・ #いじめカッコ悪い #前園真聖 ・ 懐かしいよねえ。 ・ #ACジャパン50周年広告展 ・ #広告 #ad #メッセージ #message ・ #カレッタ汐留 #東京 #tokyo #日本 #nippon ・ #instaad #adstagram #instagood #instapic (アドミュージアム東京(入場無料)) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClipMJHpS1t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kajahealer · 2 years
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🌞 Spiritual Message 心靈簡訊|仙女們知道如何神奇地展現他們所有的物質需求和慾望|���文
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
仙女們知道如何神奇地展現他們所有的物質需求和慾望,他們還幫助人們 - 比如你自己 - 實現他們的夢想。
Early Access|https://www.patreon.com/posts/74059509
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#集體意識 #能量訊息 #傳播光愛
💞 Let Love Flow 讓愛流動
🌐 https://kajasht.wixsite.com/kajahealer
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yullen · 7 months
D.Gray-man c249 p1~18 TL
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D.Gray-man 第249後: AWに別れを告げる Night 249: Saying Farewell to A.W.
束の間の団欒僅かな幸せを頬ばりながら While stuffing one’s cheeks with a brief moment of happiness together, gathered in a circle
google doc | JP transcription | proofreading: @/kudouusagi ※there are likely inaccuracies, feel free to check back.
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さて!  Now, then!
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あの......  Allen: Um……
ずっと同じ服装だと危険だから着替えなさい It’s dangerous to keep the same attire, so please change.
逃亡もののジョーシキ!  Common sense, for fugitives!
ここの物は自由に使っていいから Feel free to use these.
Link: 私は結構てす  I'm good.
お金のニオイがする A:  I smell money
これブランド品では...!? A: These are brand-name...?!
うーんちょっと大きいな   動きやすく手直しするね Johnny: Hm, a little big. I’ll adjust it for ease of movement.
いやこれブランド品... A: No but wait— these are brand-name...
科学班モード [ Science Department Mode ]
昨日からずっと気になってたんですが... この高級なお宅は元帥の一体どういう......? A: I’ve been wondering since yesterday, but... what is this posh place of yours, General......?
ついでに髪も切ろっか!座ってアレン J: While we’re at it, why don’t I give your hair a cut! Sit, Allen.
ああ  はい.. A: Ah, sure...
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靴はこれでいいかな Wonder if these shoes will do.
ここは私のパトロンの別邸だから気にしないで This is a secondary residence of a patron’s, so don’t mind it.
え!?  Eh?!
元帥は画家としても有名なんだよ   いくつかこういう拠点を持ってる The General is also famous as a painter. He has a few of these places.
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なるほど...   師匠の愛人と似たようなものか... I see... So it’s like with Master’s lovers, huh...
あの不良と一緒にしないでね Please don’t lump me in with that hoodlum.
すみませんっ!!!   [ アレン ] Pardon, my bad!!!  [ Allen ]
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パトロン......   あっ Patrons......  Ah,
クロスが一番信用してた人間に聞いてみるといい Try asking the person Cross trusted most.
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オレの精神世界に在る屋敷 あの場所を目指せと���ロスに言われたんだろ? The mansion in my inner world  (lit. inner psychological world) Cross told you to head to that place, didn’t he?
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はいカットできあがり~! Cut complete~!
あのッ  ここ電話機はあります? Um, do you have a phone (I can use)?
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ジリリリリン  ジリリリリン  Riririririring  Riririririring 
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なんだ  おまえか  Oh hey, it’s you.
マザーーー!!  Mother———!!
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「クロス元師が一番信用してた人間」かぁ... The person General Cross trusted most, huh…
ネアがわざわざウォーカーにメッセージしてきたのなら 何か進展がありそうですね If Nea (went out of his way) to leave Walker this message, then there (should) likely be some progress from this.
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でもさぁ〜〜〜  それってなんか 罠っぽく思えちゃうのは感が過ぎないのかなぁ But you know~~~  It’s just that, it seems much too like a trap.
ネアと言う男はそういう小細工を嫌うタイプかと Link: Nea seems to be the type of man to dislike such cheap tricks. (this is the revised JP script, cr for JP script: @/ponkotsubluuues)
アレンの上着をつめてます Sewing Allen’s jacket (つめて is used for e.g. ‘taking in’ a shirt, but chose ‘adjust’ since it’s vaguer  chose the more liberal option for more amusing tone)
私が思うにですが   ネアという男は   ちゃうのは考え過ぎなのかなぁ~~~~ This is (just) my opinion, but a man such as Nea might say,  “I wonder if you aren’t overthinking it~~~~”
ホントぉ〜〜〜!?  Really~~~?!
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どちらかといえば”手段を選んでいられない”というように思える... If anything, I think it’s more like he “isn’t at liberty to choose his methods”...
ネアにとってこの現状は計画通りにいっていないのかもな Perhaps things aren’t going as planned for Nea.
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わざわざメッセージを寄越したんだ 罠じゃなくても屋敷へ行ってもらいたい狙いがあんだろ おそらくネアは聖戦の真実や自分のことをモヤシに知られることを怖れていない   知って欲しいんだ He went out of his way to send this message, so even if it's not a trap, he (must have a reason) he wants him to go to that mansion. Nea likely isn’t afraid of letting the beansprout know the truth of the holy war or about himself. He wants (him) to know.
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キャンベル邸には根深いものがあると思ったほうがいい It’s better to think there’s something deeply rooted within the Campbell estate.
ネアからはそれ以上の情報は聞けなかったとウォーカーは言っていたが ネアが助言してきた理由を問わなかったとは思えない 本当は何か聞いたのではないのか...? でなければウォーカーがネアの言葉をすんなりと信じるわけがない Walker said he didn’t any information more than that from Nea, but I don’t think he wouldn’t question Nea's motives for giving counsel. Did he really not ask/hear anything (else)...? Otherwise, Walker wouldn’t be believing Nea’s words without any trouble.
あの時鏡の前でウォーカーは確かにうろたえていた... ネアに何を言われた? ここまできて我々に伝えることをためらうようなことがまだあるのか At that time, in front of the mirror, Walker did seem perturbed... What did Nea say to him? Is there still something he’s hesitant to share with us, who’ve come this far?
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元気そうじゃないか   で?用件は何だい   Don’t you seem well.   Well? Something you need?
マザーじゃなかったら他に心当たりがないのでどうか頼みます……! If not Mother, then I have no idea who else to ask, so please......!
あ? Huh?
カテリーナ"イヴ"キャンベルという人を知りませんか? Do you know anyone named Katerina “Eve” Campbell?
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?  マザー?  Mother?
...どこでその名を?  ...Where did you hear that name?
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その...師匠から   幻だったかもしれませんが...    Well, that’s... from Master.   It might’ve just been a dream/illusion, but…
え~~と... でいいよな? Eerm...   This is fine, right?
あいつめ... 生きていたんだね That man...  He’s alive, isn’t he.
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...いつかおまえにその名を尋ねられたら   ”ある人物”を紹介するようクロスから言付かってるよ ...Cross told me that if you ever asked about that name, I should introduce you to "a certain person".
この役目を果たす時がきたか... So it’s come time for me to fulfill this role... 
今から言うことは書いて残さず頭で覚えな From now, without writing anything down, remember what I say in your head.
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ウィンダーミアの街に鳩と梟を掲げた「ズーグル」という名の古書店がある そのマスターが「宿主」を待っているだろう In the town of Windermere, there is an antiquarian bookshop named "Zoogle", raising on it a dove and an owl. Its owner will be there, waiting for “the host”.
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証となるティムキャンピーをみせな   それが信用を得る唯一の合図だ As evidence, show Timcanpy as proof.   That is the sole sign to earn their trust.
……!? ティムが...Tim...
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マザー   実は  ティムは…… Mother.   Actually, Tim is already......
そうか...   アタシが言えるのはこれだけだ あとはおまえが何とかするしかないよ Is that so... That’s all I have to say. You’ll have to manage the rest.
