Do you ever think about giving Megatron relatives other than his sparklings? Like siblings or parents.
Because I read a fic, ages ago at this point, that had Galvatron be TFA Megatron's twin and well that turned into my new headcanon. Also, because the thought of the Tron twins being into mechs with two tall structures on their helm amused me because I shipped Megatron/Shockwave and Galvatron/Cyclonus.
I've actually thought about that a nice amount! I've ran plotlines that mention a brother which I think that one was inspired by that exact fic you're talking about (which is probably Battlesleep?) Aaaand I've thought about the idea of giving him a carrier just to have them arrive on earth and let chaos ensue (most of those plotlines involve him having a poor relationship with them)
I ran a ai dungeons story a couple years ago that had Megazark as his older brother, which I think I saw in a tfa fic somewhere else as well?
Also yes you're right that's hilarious as hell actually
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pasquiart · 5 months
How would react Megatron and his brother Megazarak to Moonlight Optimus's aunt?
Xd if Megazarak wants to know she's single
sorry megazark and already busy with convoy with this au 😅 and of @menori-ori
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Megabee Harry potter au!
1- Megatron is a slytherin and embodies its values to a t despite being a halfblood.
2- bumblebee is a hufflepuff that everyone swears should have been in griffindoor.
3- megatron is like Tom riddle, top of the class, teachers love him, small group of followers, very charming and well mannered that sort of thing.
4- bumblebee is both weasly twins rolled into one body and proud of it. He's infamous for his pranks and gag stuff which he often sells to others.
5- Megatron specializes in defense against the dark arts and astronomy.
6- bee has a love for potions and charms which feeds into his pranking.
7- megatron has a tiny yellow and black cat named honey that completely dotes on.
8- bee has massive grey maine coon named megazark that bee utterly adores.
9- they met when megatron spotted bee using a particularly complex charm for one of his pranks and was immediately intrigued by this pranksters abilities.
10- bee noticed megatron spying on him and thought he was going to snitch so he charmed megatrons cloak to tie him up.
11- needless to say megatron ended up a little star struck by bee's abilities and immediately got to planning on how to befriend him.
12- when bee confronted him megsy started gushing about how amazingly complicated the charms he used were.
13- bee was amused by this weirdo and offered to let him help.
14- mega accepted and they quickly became friends.
15- it eventually evolves into mutual pinning but neither of them realise.
16- this fact is not helped by them both speaking exclusively in flirtation and not knowing if the other is serious or not.
17- they're both incredibly smart dumbasses and I love them for it.
18- bee knows all the secret passages and has a habit of popping up in places at random.
19- he keeps breaking into the slytherin dorm to hangout with Megan.
20- megatron regularly gifts bee jewelry and other such shiny things because he's a corvid at heart.
21- in turn bee makes megatron little charms to help him with whatever he needs.
22- so far the star chart that moves with the actual stars and the snake bracelet that squeezes when someone lies to him are his favorites.
23- megsy makes his wealthier followers buy particularly rare and pricey potion ingredients for him so he can gift them to bee.
24- he gets kisses in return along side any potions he wants.
25- they love going on hogsmead dates and regularly raid honey dukes when they do.
26- bee is a surprisingly good cook and regularly sneaks into the kitchen to make goodies for his friends.
27- megatron is the main recipient of countless baked goods by delivery of cat.
28- they both regularly sneak into the restricted section it's just that no one questions a "good kid" like megatron.
29- bee on the other hand is an infamous chaos gremlin.
30- the teachers regularly advise megatron to be careful with bee which they both find hilarious.
31- team prime do not approve of megatron because they all know his deal.
32- the cons on the other hand are surprisingly chill with bee.
33- Soundwave also specializes in charms and they're constantly competing with eachother.
34- megatron and magnus are both prefects who hate eachothers guts.
35- coincidentally magnus used to baby sit bee and they kinda grew up together making things exponentially more complex.
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shadowcat222 · 1 year
Honestly I enjoy thinking abt how would my Characters have been introduced into the franchise if they were canon.
Pivot would've gotten one episode centered around a gameshow he hosts in g1 and then never appeared again outside occasional appearances à la alspark almanac background character entry.
