#media crit cw
icyxmischief · 9 months
[2/2] TVA Loki's personality and behavior is like some weird combination of his Ragnarok characterization and the earlier films, and it doesn't always come across well, especially when taking into account that this is immediately following the battle for New York. On top of that, there's the feeling that Loki was side-lined. He's not in the movies anymore, and they clearly don't want him to have a higher place in the MCU. Plus, again, there's the way they treated his fanbase. It feels cheap.
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^^^^^^^ yeah
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sclfmastery · 6 months
#the doctor gets a break (several! in fact!)#and the master just suffers constantly#🙃🙃🙃#dw spoilers
@jewishjanetandco I love the Doctor with all my heart but THANK YOU, sometimes I feel like the only person who is sad (and a little angry) about this. <3
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conduitandconjurer · 2 years
anyway it’s never a survivor’s fault for being abused and having debilitating self-destructive side effects due to trauma, and i’d pay any canon character to get that through klaus’s head so he can stop blaming himself and talking trash to himself. season 3 was an excellent start but he’s got a long way to go and i don’t think 10 episodes of a final season will address that properly, but...prayer circle! lol. 
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
[cws: starvation/food insecurity, fantasy racism, psychiatric abuse, ableism, and Upsetting Pictures.]
one thing that fucks me up immensely about pericles before and after the asylum is how fucking skinny he is.
like. as much as obviously the two designs are Very Inconsistent in general which annoys me, look at him pre-timeskip. look at how he's shaped.
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his head and face are way smoother and rounder, both in front and back, and the space between his cheekbones and his eyebrow ridge is filled in; his body is rounder in general and his belly is noticeably between his thighs when he's standing up; he has kind of a chubby butt; his chin and neck are softer and wider around, which you can really see with the width of the scarf compared to his shoulders and the angle where it meets his head. it comes up in front of his face more because there's not as much of an angle with his chin to hold it down.
now. compare all those things to this.
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and like, you could argue some of these design differences are tiny things to zero in on in a show that's as loose with its models as sdmi is. but present-day pericles' design is pretty obviously supposed to be unsettling because he's physically built to be a Cute Roumb Little Mascot Creature--so much so that the framework has managed to stick around a little in spite of everything--and has become gaunt and haggard anyway. and you could also argue that the body type changes are just thanks to aging twenty years (and i don't doubt that's contributed).
except. he spent those twenty years in an asylum where the other inmates we see look like this.
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(fun little fact that @thecottageinthedark pointed out also: remember how he literally got caught at one point because he couldn't stop eating sunflower seeds, even during a heist? a high-fat, high-calorie snack for birds? you know, exactly the kind of thing a starving person who finally has proper access to food would be wolfing down?)
did i mention that this happened in a (fantasy) racially segregated prison, which is technically an asylum so the inmates can be kept there indefinitely, because in an actual prison you're required to have a sentence? did i mention that none of the human characters we see in human prison look any less healthy during or afterward, and on top of that are allowed to move around and socialize? did i mention the absolutely horrific treatment of the asylum inmates is implied to be despite the fact that the (physically abusive!) guard is playing up how dangerous and malicious they are? (you know. except for pericles 🙃)
did i mention the man who got pericles imprisoned--who he had not only done nothing to beforehand, but had helped--says he was there to 'live out the rest of his miserable parrot life in a cage, where he belonged,' and not only do none of the characters we're supposed to side with have anything to say about that, but the audience is clearly supposed to agree with him too?
(did i mention said man--who was in on the crime, singular, that pericles went to prison for!--spends those twenty years living a life of luxury in power while abusing the child he kidnapped as a baby and held hostage his entire life, and when we see him in prison he is not only chilling out and helping the authorities but reading a newspaper?)
did i mention the part where by the time we meet pericles he hasn't spoken in years?
like. man the 'ooooo scary evil abused asylum crazies' trope is bad enough, even when they pretend to lampshade it for a minute before playing it straight; i don't know how they added in All That and made him emaciated and expected no one to find it heartbreaking or even sympathetic. i don't care how bad he was before the asylum (and dear god was he ever), that is horrifying and no one deserves it. god damn.
