#mentioned brooke/plastique
writethehousedown · 4 years
And The Livin's Easy, Chapter Seven (Multi) - Zyan
a/n: I DID IT! kinda at the last moment, but here she is. we’ve reached yet another end. thanks for reading fellas! sideblog for crying about the ending with me is @chachkisalpaca - a million thanks to frey for beta-ing this.
Summer of 2021, a year later.
Vanessa launches herself into Crystal’s arms when she sees her step foot onto the beach.
“You came!” She screeches so loud it hurts her ears. But she doesn’t complain, she’s missed Vanessa a whole lot. Crystal just hugs her tighter, lifting her up.
“Of course I came! I missed you, bitch,” she exclaims, settling her on the ground again. Vanessa takes her hand and guides her where she and Kameron are settled. “I gotta say though, if you made me stop on my way back home after losing to Shea Couleé in Hawaii, just to see you lose tomorrow, I’m done being friends with you,” Crystal deadpans, and Vanessa briefly lets go of her hand to playfully smack her.
Hawaii hadn’t been half as bad this year compared to the last one, considering she ended up in the fifth place, so the second place was an upgrade, and she did spend a great time while she was there — though Vanessa didn’t join her, preferring instead to stay in California in order to practice for an upcoming competition she was sure she would excel in thanks to most surfers being in Hawaii, but she still had April and Jaida to hang out with.
Things with Jaida were cooler now; they had managed to become actual friends and whatever awkwardness from the past was resolved. She still was her usual self, though this time around she seemed goofier and way more laid back. Crystal wonders if it has to do with that contact in her phone —“Babe” with three purple hearts— and the fact she’s also making a stop in California before returning to Milwaukee.
“Shush, you know I’ll win,” Vanessa says with a cocky grin, and her confidence makes her think that she’ll indeed destroy the competition.
They make small talk as they navigate their way back to Vanessa and Kameron’s blanket; Crystal asks how life is going since they moved in together on their one year anniversary, and Vanessa looks oh so radiant as she tells her how every morning and night is better than the last one, and that family reunions with Brooke aren’t as awkward as they could be thanks to them getting their shit together and talking things out.
Crystal asks if Plastique and Brooke are still a thing, and Vanessa shrugs, says she hasn’t talked with Brooke since the summer’s started, but last thing she knew was that they were visiting Plastique’s family in Vietnam over the summer and that the tickets were already paid for. Or that’s what Yvie told her, anyway, when she made a quick stop in California before heading to Hawaii to see her girlfriend.
Kameron is as strong as ever and almost crushes Crystal in a hug that leaves her breathless.
“Always a pleasure to see you, Kam,” she says, and Kameron laughs wholeheartedly upon seeing her expression.
“How are you, Crys? Where’s your surfboard? I thought I could get some cool photos of you and ‘Ness,” Kameron inquires, reaching for her professional camera carefully tucked in her backpack.
“Ah, I left it at my hotel room. I was having lunch when Vanj told me y’all were here already, and the restaurant was a few streets down, so.” She shrugs, taking the hair tie on her wristband to try and collect her short hair in a low ponytail.
“Aw, d’you have money to rent one? I wanted to beat you like Shea Couleé beat you in Hawaii, so I can have a taste of how it’ll feel to win tomorrow,” Vanessa teases her, placing her head on Kameron’s shoulder. Crystal rolls her eyes, both due to Vanessa’s cockiness and how disgustingly cute they are.
“You talk a big game, but I’m sure that I can beat you harder than Shea Coulee beat me!” Crystal retorts, earning a loud laugh from Kameron and Vanessa. She laughs too, and proceeds to tell Vanessa she has enough to rent a surfboard for maybe an hour. Vanessa claps excitedly, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the rental shack, before giving Kameron a quick kiss, promising to be back in a second.
Crystal rolls her eyes again. She can’t stand affection right now, not when she told her latest girl she was leaving yesterday and she stood her up at the airport, not even bothering to send her a goodbye text.
It’s disappointing, because she thought maybe this girl was like Gigi and she cared the tiniest bit about her.
But Gigi is unique. There probably won’t be anyone like her ever again, and Crystal is at peace with that for some odd reason.
They tried to stay in contact once they left Honolulu, but life is hectic, and it was becoming quite hard to juggle college, her job, and texting a girl half a country away on the regular. The last time they talked was on Crystal’s birthday, a simple “Happy birthday, babe!” with a heart and a globe emoji attached to it. Crystal liked the message and replied with a polite ‘thank you’, and that was it.
She tries to remember where in California Gigi said she was from. Maybe, if there’s the tiniest bit of coincidence that she lives near, they can have a movie-like reunion and revive those three weeks together, but she doesn’t get her hopes up.
Maybe Gigi doesn’t hate beaches that much after all.
Well, she can’t say that right now, not when she’s the only one without a girlfriend to spend summer with — Brita is going out with a girl from her class, after she spent all year long complaining about her and her shit attitude, Jan has a long distance girlfriend whom she talks with every day and swears is coming to see her before summer ends, and Jackie and Nicky are so sweet together it’s disgusting.
She feels left out, somehow. Probably because all they talk about in recent times is their partners and love lives, and Gigi hasn’t had a proper date since April, when they set her up with a senior called Pearl and their date went awful. She’s pretty sure Pearl is now dating someone else, though.
“Geeg, do you wanna come with me to get a smoothie?” Brita asks, sounding only a little bit impatient. Gigi cocks a sly brow when she notices it’s the second time in the hour she’s going for a smoothie.
“Brita, for the last time, Aiden is working and you shouldn’t be spending all your money on smoothies. The chemical bathrooms are a mess,” Jackie scolds her, briefly stopping running her fingers through Nicky’s hair, who’s lying across Jackie’s lap.
Brita folds her arms, saying, that ‘for the last time, it has nothing to do with the fact Aiden works there’, when suddenly Jan shoots up and runs off, leaving all the girls surprised.
They call for her and try to follow her as well as they can, when they spot her running into a woman’s arms, and the woman lifts her from the ground, spinning her around. They kiss while Jan is in the air, and Gigi can’t help but to roll her eyes.
Great, another pair of lovebirds she has to put up with.
Jan meets them back at their spot after kissing her girlfriend for what felt like a lifetime and introduces her as Jaida. Gigi vaguely remembers her from somewhere else.
“We met last year in Hawaii, and went out while Jay was there! We’ve been texting a lot since then, and remember that I went to Milwaukee for winter break?” Jan explains excitedly, snuggling closer to Jaida with each word she speaks. Gigi tries not to roll her eyes when Jan tells them, for maybe the hundredth time, how Jaida asked her to be her girlfriend when she visited her over winter break. Jan kisses Jaida’s cheek once she’s done talking, and Jaida just smiles brightly.
“I couldn’t pass the opportunity! You had me hooked since the moment I met you, and since this was my senior year, y’know, I thought we could make it work once I graduated,” Jaida says, bringing Jan closer by her waist and kissing her forehead.
“What were you studying?” Nicky inquires.
“I’m a communications major, and as of now I’m trying to get a job around here, so I can finally move out of my little town. And, ‘sides Jan, the beach here is always a plus. It’s a surfer’s dream,” Jaida explains, chuckling softly, and soon she’s bombarded with questions about her sport.
The fact she’s a surfer makes Gigi think of Crystal. She could’ve also had a surfer girlfriend if she tried hard enough to make it work, but she guessed that just wasn’t meant to be like Jaida and Jan.
She thinks of asking Jaida about Crystal, but decides against it. She still has Crystal’s Instagram and follows her page religiously. All she has to do is send her a text, but she doesn’t have the courage to do so after so much time having passed.
“Hey, girls? I’m gonna get ice cream, I’ll be back in a moment,” Gigi announces, grabbing her phone and shoving a couple of dollars into her phone case. She’s running away from the lovey-dovey couples more than anything, though she could also use some ice cream to help her cope.
She walks aimlessly around the beach, trying to remember where she saw the ice cream stand, avoiding children that are running around with water guns in their hands and screeching like banshees. Some beach balls are thrown her way, and she kicks them back with ease, dismissing the people that scream ‘I’m sorry’ towards her.
Gigi has learned to appreciate the unique chaos of the beach, even if she still gets annoyed at little things like the long queues to buy ice cream, and the disgusting chemical bathrooms. In the end, these are little details in the grand scheme of things.
Crystal taught her that.
It’s stupid how often she thinks about Crystal. When she starts forgetting the sound of her voice, she replays the audio messages she sent her. And sometimes, if she concentrates hard enough, she can feel the ghost of a kiss burning on her neck.
Perhaps she should download Tinder again and get a grip.
Gigi finally finds the ice cream stand she was looking for and buys the biggest cone there is, with scoops of vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. She likes to keep it classy.
She’s slowly making her way back as she licks the Ice cream, wondering if her friends would believe her if she said she has a headache and is going home. Gigi really has no will whatsoever to sit through an entire evening of her friends rubbing their relationships in her face, while she’s painfully—
Gigi freezes mid-movement, looking for that voice she’s heard one too many times through audio messages. She finds the owner of said voice standing a few feet away, with her hair, that was once long and ebony, cut above her shoulders, dyed in a deep green that looks almost black, wearing a stupid yellow Hawaiian shirt over a red bikini, holding a surfboard under her arm.
She blinks repeatedly before realizing it’s not her mind playing a trick on her. It really is Crystal who’s approaching her.
“Crystal,” she manages to say, staring at her. Crystal’s smile is still the same, and her plump lips are as kissable as ever. She has a new piercing in her belly button; Gigi thinks it suits her. “It’s— I didn’t— You’re in California,” Gigi blurts out, and Crystal smirks.
“I am, yeah. I arrived this morning,” she says, a blush creeping onto her cheeks, but Gigi decides to think it’s a sunburn. “I was gonna, uh, I was gonna practice with Vanessa for a bit. She’s got a competition tomorrow, here,” Crystal comments awkwardly, making Gigi wonder where has the cheeky Crystal she knew gone.
“Are you participating too?” She asks, licking her melting ice cream.
Crystal shakes her head no, much to Gigi’s surprise.
“Oh, no, I’m sitting this one out. I didn’t have the time to sign up for this one; I was in Honolulu for another competition, like every year. I came in second. I did get a consolation prize and some money, though,” Crystal explains, going from excited to disappointed, and excited again in the span of a few seconds. Gigi giggles; she’s missed Crystal’s enthusiasm.
“How long are you staying?” Gigi asks, with a tinge of hopefulness in her tone. Crystal smiles softly, tapping on the surfboard.
“Like, three days,” she replies, biting her lower lip. Gigi’s heart sinks for a moment, but she continues. “You think that’s enough time to catch up before I’m back to Missouri?” Crystal asks, sounding way too sheepish.
A smile spreads on Gigi’s face, immediately thinking of all the things they can do together while she’s in the city, and a squeal of happiness escapes her mouth before she realizes.
��Oh my God, yes! I mean, it’s not as much time as I would want, but we could make it work,” Gigi assures her, and Crystal nods, giving her a toothy smile.
“We can make it work,” she repeats. Gigi nods dumbly, licking her ice cream again when she feels her hand get sticky with the melted cream. Crystal stifles a laugh. “I have to catch up with Vanjie, but, uh, do you wanna go for a swim together when I’m done?” Crystal asks, as if she didn’t know Gigi would say yes.
Gigi nods, and Crystal is already turning around to go to her friend, when Gigi tugs on her arm. She turns around, careful as not to smack any kid with her surfboard, and before she can say anything, Gigi steals a kiss from her.
“I’ve missed you,” she breathes out against her lips, and she can feel Crystal smiling before kissing her back.
“Summer’s way funnier with you,” she mumbles in response, forgetting about Vanessa, who’s waiting for her. The only thing she can think of right now is Gigi and how much she’s missed her lips.
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isabelisfun · 4 years
not that anyone asked at all but here’s my dream all star cast list
(mind u most of my absolute faves have already been on all stars so good for them 😌)
1. adore delano
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2. kim chi
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3. kameron michaels
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4. asia o’ hara
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5. brooke lynn hytes
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6. vanessa vanjie mateo
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7. plastique tiara
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8. jan
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9. nicky doll
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10. peppermint
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honorable mentions: jade sotomayor, akeria chanel davenport, silky nutmeg ganache, crystal methyd and gigi goode ❤️
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dragracereviews · 4 years
My Ultimate Top 10 Favorite Drag Race Queens
#10 - Kameron Michaels: NGL, Kameron is partially on this list because I would fuck her in a heartbeat. I actually plan on making a list later of queens I would sleep with in and/or out of drag and you will definitely find Miss Michaels high on there. I’ve seen her live on the Werq the World tour and I 100% regret not getting Meet and Greet though I probably would’ve just drooled on her and made a fool of myself so maybe it’s better that I didn’t. It’s a known fact that Kameron is an incredible lip syncer (if you haven’t watched season 10, please do so just to see her in action because honestly, she’s one of the few good things about that season) and she did NOT disappoint. Her dancing was only beat out by Vanjie who you may or may not see later on this list. Kameron if you’re out there reading this (LOL, we all know she isn’t) and you ever feel like experimenting with an actual biological woman, hit me up!
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#9 - Sharon Needles: And here we have another attractive man out of drag! Sharon was the OG underdog and while I’m not going to sit here and bash Phi Phi O’Hara because she’s actually talented AF (checkout her Harry Potter cosplay, it’s soooo good), Sharon definitely didn’t deserve all the shade thrown at her on season 4. Her drag aesthetic has always been equals parts spooky and equal parts fabulous, but she’s actually improved over the years and it’s made me love her even more. My favorite Sharon moment ever is during a “Queens Reading Mean Comments” video on WOWPresents’ Youtube channel where someone said they liked her old teeth better and she just goes, “Well my old teeth just looked ridiculous with my new lips!” Get ‘em, girl.
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#8 - Jinkx Monsoon: I want Jinkx to be my mom. There, I said it. Also, if you don’t get that reference, get your shit together and subscribe to WOW Presents on Youtube you fucking bumpkin. Jinkx was the loveable weirdo on her season and received a lot of hate from her fellow queens but I loved her from the start. I have since forgiven Roxxxy Andrews for her cattiness because of her rudemption on All Stars 2 (insert her Read U Wrote U verse here) but nothing was more satisfying than watching Jinkx go from the underdog to America’s Next Drag Superstar. I don’t know what’s more iconic; her tendency to fall asleep at inopportune times, her laugh, or all the jokes about her being a full blown swamp witch. Either way, it will always be Monsoon season in my eyes.
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#7 - Nina West: Hands down, the DEFINITION of Miss Congeniality! This choice was so obvious, I don’t even know why they took a vote. I think that even if they left it up to the fans, it would’ve been her. I fucking LOVE Nina. I’ve actually met her IRL and my first thoughts were 1: she’s HUGE (hello, she’s a six foot tall man in like 6 inch heels and I’m barely over five feet) and 2. she just radiates happiness! She is the only queen I’ve met that asked me my name (though shout out to Plastique Tiara for calling me gorgeous as if she’s not the most beautiful creature on the planet) and she didn’t make me feel like an idiot when I just stared at her adoringly and just word vomited “you’remyfavoriteiloveyousomuch”. Class act people!
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#6 - Bianca del Rio: Do I even need an explanation for this one? Hands down, the undisputed winner of season 6, and that’s coming from a die-hard ***** fan (see entry #2). Did she wear the same silhouette 10+ times? Yes. Can she kind of be a bitch sometimes? Definitely. But is she the funniest fucking person alive? Probably! My love for Bianca is infinite but I still wouldn’t want her to read me, at least not in person. Actually, scratch that, I’ve seen her Twitter feed and getting read online is almost worse. I fucking love Hurricane Bianca and the sequel even though it’s one of those so-bad-it’s-good type of film series. I sadly missed her last tour because it was the same night as Sasha Velour’s Smoke & Mirrors show and as amazing as Sasha was, my heart was broken that I couldn’t go to both. But you better believe the next time she’s in town, I’m forking out lots of $$ for VIP and I may or may not faint at Bianca’s feet #noregrets
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#5 - Vanessa Vanjie Matteo: Mother. Fucking. Vanjie. OKAY, I’ve met this bitch IRL and let me tell you, she is the cutest fucking thing. Like Nina, it shocked me how apparent it is that she’s a man (square jaw, hello?) but she can still paint for filth and look fishy AF even with her boyish features. Also, AMAZING performer! I waited 3 hours after the M&G for her to actually come on stage and perform only two songs (that’s a story for another day) but let me tell you, it was worth the fucking wait. I showered that bitch with Canadian monopoly money and I would’ve given her more if I wasn’t such a broke millennial. And to top the whole night off, I got woken up at 5 am to my friend screaming because Vanjie had reposted my photo in her story so I was essentially Instagram famous for all of like, a day. Thanks girl xo
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#4 - Bendelacreme: I love me some Dela. This queen proved in both her regular season and All Stars that she is a force to be reckoned with. Season 6 wouldn’t have been the same without her and did I want to yell at Darienne Lake for being a bitch to her? Absolutely! (Gia Gunn pun intended) And I honestly think that if she hadn’t eliminated herself, she would’ve won AS3 (though if you read my #1 entry, I am 100% satisfied with who did win). She completely deserved her Miss Congeniality title, and while I see where the others AS3 queens were coming from when they suspected she was trying a little too hard to keep up that image, I did appreciate her trying to play the game with some class, because we don’t see that often on Drag Race. I also love her friendship with Jinkx and it’s definitely on my bucket list to see one of their shows one day. You know what they say, the Creme always rises to the top!
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#3 - Brooke Lynn Hytes: Full disclosure, I’m Canadian but that’s not the only reason why I love Brooke (she is the Queen in the North though, and I’ll fight you if you say otherwise). This queen is fucking TALENTED! Season 11 would have failed without her, IMHO. She can design and sow a complete outfit, read people to filth, sort of sing (I still listen to Queens Everywhere daily, especially her verse), dance circles around ANYBODY, and lip sync like her mother fucking life depends on it. Did she, by the end of the season, forget that’s there’s more to a lip sync than being on pointe? Yes, absolutely. But that doesn’t change the fact that she is literal perfection and I think that’s why Ru gave Yvie the crown instead of her (though I love Yvie so don’t come for me). Brooke’s biggest downfall was the fact that she wasn’t relatable and I am 100% okay with that. Sometimes you just have to worship the unattainable. The only issue I have with Brooke is her and Vanjie not being officially together anymore because yes, I am one of those fans that ship queens together, especially queens that have actually dated. I will never get over #Branjie, just saying.
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#2 - Adore Delano: "I'm a fucking Libra!" As soon as these words left her mouth, I knew I was in love with Adore Delano. Season 6 is by far my favorite season (spoiler alert if I decide to make a Top 10 Best Seasons list) and if it weren't for my #1 pick, she would 100% have the top spot. Hell, before I discovered WOW Presents, she WAS my #1 pick (read my next entry to understand what I mean). Adore is simultaneously adorable (pun intended) and fierce AF. She's beautiful, hilarious, and did I mention beautiful?! She is the reason I say "party" at inappropriate times. She is the reason I wish I was a Libra instead of a fucking Scorpio. She is the reason I insist everybody start their first Drag Race binge with season 6 because I know they’ll fall in love with her as much as I have. Adore, if you’re reading this, I fucking adore you.
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#1 - Trixie Mattel & Katya Zamolodchikova: Of course these two are tied as my number one spot. Individually, these queens are fucking fierce and extremely talented (go download Trixie's country albums if you don't believe me), but together they are pure gold. If you've only ever watched their run on season 7, you probably don't understand why I love them so much, so do yourself a favor and go watch All Stars 2 & 3, as well as their web shows "UnHhhh", "The Trixie & Katya Show", and “Queens Who Like To Watch”. I can even give you a list of other stand alone videos of them to watch (ex. "Besties for Cash", "Fashion Photo Review", compilation videos of the pair in Palm Springs... I think you get the gist). Truth be told, I'm absolutely obsessed with these two, so much so that I may or may not have indulged in some online fan fiction about them from time to time...don’t judge me, okay?! I love a friends-turned-lovers love story, and I know I’m not the only one wishing #Trixya would happen IRL. I've also shelled out so much money to Trixie alone on her merch and makeup, and I'm waiting very impatiently for them to go on tour together so I can go full Futurama and just scream "take my money" as I buy the most VIP package they have. Trixie and Katya are the ultimate definition of All Stars and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
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missjanjie · 5 years
The Secret’s Out | BVK
the sequel to three’s company/gratuitous smut of my accidental ot3
“What are you guys doing?” Kameron quirked his brow as he saw Ariel and Plastique hunched up together and peering over a notepad full of hasty scribbles. They looked like two sorority girls on a scavenger hunt, like they would be going up to strangers to ask for a shoe or pair of underwear next.
Admittedly, actually having to answer that question made the two of them realize how ridiculous they were about to sound. But this was the hill they decided to die on. “The other night we were all playing never have I ever…” Plastique started.
“And it turned into sort of a sex-themed q-and-a with Brooke Lynn and Vanjie, and they mentioned they had a threesome with another RuGirl but wouldn’t tell us who. So, you know, we thought this was the best time to figure it out because we’ve been really curious,” Ariel explained.
Kameron snorted with laughter. “That was me. Mystery solved. Bye!” and with that, he was on his merry way.
Ariel and Plastique looked from Kameron, to each other, and back. “Well, that was anticlimactic,” Plastique mumbled. “You wanna go get drinks?” and with that, the investigation was over, and they were moving on with their lives.
“What is it about you two that makes everyone so interested in your sex lives?” Kameron asked, having found Brooke Lynn and Vanessa at Vanessa’s booth once DragCon had ended. He looked at them with an amused expression, a slight smirk resting on his lips.
Brooke Lynn and Vanessa couldn’t help but laugh. “We’ve yet to figure that out ourselves, other than the fact that we’re wildly good-looking,” Brooke answered, chuckling. “Let me guess, Ariel and Plastique tracked you down?”
Kameron nodded, “Something like that,” he confirmed. “I told them, anyway, didn’t think it was a big secret or anything,” he shrugged.
“It wasn’t, they’re just easy to fuck with,” Vanessa laughed, “Though, you know, if you ever wanna come back for more…” his voice trailed off and he winked.
“Might as well make the most out of the weekend, right?” Kameron chuckled, “Lead the way,” the three of them linked arms as they went to retreat to Brooke and Vanessa’s hotel room – having sprung for one big room instead of two smaller ones.
All three of them had decided to get out of drag first, wiping off their makeup, untucking, doing all they needed to until they looked like regular boys again. Vanessa was the first to throw himself onto the bed, looking at the other two men expectantly.
Brooke Lynn and Kameron looked at each other with matching devilish grins. “We shouldn’t keep him waiting,” Brooke mused before they got on the bed in tandem, moving to either side of Vanessa and kissing all over his neck and face.
Vanessa instantly soaked up the attention, tilting his head back and baring his neck for them. He was relieved none of them bothered putting on any boy clothes after stripping out of drag – they didn’t need to be slowed down with the extra step. Without hesitation, he wrapped a hand around both men’s cocks, giving them teasingly slow strokes. As needy as he was, he couldn’t help but want to get his boys a little extra riled up.
“Oh, you’re being a little tease tonight, are you?” Brooke clicked his tongue in disapproval, “Is that any way to treat our guest?” he let out a small huff of amusement when Vanessa shook his head ‘no’. “I think you better apologize the right way,” he nudged him over in Kameron’s direction.
Kameron might not have known what the ‘right way’ was, but evidently, Vanessa did. Vanessa let go of their lengths and shifted all of his attention to their ‘guest’. Without further warning, he took Kameron’s length into his mouth, getting in as much as he could in one go before bobbing his head steadily.
“Good boy,” Brooke praised, combing his fingers through Vanessa’s hair while he leaned over him to make out with Kameron.
“You’ve got him so well trained,” Kameron remarked playfully between kisses, glancing down towards his lap with a pleased smirk. After a moment, he gently pushed down on Vanessa’s head just a bit, “Not even gagging, I’m impressed,” he chuckled gruffly.
Brooke Lynn found himself filled with an odd sense of pride when Kameron praised Vanessa’s abilities. “Well, he has gotten an awful lot of practice lately,” he laughed softly. “Isn’t that right babe?”
Vanessa did his best to nod from his angle – ending up jerking his head a bit before continuing his task, which only lasted a bit longer before Brooke pulled him up.
Brooke Lynn kissed Vanessa and smiled. “That’s good, baby. Can’t have Kameron blowing his load before we finish having our fun with you, now can we?” he cooed. “He’s gonna fuck you this time, I know you’ve been waiting for it,” he added, getting up to grab lube and a condom from his bag on the floor while the other two picked up with heavy petting.
Kameron caught the bottle of lube when Brooke tossed it to him, as well as the condom that followed. He then pulled Vanessa onto his lap, slicking up two fingers with lube before working them in, free hand firmly on his waist. He passed the condom back to Brooke to open it for him, shifting back enough when he leaned over to put it on as well.
When Vanessa was ready, Kameron lay him down on the bed and thrust into him, hold on his waist tightening as he picked up his pace. “Fuck, no wonder Brooke’s all over you whenever he gets the chance,” he murmured between moans.
Brooke sat by Vanessa, stroking his hair and letting out a soft moan when Vanessa resumed jerking him off. Sometimes he would lower his head down to kiss him, or shift forward to kiss Kameron, wanting to make sure both of them got his attention.
Kameron was the first to finish, pulling out of Vanessa and changing his position entirely – head now between his legs as he took his cock into his mouth. He bobbed his head in a steady motion, watching as Vanessa continued getting Brooke off, then both of them focusing all of their attention on Vanessa, bringing him to an orgasm soon after.
It took a few minutes for everyone to catch their breath, laying in a sweaty, heaving pile on the bed. “You know, I think it was even better the second time around,” Kameron said, breaking the silence.
“And we’ve come to really enjoy having you in our bed,” Brooke hummed, running his hand up and down Kameron’s torso while Vanessa wrapped his arms around Kameron from behind. “I don’t think we’d be opposed to…a proper reoccurring arrangement, would we, Vanjie?”
“Hell nah, I love having two hot men feeling up on me,” Vanessa chuckled, pressing a kiss to Kameron’s shoulder. “What’s not to like?”
Kameron chuckled, wrapping an arm around each of them. “You guys do make a persuasive argument.”
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artificiallymelody · 5 years
Omg pls pls pls write a one shot or something about them all having a sleepover!!!! I loved that hc
‘’Bitch why in my house?’’ Vanessa yelled as the girls entered her apartment with sleeping bags. They had lots of food on them, and alcohol of course.
Sleepovers were Vanessa’s thing since she was a teenager. Se used to do them only with Ariel: watching a dumb girl movie and eating more ice cream than she could ever take.  But now she was an adult, and still loved it. The problem was that when her friends talked about a sleepover, they choose her place as the location. It was fine anyway because she loved a good sleepover.
Near her, as the girls unpacked was her girlfriend Brooke. They started to date after a couple of dates and a big fancy one, where Vanije asked Brooke to be her girlfriend. Brooke felt very flattered and happy, she wanted to do that anyway even if Vanessa didn’t ask on that night. It was they were meant to be. So now Brooke was a part of their social circle, and all the other girls loved her already.
‘’Ariel, Ariel, Ariel!’’ Plastique ran awkwardly.
Ariel was scrolling down her phone, she couldn’t stop smiling to her girlfriend being so adorable. She was bubbly about the littlest things and very loving. She was perfect.
‘’Hey princess’’
Plastique booped her nose: ‘’I love you’’
That girl was so adorable. Ariel got mesmerized. Everyone in the room let out an ‘’awwww’’, until Adore came up from the room, with a bottle of liquor in her hands:
‘’This bitch is drunk’’
Plastique crossed her arms: ‘’nuh uh, I’m not’’
‘’Baby you’re so drunk’’ Ariel kissed her forehead ‘’ don’t worry, we all will be the same as you soon’’
They set sleeping bags in a random place and went to the kitchen to prepare something. Except for Adore, who stayed in the room. She was feeling happy - she never had many friends like that. I was always her, Yvie, and some party assholes she meets at college. But she missed Bianca, she knew she couldn’t go to the sleepover. She was a pretty busy woman, and to be honest she was ‘’too old for sleepovers’’, as she said to her this morning.
In a matter of seconds, Adore was lying down on Vanessa’s bed with her phone in her hands, ready to facetime Bianca. She decided that she missed her so she would bring her a little piece of her fun night while she was working.
Her smile was so big when Bianca picked up and the first thing she could say was ‘’hi sweetheart’’
‘’Bea, hi! I miss you’’ Adore pouted
‘’I know I know, I miss you too Dorey. Are you drunk?’’
Not to mention that her hair got tied in a sloppy messy bun, while she had her reading glasses and a cup of coffee in her hands. Adore loved to see her like that - vulnerable.
‘’Just a little bit… But who cares anyway’’
‘’I care!’’
‘’Ok mom…’’ Adore mocked, looking at her girlfriend rolling her eyes ‘’You know, like, I love you! And I miss you, and I wish you were here’’
‘’We can do our own slumber party if you want…’’ Bianca smirked.
‘’I thought you hated slumber parties, aren’t you too-’’
‘’Don’t dare to say I’m old, only I can say that, bitch’’ She averted ‘’yes I think they are childish, but you know I do anything for you. Besides, anything can be an excuse to drink wine and cuddle with you, Dorey’’
‘’Awww I-’’
‘’Guys come over here, Adore is being a soppy whore’’ Yvie yelled, entering the room ‘’Yo Bianca, we are sorry for this gay’’
‘’C’mon Adore stopping being so soppy! We made Margaritas’’ Scarlet threw herself on bed dramatically, waving to Bianca.
‘’If you let my girl too drunk I’ll give you all a bad grade’’ Bianca joked. ‘’I’ll let you alone now, bye doll, I love you’’ she blinked to Adore.
‘’Bye doll, I love you’’ Ariel mocked ‘’ do you want me to be your sugar or your mommy tonight?’’ she kept imitating Bianca.
‘’Oh fuck you’’ Adore took a sip of the margarita nearby her.
Ariel wasn’t tired of making chaos. Vanije and Yvie helped her mock Adore - while Scarlet, Plastique, and Brooke braid each other’s hair. She saw a pillow and her eyes shone. Perfect.
In a flawless hit, she hit Scarlet’s head with the soft object. But even if she was a whiny girl, she hit Ariel back. Everyone laughed but got initiated by Ariel’s act, so in a matter of seconds, the room seemed like a war scene.
Brooke defeated them until they got “disarmed” and without any pillows. They were all laughing, in a deep insight of happiness running on their veins. Vanessa hugged her, yelling that she was her winner, to everyone who could hear that.
