#maybe i should change the tag to gritty baby names?
thefundiemuseum · 2 years
Can't wait to see what the Etbauers come up with next.
They have Grit Wes and Flint Billy. I wonder if they're specifically looking for stone and mineral words, or just single syllables. I've tried to round up possibilities that fit both criteria.
Some (less than serious) possibilities for future Wikstrom Etbaurers:
The real interesting question is what they'll do for girls. The folks I know who like these single syllable boy names (the kind that sound more like dog names than people names) tend to prefer long and feminine girl names. Will they still want to use mineral names? I'm intrigued.
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
everything is you: eight
A/N: Happy Monday everyone! Monday is such a hit or miss, I will let you all know how Monday is once I get to work later. I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday thus far. I know I’ve been promising Snapshots, I am working on it. I’m just having a difficult time with it for some reason, but I’m pushing through!
School starts back up again next week, yay! Pray for me. Full time school and work again, yay! This is my literal escape, so I hope it will continue to pull through for me. 
Anyways, hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the update! <3
Thank you @carlaangel86​ for the collage! <3
everything is you
one : two : three : four : five : six : seven
Word count: 9562
Warnings: Angst
Request tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @ifoundmyhappythought : @carlaangel86 : @woahitslucyylu : @encounterthepast : @enamoured-x : @thewarriorprincessxo : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespasta : @twistnet : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @sammskellington : @cind-in-real-life :  @claytoncardenasbabymama : @sadeyesgf : @thickemadame : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @gemini0410 : @elcococruz : @samcrobae : @sesamepancakes : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle : @mrs-losa : @1-800-imagines : @phoenixhalliwell : @lady-pswrld : @dazzledamazon  : @getyourcrayoncas : @fvckthisbxtchup : @lukealvxz : @scuzmunkie : @lilac-tea-time : @danie1432 : @cocotheclown : @soaronmywings : @my-rosegold-soul : @buttercup812 : @itskiranbitch : @angelreyesgirl : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @vicmackeybullshxt : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer : @khyharah : @strawberrywritings : @cherry-icetea : @fuzzy-jellyfish : @losolvidad0s : @brownsugarcoffy : @courtrae89 : @prdsdjarin : @blessedboo : @marvelmaree : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead : @thesandbeneathmytoes : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind : @maddie-georges : @pearlkitten33 : @aquamento : @incorrect-mcdanno​
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know!
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Alena yawned as she gathered her things, glad to be finally done for the day. She was out at her scheduled time of six in the evening. Cruz was with Angel so she was free to do as she pleased. She messaged Carla, but she picked up a shift at work. She decided she was going to stay in and order some food, catching up on some Korean drama she’s been meaning to see.
Making her way down the stairs, she forego her car today since she wanted to walk home. It was Friday and she meant to call Victor, but she knew he had family dinner tonight. She was invited as well, but she didn’t want to make their relationship more personal till she and Angel were divorced. 
She missed Angel.
She thought of going to see Angel, but she had to remain strong. As much as she wanted to just go back to normal with Angel, this was for her own good. 
Walking out of the building, she was surprised to find EZ outside.
She hasn’t talked much with him either since everything fell apart between him and Angel. While she understood his reasoning to some extent, he put Angel in danger. He was holding the sleeves of his kutte and offered a smile.
She returned his smile and gave him a questioning look. “What are you doing here?”
“You got plans?” EZ knew she didn’t, but things could have changed since Carla informed him of their failed plans. He knew he shouldn’t approach Alena for help, and she technically wasn’t talking to Angel. But he figured he could help his older brother out, maybe Angel would forgive him.
“No, well besides enjoying some take out and a Korean drama, no.” 
“Want company?”
Alena was hesitant, but it was EZ. The same one who betrayed Angel. “I don’t know. Angel wouldn’t want me to speak to you.”
“Well, Angel isn’t around is he?” EZ sighed. “I’m sorry, come on Alena, just like old time, our Friday night hangouts.”
Alena held the door for EZ as he brought up the food Alena picked up. They set it up on Alena’s coffee table, sitting on the floor against the couch. Ever since EZ got out, he’s never had a moment alone with Alena, but with her not talking to Angel as often, keeping a distance between them, he had the opportunity to talk to Alena.
And if he played his cards correctly, he could convince his sister-in-law to have mercy on his idiotic brother and in turn, maybe Angel would forgive him.
“Why won’t you catch me up?” EZ opened the packages of Korean fried chicken that Alena picked up. They had original flavor and a spicy one, which EZ knew was mostly for Alena. She loved spicy food. Two individual containers of rice, and udon that they could share. She also got French fries, since Alena loved the carbs. Alena always has a big appetite, so he wasn’t even surprised that they had this much food.
“About?” Alena handed him a paper plate. EZ knew everything in some sense, maybe not all the gritty details, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Come on Alena, about you and Angel, you and Cruz. Apparently you and Victor now.” EZ teased her making Alena blush, playfully smacking her brother-in-law.
“There’s nothing to talk about. I realized it was time for us to just put some boundaries so that we can still remain friends once we divorce.”
“You’re going to divorce my brother?” EZ thought it was cute that Alena thought Angel would let her go.
“That’s what he wants.”
“But what if that’s not what he wanted? What if he wants you to stay by his side?”
Alena smiled, slightly laughing. “He doesn’t, your brother made that very clear a few months ago. It’s time to stop hoping you know? I’ll always cherish my friendship with Angel, but that’s all we’ll ever be.”
“God, Carla is right, you’re infuriating.” EZ shook his head. “How can someone so smart be so naive and stupid?”
“Ezekiel Reyes!”
EZ chuckled. “I’m joking, but you are. You’re refusing to see what’s finally in front of you.” He knew of Alena’s crush on Angel. She used to tell him about Valeria and Angel whenever she came to visit and how happy Angel appeared. Yet, when EZ spoke to his father, he didn’t even fucking know Valeria. 
“Can we just enjoy a quiet night, no mention of your brother or Victor? We can talk about Cruz though, I’m glad you finally can spend time with him.” Alena would bring Cruz from time to time to meet EZ, after all, he should know his uncle. Angel wasn’t really onboard at first, but Alena eventually got him to see her reasoning. 
“Alena, Angel doesn’t want to divorce you.”
“And you know this as the person he confides in?” Alena sighed. “I’m not going to apologize, what you did to your brother was not right.”
“I fucked up, I get it, but that’s why I want to help him. If he doesn’t forgive me that’s fine, but he deserves to be happy and that happiness is with you.” 
“EZ, your brother is a great guy, he has a big heart and he would do anything for you. When he told me you were getting out, expressed your desire to join the club, he was overjoyed. Something he could share with his baby brother, help him assimilate back into this life.” Alena placed some food on her plate, starting to nibble on the chicken. “All he wanted was for you to be happy, to be safe. Regardless of how he felt towards you, Angel prioritized you because that’s what big brothers do.”
“I’m not going to excuse my actions, but I always made sure Angel and the club would be protected.”
“That’s not the point. You didn’t trust Angel enough and yet again, he was left out by you and your father.” 
EZ saw Alena’s point, he came here to help Angel out and somehow, Alena helped him out with his struggling thoughts about his betrayal with Angel. 
“Can you help me?” EZ put some food on his plate as well, his appetite gone with the shift in conversation.
“No, this is up to Angel, I wouldn’t force him to talk to you. He’ll talk to you when he’s ready.”
“What if that never happens?” EZ itched to tell Alena about his mother since she was such a big part of Alena’s life as well, but he knew it would upset Angel if he dragged Alena into this. 
“You're his brother, he’ll come around.”
Carla walked in Alena’s apartment and gave Letty and Cruz a quick hug before dropping her purse at the dining table. Alena called her over since they haven’t seen one another and Alena wanted to catch up.
“Where is Alena?” 
“Room, she’s catching up on her korean dramas before dinner.” Letty nodded her head towards the room. 
Carla went inside Alena’s room and found her watching television. “Alright, first of all you look like hell.” 
“Hell?” Alena sat up frowning. She looked at the mirror across from her and she didn’t see any difference. “Thanks for the insult jerk.”
“Alena, your eyebags look like that cartoon dog with droopy eyes.” Carla teased, sitting next to her best friend. 
When EZ first told her that Alena finally put some distance between herself and Angel, she didn’t believe it. After all, who would? Alena was in love with Angel and the last thing she wanted was to put space between them. But when EZ told her why Alena put the distance between them, she went to Angel’s while Cruz was napping and slapped him. He had given her an incredulous look before she uttered Alena’s name and he took it, nodding his head. 
After that, she rarely spoke to Angel, upset at him for his actions. 
She was on Alena’s team afterall. 
“How are you doing?”
“I’m good.”
“This is good to you?” She looked around and Alena was much neater than usual. She figured with all the time in her hands, all she did was organize and clean. 
“Carla, I don’t know what you want me to say. I’m hurting, but I don’t want to dwell on it. I made my choice and it’s better for us to get used to this instead of just ripping off the bandaid.” Alena turned her television off, giving her full attention to Carla.
“True, and I’m proud of you Alena, I just want to make sure that this is what you truly wanted.” Angel was such an idiot. All he had to do was confess to Alena, but instead, the two were suffering. 
“I don’t even know, what I do know is that I want to get used to not having Angel around. I can’t always count on him.” Alena knew that she eventually had to pull away from Angel. It would make things easier and on Cruz as well. They could just co-parent and Cruz was used to going back and forth anyway.
Carla frowned. She was all for Alena moving on, honestly whatever made her happy she was happy with, but she was conflicted. Angel was prone to making stupid ass decisions that he thinks was a good idea, but in reality, it was far from that. She was sympathetic to Angel, who basically became a brother to her, but maybe this was what he needed, to lose Alena to finally prompt him to do something. 
“You’re right, you can’t. But I always thought you would do it slowly, not rip the bandaid off.” Carla slightly laughed. “Alena, are you really okay? It’s me, you don’t have to lie.”
“I’m not, not at all. But I always figured it was going to hurt, I didn’t think it would hurt this much.” Alena felt herself tearing up, but she tried to hold back, tired of always shedding tears.
“Alena, you can’t keep doing this to yourself. You have to make a stand. If you want to stay away from Angel, hold your ground, but if you want to stay until it’s done, then stay. But for once, think of yourself. Angel will never hate you for thinking of yourself, maybe this would wake his big butt up.” Carla wrapped an arm around Alena’s shoulders, pulling her close to her.
“He told me he had feelings for me.”
“And you don’t believe him.”
“Am I supposed to? He tells me that then next thing I know, he takes it back. I just don’t want to fall for it. I feel that he just tells me that to keep me grounded cause he knows I have feelings for him.” Carla agreed. Angel definitely knew Alena had feelings for him, but she doubted that Alena would believe it. It was definitely a dick move on Angel’s part, but Carla knew it had something to do with Angel’s own insecurities of not deserving Alena. That if he gave her enough, she would stay, but joke was on him, Alena would eventually reach her point. 
And this was her point.
They were supposed to divorce after the fifth year. 
“Good on you Lena, it was time for you to walk away.” Carla softly squeezed her arm. “What about Cruz?”
“I’ll always be here for Cruz.”
“Look, I get it, you don’t want to believe Angel has feelings for you, but Angel almost always takes it back right away. Did he take it back this time?” Carla didn’t want to push Alena, but she had to do her due diligence.
“No, he kept telling me that he had feelings for me.” Alena looked at their reflection on her television. She was always so grateful for Carla. One of the few women who didn’t befriend her due to her connections to the Reyes brothers and her older brother. “I don’t know. It’s not about Victor or anything, it’s about me and Angel, it always has been. Maybe it was a mistake I stood by him, but have you seen him with Cruz? He’s so happy, so good with him. He’s always felt inadequate in their family, but now he has Cruz, a family of his own.”
“Don’t do that Alena, you’re Angel’s family. Look, I’m not his biggest fan right now, but you should see how he talks about you. Whenever you’re not around it’s my wife this, my wife that, my wife and Cruz did the funniest thing.” It was the reason Carla slightly favored Angel. Whenever Alena wasn’t around him, he always spoke about her. “I’m not trying to convince you to stay, but I also want you to know that Angel is a big dummy, your big dummy.”
Alena wipes her tears, slightly laughing. “He really is, I miss him so much.”
“He misses you two you know, he’s miserable with you. He’s also a pain without you. He’s not talking to EZ, so she bugs me more.”
“Did you know about the deal?”
Carla sighed. “I did, but Angel chooses to ignore it because he knows you listen to me.”
Both women laughed knowing that’s most likely the reason Angel was talking to her. And he didn’t expect anything from Carla. EZ and Felipe were different, they were his family and they shunned him as always.
“I’m serious though, you’re Angel’s family. You, Cruz and Angel, that’s what he needs, that’s what he’s needed for the last few years.” Carla leaned her head against the top of Alena’s head. “I love you Alena, you’re my best friend, but I also want you to know that this time, I don’t think Angel is going to take it back. I think he finally realized what you’ve been waiting for, he just hasn’t come out and said it yet.”
Alena remained silent, letting Carla’s words sink in. She wasn’t sure where they stood, but whatever it was, she wanted to move forward. Whether it would be with Angel or not, that was yet to be determined.
Coco watched as Angel busied himself with the vehicle in front of him, Angel had been picking up more hours when Cruz was with Alena and taking on more runs to keep himself busy.
It’s been a month since Alena put her foot down with whatever was going on in their relationship and Angel has not been taking it well.
Not even close.
Coco has seen Alena a few times, he drove up to San Diego to see her and she looked better than Angel, but this distance was taking a toll on her as well. She came to the scrapyard and Vicky’s to do her weekly drop off, but she avoided Angel as much as possible.
Watching them do this, it was painful, and he thought it would be what pushed Angel. But from what he understood, Alena put a wall between them and Angel couldn’t tear it down as he was accustomed to do so.
“How long is this going to go on for?” Gilly was watching Angel as well, breathing out the smoke from his lips. “He isn’t talking to his brother and he’s barely talking to Alena.”
“There’s just so much he could take.” Riz added. “Is Alena with the Italian now?”
