#mcc 21 orange ocelots
Left Side Round 2
3rd Life Red Joel vs Joel but pink flower
Halloween Kingdomcraft Shrek vs Joel 2.0
New Shrek vs The Deep End Mermaid Shrek
Stratos Joel vs One Life Purge Shrek
Last Life Red Joel vs Bad Boys Mourning (Red)
MCC 19 Christmas Mint Mistletoes vs MCC 12 Lime Llamas
MCC 21 Yellow Yaks vs MCC 26 Halloween Green Goblins (Wilbur Joel)
MCC 22 Orange Ocelots vs Kind 'Lin' (New Life)
Dragon Joel (Afterlife) vs Alien Joel (Afterlife)
Blazeborn Joel (Afterlife) vs MCC 16 Purple Pandas
Naked Shrek vs Superman Shrek
Fairy Joel (Cosmo Fairly OddParents) (Afterlife) vs Elf Christmas Jumper Shrek
Last Life Magical Mountain Joel vs Mother Gothel Joel (CultureCraft)
MCC 33 Aqua Axolotls vs MCC 32 Orange Ocelots
Limited Life Bad Boy Joel vs MCC Pride 2021 Red Rabbits
MCC 13 Yellow Yetis vs Hippo 'Griff' (New Life)
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r-emrys · 2 years
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They're the winners in my heart!
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jayqyu · 2 years
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mccza! go orangza go!
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 years
If the multiverse is real that means there's a world in which all four of the Orange Ocelots made it onto that ladder after MCC21 and I think that universe might have discovered the secret to world peace.
Headphone Warning!!!
(Actually cackling at how Phil, Illumina, and Elaina spent like 45 minutes getting up there and then Shubble just shot all of them off in one fell swoop xd I love her that was the more entertaining than the entire tournament)
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spoiledlbleach · 2 years
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his (almost) private mentors, or the streamer only gets better
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philza-updates · 2 years
Phil’s team is down to 3rd place after playing Survival Games! Phil is in 4th place individually with 461 coins!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of the MCC 21 Orange Ocelots’ placement. They are 3rd place with 1406 coins.
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gardenergulfie · 2 years
Ela is Sand Father she is Dignified
Everyone else can call her Dad but Shelby can call her Daddy special permissions
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ver-noice · 2 years
New comfort stream foooound
The vibes of philzas team is everything to me
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pericrayola · 2 years
orange 21 on a ladder
top 10 pictures taken before disaster
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pythonscrypt · 2 years
speaking of last reblog something something desertduo having pizza the llama something something pizzacrust duo
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mimiri22-6 · 3 years
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some choice snapshots from the MCC 21 Orange Ocelots:
-The Demon Slayer skins!! They look so cute!
-Philza cracking up over Elaina and Shubble debating whether to use Sand Daddy or Sand Father
"Everyone has their own, I went by Sand Queen." -Shubble
-Philza making a keybind in order to maximize dog pets
"I've automated the love." -Phil
-The team having to leave Shubble behind as they run towards the light show because she can't let Wilbur beat her at dog petting!
"Even at this, Illumina's faster than me!" -Elaina
-Philza and Elaina screaming for the lasers to beam into their eyes
-Everyone cooing over how cute the decision dome bunnies are
-"The rabbits are a little unpredictable. A little wild." -Shubble
-The bunnies Definitely Did Not Die
"I heard the dying sound." -Shubble
"They were just so excited they screamed 'Yay!'" -Phil
"I don't know, the subtitle <Rabbit Dies> says differently." -Shubble
-Philza and Illu warning of the dangers of Grian on this SG map
"Even if you see him alone, take a full team against him." -Illumina
"If he has an axe, he's taken out two teams with them." -Phil
-The nervous energy spiking when the SG countdown just. stops.
-Elaina being so ready to fight other teams
-Elaina getting so hyped by the music and everyone agreeing it does indeed Vibe
-Philza and Illumina counting their kills, and Shubble replying "I hit one man." (as she should)
-"Cue oxygen intake." -Phil
*rapid huffing and puffing from everyone*
-Illumina having an internal crisis during the hub minigame
"Are we just bad dog finders? :("
-The decision dome transporting them literal seconds before Philza is able to pet the last dog
*Cue agonized groans*
-Phil getting stuck in a wall in HITW, escaping, and then diving off the corner of the platform anyway
-Phil then beefing with Noxite in the chat
-"Today's the good day! Good vibes! Good vibes!" -Elaina
-Elaina joking about Phil's bad knees, then getting stuck in the wall, and Phil immediately roasting her back
-Illumina finishing first in the second round (cracked) and feeling redeemed for the first round
"That makes up for it!"
