#melodiae update
melodiaemfrp · 15 days
Hello, this is Jutsei! My Birthday was on May 9th and I am now 33 years old, though I am a week late since it is May 17th, sorry for the wait!
belated happy birthday! went ahead and updated that for you. — scribe poco ♡
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madeofcc · 11 months
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It’s time for love, breakups … And lyrics 🎶
One year after the events of DH2, the gang is back to Britechester to enjoy the fun and drama of student life. While Destiny and Aïssa are living the perfect love, fighting for their civil rights, Leïla and Hiro are still fighting with each other. He blames her for being obsessed with magic while she just wants him to act more like an adult now that they live together. Milo, on his side, is tired to experiment the trauma of the Grindr life and wants to find true love.
One night, the gang is having a drink and Leïla/Hiro start arguing about an ancient book she found earlier that day. Meanwhile, Mindy finally admits to Chloé that she applied to the Lambda sorority, which could lead their friendship to an end.
As the night and relationships are coming to difficult choices, an ancient spell will make everyone reveal their truth for 24 crazy hours. Are you ready for it ? ♫
This is a special episode that is introducing the characters, places and major plots for DH3 : Nightmare at Britechester !
This is a musical, which means that the story will include songs that you can already discover and enjoy just below (Spotify playlist)
Remember that this is an adult story, even more this time with serious issue like rape, harassment, male toxicity ... I'll put the proper trigger warnings for each chapter.
Destiny Harbour : Melodia starts HERE
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destinydraco · 2 months
Ahoj a omlouvám se! Opožděně dodávám překlad z končiny Stíny v tmách! Snad se vám bude líbit i podruhé!
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madi-konrad · 5 months
My wlw/lesbian fantasy romance novel A Demon's Name Upon Your Lips released today, Jan 6!! I'll update this post with all the links you can purchase it at. Right now, the following links are live!
Grab it at $5.99 at the following places:
itch.io (PDF, ePub, and mobi all included!)
Kobo link (ePub version)
Apple Books, Smashwords, and a few others (ePub version)
Amazon (Kindle version)
Barnes and Noble (ePub)
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Synopsis below the cut!
Lucia is a succubus, a demon with the power to shape the emotions and passions of mortals. Summoned often into the world of Melodia, she takes pride in upholding her demonic contracts to the best of her abilities. She likes to think she does her job well … though a string of recent failures say otherwise.
Talia, the recently elevated Duke of Fallmire, summons Lucia for a simple reason: to pose as her wife and fulfill marital obligations to the satisfaction of Parliament. All to say, just a few weeks of walking around the estate and playing nice with the neighbors before a conveniently tragic death. Quick and easy.
But immediately, Lucia smells blood in the water. Behind closed doors, the Duke plots vengeance upon those who killed her father—and the demon wants in. Revenge, after all, is much more fun … and more lucrative, to boot.
But can Lucia predict how hard she’d fall for the Duke? (Not a chance). And can the Duke find it in her vengeful heart to love?
Spice Level: lightly described nudity, fade-to-black sex.
64,000 words.
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ritadrawsart · 4 months
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And here she is, my agent 8 (a.k.a Melodia) is ready to brawl and climb that spire!
"Then, I shall color this barren world myself!" Agent 8
The hype is indeed real!
You squid/octo kids better be ready too, cuz tomorrow is launch day! Oh boy I'm so hyped for the story and all the updates we will be getting...
Hope you enjoy the illustration, worked a lot on this one and I think it's neat✨
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goregear · 1 year
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Gave Athena a more updated ref in current Lore! Feat a Melodia for scale
Athena was accidentally killed by Melodia via the Absolute Solver, She was then rebuilt by her and given some upgrades to better suite Disassembly Drone Behavior
Also some Bonus Stuff
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blackjackkent · 23 hours
All right, resuming Rakha's horrible Moonrise experience. XD
We left off having broken into Ketheric's bedroom and giving Rakha a brief bonding moment with his zombie dog, Squire, but there's other important things in here as well of course. (Not as important as the zombie dog, but very little is. XD )
She keys in immediately on the note lying on one of the desks near the door:
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Dun dun dun.