“No, she’s getting closer to him, but from what I understood, she’s just busying herself with her job.” Coco was coming over Alena’s later. Letty has built a relationship with Alena and was currently over at San Diego, taking her away from the craziness of Santo Padre. He appreciated Alena’s help knowing she would be a good influence on Letty. She took care of Cruz while Alena was at work. “This isn’t healthy man,” Coco shook his head.
“What can we do?” Gilly questioned. 
“For once man, I don’t think we can interfere. If we do, we might hurt Alena and none of us want that. Maybe this is for the best. Angel took advantage of having her around for all these years. Alena deserves to be happy.” Coco threw his cigarette butt to the floor. “And maybe her happiness isn’t with Angel anymore.”
Angel took out his phone after he wiped the grease off of his hands. It was nice to busy himself so he didn’t constantly check his phone. Usually, he would have a picture of Alena and Cruz on their latest adventures, but Alena rarely texted him these days. They were very formal and to the point. He didn’t know how much more he could take, but he would give her time.
He would do anything to appease Alena.
Angel was a prick and he thought she wouldn’t last long. Alena has tried putting space in between them before, but was always able to charm her and she came back to him.
This time around he wasn’t able to do so.
She was fed up.
Rightfully so.
He treated his feelings for her like a yoyo and he was a fucking idiot.
“You good?” Bishop’s voice broke Angel from his thoughts.
“Yeah prez, I’m good. You need something?” Angel slipped his phone back in his pocket.
“Coco tells me you sleep in your car these days.” Bishop was well aware of what occurred with Angel and Alena. 
Everyone did. 
Alena was slightly putting distance between herself and the club as well and no one was a fan.
Angel has been sleeping in his car from Sunday-Thursday in Alena’s parking structure. He didn’t want to be far away just in case Alena needed him. He felt pathetic, but he tried to sleep in his home after he dropped off Cruz and he couldn’t. He became anxious and all the thoughts wouldn’t turn off.
They quieted down when he was in her parking structure.
It wasn’t ideal, but he couldn’t let her go.
He didn’t want to push her, so it was the second best thing. Luckily, he was cool with the security guards and they didn’t pay him no mind when he slept there.
“Yeah, I can’t sleep at the house without Cruz.” He couldn’t sleep without Alena, but having Cruz slightly made him feel at ease.
“Angel, you can’t keep doing this.”
“I’ll do it for however long it takes. I’ve always pushed Alena and this time, I want to give her time. I want to let her come to me.” Angel pushed the hood of the car closed, leaning against it. “I honestly don’t know how to fix it.” Angel chuckled as he placed a cigarette in between his lips. “She closed me off. Alena has never closed me off.”
Bishop sighed, leaning against the car beside Angel. “Have you told her you love her?”
“Did everyone fucking know?” Angel mumbled under his breath as he shook his head. “I did, I just don’t think it registered.”
“Angel, even a blind man could tell you love Alena. You have a hero complex and Alena was the perfect damsel in distress. Somewhere between that and now, your dynamics changed and Alena is the one whose saved you. She let you become a father to a son your ex gave away to spite you.” Bishop fucking hated Valeria. “She married you, became Cruz’s mother, and was content with whatever you two had because Alena has always love you. Now, she’s twenty-nine years old with nothing to show for. She gave away her 20s to you and Cruz. She stood by and smiled at all those girls at Vicky’s knowing there was a possibility they all slept with you while she was gone.” Bishop always adored Alena. She was a genuinely kind person who never expected anything back from anyone. Her actions was purely selfless and it was rare for him to see. It was the reason most of the Mayans men were protective over her, even going against Angel at times since their brother couldn’t get his head out of his ass. “Never once did she expect anything from you, want to know why?”
“Why?” Angel felt that familiar pressure on his chest, this ache whenever he thought of all the sacrifices Alena made for him and Cruz. People rarely spoke to him about it, but he wasn’t obtuse, he knew the lengths Alena went for him.
“Because you’re her angel, as cheesy as that fucking sounds. You saved her when she was drowning in her own pain and she would forever be thankful for that. And because of that, she doesn’t think you could fall for her.”
“I’m so in love with her, it’s fucking suffocating. I can’t breath without her. I can’t sleep without her. I’m at a fucking lost.” Angel threw his cigarette butt to the ground. “I’m fucking losing her to that pendejo and it sucks.”
“Then I guess it’s time for you to truly fight for her.”
“What you mean? That’s what I’ve been doing.”
“No, you’re playing a pity party hoping Alena will realize how pathetic you are right now.” Bishop chuckled. “It’s time for you to man up and show Alena why you deserve her.” Bishop clapped a hand on Angel’s shoulder, giving him a soft squeeze. “Try to do it before the second week of August cause I got big money on this.”
Angel laughed genuinely for once in the last few weeks. “How the fuck are all of you always making a bet on Alena and I?”
“Cause we’re fucking invested. You have two weeks to fix this, don’t disappoint.”
Angel knew he had to fix this with Alena. He wasn’t sure how much more his sanity could take.
Angel settled in his car for the night letting out a sigh. Every night when he was done with whatever club business he had to handle, he made his way to Alena’s apartment, parking at a free spot the security guard let him take up. It was within sight of her car and the elevator so it kept him at ease. 
It was ten at night so Cruz and Alena should be sleeping.
“You really do this every fucking night?” Coco questioned. 
He decided to accompany Angel tonight, just to see what he did when he went to San Diego.
“Yeah man, only way I can sleep.”
They heard the laughter before they saw them. Cruz walked out of the elevator with Victor holding his hand. On his other hand was a trash bag. Angel sat up then watching as his son was animatedly talking to Victor who was paying attention.
If Angel was honest the fucking whole thing killed him. Alena was preparing for this life without him and he just couldn’t have that. They came out from where the bins were, Victor now carrying Cruz. 
He was fucking playing stepdad to his son.
“Don’t bro,” Coco dissuaded Angel knowing the look on his brother’s eyes.
“I can’t do this man.” Angel sighed, closing his eyes. “I can’t fucking do this.” This feeling of dread just seeped in and he felt nauseous.
“Angel, come on, no one would ever replace you.”
“Maybe not to Cruz, but what about Alena?”
Coco sighed. “This was your own doing. I told you to tell her what was going on, but you know, you became complacent.”
“Coco, I literally don’t need this right now.”
“Tough shit, you didn’t want to tell her you love her, fine, now you have to live with that decision. Don’t play this pity party. You love her? Prove it. You want her to stay? Deserve it.”
Angel was not happy with the Church of Coco, but he definitely needed this. And he was going to show Alena he was worthy of her, he just had to break down her walls. He wasn’t used to being the one that Alena closed off. Seeing her do it to her father, he was proud of her. 
Her doing it to him?
The worst fucking thing.
Alena frowned at Coco’s message. Angel slept at the parking structure in his car? She was frustrated at him. How could he do that? He knew he had a bad back and it was the reason they got that expensive mattress that would help with his back pain. She watched as Letty and Cruz were finishing off Moana. 
This past month has been hard avoiding Angel, but after the reports Coco was giving her, he was making it harder and harder on her to continue this. She missed Angel terribly, she never thought this was how dependent she was on him, but this was painful.
Whenever she saw him, all she wanted to do was hug him, care for him, but she couldn’t. She had to protect herself.
But not at the expense of Angel’s health. 
Cruz wasn’t taking this too kindly either. He was confused and she shouldn’t have put him through this, but she just explained to him that mommy had loads of work lately so she had to stay in San Diego. 
It worked for now, but she wasn’t sure how long it would.
“Can you just put us all out of our miseries and talk to the Giant?” Letty didn’t mind staying with Alena in San Diego, there was more to do and Alena was amazing. At times, she wondered who Angel fucking killed for Alena seeing as how devoted she was to him, but after seeing how Angel was without her, it was evident that Angel was definitely more into her than he let on. He was pathetic and honestly, it kind of made her like Angel more. He wasn’t Coco’s obnoxious best friend. He was Alena’s obnoxious husband.
“Letty, I’m sure he’s fine.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, have you had to deal with him these past few weeks? He’s annoying. He sleeps in his car just in case you need him so he can be here immediately.” Letty didn’t believe much in love or romance, but seeing Angel and Alena, she might actually start believing in it. “And you think he doesn’t love you? Pssh, you’re fucking crazy.” 
“Ooh, Lele said a bad word.” Lele, a nickname Cruz made for Letty and it was her favorite word.
“Sorry Cruzie.” Only mommy and Lele could call him Cruzie, no one else. 
“It’s okay,” he hugged Letty’s middle before he continued to watch Moana.
“You two are so cute.” Alena gushed, taking pictures of them.
“Yeah, we are.” Letty grinned. “So are you going downstairs or you’re gonna keep punishing yourself?”
“Don’t you think that maybe you’re putting distance between you and Giant because you feel bad for kissing Victor?”
“What?” Alena always admired Letty. Due to her circumstances, she had to be more mature than anyone her age. She was strong and just pushed through everything. Alena was going to make sure she was taken care of, that she didn’t have to feel alone again. “That’s crazy.”
“No it isn’t, you decided to protect your heart, I get it, but you feel like you did Angel wrong by kissing Victor, but you didn’t. You two are technically not together. You’re punishing yourself because you hurt Angel so you’re keeping yourself away since you don’t feel like you deserve Angel’s devotion to you.” Letty looked at Alena who was sitting on the armchair with her legs under her. “You’ve given up a lot for Angel, that’s what Coco tells me. He finally realized how much he really needed you and it seems like you have as well. Go get your boy, the other Mayans are plotting on how to kill him.”
Alena sighed, closing her eyes. She didn’t see it that way. She wasn’t punishing herself, this was just for the best so they could get used to the arrangement. This was so complicated and fucked up.
But she wasn’t going to let Angel sleep in his damn truck. 
Grabbing her keys, she made her way downstairs, taking the stairs since she was too wired to wait on the elevator. She could have sworn she heard Letty say thank god and explain to Cruz where mommy was going. When she reached the parking lot, sure enough, Angel’s car was right there. Walking to the car, she saw Coco who muttered a thank god. He exited the car and Alena handed him her keys. 
“Don’t do this again and if you do, just give all of us a heads up.” Coco kissed her forehead after he pulled away from hugging her. 
Alena got to his window, and watched as Angel was laying on his side, arms crossed over his chest. She frowned knowing how uncomfortable this must be for him. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the window, startling Angel. 
His eyes focused on her, and she saw a small smile appear on his lips.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Angel opened the door. 
Alena moved to stand next to him, frowning. “Why are you doing this Angel?”
“I can’t sleep at home alone.” Angel studied her, making sure she was okay. “Sorry, if you don’t want me to be here I can leave.”
“No, I just,” Alena wanted to tell him that she did want him here, she always did. “We bought that bed for a reason because of your bad back from that football injury in college.” It was during his brief stint in college. Angel played football and had so much potential, but he was injured and he was never really able to play again.
“I know, but it didn’t matter how comfortable I was, I couldn’t sleep.” Angel’s eyes connected with hers, man did he miss seeing her. Just being in her fucking presence. “You doing okay? How are you?”
“I’m good,” she smiled, her hands folded in front of her. She wanted to reach out to him, smooth back his growing hair, run her fingers through it, but she had to keep to herself.
“I miss you, Cielo.” Angel sighed. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to hear that, but I really do. I can’t fucking sleep without you.”
“Do you want to come upstairs? I don’t like you staying here.” Alena offered. She didn’t tell him that she didn’t sleep much without him as well. 
“Do you want me to come upstairs?” Angel questioned.
She looked up at him then. “Yes.”
Angel internally cheered, overjoyed by this whole situation. He didn’t know who the fuck told Alena, but he didn’t care, just to be able to see her he was thanking every deity out there. 
He followed her up, noticing that she still kept the distance between them. He unlocked the door for her when they arrived in front of her door and held the door open. When they walked in, Coco was on the couch getting ready to sleep.
“Letty brought Cruz to the second bedroom, you two good?” Coco mostly looked at Alena since he was done with Angel today.
“Yes,” she nodded her head and smiled. “Good night Coco.”
She made her way to her room, stopping at the door to wait for Angel. He looked at Coco and mouthed a thank you.
“Yeah you fucking owe me.” He chuckled, turning the television on.
Angel walked in Alena’s room and she closed the door behind her once he was inside. She got into bed at her usual side and turned the television on. Angel joined her once he stripped to his undershirt and boxers. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he was pretty sure that it was due to Alena’s presence that he felt more at ease. She laid on her back and he did the same.
He was becoming sleepy, but he was trying to stave it off so he could just enjoy being around her.
“I missed you too.” She broke the silence between them and Angel just let out a sigh of relief turning to Alena.
“I can’t do this Alena, I’m going fucking crazy without you. Please don’t continue this, I get you’re trying to protect your heart, but I don’t know how much I can take.” Angel waited for her to react, he saw the tears spill from her eyes. “Cielo, if this is what you want, that’s fine, I just, I miss you so fucking much.”
Alena turned to him and she moved till her arms were around him. Angel’s arms immediately wrapped his arms around her. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be selfish. We can just keep it how we’ve always done it till we separate.” Alena made up her mind. She was just going to cherish these moments with Angel and go from there. 
“You’re not being selfish Alena, you’re far from that.”
Angel was going to confess to her soon. He couldn’t let her go, this was such an eye opener for him. He would be lost without her, he would die without her. He was going to convince her that he was worth it, that he deserved her.
She gave up so much for him.
It was time he repaid her tenfold.
Alena was the love of his life and he was done playing games.
Angel has been giving Alena space ever since they reconciled three days ago. They were back at their house and Alena kept sleeping with Cruz, which was not ideal for him. When they woke up the next morning, Alena was talking to him, but she kept her distance, which he could respect. But he just wanted her to be playful with him again, to blush every time he flirted with her.
He was going to win her back.
Currently, he was at Vicky’s playing with the guys before going home to have dinner with his two favorite people. He’s avoided EZ successfully and he planned to do so till he was ready to forgive his younger brother.
Angel laughed as everyone around him groaned after he put down another winning hand. 
“Seems to be my night boys, let’s do another hand.” Angel ordered before he left the table to use the bathroom. 
His phone began to rang, Myrna who was standing behind Angel’s chair noticed it. She picked up the phone and smirked.
‘Wifey ♾👑💍’
“Hello?” She answered. The guys looked at Myrna in curiosity, she was far too bold to answer someone’s phone who clearly disliked her. But none of the guys made a sound to stop her.
