#medici military
garnetcicada · 2 years
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Omg military!au
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i learned what is the most bizarre government in world history?
A bit strange that no one speaks of Italian city-states here.
I think they tried just every conceivable form of government. I will tell a bit about my dearest Florentine Republic.
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In 13th century, Italian city-states witnessed an intense fight between pro-Emperor and pro-Pope factions. Most nobles were pro-Emperor. Florence was one of the places where they lost the battle, which led to the establishment of democracy.
Of course, this democracy was very different from what we call democracy today. Modern Western countries are representative democracies where people only vote in the elections and countries are governed by professional politicians. A medieval Italian would call such system aristocratic.
Of course, Florentine democracy was also exclusive. Wage labourers, people in debt and women were excluded. But all others could directly participate in government of their country: 5,000–8,000 people out of 25,000–50,000 adult citizens.
Political parties were forbidden (actually, the word party was invented as a slur, something that people do not remember now). Elections were seen as aristocratic mechanism because the rich and the educated would be capable to convince or bribe others to vote for them. So the main mechanism of democracy was casting lots.
Florence was subdivided into four quarters, sixteen neighborhoods and twenty-one corporations (seven major ones representing rich citizens and fourteen minor ones representing poor citizens): every citizen was a member of one of those. Initially, corporations had something to do with profession. Nobles renounced their nobility and joined corporations to be able to participate in the government. For instance, nobleman Dante Alighieri entered the corporation of Doctors and Apothecaries, and the ancestors of Niccolo Machiavelli registered in the corporation of Winemakers.
The main government body was Signoria. It consisted of eight Priors (two representing every quarter, six representing major corporations and two representing minor corporations) and one Gonfalonier of Justice, the chairman. They ruled the city during the period of two months only and then replaced by others. Signoria was the main legislative and executive authority. However, it could take major decisions only in common with other bodies such as Twelve Good Men (three persons from every quarter, mostly rich people) and Sixteen Gonfaloniers (one from every neighbourhood). These three bodies (Signoria, Twelve Good Men and Sixteen Gonfaloniers) were all chosen by lot: notes with their names were chosen from special leather bags preserved in the sacristy of the Santa Croce cathedral.
The laws were approved by the Council of the Commune (192 people, 48 from every quarter, majority rich) and the Council of the People (160 people, 10 from every neighbourhood, majority poor).
There was an enormous quantity of other governing bodies that regulated everything that needed to be regulated in the Republic, from quality checks of the bread to the licensing of the sex workers. In most cases, people served from three to six months. It meant that every full-fledged male citizen of the Florentine Republic could hope to be chosen for one of these positions.
The judicial and military power belonged to the podestà, a foreign citizen with good reputation, legal education and a military company or at least a group of armed servants. Florentines believed that a foreigner would be a more impartial judge in Florentine discussions. A podestà was invited to Florence for six months.
Finally, the Medici family managed to circumvent the system and become rulers of Florence but it took time. The system of checks and balances did work.
However, no one was able to circumvent the government system of Venetian Republic. Do you know why?
For more than five centuries (from 1268 to 1797) the procedure to elect the doge (chief of state) did not change.
Choose 30 members of the Great Council by lot.
These 30 people are reduced by lot to 9.
These 9 people choose 40 other people.
These 40 are reduced by lot to 12.
These 12 people choose 25 other people.
These 25 people are reduced by lot to 9.
These 9 people choose 45 other people.
These 45 people are reduced by lot to 11.
These 11 people choose 41 other people.
These 41 people elect the doge.
Funny that many Americans blame their electoral system for being complicated. You may think what you want about the Venetian system but it guaranteed what was probably the most stable government in the history of mankind.
By the way, despite the fact he was elected for life, the power of the chief of state in Venice was very much limited.
He could not appear in public without other officials present (security from populism). He could not meet foreign diplomats or open foreign dispatches without other officials present (security from collusion with foreign governments). He could not possess any property in a foreign land.
However, he had a nice place to live.
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brother-emperors · 3 months
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listen. listen, there's a kind of intimacy in having a dedicated rivalry, okay. who else is going to know you like this!!! also it's funny
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Ascanio Maria Sforza: la parabola politica di un cardinale-principe del Rinascimento, Marco Pellegrini
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Julius II: The Warrior Pope, Christine Shaw
and on della rovere’s soldier comment:
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Popes, Cardinals and War: The Military Church in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe, D.S. Chambers
and finally! regarding the delightful Mess of political-family relationships, including the marriage comment (altho the montefeltro family that giovanni married into did have sforza family ties, since giovanna's mother was battista sforza, but this is about the more immediate alliance based relationship and della rovere's hand in the rejection of a milanese match for his brother. and. this is not even remotely a serious comic, but now I am once again thinking about insular all these families are. the fucking medicis are here too, if you go half a step to the left on della rovere's family tree)
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Julius II: The Warrior Pope, Christine Shaw
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Giulio II, Il papa del Rinascimento, Giulio Busi (Bianca Maria Visconti is Ascanio's mom. btw)
panel inserts of the cards they're playing with are all from the Visconti-Sforza tarot deck! (I used public domain scans/photos for the comic itself)
ko-fi!⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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palmiz · 6 months
I crimini di Israele
e la mission del Sionismo
Quello che i vergognosi media occidentali non dicono
«Ma se gli israeliani non vogliono essere accusati di essere come i nazisti, devono semplicemente smettere di comportarsi come i nazisti»
[Norman G. Finkelstein, intellettuale ebreo i cui genitori furono vittime dell’Olocausto]
«Alla fine degli Anni Cinquanta, quel grande pettegolo e storico dilettante che era John F. Kennedy mi disse che nel 1948 Harry Truman, proprio quando si presentò candidato alle elezioni presidenziali, era stato praticamente abbandonato da tutti. Fu allora che un sionista americano andò a trovarlo sul treno elettorale e gli consegnò una valigetta con due milioni di dollari in contanti. Ecco perché gli Stati Uniti riconobbero immediatamente lo Stato d’Israele».
Gore Vidal, prefazione del libro “Storia ebraica e giudaismo: il peso di tre millenni” di Israel Shahak
Una piccola striscia di terra lunga circa 45 chilometri e larga 10 in cui vivono un milione e mezzo di palestinesi è martoriata da oltre 60 anni.
Tsahal, il fiero esercito israeliano da settimane sta letteralmente sterminando una popolazione inerme, come ripercussione, dicono, a lanci di missili da parte di Hamas in territorio israeliano.
Razzi che avrebbero provocato la morte di 5 militari (altri 4 sono stati uccisi dal “fuoco amico" , cioè dagli stessi soldati), mentre nelle fila degli arabi, gli assassinati dal democratico stato di Israele sarebbero oltre 900 con diverse migliaia di feriti.
Numeri purtroppo destinati ad aumentare con il passare del tempo e delle incursioni.
I crimini attuali dell’esercito israeliano
I bersagli preferiti dall’esercito israeliano in diciassette giorni di guerra sono scuole, moschee, abitazioni private e soprattutto ambulanze, queste ultime per impedire il soccorso e il salvataggio di migliaia di feriti, che muoiono agonizzando per le strade.
Quindi non solo obiettivi militari ma soprattutto civili, e questo non a caso, visto che tale strategia si chiamata “guerra psicologica”.
La cosa non deve sorprendere, perché l’85-90% dei morti in tutte le guerre che si ‘rispettino’, sono infatti civili (uomini, donne e soprattutto bambini).
L’esercito di Sion sta utilizzando a Gaza armi vietate dalle Convenzioni internazionali, come le bombe al fosforo bianco (usate in grande quantità in Iraq dalla colazione anglo-statunitense). Lo riporta anche il “Corriere della Sera” dell’11 gennaio.
Nonostante la smentita del portavoce dell’esercito, il quotidiano Times di Londra ha pubblicato delle foto che non lasciano spazio a dubbi sull’uso appunto di queste vergognose e criminali bombe. Arriva infine la conferma da una fonte israeliana, ripresa dalla Radio svizzera italiana e riportata dall'agenzia Ansa (oggi 12 gennaio 2009) secondo la quale si tratta solo di bombe fumogene. Il tutto ovviamente per giustificare il fumo strano prodotto (vedi immagine sotto) dai bombardamenti dell'esercito.
Ma la fonte continua dicendo che "un po' di fosforo nelle munizioni c'è".
Non solo, ma a testimonianze di medici, a Gaza verrebbero utilizzate anche armi a forte potere esplosivo come quelle a base di stando lega di tungsteno.
Insomma i “territori occupati” sono un ottimo “campo di battaglia” per decimare da una parte la popolazione araba e dall’altra per sperimentare nuove armi.
Perché tale guerra?
Qualcuno sostiene che tale criminoso attacco militare da parte di Israele sia per ripicca a causa della grama figura fatta contro Hezbollah in Libano nel 2006.
Purtroppo non è questo il motivo: si tratta di un progetto chiaro e lineare che stanno portando avanti da oltre un secolo i sionisti.
L’attuale attacco è stato preparato infatti con 6 mesi di anticipo, quindi molto tempo prima del lancio di razzi da parte di Hamas!
Lo confermano canali ufficiali come la CNN e giornali come il britannico The Guardian.
Il canale televisivo CNN ha denunciato che la tregua tra Hamas e Israele ha iniziato a vacillare agli inizi di novembre, quando un commando israeliano ha ucciso durante un’incursione sei membri di Hamas, scatenando la ovvia reazione.
Anche il quotidiano Guardian del 5 novembre ha confermato la notizia.
Quindi esistono le prove che a rompere la tregua non è stato Hamas ma bensì lo stato di Israele a novembre del 2008!
Ma per comprendere il quadro generale è necessario fare un passo indietro.
Nascita del Sionismo
“Nell’Europa della fine del XIX secolo una convergenza di ragioni storiche, fra cui le persecuzioni antisemite, spinse un gruppo di intellettuali ebrei a teorizzare la necessità della nascita di una nazione ebraica dove quel popolo potesse finalmente trovare maggior pace e sicurezza.”
Questa teoria, che non è rimasta tale ma è diventata una triste realtà, prende il nome di sionismo.
Il sionismo è per così dire un «movimento» molto complesso, ma dagli obiettivi semplici, nato verso la fine del XIX° secolo qui da noi in Europa.
Il “sionismo” è suddivisibile in tre categorie:
- «Sionismo» propriamente detto, organizzato dal dottor Theodor Herzl, con lo scopo di ricostruire lo Stato ebraico di Gerusalemme in Palestina.
- «Sionismo territorialista», organizzato da Israel Zangwill, con lo scopo di costituire una «terra ebraica» in qualunque parte del mondo, privilegiando però la Palestina.
- «Sionismo socialista», organizzato da Moses Hess, che vuole conservare agli ebrei nel mondo l’identità nazionale, sforzandosi però tutti per un ritorno a «Eretz Israel».
Il «Sionismo territorialista», quello più recente, è stato fortemente voluto da Israel Zangwill (1864–1926), membro di prestigio della società sionistica l’«Antico Ordine dei Maccabei» (1891) e fondatore della rivista umoristica «Ariel». Alla “Dichiarazione Balfour”, che vedremo dopo, rivendicò per tutti gli ebrei del mondo il diritto inalienabile di colonizzare la Terra di Israele.
Il «Sionismo» per così dire ufficiale, è nato nel 1897 durante il primo «Congresso Sionista» di Basilea in Svizzera.
Fu però nel 1895/96 che compare per la prima volta il «Der Juden Staat» («Lo Stato degli Ebrei»), il manifesto scritto da Theodor Herzl in persona.
Più che manifesto si tratta di un vero e proprio libro «scritto in poche settimane, in una specie di delirio misto di fervore mistico e considerazioni pratiche», dove veniva esposto il piano ben preciso per una organizzazione ebraica mondiale.
Un piano precisissimo e completo di rimozione di tutta la popolazione araba, cioè non ebraica, dal futuro stato sionista: la “Gerusalemme liberata” (cioè “liberata” dai goym, dai gentili, dai “sub-umani”, dagli arabi).
Come mettere in atto questo spietato e criminale progetto?
Semplicemente attraverso l’espropriazione dei terreni e delle proprietà!
Quindi l’origine del gravissimo dissidio “israelo-palestinese” non si trova nel XXI° secolo, ma risale alla fine del XIX secolo. E’ proprio in quegli anni che fu ideato il progetto spietato di cacciare dalla Palestina tutti gli arabi, nessuno escluso, quindi ben cinquant’anni prima della nascita stessa dello Stato d’Israele e oltre un secolo prima dell’ennesima e ultima strage di stato che stiamo assistendo impotenti in questi giorni.
L’affare Dreyfus
Il periodo storico quando Theodor Herzl scrisse “Der Juden Staat” era molto caldo perché erano passati solo due anni dall’«affare Dreyfus».
Un affare delicatissimo perché riguardava le accuse (inventate ad hoc per scatenare appositamente l’antisemitismo…) di alto tradimento a carico di un capitano d’artiglieria ebreo (poi reintegrato nell’esercito dal tribunale), il francese Alfred Dreyfus: accusato di passare informazioni segrete all’esercito tedesco.
L’altro sionismo, quello «socialista» e l’«affare Dreyfus» hanno proprio nella Francia il comun denominatore: fu proprio a Parigi che Moses Hess, il padre spirituale del «socialismo sionista», lavorò come corrispondente per alcuni giornali socialisti di Germania e Stati Uniti. Moses Hess viene anche ricordato per la sua opera omnia: «Roma e Gerusalemme», considerata un classico della teoria sionista, e pubblicata in Germania nel 1862.
L’Alleanza israelita universale
Sempre nella capitale francese nasce una delle principali organizzazioni internazionali che promuove l’insegnamento e la cultura ebraica: l’«Alleanza Israelita Universale» (l’«Alliance Israélite Universelle»).
I fondatori di questa «Alleanza» furono «17» giovani e il «17» maggio 1860, grazie ai fondi di Sir Moses Haïm Montefiore e Lord Rothschild, organizzarono un manifesto politico sintetizzando le idee massoniche della «Rivoluzione Francese» del 1789 (il motto: «Liberté-Egalité-Fraternité» era scritto nelle logge massoniche francesi ancora 50 anni prima della Rivoluzione) e i principi del giudaismo.
«L’Alleanza Israelita» promosse nel 1870 a Jaffa (Palestina) la nascita della prima colonia ebraica «Mikweh o Mikiveh Israel». Ma le costruzioni in Palestina erano iniziate qualche tempo prima: il «Misgav Ladach Hospital», è un ospedale sorto nel 1854 e il cui nome originario era «Rothschild Hospital».
E’ facile comprendere che il sionismo non è un semplice movimento politico e/o religioso, come vogliono farci credere, ma un vero e proprio movimento pericoloso il cui obiettivo è quello di liberare, con ogni mezzo lecito e illecito, la “Terra Promessa” dagli arabi (goym) per consegnarla nelle mani del popolo eletto.
Il tutto nell’attesa della venuta del Messia…
La dominazione turco-ottomana
Alla fine del 1800 la Palestina era nelle mani dell’Impero turco-ottomano.