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 2 years
~Introduction Post~
I have a sideblog for everything I reblog: @if-loki-was-a-fox-reblogs
Please get a profile picture before you follow me! otherwise you look like a bot and I'll block you, sorry
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art tags: #my art #my mcyt art #my pixel art #my sketchbook art and also #my dsmp art for some older stuff
other general tags: #just me rambling #me answering asks #just complaining about stuff <- feel free to filter that last one, it's my general negativity tag (I also tag "discourse", "[character/fandom] neg"/"[character/fandom] crit", and "cw [thing]")
(all these tags and others I use for organization and occasionally AUs and such are tagged on this post if you want to look at them there)
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Info about me:
My name is Loki (or Fidget) (Loki from Norse Mythology, not Marvel/MCU) I'd tell you my pronouns but I don't even know them (ig he/she is good but if you can't use both together, just do they/them or something) tomboy in a nonbinary/agender way ig (aka: unlabeled gender) Young adult / older teenager probably neurodivergent (self/peer diagnosed ADHD) Incredibly aroace ♠️ (kinda sex-repulsed, idk what romantic love is) English is my only language
(I like calling myself a rabbit/bunny/mouse/jerboa/rodent/fox/cat/critter sometimes, but disclaimer that I'm not actually therian or -kin of any kind, tho I do I think y'all are pretty chill and cool. I am maybe probably a furry ig? idk)
(I also have a pronouns page ig?)
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Anyone can send me asks whenever! rambling about blorbos, sharing headcanons or AUs, questions about my art or interests, whatever
Feel free to use my art for profile pictures, blog headers, fandom edits, web weaves, art studies/reference, etc, with credit (ask before just flat out reposting to another social media, tho. The other stuff you don't have to ask, but do credit me please, and I wouldn't mind an @ ping or such just so I can see cool stuff you do :)
Let me know if you'd like me to tag any CWs (I tag with "cw [thing]" most consistently, and "[thing] mention", so feel free to filter that for anything you need)
I use tone indicators (and appreciate when others use them. usually not abbreviated)
Mutuals / anyone really who I interact with can @ me in tag games and just stuff you think I'd enjoy I'm a bit shy/anxious about non-mutuals who I've never spoken to @ ing me in tag games and what not, but I do like getting @ ed generally speaking
Reblogs are always appreciated on my fanart and fandom rambling posts! Comments and ramblings in the notes is always welcome (so long as you're not being rude about my post ofc ofc)
Constructive criticism and tips on how to get better at stuff (art, alt text, representing minorities, writing, etc) is welcome if you're nice/polite/level headed, just don't be rude and shaming about it, I am doing my best
I do not like engaging in discourse, it stresses me the heck out! Do not bring it to my ask box and please tag it appropriately (and let me know if you'd like me to tag anything as discours. I try to use the tag liberally)
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Fandom Details Below The Cut!
Main fandom: MCYT (Hermitcraft + Life Series)
Not really a big shipper. I'm aroace and kinda relationship anarchistic, hate relationship labels and categories tbh
Currently obsessed with traffic!ZombieCleo (+ cletho & the roomies)
I enjoy the Clockers Family Dynamic and may occasionally discuss non-LimL seasons from a Clockers Family Canon perspective, just 'cus I think it's interesting.