“Hi, sorry, I think I called the wrong number.” Myrna heard Alena’s confusion.
“No, it’s the right phone. Angel’s busy, can I take a message?” Myrna’s smirk grew knowing that this would hurt Alena. 
“The fuck are you doing?” Coco grabbed Angel’s phone, checking the caller ID. “Are you fucking insane?” Coco walked away, placing the phone on his ear. “Lenny, hey, Angel went to the bathroom. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, sorry, I was gonna ask him to buy the VapoPads for the humidifier, but it’s okay, I’ll go get it.” 
He could see the thoughts running in Alena’s head and he couldn’t have that, they just made up. He couldn’t fucking deal with mopey Angel again, fuck no. 
“Lenny, don’t let Myrna get to you, you know Angel isn’t interested in her.” Coco reasoned.
“No, it’s okay, I don’t need an explanation. I’m gonna go to Target with Cruz. You don’t have to let Angel know I called.” Alena requested. “You guys have fun, remember to wrap it up. Please tell Maxine the cake is ready for Olalla’s birthday.”
“Alena, I’ll go to Target, just stay home.” Coco knew that Alena was having her seasonal allergies right now. The last thing he wanted was for her to go outside when she should be resting. 
“No, you’re fine, I don’t want to intrude.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Coco turned around and found Angel behind him giving him a curious look as to why he had his cell phone and saying Alena’s name. 
“That bitch Myrna answered Alena’s call, insinuating she was busy with you. Handle that.” Coco kept Angel’s phone to his ear, hearing Alena’s disagreement with his actions. “You know she’s been targeting Alena right? That night at the club, it wasn’t the first time she’s given her shit. Now be Alena’s husband and handle her.”
Angel’s eyebrows furrowed, his good mood down the drain because of this stupid woman. She was a thorn to his side that he never paid much attention to, but knowing he mistreated his wife more than once, that was fucking unacceptable.
He made his way over to her and Myrna’s smile could only be categorized for him as creepy.
“I’m going to say this once, and only once. I’m not fucking interested and never will be. I’m married and even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t give you the time of fucking day. Who the fuck do you think you are to answer my phone when my wife is calling?” Angel got in her face, making her step back due to his intimidating stance. “Stay the fuck away from my wife, if you even breathe the wrong way towards her, I have a bullet with your name on it.”
Myrna nodded her head before running up the stairs. Gilly, Creeper and Riz looked on at Angel, impressed by his words.
“About fucking time.” Gilly clapped.
“The fuck? You all know this has been an ongoing thing?” Angel sat back down on the table, looking over at Coco, slightly worried that this put things between him and Alena in a bad place again. “Why didn’t any of you tell me?”
“We didn’t want to fall out of grace with Alena.” Riz answered. “She said she had it handled, we never let her go too far.”
“That’s not the fucking point, she’s my wife, she should have told me that she was being mistreated by one of Vicky’s girls.” Angel was frustrated with Alena. She always did this. He knew he couldn’t fight every battle for her, but this was fucking ridiculous. How many more times have Alena endured shit from women and not told him?
“It’s Alena, she knew you would have waged war against all these women.” Creeper reasoned. “You have to let her fight her own battles.”
“So how many of these women did you all fight for her?” He knew his brothers were hypocrites. They all had a soft spot for Alena.
“All of them of course.” Coco joined the conversation, placing Angel’s phone on the table. “Alena needs the VapoPads.” 
“Next time this happens, please fucking tell me. I’m not going to fight these women, but I just want to know what’s going on with her.”
“You’re so fucking whipped.” Creeper teased.
“Don’t give a fuck, you fuckers are just jealous that Alena’s my girl.” Angel slipped his phone inside his kutte. 
“Yeah, if we didn’t like you so much we would have made a move on Alena.” Gilly shook his head. “Fair game if we all met her at the same time.”
“Tough shit, she’s my wife, always will be.” 
Alena sneezed into her mask as she made her way down to the medicine aisle at Target. She paused and sneezed before continuing to walk. Cruz was walking beside Alena, holding her hand. 
“Bless you mommy,” he told her, looking up at her. “Mommy, why didn’t daddy get it?”
“Daddy is busy baby, don’t you want to go on an adventure with mommy?” Alena looked down at Cruz who smiled up at her.
“I always like going on adventures with you.” 
“Cute kid.” 
Alena looked up and as luck would have it, Dante was standing at the same aisle she needed to go to. She immediately stepped in front of Cruz and Dante held his hands up.
“Hey, you know I honestly mean no harm.” Dante knew the kid was Angel’s and judging by the ring on Alena’s finger, he finally made a move. “I’m glad Angel got his head out of his ass and married you.”
“What are you doing here?” Alena questioned.
“Visiting my sister, just came to pick up some VapoPads for my nephew’s humidifier.” Dante held the box up. “Your guard dog isn’t here?”
“Right behind you, asshole.” Alena looked up and found Angel standing tall, his hands holding his kutte by the zippers, gloved hands covering his rings. “What are you doing here? Thought we had a talk.”
Dante froze up and turned around facing Angel.
“Daddy!” Cruz ran to Angel who easily picked him up. 
“Hey, man, I honestly just ran into her.” He quickly turned to face Alena, the frightened look on his face surprised her. Dante was always so confident and sure of himself. Nothing hardy scared him. “It was nice seeing you, I’m sorry again Alena for the way things ended.”
Alena just nodded her head. Angel kept his eyes on Dante till he was out of sight. He looked over at Alena, shaking his head. 
“Why are you so stubborn? I told you I was picking it up.” Angel picked up the box of VapoPads making his way over to her. 
“And I also told you I got it.” Alena countered taking the VapoPads from him.
“Cruzito, mommy’s stubborn huh?” 
Cruz shook his head. “No, mommy just knows you forget.” Angel doesn’t know why he bothered, Cruz always took Alena’s side.
“Me?” Angel tickled Cruz causing him to shriek in delight. “Doesn’t daddy take care of you and mommy?”
“Yes.” Cruz nodded his head, coughed a little due to the laughing fit he had.
“So Daddy wouldn’t forget right?”
“Mmm, yes, but mommy said you were busy.” 
“I’m never too busy for you and mommy.” Angel looked at Alena as he said that. She was walking in front of them and she didn’t skip a step, but he knew he heard her. Alena chose not to acknowledge Angel’s words. She had to get used to doing things on her own, she couldn’t rely on Angel.
They went to the self checkout, paying for the VapoPads. Angel held Alena’s hand then, walking her to her car. He parked his motorcycle right next to her vehicle.
He buckled up Cruz, closing the door once he was set.
“Did you eat?” Angel questioned as he opened the door for Alena.
“I made pasta, but I wanted to get the VapoPads first.” Alena placed her purse on the front passenger seat.
“Okay, I’ll see you at home.” Alena slid in the seat and before she could close the door, Angel prevented her from doing so. “Hey, that thing with Myrna, you know it’s not true right?” They literally just made up, the last thing he wanted was for Myrna to get to Alena.
“Yes, of course not. I would like to think you have some standards.” Alena teased. Coco talked her off the ledge and after everything that happened with Myrna, she trusted that Angel wouldn’t do anything with her. 
“Yeah, I do, you’re my standard.” He was pushing it, but he wanted her to be flirty and playful with him again. Maybe if he showed her it was okay, then she wouldn’t be opposed to it.
Alena blushed, playfully pushing Angel away. “You’re trouble.”
“Let me get a kiss.” Angel puckered up and she giggled. 
“Nice try.”
Alena got out of the car and opened the door for Cruz who jumped out of the car. Angel has Cruz’s backpack while Alena carried Cruz all the way inside the school. 
It was Cruz’s first day of school. 
It was the day Alena had been dreading, but she was excited for Cruz as well. It would be good for him to meet kids his age and it was a plus that their neighbor and Cruz’s best friend Devin was in the class with him.
“Mommy and Daddy will come at three, okay? Stay with Devin or the teacher then we can go get a snack. What do you want to have Cruzie?” Alena was rambling on because she was nervous. How would Cruz do with other kids? Was he nervous? 
Angel smiled watching Alena. She couldn’t sleep last night due to how anxious she became. No matter how many times he tried to reassure her, nothing got to her. He understood, he was nervous too, but he figured he had to seem less anxious to keep Alena sane.
They stopped in front of the classroom and he had to laugh at how fate could be.
“Monica?” Angel came face to face with his ex-girlfriend, Monica Avalos. They were together for four years and broke up when she left to further pursue her education. It hurt when it first happened, but over the years they kept in touch and he was happy for everything she’s achieved. 
“Angel Reyes, still a looker I see.” The two embraced, confusing Cruz. 
“Mommy, who is daddy hugging?”
“That’s your teacher.” Alena answered. The one that got away, she knew how much Angel and Monica meant to one another. It was crazy that Monica was his teacher. Alena looked at Monica’s ring finger and there was no ring.
Oh lord, it was like those romantic films, this was their chance to reconnect.
“Alena, oh my god, last I heard you were going to Paris.” Monica walked over and was going to hug her, but Cruz has his arms wrapped around her. “Oh hello, you must be Cruz.” She gave Cruz space, not wanting to overwhelm him. “I’ll be your teacher Ms. Avalos.”
“Hello,” Cruz looked at Angel who gave him an encouraging smile. He looked uncertain now, noticing how his mother tensed up. “Mommy, are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine Cruzie, mommy is just nervous cause it’s your first day of school.” She placed him on the ground and crouched before him, holding his hand. “Mommy packed you a snack and you can share with Devin too, okay? Be a good boy for Ms. Avalos. I love you.”
“Okay mommy, I love you.” Cruz hugged her and Alena fought her tears, not wanting to be that mom. 
Angel crouched beside Alena and gave his son a hug and a kiss on the head. “Daddy and mommy will be waiting for you.”
“Cruz, your mommy and daddy were my friends when I went to school.” Monica heard the gossip around town, but she didn’t think it was true. She was always confused as to how it happened. She thought Cruz was Alena’s child and Angel was just helping her out. It turned out it was the other way around especially since Cruz looked so much like Angel. “And you’re married.” She smiled. “Always thought you would end up with EZ.” Monica teased Alena knowing it would irritate Angel.
“Haha, so fucking funny.” The two kept in touch these past few years, so she knew he was married to Alena. 
“Angel, language.” Alena scolded him.
“Sorry cielo.” Angel kissed her cheek.
Monica envied them, mostly Alena. She always had Angel wrapped around her fingers, it wasn’t even funny. She never mistreated Alena or hated her, she knew that somewhere down the road, Angel would get his head out of his ass and she was glad he finally did.
The two stood up, handing Cruz his backpack. 
“Let’s go Cruz, say bye to mommy and daddy.”
Cruz waved goodbye to them before running in the room when his eyes landed on Devin. Angel wrapped his arms around Alena, leading her away after saying goodbye to Monica. Once they were outside, Alena cried a bit harder and Angel just hugged her.
“Cielo, don’t cry.” Angel kissed the side of her head. It wasn’t like Cruz never did school before. He has a hybrid for kindergarten, which was also a daycare. But that wasn’t as bad as this. He was starting first grade, he would have homework and field trips. “Cruz is going to have so much fun and at least Monica is his teacher.”
Alena nodded her head, pulling away from him and wiping her tears. They went back to their car and drove home. Angel had a shift at the scrapyard for a few hours, but he was free after that.
“I’ll drop you off at the house then pick you up before we get Cruz.”
Alena remained quiet and she just mostly paid attention to her cell phone. Angel hoped she wasn’t rattled by Monica’s appearance. 
“You okay?” 
Alena nodded. “Yes, sorry.” She felt stupid for fretting over Monica. It’s been years since they were together, but it was too convenient that she came back around the time she was divorcing Angel. This was their second shot and Alena was the one before his forever. She let out a bitter laugh, startling Angel.
“Hey, you’re overthinking this, don’t let that shit sink in.” Angel knew what she was thinking and he wasn’t going to let that sink in. Monica didn’t mean anything to him, she was just a memory. “Monica means nothing to me, get out of your head.”
Alena turned to Angel, surprised that he knew what she was thinking. “Don’t act brand new cielo, I know you, I told you, I have feelings for you and have had feelings.” He took her hand in his, kissing the back of it. “Let’s go grab food and just stay at the clubhouse with me, I don’t want to leave you alone cause god knows what you’re gonna conspire against me.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “It’s fine Angel just drop me off.”
“Nope, you’re stuck with me.”
Alena was sitting in the office with Chucky, when a customer walked in. 
“Howdy John.” Chucky greeted the man that walked in. 
Alena looked up and greeted him with a smile before going back to the files she was organizing for the yard. 
“I’ve never seen you around,” John commented, leaning against the countertop of the office that separated the customers and the workers.
“Oh, I don’t work here often.” Alena answered once she realized he was speaking to her.
“Better not miss my opportunity then, you want to grab dinner sometime? I’m new here so it would be nice to have a local take me around.” John smirked, watching as Alena looked over at Chucky.
“Oh, is he your husband?” He was slightly judging her as Chucky wasn’t much of a looker, but ugly men usually got the most beautiful women.
“No sir, but I’m sure her husband wouldn’t appreciate you hitting on his wife.”
“I don’t see a ring on your finger.”
Alena cussed under her breath. She had taken off her ring since she washed her hands. Her ring was loose and she was afraid it would slip off of her finger. 
“Oh, I was washing my hands.” Alena took it out of her pocket and slipped it back on. “But I am married and not interested.”
“I’m sure a friendly date wouldn’t be so bad, just take me to the spots around town.” Marriage was a farce for John. A beautiful girl like this woman before him wouldn’t be happy with just one man. “Maybe I can entice you enough to leave your husband?”
“Can I help you?” Chucky and Alena looked over at Angel who heard the whole exchange.
“Just trying to get your secretary to give me her number.”
Creeper who was standing behind Angel, moved in front of Angel, making sure his brother didn’t do anything crazy.
“I’d be careful, Angel is her husband.” Chucky warned.
John looked back at Angel and then at Alena. He knew he fucked up. He’s heard of the Mayans and the last thing he wanted to do was get on their bad side.
“My bad bro, I didn’t know.” 