After a lot of night of drinks, dumb girl movies, friendships, laughs… They decided to play the classic truth or dare. Only small dares like kissing your partner and stupid questions like ‘’would you eat your arm or your leg?’’. Until Yvie, had to dare Brooke to do something, and as always she was bold and different:
‘’We want you to order a pizza-’’
‘’Yay pizza!’’ Plastique yelled, very drunk as Ariel Held her.
‘’As I was saying… Order a pizza and go get it on your underwear’’
‘’Okay but excuse me?! The disrespect with my girl’’ Vanije complained, jealous.
‘’Aw little Vanije is jealous’’ Scarlet laughed ‘’I agree with Yvie Yvie, this bitch has to make a fool of herself if she’s one of us… We are all fools’’
‘’She is one of us because I want. Now shut the fuck up’’ Bold Vanessa was a new thing happening in their group, that they loved already.
Brooke bit her lip: ‘’No boo, I’ll do it. You will be proud of me’’
‘’I doubt that Vanije doesn’t wanna see Brooke in underwear, to be honest’’
‘’Poor Ariel, girl I see it every night’’
Brooke blushed, typing the pizzeria’s number. Vanessa couldn’t complain, they were getting pizza after all.
The red on the delivery man’s face was evident, as on Brooke’s. She went back with a pepperoni pizza, and her hands hiding her face. Vanije held her and kissed her cheek, as everyone was laughing at Brooke.
‘’I wonder what would have happened if you asked your friends to go on our first date with us’’
‘’Chaos babe, chaos’’
Chaos, there was chaos, and chaos got defeated in the dead of night when they all remained asleep and drunk. Except for Vanessa, who had a fun night, but being Vanessa started to complain:
‘’Why did the fuck y’ all choose my place? Who will clean all this mess tomorrow?’’
Scarlet woke up and whined: ‘’why is she so loud? We want to sleep’’
In a second, she shut up her mouth, because now her girlfriend’s strong warm arms were around her.
‘’Come back to sleep, I know you love when I cuddle you’’ she kissed her cheek.
‘’Hmph I do’’ she snuggled on Yvie’s arms. Brooke seemed to have calmed her girlfriend too.
Now chaos was really defeated, and they were all peaceful in their sleep. Sleeping with their loved ones, as a group of friends they loved each other. And that was what mattered, even if the hangover in the next day would be the worse.
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16syd · 5 years
Ariel is going home first
Plastique is gonna be the one that’s a bitch or Brooke
Rajah will be the sewing queen
Scarlet will be the one that cries
Silky is gonna be the Latrice royal of the season. I’m gonna be on the damn floor. SHE SAID BABY LATRICE YAAASSS
Soju...fuckin fish. Bitch. I love her already. She mentioned bp so I figured that was her fav lol!!
Yvie is showing androgynes realness
I’m looking at suga is the winner next with brooke and soju. Maybe rajah up there? Soju will be the one that surprised everyone
0 notes
artificialqueens · 5 years
5 times Nina was the caretaker and the one time he needed one (Ninex) - ImposterZoe
AN: Trigger Warning for Panic Attack and a short mention of depression. Along with Bets. IZ
"Ninaaaa," The voice on the other end of the phone croaks.
"Plastique? What's wrong? You sound awful!" Nina exclaims.
"I feel awful. I think I have the flu or something."
Nina frowns, his instincts kicking in.
"I'll be right there." He hangs up before Plastique can say anything else. Finding his way to the nearest store, Nina stocks up on sick care stuff, like medicine and soup.
He then makes way over to Plastique's hotel room, banging on the door.
After a minute or so, the door creaks open, revealing a pale and shivering Plastique.
"Oh you poor thing. You're worse than I thought." Nina leads the smaller man back to bed, laying him down. The sick man's eyes shut as soon as he's down. Pulling out the thermometer he bought earlier, he slips it into Plastique's mouth.
Somehow Nina stays calm when he finds out Plastique has a fever of 101.3, and that's just barely.
Mind going into overdrive, Nina remembers reading something that said cooling someone with a fever is better than bundling up.
He hastily rids Plastique of his shirt. Nina's unbuttoning his pants when he hears a feeble, "At least buy me dinner first," come from above him.
As he yanks the pants off, he gives Plastique a soft smile.
"Speaking of dinner, have you eaten today?"
He shakes his head. "I'm not hungry and even if I was my throat hurts too bad." Plastique give a rough cough. "And why'd you strip me? I'm cold."
Nina frowns, feeling Plastique's forehead. "You have a pretty high fever. Being cold is good. But you have to eat something so you can take medicine."
Oh yeah. Nina was in full Mama Bear Mode.
He quickly heats the soup up in the microwave, instructing Plastique to drink the juice shoved in his hand 30 seconds prior.  
Nina slowly feeds the other man, occasionally asking questions.
How long have you felt this way?
"I woke up like this."
Do you know anyone else who's been sick?
Any other symptoms?
"My head hurts."
Why'd you call me?
"I knew you'd take care of me."
How'd you know that?
"You take care of everyone."
Nina considers this as he hands Plastique more juice and some pills.
"Your fever broke a couple minutes ago. These should make you feel even better but they're going to knock you out for awhile."
Plastique gives a tiny smile as he takes the pills.
Almost immediately the man gets sluggish.
"Thanks...Nina." He breaths out as he falls asleep, his head falling on Nina's shoulder.
Nina just brushes Plastique's hair back.
"Nina can I talk to you?" Brooke calls.
Nina nods, walking over to his friend.
Although he was kind of shocked when Brooke roughly grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathroom, locking the door behind them.
"Sooo…. What's up?" Nina wonders.
Brooke jumps up on the counter and stares at the ground.
"I broke up with Vanjie last week," he whispered.
Dammit, I owe Yvie 10 bucks, Nina thought.
But all he says is, "Why? You two were so good together."
Brooke starts to cry and Nina rushes over, pulling him in for a hug.
"Hey, it's ok. You wouldn't have done it if you didn't think it was for the best."
Brooke sniffed and pulled away.
"The best for who? I… We were happy together. We were in love. And we broke up because I wanted the freedom to find random trade in a club."  Brooke wipes his eyes, his sadness replaced with self-loathing.
Nina grabs Brooke's shoulders and shakes him slightly.
The last thing Nina needs is for Brooke to go into that dark place in his head Nina spent so long getting him out of.
"So you're mad that you left a relationship you got bored in? If you had stayed, you might've ended up cheating. How would that be fair to Vanjie?"
"Well it wouldn't but-" Nina cut him off.
"No buts. You did the right thing and left before it got to that point. That takes strength. Or stupidity. And let's be honest, you have plenty of the latter."
Brooke burst out laughing, punching Nina's shoulder.
"Made ya smile!" He cries happily.
Brooke laughs some more but gives Nina a hug.
"Thanks Nina. Talking to you always makes me feel better." Brooke beams up at his friend
Nina smiles back at him.
"Anytime. And make sure you don't fuck up your friendship with Vanjie, ok? The tension would kill everyone."
"You got it." Brooke walks out of the bathroom, leaving behind a very self-satisfied Nina.
Then all of a sudden a voice came from the last stall.
"You know you owe me 10 bucks, right?"
"This is why I call you Yvie the Eavesdropper." Nina responds. "And yes. I know I owe you 10 bucks."  
Nina leaves the bathroom to Yvie cackles.
"Can I talk to you?" Scarlet whispers in Nina's ear. It's just after a gig and Nina's exhausted.
But still, he nods and allows Scarlet to lead him to his room.
Sitting tiredly on the bed, he gestures for Scarlet to start.
Scarlet takes a few deep breaths, a deep blush covering his face, before blurting out, "I slept with Yvie!"
"Dammit!" Nina yells. Scarlet looks at him in shock.
"Nothing. Thinking about something else." I owe A'keria 20 bucks! I could've sworn Yvie had a thing for Brooke! Dammit!
"So… how was it?" Nina ask after a second.
Scarlet blushes harder and falls back on the bed.
"It was amazing! He's so sexy and dominating but caring at the same time. Best sex I ever had, hands down."
Nina laughs at Scarlet's rambling, not even bothered by the immense oversharing.
Eventually curiosity got the best of him and he asked some questions.
"So what's going to come from this?"
Scarlet stopped his rambling and shot Nina a confused look. Nina decided to clarify.
"Was it a one time thing? Are you friends with benefits? Are you dating? What's the outcome here?"
Scarlet just shrugged. "Well I woke up before him and left. We haven't talked about it. Actually we haven't talked much in general."
Nina had noticed the two not hanging out as much but hadn't really thought much about it.
"Well, what do you want from this Scarlet?"
Scarlet didn't hesitate. "I want him to be my boyfriend."
"Then leaving that morning then not talking to him wasn't the smartest move. He probably thinks you regret it. You need to talk to him. "
Scarlet promptly jumps up and heads out the door.
"Woah, where are you going?" Nina called after him.
"I'm gonna go talk to him. Duh," he called back. Then he was gone sprinting around the corner. Nina just sighed and sleepily made his way to his room.
[The next morning]
As Nina walks into the lobby, he is quickly blindsided by a pair of arms gripping him tight.
"Oh Nina," Scarlet whispers in his ear, "Thank you."
Not entirely sure what he did, Nina just give his normal response.
Then, Scarlet runs to where Yvie's waiting, leaning up to kiss the man.
Oh. That's what he did.
"I knew it! Pay up Nina!" A'keria screams behind him, catching the couple's attention.
Nina just sighs as he pulls a twenty out of his wallet. At least they were cute together.
"Are you ok, Yvie?" Nina wonders as he walks toward the younger man, who was bent over a garment and glaring at it like it offended him.
"No! This dress ripped during the show and I can't seem sew it right. My latest sketch just won't work right, but I still need it sewed and done by next week or I'll be short an outfit,  I haven't had the chance to sort anything out," he gestures wildly to his cluttered table, "and in trying to do all this I haven't slept in two days! And me and Scarlet are fighting!" He slumps forward, letting his head carefully hit the table.
"But besides that I'm fine. How about you, Nina?"
Nina simply leans forward and carefully rubs Yvie's back, working out the knots.
He did this often and within seconds, Yvie was out like a light.
"Never fails." Nina mumbled as he puts Yvie over his shoulder, carrying him and laying him out on the couch in the corner of the room. Throwing a coat over him, Nina makes his way back to the table.
He'd known Yvie long enough by now to know how he liked things done. Slipping his headphones in, he got to work.
First he undos Yvie's stitching, (he really couldn't sew it correctly), and carefully redid it. After a couple missteps, the rip was successfully sewed back together.
He then ripped a piece of paper out of his own sketchbook and placed it over Yvie's sketch.
After contemplating a second, he pulled out his laptop and turned the brightness all the way up.
Somehow he manages to carefully trace the sketch.
After he gets the rough draft copied, he places himself in Yvie's shoes and  dutifully works on the sketch. It's nearly an hour later when he finishes but at the very least, it'll give Yvie ideas. Placing his copy next to the original on chair, he sets his sights on the table.
This was probably going to be the hardest, most time consuming part. But as he glances at Yvie's exhausted face, he just decides to buckle down and get it over with.
Grabbing a tub of wipes, he sets to the task.
First he grabs all Yvie's makeup containers and starts to wipe them down.
Since Yvie rushed through his makeup sometimes, his containers could usually be found with two or three different other kinds of makeup smeared on top.
Oddly enough, Yvie actually hated it and cleaned his makeup regularly. He never stopped rushing, though.
So Nina wiped down each case, making sure each were in tip-top shape. It took 30 minutes but the makeup was spotless and Nina managed to find Yvie's makeup case.
Sorting the makeup by size like Yvie did, he filled the pouch and carefully set in Yvie's suitcase.
Then he started in on the folding element of the packing. Nina carefully folded all of Yvie's garments, shaking of excess glitter or powder, and slowly filling the suitcase. Just as he packs the last garment, he laughs slightly, realizing he could hear the birds start to sing outside.
But, Yvie's table was shipshape and Yvie himself had gotten the sleep he needed.
Nina thought he had done all he could for Yvie but another idea popped into his head. Pulling up a video, he set to his last task.
Yvie rubbed his eyes as he woke up. He really needed to stop letting Nina give him back rubs. He went out no matter what each time. Stretching slightly, he groaned as he realized he still needed to get his stuff together. But he freezes in shock as he takes in his clear work table.
He knew for a fact that he hasn't done this. He opened his suitcase and found his clothes packed just how he liked it. His makeup was perfectly arranged and spotless.
He pulled out his outfit from the night before, the rip sewed seamlessly. Putting it back and zipping up his suitcase, he looks at his table.  
He finds his sketch and frowns at it before he notices the copy under it. He pulls out Nina's sketch and stares at it wordlessly. He could see how it had come from what he had in his other hand but Nina had unleashed his inner oddball and Yvie approved.
The sketch was gorgeous and Yvie couldn't wait to make it.
Admittedly, after a few tweaks
Then something else caught his eye. At the very end of the table was a bouquet of different types of paper flowers. They were beautifully crafted and took Nina 10 tries per flower.
Yvie saw a note next to them.
To end your fight with Scarlet ~ Nina
Yvie laughed at that. He knew Scarlet would love the flowers. He had been so focused on the table, he didn't notice Nina coming out of the bathroom.
"Oh you're awake. Sleep well?" Nina asked from behind him.
Yvie turned on his heel, taking in the bags under Nina's eyes.
"You did this Nina?" Yvie asked incredulously. Nina just gives a tired nod.
Yvie launches across the room, throwing his arms around who he was pretty sure was an angel.
"Thank you! I owe you big time!" Yvie blurted in the man's ear. Nina winced at the volume but hugged the man back.
"Anytime, Yvie."
Nina takes a deep breath as he rings Monet's doorbell.
The two queens had been dancing around each other for awhile before Monet had found the courage to ask Nina out.
And by, "Found the Courage," he meant, "Cracker shoved him in Nina's arms and shouted 'Get Some' before running away, forcing Monet to stutter out a date offer."
But Nina also stuttered out a yes, so maybe Cracker was in the right.
Not that Monet would ever admit that to his face.
Nina stood awkwardly at the door, stupidly hold the flowers Bob claimed Monet liked.
The door flew open, revealing a flour-covered Monet, in a Kiss The Cook apron.
Nina promptly started laughing, the flowers in his hand the only thing preventing him from taking pictures.
"Shut up and get in here." Monet laughs, waving Nina in. Nina strides in, shutting the door behind him. As soon as the door shut, the sexual tension expanded ten fold.
"I brought you flowers," Nina blurted, holding them out.
"Aw. Thank you." Monet cooed. He leaned forward and smelled them, wrapping his hands over Nina's.
He grabbed the flowers, while still holding Nina's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.
"Quaint." Nina mumbles staring around the kitchen as Monet puts the flowers in a vase.
"I hope you like baked chicken and collard greens."
Nina pulled a face.
"What, you don't like southern food?"
"It's not that. If that's what you made, how did you manage to get flour all over yourself?"
Monet blushed slightly. "I was reaching for something and some fell on me."
Nina laughed again. "Aww. You're clumsy." He cooed.
Monet just sticks his tongue out as he heads for the oven. The tension melts as the banter continues. But unfortunately, it also distracts Monet.
Who proceeds to stick his bare hand in the oven and grasp the broiling chicken pan.
As the man screams, Nina hurries to help. He grabs Monet's burnt hand and examines it. The burn wasn't bad enough to warrant a hospital trip, just a whole lot of pain.
"I'll be right back," Nina calls as he runs out the door. Monet was in too much pain to question it.
After a couple minutes, Nina came back with a first aid kit.
"You just happen to carry a first aid kit with you?" Monet grunts out.
Nina just rolls his eyes as he grabs burn ointment.  "My friends are some clumsy mofos."
Smearing the ointment on Monet's palm, Nina flipped the hand and laid a kiss to the back of it.
"I'm sorry I ruined dinner. I'm pretty sure it's burned," Monet mumbled.
"It's ok. I ordered pizza when I got the first aid kit."
Monet grins. "You're too sweet, Nina. Thank you."
Before Nina can talk himself out of it, he leans forward and pecks Monet's cheek.
"Anytime. Now do you own oven mitts because that pan is about burst into flames."
Nina needs a Caretaker
Nina could tell as soon as he woke up that he was going to freak out. His pulse was too fast and his breathing was too shallow.
But there was a Season 11 brunch today. Nina had booked the whole restaurant so everyone could catch up in peace.
He'd also invited Monet so everyone who hadn't been able to meet him yet could get to know him.
He didn't want to be the one to back out, especially considering how many people cleared their day to make it.
So he hopped in the shower, doing his breathing exercises the entire time. He makes it all the way to the restaurant before he realizes he's hyperventilating.
No wonder the uber driver was staring at him.
He walks into the restaurant before everyone else. The deafening silence combined with the large space drives Nina over the edge.
His breathing picks up and he falls to his knees just as the door opens.
"Nina!" Several concerned voices call. There's running sounds and Nina feels hands embrace him. Holding him and rubbing his back.
Monet steps into Nina's direct line of sight, rubbing his shoulders.
"Baby, we wanna help you but you gotta tell us what's wrong," he coos.
Yvie pipes up, "Yeah, you always take care of us, girl. Let us help."
There were several mumbles of agreement.
Nina forces his words out.
"I woke up...and I couldn't breathe ...but I didn't want to back out of brunch… And now I ruined it because I'm freaking out!" Nina starts to cry, his breath getting shorter and panicky.
Brooke brushes Nina's hair from behind. "Hey, Nina it's ok! No one's mad at you. It's a panic attack. There's no shame in it. That's what you always tell me."
Nina's heart rate slows. His breathing becomes more steady.
"You gotta take care of yourself or you won't be yourself," Plastique mumbles, "We'd all be lost without you Nina."
There were more mumbles of agreement and praise.
Nina slowly calms down, wiping his now flushed face.
"I feel kinda silly now. Thanks guys."
They all embrace Nina in a tight group hug and reply in unison.
"Anytime Nina."
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Dance Lessons (BrookexYvie) -ImposterZoe
"Brooke, I need your help," Yvie screams as she burst in the door.
Brooke yelps as she falls from her chair. Yvie dashes in to help her friend up, guilt on her face. "Sorry."
Brooke grunts as she rubs the back of her head.
"What is it?"
Yvie paused, momentarily forgetting why she came in there.
"Oh yeah! You can waltz, right?"
Brooke gives a blank stare. "I'm a dance major."
Yvie lets out an irritated groan. "I know but all the other dance majors I went to said they didn't know how!"
Hurt flashes on Brooke's face. "You had a dance problem and you didn't come straight to me?"
Yvie blushes, simultaneously confused on how she had hurt Brooke's feelings and sorry that she did in the first place.
"I didn't feel like bugging you. Because of all the stuff with Vanessa and shit," Yvie mumbles, Brooke barely catching her words.
Brooke scowls at the mention of her ex. "Yes I can waltz. You taught me."
Yvie froze. "Oh right," she whispers.
Brooke can't stop her laugh. "Why'd you ask?"
Yvie rolls a pencil under her converse. "I… forgot how to waltz," she murmurs.
Brooke really starts to laugh as Yvie's likeness to a tomato grows by the second.
"Can you reteach me or not?" Yvie cried miserably.
Brooke smirks. "Yvie do you remember what happened after you taught me to waltz?"
"We agreed to forget that!" Yvie objects.
Brooke takes a step forward, a devilish look in her eyes.
"No. You agreed to forget it. I remember in vivid detail."
Yvie bit her lip as she took a step back. "Oh yeah? Jog my memory."
Brooke grinned as she slowly backed Yvie into the door.
"Well what I remember, you taught me to waltz." Yvie makes a 'no duh' face.
"But your hands were all over me. 'Correcting my form,' you called it." Brooke ghosts a finger down Yvie's arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps.
"I loved the feeling of your hands on me. You knew that. You dipped me."
Yvie's eyes lock on Brooke's, their intensity matching.
"You kissed me. You let me take control."
She winds a hand around the back of Yvie's neck and pulls her face close. Her voice turned husky.
"You let me fuck you into the floor. You screamed my name."
Brooke leans in, their lips a hair's width apart.
"You let me make you mine."
"Brooke," Yvie whispers breathily.
The girl smiles.
"Brooke," Yvie says again, a bit louder. Brooke's shoulder twitches and a headache forms in the back of her head.
"Brooke!" Yvie yells in her face and Brooke sits up.
She's not standing before Yvie, lips close enough to touch. She's on the floor, with Yvie and her roommate Plastique standing over her.
"What happened?" she groaned, rubbing her head.
Yvie winced and grabbed Brooke's hand. "I kinda burst in to ask you a question and you got scared. You smacked your head against the desk when you fell and knocked yourself out."
Only one thought popped into her head.
"What was the question?"
Yvie carefully helps Brooke stand. "I wanted to know if you could teach me to waltz."
Brooke lets out a soft sigh. "Yeah I can teach you. My dad taught me."
Yvie pulls Brooke in for a hug.  "Thanks Brooke," Yvie purrs in her ear, "I owe you one."
Then she was gone, texting the time and place to Brooke.
Plastique places an ice pack on the back of Brooke's head and let out a low whistle.
"This is gonna be hot. You and Yvie alone, doing the waltz. Finding out that you love each other as you twirl her on the dance floor."
Plastique collapses dramatically on Brooke's bed. "It's like fate."
Brooke rolls her eyes as she presses the ice pack to her scalp. "Plastique, you've been reading way too much sappy fanfiction and drinking white wine."
"Its red," Plastique corrected.
Brooke shrugged. "Whatever it is. I'm just teaching her a dance. No big deal."
Plastique stood. "Ok. So the idea of waltzing with Yvie, being able to touch her, while you both wear tight dance clothes, doesn't turn you on at all?"
Brooke sat in her chair, subconsciously pressing her thighs together. "Of course not. She's like one of my best friends."
Plastique shrugged as made her way to her room. "So was Vanessa."
Brooke's mind stayed on her dream. She'd never fucked Yvie. She never even considered fucking Yvie!
She hears her own voice in her ears. You didn't think about fucking Vanessa either until you did.
Brooke shuts that part of her up. "Yvie's different," she thinks aloud.
"She's gonna be different."
A couple hours later, Brooke strode into the dance hall. She was kind of surprised to find it deserted. There were usually classes running in all the different rooms.
She walks peeks into each room before she sees Yvie stretching in one.
She stops in the doorway, watching Yvie's body contort as she stretches.
Brooke can't stop herself from dragging her gaze along Yvie's long legs, giving extra attention to her ass. Yvie goes into a backbend, thankfully with her eyes closed, and Brooke marvels at her flat stomach.
Yvie's hands find the floor and she kicks her feet back, standing on her head.
Brooke watches her muscles tense as she supported herself.
Her feet touch the floor and she's back facing the mirror again.
"Are you just gonna stare or do you wanna get this dance lesson done?"
Yvie looks over her shoulder as Brooke blushes.
"I mean I'm fine with you staring but I also wanna learn how to waltz."
Brooke walks in, shutting the door. "I wasn't staring that long."
Yvie hums in response as Brooke does her own stretching exercises.
Neither of them were really in waltzing attire. Brooke had on leggings and a tank top. Yvie had on booty shorts and a sports bra.
"Why do you wanna learn to waltz anyway?" Brooke asked as she set up the music.
Yvie sighed. "I bet A'keria that I could teach Scarlet any dance she wanted. She chose the waltz and I realized that was the only dance I didn't know."
Brooke laughs. "Even if I teach you, there is no way Scarlet's going to get it."
Yvie just shrugged. "I'm fine with losing because she's a horrible student. But it won't be because I didn't know what to teach her."
"Do you wanna lead?"
Yvie shakes her head. "Nah, it's ok. You can."
Brooke starts the music and hurries back to Yvie.
She grabs Yvie's hands, putting one of the girl's hands on her shoulder and holding the other one.
"Ok your hands go here and my mine go…" She places her free hand on Yvie's waist. Yvie's skin warms her hand.
"Jeez I know you're from Canada but do your hands have to be so cold?" Yvie jokes.
Brooke rolls her eyes as she squeezes Yvie's hip.
"Basically, just mirror my movements."
Brooke slowly moved to music. Yvie's eyes dropped down, following Brooke's steps.
Brooke continued to dance but removed her hand from Yvie's waist. She cupped Yvie's chin and brought her face up.
"You can't teach looking at the ground. Look at me. Feel the music."
They looked deep into each other's eyes. Brooke slowly starts to the music again, her hand drifting back to Yvie's waist.
Yvie stumbles over her own feet as she throws her body after Brooke's, a half beat after the music.
Brooke keeps her steps steady.
"Don't force it. Feel my hands on you. Feel my body."
Yvie sighs and does as Brooke says.
She feels the way Brooke's shoulder tensed slightly before she stepped back. The way her hand tilted before she sidestepped.
Yvie's focus drifts away. She noticed different things about Brooke.
The kindness in her eyes and the laugh lines around them. The brightness of her proud smile as Yvie slowly got the steps.
Brooke's hand was still cool on her hip. It pulled her slightly closer.
"You got it. Just like that Yves," Brooke whispers breathily.
They make their way across the floor, finally waltzing in time with music. The music started to wind down and Brooke can't help herself.
Her hands move to Yvie's back and Brooke dips her. Yvie gasps as her hands clasp around Brooke's neck.
The music plays itself out but they don't move. Yvie's ponytail holder pops, her inky locks brushing the floor.
Suddenly the music changes. The new song was slow and sexual.
"I should turn that off," Brooke whispers, her thumbs stroking Yvie's back. She doesn't move.
"Let me dance for you," Yvie whispers.
"Yes," Brooke breathes.
Yvie hooks one of her legs around Brooke's waist, relying on Brooke's support. Grabbing her other leg, Brooke stands straight, wrapping it around her waist.
Yvie tightens her grip around Brooke's neck and she starts to dance in Brooke's arms.
She throws her head back, grinding her hips into Brooke's stomach. She swings her head around before lifting herself slightly.
She's above Brooke now, peering down on her through her curls.
"There's a chair over there," Yvie whispers.
Brooke's sitting in seconds. The chair didn't have arms, giving Yvie's long legs all the room they needed.
This music seems to speak to her.
She whips her hair and gives Brooke the lap dance of her life.
She runs her hands through Brooke's hair, trailing them down to her arms.  She methodically rose and lowered her hips, grinding on Brooke with the barest amount of pressure.
"So sexy," Brooke mumbles, raising her hands to Yvie's hips.
Yvie smiles darkly. "Oh you like it when I do this?" she purrs. She grinds slightly harder but nearly as hard as Brooke would like her to.
"I'd like it better if you weren't such a tease," Brooke groans.
Yvie dips her head, her body never falling out of rhythm. She keeps her face close to Brooke's, her breath on Brooke's lips.
"You don't liked to be teased Brooke Lynn?"
A soft whimper leaves Brooke. Yvie licks her lips, the tip of her tongue slightly wetting Brooke's lip.
"That's it," the blond exclaims.
One hand pinches Yvie's ass while the other grips her neck and shoves their lips together.
Yvie moans, her hands tangling in Brooke's hair.
Brooke presses her tongue into Yvie's mouth. Yvie eagerly accepted it, sliding her tongue over Brooke's.
They break for air, Brooke's hands roaming Yvie's ass.
"Took you… Long enough," Yvie gasps.
Brooke stands with the girl in her arms and presses Yvie to the floor. Her hair stands out against the stark white floor.
"You're. Mine." Brooke purrs.
"And proud of it," Yvie smirks.
Brooke straddles her. "This is where you take one of your classes right?"
Yvie cocks an eyebrow. "Yeah, so?"
Brooke places her hands on either side of Yvie's head with a smirk. "You won't be able to walk in for a month without remembering how I fucked you into the floor."
Yvie returned her smirk. "I don't see you fucking me into the floor now."
Brooke leaned closer to Yvie. "Well let's change that."
Their lips met again, more desperately. Tongues battled for dominance. Hands wandered to every inch of available skin.
Brooke pulled up with a gasp. "Off. All of it off."
Yvie ripped her sports bra off in seconds, moaning as Brooke did the same with her tank top. Her shorts soon followed her bra about 10 feet away.
Brooke lifts her body as she stripped off her leggings and Yvie took the opportunity to pull herself up.
She kneeled in front of Brooke, burying her face in the girl's tits. Her nails dig into Brooke's ass as she sucks on Brooke's nipples.
Brooke digs her own nails into Yvie's back as she moans. Yvie releases her nipple with a soft pop.
"God I literally worship your tits," she moans, her hands leaving Brooke's ass and cupping her tits.
Brooke dipped her neck, capturing Yvie's lips again. Yvie grabs Brooke's shoulders and slowly leans backwards.
She's flat on the floor again, Brooke flush on top of her. Both of them moan as their bare skin touches.
Brooke releases Yvie's lips, focusing her attention on her pulse point. She sucks on it, intent on making a hickey while her hands drift closer to Yvie's core.
"Fuck yeah," Yvie moans, "Make me yours."
Brooke lightly runs her finger through Yvie's folds, the barest touch coating her finger. She lets go of Yvie's neck to look in her eyes.
"Aww, you're soaking,"  she purrs as she sticks the finger in her mouth.
"Brooke," Yvie whines.
A teasing glint flashes in Brooke's eyes. Once more she moves her hand down, this time running two fingers through Yvie's folds. She applies some pressure to Yvie's entrance without actually entering her.
"Brooke please fuck me!" Yvie screams desperately.
Brooke smiles. "All you had to do was ask."
She's knuckle deep in Yvie in seconds, setting a quick rhythm.
"Ah fuck!" Yvie screams as Brooke's thumb finds her clit.
Brooke kisses Yvie again, swallowing her moans as she pistons her fingers.
Yvie's fingers find Brooke's entrance and she slips two in.
They finger each other in tandem, their moans muffled by each others mouths.
"Cum with me," Brooke gasps. It was evident they were both getting close.
Yvie moans in response, grinding on Brooke's fingers while speeding up her own.
Their moans intensify. Brooke slides a third finger in and Yvie follows suit.
Yvie cums first, with Brooke not far behind. They scream each other's names, Brooke collapsing on Yvie as her hips shake.
They moan and gasp and suck hickeys on any bit of sensitive skin they can reach.
Once the aftershocks subside, Brooke rolls offs, keeping Yvie close.
"You didn't make a bet with A'keria did you?"
Yvie gave a shy smile. "No. I didn't."
Brooke nips at her ear. "Naughty girl."
Yvie leans back to look up at her. "Yours." she whispers.
Brooke kisses her softly. "Mine."
Suddenly Yvie's up and scrambling for her clothes.
