#menhera lad
westvocap-ocbracket · 4 months
Edgar Westall Vs. Namnu
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vocaloid-tunes · 9 months
autopsy xii | menhera lad feat. Asterian
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dailyenglishvoca · 7 months
Today's song is autopsy xii by menhera lad featuring the Synthesizer V voicebank Asterian
Content warning: gothic horror themes, mild flickering/eyestrain
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menhera-lad · 2 years
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the bfs are real !!?!
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the-ichor-king · 4 months
behold, the wip i posted earlier
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rip the photo quality 💀
Freakshow AU belongs to: @hootbon
oh also the two songs i mention in the tags:
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ginkovskij · 2 years
the trial by franz kafka :^)
never heard of | never read | want to read | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
love franz my boy!! but personally i prefer his short stories (and i love his diaries!!)
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psychofreak-ivy · 4 months
what songs have u been listening to a lot lately? who are ur favorite artists? :D
ive been listening to these songs a LOTT :3 :
your face is distorted - IMPOSTOR-P
illusion of flattery - deadly-espresso
optical garden - organsdotorg
pupaphobia - carbon monoxide
perennial crisis - monstrosity
and then here comes the fav artists part :3 prepare for a rlly rlly long list HELPP
ghost and pals
vane lily
big data
carbon monoxide
pumpkin head
menhera lad
zion XYZ
duck with a knife
(and theres many more but i didnt want to make the list seem wayy tooo long HELP😭)
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h2odottrup · 4 months
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Art from @menhera-lad `s song
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hiiiiiii :3
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chrisoftheeclipse · 7 months
Guys uh I really like edgar westall uh they're so cool idc if they canonically commit vampire genocide theyre just a silly little goober a silly little guy a jester perhaps waaaah
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westvocap-ocbracket · 4 months
Edgar Westall Vs. Twisty Tobias
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sadnessfarewell · 2 years
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menhera my lad do you like my humourous images i have made
(there will be more................... eventually..........)
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dailyenglishvoca · 11 months
Today's song is menacing red font by Lucid Lad with some lyrics by Menhera and vocals by the Vocaloids Wil and Dex
Content warning: flashing lights/images, ironic/tongue-in-cheek joking depiction of dark/heavy Christian themes (sin, damnation, etc)
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menhera-lad · 2 years
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i present to you: raskolnikov alistair !! that’s not his real name, but his real name is a spoiler >:0
he is a medically inclined member of the crows’ society and is the right hand man of edgar !!! he’s also in love with them /hj
his character is loosely based off of rodya (very loosely) and his favorite book is crime and punishment good day
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dxntloseurhead · 9 months
OHOHOHO . you have no idea how excited i am to do this one . i fucking love asterian so much dude
a thousand year solo by yanagiP (cover by SV02 chiyo)
autopsy xii by menhera lad
captain by circusp (this one doesn’t have a video so you’ll have to deal with a youtube auto-generated audio video wjdjdh)
evermore by alan menken and tim rice (cover by ryusouta) (once again not a vocal synth song originally but god i adore this cover)
gatsby crime scene by odakuram
if you are an echo by nostraightanswer (of course i had to put this here, although it’s a demo i find it to be such a good usage of asterian’s vocals and again, I WISH IT WAS ON SPOTIFY)
on the rocks by oster project (cover by SV02 chiyo, also featuring solaria)
sand flame by max rena (another demo, but this time it’s showing off his rap capability !!)
without you by overwelcome
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newhologram · 6 years
Well, someone discovered the keywords "toxic masculinity" and suddenly EVERYTHING is "toxic masculinity". Like doing mechanics work? Thats toxic masculinity. Like having brews with the lads and being a little loud? Toxic masculinity. Etc etc etc. When -everything- stereotypically "manly" is considered bad, i have no problems understanding why men kill themselves. Hell, i've considered it myself. I dont know about other men, but i myself dont really like being very expressive about emotions.
Hell, often i'm not even very emotional at all? But all the extremist stuff against oldtimey "manlyness" stuff is hurtful, when like... Rowdy heavyduty stuff is what you've grown up with, and actually like, and then theres a lot of "progressive" people saying its wrong, it makes me not want to be around that kind of people.
But then again, i'm in norway, masculinity here is not what it is in america! The machoculture was never the same here as over there, so might be that the "sides" of the argument over there will both be seen as extreme over here.
So, there’s a necessary distinction here that I’m going to try to clarify: There are bad voices in virtually every community who are not yet capable of nuanced thinking (everything is black or white), so everything is taken from “thing is bad” to an unhealthy, unrealistic, and troublesome extreme of “all things like this thing are bad”. Masculinity is not inherently toxic. Masculinity is just an energetic expression, just like femininity. We all have our own unique expression of these energies in us. I mean, I’m a small sparkle fairy type but think about all my fav shows: mostly big fucking burly dudes beating the shit out of each other for 50 episodes straight. I love warrior races, I love fight scenes, I live for that stuff. But people with this naive black and white view of things will absolutely grab it and jump to, “all masculinity is toxic.”
Just like how other topics such as “queercoding villains is bad” go to the extreme of “any villain being even the slightest bit gay is homophobic and therefore villains should only be straight, if a villain is queer they are obviously being written by a cishet who thinks gay people are literally evil”, which is hilariously untrue and does not fix anything. It actually creates more problems when it turns actual queer people who love villains and identify strongly with the challenges they may face in their particular story into place-holder piñatas for so-called internet activists to crucify in order to appear max woke.
We see this behavior in almost every fandom and community. If they can’t yell at anyone higher up the ladder, their target becomes the very people they claim to be defending/protecting because they are an easier target. They very much grab those buzzwords and weaponize them against the most vulnerable. See: the belief that menhera is Bad and Problematic because it romanticizes/appropriates mental illness, when most people who get into that subculture are literally ill themselves. All we get out of this childish perspective is people yelling at mentally ill teens online for daring to express their darkness in a cute way. 
In the case of toxic masculinity and the movement to change how society damages men, the target again becomes the very people they claim to want to help free from the toxicity. We get memes about how “weak” a man is for being terrified of being seen walking his girlfriend’s chihuahua, or holding her purse, or stepping foot into a skincare shop. Which is... obviously, not helping. It doesn’t address the problem, but makes fun of men for being victim to that problem. We’re trying to prevent this thing where men get so, so scared of being perceived a certain way that these things cause them a lot of mental and emotional anguish, to the point that when their health suffers, they do not talk about it. I’ve heard so many times of stories about men dying from suicide and no one knew anything was wrong, because he made very sure not to let it show. This is the problem we’re trying to fight when we say, hey, it’s okay to need help. It’s okay to be struggling. It’s okay to be vulnerable. The idea that you can’t be your glorious beefy lumberjack self, and also need to cry sometimes, is harmful. The idea that tears and emotions and mental health issues are weak (and only feminine) is harmful. 
Unfortunately a lot of people in various movements do not yet have the ability to distinguish context and nuance, so they file anything that looks like the bad thing as only the bad thing. Toxic masculinity is something that hurts guys, for the very reason being discussed: men are not often allowed to show the slightest bit if they’re struggling, if they do they get hell for it, which makes the problem even worse. They are often not allowed to be themselves. It starts young. If a 5 year old boy wants to watch Frozen, he’s ridiculed for wanting to watch a “girl movie”. That might not seem traumatic, but seeds planted at that young age grow into thorny, painful weeds by the time they become adult men. That’s what we want to help facilitate the healing of, that’s what we want to change by creating a safer environment where actual harmful, toxic masculinity isn’t something embedded into how we socialize boys. 
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