-Phil conspiracy theorizing that the entire MCC is a set up for the Nox Crew to troll them
-Philza quietly talking to Cookie while petting her
"You got enough food, mate? Yeah? You eating well, mate?"
-Shubble talking about 5up in the decision dome like he's a troublesome pest
"5up's in there, get him out!"
-Elaina enthusing over the GR windows where you can see your friends
-"Oh, we know about aggressive waving." -Shubble
"Shelby and I spent 20 minutes yesterday just high five smacking each other and shifting." -Elaina
-Phil having found them 10 minutes in, Shubble making a prediction for which one would win, and Elaina winning while Shubble was "talking weak shit"
-Everyone baffled at Tommy's new political bit
"He's 18 now, this is his new bit. Finally he can vote, and this is just what he wants to do." -Shubble
-Shubble disagreeing that the chickens "aren't monsters, they're innocent gentlemen!"
"They're monsters. Kill them." -Phil
-Everyone encouraging each other to keep booping in Saw Mill
-Shubble saying "That's okay, it's only the first game!", "That's okay, it's only the second game!", "That's okay, it's only the third game!", and getting progressively more sarcastic as the tournament continues
-Sam racing Phil to get the last flowers, after he'd just gotten a bunch, and getting them just before Phil got there
-"You're such a good boy." -Phil through gritted teeth, petting the dog out of spite
-"Me and this game, we don't shake hands. It smacks me across the face. Rocket Spleef looks at me and goes, You are not worthy, and I get saaad." -Elaina
-Elaina saying Phil's brain is so massive, then rushing to reassure him she doesn't mean he has a large head-
-Phil going into Focused Mode during RSR
-Elaina and Shubble vibing together and humming the RSR soundtrack
-Ponk being a Menace to Elaina in RSR and Elaina calling them a "SON OF A MILK BAG"
-"I'm everything except the problem. I'm the solution!" -Elaina
-Illu winning a RSR round and saying, "Oh my god, streamer! (^ ^)"
-Elaina and Shubble cheering on Jojo and being so proud of her
-Phil calling SOT "pay to win, now"
-Phil Will Never Stop Talking about That One Time Techno Broke Build Mart
-Elaina looking through the decision dome items and finding the cute descriptions, and then finding one item which just says, Sometimes wilful ignorance can be the savior of your sanity.
"I need to know now."
-Shubble testing which swears she can type in chat
"I swore?? 😰 In MCC??? 😱" -Illumina
-"I just wanted to see if I could be a perfect angel this MCC, but I didn't. I already said fuck." -Shubble
-Everyone agreeing that if they don't win this MCC, they just go for the most swears as a consolation prize
-"This is my Sky Battle arc." -Illumina
(It wasn't.)
-Phil saying he just tapped out 'Fuck your mother' in morse code, Elaina believing him, and the betrayal two seconds later
"Phil would never lie to me!"
-"There's two types of people in this world: Illumina and me." -Elaina
-Shubble yelling gleefully in SB that SHE KILLED TWO MEN! TWO MEN! SHE KILLED TWO MEN!
-Purple are Orange's mortal enemies this MCC
-"Hmm, people wonder why I hate Sky Battle, what is it? Could it be that it's a TRASH *desk slam* GAME *desk slam* AND IT SUCKS! *desk slam* IT'S A BAD GAMEMODE! *desk slam*" -Illumina
-Elaina going into a Highly Specific analogy about rocks sinking as a kid, and Shubble chiming in that she used to take rocks in the middle of the street as a child and smash them open with a hammer!
-Illumina having practiced sneaking and Elaina calling him a sneaky little guy
-Phil warning to watch out for Tommy and Dream, and Shubble replying "I've killed them before!"