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おそらくただの古書店じゃないだろうさ 宿主だと証明できなければ殺されるかもしれない   油断するんじゃないよ It’s most likely not just any antiquarian bookstore. If you can’t prove you’re the host, they might kill you.  Don’t be careless, now.
うん  やってみます     ありがとうマザー Alright, I’ll give it a try.   Thank you, Mother.
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.....はっ  Haー   なにが油断するなだ......   馬鹿かアタシは......   What’s that about carelessness...   What am I, a fool…
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宿主を待ってる人物ってことはネアの協力者ってことなのかな? The one waiting for the host, I wonder if that means he’s a collaborator of Nea’s?
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すっすごく危険な気がするんだけど! That–That sounds super dangerous!
安心しろよどこへ行こうがおまえとモヤシは危険だ Relax, no matter where you go, you and the beansprout will be in danger.
うぐぅ    それはたしかに Gerk–!    Well, that’s for certain.
そのズーグルさん??といいクロス元帥やリンク監査官... ネアに協力したい人間って意外といるのかなぁ    何なんだろうネアって That Mr. Zoogle?? General Cross, and Inspector Link... I wonder if there aren’t a surprising amount of people who are willing to collaborate with Nea. (lit. want to) What’s with this Nea?
ギル私はもう監査官ではありませんので    何度もいいますが Gill, I’m already no longer an Inspector.    I’ve said it many times, but.
あっ    また呼んじゃった?  Ah, I called you that again, did I?
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おそらくズーグル古書店はキャンベル邸への案内役... 危険なのはキャンベル邸だ   もしかしたらネアの生家なんじゃねぇのか 奴のホームグラウンドってわけだ The Zoogle Antiquarian Bookstore might be our guide to the Campbell Manor... The danger here is the Campbell Manor. It may be the birthplace of Nea, meaning his home ground.
ネアのメモリーが最も濃密な場所...... The place thickest with Nea’s memories...
僕もそう思う   ネアの侵食が始まってからずっと呼ばれてる気がするんです I think so as well. That place has been calling to me since Nea’s encroachment.
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夕焼けに照らされたコーネリアの木……   そこに佇むあの屋敷 The mansion standing... by Cornelia’s tree, lit by the glow of the sunset
ネアの精神世界で師匠は言ってました「ここがアレン・ウォーカーの消える場所」だって それってつまり... キャンベル邸でネアが復活するって意味なのかも In Nea’s inner world, Master said “This is where Allen Walker will disappear.” So, that is to say...  Campbell Manor might be where Nea will be reborn.
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このままクロス・マリアンの筋書きにのって良いのですかウォーカー Is it alright to follow along with Cross Marian’s plot like this, Walker?
いいじゃねーか    どの道ネアと白黒つけなきゃならねぇんだろ Isn’t it fine? We have to settle things (deal with matters of white/black) with Nea at any rate.
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どこぞの鴉もそのほうが好都合じゃねーの? Isn’t that more convenient for some Crow?
今はウォーカーの同行者ですのでウォーカーの決断に従います Now, I am Walker’s comrade, thus I will abide by Walker's decision.
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同行者だったり協力者だったり   切り替えが大変だよなぁ A comrade and a collaborator, must be so hard switching between the two, huh.
トゲ トゲ トゲ トゲ トゲ prickly x5
ウォーカーが問題ないというのですから私も全く問題ありません   ご心配なく If Walker has no issues with it, then I am also completely without issue. No worries.
ギッズギス creak/grate
仲悪~い   On ba~d terms
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うーん Umm...
まぁ神田の反応は仕方ないか……  リンク監査官のうしろにいるルベリエ長官の思惑もわかんないままだし Well, Kanda’s reaction can’t be helped… Since we still don’t know the intentions of Director Lvellie behind Inspector Link.
はは   確かに師匠の筋書きの通りにいっちゃってる感はありますよねー Haha, It definitely does seem like things are going according to Master’s plans...
このまま先へ進んだところで  宿主「アレン」が消える末路は変わらんぞ If things continue like this, the fate of the host “Allen” disappearing won’t change.
おまえはオレに宿主にされたんじゃない 自ら進んでその身をオレに捧げたんだよ おまえは  アポクリフォスに作り変えられてる I did not make you my host. You offered/sacrificed yourself to me of your own free will. You   were remade by Aprocryphos.
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…決着をつけるために教団を出てきたんですから   このまま進みます ...Since I left the Order to settle this,   I’ll keep moving forward like this.
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宿主の証か…… 師匠が僕にティムキャンピーを託してくれたのはこの為だったのかな Proof of the host...... I wonder if Master entrusted me with Timcanpy for this purpose.
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ともだちになっていいですか……? Can I become friends with him......?
師匠もティムもずっと僕に宿主の役目を果たさせるために育ててくれたのかもしれない そうだとしても  僕にとってふたりが大事な存在なのは変わらない…… Master and Tim may have been raising me for the sake of fulfilling the role of the host all along. Even so, those two being precious existences to me will not change...... 
ずっとともだちだ You were always my friend.
どこまでも一緒に行こうなティム No matter where, let’s go there together, Tim.
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着いたよ We’ve arrived.
ここで別れよう Let us part ways here.
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色々とありがとうございましたティエドール元節 Thank you, General Tiedoll. For many things.
なに  大変なのはこれからだウォーカーくん What’s that?  The hard part comes now, Walker-kun.
私とユーくんは一度教団に戻り隠密に一「マナ」の墓とアポクリフォスについて調べよう 手紙も電信も危険だろうからしばらくは連絡はとれないが  必ず情報をもってキミたちを追う Yuu-kun and I will return to the Order, and secretly investigate Mana’s grave and Aprocryphos. Since letters and telegraphs are too dangerous, we won’t be able to contact you for a while, but   we’ll definitely bring you the information and follow along.
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yyh4ever · 2 years
Review of Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition -PUZZLE-
I would like to make a summary of Togashi's Exhibition that is currently taking place at the Mori Arts Center Gallery located on the 52nd floor of Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, in Tokyo, from October 28, 2022 to January 9, 2023. After that, it will head to Osaka in Summer 2023 and to Fukuoka from Autumn 2023 to Winter 2024.
Since photos are not allowed in the venue, I will be using photos from the press and from the official catalog to illustrate my review. I focused more on the Yu Yu Hakusho Area.
The press had access to the exhibition one day before the official opening to the public. Even though photos are forbidden, you can buy the exhibition catalog at the official store. It contains the manuscripts, storyboards, original illustrations, and other exclusive materials displayed at Puzzle.
If you type "富樫義博展" (Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition) on YouTube, you will also find good coverage from the media that will provide you with a general view of the place.
Before entering the exhibition, you can rent for 700 yen a 30-min audio guide voiced by the comedian Bakarhythm and voice actor Daisuke Namikawa (Hisoka and Prince Baka VA).
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Bakarhythm is the navigator, and Daisuke is the commentary narrator. The guide includes a quiz, if you solve it correctly, you will hear a message from Hisoka.
The Exhibition consists of more than 350 original drawings distributed in 6 different spaces, plus an official shop.
Area 01. Yu Yu Hakusho
Area 02. Level E
Area 03. HunterxHunter
Area 04. World of Strange Creatures
Area 05. Yoshihiro Togashi
This little map that comes with the audio guide may help you visualize the exhibition layout. The numbers 1 to 14 are also the spots where you can hear Bakarhythm or Daisuke Namikawa talk.
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The areas have information panels with explanatory text and english translation. As english is not available in the official catalog, I tried to take notes and copy some of the explanations.
This space is basically a hallway to welcome the visitors. It introduces the author and the concept of the exhibition: "Puzzle". Several characters from all his works are displayed as puzzle pieces in the walls and hanging from the ceiling, inviting everyone to join the wonderful world of Yoshihiro Togashi.