Nel 1915 il governo britannico chiese aiuto militare allo sceriffo della Mecca Hussein (esistono a tal proposito lettere firmate da Thomas Edward D’Arabia, famoso Lawrence d’Arabia, che confermano questo) per cacciare i turchi-tedeschi dalla regione.
In cambio promise la creazione di uno stato arabo indipendente!
Questo è un punto chiave: la promessa agli arabi da parte del governo di Sua Maestà di uno Stato arabo indipendente, in cambio di aiuto.
Gli arabi, vista l’importante promessa, parteciparono in massa e moltissimi persero la vita in combattimento proprio per questo motivo: la liberazione della Palestina assieme alle truppe inglesi.
L’esercito britannico, nonostante la Grande Guerra in corso, spostò un milione di soldati per portarli in Terra Santa. Ci deve essere stato un ottimo motivo per movimentare, cioè togliere dal fronte europeo, tutti quei soldati?
Il motivo c’era eccome!
Accordo Sikes-Picot
Dopo la scontro con l’esercito turco-ottomano, nel 1916 Russia, Francia e Inghilterra siglarono l’accordo di Sikes-Picot, il piano alleato per dividersi l’Impero ottomano in disfacimento.
Nell’accordo la Palestina doveva rimanere internazionalizzata sotto l’amministrazione di tutte e tre.
Il tradimento al popolo arabo
Il vero e proprio tradimento del popolo arabo avviene il 2 novembre 1917 con la «Dichiarazione Balfour»: una lettera che Arthur Balfour, Ministro degli Esteri della Gran Bretagna, inviò al capo della Federazione sionista Lord Rothschild, dove Sua Maestà riconosceva ufficialmente ai sionisti , il diritto di formare uno Stato indipendente in Palestina.
Lettera importantissima perché legittimò e riconobbe il diritto internazionale ai sionisti di creare un «focolare nazionale del popolo ebraico…» in Palestina.
Tale dichiarazione venne firmata da Pichon per la Francia , Wilson per gli Stati Uniti e Sonnino per l’Italia.
Pochi ricordano però come tale «Dichiarazione», cioè lo storico tradimento di tutta la popolazione araba della Palestina da parte inglese, specificava anche che per il raggiungimento dello scopo: «nulla dev’essere fatto a pregiudizio dei diritti civili e religiosi delle comunità non ebraiche esistenti in Palestina…».
E’ avvenuto esattamente il contrario.
Nel 1919 gli inglesi entrano in possesso della Terra Santa e dal 1920 con gli accordi di Sèvres, inizia ufficialmente l’immigrazione ebraica.
La terra indipendente araba rimane una promessa non mantenuta!
Trattato di Sèvres
Nel 1920 il Trattato di Sèvres sancì la spartizione dell’area mediorientale che vide: la Siria assegnata alla Francia e la Palestina alla Gran Bretagna.
Nel 1922 l’Inghilterra ricevette dalla Società delle Nazioni il Mandato per l’amministrazione della Palestina, sotto la cui egida nacque la Jewish Agency (Agenzia Ebraica) per promuovere l’economia ebraica nell’area.
E’ a questo punto che il padre del sionismo, Theodor Herzl, disse di voler: «sospingere la popolazione [ palestinese ] in miseria oltre le frontiere»
Lo scopo dal 1895 ai nostri giorni è sempre stato questo espresso da Herzl.
Peel Report, White Paper e la “Soluzione a due Stati”
Gli anni che vanno dal 1936 al 1947 videro crearsi le basi per la storica guerra arabo-israeliana del 1948.
Cominciano infatti le proposte di formazione di due Stati separati.
Gli inglesi pubblicano il Peel Report (1936) che prevede una separazione di ebrei e arabi secondo la divisione demografica del momento. La proposta non soddisfa le ambizioni territoriali dei sionisti e neppure gli arabi l’accettano perché chiedono che sia fermata l’immigrazione e che s’impedisca l’acquisizione di ulteriori terre.
Sempre gli inglesi pubblicano il White Paper sulla Palestina nel 1939, dove accettano di limitare l’immigrazione ebraica e l’acquisto di terre e promettono la transazione verso un futuro governo palestinese. Solo e sempre promesse come quella tradite dalla Dichiarazione Balfour del 1917.
Il terrorismo in Terra Santa
Prima dell’intervento britannico gli arabi e gli ebrei ottomani (ebrei assoggettati all’Impero ottomano turco) convivevano in una pace secolare, con alti e bassi, ma pur sempre pace.
Quando iniziò l’immigrazione ebraica, cioè quando i sionisti iniziarono a comperare terre e soprattutto dopo il gravissimo tradimento della Dichiarazione Balfour, era pressoché scontato che iniziassero gli scontri tra arabi ed ebrei.
Cosa che avvenne infatti dal 1920 in poi.
Nel 1921 per esempio gli scontri feroci fra arabi ed ebrei (a Jaffa 200 morti ebrei e 120 arabi) furono interpretati dagli inglesi come “scontri spontanei”, ma ovviamente non era così.
Nel 1940 gli ebrei arrivarono a formare il 33% della popolazione in Palestina, e i sionisti già organizzati in gruppi di guerriglia, cominciano gli attacchi terroristici contro gli inglesi e contro i civili palestinesi.
I gruppi più noti furono l’Irgun, l’Haganah e lo Stern.
Questo ultimo, chiamata “Banda Stern” è nata nel 1942 per opera dell’ebreo polacco Abraham Stern.
Una banda che incarnò la variante più violenta e terroristica del movimento sionista.
La loro azione più eclatante fu l’attentato alla sede dell’amministrazione britannica all’Hotel King David di Gerusalemme nel luglio 1946, dove venne fatta saltare una intera ala, con un bilancio di circa 200 vittime!
Tra i capi del comando vi era un certo Menachem Begin[26], che fu Primo Ministro israeliano e Premio Nobel per la Pace con il presidente egiziano Sadat…
Dopo questo e altri avvisi, nel 1947 gli inglesi rinunciano al mandato e lo consegnano nelle mani dell’ONU.
L’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite propone nella Risoluzione 181 l’ennesima divisione in Stati separati, gli arabi la rifiutano e di nuovo non senza motivo: agli ebrei sarebbe andato il 54% delle terre anche se erano solo il 30% della popolazione presente all’epoca.
Nella primavera del 1947 iniziano gli scontri militari tra arabi ed ebrei, dove i gruppi terroristici sionisti si distinguono per una lunga serie di crimini efferati: massacri, assassini e pulizia etnica documentati oltre ogni dubbio.
E’ infatti in questo periodo il massacro di 200 palestinesi a Deir Yassin, strage (di civili palestinesi) che passò alla storia e che fu perpetrata sotto la diretta responsabilità sempre di Menachem Begin.
Nascita dello Stato d’Israele.
Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale e la Guerra d’Indipendenza (1948-49) nasce il 14 maggio 1948 ufficialmente lo Stato d’Israele con la «Dichiarazione d’indipendenza» firmata dal Primo Ministro David Ben-Gurion, e preceduta da una risoluzione ONU, la numero 181 del 29 novembre 1947, che decise la spartizione (che non rispettava la demografia dell’epoca) dei territori.
Inutile dire che tale spartizione territoriale ha accentuato gli scontri tra popolazione, perché più che spartizione possiamo parlare di vera e propria razzia: il 73% della Palestina era diventata territorio ebraico, con oltre 750.000 rifugiati palestinesi.
Dopo soli 2 anni, nel 1950, Israele vota la Legge sulla Proprietà degli Assenti (5710-1950), una legge vergognosa che espropria la terra a tutti i profughi fuggiti durante la guerra.
I palestinesi vengono espropriati di tutto: case, terreni e attività commerciali.
In totale violazione della Risoluzione ONU 194 (12/1948) che sancisce il diritto dei profughi di tornare e di essere risarciti da Tel Aviv. Non solo i risarcimenti non sono mai avvenuti, ma i profughi si sono visti privare della propria casa.
La guerra del 1947/48 era stata preconizzata dal Presidente (dal 1926) dell’Università ebraica di Gerusalemme, Judah Magnes, il quale ha dichiarato che la creazione di uno stato ebraico in Palestina avrebbe condotto «alla guerra contro gli arabi».
Judah Magnes si riferiva al «Programma Biltmore» stilato a New York nel maggio del 1942 presso l’omonimo Hotel Biltmore, da un gruppo di sionisti americani appoggiati sia dai democratici che dai repubblicani statunitensi.
Tale programma del 1942 (ben prima che finisca la Seconda Guerra Mondiale) era appunto l’ennesimo tassello piazzato al posto giusto per la creazione dello Stato ebraico in terra palestinese!
Tra il 1917 e il 1948, e cioè tra la «Dichiarazione Balfour», il «Programma Biltmore» e la «Dichiarazione d’Indipendenza» avviene qualcosa che avrà ripercussioni in tutto il mondo e soprattutto nella causa ebraica: la Seconda Guerra Mondiale con l’Olocausto e l’immigrazione di massa.
Nel 1956 Israele, in accordo con le mire strategiche e gli interessi economici di Gran Bretagna e Francia attacca l’Egitto (che guarda caso aveva nazionalizzato il canale di Suez) conquistando Gaza e il Sinai, ma gli Stati Uniti costringono Tel Aviv a ritirarsi.
Nel 1964 gli stati arabi creano l’OLP (l’Organizzazione per la liberazione della Palestina), e presto questo gruppo darà inizio ad azioni di guerriglia contro Israele.
Nel 1966 la Siria permise a guerriglieri palestinesi di operare sul proprio territorio. Israele ovviamente minacciò ritorsioni per cui la Siria fece un patto di difesa con l’Egitto. In seguito a rappresaglie israeliane in Cisgiordania, Cairo assume un atteggiamento bellicoso, ma non va oltre.
Nel maggio del 1967 Nasser, il presidente egiziano, stringe un patto di difesa con la Giordania , che sembra mirare solo ad un rafforzamento strategico, e non a un effettivo attacco contro Israele.
Israele non aspetta e nel giugno del 1967 attacca l’Egitto, ben sapendo che avrebbe vinto in pochi giorni.
Questa è la nota Guerra dei 6 giorni, che segna l’umiliante disfatta araba.
In un attimo Israele occupa illegittimamente la Cisgiordania , Gaza, Gerusalemme Est, le alture del Golan ed il Sinai (poi restituito all’Egitto) e non si ritirò mai più nonostante le numerose risoluzioni dell’ONU (ad oggi sono circa 70).
Nel novembre dello stesso anno, il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU condanna la conquista dei territori con la Risoluzione 242 imponendo il ritiro immediato dai Territori Occupati.
Israele accetterà 3 anni dopo tale Risoluzione senza però evacuare i territori, alla faccia del Consiglio di Sicurezza.
Il resto è storia…
Storia sono le condotte di Israele chiamate per ben tre volte “un insulto all’Umanità” dalla Commissione dell’ONU per i Diritti Umani (1977, 1985 e nel 2000).
Storia è anche la Risoluzione ONU A7RES/37/133 che nel dicembre del 1982 definì il massacro di Sabra e Chatila sotto la “personale responsabilità di Ariel Sharon” un “atto di genocidio”
Stiamo parlando di 1700 civili massacrati per due lunghissimi giorni dentro i campi profughi, protetti dall’esercito israeliano, a colpi di machete dai cristiano-falangisti.
L’elenco potrebbe continuare a lungo.
Sionismo cristiano
L’altra cosa da sapere, che non tutti conoscono, è il movimento dei «sionisti cristiani (Christian Zionists).
Anzi, spesso e volentieri, sono stati proprio dei cristiani (come George Walker Bush junior per esempio) che si sono rivelati i più forti sostenitori del ritorno degli ebrei a Gerusalemme.
“La teologia dei cristiani fondamentalisti d’America professa e attende la seconda venuta del Cristo con la conseguente fine del mondo, secondo una interpretazione della bibbia (…)”.
“Ma quell’evento sarà possibile solo quando gli ebrei avranno stabilito uno Stato ebraico su tutta la Palesino , e cioè ben oltre gli odierni confini di Israele "
L’«International Christian Embassy Jerusalem» ha tenuto fino ad oggi almeno quattro congressi internazionali sionisti cristiani: uno a Basilea e tre a Gerusalemme (la città madre del sionismo religioso).
Quindi il sionismo non è solamente un fenomeno ebraico, ma anche cattolico; non è solo un movimento politico ebraico, ma anche occidentale.
Esiste una forte corrente sionista pure tra i membri dell’amministrazione statunitense di ieri e oggi.
Basta leggere con attenzione i nomi della squadra “scelta” dal futuro presidente Obama per capacitarsene.
Pensate che nel 1978 la Camera dei Rappresentanti americana proclamò l’«Education Day USA», cioè il «giorno dell’istruzione». Una festa mobile che un anno cade il 24 marzo, un altro il 2 aprile, il 13 aprile, ecc. Tale data non è fissa perché segue il calendario giudaico-babilonese invece del classico giuliano. La data coincide con l’anniversario del rabbi Menachem Mendel Scheerson, il cosiddetto «rebbe», considerato dalla setta assidica dei Lubavitcher, il vero «Messia».
Come mai tutti i presidenti, da Carter fino a George Walker Bush, hanno ripreso e mantenuto una tradizione «culturale» assai poco laica, per non dire ebraica?
C’è da dire che Carter, mediatore non ufficiale nel 2008 nei processi di pace in Medioriente, ha dichiarato ultimamente che Hamas ha tenuto fede al patto di 6 mesi cessando il lancio di missili, Israele invece no!
Strano a dirsi, ma Israele non ha mantenuto la pace…
Dopo questa delicata trattazione è doverosa una parentesi sull’antisemitismo.
I «semiti» sono: «(…) gli Accadi (Assiri, Babilonesi), i Cananei, gli Arami (fra i quali emergono i Fenici e gli Israeliti), infine gli Arabi».
«Affermare che gli ebrei sono semiti è pressappoco come affermare, per esempio, che i francesi sono europei»
Da questa precisazione si evince che pochissimi ebrei sono veramente dei semiti e che non tutti i semiti sono ebrei (infatti gli arabi sono effettivamente dei semiti).
Come non tutti gli ebrei sono sionisti, anzi i sionisti sono pochissimi, per fortuna!
Siccome oggi tra la popolazione ebraica non esiste praticamente quasi più nessun discendente originario di Sem, accusare qualcuno di antisemitismo equivale accusarlo di antiarabismo.
La conseguenza logica di questa affermazione è che oggi tra i più antisemiti - ironia della sorte – sono proprio i governi d’Israele!