Outside of Clockers Family context I may still ship tag or say shippy stuff about various configurations of Cleo, Etho, Scar, or Bdubs. 'cus y'know. mcrp canons are weird and flexible and they're only family when we decide they are, it's all just a bunch of bits after all (as LL!ethubs canon divorce jokes and 3L!cledubs canon husband/girlfriend jokes and so on prove)
I lean towards seeing Flower Husbands as an unhealthy/toxic relationship. Trying to see them as cute and healthy i canon just makes my uncomfy. in fanon I don't mind it, but it's not super compelling to me when I could just go with Ranchers if I wanted fluff
Scarian neutral. I prefer them platonically as Desert Duo, and generally in canon over fanon. but they have a fun dynamic, and I don't particularly dislike the ship or anything
dl!Pearl introduced me to this fandom and Grian & Mumbo + The Mounders dragged me into the deep of it
Secret Life and Last Life are just running around my brain as we speak
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joananoexiste · 2 years
about (and many userboxes)
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cupid / valentine / will, he+, 19. i now interact from @nobluesmp3!!!
this is my fandom blog so will probably spiral into a mess in 2 to 3 weeks, but mainly i'll be posting about the skamverse, minecraft youtubers and roleplay, and los campesinos here.
no official dni but i am cringe and free (xenogender and neopronoun user, "contradicting label" fan and user, plural and welcoming of plurals of all origins) and cognitively disabled so if you're gonna be weird about that please leave!! i also block fetishisers on sight ^-^
all medias will be tagged with their name, and criticisms of them or their fandoms will be tagged with [name] crit.
a more detailed tag system, along with a bunch of blinkies (flashing images warning!!) can be found under the cut as well (minors blacklist minors dni)!
txt - textposts from me
asks - answered asks
rbs - reblogs
art - art reblogs
friends - any reblogs from my friends
mine - things i've made
currently watching - catchall tag for media i'm currently reading, watching or listening to
watchlist - media on my to watch / read / listen list!
[trigger] tw and [content] cw - tws and cws
usfw - deals with all content unsafe for work, not just sexual content. these posts will still be safe for minors unless they also have the minors dni tag attached, and i'll use relevant community warnings for these types of posts if applicable
dsmpshipping / qsmpshipping - blacklist these if you don't want to see mcrp shipping content!!
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brokenmousepad · 2 years
swizzys dni and you better look at it !! /gen
- basic dni crit - have a history of causing drama - you fakeclaim/invalidate did/osdd or any other disorder/mental illness - under 13 [ adults i have a block button and i will use it just try not to interact unless i do it first ] - wont use tone indicators unless its under good faith - against neopronouns/xenogenders or you wont use someones neopronouns - terf / swerf / whatever dni transphobes ?? - danganronpa/yandere simulator/genshin impact main [ unless i interact first ] - anti furry - talk a lot about discourse [ if i interact first its fine ] - dont think self-dx is valid/against self-dx - you don’t like pineapples on pizza /j - against endo systems as well as any non-traumagenic system - nsfw account - nsfw littlespace / agereg acc / supporter - against good faith identities / cause discourse if i follow w this in mind
boundaries !! - I have a very specific rule when it comes to warnings. PLEASE FOLLOW IT if you want to interact :]] - 1. Don’t use “tw” instead use content warning!! - 2. Don’t just use n$fvv, y3ii!ng to censor, even if it’s censored I can still imagine it. - 3. Please instead do cw: body liquid, loud sounds, this way I don’t imagine the triggers. If you need more examples or have a genq about it, dm me !! - i use tone indicators and i will need you to use tone indicators - please utilize the ask me / anon when talking to me !! - blatantly asking me “can we be friends?” is something im very uncomfortable with - that being said only dm for business purposes or if were close - i will post media that could be triggering it will be on the post itself and in the tags that being said stay safe
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aropride · 2 years
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infaethable · 3 years
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in light of the news about the new trailer i thought i’d share my thoughts on twitter at five in the morning
