#maybe i'll watch winnie the pooh later
non-un-topo 1 year
Robax has decided to (mostly) work for me today, peace and love on planet earth
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jadeylovesmarvelxo 8 months
Trick or Treat 馃巸
Hello lovely, first can I just say I adore your writing and was wondering if I could request a Halloween one for Eddie?
You and Eddie take your twins out trick or treating for the first time. Maybe a family Halloween costume too?
Request by anon 鈾ワ笍
Don't copy, repost, translate or reuse my work.
Fluffy family based fic 鈾ワ笍
Meeting and marrying you was the best thing that had ever happened to Eddie and life got even better when you fell pregnant with twins, two adorable little girls.
Eddie loved being a daddy, loved his little family and doted on his three girls. It was safe to say you, Alice and Evie had Eddie wrapped around your little fingers.
Not that he minded one bit even if it was a source of good natured teasing from the Hellfire boys, who he still met up with once a week for a D&D session.
Eddie was an amazing father, at first he was nervous when you announced you were pregnant. Of course he was happy but he hadn't been brought up in the most stable household. Uncle Wayne was the only parental figure he had who was always there for him.
Despite his worries he eased into the role and doted on his girls, was very protective and the most amazing storyteller.
His stories were the highlight of for you and the girls, he told them nightly and he regularly acted them out with you. Alice and Evie hung on his every word.
He would read to them as well or join you when you were reading to the girls but he grew bored and embellished or told his own stories instead.
The twins were Eddie in miniature, all big brown eyes, dimples and curly brown hair. Like their father they also had a penchant for mischief and we're honorary Hellfire members as soon as they were born.
Eddie delighted in making them tiny Hellfire shirts.
Halloween was tonight and it was the first time you all were going trick or treating.
Eddie was a little emotional that his baby girls were growing up and you instantly comforted him, both of you wondering how time had flown by so quickly.
How were your girls already three years old? You couldn't believe it and didn't want to miss any moment of them growing up as it went so quick.
It was Eddie's idea to do a family costume. The girls were obsessed with Scooby Doo and Alice was determined to dress up in the Scooby Doo outfit she had seen at the store.
"Princess, we could go as Mystery inc. What do you think?" you nod excited by this.
"Alice and Evie would love it. Evie loves Velma and they have the cutest outfits at the mall.
"You wanna be the Daphne to my Fred? Eddie beams and wraps his arms around you, kissing you tenderly.
"Always but I think for this occasion you're definely Shaggy. The girls love your impression of him" he beams proudly loving making Alice and Evie laugh with his Shaggy voice.
"I'll rope Steve into playing Fred and we can meet up with him later in the night. He owes us for babysitting the six gremlins" you giggle and swat him playfully.
"Eddie, for the last time you can't call them Gremlins" he pouts and you hide your smile privaty agreeing with his assessment. You adored Steve's kids but they were a handful.
Now that it was Halloween you had been having a lovely day with the girls baking cookies and watching Scooby Doo and Winnie the Pooh all day.
Then it was time to dress up in your outfits and get ready for trick or treating. The girls looked so adorable in their costumes and are anxious to get out and enjoy the night.
"Daddy will we go to see Uncle Dustin, Uncle Steve and Aunty Robin?" Alice asks and Eddie nods as he helps her and Evie into their coats.
"Of course princess. Now come on spooky adventures await"
The four of you set out on Halloween night excited for what was to come. Alice and Evie are already hyper and hold their pumpkin baskets giggling and pointing to the different Halloween decorations on your street.
"Daddy look at the bats" Alice points them out to him and Eddie plays up his excitement but you see the slight fear in his eyes.
Even years after surviving the demobat attack, the upside down and the horrors of the past long gone and life peaceful there was still those rare times that Eddie wakes in a sweat and panicking.
That night was the worst of your life. You really thought you had lost Eddie and the grief was overwhelming. Thankfully, he oues through but it still haunted you at times.
Squeezing his hand you distract the twins and point to a witch on the roof of one of your neighbours house, she's on a broomstick, black cat in tow.
"Can we get a black cat mama?" Evie asks her big brown eyes pleading and you look to Eddie who's already melting at her puppy eyes.
He could never resist any of your puppy eyes or pouts and always gave in.
"Maybe Santa might bring you and Alice a kitty for Christmas?" you tease and the girls cheer at this.
The four of you go door to door and your neighbours are lovely, it's not long before the girls have full baskets of candy and their eyes light up as they show you and Eddie the sweets.
