#mature!marcus moreno
morallyinept · 9 days
Devoutness - Mature!Marcus Moreno x Mature 60+ F!Reader
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Written as part of my B O D I E S Series 🤎
This story is part of my Heyday Hero universe. <- You might want to read that story first for context. But you can read this as a stand alone if you wish.
Summary: Marcus and you embrace the challenges of growing old together and enjoying intimacy.
Pairing: Mature!Marcus Moreno x Mature 60+ F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader in terms of ethnicity, Reader does have hair, however. Reader and Marcus are both in their mid-sixties, I've made Marcus 64 in this, and have real bodies with aging and Reader is on the curvier side.)
Word Count: 7.5k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Triggers & warnings: Reader & Marcus are much older and have real bodies reflective of their age/use of Viagra & sex aids/erectile dysfunction/unprotected PIV (wrap up folks!)/oral M receiving/mild dirty talk/Marcus has superpower hands ⚡️/lots of kissing/schmaltzy romance/Marcus doesn't fuck, he makes love.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: It's important to me that all types of readers are represented in my work, therefore this collection of stories is written for readers with REAL bodies. However, anyone can enjoy them. Whilst this story may not specifically represent your own personal journey, it is my hope that it resonates and offers comfort and enjoyment. This story is specifically about aging and growing old. If it upsets you to read about mature lovemaking, then I don't what to say - you'll be this age yourself one day... Everyone's journey is personal and unique, and I have undertaken as much research as I can to write accurately and respectfully. 🤎
Enjoy! 🖤
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“Are you ready, kiddo?” Marcus asks.
“No,” Missy gulps. 
“You’re not nervous, are you?” 
“Were you nervous?”
“Both times?”
“Yes.” Marcus nods. 
“Just breathe-”
“I am breathing. I-I think I’m breathing too much!” She squeaks.
He watches as Missy wrings at her hands that are visibly shaking. He’s never seen her so amped up and antsy before, and he decides instantly that he doesn’t like it. 
“Hey, hey. Look at me.” Marcus places his own hands deftly on her shoulders and rubs his thumbs into the bones gently. “You’ve got this.” 
"Dad, I'm so fucking nervous. What if I trip walking down the aisle?"
Marcus frowns with a soft smile. “I won’t let you and your potty mouth trip.”
“What if I forget my vows? Oh God, shit! I can’t remember them!”
"Hey now. Remember the time when you faced the Void Fiend head-on?”
“What does that have to do with-”
“You were brave, strong, and fearless. This? Walking down the aisle to marry the man you love? It's a breeze compared to that."
The Void Fiend was a creature of pure darkness, with tendrils of shadow that twisted and writhed like living smoke. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, casting an eerie light that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality. And it had temporarily cast Missy into another dimension, until she battled her way out and ended the Void Fiend’s existence with her tenacity and strength. Something she’d inherited from her now retired, ex-Heroic father. 
“I’m missing the Void Fiend right about now…”
“Tranquila, estás exagerando. Tú puedes hacerlo." (Calm down, you’re exaggerating. You’ve got this.)
“I don’t know how you did this twice.” She sighs as she paces, placing her hand over the boned satin corset covering her stomach. “God, I feel sick.”
“Well, I didn’t really have a choice.” Marcus says, timidly. He takes off his glasses, rubbing at his temple.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“I know.” He reassures, and it stops them both in their tracks like a blow to the gut. 
A moment of silence passes between them, filled with unspoken thoughts. Missy’s eyes soften as she looks at her father.
“Look at this, you’ve always been useless at ties,” Missy smirks, fussing with the silk slate knot at her father’s throat. 
“Fingers are too big for something so slippery,” he snorts, casually. 
“That’s what she said.” Missy grins.
“Behave.” Marcus sighs, rolling his eyes. 
“There,” she says, as she tweaks and neatens the tie into place. She pats down the soft lapels of his dark navy suit and steps back to look at him. “I love seeing you so happy.”
Marcus smiles. “I love being so happy. For a while I didn’t think I ever would be again...”
His thoughts immediately drift to you and it makes the blood in his veins sing. Each thought of you ignites a warmth within him, spreading from his chest and radiating outward, as if you're the very sun that has lit his internal world.
“Do you think Mom would be proud of me?”
His expression becomes tender, a deep sadness mingling with his love. “She would be more than proud. She’d be over the moon. You’ve become everything she ever hoped for and more.”
Tears well up in her eyes, and she takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “I wish she could be here today. And abuela…” (Grandma) 
He nods, his own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “They both are. They’re right in there.” He points to his daughter’s heart.
“Dad! I can’t cry, my mascara will run. Shit!” She fans her face quickly. “You promise you won’t let me fall on my face in these ridiculous heels?”
“They are pretty ridiculous.” Marcus smirks, clocking the sky high heels that his daughter totters around uncomfortably in. “But I take my job very seriously. You’ll remain fully upright. Until you say I do, then you’re Sam’s problem.” He chuckles. 
Missy takes a deep breath after giggling, and gathers her bouquet. It’s a stunning arrangement of flowers, each one grown and hand picked from Marcus's cherished garden, adding a deeply personal touch to her special day. Full of sweet smelling blush peonies, white roses and anemones, wrapped with eucalyptus leaves.
“Okay. I can do this.” Missy says aloud. 
He nods, his eyes filled with pride. "Of course you can. You've faced far greater challenges than this, and you've always come out on top. You’re a Moreno. Just remember to take it one step at a time so you don’t break your ankles-”
“-and focus on the love in your heart. Everything else will fall into place." He simply shrugs. 
“It really will, won’t it?” Missy concludes, looking at him and how intensely happy he is. It just radiates off of him like a solar flare bursting from the sun.
“Sam’s a lucky man.” Marcus says proudly. 
She steps closer to her father, and they embrace, holding each other tightly. The bond between them, forged in love and shared loss, feels stronger than ever.
“Thank you for always being there for me. For being both a father and a mother when I needed it most. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Marcus wraps her in a warm embrace, his arms a safe haven amidst the whirlwind of emotions that try to rattle her.
"You'll always have me, muñeca. Now go out there and show that fiancé of yours just how beautiful you look." (Doll)
“You scrub up pretty well yourself, you silver fox.”
“Stop it.” Marcus blushes unabashedly whilst he straightens his cuffs as Missy wolf-whistles at him. 
His suit jacket is impeccably cut, with sharp, clean lines that accentuate his frame. A neatly folded pocket square, matching the silvery tone of his tie, adorns his breast pocket, its presence a small but significant nod to tradition and style. His cufflinks, sleek and elegant, catch the light with a gentle gleam, completing the sophisticated look.
His suit, complete with waistcoat and a white rose boutonniere, compliments the mercury that’s over taken his once dark, cocoa hair and facial scruff, both now trimmed neatly and styled for the wedding.
His eyes, a deep, soulful brown, still hold a spark of the formidable spirit that once defined him, shrouded often behind his thick, black-rimmed spectacles, that are a trademark feature. They reflect both wisdom and a hint of the mischief that lingers from his younger days. The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes deepen as he smiles, adding to his rugged charm. His body, though no longer in its prime, remains strong and capable, despite his advancing years.
The suit he wears fits him perfectly, tailored to accommodate the changes that time has wrought. His shoulders, still broad and solid, hint at the strength that lies beneath the fine fabric. His waist, though a bit softer around the middle, speaks of a man who has remained active and engaged with the world around him, despite slowing down in his retirement.
His hands, once steady and unyielding in the face of danger, now show the signs of age with slightly knobbled knuckles and veins that stand out against his papery skin.
Sixty-four has never looked so good on Marcus Moreno.
But at this age he feels the weight of time in his bones and muscles, a constant reminder of the years that have passed. Mornings are sometimes the hardest. As he rises from bed with you, his joints protest with a familiar stiffness. His knees, especially, ache with a dull persistence, a result of decades of wear and tear from heroic escapades.
He moves more slowly now, careful with each step, aware that a wrong move could lead to a fall. Yet, despite these physical reminders of aging, he carries himself with a quiet dignity. Marcus has grown accustomed to the small rituals of maintenances that aging requires: daily medications, regular doctors visits, the strength of exercise and stretches to keep his body as agile as possible.
And he's aging gracefully with you right by his side, watching the season's change and embracing them with a smile and contentment. There's a certain peace in accepting the changes brought by age. Appreciating a slower pace.
Life has a different rhythm now, one that allows for gratitude and reflection. He cherishes the stillness of the early morning, sipping coffee with his arm around you and taking in the scents of his garden. More moments to stop and smell the flowers.
He has more time to appreciate the small things. He's not merely growing older; he's becoming more himself with each passing day.
“I mean it, your lovely wife will need to watch her back. Those bridesmaids of mine are feral.”
“Cripes.” Marcus shudders, already feeling himself sweat at the horrid thought. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll keep you upright if you keep those hormonal women away from me.”
Missy giggles. “I can’t promise anything, Dad. One of them has the power of influence. You might be cast under her spell.”
“Please tell me you’re joking.” He groans.
Missy simply taps her nose and grins. With a newfound sense of confidence, she takes a deep breath and grips onto her father’s arm as he offers it out to her.
Marcus smiles down at her from behind his polished spectacles and slicked back hair, and beams brightly. 
“Come on, let’s get you married. You’re such a pain in my ass. Can’t wait to be rid of you.” He says.
“Nope. You’re stuck with me forever. That's the deal. You made me.”
“I should have worn a condom.” Marcus grins. 
“You’re such an ass.” Missy snorts ungracefully, choking on her giggles. 