#img#something i didn't mention here bc it would have distracted from my central point#is the trend nowadays of tv shows acting more under the schedule of youtube videos with the invention of streaming services#and the relatively new concept of seasons coming out all at once#you see this with netflix and then of course you have more low budget (oddly enough) networks like the cw and syfy trying to copy this#shows on the cw have always come out relatively quickly which is why i think their content is so. bad#netflix as well#there's this trend of having an amazing first season of something but once it gets popular it gets bad in the second season#because they want to keep up the momentum#it's really a really interesting subject#and really indicative of how late stage capitalism as a whole isn't sustainable#another thing i didn't get to mention but i had to explore while writing the thread is how absolutely ill fitting d20 is to even#a modern media classification#because the model of the actual play d&d show is usually a stream#crit role is a stream and it pioneered the genre#and all the others that aren't streams are podcasts#which are also a new medium but aren't really relevant bc they're not a visual media#(relevant to this conversation i mean)#so. d20 is not (normally) a stream#it's not a youtube series#it's not a t.v show#it doesn't want to be classified#the amount of work put into it and the fact that its. ya know. not on youtube. rules out youtube immediately#but it's a decidedly internet age creation. it couldn't be shown on television#it's serialized which gives an extra angle#anyway. d20 is probably extremely hard to market bc it's literally an unprecedented concept#that doesn't fit into any standard model of advertising#which is why it's mean to say that they're doing it wrong. however i will tell them that because they are#dimension 20#d20
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icyxmischief · 9 months
lmao make this [3/2] because I had on more thought: There's a sort of collective mourning/suffering/pain that the entire fandom went through with Loki's death that never healed for a huge part of the fandom specifically BECAUSE it was done in such bad faith and with such deliberate malice towards us. Because of that, it feels like all of the magic and excitement and wonder we all had years ago died with him. We lost our faith in the MCU to create good content for their fans.
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^^^^ Go on as long as you like. For me, THIS is the thing. I can do headcanon gymnastics around the other problems with the Disney Plus series, but this is the part that I hate. After Endgame (which I could not even finish), the scrap of "at least he's alive" that I held onto desperately turned into frustration. He got a single ten-second cameo at the end of Antman Quantumania, and other than that has been small-screen--and even that I don't mind because of the new (somewhat regrettable) primacy of media streaming (aided, as so many bad changes have been, by COVID). But the way that Loki's sendoff in Infinity War was so "shut up about this originally one-off villain already, we don't care about the complexities he's come to symbolize for you"...that made me tired and angry and unable to "play along" with what has come ever since. I am not in the right frame of mind.
And here's Tom executive producing what's left, seemingly satisfied wth, even very proud of, it. I get it, people move on, their focus shifts, they become more casual about what used to be a passionate project. As someone who consumes that content, though, I've been uninspired for years. I keep hoping some of it will come back because I'm tired of losing and mourning things. Maybe it will, who knows!
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sclfmastery · 2 years
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I still don’t understand how the Doctor could walk away from this.  From him crawling toward her weeping, on his knees, crying out “Doctor...!” in a voice that was simply frail and sad. He is begging her every bit as much as Missy when she said “I am your friend...!” at her would-be execution. 
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If the Doctor hadn’t continued to dismiss him and walk away, I am confident he wouldn’t have caused her to regenerate. 
All he did in Last of the Time Lords was get shot and the Doctor held him and begged him to regenerate, and shook his body and sobbed into his neck when he died. Like? 
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I understand that the Vault arc further deteriorated their relationship, and I understand that what the Master did was desperate and deeply hurtful, but I still feel as if a passing “we used to be friends, him and me,” and then basically a “WELL ANYWAY, time to drop you off and regenerate alone!” was....painfully underwhelming snd underperformed. 
Sacha gave this so damn much, and a part of me feels like his performance was disrespected by the tepid script. 
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conduitandconjurer · 2 years
Klaus drinking hotel mouthwash makes me sad not only for him being that desperately off the wagon but also for the fact that a serious legitimate illness is once again being played off for laughs. Same deal with the meth story. And the “diagnosis” of Oppositional Defiant Disorder comes dangerously close to victim-blaming an addict (sobriety is absolutely an addict’s own responsibility, but the idea that Klaus is the way he is because of that one thing and not a lifetime of trauma is....no bueno). 