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As soon as you enter the Prologue area, there is a black panel with a greeting from the organizers and Togashi's basic profile:
Yoshihiro Togashi was born in Shinjo, Yamagata in 1966. In 1987, his one-shot story Tonda Birthday Present was published in the Weekly Shounen Jump Special Edition Winter Special. In 1989, he made his debut as a serial manga artist with Ten de Showaru Cupid, which was published in Weekly Shounen Jump. Following the huge success of his second series, Yu Yu Hakusho (1990-1994), he became one of Weekly Shounen Jump's leading manga artists and went on to publish Level E (1995-1996) and HunterxHunter (1998-present) in Weekly Shounen Jump. Fans of all ages praises his captivating, skillful artwork.
There's also a handwritten greeting from the author himself. Photos are not allowed, but luckily, his greeting is included in the official catalog (scan by: @Vishkujo)
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Expression of Gratitude I would like to sincerely thank you for visiting the Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition -PUZZLE-. I hope everyone enjoys the various displays and information that are only available here. My progress is slow due to health reasons, but I intend to continue leaving new footprints.
Next to his dog avatar, there's a haiku poetry. I tried to follow the haiku syllable rule of 5-7-5 for each line.
Tip of my dip pen When it severs the sound is like That of my lower back - Yoshihiro Togashi
And next to Togashi's hips, there's the onomatopoeia "guki" (グキッ), which is the cracking sound of the joints. *crack*
Still in the "Prologue", right before reaching the YYH area, there's an explanation about the "Exhibition Concept".
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Togashi's works stand out in terms of "character," "setting," "depiction," and "story," all important elements in the creation of a manga. So, in order to gain a deeper understand of the charm of his series (YYH, Level E and HxH), the exhibition is focused on these 4 points:
Each series also has a fifth point called "special piece", a singularity that is particular to each one. I'll talk more about them later, but they are called:
Yu Yu Hakusho: Punch Line
Level E: An Unexpected Development
Hunter x Hunter: Nen
The handwritten manuscripts are undoubtedly a piece of the puzzle that Togashi-sensei continues to create. The idea is that you appreciate all the precious original drawings, while having in mind the five points and the thought process that goes into the completion of each piece.
After you leave the "Prologue", you will arrive at Area 01 dedicated to "Yu Yu Hakusho".
The 3 main areas "Yu Yu Hakusho", "Level E" and "HxH" begin with general information, including: serialization period in the Weekly Shounen Jump, number of chapters, copies sold, and Togashi's first comment in the Table of Contents.
Area 01. "Yu Yu Hakusho"
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Serialization Period: November 20, 1990 (Weekly Shounen Jump 51, 1990) to July 12, 1994 (Weekly Shounen Jump32, 1994). 175 chapters in total.
Series cumulative circulation (including digital editions): more than 50 million (as of September 2022)
Comment at the start of the series: "I went back to the basics and started drawing. I aim to create a story that I myself am satisfied with. I'm hoping for you support." (Yoshihiro)
If you are interested in Togashi's comments from all the 175 chapters, please have a look on my translations: Togashi’s Comments from the Table of Contents (1990-1994)
As introduced in the Prologue, Yu Yu Hakusho is explained and detailed in four topics: Character, Setting, Story and Depiction.
There is also an Introduction section that shows a synopsis of YYH, some colored manuscripts, the cover of the WSJ#51 1990, and an explanation about the production background and how Togashi came up with the name "Yu Yu Hakusho". Actually, it's the same explanation found in the volume 6 of HxH, end of chapter 46.
Synopsis "One day, a delinquent junior high school student named Yusuke Urameshi dies saving a child from a traffic accident. It was an unplanned event in the Spirit World. The Spirit World gives Yusuke a test, and after he passes it, they bring him back to life as a special exception. Then, after becoming a Spirit Detective by order of Great King Emma's son, Koenma, Yusuke joins powerful companions and begins a life of fierce battles with demons."
An interesting panel also talks about his influences.
Influenced Works "When interviewed in 2003, he said that he was influenced by H. R. Giger, who designed the alien in the 1979 movie Alien (directed by Ridley Scott). He has also stated in the first volume of Ten de Shouwaru Cupid that if he were to choose just one manga work as his favorite, he would pick The Drifting Classroom by Umezu Kazuo."
Then, we learn more about the characters, setting, story and depiction.
An informative panel introduces the characters:
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Character "There's the delinquent but hot-blooded Yusuke, the chivalrous Kuwabara, the clever Kurama, and the always cool-headed Hiei. With these four at the center, even the enemies have attracted zealous fans, and their popularity has spread to readers of all walks of life around the world. The characters' ranges are broadened by the dissonance between facial expressions that are drawn with a dramatic touch despite their caricature-like look, as well as the dissonance created by words and actions that occasionally provide comic relief in the midst of serious developments, which have heightened the appeal of the work."
There's a colored manuscript of Yusuke facing Toguro after Kuwabara's "death", and an explanatory text:
Yusuke Urameshi "Until this point, Yusuke had been enjoying fighting to some degree. That's when Younger Toguro takes Kuwabara's life (his death is actually temporary) in order to draw out Yusuke's power at the Dark Tournament. Unable to forgive himself, the soft, clear eyes of Yusuke as he stands up are enough to convey to the reader a change in his Spirit Energy and a sudden strengthening of his power."
Then, following this "Character" wall, we learn more about the other main characters of YYH. Kuwabara's highlight is the storyboard of chapter 36 (Byakko's Battle Roar!!) when he fights Byakko's beasts.
The Storyboard for Chapter 36 "The storyboard of an early work that was specially provided for this exhibition as a valuable material of the time. Chapter 36 depicts Kuwabara's battle strategy of using his Spirit Sword to skewer the beasts unleashed by Byakko, which is shocking even for Hiei."
I like that the explanatory texts also include some Togashi's comments taken from interviews and the "Yu Yu Hakusho Official Characters Book".
For example, they mentioned that Hiei wasn't supposed to become an ally, like Kurama, but it was Togashi's editor at the time who suggested it (Togashi mentioned that in a interview with Kishimoto to JUMP GIGA, 2016). A colored manuscript of the second popularity poll is also displayed with a note saying that Hiei won first place twice during the serialization. It's not mentioned, but after the serialization, there was a third poll in WSJ, and Hiei got first place again.
Character Popularity Poll "Hiei topped the character popularity polls conducted twice during the series. Initially, Kurama was drawn with a conscious effort to create a popular character, and Hiei was not even planned to be a part of the group. Hiei was only put in the group after an editor pointed out that he should be, but he eventually grew to become a beloved character with top-ranking popularity."
Other interesting comments taken from the official databook (2005) and "Yoshirin de Pon!" (1994) also appear. Kurama and Hiei weren't named after the mountains in Kyoto, but Togashi came up with their names by himself. Shuuichi's family name "Minamino" comes from celebrity Youko Minamino, and Hiei's model is Skunky from "Patalliro!". If you're interested, I made a post once of Togashi's comments about Hiei and Kurama.
Another example is the text about Toguro in the "Story" section:
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Story "The powerful enemies in the story are not necessarily absolutely evil, and the story's ending is not defined by the duality of right and wrong. The reason why Younger Toguro stopped being human, and the reason why Sensui lost faith in humanity was because they were only humans. What awaits beyond the fierce battles are questions posed to the readers by these very human characters." Younger Toguro "In the series, Koenma speculates that Younger Toguro's relentless pursuit of strength was based on his anger at his former powerlessness and his need to redeem himself for his friends. However, Mr. Togashi tell us that Younger Toguro has no remorse for his actions and all his decisions were his own to make."
The last part about Togashi's commentary on Toguro is actually an excerpt from the databook.
The "Story" section also brings a brief synopsis about Sensui, the former spirit detective.
Sensui "Sensui was a Spirit Detective before Yusuke. The dark side of humanity that he encountered during his mission changed him. Sensui, who feels that human existence itself is evil, aspires to join the demons and eventually opens the entrance to the Demon World. Sensui goes to the demon world out of contempt for humanity, and Yusuke is a demon who tries to protect humans. Although they are both Spirit Detectives, we realize that their paths were completely opposite."