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Sitting in the front row of the aisle lined with garlands of fresh flowers, you stand and watch as Marcus emerges with Missy on his arm, in a modest ivory dress, to a solo violinist’s rendition of All Of Me. 
You clock Marcus’s face and he seems completely entranced and proud as he walks Missy down the aisle to her future husband Sam, who’s waiting and wiping discreetly at his eyes. 
You smile fondly at his reaction, remembering Marcus looking at you just like that on your wedding day to him. It was an intimate and heartfelt affair, celebrated in the same garden where he lovingly tended to the flowers, now featured in his daughter’s wedding bouquet. A place that you had grown to love just as much as him.
The setting was a testament to his life's quieter, nurturing side, a stark contrast to his years of heroic exploits, and you were only too inclined to agree at the lowkey subtlety. It was a place that was special to you both and you both spent a lot of time together basking in the Texan sun, as well as your love.
The retired superhero had stood at the heart-shaped trellis threaded with lilac roses and violet ranunculi - a nod to the purple heart emoji from your early days of flirting and getting to know one another on the dating app - his heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement, and looking at you like you were the only thing that kept his word spinning on its axis. 
Marcus has spent years, decades, alone after losing his first wife shortly after Missy was born. A woman who had been his partner in every sense of the word. Her passing had left a void that seemed impossible to fill, a grief that lingered in the corners of his heart and a guilt that overpowered him when he thought about moving on.
Throwing himself into work and saving the world on the regular, between bringing up a headstrong and smart younger version of him, consumed him. and it was only when retirement beckoned did he realise he didn't want to spend the remainder of his life alone.
So then there was you. You were different and brought a familiarity that felt like home. You'd connected over shared experiences, laughter, your mutual love of flowers and home cooked food, and a heightened passion that sizzled between you both.
Your laughter was like a soothing balm to his weary soul and your kindness, understanding, and your acceptance of his late wife and the love he would always have for her, slowly began to heal the wounds that time had only partially mended.
Your relationship had grown slowly, rooted in deep conversations, mutual respect and compassion. You'd walked Marcus's garden many times, traversing the flower beds, conversing about the different species and plant types. Cuddled up by the pool at golden sunsets, kissing deeply in the loungers, and sharing twilight dinners and wine.
It was in his garden, that you both realised you could love again. And it was where he had proposed to you too. He'd had your ring custom made, a floral stone shape, cut with stunning teal diamonds.
You’d walked towards him on that special day wearing blue - a colour that you both loved on you - radiant and beautiful, every step bringing you closer to your new life shared together. You remember the way Marcus had looked at you as you exchanged vows, his eyes filled with unwavering trust and devotion. Tears making them glisten under his spectacles.
The ceremony had been simple yet profound, promises made in front of a handful of those closest to you, both not seeking an extravagant affair or party into the wild hours. Instead a small gathering and a lovely home cooked meal, which you and Marcus had lovingly prepared together for your family, after you both promised to stand by each other through all of life's challenges.
And as Missy and Sam prepare to exchange similar vows now, Marcus joins you by your side on the pew, his hand slipping into yours where it belongs, and you hand him a tissue.
“Thanks,” he whispers, smiling crookedly and blushing as he dabs at his eyes under his specs once more. “I'm a mess.” He sniffs.
He feels a tear slip down his weathered cheek, not from sadness but from the deep, abiding joy of witnessing his daughter's happiness. 
“She looks so beautiful.” You compliment, filled with adoration for her as if Missy were your own flesh and blood.
She’s become the closest thing to a daughter to you, your relationship with her deepened and special. Sharing girl-dates together on the regular, shopping and having lunch when she’s not saving the world. Teaming up and teasing Marcus to no end until you’re all in a fit of giggles.
You’re so proud of the young woman Marcus has raised.
“She does.” Marcus whispers. 
He turns his head and your eyes find his, big and watery and filled deep with sincerity. “You look absolutely beautiful, mi dulzura.” (My sweetness)
You gently squeeze his hand, feeling warm and more loved than you ever thought possible, as he places a gentle and lingering kiss on top of your head. 
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The grand garden is alight with fairy lights underneath a gloaming sky.
The hazy orange glow that emits from the twinkles hovering delicately above this enchanted place leaves you with a sense of warm contentment, despite the gentle nip of the cool breeze as the evening wears on.
It’s an idyllic wonderland, draped in satin and ivy. Over the course of three days it had been transformed into an empyrean view fit for a king himself, and Marcus spared no expense in giving Missy everything she wanted for her big day. 
A vast lawn covered with bunting and a large white gazebo in the grounds of the Edwardian Manor House. Tables lined with crystal glasses, enormous plumes of roses that matched her bouquet.
Marcus was never an extravagant man, always mindful of living a modest life, but he wanted to make this a day Missy and Sam would never forget. His generosity, and smart investment skills over the years, is another trait of his that you love so much. 
The tinkling sounds of music flows through the crowd, like an invisible ribbon wrapping itself around all the guests that litter this decadent soiree. The threads of Heroic connections between them are visible, retired and current heroes in attendance; their radiance, euphoria and harmonies hum through your ears as Marcus twirls you around on the dancefloor.
The atmosphere is a blend of celebration and reverence. There's a sense of continuity, of old and new merging seamlessly. Marcus’s past as a Heroic adds an undercurrent of awe and admiration among the guests, but tonight, he’s celebrated for his role as a loving father and husband. 
The world around you seems to fade, leaving just the two of you bathed in the soft, golden glow of the twinkling lights. The band is in the middle of a slow, melodic tune, the kind that speaks of timeless romance and unspoken promises.
Marcus takes your hand with a gentle, yet confident grip, his fingers intertwining with yours as if they were always meant to fit together. You feel the familiar, crackly buzzing from his fingertips, reverberating deep into your skin and down your arm, igniting you, and he winks at you knowingly. 
He leads with a grace that hints at his once superhuman agility, his steps sure and deliberate. As you waltz across the floor, your eyes lock, a silent exchange that speaks volumes. Your eyes sparkle with a mixture of joy and affection, while his reflects a depth of gratitude and love that words can never fully capture.
You both share a secret smile, the kind that only two people deeply in love can understand, and it feels as if you’re the only ones in the world.
A palpable chemistry fizzes between you, helped by the static in his fingers that he teases you with, a testament to the deep bond and joy you bring each other. The music swells, a building crescendo, his hand gently guiding yours. At one point, he twirls you gently, your dress fanning out fully, and as you return to his embrace, you both chuckle, your foreheads touching for a brief, tender moment.
There's a playfulness in your dance, a sense of rediscovered youth, as if the years between you have melted away, leaving only the pure essence of your connection.
“Have you always been this smooth a dancer?” You query as he sways with you.
“I might know how to cut a rug.” Marcus smirks. 
“I’m still discovering all these wonderful secret talents about you, Mr Moreno.”
“Well, I like to keep you on your toes, Mrs Moreno.” He smirks with rosy cheeks.
As the song progresses, you pull each other closer, moving as one entity, lost in each other’s eyes. His hand rests on the small of your back, guiding you effortlessly, while your hand caresses his broad shoulder.
"You make me feel young again," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You make me feel safe," you reply with a smile. He loves the way your eyes crinkle when you do. “And so loved.”
“That’s because you are, mi dulzura.” He presses a kiss to your temple. (My sweetness)
"Look at her," you say softly, glancing toward Missy, who is radiant in her wedding dress, and laughing with others at a table. "She's so happy."
His eyes follow yours, and he nods, a proud smile spreading across his face.
"She deserves all the happiness in the world. She's incredible, just like her mother was..." He trails off and his eyes become a little deeper.
"She's incredible, just like her father is," you add gently, squeezing his shoulder.
He chuckles, shaking his head. "I don't know about that. I always tried my best. But I'm so proud of her. She's taken on so much, and she handles it all with such grace."
"She has a great role model," your voice is filled with warmth and admiration."You should dance with her," you suggest with soft encouragement.
Marcus hesitates for a moment, glancing at his daughter, who is laughing joyously with her new husband and their friends.
"Do you think she'd want that? It's her big day."
"Of course she would," you reply, your fingers brushing his cheek tenderly. "She loves you so much. This is a special moment for both of you."
He looks into your eyes, seeing the sincerity and love reflected there. "You're right," he says, his voice a little shaky with emotion. "I just... I don't want to intrude."
"You could never intrude. Go to her," you urge with a warm smile. "I'll be right here, cheering you both on."
Marcus takes a deep breath, then leans in to kiss you gently. "Thank you. For everything. You’re incredible."
"You're pretty incredible yourself." You smile back, your eyes shining. "Go on. Make this moment unforgettable."
He releases your hand reluctantly and makes his way across the dancefloor, each step filled with a mix of pride and nervous anticipation.
As Marcus approaches his daughter, she looks up, her eyes lighting up when she sees him.
"Dad," Missy says, her voice filling with delight. "Come dance with me!"
He nods, his heart swelling. "I'd be honoured."
The band begins to play another soft, melodic tune that echoes through the sumptuous garden.
“You took your shoes off,” Marcus chuckles, noticing her bare toes peeking out under the satin hem of her dress.
“I did. Let us never speak of those evil things again.”
“You know, I used to dance with you when you were little.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. You’d stand on my feet and let me move you about. You said you were no good at dancing and would pout. It was so cute.”
“And I stand by that fact.” Missy announces. 
“Nonsense.” He smiles. 
“And I’m always cute, for the record.” She grins. “Can I stand on your feet now?”
“Go for it.” He smiles.