"Woah! What's wrong?" Brooke calls.
Yvie yanks her shorts on. "Well for one, a class is held here in ten minutes. And two, I'm going to be late for class."
Yvie pulls her sports bra on as Brooke stands.
It's just then they realize the music is still playing.
"Well I can never listen to this song again," Brooke mumbles as she grabs her tank top.
Yvie walks over and kisses her deeply. Their hands tangle in each others hair. Their tongues slide into the now familiar cavity of each other's mouths.
Yvie pulls back, with a sigh. "I'll see you later, ok?"
Brooke smiles. "Most definitely."
Yvie grabs her bag then she's gone.
Brooke sighs as she pulls on her leggings and grabs her music.
Just as she's leaving, she sees a text.
From Even Odder: I think I forgot how to salsa. Can you give me another lesson? ;)
Brooke smiles brightly as she replies. Yvie gets the text just as she dashes into her classroom.
From Canadian Bacon: I don't know how to salsa but I can teach you new ways to tango. I think we'll start by doing it sideways ;)
Yvie smirked as she sat in her seat. She started to pay attention when her phone buzzes again.
Her eyes bug out as she sees the picture Brooke sent her. She was nude on her bed, winking at the camera.
From Canadian Bacon: This is sideways tango attire. Can't wait to see you in it ;)
Yvie was walking out of the classroom before she knew what happened.
From Even Odder: Fuck that class. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Can't wait for my next lesson. <3
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artificialqueens · 4 years
A Vampire in Paris: Part 2 (Gigi x Crystal) - Chae
A/N: gosh this took longer to write than i thought! y'all thought i’d tease with a slow-burn? absolutely not. i not only have a romance to write, i have a conspiracy that needs to unfold (and boy do i have some drama planned for you guys heehee) anyways! enjoy part 2!
Between the brunch meetings, lunch meetings, coffee meetings, dinner meetings, and bar “meetings” that consisted of nothing but drinking, Gigi was more than happy to begin her first actual fitting.
It would be her first time in the business wing, and boy was she excited about that. Her destination was only supposed to be the third door on the second floor, but she was hoping to ‘get lost’ and possibly uncover some answers to what the hell was going on in this place.
The model awoke early, putting her hair up into her classic ponytail and dawning some basic clothes she could change out of quickly. She would probably go out after the fitting, so she put on just enough makeup to look presentable. She nearly forgot her key as she dashed out the door, heading to the mysterious wing of headquarters.
The wooden doors she was supposed to open taunted the girl as she found it almost difficult to walk through. She was supposed to be there, but it nearly felt like she wasn’t. However, Gigi was the last person to let fear and emotion get the best of her, so she pushed it all down and stepped into the next room. She was met with a hallway; plain and simple, with hardwood floors and glass doors, little nooks with couches and potted plants lining the walls. She sauntered down the stretch of building, eyeing prints on the wall of famous Fatelle models. She spotted Adore in a more recent shoot, but still, she couldn’t wrap her head around why she hadn’t seemed to have aged. Gigi also admired a photo of Violet Chachki, the world’s first ‘supermodel.’ She would’ve given anything to meet her in real life. 
Gigi was scanning a print of a gorgeous blonde model she recognized from the nineties, Pearl Liaison, when she heard a door open and shut behind her. She whipped her head around to stare face to face with Aquaria, who glared at her as she wiped something red off her lips. Gigi was immediately intimidated, even with the multiple inches she had over the other model. Naturally Aquaria was platinum blonde, but today she was wearing a long black wig with thick bangs—which didn’t really help settle Gigi’s nerves. The older model’s gaze reminded her of Raven’s cold stare, which prompted her to smile awkwardly and walk off. Unfortunately, before she had the chance to do so, Aquaria sucked in her lips and spoke.
“What are you doing back here?”
Gigi hadn’t actually realized how far down the dimly lit hall she’d strayed, only a hundred feet or so from the end. It’s only the first floor… is the crazy shit Adore was talking about here?!
“I have a fitting, and I got a bit lost,” the younger girl responded. 
“Uh huh. So, like…  you need help?”
“Mm, I think I’ll find it.”
“Liar. You’re new. I’ll show you where to go,” she sighed, rolling her eyes and walking back in the direction Gigi’d come from. She reluctantly followed Aquaria down the hall and up a flight of stairs in silence.
“These are the fitting rooms,” the supermodel finally mentioned. “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” Gigi nodded. Aquaria turned to walk away, but scanned Gigi’s figure before doing so.
“Do you want to go out tomorrow? With my friends and I.”
Gigi blinked in shock. “What?”
“Well, if you’re gonna be pressed about it-”
“No, no, sorry. Sounds good.”
“Nice. I’ll text you.”
“Sure. Wait, uh-” 
And before Gigi could mention that Aquaria didn’t have her number, she was gone. People were really good at disappearing in this place.
The second floor was significantly more active than the first, fitting rooms with open doors lining both ends of the hall as assistants filed in and out and in between the photo studios. Gigi found the third door, finding the rest of her team getting started. Thankfully because she’d set out so early, she was only a few minutes late. 
“Gi!” Crystal called, immediately noticing the girl’s presence. “Just the person I was waiting for!”
“Really?” Gigi blushed with a smile, dropping off her bag and walking over to Crystal. Her heart fluttered as they greeted each other with air kisses, a feeling in the pit of her stomach that she wanted to actually kiss her. 
“Duh! I have a couple things to try on you, I picked out some of my favorite pieces.”
Gigi looked at the rack of clothes, gently touching one on the end. “This is gorgeous, are you sure you want me to wear it?”
“Absolutely. I want to get you into the statement piece of the night, actually.”
“Seriously?!” Gigi’s eyes widened and she looked at the designer with a grin. She couldn’t believe Crystal was asking her to wear the biggest and most extravagant garment. She couldn’t stop herself from wrapping the older girl in a quick hug, leaving both of them flustered and hot. “Thank you! Thank you so, so much!.. and sorry, I’m not usually a hugger.”
“That’s fine, I am,” Crystal winked. “Ready to try it on?”
Gigi nodded, not really thinking as she stripped her sweater and jeans off. She’d fitted for many shoots before, and it was customary to change in front of the designers and crew to save time. The rest of the models were already at it, as well. Crystal was also accustomed to these procedures for her small shows in the past.
What they’d both forgotten is that they 110% had a thing for each other, and the realization seemed to hit the pair as Gigi stood in nothing but underwear and skin-colored pasties (bras weren’t really a thing in model-land), staring at Crystal as Crystal stared at her body. Oh, the things the designer had to do to keep herself from taking her clothes off and making out with Gigi right then and there.
“Right. Piece de resistance,” the brunette finally managed to say, grabbing her garment off the hanger. “Let’s get you dressed.”
Crystal’s fingers brushed lightly over Gigi’s skin as they worked to put the huge dress on. The theme of Crystal’s collection relied heavily on patchwork and dark, unsaturated color schemes. Gigi admired the clever work in the mirror in front of her, smiling at Crystal’s focused expression. To the model, it looked perfect, but Crystal bit her lip as she scanned the way it fit. 
“I’ll have to put some pins in and ask the seamstresses to fix it,” she mumbled, grabbing a pincushion off a nearby table. She kneeled behind Gigi and took in the waist, safety pinning it closed as Gigi realized the intended silhouette of the dress. The older girl would often make high pitched noises as she worked, uttering the words “yeah yeah yeah” every time something went her way. Gigi couldn’t ignore the feeling in the pit of her stomach as Crystal touched her through the fabric, looking down so the designer wouldn’t see her reddened cheeks. 
“Ah! Looks so good now!” Crystal squealed, admiring the look. 
Gigi glanced up in the mirror with a huge grin. “Holy shit, it’s so beautiful!”
Not as beautiful as you, Crystal smirked, putting her hands on her cheeks. “Oh my gosh, do a walk for me!”
The ginger laughed, grabbing her stilettos and doing a simple walk and turn, giving Crystal a wink. The designer couldn’t tell whether the jump in her chest was because of her vision coming together or because of the vision in front of her. 
For another two hours, the same procedure ensued with a few more looks. Looking at Gigi nearly ass-naked did not become any easier for Crystal, and having Crystal’s hands touch her all over did not become any easier for Gigi. A couple times, Crystal had to stray away and help with other models, leaving both her and Gigi sad without each other’s presence. Finally, the long day was over when Crystal wrapped up the last look to send to the seamstress and Gigi put her clothes on again.
“Jeez, you must be tired, Gi,” Crystal walked up to the other girl as she grabbed her bag.
“Yeah, a little worn out, but I’ll be okay,” the model smiled. 
“Bye lovebirds!” Jaida called, leaving the studio with Nicky and Jackie at her side. 
“What?” Gigi raised her eyebrows with a smirk. 
“Chile, don’t think we didn’t see y’all rubbing up on each other back there.”
“Rub up on yourself!” Crystal joked.
“Where are you guys headed?” Gigi asked, walking towards the group. Crystal bounced up behind her. 
“Out,” Nicky smiled. “Jaida and I are showing Jackie the best club in Paris.”
“Wanna come?” Jackie asked.
Gigi looked at Crystal, then at Jaida, who was giving her a look. 
“I’m in!” the designer agreed. Gigi nodded and followed her new friends, walking in step with Jackie and Nicky as Jaida teased Crystal. 
“So,” Nicky raised an eyebrow.
“So?” Gigi raised one back.
“Don’t bullshit me, Goode,” the Frenchwoman coaxed. “You and Crystal?”
“No! I mean-” Gigi glanced back at her crush. “I—”
“You totally like her, oh my gosh,” Jackie rolled her eyes. 
“I don’t know!” Gigi blushed. “I don’t not like her.”
“This is too cute,” Nicky nudged Jackie as she opened the doors to the lobby. At this time of day the room was busy and active, the people living and working at Fatelle getting together to prepare to go out.
Gigi spotted Plastique and Brooke talking to a large group of girls that she didn’t recognize. 
“Oh, those are the West girls!” Crystal waved at who Gigi presumed to be ‘West.’ “Nina joined Fatelle last year, and Plastique and Brooke worked for them earlier this year,” Crystal explained to Gigi and Jackie. “She was a huge mentor when I got here earlier.”
Gigi looked at the group again, admiring the pretty and diverse models. She noticed Aquaria and her friends nearby, making an effort to avoid eye contact with any of them. Trixie was near Adore at the desk, laughing with a beautiful blonde with bright red lipstick, who seemed to be wheezing at one of the smart manager’s jokes. Jan and Rock were talking near the entrance to the apartment complex. Raven was nowhere to be found, of course.
Jackie waved at Jan, whose expression lightened and she bounded over to air-kiss the five girls. Rock followed soon after with a grin. 
“What’s this gaggle of ladies up to?” the platinum blonde asked coyly. 
“You know very well we’re going drinking, Jan,” Jackie replied.
“Hm, maybe I do,” she smirked cutely. “Rock and I are coming, y’know.”
“We are?” Rock asked,
“The more the merrier,” Nicky shrugged. “If I’m not wasted by the end of the night, I blame it on all of you.”
“Hey, we have work tomorrow! And I’m like, supposed to be you guyses boss or something,” Crystal laughed, not taking herself seriously. 
The group left the building and walked a few blocks to a nearby club, led by Nicky and Jaida. There was a small line outside, and it seemed to be a gay-friendly but not-quite-a-gay bar. To the American girls’ surprise, Nicky led them to the front of the line.
“VIP!” Jan said softly to Gigi.
“Just where I belong!” the redhead joked. 
It was apparent that Jaida was blocking the group’s view from Nicky, but there was absolutely no reason why she would have to while Nicky was talking to the bouncer. Well, Gigi thought Nicky was talking to the bouncer, but she didn’t hear any actual words exchanged. Damn, were her friends acting strange now, too?!
They all made their way into the club, the music pumping loud as the dance floor was already starting to fill up. It was the evening, but not late enough that the ravers would show up. The friends decided to grab a booth to order drinks, Gigi ending up squished between Jan and Crystal. 
“Do you drink?” Gigi asked the brunette.
Crystal shrugged. “I’m not sober or anything, I just don’t drink in excess.” 
“Fuck, cause’ I have no clue what to get.”
“Just order what you normally get!”
“I don’t wanna drink a manhattan at a club, though!”
“I mean, if you wanna go for shots this early on…”
“No, no, you’re right. Oh my god, what if I ordered a beer?”
“Now that’s pretty gay,” Crystal laughed, before her face fell. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean-”
Gigi blushed, happy to get confirmation that her love interest was in fact, not straight. “Girl, even if I look like-a zis, I’m queer as fuck. I’m allowed to act like a stereotypical lesbian for tonight.” 
“I’ll have to join you on that one,” the designer grinned. “I’m paying for the first round!” She announced to the table, garnering a whoop from the females. “But you’re on your own after that!”
A server came around and took the girls orders. Beers for Crystal and Gigi, a White Russian for Jan, a Daquiri for Rock, a Whiskey Sour for Jaida, a Martini for Jackie, and something called a ‘number 8’ for Nicky. Gigi tried to find the mystery drink on the menu above the bar, but it was absent from the list.
“What’s a ‘number 8,’ Nicky?” the girl asked across the table.
“Secret menu item, do not try it, baby.”
“You intrigue me…”
“Seriously, chile, don’t get one,” Jaida reinforced. “Unless you wanna throw up in the club bathroom, be my guest.”
“Oh, I see!” Gigi raised an eyebrow at the French model. “Miss Nicky-I-have-a-liver-of-steel-Doll.”
“It’s called alcoholism,” Nicky stated bluntly, causing the table to laugh in unison. The drinks arrived promptly, and Gigi saw that the Number 8 seemed to be a red wine type of drink. How could it possibly be as strong as the older girls said?
Crystal clinked her beer glass against Gigi’s. “To being gay!”
“To being gay,” the model laughed, taking a quick sip. She wasn’t the biggest fan of lager, but it was a tame drink for the time being.
The night went on with Gigi and Crystal making their way to the dance floor, jumping along to the music. Neither were the best dancers but they did illicit cheers when they did a duet in a dance circle. The two spent the whole night together, joining their friend group on-and-off to have their own adventures exploring the two-level club. The two went back and forth to the bar, chasing down shots with more shots whenever they got thirsty, as if the liquor would do much to quench their thirst.
They found themselves in a quiet corner of the club next to a potted plant, behind a booth. They were drunkenly chatting about who-knows-what, the normal filter they put on their words gone. Both were hyper and happy drunks, so the crackheadedness that radiated from their little area was almost palpable.
“Wait, so you woke up where?!” Gigi slurred, lightly slapping the other girls arm.
“I woke up-” Crystals speech was interrupted with a bout of giggles. “I woke up on the toilet…”
Both hollered in laugher, and Crystal, catching her breath, continued. “And my arm was elbow deep in the bowl cause’ I was hunched over it cause’ I was throwing up!”
“You put your arm in vomit?!”
“No no no no, I threw up in the sink!”
The two continued to laugh, Gigi wheezing so much she had to hang onto the shorter girl. 
“Oh em gee, lemme tell you about this one story,” Gigi started. “I was at, like, a party…  in high school and this dude went up to me like this,” she imitated a burly man walking, causing the older girl to snort. The redhead placed her hands behind her head and playfully ground her hips on Crystals, making strange grunting noises. What Gigi didn’t know was that Crystal was totally into it—minus the man-impression.
“So yeah, he did that, and he was like ‘wanna come to my place?’ And I said no, I’m into chicks!” Gigi went back to her normal self, albeit significantly closer to Crystal. “And then he— he GRABBED another random girl and said— threesome?!?!” The two cackled at the straight male stupidity, holding onto each other’s hands.
When their laughter died down, neither one of them spoke. The girls realized they were holding each other, looking each other straight in the face. In their drunken states, they were too comfortable to leave their position. 
And then Crystal did something stupid.
Or was it absolute genius?
Because Crystal smashed her face on Gigi’s, catching her lips in a passionate and alcohol fueled kiss. Gigi leaned back into it, more than satisfied to be making out with the girl she liked. Their mouths tasted like vodka and lime and they wasted no time sucking on each other’s tongues, moving their jaws sloppily and widely. Gigi buried her hands in the older girl’s curls, while Crystal snaked hers around the models waist and onto her backside. 
Gigi gently backed the other girl onto the nearby wall, leaving her lips to gently suck on her jawline, sparkly lipgloss all over each other’s mouths. Crystal lightly whimpered as the younger girl moved to her neck and collarbone, marking her so that she’d have to use makeup to cover it up in the morning. Then, Gigi returned to Crystal’s lips, the designer holding the model’s face in her hands as she bit Gigi’s lower lip. Their teeth crashed together as they lost sight of the club around them, continuing to make out in their little corner until they heard a distinct French accent shouting at them that it was 2 AM and they had to go.
They held hands all the way back to Fatelle, and they knew they’d sobered up when they gave each other a good-bye peck.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Not Nineteen Forever (20) (Branjie/Scyvie/Ninex) - Ortega
a/n: hey hey! thank u so much if u gave a lil note or sent a bit of love my way for ch19. it was really my fav to write so far so i’m so glad it resonated with at least somebody!! there is only one more chapter to this whole fic after this and i’m emosh. after the rollercoaster ride we’ve all been on, i hope u enjoy this fun lil chapter as much as i loved writing it!
please note: this fic contains young adults often behaving in irresponsible/unadvisable ways with regards to alcohol, drugs and sex. if you are someone who feels as if they could be heavily influenced by fic and incorporate what happens in the plot into ur own life, pls steer clear!
summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
last chapter: Brooke, Nina, Silky and Vanjie were locked in the library, and Brooke and Vanessa finally talked things out like adults.
this chapter: exams are over, dissertations are submitted, degree classifications are being allocated and the girls are nervously waiting for adult life to hit them like a freight train. what better way to avoid thinking about responsibilities than to go to the beach?
The day had started, as most of Scarlet’s days often do, with a message to the group chat.
Well, no, that was a bit of a lie. Scarlet’s day had started with her making breakfast, talking to her Mums over facetime as she ate it, and reassuring them that no, she hadn’t found out her degree classification yet and when she did they’d be the first to know. It was hard beginning each day with her heart in her mouth, frantically checking her phone to see if the website had been updated and then trying to relax when she found out it hadn’t been. Scarlet tried not to think too much about it, post-Uni life that is, but with each passing day it became an unignorable fact that she had to face. Graduation season was a mere month away and Scarlet didn’t want to face it but she had to, because the reality was that Scarlet didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life. Not a single clue. Gone were the days of six-year-old Scarlet, who spent the mornings being an actress with a short break at lunchtime to develop her career in the veterinary sector and finishing the day off creating new play-dough recipes for her Michelin-star restaurant. High school had been so good at pushing everyone into a university-shaped mold but now that Scarlet had completed her three years there she felt a little like the aquarium fish in Finding Nemo once they had escaped their glass box: stuck in a plastic bag bubble, thrown out into the vast, unexplored ocean, and simply asking herself now what? Really, what could she do with a Philosophy degree? Everyone asked her the same question when she’d been making her UCAS choices and now here she was asking herself the same thing. She wished she could remember what 18-year-old Scarlet had replied. Her Mums had been surprisingly supportive of the whole endeavour, but then again they had probably been happy to have their pouty, whining teenage daughter out of the house. Funny how times change, Scarlet thought to herself as she squeezed a generous dollop of washing-up liquid onto the sponge and dunked her empty plate into the hot water she’d filled the sink with. Her Mums had just been on the phone encouraging Scarlet to move back home while she decided on what to do next. It was tempting, but the prospect of being back in the country all isolated and away from her friends and Yvie and the exciting busy-ness of the city didn’t exactly fill Scarlet with glee.
Hearing her phone buzz against the counter, Scarlet almost smashed her newly-dried plate in her haste to read the notification just in case it was an email about her classification. It wasn’t. It was, however, a message from the girls. Nina, to be precise.
Kim Kardashian-West: GUYS it’s meant to be the SUNNIEST day today and Monet’s flat are all going to the beach!!! we should all go too!
Scarlet frowned, looking at the decidedly grey sky. It didn’t exactly inspire much hope.
Yvie’s bitch: Are you sure you’re reading the forecast for today? It looks a bit grey outside xxxx
Kim Kardashian-West: Scarlet I’m a primary teacher. A basic knowledge of the days of the week are kind of an entry level requirement
cursed SatNav voice: Am I FUCK going to sit freezing my ass off on the sand watching the rain piss down all around me!!
cursed SatNav voice: If i wanted to get soaked I would just call Brooke xoxo
Akeria Sainsbury’s Bag for Life: No.
cursed SatNav voice: Ain’t that right @Brooke Lynn Hytes
Maple Syrup: you know it bby xoxo
Akeria Sainsbury’s Bag for Life: Hell. I’m in hell.
Scarlet snorted a laugh. Akeria could well have been joking or deadly serious. Looking up and out of the tiny little window that was positioned beside the sink, Scarlet swore she could see a small ray of sunshine fighting through the clouds. She tilted her head, considering Nina’s offer.
Okay Then: yes i am absolutely down to get blackout day drunk today
Akeria Sainsbury’s Bag for Life: Bitch it’s 11am who hurt you
Okay Then: listen this is perhaps the only time of our lives where we have literally no responsibilities at all. i’m getting drunk
Akeria Sainsbury’s Bag for Life: I sent off nine masters’ applications yesterday.
Akeria Sainsbury’s Bag for Life: No responsibilities my ass
Okay Then: well as huge as it is, i’m sure even it could use a little sun xo
Maple Syrup: Ooooh now you mention it a fruity cider would go down so well right now
Yvie’s bitch: Yeah go on then, I’m down!! Xxxxxxx
Scarlet’s bitch: Scarlet it’s literally 13 degrees outside you’re insane
Scarlet’s bitch: but admittedly you are also my girlfriend who i love very much
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: EW
Scarlet’s bitch: so if you’re down i’m down
Akeria Sainsbury’s Bag for Life: UGH fine i’ll go if all you idiots are too
Kim Kardashian-West: AAAH you guys this makes me so HAPPY!!!
Kim Kardashian-West: We only need Vanjie for a full house
Maple Syrup: Vanjie if you come I’ll let you suck my dick
cursed SatNav voice: How big is it
Maple Syrup: 2.75 inches when fully erect
Maple Syrup: Invisible to the human eye when flaccid
cursed SatNav voice: Hard pass
Scarlet’s bitch: Jesus Harvey Christ
cursed SatNav voice: But you bitches convinced me so i’m in
It turned out that most of the girls were still in their pyjamas, much like Scarlet, so they were given an hour to shower and make their way there. They were lucky that the city sat on the coast, and although much of the coastline was dedicated to harbours and pebble beaches there was one little beautiful strip of sand that lay about a half-hour bus ride out to the suburbs. Yvie and Brooke were getting a lift from Plastique and so they offered the last seat to Scarlet, but Scarlet didn’t want to take the girls out of their way. Besides, the sun was peeking out a little stronger now, and if it was to fully appear then it would be perfect weather for earphones, a summer playlist, and looking out of a bus window pretending she was in a music video.
Stepping outside of her flat, Scarlet was glad she’d ended up choosing dungaree shorts and a plain white t-shirt. It was definitely warmer than it looked, and she had to sweep her hair up into a ponytail to stop her neck getting too hot. She stopped off at the corner shop for a four-pack of cider (Brooke’s message had made her want some) and then walked over to the bus stop, where she managed to get one after not too long of a wait and sat on the top deck, letting the growing rays of sun fry her through the window. Once she was off the bus, she checked her phone for the meetup point. Nina, Monet and her flatmates were sat on the sand “around 10 metres in front of the chippy. But Monet has no concept of measurement so it’s anyone’s guess, really.”. Scarlet didn’t mind a small walk to find them. The promenade was packed with people all dressed in Summer clothes, the pavement giving off that smell of hot gravel which always reminded Scarlet of hot days and happy memories. The platinum-white sun cast its rays over the deep blue of the sea so that little diamonds sparkled against the waves, all tumbling over each other lazily and every so often giving a satisfying crash which mingled with the sounds of dogs barking and children giving happy cries. Scarlet found the chip shop but couldn’t see the girls amongst the mass of bodies laid out on the golden sand, so she shot Nina a text. As she waited for a reply, Scarlet took a deep breath and was hit with the unmistakable smell of the sea and chippy batter combining at once. She was a Winter person- she preferred frosty mornings and dark twinkly nights and getting cosy with a searing hot coffee and her duvet, but she loved how happy Summer seemed to make everyone, the sense of community that came with a hot, sunny day. Once Nina had given the other landmark of “there’s a guy with an inflatable sofa to our immediate right”, Scarlet managed to find the girls with no trouble and she was soon dashing towards them excitedly and letting out an embarrassingly childish squeal as she reached Nina and crashed into her in a hug.
“Scarlet!” she greeted her cheerfully, much of her face obscured by a huge floppy woven sunhat. Breaking out of the hug, she turned to address Monet’s flatmates. “Guys, you remember Scarlet, right?”
There was a chorus of welcoming noises as the other girls greeted her, some more distractedly than others. Cracker was busy rubbing her arm with a thick streak of white sunblock which seemed to have the same consistency as double cream, Bob was laid out against a bright pink beach towel with a set of huge sunglasses over her eyes, and Monique was trying her best to remove the cork from a bottle of cava. Monet was by Nina’s side, her head resting against her girlfriend’s shoulder as she stretched her legs out and buried her feet in the sand.
“Hey, congrats for finishing uni, Miss Scarlet,” Monet smiled at her, Scarlet smiling back despite the fact she was being reminded of adult life hurtling towards her like a bullet train.
“Thanks! Congrats to you both too. How does it feel to have an actual certified genius for a girlfriend?”
“Like I’m horrifically inferior and will never amount to anything.”
“Shut up!” Nina battered her on the arm, outraged as Monet and Scarlet shared a laugh. Nina had received a mark of 95 on her dissertation, a number that the girls had considered impossible to attain at university, but Nina had managed it. It was quite revolutionary as far as undergrad research went; a study into how well-prepared teachers felt to support transgender children in schools, with recommendations as to how to do just that within its conclusion and a call for councils to give further money and resources to the cause. “Your diss was amazing as well.”
“Yeah, what do you mean that more research into ability groupings in maths isn’t groundbreaking?” Monet rolled her eyes, laughing again as Nina protested.
“Who knew so much effort went into a primary teaching degree? I always thought your dissertation would be to…I don’t know, write a children’s book, or make a picture out of pasta spirals and glitter, or create a nursery rhyme or something,” Cracker piped up, Bob giving a snort beside her. Monet looked ready to defend her degree angrily when Nina sat up straight and fixed Cracker with an intrigued look.
“Oh, a nursery rhyme? Like…there was a young girl named Cracker, who was an incredible slacker. Her degree was dumb, so she tried to make fun, of her friends who decided to smack her.”  
Scarlet let out a screech, as did Monique and Bob. Cracker could only burst out laughing and throw her hands up in defeat as Monet grabbed Nina’s face and pressed an emphatic kiss to her girlfriend’s cheek.
“Oh my fucking God, babe, I love you so much,” she laughed, wiping away a tear of mirth from her eye.
“Love you too!” Nina smiled happily, just as Monique finally got the cork out of the bottle with a satisfying, hollow pop.
“Aw, you hoes got champagne on arrival? How fancy.”  
The girls turned around at the familiar voice to find Silky, Akeria and Vanjie all making their way towards them from the promenade. Excited again, Scarlet ran to hug them, namely Vanjie who she hadn’t seen since their final exam. They hadn’t spent too much time together but it had been enough time for Vanessa to elaborate on the story she’d told the girls in the group chat of how she, Silky, Brooke and Nina had all somehow been locked in the library overnight. Scarlet knew that had had something to do with the fact that she and Brooke were friends again. She didn’t know whether they’d fucked their frustrations out or actually talked like adults, but whatever they’d done Scarlet was glad about it. Whether or not they were reconnecting with a view to getting back together or not, Vanessa and Brooke were back to flirting on the group chat like high schoolers, and all was back to normal.
“Right, who’s wanting some of this? I’m not sure I got enough for everyone, though,” Monique asked loudly. Scarlet didn’t miss the way Vanessa stayed silent as the other girls clamoured for some fizz. She knew Vanjie had broken things off with Monique, whatever “things” were, and Scarlet somehow didn’t think she was enjoying being on the other side of a breakup much either.
“Did you even bring cups?” Bob asked, sitting up and quirking an eyebrow at her flatmate. Monique groaned.
“Ah, fuck, cups.”
“You absolute idiot sandwich,” Cracker rolled her eyes at her. Her eyes darted quickly to Vanessa before she stood up and grabbed her purse from her backpack. “C’mon. I’ll come to the shops with you and we can get some.”
The two girls walked away as Silky, Akeria and Vanessa all laid out what looked to be a duvet cover that they’d brought with them in lieu of a towel or blanket. Scarlet didn’t even think to question it. She knew it had been Silky’s idea without needing to ask.
“I feel like a dick,” Vanessa jerked a thumb towards Monique’s retreating frame.
“Don’t,” Monet and Bob said in unison, Nina letting out a small laugh.
“Y’all are The Shining levels of creepy,” Akeria frowned, digging out three huge bottles of beer from a shopping bag and giving one to each of her flatmates.
“Well, we’re right! You were friends with benefits, everyone knew that. It’s not Monique’s fault she caught feels but it sure as hell ain’t yours either,” Bob shrugged, ever the blunt but honest friend.
“So what is going on with you and Brooke now?” Monet asked, leaning forward and propping herself up on her elbows. Vanessa fixed her with an unimpressed look.
“Gee Monet, whatever happened to so how’ve you guys been, or how was exams, or literally any other small talk?”
“Yeah, and whatever happened to it’s none of our business?” Nina side-eyed her girlfriend disapprovingly.
“Well, girl! We’ve been in dissertation hell for a month and a half. Shit kinda got boring,” Monet shrugged semi-apologetically. “Anyway Vanjie, Monique’s away and Brooke’s not here yet and I doubt you want to talk about it when either of those two are here in front of you? And I’ve been trying to grill Neens about it but she keeps using lame excuses like we shouldn’t be getting involved and shouldn’t you be thinking about your classroom, so c’mon, bitch, spill.”
Vanessa smiled slightly, gesturing as if it was obvious. “Well, she knows I love her. And she loves me.”
Monet let out an “aaw!” at the same time Akeria let out an “ugh”. Vanjie ignored them both and continued.
“But she hurt me, so I ain’t lettin’ her get back in my good books that easy. Of course I wanna be with her, more than anything else in the world, but we need to get that trust back before I even entertain the idea.”
