penofwildfire · 1 month
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Old bisexuals be upon ye
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3ksdee · 11 months
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Ninjago Moms~
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pepmint-art · 1 year
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p4r4no1danarchist · 16 days
I think the first person to calm Wu dad was Nya. And in my full opinion, Wu and Garmadon are both father figures to the smith siblings, Nya was closer with Wu, and Kai was closer to Garmadon.
Kai is closer to Garmadon for one sole reason; Garmadon knew how to talk Kai down from his rage better and was the first to get Kai to consider spending more time on ways of rerouting his anger.
Wu and Nya on the other hand accidently enable eachother but also help eachother. They both over work themselves while trying to help the other and it they just tire eachother out.
When Ray and Maya came around Ray only felt slight jealousy towards the spinjitzu brothers until he actually took a step back and noticed facts about his kids he didn't before, and tried to use that to create a closer bond with his kids.
Maya on the other hand butted heads with Wu and Misako alot because they seemed to over ride her authority on anything she did with her kids... To be fair, Nya took awhile to warm up to her, and the spinjitzu brothers + Misako saw how much she spoiled Kai and paid attention to him and wanted to keep it from affecting Kai as a ninja.
(I have nothing even against Maya, I just saw her in seabound and she gave me weird boy mom energy during the beginning of seabound.)
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fandomsnrambles · 21 days
Got like… a question for people who hate or dislike misako, nya, harumi, maya and other female characters…
Who are they to you outside of being someones love interest/ sister/ mother?
Like genuinely can you describe who Misako is without tying her to Garmadon or as a mother? She’s flawed but hating Misako to lift up Garmadon has never made sense. Can you add nuance to your takes when realising she left in order to find a way to make sure her family didnt break further? She left to make sure her husband and son didnt kill eachother?
can you give me a reason for why you hate Nya other than her valid criticisms for Jay? In fact, could you listen to her criticisms before saying ‘i hate how she makes Jay feel’ as if shes not lashing out BECAUSE of how Jay is making HER feel? Or do her feelings not matter as much as his?
Could you add nuance to Harumi that isnt calling her degradatory words like ‘sly bitch,’ ?
Why can’t you give the same grace and nuance to the female characters as you do the men? Are they just not worth the same effort and time to understand?
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daisychainsposts · 22 days
So as a fandom have we decided when elemental powers usually start to appear? Is it like a puberty thing or do they just show up one day regardless of age?
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iloveacronix · 2 months
Doods b4 school tomorrow😭
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master-jarrus · 1 month
Ninjago Star Wars Au species list
I will not debate anyone over these
Starting up:
Jay, half human, half twi'lek, his mother is the twi'lek. When he was born he was shipped to the Huts on Tatooine but his little carriage pod dropped and was picked up by Jawas. He has mechanical wings he made himself and specializes in marketing for the Jawas because he's adorable
Force sensitive
Ed and Edna: Jawas who find Jay are the main ones who raise him but I'm fairly certain jawas take the whole village approach.
Cole: Togurta. Togurta's are very strong and agile but people always seem surprised when they actually show case their strength. This seemed very fitting for Cole.
Force sensitive
Kai and Nya: human nautolan hybrids but it has been so long since the nautolan was introduced they don't have many traits other than large dark eyes and Nya is able to breathe under water. (They don't know its nautolan, which is kit fistos species for those who don't know)
Force sensitive
Nya is stronger in the force but she uses chants to help her focus (like the og dathomirian witches)
Zane: zane is a kyber crystal powering a droid. He more specifically the crystal then the body because kyber crystals are sentient
Force sensitive
Pixal: same deal as zane but her crystal faced torture (from the mining process) zane heals her later but she still struggles (fun fact ahsoka's kyber crystals were corrupted and tortured but she rescued and healed them and that is why they are white)
Force sensitive can only manipulate it through the dark side
Garmadon and Wu: Diathim (also referred to as angels) and part zabrak (i went back and forth on that because beskalisks have four arms but then I drew it and just fit well for them) angels are considered the most beautiful creatures while zebraks tend to be considered evil. Both are capable of good and evil.
Very force sensitive
Garmadon isn't strictly a sith. More of just acts as he sees is needed. He does tend to use the dark side a lot though
Garmadon is missing his lower wings and has mutated arms with cyber supports
Misako: Chiss, intellectual tend to try to logic their emotions away (think a blue spock) the Diathim have prophecies. She wanted to study them. She and Garmadon fall in love
Lloyd: Diathim, zabrak and chiss. Very tall. Blue skin, red eyes, has all of his wings but also has a set of lower arms that do not have cyber supports.