Eventually you end go to Steve's, the kids all play together before you all settle down to watch a cute and only slightly spooky film.
The kids eat a little of their candy as you and Eddie relax while talking to the gang.
Eventually the night winds down and you, Eddie and the girls head home.
Both of them are exhausted and Eddie carries both of them to bed while you get their pj's ready and have them all tucked up on bed.
"What about a story?" Evie mumbles sleepily and Eddie softens.
"Not tonight baby but I promise an epic story tomorrow" she nods letting out a little yawn and then she's fast asleep like Alice.
You cuddle into Eddie and he kisses your forehead.
"Uh sweetheart, I'm not very tired are you?" he raises his eyebrows and you grin catching on to what he's hinting at.
"Not a bit, why don't we go have a little Halloween party of our own?" quietly you lead him out of the twins room and to your bedroom stifling a giggle as Eddie kisses your neck.
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Thanks Captain America.... part 1
Part 2 here
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Warning tons of angst. Not my best work. But I just got done reading a fic that made me hate Steve. Therefore right now there's angst. 18+ mentions of kidnappin and cheating and crying and waning Steve to fall on a knife and I think thats it 18+ just incase. Comments welcome please I need more comments. Reblogs appreciated no reposting or republishing.
This is part 1
Part 2 here
I saw Steve at the street fair. I thought he was working and I know he said we can't be seen in public together but I can still say hi like a fan or just be around him. Feel his warmth I love that.
There was a small group wanting to say hi and I was just there to watch him. Just as our eyes meet I hear a
"Stevie baby" and a woman kisses his cheek. And she had a promise wring on her ring finger a claddah.
I couldn't read his face but I know he could read mine as I gasped. That was the reason that was the real reason. Tears pooled
I wanted to puke.
I started crying and went to some place to sit. My hand was shaking as I took out my phone and I sent him one. Last. Text.
"The only reason that I am not dousing you with water is because I'll be made the villain. Your things will be in a garbage bag in the lobby. I suggest you get it before its thrown out forever tomorrow morning. But maybe those things you said meant something meant nothing.. I know I meant nothing to you."
I couldn't care less if someone got his things i assume they'd be thrown out regardless. It's obvious he didn't care about me he knew I was crying and he just didn't care.
I ignored every ring and ding and notification from my phone. I never read any of his responses or voice mails. I never blocked him either it seemed cruelest for him that way. I thought maybe one day I'd be strong enough to read him begging. But I guess that day will never come.
Where I was sitting someone came up to me,
"Hey are you ok."
"No I just found out my boyfriend was cheating me probably the whole time. He's not the man I thought he was... he was never."
"You found out here?"
Yea he said he didn't want us-" I stopped myself i wasnt about to let myself be kidnapped or killed because someone thought I meant something to Steve. "Us to come because he had work. It's complicated."
"Its not that complicated. He's an asshole."
"That about sums it up."
A few weeks later my front door is being pounded on.
I look for the peephole and its Steve. I should have known.
"I can see your feet and hear your breathing i know you're there."
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Someone knows about us they're threatening you you need to come-"
"This isn't a-:
"I'm not going anywhere".
:It's just to the tower. I'll break thi-"
I opened the door a bit and he shut up..I made sure he could clearly see my face my face my eyes still puffy from crying.
"I don't care I don't care about anything anymore I don't know why you do either because I meant nothing."
"If something happens to you I'd-"
"Wouldn't care you'd just feel guilty in front of the press to get sympathy you're nothing like you claim. Get. Out. Of . My. Building before I call the cops. Or better yet tmz. All righteous captain America is harassing me stalking me. Forcing-How do you think that would play out? Hm? There are camera in the hallway."
"I never meant to hurt you. I never meant for it to get this far."
"But you meant it to grt far enough.. but you were cheating on me. Or was I the other girl? Or were we both equals in this and you just went back and forth. Did you tell her?"
All my questions went unanswered
I. HATE. YOU." Then I slammed the door. And walked back into my bedroom.
"Honey next time he's here-"
"Dont you'll make things worse. He'll just freak.. I can't believe you never saw Old Yeller its the saddest movie ever. After this we're watching winnie the pooh." I snuggled back in Hayden.
"What if he's telling the truth?"
"Hes not all he does is lie. Should be his moto."