-Elaina employing psychological warfare against Blue and Jack Manifold in particular
-"Grian's scary, dude!" -Elaina
-The streamers debating which person should do the word puzzle in SOT based off how smart their chats are, and Shubble having zero faith in hers
-Illumina trying to bank before the game even starts
-Elaina being the Sand Father, stating they can call her Dad, but only Shubble gets special permission to call her Daddy
"If Shelby yells Daddy at me, I know what's going on." -Elaina
-Shubble just bullying the pillagers
"You're a nerd, AND you're weird."
-Elaina being the BEST Sand Father
-Phil and Elaina getting called 'Dad Squared'
-"I don't need dogs, I have a cat that bites me!" -Elaina
-Phil, Elaina, and Shubble bonding over #JustCatOwnerThings
-All the runners SCREAMING their heads off as Elaina just runs across the PKT floor from 5up for 30 seconds straight, all while Phil listens in silent terror
"That was so terrifying from my point of view because I couldn't see what was happening. I was just floating, listening to screams."
-Eret then coming into Elaina's chat to tell her he could hear the screams from across the house
-Elaina's lil character moving back and forth as she decides she's going to hunt this time!, wait maybe not, actually yes she wants to hunt! (minecraft body language my beloved)
-"THEY'RE SO SLIPPERY! THEY'RE LIKE LITTLE FISH!!" -Elaina her first time hunting
-Everyone shook by Sapnap just murdering right away in DB
-Elaina listing DB words (Dip! Dodge! Run!) and accidentally stumbling into saying 'dick'
-Phil comparing MCC to the Puppy Bowl
-Everyone merging together into one blocky blob during their team picture
-Phil and Shubble getting second and third in pupper petting stats
-Phil and Elaina getting prepared to fight in Terra Swoop Force for Kristin
-The team encouraging Illumina to ask for 20 gifted subs for his first MCC swear, which he then uses to say "FUCK SKY BATTLE" with his whole chest and soul
-"I think we need to accept the probability that Seapeakay does not know what a lobster is." -Elaina
(He does, and they apologize for doubting his lobster know how.)
-Phil getting so tilted while trying to get up to the balloon, to the point where he has to put on hype music in order to keep focused and reflexively smacks Ranboo off
-I am not exaggerating he spends 20 minutes straight mentally breaking from this
-Elaina telling them to look at her little chicken feet, and Illumina just replying "...cool feet. 👍"
-Phil finally gets there. He is staying there for the rest of the month. He has tasted true glory.
-Elaina threatening to shoot Phil off his perch with the rocket gun if he doesn't give her 69 gifted subs
-"POV, you are witness to Phillumina. You are being perceived." -Phil
-Everyone spends the entirety of the post-MCC period at the rocket spleef practice area getting steadily more unhinged I feel like I'm in a fever dream time isn't real
-"I'm just a cool little guy, and it's my birthday." -Elaina (for luck)
-Elaina finally getting onto the ladder while screaming "KRISTIN!!"
-Elaina, Illumina, and Phil at long last getting on the ladder together and taking a screenie! And then...Shubble sending a stray rocket blast that sends them all scattering down like bowling pins. They're free. o7
-Everyone dies internally at that moment and the story ends in a poetic last stand. (Bonus, Scott was watching Shubble's stream for the last 20 minutes and enters the vc just to scream his disbelief.)