Alena stood up and tried to diffuse the situation. “It’s okay, he didn’t know Angel. It’s fine.” Alena made her way over to Angel and wrapped her arms around him. She didn’t want him to fight anyone for her behalf.
The way Angel quickly relaxed, it always surprised Creeper. He was hot tempered and acted on impulse, but Alena just had this sense of calm and control over him.
Alena stood on tiptoes and kissed Angel, which surprised him, but he was completely distracted after that. Who the fuck was John? Where were they? His girl just kissed him after a month or so, he just needed to bask on that.
John quickly excused himself and left. Creeper just chuckled and patted Angel on the back. But nothing could get to him. He had his girl in his arms.
“You just have to be so damn cute cielo.” He playfully scolded her, kissing her again. 
“Shut up.” Alena tried to pull away, but Angel just kept his arms around her. 
“Just stay like this.”
“Is it close to his time yet?”
“No babe, it’s only 930, we dropped off Cruz an hour ago.”
Alena groaned, resting her head on Angel’s shoulder.
“It’s literally too early for this cute shit.” Coco teased as he walked by them. 
“You're just jealous, you want a hug?” Angel extended an arm towards Coco making him laugh.
“From Alena, sure.”
“Nope, fuck no.” Angel wrapped both arms around her again.
“You’re so needy.” Coco rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
“Let me get another kiss.” Angel bent down and kissed Alena once more earning groans from the people around them. Angel lifted one of his hands and flipped them off.
“I rather have them kissing than fighting.” Coco chuckled, happy that they were finally back in good terms.
“Come on, let’s go take a nap, you slept a whopping three hours last night.” Angel led her to the clubhouse, she waved goodbye to Coco and a Chucky.
Once inside, the cool air made Alena sigh. Angel wrapped an arm around her shoulders, leading her towards the back.
“Hey, no fucking, it’s too early.” They heard Taza tease making Hank and Bishop laugh.
Alena blushed and Angel just laughed. 
“I mean, if you really want to cielo, I would not be opposed.” Angel whispered into her ear, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“Stop it,” she hit his stomach. 
They entered Angel’s designated dorm room in the clubhouse, a place he hasn’t used in years. He’s had a few escapades with Alena here, but it was rare since he was mostly at his home or hers. Alena immediately took off her flats and slipped under the covers. 
“You want to change baby?” Angel took off his sweaty Romero Brother’s work shirt and changed into a white muscle shirt. 
Alena couldn’t help but check him out. It was sinful how good Angel looked. She was going to enjoy these last few months with him. This was so depressing. 
“No, I’m okay.” Alena pulled the blanket to her chest since the AC was blasting in Angel’s room and she was trying to remain as modest as possible. She felt like an idiot for doing so since Angel has seen everything, but a little boundary didn’t hurt anyone. 
“Are you cold? Do you want me to turn off the AC?” Angel stood beside the bed, waiting for Alena’s answer.
“No, it’s okay,” she took off her glasses and turned away from Angel. 
He knew what she was doing and he didn’t want to push her. But she just kissed him, what would be so bad with cuddling?
“Cielo, you don’t want to cuddle with me?” Angel slipped in beside her. 
“I’m okay,” Alena kept her back turned to him. 
Angel started poking her back, Alena had to pay attention to him. This was unacceptable. Finally after ten pokes, Alena turned around and she glared at Angel. He chuckled, awing at her attempt to look annoyed.
“Baby, you look so cute glaring at me. Come on, cuddle with me.” Angel pouted. Alena hated the man before her. She did not want to cuddle, she literally hasn’t slept on the same bed as him since they made up. 
“No, your body heat is literally not what I need right now.” 
“Alena, you covered yourself all the way to your neck, I think you need my body heat.” He wiggled his eyebrows, pulling on her shirt. 
“No, I’m good, so good.” Alena shook her head, slapping his hand. “Behave or I’m going to Coco’s room.”
“Fine,” Angel huffed and puffed, turning away from Alena. This would work, he knew it would. All he wanted was to fucking cuddle. They did that before they were married. 
Alena didn’t want Angel to be upset at her. He was going to hold this against her the whole day. 
She sighed and scooted closer to Angel, wrapping her arms around him. Angel smirked triumphantly. Alena closed her eyes, not wanting to admit how much she enjoyed hugging him, or any contact with Angel. She really enjoyed any contact with Angel, he always made her feel safe, protected and comforted. If she was being honest, the thing she loved the most was being wrapped around Angel’s arms after a long day. When he would run his fingers through her hair when she was having an especially awful day. When Angel would hold her hand whenever she became anxious. 
God, she loved him so much, it was going to be awful to try and get over him.
Angel turned around, crushing Alena to his chest. 
“Thanks cielo,” he kissed the top of Alena’s head just as sleep took over. 
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fckinwild-kiwi · 5 years
Time to Realize Pt. 3
Warnings: Swearing Word Count: 4.2k+ Author’s Note: This is the third installment of this series. I’m having a lot of fun writing it but I’m not sure how others are enjoying it... I’m honestly just trying to become a better writer and if anyone has any tips or tricks to give me, I would greatly appreciate it! <3 
Important Note: The Greek mythology throughout this piece does not accurately represent Greek mythology to its fullest extent. Some things are changed for the sake of the story. One major point is the relationship between Hades and the rest of Mt. Olympus. With that being said, their relationship isn’t family-oriented, but Hades is welcome throughout Mt. Olympus and everyone gets along enough to be considered tolerated.
The evening came way too quickly, Harry asked y/n to stay over but with school starting in a few days and Harry needing to focus on some work stuff, y/n made the executive decision to spend the night back at her apartment. After many attempts at persuasion and a few make-out sessions, y/n was on her way home. Harry was tagging along to make sure she was getting home safely.       
     The walk to the apartment was quicker than either of them had anticipated. Y/n turned to Harry and pressed a slow but passionate kiss to his lips. “Thank you for everything today,” She mumbled before nuzzling her face into his chest, pulling him tight into a hug.
   “No, thank you for everything today,” Harry said as he winked at the blushing girl in front of him.    “Not only for that, though it was terrific,” Y/n said smiling as she nudged his shoulder. “For real though, thank you for being so open and honest with me. It’s hard to believe you exist sometimes.”    “Of course, love. I’ll always be honest with you. And I exist, baby, so you better believe it,” Harry said before pressing another kiss to her forehead. "That was cheesy as fuck," Y/n said before rolling her eyes. Harry chuckled, bringing his lips to her forehead.    “I’ll see you soon, love. Good night.”    “Good night, Harry.”    As soon as she closed the front door behind her, Christine and Rowan were quick to their interrogation stances.    “So, you’ve been gone for a long time,” Rowan said crossing his arms.    “Yes, I was with my boyfriend, Ro. We were spending time together.”    “What the fuck, Y/n! You two are official now?” Christine asked, more like squealed out to y/n.    Y/n let out a squeal that matched her friends before running up to her. “Oh my god Christine, you wouldn’t believe the crazy shit that happened to me!”    “Well, tell me everything!”    Y/n guided her friends towards the couch so she could tell them about the crazy things she had just learned about her best friend, well now boyfriend. She left out the major specifics, not telling her friends about the fact that she was dating the King of the Underworld and that she was a goddess herself.    “Wait, so you’re telling me that Harry has had the hots for you since you two met at the Greenhouse last year? Why the hell did he wait so long to let you know?”    “I mean think about it, Christine,” Rowan began. “He has this whole asshole vibe going on maybe he was trying to figure out whether or not good girl y/n would play into his games.”    “What are you on about, Rowan? Why are you being such a dick about this? I’m happy. Harry makes me so fucking happy and you don’t have a right to be rude to him,” Y/n said, crossing her arms. “I know he’s been nothing but kind to you. You seemed so excited for me last night when I told you we kissed.”    “She’s right, Ro,” Christine said, her eyes narrowed at Rowan. “What’s gotten into you today?”    “Nothing, it’s whatever. I have to get going because I have a date to get ready for.”    “You have a date tonight? With who?” Y/n asked as she smiled at her friend.    “Someone from my organic chemistry class, you wouldn’t know her.”    “Well wrap it before you tap it, champ,” Christine said, standing up to open the door for Rowan.      The second Christine closed the door behind Rowan she started attacking Y/n with even more questions. “Give me a second to breathe Chris. One at a time please!”    “So did you two have sex?”    Y/n looked down, her cheeks beginning to heat up. “Yeah.”    “Oh my god,” Christine said, punching her friend in the shoulder. “And? How was it? How was HE?”    “Christine!” Y/n said, holding back a giggle. “If you need to know, it was wonderful. He was wonderful and impressive, in many more ways than one.”    “I can’t believe you! School has barely started, and you’re already taken by that Adonis of a man. Now, who’s going to go out on the town with me?”    “Oh, girl. I’m still going to go out with you. There’s no way that I’m going to pass up an opportunity to get drunk with my best friend! I’ll still be your wing-woman too, don’t worry.”    Later that night, y/n and Christine sat together on the couch watching romcoms. There was still an awkward tension that hadn’t gone away since Rowan left. His outburst caused a weird aura to settle on the room like a fresh blanket of dust and y/n was starting to feel uncomfortable.    “Hey Chris,” y/n said nudging her friend to wake her up.    “Hm,” She mumbled back, eyes closed.    “Did you think that Rowan was weird tonight?”    “Very but you know why, don’t you?” Christine said as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.    “No? Care to explain?”    “He’s jealous.”    “Of who? Me or Harry, because he was being such an asshole.”    “Y/n, he’s been in love with you since at least when you brought him to our study session,” Christine said, rolling her eyes.    “There’s no way, he’s been going out with like every girl in the area. If he was interested in me, I would have known, he would have said something, right?”    “I think he’s tried to put down hints but y/n, it’s never been reciprocated. You have Harry.”    “That’s not the point, Christine,” y/n said as she let out a groan. “Why does he get to be an asshole if I don’t feel the same way that he does. I’m assuming he doesn’t have a date then?”    “I don’t think so before you got home, we were planning on ordering some pizza.”    “I’m going to call him.”    Twenty minutes later, y/n had Rowan back at their apartment and sitting on the couch as she stood in front of him with her arms crossed. Christine had made a bowl of popcorn and was curled up on the edge of the couch, ready to enjoy the show.    “You’re interrupting my date so you can stand there and throw a bitchfit?” Rowan asked, rolling his eyes.    “Cut the bullshit, Rowan. There wasn’t a date, was there?”    “No,” He said, looking away. “I was kind of hoping you’d be jealous.”    “Why the fuck would I be jealous?” Y/n asked, popcorn falling out of Christine’s mouth as her eyes got wide.    “I was hoping maybe you’d realize that you had feelings for me. But clearly, you’re too into your feelings and slutting it up around campus to be in tune with your friends’ feelings.”    “Did you just call me a slut? Fuck you, Rowan. I’m not your mother, it’s not my responsibility to figure out you have a middle school crush on me. You don’t get to act like you’re the only person with feelings in this world,” Y/n said as she took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m not interested in you as anything other than a friend. If I had been into you, you would have known. It’s not fair that you call me names and make me feel like shit for doing something that I’m happy about. Friends don’t treat friends the way that you have been when you don’t get your way. But at this point, I’m not even into you as a friend.”    “Holy fuck,” Christine said, her eyes growing wide.    “Y/n, what the hell,” Rowan said as he threw his hands up. “God damn, you’re being a bit dramatic.”    “I think you should get the fuck out of my apartment,” y/n said, narrowing her eyes. “How’s that for dramatic?”    “Whatever.”    Christine got up, following Rowan to the door and closing it behind him. As he left, he turned around before looking at Christine, “She can’t be serious, we’re still going to be friends, right?”    “Seriously Ro? You just slut-shamed her. I think it’s best to give her some space… Probably for a long time,” Christine said as she closed the door.    A few minutes later, Y/n noticed Christine come back into the living room. The tension had finally evaporated but into an aura of anger and rage covering the room like a blanket.    “Scream,” Christine said as she motioned towards y/n. “Let it all out, I know you need to.”    “I just can’t fucking believe him, Chris. I’m so glad Harry hadn’t been here- “    “Me too, they fuck. I feel like Harry would have killed Rowan or something worse.”      “Oh trust me, he definitely wouldn’t want to kill him,” Y/n said as she started giggling to herself. “Anyways, now that we just had our daily dose of Rowan drama, I’m going to go to bed. It’s been a long day.”    “Of course you are. You’ve been very busy today, I’m sure you’re exhausted,” Christine said as she winked at her friend.    Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile on her face as she turned around and walked to her room.    The next morning, when y/n walked out of her bedroom in search of some breakfast, her phone started ringing. “Hello,” She said hesitantly as she answered the unknown caller.    “Persephone?” The woman on the other end asked.    “Um, yes? Who’s this?” She asked. No one that she knew had known of her newfound status except for Harry so for y/n this was extremely odd.    “Hi sweetheart, this is Demeter… Or Demi! I got a call from Hades late last night and he said that he had told you all the gritty details…”    “Oh my god, hi. Yes, he told me everything yesterday. It’s all a lot to take in though…”    “Of course it is,” Demeter said, reassuring her daughter over the phone. “But don’t worry, we’ll be there to help make this transition easier for you. Would you be able to meet me for an early dinner today or tomorrow?”    “Of course I would,” Y/n said, unable to hide her excitement. The whole idea of being able to meet her biological mother and get to know her was something she had always wanted and craved. After she finalized their plans and hung up the phone with Demeter, she quickly took to calling Harry.    “’ Ello love,” She heard the raspy voice of her boyfriend say through the phone.    “H, you’ll never believe who just called me,” Y/n said before quickly answering her question. “It was Demeter! She invited me to lunch or an early dinner tomorrow night and I just. I can’t thank you enough, Harry. I’m so excited to get to know this side of myself and I wouldn’t have found it without you.”    “Oh y/n,” Harry said, his smile evident in his sleepy voice. “It’s all you. You didn’t need me to find this missing part of yourself but I’m so glad I was able to help unveil it.”    “Do you want to come over? Or maybe I can come to you?”    “We just saw each other a few hours ago,” Harry said, causing y/n’s cheeks to heat up at his teasing.    “Stop it,” she said mumbling into the speaker. “I just miss you is all.”    “I miss you too, love. Of course, I can come by. I’ll stop at a Starbucks on my way there.”    “Thank you,” she sang into the phone. “I can’t wait to see you!”    “I’ll be there within the next thirty minutes, my love,” Harry said before they ended their call.    While y/n waited for Harry to arrive, she changed out of her sleep shirt and poured herself some cereal.    …    When she heard the knock on the door, y/n scrambled off the couch to open it. As she opened the door for her boyfriend, she noticed his slightly disheveled hair. Her heart swelled at the thought of her devilishly handsome boyfriend rushing out of bed to be with her.    “Hi,” She said, bashfully as she opened the door. Her confidence evaporated as soon as she saw him leaning against the doorframe.    “Hi, baby,” Harry said, smiling widely at her timid demeanor. “I missed you.”    Y/n grinned as she grabbed onto his free hand, pulling him into the apartment. “I missed you too. Is that an iced car-? “    “Carmel macchiato with almond milk,” Harry said, cutting her off. “Of course it is, love. I know it’s your favorite.”    Y/n stood on her tiptoes before quickly reaching her arms around Harry’s neck to bring his lips to hers. ‘How is this real right now,’ she thought to herself as she got comfortable in his embrace.    “You’re way too good to me,” she mumbled into his neck.    “You deserve the world, my love. I just want to make sure you are reminded of that, every day.”    A few moments later, Christine emerged from her room to her friends engaging in a sappy moment. “Ew. Good morning to me, I guess.”    “Hello, Christine,” Harry said breaking his focus away from y/n while still holding her close to him.    “Have you told him what happened with Ro, yet,” Christine asked, raising her eyebrows at her best friend.    “What happened with him, love,” Harry asked, directing his attention back on y/n, a fire burning in his eyes.    “No, Harry just got here," She answered, glaring at her friend before answering Harry's question. "He’s just an asshole, that’s all. I don’t want you worrying about that, you have much more important things going on.”    “Nothing is more important than you and what's going on in your life, y/n,” Harry said as he straightened his shoulders.    “Oh barf, can we go back to when you two were constantly pining over each other... At least then I wouldn't have to suffer through all of this,” Christine said as she made a gagging sound.    Y/n let out a laugh before looking up at Harry and noticing his solemn expression. She quickly reached up and touched his cheek. "H, everything is okay."    "What did Rowan say to you."    “He called her a slut for being with you and then admitted that he had the fattest crush on her. Things escalated, words were said, and y/n is a badass.”    “Christine!” Y/n scolded, looking to her best friend.    “Y/n why didn’t you tell me? I would have happily taken care of the problem,” Harry said as he tensed up at Christine's words.    “Exactly why I didn’t tell you, H,” Y/n said as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. “I am a strong woman and I took care of it myself.”    “What did he say, exactly,” Harry asked as he crossed his arms across his chest.    "I'm not telling you because it will just cause more of a mess. I handled it, bub."    “We need to talk about it later.”    “Yes yes, Mr. Defender I'll explain all of the nitty-gritty details to you later,” Y/n said as she rolled her eyes.    “You two have fun being exceptionally gross and coupley.  I’m going out for coffee this morning with a girl I matched with on Bumble- “    “Hell yeah, Chris!”    “Don’t get too excited y/n, we need to see how coffee goes first before any of us get our hopes up.”    After Christine left, locking the door behind her, y/n instantly turned back towards Harry, grabbing his cheeks and bringing his lips to hers. Instinctively Harry, melted into the touch, craving her kisses before he realized her intentions.    “No y/n,” Harry said as he pulled away, a soft smile gnawing at his features. “I know what you’re trying to do here.”    “Was it working?”    “Almost, but I want to know what happened with Rowan. Do I need to beat his ass? Maybe bring him to the underworld to show him a lesson? He didn’t touch you, did he?”    “Fuck no, of course not! I know Rowan and he wouldn't do that. And," Y/n said stepping back and crossing her arms. "I’m pretty sure that I’m stronger and more capable than you think I am lovey.”    “I know you’re capable,” Harry said, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him again. “I’m just so protective of you. I- “    “Harry, babe,” Y/n said, cutting him off. “I know. You don’t have to explain anything to me. You’re protective of me but more than that, you’re also a little bit jealous. Which is okay!”    “Y/n, I’m not jealous.”    “Yes, you are because if you love me in the way I care about you, then I know from personal experience the way you feel when someone else admits their feelings to you. I spent the whole first year knowing what the feeling was like, every single time I saw you talking to someone who wasn’t me.”    “I’ve never seen anyone but you.”    “If the prophecies are right and everything you’ve told me was true, then of course not. I’ve never felt the way I feel towards you towards anyone else, ever. It’s like we are magnetic, and the forces are pulling us together,” Y/n said, grabbing his hands in hers. “But I’m going to let you know right now that I’m so fucking strong and I’m able to stand up for myself. I’ll let you know if and when I need help, but you have to let me decide that for myself.”    “You’re right,” Harry said, sighing. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to make excuses, but I wasn’t raised in the mortal world. I grew up fixing problems by taking care of it in the ways we see fit. You have to let me know when I do something that steps out of line.”    Y/n looked at him. It was hard to stop her feelings from growing three sizes bigger. Communication was key to any relationship being successful and here was Harry, being completely honest with her about what he doesn’t know. “You’re incredible.”    Harry smiled a full ear to ear dimpled smile that could melt anything in the room. “Let’s talk about Demeter. What are you going to wear to this dinner date with your mom?”    Y/n beamed. It was cliché and said all the time, but y/n felt like she was finally where she was supposed to be. She was enveloped in a bubble of love and acceptance and the only thing that would complete these feelings is building a relationship with her mother.    “I’m going to dinner with my mom. That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever said out loud,” Y/n said, smiling as she looked at Harry. “I’m not sure what I’m going to wear… Maybe a flowy sundress? What does one wear when they meet their mother who happens to be a goddess?”    “You can wear anything you’d like, and it would be perfect.”    “You’re only saying that because you have hella heart eyes for me. You probably think me wearing nothing at all would be perfect for the occasion.”    “Of course not, baby. I would like to be the only person who sees you without any clothes on,” Harry said as he winked at her.    “Stop it, we have to be productive,” Y/n said, the wink having effects on her. “Let’s go shopping and then maybe if you’re good, I’ll tell you the gritty details of the interaction with Rowan.”    “Deal.”    Y/n stood up from the couch, grabbing Harry’s hand to pull him up with her. Once they were both on their feet, y/n was pulling him out of the apartment. On their way to the mall, y/n’s thoughts were racing a mile a minute. What does one wear when meeting their mom? What does one wear when meeting their mom who is a Goddess? The moment they pulled into the parking garage at the mall, y/n’s breathing increased.    “Maybe I shouldn’t go to this dinner,” Y/n said, shrugging her shoulders. “I mean, I don’t know this woman. Is it safe for me to go spend the afternoon with a stranger on my own? You should probably come with me if I’m being honest…”    “It’s going to be great, she’s your mom. She already loves you more than you know. There’s nothing to be worried about,” Harry said, sliding his hands down her arms and stopping to grab her hands. “If you want me to come, I will. But I think this is something you should do by yourself.”    “You’re right,” she sighed, leaning into Harry. “You probably have a lot of work to do and souls to eat.”    “They’re heart-healthy and full of fiber,” Harry said as he shrugged his shoulders before allowing a smile to break out across his features. “But for real, c’mon, let’s go find you something to meet your mom in.”    Once y/n was calmed down enough to focus on the task at hand, she was able to be productive. They walked into seven stores before finding one that seemed promising. The second they stepped into the small boutique; Y/n found it. A stunning strapless jumper with a blue floral design.    “I must be Persephone,” Y/n said as she looked at her choice.    “I mean if you ever doubted me, then there’s your proof,” Harry said as he smiled at the girl walking out of the fitting room. “You look spectacular, love.”    Y/n blushed before kissing his cheek. She quickly turned back around going back into the room to change back into her clothes. Once she was changed and the dress was paid for, they decided to make a quick stop to get some ice-cream.    "I don't understand how you don't enjoy eating mint chocolate chip ice-cream," y/n mumbled with a mouth full of ice cream.    "I don't enjoy it because it's gross," Harry said shrugging as he licked his strawberry ice cream cone.    "Well you're wrong but to change the subject, I just wanted to tell you that I was invited to a house party in a few weeks. It's themed..."    "Oh?" Harry asked, his smile faltering slightly. "That'll be fun. But themed? It's not even Halloween."    "Hey now," Y/n said as she booped Harry's nose with her spoon, leaving some minty ice cream in her wake. "It will be fun. It's greek themed and we are going together! I already picked us out some couple costumes."    "Well when you put it that way, how could I ever oppose that."    "Were you feeling some type of way because you thought I was going to go party without you? Because I sure hope you know that I'm still going to go out with Christine sometimes."    "I wasn't, I mean, I don't mean to," Harry said sighing before reaching across the table to press a kiss to her forehead. "I'm excited to see what kind of costumes you have planned for us, though."    "Oh my god, you're such a guy," Y/n said, rolling her eyes.    "What do you mean?" Harry asked, feigning a look of hurt.    "You just got all butthurt because you thought I was going to go out without you," Y/n said, crossing her arms across her chest. "And then! You dare to look and act cute afterward and make my heart all fuzzy. It's not fair and I want to be annoyed with you but you make it so difficult."    "I'm sorry, lovie," Harry said, as he grinned up at her. "Now, I've been waiting for this all day since we left the apartment. What happened with Rowan?" "Oh my god, well I guess he has a crush on me-" "I could have told you that," Harry said as he rolled his eyes. "I thought that you were into him when we first met too." "Fuck, no. I've been into you for so long. But anyways," Y/n said as she began telling Harry the drama from the night before. "Ultimately though, the short story is, as Christine said, he called me a slut for being with you." Y/n kept watching Harry's expression, trying to gauge his reactions. She noticed his face quickly turning a deep shade of red but much to her surprise, she could see how his reaction calmed down on its own. "I'm so proud of you," Harry said, a lopsided smile growing on his face. "What?" "I know I'm super protective of you and maybe a bit territorial. Not because I'm a jealous asshole but because I love you so much," Harry said as y/n looked up at him with wide eyes. "You're just so fiercely determined and I know how you can stand your ground. It's insanely hot and so fucking reassuring." "Hot and reassuring, huh?" Y/n asked before smirking. "Yeah, you being able to handle yourself is fucking incredible." "I feel like you're getting turned on by this conversation and that's not the turn I felt like this was going to take." "I'm one hundred percent getting turned on right now." "Well think of those souls swimming around in the Underworld and if that doesn't do the trick, you've got some issues, my guy."   "Okay, my little boner killer," Harry said as stood up, reaching for her napkins sitting on the table before throwing away the trash. "Let's get you out of here so you can prep for dinner with Demeter tomorrow."    As they walked out of the ice cream shop, y/n's breathed out a sigh of relief. Everything was going to work out. 'I'm Persephone,' she thought to herself as she began to recite her newfound mantra. 'I am strong. I am fearless. I am capable. And I am a badass.' Tomorrow was going to go smoothly, she was sure of it.    
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whimperwoods · 4 years
Nora 3 / 29-Day Whump Challenge - Day 17
Day 17: Sold at Auction || Poisoned
This is a little bit cheating, but... guess who’s still got food poisoning? It’s Nora!
Nora: Part 1, Part 2
Challenge: Prompts
Tag list: @inky-whump
tw: blood, tw: battle (referenced), tw: vomit, tw: nausea, tw: dizziness, tw: almost fainting
Nora woke to the soft sound of water splashing and lifted her head, ignoring the way opening her eyes made them feel gritty and achey.
Her bugbear was back, the same one she’d met before, but in the fading light of the lantern he’d left her, she could see that he was moving more sluggishly.
She sat up, leaning toward him on her hands and squinting for a better look.
He was washing blood off his hands. She didn’t know if it was his. It might be her companions’. Her stomach turned at the thought, and it was all she could do to scramble noisily to the side of the bed and reach for the bucket before she was dry heaving into it, her body too empty to bring anything up.
The bugbear turned toward her, the movement a little uneven, or maybe just skewed by the way her head was still spinning, her head feeling light and buzzy.
“You’re awake,” he said, “How are you feeling?”
He sounded tired.
“What happened?” she asked.
“I, um - by the time I got there, it was full-on battle in there. A lot of goblins died, but nobody I knew. Couple of hobgoblins, too. My, uh - I used to play wrestleball with Nug. It was - not the clean clearing I’d hoped for. You’d better stay here a while. Just in case.”
Nora put the bucket down, her face feeling cold and bloodless.
“I, uh - let me get cleaned up and then I’ll - I’ll make some tea.” He gestured to one of his trunks, wincing at the motion.
“You’re hurt,” she said, her voice coming out raw and tired, which was probably better than pitying, anyway.
“I had thought the blood might be-”
“It’s a lot of people’s,” he interrupted. “I’m sure you’ve had days like that.”
“Shitty days.”
He smiled. “Shitty days.”
She laid back down, resting her pounding head and being careful not to think too hard about shitty days or blood or the fact that ‘lots of people’ had to include the party she’d come down here with. She couldn’t afford to think about those things, with her stomach like it was.
The bugbear cleaned up in near silence, grunting softly in pain as he removed the pauldron protecting his right shoulder, and wincing as he turned his back on her and changed into a pair of loose cloth pants.
Then he was coming toward her, mostly clean, but with a patch of singed fur around the bottom of where his left pauldron would have been, and a line across his chest where the blood clotting in his fur was clearly his own.
He sat down beside her on the bed and peeked into the bucket. “Hm. No actual puking. That’s good.”
She sat up laboriously, not quite willing to look that weak in front of him.
He held his hand out in front her her head, palm forward. “Mind if I-”
He trailed off, but she nodded anyway.
His huge, warm hand pressed against her forehead, and she was suddenly aware that if he wanted to, he could crush her whole skull in one crunch. It might take both hands, but that was hardly comforting.
“Hm,” he grunted again, displeased.
“I’m the same as before,” she said, “I’m ok.”
“You feel hotter, and if you’ve run out of things to puke, you shouldn’t. You sure you’ve got food poisoning and not, like, poison poisoning?”
She frowned. “Dunno how I would be.”
He grunted again.
