#maybe threaten him a little. A LITTLE.
slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Imagine your F/O watching you be flirted with by someone who's the opposite of themself.
For example, if your F/O is very serious and sensible- you're being flirted with by someone very goofy and a lot of fun. If your F/O is older, you're being flirted with someone your age (Or younger). If your F/O is mean, you're being flirted with by someone who is overly complimentary towards you.
How does your F/O deal with this?
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astaraels · 1 month
why do people think Yevgeny wasn't Mickey's son? in 3x06 there was clearly no condom used (not that Terry probably would have let Svetlana stop to get one), but there's no reason to think she wasn't using condoms with her regular clients. it's not Svetlana's fault that she was a tool used to rape Mickey—the sole blame for everything that happens in that entire situation belongs to Terry Milkovich and him alone—so why does it feel like it's just another way for people to shit on Svetlana for something that wasn't in her control? it's not as though she'd asked to get pregnant in the first place...
#stop giving svetlana shit just because terry was one of her clients—between him and sasha do you really think she had a chance to say no?#her attitude towards mickey is s4 is very easy to understand when you think about the fact that a) she's his age or maybe a year older#b) she is a person who knows she has to take what life gives her and make the best of bad situations#c) her entire future rests (so she thinks) on her and mickey making their marriage work and he was absorbed in ian (which the audience gets#but svet has no context for) and thus her feeling threatened is very understandable because mickey also won't stand up to his father#so yeah of course svet is gonna see terry as the one person who will put things the way they're supposed to be#but! it's after mickey comes out and he and ian fight everyone in the bar that she realizes mickey could be an ally to her#and she extends a hand in friendship because they're both stuck in this situation and yeah of course she wants him to stop being stupid#about yev—as she puts it “baby did not choose this either” which leads me to think she understands mickey's situation a little better now#but yev looks so much like mickey and has those big blue eyes of his (also evidence for baby mickey being blond)#I get that the whole child from rape thing isn't fun for mickey to have to deal with but women have to go through it all the time—like Svet#okay rant over I'm sorry I'm just...it puts a bad taste in my mouth whenever I see it in fic or meta that yev can't *possibly* be mickey's#mickey milkovich#svetlana yevgenivna#yevgeny milkovich#shameless
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sergle · 7 months
I really really REALLY enjoy when Hugo gets to meet people/kids and gets petted. It's fun for me to just stand back and watch, especially since he'll happily let kids get all up in his face.
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averlym · 6 months
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lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt (but i make these high heels work)
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placesyoucallhome · 5 months
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Some rules are made with all intentions to break And he defends it with a warped rationale And I've seen what happens to the wicked and proud When they decide to try to take on the throne for the crown
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mariocki · 1 year
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Patrick Troughton guests as ruthless racketeer George, out to silence the man who can identify his brother as a murderer, in Dial 999: Key Witness (1.26, ABC, 1959)
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 6 months
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mostly tracing over the pharos concept art but this is just for fun. chuuya and the bestie (boy he is sealed within)
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so-called-quail · 3 months
'Trapped in the end!' said Sam bitterly, his anger rising again above weariness and despair. 'Gnats in a net. May the curse of Faramir bite that Gollum and bite him quick!' 'That would not help us now,' said Frodo.
Sword in hand Sam went after him. For the moment he had forgotten everything else but the red fury in his brain and the desire to kill Gollum. But before he could overtake him, Gollum was gone. Then as the dark hole stood before him and the stench came out to meet him, like a clap of thunder the thought of Frodo and the monster smote upon Sam's mind.
Now he tried to find strength to tear himself away and go on a lonely journey – for vengeance. If once he could go, his anger would bear him down all the roads of the world, pursuing, until he had him at last: Gollum. Then Gollum would die in a corner. But that was not what he had set out to do. It would not be worth while to leave his master for that. It would not bring him back. Nothing would.
Sam and vengeance in today's entry
#idk i have Thoughts about this... rambles ahead...#there's an interesting arc here with how sam approaches his feelings of vengeance in this entry#starting with the first quote. frodo's response to sam is so brief and doesn't get much time to sit with all the action going on#but i feel like it speaks volumes#at least in showcasing the different points they stand on#sam centers his resentment and feelings of revenge... he's quick to get frustrated and immediately goes for threatening gollum#meanwhile frodo is focused on getting out. he doesn't have time to nurse anger nor does he want to#it feels like he's advising sam to move past it because he knows it's futile to stay stuck in those feelings#then there's sam's fight with gollum#after days and weeks of building tension from his mistrust towards gollum... this is where the dam finally breaks#sam's been feeding into his resentment for SO LONG it's no wonder he gets into this state of blind fury towards the end#he set himself up to seek vengeance the moment he gets the opportunity#which in some way i'm sure does help him in fending off gollum... that strength had to come from somewhere#but once he's staved him off he continues to fixate that anger on gollum and forgets what he originally set out to do-- protect frodo#and then we're left with the final quote...#it isn't until sam has (perceived to have) lost everything that he is able to come to the conclusion that vengeance won't serve him#...a lesson learned a little too late?? maybe?? no?? it feels cruel to say that#i definitely do not want to take the position that sam was responsible for what happened to frodo#he was pinned in a horribly desperate situation and couldn't do much once gollum attacked#i don't think much would've changed if he hadn't had his moment of fury with chasing gollum#anyways newbie here-- i haven't read anything ahead from here so idk what character arcs await sam#but i'm interested to see if this is later built upon or acknowledged#end of rambles skdfjgkdjsfg#lotr newsletter#lotr newsletter march 13th#EDIT: I forgot to space the quotes out 😭#not a crime but they can get confusing to read when scrunched together hrnnnn
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dullahandyke · 2 months
The guy in my sisters year who was harassing her a while back got stabbed in school by another girl he was harassing and I have to say. Lol
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
i saw one (1) tik tok of that cut scene with astarion when you don't romance him so he essentially becomes a vigilante in order to only feed on criminals, and now i'm thinking ALL the thoughts.