“So have you…y’know…had any kinky, passionate reunion sex yet?” Monet winked at her. Vanessa looked at her flatmates, a humoured smile playing on her lips.
“Akeria’s threatened to kick me out the flat if I even so much as think about it.”
The girls howled with laughter as Akeria tried to suppress a smile. “She thinks I’m joking.”
“I really don’t,” Vanjie raised her eyebrows at her, Akeria playfully shoving her onto the fluffy sand beside her and causing her to get it all up her side. “God fucking damnit, now I don’t even get to look nice when she arrives.”
“Oh, here she comes now, actually,” Silky said, nonplussed. Vanessa scowled at her.
“Quit playin’.”
Scarlet followed Silky’s gaze. “No, Vanj, she actually is.”
As Vanessa muttered a shit, Scarlet waved excitedly at Plastique, Brooke and Yvie, smiling when the latter pulled a goofy face and waved back. Plastique seemed to be carrying something huge and wooden underneath her arm.
“Lord Jesus, what the hell is she doing,” Silky shook her head as the girls came closer into view. Scarlet jumped up happily to hug her girlfriend, Brooke muttered a soft hey as she sat down next to Vanjie and hugged her, and Plastique, after she’d greeted the others, unfolded a multicoloured striped deckchair.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” Scarlet let out a laugh, unsure whether to be impressed or exasperated by Plastique’s levels of extra.
“What?! It’s a sunny day, we’re at the beach, this is literally what deckchairs are for! Have fun getting sand in every possible orifice, losers,” she stuck out her tongue at them as she sat back and gave a happy sigh.
“Ariel not joining us today?” Nina asked.
“Nah, she’s gone home to see her parents. Why the hell you’d want to go home now when you could be dragging out your last month of uni life is totally beyond me, but hey.”
Yvie gave a deep laugh. “Plastique, your family have a townhouse in London, a chalet in Chamonix with membership to a private ski resort, and a literal penthouse in Dubai with an outdoor pool on a balcony. Why the fuck are you here?”
The girls all exploded with laughter, even Plastique conceding with a smile and a self-aware shrug that she was a rich bitch.
“Hey, I’m moving back in after graduation and won’t see you guys for ages, let me enjoy your shitty company.”
“You could fly us all out,” Brooke smiled hopefully, cracking the top off her bottle of cider with her keys.
“Yeah, lemme borrow twenty grand off my Mum real quick,” Plastique snorted sardonically.
Bob reached across to Monique’s cava, giving a small sip. “I’m moving home too. Gotta save money.”
“At least you both know what you’re doing,” Scarlet rolled her eyes, trying not to sound too bitter and accidentally just coming out with the verbal equivalent of black coffee. Luckily, Brooke held out her bottle and nodded emphatically.
“We can’t all have Akeria’s serial-killer levels of ambition or just walk into a job like Monet and Nina.”
“Hey! It’s a probationary year that we could literally fail if we screw up, stop thinking we have things easy,” Nina protested.
“How could you possibly fail being a teacher unless you literally boot a child in the face?” Yvie laughed in disbelief. Seeing Monet and Nina gearing themselves up for a verbal sparring match, she gesticulated wildly. “I’m kidding, ladies, I’m kidding! You work very hard and kids are little shits and you don’t get paid enough. Happy?”
“Very,” Monet rolled her eyes, accepting the cava that Bob held out to her and taking a swig before passing it to Nina.
“What’re you guys doing after uni?” Bob asked, then instantly cringed hearing the groans she got in response. “Sorry, sorry, I forgot that question is basically Satan incarnate.”
“Well, I applied to a bunch of newspapers. But the journalism industry is a shitshow anyway, so fuck knows what I’m doing or if they’ll even accept me,” Silky sighed. Her mood was decidedly flat. It was rare for her to be anything other than high-energy, volume turned all the way up to 100.
“Well, your classification might help!” Bob said comfortingly. Scarlet looked at Silky to gauge her reaction. She didn’t know if she’d been given hers yet, but the girl’s embarrassed face soon gave her an answer.
“Well I got a 2:2, so. Probably not,” she shrugged, Bob trying to backtrack apologetically. Scarlet felt bad for Silky. There was nothing wrong with a 2:2 and a degree was still a degree, but she knew how much Silky believed that despite her grades not being great, she’d still pull it out of the bag in the end, maybe manage one essay that pulled her marks up. Even though the girls were all still proud of her, it was another thing for her to let herself down.
“We’re still proud of you, Silky. You worked fucking hard and you got your degree, and that’s something to celebrate,” Nina smiled affirmingly, holding the cava out for Silky to drink. She smiled gratefully at the girls around her before accepting.
“Thanks, ladies,” she said quietly, before taking a swig. The cava seemed to return Silky back to normal, and she cried out after drinking. “An’ besides! 2:1s are boring anyway. Go hard or go home, bitch, and I’m goin’ the fuck home!”
The girls indulged Silky in a laugh. They sat for a while, chatting easily and passing the bottle of cava around, the lack of cups now not so much of a problem as it had seemed previously.
“Hey, anyone want a paddle?” Brooke asked suddenly. Scarlet gave a snort of outrage.
“You’re insane. That water’s got to be minus five.”
“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun! Vanj?” Brooke asked, her voice hopeful. Vanessa shrugged easily, casting the girl a quick smile and then dragging Akeria and Silky to their feet.
“To be fair, I am getting really warm. Getting my feet cold might be nice,” Nina reasoned out loud. Monet jumped up with her cheerfully. “Yvie, you coming?”
“Nah. Think I’ll stay here with my girl,” Yvie squeezed Scarlet’s hand, Scarlet smiling back at her happily.
“Awww, Yvie! You’re too cute,” Plastique cried sarcastically from her deckchair, the other girls laughing. She was too busy sunbathing to paddle, but Bob decided she’d follow Monet’s lead and join the others in the water. Scarlet laughed as she watched her friends tear down to the sea like children, the white spray flying into the air as they all hit the water at once.
“We’re friends with actual kids,” Yvie laughed, Scarlet nodding in agreement.
“God, we really are,” she smiled affectionately, watching Akeria take a step into the sea then jump back as if it was made of molten lava and not freezing cold water. Just as the girls had left, Scarlet became aware of two sets of footsteps approaching behind them. It was Cracker and Monique, back from the shops with a plastic bag twirling around Monique’s hand.
“Hey,” Scarlet greeted them cheerfully, then added, by way of explanation, “They’ve gone into the sea.”
“Oh, fun!” Cracker beamed. Monique picked up the bottle of cava and rolled her eyes. There was a shot-sized dribble at the bottom.
“You sons of bitches are nothing if not predictable,” she laughed, fishing a brand new bottle out of the plastic bag along with a set of cups. Yvie held her hands out apologetically and Monique shook her head, letting her know all was forgiven. Scarlet looked out to the water again. Bob had Monet on her back and Vanessa was leaping on Brooke’s, Brooke unable to catch her from the amount she was laughing. It looked as if they were about to do some sort of race or fight. Vanessa finally got onto Brooke’s back, her arms looping around her shoulders like a bush baby.
“So. That’s that then,” Monique gave a little sigh as she looked out to sea. Scarlet did a double-take as she looked at her. Her expression was mostly hidden behind her huge mirrored sunglasses, but Scarlet could see the small frown on her face. She knew who her gaze had fallen on. Scarlet felt bad for the girl.
“Hey, don’t take it personally. Vanjie thought you were great, she really did. She told me all the time,” Scarlet said reassuringly, Monique giving her a little smile of gratitude. “You know that way when you’re still hung up on someone you love. That’s all it is.”
Monique rubbed her arms, wrapping them around herself in a hug. “My own damn fault for catchin’ feelings.”
“Happens to the best of us, girl,” Yvie piped up. Cracker smiled at the pair of them gratefully, squeezing Monique’s shoulder supportively.
“We’ve been trying to tell her that.”
Monique laughed suddenly as she saw Silky chasing the girls with a huge, slimy-looking clump of seaweed she’d fished out of the water. The smile remained on her face as her laughter died down and she looked at Scarlet and Yvie inquisitively. “Brooke’s gonna treat her nice, right?”
Scarlet thought about Brooke’s helplessness after her and Akeria’s birthday weekend, her heartbroken confession of love in the toilets of the grubby karaoke bar. She watched how tightly Brooke was holding Vanessa on her back, as if to let go of her would be a crime. Scarlet smiled at Monique. “She will. I know she will.”
Seemingly satisfied, Monique kicked her sandals off and turned to Cracker. “You wanna go paddle?”
“Girl, I thought you’d never ask.”
Scarlet was satisfied staying with Yvie on the sand. They turned to Plastique only to find her napping in her deckchair, her skin beginning to take on an ever-so-slightly pink hue. Deciding to avoid Plastique’s potential wrath if they woke her up, Monique and Cracker dashed down to the ocean to join the other girls. Scarlet sat quietly with Yvie for a moment, taking in the scene of their friends all clowning around in the water.
“You still looking for jobs?” Yvie asked her. Scarlet sighed. She didn’t mind talking about post-uni life with Yvie, didn’t mind being honest about how scared and unsure she was with the person who loved her and she loved back.
“Yeah. It’s hard applying without my classification, though. And, I guess, even harder when you’ve got no idea what the hell you want to do with your life.”
Scarlet gave a self-deprecating laugh which Yvie gently joined in with. Yvie laced her fingers around Scarlet’s and gave her hand a squeeze. “You’ll figure it out, babe. There’s no time pressure on these things.”
“I know. It’s just hard when…hell, you’ve got Monet and Nina about to start their entire careers. I mean they’ll be in charge of a whole class of kids. Akeria knows what she wants to do and she’ll get there. Hell, even if Silky’s classification wasn’t as good as she wanted it, journalism is at least something she wants to go into. And Vanjie’s decided on events management. You know you want to at least do something with criminology,” Scarlet sighed, suddenly feeling so small. “It’s so hard trying to figure out what you want to do with your life when everyone around you seems to know. How the hell are you meant to know yourself?”
“Listen,” Yvie brought her thumb up to stroke Scarlet’s knuckle, calming her instantly by about 80%. “The great thing about your life is that…it’s yours. Nobody else’s. Just yours. Say you decide on a job and you hate it. Do you think you have to stay because the pay’s good and it’s something steady? No! You leave, because you can get another job. You don’t like it? You change. You want to go back to uni to doss about for another year? Do it! There is no rule to life that says you need to live it a certain way. And fuck yes, it’s scary! I’m scared! I don’t know if I’ll like any of the jobs I’m applying for, they could be so different in reality to what they are on paper. But you know I’ll support you whatever you decide.”
Scarlet’s voice was quiet as she watched the waves crash around her friends. “I just don’t want to disappoint my parents.”
“Scarlet, your parents love you unconditionally. And I’ll say it again- it’s your life. Yours. Not theirs. You can do whatever the hell you want to.”
Scarlet nodded, Yvie’s words a small comfort to her in the world that now seemed so big and scary. Yvie’s voice was quieter as she spoke again. “So…you’re going to live back home once all this is over?”
“I guess so. I don’t really want to, but I don’t want to live alone either. And it’ll help me save money, although if I don’t have a job I guess there’s not much money to save,” Scarlet snorted a laugh. She didn’t want to think about any of this, but Yvie was asking her so she gave an honest answer. Scarlet didn’t miss the way her girlfriend fell silent, nodding her head, a sad little frown on her face. She didn’t want to move away from Yvie. She didn’t want to return home. Yvie was her home.
Suddenly there came a splash from the water and Scarlet’s gaze was jolted away from her girlfriend and down to the sea. Silky had somehow fallen into the water and the girls were all howling with mirth as she screeched and tried to splash them all. Scarlet couldn’t help but join in with the laughter as she watched Akeria help fish Silky out of the water, the girl sitting in the wet sand and laughing so loudly that Scarlet could hear it even from farther up the beach. As Scarlet composed herself and her laughter died down, she turned to see Yvie looking at her, a dopey little smile on her face.
“What?” Scarlet laughed, touching her hair self-consciously. Yvie looked down at the sand, then back up to meet her eyes.
“Move in with me. After we graduate.”
Scarlet’s eyes grew suddenly wide in shock. Yvie was still holding her hand and Scarlet’s grip on hers had tightened. “Really?”
Yvie’s face was earnest, and Scarlet could see her gulp as she nodded quickly. She took a little gasp of air before explaining herself. “I mean, we both already basically live together. You’re at mine so often anyway, we know what we’re like to live with. We’ve not spent more than a full week apart since…fuck, I don’t know. I would do long distance for you, Scarlet, but I don’t want to. I want to go to IKEA and build flat pack furniture and make slow cooker casseroles and fucking…pay council tax with you. I hope you don’t…think I’m being too intense. Jesus, we’ve not even been together a year, fuck, sorry, this was a shit idea-”
“Well when you know, you know, right?” Scarlet smiled at her girlfriend, squeezing her hand. Yvie smiled back at her, reassured and happy, and Scarlet could hear the seagulls in the air and the crash of the waves and the laughter of their friends. She wouldn’t have had any other soundtrack to accompany the moment. “Yes. I’m in. Let’s get a flat together. Just the two of us. I don’t know what the fuck I want to do with my life, but I know it’s going to be a lot easier if I’m doing it with you.”
Relieved, Yvie leaned in and met Scarlet’s lips, kissing her once, twice, three times before pulling away and squeezing her hand. They met each other’s eyes and smiled, breathlessly giggling a little. Deciding to move in together didn’t seem to be the huge, relationship-changing milestone that society had hyped it up to be. It made sense to Scarlet: they loved each other, enjoyed the other’s company, they’d practically lived together for the past however-many-months. Okay, they hadn’t really hit any real speed bumps in their relationship really, but Scarlet trusted Yvie and she trusted herself. They were a team, two puzzle pieces that fit together. Whatever the crazy, scary, mixed-up adult world had in store for them after graduation, they would face it together.
Just then, Scarlet’s phone vibrated. She picked it up from its place underneath a carefully-folded corner of her towel. Opening it and reading the email, her heart dropped.
“Oh my God,” she said, her heart thudding uncontrollably.
“What’s the matter?”
“My classification’s through.”
Scarlet’s fingers were shaking and her palms were sweating as she frantically logged onto the uni’s intranet.
“Breathe. Just breathe. It’ll be fine,” Yvie reassured her, but Scarlet could feel her blood racing in her veins. She didn’t want to look. She did want to look. As the page loaded, she squeezed her eyes shut. Nothing had ever seemed so catastrophically life-defining before. The page loaded, Scarlet blinked, then she screamed. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Plastique flinch in her deckchair. Yvie’s face was expectant. Scarlet could hardly get the words out.
“A FIRST, I GOT A FUCKING FIRST!” she screeched, Yvie practically tackling her into the sand as she hugged her. Scarlet felt like her heart was about to burst. The three years had all been worth it and she felt like the biggest weight and worry in the world was finally lifted off of her. This was, admittedly, contrasted with the feeling of Plastique piling herself on top of the two girls, screaming excitedly the whole time. Scarlet suddenly batted them off of her, grabbing their hands and tugging them towards the shore.
“I wanna run into the sea! Can we run into the sea and tell the girls?”
Nodding excitedly, the three friends tore towards the coastline screeching like banshees. Scarlet could feel the wind in her hair, the sun beating down on her, and the sand shifting underneath her feet with every step she took.
She had never felt so conscious of her own mortality and yet as if she could live forever all at once.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 2 (Branjie) (and background everyone) - Ortega
a/n: thank u for being so lovely to me about this rewrite! this chapter was tricky to rework but i solved it in the end wOO! as always love will always be appreciated so if it’s ur first time reading (or even if it’s not!) feel free to shoot some my way!! here we go with chapter 2 of strictly au 2: electric boogaloo (yes i will be making that joke every time i resubmit a new chapter xo)
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
26th September 2020
Vanessa checks herself out in one of the full-length mirrors, her outfit a blur of red sequins and fringing and the flecks of glitter she’s spread across her collarbones and shoulders popping under the lights of the dressing room. She blinks slowly and carefully once, twice, then gives a little flutter of her immaculately-applied fake eyelashes.
“Makeup did a great job tonight,” she smiles appreciatively at herself. Akeria appears from behind her, squeezes her in a hug.
“Mm. Although I guess it helps when they get a canvas like mine to paint on,” she flutters her own falsies whilst framing her face with her hands, and Vanessa bats her away playfully. Suddenly they are nudged out of the way by Aja.
“Do you clowns mind? Some of us have to actually use these mirrors.”
“Yeah, let Aja in. She needs all the help she can get,” Shea calls from across the room, the girls giving a laugh and Aja giving a faux-wounded cry and dashing back across the room to whack Shea. Vanessa has missed this- the dressing room camaraderie, the gossiping and the occasional catfight. She’d marked out her territory in the long, white-and-metal room a few years ago when she’d befriended Akeria and Monique, and the three girls sit at the same three white vanity tables in the same three only-slightly-uncomfortable tan-stained white chairs, with their crushed water bottles and makeup bits and bobs and packets of dried fruit snacks scattered over the area like a bomb has gone off. The blast of hairdryers, hisses of hairspray cans, excited chatter and the playlist the dancers have all cultivated together combine to create one chaotic, noisy sound that Vanessa thinks is a little bit magical. It’s even more magical, more exciting and thrilling, now that she’s actually going to be partnered up with someone and have a proper Strictly journey.
“What’re y’all gonna teach as your first dance?” Monique asks, already touching up her eyeliner despite the fact she doesn’t need to.
“Hmph. Depends who I get,” Vanessa shrugs, a little thrum in her heart. “I wanna get some ballroom out of the way first though. Then it’s one less to choreograph.”
Monique hums in agreement. She knows Vanessa has limited ballroom experience, having competed almost exclusively in Latin competitions. Vanessa looks over at Jan and Jaida who are chatting excitedly with Plastique. They all knew each other from the ballroom circuit before they started on the show and Vanessa knows she’ll never be one of those dancers that exudes grace and poise, little paper dolls that float across the floor practically on tiptoe. Then again, those girls will never be a dancer like she is, all hips and curves, sass and fiery passion and playfulness. Well. Jaida probably could if she wanted to, but Vanessa remembers when the pros all did the Cell Block Tango number last year and Jaida kept getting the giggles at the sexiest parts and setting all the other girls off laughing. For one of the most attractive girls on the circuit, she balances it out with being a bit of a dork.    
“You sure you don’t wanna lead with your strong suit? Arrive with a bang, that sorta thing,” Akeria muses, and Vanessa shakes her head.
“It’s a long game, girl, you can’t peak too early.”
“Well my plan is to peak on the first night and then plateau. Tens across the board right through to the final,” Monique pipes up, touching her lashes and pulling a face at the mirror. Vanessa and Akeria share a long-suffering look and roll their eyes.
“Of course,” Akeria indulges her. “I’ll maybe do a Cha Cha Cha or somethin’.”
“Hey! I was gonna do a Cha Cha Cha!” Monique cries, appalled. Vanessa bursts out laughing.
“Bitch! There’s only about four dances you can pick from at the start anyway, if you wanted to be the only one doin’ it then lower your expectations,” she laughs at her friend. Monique narrows her eyes, turns around in her chair and calls on Crystal, hairspraying her long, dark wavy ponytail in place at her own vanity table. “Crys! What’re you doing for the first dance?”
Crystal turns around excitedly, looks to the ceiling in thought. “Oooh…some sort of samba, maybe? Start out difficult.”
Monique pouts, halfway to satisfied. “You heard what any of the other girls are doing?”
“Jaida’s undecided. Aja keeps talking about this vision she’s got for this rhumba to Chan Chan…oh! Jan’s doing a Cha Cha Cha.”
Vanessa stifles a laugh as Monique gives a wounded groan. “Damn it, Jan!”
Crystal laughs, shakes her ponytail out and shrugs. “To be fair, I think Jan’s planned out all her dances until she gets to the final. Nobody’s thought to tell her she might not get that far.”
“Hey! Heard that, asshole,” shouts Jan, a few tables down.
“Love you!” Crystal calls back, her voice typically high and sweet and ensuring nobody can ever get mad at her.
Talk turns to partners. It turns out Crystal’s got her eye on Jackie or Gigi, and Vanessa swears she can see a bit more blush appear on her cheeks when she tells her that Gigi was gunning for her as well. As some of the other girls who’re finished getting ready around them join in, Vanessa sneaks a look at her phone and idly scrolls to Instagram to find a certain comment that’s been running through her mind for the past month. A photo of her in the studio, it’s not even that cute; she’s got her old dance school hoodie on and a pair of black Primark leggings paired with her obnoxiously bright blue trainers, and she’s sitting on the floor fresh from her warmup holding her phone up to the mirror. Vanessa scrolls down, feels her heart give a little excited jump when she reaches the comment she was looking for.
bhytes:  😍😍😍
It’s dumb and embarrassing how much she’s scrolled Brooke Lynn’s profile since the girl followed her all those weeks ago. Vanessa had felt something inside her burst when she’d first seen the notification, and she still tries to tell herself she wasn’t disappointed when she saw that Brooke had followed most of the other pros too. Vanessa is only hung up on the girl because she’d be such a good partner. It’s not like they really flirted when they met, anyway- Brooke had just been joking around, and Vanessa had followed suit. Some jokes between two girls that had just met and had hit it off with each other stupidly well. It wasn’t anything more than that. Vanessa can’t take her eye off the ball this season; she’s in it to win, just like all the other girls. Being benched for two years has struck a determination in her that she’s not ready to let die. She remembers how confident Brooke was, how easily the moves came to her, how she dipped Vanessa safely and carefully but with such skill and how close they were pressed together when Vanessa came back up-
Alright, bitch. That’s enough of that.
Akeria yelling her name makes Vanessa jerk her head up from her screen, the other girls laughing at the surprise on her face.
“What are you even doing, Jesus,” Akeria mutters, grabbing her phone out of her hand. Vanessa gives a little squeak of outrage, trying not to blush as a shit-eating grin spreads across her friend’s face as she looks at Vanessa’s phone and the other dancers ask what she’s seen.
“Well, let’s just say we know who Vanjie wants to be partnered with,” Akeria smirks, the other girls descending into excited squawks as Vanessa clamours for her phone back and Akeria relents.
“Don’t make it weird, bitch, God,” Vanessa murmurs, trying not to be stung with embarrassment. Crystal pulls a sympathetic face, reaches out to place a comforting hand on Vanessa’s arm.
“Aw, Vanjie! It’s normal to get a lil’ crush on one of the celebrities, they’re all so beautiful and airbrushed.”
“Is it, though? Or are you just hung up on a certain model that you’ve not been able to stop mentioning every five minutes since you danced with her?” Jan quirks an eyebrow, the girls all laughing and screaming again. Vanessa thinks about bringing up Jan’s obvious infatuation with Jackie but then decides against it, remembering that her Mom always tells her people in glass homes shouldn’t throw rocks. Or whatever the saying was. Even though they moved here when Vanessa was two and she probably should be used to them by now she still hates figures of speech with a passion.
“Okay I don’t mind admitting it- whoever gets Asia O’Hara, you’re a lucky son of a bitch,” Akeria throws her hands up, and Monique rolls her eyes so hard that Vanessa momentarily worries for her vision.
“My God, Keeks! Mention it one more time, maybe there’s somebody livin’ in a fuckin’…croft in the Scottish Highlands that ain’t still aware you wanna climb Miss Asia like a tree.”
Vanessa bursts out laughing, joining the other girls. Shea whips her head around from her own mirror, her high, sleek ponytail tossing itself over her shoulder as she fixes them all with an unimpressed glare. “Oh my God, will you all stop being so horny on main for like, two goddamn minutes? Jeez. When was the last time y’all got laid, two thousand and fuckin’ ten?”
Aja laughs in outrage as she points an accusatory finger Shea’s way. “Hey, not all of us could marry a contestant, okay? Let these girls get laid already!”
As the girls all hoot and Shea looks ready to fire a playful comeback at her, one of the runners comes into the dressing room and shouts up a five minute warning. The dancers all explode with excited squeals and they all rush back to their dressing tables to do a last touch up of their makeup and strap themselves into their dance shoes. Vanessa feels her heart thrumming so loud and heavy in her chest that she regrets the Red Bull she’d sank earlier, her nerves suddenly consuming her. She walks into the corridor where some of the other girls are waiting, digs her feet into the soles of her shoes and takes two big deep, calming breaths like her first ever dance teacher taught her to do when the butterflies got all too much. They’re not getting their partners straight away- they’ve got the group dance to complete first, but after that they’ll be changing into uniform little white sparkly dresses and standing on the raised steps beside the dancefloor, ready for the celebrities to come out one by one. The very thought of seeing Brooke Lynn again, in person and all fake-tanned with a full face of makeup, is making Vanessa’s hands shake a little.
“Hey,” Courtney smiles at her, coming out to stand behind her in the corridor. “Good luck. You’ll be amazing.”
“Thanks, girl,” Vanessa smiles. Courtney is the Mom of the dancers, always looking out for the other girls and keeping the peace. Vanessa is appreciative of her calm presence just now.
“How’re you feeling?” Courtney asks, a little frown of concern on her face. She rolls her eyes at herself quickly as soon as the words are out of her mouth. “God. Sorry. Silly question.”
“I’m nervous as shit right now, I ain’t gon’ lie.”
Courtney smiles, takes her hand and squeezes it. “You’ll be fine. I’d be worried if you weren’t nervous to be honest. I still remember my first show. Just remember the dancing is the easy bit. It’s what you know. You’ve done it for two seasons already anyway, all that’s changed is that you get a partner! And that’s the best bit!”
Vanessa swallows, takes another deep breath. She looks at Courtney again. “You know before you get partnered? You ever get your hopes up for one particular celebrity?”
“God, obviously. It’s like when teachers say they don’t have favourites, but you know they do. Why?” Courtney gives her a wink which makes her blush out of embarrassment. “You got your eye on anyone specific?”
“Nah. It’s my first season competing, I’ll be happy with anyone! Can’t get too choosy.”
Courtney cocks a disbelieving eyebrow at her. “Hmm. You’re a bad liar, Vanjie, but I’ll leave you alone. Have fun out there! Break a leg.”
Vanessa’s stomach gives a dip as she throws Courtney a supportive smile and turns around in the line. Monique reaches back, squeezes her hand and whispers a good luck to her, and before she can get a chance to compose herself they’re all off snaking their way in single file through yellow strobe-lit corridors, then through a dark maze of black curtains and cables and electrical tape, and finally out into the muffled excitement of the audience and the hot glow of the stage lights from the rigging overhead. As the producers and runners dash about like panicked mice, Vanessa takes another shuddery deep breath and takes her place beside Vixen, thanking God the show isn’t live but also knowing they’re about to do the dance in one whole take. She’s done this before, it’s not new. She can do this. It’s what she loves.
“Right, ladies and gentlemen! Are we ready to make history? First same-sex series of Strictly Come Dancing?” a producer yells out, the audience whooping and cheering and stamping their feet. “And five…four…three…two…one…”  
The lights go up, the smile is plastered onto Vanessa’s face, and when she starts to dance everything she has been worrying about melts away. It sounds cheesy, Vanessa knows it, but when she dances her mind literally cannot think about a single thing other than the music and the rhythm and the moves unfolding as if she’s telling a story. Vanessa remembers days spent on the couch with her Mom and a bowl of popcorn watching Billy Elliot, Dance With Me, Dirty Dancing (even though that one was a 12 and Vanessa’s Mom always told her not to tell her Abuela she was allowing her to watch it) and falling in love with dancing. As the pros finish off their dance to rapturous applause, Vanessa wonders what eight-year-old her would make of it all. She’s on the biggest dancing show on UK TV and she’s about to actually compete in it. Jesus.
Backstage, Vanessa’s hands are shaking so much that they fumble with the zip at the back of her costume change. She is a bundle of nerves now that the dance is done- that’s the only part about tonight she can control, and it’s over. Shea sees her struggling, bats Vanessa’s hands out of the way firmly and hoists the zip up her spine. Vanessa feels like a six year old who’s just had to ask their teacher to help them get dressed after a P.E. lesson.
“Thanks,” she mutters, Shea giving her a tight smile in return.
“Stop worrying. You’ll just get yourself in a flap. What’re you scared of?” Shea asks her, her stern voice turning soft at the end of her sentence. Shea doesn’t have a lot of time for nonsense, but the time she does have is precious, so Vanessa sighs.
“I’m just…God, I don’t even know. Worried I get a dud on my first year, I guess. I want to showcase myself just as much as I want to showcase my teaching abilities, if that makes sense,” she shrugs, looking in the mirror and making sure none of her dark brown baby hairs are breaking free from their hairspray prison.
“If I can give you any advice for your first year, I’ll say this,” Shea continues, checking her own reflection out until a runner shoos them back into line with the other girls. “Don’t take it too serious. Establish yourself, yeah, but it’s more about having fun with whoever you’re partnered with. When I let go and did that I ended up winning. Now, shit, don’t tell anyone I’m giving you advice.”
Vanessa tries not to focus on the fact Shea has just mentioned winning. The thought makes her heart give a thud she’s convinced could land her in hospital. She thanks Shea, gives her a squeeze on her shoulder before the girls are led out onto the stage again. Vanessa is positioned on one of the upper levels in between Akeria and Jan. They give each other a smile of encouragement, and Vanessa reaches over to take Akeria’s hand.
“I hope you get who you want, Keeks,” she whispers, as the producers look ready to begin. Akeria squeezes her hand as a thank you and drops it just as the lights go up. Vanessa feels her stomach churn as she looks down. There’s Michelle, contestant-turned-presenter ready to look into the camera and start reading from the autocue, and she’s beside the table of four judges. Vanessa hasn’t had many dealings with the judges before- she hasn’t had to, but the four friendly-ish faces she’s only so much as smiled at backstage now seem so scary to her.
“Ready to go in three,” a producer calls out, and a hush falls over the audience. Vanessa feels herself wobble in her shoes, wonders if she’d get fired if she fainted on the first take. Before she can think too much about it, the lights flood the stage and Michelle is announcing the first celebrity to be partnered- Heidi Cheek, or, to her listeners, Heidi Nina Closet. She’s dressed in a black sparkly dress which contrasts those of the dancers, and Vanessa realises the costume designers’ vision straight away. Vanessa remembers Heidi- she’d been one of the girls she’d danced with after Brooke, and she was sweet and funny and approached learning with a cheerful sense of enthusiasm, even if it had taken her a couple of tries to get the moves right. Michelle asks her how she’s feeling.