Per fortuna anche nel mondo ebraico il sionismo non è, e non era ben visto, ecco cosa diceva nel 1935 lo scrittore israelita Ettore Ovazza: «il miglior alleato della politica razzista è oggi, suo malgrado, il sionismo nazionalista. E’ nostra ferma convinzione che mai la politica antisemita sarebbe giunta agli estremi che ha toccato, se non avesse avuto fra i suoi principali argomenti probatori, il cosiddetto focolare nazionale ebraico. Lo stesso ideale ebraico, dal punto di vista puramente religioso, predica il ritorno a Sion come un ritorno spirituale; ma poiché la nostra dottrina nega il proselitismo, le minoranze ebraiche nel mondo rimangono le legittime depositarie dell’idea monoteistica e della legge mosaica che sta alla base della Bibbia e della moderna civiltà. Nel 1934, voler interpretare il ritorno a Sion in senso strettamente territoriale è segno d’incomprensione storica e religiosa. Noi, per funzione religiosa storica e civile, siamo e dobbiamo essere interamente cittadini delle nazioni dove viviamo da secoli e di cui formiamo parte indissolubile ed integrante. Noi respingiamo nettamente i sionisti nazionalisti che vivono rispettati in parità di diritti civili e politici con tutti gli altri cittadini nelle nazioni d’Europa, e che sospirano invece verso la Palestina ; che con un occhio guardano a Roma e con l’altro a Gerusalemme
Concludo con una grande speranza, quella che riguarda naturalmente la grande pacificazione in Palestina, l’abbandono di ogni crimine e soprattutto l’abbattimento del «muro della vergogna» che è stato innalzato per impedire la creazione de facto dello Stato palestinese.
«Udite governanti…della casa d’Israele, che costruite Sion sul sangue e Gerusalemme con il sopruso!» perché «a causa vostra, Sion sarà arata come un campo e Gerusalemme diverrà un mucchio di rovine…».
L’antisionista e antisemita che ha fatto questa affermazione è il profeta Michea, originario della Giudea e contemporaneo del grande Isaia (VIII a.C.)
Per approfondire l’argomento, consiglio di leggere questi due libri:
- “Perché ci odiano”, Paolo Barnard, ed. BUR
- “Storia ebraica e giudaismo: il peso di tre millenni”, Israel Shahak, ed. Centro Librario Sodalitium
Per approfondire:
- “Il Tradimento degli intellettuali”, Paolo Barnard www.paolobarnard.info/intervento_mostra_go.php?id=86
- “Una guerra non necessaria” Jimmy Carter www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=5453
- “Gaza chi ha violato la tregua?” Miguel Martinez www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=5455
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k-hippie · 8 months
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And of course, we have some mistakes in the links and in the cc content we are currently correcting ... What is a good Sims 3 World without a little headache ? :D And because we love difficulties, we are currently updating our own website ( which is a mess ) ... What else ? Nothing, everything is fine under the sun of this hot summer :D
The General Hospital is a Maxis one, but from Riverview. @nornities ( thanks A LOT for his/her patience to check Champignac ) pointed to us different things : missing mostly. so, somes of you may not see the Hospital ( Hopital des Bleuets ) in their game.
Bad links are currently corrected and both CC sims3packs folder and CC packages folder updated to include few missing stuff, including the Fresco Market items and the Skylight Studio roof elements we used + the Riverview Hospital :) HERE
The Open Swimming pool ( Champignac Bains Romains ) has lost its border texture ... don't worry : just replace with a one you like :)
The School is not the good one : too many missing stuff there, so we are currently uploading a new Champignac save game which should correct the little mistakes here and there HERE
Our Carpets Rabbit Holes folder had to be updated to get the Bistro RH : it is currently done ! But, you have to re-download the Rabbit Holes HERE
Our apologizes for this ! Really ... Anyway, we'll upload in the next hours a folder with ALL Community Lots and another one with ALL the residential Lots :) Just in case ... And here the 2 listings :
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Small Park : Monticule funéraire oublié - Colline des Celtes Small Park : Petit Fleuriste Small Park : La Vieille Tour no1 Small Park : La Vieille Tour no2 Small Park : Place Olivier Magnolia Horse Training Grounds : Elevage Pégase Junkyard : Neo Casse Stadium : Football Club Fire Station : Pompiers Volants Pool : Piscine Municipale Pool : Bains Romains de Champignac Diner : Brasserie du Cercle Gym : Gymnase Club Visitor Allowed : Boulangerie DeNimes Elixir Shop : Boutique d’élixirs : Elixirs et Reliques Theatre : Théâtre & Opéra Cemetary : Cimetière Civil Hospital : Hôpital des Bleuets Bookstore : Le Kiosque no5 Library : Bibliothèque V. Hugo Café : Café Catane Military Base : Bureau des Armées Police Station : Police Municipale Grocery Store : Epicerie des Halles Market : Marché Bio City Hall : Nouvelle Mairie Art Gallery: Villa Medicis Fishing Spot : Lac des Collines Criminal Hideout : Cyber Crime Beach : La Petite Plage Gypsy Wagon : Oeil d’Irma Science Lab : Bio Sciences Supernatural Hangout : Taverne du Nain Business & Journalism : Centre d’Affaires Consignment Store : Boutique & Brocante Bistro : Bistro Gastronomie Nectary : Le Monastère School : Ecole Municipale Vampire Bar & Cocktail : Midnight Lounge
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Maison Familiale : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Bleu Indigo : 1 double bed Maison des Pensées : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Prés : 3 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Ensoleillée : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Colocs : 2 double bed Maison Élégante : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Tournesol : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Biscornue : 2 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Haies : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Neo Rustique : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Mardi : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Chanoine : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison de la Vieille Tour de Garde : 1 double bed Maison des Gardiens : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison des Roses : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Chardons : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison Nénuphars : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Bonjour : 1 double bed Maison en Coin : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Thym : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison Fougères : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Maison des Collines : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Maison du Coquelicot : 2 double bed Maison du Ginkgo : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Manoir Central : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Manoir Chapelle : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Mas des Vignes : 1 double bed + 1 single bed Ferme des Tortues : 2 double bed + 2 single bed Ancien Lavoir : 1 double bed + 2 single bed Ancienne Ferme : 1 double bed Intro de Qualité : 1 single bed Le Camp des Hippies : 1 double bed Le Bosquet de Gardenias : 1 double bed Champignac Starter no1 : 1 single bed Champignac Starter no2 : 1 single bed
We have carefully furnished all the houses of Champignac to avoid half empty houses when visiting your Sims friends in town but not too much to avoid useless weight ;)
Do you know the origin of the name Champignac ?
We'll ... Champignac is a village from Spirou & Fantasio which is one of the most popular classic Franco-Belgian comics. The series, which has been running since 1938, shares many characteristics with other European humorous adventure comics like The Adventures of Tintin and Asterix. It has been written and drawn by a succession of artists ... Spirou and Fantasio are the series' main characters, two adventurous journalists who run into fantastic adventures, aided by Spirou's pet squirrel Spip, the Marsipulami, and their inventor friend the Count of Champignac ... :D
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Once again, sorry for the inconvenient. All files should be ok now, and oh ! one last detail ... Have Fun ! \o/
62 notes · View notes
Imperator Bavarium Tank from Just Cause 3 (if you haven't done it already)?
WOOO! My first ask!
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Behold the Imperator Bavarium Tank! Built to serve in the military of Medici, a fictional mediterranean island nation ruled over by the dictator Sebastiano Di Ravello.
It's a wheeled fighting vehicle based on the Italian B1 Centauro, So its already off to a good start.
The 8x8 wheeled chassis is a good pick for the mountainous terrain of Medici and its (assumedly) light-weight gives it a decently high speed and good logistical mobility.
Being a medium weight wheeled vehicle means its armor is somewhat lackluster, failing against sustained small arms fire (like most video game tanks do). But this is completely made up for by-
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THE BAVARIUM SHIELD! When activated it makes the vehicle invulnerable to small arms and almost all heavy weapons for four seconds with a four-and-a-half second recharge time. Now that's a good APS! Still has to be manually activated though.
It's armed with a twin barrel cannon, and while that's cool it's more practical to have just a single cannon fed by an auto-loader. The main guns fire the standard "Video Game Tank Bullet" which is probably some sort of HEAT or MPAT round in reality. It does have a coaxial MG, always a plus.
It's optics art apparently included in the glowing red angry eyes on the turret front and the driver's position in the hull, so most likely digital/video. No visible backups, unless the sights are mirrored on each side of the turret, but even so there should still be a set of analogs.
Often crewed by one person (video game standard again), but at-least there are hatches in the turret AND the hull.
Plenty of miscellaneous greebles like headlights, tow hooks, and maintenance panels.
It also comes in Rebel Blue!
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Credibility: 7/10 - Ready For The A1 Model
Coolness: 8/10 - Anime Opening
35 notes · View notes
jaz-xedarix · 8 months
The Mark of the Holy Woman. Episode 2
In honor of the Trinity Blood Never Forget Day I wanted to upload as much as I can of the translation of R.O.M. IV, after three years of hiatus, I finally can finish at least this first part. I hate to keep promising stuff and ending up failing, but I want to finish this.
The theme of this year is "REBIRTH", so let's honor it by continuing my holy task.
This part may have mistakes, I wanted to post this as soon as possible so I didn't send it to correction before I post it, but I will send it and edit the post if necessary, remember you can point those mistakes too and I will gladly correct them.
We finally get to Episode 2: The Sorceress of the Temple. I hope you like it.
Enjoy ;)
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The Sorceress of the Temple.
You, however, smear me with lies... JOB 13.4
"I have been informed of what happened, Archbishop D'Annunzio… It is a great misfortune," the man began to speak from the monitor.
Whether it was because of his vigorous body or the cutting light shone in his eyes, like a saber, it seemed that more than the Cardinal's habit, a military uniform would have fitted him better.
Francesco Di Medici, in charge of the internal affairs of the Vatican, watched them from Rome with his hands folded under his chin. One by one, he observed them all: Caterina, who was silent; Antonio, who was more concerned with fixing his hair than anything else; and Brother Petros, standing tall with the expression of a student who had forgotten to do his homework. Then he fixed his gaze on the Archbishop again.
“To think it have to be precisely during the performance of a commemorative play of the battle of Istvan that was allowed a vampire to attack... and that they had kidnapped the very Saint... Where was that Guard you are so proud of, Archbishop?”
"Your Eminence, I have no words to apologize for our negligence, but if you will allow me..." The archbishop lowered his gaze at the Cardinal's reproachful expression. However, he did not choked with the words, but replied coldly, as if he already had the excuse ready:
“Because of the presence His Holiness and Her Eminence the Cardinal Sforza the security was concentrated around them. Please forgive my mistake: I trusted that the Director of the Inquisition, who was in the place at the moment, would be able to take care of it.”
“Eh!? But I…!”
Hearing how he tried to blame him for what had happened, the warrior monk raised his bandaged head. Petros was going to answer the accusation, but seeing the reproachful look of his superior, he remained dejected and silent.
“It's... it's true that I was there... and I can't deny my responsibility for what happened...”
“I don't know if it's very correct to blame everything on the director of the Inquisition... Excuses go against the morals of a knight.”
The one who came out in defense of Petros, who bravely endured the accusations, was a sweet female voice. Caterina, who until then had not done much more than cough in front of the heater, continued speaking in a calm but determined voice.
“Brother Petros' duty was His Holiness' protection. The security of the theater was in charge of the Guard... Which means that the responsibility falls on them.”
«So, it’s on you... »
The accusation wasn’t said, but Caterina looked firmly to the Archbishop. If his gaze was colder than necessary, perhaps it was due to his weak state of health. Crossing her legs under the habit, the Cardinal brought the cup of tea to her lips.
“Anyway, we'll think about all that when there's time for it. Now we have more urgent problems... We must immediately locate Esther Blanchett and the vampire who has abducted her. The progress of this investigation will also determine if we can continue with the ceremony for the fallen as it was planned...”
“The ceremonies cannot be stopped. The events of tonight are an indelible stain on our image and we cannot seem weaker. We are already the laughingstock of the secular states” Francesco replied through the monitor.
From the office window could be seen the multitude of journalists and onlookers that crowded in front of the doors of the Istvan Cathedral, built as an archiepiscopal seat to replace the Cathedral of San Mattyas, which had been destroyed a year ago.
Even the Vatican had found it impossible to keep silent the more than a thousand onlookers who had witnessed the incident. The huge propaganda for the ceremony for the fallen was also working against them. The case had already come to light in all secular states and everyone was watching for the slightest movement from the Vatican. Showing weakness at the time would have led to a decisive loss of prestige.
“So everything must go as planned. We can't allow the goddamn media to laugh at us… can we, Cardinal Borgia?”
“Of course not” said frivolously from the sofa the Minister of Vatican Public Relations.
Antonio Borgia brushed a strand of dyed hair smugly from his face and smiled with a theatrical grin.
“I've already given orders for them to report that Sister Esther was abducted by a vampire, but that thanks to the work of the City Guard and the Inquisition she has already been rescued. Now she is supposed to be at the Central Hospital recovering. By the way, couldn't we have His Holiness go and pay her a visit later? This way it will have more realism and everything, you know?
“That will buy us some time...”
The Minister of Vatican Public Relations seemed to want to keep chatting, but Francesco waved him off and stared around the room, his eyes gleaming like a saber.
“In the meantime, we must find and eliminate the vampire and rescue the sister... The investigations of the Inquisition have obtained some very peculiar data. You can proceed, Brother Matthew”
“Thank you, Your Eminence... Allow me to introduce myself. I am Brother Matthew from the Inquisition” said one of the figures in the room, which had remained silent until then.
He was dressed with the robe of the inquisitors, but beneath his messy dark hair, his boyish face was placidity in person. Brother Matthew, who had arrived from Rome barely an hour ago, shuffled forward as he picked out a folder of documents for all to see.
“Here we have the results of the analysis of the fractures in the walls and the floor. It appears that the weapon the vampire used is based on a special synthesized crystal with an extremely powerful piezoelectric effect.”
“Piezoelectric effect?”
D'Annunzio raised his eyebrows at that unknown word and asked the young inquisitor with exhausted eyes:
“What is that supposed to be?”
“You mean that it can cause a kind of earthquake through electrical vibrations.”
The one who answered the archbishop's question was Caterina, who did not take her eyes off the documents. The Cardinal, famous in the Vatican for her encyclopedic knowledge, explained with grace, putting her finger on her temple:
“Quartz, zircon and barium titanate… are crystals that, under a certain tension, have a piezoelectric effect that can produce discharges, in the same way, if they are introduced into an electric field, they can cause the opposite effect.”
“Which means, shortly, that if electricity is passed to them they can produce vibration and if a tension is caused they can produce electricity” added Matthew, for those who did not have the same technical knowledge as the Cardinal. Unfolding the documents like a science teacher, he showed his audience the corresponding diagrams. “For example, a common use for it is microphones. Through electrical impulses they produce vibrations, that is, they produce sounds. Last night's weapon uses these properties to the maximum power, the vibration takes the metals to the limit of their resistance and ends up melting them, which causes the destruction of the target.”
"Well, the truth is that those details, I…" said D'Annunzio weakly, stroking his eyebrows in misunderstanding and casting a nervous glance around the room. “The important thing is to know if that technology surpasses what we have. And it is clear that the vampire is an assassin sent by the Empire, as she said herself, right?”
“That might be a hasty conclusion, Your Excellence...”
The one who then expressed her doubts was Caterina, leaving the documents on the table, coughed slightly before continuing.
“It is true that the Empire is our mortal enemy, but it has been more than a hundred years since they caused an incident. There is no reson that they have to start right now.”
“They don't provoke... Not until now, it's true, but won't they start to feel threatened now that we've occupied Istvan?”