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mushroom-for-art · 6 months
@distortionmewtwo Lucifer@Vector:
The big horned mew hovered in the air, gazing down at Vector with undisguised judgement. "Just what are you supposed ta be? Mew? Mewtwo? Some Meowth's hairball? You look like what you'd get if someone threw an algae-choked fishtank and moldy bread into a blender! Hah!" He did a lazy little roll in the air, sneering down at Vector. An eager, evil dare in his eyes for them to retaliate.
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The strange creature hunched over watching the horned other with expression and body language that clearly read as pure terror and uncertainty her eyes glued to the floating individual as he loomed over her sneering and mocking.
However when he didn't strike nor more too quickly her ear like horns straightened slowly no longer back in fright turning if anything to inquisitiveness as she shifted her body slowly though still watching him to crouch using one hand to stabilise herself as her head slowly tilted to one side.
She blinked slowly in a manner that indicated she may not have even understood what he had been saying, or was choosing to not acknowledge it her tail moving and swaying lifting to rest on the top of her head two of the spikes sticking up while the third morphed back into the jelly like substance of her tail as she curiously mimicked his horns, at least the best she could.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery or so they say, though it could've been read otherwise. Foolishly perhaps, she seemed a bit fascinated by him now as her tail fell back down to resting on the floor, she lifted her body just enough from her crouch to curiously tap at one of his hooves as though seeing if it was real and not just a unique shaped paw, idly grabbing one of the points between her digits making little curious chirps and cooes in her throat.
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glorious-spoon · 1 year
buddie apocalypse au where buck, traveling the wastelands in search of his sister, comes across what would be a great place to hole up and hide out from zombies or aliens or roving bands of heavily-armed zealots or whatever, except that it turns out there's this kid already hiding out there, and he's like 11 but the place is booby-trapped all to hell (it looks like it was all done by somebody with a much more extensive knowledge of munitions than an 11 year old is likely to have, but what does buck know). he barricades himself in one of the rooms and won't talk to buck at first, but after a few days of fighting off zombies together, buck finally gets a little bit of tentative trust from him.
his name is christopher.
he's been here for a week.
his dad went out for supplies and he was supposed to be back 6 days ago. and like, buck doesn't say anything, but he can tell that chris knows the odds there aren't good. the shelter is compromised and supplies are running low. they can't stay here.
so now, of course, buck is traversing the wasteland looking for his sister with an 11 year old in tow, because in no timeline ever would he leave this kid behind.
meanwhile, eddie diaz finally fights his way out of the clutches of whatever mad max hellhole he's been trapped in only to find his safehouse empty and his son gone
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cleromancy · 6 months
dick stans who feel threatened by like. literally any other dc character than bruce are so goofy like... you dont need to. i promise you dont need to. youre biting your nails anxious defensive staring at the 2nd-3rd horses lagging halfway down the track in a race your guy's *already won*. like please be serious
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lesbiansanemi · 6 months
I hate working with men
#have a male coworker who has been doing his job HORRENDOUSLY wrong#to the point that everyone else is having to take HOURS of their shifts to fix what he’s fucked up#and APPRENTLY several of my coworkers have tried to talk to him about it and correct him#and he’s been getting so goddamn offended and butthurt over it and acting like he’s not doing anything wrong#(and this is important the ppl who have tried talking to him are all older women. one in her 40s one in her 50s and one in her 60s)#ONE OF WHOM IS OUR DEPARTMENT MANAGER#and I was bitching about him today#and one of them was like ‘well maybe you should try correcting him’#and I was like why 1. not my job I’m not a manager but 2. he’s not listened to anyone else why would he listen to me#and she was like ‘well it will feel less threatening from you less like he’s getting scolded by a mom so he might take it better’#and like. HM! WELL!#I know this is a crazy wild absolutely batshit suggestion#but when a man gets told what to do/corrected by women (who have all been doing this job SIGNIFICANTLY longer)#and his reaction to is to act like a little fucking disrespectful piss baby#WE JUST WRITE HIM UP LIKE WE WOULD ANYONE ELSE INSTEAD OF TRY TO APPEAL TO HIS FWAGIL TEENY TINY EGO#LIKE IDK SEEMS LIKE THE NORMAL COURSE OF ACTION TO ME?????#not make the androgynous goth bitch in their 20s try to correct him cuz I’m SOMEHOW less threatening#I’m read as a woman he’s gonna have the same damn reaction#I just. ugh. UGH#I fucking hate men#kaz rambles
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ofyorkshire · 6 months
"Are you on the run?" "Oh... always."
Red Riding: 1980
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lululawrence · 1 year
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