His hand was still on her head, and she felt a chill run through her that she wasn’t sure had anything to do with the fever. She pulled back. “I’m ok. Let me - can I help with any of - that?” She waved at his chest and arm.
He lowered his hand to the mattress and used it to lever himself up, getting to his feet beside the bed. He didn’t meet her eyes. “I, uh - I’m just gonna take something for the pain. You know, tea for you, tea for me. It’s fine. I’m - I’m not the worst off.”
“Still looks like it hurts.”
“Maybe bring some bandages over here while the water’s boiling. You’re gonna need more than one hand. You uh - might have to bring the washing water over here, though. It’s pretty high up.”
He turned to look at his wash basin, a sharp laugh of surprise rippling through him. “Yeah, alright.”
It was good feeling useful. It was good wrapping bandages and tying them in place, as he helped with one hand, even if half of what it proved was how small her hands were in comparison to his arms.
It was not good getting up onto her knees to get a better angle for wrapping his chest wound and finding that it made her head spin wildly.
It was even less good watching the edge of the world start going black when she pushed through it and having to suddenly collapse forward and cling to the bugbear’s bad arm to keep from passing out.
He shouted in surprise, but all of a sudden, it was hard to breathe without being sure she was about to throw up again. Her head was getting lighter and lighter, and she couldn’t speak to explain herself.
She pushed away from him, trying to get away from the burn on his arm, only to find herself falling, too dizzy to sit, and ending up flopped over his massive thigh, twisting to get her head nearer his knee but not far enough to end up on the mattress.
He twisted under her and picked her whole body up, pulling her up against his chest and cradling her there like he had in the tunnels, leaning his cheek down to feel her forehead.
“Shit. You’re worse.”
“’M ok,” she rasped, as much out of instinct as anything.
“You’re not.”
“You’re not.”
He started to laugh, then winced as it jogged the cut on his chest. “Yeah, maybe not.”
“Me either,” she panted.
“I know,” he said, biting his lip.
For a long, long moment, they sat in silence. She thought she ought to resent being snuggled to his chest like a baby now that they weren’t moving, but even with the black fuzz retreating from the edges of her vision, the rest of her body seemed to have remembered how sick she was.
Every part of her ached, her stomach still felt raw and painful, and the energy she’d had from her nap was suddenly completely gone. She leaned her head against his chest and let him think.
“Yeah,” he whispered, finally, “I’m gonna - I got a friend who’s a paladin. Ghath. He was - he couldn’t get there in time. But he’s not a cleric and they always call Hruggek healers first before they get to the Grankhul ones. They say they’re too sneaky. We are. Anyway, he should have healing left. I bet he’s got healing left. You’re - enough people have died today, yeah?”
She shivered, and hoped he would think it was the fever.
He laid her down onto the mattress again, then pressed his palm to her forehead one more time and sighed. “Yeah. I’m gonna go get him.”
The thought was terrifying, or at least, the part of it her brain could grab ahold of was, but if - if -
“Wait!” she called croakily as he approached the door. “What’s your name?”
He turned around and looked at her, his eyes wide with surprise and realization. “Me?” he asked, “Dazor. You?”
“Nora,” she said, staring sideways at him from her place on his mattress.
“Nora,” he repeated, a soft smile revealing his fangs but still making her heart feel warm. “It’s nice. I’ll uh - Ghath and I are gonna keep you alive, Nora. Don’t worry.”
It was foolish not to worry. It was foolish to stay here, waiting. But she didn’t have a choice on the staying, and she couldn’t seem to work up the worry, and she kept her gritty, achey eyes open, waiting for Dazor to come back.
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fallynephemeron · 5 years
I was tagged by @angrymagicgirlmarsette​ . Thank you for tagging me!
What genre(s) you write
Betwixt would be difficult to really pinpoint into a typical genre, and considering it’s not going to be printed in book format, I feel it’s not as necessary to try to conform to one.  
Breaking new ground here with some combination of  web series, episodic fiction, fantasy novel series,  with a nod to the long-running format TV soap opera  but in written form.   
If we’re really talking genre though,  I’m drawing heavily from Urban Fantasy,  Gothic Romance, Supernatural Horror,  with an adequate dose of High Fantasy Epic and Dystopian Adventure  for good measure.
What’s on your reading wish list
One thing that’s caught my eye is the Raven Cycle.  I’ve loved other things Maggie Stiefvater has written.  I’ve read Lament probably 6 times, the imagery draws me in every single time.    
Finding the Terry Pratchett Discworld series books I’m missing is kind of high on the list.  I’ve read all of them, but some were read over 20 years ago and I want to revisit them.     I used to be a voracious reader,  but kids happened,  trauma happened and my ADHD diagnosis showed me why I have to be really careful getting sucked into  novel world because the real world stuff really truly suffers when I do.  So unfortunately reading has taken a back burner for far too long.
Your favorite character from your current WIP
This is the hardest question,  but it’s all about the character arcs, baby.   I simply cannot choose between these four.  (edit:  i got really carried away,  but I was on a roll, and ... well...)   (edit 2:   i use too many adjectives,  i’m aware of the problem)
Rivet  ... my brown force of nature with too many tattoos,  vacillating between boundless rage and weary sarcasm, doing her best to keep the ones she swears she doesn’t give a shit about on the correct path with her fractured clairvoyance and haphazard approach to magic.  She’s been more and more aware of some kind of upheaval on the outskirts of the mundane world.  She’s had run-ins with the unpredictable Fae in the past,  A rune covered baseball bat, a dog eared tarot deck, and an intimate knowledge of the secret paths of The Nowhere have been the tools that have kept her alive so far.... but will they be enough now that she’s somehow become responsible for the safety of one boy-crazy half faerie that just might be the answer to all the questions?
Xavier ... my precious one,  batting his long lashes, swooning all over anyone he has half a hope might love him,  if only for a night?   He’s been abandoned, used and abused, pulled back from the brink of destruction. He wants to put all that behind him and move on,  exploring the glittering, gritty, rainbow oil slicked nooks and crannies of the city he’s fallen in love with.  But between the men that see him as nothing more than a plaything or a possession,  the darkness in the surrounding woods that seems to want to devour him whole,  the eerie figure he can’t quite see at the edges of his vision that seems to be spying on him,  and the dark eyed, sharp tongued woman built like a cage fighter that definitely is spying on him “for his own fucking good”,  what is this too pretty, pale,  little, gay, shimmer goth, faerie halfling, supposed to do?  Stay home?  Not on your life
Wynter…my innocent, red cheeked, much too tall, awkward, nearly mute from anxiety, loyal to a fault, doormat.    He should be a fully matured werewolf by now, so why hasn’t he had his first change?  But that’s the furthest thing from his mind, if only for this moment.  What’s the difference between childhood best friends and boyfriends and does love always have to hurt so much?  And does it always have to include the awkward sex stuff that always makes him feel like he’s going to vomit?    And now he has another problem.  A terrifyingly alluring faerie problem with big green eyes that he keeps catching staring at him.  What is he doing here and why is Rivet being so secretive about it?
Jaq ...  my brilliantly talented fuck-up.  How can someone be that innocently naive, and that criminally minded stupid at the same time?  His lack of impulse control, a filter, any sense of self preservation, his messed up backwards sense of right and wrong... at what point do the people that love you say “enough” and refuse to be hurt by you anymore?   But he’s lost in the battle between his realities, the shit he sees that isn’t real and  the shit he sees that is real but no one else can see,   it’s a wonder he’s survived this long in a world he can’t make sense of,  filled with people that often can’t make sense of him.   His art is his way of sorting out the mess inside his head.   Wynter has always been by his side, like the welcome mat you wipe your feet on without thinking about it too hard,  so why is he hanging out with her so much?  He hasn’t been able to trust her, since.... the incident  when they were children.  Maybe he’s just paranoid,  but he’s pretty sure they’re hiding something from him.
Some writing tropes you like
Pretty much anything involving two people that don’t know each other or don’t like each other, forced into the same space with no way out.    Arranged marriages, elevator breakdowns,  etc. etc.
The story behind your WIP’s name
Betwixt  feels like magic and hexed and I like X’s.   Hence why Xave’s full name is Xavier Alexander Maxwell.   And it means between,  and that is everything my work is exploring.  What it means to be between.    Between a rock and a hard place,   having a grey morality,  living on the edge of the mundane world,  with a foot in the magical realm.    It’s going to explore the vacuous chasm between wealth and poverty  (not talking about the middle class suburbs lol,  though that is a between)   Right and wrong.  And the thin line between salvation and destruction.
Are you a pantser or plotter?
Naturally?  I’m a pantser.  For Betwixt  I’ve had to become a plotter.  It’s too big and too complicated to just freewheel it.
Do you post your work somewhere?
I’m going to.    The plan is to publish on WordPress on a regular release schedule.   Hopefully weekly. But we’ll see how well that plan holds up as we get closer to publication.  
Do you also read/write fanfic? If yes, for the same genres as what you write?
I’ve had a really hard time writing fanfic,  but there are some I really enjoy reading.
Your favorite dessert. Because why not.
Also Pie!   Pie is the best. Seriously.
Tagging @emdop  cause you’re the only other writeblr I really have talked to besides the one that tagged me.
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freaoscanlin · 7 years
Given Unsought, Part 1
A/N: This fic is something I’ve been working on and I’m pretty deep into it now. I’ll be posting the full thing on AO3 as soon as I figure out just a bit of it, but I thought I’d put the first part up now. This is a retelling of season three of Agents of SHIELD where Jemma came back from Maveth just a liiiiittle bit different. The final fic will be about 40-45k, and it’ll be broken down into weeks. Jemma/Daisy with mentions of other ships. Warnings for language, injury, isolation, past abuse. I’ll be posting the fic in chunks and tagged on my blog as “given unsought.” Thanks to @insidiousmisandry for encouraging this, you enabler.
Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.  The Twelfth Night, Act III, Scene I, Line 147
Week Four
In her years at SHIELD, Daisy had learned to evaluate the silence of the post-mission flight. The grim quiet of a failed mission had an entirely different flavor to the quiet of exhaustion after a successful op. And a truly successful op didn’t usually contain great stretches of time without talking. Bringing an agent back from the dead usually called for breaking into one of Hunter’s many secret stashes of beer on the quinjet and cracking open a cold one. If Bobbi was the pilot, she’d play cheesy eighties pop on the intercom and Daisy could get a dance party started in the hold.
She’d even twirled May once. That had been very, very strange, and Daisy still wasn’t sure she hadn’t dreamed that.
The flight from Gloucester should have been jubilant, full of dancing and music. They’d brought Simmons back. She was safe, and coming home, and Fitz—after months and months where Daisy had lost hope—had done it, the cheeky bastard. He’d gone to another world and had come back clutching his friend. By all rights, even though she’d drained all of her energy, Daisy should have been standing on her seat, holding a beer aloft and shout-singing Captain & Tenille with Mack. Instead, she sat quietly in the co-pilot’s seat and watched his giant hands as he moved them over the controls.
“Feeling okay?”
“Nothing sleeping for a year can’t fix.” She stretched out her arms, grimacing as her muscles creaked. “I still can’t believe Fitz did it.”
“Can’t you? He’s a determined one, our Fitz.”
Daisy nodded. She could have flown back on Zephyr One, but she hadn’t wanted to abandon Mack. Plus, she suspected that she’d only be in the way as Bobbi checked Simmons over. And maybe there was a desire to avoid more unnecessary medical checkups herself. Sure, she had the mother of all migraines, but the nosebleed had stopped. She’d be fine. “What do you think it was like over there?”
“Looked like it was pretty dusty.” Mack flipped a couple switches overhead.
Daisy glanced down at her front, still covered in dirt from the explosion of the monolith and hugging Jemma afterward. “Well, you’re not wrong.”
“We’ll find out more soon enough, Tremors.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m just impatient. I can’t believe she’s back. Like finally, something’s going our way.” Chasing down the rapidly expanding inhuman outbreak pattern had grown exhausting. Convincing Dr. Garner to let even one of the people onto her team of secret warriors doubly so. She’d fallen into the classic pitfall of being evaluated by him herself earlier that day and even though she hadn’t wanted to rail at it as much as she would’ve in the past, he did leave her feeling frustrated and annoyed.
But Simmons was back, and she was going to be fine, so that had to count for something.
“A much needed win,” Mack said, smiling as he agreed. “Seatbelt on, we’re coming in.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Pilot sir.”
Mack rolled his eyes at her, but she caught the smile he tried to hide.
The Zephyr had beaten them back to base. Though Daisy expected everybody to be busy with Jemma, Bobbi stood with her hip cocked and her arms crossed over her chest, waiting for the loading ramp to descend. Daisy groaned.
“Time to head to the lab. Coulson’s orders,” Bobbi said.
“I’m fine. I just need to sleep and I’ll feel like a human being again. Things just got a little shaky for a bit—ha. Literally.”
“You passed out twice,” Bobbi said, tilting her head. “We’ll put you on a bunk next to Simmons.”
Okay, that might not be terrible. With all of the science that needed to be run, it wasn’t like she would be able to see Jemma at all otherwise. Daisy followed Bobbi out of the hangar, both of them waving cheerily at Mack as he sarcastically called that, sure, he’d be happy to handle the post-mission checklist by himself, no problem.
“He loves us,” Bobbi said as she walked Daisy to the lab.
Bobbi had lied: they’d put Jemma off to one side of the lab and Daisy was led to the other and checked over by a SHIELD tech. With their leading inhuman biology expert on another planet for months, the rest of the lab workers had had to step up, and it just wasn’t the same. None of them ever gave her lollipops the way Jemma had sardonically taken to doing to keep Daisy from griping about getting poked so much. She wanted to complain, but Bobbi kept looking over and raising an eyebrow at her. Daisy decided it was easier not to cause a ruckus.
“Can I go yet?” she asked.
“Just a couple more tests, Agent Johnson.”
“Sameer, we’re poker buddies. You know all my tells, I think that entitles you to call me Daisy.”
For that, he took another vial of blood, though he assured her he would’ve done that anyway. Daisy grumped at him and leaned back on her cot. Movement on the opposite side of the room, near where Jemma still slept, caught her eye. One of the techs running blood tests did a double-take at something on his screen and began gesturing, wildly. Fitz and Bobbi immediately raced over. Daisy rose to her feet, too, only for Sameer to grab her arm.