Antonio had spoken in a serious voice, extremely rare for him, at the same time that he pointed with his chin towards the map that was hanging on the wall.
Before Armageddon, the city could be proud to be one of the pillars of central Europe, but today it was no more than a border city of two hundred thousand inhabitants. The surroundings of the urban nucleus were full of uninhabitable ruins and the tunnels of the old subway were nothing more than dark caverns.
The vampire would not be short of places to hide, and spotting her in this terrain would be extremely difficult.
“But, well, whatever are the intentions of our enemy, the important thing is to capture the vampire... Is there any news about her possible whereabouts?”
“The city guard is working hard on it with their full force.”
As if recovered from nervousness, D'Annunzio finally raised his head and, tracing a ring around the city with his finger, explained:
“The routes out of the city are all blocked and there are checkpoints on all the railway lines. In addition, we are sending squads with anti-vampire equipment to the underground tunnels.”
“I see. They are very wise measures, but isn't it a bit risky?” asked Matthew, after raising his hand in a humble gesture, scratching his head he continued with a worried face, “With your permission, the Guard has no actual combat experience and their anti-vampire equipment is very limited. Even if they find her, the probability that the vampire will end up killing them is very high… May I dare to ask you to accept that the Inquisition participate in the mission?”
“Brother Matthew, I thank you very much for the offer, but right now it is only you and Brother Petros, rather, since Brother Petros is wounded, we only have you. As much as you are inquisitor, it doesn't change the thing too much either.”
“Just me? Oh, of course! There's something I haven’t told you yet...” Matthew clapped his hands, as if he had just remember something important, he explained with crystal clear voice: “Precisely now there are waiting at the airport of István three aircraft that carry a few hundred special policemen. I myself have come with a detachment that was on maneuvers in Trieste. Ah!, and by the afternoon we expect near to two hundred more men as reinforcements.
“What? Is that right?”
Considering that not even twelve hours had passed since the incident, the speed of the deployment was extraordinary. Not only D'Annunzio, but also Caterina and Antonio raised their eyebrows in surprise. However, the inquisitor remained smiling and his eyes calm.
“As they were on maneuvers, we still have to reorganize the chain of command and provide them with the necessary equipment, but I think it won't take long to solve these issues. Give me an hour and I'll have them ready for combat.”
“Well, what a speed of reaction… I didn't expect less from you, Brother Matthew. I see that the rumors that you are the best commander the Vatican has are not false. Very different from another that I know.” (T.N.: I’m angry now, sorry XD)
D'Annunzio unexpectedly began to praise the inquisitor. Even if they were already on maneuvers, transporting five hundred men, an entire battalion, across that distance in a few hours and having them ready to go into action really demonstrated prodigious capabilities.
“Magnificent. If we can count on the collaboration of such an experienced corps as the special police and the leadership of an inquisitor with such talent there is nothing to fear. I leave it in your hands, Brother Matthew.”
As the archbishop filled the inquisitor with praise, like a teacher encouraging his favorite student, a barely perceptible voice sounded behind him.
“And… me…?” (T.N.: my heart is broken 💔)
The warrior monk, who was slumped in a corner, raised his hand with some fear.
“Please allow me to join the operation and regain the honor I’ve lost last night. We will find the vampire and I myself will bring you her head...”
“No, you won't go, Petros.”
The one who flatly rejected Petros' request was not the archbishop. On the monitor, Francesco was shaking his head sternly.
“The operation can be conducted by Matthew alone. You see to the safety of His Holiness.”
“Eh!? But, Your Eminence…! I…!”
“Don’t get me the wrong... it is not that I don’t trust in you...”
The truth is that the expression of Francesco cannot be matched with one of someone who rebukes a subordinate. However, the veteran knight spoke with a firm voice, which did not admit reply. He nailed the sharp stare on Petros, then he explained clearly:
“As long as we have not captured the vampire, the chances that she will attempt to attack His Holiness' life are very high. In anticipation of this contingency, there must be someone by his side capable of protecting him. That's what I mean.”
“Eh…? But...”
Il Ruinante lowered his head at the stern, if not cold, words of his superior. First he blushed, and then he turned pale. With a pained face, he muttered through clenched teeth:
“Understood... at your command...”
“I've said it before: all this should be kept away from the media. If they find out about this, they can cause irreparable damage…” Francesco concluded, after looking at Petros and Matthew.
The Cardinal had a determined but nervous expression, unusual for him. It wasn't strange. An error in the management of that problem would make it turn into something much worse than a simple event that occurred in the provinces. At worst, it could end up affecting the power of the Vatican itself.
Looking at the high ranks gathered in the room, the man whose iron arm supported the Vatican gravely repeated:
“An imperial noble has kidnapped our Saint... This is not a simple vampire attack, it could become the spark of a new crusade, we must be prepared for anything.”
“What has happened, Your Eminence?”
When Caterina returned to her assigned room, the gray-haired priest got up from the sofa impatiently. He would have not slept all night, because he was nervously looking at his superior, looking pale and haggard.
“What are the instructions? How are we going to proceed with the search?”
"The Ministry of Holy Affairs* does not have the right to participate in the operations..". (*T.N.: Need to check the correct name to be consistent)
Caterina coughed lightly as she handed her cardinal miter to the other priest in the room: Father Tres Iqus. The cold was very intense. After sitting down in front of the heater, she slowly caught her breath.
“The search will be carried out by the Inquisition and the special police. We will take care of the protection and assistance of the Pope.”
“Wha... but the one who has been kidnapped is one of ours!”
With a violent cry, very rare of him, Abel had turned even paler than Caterina. His voice, excited and trembling, revealed that he had spent the night awake, remorseful for having allowed a companion to be abducted before his eyes.
“Who has decided something so stupid as that the companions of the abducted cannot participate in the search!? Right now Esther may...”
“Calm down, Abel...”
Caterina tried to calm the priest with a serene voice, he looked like he was going to get out in a stampede at any moment.
Normally, the priest was so calm that he exasperated others, but this time the guilt was probably too strong. Trying to ignore the dark feelings that were beginning to bubble inside her, the Cardinal looked at the hysterical priest and explained calmly:
“I think it goes without saying that Sister Esther's safety comes first for me. She is a key agent who brought back invaluable information from the Empire. Losing her now would be a tremendous blow.”
“But we can't ignore His Holiness' protection either...”
The monotonous voice that joined the conversation was Tres’. The mechanical soldier continued speaking without any trace of feeling about the possibilities they had:
“As long as the vampire is within the city, the chances that her next target will be the Pope or Her Eminence are very high. If an attack did occur, we would be responsible. It must be avoided at all costs.”
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“Okay, so you can stay with the Cardinal, Father Tres” Abel answered immediately, preparing to leave the room.
This abrupt manner of speaking was not at all normal for the priest.
“In the meantime, I'll go find Esther around the town! Since I was here a year ago, I know the streets a little. Not that I'm going to wander aimlessly...”
“Negative. It is not advisable to disperse our combat capabilities, Father Nightroad. Our goal is to protect His Holiness and Her Eminence. We must also count on Cardinal Borgia. It is physically impossible that one can cover alone all the three objectives at a time. The minimum necessary is two units, which are you and me.”
Faced with the cold but exact reasoning, the gray-haired priest was speechless. He tried to think of a reply, but finally remained silent. Anyway, he turned decisively towards Caterina, with a face of not giving up, and looked with imploring eyes at his superior:
“Please... Your Eminence... I... Esther...”
“No. Impossible, Abel… I mean, Father Nightroad” Caterina said, shaking her head calmly at the priest's pleas. “I fully understand how you feel. I am also very worried about Sister Esther. But the vampire is still among us. If she attacks again, who will be here to defend us against her? Who will defend me and Alessandro? Only you can do it. Also, Abel...”
The priest bit his lip at the calm reprimand. In his watery eyes danced the image of those whom he had to protect. The cardinal cast her last sentence towards that gaze like a winter lake.
“Is there no value for you to defend us?”
As if he had strings and they had been cut, the young man dropped his eyelids. He closed his eyes tightly and his face, with the expression of someone who had just drank poison, was drained of all color. But his lips opened one more time just to spit:
“Coward... That's a cowardly reproach, Caterina... I can't believe that...”
After whispering those words, the priest went to the door.
“Where are you going, Father Nightroad? We are in the middle of a meeting. Come back immediately!”
The voice scolded Abel harshly, but he ignored it and reached for the doorknob. Without changing his expression, Tres quickly caught his partner in front of the door...
“You don't have to follow him, Father Tres” the Cardinal said, stopping the short priest with a gesture. “Even if we don't chase him, Father Nightroad won't abandon us… I know how he is”
What was that expression that crossed over the beautiful woman's face? Disgust with herself, anger...? A veil of pain darkened her face. But it was only an instant. Recovering her serenity immediately, the Cardinal ordered her subordinate:
“Father Tres, take care of the cathedral. I have to solve some matters and then accompany His Holiness to the Central Hospital. Take care of the preparations.”
Even after receiving the orders, the mechanical soldier remained standing for a moment, as if to say something, but in the end he withdrew silently through the same door his companion had used.
After verifying that the rhythmic echo of the boots had died down the hall, the Cardinal leaned against the back of her chair. Bringing the handkerchief to her lips, she coughed slightly...
“A hateful woman…” she groaned softly between her lips in a hoarse voice.
She had coughed so badly that her voice heard broken. Seeing the slight reddish stain that had appeared on the white lace of the handkerchief, on her face there was no shadow of the Iron Lady that caused terror to all.
“I am… I am a hateful woman.”
Still coughing, she tossed the bloody handkerchief into the fireplace.
Thank you for your patience, see you next time!
If you find some mistake, please let me know in comments, don't forget to ❤ and reblog.
Stay safe guys. Hugs!
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arcobalengo · 7 months
La storia del Comitato Terapie Precoci meriterebbe di essere raccontata in uno di quei grandi film alla Steven Spielberg, dove persone comuni vengono scosse da una consapevolezza improvvisa e qualcosa le spinge a trasformare le loro esistenze, fino a quel momento perfettamente normali, in vite rivoluzionarie. (Altro che il film sull'inventore della bomba atomica). Comincia con i bollettini dei morti, le lugubri conferenze stampa che blindano le persone in casa, le immagini di Bergamo, i camion militari che trasportano le bare di gente morta per una malattia gravissima e sconosciuta. Fin da subito, però, alcuni medici si accorgono dell'assurdità di affrontare una patologia che viene definita mortale con l'attesa, in fondo lo sanno anche i bambini che ogni malattia prima si cura e meglio è. Allora visitano come hanno sempre fatto, provano con dei farmaci di uso comune, ignorano il clima di terrore. Nelle loro teste risuonano i principi a cui hanno prestato giuramento il giorno in cui sono diventati medici. Un avvocato, noto per delle cause calcistiche di rilievo nazionale, si propone di organizzarli, li raccoglie insieme, elabora un meccanismo per smistare le richieste attraverso un gruppo Facebook. Intanto viene formalizzato un protocollo, lo discutono con luminari di tutto il mondo, lo sottopongono a degli studi. L'influenza è più pesante di quelle stagionali, ma la cura funziona, i medici e i volontari ricevono continue conferme di guarigione, anche da persone di 80, 90 anni. Da decine diventano centinaia, da centinia migliaia. Salvare vite fa scorrere l'adrenalina, medici e volontari lavorano di notte, rinunciano al proprio tempo libero. Ma in televisione continua il bollettino dei morti e gli annunci delle istutuzioni, che dovrebbero evitare il panico, sembrano sempre più una strategia di manipolazione psicologica per generare allarme: "rinunciamo all'autunno per salvare il Natale, rinunciamo al Natale per salvare la Pasqua..." I medici vogliono spiegare al ministro che il modo di curare esiste, ma il ministro si rifiuta di incontrarli. Allora il noto avvocato passa alle manifere forti: ricorre al TAR per abolire il protocollo Tachipirina e vigile attesa, il TAR gli dà ragione, ma il consiglio di Stato impugna la sentenza. Ormai è chiaro che quel protocollo non è solo un errore. E' qualcosa di indicibile, che fa paura solo pensare. Per smuovere le istituzioni vengono organizzate due manifestazioni: una a Roma e una Milano. Le piazze si riempiono, partecipano decine di migliaia di persone. Dalle piazze sale spontaneo un grido rivolto al governo: "criminali". I media ignorano, oppure minimizzano. Un sito di fact checking, diretto da un noto giornalista televisivo, arriva a dire che si tratta della "solita manifestazione". Eppure mai, nella storia repubblicana, si era vista una piazza con migliaia di medici che, invece di aumenti di stupendio o diritti sindacali, chiedono di poter curare le persone efficacemente. Il ministero continua ad ignorare le richieste di confronto, anche quando una terza manifestazione viene organizzata proprio davanti al suo portone. Quando inizia la vaccinazione è impossibile allontanare il sospetto che negare le cure serviva proprio a giustificare la violenta campagna di inoculazioni. Ma questo non si può dire perché si rischia di essere etichettati come complottisti.
Purtroppo l'unica cosa che manca a questa storia è un lieto fine. Le dichiarazioni del presidente di AIFA, che a Porta a Porta lo scorso maggio ha candidamente ammesso che "non serviva certo tachipirina e vigile attesa bensì gli antinfiammatori", lascia un sapore ancora più amaro, molto lontano dal bisogno di giustizia che prova chi ha vissuto questa storia.
Sono stato onorato di aver partecipato alla loro festa, dopo mesi e anni di battaglie e di fatica. Non mi aspetto certo che qualche produttore rinunci alla sua commedia della rimpatriata tra cinquantenni per fare un film su di loro, ma per tutti noi, spero che abbiano il loro lieto fine.
Adalberto Gianuario.