There's no quest update or dialogue proc'd off of this document, but I'm wracking my brain and I'm pretty sure this is the first time Rakha has had any indication that Gortash is involved with the cult. She's heard about him, of course - both from Karlach, who has identified him as the man who shipped her off to indentured servitude in the Hells, and from Florrick, who described him as a high-ranking lord in Baldur's Gate responsible for some sort of important defense system.
So this is a Development. This is another person trying to get their hands on the artifact Rakha carries - and not only is he a cultist but also someone Karlach hates and someone with power. Gortash has immediately become a Person of Interest for Rakha's knife.
(I'm looking back at my liveblog of Hector's run and I'm not sure why I didn't freak out more about this then also, since I don't think Hector had any more information at this point than Rakha does. Maybe I was too busy freaking out about the OTHER document found in this room, which we'll get to in a moment.)
I'm also freaking out sidelong because I just realized something about that second paragraph - "The body of our handpicked captain for the artifact raid wasn't found in the wreckage of the nautiloid, and I'm not at all easy in my mind about that fact."
He's talking about the Emperor!
I've been, I think, a little muddled on the timeline surrounding the Prism - when the Emperor entered it, and also when Shadowheart got hold of it. Still not clear on the latter item (I'll have to do some digging later) but I definitely thought the Emperor had been operating out of the Prism for a while, looking for allies, but it seems like that might not be the case. Empy was dispatched to find the Prism on the same nautiloid that captured Rakha/Hector and the others, which means it probably had only gotten control of its consciousness not long before the crash.
Neither Rakha nor Hector had the context to make this connection at the time, but I think on some level both of them might be heartened to know that Empy has ALSO pretty much been making all this up as it goes along.
In exploring the rest of the room, Rakha also finds:
A ritual inscribed on a piece of paper. "Your white ribs the pillars/Your bleached skull the dome/Take on Apostle's final form/Cathedral wrought of blessed bone." Once again, this hits rather different for me now that I've played through the game once, but Rakha, of course, hasn't the foggiest idea what it's talking about. Shadowheart recognizes it as a ritual incantation and says it's neither Sharran nor Selunite, but doesn't have any other insight to offer.
A letter from Ketheric's dead wife. It speaks passionately of their (at the time) shared Selunite religion and her expectation of seeing him after death. Rakha suspects that is probably not going to happen. As usual, she looks at these fervent religious dedications with a sort of detached curiosity and finds it hard to comprehend its importance.
She does comment aloud, though - "A letter from Ketheric's wife. Sounds like she loved him very much." Her eyes flick to Wyll as she speaks, involuntarily. She may not understand the religious fervor, but love - she is growing to understand that. She doesn't have the eloquent words for it like Melodia Thorm did - or like Wyll himself does. It bothers her that she doesn't, that instead it simply sits and burns in her chest like a low coal fire. Deep down she is starting to realize that she is very afraid that there is an inevitable day coming where he will realize she is a broken thing not worth his attention.
The book hidden under Ketheric's bed, titled "Elder Brain Domination." Another mention of Gortash, this one in more specific terms journaled by Ketheric, confirming something Rakha suspected during her communion with the meat in the walls - Gortash and Ketheric are working together to enslave an illithid elder brain and serve it up under the guise of the Absolute.
She studies this book with intense interest.
Fact and fact and fact, filed away into the back of her mind. It states that Ketheric and Gortash and others, left nameless, are using something called the Crown of Karsus to subdue the elder brain. The process involves three things called Netherstones. Ketheric plans to turn on his allies and take all three stones for himself. Gortash likely plans the same.
She tries to focus on these facts, building them up into a picture as she always does... but her eyes keep drifting back to a single sentence.
"Young Gortash's plan to enslave an illithid elder brain and make it our marionette under control of the Crown of Karsus has proceeded almost without flaw, barring the slight delay while our Bhaalist allies sorted out their leadership conflict."
Her head spasms with a sudden deep, pulse-pounding ache. She drops the book on the bed and groans softly.
Focus. This is important information. It explains little, adds further questions, but also crystallizes the little information she did have more clearly. The Absolute "god" is nothing more than a very powerful ghaik. Lae'zel's people fight ghaik as a matter of course; that means this one can be fought too.
And yet there are still so many shadows, so many things she doesn't understand.
