#maybe i'm missing something
fancykraken · 3 months
Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand the sudden influx of words being censored on gifsets? Like...??? This isn't tiktok, you don't have to do that stuff. It's okay to type out the word fuck.
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Baratheons to blame
You know what? When talking about the shit happened to Westeros people usually blame Ned Stark for his insane moral code and political incompetence, Lannisters for being, well, Lannisters, Robb Stark for his naivety, sometimes Sansa Stark for trusting Cersei.
And I've yet to see even one essay dedicated to Baratheons. One of them was butchering the whole country for a decade, others chose to be literal children effectively giving Westeros to Lannisters.
So let's talk about this.
Robert Baratheon.
Well, say it wasn't his mistake to become a king - Baratheons are related to Targaryens, he had people supporting him and loving him, he was known amongst little folks. Even without political intelligence he was a legit option and perhaps the only one that wouldn't raise any question or create an opposition immediately.
Let's say even marrying Cersei wasn't a political mistake at that time - new dynasty needed gold and supplies, winter was coming soon, and Robert needed all the Great Houses support he could get.
But after that? It's inexcusable.
Many words were written I won't repeat them. My biggest issues are - 6 millions debt, not listening to advisers or at least Jon Arryn and later Ned and giving Storm's End to Renly. How the hell the latter happened and what were the reasons - I still don't understand the mechanism.
But Robert didn't care, didn't listen, he created the state of Westeros that it is now, it's a simple constant and starting point of the series, let's move on.
Renly and Stannis Baratheon.
It was the simple equation. The easiest one.
Tywin Lannister had his 12 000 people in Harrenhal plus an abstract army that was still being gathering in Lannisport - so let's say there were 16 000 people total. 20 000 max.
King's Landing was unprotected af.
Robb was also against Lannisters with his 25 000 people or something around this (and he was also theoretically okay with Stannis as a king).
Stannis had his ships and war strategy skills (and dark magic, but no one knew yet).
Renly had more than 90 000 people.
The simplest solution should be to combine Baratheons, annihilate Lannisters and King's Landing and then discuss the terms of sovereignity or allegiances between themselves. They had no bad blood between them and Robb, just childish grudges amongst Renly and Stannis.
Maybe - even if they didn't agree they could just attack Lannisters from different frontlines and then fight amongst themselves - stupid but still reasonable.
You know - "let's deal with the biggest issue first" style.
But no.
Renly decided to become a king literally out of nowhere - he said so himself. Stannis instead of being smart about it held onto stupid grudges against literally everyone. Oh, his brother didn't love him enough, oh, Ned Stark saved his life just because Robert told him so, oh, Renly took his Storm's End, even the Seven did him wrong! Just put on some big boy pants, man!
I know that that's the whole point of their conflict - it's in Catelyn's chapters, but it just frustrates me af.
Robert was just a bad ruler - that happens, I'm sure there were lots of unfit rulers in Westerosi history.
Ned made a mistake of trusting people he shouldn't had - but he was also very new to all of this shit. Man tried to do something but then failed - that happens sometimes.
Robb basically also made a mistake of underestimating enemy's vile and Frey's disloyalty. Stupid, yes, but he also tried to do something while being inexperienced teenage boy.
Lannisters? Vile, atrocious and horrible people - politically smart and looking out for their family's best interests. Understandable.
Blaming a child - just ridiculous.
But these two? Both adults, having either military or state experience? Just doing fucking nothing because of stubbornness and absolutely childish grudges against each other? While knowing that this war was destroying the whole country? That people are being killed? That Lannisters are getting stronger, not weaker?
That's not even stupid, that's just inadequate.
Amongst all the horrors and injustice happening in Westeros Robert, Stannis and Renly are simply the worst
(well, after the mountain and boltons, but you get the point. stop blaming ned)
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fuckyeahdonhertzfeldt · 5 months
Does anyone have a good "I'm feeling fat and sassy" gif that corresponds with this one?
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I am not referring to this gif, which doesn't match.
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Asking for a friend.
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ramseyr · 2 years
I don't understand activits throwing various condiments at famous paintings.
Do you understand that Monet and Van Gogh aren't the ones destroying the environment?
Put on your big baby pants and go after the big oil companies. Not dead artists.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Can someone please explain, how does the plan to escape to Canada supposed to work? Like if there are officially no androids there, it means there are also no (legal) supplies for them to last for long, it's like rotting their last days in Jericho, just over the border. They need thirium, not to mention possible malfunctions that may require repair or other spare parts.