There was this huge women defense class series Maria Hill and Natasha from Shield/avengers were doing. A series of class 16 weeks. I was able to get a spot thatks to the one woman who knew I was Steve's girl-or I guess one of Steve's girl. I always wondered why her face looked a bit sad. Now I know.. I figured why not especially since Steve won't leave me alone and as much as Hayden cares he'd never be a match. I don't want him to get hurt. He's becoming more than just my best friend.
I had been kicking and punching the bags so vioenty one class. I even kicked a hole on one if the bags.
Steve would have loved that.
"You dont have to easy on those things you know they can take a beating." Natasha had jokes
"My ex won't leave me alone"
"Report his ass."
"I can't he's too....connected it wouldn't go anywhere." I shook my head. If she only knew
He doesn't understand he cheated on me and he just wants me to."
I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes.
"We could always stick Cap on him." Hill joked.
If she only knew.
"I wish you could. I wish Captain America could kill him." That's be a fight id like to see him falling on a knife.
"He's that bad?"
"Worse." I started crying and whiping my eyes. Stupid I shouldn't have said anything.
"Steve come here." I hearnaNat yell
"I have to go."
"Wait." They called after me but I never ran so fast out of the opposite side of the gym and ann the way to the outside and down the street where I just had to catch my breath and cry.
"Are you going to say something or just stand there."
"I never meant to-to hurt you."
I looked up at him with an incredulous look.
"Steve you stayed over at my apparment constantly. You told me you loved me. You'd say how amazing I was how beautiful how much you cared. When I saw you there with whoever it broke you really broke me. And yea im stupid im an idiot for letting a man do thst to me but I trusted you. And then you come up with some fake stalking shit."
"It wasn't fake. it isn't. For what it's worth I never meant to hurt you."
"Its not worth shit."
"But id you don't believe mnaNat will tell you-"
"I was juseiwith her and Hill"
"They don't know you they only know I assigned people to-"
"To what" i asked through gritted teeth.
"To keep you safe, alive."
"Look just please come back with me."
"No. And tell Nat and Hill I quit. I can't go back knowing that you'll know I'm there."
I got up and walked away From him from what I swore would be the last time.
But I should've gone. I should've just gone. Because now I'm in a cell that I'd never get out of in a place I dont know with people of all diffrent backgrounds speaking diffrent languages none that I know of. Sometimes I think of Hayden I hope he's ok. That he wasn't hurt. I know he'd look for me but never find me.I've was an actual friend.
I don't know how long they'd hold me or what they'd use me for or do to me. All because I said yes to dating Steve Rogers. If he had agents on me they'd know where I was or he'll they would have stopped it but just like, you know I don't know how many times he lied. But that was just one more time. Because of him, because of Steve Rogers I'll never be saved.. because of Steve Rodgers I'll never get out if here alive. So Thanks Captain America for how my life turned out.
Next chapter here
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @cadencejames87 (one time tag you know why lol)
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kylekozmikdeluxo 10 months
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I was randomly re-watching BONKERS this week. Coincidentally, that show turned 30 this year... Now that's *bonkers*!
For the uninitiated, it's a Disney TV Animation-made series that had the usual 65-episode run. It was a WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT-inspired show made at a time when Roger Rabbit's future was up in the air, and this series - inspired by ROGER RABBIT'S core premise of cartoon characters living in our world and being the actors of their animated pictures - just so happened to be in development. Seemed to be the perfect "that'll do" situation! Its production history, so complicated it scrambles my brain, but fascinatingly so, like any troubled production. The entire show, including an episode that was held from TV for years due to depictions of bombings (in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11), is available to view on Disney+.
The show itself is every bit as puzzling as its production history, no matter which batch of episodes it is or who animated on them. It feels like it's a weird outsider-artist's attempt at a wacky, spontaneous Tex Avery-inspired cartoon, but it frequently misses the rhythm even though it's earnestly trying with everything it has got... That is all juxtaposed with this very high-grade art direction and animation (for a 1993-era animated TV series, that is), particularly the episodes made at Disney TV Animation Japan. It's like I'm watching some badass '80s anime take on L.A., but with these silly-looking 'toons. A hell of a contrast! But the show's weird attempts at zany humor are all the more questionable because this is a DISNEY SHOW, you would think they could pull this off. I know it's popular opinion that Disney animation, all throughout history, was never "funny"... Though I beg to differ. Disney TVA, from my perspective, tended to be more "fun adventure" than wacky comedy. Not in the wheelhouse of, say, ANIMANIACS or REN & STIMPY. Bonkers D. Bobcat himself actually started appearing on one of Disney's attempts at a wacky show, RAW TOONAGE, a year earlier. There was also this show called THE SCHNOOKUMS & MEAT FUNNY CARTOON SHOW, which fits this bill, too. The respective executions of these shows apparently left a bit to be desired.