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markantonys · 1 year
amol chapters 21-36, though once again contains major spoilers for character endgame fates that still haven’t happened yet as of chapter 36
so asha’man can compel aes sedai with the bond but aes sedai can’t compel asha’man? that’s rancid
“she also wanted to be done with the black tower” mood!
my man demandred shows up with the sharans, being very sexy as always. don’t lie, we all have our FILF (forsaken i’d like to fuck) demandred is mine 100%. i love an evil man with a weird nose and an antagonistic homoerotic obsession with the hero (see: francesco pazzi in i medici season 2). i hope he doesn’t get cut from the show and instead absorbs some of the less sexy forsaken’s plotlines so that he can have something to do prior to the final season lmao
he’s acting like a jilted ex by claiming that he has “crawled through the depths of sorrow and risen up to accept my glory,” asking people if they know anything about rand, saying that leane is beautiful but he doesn’t give a shit because he just wants her to deliver a message to rand. “tell him i will finally have satisfaction.” literally the gayest possible way you could’ve phrased that my dude
“i will slaughter and destroy. i will seize his people. i will enslave his children, i will take his women for my own. one by one, i will break, destroy, or dominate everything he has loved. the only way for him to avoid this is for him to come and face me.” somebody is not taking his recent breakup well! his recent 3000-years-ago breakup. on a more serious note, exhibit fucking A of how stupid it was for bashere to make elayne publicize that rand is the babies’ dad!
i’m laughing about all these gay dramatics because rand is literally about to go face the dark one, he does NOT have time for your shit demandred. he’s gonna hear this message and be like “oh my god why are you so obsessed with me” and then continue on to shayol ghul. the dark one is gonna be facepalming that demandred’s gay dramatics are trying to get in the way of his faceoff with rand.
previously we’ve discussed that demandred is mat’s foil, but he’s also gawyn’s foil: homoerotic obsession with rand that consumes their every waking thought meanwhile rand never thinks about them and has no idea they’re obsessed with him. but gawyn was able to get over his onesided breakup and find closure where demandred couldn’t. although rand DID have that angsty gay thought about how maybe demandred wouldn’t have turned to the shadow if rand/LTT had loved him instead of competed with him, so not quite as onesided as gawyn. we’ve also previously discussed mat and gawyn foiling each other (young extremely skilled military men thrust into leadership positions they didn’t want, wary of being used by aes sedai, complicated relationships with rand), so this is just a nice trio of foils here.
in conclusion, demandred and LTT are that post that’s like “characters that never dated but are definitely exes now”
when perrin vanishes graendal’s balefire in TAR: “the woman started. they always did that. didn’t they realize that nothing was real here except what you thought to be real?” i’m so sick of perrin reading 1 wikipedia article on TAR and then acting like he knows it better than women who’ve been studying it for years (he also kinda did this with the wise ones when they tried to warn him against going in the flesh and then once he did so he was like “this doesn’t feel evil, they’re wrong about that”)
“a warrior who will not strike a maiden is a warrior who refuses her honor.” king gaul!!! and we have quite a bit of both gaul and lanfear shaming perrin for Not Killing Women and perrin himself acknowledging that it was foolish of him not to kill graendal when he had the chance. this combined with lan’s scene in the last chapter chunk, i feel like sanderson is coming down hard on how stupid this rj attitude was lmao bless
lanfear says that graendal was invading bashere’s dreams oh no!!!! what did she do!!!! i’m remembering that min had some kinda Darkness viewing about bashere and biting my nails!!!
well, if bashere is under the influence of the shadow then at least that would explain why he made elayne endanger herself and the babies by making her tell everyone rand is the dad lmao idk if he WAS under the influence of the shadow back at that time, but i’m going to believe he was in order to rationalize that buckwild stupidity.
“[egwene] looked at [gawyn], a cold strength in her eyes, and nodded. light! how could she be so calm when he had to clench his teeth for fear they would start rattling together?” that’s our wife!!
gawyn is using the bloodknife rings oooh sexy
at the shayol ghul group, rand has placed aviendha in charge ❤️❤️ so we could’ve had rand facing off against the dark one, aviendha leading at shayol ghul, elayne leading the armies, and mat maybe helping her lead the armies if he was here instead of ebou dar. power polycule!!!
aviendha sees rand approaching the cavern: “he wore his coat of red and gold, but under it a simple two rivers shirt. what he had become and what he had been, wrapped together in one.” 😭 rand has two swords, callandor and laman’s sword. “he carried that because of her. fool man.” 😭😭 “aviendha raised her hand to him, and he raised his in return. that would be their only farewell if he failed in his task or she died during hers. with a last look, she turned away from him and toward her duty.” 😭😭😭😭😭
randlayne was given priority for a number of chapters, and then in this brief portion avirand got priority - avi is the last one to see rand here, and she’s also the last one who got an on-page Relationship Moment with him (a couple chapters ago when they were standing together after scoping out shayol ghul), not to mention the Romance of her being the one leading the group protecting him outside the cavern. meanwhile min has only exchanged about 3 words with rand in the entire book 😌 fueling my belief that min was just sex while rand was Going Through It and desperate for companionship and she was literally the only one available, but elayne and avi are his endgame. now that the end has come and he’s back with his other loved ones, min has all but vanished from his mind and from the book while elayne and avi are the ones he’s focused on and the ones who have onscreen Relationship Scenes with him. min didn’t even GET an onscreen goodbye with him at all lmao! cadsuane mentioned that rand had given min jewelry as a goodbye gift but we didn’t see the interaction! we love to see it! or not see it, in this case.
we have a battle scene here that i did enjoy because it was wonderful to see avi flexing her leadership AND channeling skills! a perfect culmination of her character arc!
moiraine on the shayol ghul cavern: “this is not the bore, this is not the dark one’s prison.” it’s not? oh. well then...................i don’t know what the bore is and at this point i’m too afraid to ask. (update: later on it’s mentioned how the bore is Outside The Pattern. i would very much enjoy seeing the show adapt this whole pit of doom confrontation because it’s hard for me to visualize so far in this chapter chunk.)
so moiraine and nynaeve will be the 2 women to use callandor with rand. awww i really think one should’ve been egwene since she and rand have been foils and two sides of the same coin and complements and yin and yang and co-protagonists for so long. bummer! i think her instead of nynaeve would’ve had more impact bc it would’ve shown how far rand has come out of his paranoia and self-isolation, if he was doing this with 2 aes sedai he strongly mistrusted for a long time rather than with nynaeve who was always the only one he never mistrusted or pushed away. and in fact it would’ve been such beautiful poetic cinema if callandor only required 1 man and 1 woman and it was just rand and egwene going into the cavern together. haha i was also thinking that egwene would’ve been better than perrin doing all the TAR stuff, so i guess my dream last battle would just be egwene doing EVERY task jkfjg it’s what she deserves!
nynaeve is wearing a beautiful dress because of course women be dressing to the nines to go BATTLE THE DARK ONE
i once saw someone say that the dark one’s all-caps dialogue makes them think of an old person on facebook accidentally writing things in all caps all the time and now that is always what i think of jkfgjh
rand is now entering the cave, so he officially has no time to deal with demandred’s gay dramatics and in fact has never even heard about them. god it would be so funny if demandred gets killed without ever coming face to face with rand in the entire series, that’s HUGE gawyn-onesided-homoerotic-rivalry-with-rand energy!
“an empress had to be crafty, strong, and skilled if she was to survive” and we have never actually seen tuon be any of those things, we’ve only been told that she is, so i guess that means she won’t be long for this world yeah baby!
“matrim would never be a rival...was not the prince of the ravens a check upon the empress, to keep her strong by providing a constant threat?” see, if the ship had been done well, i would be swooning over the romance of tuon being puzzled that for the first time she has a healthy relationship and a family member who won’t try to kill her, but it wasn’t, so instead i’m just like “yeah i WISH mat was a rival and a threat to her” (but i can soothe myself that maybe this is a sign that mat WILL someday be her and the empire’s downfall, and she’s just underestimating him here as usual)
wait shit tuon believes that rand knelt before the crystal throne, and now that i think about it he did do so literally and also kinda did do so metaphorically since he let her walk all over him in arranging their “alliance,” but the dragon kneeling before the crystal throne was a marker of the bad future in avi’s visions..............OH NO
tuon can you stop forcibly renaming mat FOR FIVE MINUTES
mat just says “knotai? i kind of like it” because by this point he has been officially slave-broken and happily accepts his new slave name
but again i can soothe myself that tuon naming him this as “a bringer of destruction” is a sign that someday it’ll backfire on her and he’ll bring destruction to the empire rather than to the empire’s enemies, as she believes here
mat tells tuon that they have to go help egwene’s army and has the audacity to be upset that she seems like she either might not help or might use the opportunity to enslave all the aes sedai. “i never thought the leopards would eat MY face,” sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces party.
“you gave your word.” “i signed a treaty. any treaty can be broken, particularly by the empress...the empress cannot be constrained by words on a paper.” LMAO wasn’t there a bit in a past book where she insisted that she was so honorable and always kept her promises? LMAOOO and she’s always pressed about the westlanders not keeping their oaths (that they never swore anywhere but in her deranged mind) and whatnot.
me after violating a legal document that i signed: i cannot be constrained by words on a paper 😌
she doesn’t Actually break the treaty yet because she decides it’s in her best interests to help the ~marath’damane army~ so she can use them to defeat the shadow (with the alternative being go back to seanchan right now, solidify her rule, and then come back to fight the shadow with her own forces. because obviously we totally have enough time for that, tuon, it’s not as if the last battle started DAYS ago or anything.) however, this just proves how fucking stupid and pointless the seanchan peace treaty is - tuon does not consider herself bound by it in any way and WILL violate it the SECOND it inconveniences her.
“the clouds had parted above them - they often did when [elayne] was near, one way the bond with rand manifested” ❤️❤️ romance!
just a week or two ago i saw someone shitting on elayne’s pre-battle speech in this book and saying it was lame, but i just read it and it rocks??? fuck off. elayne says “i am supposed to reassure you but i cannot...doing so would remove responsibility...this is not a day for empty promises” and people say it’s lame and not inspiring, but if she HAD hyped the soldiers up more with false positivity then people would’ve said she was being insensitive of the gravity of the situation and treating war as child’s play. there is literally no winning for elayne among Certain Readers.
“birgitte, i am in command, and you are my soldier. you will obey...i’m one of the few channelers of any strength this army has, and i’ll be drawn and quartered before i let myself sit out the fight. i’m easily worth a thousand soldiers on this battlefield.” GO OFF!!!!!!
birgitte tries to protest about the babies, because as we know those are the people she actually cares about and elayne is just a vessel for them in her eyes, and elayne claps back with “even if min hadn’t had that viewing, i’d still insist on fighting. you think the babes of these soldiers aren’t at risk? many of them line the walls of that city! if we fail here, they will be slaughtered. no, i will not keep myself out of danger, and no, i will not sit back and wait. if you think it’s your duty as my warder to stop me, then i will bloody sever this bond right here and now and send you to someone else! i’m not gong to spend the last battle lounging on a chaise and drinking goat’s milk!” YES!!! 👏👏👏👏👏 CHEERING AND PUMPING MY FIST
also, this is another example of there being no winning for elayne among Certain Readers: she does stuff like this and they complain that she’s reckless and gets people killed and Doesn’t Listen To Birgitte, but if she were to spend the last battle lounging on a chaise and drinking goat’s milk they’d complain about her doing nothing and letting everyone else die in her place.
mark my words, lounging on a chaise and drinking goat’s milk is exactly how tuon will spend the last battle. probably min too.
“an odd sensation came to mind. one of the women was in trouble. was it elayne? aviendha? he could not tell.” when rand senses one of his bondholders is in trouble, elayne and aviendha are the only two he cares about 😌 either that or he doesn’t even consider min could be in danger because she’s not doing anything in the battle lmao
moridin arrives. “you could step aside. if my victory is not assured, neither is your fall. let me pass. for once, make the choice you know you should.” “now? now you beg me to return to the light? i have been promised oblivion. finally, nothing, a destruction of my entire being. an end. you will not steal that from me, lews therin! by my grave, you will not!” and they start swordfighting. poor demandred, he wants what ishamael has with rand. demandred and gawyn shaking on the gates yelling “let me in!” whilst rand is too busy in his intense and complicated *and reciprocal* relationships with ishamael and mat.
also, like lanfear, ishamael hovers just on the edge of being a really interesting and complex villain and character, and i hope the show will bring out his motives and psychology more especially through use of AOL flashbacks. it already did a great job establishing “i just want existence to end” as a motive for joining the shadow via dana.
perrin sees the cavern battle from TAR: “two men, locked in battle. two women, as if frozen.” if moiraine and nynaeve spend the entire battle just frozen and not doing anything i’ll be so mad lmao i guess it’s actually good that egwene wasn’t wasted here
perrin and gaul are attacked by aiel male channelers who have been turned to the shadow. this is so interesting, why the hell is it just kind of a 5-page footnote in the final book of the series? why didn’t we get any aiel asha’man? that would’ve been so cool!
“i killed two of those myself, perrin aybara. one could channel. i think myself great with honor, then you slide in and take two captive. bain would laugh herself all the way back to the three-fold land if she saw this.” aw a tidbit of gaul-bain banter/friendship! it should be gaul and bain who are first-siblings rather than bain and chiad. like maybe bain and chiad are already lovers, gaul and chiad start falling for each other, and bain’s resistance is to taking gaul as her first-brother and sharing chiad with him, and then they get a nice little rivals to friends to first-siblings arc. it would’ve made so much more sense! i’m hoping the show will give us mixed gender first-siblings in general (and first-brothers, getting rid of the nonsense that men are worse at being close friends with each other than women are lmao)
“i don’t like fighting beside those seanchan” king gawyn strikes again! and egwene thinks that she “should be fighting the seanchan with every breath, not allying with them. her instincts rebelled as she approached the gathering of seanchan.” i swear to god gawyn and egwene are the only people who still remember that the seanchan suck (and elayne, i believe she was resistant to the idea of allying with them back in the big meeting?)
“egwene’s chances depended on the seanchan joining the battle and engaging the sharan channelers. her stomach twisted...the seanchan damane were not free women; they could not choose to fight. from what she’d seen of the sharan male channelers, they were little more than animals themselves.” queen egwene being the only one to acknowledge this!
“egwene revised her expectations. she’d imagined fortuona as a spoiled adolescent, the product of a coddled lifetime.” no yeah you were right on the money there egwene no revisions needed
egwene absolutely OWNS tuon throughout this conversation and it gives me so much life!!!!!! it is so goddamn satisfying to see someone FINALLY stand up to tuon, given the way she carries a spine-removal kit around (to use @butterflydm​’s extremely apt analogy) for use on literally every single other character who has interacted with her thus far.
now i am going to take a pause simply to record some epic egwene quotes before going back to analysis mode
when tuon says she’d considered whether it would be appropriate for her to speak to egwene with her own voice: “i have considered myself whether it would be appropriate to speak to one such as yourself, who has committed such terrible atrocities.” OOH
when tuon decides oh so generously to see egwene as a queen rather than as a marath’damane for this conversation: “no. you will see me for what i am, woman. i demand it.” OOOH
when tuon agrees and says that she’s spoken to marath’damane before, as it’s allowed for an empress to speak with her pet hounds: “then i will speak with you directly as well. for the amyrlin judges many trials. she must be able to speak to murderers and rapists in order to pass sentence upon them. i think you would be at home in their company, though i suspect they would find you nauseating.” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH a worthy successor to that epic elaida clapback
“i represent the ultimate proof that your society and empire are built upon falsehoods. here i stand, a woman you insist should be collared for the common good. and yet i display none of the wild or dangerous tendencies that you claim i should have. so long as i am free from your collars, i prove to every man and woman who draws breath that you are a liar.” OOOOOHHH and the other seanchan murmur at this!
there will be more epic quotes coming but now i want to analyze. suffice it to say that this was me throughout this scene:
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tuon insists that egwene wouldn’t criticize the collar if she’d known its peace and whatever nauseating shit, and egwene reveals to everybody that she WAS collared and she HATED IT!! tuon is big mad because she didn’t know this so now egwene’s made her look like a fool (and undermined the damane system and her authority) in front of a lot of people.
tuon rounds on mat to demand why he never told her that egwene was collared. he replies, “i didn’t think too much about it. she wasn’t one for very long.” boy i bet egwene wishes SHE was able to not think too much about it! mat has deadass been mooning over the head slaver for all these books with that one time his best friend was enslaved by these people just completely slipping his mind. he also chimes in with an obedient little “may she live forever” when tuon ends a sentence with “the empress” which is sickening.
egwene’s FIRST assumptions when she sees mat among the seanchan are that he’s undercover and they don’t know who he really is or that he’s a captive, that he’s in danger, and that she needs to save him from them. i think this is supposed to be a humorous role reversal of mat thinking these things about egwene being amyrlin when he first arrives in salidar, but it’s absolutely heartbreaking. egwene sees her close friend all buddy-buddy with the people who enslaved her and who have enslaved or murdered countless of her sisters and allies, and she assumes that mat must be there for an ulterior motive or not of his own free will, but nope, he voluntarily threw himself in with them because he was into tuon’s ~mysterious eyes.~ and how can i laugh at egwene ~presumptively~ thinking mat needs a rescue, when he DOES need a rescue before he spends the rest of his life miserable and under tuon’s thumb?
egwene says that their marriage was a result of tuon getting caught up in mat’s ta’veren pull (which tuon denies). “‘being ta’veren never did get me much,’ mat said sourly.” so is he admitting that he doesn’t want this marriage or this life?
tuon is mad at mat for not telling her about egwene’s stint as a damane and says “we will speak of this on another occasion. it will not be pleasant.” and later in the scene when he displeases her, “we will have many words about this tonight” 🚩🚩🚩
“egwene regarded the woman, baffled. light! these people were completely insane.” YES. YES THEY ARE. what a breath of fresh air to see a pov character FINALLY acknowledge this. egwene you’re the only bitch in this house i ever respected.