I don't know if it was a matter of space, but I wish they also had talked about Yomi and the 3 Kings Arc arc in this section.
I like that on the "Setting" wall, they included a panel of Kurama VS Kaito.
Setting "Yu Yu Hakusho features a number of battle styles, including one-to-ones, battle royale, and tournaments. Yusuke and his companions are often involved in some kind of disturbance or test, whether it is against humans or demons. On the other hand, the battle settings themselves are also wide-ranging, from strength battles to brain battles to videos games, such as the Knife Edge Death Match, a head to head battle; Taboo, a battle of words without physical attacks; and Game Master, a gaming match. Each battle has a betrayal in a good sense, and the satisfying betrayal makes the reader feel even more expectations for the story."
VS Kaito "A prime example of a "brain battle" in this brilliant battle manga is the famous game between Kurama and Kaito. Kurama proposed an unusual rule: every minute, one letter of the alphabet is banned from being spoken. Something not commonly seen before, this battle of intellect highlights Kurama's cognitive capabilities and gave birth to a new type of "battle scene" that was more than a simple clash of power and strength, what's profoundly impacted the manga world."
It is said that Togashi has been inspired by many works, and the "territory" from this chapter was based off a Yasutaka Tsutsui's novel. He actually mentioned that information in an interview with Kishimoto, from Naruto's fanbook.
Yu Yu Hakusho gradually develops to a typical battle shounen, but in the Sensui Saga, it turns into a battle of wits.
The "Depiction" is a small section with some battle manuscripts from the Dark Tournament of Yusuke VS Jin and VS Younger Toguro. It talks about the impressive fights, spreads, and Togashi's skillfulness to guide the viewers between stillness and movement.
Depiction "There are many famous scenes in the series, but the battle scenes are especially impressive. The effective use of the spread, the skillful segmentation of the frame to guide the viewer's gaze, the contrast between stillness and movement that seems to stop time for the reader, and the occasional deliberately clear background are all designed to make the movement look spectacular."
After going through the introduction, and the explanations and manuscripts dedicated to the four points - Character, Setting, Story and Depiction - of the Yu Yu Hakusho series, we reach the fifth point.
When it comes to the "special piece" mentioned in the Prologue, the Yu Yu Hakusho Area has a special section called "Punch Line". The walls are decorated with the characters famous quotes, and there are also many selected manuscripts with famous lines.
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Punch Line
"Words are powerful in Yu Yu Hakusho. The work captivates the readers with monologues and explanatory text that are sometimes even more convincing than the illustrations. Famous lines includes, "I'm going to kill you with a double-page spread," "Don't underestimate the power of the evil eye," and "You don't even deserve the death." Togashi says his favorite part of the creative process is by far the making of storyboards. He says the peak of enjoyment is when he is thinking of what to draw just before starting the storyboard. Many of his hard-hitting punchlines are likely to have been created during the storyboard creative process."
I really like this special segment. Yu Yu Hakusho's lines and words have marked a whole generation and continue to attract new fans. I guess we all use some of the characters quotes in our daily lives.
One of my favorite quotes is Kurama's "You don't even deserve death" to Elder Toguro.
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After gaining a better understanding of Yu Yu Hakusho, we arrive at a bigger hall, it's finally time to appreciate the original drawings and color illustrations. They are displayed in chronological order, following the arcs of the "Spirit Detective", "Dark Tournament", "Black Chapter" (Door to Makai) and "Three Kings" (Makai Tournament). The walls are also painted and decorated with many scenes from the manga.
The cool thing about the manuscripts is that some words are actually different from the ones published, and we can even see some fine details such as Mukuro's nipples, that were erased afterwards in the comics. You can also buy copies of the manuscripts of the last two chapters in the shop.
In the center of the Yu Yu Hakusho Area, there are those big panels of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama. Behind them, there are original manuscripts called "Battle Scene Selection".
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I thought we could take photos of this central area, but they are forbidden. It's understandable, otherwise the fans would form a huge queue and obstruct the flow of people. Be aware to not step on those white/black lines. The staff called me out many times (lol).
This is an example of the carefully selected battle scenes that are behind the central panels. The double spreads of Hiei VS Seiryuu and VS Shigure are my favorite.
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The battle scenes of the quartet include manuscripts of:
Yusuke: VS Suzaku; VS Jin; VS Younger Toguro; the famous scene of Yusuke knocking every one of his opponents off of the platform, in the preliminary matches of the Makai Tournament.
Kuwabara: VS Rinku; VS Rishou; VS Elder Toguro; VS Mitarai (seaman).
Kurama: VS Touya; VS Karasu; VS Kaito; VS Elder Toguro.
Hiei: VS Seiryuu; VS Zeru; VS Shigure.
The Yu Yu Hakusho Area ends with the last chapter Act 175. "And so...". Notice the big illustration of the guys, drawn exclusive for the the Yu Yu Hakusho Artbook (2005), decorating the wall.
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Now, we head to Area 02 - Level E.
Area 02. "Level E"
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Serialization Period: September 19, 1995 (Weekly Shounen Jump 42, 1995) to December 21, 1996 (Weekly Shounen Jump Double Issue 3/4, 1997). 16 chapters in total.
Cumulative circulation (including digital editions): 2,6 million (as of September 2022)
Comment at the start of the series: "I wanted to do everything myself, so I decided to make a monthly series. Each successive chapter will appear when you've already forgotten the last one. Please feel free to read it." (Yoshihiro)
To get a better understanding of the Level E series, there is an introductory panel with a synopsis:
Synopsis "Hundreds of alien species come and go, living their lives on Earth. The only people unaware of this fact are the earthlings living on the planet. One day, Yukitaka Tsuisui, an ordinary high school student, meets a young man who calls himself an alien, and his daily life is disrupted without warning. This science fiction story depicts the strange lives of various aliens through Prince Baka, the first prince of the planet Dogra, who has both the brain of a genius and a devilish personality, and gets everyone else involved in his mischievous escapades with irreversible results."
Production Background "The production of Level E began with the unthinkable idea of creating a work that would not receive votes in a reader survey. As if to say he had drawn enough orthodox manga for his preview work, Yu Yu Hakusho, Mr. Togashi made the most of all the tools in his drawers and wrote it in an omnibus style, drawing what he liked in a monthly serialization."
Then, another panel that merges the 4 themes (Character, Setting, Story and Depiction) into a single explanation called "An Unexpected Development" (想定の斜め上).
The japanese expression "斜め上" literally means "diagonally above", and it means going up at a 45-degree angle (diagonally above) from one's imagination; to describe things that are unexpected or in a way different from what was expected. Because of its relatively widespread use since the 90s, this expression recently got into the japanese dictionary. It is said to be first used by Togashi in the Level E manga, a quote from Captain Kraft. Togashi-sensei is really a genius!
An Unexpected Development "In a sense, the lines of malicious dialogue by Kraft, a character in the work, most accurately express the essence of the work Level E. The series provides fresh surprise and excitement by always taking the least expect turns. As the fifth special piece to showcase the appeal, we have chosen one of these unexpected developments."
Initially, Level E was planned to be a self-contained series that does not need prior viewing of any other chapter to understand. However, Prince Baka was so well received by the readers, that he became the main character of Level E. It was really an unexpected development.
In this area, selected manuscripts from all 16 chapters are distributed in an 8-episode exhibition.