"All right, love?" Wyll asks softly. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"I'm fine." She wants to ask him what he makes of it all, but she feels oddly wary, like the floor is threatening to give out under her feet.
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manygalaxiesinone · 6 months
Disgaea 7: Fan made DLC Base Dialogue
((Might be updated as time goes on))
Yoh Asakura:
"With Anna and Higan around, it's getting harder for me to take my naps. It's only been a week and I lost count of all the punishment push ups I had to do."
*Yawn* "Hmm? What's up? Is it time to eat yet? Or did you just need my help? Either way, I'm all ready."
"There's a little girl named Sicily I saw the other day. She ran away as soon as Amidamaru got close to her. Kinda reminds me of when I first met Morty."
"I was pretty surprised to find out that Benimaru wasn't from around here. I'd bet he'd make a powerful Shaman."
Tao Ren:
"I just saw Laharl deliver some snacks his sister made. All of a sudden, I can't help but think of Jun back at home."
"I heard these netherworlds had places like the carnage dimension that are much more suitable for a challenge. Take me there at once."
"Just because we're on the same side, does not mean I won't settle the score with Yoh later. I prefer not to leave any unfinished business."
"I thought I'd escape the stupidity once we left Ryu and Horohoro behind, only for it to resurface under the shape of two demons named Axel and Yeyasu."
Anna Kyoyama:
"Pirilika may be good in the kitchen, but I must refrain Yoh from indulging on her fluff cakes too much. He must remain in shape if he wants to win."
"I regret informing Melodia that Yoh and I were engaged. Ever since, she's been pestering us about future wedding plans."
"I'm about to leave to do some shopping. If you see Yoh skipping out on his training, do me a favor and give him a good bonk on the head."
"When I first saw Rozalin, I couldn't help but notice something within her. A dark, cold, lonely presence. All too frightening... too familiar..."
Rimuru Tempest:
"It's crazy how there aren't any slimes here. They're one of the most basic monsters you could find on any adventure."
"When I introduced myself to everyone, I shouted that "I'm not a bad slime". To my surprise, some girl named "Fuka" was the only one that caught the reference."
"I hope Shion's not too upset that I took Shuna with me instead of her. I might have to eat her cooking when I get back to make it up."
"I should have known Pirilika and Shuna would use me as a dress up doll for their clothes. At least they're having a lot of fun together."
"Thanks to Miss Pirilika, I have lots of new ideas for clothes. I can't wait to show everyone in the Tempest Federation!"
"I can't wait to take a bath in the Haunt Springs with Great Rimuru. Hmm? Why would we be in separate baths? We take them together in the springs back home."
"Mao had plans to experiment on Great Rimuru. Needless to say, he's fortunate to make it out alive after we uncovered them."
"Miss Pirilika, Sicily, Killia, there are quite a few chefs on this ship. I think I have competition."
"When I saw Fenrich looking at Great Rimuru, I glared back at him. The intense atmosphere continued until our lords told us to cease an hour later."
"I must admit, I'm quite curious on how a fight between Higan and Hakurou would go. Then again, I can see them enjoying a drink while punishing us right after..."
"Hmm? Sorry, I'm busy assisting Great Rimuru in some paperwork. I'll help you out later."
"The item world is quite valuable for improving weapons and armor, but I have confidence in our forgery's improvement."
Liu Kang:
"These Netherworlds hold many capable fighters. Convincing at least one to aid us would turn the tides of Kombat."
"Kitana and I couldn't help look at Adell and Rozalin with Joy and envy. Hopefully one day, we will enjoy life's simple pleasures ourselves."
"I'm curious on who's responsible for the Nikke's timeline. Why would they provide them with such an unfortunate reality?"
"Kitana was quite surprised when I told her she's dating Raiden in my timeline. You should have seen my reaction when she told me who I ended up with in hers."
"I don't know who's more insufferable, Johnny Cage or that Axel fellow. They must not be allowed to interact with each other."
"Ms. Beryl informed me about a human princess named Sapphire. Someone like her would have Shao Kahn quaking in his boots."
"Sorry, but I can not let you use my fans to cool off. One wrong move and you would be without a head."