I first saw BONKERS when its re-runs aired on Toon Disney, a long-defunct channel, in the late '90s and early '00s. That was the way I, a 1992 baby, could see all of those early-era Disney TVA cartoons and many of the ones that were part of the legendary syndicated "Disney Afternoon" block. I saw almost all of 'em, from DUCKTALES to TALESPIN to TIMON & PUMBAA. That was a brief period of time though, when my grandmother had a cable package that included Toon Disney. Later on, she didn't, and neither did I at my house... So I went a good many years without seeing those shows again, the only one I had pieces of on VHS was NEW ADVENTURES OF WINNIE THE POOH.
I'll tell you what *weirdly* filled the void for me...
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Yeah, you heard that right... SONIC ADVENTURE. And by that, I mean the original version released for the Sega Dreamcast in North America in 1999, which I got sometime in - I wanna say - spring 2000? Easter present, maybe?
Now, my grandmother still had Toon Disney when I had SONIC ADVENTURE... Because at the time, Toon Disney was airing... ADVENTURES OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! That's right, the DiC cartoon from 1993. The wacky one. I sometimes caught it in passing, but I really wanted to see it now that I was playing SONIC ADVENTURE religiously circa mid 2000... But it was never on when I was over there, I had only caught a commercial or two. I remember catching one during an airing of BONKERS, and it was like "The SONIC show... Whoooooaaa." My 7 1/2-year old brain on a high of some sorts, 'cuz that's just how my weird-ass autie brain works you get the gist?
Anyways, when I no longer could watch Toon Disney, I had SONIC ADVENTURE...
Here are the weird connections I made between SONIC ADVENTURE and Disney TV Animation's output circa 1987-1995:
Anthro animals, check. Goofy villain, check. Sonic's design channels Felix the Cat and early Mickey, very much Western "funny animal" in spirit. Coincidentally, FELIX THE CAT: THE MOVIE was airing on Disney Channel and Toon Disney around this time, I remember seeing commercials for it at the time... And remembered seeing scenes of him running around some palm trees, a jungle-like setting... and I thought it looked kinda Sonic-y and kinda cool. Moving on: Tails' bi-plane, the "Tornado". TALESPIN vibes. Has two tails, 'tis his nickname... What else, Station Square, a city with both humans and cartoon animals, reminding me of not only BONKERS, but also Duckberg. The "At Dawn" section of the "Speed Highway" level in particular had those vibes, for me... And then you have the Mystic Ruins, the spacious jungle hub world with the temple. Disney had a couple of "jungle" shows at the time, outside of the JUNGLE BOOK-inspired TALESPIN, you also had JUNGLE CUBS (basically MUPPET BABIES by way of JUNGLE BOOK), MARSUPILAMI (a very bizarre adaptation of the Franco-Belgian comic of the same name), and the aforementioned TIMON & PUMBAA spin-off.
So yeah, SONIC ADVENTURE and certain Disney TV Animation shows were kinda "linked" in my brain circa 2000-ish. It's a thing my brain does, it makes these weird connections or associations with disparate media. Like, I'll be hyperfixating on three or four separate things in a period of time (say, September-November 2005)... And because of that, they're all linked in my head. I'll think of one of those things, and I'll think of the three, if that makes sense.
In fall 2002, for my birthday, I received a DK book called DISNEY: THE ULTIMATE VISUAL GUIDE. It had a two-page spread dedicated to the DTVA stuff, and lo and behold, BONKERS was on there... and it all came back... And for whatever reason, I built up BONKERS in my head as this amazingly funny thing. It was even in the name, and at the time, I was developing a cartoony slapsticky idea of my own... Which totally morphed and mutated over two decades into the behemoth beast that it is now... Partially thanks to BONKERS, a show that's considered one of the worst of the Disney Afternoon and that whole era of DTVA... I simply had to see this show again, and all the other Disney TV Animation cartoons that weren't being shown on any other channel.