Ency and Bery just appeared one day with all the other femmes in g1, got fleshed out in idw, had minor appearances in tfa probably mentioned offhand like Megazark. Appear in Earthspark to fuck shit up.
Crescent first appears in tfa as a side character and reappears in Cyberverse.
Volt was maybe in g1?? He just appears one day and gets one episode of spying looking like it's gonna set him up for a Jetfire arc but then they decide to undo all the development in a snap and he continues to try n terminate ppl. Next major role is tfa, Earthspark picks up on his old potential and he's getting a 'second chance' through g.h.o.s.t.
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
I was wondering, just how did Megazark and Ultra Magnus get involved? I’d love to know if they had a relationship similar to Megatron and Optimus or if their relationship was just sex.
Megazarak and Ultra met at a kind of party in a sense. It was a celebration for his brother Megatron, whose first public novel reached top charts, it was a big deal and all very formal, very boring and filled with boring and stale people, all uppity businessmen and promoters—as well as a bit more police than necessary.
While Megatron and Megazarak were still young in the way of the Mob, the two had still earned some whispers and tensed stares. Their imposing figures were already more than enough to turn heads in a room, however just by the way they stood commanded attention and practically screamed pure muscled power. Needless to say they were looked at disrespectfully in more ways than one ;)
Being the police commissioner’s son left Ultra Magnus little to no breathing room in terms of fun. Ever. If he were to screw up what would that say about the commissioner if he couldn’t even control his own son? Ultra Magnus was raised in a sterile, practically military-like run household, he was expected to be quiet and do as he was told, then obviously one day also join the EPF and become better than even his father was. A bit high for entry-level expectations to say the least. It was no surprise that after a life of being held back from so much as nights in the town, wild parties or hell even DATES that Ultra still restrained into his young adulthood felt smothered enough to break.
Doing so meant that as a the ultimate grand ‘fuck you dad’ Ultra made the bold choice to look his father dead in the eye, then march straight up to Megazarak (the bigger, more intimidating brother who coincidentally had far more impoundings than his twin) and pull him down into a noisy fiery kiss.
Absolute fury spread on the commissioners face, all clad in his uniform, who brought his son along to witness these two criminals expert device and work a room, but Ultra could not seem to bring himself to care as Megazarak expertly deepened the kiss until a mortified Megatron forcibly shoved them into the elevators to use the goddamn hotel room what is wrong with you
And so was the beginning of a very spontaneous, combustible relationship.
Their relationship was built upon the wildness of the other. Megazarak proved to give Ultra a taste for just what he was missing out of for so long—the parties, the substances, the pleasure, the wealth, the NOTORIETY—Ultra told himself that he could stop whenever he wanted, granted his father may not accept take him under his roof again after the shit show that happens to be their raunchy, city-wide destructive dates, he thought that going straight could be fairly easy as Megazarak didn’t seem to be all that attached to him, so he thought.
Megazarak loved how,,vulnerable Ultra was. Susceptible to his all too easy weak-in-the-knees charms and talented skills in adrenaline boosted fun times. Ultra was easy to tow around, no pushing needed to get him hanging off his arm and guided to his berth. Megazarak liked that this mech who was so desperate for a thrill, for attention and the satisfaction of toying with a rumored bad boy, it made Ultra a fun play thing so long as he was properly entertaining for their evenings.
So yes, the relationship was formed out of one mech’s desire to taste a bit of thrill, and and the other’s lust, as well as ability to recognize a desperate mech when he sees one
Both saw an advantage, leverage even—which made for a relationship that was sure to crash and burn in the worst ways imaginable
the UltraZarak ship in this AU is AWFUL!! Zarak got what was due to him in time, Ultra still suffers the consequences years later as he still hasn’t made true on those expectations from dear old dad, OR brought the Mob down to their knees—that and he lost his daughter to his own negligence long before he lost her to the Incident.
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I believe what that anon was talking about was tfa megazarak. He was the original leader of the Decepticons before megatron overthrew due to the guy being tyrannical. I don't believe there's a proper image or him. Honestly he's an interesting character next to megatron in transformers animated.
Oh, I was thinking of 2001 rid Megazark. Sorry about that. 