"There is a difference between my kiss of death and when I actually kiss someone. You wish to know? *giggles* That is a close Edenian secret."
Kung Lao:
"Just so we're clear, Fuji only won because I went easy on him. We were only testing him, after all."
"With the amount of overlords dominating other worlds, you'd think the gods would create some type of system to prevent such a fate by now."
"If only we had Killia in our timeline before all this happened. He'd have no problems getting Scorpion to let go of his vengeance."
"How come the shops only have glasses? They need to start selling more hats to keep everyone in style."
"With that 10 mil coming my way, I'll finally be debt free. I should throw a huge pizza party once I get back."
"Saw Axel jamming on his electric guitar the other day and I took that as a challenge. Sadly, we had to stop after we caused a power outage."
"Still can't believe Vergil had a kid before me. Wonder if he'll be able to take down Mundus once he comes back."
"Gotta say, that Yoh kid really knows how to chill. I need to get on his level whenever Morrison or Lady gets upset."
"Nero... just what path are you taking now? Why can't I put my finger on it?"
"You wish to spar with me? Very well. I have some time to kill."
"Overlord Krichevskoy... such a man pales in comparison to my father's legacy."
"I heard rumors that the tyrannical overlord Baal has resurfaced somewhere in Hinomoto. Knowing I have a chance to face him soon keeps me motivated."
"It hasn't been a week and I already had to stop Dante and Vergil's fighting 10 times. Can't those two find something better to do?"
"Pirilika's been showing me how to make her pancakes. What's that look for? Kyrie's not the only one who cooks at home."
"Had to leave my metal arms back in the van. Without Nico around, I can't risk breaking them."
"Make sure you're keeping up with your training. We don't want any deadweight dragging us down while we're looking for those weapons."
"Surviving only on oil, making accurate predictions, not worrying about having a mind switch... a lot of Nikkes would be envious to someone like Suisen."
"Higan threatened me when she caught me staring at her. I didn't mean to do so, but... she reminded me of an old friend back home."
"As much as I'm worried about the Outpost's condition while we're gone, I'd be a lot more worried if the commander wasn't here with us."
"Pirilika didn't ask me to do so, but I have been patrolling around the area since we got here. Helping her out with the ship's security is the least I can do right now."
"As a fire power enthused thief, Ceefore is certainly a worthy rival to me. I won't allow myself to be caught off guard!"
"I almost mistook Desco for a rapture the other day. Surprisingly, she thought I was a hero challenging her and got excited. I never met someone so scary and so adorable at the same time."
"Even I have standards on what to use as firepower. Hardworking prinnies shouldn't be used as such."
"My original purpose was to spy on Master's squad, but now I can't see myself without them. Is this the "camaraderie" Valvatorez was talking about earlier?"
"I wish humans turning into prinnies was a thing in my world. I would pay every credit in my savings to see someone like Syuen end up like that."
"I find it amazing how Artina never lost her faith despite everything she's been through. I really don't know if I should call her strong or..."
"Some of the demons I met here are better than the humans back at the Ark. Part of me wants to convince the Commander and Rapi to let us stay here."
"Etna taught me how to get some limited edition sodas from her home world delivered here. Once I share some with the Commander, I might give you a can."
Commander (Idle):
"I really want to introduce Usalia to Alice. I bet it would be adorable seeing those two play together."
"Rimuru once told me that the best way to honor someone is to live the best way you can. Every day, I plan to honor "her" by doing just that."
"If something's bothering you, please let me know. I might not be able to fight like everyone else, but I'll do whatever I can to ease your mind."
"It's going to be a pain getting reused to eating nothing but splendamin once I return to the Outpost. Especially with so many great chefs on this ship."
"Shantae, Pirilika, Beryl, Flonne... I'm already making so many new friends here. I never expected this to happen while in the Netherworld."
"That Commander fellow... when I told him I'm suffering from amnesia, he looked like he was about to cry. Is my condition common where he's from?"
"I'm thinking about getting a new hat while I'm here. Of course, I have to make sure Samson doesn't suffocate while I'm wearing it."
"Would you like to go training together? Don't worry about Samson. His bark is worse than his bite."
"A zombie girl named Bieko made me a beautiful flower crown the other day. She looks so full of life despite being undead..."