“Excited! It’s so different to doin’ my radio show, you know? I’m not used to bein’ on camera. They didn’t tell me I’d be goin’ through makeup at all. Everyone wore their joggers and gym clothes in rehearsals so I just thought we’d all be wearin’ the same things,” Heidi begins, the audience laughing already. “Also these heels! I barely even wear shoes at work, Lord. I can’t walk in these so how I’ll dance in them I’ll never know. Least I don’t need to fake tan like some of these other girls. That whole dressin’ room smells like a pack of biscuits.”
As the audience give another laugh, Vanessa can feel her heart hammer frantically as Michelle turns to Heidi. “Okay, Heidi. This…is…it.”
The lights go down, and Vanessa wants nothing more than to squeeze her eyes shut but she knows the cameras will be giving close-ups and so she stands, poised and ready, practising her not-looking-disappointed face in case she gets partnered with her.
“Your Strictly Come Dancing 2020 pro is…”
Breathe, don’t forget to breathe. Don’t close your eyes. Stop clenching your fists.
“Antonia ‘Vixen’ Taylor!”
Vanessa lets out a massive sigh of relief, her smile huge and genuine as she claps for the newly paired couple. Vixen races across the stage and lets out an excited squeal, Heidi crushing her in a tight hug. Both girls are clearly happy about who they’ve been partnered up with. They give a short post-pairing interview where they both squeal about how enthused and excited they are and Michelle sends them up to the auditorium. Vanessa claps them again then lets out another sigh. One couple down, eleven to go.
Michelle, a seasoned professional, copes well with the stop-start way that pre-recorded TV is usually filmed. Vanessa, however, stands and frets and wobbles in her heels through the next five pairings. Blair St Clair is paired up with Courtney next, and both girls are content with their partner. Blair just seems happy she’s got somebody who won’t eat her for breakfast if she makes a mistake.
“I’m so happy I got paired up with a winner!” she beams in her interview, her arm linked with Courtney’s. “And we had so much fun on the induction day, she put up with me so well. Even though she had to re-teach me the steps about twelve times.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself! It wasn’t twelve!” Courtney soothes, then gives Michelle a cheeky smile. “More like ten.”
A clearly satisfied Peppermint is given to an equally happy Shea and, to her obvious delight, Akeria is paired with Asia. Jan gives an over-the-top display of sheer unadulterated celebration when she’s paired with Jackie and almost gives Vanessa tinnitus with the amount she screeches, and Vanessa finds herself beaming with joy when Gigi is paired with Crystal, both girls behaving like Care Bears when they reach each other, all soft cuddles and squeezing hands.
Michelle takes a quick drink of water, announces some special guest singer that nobody cares about to perform at the halfway point. The girls who’re waiting to be partnered are called off the stage and the fiftysomething country singer last relevant in 2006 begins setting up. Vanessa scans her eyes over the pros that are left. There’s her, Monique, Plastique, Aja, Phi Phi and Jaida.
“Who’s still not been partnered up?” Phi Phi hisses urgently, her face determined as she addresses the other girls.
“Yvie Oddly hasn’t got anyone yet,” Plastique mentions calmly. “Or the Love Island girl.”
“Farrah,” Aja corrects her, then pulls a face. “Scarlet Envy’s not got anyone yet either.”
“Has Brooke Lynn been given anyone?” Vanessa asks rhetorically, as if she hasn’t been waiting with every embryo she possesses for the girl to come out onto the stage.
“No,” Jaida shakes her head, oblivious to the fact Vanessa already knows the answer. “And there’s Monet and Willam. So there’s three…maybe four girls still left that we can win with.”
“Hey, Scarlet has potential,” Monique shrugs kindly. Plastique snorts.
“Potential to what? Earn the lowest scores ever recorded?”
Phi Phi covers her hand with her mouth as she giggles, and Vanessa frowns at them both.
“Nobody’s winning with Willam either. The woman’s treating the whole thing as a huge joke,” Phi Phi continues.
Vanessa can’t help but send a barb her way. “I don’t know, girl, she seemed pretty clued-up when she was with me. But I guess a bad teacher always blames her students.”
Plastique and Jaida let out a squeal which they muffle behind their hands. Monique grabs Vanessa for support as she splutters a laugh, and Phi Phi scowls at her. “Well I’m not the one that was-”
“Would y’all just shut the fuck up for, like, two minutes?” Aja hisses, lowering the rapidly escalating volume of the conversation. “Unless we wanna be picked up by the mic and get round two of the half-decaying Darius Rucker impersonator that’s out there.”
Aja is friendly and funny but she’s scary when she wants to be, so the girls take a telling and fall silent as the song is finished. It’s not long until they’re led back out onto stage and are assembled onto the same podium as last time, and the cameras are rolling again. Next out is Willam. It says a lot that the stage makeup manages to tone her down, the gentle grey smoke across her eyelids a far cry from the riot of glitter that had been scattered over them on induction day. Michelle begins the interview.
“Now, Willam, you starred in Brittania High a few years ago, that was a bit dance-y - do you think that’ll come in handy during your Strictly journey?” Michelle is asking her. Willam brushes a stray hair out of her face and shrugs.
“I mean, I didn’t do too much of the dancing? I was a leading lady so I got most of the ballads. And most of the lines. More a main character than a backing dancer, really. No shade to any of my ex castmates, of course. Except Detox. Rotted bitch.”
Vanessa bites her lip hard to try to stop a laugh coming out. Willam looks amused, if a little perturbed. “Is that not allowed? It was just a joke, she knows I love her really. Family show? Oh, okay.”
Vanessa can’t help it and lets out a laugh along with some of the audience. Phi Phi’s face doesn’t move.
“Okay Willam, time to see who your partner will be.”
The lights go down again. Even though it’s now the seventh time this has happened, Vanessa still feels as if she’s surviving a near-death experience every time someone new is paired up. It would be good to be paired with Willam. She’d be fun. She’s got potential. She’d work hard. She wouldn’t be disappointed at all.
“…It’s Phi Phi O’Hara!”
Oh, fuck. Vanessa sucks her lips into her mouth, tries not to laugh as the fake smile takes hold on Phi Phi’s face like a mask as she runs over to Willam, gives her a polite hug. She is raging. Serves her right for being mean.
“Willam Belli! What an enormous…” Phi Phi tails off, gesturing at the woman beside her as she searches for the right word. “…pleasure…it is to be paired up with her!”
Vanessa catches eyes with Monique, almost splutters a laugh. Phi Phi’s delivering everything through gritted teeth. Willam is smiling beside her, although her gaze keeps darting up to someone in the auditorium. Vanessa wonders if there’s someone she would rather have been partnered with.
Phi Phi is led off smiling demonically, and then Yvie appears by Michelle’s side to be paired up next. She is given to Jaida, and both girls seem happy with their pairing. Next out is Farrah. Vanessa’s heart lifts. She didn’t get paired up with Farrah at all on induction day- they’re both too small to be each others’ partners and so far there’s been at least a little bit of a height difference to each pairing. Still, though…Vanessa can’t get too complacent. She puts her hands behind her back and crosses her fingers and hopes she won’t get chosen, feeling like she’s on her first day at Hogwarts and Michelle is holding the sorting hat.
“…Aja Rivera!”
Vanessa is almost sick with relief, but as Michelle interviews the new partners she can’t help but feel almost a little dizzy with nerves. There are only three celebrities left: Scarlet, Monet and, of course, Brooke Lynn. The producers stop filming and arrange Vanessa, Plastique and Monique on the same level so as they’re not too scattered across the stage.
“You look like you’re about to throw up. Or faint. Or maybe die,” Monique whispers to her, concerned. Plastique rolls her eyes.
“Leave her alone, Mo, it’s her first partner,” she chastises her. Vanessa is grateful for the sympathy and doesn’t acknowledge how right Monique is. She does feel as if she’s about to do all three of those things, possibly all at the same time. Just as she thinks things can’t get any more nervewracking, the lights go up, Michelle announces the next celebrity, and Brooke Lynn appears.
Vanessa feels as if all the air has been sucked out of the room. Brooke’s hair is tousled and swept over one shoulder, the black smoke of eyeshadow the makeup department blended onto her eyelids makes the green of her eyes pop, and the character heels and the fringing on her black sparkly dress means that Vanessa’s eyes can’t help but be drawn to her legs. This is the girl she’s been waiting for. If she gets Brooke, she knows she can go far, she knows she can do a lot. She hardly hears a word Brooke says in her interview, all Vanessa is doing is repeating prayer after prayer- she’s not even that religious but her Mom, Tia and Abuela combined have probably said enough Hail Marys on her behalf to garner her a decent amount of favour with whoever’s up there, so she gives it a go.
“Okay, Brooke, let’s see who is going to be partnered with you for your Strictly journey.”
The lights go down. Vanessa swears her heart stops beating. She casts her eyes to the ceiling, not daring to meet Brooke’s. Her palms are way too sweaty to be normal. She clasps them together but they’re still shaking like crazy. The room is silent save from the single drum beat that’s serving to build tension. It’s doing its job too well, Vanessa thinks. She swears this pause is longer than all the others put together. She can hear the catch in Michelle’s throat as she’s about to speak, her heart soaring high with anticipation.
There’s a groan from the audience. Vanessa is going to faint right here, right now, filming be damned.
“Sorry, we’ve got a problem with the lights, it’s hitting Plastique’s face all weird. Can we sort that?…Okay. Thanks.”
Vanessa is no longer nervous. She’s now just impatient. As she taps her foot frustratedly and sweeps a glance over the room, she’s determined not to look at Brooke. She wonders if she’s looking at her already. Unable to help herself, she sneaks a look and instantly meets Brooke’s eyes with her own. Her heart leaps as if someone’s just turned the key in its ignition. Brooke unsuccessfully stifles a smile, sends her a wink as if they’re the only two people in the room. Vanessa waggles her fingers in a wave, then snaps her gaze away as the producer silences the audience again. Michelle repeats her line, the lights go down again, and Vanessa’s not scared this time. She’s thinking it into existence. She knows it’s going to be her. Michelle just has to say it.
“…it’s Vanessa Mateo!”
Vanessa screams. She knows her face must be an absolute picture as she sinks to the ground in shock, gripping her face with both her hands. She can hear Monique and Plastique laughing and clapping above her, and she can barely walk in a straight line as she rises back up and dashes across to hug Brooke. Brooke’s smile is almost splitting her face, and she breaks away from Michelle and runs towards her, picking her up and twirling her round in a tight hug that Vanessa never wants to break free from. She’s done it. She and Brooke are partners. She gets to work with her for as long as they’re in the competition together. Maybe Vanessa will start going to mass after all.
“Oh my God,” Vanessa eventually says, as Brooke carries her in the hug for as long as she can manage then deposits her down beside Michelle who is laughing so hard Vanessa wonders if they’ll have to do another take. They do not. Instead, Brooke drapes an arm around Vanessa’s shoulder and pulls her close. Without knowing what possesses her, Vanessa takes her hand. She looks up at Brooke who’s looking down at her and they laugh together, sharing a ridiculously huge smile.
“Sorry. That was too much,” Brooke says apologetically. The audience laughs along with Vanessa.
“Uh, Vanessa,” Michelle starts, laughing a little through her question. “It’s your first year with a partner, I probably- well I don’t- need an answer, but I have to ask…how do you feel about being partnered with Brooke?”
“Listen,” Vanessa composes herself. She’s out of breath and her voice is hoarse from screeching, but she’s getting this out. “If you knew what this girl can do, you’d be screamin’ like a banshee too, Michelle. She’s so talented, I know she’s gonna be incredible…God, I can’t wait to win this whole thing with her.”
Everyone laughs again, but Vanessa’s only looking at Brooke. The girl’s eyes crinkle up when she smiles, and it only makes her look ten times more beautiful than she already is. Not that that’s weird. Just an observation.
“Brooke, how do you feel?”
Brooke looks back down at Vanessa, still smiling. “No, I’m the exact same. I know we kind of look like a bar chart together, but we just work. I knew I wanted to be her partner since induction day.”
Vanessa gives a happy sigh. She wants to wrap both her arms around Brooke and to not let go. Part of her feels like she’s lifting the glitterball already. Brooke is a trophy and Vanessa feels like a winner.
“Well, congratulations to the pair of you. One last time, give it up for Vanessa and Brooke Lynn!”
Vanessa drops her hand down and Brooke catches it in hers, the pair of them running past the audience and upstairs to the auditorium where the other girls are ready with excited squeals and hugs for them both. Vanessa accepts them all gladly, and when she is finally released she is positioned at the bannister beside her new dance partner. She turns to her and smiles, Brooke easily returning it, and Vanessa is suddenly bashful.
“Hey,” Brooke smiles at her cheekily.
“Hey,” Vanessa grins, looking to the floor awkwardly. “Sorry. If I freaked you out. Guess my reaction was kinda too much.”
“Girl, did you see me? I was spinning you round like a fucking windmill. If anyone should be apologising it should be me.”
They both laugh softly. Vanessa shrugs a little. “Least we know we’ll be good at lifts.”
Brooke raises her eyebrows and concedes, and Vanessa tries not to get too excited about the fact she can say the word we. They fall quiet as the producers call for hush and Scarlet is led out. As Vanessa listens to Scarlet’s interview, she can feel Brooke’s eyes on her and she turns to face her, unable to stop the smile creeping back onto her face. Brooke looks caught out for a second before she leans in close to Vanessa to whisper to her.
“I meant it, you know. I’m so happy I got you. I wasn’t just saying it for the cameras.”
Vanessa gives a happy sigh, places her hand over Brooke’s that’s clinging to the bannister. “Me too, girl. This is where it all begins. Let’s win this damn thing.”
They don’t let go of each others’ hands until the final pairing is announced.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
You Know You Love Me, Chapter 2 (Branjie) - Kiki
A/N: Wow I can’t believe I’m updating this in less than a week since I posted the first chapter, there’s a first time for everything lol. Thank you so much for the feedback on chapter 1, I really appreciate every like and comment so much. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Brooke Lynn Hytes returns to New York City after being shipped off to boarding school and her ex best friend, Vanessa Mateo, isn’t too happy about it… which would be bad enough, but add in the fact that they’re lowkey in love with each other. (Gossip Girl AU)
Rise and shine, Upper East Siders! It’s officially Fall, which means that all of us get to go back to school for yet another scandalous year. Will today be the day we see Brooke Lynn Hytes return to being the socialite she once was, or will she be shipped off yet again? Only time, and the tips you send in, will tell. XOXO, Gossip Girl.
Vanessa’s alarm clock – also known as Dorota – woke her at precisely seven o’clock. She removed her pink silk eye mask and immediately went to hop into the already prepared bubble bath, allowing her body to fully submerge into the bathtub as she mentally prepared herself for the day ahead. The first day of her senior year.
After she stepped out of the bath and slipped into her fluffy robe, she headed to the bathroom to start her morning skincare routine. Some people may say it’s time consuming, but not Vanessa. Her mother has drilled the importance of youthful looking skin into her brain from a very young age. Vanessa didn’t know any other seventeen-year olds who used two different anti-aging serums on a daily basis but she had promised herself that she was not going to get surprised with any wrinkles or frown lines…not before she could make her first Botox appointment.
She returned to her bedroom to find her school “uniform” laid out on the bed in front of her. Once she had her short black skirt, black stockings, white blouse and school blazer on, she slid her black heels onto her feet and walked over to her vanity where she stored her accessories. This is where she added the finishing touches to her outfits. On this particular day, she chose one of her signature headbands (a red one) and placed it delicately onto her hair that was curled to perfection.
After she finished applying some makeup, along with her signature red lipstick, she headed downstairs to the dining table where her family’s chef had prepared a variety of different breakfast options for Vanessa and her mother to choose from – a selection of pastries, fresh fruit and yoghurt. She picked up a chocolate and hazelnut croissant from the tray and paired it with a selection of different berries while Dorota poured her some green tea.
Alexis Mateo – Vanessa’s mother – entered the room hurriedly and frowned as soon as she saw what was on Vanessa’s plate.
“You’re eating carbs this early in the morning, darling, that’s…brave.” Mrs Mateo said as she fixed her hair in the mirror, not paying attention to her daughter who rolled her eyes at her mother’s comment and took a big bite out of the croissant as if she had a point to prove.
“I just hope you know that your metabolism won’t stay like this forever. One day all of these treats you allow yourself to have are gonna come back and haunt you,” This comment earned another eyeroll from Vanessa as she took a deep breath in and tried as hard as she could to force her frown into a smile. “Oh, also, I won’t be coming home tonight. There’s been some kind of disaster in the Paris office that everyone else is apparently unqualified to handle which means I have to go and solve every single problem, yet again.” She said with an exasperated sigh.
“But you just got back from Europe, you said we could go to dinner tonight to celebrate my last ever first day of school!” Vanessa replied with a pout on her face.
“Well Vanessa, that’s the joy of owning your own company. You can’t just expect me to stop working every time you want to go out for dinner. Sometimes work is a more important priority than a meal we can have at any time…isn’t Brooke Lynn back from boarding school? Take my card and bring her instead, you can celebrate together.”
Vanessa immediately rolled her eyes again at the mention of Brooke’s name. She really wasn’t looking forward to seeing her again. She tried to convince herself that she wasn’t nervous but deep down she had a few butterflies floating around in her stomach that she really wanted to murder.
Her mother left shortly after breakfast, muttered a quick goodbye to Vanessa and ate only a handful of grapes before she screamed at some staff members to come and carry her bags down to the car.
Vanessa continued to sit at the dining table for a bit longer and tried her best to hide the fact that she was upset with her mother for leaving her alone yet again. Sure, she had Dorota, but ever since her father moved to France about nine months ago, she had been feeling overwhelmingly lonely. Not to mention, her mother had started to work longer hours to keep herself occupied when she was finalising the divorce from Vanessa’s father.
The pout on her face slowly started to disappear as Vanessa focused on the positives of the day she was about to have: she was going to walk into school with Akeria and Silky by her side, ready to retake her throne as the most powerful girl in school and there was nothing Brooke Lynn Hytes could do to take that away from her.
Feeling a lot more empowered, she hopped up off of her chair and grabbed her purse and strutted towards the elevator. She found her family’s black limo with the driver ready and waiting to take her to school and as she stepped inside, the familiar smell of leather and the pine air freshener that was dangling from the mirror made her feel at ease.
The first half of Vanessa’s school day had been pretty uneventful so far. She had met up with her girls before school, yelled a sophomore for wearing last season’s shoes and gotten an A on her summer English literature assignment. She also hadn’t run into Brooke yet, which in her mind made it an all the more successful day.
At lunchtime, Vanessa, Silky and Akeria were sat at their regular lunch spot – the steps of the MET. Plastique Tiara, a freshman girl from Brooklyn had been helping Vanessa out by making the invitations for the party ever since Vanessa had noticed how good her calligraphy was and had bribed her with an invite to the party in return for her work.
Plastique nervously handed over the stack of envelopes and Vanessa took them, ready to thoroughly inspect them before she gave her the seal of approval.
“Oh my God, Plastique, they’re so cute!” Akeria exclaimed as she took her invite from the pile and smiled widely at Plastique.
Vanessa and Silky nodded their heads in agreement and Vanessa picked up the invite from the bottom of the pile and handed it back to Plastique.
“Your invitation, as promised!” Vanessa fought the urge to roll her eyes at how excited the younger girl had gotten just from the invitation. Her face changed entirely as she saw a tall blonde figure casually approaching them with a frozen yoghurt in her hands.
“Hey, here you guys are! I looked all over the dining hall for you.”
Vanessa had pictured her reunion with Brooke many times. But this? The blonde just walking up like absolutely no time had passed? Definitely not what she had in mind.
The other girls were all noticeably shocked too. Others, such as Plastique, looked starstruck. Vanessa, however, looked absolutely fuming.
“Hi, I’m Brooke Lynn.” She stretched her hand out to shake Plastique’s hand, which the younger girl accepted immediately.
“I know. I mean, uh, I’ve seen you around and—” she stopped rambling as Brooke bended down to pick up one of the invitations that were sitting in Vanessa’s lap. Vanessa found herself trying to suppress an eyeroll for the second time in the last five minutes, and only half succeeded this time.
“So, when’s the party?” Brooke looked directly at Vanessa when she spoke, as if there were no one else there. Silky, Akeria and Plastique were looking at Vanessa with anxious faces, waiting for her to answer, whereas Vanessa had turned on her signature bitch face and threw on one of her passive aggressive smiles for good measure.
“Saturday…and…you’re kinda not invited, since until twelve hours ago everyone thought you were at boarding school and now we’re full, and Plastique used up all the invites.” Brooke raised her eyebrows slightly and Vanessa shrugged her shoulders with not a single care given.
“Um, actually—” Plastique started to speak, Vanessa knowing full well that it would be easy to get Brooke an invite if she wanted to. But Vanessa managed to get her to shut up with just a single raise of her eyebrow, the look instilling fear in the younger girl and making her stay silent.
“You can go now.” She said to Plastique who slowly started to pack up her things, still not wanting to miss the battle that was undoubtedly about to happen. However, all that happened was a classic B and V stare-down accompanied by a deafening silence.
Vanessa was looking at Brooke Lynn with her protective shield – her bitch face – up, but underneath the surface she was trying her hardest not to break. She should’ve known that seeing the girl she’s been in love with for more than a year for the first time in a long time would’ve had some kind of emotional impact on her. Everything had an emotional impact on her. She cries at every romantic movie eve made and feels so much love for all of the important people in her life. Why did she think that this would be any different? Why did she allow herself to believe that she hated Brooke, when in reality, all she had to do was say three simple words to her and Vanessa would do anything she asked. But she couldn’t let that show to anyone…especially not Brooke Lynn.
“Sorry…” Vanessa apologised half-heartedly, trying to sound at least somewhat sincere.
“No, it’s okay…I got a lot of stuff to do anyway.”
Vanessa started to pack her lunch up which meant that all the other girls immediately started to copy her and pack their lunch up too.
“Well…we should get going then. Unless you want us to wait for you?” Vanessa stood up and predictably, the girls copied. “Looks like you got a lot of yoghurt left.”
Brooke was not an idiot, she could tell that Vanessa had no intention of waiting around for her, especially since she was already standing up and slowly moving away from her.
“No, go ahead.” Vanessa responded by just rolling her eyes and walking away, Silky and Akeria on either side of her but still slightly behind. That was when Brooke Lynn decided to make a daring move.
“Vanessa? Think we can meet up tonight?” she asked innocently, causing the three girls to quickly turn back around. Brooke would pay someone to photograph Vanessa’s face at that exact moment – shocked, confused and feeling out of control. She crossed her fingers that someone had their cell phone out and she could relive it later on Gossip Girl.
“I’d love to…but I’m doing something with Nate tonight.”
It technically wasn’t a lie. Nate was a cute boy that had been trying to date Vanessa for a while now and while she had turned him down repeatedly, he had kept coming back and asking over and over again. He hadn’t exactly asked her out on that specific day but she was sure she could just bat her eyes at him a couple times after school and he’d ask her out immediately…and she would actually say yes this time.
“The Palace. Eight o’clock. Nate will wait.”
Vanessa stood there stunned. How dare Brooke Lynn just waltz back into their friend group and try to call all the shots like she was in charge? Vanessa would be feisty and snap back if she could remember how to function.
“I could probably do a half hour…” Vanessa responded quietly, readjusting her headband as if it were a crown on her head.
“Thanks for making the time.” Brooke Lynn said sarcastically, clearly letting Vanessa know she was enjoying the control she had over the other girl.
“You’re my best friend.” Vanessa replied with the fakest smile she could possibly create in that moment. Not saying anything else, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and strutted ahead of Silky and Akeria, storming off to their next class.
Spotted on the steps of the MET: a power-struggle between B and V. Did B really think she could waltz home and things would be just like they were? Did V think B would go down without a fight? Or can these two hotties work it out? There’s nothing Gossip Girl likes more than a good catfight, and this could be a classic.
2 years ago:
The two girls were sat on the large grey couch in the Hytes’ penthouse trying to study for their Latin exam the next day. Brooke was sitting on the couch looking at her phone without a care in the world whereas Vanessa was sitting on the floor, hunched over the coffee table with her head in her hands, mumbling to herself.
She had all of her study materials spread across the table in front of her. This included four binders, colour coded of course, three decks of flashcards and two textbooks. Not to mention the abundance of pastel highlighters that seemed to have made their way onto every bit of paper that Vanessa owned.
When Vanessa had suggested they should study together, Brooke Lynn didn’t actually think she was serious. So when Vanessa showed up with Dorota following behind her, carrying her massive bag of supplies, she was a bit disappointed. She thought they would at least get to talk or cuddle on the couch together but clearly, Vanessa had other plans.
“Why do we have to study Latin anyway? It’s a dead language for a reason.” Vanessa grumbled as she leaned her head on the table as if it were a pillow.
“Because you decided it would look good on college applications and signed us both up for it, that’s why.” Brooke reminded her which earned her an eyeroll in response. Brooke patted the empty space beside her on the couch, signalling for Vanessa to join her. Vanessa ignored her by opening one of the textbooks in front of her and reached for one of her pink highlighters.
“Hey, no—” Brooke grabbed the highlighter out of her hand and closed the textbook. Before Vanessa even had a chance to complain, Brooke used all her strength to grab the smaller girl and pull her onto the couch beside her. She took the blanket that was folded over the back of the couch and placed it gently in Vanessa’s lap.
“I think it’s time for you to stop studying now…we all know you could get an A on this test without even trying.”
“That makes one of us…” Vanessa replied playfully with a small smile on her face. Brooke replied by shoving her in the side which got a laugh out of Vanessa. Brooke smiled as that was all she wanted to do in that moment – make Vanessa forget about all of the things that caused stress in her life and focus on making her happy.
Vanessa rested her head on Brooke’s shoulder which somehow lead to Brooke wrapping her arm around Vanessa’s body and locking their hands together. Vanessa released a deep breath that she didn’t realise she was holding in and relaxed into Brooke’s touch, slowly closing her eyes and allowing herself to feel completely at ease.
This wasn’t something that should worry her and make her overthink. Friends cuddle all the time, right? A small frown came on her face as she tried to picture herself cuddling with Silky or Akeria like this. She wouldn’t enjoy it as much. Now, after that realisation, she had a reason to worry.
“I can feel you overthinking from here.”
“I’m not…” Vanessa lied with ease. If she could try and make Brooke believe it, then maybe she could make herself believe it.
“If you really wanna study some more I won’t stop you again, I just figured you probably knew it all by now…” Brooke said quietly, afraid that she had upset Vanessa and caused her to stress more.
“No, you were right, I am gonna ace this test. Now I just wanna spend time with you,” Vanessa replied softly. Brooke smiled and couldn’t stop the feeling of butterflies in her stomach from overtaking her. The fact that Vanessa could control her emotions with such a simple sentence like that was worrying. “Plus, you are really comfy, I have to admit.”
“I’ll be your pillow anytime you want, V.”
“Yeah. I don’t like when you’re stressed or sad…if I can help stop that, then I will.”
Vanessa smiled and sat up slowly to look at Brooke Lynn properly. All she wanted to do was lean in and kiss her. Sure, they had kissed before but it had never really meant anything. It was always a drunken thing or part of a truth or dare game at one of Vanessa’s famous sleepovers. But the thought of kissing Brooke properly was consuming Vanessa’s mind more than any exam stress ever could.
Thankfully, Brooke was thinking about doing the exact same thing. Her eyes broke contact with Vanessa’s to look at her lips before returning to her eyes. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own in that moment as they cupped Vanessa’s face, her thumb stroking her cheek gently.
“Can I?” Brooke whispered extremely quietly, so quietly that Vanessa wouldn’t have heard her if Brooke wasn’t already so close to her face. Vanessa nodded slowly, not able to get any words out as excitement and nerves took over her body.
Brooke Lynn closed the tiny gap between the two of them and pressed her lips to Vanessa’s. Just a small peck to test it out. But Vanessa decided that she wanted more and leaned back in immediately and before either of them knew it, they were having a full-blown make out session on Brooke’s family’s couch.
Unfortunately, they were interrupted by Brooke Lynn’s mom returning home not long after. They went to Brooke’s bedroom to get some sleep – but not before Vanessa stole a couple of more kisses. They didn’t do anything other than make out that night but needless to say, they didn’t get as much sleep as they should have the night before a big test.
Unsurprisingly, Vanessa still got an A.
Vanessa looked at the rose gold watch on her wrist for what felt like the millionth time. It was almost eight thirty, half an hour after the time Brooke had said to meet up at. She felt like an idiot. Meeting up to talk had been Brooke’s idea in the first place and of course Vanessa jumped at the chance of spending some alone time with her, but Brooke hadn’t even bothered to show up. Not even a text to let Vanessa know that she was going to be late.
Needless to say, Vanessa was pissed.
Every single time that Brooke had ever done something wrong in their ten years of friendship was playing in Vanessa’s head like a movie clip on repeat. Like that time when Brooke’s parents had gotten her the diamond earrings that Vanessa wanted for Christmas and didn’t even offer to share them. Or when Brooke had let Vanessa’s arch enemy, Scarlet Envy, play with her new Barbie doll before she had even shown it to Vanessa when they were eight.
Vanessa’s hand was clutching her martini glass so hard that if she tried just a tiny bit harder, she could probably break it. Thankfully at that exact moment, Brooke Lynn strolled into the bar, her long blonde hair braided to the side in a messy fishtail braid. She sat down beside Vanessa who was giving her quite possibly the angriest look that Brooke Lynn had ever seen in her life.
“Hey…sorry I’m late…” Brooke said cautiously. Vanessa’s only form of reply was her narrowing her eyes even more. “Are you okay?”
“Do I look okay to you?”
“You look great, but, um…maybe a bit angry?” Brooke tried to lighten the mood a bit by complimenting her, which would usually work perfectly, but not this time. “Are you angry at me?”
“That’s the dumbest fucking question you’ve ever asked me.”
“What did I do? I’m sorry I’m late, I just haven’t unpacked yet and I couldn’t find the right outfit and –” Vanessa could feel herself about to burst with anger and didn’t let Brooke finish her sentence.
“Not about that, you idiot! You left me…you didn’t even say goodbye, you just fucking left. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was when people would ask me where you went and I had no idea? It was humiliating.” Vanessa replied, her voice broke slightly as she got emotional but hoped that Brooke didn’t notice.
“V, I’m sorry but it was all so last minute and…” Brooke replied, her voice quiet and full of so much shame that she couldn’t complete her sentence.
“Did you even think about telling me or were you just too excited to leave and go make new friends? Am I really so low on your list of priorities that you couldn’t even send me a text? Not even a “Hey V, I’m leaving, see you next year”? I had to find out from your mom, B. That’s not okay.”