It is possible that Canada has some network of suppliers here and there, but this shit would be supposedly illegal and not really reliable. And while there are definitely more people like Rose, it's more likely that there are others who are not so selfless in their intentions to help androids and getting thirium from them will become a problem in itself.
And especially in case revolution fails, none of those 'lucky' androids who escaped to Canada will last, as getting supplies smuggled from states will get progressively harder, nearly impossible.
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zevrans · 2 years
i really don’t understand the motivation of villains such as nicholai in re3r who’s like ‘there’s a price for everything; even for letting the world burn’ bitch if the whole world potentially dies of t/g-virus where you’re going to spend said money?? 💀💀💀
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jobey-wan-kenobi · 2 years
I don't see the point in locking my AO3 stuff? First of all the scraping by the villain of the moment (and other companies too) has already been going on for a long while. Secondly it will not be difficult for them to make an account for their bot.
I'm following the story closely now but I don't think I can take any effective action as an individual. OTW dealing with it through their lawyers is orders of magnitude more likely to achieve anything. If we are doing to mount a defense at all it has to be more collective and organized.
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prettyblondguys · 1 year
Did we all watch the same show? Bc I'm struggling to understand how Jason is being seen as evil? Like? As a normal civilian who knew nothing about the Upside Down, he had every reason to believe Eddie killed his girlfriend. "He started a witch hunt!" Yeah pal welcome to a small town, what's new lol
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blackberryjambaby · 1 year
i just genuinely don't understand why the trolley problem is such a dilemma because it's so obvious to me that you pull the lever to kill the person you know verses the five people you don't. what would actually make it hard would be if the person you knew could see you but not the other five & was calling out to you begging for their life & you weren't allowed to tell them what was happening. but even then, intellectually speaking, you should still choose to kill them rather than five people
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writesailingdreams · 1 year
What are your thoughts on how the Amphibia fandom viewed S3?
I thought the fandom handled it fine? But I was only ever casually engaged in the fandom.
I suppose if I remember anything, it was a prominent sense that S3a wasn't being serious enough post-True Colors. \(:|)/ But I don't remember being deeply upset about it?
So I guess, I mostly remember it as being fine and mostly positive, especially the select parts of the fandom I was casually engaging with.
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gretchensinister · 2 years
"we all agree that this would be bad irl" <- about something that, if someone could figure out *how* to do it irl, they'd deserve the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine at the very least, considering the amount of staggering biological breakthroughs that would be necessary
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
i’m so intrigued to know what harry and louis did to get liam gallagher so hand-tamed with them? fascinating really
I think part of it is realizing that Liam's very much "if you aren't an asshole to me, I'm not an asshole to you," as well as the way both of them self-deprecate around him, which probably does a load of good just in general
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marismoments39 · 5 months
Ooh ooooh another one, if you had to say your fave pairings in yuru yuri, what would they be? Any rarepairs? Anything weird?
nope! I'd say I have the standard pairings tbh
-Sakurako and Himawari -Ayano and Kyouko -Yui and Chinatsu -Akane and Tomoko -Nana and Azuma
-I once shipped akari and chitose but I don't think they're close enough lol, not enough interaction
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stressedbeetle · 6 months
can someone please explain how Fahrenheit works??? I saw a youtube recommendation about the coldest town on the earth and the video said it was -71 in Celsius and -95 in Fahrenheit which I at first thought was a mistake because like 0 degrees in Fahrenheit is like -17 degrees in Celsius so how come Fahrenheit somehow surpasses Celsius in numbers???? But like my very quick google search for Celsius to Fahrenheit converters has showed me that the video is correct and that actually at -40 degrees there is no difference between what Fahrenheit and Celsius says, it's -40 in Celsius and -40 in Fahrenheit which is just what??? Please someone tell me what the heck is going on here
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ramseyr · 2 years
I don't understand activits throwing various condiments at famous paintings.
Do you understand that Monet and Van Gogh aren't the ones destroying the environment?
Put on your big baby pants and go after the big oil companies. Not dead artists.
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Hey, just wanted to let you know that titles 54 and 61 are the same, in case you didn’t realize. Not sure if you wanted it to be taken twice. If so, ignore me! Lol
hiii! it's different for me?
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