She steps onto his polished shoes and he holds her close in his arms as he moves, his chin resting on her head and smiles. 
"You look so beautiful," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thanks, Dad," she replies, her eyes misting. "I'm so glad you're here with me. I know Mom would be," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the music.
"I am too," he replies, his grip on her tightening slightly. "I see so much of her in you. She would be so proud of the woman you've become."
She nods, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I hope so."
“I know so, muñeca.” (Doll)
“But you’ve got a wonderful woman who loves you just as much. Maybe even more.” Missy says to him. 
“I do,” he smiles over at you and you beam. You’re recording them dancing together on your phone, something for him to keep forever. 
“I’m still pissed that you found your one on a dating app you didn’t want to join for so long…” Missy snorts. 
“And after only one date too. What is it the kids say now, I’m winning at life?” He chuckles. 
“Yeah. You are. You smug bastard.”
“Easy now,” Marcus remarks with a thick smirk.
As the song draws to a close, Marcus pulls her into a warm embrace, holding her tightly. "I love you. Always."
"I love you too, Dad," she whispers back, her voice full of emotion.
They part with a final smile, and he steps back to let her return to her husband. As he makes his way back to you, you’re waiting for him with open arms.
"How was it?" You ask, pulling him into a hug.
“Perfect. Thank you for encouraging me.” Marcus beams.
"Anytime," you say, kissing him softly.
“Come on, dance with me some more, Mrs Moreno.” He says, pulling you gently towards the dancefloor again. 
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Later that evening, after calling it quits on the late night as it shows no sign of dying down, you and Marcus ascend the grand staircase in the Manor House, a structure with an old-world charm blended with modern comforts.
The lobby is adorned with elegant chandeliers and plush seating, exuding a sense of timeless sophistication. Still glowing from the day's festivities, you make your way to your suite, hand in hand and talking softly with smiles and giggly laughter.
As you open the door to your room, you’re greeted by an inviting, romantic ambiance. The room is spacious yet cosy, with a large queen four poster, draped in crisp white linens and silky drapes. A pair of plush armchairs sit by the window, offering a breathtaking view of the city lights twinkling in the night.
A bottle of champagne chills in a silver bucket, accompanied by two flutes and a tray of gourmet chocolates.
You look around in awe, taking in the thoughtful details. "This is perfect," you murmur, your voice filled with contentment.
“Should be, we’ve paid for it,” Marcus chuckles, loosening his tie. 
You smile, stepping further into the room and slipping off your heels. "It's beautiful. Just like tonight."
You move to the window, admiring the view over Austin in the distance for a moment, before you feel him wrapping his arms around you from behind, pulling you in close. You lean into his embrace, feeling the warmth and strength that has always been so comforting.
Despite the buzz of the day, your bodies remind you both of the years you've lived. His back aches slightly from standing and dancing for so long, a dull reminder of his age and the years of unrelenting vigour from his past Heroic life. Your feet are sore, throbbing from your heels, and you feel a familiar stiffness in your joints.
“This night couldn’t be any more perfect,” you sigh dreamily, enjoying the way Marcus is planting delicate kisses against your neck and murmuring in agreement.  
“I may have had a thought on topping it.”
“Oh really? Do tell, Mr Moreno…” You prompt, smiling.
He turns you to face him and kisses you deeply, humming in satisfaction as his tongue massages against yours. Gentle and explorative, and leaves you utterly wanting.
“Thought that I would make love to my beautiful wife.” Marcus kisses over your knuckles one by one, planting a longer kiss over your wedding band. 
“I’ve been thinking about that all night.”
“You have?” He smiles.
“Mm-hm, it’s the suit.” You smile, running your hands down his lapels. “You look so handsome and sexy.”
He blushes and it’s still the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, watching his prominent tan nose and the tips of his ears turn a little pink. 
“You want to?” He asks and you nod. “Good, I came prepared.”
“I would expect no less from Mr Organised.” 
Grinning, he then steps away from you and rummages in the overnight bag that has already been brought up to the room by the concierge. 
You watch as he pulls out a small box and pops a little blue pill into his palm. He winks at you from behind his specs as he swallows it, and you reach for him. Your lips reconnect as you kiss him deep. 
The warmth of his lips running against yours, the familiar scent of him, and the deep, unwavering love in his eyes, combine to create a sensation that’s almost overwhelming and makes you dizzy with desire.
Your knees feel slightly weak, and you cling to him a little tighter, grounding yourself in his steady embrace. The giddy sensation is both disorienting and beautiful, a physical manifestation of the profound connection you share and the intensity of the moment.
When you finally part, he leads you to the small table where the champagne awaits. He pops the cork with a practised ease, pouring you each a glass.
"To how incredibly beautiful you look," Marcus toasts, raising his flute.
You smile, feeling your own face heat, clinking your glass against his.
You sip the champagne, savouring the bubbles and the moment. But he can’t resist much longer, waiting for the pill to work its magic, and neither can you as he pulls you into his arms once more.
The skin of his hands is marked by age spots and the veins more prominent, but his touch is as tender as ever. You feel the pleasant buzz from them sinking into your skin and travelling through your nerves. It makes you shudder, your nipples rousing awake as he glides his fingers down your arms.
"I can't believe how lucky I am," Marcus whispers, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your back where your dress reveals a slink of skin. It's softer there now, a bit looser, but still so familiar and comforting.
"We both are." You agree. 
You both murmur and hum into more shared kisses, each one lasting a little longer and conveying your longing for one another. 
“Mmm, that’s nice,” you say as he nibbles gently on your lip and then licks over it.
“Really nice.” Marcus says, pulling you in closer. 
You giggle after a few moments. “My lipstick is all over you,” you smile, wiping his lips with your fingers. 
“I don’t care,” he smirks. “You can cover me in it, as long as I get more kisses.”
You giggle more as he rubs his lips against yours deliberately.
“Does it suit me, is it my colour?” He asks, grinning. 
“Yes, velvet pink is your colour, Marcus.” You titter.
“Well, blue is certainly yours, this dress is just so… stunning. I like how it just-” He loses the words as his eyes roam all over you. “I like how it just kind of shows all of you.”
“Yeah?” The dress is flattering, hugging your curves in all the right places and just revealing the subtlest amount of flesh, mostly down your back.
“Yeah… God, I want to peel you out of it so slowly. I want to enjoy the view.”
He kisses across your collarbone as you unbutton his waistcoat.
“I’m just gonna take my jacket off, set it over there…” he tosses it across the room and it misses the chair as he locks onto your lips. “You look so good in blue.” Marcus compliments. “Almost don’t want to take it off.”
“Then you won’t see what I’ve got on underneath it,” you tease. 
He makes a noise similar to a hungry bear, and you giggle as you reach for the zip under your arm and pull it down. 
“Fuck…” he sighs as you slip the dress off to reveal a matching lace set in midnight blue. “So gorgeous,” he smiles, pulling you in for another deep kiss. 
“You like it?”
“I love it…” He says, as his fingers trace the strap down from your shoulder, over the delicate cup, and he squeezes gently around your breast. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You both chuckle as he walks you backwards towards the bed as you push his waistcoat off. You pull on his tie, bringing him closer so you can taste his lips again. 
Sinking into its plush comfort, Marcus climbs over you. The soft lighting casts a warm glow, creating an intimate, serene atmosphere. He kicks off his shoes as you loop his tie out from under the collar and toss it to the floor.
“See what kissing you does to me,” you whisper, guiding his hand down between your legs, and he groans when feels how warm and damp it is there. 
“Quiero que te sientas muy bien…” (I want to make you feel really good) He whispers back.
“You always make me feel so good, Marcus.” You assure.
He smiles crookedly as you reach for his crotch.
“How you doing, big guy?” You say, stroking over the soft bulge in his slacks, and he sighs into your mouth. 
“Almost,” he pants. “Keep doing that… feels really good.” His cock although still a little flaccid, is swelling. But the Viagra needs a little helping hand to get him there.
“Do you want my mouth?”
“Oh God, yeah.” He groans and you’ve never seen a man unzip his pants so fast. 
He watches you pull out a small bottle of lube from the overnight bag. You squirt a little of it into your hands, rub them together and then slide them around his cock. He immediately groans out as you do so. 
“That feel good?” You whisper, nipping on his lobe. 
“Mmm… so good.”
A swollen, pale pink tip, and grey, wiry hairs that are trimmed almost to sparsity around his thick, heavy balls, greet you as you stroke and pump. Marcus has always harboured a generous sized manhood between his thighs, and aging certainly hasn't denied him of that as the throbbing length of him feels so good in your hands.
You grip a little tighter, making him work as he pushes his hips into your fist, almost like he’s fucking it.
“Oh wow!” He grunts. 
You kiss over his belly, down into his thighs and then take him in your mouth, cock swollen and hardening fully around your tongue as you suck on him. He tastes good, he’s always tasted so damn good. 
He repeatedly gathers your hair up, stylishly streaked with it's own grey, but it falls out of his grip, continually obscuring his view. He swipes it into a ragged, messy pony between his fingers in time to see you let your saliva dangle from your mouth and drip onto his head. 
“Fuck…” he whines, as you sink his cock back into your mouth. It’s rock solid now, throbbing against your tongue. “God, I fucking want you…” He grunts with those delicious expletives tumbling out of him in that way when he gets all worked up.
“Want you inside me, Marcus.” You moan into his mouth. 
He pulls down the cup of your bra and sucks your nipple into his mouth, and you both groan out in delight. 
“How do you want me?” He asks, removing his shirt fully.
“Lay with me, beside me so I can kiss you.” You pant, unclipping your bra and removing your panties.