"So long as the skullgirl roams free, I cannot return to my resting place. As such, I shall use the time I have left accordingly."
"I proposed the idea of Super Reincarnation to Leviathan to go back to the past. Seeing the mental toll Zed was put through, he decided against it..."
"Would you do me this kindness and share a dance with me? It just wouldn't feel quite right without a partner."
"The moment I saw Artina, I shouted "Hellooooooo nurse!"! You should have seen her. She was beet red ear to ear!"
"I heard Killia gave up on his revenge, saying "it's a cycle of hatred and despair". Maybe he could convince Marie..."
"*munch* *munch* *munch* What's up, Doc? Got some baddies you need blasted? Let me eat, then I'll help out."
"Hopefully the writer is paying attention to these lines before he posts. Folks back home are gonna riot if any of us are written out of character."
"Ugh! Can you believe what Zed just said to me?! He told me I sound like some old hag he knows. I'm the youngest half genie in my world, thank you!"
"Kitana looks so beautiful, especially with her fans. Maybe I should learn how to fight with those later. Think she'll teach me how if I asked?"
"Flonne told me that there are some angels powerful enough to grant wishes. Makes me wonder how different things would be if I was a half angel instead of a half genie."
"I'm about to throw a huge slumber party later. You're invited to come of course. Just bring plenty of snacks to share with everyone."
"Valvatorez is trying to convince me to feed Wrench sardines, saying it'll help him grow bigger and more powerful. Problem is, I already have the salted caramels for that."
"Heard Beryl gave Shantae access to her school's library if she ever visits. Hope she'll also give her something to nibble on while she's there."
"That Killia guy is pretty handsome. Sadly, every time I try to flirt with him, I can feel an intense cold chill run down my spine, like whenever Wrench is looking at his next meal."
"I'm going to relax at the Haunt Springs for a while, so please don't ask me for anything for the next hour or so."
"I don't get why Rimuru complains so much about Pirilika and Shuna. Being able to try out so many new costumes is like a dream come true for me. I'll gladly trade places with him any day."
"Apparently zombies can't turn people into other zombies by biting them in the Netherworlds. I wonder what would happen if I bit the zombies."
"I've been trying to prank Etna with my spicy sweets for the past few days now, but she always sees right through them. Either someone's ratting me out or she's a master prankster herself."
"Valvatorez is lucky to have someone as loyal as Fenrich with him. Everyday, I wonder if I'm really as good of a friend to Snack cakes as she is to me."
"Zzzzzzz... Poyo?"
"Poyo! Po poyo!"
*munch* *much* "Poyo?"
Meta Knight:
"This ship could use some improvements on its defenses. Were we attacked, we would be sitting ducks."
"With a mentor such as Higan, it's no surprised how Fuji became so talented. I shall challenge her myself once the time is right."
"Anna has warned me about Yoh's lack of discipline. I will not hesitate to help keep him in line should she request it."
"I do not necessarily serve under His Majesty, King Dedede. We simply have a more... mutual understanding of each other."
King Dedede:
"I thought the only glutton I had to worry about was that there, Kirby! Now with Laharl, Higan, Killia, and Beryl around, I can't keep my eyes off my food for a second!"
"I left Escargot in charge of the castle while I'm out here. I better not come home to a huge mess."
"Liu Kang had the nerve to say that my hammer looks lighter than some bum named Shao Kahn's. He'll change his tune once he sees my best hammer."
"What do you mean penguins can't fly? You clearly haven't been training hard enough if you think that. Ahehehehehe!"
Naoya Toudou:
"Laharl and Mao got really mad when I got the top score in the game they were playing. They almost broke the system trying to beat it."
"This earring? It's a gift from my twin brother. It's... all I have of him now..."
"I wasn't expecting to meet a member of the Kirijo Group out here, much less the daughter of the executive. I'll try not to bring up Kei if possible."
"I still wonder what Elly was really trying to tell me back there. She's not serious often so it must have been important, right?"
Maki Sonomura:
"I like Naoya, but I'll take a step back if Elly can confess her feelings. That said, I can't exactly wait forever."
"The Nikke commander has the makings of a good therapist. Maybe we should study together while we're here."