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In Japan, Level E is known for its 8 small episodes or arcs:
Episode 1. バカ王子・地球襲来編
Prince Baka: Invasion of Earth Arc (Chapters 01 to 03)
Episode 2. 食人鬼編
Cannibal Demon Arc (Chapters 04 to 05)
Episode 3. 原色戦隊カラーレンジャー編
Genshoku Sentai Color Rangers Arc (Chapters 06 to 09)
Episode 4. マクバク族サキ王女・ムコ探し編
Princess Saki of the Macbac Kingdom: Searching for a Husband Arc (Chapters 10 to 11)
Episode 5. 高校野球地区予選編
High School Baseball District Qualifiers Arc (Chapters 12 to 13)
On their way to the regional preliminary site for Koshien, the entire bus containing the Kisaragi High School baseball team members gets lost in a mysterious space. The baseball team tries to solve the mystery of supernatural phenomena caused by the subconscious mind, and the readers have as much fun guessing the "culprit" as the characters do.
Episode 6. 原色戦隊カラーレンジャー・人魚編
Genshoku Sentai Color Rangers: Mermaid Arc (Chapter 14)
Episode 7. バカ王子・結婚編
Prince Baka: Marriage Arc (Chapter 15)
In this chapter, Prince Baka proposes to Princess Luna. It's said that Togashi got the idea from Goku and Chichi's sudden marriage, from Dragon Ball.
Episode 8. バカ王・ハネムーン編
Prince Baka: Honeymoon Arc (Chapter 16)
This area is the smallest of the 3 series, but it feels like you're in a science fiction movie. Prince Baka's decoration is also too cute.
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Area 03. "Hunter x Hunter"
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Serialization Period: March 3, 1998 (Weekly Shounen Jump 14, 1998) to present.
Series cumulative circulation (including digital editions): more than 84 million (as of September 2022)
Comment at the start of the series: "Nice to meet you! My name is Togashi Yoshihiro, and I am excited to be able to create my dream Jump series. Please address your letters to "Toga P." (Yoshihiro)
It begins with an Introduction section:
Synopsis Gon Freecss, who aspires to become a hunter in order to find his father, Ging, passes the Hunter Exam, which is said to be extremely difficult, with the help of the friends he meets, and obtain a Hunter License. He then train as a hunter during his journey to find Ging, maturing as he overcomes various challenges. The storyline is unpredictable, and the novel Nen battles, which features both physical and intellectual combat, are just one of the elements that keep readers engaged in the adventurous action.
As explained in the Prologue, and similar to the "Yu Yu Hakusho" Area, the HxH work is also detailed in four points - Character, Setting, Story and Depiction.
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I copied the english explanations from the "Character" and "Depiction" sections:
Character "The story centers around Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio. However, in some chapters, characters other than the four are depicted as the focus of the story, and the individual characters have a strong presence that contributes to the distinctive appeal of the work."
Hyskoa "Hyskoa is a magician that Gon meets in the Hunter Exam. He is a combat enthusiast who takes great pleasure in fighting and winning against strong opponents. Mr. Togashi also describes him as a popular character whose next action is always unexpected. He is a master trickster who acts only to satisfy his own desires and becomes both an enemy and ally of Gon and his companions."
Meeleem "Meeleem is born as the king of the Chimera Ants. He is portrayed as the strongest enemy of mankind, who believes violence to be true virtue. However, his encounter with a human girl named Komugi gradually changed his mind, and he appears to grow as a statesman. The conclusion of the emotional exchange between a tyrant and a weak girl becomes a shocking scene that remains one of the most famous in manga history."
Depiciton "Mr. Togashi says that one of the most important aspects of manga portrayal is whether or not what the character is trying to do in that moment is conveyed. Evident in the depicition in HunterxHunter is a sense of confidence in the ability to make the reader understand what is going on without relying on explanatory lines or stage directions."
When it comes to the 5th point, instead of a punch line section, there is a special section called "NEN".
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This special exhibition also shows some Togashi's unpublished notes about "nen". It is called Togashi Memo's "Nen Ability Setting Material" (冨樫メモの「念能力の設定資料」). If you're interested, you can see scans of this material and translations on reddit.
My personal opinion: this is probably early notes from when Togashi was still creating and developing the nen system. It doesn't mean you have to follow those memos to the letter. I believe Togashi is still improving his ideas, and making changes over the years.
After immersing yourself in the world of HxH, we arrive at the main exhibition room. The original manuscripts follow a chronological order, beginning with Gon meeting his friends to the current arc. They are divided in 7 parts:
Hunter Exam Arc (ハンター試験編)
Heavens Arena Arc (天空闘技場編)
Yorkshin Arc (ヨークシン編)
Greed Island Arc (グリードアイランド編)
Chimera Ant Arc (キメラ=アント編)
Election Arc (選挙編)
Succession to the Throne Arc (王位継承編)
In the last arc, there is like this huge chart with all the characters that appear in the succession war. It is explained that Togashi challenged himself by asking, "How many characters can one have in one chapter of the manga?". His goal for the Succession Arc is to surpass the number of characters in Captain Tsubasa's Jr. Youth Arc (excerpt from Jump Ryu interview, 2016). They also added that counting from chapter 340, when the Kakin Kingdom was introduced, over 200 characters have already appeared in 50 chapters.
In the exhibition, the manuscripts are displayed in frames, but when you buy the official catalog or copies of Hunter x Hunter manuscripts, you realize that many of them don't use the standard HxH manuscript paper with the "Yoshihiro Togashi POT" logo, but instead, it's Naoko Takeuchi's manuscript paper. What a cute couple!
In the center of the HxH area, there's the mizumi-shiki glass (water divination glass).
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Unfortunately, we can't neither take pictures nor do the test :P
Adjacent to the HxH Area, there's a weird area with manuscripts of bizarre creatures, it's Area 04.
Area 04. "World of Strange Creatures"
This small area is a special exhibition dedicated to the bizarre creatures that appear in Togashi's works. I was happy to see Helen from Yu Yu Hakusho.
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World of Strange Creatures "The creatures (?) with bizarre designs that occasionally appear in Togashi's works leave a powerful impression. This special exhibition area features a collection of all the strange and lovable beings depicted in each work. They are an interesting bunch of designs that offer a glimpse into the creativity and tastes of the artist."
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Finally, we reach the last area.
Area 05. Yoshihiro Togashi
As the name suggests, this area is dedicated to the author.
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It begins with a timeline of his life, from his birth in 1966, the first submission to the Weekly Shounen Jump in 1986, manuscripts from his early works (one-shots and his first series "Ten de wa Showaru Cupid"), to the present day.
"Sensee wa Toshishita" was a finalist of the 20th H☆S Award in 1986. Togashi won a cash prize and got a call from Toshimasa Takahashi who became his first editor, the same who proposed to Togashi that Hiei should become a main character.
Togashi's first submission is displayed in his timeline and printed in the catalog. He used a pen name at the time, Toritome Yomoya.
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It was hard to tell the correct reading of his pen name (鳥留 夜母屋), because the furigana (reading of the chinese character) was not printed in the WSJ magazine. But, now, thanks to the exhibition, we know it reads as Toritome Yomoya.
In Yuusuke Murata's book, Hetappi Manga Laboratory Returns, Togashi mentioned that in his first submission he asked for sharp criticism that would kill his enthusiasm of a beginner. The late editor Mr. Takahashi had also mentioned that this particular line caught his attention.
It's funny that Togashi thought that someone else was in charge of creating the titles for the covers. That also crossed my mind. Yu Yu Hakusho, for example, has such a beautiful logo with stars (幽☆遊☆白書).
In the back wall of this area, there are color illustrations of all his works, and in the opposite wall from his timeline, a corner called "Creators Messages".
Creators Messages
To congratulate Togashi for his exhibition, there are a total of 9 messages and illustrations from other manga artists and celebrities.