I wish just one person in his family would show some concern for it. I know they’re once again distracted by bigger issues, but I fucking hate the “miscommunication drives plot” trope. Just fucking talk to each other. Stop wearing masks from roles that you outgrew in your fucking teens, you guys. 
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autcnomy · 1 year
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Halfway through “Truth” and really not Feelin It for Chloe anymore. The “I was under the influence” defense is kinda shaky here since we’ve seen evidence of this same selfish, obsessive, invasive and arrogant behavior before. 
Smallville has a major problem with misogynistic writing tropes, but in this case, I don’t see that Chloe is any less to blame than Clark was for the douche he became while wearing red kryptonite.  This is simply fulfilling her greatest ambition, at the cost of so many people’s boundaries.  She’s treating insecure high school peers the same way she would treat some powerful rich hyopocrite (ha, one comes to mind, and she fucked herself and everyone around her over then, too, getting in too deep with him)  that deserves to be taken down.
You know that quote that’s always misattributed to Terry Pratcher?  “It’s satire if you’re making fun of someone who’s powerful; it’s bullying if you’re making fun of someone who’s not”? Yeah. Like we get it Chloe, you’re far too wizened to the world, far too sophisticated, for this podunk Kansas redneck town. If I were you I’d hate it there too, but that doesn’t mean you should bathe in schadenfreude. 
Now does this make her an interesting character? Oh fuck yes.  Likable? Sympathetic? Sorry, fraid not. Or maybe I just find behavior that violates boundaries triggering, eerily reminiscent of truly appalling antagonists from other superhero franchises, like Jessica Jones’s Kilgrave. 
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 7 months
there really needs to be a name for the trope where a piece of media makes a very obvious fantasy stand-in for an irl marginalized group--or just straight up people from an irl marginalized group--so they can conflate them with their oppressors, whether directly or with sly innuendo and imagery to evoke it. this is never used as an opportunity to explore lateral violence, let alone done so with sensitivity; it's bait dangled in front of an audience who's just aware enough of political movements, structures, and ideologies to go Ideology Very Bad and instantly shut off any examination of the messaging behind it.
(which is, often as not, either shifting the blame to marginalized people so the audience can hate demographics they're already comfortable with hating instead of grappling with the discomfort of real privilege being called out or held accountable, 'so the horrific and violent bigotry leveled at that group irl is totally justified and we should Do More of That Actually,' or both.)
like. i keep seeing this over and over and over. don't get me started on how SF/F media in particular seems completely unable to restrain itself from having at least one black character in a setting that breathes anywhere near fantasy racism say and do just the most ungodly racist shit ever. every time, jesus fuck, it's awful.
this trope is not at all limited to racism or antisemitism--it shows up for pretty much any marginalized group you can think of, BOY i have rants in me about a lot of portrayals of abuse survivors in various media i'm into--but it seems to pop up most blatantly and obviously for those. and fascism in general, which, i HIGHLY recommend these excellent essays for a more articulate and in-depth analysis of than i could give in a paragraph of one post. they're fantastic go read them and come back. especially the second one.
more specifically, it's a special favorite of these fucking people to evoke this with nazism. so the closest term i've got to what i'm describing is naziwashing, which i think is still useful as a descriptor of a subset of that phenomenon but again does not nearly cover all of it. so i'm a bit stumped.