"Yukari said it's a little weird that I can use a bow and a gun. Honestly I think both have their drawbacks, so it's better to switch up every now and then."
"There's a clear difference between physical therapy and mental therapy. Artina's a wonderful nurse, but you can't go to her for everything."
Eriko Kirishima:
"Those Nikkes were amazed when they saw my persona. I would be too if I saw the goddess I was named after with my own eyes."
"There are so many different worlds out there. I want to explore them all and see how each and every one of them is like!"
"Ann told me she was a rising model. I wish she brought magazines that featured her so I can look at some poses."
"Fuka and Desco immediately discovered my crush and are determined to help me out. When did global dominators become match makers?"
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saltmage-levi · 2 years
Hug-A-Mug Café
I really want to bring attention to one of the best events that people probably don’t know about. They have the best and most welcoming staff each night and run events on 3/4 NA Data Centers. The bards play all night and the atmosphere in every location is so relaxing that I find people sleep, afk, rest, and relax there. The menus are unique and well-designed. Each venue is a masterpiece and there are quite a few snuggle corners. 
To find out which location is running, you’ll have to check their discord announcement pings. They change what venue is running each night, but every night usually has something going on. They usually run during the night so expect times to be anywhere from 7pm - 9am EST
Currently, I’ve gone to:
Café Melodia Location: Aether - Sargatanas | Goblet | Ward 8, Plot 58
Café Melodia Marilith Location: Dynamis - Marilith | LB | Ward 14, Lily Apt.1 (This may update with the housing wards soon)
Witches Brew Tavern Location: Primal | Ultros | Goblet | W21 P49
AiNoBaka Café Location: Ultros, Lavender Beds - P35 W10 I’ve gone many times and felt really welcome. It’s SFW, but bards can play some copyrighted music in case any content creator wanted to check them out. I’ve taken a few friends out to events as well and they’ve said nothing but positive. If you are just starting out in the role-play scene, it’s easy to get into and immersive. So please check them out and look out for them in Party Finder!
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The Melodiverse: Worldbuilding, Part 1: The Creation Story
First up in the Melodiverse’s worldbuilding, is the creation story (as most worlds start with!) It involves a small group of goddesses and the creation of the Melodiverse’s main planet in it’s unnamed star system (UPDATE: I now have a rough name for the star system: Stella Concordia, translation: "Star Harmony" in Latin)
Now, onto the story!
Many, many years ago, before the existence of the Melody Realm (or Terra Melodiae), were a small group of goddesses. Tylmera, the goddess of music and harmony, Atrixi, the goddess of dissonance and shadow, Ydelia, the goddess of dreams and the head of this council: Ziris, the goddess of prosperity.
In this formation of the council, countless world ideas were tossed around, half of them never seeing the light of day. That is until Tylmera came into the council's ninth meeting that she presented her world's idea. A single planet comprised of music and magic, along with the peace and tranquility between humans and animal-hybrids. After finishing, they all cheered for her idea, all except Atrixi who sat twiddling her thumbs in boredom. She asked why her world couldn't have humans who desired to skin the hybrids and Tylmera with the rest of the council glared at her.
As Tylmera stepped out into the vast space, a blank canvas for her dream world, she willed a slow hymn; a song of the stars to push her creation further.
It took hundreds of years but after that, she stepped back as the other goddesses stood behind her, with Atrixi and Ydelia expressing curiosity. They came to create the planets of shadow and dream, two opposites that would soon create the rivalry between them.
With Tylmera's world, the Melody Realm flourishing, she along with the council saw the work in progress creations of her collegues. Looking at Atrixi's planet, it was filled with areas of darkness and creatures blending in the glow of the moonlight. Ydelia's planet however, was an ethereal departure into a large city in the clouds with a marvelous monarchy, named the Dream Kingdom with their warriors protecting the dreams of children against the nightmare creatures that manifested in them.
She couldn't deny that Atrixi was creative, but her and Ziris worried that with opposite worlds of elements, Atrixi and Ydelia would be at battle with each other. But for now, the Melodiverse continued.
WORLDBUILDING TAGLIST: @blind-the-winds, @bardic-tales, @carefulpyro
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melodiaemfrp · 3 months
We are reopen!