Messages and illustrations from other mangaka
(to see HD scans, follow @Vishkujo thread on Twitter)
Yusuke Urameshi by Hirohiko Araki (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Gon Freecss, Monkey D. Luffy, and Tony Tony Chopper by Eiichiro Oda (One Piece)
Pakunoda and Hisoka Morow by Gege Akutami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Machi Komacine and Shizuku Murasaki by Koyoharu Gotouge (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka Morow, Chrollo Lucilfer, Prince Baka, and Kraft by Sui Ishida (Tokyo Ghoul)
Translated messages by #hxhsource:
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Messages from celebrities
(check original scans on @Vishku)
I translated the messages from:
Film director Chloé Zhao
Togashi-sensei, congratulations on your exhibition! "Yu Yu Hakusho" had a great artistic influence on me when I was young, and it continues to inspire my work to this day. I can't forget the emotion I felt when I first read the scene where Toguro bids farewell to Genkai on the bridge of the Spirit World. When he took off his glasses, smiled at her and uttered his last words, I was 14 years old, and cried my eyes out in a crowded bus! Toguro's last words still bring me to tears. I re-read all the volumes every year, but when I see the photo of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei on the last page, it always brings a lump to my throat. The beautiful and complex human nature of the heroes and villains depicted by Togashi-sensei has set the standard for me to tell amazing stories. Thank you, Togashi-sensei!
Actor Kento Kaku
Yoshihiro Togashi-sensei, nice to meet you. My name is Kento Kaku, and I am an actor. I am fully aware that it is very rude for someone like me to have the privilege to comment on sensei's great day. However, allow me to inform you. When I saw sensei's work for the first time, was deeply impressed. By the story, the characters, the development, the structure, everything. Once I came across it, my criteria for "amusing" became sensei's work. I was at a loss. I was no longer excited by other stories. How many times did I practice the Black Dragon Wave (kokuryuuha), in my youthful days? (I also tried to feel like Bui). Why can't become a demon fox (Youko)? Why can't I put out 120% of my power? Sometimes, I spent half a day practicing "ten" (纏) (I also practiced "ten" (点) like I'm supposed to). I also imagined the flow of "gyo". In my Water Divination, the leaf do not move at all. There must be people throughout the world who have had the same experiences. That's how much we're obsessed with sensei's work. Sensei, thank you very much for giving us such exciting emotions. I would like to continue enjoying sensei's work.
纏 (Ten): "Envelop"/"Shroud", the first of the Four Major Principles of Nen.
点 (Ten): "Point", the first exercise of the "Nen of the Flame".
TV Producer Nobuyuki Sakuma
Togashi-sensei has been in a different league, since I was a teenager 30 years ago. "This manga is so interesting to me now, but will I find it even more interesting when I'm older? I still don't understand it at all, do I?". With this thought in mind, I put it back on the bookshelf and read it again from time to time. It's entertainment, it's art, a guide, but in the end it's an extremely interesting manga. I'm glad I was born in the world line where Togashi-sensei was born and is drawing manga. Thank you very much.
Writer Yumeaki Hirayama
Despite the position Togashi-sensei holds in the current manga industry, isn't his writing style itself unusual? And yet, even though he sticks to it, there is no sign the reader's enthusiasm will drop at all. This is surely rare, and I have never heard of such a thing. According to his passionate believers, one of the charms of Togashi's work is the basso continuo (severe realism) that lies in his shounen manga style. Sometimes it looks splendidly cruel, sometimes even grotesque. However, I guess it is the outstanding grasp of reality that makes his work so appealing. I believe this is the reason why it has become a bible for modern youth. For me personally, it is as if you're being challenged to play a long, long tens of thousands-moves "tsume shogi". It is always a frightening work where there is no correct answer other than the checkmate. When I think about how much trial and error goes into producing the next frame, I can only shudder and gaze at his work in wonderment. I'm praying from the lowest seat that you may continue to wield a powerful pen for many years to come.
Togashi Yoshihiro Amusement Land
In the center of Togashi Area there's the only spot where photos are allowed, the "Togashi Yoshihiro Amusement Land".
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There are big covers of the first volumes of "Yu Yu Hakusho", "Hunter x Hunter" and "Level E". Hanging from the ceiling: Botan & Puu (Yu Yu Hakusho); Color Ranger's Golden Hammer crushing Prince Baka (Level E); and Knuckle's Potclean (HxH).
New illustrations
Behind the big covers of the photo area, the beautiful frame "ALL☆STAR in the PUZZLE", with the exhibition visual key, is strategically placed. So, it's impossible to take any photo. I'm glad the media shared this one. This frame is absolutely amazing, I want it in my living room.
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Finally, when you are leaving area 5, there's a message from Togashi, "Thank you very much for visiting us", and one more big surprise:
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A totally new illustration of Gon and Yusuke (check HD scan on @Vishkujo)!
Some people have been complaining that Yusuke is red, but Togashi color-coded him red many times during the YYH serialization in the 90s. I guess we all have this strong green image of him from the anime.
Official Shop
Of course, before you exit, don't forget to visit the Official Shop. Depending on the day or time you visit it, you may face a queue to get in. I recommend purchasing the Exhibition Official Catalog. It's just a pity that they didn't include the english text displayed at the exhibition in there.
Moreover, check the official site to see the current status of the merchandise. Many products are out of stock or being back-ordered. They have also changed the limit purchase of some items. And, if you're buying from resellers, take a look at the original price on the site first. Some products are being sold on sites like Mericari for three times more the retail price.
The goods will also be sold after the exhibition ends. So, probably only in 2024, after the Fukuoka tour. Details will be announced on the official site.
Pieces Cafe
On the 52rd floor, next to the venue, there's also the Pieces Cafe. Contrary to the shop, you don't need to have bought a ticket and visited the exhibition to enter the cafe.
I only had time for the Quartet Eternal Bond Tapioca milk/tea drink. The photo of the quartet is precious, I could hardly eat it.
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Next time, I want to try the Kurama x Hiei "TWO SHOTS" curry and the Toguro Brothers dessert.
I didn't have much time in Tokyo, so I hope I can spend more time and take down more notes when the exhibition comes to Osaka. I could only stay a few hours, but I would recommend at least four to five hours if you wanna check all the details and properly enjoy the shop and the cafe.
That's all. I want to write more, but this post is already too long and Tumblr only allows 30 photos per post. Maybe, I'll do a second post, talking more about the manuscripts and catalog. It's hard to explain everything without showing photos or videos of the place, so if there's any confusing information, let me know.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 10 months
Once more, I do not post links directly leading to any blogs that are not from my mutual friends and followers regarding meta, anon, but I will break this down.
In cultural context, it is not meant to be romantic regarding the idiom of (青梅竹馬) qīng méi zhú mǎ. Literal meaning, green plums and play horses. The innocence of youth and the wonder of simple (childhood friend) games. Please note that endearments such as "sweet heart" in modern context, as the direct translation means, is vastly different than what is entailed by the idiom itself, and is bad, awful machine translation that does not take into account the linguistic meanings that are needed for tone meaning and reading.
If it meant the direct romantic connotation of romantic, it would be 恋人 (liàn rén) compared to the character used within the idiom 青 (qíng) (which does denote a more platonic meaning for the relationship and childhood friends). You do not use this to mean "lovers" as an idiom, it loses contextual meaning otherwise and loses the point of the word play.
The poem itself was originally a romantic poem, by Li Bai. And as such should be one of most well known Chinese poets and usual literary fair elementary students know as much as the West would with the usual school fare of reading assignments.
My hair had hardly covered my forehead.
I was picking flowers,playing by my door,
When you, on a bamboo horse,
Came trotting in circles, throwing green plums.
We lived near together on a lane in Channggan,
Both of us young and happy-hearted.
...At fourteen I became your wife,
So bashful that I dared not smile,
And I lowered my head toward a dark corner
And would not turn to your thousand calls;
But at fifteen I straightened my brows and laughed,
Learning that no dust could ever seal our love,
That even unto death I would await you by my post
And would never lose heart in the tower of silent watching.
...Then when I was sixteen, you left on a long journey
Through the Gorges of Changgan, of rock and whirling water.
And then came the Fifth-month, more than I could bear,
And I tried to hear the monkeys in your lofty far-off sky.
Your footprints by our door, where I had watched you go,
Were hidden, every one of them, under green moss,
Hidden under moss too deep to sweep away.