“Vanessa, you have to believe me, it wasn’t my fault!” Brooke tried to reason with her but Vanessa was having none of it.
“Nothing is ever your fault, B, that’s the problem! You just do whatever you want and don’t think of the consequences or the fact that what you’re doing actually hurts other people sometimes.” Vanessa’s voice started to get louder and full of anger as she spoke, a year’s worth of repressed emotions finally coming to the surface.
“Are you seriously doing this right now?” Brooke fought back with equal amounts of anger, not one to sit back and take being yelled at.
“Doing what? Telling you the truth? I know you haven’t been here for a year and I’m sure that you’ve had everyone kissing your ass since you got back but that’s not gonna happen with me. You don’t get to leave me and then just walk back into my life like nothing happened.”
“Don’t act like your innocent, V. You could’ve called. My mom gave you the number for my school when she told you where I was and you didn’t call once.” Brooke Lynn tried as hard as she could to keep any hurt from her voice, wanting to only show anger.
“You left me. Are you not getting that? You left. I was here. Waiting for you,” Vanessa’s anger seemed to leave her body all at once and the only thing she could feel was pain. It was like she just found out that Brooke had left all over again. The feeling of rejection and of not feeling good enough crept back into her body, not caring how hard she had fought over the past year to get rid of it. “You clearly didn’t feel the same way that I did back then. I really thought you did but you didn’t…and you still don’t.”
Vanessa grabbed her purse and practically sprinted past Brooke and out of the door of the hotel bar as fast as she could, leaving Brooke frozen to her chair.
She felt awful. She didn’t realise that Vanessa had been so affected by her leaving. She also didn’t think that Vanessa had felt the same way about her as she did about Vanessa. Just yesterday, the idea of Vanessa having even the tiniest amount of feelings for Brooke would’ve made her burst with excitement, but now all she felt was guilt.
She grabbed the rest of Vanessa’s drink and downed it quickly as she tried to think about how she could fix everything and make it all okay. She ordered another two drinks after she came to the conclusion that she probably couldn’t. 
11 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years
Stitch Us Back Together (Kamasia) - Crazy4Kameron
A/N:This fic has truly been a labour of love. I’m so happy to finally be able to release the first part, even though this thing was meant to be a short little one shot. It managed to grow and somehow get away from me and now here we are. I really hope that you all love this story as much as I do. Please leave a kudo or a message and let me know what you think. I really do love to know if I need to improve on anything and what is working! xoxoxo A huge thank you to @mistressaq and @opalescent-cheetah for beta-ing and brainstorming with me, and always being my cheerleaders.
summary:Kameron would do anything to make Asia happy, and that includes going to a sewing class that is being taught by one of her idols. But when she finds out that Asia’s design school is holding a contest that allows the winner to have their designs showcased by Asia’s idol she will do whatever it takes to get her to enter. Even if it means going behind Asia’s back and praying that their relationship can handle it.
It was like any other day for Asia, sitting behind the reception desk at the St.Charles Complex. She was flipping through the pages of the catalogue of upcoming classes when she noticed it. She couldn’t believe her eyes at first, but knew that if this was true that she had to tell Kameron. Immediately. Asia knew she wasn’t supposed to leave the desk unattended but it had been dead almost all day and this was an emergency - at least in her mind it was. Asia put up a small Sorry be back shortly sign and took off running towards the gym. She knew at this time of day Kameron would be in the middle of a training session, but she needed her, she was freaking out and there was no one else she wanted to tell more than her girlfriend.
Asia whipped open the door to the gym and saw Kameron thankfully standing near the front desk chatting with a few of her colleagues.
“Kameron. Bianca. Sewing. Here.” Was all Asia could manage while trying to catch her breath. Kameron and everyone else just stared at her with a mixture of confusion and concern. Kameron’s face was dripping in terror that something terrible had happened.
Kameron’s mind reeled. Oh my god! Something must be seriously wrong for Asia to leave the desk, she never leaves the desk. What if something happened to one of her little sisters? Or maybe something happened to Blair? Oh GOD I really hope Blair is okay. Please let Blair be okay. Wait did she just say Bianca? WHO IS BIANCA? She doesn’t know anyone named Bianca that I know of.  
“Bitch, did you just run here?” Vanjie asked.
“I didn’t even know she knew how to run.” Scarlet chimed in.
Kameron whipped her head around to give them a pointed look. Scarlet raised her hands in mock surrender.
“Oh my god babe, what’s wrong?” Kameron put her hand on Asia’s back, trying to calm not only Asia but herself. “Just breathe baby.” Kameron gently rubbed her hand in circles on Asia’s back the same way Asia had done for her so many times before. This was mostly to calm herself and help her from letting her thoughts carry her away on a terrible spiral. Kameron reached over the desk and grabbed her water bottle, offering it to Asia, who waved her hand to say no thanks.  
Asia took a few deep breaths then excitedly started waving around the catalogue in her hand.
“Bianca Del Rio is going to be teaching a sewing class HERE!!” she screeched out the last syllable, unable to hold back her excitement anymore.
Kameron had to take a step back as Asia began to bounce excitedly on the spot. “You’re telling me you ran all the way here, just to tell me that?” There was a distinctly unimpressed look on Kameron’s face. “I thought there was an actual emergency Asia! You scared the shit out of me running in here like that.”
Asia’s excitement quickly died when she saw how upset her girlfriend was, and she realized that Kameron’s anxiety must be going through the roof right now. “I’m sorry sweetheart. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Asia reached up to push a piece of hair behind Kameron’s ear, running her thumb along Kam’s jaw. This always seemed to instantly calm Kam down and earn Asia a few points back after saying or doing the wrong thing. Asia knew it had worked when Kameron’s eyes shut and she instinctively melted into her touch.    
“Gross, get a room you two. No one wants to see your lovey-dovey honeymoon phase.” Plastique gagged, pretending to throw up.
“You just pressed cause no one wants you,“ Vanjie pointed out.
“And you only find it cute cause you’re lucky enough to have Brooke,” Plastique quipped.
“What’s that supposed to mean? You don’t think I’m good enough for Brooke? Vanjie’s tone had begun to rise. Her infamously short fuse had been lit and it was only a matter of time before she went off.
“I don’t think anyone is trying to say that you’re not good enough for me, babe.” Brooke tried to discreetly hold Vanjie back.
“NO, she better apologize now!!” Vanjie’s voice grew more high pitched by the second.
Plastique, not about to be wrongly accused of something, fired back, “For what?! I literally didn’t even say anything mean or rude about you or your girlfriend!”
“Why can’t we all just bottle our feelings like normal people?” Brooke pleaded, trying to bring the argument to an end.
Asia gave Kameron a look of are you going to stop this?, shifting her eyes between Kameron and the fight that was about to break out. Kameron knew that she needed to put an end to this before it got out of hand, she just needed to find the confidence to do it.
“Hey, guys.” Kameron tried, but she was barely heard over all the yelling.
“Hey, guys.” She tried again this time a little louder but to no avail. So she took a deep breath to center herself and gave it everything that she had. “WOULD YOU TWO IDIOTS SHUT UP!!!”
Everyone fell silent and just stared at Kameron, surprised that she had been the one to yell.
“Thank you. Now that I have your attention, can you all please take your little argument out of the gym, so I can talk to my girlfriend before she gets fired for abandoning the reception desk. And so our clients don’t think that a bunch of children work here.” Kameron put her hands on her hips to show that she wasn’t playing around. The girls, knowing not to get on Kameron’s bad side, cleared out of the gym or else went about work they were supposed to have been doing anyway.
“Wow, that was seriously impressive and kinda hot, I’m not gonna lie.” Asia gave Kameron a sly smile and a wink that turned Kameron three shades of pink, before wrapping her arms around Kameron’s waist.  
She play-smacked Asia’s arm. “Would you be serious please, and tell me what got you so excited you had to run here in the middle of your shift?”
“Oh, I almost forgot! I was flipping through next month’s catalogue and The Bianca Del Rio is teaching a sewing class here!” Asia squealed with excitement, picking up the aforementioned catalogue from the desk. She held it out in both hands towards Kameron, with the biggest smile on her face.
Kameron took the book and quickly flipped through to see when this class was, "Okay, I don’t know who that is, but clearly you are very excited about it.” Kameron looked at the date the class was scheduled and did a quick mental check of her and Asia’s schedule to see if they were available.
“I’m pretty sure that we’re both free on this day. Do you want to go to the class?” Kameron asked, already knowing the answer.
“Are you serious? Of course I want to go!!” Asia was elated. Kameron had never seen Asia so happy before. She knew that she made Asia happy, but not like this. She had never seen Asia glow with such pure joy and excitement before, and it was at that moment, Kameron knew that she would do anything to make Asia that happy.
“Okay well you should really get back to desk babe, before there is a real emergency and you get fired.” Kameron leaned over to give Asia a kiss, which she quickly followed with a second.
“I’ll see you tonight then?” Asia asked heading towards the door.
“Of course, I’ll be counting the minutes.” Kameron winked, making Asia blush.
As the day grew nearer, Asia’s excitement seemed to be dying down. Over the past week or so, whenever Kameron would mention the class, Asia would smile and say she was excited, but her eyes didn’t shine quite as bright and she always seemed to try and change the topic. She seemed to be in her head a lot more, and it appeared like there was always something that she wanted to tell Kameron, but never did.
They were out for lunch on their shared day off, at a local pizza place when Kameron finally brought it up.
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you something lately, just never got the chance.” Kameron tried to sound casual, but she was scared shitless on the inside.
“What’s that babe?” Asia asked over a bite of her pizza.
“Is everything alright? You just seem a little out of it and distant lately, and it’s starting to scare me a little. I’m starting to think that maybe I did something or said something to upset you.” Kameron couldn’t hide her nerves any longer and began to bite her lip and stare down at the table.
Asia’s heart almost broke. She knew that she had been a little more in her head and stressed about things lately, but she never realized that Kameron would have thought that it was her fault. Asia did her best to hide all of her stress and self-doubt from Kameron. “Oh no baby, it has nothing to do with you.” Asia reached across the table to take Kameron’s hand. ”I promise you I’m just stressed about school and midterms is all, there’s nothing to worry about.” Asia smiled at the beautiful woman across from her. “You know I have that design project due next week.”
“Are you sure?” Kameron asked, wiping at the tears on her cheeks with the back of her free hand.
“Of course babe, I promise that you haven’t done anything to upset me.” Still smiling at her girlfriend, Asia gently put her hand under Kameorn’s chin so she could look her in the eye. “Whatever is going on with me has nothing to do with you. Understand?”
Kameron only nodded and gave a gentle smile.
Kameron felt a little better after the talk she had had with Asia, but something was still bugging her about the situation. So on her break a few days later, she decided to talk to someone who knew Asia even better than she did.
Kameron was apprehensive at first, but still she knocked on the doorframe. “Hey Monét, do you have a minute?”
“Yeah sure girl, what’s up?” Monét had just finished her rounds and was now sitting behind her desk watching the security cameras.
“Well, it’s just that, lately, I don’t know, Asia’s been acting kinda weird and like I’m  not entirely sure why. I asked her about it the other night and she said it was cause of school stuff stressing her out, but it just seems like there is something else going on and I thought you might know.” Kameron managed to get the words out, with some difficulty, eyes shifting and heart pounding so loud she was sure that Monét could hear it from where she was sitting.
“First of all, you need to calm down baby, everything will be alright. You’re not the only one that’s noticed. And I can’t believe that she told you it was just school stuff,” Monét said in disbelief, she was stunned that Asia would lie to Kameron like that.
“Wait, so it isn’t midterms stressing her out? Asia lied to me?” Kameron couldn’t believe her ears. She could actually feel her heart breaking. The burning tears started to prickle at the corners of her eyes, and her voice cracked when she spoke. “Why would she lie to me? I thought she trusted me?”
Monét could see the panic that suddenly washed over Kameron’s face and knew she needed to right the situation quickly. “Kam baby, Asia really cares about you, and I’m sure she just didn’t want you to freak out and worry about all her personal stuff. That’s all.” She also knew that Kameron deserved to know the truth. “Look, if you really want to know what’s going on with Asia, I’ll tell you.”
Kameron figured the answer was already written on her face, barely able to hold the tears back. “Yes please.”
“One of Asia’s classmates gave her a flyer about a competition that they think she should enter. Something about the winner having their design used by Bianca in her next show. I guess they’ve been hounding her about it for a while now, and Asia is just really on the fence about the whole thing.” Monét finished waving her hands about.
“Well I mean that totally makes sense now, why she’s been so stressed, but I still don’t understand why she never told me about this.”
Monét held out her palms in a shrug. “That’s something you’d have to ask her, baby girl.”
“Oh, I intend to.” Kameron’s hands were curling into fists. She wanted answers.
“The only reason I found out is that I saw her going through some of her design sketches and muttering about how none of them are good enough,” Monét remarked. “Like seriously, all of her designs are amazing and everyone can see that but her.”
Kameron took a steady breath in. “Well my break is just about over, but thanks for telling me all that. I have a lot to think about now, before I talk to Asia later.”
“Good luck girl” Monét yelled as Kameron waved goodbye and went back to the gym. It was a slow day which would have normally bothered her, but today it gave her the time she needed to figure out what she was going to say to Asia.
At the end of the work day, Kameron was finally on her way to talk to Asia about the information she had found out earlier.
"Hey babe! Did you have a good day?” Asia couldn’t help but beam as she saw Kameron. As Kameron got closer though, Asia could see that she wasn’t smiling. She was biting her lip, and appeared to be in deep thought about something, which fired off a spark of worry in Asia.
“Hey,” was all Kameron could muster as she approached the desk, putting her bag on the counter.
Asia couldn’t hide the concern in her voice. “What’s wrong? Did something happen at work?”
“You could say that.” Kameron tried to hold back her anger. “I went to talk to Monét today on my break.” Kameron watched confusion cross Asia’s face. She continued, ”I was curious to see if ‘school stuff’ was really the only thing bothering you lately— not that I don’t trust you,” Kameron almost sneered. “But it turns out that I do have a reason not to trust you. I found out that you lied to me!” By this point Kameron couldn’t hold back the anger and betrayal that she felt. “You lied to me Asia! WHY!?” Kameron knew that she already had tears spilling from her eyes and could see the mixture of hurt and anger that was plastered all over Asia’s face.
“Okay hold on a minute. If you thought that I was still hiding something, then why didn’t you just come to me?” Not that it isn’t obvious why she hadn’t come to me. Why did I ever think that I could hide this from her?
“Because I knew that you wouldn’t tell me the truth even if I asked you about it. And I had to be sure, so I went to Monét, I figured if anyone would know it would be her.” Kameron let out a frustrated sigh. “I was worried about you, Asia. I can’t believe you’d lie to me over something so stupid. Why didn’t you just tell me about the competition?” Kameron’s shoulders shook as tears continued to stream down her cheeks, her whole body stiff with tension.
Asia looked down at the desk, guilt washing over her. “I’m sorry,” she could only whisper. “It was stupid of me but.. .it felt so trivial. I didn’t want you worrying about my personal shit.”
“I’m your girlfriend, Asia! I’m here to worry about your personal shit. I know your life isn’t rainbows and unicorns all the fucking time, life gets messy, but I want to help you with stuff. Even if it’s just something as small as a design competition. I want to be there for you.” Kameron reached over to grab Asia’s hands and squeeze them tight. “So please… don’t push me away like that again.”
Asia had also started to cry, but didn’t know when. ”Okay, I promise I won’t push you away anymore.” She was so touched by how much Kameron cared about her, and had also thought that she just needed to be there to protect her from the world. In the process, she’d forgotten that sometimes it’s okay to lean on someone else.
Kam reached up to wipe away the tears falling down Asia’s soft cheeks. “You’re always there for me whenever I’m having a bad day and have always been so good about accommodating my anxiety. Sometimes I just feel so useless, you don’t always have to be the one helping me. I want to be able to help you, too. I’m not some fragile little girl that’s going to break if you need to vent to me about things.”
“I know you’re not fragile and that I can talk to you, I just worry about your anxiety and overwhelming you. But I promise that I will start telling you about things that are weighing on my mind more often.” Asia leaned over the desk to give Kameron a quick kiss, before promising her that she would try harder to open up. She had to stop thinking that she needed to take on the world alone.
“Now can I see some of those sketches you’re so worried about?” Kameron suggested. “I’m sure that one of them is more than good enough to enter.”
“Well, I don’t know. I mean I guess you can look through my sketchbook, but it’s back at my place.” Asia was always unsure about letting people see her work, but she did just promise to let Kameron in more.
“So am I driving or are you? You know I could always stay the night… if you want.” Kameron gave Asia a wink, wiggling her eyebrows.
Asia came around the desk and wrapped Kameron in a tight hug. When they pulled away Asia kept her hand on the redhead’s waist, pulling her close. “You know that sounds good right about now. And maybe I can show you how sorry I am for keeping this from you.” To accentuate her meaning Asia slowly slid her hands down Kameron’s toned ass and gave a quick squeeze. Kam’s eyes went wide as she sucked in a sudden shocked breath, a playful smile forming on her full lips.
“Well I was really hurt when I found out you lied to me, so you might need to work really hard to make it up to me.” Kameron gently breathed out, before kissing Asia’s pouty lips.
“Well let’s get out of here then. It sounds like this is going to take a while."
That night they were curled up in Asia’s bed, Kameron tucked up under Asia’s arm, looking at the designs that Asia had considered entering into the competition. Asia just wasn’t happy with anything that she had drawn and in her mind nothing she did would ever stand up to Bianca’s quality of work. Kameron knew that this was wrong and that anyone of those designs would win the competition for sure. Knew that all of Asia’s perfectionist and professional ways, made all of her designs beyond magnificent, and that no matter what Asia said she needed to enter that competition. Kam had a plan and she hoped that Asia would forgive her for it, in the end.
Kameron suspected that Asia wouldn’t be in any condition to drive that night, she had been sending her nervous texts all day, and was afraid that if Asia drove she might chicken out at the last minute. So Kameron told her that she would drive. Kameron picked her up at around 5 pm and spent most of the car ride listening to Asia’s excited chatter. Asia had no idea her sketches were in Kameron’s bag, neatly tucked away in a plastic folder (she seriously needed to thank Monét for that one).
When they finally got to the class, Kameron’s nerves were only eased by the pure excitement Asia had as she gushed over the sewing machines and picking the perfect table. Now, all Kameron had to do was find a moment alone with Bianca. When Bianca finally appeared Kameron thought that Asia was going to have a stroke. Just breathe baby, everything’s going to be alright. Bianca will love you and you are going to do amazing in this class, Kameron whispered into Asia’s ear, squeezing her hand tight. She could feel her skin prickling with nerves and anticipation; would Asia be mad? Or would she be grateful? What would Bianca think? Kameron had already anxiously run through all the ways this could possibly go wrong in her head, but despite all that, she still had chosen to go through with it.
They were about half way through the class when Kameron saw her perfect opportunity. Knowing she may not get another chance, after making sure Asia was fully immersed in her project, Kameron walked to the front where Bianca was sitting at a table, watching everyone work.
“Uuummm, excuse me?” Kameron was so nervous she could barely get out more than a whisper.
“Did you just say something?” Bianca looked up at her, a twinge of annoyance in her voice.
Kameron cleared her throat and took a deep breath before trying again. “Ah, yeah sorry. I don’t mean to bother you, but my girlfriend is a huge fan of yours, and I was wondering if you could look at some of her designs. One of her classmates told her that she should enter the contest you’re holding, but she doesn’t think any of her designs are good enough, so I was hoping that maybe if you look at them and see how good they are you could tell her yourself. I know that would mean so much to her.”
“Okay first take a breath before you pass out on me, because I really don’t feel like having to explain why a fully muscled and tattooed lesbian, was taking my sewing class instead of building a shed."  
Kam did take a breath, not quite knowing if she should be offended.
"Second, does your girlfriend know that you have these sketches of hers? Because you know I don’t mind looking at them but I really don’t feel like getting in the middle of a lovers quarrel.”
“Uumm, well no she doesn’t exactly know that I took them, but like I said before–"
"Look, you seem like a nice girl and you clearly have good intentions, so why don’t we go tell your girlfriend about your little plan, and then I’ll look at those sketches.” Bianca made a gesture, like she was waiting for Kameron to walk back to her table.
Kameron had planned for this, had done her best to mentally prepare for this moment. Either Asia was going to be super pissed and pull her out into the hallway to scream at her, or she was just going to kill her and leave her for dead on the side of the road.
Asia was still completely immersed in her project when Kameron sat back down next to her, Bianca following close behind.
“Hey babe, that looks so amazing,” Kameron stammered. Asia still didn’t stop what she was doing, or look up. Kameron’s palms were sweating, and her breathing was beginning to get faster. She was really praying that this didn’t completely blow up in her face. ”So I have a surprise for you.”
Stopping what she was doing to finally look, Asia realized that Bianca was standing only a few steps behind Kameron’s chair. A surprised look crossed Asia’s face, before she realized that Kameron looked like she was about to pass out.
“OH MY GOD BABE!! Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Is your anxiety getting to you? Oh shit and here I am so caught up in my work that I didn’t even notice.”
Before Kameron could answer, the woman who had been patiently waiting behind her spoke up. “I do believe your girlfriend is just shitting her pants, because she came up with, in my personal opinion, a horrible plan to try and convince you to enter my contest.”
“What is she talking about Kameron?” Asia was now looking confusedly between her girlfriend and her idol.
“Well, you know how much I care about you, and that I would do anything to see you happy. And I just really wanted to do something that would show you how much I care. So I may have convinced Monét to steal some of your sketches, so I could give them to Bianca in person and have her tell you herself how amazing your work is.”
Asia’s eyebrows shot up and Kameron’s heart thudded faster. Oh no. Oh no she’s pissed, I need to explain myself more. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK! But people are starting to stare. God why do people have to stare?
“Because it really is amazing and you always seem to think that it’s not, and I just really wanted you to have as much confidence in yourself as I have in you. Kinda like the way that you’re always pushing me to have confidence in myself.”  
Tears were streaming down Kameron’s cheeks at this point, she didn’t know when they had started, only that she wanted to crawl under the table and die. She couldn’t stand the way that Asia was looking at her and she thought that maybe if she kept trying to explain herself that eventually Asia would understand. Before Kameron could open her mouth to continue though, she felt a hand come from behind her to grab her shoulder, and watched as Asia got up from the table and stormed out the door, most of the class trying not to look up from their projects.
“Okay sweetheart, remember what I already told you about breathing. Just keep breathing. She needs a few minutes to process what you just told her. The rest of you please just go back to your own work. The poor girl doesn’t need your snoopy asses watching her.” Bianca’s voice cut through the clouds of Kameron’s anxiety, but still sounded like it was far away.
Asia was fuming, she didn’t know what to think. She was both hurt and touched at the same time by Kameron’s actions. She felt like she was being ripped apart inside.
How dare Kameron do something like this behind my back! What did she think she was playing at? I told her numerous times that I didn’t want to enter that contest, and she got my roommate involved? When would Monét have even given Kameron the sketches? But then again she put so much thought into trying to make me happy. And it took a lot of nerve to do what she did, and God I love that girl. Asia leaned against the wall and slowly slid down as the anger that she was feeling started to dissipate. Remembering the look in Kameron’s eyes as she tried to explain everything, the way she could see her anxiety taking over. Part of her wanted to run back in there and wrap her arms around Kameron, tell her that it was okay and that she didn’t need to worry. Another part of her knew that she needed to put herself first sometimes, and that she had a right to be angry with Kameron right now. She had violated her trust and gone behind her back.
Asia didn’t know how long she had been sitting on the floor in the hallway, but suddenly there was the shadow of someone standing over her. As she looked up, she quickly realized that Kameron was standing there silently wiping tears from her eyes. Asia said nothing, unsure if she was ready to talk to Kameron yet.
“I–I’m sorry.” Kameron’s voice was barely more than a whisper. Kameron took a deep breath, like the ones Blair had taught her to take. Kameron’s anxiety must have been high, but she clearly needed to speak her feelings, so Asia silently patted the floor next to her. As Kameron sat down Asia reached out to grab her hand, hoping this would help ease some of the anxiety the other girl felt.  
They sat in silence for a few more minutes, almost waiting to see who would speak first. Kameron decided that she should seize the chance to say something. “I know that you’re mad at me, and I can understand why. I just thought that no matter how much I begged you and told you how good your work was, you’d still never enter that contest.”  
“You’re damn right I’m mad at you! I told you that I didn’t want to enter that contest!” Asia snapped. “But you went behind my back and did it anyway.”
“I know.” Kameron turned to face Asia. ”And I should have just listened to you. I wish I would have listened to you. I–I just thought–that maybe you didn’t want to enter—because you didn’t have enough confidence in your work.”
“Whether I had confidence in my work or not isn’t the point right now Kameron. You betrayed my trust– you AND Monét. You dragged my roommate into this, when you both knew my wishes and still you went against me. I thought of all people, I could trust you, but I guess I was wrong.” The fire in Asia was going out, now she only felt disappointed and heartbroken.
“You can trust me! I’m sorry. I promise I’ll never do anything like this again, I’ll never go against your wishes.” The desperation in her voice was so thick, she could feel it in her tears as they rolled down her cheeks.
“I don’t want to hear it right now Kam. I’m calling a Lyft and going home.”  Asia got up off the cold hard floor.
“No– you paid for your seat in that class, at least stay to the end. You were so excited, remember? I’ll leave and call you a ride for when the class gets out.” Kameron gave a sad smile, getting up from her place on the floor. “The Asia I know is no quitter.” Kameron said over her shoulder, walking back towards the classroom to gather her things, leaving Asia to cry alone on the floor.
As Kameron walked back into the classroom, Bianca looked up from where she was helping someone out, to see Kameron grabbing her things, a defeated expression painted on her face. She excused herself, so that she could have a word with the girl, before she left.
“I know I said that I don’t want to get in the middle of a lovers’ quarrel, but if those sketches meant enough to you to completely ruin your relationship, they must be good. Mind if I see them?”
Kameron nodded and pulled the folder from her bag, handing it to Bianca with a sad attempt at a smile. It took Bianca less than a minute to realize the sketches were amazing, and thought that if Asia would have entered them, they would have been a shoe-in to place high, possibly even to win.
Not wanting to give Kameron any false hopes, she only nodded and asked if she could borrow them, saying that she would give them back to their rightful owner, when she returned to class. Kameron agreed and left, looking broken-hearted.
Asia had made sure that Kameron was gone before returning to class and sitting down in front of her almost finished project. Still overwhelmed by all that had just happened, all she could do was sit there staring at the machine, almost like she couldn’t remember how it worked.
Her thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, next to her work station.
“I know that it’s none of my business, but why exactly did you decide not to enter the competition?” Bianca asked.
Asia realized she was holding the folder with her sketches. The sight of it made her grit her teeth.
”Because I have to tell you,” Bianca continued. “That these are really very good. And before you say anything, I asked your girlfriend for them before she left. I was curious to see if your talents were really as good as she seemed to think.” The woman eyed her up very seriously. “I don’t compliment people often. So you know that I’m not bullshitting you.”
Asia relaxed a little, knowing all too well that getting a compliment from The Bianca del Rio was something to celebrate. “Thank you.” Asia blushed, and filed this moment away in her memory to tell Kameron, once things were hopefully resolved. ”The reason I didn’t want to enter the contest is because, well, because the first time that people see my work…” Asia looked down at the sewing project she had been working on, and unconsciously began playing with the edges. ”I want it to be in my own show.”
Bianca nodded. “I can understand that. I was the same way when I was young, but everyone has to start somewhere. Not even I, the great Bianca del Rio, saw my own clothing in a showcase all my own right out of the gate.” This made Asia giggle a little and a small smile spread across her lips. “I know that it might be hard to believe, but I was an apprentice at one point in my career and my mentor is the one who finally gave me my big break. So just work hard and before you know it, you’ll be showing off your very own clothing line soon enough.” Bianca playfully bumped Asia’s shoulder. “Also, this may just be my unasked for opinion, but you should forgive your girlfriend.” Bianca placed the folder on the table next to Asia. “I put my card in there, you know just in case you change your mind about entering the contest. Or if you ever need anything.”
“Thank you so much!“ Asia perked up, eyes lighting up with admiration for the woman standing in front of her. She knew that she had a lot to think about tonight.
With that, Asia placed the folder with Bianca’s card in her bag and went outside to call a Lyft. True to her word, Kameron had already called her one and it was waiting for her when she got out of class. Sitting in the back of her Lyft, phone still in her hand, she looked back at their most recent text conversation. Just a few hours ago, everything had been normal. Kameron was asking if Asia wanted her to pick up fries on her way over. Asia took a deep breath and closed out of their chat. She knew that she wanted to talk things out with Kameron, but she knew it would be best if she waited until the morning.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Not Nineteen Forever (18) (Branjie/Scyvie/Ninex)- Ortega
a/n: heeey heyheyhey! i tried not to leave u all on a cliffhanger for too long. thank u so so much for all the love on the last chapter, it honestly made my whole week! again if u like this one feel free to send some love either to AQ or on my blog. hope u all enjoy! P.S. i knew i forgot to mention something! the song the girls sing at the end is called Good Girl’s Gone Bad by Booty Luv (lmfao) if u want to get the vibe of how it actually sounds, because i hate trying to convey a song via simply italicised lyrics lolol)
trigger warning: alcohol xo
please note: this fic contains young adults often behaving in irresponsible/unadvisable ways with regards to alcohol, drugs and sex. if you are someone who feels as if they could be heavily influenced by fic and incorporate what happens in the plot into ur own life, pls steer clear!
summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
last chapter: the gang headed to a big house in the country and things between Brooke and Vanessa got a little more than civil in the hot tub.
this chapter: the girls have to pick up the pieces for the 195th time. but karaoke and gin solves everything, right?
Scarlet lay back in bed, panting and looking up at the ceiling as Yvie emerged from the covers underneath her, her cheeks red. Holding her arms out for a cuddle, Scarlet’s heart swelled up as Yvie, exhausted, threw her head down against Scarlet’s chest. Scarlet knew Yvie would be able to hear her heart beat. She liked that. She liked being intimate with Yvie in ways like they just had been, when Yvie’s tongue was between her legs and Scarlet was crying out into the silence of the house without a care for who heard them, but she also loved the intimacy of Yvie knowing parts of her that nobody else knew, like a secret they both shared.
“I love you,” Scarlet sighed, pressing a kiss to Yvie’s chaos of curls as the other girl wrapped her arms around her waist and squeezed.
“I love you too, baby. So much,” Yvie replied, Scarlet able to feel how she smiled against her skin and unable to stop herself from smiling too.