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heykindangel · 2 years
MCC 21 teams and how many wins they have:
Krimson Krakens: Krtzyy (1 win), CaptainSparklez (0 wins), KaraCorvus (1 win), Krinios (1 win)
Orange Ocelots: Illumina (1 win), Ph1LzA (3 wins), ElainaExe (0 wins), Shubble (2 wins)
Yellow Yaks: Fruitberries (2 wins), Smallishbeans (1 win), fWhip (1 win),  Rendog (1 win)
Lime Llamas:  PeteZahHutt (4 wins), SolidarityGaming (1 win), GoodTimesWithScar (0 wins), Grian (1 win)
Green Geckos:  [nope] (4 wins) , TommyInnit (2 wins) , Sylvee (1 win) , Nihachu (0 wins)
Cyan Coyotes: [nope] (4 wins), Seapeekay (2 wins), Snifferish (0 wins), KryticZeuz (0 wins)
Aqua Axolotls: Antfrost (1 win), BadBoyHalo (1 win), GeeNelly (0 wins), jojosolos (0 wins)
Blue Bats: 5up (1 win), Purpled (0 wins), JackManifoldTV (0 wins), Tubbo (1 win)
Purple Pandas: [nope] (1 win), awesamdude (0 wins), Ponk (0 wins), Smajor1995 (4 wins)
Pink Parrots: Ranboo (0 win), Sneegsnag (1 win), [nope] (2 wins), [nope] (2 wins)
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ink-ghoul · 3 years
Here are the reasons and ideas behind each prompt of:
-This Hermittober+LastLife List- 
Hidden after the spoiler if you’d like to make your own interpretations <3 :D
1 Wings | Elytra is a core mechanic helpful for the hermits, include your headcanons about this item or who knows, maybe the tridents helps them fly too
2 Fire | Is it by lava? flame bows? a burning tree? or maybe a hot disstrack 🔥🔥
3 Soul | The culmination of your being
4 Duo | A friend that will help you get out of trouble (or get you into it)
5 Magic | Magical creatures, witches, wizards, and watchers are all over and plenty
6 Game | Everyone enjoys a good minigame! :) Friendly or deadly 
7 Prank | Harmless like a chicken infestation or chaotic like a bomb 
8 War | Never changes. Lead by Red kings, Fungi, or Environmental Corporations 
9 Mountain | Iconic landmarks, what looms on top or lives inside?
10 Knight | A fiery warrior who swore loyalty to a cause or a person
11 Void | What lies below the bedrock? Is this an energy core to some beings?
12 Hels | Ah, yes, the two genders: evil and evil
13 Clock | A time teller 
14 Pet | Parrots, Axolotls, Cats, Horses, Llamas or an Army of Dogs  
15 Crown | Queens of Ice? Hearts? Nature?, a Ruler of something?
16 Hybrid | I believe in nonhuman headcanons supremacy <3 
17 Castle | A nice place to stay
18 Item | 12 bamboo? Fork of friendship? an End Crystal? an iconic Banner? 
19 Trade | Trade a life or trade some diamonds, shop or make transactions
20 Crossover | through MCC, Clash of Creators or the fans imagination, our fave CCs interact with many other members of the MCYT
21 Flower | To decor your base, wear or gift to your husband 
22 Memory | A look to the past! An event of years ago
23 Sword | Weapon of choice to many people
24 Winner | BLUE BATS SUPREMACY, ORANGE OCELOTS MY BELOVED (or any other event, maybe even S1 of 3rd Life)
25 Home | Home 
26 Demise | Any death, not necessary from the Demise Games 
27 Tower | A build? made with boats or goats? or a watch place the defend yourself?
28 Sunset | Common in Last Life, rare on the Hermitcraft server
29 Book | A helpful tool for enchantments, armorstands or write the name or your enemies
30 Family | 🥺
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Ranking MCC teams not at all by how I think they’ll do but by how much I want each to win: MCC 21. 
Tied for 1st: 
Purple Pandas: Punz, Awesamdude, Ponk, Smajor 
Blue Bats: 5up, Purpled, Jack Manifold, Tubbo 
Green Geckos: Dream, Tommyinnit, Sylvee, Nihachu  
Lime Llamas: PeteZaHutt, Solidarity, GoodTimesWithScar, Grian 
Tied for 5th 
Aqua Axolotls: Antfrost, Badboyhalo, Gee Nelly, Jojosolos 
Cyan Coyotes: Sapnap, Seapeekay, Snifferish, KryticZeuz 
Krimson Krakens: Krtzyy, Kaptain Sparklez, KaraCorvus, Krinios 
Tied for 8th 
Orange Ocelots: Illumina, Philza, ElainaExe, Shubble 
Yellow Yaks: Fruitberries, Smallishbeans, fWhip, Rendog 
Pink Parrots: Ranboo, Sneegsnag, Wilbur Soot, GeorgeNotFound 
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philza-updates · 2 years
Phil’s team is up to 4th place after playing Battle Box Remix! Phil is in 16th place individually with 1559 coins! (And his life time coins right now are 47777!)
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of the MCC 21 Orange Ocelots’ placement. They are 4th place with 10191 coins.
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