And the first autumn wind added fallen leaves.
And now, in the Eighth-month, yellowing butterflies
Hover, two by two, in our west-garden grasses
And, because of all this, my heart is breaking
And I fear for my bright cheeks, lest they fade.
...Oh, at last, when you return through the three Pa districts,
Send me a message to home you come
And I will come and meet you and pay no mind to the distance,
All the way to Changgan.
I hope in comparison the vast sarcasm of the idiom is apparent in context to what the random nameless gossiper is exhibiting in the original reference this sentence used:
Translation (mine, seven seas and ExR:)
1: Jiang Cheng allowed that servant to live for too long. If I were him, when he defected, I wouldn’t have just stabbed him, I would have thoroughly wiped him out so he couldn’t commit his deranged acts later. Who cares about the sentiments about childhood friendship when people like him don’t care.”
“I can’t believe Jiang Cheng allowed that guy to run amok for so long. If it were me, I wouldn’t have just stabbed him when he first defected, I would’ve cleaned house! He wouldn’t even have gotten the chance to do all those crazy things. What does a childhood friendship matter when facing people like him?”
Jiang Cheng allowed this fellow to live for too long. If I were him, at the time of the defection, I wouldn’t have just stabbed him. In fact, I would have thoroughly examined the disciples of the clan again, so that he doesn’t do those crazy things he did later on. Who cares about the so called ‘considerations’ that he gave to his childhood friend.”
Now, with the idea that while the original meaning was meant to be sweet and sentimental, the idiom is certainly not any longer nor is the meaning to mean lover literally. Mandarin plays heavy upon the context of meaning for each of these words.
In short: this is why actual understanding of the language you are lecturing of is important as you can easily twist it to what is not there for ones that literally do not know and take it all at face value.
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kigisu · 6 months
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12月8日より大阪のギャラリー、Gallery IYNさんにての企画展示へ参加します。
場:Gallery IYN
Gallery IYN|大阪市北区中崎町|ギャラリー (gallery-iyn.com)
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lalunameli · 6 months
Hero TV Newspaper Extra Pg 18: Lunatic/Yuri Petrov
Scan provided by @tnbscans
TN: Many articles during Season 1 have Sternbild spelled as "Sternbilt". I have placed the newer spelling "Sternbild" in brackets as necessary.
A dark hero who purges criminals in the name of his own justice.
(His justice) is incompatible with the heroes of Sternbilt (Sternbild), but...
The reason Yuri became a hero
西田征史/Nishida Masafumi (Writer):
Like all the characters, his appearance was already decided before establishing his backstory and personality.
Sky High was used to show a contrasting personality and image, but I proceeded to think about the reason for Lunatic's appearance. Such as the handprint on his mask. I tried to dig deep into why he was wearing this handprint.
So, what I came up with is that when his ability activated for the first time, it killed his opponent, whose handprint was left on his face at the time. Then I thought, let's make his father spurn him (TN: actual word is "inflate"), so he kills his father. I remember coming up with this idea as soon as I saw the design.
Two things that represent Yuri - Editing Edition
1. His father is a Legend
His father is the legendary hero, Mr. Legend. However, the contrast between his early education of justice (from his father) compared to his questionable actions as a hero in his later years, instilled a distorted sense of justice in Yuri.
2. The voice of Thanatos
Thanatos is the god of death in Greek mythology. It is an important factor for Yuri's actions to purge criminals as Lunatic...
Cast Comment by Yusa Kōji
What is a hero to you?
Those who have the true aspiration to carry out justice. They move forward unwaveringly on the path of justice themselves.
Who is your favourite hero?
Lunatic. His courage to get his hands dirty if it's for the sake of his beliefs.
What's your favourite scene?
ルナティックのエピソード。・・・・・・と言いたいところですが、「TIGER & BUNNY」はそれぞれのピックアップ回で、ヒーローたちが普通に悩み、協力して解決していくところが好きですね。
I would like to say an episode with Lunatic..., but "TIGER & BUNNY" has standalone (pick-up) episodes, and I like the fact that the heroes usually work together to overcome their situations.
Message to readers
I also support Lunatic's ideas and behaviour. Please watch over me.
Yusa Kōji
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satanaka-kuroha · 11 months
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original(擬人化) ホタル(ホタルイカ)
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kudosakiko-original · 10 months
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◆ ずっと一緒 ◆
会場:Creation Cafe IYN:大阪市北区中崎西4-1-19  
   Gallery IYN:大阪市北区中崎西1丁目8-24アインズビル梅田101
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percivallorraine · 5 months
Will life get better and better?
by Percival Lorraine,
Will life get better and better?
Beyond your cold embrace, I find no home,
I am but an object of desire, a nonexistent woman,
A cut on the radius, a needle left on the back of my hand,
My fantasies extend beyond your cold lips,
I grasp your wrist, longing for you to hold my lifeline,
The snake's seven inches and the waist of a wolf,
My darling,
I cherish the seven emotions and six desires,
My greed, the sexual love I desire,
Taboos are nothing but society's circumcision,
My darling,
Women sell their weapons from birth,
Men lack the mandibles and teeth of locusts,
Timid kindness, hesitations preventing one from kicking a house cat,
Death is merely an exile,
If the signal light is dim, on the asphalt road lies crushed rodents.
My darling,
Humans are nothing but the origins of discipline,
Humans are nothing but clamorous swine,
Stunted women, vulgar erotic films,
Exaggerated erotic actors, insincere climaxes,
Superficial mass psychology, laughable amateur tests,
Just self-numbing prophecies, petty thieves of identity,
Plato's love has become nothing but pretense,
My darling,
For me, love is desire.
It's not sordid; it rises and falls with my breath,
It resides in the folds of my skin, nestled under my arm, held in my lips,
It is my vulnerability, the pathology of my neurosis.
My darling,
I want to rest on your chest, tear open the front of your garment,
I want to laugh, but I want to cry more,
I am a ridiculous humanist,
Learned self-proclaimed clever psychoanalysis,
Pedantic and arrogant, a dulled set square,
Obscure academic vocabulary, dry discourse,
Self-pity, self-indulgence, diagnose your love for me,
Arbitrary and domineering, a presumptuous paranoid,
My darling,
Will life get better?
I often ponder, but the answer swerves off course,
I don't want to speak of fatalism,
But indeed, I have no choice,
My darling,
The future is deep, dark,
A glance cannot see its end, yet it's already laid bare,
Cruel blades toying with the tips of my heart,
My darling, I deeply cherish your lips,
I sold my weapons, bare-handed to face it all,
Lethargy, slackness, lethargy,
Love for my lover as fickle as each other,
Dying unchanged in promiscuity, grieving over mud and bones,
Quietly shedding tears at text messages, fearing and worrying,
My darling, I'm too neurotic,
A breath and a glance wounded me,
My soul bleeding profusely, as if pierced by an iron spike,
Those English longbows, arrows drawn,
But to me, they're only strung across the pupils of others,
My darling, will life really get better?
I don't know because
The thawed soil is muddy, like sticky inferior pigments.
Like those colored glues and tar, rotting bananas,
Swollen tear glands and cracked inner canthi,
My darling, if you kiss me,
None of this will change.
I know all this, I fear and worry,
Sweat in my palms like a gushing spring,
My darling, please kiss me,
I know life won't necessarily get better,
But at least we both received a kiss, didn't we?
by Percival Lorraine
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“ Einherjar Sparring Highlight: Longsword Zwerch, Schielhau, Disarm
Einherjar is Hong Kong’s Historical European Martial Arts Club that explores and develops HEMA both competitively and academically to create a HEMA hub in Asia and contribute to the wider global community. 
 Contact us 聯絡我們: 
Facebook page 專頁:https://www.facebook.com/EinherjarHEMAClub/
Website 網頁:https://hemahk.wixsite.com/einherjar
Email 電郵:[email protected]
If you are interested in learning how to use a longsword check out these few links.