As of FRIDAY FEBUARY 9TH, Melodiae MFRP is accepting new members. Our thirteenth (13th) Activity Check was completed on Thursday, March 7th, and our next one is planned to begin on Wednesday, May 1st.
Melodiae is a modern fantasy/sci-fi, multi-fandom roleplay group hosted on Discord! The themes and content of this group are not suitable for minors, so you must be 18 years or older to apply.
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madeofcc · 9 months
Blog update !
It's been a while since I didn't post one but so many things happened in my life lately and this has been affected my blog so ...
Life update : I didn't want to talk about this at first but this is really the main reason of basically every changes lately ... My dad is very ill (stage 4 cancer) and he can't recover from it so .... My life has changed a bit since I got the news. I don't sleep as I used to, I'm helping my parents as much as I can and I also have a new job+ the new appartment reseach that are a bit exhausting mentally. I've been trying to do everything for the best but I also realised that I spent my last weekends just relaxing and hanging out with friends because I really needed an escape from all the daily stress and bad thoughts about my dad's illness. Working on Melodia helps me a lot but lately, as it's one of my number 1 issue : I don't have a lot of storage capacity on my computer which makes Photoshop impossible to open :'(
Blog update : Considering that, I'm still working on Melodia but I just have to pause the posting for a moment T_T So far, you're not a lot to read it so this also will give time to the ones who still have to catch up with the story. I hope to be able to post again very soon but for now I guess I can just enjoy the new pack I didn't discover yet. I hope to not have to wait a long time without being able to work on DH because I really live doing it so far ! If you want to see some gameplay pics, don't hesitate to ask :)
I guess that's all for now . I hope that you're all feeling great lately, if not, you should because you're awesome !
Take very good care of you and see you very soon for the next part of Melodia
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destinydraco · 3 months
Pardon! Úplně jsem sem zapomněla dát dvě novinka. Překlad Fire in the Rain od Månse Zelmerlowa z poslední drabble výzvy nyní v DSHF, a byla vydána další část Rodiny, která splňuje druhý milník v ONC. Snad se vám obojí bude líbit, pokud jste ještě neviděli ☺️.
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melodymagicjournals · 2 years
#midnights journal: brainstorming
#midnights journal: draft talk
#midnights journal: writing resources
#midnights journal: writing motivation
#midnights journal: prompts
This will be updated as the tags have more stuff added to them!
The Melody Blade Saga (4 book urban fantasy adventure series, currently focused on Book I: Midnight and the Gift of the Melody Blade, more info at the writeblr blog: @midnights-melodiverse!)
Goblin Theft Auto (was originally planned to be a series of five short stories, but has now been decided as a standalone novel, called Goblin Theft Auto: Misfits of Penwood City. More info about this project at @midnights-melodiverse!)
Stars, Bits, and Bytes! (a child-friendly sci-fi fantasy adventure, that follows two kids on a grand adventure through space while encountering a cranky robot AI aboard the ship they find that misnavigates the ship sometimes, a band of space pirates who REALLY want some parts off of their ship, named the Titania, a magical asteroid belt, and an evil emperor with the plan of siphoning all music magic from Terra Melodiae and it's neighboring planets. More info at @midnights-melodiverse!)
Silver Moon Sonatas (A project whose plot and other stuff is a HEAVY work-in-progress... more info at @midnights-melodiverse!)
MIRRORVENTURE (A longform adventure possibly split into four parts, that follows a young human boy who one night uncovers a mysterious mirror dimension and a cosmic horror who foretells of cataclysmic world-ending events. The boy's family later finds out that it's a race against time to find that dimension, the creature, and gain enough knowledge of the mirror dimensions and their magic to potientally close the door on this dimension, and liberate a trapped kingdom... more info at @midnights-melodiverse!)
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sailor-star-bones · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pride Icons
in order:
Heof, my sona and updated his flags:
Jackal, my boyfriend’s @jackal-of-games sona His flags:
Biromantic grey-sexual
Melodia, my partner’s @the-novas-and-company femme sona her flags:
(made it into a ych as well so ye)
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that-stray-bird · 7 months
Can I get a tag when you update the melodia BSD fanfic? Both of them 🤭 the story is so interesting
Why, of course! I'm glad you find it interesting ❤
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