The bots would defiantly call for some help from Cybertron then. 
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So phone music shuffle lead me to the idea that in TFA, all the ““historic”“ videos about the beginnings of the Decepticon uprising are basically Megatron singing “Come Little Children” (Megazark who? lol) and seducing those poor innocent youngsters, the time’s come to play in his garden of shadows
When in truth it was kinda more like “Light Up the Night” with righteous fury young (and kinda stupid) Megatron acting as the voice for old man Megazark as they call to the disenfranchised to stand up b/c everything isnt lost yet, we just need one spark to light the revolution-! Sadly the man in the tower who controls it all without lifting a single fist still wins
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dannymultipersonaje · 4 years
Transformers: Redención AU (debería hacer más texto antes de esto...)
(Mundo Alternativo)
Esto esta parrrcialmente basado en Animated.
Sucede que antes (MUCHO ANTES) de la revelicon Decepticon, no habia mucha mal energon por el planeta. HABIA MUCHO TIPOS DE MARCO, Minis (con, micro, bot,etc), civil, pesado, aereo, etc
Y estaban en una guerra con los Quintenssons. 
PERO supongamos que la guerra se para.
Esto sera un poco confuso. **suspiro** Lo que te define como civil, pesado, mini u otro, no es tu marco, es tu Codigo, es lo que define también tu personalidad (Cod-automatico para los civiles, Cod-engañoso para Pesados, etc, tal vez haga una nota en el futuro para ti)
TODOS sin excepcion, (dentro de la au) nacen como protoformas, sin armaduras y muy “suaves”. Estas o las genera el Allspark o de forma... ¿tradicional? errr quiero decir sexbot, errr
Cuando nacen por el allspark, tienen un cod- definido, solo uno, sin embargo, cuando es interración (¡esa era la palabra!)  y los dos cyberformados eran de distintos cod-’s uno tomara la delatera en las primeras dos etapas de actualizacion  - parentesis largo. Las etapas de actualización depende del Cod- pero al ser una función se hace automatico (no cod-automatico) 3 etapas base, Infantil (se calibran y sensores motores principales, es como un bebe organico aprendiendo de la vida, el Cod- dominante depende mucho de la chispa casi al azar, el cod- empieza a verse un poco, pero usalmente se usa un marco estandar ), joven (es difícil decir, es muy diferente con quien sea, pero aquí se ve un 99% de Cod- por lo que, se le da su marco correspondiente ) y adulto, de este punto a adelante el cod- definitivo se actualiza, puede haber un cambio total de la personalidad o seguir, igual. -
AHORA con el verdadero AU después de esa clase de ... ¿psicologia? ¿biologia?
Creo ya haber medio planteado el equipo IDW  G; Vela (Hibrida, Auto-Engañosa caso raro), Swerve (Cod-minibot, no hibrido, variacion de cod-mini estandar), Cyclonus (Subcod-aereo, hibrido estandar marco pesado/engañoso y aereo), Tailgate (Cod-mini estandar, es pequeño pero no micro, es un “raza pura” jsjsjs), Rachet (joven semi adulto, Cod-automatico, es de automaticos asique no hay duda) y Cybergate, sin cod- definido pero tiene subcod- de esclavo... (el original del gran mech, es Cod-gigante, pero esto es como un tabu mal visto y prefieren convertirlos en barcos, cosa que estuvo apunto de pasar con los Marcos pesados /decepticons que iban a ser androides)
(oh si, me corrijo, en la primera versión era Swerve minicon, Tailgate minibot, pero eso es cambiado por Swerve Minibot y Tailgate mini estandar) (oh y olvide a Rachet, es parte oficial del equipo pero trabaja más bien lejano a el por variadas situaciones)
Aquí la variante es el estancamiento de la guerra con los Quintessons gracias a ... un aconfederacion de planetas de la galaxia. Y LO MAS IMPORTANTE
******* P****
Que aun no se llama hací,una extraña protoforma encontrada abandonada en un fria noche en una calle de Iacon por Vela, ella lo metio en su subespacio gracias a que sino se moriria de frio, pero el maldito tenia dientes y mordio bastante hasta que Vela no soporto el camino al cuartel (su casa) y se desvio al edificio publico abierto más cercano, El registro de Archivos de Iacon. Un gran lugar CALIDO saco a la pequeña piraña y empezo a revisarla, heridas, cuerpo tenia una aptitud de Marco Pesado sub guerrero, definitivamente y dolia. Alpha Trion los encontro y ofrecio que se quedaran, al por suerte, el viejo mech logro adivinar que a la protoforma le parecía fascinar la luz que venia de los Datapads y cuando se adormeció practicamente se pego a Vela, casi exigiendo volver al subespacio a dormir.