“oh, light, rand. what did you promise them?” mood
egwene actually makes an effort to get concessions from tuon AND SUCCEEDS (tuon agrees to give up tremalking) unlike rand just going “oh well there’s nothing i can do” the second tuon counters him and mat just standing there silently not even trying. because egwene is the only bitch in this house i ever respected.
me @ every character but egwene, gawyn, and elayne: you have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair
egwene announces that all sul’dam can channel. tuon tells her not to spread such lies. “oh? shall we test it, fortuona? you said you trained them yourself. you are a sul’dam, i presume? put the a’dam on your neck. i dare you. if i am wrong, it will do nothing to you. if i am right, you will be subject to its power, and will prove to be marath’damane...let us do it and test the real strength of your commitment. if you prove to be able to channel, will you do as you claim others should? will you stroll up to the collar and snap it around your own neck, fortuona? will you obey your own laws?” i am screaming and hollering in approval, but then, for some GODFORSAKEN reason, this DOES NOT HAPPEN. at this point being collared and forced to channel is literally the only thing that could possibly force tuon into any sort of character development, so WHY in the name of the light would you set this up so perfectly and then wuss out of following through???????????? what’s the point????????? i’m so mad!!!!!!!!! just when i think tuon might finally be forced to face a consequence for the first time in her life!!!
“‘i plan to live centuries,’ egwene hissed. ‘i will watch your empire crumble, fortuona. i will watch it with joy.’” AND YET EGWENE FUCKING DIES IN THE LAST BATTLE AND TUON’S EVIL ASS GETS TO LIVE!!!! IT’S SO UNFAIR I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!! nobody is going to stand up to the seanchan once egwene, possessor of the sole backbone in the westlands, is gone!!!! i’m sure egwene’s death will be a moving Heroic Sacrifice moment, but my god it’s the worst thing that could’ve possibly happened for the upcoming fourth age. the world doesn’t need rand or perrin or mat or nynaeve anymore after the last battle, but it needs egwene DESPERATELY. if an ef5 had to die, why couldn’t it have been literally any of them except egwene? except i don’t want rand to die because he deserves a second chance at life, and i don’t want nynaeve to die because she deserves her happy ending with lan after they’ve had a Doomed Relationship for so much of the series, and i don’t want mat to die because he needs to overthrow the seanchan empire and then go back to the westlands to marry rand and elayne. so, i will amend my statement: if an ef5 had to die, why couldn’t it have been perrin? lmao (tho i do stand by the fact that rand or nynaeve not making it would’ve been better For The World than egwene even if i would’ve been sad personally, and possibly mat as well unless i really AM meant to believe that he’ll destroy seanchan, in which case he needs to survive to the fourth age too)
mat intervenes and pushes them apart. “let’s be civil, ladies. don’t make me throw the pair of you over my knee.” i am going to strangle him and make it stick this time. my earlier-in-this-book sympathy for mat is over now, fuck post-WH mat all my homies hate post-WH mat. like can you IMAGINE a woman with no political authority saying this to two extremely powerful male rulers/leaders while they’re arguing about serious political and human rights topics? ..........okay cadsuane would absolutely do this, but aside from her.
“the people of the world need you two, and they need you levelheaded, you hear me?” they literally do not need tuon mat they would literally be so much better off without her. “this is bigger than any of us. when you fight each other, the dark one wins, and that is that. so stop behaving like children.” and so we have the culmination of the gross ass “one side wanting to enslave the other vs. the other not wanting to be enslaved being treated as equally petty, selfish, and in the wrong” theme that’s been present ever since COT. i’m fuming!!!! chewing rocks!!!!!!!!
“when you fight each other the dark one wins” would’ve been an effective line to use when the world leaders were squabbling in the big meeting scene or when rand and egwene were arguing, NOT when tuon is threatening to enslave egwene and egwene is saying she wants to see her slaver empire destroyed!
although at least mat does chide tuon a little bit extra and tell her that she needs egwene, and doesn’t say anything more to egwene or try to tell her that she needs tuon, so that’s a small mercy
the meeting ends and egwene returns to “where gawyn waited for her” sanderson couldn’t have gawyn present for/within earshot of the meeting because gawyn would’ve beat mat’s ass for treating egwene like that, and rightfully so. also because he would’ve just straight up killed tuon using his bloodknife ring abilities the second she threatened egwene. egwene wouldn’t kill tuon because she’s too practical and levelheaded, but gawyn would’ve snapped and taken her head off, my impulsive boy.
elayne’s exhausted herself channeling in battle, and birgitte actually admits that elayne was right to want to fight and that she did well and that seeing her fight right on the front lines inspired the soldiers, thank god.
elayne realizes that bashere’s been spreading misinformation, which led to them being taken by surprise by a second trolloc army, and concludes that he’s a darkfriend and fires him from being her general and puts him under guard. lan’s been noticing agelmar making mistakes too, so i’m guessing graendal’s messing with all the generals’ dreams.
i’m sad because i always was fond of bashere, but i’m also thrilled because now elayne is in charge and flexes her military general muscles and puts together a good battle plan on the spot! that’s my girl! fuck perrin and everyone else who claimed she’s only a good leader because she sits quietly and lets the male generals do all the work.
“the one power flooded into her, though she could hold only a trickle. she could act as if she weren’t exhausted, but her body knew the truth. she would lead them anyway.” ❤️❤️
min gets sent as a messenger from bryne to tuon. the aes sedai doing gateways have to make them as small as possible since they need to conserve their strength, and min is annoyed that they make her one so small she has to crawl through it. why don’t you do something useful rather than complaining that other people don’t have enough energy left to do things, min?
she mentions that one of the aes sedai notes her “breeches and curls” do NOT tell me min has been curling her hair even during the last fucking battle????? 💀💀 i hope that sanderson just forgot or didn’t realize that her hair wasn’t naturally curly (and it isn’t - there were multiple times in rj’s books where she mentioned that she started curling it For Rand) because otherwise, oh my god.
she’s been doing odd jobs in the camp for a week. interesting that a week has passed since the day before rand went to the pit of doom. “it wasn’t work that had required her, specifically, but it was better than sitting in tear and worrying about rand...or being angry at him for forbidding her to go to shayol ghul.” meanwhile, avi was briefly disappointed that rand wouldn’t take her but accepted immediately that it was the right course of action. “you’d have been a liability there, min told herself. you know it. he couldn’t worry about saving the world and protecting her from the forsaken at the same time.” at least she admits it. “sometimes, it was hard not to feel insignificant in a world of channelers like rand, elayne, and aviendha.” that’s because you ARE insignificant 😌 like, there are so many ways to pull off “non-magical non-warrior character has strength in other areas” and none of them were used with min. her viewings are useless and the emotional support she allegedly provides for rand is either nonexistent or detrimental 90% of the time.
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like what’s going on???? lmao anyway
min was just internally moping about being useless but when mat says “hey i could use you” she gets offended that he phrased it rudely or something??? not sure if you noticed but we’re in the middle of a WAR here min, people don’t have time to waste on making sure their requests are phrased politely enough so as not to hurt your feelings.
min even seems to know about mat’s luck??? you’ve met him ONCE and it was before he had that luck! elayne doesn’t even know about it and she’s his bestie! what’s going on??? i would say rand told her, but i’m not sure even rand is aware of mat’s luck? totally possible that he could be, i just don’t remember.
“they’re insane, min. they’re all bloody insane.” “i’m sure egwene would help you escape if you ask, mat.” “well, i didn’t say they weren’t fun. just insane.” mat name ONE time that the seanchan, infamous war criminals and human rights abusers in whose company you’ve been constantly miserable and fearing for your life and your freedom, have been “fun”
“gritting her teeth, min went down on one knee. the woman was the empress, after all. min wouldn’t bow to mat or the generals, but it was only proper to show respect to fortuona.” literally why??? she’s not YOUR empress!
“who is this one, knotai? she thinks herself high.” “oh, well, she’s just the dragon reborn’s woman.” “how curious. that would make her your equal, knotai.” DJFKGJKJHJKDFHGLJ tuon is calling mat rand’s lover and you can’t change my mind
also, it’s making me completely insane yet again that mat is fully aware that min is rand’s girlfriend and is also fully aware that rand is elayne’s babydaddy and we just do not ever see him have any reaction to that or wonder what’s going on. and we can’t even say “maybe rand explained it to him offscreen while they were catching up” because they didn’t GET one of those catchups like rand & perrin and mat & perrin got.
mat tries to hustle min out: “just keep moving. don’t risk her deciding to snatch you up. she’s not particularly good at letting things go, once she has them in hand.” i was all prepared to feel sorry for him, but then, “he actually sounded proud, saying that.” sigh. “you’re as crazy as they are, min thought.” for once something we can agree on. i am trying so hard to interpret everything as mat having been brainwashed and psychologically beaten into submission, but at times it is difficult.
“i don’t belong to anyone. except maybe rand, and him to me.” compare with aviendha: “he did not own her, and she did not own him.” HMMM. very telling. we now have this, avi shunning the thought of possessive public touching while min drapes herself over rand in public constantly, avi accepting immediately that rand has his duty and she has hers while min mopes over rand not taking her to shayol ghul, avi thinking that she couldn’t be with rand until she knew who she was while min thinks she’ll be whatever rand wants her to be.............the two of them are truly at polar opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of how they view relationships, with min being the end of “painfully insecure, possessive, and monogamous.” “we belong to each other” is probably meant to feel romantic, and if used it a different moment maybe it would be, but the fact that we had avi thinking mere CHAPTERS ago that she and rand don’t own each other really throws this line into sharp relief.
oh wack tuon declares that min is her truthspeaker now. is something interesting and non-rand-related finally happening to min for the first time in 14 books? also, note that it’s something interesting happening TO her rather than her DOING something interesting. that’s the real reason she’s insignificant compared to rand, elayne, and aviendha: not because she isn’t a channeler, but because she’s a passive character. things happen TO her, she doesn’t MAKE things happen.
“loial fought on. this song was not a song of victory. it was a song of life. loial did not intend to die here on this hillside. by the light, he had a book to finish before he went!” 😭❤️
mat is weirdly into min all of a sudden lmao hate that. although it IS further evidence for the “mat is gonna cheat on tuon so fast” folder, and that’s always a good thing. and i guess i shouldn’t have expected anything different when the “thinks of all women in terms of whether they’re fuckable” character and the “exists solely to cater to the straight male gaze” character met up.
“she was with rand, so that made her practically his sister.” so you’re saying that min is your sister-wife, because you are also with rand? also, contrast to in LOC when he was like “elayne is so hot, but i wouldn’t kiss her, not because she’s with rand, just because she’s annoying” mat was 100% willing to homewreck rand with elayne, make of that what you will jkjfgh
mat managed to retain his old clothes and puts them on now! phew
it’s so wild that tuon can just go “you’re my truthspeaker now” and snatch min???? and no one does anything about it???? well min, i guess you’re headed off to seanchan forever after the last battle. sucks for her and i’m not necessarily glad about someone else falling into seanchan hands.............but this DOES clear the way for avirandlayne throuple raising their six (6) babies in caemlyn endgame to happen, it has to be said.
mat mentions that he burned the ugly ratty coat he wore to visit elayne in TOM, aw he was so upset that she made fun of it djkfgj
“mat grinned at tuon, and she favored him with a smile. light, but he liked those smiles.” sigh. though this does absolutely read like a fully brainwashed damane being happy to receive a sul’dam’s approval, which..........well, it sure doesn’t SOOTHE me, but it’s better for mat’s characterization to believe that he’s been brainwashed and slave-broken rather than that he’s just fully bought into all this while in his right mind.
“gawyn stepped up to her side, faithful as always.” ❤️❤️ THIS loyal husband DOES spark joy.
egwene notes that gawyn is looking pale, as if at the start of a sickness. oh no!!!!! i think i remember it was mentioned that you don’t live long after activating the bloodknife rings, but idk if that was just because people only activate them to go on suicide missions or if it means that the rings themselves will actually kill you after a certain point. i do know already that gawyn dies (sob) but i don’t know how or when it will happen (same with egwene’s death, i only know the bare fact and not any details).
lan ousts agelmar and mat ousts bryne later in the chapter. and tenobia dies in the battle, so with her gone and bashere currently unfit to rule, does that mean my girl faile is now queen of saldaea? nice! i mean, rip tenobia and everything, but all hail queen faile.
“‘he seems to be yelling for the dragon reborn,’ galgan said. demandred’s voice boomed across the battlefield right then, enhanced by the one power. he was demanding that the dragon come and face him in a duel.” THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME KJFGKHJ the Unhinged Ex energy of it all! the dragon is a little busy battling the dark one, demandred, read the room! i can’t tell you how much this is making me laugh!!
“mat inspected the fellow through the glass. ‘demandred, eh? has he gone a bit dotty, or what?’” mat watching demandred and going “imagine being so obsessed with rand. could not be me!”
in worse news, mat ends up getting his very own slave due to Can’t Kill A Woman behavior, so that’s fun. (he didn’t explicitly reference Can’t Kill A Woman or give any reason for saving the sharan channeler’s life, but i assume this is the reason.) his response to realizing he accidentally enslaved someone: 1) tells tuon she can have her (because slavery is fine as long as HE’S not the one doing it, i guess), and when tuon insists that the channeler is his, 2) “mat shrugged. what else could he do?” i can think of a few things, mat. just a few. “maybe, if the damane belonged to him, he could let her free or something.” all right that’s something at least. now to see if he actually follows through on that after the last battle or if he simply grows ambivalent enough to let her remain damane.........