And don’t forget - we can use every video of sparring as a training tool.
For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the following links:
Some advice on how to start studying the sources generally can be found in these older posts
Remember to check out  A Guide to Starting a Liberation Martial Arts Gym as it may help with your own club/gym/dojo/school culture and approach.
Check out their curriculum too.
Fear is the Mind Killer: How to Build a Training Culture that Fosters Strength and Resilience by   Kajetan Sadowski   may be relevant as well.
“How We Learn to Move: A Revolution in the Way We Coach & Practice Sports Skills”  by Rob Gray  
Another useful book to check out is  The Theory and Practice of Historical European Martial Arts (while about HEMA, a lot of it is applicable to other historical martial arts clubs dealing with research and recreation of old fighting systems).
Why having a systematic approach to training can be beneficial
Worth checking out are this blogs tags on pedagogy and teaching for other related useful posts.
Consider getting some patches of this sort or these cool rashguards to show support for good causes or a t-shirt like to send a good message while at training.
And stay safe
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kajahealer · 2 years
📮 Divine Message 心靈耳語|這是發展你的靈性能力的強大時機|粵語|廣東話
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Teaser|1:11|Early Access|https://www.patreon.com/posts/71246825
★ 這是發展你的靈性能力的強大時機...連接到我們的靈性意識...就像有一種額外的感官...人們通常將其稱為第六感...
★ Welcome Home. Thank you for being here and tuning in. Enjoy your Sacred Journey. Bless you with LOVE and LIGHT.
Full Length Video|4:18|https://www.patreon.com/posts/71246750
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Suggested Videos 建議視頻
🌌 Cosmic Pulses 宇宙脈動|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPwv-2a8uOA&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsfPozUyBtOJjQujZiRHxjo&index=1
🌳 Collective Wisdom 集體智慧|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WZQhgtq6J8&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsFxJh_7iLMgDIY-LVxgAWc&index=1
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now!!! 🌈|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx4mqLSXuXw&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLvTM8thWMWYtRAVrjDIzyfj&index=1
Pick Your Choice 心選訊息 ✅ |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SbnILDcsFI&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLuHG3QcK2h5mwylpG-EBbJ8&index=1
🌟 Light Language Healing Transmission|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4f8hNmyON0&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtg66NZKN3OdnLD1-siCW0h&index=1
🤗 Guided Meditation 引導冥想|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7XJWWaNv4k&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtpEEmEid69Nf2ak6KKli33&index=1
🌻 Spiritual Guidance|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef5wRt-FyKo&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsICRkVje3sSbU5POaAHWHY&index=1
🔮 Inspirational Message 心靈鼓舞|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI3nch5zk_4&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLvAfEko2VsTJ4UhHGboFSWZ&index=1
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
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aaronnieh · 2 years
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對話   Dialogue
新一代40 | 2021年度主視覺   YODEX 40 |2021 Visual Campaign 台灣設計研究院(TDRI)/ 新一代設計展(YODEX)  2021
主視覺概念以文本對話形式,運用設計師共通性語言字詞,將文字結構圖像化、基線極端上提,保持整體平衡空間和畫面節奏感;透過單詞轉折前進、重複性文字意境,具象化作品產製過程中的溝通反覆、冗長和曲折。文字排列略帶神經質、靈活彈性非通俗的表現手法,導入可變性識別(dynamic identity)、參與式設計(participatory design)概念,與參展校系透過互文行動開啟對話空間。
The annual Young Designers' Exhibition (YODEX) is one of the largest design exhibitions in Asia. YODEX is now entering its 40th year. With “Dialogue” as the visual concept for 2021, through the designer's relevant experience and common language words, convey the communication of designers at different stages.
With uniformly raising font’s baseline, the concepts of dynamic identity and participatory design are deliberately introduced on the posters to leave space for dialogues and intertextuality for participants. Exhibitors were asked to cast their voice, philosophy or grumbles by offering us one representative vocabulary as our design material. We promised to produce over 140 custom-made posters for all design departments in correspondence with the format of visual identity. Memes, symbols, social issues, or queer images will be intentionally put on some posters if appropriate.  
Besides physical outputs, the complete visual outcomes were digitally made in motion at the exhibition's entry. As well as online key-visual generator on Facebook let netizens share what is on their mind in the same visual way. As an atypical key visual - its clear recognition in this campaign is perfectly made by participants' diverse messages.
YODEX Visual Identity 2021 | Official Edition
YODEX Visual Identity 2021 | Custom Motion for Schools
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wxliumusicstation · 1 year
乐评 | Red Velvet – Ice Cream Cake /IZM
Written by Kim Do Heon
Translated by WenXuan Liu
少了些什么?没错,就是SM的忙内了。不像大前辈少女时代一样,每一名成员都具备强大的气场,也缺乏姐姐组合f(x)一样华丽的个性。呈现出饱和状态的女子组合市场的进入空隙也十分狭隘。可以守护着世上万事不知并且喊着 “Happiness”的少女们的幸福吗?还要非常态的增添一名成员?!
从多方面看都不是有利的状况 却太过体系化甚至变得锋利的SM的秘诀就如同一张 ‘大规模无效化的牌’ 一样,把忧虑变成了满足。以将海外音乐家们本地化的音乐框架,以及成员与组合企划的最大程度的分析来夯实的SHINee与f(x)的生产线为基础,只要稍微应用一点,创意化的个性就诞生了,没有必被谣言所诱导。
第一眼看,好像继承了f(x)的少女态度,可却没保留其以个性作为基础的难理解的特点还有同时代的共感。并且,代替突出每个成员,用类似于所有成员都染成黄色头发一样的模糊划分的声音基调建立了身份。向着不独特的加工反而非常妥当,代替成为“谁的第二个”的是“第一个Red Velvet”。
由温柔的八音盒与忒具攻击性的电子声采样而实现了鲜明对比的 ‘Ice Cream Cake’ 充分地达成了正式出发的信号弹的品味。这首歌展示了从国外逆向进口的的 SM K-POP 缩影,在矛盾中绽放出的鲜明的旋律和隐秘的歌词没有空隙地交集,即使没有神志的快跑出去也善用 ‘忍无可忍’ 的副歌完成调整。让人联想到 ‘大众的’ f(x)的track或 ‘实验性质的’ 少女时代的歌,但是参考印象却效果甚微。也因此在猜测之外而十分聪明。
比起引用,Red Velvet 的个性更接近于独立陈述的另一个原因在其忠实于实现组合名称含义的收录曲中可以找到。通过专辑而秘密传出的蛊惑性是构建了Red Velvet与其他��女子组合处于清纯或性感的两端的关键因素。这在 ‘Be Natural’ 的实验后诞生的 ‘Automatic’ 中非常明确地体现,温柔地展开的R&B track ‘Candy’ 或者采用吉他Riff 而变的主流的electro pop ‘Stupid Cupid’ 也编制出独特的光环。并非是年轻的少女也未拥有过人的资历,处于这中间反而散发着美妙的氛围。
妥当融合了1990年代女子歌手的R&B和同时代音乐家们的Electro Pop的音乐也在期待值以上。经由Kenzie 与 Teddy Riley打造的现代 R&B track ‘Something kinda crazy’, 薄弱的展开和温柔唱声相结合的唤醒组合年龄层, ‘Take it slow’仿佛是少女时代泰蒂徐的完成度,同时又保留了她们没有的天真感。即使不号召粉丝心或期待感,音乐本身也能决出胜负。
‘SM DNA’ 在连续的solo活动和项目组的多功能性、大型品牌运营之间来回穿梭,灵活而不可动摇。<Ice Cream Cake> 是不受潮流的影响,拥有着引领市场的自信感的形形色色甜美酸甜少女的流行音乐。
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– 收录曲 –
Ice Cream Cake [推荐]
Automatic [推荐]
Something kinda crazy [推荐]
Take it slow [推荐]
Stupid Cupid
사탕 (Candy)
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