They lay there for a moment in the foreign room, Scarlet taking in their surroundings. A green carpet, scuffed and worn. A white ceiling with endless cracks snaking across it like a map. An inexplicably out of context painting of a hunt in the countryside, and a window with no curtains where the bright sunshine of the new day shone in unrelentingly through the unpolished glass.
“How are you this morning, you hanging?” Yvie asked her, Scarlet frowning.
“Nah. I never drank that much. You?” she asked, sitting up a little and causing Yvie to shift.
“I’ve got a little headache but I’m not sure if it was the alcohol or just this bed.”
“We were drinking red wine, to be fair. That was a bad call,” Scarlet rubbed her temples, concluding that she’d had a lucky escape. They’d bought it when Plastique had stopped at the small Co-Op in the village nearest the house to stock up, and they’d giggled in the wine aisle as they had decided to buy something civilised to pretend they were characters in an Agatha Christie novel and swan around the big house dressed to the nines. Although when Scarlet had seen Yvie last night she’d immediately wanted to rip her dress off. It had turned out Yvie had thought the same, and a little smile spread across Scarlet’s face as she remembered them, pressed up against the bedroom wall, messy and passionate as they hitched their dresses up and touched each other frantically and came apart. Scarlet wriggled, crossing her legs and squeezing them together.
“Jesus, what is with you this weekend? You’re so horny, like, all the time,” Yvie laughed, noticing her reaction. Scarlet gave a guilty smile.
“I can’t help it that I have the sexiest girlfriend here,” she shrugged, Yvie rolling herself onto her back and throwing her fists in the air into a triumphant stretch.
“Actually I think you’ll find I have the official hottest girl in the room as a girlfriend, so. Check and mate, princess."
Scarlet gave a snort. "Hey, I was merely a pawn in the huge game of fucking chess that is Vanjie and Brooke at the moment, I don’t think I was anything more than a jealousy crash test dummy.”
“Hmm, well. You got dummy right,” Yvie said playfully, laughing as Scarlet pushed her slightly off the bed, then pulled her back again. Scarlet pulled her close, unease forming in the pit of her stomach.
“You know I’m just yours, right? I only-”
“Oh my God Scarlet, relax!” Yvie laughed, squeezing her. “I know there was nothing to that kiss at all, shut up. I trust you. I love you. It was a dare, these girls are our friends, and Vanjie’s about as harmless as an actual cucumber. Chill.”
Scarlet obediently relaxed, glad to have reassured Yvie even if she didn’t need reassured in the first place. She paused, then spoke again. “I don’t know, you could do a bit of damage to someone with a cucumber.”
“I’d do a bit of damage to you with a cucumber,” Yvie wiggled her eyebrows, Scarlet screeching a laugh and swatting at her.
“You’re disgusting. I hate you.”
“You wish you hated me,” Yvie stuck her tongue out at her, and Scarlet sighed.
“It would make my life a lot easier if I did,” she replied playfully, a loud rumble from her stomach cutting her off. She frowned. “Hungry.”
Yvie gave another stretch, her ankles cracking loudly. “Do you want to go down, get the glasses from the living room and stick some bacon on a pan or some shit?”
“Stick some bacon on a pan or some shit. Gordon Ramsay, love your work!”
The two girls continued to bicker as they threw their pyjamas back on, bounced down the stairs and collected the glasses left in the living room from last night. Scarlet was glad to see that there were no rings left from any drinks on tables, her airbnb account safe from a scathing review from whoever even owned this place. Looking at the sofa her and Yvie had sat on last night, she laughed as she remembered her and Vanjie’s ridiculous kiss. The girl got no points for subtlety.
“How did Brooke get more jealous than you when me and Vanj got with each other? You’re my actual girlfriend and you gave less of a shit,” Scarlet mused, walking into the kitchen behind Yvie and setting the glasses down beside the sink.
“Because I know that I’m yours and you’re mine and Brooke knows that she fucked it with Vanjie so she can’t kiss her whenever she wants to like I can with you. I got to have you back in my arms after that kiss and have you reassure me, she didn’t get that,” Yvie shrugged, getting the bacon out of the fridge. She ran her tongue over her teeth as she locked eyes with Scarlet. “Plus it was hot, not gonna lie.”
“Fuck, are we going to have a threesome now, is that what this is?” Scarlet asked dryly, secretly flattered.
“Bad enough having to throw your fuckin’ teddy across the room whenever I’m dicking you down at yours.”
“Just once I’d love to talk about sex with you and not want to blow my own brains out,” Scarlet continued deadpanning, snorting as Yvie began to laugh in her own goofy way. Scarlet loved the old married couple bickering that they always seemed to fall into, having absorbed so much of Yvie’s humour the longer she spent with her. It was one of just so many things she loved about her. “Did something go on between them last night, by the way?”
“Oh, hundred percent,” Yvie rolled her eyes as she wrenched a frying pan from a cupboard. “Yay, another Brooke Lynn shaped mess me and Nina are gonna have to pick up the pieces of! Can’t wait!”
“Yves,” Scarlet warned, dunking the glasses into the hot, soapy water she’d filled the sink with. “Be nice. She’s your best friend, we all make mistakes.”
“I want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her like a fucking maraca. It’s like she’s been challenged to make as many bad decisions that she can and if she gets to a certain amount she wins a prize. What do you think her target is? Two hundred? Five hundred?”
“Stop,” Scarlet laughed, her smile almost cracking her face as she turned around, hearing a set of footsteps pad softly down the steps to the kitchen. Akeria emerged, her makeup from the night before smeared across her face like a child’s painting and her long, blonde hair twirled up into a bun. “Morning, Kiki. You sleep okay?”
“The sleep was fine. It’s the awake part I’m strugglin’ with,” she groaned, sliding into one of the wooden chairs and resting her head in her hands. “Is this what a hangover’s like when you turn twenty two? I don’t want it.”
“No, that’s what a hangover’s like when you drink three bottles of six pound Shiraz,” Yvie raised an eyebrow at the suffering girl, Scarlet feeling guilty as she laughed.
“Leave me alone, it’s my birthday,” Akeria whined, Scarlet’s stomach rumbling again as the smell of bacon began to waft through the kitchen.
“Are you gonna use that excuse for the entirety of March?” Yvie chuckled, turning around from the aga. Scarlet took the rolls they’d bought out of the cupboard and got the butter out of the fridge.
“Yes,” Akeria rubbed her eyes so hard Scarlet worried for her eyelash extensions. “Tell me I didn’t do anythin’ embarrassing?”
“You honestly didn’t,” Scarlet said kindly, her heart going out to Akeria. “I don’t think you have any bad decisions to worry about.”
“Apart from the whole drinking three bottles of wine thing,” Yvie shrugged.
“Vanjie, on the other hand…” Akeria sighed, Yvie growing animated at the stove.
“Right? We were just talking about this. Do you know what happened?”
“Not yet. She better be in that fucking room with Silk and Plastique or I’ll personally whoop her ass,” Akeria narrowed her eyes.
“She’s not,” came Plastique’s voice from the stairs, Silky following after.
“Good morning campers! How are we?” Silky’s voice boomed cheerfully into the echoing kitchen, making Scarlet flinch even though she wasn’t all that hungover.
“Silky, I’m honestly going to murder you in your sleep,” Akeria said flatly.
“You think this is bad! The bitch decided to give me a full one-woman show of The Bodyguard last night before bed!” Plastique cried in outrage, filling the kettle up and flicking on the switch.
“It was BEAUTIFUL and EMOTIONAL and GROUNDBREAKING!” Silky yelled, throwing herself down into the chair next to her flatmate dramatically.
“Please someone kill me,” Akeria sighed.
“Were you guys talking about Brooke and Vanjie?” Plastique steered the conversation back as the kettle bubbled. “They’re in Brooke’s room. She didn’t sleep in ours.”
“I’m losing the will to live with her, I swear to Jesus,” Akeria sighed woefully, shaking her head like a long-suffering mother.
“So wait, what exactly is going on between them? Like, we can build quite a unique perspective here. We got me and we got Yvie to tell you what Brooke’s thinking, and we got you three to give us Vanjie’s perspective,” Plastique said, with all the energy of a detective solving a mystery. Yvie snorted.
“Yeah, good luck with that, we all know Brooke’s mind is like fucking Alcatraz,” she rolled her eyes, distributing the bacon between the rolls Scarlet had sliced open and buttered.
“And Monet can give us the Monique tea. Once she stops banging Nina,” Plastique shrugged. “Who wants tea, who wants coffee?”
“I want the sweet embrace of death,” Akeria murmured.
“TEA!” Silky ordered at top volume.
“Or failing that, to be deaf.”
Scarlet helped Plastique dish up teas and coffees. She remembered Monet and Nina were both tea people, and how they both took it (she’d spent enough time round at Yvie’s to be a tea-making expert for everyone that lived or was frequently round at the flat) so she made one up for each of the girls in case they emerged within the next five minutes or so.
“We should set up a charity. Flatmates Living with Absolute Pisstakers,” Yvie laughed humourlessly, Scarlet laughing as she realised something.
“FLAPS,” she abbreviated, causing the girls round the table to snort out a few giggles.
“Okay so what do you know?” Silky pointed a finger at Scarlet, the girl jumping a little in surprise. “We wanna see if it matches what we know.”
Scarlet shrugged. She’d had lectures with Vanessa and hung out like she always did, but if she was honest Vanessa hadn’t given away much about how she was feeling about Brooke. Scarlet had tried to prise something out of her, mentioning how it was good they had seemed to get along at her birthday party, but Vanessa had just shrugged and said she had to grow up and be civil eventually. She relayed this to the girls, Silky sighing deeply.
“Okay, good. So we know about as much as you,” she said, voice full of regret.
“She’s treating the whole thing as a massive joke, but we know different. We were there when she cried herself to sleep in the flat, we made her food when she couldn’t get out of bed. None of which she fuckin’ ate, but still. We know how much Brooke affected her, even if Brooke doesn’t,” Akeria explained. Scarlet’s heart hurt remembering how badly Vanessa took the breakup.
“She’s pretending that she’s over her and fuckin’ around with Monique ain’t helping,” Silky hissed.
Plastique made a face. “I think Brooke knew how much Vanessa liked her. She felt really bad about the breakup, but she was just doing what she thought was best.”
“Which is okay if that’s the decision that she’s sticking to! But it’s not! The bitch got up last night, kissed her in front of all of us and then probably slept with her!” Akeria sighed irritably, tearing into her bacon roll with aggression. Scarlet mirrored her sigh. That was the thing, she did have to agree with Akeria- Brooke breaking things off with Vanjie was fine, but changing her mind so violently? It had to mess with Vanjie’s head.
“Well, basically,” Yvie began, exhaling a little as she presumably knew what she was about to say would cause tension. “I get the impression from Brooke that she has changed her decision.”
Silky laughed harshly in disbelief. “What?!”
Yvie raised her hands in the air. “I mean, don’t shoot the messenger, but yeah. She was big pressed when V started sleeping with Monique. I think she feels like she fucked it.”
“Well, she did,” Akeria said venomously, just as footsteps came from the little steps to the kitchen. The girls held their breath, Scarlet’s eyes growing wide as she craned her neck to see who was coming.
“Morning!” Nina’s sing-song voice cut through the silence happily, pausing abruptly when she felt the atmosphere in the room. Scarlet felt sorry for her; she had no idea what she was walking into.
“Hey, girl. We made you both tea,” she smiled, addressing Monet who had traipsed in behind Nina in her huge baggy pyjamas, looking every inch still half-asleep.
“Okay, and what is the tea? Because you’re all suspicious as fuck right now. In the time I’ve known these girls, they’re never silent,” Monet raised an eyebrow, taking her cup and leaning against the counters. Silky leant forward, her face conspiratorial.
“We’re talking Brooke and Vanjie.”
“Oh, good,” Monet flared her nostrils as she celebrated sarcastically.
“Good, so you’re about as done with them as we are,” Akeria rolled her eyes. “V didn’t sleep in her own bed last night. We think she slept with Brooke.”
“Well, that was obvious enough when they never came to watch the film.”
Scarlet pulled a face, eager not to jump to conclusions. “Maybe they talked everything out? We can’t assume.”
“Scarlet, come on. If there was talking involved, it wasn’t gonna be U rated,” Yvie smiled indulgently at her. Scarlet had to concede.
“You’re Monique’s flatmate, girl, where does she come into all of this?” Plastique asked Monet, bringing her knees up to her chest and balancing her coffee cup on top.
“It’s none of my business,” Monet threw her hands up in the air. Akeria rolled her eyes.
“Come on, bitch, give us a crumb.”
Monet sighed, relenting. “Aight, well. Monique is well aware how much Vanjie still seems into Brooke, because from what she’s said Vanessa has made that perfectly clear to her.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ on a crucifix,” Silky exclaimed, rolling her eyes.
“So Vanjie’s still hung up on Brooke?” Scarlet asked, trying to clarify the situation.
“And Brooke’s still into Vanjie,” Nina said casually, some of Yvie’s coffee splashing onto her pyjamas as she whirled around to face Nina.
“She told me after Scarlet’s birthday. Shit, I wasn’t meant to tell you guys that,” Nina clamped a hand over her mouth involuntarily, worry etched onto her face. “Guys, fuck, you can’t tell her I told you.”
“Nice of her to let me know, Jesus!” Yvie snarled, Scarlet reaching a hand out and stroking her knuckles soothingly.
“I wouldn’t take it personally, babe. You know it’s like trying to get blood from a stone with her and her feelings. I guess it’s good she at least told one of us?” Nina gave a sympathetic shrug, clearly feeling bad.
Plastique tore a hand through her hair. “So wait, Brooke likes Vanjie and Vanjie likes Brooke? Why don’t they just get back together then?”
“Because like fuck is my girl getting hurt again when Brooke changes her mind for a third time,” Akeria scowled up at Plastique. “And anyone who thinks they’re gonna be good together after everything that’s happened is trash, sorry.”
“Kiki, c'mon. That’s harsh,” Nina frowned, disapproving. Akeria shot her a nasty look.
“Nobody wants to see Brooke or Vanjie get hurt. They’re both our friends,” Scarlet cut in, trying to play peacemaker.
“I’m just sayin’, Vanj would do well to just focus on Monique, who from what I’ve heard actually treats her right. She certainly doesn’t use her like a fucking sex doll whenever she wants,” Akeria spat. Scarlet grew tense as she saw Yvie bristling.
“Actually that’s exactly what their entire friendship is built on,” Monet cut in with a laugh, keen to ease the tension.
“Akeria, come on, we both know that’s bullshit. If Brooke and Vanj did sleep with each other last night it was one messy fuck after a bit of drinking, they weren’t thinking straight.”
“Did you see V top up her drink once last night?” Akeria shot back instantly, the lawyer jumping out. “Yeah, exactly. And Brooke had what, three, four beers? I was sinking more than that in parks when I was fifteen, that’s fucking children’s numbers. Weren’t thinking straight my ass. They both knew exactly what they were doing.”
“Brooke doesn’t exactly know that V still likes her back, does she? For all she knows this is just a bit of fun to her. Let’s not be too quick to judge,” Nina soothed. Silky snorted with derision.
“Nina, I love you, but the blind man’s fuckin’ guide dog can see Vanjie’s still got feelings.”
“Ah, but you have to remember Brooke’s got the emotional intelligence of a Build-A-Bear,” Plastique pointed out, Akeria shrugging slowly and nodding.
“I guess.”
“I have a great plan for you all,” Monet said suddenly, frowning ever so slightly. “Why don’t you just let the pair of them make their own fuckin’ decisions and mind your own damn business? This has nothing to do with any of us.”
“Sorry Monet, but if it involves our best friend getting her heart broke again then it damn right does have something to do with me!” Akeria objected, Plastique breaking out into awkward laughter at the tense trajectory of the conversation.
Monet calmed down, taking a deep breath. “Look, Kiki, it’s hard for me too watching one of my best friends sleeping with someone that’s clearly still hung up on someone else. But it’s their lives, not ours. We can’t make them do anything. You just have to be the good friends I know you bitches are and be there for them if it all falls down.”
“When it all falls down.” Yvie raised her eyebrows and took a long sip of her drink.
“Yvie, you’re not helping!” Scarlet hissed.
As Monet’s words sank in, the girls had a small moment of silence to reflect on their conversation. Before Scarlet had time to generate any new thoughts, however, there came a sharp thud of footsteps down the stairs and Vanessa emerged, her hair brushed, her makeup removed, and wearing plain jeans and the orange jumper Scarlet had seen her wear so often. Her face was grave, and she pulled her trainers onto her white socked feet as she spoke.
“Kiki. I’m packed. Ready to leave when you are."
The room was silent as she haphazardly tied her laces, stood up, and left as quickly as she had come in.
The rest of the day was decidedly tense. Vanjie hardly spoke a word to anyone that morning, and when Brooke emerged she was similarly silent. Nobody ripped into them about the obvious- usually they would, but this time was different. Feelings were on the line, and people were getting hurt. Scarlet and Yvie spoke about the situation with Plastique all the way home, and by the time they both got back to the flat Brooke had already barricaded herself in her room. Yvie would usually try to talk to her, but not today. Today, Brooke was best left alone.
It took her three days to say something.
Scarlet was round at the flat and she and Yvie were in the living room with Nina, watching Coronation Street (Yvie’s choice, of course) when Brooke came into the kitchen, walked calmly through to the sofa, threw herself down on it and let out a small sigh.
“Hey, babe! How’re you- oh shit. Oh, girl, what’s wrong?” Nina sighed, seeing two tears fall from Brooke’s face that she quickly hid in the sleeves of her black hoodie.
“I’m a fucking terrible person,” she cried quietly, still burying her face in her hands as Nina launched herself into the armchair Brooke occupied and wrapped her arms around her in a hug.
“No, Brooke, you’re not. You’re not, honey,” Nina sighed, shaking her head and murmuring into Brooke’s hair.
“Everything’s ruined. Vanessa hates me…and you guys probably all do too,” Brooke sniffed. Scarlet sighed.
“Brooke, nobody hates you. Least of all us! You’ll always have us!” she smiled comfortingly. Brooke brought her head up to face her, resentment in her eyes.
“Oh, Scarlet, come on, I know your loyalties lie with Vanessa.”
Scarlet let out a displeased laugh, appealing to Yvie. “Fuck me, right!”
Brooke let out a sob as if she’d immediately regretted snapping. “I’m sorry Scarlet, that was unfair. Shit, fuck, there I go again. All I do is just push people away and bottle up my problems and never tell anybody anything. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
“Nothing’s wrong with you! And you can always tell us anything. You know that!” Nina shushed her, tucking her hair behind her ears. Brooke smiled gently at her.
Yvie piped up, leaning towards Brooke. “Yeah. And you could start by telling us what went down between you two the other night when we were away, because I don’t understand what’s happened.”
Brooke took a long, deep breath and sighed. “We got carried away…she’d been joking with me all day. Like she was flirting and being touchy…anyway, we were in the hot tub and we were talking about us. Kind of. How long I’d liked her for before we got together, and the fact we’d kissed. And then everything just sort of happened. You know we slept with each other, I know you all know. You’ve all got brains. Things were said…and I don’t think she believes any of it. Even though it was all true. And even if she wanted to speak to me, I wouldn’t even know where to begin…fuck-”
“What did you say to her?” Scarlet asked gently, holding her breath a little.
“That I missed her. That I was sorry. But I feel like she thinks I was saying it because I just wanted her so badly. I mean, I did. I do…fuck,” Brooke sighed, rubbing her face with her hands.
“What happened when you woke up? That morning. You were both obviously…not yourselves,” Nina said, trying to word things tactically. Brooke let out a huge exhale.
“I woke up and she wasn’t even in bed with me. She just pulled on her bikini from the night before, had a face on like she wanted to kill me. I tried to talk things out, but she just told me there was nothing to say. She didn’t want to speak to me…” Brooke hung her head. “And that night, after we’d slept together, we’d just…lain there and held each other. We never said anything, she didn’t leave to go back to her own room. She put her head on my chest and I put my arms around her and just felt her breathing. It was like everything was back to normal, back to how it was. Jesus, I’ve absolutely fucked it.”  
This time it was Yvie that fell forward and hugged her as Brooke sobbed, quiet and resigned. Scarlet felt her heart hurt for her. As much as Brooke had behaved inconsiderately and rashly, she’d clearly recognised the mistake she’d made. Scarlet believed that she did genuinely care about Vanjie, that she wanted to make things right with her. The only issue was how to try and make Vanessa see that.
“Right,” Nina said decisively, slapping her thighs. “I’ve got an idea. Let’s go out. Let’s put all of this out of your mind and just remember what it feels like to have fun being silly and drinking with friends before all this drama happened.”
Brooke, to her credit, let out a genuinely humoured laugh. “Nina, I was silly and drinking with friends three nights ago. That’s exactly what got me into this mess.”  
"No,” Nina said firmly. She was going to make such a good teacher, Scarlet thought, as she watched the girl’s face snap into a frown. “This time you’re not going to think about V. If she turns up, you don’t interact. If Akeria makes a fucking nippy as shit comment, you blank her. This is going to be a fun night, with no drama. I promise.”
Nina was clearly some level of convincing, because Brooke rubbed her eyes and sighed. “I mean…getting drunk and turning our speakers up so loud I can no longer hear my thoughts sounds pretty good.”
The three flatmates shared an indulgent grin with each other. Brooke laughed, letting out a resigned groan.
“Yves, Scar. You down?“
Scarlet smiled at Brooke so hard she felt her face hurt. Reaching out and squeezing Yvie’s hand, she knew what her answer would be. “Always, angel.”
Impromptu nights out were always the best ones, Scarlet thought, and she hoped tonight would be no exception. To be fair to Nina, it seemed as if it had been a good idea. Brooke had smiled and laughed as she helped the other girls decide what to wear, cobbled together pre-drinks from the random assortment of spirits and mixers they had around their flat, ordered Nina to either skip or turn up songs on the playlist. Nina, seemingly the one in charge, had heard about this karaoke bar from Monet which seemed to simply be a karaoke machine in the middle of a quintessential old man’s pub named The Swan, but Monet had posed it to Nina as one of the best nights out she’d ever had so of course her word was gospel. Secretly Scarlet kind of hoped Vanessa wouldn’t turn up, which was harsh but Scarlet was as much Brooke’s friend as she was Vanjie’s and she just wanted Brooke to have a good night after so much upset.
“We don’t have to message the others, you know,” Scarlet shrugged as she emerged from Yvie’s room in a borrowed red cropped jumper and the jeans she’d worn to the flat in the first place. She got the vibe that this night out was not a fancy one.
“Noo, I wanna see Plastique. And Silk’s always fun,” Brooke pouted, apparently a little tipsy already.
“If we have a night out without at least offering it to Antigua Road it’ll only start more drama,” Yvie rolled her eyes. “Besides, they’re still our friends. Also I would live to see Plastique doing karaoke.”
Scarlet laughed, agreeing as she typed out a message to their group.
Yvie’s Bitch: Ladies, we are thinking karaoke tonight??? Anyone down? Xxxxxxxxxx
okay then: omg yesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!
okay then: can Ariel come too???
Scarlet was glad of the prospect of a new addition to their night. Ariel’s presence would hopefully diffuse a bit of the drama, nobody could exactly kick off when someone new was there.
Yvie’s Bitch: Yes absolutely!!!
There was a pause. Scarlet flicked her eyes over to Brooke, who had an insincere smile on her face as Yvie and Nina did every horrific TikTok dance imaginable. Scarlet saw her turning her phone over in her hand, looking at it anxiously. When Scarlet’s phone buzzed, so did Brooke’s, and she watched as the girl practically pounced on the message.
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: KARAOKE BITCH????? OH LAWD WE COMIN
Pres that evening were divided up between the three flats, a mutual and unspoken understanding that it was probably for the best if they met at the bar. Scarlet was glad that Brooke seemed to loosen up as the evening went on, and by the time they were in the taxi she was chatty and giggly, her words spilling out of her like liquid. When they arrived the pub was packed, and they nearly couldn’t see the girls sitting cramped around a small table that was clearly only meant for four people but was also the best they were going to get in the crowds. Scarlet didn’t miss the way Vanjie blanked Brooke as if she wasn’t there, going for a hug with Yvie and then with Nina who were on either side of her. Scarlet vowed to speak to her about things at lectures on Monday. They only had a week of classes until the Easter break began, and then they would all start basically living in the library as dissertation hand-ins and exams would start looming over them like a huge stress boulder. Scarlet tried to focus her energy into chatting politely with Ariel, who was sitting beside an already very drunk Plastique. Scarlet had met her only a few times before when she’d been with Plastique on campus, but she’d never come to any big group nights out with the girls and Scarlet wanted to make her feel welcome. Although that was currently hard with the tension between Vanessa and Brooke, and by proxy Akeria, who had a protective arm slung around Vanjie like a mother lioness. Scarlet was distracted from the scene for a moment by Yvie, who had bought her a gin and lemonade. Scarlet thanked her and squeezed up on the chair she was sitting on to accommodate her girlfriend. She felt herself smile involuntarily as Yvie kissed her cheek. Yvie, the drink in her hand, and somebody new to get to know. Those were the three things Scarlet would focus on.
And that worked out. For a while. But Brooke had wanted to drown her feelings and it looked as if she was giving that a pretty good attempt. She’d returned from a simple drinks round with Jagerbombs for everyone (even Vanessa, although as peace offerings went it was one of the worst Scarlet had ever seen) and had been quite happy to sink the ones that some of the girls had refused. Then she’d dragged Nina up to sing a duet of Beyonce and Shakira’s Beautiful Liar which Brooke was essentially making into soft porn judging by the way she was flipping her hair and grinding on Nina, who was dying of laughter as she tried to get her notes out. Scarlet was nudged by Yvie who nodded to Akeria and Vanjie. The two were frowning at the girls on stage and muttering disapprovingly.
“I’m going to say something. This is a joke, they’re acting like they’re in high school,” Yvie rolled her eyes, as the girls got up from their seats and moved in the direction of the bar where Silky was in the queue for drinks.
“Don’t, Yves. Kiki’s only looking out for V, and she’s still upset. Brooke’s taking it a bit too far, to be fair,” Scarlet winced as Brooke hit a note that definitely wasn’t written anywhere in the song.
“She’s trying to have a fun night, Scarlet. But she can’t, because Judge fuckin’ Judy’s giving her death stares any time she so much as breathes,” Yvie seethed, whipping her head around and trying to find the girls in the crowd. It appeared they weren’t in the queue any more.
“They’ve probably gone to smoke. Yvie, leave it, baby. Brooke is having a good time, look!” Scarlet insisted, as the song came to an end and the girls laughed and hugged each other. Brooke almost took a tumble going down the steps from the podium the stage was on, and flopped back onto her chair.
“I’m the next Beyonce. I’ll take autographs later,” she murmured, Scarlet laughing at her ridiculousness. “I also need to pee. Anyone else?”
Scarlet indulged her and went with her. She didn’t actually need, but she also needed to make sure that Brooke wasn’t about to pass out on a toilet floor, so the two of them crammed into the only cubicle that wasn’t out of order or already in use.
“You’re having a good night, then?” she asked, looking at the grubby floor as Brooke pulled her jeans down.
“I’m actually having…the best time,” Brooke nodded emphatically, carelessly ripping bits of toilet paper out of the dispenser. Scarlet watched it fall like gigantic blossoms as Brooke rambled on. “This was the best idea, Nina is…Nina’s just so good with ideas, she’s going to be a primary teacher…and she’s going to be so good at it…they’ll probably make her a headteacher within the year…”
Brooke finished, stood up, flipped the lid of the toilet seat down unnecessarily loudly, yanked up her jeans, then fell back onto the lid. Scarlet sighed.
“Jesus. This is like babysitting. Come on, zip up your jeans.”
Brooke obeyed, her limbs moving as if she was made of jelly. As she did up her zipper and the button at the top, she kept speaking. “I’m having such a good time, oh my God, Nina just has the best ideas ever…you know this whole thing was her idea? She’s going to make the best teacher ever…I wish I had a teacher like her when I was little…”
Suddenly, Scarlet froze as she heard quiet sobs come from the cubicle next to them, and judging from the way Brooke had stopped talking, she’d heard them too. The two girls were still and silent, and Scarlet could see the same hope dawning on Brooke’s face that she felt in her gut.
Please don’t let this be Vanjie, please let it be some random drunk girl instead…
“Shhh, shhh, babe, c’mon. It’s gonna be alright,” Akeria’s voice was soft, lilting through the wall, and Scarlet felt her heart sink. Fuck. She snuck a quick look at Brooke, whose face was blank and expressionless, just blinking slowly with glazed eyes as she looked in the direction of the voices.
“But it ain’t alright, is it? None of it’s alright,” Vanessa’s voice came, thick with emotion and sadness in a way that made Scarlet’s heart crack.
“Vanjie, the goddess herself Miss Whitney Houston told us that it’s not right, but it’s okay,” Scarlet was unsure who spoke next until she realised that it was Silky, her voice softer and more gentle than she’d ever heard it before. She’d coaxed a blessed laugh out of Vanessa, and Scarlet was glad she was there for her. “You’re here, you’re doing the hard part. It’s gonna get less hard every day.”
Vanessa’s sobs quietened, and a huge sigh came through the wall instead. The next time her voice came it was quiet, nothing more than resigned and sincere. “I miss her…so fucking much, girls.”
“I know you do, angel. I know you do.”
There was a pause, a sniff, and a small stifled sob.
“It just hurts that…I’m still in love with her, and I never got the chance to tell her in the first place.”
Scarlet felt as if she’d just been launched out of a plane on a parachute jump with no goggles, safety gear, or parachute. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This was bad, this was so bad. She looked frantically to Brooke, who had a single mascara tear rolling quickly down her face, her eyes threatening to overflow.
Akeria’s voice was strict. “Who do you love more, Brooke or yourself?”
There was a pause as Vanessa let out a breath. “Myself.”
“Correct answer. Come on, girl, look at you. This ain’t how you spend a night out.”
Another small laugh from Vanjie, meanwhile Brooke looked more broken than Scarlet had ever seen her. Back in the bar, whoever had been singing had finished, and the host’s voice was now booming over the speakers. The loud noise was muffled as it came through the bathroom wall.
“Alright, up next we have the dreamgirls! Do we have the dreamgirls?”
Silky let out a screech. “BITCH! It’s us!”
A little pause, then Akeria’s voice. “Your call, V. Home or stay, what do you want?”