A la mañana siguiente, Vela llego al cuartel del IDW/equipo G (IDW es más genial, palabras de Tailgate) y todos miraron a la pequeña protoforma, luego fue llevada ante un medico (Rachet estaba haciendo horas en un hospital/Enfermeria Tarniana)  y mas tarde al orfanato Iaconiano, pero no fue posible dejarlo, todo el equipo intento sacar (menos Rachet) intento sacar a la protoforma del sub espacio  de Vela sin exito. Entonces Vela, la lider del equipo fue llamada a una reunión de rutina y tuvo que asistir con todo y protoforma en el subespacio. Ultra Prime (kof kof Ultra Magnus) fue el primero en darse cuenta de las silenciosas sacudidas de Vela durante la reunión, Megazark se río a carcajadas al ver que saco Vela a un protoforma agresiva de su subespacio. La reunion se pospuso y Minimus Magnus le pidio explicaciones a Vela. Ella explico su situación.
En un resumen, la pequeña cosa, fue adoptada por todo el equipo, y recibio un armadura estandar, pues apesar de tener un aptitud muy parecida a los subcod guerreros, engañosos, no era compatible con los marcos pesados cod-engañosos. OH Y TAMBIEN FUE NOMBRADA Orion Pax.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
So main premise is that it was a dare that forced me to come up with a plot by piecemealing existing Transformers continuities initially and then it kind of grew from there.
Basically Megazarak (comics with a bit of inspiration from TFA) gets stopped from destroying his universe and being an absolute menace by being thrown into a new universe and the key slammed shut.
Or rather he was supposed to get thrown into a Dead Universe.
The problem is someone else had already been locked inside.
Megazarak and Quintessa seethe together and plan and with their combined power break into Quintessa's original universe which is a tail branch of G1. Quintessa was locked away by the Knights of Cybertron who also happened to hide away important artifacts from her she needs to achieve full power and control.
A la Bayverse.
Megazarak and her still have a deal and one she is keeping him to. So he, knowing his own timelines history and seeing the similarities immediately starts positioning himself to lead the Decepticons and take over Cybertron while pursuing Quintessa's "side project".
This includes making sure Optimus Prime and Megatron never come to exist. But it is a slow burn of him building up rspectablity and influence and control.
He was admired as Cybertron's Golden General before his final coup. Classic "Might Makes Right" Decepticons rather than the more recent iterations coming from inequality. He made a very public story that painted him in the right for this but things slowly grew worse.
This leads to the formation of the Autobot Resistance, eventually, lead by Elita-1. The main story takes place well into the war with teh Autobots losing and the Lost Light preparing for departure.
Oooh! That is one hell of a chain reaction, especially with Quintessa and Megazark's deal and Elita One being the leader of the autobots (which sounds pretty cool in it's own right)
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Me when I see a blorbo with a complex personality, grumpy attitude, and a dash of trauma: MAKE THEM A FATHER !
Anyways I fully support a Megatron found family adopting a human situation. Please share more if you anymore thoughts.
I have a habit of looking at a character and foisting offspring onto them, a truly chronic affliction of mine, so naturally Megatron is no exception
But also this is (slightly) what I HC happened with Megatron and the Malto family. They adopted each other. Friends that is their exwarlord and they are his humans. Your honor Megatron and and Maltos are family.
This is vaguely making me remember this one ai dungeons fic I did two or so years back where Megatron witnessed a jailbreak, one of the prisoners stumbled upon him, and they were inseparable from that point on. What did I name her again? Eliza, yeah.