Once you’re both fully naked, he shuffles up behind you, taking your leg and folding it over his arm. He kisses you, tongue slipping into your mouth as you reach down and guide his thickness against your folds.
"Wait, do you-"
“I don’t need any lube, you’ve got me so wet, Marcus…” You pant as you swipe him against you, up and down, covering him in your slick. 
You hear him growl in your ear as he pushes in, slipping through into you with ease.
“Just slides right in.” He agrees. “Fuck! You feel so good. So wet for me.”
The lewd sounds of his cock coated in your slick provides the background noise to your mutual pants and whines as he pushes in and out.
“Damn, this is such a beautiful pussy. Oh God.”
“Mine.” He pants.
He kisses your knee, your cheek, your breast, your mouth - all within easy reach as his hips push back and forth, his cock sinking deeper into you with each gentle thrust. 
“Oh, you feel so good,” he whines. 
“Mmm, Marcus.” 
“You can feel me, hmm? Right here?” He places his large palm flat on your lower abdomen and presses down a little and you groan. 
“Right there!” You sigh, smiling. 
You gasp as his fingers slip down onto your clit, circling around and around as he kisses you again. You feel that delicious buzzing on it from his fingers and you shudder and grin into him. 
“I love that so much.”
“I know you do,” he smirks. You whine when he does it again. Little flares of electricity pulsing through you.  
He’s pressed flush against you, balls deep into your cunt, and rubbing your clit. Gentle, rhythmic strokes and you kiss around his lips and neatly trimmed beard. He nuzzles his nose across yours, smiling deeply into you. 
“Marcus… feels so good. Don’t stop…” You pant. He can feel you squeezing already; your breath more ragged as it pelts him in the face.
“Come for me,” he coos, as you grip onto his wrist; your thighs shaking as your clit pulls tighter under his buzzy ministrations. “Look at you, so beautiful. Come for me.”
He delves deeper, pushing that thick cock as far as it’ll go in this position - his crackly fingers gliding across your clit faster as you mewl and whine. You buck and push back, your body shaking and tensing. Your gasps reach higher pitches as you feel it rising within you. 
“So beautiful when you come for me. Tan hermoso... Quiero sentirlo. Quiero sentirte venir para mí. Ven toda sobre mí…” (So beautiful... I want to feel it. I want to feel you come for me. Come completely over me.) 
And that does it; the hushed whispers of the Spanish dirty talk flooding warm in your ear ignites the spark that crackles down your spine and floods in your core. 
“Así es, joder, te sientes tan bien alrededor de mi verga.” (That's right, shit, you feel so good around my cock)
“Oh fuck, Marcus, the way you speak like that-”
“I know, why do you think I do it?” He grins into your cheek, his tongue licking against it. “Porque sé que te gusta y te pone tan húmeda para mí. No puedes evitarlo, ¿verdad?, cuando hablo tan sucio así, ¿hmm?” (Because I know you like it and it makes you so wet for me. You can't help it, right, when I talk dirty like that, hmm?)
You nod, smiling and heated. “Sí, sí, sí…” (Yes, yes, yes)
He continues to slide in and out of your pussy, making you groan with each measured thrust.
“Let me ride you,” you say, sucking on his bottom lip.
“You won’t get no protest from me,” he grins. 
You straddle him, feeling him fill you full of him again as you sink down, all the way down on him. 
“Oh God,” he whines. “Thats it, that’s it… fuck. Fuck yes!”
“Feel good like that? Taking my cock so deep, mi dulzura… Oh shit!” He pants as you ride him harder. “That’s it, take it, take it, take it… It’s all yours. I’m all yours.” (My sweetness)
He likes watching you as you ride him, moving that bit faster, winding your hips more intensely as you draw closer to your peak. He likes to kiss you and suck your nipples as you work.
You watch him lick his thumb and press it against your clit, nodding and smiling at you to come for him, almost begging he wants it so bad - wants you so bad. You cry out as those crackles flood your core, making you clench and writhe.
He’s floored, watching as you glow riding on his cock like this. Unable to form words, you’re so beautiful. The fact he can still make you feel like this, even when his body can’t or won’t cooperate, stuns him. 
“F-Fuck…” Marcus can only stammer on a barely there whisper as you lean in to kiss him some more, feeling your pussy contract and rib around him as you come undone. 
You collapse gently on top of him, and he wraps his hands around your waist.
More often than not, he can't finish, especially with the Viagra. Just keeping him stiff and for your pleasure, which he’s more than happy with and to indulge in. “Just want to feel you come, mi dulzura.” (My sweetness)
Every time you come around him, he feels it, sees the joy and bliss in your eyes, hears the mewls and pants into the pillow, dusted over his lips. He’ll give you this, all of him as long as he can. As long as he’s able.
The mind is willing, but sometimes… sometimes the body can’t quite keep up anymore.
You’d both talked about it the first time it happened. The first time he lost his erection and couldn’t finish. He was so embarrassed, on the verge of tears and feeling like he'd let you down. But your reassurances and love, peppered with longing kisses, convinced him it was nothing to worry about. So he didn’t.
And he did the same for you, when you struggled to get wet sometimes. It wasn’t that he didn’t turn you on, because he sure as hell did. He still does every time you look at him - he takes your breath away.
But sometimes your body doesn’t want to play ball too, and you’ve both discovered ways to still enjoy sex together with some helpful aids such as toys, lubricant, some blue pills, but most of all, patience.
Switching up positions when you both tire easily and your joints won’t meld you into adventurous positions anymore. Spending time kissing and fawning over one another. Just being in his arms is more than enough.
You both enjoy pulling pleasure out of one another with no hurried pace or shame about how your bodies have changed, and continue to change. Your breasts have stretch marks and hang lower now, the skin under your arms flaps about a bit more - your own tummy is crinkled with wrinkly skin. And yet he always makes you feel beautiful when you’re naked in his arms.
His cock struggles to get hard without assistance now, his balls hang lower and the skin around his own waist and back is looser too. But you still desire him, you still love every single inch of him. 
You’re growing old together; something that both of you are lucky to experience and embrace wholly, together.  
Marcus whimpers, ragged little cries escaping his throat as you come around him. Your pussy is tightening and feeling so good that he can barely contain himself. And he’s so beautiful to you now just as he was when you first met him in that restaurant on your first date together. 
He still has that golden tanned skin from tending to his garden lovingly in the hot sun. Painted with some paler lines across his stomach and pubic bone where the sun doesn’t reach. The little sag of his belly from gaining a bit of weight now that he's not working out every day. A head of silver hair, almost snowy white entirely, replaces his dark curls. Liver spots and wrinkles appear in places they weren’t before.
Now in his mid-sixties, Marcus carries the weight of his years with a distinguished grace that speaks of a life well-lived and battles hard-fought.
Despite his enduring strength, age has brought with it a touch of forgetfulness too. He might occasionally misplace his glasses, only to find them perched atop his head after a thorough search. His keys sometimes elude him, turning up in the most unexpected places, like the refrigerator shelf or the bathroom sink.
These small lapses are met with laughter and gentle teasing from you, and you always help him find his missing items with a patient smile. One morning recently at breakfast, he hesitated, trying to remember if he’d taken his morning vitamins. But you, ever attentive, nudged the pill bottle toward him with a knowing smile.
"You didn't take them yet," you said, your voice filled with affection.
"Thanks," he replied, a bit sheepishly. "What would I do without you?"
"You'd manage," you’d teased, "but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun."
These moments, far from diminishing him, add to his character, painting a picture of a man who has lived fully and continues to do so with grace and humility. His forgetfulness becomes a part of your shared experiences, something that brings you closer and provides moments of light-hearted humour and tender connection.
“Oh fuck, you look good on top like this, so good on top… like that, that’s it. Oh God, use me. Keep doing that…” He’s drawn back to you, to this moment where you garner some more strength to keep going.
“Marcus!” You cry as you grind a little harder. 
“I just wanna hold you right here…” He pulls your forward and keeps you in place, crushed against his chest as he thrusts up into you. “God, you’re so hot, I can’t get enough of you!” He pants.
“Oh fuck, Marcus! I’m gonna come again!” 
“Yes, come, come, come, come…” He chants in your ear. 
You wriggle and squirm in the throes of your pleasure. He grips onto you tighter and pushes himself deeper into you. 
“Marcus!” You call out, your eyes rolling back. 
Gripping onto his shoulders, he almost roars as you come again, body tensing and sweat pouring off of him. You can hear him wheezing in the back of his throat as you shake and tense above him.
Then, a small whimper rolls off his tongue as he strokes your back, hearts thudding against one another. 
He taps over his heart. “Oh shit, it’s beating like crazy.”
“You okay?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” He chuckles breathlessly.
“Don’t wanna give you a heart attack.” You smirk.
“No, no, no. I’m good, really good. Although, it'd be a good way to go.”
“I don’t know CPR.” You muse. 
“I know the hymen-lick manoeuvre.” He waits for a second, before you burst out laughing. 
“That was terrible!” You cackle at his stupid joke. 
“You laughed, it counts.”
You hear him giggle, and then you giggle too as he looks at you with deep, brown eyes. 
“Not bad for an old guy, hmm?” Marcus smiles, nuzzling into you. 
“Not bad at all.” You agree, planting your lips on his. 
“I love you. Te quiero.” (I love you)
“Te quiero mucho.” You reply, kissing the tip of his nose. (I love you so much)
You lay there together for a while, cuddled up to him and savouring the tender, peacefulness between you.