And I eventually caught a few of the Bonks on Toon Disney somewhere's else in mid-2003, and remember thinking "Yeah, it's as cool as I thought!" But then many, many moons later - with much more knowledge under my belt, a lot more context, a lot more animation history, etc. - I gave it a proper revisit. This was probably right around the time it came to Disney+, and after hearing other outlets either fairly criticize or outright trash the show. I mean, ANIMANIACS - probably fueled by Steven Spielberg's beef with Disney/Eisner at time, which affected ROGER RABBIT plans going forward - was roasting BONKERS. And what I saw was a show that was certainly a mess... I mean, when your plug is pulled halfway through production and your show is straight-up rebooted w/ an all-new supporting cast and main character redesign- it's a miracle the show even got made, finished, and was somewhat watchable. I have a soft spot for it, really. There's a kernel of a really cool, wacky, ROGER RABBIT-lite there... and under different circumstances, it could've really stuck the landing... But it meant a little something to me, and that's all that matters.
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astroluvr 2 years
Request for Jack: Jack had a bad day at the studio and he comes home upset but one tickle fight later and he鈥檚 back to his regular self ;)
thanks for ur request! i changed it up a little, but i hope u enjoy!!
You were just getting into bed when Jack came home, planning on watching a movie until he got home to make sure he'd at least have a warm smile to walk into. As he came through the bedroom door, you could immediately see the weight of the day on his stature.
"Hi, babe. I was expecting you a little later." you watched him kick off his boots into the closet before shrugging. "Jack?"
"I sent everyone home. We weren't getting anywhere and there was no sense in staying there all night on my behalf."
"Do you want a massage?" you asked, feeling terrible for the man. "Jackman."
"I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I feel so bad about myself right now, so can I just shower and get into bed?"
You and Jack were always up front about your feelings when you could be, even if you didn't want to talk about it. It was important to communicate your emotions mutually to prevent leaving the other in the dark unnecessarily.
"Okay, can I help you?" he sighed and looked into your eyes with his weary ones before nodding. "Great. You take a shower and I'll make you some tea."
"Alright, baby." you stood up and rubbed his back.
By the time Jack was out of the shower, he was in a loose white shirt and a pair of shorts, trudging over to you where you had his tea cooling in his Winnie the Pooh mug, matching your Piglet one.
Jack cracked a smile when he saw it, and you grinned. "Oh, my God, was that a smile?"
He rolled his eyes and picked up the mug, falling in sync with your movements as you lifted it to your lips. "Thank you, Y/N."
"You're so welcome." you set your mug down, and Jack did the same.
He allowed you to shift him to the empty space on the counter and make him sit there.
"Even though," you said with a kiss on his forehead. *You should not, and I do mean not, talking about yourself like you're not doing a good enough job." between every few words, you smacked a kiss to his lips and made him blush.
"I can't help it."
"Wrong." you said sternly, holding his jaw. "If you had any right to feel bad about yourself, you wouldn't be as far as you are, Jack. There's bad days, and maybe this is one of them, but that does not define you as a person or an artist. When you walk into that studio, you should feel great about yourself because no matter how much or how little you walk out with, you have the dedication to try over and over to craft perfection. And how many people can say that?"
Jack bowed his head and sighed. "You're only saying that because you're my girlfriend."
"I don't even like you that much." you teased and you caught his dimple before he pursed his lips to hide it. "Look at me, Jack."
And when he did, he fell right into your trap. Your hands cupped both sides of his bearded face and you smacked kisses all over until he was gripping your wrists to pull you away. You became dedicated to getting a smile out of him, and you were rewarded with a belly laugh.
"Okay, okay!" he chuckled, causing you to take a couple of steps back to examine his face and you were happy to see you smile. "Alright, I get it."
"What do you get?"
"That I should take today in stride. That I'm a good artist who's allowed to have shitty days."
"Exactly." you cupped his face and Jack leaned in to give you a genuine kiss. "I love you, Jack. I really am upset you had a bad day today." you whispered and he shrugged.
"I love you more. And it's okay, you were right."
"Again." you murmured.
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rosespotter-blog 6 years
For us pt.2
Hey humans! So I had a lot of fun writing my crc challenge entry, a Dan and Phil fic that involves Winnie the Pooh. I really liked it, so I wanted to write an add-on. Idk if I'll do more 'chapters' I guess you could call it in the future. I'm not making any promises but I loved writing it, so maybe. I also posted the challenge entry on my tumblr if you want to check it out there.