“has he punished you for that?” “yes. he returned me to life.” wow moridin needs even MORE therapy than rand does
logain’s contingent arrives on elayne’s battlefied. “we came to you first. the black tower stands with the lion of andor.” fistpump! they may have given up on their deadbeat dad, but they went straight to stepmommy elayne the second they had the chance.
“the woman approaching wore fine seanchan silks, and egwene’s stomach turned at the sight. that finery existed because of a foundation of enslaved channelers, forced into obedience to the crystal throne.” GO OFF QUEEN!!!!! but then it turns out that the woman is min, so idk if that’s supposed to make egwene’s moral rant feel humorous or something? also, the narrative has definitely 100% forgotten that da’covale, aka regular non-channeling people, are also slaves (earlier in this book a westlander referred to them as “servants” which i remember seeing quite a bit in the late rj books too)
“‘you should see the things [the seanchan] drink, egwene.’ ‘i’ve seen them,’ egwene said, unable to keep her tone from coldness. ‘oh. yes. i suppose you have.’” absolute dick move by min here. wasn’t she in falme for a long period of time trying to help rescue egwene?? she should be even more aware of egwene’s captivity than mat! why does everybody have such an easy time just Forgetting that their friend was enslaved and traumatized?
“‘i suppose i’m better off with fortuona. she...knows about a certain talent of mine, thanks to mat, and it might let me help her. and you.’ the statement was laden with meaning.” is min actually going to try to use her newfound influence with tuon to take seanchan down from the inside? now that would be an interesting plotline for her. why didn’t this happen to her 7 books ago? i say, axe min as rand’s love interest and instead send her into tuon’s path MUCH earlier on so that she can use her viewings to influence her into having a little smidge of character development, and plus min has known the sul’dam secret since TGH and so might make more headway with tuon there than mat ever bothered to. then have mat stay with rand instead, being his general and a childhood friend to remind him of who he used to be (since mat actually knows the shepherd boy and min does not). they would both be way more useful in the other’s plotline. hell, we can even switch the romances and make min tuon’s love interest and mat rand’s!
egwene on mat: “a carouser, leering at every pretty woman he met. treating her like a painting and not a person.” i’m probably supposed to think egwene is being unfair to mat and misjudging him, but this is literally exactly how he’s been treating women in his own narration ever since WH and even ACOS. since then, every single woman he meets, he describes in terms of whether or not she’s fuckable. this was not the case in the first 6 books.
“he’d jumped into the river to save kiem lewin from drowning. of course, she hadn’t been drowning. she’d merely been dunked under the water by a friend, and mat had come running, throwing himself into the water to help. the men of emond’s field had made sport of him for months about that. the next spring, mat had pulled jer al’hune from the same river, saving the boy’s life...that was how mat was. he’d grumbled and muttered all winter about how people made sport of him, insisting that next time, he’d just let them drown. then the moment he’d seen someone in danger, he’d gone splashing right back in. egwene could remember gangly mat stumbling from the river, little jer clinging to him and gasping, a look of pure terror in his eyes.” 😭😭😭😭😭
“he was a scoundrel and a fool, but she trusted him. light help her, but she did. she’d trust him with her life.” ❤️❤️❤️ i remember when they parted in LOC being so afraid that that was the last time they’d ever see each other, so i’m so happy to see them interact again in this book! even if their one interaction thus far was mat being shitty to egwene. but i have hope that there will be more and better interactions coming.
once again we have mat fretting over how he married an “aes sedai” and not the fact that he married a slaver
“she was something incredible, though. he felt a thrill each time she gave orders; she did it so naturally. elayne and nynaeve could take lessons. tuon did look very nice on that throne.” 🙄🙄🙄 and once again we have mat gushing over how good tuon is at bossing people around, but failing to provide us with any examples of her showing ACTUAL leadership skills. and gushing over how good tuon is at bossing people around when he constantly shits on the wondergirls for a non-malicious and less extreme version of the same behavior. elayne could take lessons? please. unlike tuon and mat, elayne knows that being a ruler is about more than giving orders and looking good on a throne. mat’s “coming to respect nobility” arc, if it had to happen at all, should’ve been him realizing that being a monarch is hard fucking work, rather than declaring that tuon is Not Like Other Nobles when she embodies every single one of his original negative perceptions of them.
but the good part of this passage is that it gives grounds for mat to have a Queen Elayne kink in a better universe, god bless. getting railed by elayne would honestly do him so much good.
“the sul’dam, catrona, almost choked on the words ‘aes sedai.’ mat couldn’t blame her. those could be tough words to speak.” and once again we have mat showing more empathy for the sul’dam than for the aes sedai they think should be enslaved.
“he didn’t look too hard at the damane [whom he accidentally captured]. mat was responsible for her being captured. it was better than her fighting for the shadow, wasn’t it? blood and bloody ashes, he thought to himself. you are doing a fine job of persuading tuon not to use damane, matrim cauthon. capturing one yourself...” sorry, have you EVER tried to persuade tuon not to use damane? this is literally the first time i’ve seen any indication of that, mat. at least he’s feeling some guilt and sense of responsibility right now, for a whole 3 sentences.
“it was unnerving how quickly the sharan woman had taken to her captivity. the sul’dam had all remarked upon it. barely a moment of struggle, then complete subservience.” AKA EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED TO MAT IN COT
“demandred - despite continuing to rave about the dragon reborn - was continually testing mat’s defenses.” JKJDFGKJJKH KILLING ME AGAIN rafe please give demandred a canon messy gay backstory with LTT because no other justification for this behavior would be as good.
more lines of mat gushing over tuon’s pretty eyes and how much he likes it when she's pleased with him
mat just referred to the sharan channelers as “marath’damane” ugh. but then a paragraph later he mentions “[the seanchan] had started using the term [aes sedai] instead of marath’damane by mat’s order” so that’s good. maybe the prior line i’ll chalk up to it originally being galgan’s line which sanderson then gave to mat and forgot to change “marath’damane” to “channelers” or something.
“he had an inkling of what tuon might be capable of, if she grew displeased with min. he loved her - light, he was pretty sure he did. but he also let himself be a little afraid of her. he’d have to keep watch so that tuon didn’t decide to ‘educate’ min.” okay this is bone chilling. mat is SO CLEARLY in an abusive marriage and a subconscious part of him KNOWS it and is trying to protect min from tuon, though he’s resigned to the thought that it’s too late to protect himself. but the conscious part of him is insisting that he loves tuon, he really does! heartbreaking.
mat spends a whole paragraph talking about how it sucks that seanchan women’s armor doesn’t show boobs and how he ACTUALLY ASKED the armorer if that should be changed. “light, these people had no sense of morality. a fellow needed to know if he was fighting a woman on the battlefield. it was only right.” i’m thinking that in addition to Objectifying Women and Can’t Kill A Woman nonsense, mat is also afraid he might be like “ooh that soldier’s hot!” and then realize it’s a man jdfkjg just accept it mat it’s okay.
“tuon blinked once, looking straight at min. the room seemed to drop into shade, feeling colder. mat shivered. he didn’t like it when tuon got like this. that stare of hers...it seemed like the stare of another person. a person without compassion.” i mean this is literally how she always is? name ONE time when tuon has displayed compassion. also, more “mat being trapped in an abusive marriage and trying to convince himself that it isn’t so and that this isn’t the ~real~ tuon” vibes here.
really interesting scene between tuon and min regarding min’s viewings. tuon attempts to take advantage of the viewings and prevent them from happening, which is a refreshing change from how everyone else just immediately accepted “ah well they can’t be changed, no point trying.” and min stands up to tuon and refuses to share her viewings anymore if tuon will just use them to execute people she suspects of future treason, which is a refreshing change from everyone else having their spine removed when tuon is in the room. see? these two characters play off each other quite well and this plotline/dynamic should’ve been set up way sooner! my 2 most hated characters in the series, yet when they’re together i actually kinda enjoy their interactions lmao it’s witchcraft! probably because min is finally showing an actual personality outside of loving rand now that she’s been separated from him, and because she argues with and challenges tuon and tuon actually listens to her (to an extent) since she’s her truthspeaker.
“if only min would learn a little respect.” mat is literally so scared of his friend getting abused the same way he is, he wants her to just keep her head down.
i love egwene and mat talking in code about his medallion! “do you still have your pet fox?” “i do. he’s snuggled up nice and warm.” “take care of him. i would not see you suffer gareth bryne’s fate.”
mat says “what does elayne want to do? isn’t she in charge?” king shit! respecting her authority and wanting her input, unlike perrin! and then he asks them to make another gateway to get elayne to this meeting so she can discuss with them!
“elayne strode through, thick with child, eyes practically on fire.” mat shaking hands meme with rand and aviendha over commenting on the fire in elayne’s eyes
“she maintained the posture of a queen, but her disheveled hair and clothing burned in several places indicated what she’d been through.” and his earlier description of egwene: “blood and bloody ashes - if he had a soldier with that cast to his skin and that look in his eyes, mat would send the fellow to bed rest for a week.” see, mat? this is what ACTUAL leadership looks like, while tuon has been sitting cozy on her throne letting everyone else do the fighting.
i love to see mat and elayne making battle plans together!!!! power couple!!!!!! tuon could never (she’s just sitting there silently for the whole discussion)
“now, if only [galad] could right [elayne’s] moral compass. she wasn’t a bad person, but galad wished that she - like other monarchs - could see as clearly as he did. he was beginning to accept that they didn’t. he was beginning to accept that it was all right, so long as they tried their best. whatever he had inside of him that allowed him to see the right of things was obviously a gift of the light, and holding others to scorn because they had not been born with it was wrong. just as it would be wrong to hold a man to scorn because he had been born with only one hand, and was therefore an inferior swordsman.” y’all are really trying to tell me that gawyn is the worse trakand brother when galad’s self-righteous holier-than-thou superiority-complex christian-fundamentalist ass is out here behaving like this??? unreal. galad fucking sucks!!!!!!! and has learned absolutely nothing from what morgase was trying to teach him in the last book - his arc should’ve been coming to realize that his view of what’s right isn’t absolute truth, but instead it was coming to accept that it’s okay if other people aren’t as good and perfect as he is because they have not been blessed by the light like he has. bonkers!!!!
like, this is VERY close to how tuon thinks in her povs. this sense of entitlement and enlightenment, this conviction that they are the only ones who know what’s truly right and they must help the ignorant rest of the world see it too - that is BANG ON seanchan thinking.
“he had stopped worrying that his words offended [elayne] long ago. it seemed he couldn’t claim that a day was pleasant or his tea warm without her taking offense somehow. it would have been nice if aybara hadn’t run off. that man was a leader - one of the few that galad had ever met - that one could actually talk to without worrying that he’d take offense.” galad literally being a rightwinger complaining about how easily offended everybody is these days by harmless little things such as being part of a group trying to take away their rights! clearly, elayne is just a special snowflake who’s too sensitive, it’s so unfair that she’s mean to galad! 
no wonder reddit is on galad’s side and whines so much about how immature and prejudiced elayne’s behavior towards him is
the virgin galad (religious zealot, misogynist, joins a group dedicated to oppressing people like his sister and then complains about how mean she is to him about it) vs. the chad gawyn (respects women, devoted his life to protecting his wife, switched sides when he realized that his original side was actively bringing harm to his loved ones)
in conclusion, fuck galad all my homies hate galad. except all my homies DON’T hate galad and so i am alone being old man yells at cloud meme! wake up, my homies! he’s the worst!
there IS a small moment where he instinctively thinks of the whitecloaks as “the whitecloaks” instead of “the children” and is shocked with himself about it, so i guess that’s something. too little too late!
we catch up with faile retrieving the horn from tar valon! wow i completely forgot about that. their conversation at the beginning of the book where they sent her to get it feels like it was 5 books ago.
and aviendha is attacked by some of the aiel male channelers! turns out that when an aiel man can channel they send him to the blight (i’m sure this was mentioned before, i just forgot) and that’s how they all got corrupted by the dark one.
“mat had run off to the seanchan, talmanes to fight alongside queen elayne. one by one, everyone in this group was being eaten by trees, mud, or monsters. why did they all leave olver alone?” “noal...dead. would mat die too?” 😭😭😭
“i am not spending the last battle clinging to a rock! [nynaeve] thought.” my mood exactly lmao we’re on page 600 and she and moiraine have not done anything yet!
it turns out that alanna is in the cavern and is dying, and rand will snap and go crazy if she dies, so nynaeve has to save her but she can’t use saidar because she’s still linked with rand. oh shit!!! it’s nice to see alanna’s bond with rand FINALLY be relevant and have narrative payoff.
egwene is still so ready to help mat escape tuon and the seanchan 😭
mat complains that tuon wants him to sit in judgment. “mat was not going to order men to be executed, and that was that.” okay so then you should sit in judgment and pronounce them innocent rather than avoid jury duty and let other people pronounce them guilty and have them executed? obvious solution here, mat. he complains about elayne and other nobles (gawyn here in this passage) being entitled, yet when HE is given power and privilege that he could potentially use to help others, he does nothing with it. (obviously he’s too busy preparing for the battle to sit in judgment right at this very moment, so that’s fair enough, but his objection IS that he doesn’t want to execute people rather than that he has more pressing duties right now.)
we get 2 little nuggets of the mat-gawyn interactions i’d hoped for in the previous book and didn’t get and i’m delighted!!! “gawyn trakand was apparently practicing to be an aes sedai sometime, because he kept giving mat glares that would have made moiraine proud.” “‘burn me, first rand, then you [egwene]. is everybody going to chivy me about these days? gawyn, you want a turn?’ ‘yes, please.’ he sounded eager. ‘shut up,’ mat said.” JDFGJKHKJHJFG that’s one of my top 10 interactions in the book so far, why did it make me laugh so hard!! could’ve been even better if mat had married elayne and he and gawyn were now annoyed brothers-in-law!
“he could feel something pulling on him, tugging him northward. rand would need him soon.” “he narrowed his eye. rand was tugging on him.” one more cauthor ta’veren pull instance for the road!
“this is it, egwene. take a deep breath, a last pull on the brandy, or burn your final pinch of tabac. have a good look at the ground before you, as it’s soon going to be covered in blood. in an hour, we’ll be in the thick of it. the light watch over us all.” dun dun duuuuuuuun!!!! and the next chapter, titled “the last battle,” is TWO HUNDRED PAGES so i’m calling it a day for this recap.
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tuttocenere · 4 months
some renaissance people I have recently found doing magic in my history books:
Rui Gomes da Silva, personal favorite of Philip II and also of me, tried to employ an alchemist in the war with France to save on military expenses, it did not work, my poor man was duped
Henri II of France, king who famously got himself killed at the tournament held to celebrate his daughter's wedding to Philip, had his death predicted by an astrologer and went and died anyway because he's read his Greek tragedies, one assumes.
His wife Catherine de' Medici, also her second son the later king Henri III of France, both witches.
Obviously emperor Rudolf II of the HRE, famously a witch and incidentally also gay.
Antonio Pérez who was first the secretary and then the mortal enemy of King Philip, on the occasion of murdering another secretary, hired an astrologer named Pedro de la Hera, this did not work out well for him because the guy basically ratted him out to his victim's family in the form of a horoscope, as one does.