“You wanna go again? I’m still hard. Will stay like that for a few hours…” Marcus grins. 
You snort, laughing into his lips. “Are you trying to finish me off?” 
He nods. “I’m banking on the life insurance policy. This wedding has cost me a fortune. I need to top up.”
“You’ll be lucky. Christ, I can only imagine what it would say on my death certificate.”
“Fucked to death.” He chuckles, pulling you against his chest, and you can’t help but laugh with him. 
"You silly man." You smirk, planting a kiss into his neck.
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The following morning, you both spend time together in the elegant bathtub, washing and caressing one another in the fragrant soapy bubbles.
You lay in his lap as he strokes you gently to a soft orgasm with wet fingers, and tells you how much he loves you. You take your time with him, stroking his cock in your foamy hand until he eventually bursts, spilling warm and pearly over your grip, shaking and panting into your mouth.
You smile, watching Marcus pull on a soft sweater, and then you both laugh as he realises, whilst putting his suit in the suit bag, that he’s put it on backwards. 
Once dressed and packed, you both head down for breakfast in the Manor House’s elegant dining room. The room is bathed in warm morning light, with large windows offering a stunning view of the lush gardens outside.
The table is set with fine china and an array of delicious breakfast options, from fresh fruit and pastries, to a variety of hot dishes on offer and cooked to order.
Marcus pours out fresh coffee and you pick Marcus a fruit bowl whilst you wait for Missy and Sam to join you both as previously arranged.
You feed pieces of melon into Marcus’s mouth. He eyes you suggestively as he sucks your fingers free of the syrup. 
“Mmm,” he murmurs with a wink behind his dark-rimmed specs as he leans in to plant a sugary-sweet smooch on your lips.
"You two are worse than teenagers," Missy teases, a playful glint in her eyes. "How do you still act like this in your sixties?"
Marcus grins and squeezes your hand. "Love only gets better with age, muñeca." (Doll)
You smile softly, leaning into his shoulder. "We've had plenty of practice," you add, your eyes twinkling. "Besides, we're just setting a good example for you two."
Sam raises his coffee cup in a toast. "Well, if we end up half as in love as you two when we're your age, we'll consider ourselves very lucky."
Missy smiles warmly, looking at you both with a mixture of admiration and amusement. "Alright, alright, I get it. Love doesn’t have an expiration date. But still, maybe keep the lewd PDA to a minimum while we eat?"
Marcus laughs, his eyes glimmering with joy and pats your thigh affectionately. "No promises, but we'll try to behave.” He looks at you, with a cheeky glint in his eye. “For now..."
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I really hope you enjoyed reading this story with Marcus, and welcome your comments/thoughts. I'd appreciate a re-blog if you liked it so others can find it on their dash to read and enjoy too - thank you very much! 🖤
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pedrostories · 5 months
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❄️ PedroStories Secret Santa event 2023 ❄️
Thank you again for participating in PedroStories’ second Secret Santa event! We hope this event gave you some joy this holiday season! 💙
Special shoutout to our pinch hitters: @gasolinerainbowpuddles who jumped in later to help us out and @katiexpunk & @taro-666 for taking on two prompts! 🥰
Additional shoutout for Santa's little helpers who made sure this event stayed on track: @userdjarin, @wannab-urs, @chronically-ghosted, @oogaboogasphincter & @pedrorascal
You can find all the works published by the participants below the cut!
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* - Mature/Explicit work
Joel Miller banners - from amongtlou to tempestuous-lush
Dieter Bravo fanart - from taro-666 to mysterious-moonstruck-musings
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Dieter Bravo
* Tear You Apart - from psychedelic-ink to dark-scape
* The Knight & His Queen - from mysterious-moonstruck-musings to booburry
Run Over By A Reindeer... - from blueeyesatnight to brandyllyn
A Thing for Angels - from miraclesabound to toxicanonymity
Din Djarin
* closure - from javier-pena to quinnnfabrgay-writes
to know the light - from burntheedges to lincolndjarin
* salt water - from 5oh5 to chronically-ghosted
Retrograde - from taro-666 to 5oh5
* devour (the entire universe) - from frannyzooey to wannab-urs
* Floating in Space - from 0celesteisthebest0 to julesonrecord
the trembling willows - from sp00kymulderr to djarinmuse
Cross My Heart - from brandyllyn to oonajaeadira
Frankie Morales
Copilot - from frenchiereading to joelmillers-whore
* The Gift is You - from julesonrecord to the-blind-assassin-12
merry christmas, cariño - from joelsflannel to frenchiereading
A Little Christmas Magic - from the-blind-assassin-12 to something-tofightfor
* A love letter to Frankie - from fhatbhabie to prolix-yuy
* Gas, Grass or ASS - from katiexpunk to astroboots
* Routine - from endlessthxxghts to alwaysbethewest
Jack Daniels
* Under Your Skin - from wannab-urs to javier-pena
Stay Close to Me - from alwaysbethewest to iamskyereads
Snakebit - from blueeyesatnight to brandyllyn
Javier Peña
* Under Your Skin - from wannab-urs to javier-pena
* office party - from tieronecrush to flightlessangelwings
* Not So Secret Santa - from lincolndjarin to taro-666
* If We Make It Through December - from lucyeyelesbarrow to tieronecrush
Paperwork - from blueeyesatnight to brandyllyn
Mistletoes in the Moonlight - from 221bshrlocked to undercoverpena
Joel Miller
* it means something - from undercoverpena to joelsflannel
* Joel Miller fanfiction - from tempestuous-lush to sweetercalypso
i've got my love to keep me warm - from thetriumphantpanda to yeollie-plz
* Modern Day Hero - from flightlessangelwings to miraclesabound
* Snow and Mistletoe - from something-tofightfor to burntheedges
The Reason for the Season - from prolix-yuy to psychedelic-ink
Oh, the Wildflowers - from adora-but-ginger to amongtlou
Candlelight - from sweetercalypso to adora-but-ginger
a heart for melting - from joelscurls to thetriumphantpanda
Muffins and Jam - from noisynaia to katiexpunk
* freeze-thaw - from covetyou to oogaboogasphincter
Bookends - from djarinmuse to pascalispretty
Simply Having - from iamskyereads to talaok
* A gentleman - from talaok to lucyeyelesbarrow
* Joel Miller fanfiction - from booburry to fhatbhabie
A Very Miller Christmas - from yeollie-plz to joelscurls
* Nightmare Before Christmas - from katiexpunk to xdaddysprincessxx
* Love Shack - from pascalispretty to sp00kymulderr
* Visions of Sugar Plums - from dark-scape to covetyou
* twin peaks. - from toxicanonymity to endlessthxxghts
* Happily Ever After - from xdaddysprincessxx to frannyzooey
* Cinnamon and Sugar - from gasolinerainbowpuddles to thirtysevenodddogs
* a bowlful of joel-y - from oogaboogasphincter to lisadean
Marcus Moreno
Have Yourself a Moreno Little Christmas - from chronically-ghosted to noisynaia
Marcus Pike
* closure - from javier-pena to quinnnfabrgay-writes
* Procedures to Reach a Common Agreement - from thirtysevenodddogs to 221bshrlocked
Text Me Merry Christmas - from quinnnfabrgay-writes to 0celesteisthebest0
Max Phillips
I'll Leave a Light On For You - from oonajaeadira to artemiseamoon
Pero Tovar
* What the heart wants - from artemiseamoon to blueeyesatnight
* The Cross: The Spirit of the Season - from blueeyesatnight to brandyllyn
dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💙
due to the less than ideal tagging system of tumblr all the participants are tagged in the reblogs
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164 notes · View notes
ladamedusoif · 5 months
Apron (Marcus Moreno x F!Reader)
A Merry Fic-Mas - December 19
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Part of A Merry Fic-Mas: A Pedro Boy Holiday Fic Calendar - click for masterlist! (Yes I know I’m behind)
Follow my writing sideblog @ladameecrit and turn on notifications to keep up with my work.
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x F!Music Teacher Reader
Word Count: 650
Rating: Mature (18+ MDNI)
Warnings: Fluff; light smut; implied smut; no use of Y/N; no physical description of reader.
A/N: I’ve imagined this as a continuation of ‘Music’, but you can read it as a standalone, too!
You knew Marcus enjoyed the holidays. You just didn’t realise quite how much he enjoyed them.
You’d been together almost a year now, dating quietly and building up a solid, serious relationship ever since the now-infamous kiss on stage at the holiday concert at Missy’s school the year before. The principal had not taken kindly to their music teacher kissing a pupil’s dad mid-show, but some thoughtful discussions between you, them, and (separately) Marcus had eventually won them over, and you escaped with a warning and a promise to exercise discretion.
As you approached your first anniversary, you saw just how committed to the season Marcus Moreno actually was: holding ladders while he draped strings of bright white outdoor lights along the line of the roof; witnessing him and Missy bickering in the car over the best hot chocolate stall on the way to the local Christmas market; and becoming his accomplice in some less-than-successful attempts at Christmas baking.
“They might be a little, um, crunchy,” Marcus warns as he nibbles (or, more accurately, gnaws) on one of the gingerbread people you’d just made. His bright red apron is covered in flour, and every time you look at it you can’t help but laugh. It’s emblazoned with a slogan in bright white letters: THIS GUY LOVES CHRISTMAS!
You dunk yours in your cup of coffee. “All the better for dunking with.”
He chuckles and leans back against the kitchen counter as you idly reach over and run your fingers through his hair. “I’ve always meant to ask you about this apron, Marcus. A personal purchase, or…?”
He blushes a little. “A gift from the other Heroics, last year.”