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strandedcrow · 2 years
I like watching only one crit channel on YouTube and it's friendly space ninja, since he genuinely talks about issues in cw shows and how it affects the real world and he gives shows that deserve some merit their due
-publix anon (publix anon lore lol I like analyzing bad media)
oooooo that’s a neat premise i actually rlly like that idea
i rlly enjoy deep dives but like. if it’s something i KNOW about i’ll spend more time annoyed over incorrect details. like i didn’t like the zodiac movie (which was good imo) solely bc of it using theories that hold merit but that i personally didn’t favor lmao
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
hm reading??
hm so like re: this and reading some other stuff thats like homestuck epilogues/2 critical (being super slow compared to hs, being depressing, making all the characters become assholes for like no reason (hs2 crit stuff in the later half of this vid, about 30 or 40 minutes in i think??), the creators being uh not the best people, etc.), plus my own slow experience with trying to read through the incredible boring long winded sloughs that were the epilogues meat and candy when they first came out uhh
i think that i’ll skip on finishing the epilogues/hs^2 since they honestly sound. so. boring.
we as an entire internet culture are just so sick and tired of when beloved media from our childhood get some weird reboot but its dark and gritty and edgy on purpose. for example the entire cw reboot joke meme that applies to riverdale/archie comics, the winx club netflix show, and now powerpuff girls, but the girls are “adults who are depressed and hate their childhood heroics” or whatever is even happening with that show right now since its still technically in production lol. 
and you know what. epilogues/hs2 sounds like its the dumb cw reboot.
i think ill stick to the games (friendsim/hiveswap/pesterquest), already existing better written fanfic and fan works/adventures that feature original characters and canon characters doing. not riverdale stuff. so yeah.
for fan adventures, i’m planning to read these:
Vast Error (https://mspfa.com/?s=2302)
OasisQuest (https://mspfa.com/?s=29685&p=1)
Homestuck: Act Omega (https://mspfa.com/?s=16414&p=1)
Cool and new web comic (https://mspfa.com/?s=14113&p=1)
Alabaster: The Doomed Session (https://mspfa.com/?s=236&p=1)
Act 8 (https://mspfa.com/?s=14278&p=1)
Karkat goes to a convention (https://mspfa.com/?s=27317&p=1)
Hackbent (https://mspfa.com/?s=2810&p=1)
TLCstruck: Double Death of the Author (https://mspfa.com/?s=2810&p=1)
for fanfic hmm. i’ll probably reread stuff and then move to try to find other things lol. and like all the stuff directly listed here are things that i’ve personally read before except LoDaD and the general big tvtropes list so like yes i like these i approve of them i have read them in my lifetime at some point and you should also try them lol.
honestly i’m currently re-reading the classic crossover between hs and alien nation, which is an interesting movie that you should watch even if its a dumb 90′s movie that isnt the best lol. while its technically not finished/hasnt been updated since 2014, honestly the endings of all of them are good enough to be like “yeah i could stop here” so eh. i will warn that the fics, from 2012-2014 era, have the r-slur in them, which is cringy and unfortunate. :/
maybe i’ll finally finish the land of dungeons and dragons, by the same person as above, which is like 600K words and 173 chapters.
there’s straw soldiers, which is great. i remember waiting for the final chapter update and it literally dropped when i was in the middle of science class in high school lol. alternia decides to have trolls undergo surgery/learning/etc. to be spies on earth preparing for an alternian invasion. karkat is one of them.
terawatt outlaws is incredible. where sollux is discovered and taken by the condesce to power her ship, sollux meets his ancestor the psiioniic/ancient beta universe mituna captor, and they team up and start a revolution. 
a lullaby for the gods starts out as a fluffy found family crack crossover between homestuck and the avengers, and a plot starts forming in later chapters. its still ongoing so you can binge read it but you’ll have to wait for an actual ending.
petstuck au where trolls are on earth but like. pets. (the og, the fanfic of a fanfic, and the fanfic of the 2 fanfics that got fic-married)
the parody game faqs/early 2000′s type walkthrough fic 
cultstuck! - karkat is kinda raised/protected by the signless cult. also revolutions happen yay
we’re all doomed - hilarious doomed session where the kids and trolls decide to fix things as best as possible and live/chill together. kinda lol
the gods we once knew - a sadstuck one shot thats real good
honestly these are good lists for stuff really - fics and works
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