There was a small sniff, a pause, then a scramble from the cubicle. Silky let out a cheer, and Scarlet heard the bathroom door swing open then shut again. Scarlet and Brooke were silent and frozen. Scarlet didn’t know what to say- didn’t know what she could say, so she simply held out her arms for a hug. Brooke stood up, shuffling forward and wrapping her arms around her, Scarlet trying to convey how sorry she was through squeezing her tight. The ditzy, drunk girl from before had been replaced with this quiet statue, and Scarlet didn’t know if she was imagining it or if it had been the confession they’d both just heard but Brooke seemed to have managed to sober up slightly. There was silence, and then Brooke gave a murmur against her shoulder.
“I’m in love with her too.”
Absolutely nothing about Brooke’s admission came as a shock to Scarlet. She sighed, rubbing the taller girl’s back. “Then tell her.”
She felt Brooke shake her head and let out a breath, her ribcage shrinking in Scarlet’s arms then blowing slowly up like a balloon as she took a shuddery, verge-of-tears intake of breath. “No. It’s…no.”
Scarlet nodded understandingly, then stepped back, tilted Brooke’s face up to look at her and swept two fingers underneath each of her eyes, catching her tears before they fell. “Hey. We’re not gonna let this ruin your night, okay?”
Brooke nodded silently. Scarlet knew the words were bullshit as soon as they’d left her mouth but she had to say something vaguely positive, she had to at least offer a speck of hope. She took Brooke’s hand and squeezed it, forcing a grin. “Besides, Silky singing is going to be a mess that we need to experience.”
Brooke let out a snort, a smile gradually creeping onto her face as Scarlet led her out of the cubicle. They washed their hands rapidly then grabbed fistfuls of scratchy paper towels before re-emerging into the bar and sitting down at their table. Plastique, three sheets to the wind, put her hands on either side of Brooke’s face.
“Where were you, bitch?! The girls are doing a song!”
Almost on cue, the lights began to flash purple and pink and a dance bassline blew out through the speakers. Silky’s voice cut through it loudly, the three girls already assembled on stage and holding microphones.
“Good evening, Swan! We are your Dreamgirls, show us some love!”
Scarlet couldn’t help but laugh as she whooped along with the rest of the bar, Akeria launching into her verse in a moderately tuneful voice.
“So you think that you can play around,
And that she will simply stay around,
Did you think that she’d just wait around for you?
Wait ‘til you get the news, wait ‘til you get the news that she’s,
‘Bout to do the same thing, ‘bout to play the same game!”
Scarlet risked a look at Brooke before the girls launched into the chorus. She was sure the song choice had been a coincidence. Maybe not. Scarlet always tried to be optimistic, but Brooke was smiling tightly as Plastique clung to her arm and screeched with excitement. The three girls hit the chorus, attempting and half-succeeding at a harmony.
“When ya good girl’s gone bad, whatcha gonna do,
When she’s out there doin’ the things that you do?
When ya good girl’s gone bad, whatcha gonna say,
When she’s out there playin’ the games that you play?
Whatcha gonna say to that, whatcha gonna do when she hurts you,
Whatcha gonna say to that, whatcha gonna do?”
Scarlet’s attention was pulled from the song as Yvie sat down next to her with two drinks, sliding one across to her. “This is like cats being strangled.”
Scarlet bellowed a laugh. “Aww, come on! They’re not that bad. Plus everyone seems to be loving them.”
She watched Yvie looking around the bar. There were a group of five middle-aged women in front of the stage, dancing around and cheering them on. In the corner, a big stag night group were shouting approvingly during Silky’s current verse, Silky of course winking and waving at them mid-solo. The rest of the bar was either punching the air for the girls or singing along incoherently. Yvie laughed, kissing Scarlet’s temple lovingly. “Babe. Everyone’s pissed.”
Scarlet laughed, shrugging as the three girls launched into the ever-so slightly cutting chorus again. She didn’t look at Brooke, even though she wanted to. Plastique would be looking after her, she hoped anyway. Suddenly Vanessa launched into the breakdown, her voice loud as she sang out into the microphone.
“She’s been watchin’ everything you do,
She’s been learnin’ everything from you,
And it won’t be too long before she shows you just how it feels…”
Silky and Akeria grabbed Vanjie by the waist as they backed her up, making their flatmate laugh as they belted out the last chorus together. Scarlet felt her heart swell up. As much as the whole situation was messy and people were getting hurt, Scarlet supposed it had brought out the love everyone had for their friends. Akeria had said she was done with Vanessa, but she wasn’t, not really. Scarlet could see that as she twerked against her on stage, making Vanessa laugh through her final lines.
“Whatcha gonna say to that, whatcha gonna do when she hurts you,
Whatcha gonna say to that, whatcha gonna do?”
As the pub roared their approval, Silky yelled into the microphone. “Thank you, Swan! Gentlemen…I will be at the bar.”
Scarlet grabbed Yvie’s arm as they both burst out laughing at Silky’s no-fucks-given approach to finding her men. As Scarlet turned to Brooke in the hope that Silky’s comment would’ve made her laugh, she saw with a small flash of panic that her chair was completely empty- no jacket, no bag, and no Brooke.
“Plastique! Where’s-” Scarlet shouted over to her, then realised that she’d had her back to Brooke’s chair and had been talking to Ariel. As the girl turned to face her, Scarlet shook her head. Casting her eyes to Nina’s chair, she found it equally empty. She knew they’d both gone home, and Nina would make her tea as Brooke got upset over the confession she’d overheard earlier. Casting an eye over her friends that remained in the bar, Scarlet did a small calculation in her head. Just over three months until graduation.
Scarlet hoped to God they would all get their shit together soon.
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writethehousedown · 4 years
And The Livin's Easy, Chapter Five (Multi) - Zyan
a/n: hello! we’re reaching the end, and as usual with me, the shit hits the fan with this chapter. i hope you enjoy! thanks to frey for aggressively cheerleading me and beta-ing this. sidebog is @chachkisalpaca !
The days go by in the blink of an eye.
Crystal texts Gigi every day, runs into her at the beaches more times that she could count, and her lips become sore from all the kissing and biting. She likes Gigi. She’s fun, laid back, and doesn’t tell Crystal her major in arts is useless, as she has no clue what she’s going to do with her fashion degree either.
Gigi tells her about her friends, how they tease her when she comes back home and how they’re dying to properly meet her. Maybe tomorrow, she always says. And Crystal tells her about her surfer friends —mostly Vanjie and April— but leaves Jaida out, because she’s a long story that she rather not unpack. Not with Gigi, at least.
Before they notice, it’s the night before the competition, and Monét and Monique organize a get together again — more chill, though. They decide to eat out at Sal’s Shack with the same people as previously, and for a moment it sounds like a good idea to Crystal.
Until she remembers the Brooke Lynn situation, and that Jaida will also be there. She prays to every God and every saint for the night to go smoothly, without any incidents.
Crystal puts on an orange dress that Vanessa deems hideous, but she likes it nonetheless. She likes to think she’s able to pull it off.
They have to join two tables and steal a few chairs to be able to fit in, but it’s still early and the place isn’t that crowded, so it doesn’t matter. Crystal sits next to Vanessa and April, and they quickly engage in a conversation in Spanish, mostly for April’s sake.
Brooke and Yvie are running late, because of course they are — they’ve never been early or on time for anything.
April makes a joke about this, with Plastique, who’s sitting in front of April, piping up and saying she sent her a text ten minutes ago that they were on their way. Crystal sighs under her breath when she sees Vanjie roll her eyes.
“I know, right?” Is all that she says, before going back to their previous topic. Crystal is surprised, but proud. It was about time.
Speaking of, Jaida is sitting in the row in front of her, talking with Monét and Monique, laughing and talking loudly to get a word in. Crystal feels the nostalgia hit her at moments, but then one of the girls tease her about Gigi and it goes away.
Though she’d known Gigi for a short time and were moving rather fast, Crystal didn’t mind. Gigi was the embodiment of a summer fling; fast, euphoric, ready to kiss her at any moment, and with endless smiles to give her. Part of Crystal hated that they lived in complete different sides of the country — she would’ve liked to take Gigi on a proper date.
Maybe next summer.
“Look who’s decided to appear,” Monique calls out when Brooke and Yvie approach their table.
Crystal glances at Vanessa out of the corner of her eye, but she doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by her.
“Don’t look at me. This one finally decided to make a move on the lifeguard right before we were supposed to leave,” Brooke says with an annoyed tone, pointing at Yvie with a cheeky grin.
The table soon erupts into a fit of giggles and exclamations, but Yvie doesn’t look the least bit bothered. If anything, she has a wide grin on her face as she sits next to Brooke.
“Hey! At least Scarlet gave me her number, and she’s coming to see me beat y’all’s asses tomorrow,” Yvie defends herself with a smile that’s giddy and cocky at the same time.
“You mean she’s coming to see your ass getting beat by me,” Plastique pipes up, sticking her tongue out to Yvie, who gasps in mock offense.
“Plastique, sit your ass down, you’re still a fetus, there’s no way you’re getting that first place above me,” Monét cuts in, causing a loud laugh from all the girls by the table, except Plastique, of course.
It doesn’t go unnoticed —for Crystal, at least— how Brooke bends over on the table to tell her something in a whisper that gets lost in the noise, and Plastique smiles, biting her lower lip.
If Vanessa noticed it, she doesn’t even flinch; instead, she joins the jokes and tells Monét she better kiss that prize goodbye, because she didn’t get endless sunburns throughout the summer to lose against her.
The table soon is a mess, with a hundred conversations going on at the same time and jokes being aimed at each other relentlessly. Crystal likes it. This is the sisterhood she knows and loves.
“I don’t know about y’all, but I have a lady to treat to dinner, and that’s enough reason to step up my game and get to that podium,” Crystal declares, slamming her hand on the table and causing many skeptical eyebrows to quirk her way.
“What kind of crazy bitch did you find to put up with your annoying ass during this summer?” Monique inquires in a playful tone. Jaida looks at her with a calm demeanour, but Crystal barely notices her. She grins at the opportunity of babbling about Gigi.
“Her name’s Gigi. I met her at this place last week, we’ve been going out after practices. And she’s cute. Ain’t she, Vanj?” Crystal says with a smile, and Vanessa rolls her eyes with a tiny smirk.
“It’s all this hoe talks about. I swear her cheesy ass makes me wanna vomit sometimes.”
“Hey! You talk about Kameron all day long and I say nothing.” She folds her arms with a childish pout, and it’s the first time in the night she sees Vanessa panic. Crystal is confused for a moment, until she realizes what she’s done.
Fuck, she wasn’t supposed to talk about Kameron in front of Brooke.
There’s silence for what feels like an eternity, until Brooke clears her throat to speak.
“You’re going out with Kameron?” She asks, her polite tone and piercing stare glued to Vanessa make Crystal’s stomach drop.
Vanessa inhales a sharp breath and finally pulls herself to meet Brooke’s eyes for the first time in a year. She’s flooded with memories of the good times, but the Brooke in her memories isn’t the one sitting across her — this Brooke doesn’t look at her with love in her eyes and a smile painted on her lips. This Brooke looks at her as if she’s trying her best not to pitch a screaming fight.
“Yeah, for about six months now,” Vanessa finally says, and Brooke cocks a sly brow.
“No wonder two months ago my dear cousin asked me if I was going to participate in the competition,” Brooke comments, her tone sharp and angry. Vanessa wants a hole to open up in the ground and swallow her whole. “Would y’all excuse me? I need a cigarette.” She pushes the chair back and gets up to leave, grabbing her pack of cigarettes and a lighter from her purse. Yvie follows her after a while and Plastique stays glued to her chair.
Vanessa rubs her temples, feeling as if she’s in a bubble of white noise, making her ears hurt, and a feeling she thought was a part of her past settles in her chest.
Crystal feels extra guilty. It’s her fault, after all; she should’ve just let Vanessa mock her, or maybe say something about her current girlfriend without mentioning her name. But no. She had fucked everything up, even when things were going smoothly.
There are two things she’s sure of; she should start thinking before speaking, and tomorrow is going to be a hell of a bloodbath.
In the middle of the awkwardness last night, Jaida couldn’t get to say she also wants to win to impress a girl.
She’s been talking to Jan sporadically — after that encounter in the bathroom, they exchanged Instagram handles and would reply to each other’s stories from time to time. Sometimes Jaida sends risky replies and Jan —seeming to be the shy type— replies with a plethora of purple emojis and trying her best to let her know they’re on the same page.
She’s so adorable. Jaida wonders if she has enough time to ask her out while they’re still in the city.
Jaida has posted about the competition on her Instagram Stories, and Jan replied wishing her good luck. When she asked her if she was coming, Jan just said it was a possibility, with two winking emojis.
She hopes to see her there, but it’s not as if she’ll lose sleep if she doesn’t come — in the grand scheme of things, Jaida is far more worried about the competition itself.
The beach is crowded, like it always is, but this time around there’s more people with surfboards walking around, taking photos and warming up. She tries to find a familiar face among the crowd, but someone finds her instead.
“Jaida! Hi!” She turns around to see Jan standing there in a purple bikini, her blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, and her face is red, but Jaida can’t tell if it’s from the blush or the sunburn she got a few days ago, trying to get a tan — she knows this because Jan likes to overshare in her Instagram Stories.
“Jan, you came,” she says with a grin. Jan nods enthusiastically, motioning behind her.
“My friend, uh, she dragged us here to see the girl she’s going out with. But I wanted to come anyway, to see you, I mean,” she stammers a little, and it only makes Jaida’s grin widen.
“Tell your friend I’m sorry, ‘cause I’m about to beat her girl.” Jaida winks at her, and Jan giggles, flustered. Jesus, she’s too easy to get her flustered. Jaida always thought California girls were bolder; Katy Perry had lied to her, apparently. Not that she’s complaining, though.
They chat for a bit before Jaida has to go warm up, and Jan promises her she’ll be cheering for her. She follows her with her gaze and frowns a little when she sees she’s heading towards Crystal, who at the same time is talking with a brunette. Jan tugs at the arm of the brunette, and she gives Crystal a quick kiss before following Jan, leaving her lipstick behind on Crystal’s lips.
It takes Jaida about a second to put two and two together; she and Crystal are chasing after two girls of the same group.
How utterly cliché. Is the island that small?
Jaida pulls her hair in a tight bun before starting her warm up, stealing one last glance of Crystal, who’s trying to wipe away the lipstick off her lips and talking to a very gloomy Vanessa.
Almost on autopilot, she searches for Brooke and finds her warming up next to Yvie, with Plastique nowhere to be found.
Jaida just hopes they’ll be able to pull themselves together before the competition starts; she knows she could have a clear advantage if they aren’t focused, but she wants to compete with the best of the best — and beat them, clearly, so that means she’s the best.
Jaida takes one last deep breath once they’re allowed to go into the water, her muscles clenching with the cold water splashing her, but her heart races so fast she thinks it’ll come out of her chest at some point.
Somehow, she’s sure she hears Jan scream her name as she drifts away from the shore.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Mateo's Eight 1/8 (Branjie)--athena2
Con artist Vanessa Mateo has just been released from prison, and she’s planning one last heist to erase her debts and start a new life for herself.
But for this to succeed, she needs the help of the very person who ratted her out to the cops: her ex-girlfriend, Brooke Lynn Hytes.
(An Ocean’s Eight AU).
A/N: I’ve been planning this for a while, and I’m excited to start posting! You also don’t need to see the movie to read this. It follows the main points of the movie, but I did make some changes here and there. Thank you so, so much to Writ, for letting me throw this idea and all my plans for it at you, for always supporting this, and for beta-ing! I’ve never done a full-length movie adaptation like this before, so I would really appreciate any feedback you have!
The first thing Vanessa does when she gets out of prison is get a slice of pizza.
Standing on the sidewalk in the black shirt she’d been wearing six months ago, too thin now for the late-winter chill, Vanessa gratefully burns her mouth on the cheese and lets grease drip down her wrist. She never thought she’d miss grease so much. She gets another slice and eats it in a few bites, crunching on the crust as loud as she can, breathing in the oregano and oil like it’s oxygen as winter sun warms her shoulders.
She’s home. She’s free.
There’s enough money in the box of her just-returned things for a cab to her mother’s, where she’ll have to live now that going back to her old–their old–apartment isn’t an option. There’s a heart necklace in there too, but Vanessa doesn’t want to think about that. She shoves it in her pocket to sell later, because she might as well get some money out of the betrayal.
She knocks on the apartment door with still-greasy fingers, and the sight of her mother’s face, so much brighter without the Plexiglass barrier in between them, has her instantly sobbing in her mother’s arms. Vanessa hasn’t been able to touch her for six months, and finds her fingers moving down her mother’s skin, the same caramel color of her own, starting to wrinkle from stress more than age. Vanessa is hit with a surge of guilt that most of the stress is probably from her.
“I’ve missed you, Vanjie.” It’s her mother’s old nickname for her, and Vanessa breaks down further. It gives her some glimmer of hope that everything will be okay, despite the medical bills she knows are lying around somewhere. Those thin pieces of paper have been following them for a year now, weighing down on their shoulders like a ton of bricks.
“I’ve missed you too.”
It’s nice to just be Vanessa for a few minutes, to be her mother’s daughter, the girl who had Rihanna posters on her walls and acted out soap-opera storylines with her dolls and ran around the apartment dodging bedtime.
She lets her mother kiss her until her face is more sticky lip gloss than skin. A loud yipping sound rings out, and something furry launches itself at her legs. Vanessa steps back and scoops up her dog, Riley, his tongue slobbering all over her and tail wagging fast enough to take flight.
She’s home again. She’s normal again. Maybe she’s not returning home to anything exciting, but everything smells like the perfume her mom wears, and the couch cushions are broken in just right, and the walls are still a soothing cream color. It always felt like time stood still here when she was a kid, everything always the same, but now she appreciates the stability, the sense that nothing has changed even if she’s been missing from this world for six months.
Her mother heads to the store so they can have Vanessa’s favorite foods for dinner. Vanessa wants to go, wants to do something as normal as grocery shopping, but she walks outside and gasps, heart hammering.
She can’t do this. Everything seems too big after such a small cell. The massive gray-blue sky is large enough to swallow her up, the buildings like giants looming over her, the street as wide as the ocean. She resigns herself to the soft pink walls of her childhood bedroom. She resented this room as a child for being the size of a shoe-box, wanting the massive rooms kids always had on TV. She has never been more grateful for it than now, secure in its narrow walls. It’s like she can breathe again.
The room is incomplete, missing most of her clothes, her makeup stuff, the fluffy bathroom that usually hangs in her closet, the old silver jewelry box that was her mother’s. Those things were all in their apartment, the apartment Silky and A’keria were supposed to go to and get the stuff for her, because Vanessa knew as soon she was hauled into the cop car that she wasn’t going back to that apartment again.
She doesn’t want to do what she’s about to do, but she has to.
She plugs in her long-dead cell phone and calls Silky and A’keria, who barge through her apartment door 10 minutes later and sweep her into a suffocating group hug. Vanessa’s not surprised to see A’keria wiping her eyes after, and her body burns with love for her two best friends.
“You meet any hot lesbians like on Orange is the New Black?” Silky asks eagerly, and it’s just the thing to break the awkwardness of not knowing what to say, of the realization that Vanessa missed months of dinners and movies, that everyone’s lives moved on while hers was trapped in a cell.
“Not one,” Vanessa says around a laugh. “But this one guard was totally into me. I coulda won her over, I bet. Had a little reunion on the beach, Shawshank Redemption-style.”
“You got game even in prison,” A’keria says, smiling, and Vanessa is just grateful no one’s mentioning the person that landed her in prison.
“I miss anything good?” Vanessa asks.
“A’keria broke up with her bum-ass boyfriend,” Silky reports.
“Even threw his clothes out the window,” A’keria says.
“Damn.” Vanessa sighs.
“You didn’t miss much else, though. Oh, and I got your stuff at my place.” A’keria reassures her.
“It’s good to have you back, Vanj.” Her warm hand settles over Vanessa’s shoulder, and she’s not going to cry, she’s not–
“How’s it feel to be free again?” Silky asks.
“Good.” It’s all Vanessa can really manage, the fact that she can wake up and eat and even pee whenever she wants now something she’s still struggling to grasp. It only makes what she’s about to say even harder.
“I have something planned,” Vanessa begins, bracing herself for the reaction.
“Are you out your damn mind?” A’keria yells. “You’re on parole!”
“Say it louder, those people down the street missed it,” Vanessa bites out.
“Look, Van–” Silky says.
“No,” Vanessa cuts her off. “I need to do this. I spent six months on this. I know who the mark is gonna be, I know the people I need to scout and get involved, and I know this can work.” This plan is the only thing that got her through the past six months, working out the details and practicing the exact words needed to build her team while she choked down food that tasted like Styrofoam and wrecked her back on a sorry excuse for a bed. She needs to do this, because otherwise the past six months have really been a waste.
Vanessa plows on, laying down the words she knows will get them. “It’s even bigger than the last one. Money I need. Money you need. Enough to set us all for life.”
Silky crosses her arms and stays silent. It’s no secret Silky is constantly in danger of losing her teaching job with all the budget cuts the school faces. She’d taken up street scams and pickpocketing–skills she taught Vanessa–to pay off her student loans and buy supplies and snacks for her classroom, which have to come out of her own (or some unsuspecting person’s) pocket.
A’keria lowers the index finger she was about to wag in Vanessa’s face like some old schoolteacher, no doubt thinking of her home jewelry business that never took off, the dead-end jewelry store job that keeps her home with her overbearing mother and asshole stepfather. With the money Vanessa’s talking, A’keria can buy her own damn island.
“We’re listening,” Silky says finally.
Vanessa fights her grin as she runs through the basics, alive with the familiar buzz of laying down a plan, watching it come to life from her mind. She doesn’t mention the full price tag but tells them both all their financial problems will be solved in one night.
By the time she’s done, they’re both onboard, and the fun begins.
Vanessa has to take deep breaths, her nails digging into A’keria’s arm as they walk down the sidewalk to get her next member in.
“You good, V?” A’keria asks gently.
Vanessa just nods, because this breathless fear of being outside when it was all she dreamed of for six months isn’t something she expected, or knows how to deal with. All she can do is keep breathing, keep moving, keep focusing on her plan.
She’s chosen all the players carefully, people she knows herself or knows through others. They’re not all scammers, just people with enough to lose, who can be easily persuaded into her plan and can be trusted to carry out their end of the plan.
The storefront is outlined in red, flowy dresses in reds and pinks and golds filling the window, some brightness on this dreary street. A bell chimes as they open the door, welcoming them to Red Hot by Scarlet Envy.
Scarlet is perched behind the counter, twirling her bright red hair. Vanessa’s only met her once at a party, but she hasn’t changed, still happy with her up-and-coming celebrity design label despite the debt and shady loans she buried herself in to make it happen.
After a hug from Scarlet, Vanessa begins just as she planned. “How would you like to dress Plastique Tiara for the Met Ball?”
Scarlet’s eyes widen. “Are you kidding me? I’d love to! But she’s Plastique, and I’m, well…” she gestures to her small store with its water-damaged ceiling.
Vanessa smiles. “I can make it happen. I just need one small favor. One small favor for me, and you dress Plastique Tiara, you get a bigger store, and”–Vanessa lowers her voice– “all the money troubles you got yourself in are gone.”
Scarlet blinks, mouth falling open, not even bothering to deny Vanessa’s information.
“Okay,” she agrees.
Yvie takes mere seconds, despite being the only person Vanessa has no dirt on to coerce into it. She’s an old friend of Silky’s who does stuff with computers, so far beyond Vanessa’s basic social media stalking skills that she doesn’t even try to understand it. They meet at some internet cafe and Vanessa is only one sip into the overpriced coffee she missed so much when Yvie agrees, saying she’d love to stick it to the man and asking if there’ll be snacks at the meeting tomorrow. Vanessa makes a mental note to buy chips.
Nina is a little harder to convince. She has a nice house in the suburbs, working over-the-phone scams and hijacking deliveries from transport trucks–blenders, coffeemakers, designer suitcases, bikes, air hockey tables–that she keeps or sells for profit.
Aside from the scamming, she’s goodness personified, the last person you’d suspect of anything, perfect for what Vanessa needs from her.
“Well,” Nina says, “I could use a little excitement.”
Vanessa puts a check mark next to her name.
Vanessa scrapes her plate clean at dinner, her mother’s cooking the last thing that truly makes her at home, comforting and cozy like a warm blanket. The joy continues as she slides into bed, on a real mattress, ready to fall asleep with the hope of the freedom she’s getting herself, until she remembers the last name on her list. She doesn’t want to call this person. She can’t call this person, and instead she calls A’keria to see if there’s a way around it.
“Tell me the truth,” Vanessa begins. “Do I need to call her?”
“Who? You mean Br–”
“Don’t say her name to me,” Vanessa snaps.
“I know things didn’t end well with you two–”
“She ratted me out to the cops! I went to prison because of her!” The anger burns through her, fresh on the thought that she went to prison by not just anyone, but by someone she had slept with and kissed and even loved. Six months of itchy clothes and a freezing cell, of having to see her own mother through a screen, of feeling absolutely worthless, of missing family dinners and not seeing her friends, all because that bitch couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
“Hey,” A’keria says calmly. “I know that. I know. But you have to call her, Vanj. She’s your right-hand woman. We can’t pull this off without her. You know we can’t.”
A’keria is right, which only makes things worse. Vanessa needs to call her. No one can keep things organized like her, stick exactly to the schedule like a human clock. Vanessa can pretend all she wants that this plan will work as it stands, but she knows in her heart she needs to make that one last phone call.
Vanessa strides to the counter confidently, trying not to act like the coats in her arms are worth a whole month’s rent. Being calm is the key, like she buys coats with three zeros in the price tag all the time.
“Hello.” She keeps her voice soft and polite as she approaches the counter.
“Hi,” the cashier says. She’s around twenty and Vanessa has been watching for a few days to make sure she gets this specific cashier. One who’s new, but not new enough to need a manager.
“I’d like to return these.” Vanessa plunks the coats on the counter, rehearsing her answer for the next inevitable question.
“Do you have your receipt?”
“I don’t, but I never wore them. They still have the tags and everything.” She even grabs one and shows it to the cashier, who smiles sympathetically, having no idea Vanessa just grabbed it off the rack a few minutes ago.
“We really need a receipt to return them. Do you have an account with us? Or the credit card you bought them with?”
Now is the time. Vanessa has seen enough middle-aged white ladies with expired coupons in her own retail days to get this next part right. She purses her lips and straightens her posture. “I’ve been shopping here for years, this is ridiculous! I just bought these.” Just a touch of anger, not enough to attract attention.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. If you’d like to speak with customer service—“
Vanessa loosens her shoulders, putting a smile back on. “You know what, I’ll just keep them. Could I trouble you for a bag?”
Vanessa walks away from the counter with her coats neatly folded inside the bag, heart racing and giddy with joy. She did it. She can sell two and start working on her father’s medical bills, and maybe give the third to her mother; her worn coat can’t offer much warmth in this November chill. She’s so lost in her excitement that she doesn’t notice where she’s going and walks right into a wall.
“Shit.” She takes a step back. A very tall, very blonde, very green-eyed wall. “Oh, sorry, I…” she forgets every word in the English language, forgets even her own name, at the blonde’s shy smile.
“You were good. Really good,” the blonde says, and something in her reluctant tone suggests she doesn’t give compliments often, that this praise truly means something.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Vanessa tries to stay cool, even as the blonde’s flashing green eyes set her whole body on fire. She had only prepared for getting caught at the register, not by strange blonde women.
“A cashier who wouldn’t need a manager. Waiting towards the end of a shift, when no one gives a shit anymore,” the blonde continues. “Even the coats. Expensive, but not enough to have security tags on them.”
She’s caught. Caught on her first real con, aside from the street scams she’s done. Vanessa swallows hard, considering her chances of outrunning the blonde’s mile-long legs in their slim red pants. Damn, Vanessa really needs to stop staring at those legs if this lady is about to bust her…
“Hey, I’m not gonna rat you out,” the blonde says, like she’s reading her mind. “I’m just saying you’re good, and if you ever want a partner…” She pulls a piece of paper from her glittery silver blazer and scribbles something down.
Vanessa reads a phone number in tiny, neat handwriting.
“I’ll consider it,” Vanessa says, though she’ll probably have to sit on her hands to keep herself from calling the second she gets home.
The blonde smiles. “I’m Brooke.”
Vanessa holds out as long as she can, until it’s nearing 1am, moonlight arcing through her window. It’s almost like she’s purposely sabotaging herself, waiting and waiting to lower the chance that someone will answer.
Her thumb hovers over the phone. The contact name is still in there as it was before prison, with a bright red heart emoji after it. Vanessa remembers deliberating over putting it there, finally deciding it was okay after their second date.
Aside from her mother’s cell and the really good Thai place down the street from her old apartment, it’s the only phone number she has memorized. She could probably dial it in her sleep. She used to double- and triple-text that number, sending pictures of dogs she saw on the street, selfies in bed with the comforter revealing just enough skin, rants about how slow everyone in front of her was walking, goofy pictures of herself trying on enormous sunglasses bigger than her head.
And the replies used to come just as fast, Vanessa’s heart leaping with each one, her fingers flying to the phone to see what texts she’d gotten back.
She presses the call button, breath caught in her throat, half hoping there won’t be an answer and half-hoping there will be.
All she gets is a robotic monotone telling her this number is no longer in service, and Vanessa releases her air, unsure if she’s relieved or not. She really doesn’t want to hear that voice, but she’s going to need to if she wants this to work. Should she try to Google her? Or maybe…
The burner phone.
They had both discussed business through those old Nokias. The odds that she still has hers, and still has the thing on, are slim to none. But Vanessa thinks of how hard it will be to find a job now, how hard it will be to start over after prison. She thinks of her mother working too hard in her hospital shifts, the medical bills still unpaid. She thinks of all the people she had promised this would be a success, all the debts that would be repaid, all the freedoms won. She has to try.
Her fingers move without thought over the phone, like just another day, and she almost drops the phone when it rings. The rings trill in her ear for what feels like hours, her heart racing. She’s about to hang up when the line clicks.
There’s a pause, a sharp intake of breath on the other line. Vanessa remembers those gasps of air, had pulled them out of soft lips as her hands tangled in that blonde hair…
“Who is this?”
The nerve. Vanessa’s fist clenches in anger. If it wasn’t a Nokia, she probably would’ve bent her phone in half. The nerve for that voice to be so soft and hesitant, when it had caused her half a year behind bars. The nerve of asking who it is when she knows damn well it can’t be anyone else.
“You know who this is, Brooke. We need to talk.”
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