“I like it,” you muse, fingers running along the heavy cotton fabric that covers his chest. “It looks really good on you.”
Marcus raises his eyebrows and quirks his mouth. “If I’d known you were into novelty aprons, baby, I’d have worn it sooner.”
You mark your anniversary quietly, at his place. Missy is out for the night, at a sleepover with her best friend, and Marcus has arranged for a fancy local restaurant to deliver a meal so you can dine at home in style.
Two glasses of champagne are forgotten, half-drunk, on the coffee table as you make out on the living room couch. With your legs wrapped around his waist, Marcus trails his hands under the burgundy velvet dress you wore for the special occasion and stops suddenly.
You smile coyly and arch an eyebrow. “Take me to bed and find out, baby.”
He kisses your décolletage and grins. “I might even have a surprise of my own waiting up there. Let’s go.”
He undresses you carefully, methodically, kissing each newly-exposed part of your body with reverence and love. When you’re down to your underwear, he pulls away and murmurs something in your ear about your surprise.
“Close your eyes.”
You can hear Marcus’s remaining clothes falling to the floor and you wonder what awaits you.
“Open your eyes.”
You take him in from the bottom up, eyes trailing over his beautiful body as you realise he’s completely naked.
Well, except for one thing.
“Oh, my god. The apron?”
Marcus grins and wiggles a little, moving back towards the bed. “You said I looked good in it, so…”
He leans down and kisses you deeply as your hands reach for his ass, palms gently squeezing each cheek as Marcus hums with pleasure. You tug the ties of the apron until it falls forward, and lift it over his head so that he’s completely bare before you.
“So…happy anniversary, my love.”
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Favorite Fanworks Recs
Here’s the final list of all the fic, art, gifs, and more that were recommended for my Show Me the Fanworks! Celebration.  In the end you lovely folks recced a truly spectacular 154 of your favorite fanworks from 75 talented creators!  
💕 Thank you so much to everyone who participated!! 💕
Here’s a breakdown of fanworks by character:
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) - 34
Frankie Morales (Triple Frontier) - 25
Javier Peña (Narcos) - 18
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble) - 10
Pero Tovar (The Great Wall) - 10 
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley (Moon Knight) - 10
Ezra (Prospect) - 8
Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier) - 7
Pedro Pascal - 5
Marcus Pike (The Mentalist) - 4 
Javi Gutierrez (TUWoMT) - 4
Miller Brothers: Benny & Will (Triple Frontier) - 4
Dave York (The Equalizer 2) - 3+
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman: TGC) - 3
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes) - 2
Max Phillips (Bloodsucking Bastards) - 2
Black Krrsantan (The Book of Boba Fett), Pedro Across the Street (Calls), The Thief (Casillero Del Diablo), Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones), Joel Miller (The Last of Us), Maxwell Lord (Wonder Woman 1984) - 1 each
Read on for the Favorite Fanwork Recs! →
List Navigation Notes:
Fanworks are listed alphabetically by Movie/Series Title then Character then Title of the Work; characters with only 1-2 stories are grouped together under Pedro Pascal near the end.  Visual works (art, gifs, vids) are generally first, then fic. (Hopefully it’s not too confusing ^^’)
There’s a masterlist of all the Creators whose works are included at the end.
Ratings used for are standard from AO3: General audiences - Teen & up - Mature - Explicit
Individual Fanwork Rec Submissions can be found under the ‘fav fanworks rec ask’ tag. (You guys sent me so many fantastic recs that I couldn’t link to them all without exceeding the post link limit <3 )
Links have been misbehaving on desktop sometimes.  If none of the links are showing up, try opening in dashboard mode (click the eye-shaped button in the far top right) 
Enjoy!! <3
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The Bubble ~ Dieter Bravo
Below the Line by @prolix-yuy​
[FIC: Dieter x F reader, 23k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  It’s the job you’ve been waiting for, with a director you admire, and a script you love. Everything is perfect, except for one of the lead actors: Dieter Bravo. Just seeing his name on the call sheet spikes anxiety in your chest.  But it turns out you have nothing to worry about. Because Dieter Bravo has no idea who you are, or the history you share.
Recced by @songsformonkeys: a Dieter fic that I'm really eager to dig into.
Consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin​ [FIC: Dieter x F intimacy coordinator reader, 34k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  You are the intimacy coordinator for Dieter Bravo’s risqué new film. When he fails to show up for rehearsal, you go in search for him. Did you really expect to find him in anything but a compromising position?
Recced by @nicolethered:  helped cement Dieter Bravo as one of my faves
Funny Girl [ao3] by @radiowallet​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, 41k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  You've been busting your butt day in and day out to get your comedy career off the ground. Crappy writing jobs, late night stand-up gigs, and tending bar on the side to make ends meet. Landing the job as a staff writer at Saturday Night Live was the best next step for your career. So what happens two years in, when you come face to face with the show's next host, Dieter Bravo, a man you've mocked relentlessly for almost the entire length of your career?
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  Please feast your eyeballs upon this fic. It’s a Dieter Bravo/Saturday Night Live/Funny Girl-inspired AU and it is both full of TENDER feelings and also insanely HOT! 💖💖💖
Recced by @nicolethered:  amazing
Going the Distance by @softpedropascal​ [FIC: Javi Guitierrez x  film assistant F reader x Dieter, crossover, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  You’re a film assistant on the set of a new movie featuring Dieter Bravo, a somewhat immature actor who happens to be extremely attracted to you, but you never date any actors you work with.  The film takes you to Spain where a millionaire, Javi Gutiérrez, lets you all stay in his mansion while you are there filming. You immediately catch his eye and soon find yourself the object of his affection.  Both men vie for your attention leaving you to decide between one or the other.  Or can you have both?
Recced by @nicolethered:  such a good job writing for our husband Javi G. helped cement Dieter Bravo as one of my faves
Morning | Afternoon | Evening by @write-and-buried [FIC: Porn Star AU: Dieter x F reader, ~16k, E, complete trilogy]
Author’s Summary:  He’s a porn star and so are you.
Recced by @astroboots:  [This fic] will have your panties so wet that they disintegrate from the sheer constant vaginal secretions. [It’s] a gorgeous, fun and sexy af three parter starring our favourite mess of a man Dieter Bravo reimagined in this brilliant AU as a porn actress.
Recced by @nicolethered:  helped cement Dieter Bravo as one of my faves
Stay on Screenplay by @jazzelsaur​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, 31k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Co-stars on their first film together, they fell hard into a summer love affair. And then they fell apart. 20+ years later, with both of their careers on the verge of being washed up, they’re cast together again, hoping to save their careers—and maybe, find their way back to each other.
Recced by @astroboots:  I could spend hours breaking down why SotS breaks down the glitz and glamour that is Hollywood and subverts it but at its core it's a beautiful love story about two people who find their way back to each other.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  She took a character that was barely a character in the movie and fleshed him out into such a complex, real, and believable character. She made me fall in love with him and with the reader (that's written so vividly that she feels like an OFC). Jess had me hooked with each chapter of this story. The whole thing reads almost like a poem and she manages to convey more emotion with a single sentence than I've read entire books manage to do.
Wardrobe [series mlist] [ao3] by @boliv-jenta​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, 14k+, E, finished fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary: Dieter wants your help with his wardrobe.
Recced by @nicolethered
Wrap Party by @write-and-buried​ [FIC: Dieter x F reader, ~4k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  After a paid appearance at an Indie film wrap party, you’re stunned to find yourself in the bed of Hollywood’s most famous douchebag.
Recced by @astroboots:  I want to humbly recommend this author for being the insane powerhouse of a talent that she is. Her writing has me keeling over, with a heart arrest and a stroke all at once.
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Equalizer 2 ~ Dave York
Kill me Softly [ao3] by @astroboots​ [FIC: Dave x F wife!reader, 8.5k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Your husband is not the same man you married and sometimes that scares you.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  I still remember her first Dave York story and how it completely took my breath away and I refused to believe it was her first posted story because she writes like a published author!
Nightingale verse (on ao3) by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Dave x F reader, 5.2k, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Men like Robert McCall and Dave York can't use normal hospitals. Dave York x “Florence” (underground doctor for McCall’s team)
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Dave York/reader that I absolutely adore! We all know how I feel about Dave and yet I'm very picky about which Dave stories I read. Kitty is one of the people I 100% trust with writing a Dave that I will always fall in love with over and over and over again. This verse is an excellent example of the beauty of her Dave.
A Sturdy Home ‘verse by @songsformonkeys​ [FIC: Dave x F wife!reader, 9.3k, E, open-ended series of oneshots] Pancakes - A Sturdy Home - Last Goodbyes - Ghost of You - Christmas With(out) You - Valentine’s Day
Author’s Summary:  Dave survives the fight with McCall but loses all his memories.
Recced by @astroboots:  Hanna is one of those writers that uses a fucking scalpel as her pen to draw real flesh blood and humans with all the complicated emotions that comes with. I will always shout about her A sturdy home universe with one complicated Dave York to all those who will listen to my mad man's preaching. READ IIIIIIT
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The Great Wall ~ Pero Tovar
All’s Faire by @thewayofthemandalorian​ [FIC: modern AU: modern Tovar x F reader, 27k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  When your niece asks if you’ll join her in the annual summer medieval faire, you say yes. You do not expect it to be run by grumpy, surly Pero Tovar or that your faire characters will be in love with each other.