“You probably should give them a moment,” he said.
“If she’s hurt—”
“They’ll figure it out much faster without distractions.”
As much as she hated it, he had a point. Daisy allowed herself to be pulled back, and sat down on the cot while Sameer ran the rest of his tests. She kept an eye on things, monitoring the way the surprised tech gesticulated while talking to Fitz and Bobbi. Fitz shoved him to the side and typed rapidly into his computer. Whatever he saw on the screen made him shove both hands into his curls and rest his hands on his head, elbows out.
Bobbi put a hand on his shoulder and said something to the tech.
“Something’s wrong,” Daisy said. “Something’s wrong with her—I need to—”
But Fitz stomped right past her when she stood up. Bobbi looked over, met Daisy’s eyes, and shook her head. She gestured for Daisy to stay put.
“She can’t expect me to just sit here when something might be wrong with Simmons,” Daisy said.
“Looks like she does.” Sameer rummaged in the pocket of his lab coat and held out a grape lollipop. “Will this help?”
“No.” But Daisy took it anyway. She flopped down, determined to stay until Bobbi gave her some answers. She missed the needle until Sameer had it in her arm. “What the—hey! What are you doing?”
“Dr. Morse’s orders. It’s just a sedative.”
Daisy felt her eyes begin to roll back into her head. “I’m cleaning you out next time we play poker,” she said and the last thing she saw before she slept was Simmons, curled up on a cot, asleep.
The only mercy when she opened her eyes was that her head no longer ached, but everything else pretty much sucked. Her mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton, her left arm had fallen asleep because she’d apparently laid on top of it for hours, and Mack hadn’t carried her back to her bed like he occasionally did whenever somebody (Bobbi) knocked her out. She’d apparently been kept in the lab, drooling into a pillow for all the techs to see. Not that there were many of those around at the moment.
Daisy rubbed her hand over her face and grimaced at the gritty sensation. She glanced at the clock, saw that it was just after four a.m., and groaned. “I’m quaking Sameer into a wall next time I see him.”
“I’d advise against that.” Bobbi’s voice sounded rusty. Daisy looked over her shoulder and saw her on the chair beside her cot, eyes open and arms crossed over her chest. The knee brace had been set aside for the night. “He was following my orders.”
“Yeah, well, don’t think you’re forgiven either, Barbara.”
Bobbi made a face and sat up. “Like you’d have gotten any sleep with that migraine you tried to hide. You can thank me later.”
“Thank. Right. That’s exactly what’ll happen.” Daisy sat up and stretched. She looked over across the lab, to the other cot on the far end. “Is Simmons okay?”
Bobbi paused for so long that Daisy swiveled away from Jemma to face her coworker. “Is something wrong? The planet wasn’t killing her slowly, was it?” Best to blurt out the worst possible option, get it out of the way, even while her brain hammered Not Jemma not Jemma not Jemma.
“No. Her body adapted to what we suspect is a lower level of oxygen, so that will cause a few problems in the short term. Her metabolism’s changed. But she’s healthy.” Bobbi folded her arms over her chest. “But there’s something else, though. She’s pregnant.”
The word slammed into Daisy so hard it might as well have been a punch to the face. “She got sucked into an alien planet and came back pregnant? Was it something in the air? Or was it the planet? Wait, how is that even possible? And is she okay? Is the baby okay? How far along—”
“Easy there, motor mouth,” Bobbi said, and Daisy abruptly shut up. Hysteria, she realized. That was what coursed through her veins. That, and adrenaline. “One question at a time.”
“How?” was all Daisy can manage.
“She hasn’t talked much, but as far as we can tell, it happened the usual way. As far as we can tell, she’s about four weeks along. That’s early to tell, but we’re SHIELD. Cutting edge is kind of our thing.”
“She wasn’t alone over there?”
“There was an astronaut with her. She didn’t say his name, but we’re assuming that he’s human.” Bobbi shrugged.
Daisy looked toward Jemma. In sleep, she remained twitchy, pale and drawn like she constantly awaited danger. For all they knew, she did. Daisy’d barely heard her say five words since Fitz pulled her out of the portal.
Speaking of…
“Guess there’s no need to ask how Fitz is taking it?” Daisy asked. Late one night, drunk off cheap tequila and sitting in the middle of the room he’d turned into a conspiracy theorist’s wet dream in search of Simmons, he’d confessed that he’d made his move. Daisy, not nearly as drunk, had found herself struggling to congratulate him, with no idea why. They’d be cute together, she’d said, when they got Jemma back. Of course they would be. They were Fitz and Simmons. FitzSimmons. They already had a smushname all their own without even trying.
And hell, Fitz’s mania had paid off, hadn’t it? Fitz had doggedly and methodically followed the steps to save her for months, while Daisy threw herself into finding inhumans so she wouldn’t have to think about the grief and fear waiting just around the corner, far too close for comfort.
“I don’t know,” Bobbi said. “He didn’t say much when he came back.”
She gestured. On the other side of the lab, Fitz had a studied frown on his face as he stared into a microscope. From the set of his shoulders alone, Daisy figured bothering him would be one of the worst ideas she’d entertained since trusting her mother.
“You know she asked him to dinner right before…” Bobbi trailed off.
“I know,” Daisy said. “Should I—I don’t know? Talk to him?”
“You can try, but I don’t think it’ll work. I’m sending Hunter to annoy the truth out of him if he gets back soon.”
Daisy raised her eyebrows. “You’re going straight to the nuclear option?”
“For a man whose talents are very annoying, he’s also very good at what he does.” They both paused when Daisy’s wrist-unit beeped with an alert. “See you later.”
“Um, if she wakes up, tell her I’ll stop by?” There was too much she wanted to ask, as she was burning with curiosity and kind of a weird sense of unreality and terror. Her friend was pregnant. With an actual human child. Well. Daisy looked at her hands. Maybe mostly human. Who knew? Daisy sent one last swift look at Jemma and left to handle whatever emergency had arisen on the inhuman front.
What the hell happened on that planet, and what would Jemma do now?
Week Six
For the next two days, her timing was so terrible, it might as well be one of their plans. She dropped by whenever she could get one of the other agents to cover the enforcement agency channels, but Jemma was always sleeping. Daisy busied herself with briefings and seeing Joey, and worked on trying to track Lincoln, who wasn’t answering her calls. Finally, she escaped and made it to Jemma’s bedroom, but there was no answer to her soft knock, so Daisy moved on to her own quarters two doors down and passed out face first into the mattress.
Coulson called her in before she was even fully awake the next morning, to a distress call in Tallahassee. It turned out to be a false alarm—just a kid with a lighter and some superstitious neighbors—but the mission still nearly went sideways three times. Daisy couldn’t deny that she was frustrated. Searching for other inhumans was beyond trying to find a needle in a haystack. More like a needle in a field full of haystacks.
And behind all of that a constant tattoo beat in her head: Jemma is pregnant, Jemma came back from an alien planet with a baby.
In the hangar bay after nearly five days in Florida, she stepped off the quinjet and frowned. “Why don’t you go on without me?” she asked Mack.
“Tremors?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Got something on your mind?”
“Nah, I just—I just—” Stop babbling, Sk—Daisy. He’s going to know something’s up. “I think I’ll take a walk, clear my head before I get stuck in an underground base and feeling all claustrophobic. Or worse, somebody needs me to do something.”
Mack eyed her, but he nodded. “I’ll keep your paperwork warm for you.”
“My hero,” she said, and waved at the rest of the support team as they headed in for post-mission grub. Daisy moved back to her quarters to grab a set of civvies, pulling a dark beanie over her hair, and made for the secret exit that put her on Fourth Street. From there, it was only a few blocks to the bookstore.
She kept an eye out, just to be sure nobody tailed her, before taking a deep breath and stepping resolutely to the appropriate shelf. Wow, this area of the bookstore was huge. And there were so many books with similar titles. Daisy stared at the bookshelf.
Rows and rows of babies stared back at her from the covers. She picked up What to Expect When You’re Expecting because even a homeless hacker living in a van had heard of that one, and paged through. More than part of her felt ridiculous. It was absurd that she’d even be here looking at these books. Jemma had, like, a gazillion degrees, she was bound to know everything that went into pregnancy. But Daisy didn’t, and she felt kind of stupid about it.
Even worse, there wasn’t really a What to Expect When Your Best Friend Went to an Alien Planet and is Now Expecting. Unfair. There seemed to be every other super-specific topic of baby raising on these shelves. But that was Jemma Simmons for you. Always going above and beyond in the most endearing way.
Daisy selected a couple books that didn’t look as schmaltzy as the others, ones she suspected might be written with the fathers in mind, and carried them to the counter. She paid cash and made sure not to be memorable, neither staring nor avoiding the cashier’s eyes. When she left, she kept the beanie low.
At the next store over, she picked up a cloth shopping bag just in case the plastic bag they gave her wasn’t opaque enough. She also rooted around in a small gift section, as she didn’t want Jemma to think she was avoiding her or weird about anything. So a little trinket, that seemed like the ticket. A little blue vase of bright yellow daisies, cheerful and bobbing gently in the breeze of a ceiling fan, caught her eye, and Daisy paid for them almost without thinking about it. Books safely hidden, flowers in hand, she went home.
For once, she was in luck.
“Skye!” Jemma’s face lit up when Daisy stepped in. Then she looked down and away, sheepish. “Daisy. Sorry.”
Daisy held out the flowers. “It’s a multipurpose gift,” she said. “It’s pretty, and it’s a reminder. You can call me whatever you want.” She absolutely meant that. Everybody else had an adjustment period where they called her Sk-daisy, which was aggravating but at least they were trying. With Jemma, Daisy was so happy she was back that she didn’t care.
She studied her friend, pale and diminished but vibrantly alive, and words came tumbling out. “I can’t stay for too long, I’m tracking law-enforcement channels, but I’m really sorry that I haven’t come sooner. It’s—there’s just a lot going on.”
“And I’ve been sleeping.” Jemma’s voice cracked, but her smile felt real and familiar.
“Which is good,” Daisy said a little too fast. Sleep was good for the baby, right? It seemed like it would be. “Do whatever you need to do to get better. We need you. And I…” What did you say to somebody who comes back from another dimension with an amniotic passenger in tow? She sat down on the bed, glancing once at where Jemma’s hand resting on her abdomen. Absently, like an afterthought.
Jemma sighed. “Bobbi told you.”
“The tech who ran your tests wasn’t exactly discreet. Coulson fired his ass, don’t worry, but Bobbi told the team in case it got out. I know you probably don’t want to talk about what happened yet, but when you do, I’m here to listen.” Daisy set the bag of the books on the floor and sat on the bed, close to but not crowding her friend. Bobbi had warned her that Jemma still jumped at everything.
“I’d rather listen now, if that’s okay.” Jemma leaned forward. “The terrigen is spreading?”
“And so’s the paranoia.” Shoptalk. She could handle shoptalk. Daisy filled her in on the nightmare of the past few months, the way cocoons spread all over the world, with inhumans popping up—
“Like daisies?” Jemma interrupted, giving her a small, real smile.
“I’ll let you have that one,” Daisy said, unable to stop her laugh. “We found a new one a few weeks ago. Joey Gutiérrez. He’s very sweet. He just melts metal, like, poof, wow. I think once he gets a handle on it, he’ll be incredible. If we can ever get Dr. Garner to sign off on letting him be a full-time team member.”
At this rate, Andrew was never going to sign off on anybody for a secret inhuman team.
“And you?” Jemma asked, surprising Daisy. “How are you handling all of this?”
“I…” Daisy blinked. She hadn’t really thought about it. How was she handling Lincoln being a fugitive, the ads from politicians on TV, the fearmongering and spreading hate toward what she was? The message boards about “How to Hunt Inhuman Scum” that twisted her stomach into knots? Even at SHIELD, where she was insulated, a couple of the new agents still twitched whenever she walked into the room. “I’m handling it. I’ve been more worried about you, to be honest. You’re really okay?”
“I think so.” Jemma’s voice was soft, like talking too loud hurt her ears. “I just…there’s…some of it is hard to talk about and—”
She jolted like frightened prey when Daisy’s cell phone buzzed. “I am so sorry,” Daisy said.
“N-no, it’s okay. You should take that.”
Guilty, Daisy picked up the phone and answered. Lincoln’s voice, distressed and just as afraid as Jemma seemed, filled her ear. She gave Jemma one last apologetic look and, passing the daisies on the nightstand, hurried off go to handle yet another crisis.
Part 2.
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reapers-carino · 7 years
I had a really hard day today (got harassed at school and then got yelled at) and I was wondering if you would do a request The request is (this might be long sorry) reader find out they are pregnant with Gabe's kid and then before they can tell Gabe the news he is presumed dead and so the reader goes on with their life and has the child then Gabe comes back as reaper and goes to find the reader and then funds he has a family now sorry if it was too long sorry!
((I’m so so sorry you had a hard day hon, those people that yelled at you suck. I hope that things get better!))
“Estoy em-bara-za-da”, you practiced, saying each syllable carefully before licking your lips and nodding. You were playing a short recording over and over, making sure you were saying it right and not butchering the Spanish phrase. “Estoy embara-zada...Estoy embarazada! There we go, I got it!”
You spun in a circle, smoothing your hands down your ‘bloated’ belly, giggling softly and happily. You were pregnant. If you hadn’t taken five pee tests and one blood test, you wouldn’t be sure if you actually believed that it was true but it was. You and Gabriel had talked in passing about having a family; of running away from Overwatch and Blackwatch, finding a home and starting over from scratch. New identities, plenty of money and enough human comforts that you’d never have to look back. You’d never be the ‘Jones’, with their white picket fences and ‘perfect American dream’, but you could be happy and free from all the bureaucratic bullshit that was intrinsically tied up with Overwatch and Blackwatch.
Especially now since things were looking so bad. Between the sensitive leaked information about Overwatch, deaths of prominent Overwatch agents, the reveal of the existence of Blackwatch and the witch hunt the world was on, it was time to get the hell out of dodge. Jesse had left first with Gabriel’s blessing, but his protege couldn’t convince the Blackwatch leader to leave himself. He had wiped records of your existence and moved you to Aix-les-Bains, France; explained that it was safer to be out of Switzerland for the time being, the hour commute back and forth more than worth it to keep you directly out of harm’s way.  What that harm was, he hadn’t revealed to you.