The average person thinks about parent!Megatron zero times a day. Riot, Megatron Georg, however, thinks about parent!Megatron 6,000 times a day
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
When I made the ask, it was inspired by a SUPER old fic, so the timeline in my mind was pre-Canon, more precisely during Megazard's leadership
Hence why I mentioned safeguards, because the fic only goes to the day tfa Megatron take control of the Decepticons (Because megazard was taking advantage of a broken IDW megatron and the younger versions of high command didn't tolerate it)
I remember that fic too!
I admit I don't know too much pre-series tfa stuff other than what they show us and what I've stumbled upon on tfwiki
So I don't know much of the Megazark situation
But I do feel like IDW Megs would logically have more strategic experience and ultimately speaking would this time around minimize casualties on either side. Any autobot win will have to be hard earned, because this fucker has 4-5 million+ military experience than they do (probably. Possibly.) He comes from a place where it was much harsher of a war, so it's gotta be interesting to see what happens, especially with the character development that went down on the Lost Light and in the Functionist universe
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If i had to say something I'd say i just got soft yelled at so we're shitposting about fanfiction now.
I wrote this one thing a bit back in ai dungeons, i gave myself the POV of Megatron and wanted to see where i went. Where I went was shattered glass, Megazark existing, random human from a jailbreak living on the nemesis, and pretty much everyone teaming together in order to get the Quintessons away from Earth. An utter crackfic, but it was NY crackfic. OOC? Yes, but hey it's very interesting to write SG when nobody in the story knows it's SG. And if you know SG autobots... well things will go wackier yet still
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Papillon's wings remind me of a butterfly. I bet someone would give him a nickname associating with butterflies and danger with all the danger he puts himself through.
yes by design his wings are a little nod to those of a butterfly! His skinny little pretty but delicate frame are all little ideas attributed to a butterfly ✨
But my original idea behind his name though actually relates to an old French prison tattoo. A butterfly tattoo would mean that it’s wearer is a thief! The brand has something to do with the double meaning of Je vole, which translates to both I steal and I fly
See Papillon’s specialties are both espionage and thievery. Before being recruited to the Decepticon ranks straight out from behind bars, Papi was a ehhh For Hire Merc of sorts, only it was his looks and cold talents with manipulation that were his weapons, claws being the third and not nearly used as much as he’d liked them to be.
Papi could steal information, loyalty for a night, classified codes, and overall the sense of his victims for any side at a specific price. He’s damn good at what he does and it doesn’t take long before he’s seduced his way into control, has his poor target’s attention and spark in a tight hold, and has their money in the palm of his hands.
This got him into trouble though when a client set him up with a target far too clever, saw right through Papi’s game far too quick and sent him straight to the Vosian prisons. If it had not been for Megazark himself buying his bail, Papi would not have last much longer in the dark and cramped cell holds. Papillon found himself indebted without a choice to the rising Decepticon faction, when tensions finally exploded into the Great War, Papi had no where else to go and simply stuck around for the protection and pocket money (which he stole of course) later his stay became more centered around his trine and then later Firstwatch.
So yes, his name is a nod to that prison brand and I’d also like to kinda tie into the idea of Gilded Butterflies.
We all laugh at gilded butterflies has several meanings depending on how you interpret it. megan fox I adore your tattoo and it’s kept me up at night
Butterflies being valuable and beautiful on the outside, but are in fact insubstantial on the inside—overdressed to appear like more than they actually are.
Or a gilded butterfly meaning a person trapped behind simply being seen for their looks, poked at simply because those looks must have been the only attributing factor to their name.
The way I kinda view Papillon is in a way like a gilded butterfly. He’s beautiful and that has absolutely been a key factor in how he’s warped his personality to fit another’s perception of him for a job. Because of his background and skills he’s earned more than a few rumors and sultry labels within the Decepticon ranks. Papillon has disguised himself under the ruse of again, using his beauty for gains—and he’s a good at it, leading to him getting those smeared labels.
As much as he likes the power that comes with the Maneater personality,,,,Papi honestly was lonely. It’s hard to make allies if no one knows what version of you they will get that day. That’s why he became fixated on Firstwatch, so far one of the only mecha to gently reject his less-that-innocent advances and insist on getting to know him rather than know his frame first.