Force sensitive, just dripping midiclorians to the point he boosts the sensitivity of those he is around
Struggles with acting in anger and will accidentally hurt his lightsabers original kyber crystals that he will wear on a necklace and pours into whenever he meditates
Rei: human, mandalorian black smith
Force sensitive
Maya: human nautolan hybrid also unaware of the nautolan she just thinks it's the force she is trained like the og dathomirian witches
Force sensitive
Lily: Togruta
Force sensitive
Lou: Togruta dancer and singer, gets paid for it
Harumi: human, not force sensitive but will later inject midiclorians to try be able to use the force and will become dependent on them
Cyrus: human, tries to create kyber crystal droids like zane but the mining process corrupted all of them including the prosthetics he tried to make that were powered by crystals. He chooses to be wheel chair bound after the incident but he is ambulatory with regular prosthetics he just finds it exhausting
Morro: zabrak, becomes a malevolent ghost but will later settle down into a regular force ghost who follows wu around
Force sensitive
Serpentine: sub species of hutt. Made them native to dathomir and the moons
Let me know who else you want to know
You will for sure get art of Garmadon. We will see about the others
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mx-julien · 2 months
ninjas' relationship with a home
Zane is used to moving on from places, as an amnesiac orphan he was used to getting up and carrying on, then his only temporary home, the Monastery, burns down (ref: s1 ep2 Home) and the others blame him for it. granted, he seems unaffected from these accusations and proceeds to find the Destiny's Bounty that day so all is forgiven
I wonder if some of this longing for a home was intensified after he regains his memories in Tik Tok (s1 ep7). because then he would be able to remember a time of prolonged safety and living with people you love
Kai and Nya lived at the blacksmith shop presumably since their parents got kidnapped by Krux and Acronix. Nya even had enough time to create a whole secret room of armor
the first years must've been especially hard given all the reminders of their parents being around. did they leave their bedroom untouched, save for the occasional cleaning?
did Kai have to pull up a stool to the stove to cook until he hit his growth spurt? are most of Nya's memories in that house of Kai making her lunches and tucking her in at night and sending her off to school?
who takes care of the shop while they're gone? and when they come back do they notice everything looks a little smaller- each corner thick with dust and the fingerprints of afternoons when they were 12 and only had each other?
Jay lived with Ed and Edna in the scrapyard since he was little and he can visit back there whenever he likes, but now he has another family to think about: the one he never had, the one that gave him away
however after Skybound he knows he has other parents as well. does he ever sit in the kitchen he grew up in and wonder if his biomom had any recipes she wanted to pass down? if she ever saw families or little kids and thought of him? if they have the same smile or same freckles or same laugh?
sure he can learn about Cliff all he wants and he loves his Mom and Dad dearly, but was there more? could he have learned to master lightning with his Mom? where was she when he was growing up? was she unable to see him or unwilling? is she even alive?
Cole's house is likely the same as when he was little, so he too can go visit, but I wonder if he went off to "boarding school" because after his Mom died he couldn't stand to be at home
what was a place to laugh and paint became gray when Lilly got ill. it turned into a place of hushed voices and packed bags for the hospital. after she died it was the home of yelling, of arguments, of tradition vs. passion. smiles became forced and doors only slammed shut.
with more time having passed, I wonder if Cole is glad that so many things of his are mostly untouched since his Mom died. he can find her neat handwriting on some notes in his desk, in books on the shelves, and point out decor she bought
Lloyd only had a complete home for a small part of his childhood before Misako left him at Darkley's. then, he must've lived somewhere close to the school. when he was doing Pythor's bidding, he seemed to be mostly homeless
after growing up deserted at a boarding school (that he clearly didn't like) and manipulated into long treks and homelessness to do the bidding of a snake, perhaps his misbehavior at the beginning of his stay on the Bounty was because he couldn't imagine it lasting. him? a place where he felt at home? better the devil you know than the devil you don't- just toss me back out on the streets I don't CARE!
when do you think he realized that the others weren't going to leave him like his Mom did or take advantage of him like Pythor? how many months in did it take him to realize that his uncle Wu wasn't the only one who wanted him there?
any particular ninja y'all want me to focus on drop in the tags or replies- I'm real interested about this now
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crowleycorvid · 2 months
Consider. Mayasako. Waterdamageshipping even.
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meglyfer · 7 months
My take on Ninjago women part 3 (And final)
Part 1 Part 2
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Close ups
Also, sorry if the arm crutches seem weird, this is my first time drawing them
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Ninjago and moms
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schploinky · 1 year
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AAAA kinda old art (that's a lie i made it like three weeks ago) but I wanted to talk more about the supporting characters of the High Tide AU! Those being. Misako, Maya, and Ray (I had no idea what to do with Wu so i've. set him aside for now)
This isn't going to be anything super in-depth. Just a little . idk. recap?
Misako and Maya become very close (that's. platonic) in the weeks following Nya's sacrifice. They already knew each other to an extent, but after she and Ray went missing, Maya never had the chance to get to know Misako as a true friend. But now she does! And they're like besties! The two bond over their shared experiences of motherhood and Misako uses knowledge gained from years of love and loss to help Maya through the grieving process.
Maya and Ray stay at the monastery for a few months after Nya's sacrifice to support Kai. Ray didn't know Nya the way Kai did, so they often reminisce on what she was like when they're together as a way to reconnect. Kai really struggles with feeling overly-responsible for the other ninja as they navigate their way through grief together; he feels as if it's down to him to do everything in his power to prevent his friends from suffering the same fate as his sister, but is quick to lose himself in the process. Being able to retell these memories with his father allows Kai to process his grief, and strengthen his relationship with the rest of his family too.
I'm doing my best to be as angst-free as possible with this AU and I hope it's paying off <\3 I don't want this to be the most devastating story ever, I just want to rewrite the scenario of Nya's sacrifice in a way that brings the ninja together instead of tearing them apart.
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penofwildfire · 2 months
Hmmm Misako and Maya should kiss on the mouth with tongue I think
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
misako tops garmadon, maya tops ray
thats it thats the post
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People, I wanna know your theories in where the ninjas parents ended up
Because to me they all somehow ended up finding each other and became neighbors who are constantly worrying about their missing kids
And yes, this include Garmadon
He has board game nights with Ed and Edna
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