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hoursofreading · 4 months
COWEN: But how does art protect them? How does that explain wonderful art in Florence? PALMER: Imagine for a moment that you are the French ambassador, and you’re on your way to Rome to meet with the pope because the French king always needs this. Now, if you’re an ambassador, you’re, at minimum, the son of a count because only aristocracy can be ambassadors. On your way south, you’re stopping off in different cities, including Florence. Now, you already have a terrible opinion of Florence because Florence is a pit of merchants, scum, and villainy. Florence, in order to prevent noblemen from taking over the republic, literally executed everyone in this city who had a drop of royal blood or noble blood. So, it’s just commoners. There’s not a single person in this city who is of sufficient right to be worthy to talk to you. In addition, Florence has such a terrible reputation for sodomy, homosexuality, and perversion that the verb to Florentine is literally the word for anal sex in five different European countries, including in France. So, you’re on your way to this city, and it’s full of merchant scum and they’re all perverts and there isn’t even anyone there who’s worthy to host you on the way. You’re going to stay with your dad’s banker because he’s the only Florentine whose address you’ve got. You show up in the city, and you reach the city, and suddenly, wait a minute, it’s full of these gorgeous ancient Roman bronzes. Wait a minute, they can’t be ancient Roman bronzes. They look like they’re new, but that technology doesn’t exist. That technology was lost centuries ago. Then you go to the banker’s house, and he greets you humbly at the door saying, “I’m sorry, my house is unworthy to host your excellency,” and he invites you inside, and you look around the courtyard, and it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before, with these round circular arches that let enormous amounts of light shine in on the gardens and the statues. You’ve never seen this before. Wait, you have seen this before. It looks like the ruins of the Roman villa in the backyard of your father’s castle where you grew up, but that doesn’t exist anymore. Those arts were lost. In the middle of the courtyard, there’s a gorgeous statue, an ancient Roman statue of Bacchus or Dionysius, and next to it, there’s a brand-new statue that’s obviously new because it hasn’t even turned green yet. The bronze is still ruddy. But that technology, you know, doesn’t exist. In the corner, there are some men dressed in strange robes speaking a language you’ve never heard, and you say, “What language are they speaking?” The banker says, “Oh, they’re speaking Ancient Greek. They’re Plato scholars.” And you say, “But Ancient Greek is lost, and Plato is lost. How do you have this?” “Oh, we have lots of Ancient Greek here. Look, here’s my grandson, Lorenzo. He’s just written a sonnet in Ancient Greek about the three parts of the soul.” And then, here’s a little boy reciting a sonnet to you about the nature of the soul in Ancient Greek. You’re like, “Where am I? All of this stuff is impossible.” And that’s the moment that your host, Cosimo de’ Medici, turns to you and says, “Would France like to make an alliance with Florence?” You could say no, right? You could say, “No, we’re going to come here, we’re going to bring our army. We’re going to mop the floor with you because you’re helpless compared to our giant forces, and we’re going to burn this down and take the gold, and all of this will be gone, and we’ll be rich.” Or you could say, “Yes. Let’s make an alliance. Send me a bronzesmith and an architect and a Greek tutor and a Plato scholar, and we’re going to bring them to the court in France, and the king is going to do his court like this. Then, when the envoys from England show up, they’re going to feel like uncultured country bumpkins, just like I feel now.” That’s how it’s a defense mechanism, because they are helpless on the military game, but they are so ahead on the culture game that you don’t want to hurt them. You want to befriend them so that you can have the art.
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So my buddy @timeandspacenovelist created a little au that I decided to build off of and it kinda turned into a sorta spaghetti western breaking bad with osgate and thasmin lol
This is a classic spaghetti western setting, late 1890s in small town USA
Yaz is the sheriff and 13 is her deputy
Graham runs a local saloon that basically acts as the town square
Ryan is one of Grahams bartenders
Dan runs a local barber shop
Three of the masters are the main bad guys in town; dhawan, missy and simm
They run 3 of the biggest criminal organizations in the whole eastern USA
Missy runs a massive illegal drug manufacturing operation, Simms group acts as the distributor for said drugs
Dhawan runs a hitman group and also just acts as the military for the other two groups
All three of them work as a triple alliance
12 is the undertaker and the main medical doctor in town
Clara, amy, and bill all work with 13 and yaz to help fight crime and solve cases
Osgood is the local gunsmith/weaponsmith and shes renowned across the country as one of the best in her field
One thing about osgood though is that very little is actually known about her...
Kate is a seasoned military veteran who's known as one of the best sharpshooters/snipers of the century
She settled down in this town for retirement (and also to be with osgood) but she occasionally helps yaz and 13 with cases
9 is the town mayor (since he seemed the most competent out of 10 and 11)
Clara acts as a negotiator and the detective that does most of the interrogations and interviews
Amy and bill act as sorta spies or investigators
Bill also looks for, stores, and bookkeeps evidence for cases
River runs a brothel and gives yaz and 13 tips on any criminals that come thru there. She may also do a bit of vigilante work on the side 😏
Remember how I said theres very little known about osgood? Well, theres a reason for that...
You see, osgood has a bit of a naughty streak to her.
She works with every major criminal organization on the eastern US. She acts as a bank for them to store and hide their assets and money
She also manages shipments of any supplies the groups might need, mainly weapons or drugs
She organized a certain level of mutual cooperation amoung all the criminal groups and sometimes helps negotiate any major disagreements between them (but only if they threaten to cause harm to the system she built)
Kate knows about this and often helps serve as her bodyguard
Osgood obviously wanted to conceal her identity so she uses the code name "Medici" as a reference to the de Medici family of italy, known as one of the richest and most powerful families to ever exist (they were so powerful cus they formed the first bank which made them reeeeeally influential as you can imagine)
I'm gonna add to this soon but I just wanted to jot down the main points of this au first
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armthearmour · 2 years
The Funerary Armor of Ludovico Giovanni “delle Bande Nere” de Medici
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Born Ludovico de Medici, Giovanni of the Black Bands was widely regarded as one of the best military commanders of his day. He commanded the love of his men and the respect and fear of his enemies. As a condotierro, Giovanni made his living as a sword for hire, the commander of a formidable mercenary band which saw action in the wars which rocked the Italian peninsula from 1494 until 1559. Giovanni himself got his start as a commander for the Papal forces in the 1516 War of Urbino. From 1521 until 1524, hired by Emperor Chalres V, Giovanni would defeat the French armies invading Italy time and time again until finally, under Papal order, the Medici was forced to switch sides and fight with the French. Shortly thereafter, Giovanni was wounded by an arquebus shot to his right leg, which would require months to heal.
In 1526 war once again broke out, this time seeing France allied with a coalition of the major Italian states against the Imperial and Spanish crowns. Once again, Giovanni found success against the Imperial troops, but it was not to last. On the 25th of November that same year, at the battle of Governolo, Giovanni was once again shot in the right leg, this time by a falconetta, a piece of small artillery. An account written by Pietro Aretino, a friend to Giovanni, tells of how the condotierro was rushed to the nearby city of Mantua, where the court physician of the Lord Luigi Gonzaga amputated the leg just below the knee. In the ensuing days, the wound became gangrenous, and five days after he had received the wound, on November 30th 1526, the great Giovanni delle Bande Nere died.
Ever the soldier, the condotierro was buried in his armor. To date, his body has been exhumed from its resting place three times: once in 1857, again in 1946-7 when the armor was recovered, and finally in 2012, when an extensive paleopathological study was conducted on the remains. This study corroborated the story of Giovanni’s amputation, finding that his right leg was indeed amputated just below the knee shortly before his death.
Giovanni’s armor is now on display at the Museo Stibbert in Florence, Italy. A high end piece made from solid steel, Giovanni’s armor reflects the standards of the armor of his day very well. A smooth, globose breastplate provides a glancing surface for not only lances and pikes, but also the gunfire a military man would face on the early 16th century battlefield. Low-profile, well articulated spaulders protect the outer shoulder and upper arm while providing a great deal of mobility, and long, articulated tassets come down to the knee to provide the characteristic three-quarter appearance of many armors of the period.
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Seeing this armor on display, one might find it in a remarkable state of preservation for a piece which encased a corpse for over 400 years, however the viewer would be missing an important and unfortunate piece of the story. The armor as it appears today is heavily restored.
The book l’Arte dell’Armatura in Italia by Lionello Boccia provides an important look at what the armor looked like prior to its restoration. Published in 1967, the images contained in the work show the armor as it had been recovered 20 years earlier. Unfortunately very little of the armor actually survived, and much of what is today on view is modern guesswork.
The helmet currently displayed with the armor is original, however it did not belong to Giovanni delle Bande Nere. Instead it is a helmet of German manufacture, and became associated with the surviving elements of the armor when it was displayed at the Stibbert in the mid 20th century. Additionally the long articulated tassets, the gauntlets, the backplate, and the articulated gorget which protects the neck are all modern fabrications aged to match the armor. The only elements of the armor which are original are the breastplate and some elements of the left arm, all of which were heavily corroded.
Many of the thinner elements of the breastplate were pockmarked with holes. The lower lames were heavily corroded, and the right armscye was barely holding itself together.
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The upper left portion of the breastplate’s top edge was also missing.
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The left arm spaulder survived relatively intact, with some damage to its lower lames, a missing chunk on the upper upper anterior portion, and a narrow strip corroded away where a flute had decorated the piece. The left couter (the piece which protected the elbow) survived in remarkably good condition. These pieces served as the basis for which the right arm harness was reconstructed, however as the lower cannons did not survive, their form on the reconstructed piece had to be inferred from other surviving pieces.
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As no portraits depicting Giovanni wearing this armor seem to have survived, it is impossible to know how the armor looked in its working life. In its present state, the armor seems rather plain, particularly in comparison with other armors of the same style from this period. Having belonged to a man from a wealthy family who had a successful military career, it is quite possible that this piece may have been etched and gilded in the fabulous style of the day, however after being corroded for over 400 years, all trace of any embellishment has vanished. Additionally the actual form of the missing elements may never be known for certain, however the reconstruction as it stands today is well researched, and pulled heavily from other sources, and so remains a plausible reconstruction.
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luimnigh · 1 year
In Just Cause 3, the gameplay loop was based on retaking regions of the island nation of Medici from it's dictator.
You did this by destroying all the infrastructure in a region's military bases, and destroying all the propaganda in towns and cities. Get rid of all that, and the enemy forces pulled out, and the rebellion occupied the town.
Simple system, makes a bit of sense, but you could definitely poke holes in the narrative of it. After all, why is the rebellion occupying military bases that have had all their infrastructure wrecked? They get abandoned because they're useless now.
Just Cause 4 does things differently.
By gaining ranks in the level of Chaos, which you do by killing enemies, destroying enemy vehicles, and wrecking enemy infrastructure, you gain Squads.
Squads are units used to hold the front lines between your liberated territory, and enemy occupied territory.
So, once you've done the region's mission, basically working behind enemy lines to sabotage infrastructure and weaken enemy forces in the region, you can occupy the new territory-
But only if you have enough Squads to hold the new front lines.
However, this does mean if you surround a region, taking it can give you Squads, as you're freeing up troops to go elsewhere.
It's a neat system that adds some realism to the game.
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isadomna · 1 year
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Philip IV of Spain and Elisabeth of France
When Elisabeth of France, the eldest daughter of King Henri IV and Marie de Medici, arrived at the Spanish court, Elisabeth under went significant change from a carefree young girl to a serious politician in her own right, acquiring political experience that would serve the crown well during the last years of her life. As the political situation grew more complicated, Elisabeth responded competently to the important matters that Philip IV gradually began to delegate to her. Elisabeth of France’s period of governance came at a crucial moment for the Spanish Monarchy, from 1642 to 1644, when it was undergoing an intense economic, military, and political crisis. At this same time, the king’s favourite and minister Count-Duke of Olivares fell from power,creating a vacuum that the queen hurried to fill, and her political influence notably increased after January 1643.
Even though the power she wielded was necessarily delegated by Philip IV, in times of political crisis, her role crucially influenced the Spanish government. While Olivares’s fall had facilitated her assuming this role, it was the queen’s extraordinary political skills and, in particular, her success in negotiating financial support and military maneuvers that proved she was equal to the task of governing in the king’s absence. The first time the queen had been given power were the years 1626 and 1632, when the king left Madrid to summon the Cortes or Parliaments of Aragon, Valencia, and Catalonia. 
In August 1627, the queen’s role took on greater importance, as the king became seriously ill, precipitating one of the most critical moments of his reign. Given what seemed to be the likelihood of his death, Philip wrote a will and testament according to which Elisabeth, who was pregnant at the time, would become regent until the unborn child, if a son, would reach majority. If a daughter, she was to marry her paternal uncle, the infante Carlos, and the couple would inherit the crown. The king recovered the first week of September.
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The revolt of Catalonia, which began on June 7, 1640, was followed by the revolt of Portugal in December that same year. These unprecedented rebellions within the Iberian peninsula coincided with other armed conflicts through out Europe in which Spain participated. France had declared war on Spain just five years earlier, and since then, Philip IV had mentioned several times that he wished to go to the battlefront. News that Louis XIII had visited the French troops in March 1642 caused Philip to visit his as well. He departed from Madrid in April 1642, leaving Elisabeth and her son, Baltasar Carlos, in tears. In addition to her activities with the Junta de Gobierno, the queen attended council meetings and royal ceremonies in the company of Baltasar Carlos, who had just turned thirteen. Her actions as head of government served as an example to the young prince. The queen took charge of the government for nearly eight months, until the king returned in early December.
Elisabeth had two main concerns during her final year as governor: first, she had to find the monies to supply the armies fighting both the Catalonian rebels and the French; and second, she had to secure funds for the defense of the Portuguese border. In both cases she was assisted by Chumacero, the Council president, with whom she consulted daily. Thanks in part to her efforts, the army at long last achieved several victories in 1644. Philip and Elisabeth wrote to each other regarding government affairs, just as Charles V and Empress Isabel had done a century earlier. Elisabeth of France retained an active role in governance until September 1644, when the first symptoms of erysipelas, the disease that would eventually lead to her death, first appeared. A few days after his wife’s death, in a letter to the queen’s close friend, the Countess of Paredes, the king wrote,
“Countess, you may judge how I have reached this point; in one day I have lost my wife, my friend, my helper and counselor in all my labors. Surely I must be made of bronze, for I have not lost my mind or my life.”
Alejandra Franganillo Álvarez, Isabel de Borbón and the Governance of the Spanish Monarchy
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demolina · 2 years
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→ history + the war of the three henrys (1587-1589)
requested by anonymous
The edict proscribing Protestantism led to war - the war known as the War of the Three Henries; Henry III, Henry Duke of Guise, and Henry of Navarre. During its course Henry of Navarre gave an indication of the fine military qualities he possesed by winning a brilliant victory in a pitched battle. But the war dragged on. More and more it became evident that the King was an unwilling partner and that he and his mother were doing their rather futile best to bring about peace, while more and more Guise and his adherents showed their contempt for the person and authority of the King and their determination to pursue their own ends in defiance of him.  –  J. E. Neale, The Age of Catherine de Medici
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