Recced by @just-here-for-the-moment:  Please, for the love of tiny kittens, please send some eyeballs over to All's Faire, a modern-day high school teacher Pero Tovar AU where Reader volunteers to work at Pero's summer Renaissance Faire alongside her teenage niece who is in Pero's class. He's gruff, he's grumpy, he's everything!! 😍😍😍
The Cross [part 1] [PT mlist] [ao3] by @blueeyesatnight​   [FIC: Pero x time-traveling F reader, 112k, M, complete]
Author’s Summary:  You were just trying to get your research project on European infiltration into medieval China off the ground and while investigating an item you assume will be a breakthrough you do, in fact, break through and find yourself in medieval China, about to enter the tumultuous events of The Great Wall, and that grumpy Spaniard just keeps catching your eye...
Recced by @nicolethered
Fighting Blind [ao3] by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Pero x time-traveling ofc, 32k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Chinese-British curator Jade is swept back centuries in time by a mysterious axe and finds herself on a journey with two mercenaries bound for the Great Wall of China.
Recced by @astroboots:  I could wholeheartedly recommend every single fucking piece on kitty’s masterlist. She infuses emotions and love and a soft escape of romance in the best of ways and was one of the first writers in this fandom whose work I read in a time when I truly needed comfort and she supplied it in abundance and I can never thank her enough for that. Her Tovar is unparalleled, and I would urge you all to read one of the most brilliant adventures this little hellsite has to offer
Recced by @songsformonkeys:   I'm sure so many people have already read this story because it really is incredible!!! Kitty writes an incredible Tovar! One of a kind! And I love him so much! And her heroine in this (and her other) story is badass and kind and wonderful and I can't help but seeing so much of Kitty in her.
The Innkeeper’s Daughter (& p2) by @just-here-for-the-moment​ [FIC: Pero x F reader, 6.2k, E, twoshot]
Author’s Summary:  Pero Tovar falls in love with an innkeeper’s daughter.
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty
Monstruo by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Pero, William, gen fic (no pairing), 3.7k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  After the events at the wall, Pero and William make an unexpected discovery.
Recced by anonymous:  Adorable and I would give my left nut to read ten thousand more words about Pero and his ugly dog.
Pan Dulce [ao3] by @clydesducktape​ [FIC: Pero x baker F reader, 15k, M, complete] - ART: Pero & His Little Baker by @miranhas-art
Author’s Summary:  On your adventure to catalogue the worlds baked sweets, you find yourself trapped at the Great Wall. Your generous hosts prepare to defend their wall and the world against ancient monsters as an unexpected traveler arrives to reluctantly lend a helping hand.
Recced by anonymous: sweet fic // on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Unbridled [ao3] by @beskarberry​ aka @lellowberry [FIC: centaur AU: centaur!Pero x F reader, 9.5k, E, oneshot] - ART: Centaur!Pero by @lellowberrys-art​
Author’s Summary:  he woods have always been full of myths, but you never expected one to just show up at your doorstep. You promise them a night in your barn, but one of them takes your generosity as an invitation for more.
Recced by anonymous:   Get a load of these fics
Where He is Compelled to Stay by @oonajaeadira​ [FIC: Pero x F reader, 2.9k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  A soft thought experiment: A man of war finds his peace when the world forces him to slow down and you give him something softer to focus on.
Recced by anonymous
Wolfe in sheep’s clothing [ao3] by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Pero x ofc, medieval au, 15.9k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Taken from her rural country life to town by her father for marriage, Beatrix Wolfe nonetheless has her own ideas and will not be “brought to heel,” so her father hires a couple of ruffian mercenaries to keep a close eye on her.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  A Pero/OFC that is just perfection! I love the interactions and relationship between Bea and Tovar. As stated above, Kitty's Tovar really is something special!
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Kingsman: tGC ~ Agent Whiskey
Buried by @something-tofightfor​ [FIC: Whiskey x F reader, 108k+, E, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:   You’re a Statesman agent, but haven’t seen active duty in months. You don’t mind making yourself useful around the distillery, but it’s getting old - and so is the fact that your favorite partner Jack hasn’t been back to Kentucky in months without an explanation for his absence. But there’s a lot more to it than Champ just waiting til the time is right … even if you don’t know it.
Recced by @nicolethered  
Stars Hit the Ceiling by @jazzelsaur​ [FIC: Frankie Morales x F reader x Whiskey crossover, 7.3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie wakes from a nightmare. Sometimes he needs you and Jack to help ground him in reality. Basically, it’s porn with the tiniest crumb of plot, mostly to establish the sense of a lived in relationship where everyone is comfortable.
Recced by @astroboots:   I am going to put the spotlight on SHtC for the simple nostalgic reason that that is the first work I have read of yours. It is the story that I read, DIED, resurrected then died again, and as a ghost I decided to float into your DMs and haunt you with my friendship and rumours have it you can still hear me haunting the hallways of your tumblr and DMs.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Not a pairing I had expected or thought about before but after reading this story, I was completely sold. It was such an intimate and gentle and beautiful and hot story and I loved it so much!
Visions of Sugarplums [ao3] by @fromthedeskoftheraven​ [FIC: Whiskey x agent F reader, 4.7k, M, first oneshot in a triology]
Author’s Summary:  Jack and his partner face their feelings when they're snowed in after a mission. Part one in the Manhattan universe. .
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Another absolute gem and favorite of mine is her Whiskey/f!reader series. Visions of Sugarplums is the first part with Whiskey and reader getting snowed in. Raven writes such a perfect Whiskey! He feels in character but at least 100 times better than canon Whiskey! Respectful, flirty, and perfect! Can't recommend this series enough!
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The Book of Boba Fett | King Kong by @trashcora​ [GIFEST: crossover scene comparison]
Recced by anonymous:  i can't find the gif set i was looking for but any of them - she has so many good ones!
Chapter 1 Comic vs Show by @mandoworryan​ [GIFSET: The Mandalorian Comic vs. The Mandalorian Show]
Recced by anonymous:  The editing is on fucking point 😘👈
Din & Grogu Gifset  by @skyshipper​ [GIFSET: Din & Grogu, Pedro quote]
Recced by @keeper0fthestars:  this gif set stole my whole heart
The Mandalorian Fanart by @poenariuniverse​: [ART: The Mandalorian, mostly Din & Grogu] Frog Lady & Babies -  Grogu & the Yautja [Predator crossover] -  Grogu & Rancor plushy - Grogu Comic - MerDin & MerGrogu 
Recced by anonymous:  Her style is so sweet and endearing that I can’t get enough!!! 😍😍😍
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
The Mandalorian + Pink & Purple by @trashcora​ [GIFSET: Din & Grogu]
Recced by anonymous:  i can't find the gif set i was looking for but any of them - she has so many good ones!
BoBF ~ Black Krrsantan
Adrenaline [ao3] by @honestly-shite​ (aka @mjpens) [FIC: Din x f!reader x Black Krrsantan, 2.1k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  After defeating The Pykes, where does all this adrenaline go?
Recced by @astroboots:  I feel an unstoppable urge to scream about maia for your recommendation celebration and their wonderful work in everything from fanfics to art. They are one of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
The Mandalorian ~ Din Djarin
Born Ready by @littlemisspascal​ [VIDEO: Din Fanvid]
Author’s Summary:   ...I won't quit, not backing down...
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
Dad-bod Din by @frying-panties  [ART: Din in the bath, semi-explicit]
Recced by @astroboots:  Big shout out to frying-panties who creates some of the most gorgeous and saliva inducing artwork that has me on my knees!!! Their dad-bod Din series was the bane of my existence and I adore everything they do.
Din Djarin + Emojis by @katronautt​ prev @doin-stuff [GIFS: Din Djarin]
Creator’s Summary:  din djarin + emojis except it’s just him getting injured
Recced by anonymous:  Kat makes lots of great gifs! Her stuff is 😘👌and she has does tags too! This one made me laugh my ass off
Fresh Lemon by @lellowberry​   [ART: Din x mesh’la, semi-explicit]
Recced by anonymous:   Feast your eyes on this art
Hey Mando! by @sunsyfish​  [ART: Din]
Recced by anonymous:  Their art is so good with lots of yummy DinCobb and other stufff. This recent Din piece really caught my eye!
Keeping Din’s Ears Warm by @moodsworks​ [ART: The Mandalorian: Din x f “reader”, M]
Recced by anonymous:  Her art is so good 😍😍😍
Adrenaline by @honestly-shite​ aka @mjpens [FIC: Din x F reader x Black Krrsantan – listed under Black Krrsantan above]
Comms by @mandelirious [FIC: Din x F reader, 1.6k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  a late night comm call
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
Cottagecore Din series by @flora-screeches​ (aka @floraandfrost) [FIC: Din x F reader, open-ended(?) series]
Author’s Summary:  A series of drabbles, headcanons and one shots exploring Din Djarin’s sweet new life.
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
The Distance [ao3] by @outercrasis​ (prev @mandocrasis) [FIC: Din x pilot F reader, 15.4k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  A love that can go the distance
Recced by @radiowallet:  A great fic with a loveable droid, all kinds of tension, and the action scenes are literally a chef’s kiss! Everything [they write] is so amazing and their talent continues to knock me on tushy day in and day out and this fic is no exception! I am truly obsessed and I need to shout out loud forever about it!
Flowers of Ishtar [ao3] by @beskarberry​ aka @lellowberry [FIC: AU: non-human!Din x F reader, 33k, E, completed fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  You discover your hunting partner isn't human, which in a galaxy far, far away isn't that strange until his alien needs become too much for him to hide.