‘It’s better you don’t know, amorcita. Keeps your hands clean of this bullshit.’
Still, maybe with this news he could finally go through with those fanciful ideas of yours. You jumped as you heard you phone begin to buzz, drawing you out of your inner mind and back into the real world. Pushing a hand through your curls, your brow furrowed as you listened to your phone’s nonstop buzzing from across the room, grunting agitatedly. Crossing the room, you grabbed the device and pressed a button to illuminate the screen. Your blood froze like ice in your veins as you read the emergency notifications that were filling up your screen.
‘Explosion at Overwatch Geneva Headquarters’
‘Gigantic Explosion Rocks Overwatch HQ, Unknown Numbers Dead or Injured’
‘Unknown Numbers Hurt and Injured after Explosion Hits Geneva’
“Oh god…”
It had taken three more months until Gabriel’s status was changed from missing to dead, Reinhardt bringing you the personal effects that been found in the debris. His hat, a tungsten ring you had given him and his dog tags; all burnt but still there. Your fingers traced over the letters of his name, a soft sob leaving your lips as you pulled the objects tight against your chest. He may have left the physical plane, but Gabriel hadn’t left you alone. Your hand smoothed down your round stomach, looking up at Reinhardt with a watery smile.
“Thank you…”
“Isabella”, you warned, the bright eyed two year old looking back at you. She had managed to climb halfway up onto the the kitchen table, you rushing and scooping the adventurous little girl into your arms. She looked so much like her father, you joked that she was his little clone, only picking up traces of your features. Big brown eyes framed with thick black lashes, soft copper skin covered in tiny freckles and a head full of thick, wild black curls that framed her chubby little cheeks. “Princesita, how many times must mama ask you not to climb up on the table, hm? You’re going to end up just like those little monkey and bump your head!”
You began to tickle the little girl, spinning her in your arms and smiling at her screaming laugh, peppering warnings and kisses to her head and forehead. You had tried to keep her father’s memory alive; teaching Isabella Spanish and using the affectionate terms you could imagine Gabriel using, showing her vids and pictures of her father and his friends to prove that he was a hero that had laid down his life to protect them. Isabella knew his face, would call him daddy and talk to his framed picture in those short toddler sentences. It was hard, admittedly, to raise her all on your own but you loved your daughter and you know that Gabriel would be happy to know how you both were living.  
“Mama”, Isabella said through giggles, her own chubby little fingers stilling at trying to tickle you. She tilted her body backwards as she looked at the door frame that led to the front door, making you grunt as you took a half step forward to catch her. You shifted your daughter to your hip, the little girl grabbing onto your shirt to steady herself before pointing. “The doorbell mama!”
“Good ears mi amorcita”, you complimented, gently ruffling the child’s hair and bouncing her on your hip with each step. You were expecting a few packages for Isabella’s owl-themed birthday; a colorful owl plush, a dress, umbrella and rainboot set with the same type of owl and a new book featuring the same, sweet cartoon-y creature. The doorbell rang once more making you scoff in annoyance, Isabella yelling again to notify you that the doorbell was in fact being rang. “Thank you little one. I am coming!”
You tried to keep your voice singsong-y, a small tick of annoyance pulling at your neutral smile. Rude ass postman rushing you when they knew damn well you had a child and they didn’t have that many houses to go to in that area. Shifting Isabella on your hip, you put a sweet yet annoyed smile on your lips, undoing the locks before throwing the door open.
“Sorry for ma--”
You jumped startled, arms wrapping tightly around your daughter as you caught sight of the person on the other side of your screen door. It was a tall man that was dressed in all black; black cargo pants, a black hoodie and black boots. Something tickled in the back of your head, there was something...familiar about that silhouette.
Your eyes jumped back to your daughter, the child less scared than you were but more curious as to why you were squeezing her so tightly. Shooting a sweet smile down at her, you took a small half step back, prepared to hit the lockdown button near the door.
“I don’t know who you are but you should go”, you said, voice steely and serious, eyes darting between your daughter, the button and the stranger. “Now.”
The stranger chuckled softly, the sound low and gritty and solemn but familiar, your stomach flipping nervously. Your hands hovered over the button but you still couldn’t find it in yourself to press it just yet as the stranger began to turn, pushing the hood they had up off of their head.
“Cautious as ever mi reina”, the man said before locking eyes with you, a melancholic smile playing on those ever familiar lips. Gabriel Reyes stood in front of you, scarred and pale but alive and you froze. It felt like all the air had been knocked out of your lungs as you stared your dead lover in the face, your heart thundering in your chest.
“Gabby”, you breathed out weakly, tears immediately rolling down your cheeks. Your mind couldn’t process this. Gabriel shouldn’t be here, they hadn’t found a body but there is no way that he could be here...and alive. You hiccuped, adjusting Isabella on your hip again before wiping hardly at your face. “H-how?”
“Let me come in cariño”, Gabriel said, his hand lightly pressing against the glass of the screen. Now that he was closer, your eyes studied what you could of his facial features. His large brown eyes were now the color of fresh blood. His warm undertone was now gray, making his brown skin appear duller. There scars you had never seen before on your face, but you knew somewhere in your heart of hearts that this was the love of your life. His eyes kept darting between you and Isabella, his expression communicating unbelievable longing.  “I will explain everything, just please let me in.”
“Papa! Mama that’s papa? Mama look! That’s papa?”
“Yes baby”, you said softly, voice cracking as you tried to keep it together for your little girl. “That is your daddy...should we let him in?”
Your hands shook as you unlocked the door, your senses suddenly filled by the scent of his cologne and pomade, his arms wrapping tight around you as he pushed through the door. You unconsciously squeezed your arm tight around him, the feeling of completeness filling your body. He broke away from the hug, a real smile on his lips as he looked between you and Isabella once more before bending slightly so that he could be eye to eye with the two year old. The little girl smiled wide at him, her hand reaching out to actually touch his face, bursting into a fit of giggles when Gabriel kissed her palms.
“Hi there ángel”, he said, his voice unbelievably soft as he stood up to full height.
“That’s not my name”, the toddler corrected, brow furrowing at the ‘name’ her father had imposed on her. “My name is Isa-bella Ale-jan-dra Reyes!”
She slowed down on her own syllables to make sure she said each of them correctly before grinning wide at the man, her father. Gabe’s eyes lifted to look at you, shocked that you had given her his last name before looking back to the little girl, pure love and adoration in his eyes.
“Hey there Isabella…”
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todokori-kun · 7 years
N O 
I did guess that maybe something was wrong with your computer/internet connection but after a few days the ridiculous anxiety started punching me in the gut again like ‘what if it was something I said’ or ‘what if something happened and we never get to talk again’..it seems so silly and overdramatic now but I seriously did think those things for a while LOL that’s why I kept sending messages… I’m really sorry for spamming you OTL
And no, don’t apologize! It’s not like you had any control over that. If anything, I should be sorry for freaking out so much  ^^;;
But anyway, that’s enough angst for now. I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE BACK :D
Seriously though, sometimes I wonder what was going through Steve’s head when he decided to keep that suit back in the first CA movie XD
The trailer is really cool. I actually think we don’t need another one; this 'teaser’ seems to reveal just the right amount of info :) (And Loki’s hair has FINALLY stopped looking greasy. I think. I hate greasy stuff (unless it’s food) so that hair was really, REALLY bothering me during Avengers 1 and Thor 2, though I guess it did make sense for his hair to look like that at the time)
I think Marvel’s using the 'Power of Love’ thing to explain Nat being able to calm Bruce down. Doesn’t really make that much sense but I agree, it’s cute :3 I shipped Nat with Clint during the first movie (and the reveal that Clint is MARRIED was a serious 'WTH’ moment) but Bruce/Natasha is good enough that I’m not particularly salty over Mrs. Barton.
Sharon Carter/Steve may be the only ship in the MCU that I genuinely dislike. Civil War would have been perfectly fine without it. Sharon and Steve themselves would have been perfectly fine without it. PEGGY would certainly have been fine without it. Just. Why.
Ah, yeah. TDW both gave me hope for Loki and made me lose a little bit of it at the same time, if that makes sense? The thing with Odin worries me, but since I think I read somewhere that Anthony Hopkins is going to be in Ragnarok I guess he’s not dead, so maybe Loki didn’t do anything TOO drastic…
But we got some genuine emotion from Loki over Frigga and I believe that he WAS getting a bit emotional during his 'death’ scene wih Thor, so that’s something, I guess.
To me, Thor 2 proved that while Loki’s morality might have changed, it hasn’t changed for the better, and he still has way too many issues to work through, but his relationship with Thor isn’t quite ruined yet.
I have a soft spot for The Winter Soldier because it was not only the first MCU movie I ever watched, it was the first superhero movie AND the first 'gritty’ live-action movie I ever watched (I was like nine or ten when it came out and before that the only live-action movies I watched were stuff like The Sound of Music and Cats). I guess I get why you might not like it, though- the only reason I still watch TWS now is because I love Bucky’s Winter Soldier costume (sure, we get to see it in Civil War as well but it just looks really cool in TWS) and because it has some of the best Steve & Bucky moments.
(Also Natasha. Natasha is always a good reason.)
YES. Join me in Remember This Cold hell. The creator even has a blog where they answer questions about the series and write shorter stories connected to it :D Also, spoiler regarding the Steve/Loki relationship-
Steve proposed a few stories ago. I’m sure you can guess Loki’s answer.
Awww, thanks! <3 I’m really glad you enjoyed the playlists ^^ but which songs were the ones you didn’t know? And how did you react to Kanae’s list? :)
(And if it’s not too much, could I also ask which songs you thought were the most fitting? it’s fine if you don’t answer this one though)
Ugh, those weird bots ;-;
Random thing, but I got my nails done for the first time today! :) My little sister really wanted to get her nails painted and mom suggested that I should too…normally I don’t really enjoy dressing up and 'decorating’ myself but I thought it would be fun so I tagged along.
I lowkey wanted black nails because Kaneki and Sebastian LOL but I ended up with sky blue. It does look nice so I’m happy with how it turned out :) though the skin right beneath my right thumbnail still hurts…I got my cuticles cut, the cut was too deep and it wouldn’t stop bleeding for a while ;-;
Last note:
Another random thing, but do you have any OCs? :3 It’s my dream to become a writer someday so I have a ton of them, one cast for a book I’m trying to write and another one for a comic I’d make if I was better at anatomy and knew how to do digital art ;-; maybe someday it’ll work out. If it doesn’t, I’ll just write down that story too… I also have lots and lots of discarded OCs for my fandoms (not all of them are discarded though, there’s one wallflower cutie named Naomi for TG and unfortunately I like torturing her a bit too much to let her go. There’s also her brother Tatsuo, a fabulous jerk who loves his little sister very much, in his own passive-aggressive way, and will serve any poor soul who dares to approach her for dinner).
If you have OCs too maybe we could rant about them together? :) (totally not using this as an excuse to ramble about my babies who I love to hurt. I think I’ve caught the Ishida-virus)
Again, don’t apologize! I’m just really glad you’re back, Queen Luna <3333
Don’t worry, I got this message ^^ (Un)fortunately, I’m that person who’d probably tell someone if they’re annoying me. And you’re not annoying at all! I enjoy talking to you a lot, since you’re one of the rare people who shares so many fandoms with me ^^ So if I don’t answer, it means the internet/phone/computer is acting up, ok? I wouldn’t disappear just like that ^^
I’m glad to be back ^^
Before I forget, the new chapter of TG. The title sure is fitting. ISHIDA’S BACK AT IT AGAIN! ((I mean, who names a chapter ‘suffering’))
Maybe he wanted everyone to look at the behind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You never know what kind of weird things he likes. It’s so awkward trying to avoid all the key words for those blogs XD
Ahahahah, he did look like needed to wash it… But it’s solved now ^^ And it’s curly. THE ONLY THING THAT’S NOT SOLVED IS THORS HAIR AAAAAAAAAAAA Why did they cut off his glorious locks ;-;
Nat and Clint did seem like a good ship, but since I watched Ultron before anything, I knew about Clint’s situation. It was a bit weird watching Clint and Nat interact, though, since they do seem very close, and not in a purely platonic way.
Since I haven’t reached Civil War yet, I haven’t seen the ship. Somehow, I know I won’t like it ^^ (I mean, from what you’ve said, it really is a very NO ship.)
TDW Loki for me was the biggest ‘honestly, what was I expecting?’ character in the whole MCU universe, because, honestly, what was I expecting? When he ‘died’ I laughed, because he’s Loki and it’s probably another one of his plans. anD I WAS RIGHT.
Frigga is the only character who Loki showed genuine affection for, though, isn’t she? I mean, since we don’t know her well as a character, I didn’t feel anything when she died, but I did feel sorry for Loki.
I recently found a mythology book that features Nordic mythology. And you have 3 guesses about who the main bad guy is in all of them. I’ll be genuinely disappointed if you need the other 2.
One’s about the making of Thor’s hammer where Loki turns into a fly and stings the blacksmith, causing him to mess up the length of the part where you hold it (I forgot the english name), the other one is about him being responsible for the death of Frigga’s son, because he made someone stab the son with mistletoe.  Mythology is weird.
That’s actually adorable ^^ I never would’ve guessed your first action movie was Winter Soldier!  And I completely agree, Bucky’s costume is quite nice (huehuehuehuheue)
Let’s see… I knew the whole Loki&Thor playlist, All of Loki except for Castle, She keeps me warm from Yumikuri I didn’t know, knew all of Urie/Saiko and Urie and I will not say anything about Kanae :))))
Sweet! I only got my nails done once in my life and that was for my uncle’s wedding. I understand your pain entirely ;-; There’s a reason why I only had them done ONCE hahah For some reason, I associated sky blue with you even before this… Idk why, though
Did someone say…. OCs? You want the older ones (absolute Mary Sues, I laugh about them today, even though I was 100% serious before) or the newer ones (the ones with actual flaws and development?) Also, we probably talked about this before, but have you watched Fullmetal Alchemist? My biggest Mary Sue is from there ^^;;
ALSO ALSO, I was thinking about changing my icon, and I narrowed it down to 4 potential ones. Which one should I choose?
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