Hahah that’s the long answer(s) I guess behind the origins of Papillon’s name!! Prison and poetry >:3
Short answer would be I LIKE BUTTERFLIES and if I get to make a pretty little skinny seeker w that design in mind I’m HAPPY
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TFA Rung looks, if possible, even more harmless that MTMTE Rung. So my brain immediately kicked up the thought that “Hey, nothing is that cute without ulterior motive.” Followed closely by “That is a very Decepticon thought,” and rounded off by “Well, it’s not like TFA Rung has any sort of backstory anyways.”
So, how Rung was er, adopted by the Decepticons and what came of it, a story in ? parts and without a title because this was so much simpler and shorter when I started 0w0′
The Autobot in their interrogation rooms looks very small.
“He’s tiny,” Megatron says bluntly. He is new to his position as leader of all Decepticons, still recovering from the wounds he received from Megazark. He’s not allowed on the front lines until they heal, but he is still an intimidating force.
“Yes. This is why I do not trust him,” Strika says. She is less new to her position as a general, and while she trusts Megatron enough to support him in his coup, she is also going to be keeping a very close eye on him until he proves himself an adequate supreme leader. It is the Decepticon way, so he tolerates her with something like wry amusement. “Small bots make excellent spies.”
Megatron nods thoughtfully. “One could say that bright orange bots, less so.”
The Autobot in question lowers his head to his bound hands, then raises it again to reveal that he has removed his glasses. His spindly fingers are attempting to wipe off a smudge, with little success. He frowns, a small portion of his glossa poking out of his mouth.
“And detached mechanical aids for eyesight are generally not considered to be good for field work,” Megatron adds. He crosses his arms, winces, and drops them again.
“You need to let the doctor check your shoulder actuator again,” Strika says, still apparently absorbed in watching the Autobot. “And I think he is a spy.”
“The doctor can do nothing for it that isn’t already happening,” Megatron says. “He can’t be a spy. He’s too...” he searched for a word.
“Unremarkable?” Strika offers with heavy irony. “Unnoticeable, for all that he is bright orange? We nearly forgot we had him, until it was time to clean the cells. We cannot place his alt mode, but his root mode has a large number of hidden pockets.”
“Really?” Megatron asks, intrigued. “I wouldn’t have suspected he had the room in a frame like that. What did you find?”
Now it is Strika’s turn to cross her arms. “Sweets, mostly. Not poisoned. A few small ship models, partially assembled. Blank datapads, of the sort suitable for note taking and drawing.”
“Ah, truly a dastardly arsenal,” Megatron intones gravely. “With that, he might win over our youngest warriors.”
Strika scowls; her face is naturally cast for it, but you can tell when she is making the effort. “You jest, my lord, but I rather fear that. While those outside his proximity tend to forget him, those in the process of talking to him find him... likeable.”
“Likeable,” Megatron repeats.
Strika looks at him, annoyed. “Do not take that tone with me. You are in the position you are because you are ‘likeable’. Ah!” She raises a finger to cut him off. “There are many other factors, yes, but beneath it all, a ‘likeable’ leader is one who will ultimately draw others to his causes. Call it charisma, if likeable so offends you. But our likeable little ‘bot there has an unnerving habit of convincing my hardened Decepticon warriors to start talking to him about. Well. Anything.“
“Likeable,” Megatron says with disdain, but he chases it no further. “Strika, you are a brilliant commander.”
“You only say that when you follow it with a ‘but’,” she says warily.
Megatron nods to her. “I should remedy that, but for now: I believe that our likeable, forgettable fellow is, in fact, a non-combatant who seems to be a plausible spy due to a certain overlap in skills.”
“Why do you say that?”
“When you mentioned that people tend to forget him, I looked over the previous interrogation transcripts. His very first sentence is, ‘Hello, I’m Rung, a psychologist. May I know your name?’ That, and he currently seems to be beating his head against the table and muttering ‘Psychologist, not spy’.”
Strika rolls her optics. “WE WILL ASK FOR YOUR OPINION WHEN WE WANT IT,” she bellows into the live mic feeding into the room, making Rung jump. She mutes the mic and turns to glare at Megatron. “So perhaps you are right. What do we do now?”
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