Oof that was a lot. Anyways, I know the whole fic seems kinda weird. It has almost a cult-y vibe to it, at least to me. Like, a darker undertone so I'm hoping to keep with that.
Let'sa go! *ps, sorry for any spelling mistakes*
The sun was beginning to set and Daniel was given instruction to go back to the large tree stump. Pooh and the gang walked Daniel back to the stump then left him there to wait for the Rumming Steg to come and collect him. Or uh... Phil. His name is Phil.
Piglet gave Daniel a friendly kiss on the cheek while Rabbit was fiddling and fixing his hair. They had quite the time, running around, saving the people of the fake village in their game. Eeyore was staying back a bit, already down that his time to play was over. Daniel gave him a gentle pat on the head.
After the hugging and many goodbyes, Daniel's friends left him. The boy sat up on the stump, swinging his legs as he waited for his new owner to come and collect him. He was eager to see where he'd be staying from now on. Phil was nice to the boy, from what he could tell in their first meeting.
The sun had settled down when Daniel felt the presence of another once more. He smiled again, to himself. "Well done, Daniel. Come with me now, time to go home." Daniel didn't know, but the Rumming Steg had come earlier than he knew, watching him to make sure the young boy listened, and he did.
Phil was surprised, to say the least. He hadn't come in contact with another human in years. People screamed, ran away. People have tried to burn him for witchcraft before, yet the young boy didn't show any signs of fear. It tugged at something inside of him, knowing that he wasn't feared by everyone. It certainly intrigued him as well.
Little Danny hopped off of the large stump and followed after Phil as he began to walk. He looked up at Phil, watching the tall figure in a black cloak walk swiftly deeper and deeper into the woods.
"So are we going home?" Daniel asked as he followed the Remming Steg. "Yes child." He replied. The air was getting a bit chilly so Daniel wrapped himself tighter in his sweater. Phil glanced back at the boy, seeing him shiver slightly and took off his cloak, wrapping it around the smaller boy. Daniel smiled gratefully at the Remmimg Steg.
"Phil? May I ask you why your name in the village is The Remming Steg? Surely it has a meaning, yeah?" Phil smiled softly and ruffled little Daniel's hair a bit and chuckled, the deep sound sending waves of uneasiness through the younger boy.
"You ask many questions.. But we'll save that one for later." Phil led them deeper in the forest until a small cottage caught Daniel's eye upahead. The lights were on and smoke was fighting it's way out through the neat chimney on top. "My mother-" Daniel began but Phil cut him off.
"Birth mother. You say birth mother and father when speaking about your family. Your old family. I am your family now, Daniel." He opened the gate that surrounded the cottage and offered Dan to go first. Daniel smiled and walked through. "I'm sorry Phil. My birth mother always said I asked too many questions. She never liked them.." Daniel let out a little sigh at the memory but was instantly distracted by the beautiful garden they were in.
Along the fence there was every flower known to man, then in patches in front of the house there were all sorts of vegetables and fruits. Daniel smiled to himself at the beauty that was in front of him. The cottage was bigger in person, a dark wood finish as the roof. The big stones made up the outside walls and a large stone chimney. The window frames were a dark shiny wood and a matching front door in the middle.
Phil watched as Daniel took in his new home. "I have some rules, no going outside during the night unless I am with you. No running off and clean up after yourself. Follow those rules, and you'll be just fine." Daniel turned and nodded up at Phil. The elder of the two led them inside.
Inside the cottage was a whole different world. It was.. Bigger on the inside? On the outside it seemed to only hold two rooms but on the inside it was almost like a mansion. "H-how?" Daniel stuttered, holding the cloak tight against him. Phil leaned down close to Daniel's ear and whispered. "Magic.."
The two had a pleasant dinner that Phil allowed Dan to help make. They sat at a large dark wooden table with a shiny finish. The flooring was a light stone marble with a slightly rough texture. But that was only the dining room. Phil seemed to have a great sense of style when it came to decor. Daniel couldn't wait to see what happened next.
Hey so I was thinking of writing chapters to this. As I was writing it, I figured maybe turning it into an actual story would be good? Keh!? Anyways, you all that read it seemed to like the first one. I know this one was a little weird... I would consider it a filler chapter but I have plans for the next one. If you guys wanna suggest things that'll be cool as well. Sorry for any spelling mistakes!! I try to go over it at least a few times to make sure there are no spelling mistakes!!
The backround belongs to - http://sunshinehowelll.tumblr.com/post/113920939220
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