Recced by anonymous:   Get a load of these fics
Grenade [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​ [FIC: Din x gender neutral reader, 3k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Din seems to think it doesn’t matter if he gets injured. You disagree.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:   My favorite thing I've read from her masterlist is a story that I still think about sometimes. It's a Din/reader story that is so beautifully written! SO BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN!!! I could read it a 1000 times and never get tired of it!
I Think of You [ao3] by @prolix-yuy​ [FIC: Din x f reader, 77k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  A Mandalorian and a woman spend a night together, neither expecting the other to return. But the galaxy works in mysterious ways and many years later, despite a mission and a Creed and the cruelty of their lives, they find each other again and begin a journey of their own.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  a Din series that seems to be quite an epic.
Jate’kara [ao3] by @krissology​ [FIC: young Din x mandalorian F reader, 21k, E, complete] - ART: Keldabe Kiss by @literallydontlook [Din x F reader, mature]
Author’s Summary:  Growing up together on Concordia and training in the way of the Mandalore, yourself and Din Djarin find your destiny in each other.
Recced by anonymous:  heartbreaking young Din fic // [art] hot enough to knock me tf out!
Lush [ao3] by @letterfromvienna​ [FIC: AU: mand’alor Din x queen F reader, 5k, M, oneshot in an ongoing ‘verse]
Author’s Summary:  Your time in the palace brings changes to your life and your body. You aren’t a fan of those changes. Din, on the other hand, likes them very much.
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
Revelation by @the-scandalorian​ [FIC: Din x F reader, 2.6k, E, oneshot] - ANIMATION: Don’t Stop by @literallydontlook [Din x F reader, explicit]
Author’s Summary:  Din admits something while he’s fucking you.
Recced by anonymous:   fic had me laughing my ass off but also feeling some type of way about daddy Din // mad impressive animation hot enough to knock me tf out!
Seed Pearls [ao3] by @zinzinina​ [FIC: Din x inexperienced F reader, 8.8k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  The whispers have been circling for days: there's a Mandalorian in the city. You decide to seek him out.
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
Silk by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: 70′s Mob AU: mob boss Din x sex worker F reader, 33k+, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Set in the 70’s, Din is the most powerful man in Vegas, everyone knows how dangerous he is but to you, he’s pure honey and sex. The richest client you’ve ever had, and he doesn’t want to let you go.
Recced by @wheresarizona:   Mob Boss Din Djarin, like my god. This man. I LOVE HIM. The way he protects his family?? How intense he is?? It’s so good, and also another story where there’s an evolving relationship that’s just so fucking good.
Stitches Series [ao3] by @djarinsbeskar​ [FIC: Din x medic F reader, 247k, E, ongoing] - ART: Hyperspace Oral by @literallydontlook [Din x F reader, explicit]
Author’s Summary:  What is a former combat medic to do when an injured Mandalorian stumbles across her clinic one night on Klatooine?
Recced by @astroboots:   I still remember reading the first chapter and just putting it down and going HOLY SHIT, because the worldbuilding reads like something the showrunners themselves wrote.
Recced by anonymous:  epic space opera // [art] hot enough to knock me tf out!
Take Me to Church p1 [masterlist] [ao3] @frannyzooey​ [FIC: Western AU: Din x F reader (x ofc), epic, complete fic, open-ended series]
Author’s Summary:  Set in a brothel in the late 1800’s in the Wild West; you’ve only been working there for a month when Din Djarin shows up. A bounty hunter who makes stops into town between jobs, he is known at the inn for his generous appetite and demanding preferences. Asking for you one night, he is pleased to learn you are well suited for him: your sweet nature soothing to his gruff temperament and surprising him with your ability to handle his rougher tastes. Demanding that you be made available to him every time he is in town, neither one of you is ready for where this request leads
Recced by @astroboots:  This was one of the first stories on here that inducted me not just for the fandom but truly cemented my obsession with smut fiction and also self-reader insert. Before reading this, I genuinely did not realize that self-reader fiction could be an artform and to say I was obsessed, mesmerised and consumed is a fucking understatement. Kelli's work is my tutorial guide whenever I feel like I have lost my way and forgotten how to write, and oftentimes if I feel that way about online spaces in general, she's also my guide that steers me right, my flashlight in a dark cave and I love her.
Recced by @juletheghoul:  one of the first people I met on here- so encouraging and sweet and disgustingly talented, her TMTC series is humbling it’s so good. ♥️ 
Voyeur [ao3] by @rosethornxs​ [FIC: Din x F reader, 2.3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Din fulfils one of your fantasies
Recced by anonymous:  [One of] a couple of Din Djarin x Reader that I really enjoyed from the past couple months
you were my new dream (and you were mine) [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​ [FIC: Din x F reader, 10k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Din Djarin trusts no one. Well, except for you. But you don't know that. You have no idea how he really feels about you.
Recced by @astroboots:  A Din Djarin fic that made me look at writing a kiss in an entirely new light, the emotions infused in this steals the breath in my lungs and the whole of my inner organs away. It is so beautiful, vivid and ethereal, I have never been the same and still think of the kisses in this fic on a daily basis.
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The Mentalist ~ Marcus Pike
How to Kill and Immortal [ao3] by @whataperfectwasteoftime​ [FIC: AU: immortal Marcus P x F reader, 30k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  There is a strange magic that surrounds the life of Marcus Pike. Born in Medieval York in the 1300s, he realizes that he is not aging like other people. For seven hundred years, he wanders the earth, falling love over and over again due to his caring nature. When a new art theft case takes him back to York, Marcus searches for a way to bring an end to his unnaturally long life, so he can finally be at peace.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  A Marcus/OFC series in which Marcus is an immortal that's been around since the 1300s. Through flashbacks, we get to follow him through history and through the different relationships (male and female) he's had. And in there here and now, we meet a Marcus who's pained by all the losses he's suffered over the years, and he's ready for his life to finally come to an end.  This story is so detailed and beautifully written! Penny writes a Marcus that is so believable as an immortal being, jaded and tired, but unable to help himself fall in love over and over again, despite knowing all too well the pain that will inevitably be there when he eventually loses them.  Highly recommend this story!
Movies with Marcus Series by @katareyoudrilling​ [FIC: Marcus P x F reader, 5.8k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  You are assigned a case with Marcus Pike and discover a mutual attraction and love of classic movies.
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty:   the gorgeous kat has a movies with marcus series that's LOVELY
Paradisum by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: AU: priest Marcus P x F reader, 10k+, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  There’s always been something about being in church that made you want to act out.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  This story is what introduced me to Jules. It’s Priest!Marcus Pike and it starts out just straight up smut but then evolves and it’s so satisfying. I love these two and how their relationship grows. I’ve also read this series an embarrassing amount of times, Father Marcus can get it.
A Warm Welcome Home [ao3] by @thirstworldproblemss​ [FIC: Marcus P x F wife!reader, 11k, E, twoshot]
Author’s Summary:  Marcus’s wife (& toddler) welcome him back home after a long case
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty:  I adore it.
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MK ~ Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley
but are you truly free? by @cozyhuii​   [ART: Jake, Marc, Steven]
Recced by anonymous:  legitimately might be in love with their jake!
forget me not & lovely cabdriver by @cozyhuii​ [ART: Jake Lockley]
Recced by anonymous:  legitimately might be in love with their jake!
Missing Scene Comic by @luckyraeve​ [ART: Marc Spector, Khonshu (Steven Grant)]
Recced by anonymous:  hilarious and really freakin’ well drawn!!
Staring Into You by @mjpens​ [ART: Marc Spector, Khonshu]
Recced by @astroboots:  I feel an unstoppable urge to scream about maia for your recommendation celebration and their wonderful work in everything from fanfics to art. They are one of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
Steven - Marc - Jake  by @kenobiwanx​ [ART: Trilogy of the boys]
Recced by anonymous  sick art!  their new moon knight trilogy is on point
Forever Endeavor [on ao3] by @crispychrissy​ [FIC: Steven/Marc x F reader, 31k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Marc Spector and Steven Grant have finally learned to coexist with each other now that Ammit has been taken care of, even though they annoy the absolute shit out of one another with their differing interests and lives. When Khonshu returns 6 months later to announce another threat looming on the horizon, they quickly realize this is something way bigger than Moon Knight or Mr. Knight can handle on their own. Khonshu thinks he may know someone who can help them, but of course, like the dick he is, neglects to mention the Avatar he has in mind absolutely despises him and what he did to her God. Will the witchy court clerk agree to help them out of her own desire to do good or will the price for her assistance be one that is too steep to pay?
Recced by anonymous:  I need to send a shout-out for crispychrissy, she’s got a Moon Knight series in progress called Forever Endeavor that’s SO detailed and amazing. All of the ancient Egyptian facts are accurate and the language in the story is actually real, she can speak ancient Egyptian!!! I am so blown away by the story so far, she’s so talented I want to keep her forever 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Red Flags [ao3] by @astroboots​ & @thirstworldproblemss​ [FIC: Steven x F reader, 18.4k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Sweet as he is, dating Steven means you have to be willing to ignore a few red flags along the way.
Recced by anonymous:  there's this little fic i've been completely obsessed with recently, maybe you know it? i think it needs to go on your list 😘
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Beyond words incredible! The smut had me blushing and when I finished reading I just stared at the screen for a good minute because holy crap!!! Highly recommend that everyone reads these stories!
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Narcos ~ Javier Peña
Incorrect Narcos Quotes by @ithinkwehitametaphor​ [GIFS: Javi P, Steve, occasional Javi x Steve] You Are What You Eat - In Denial [JxS] - Done for Today - Not a Miracle - Kiss My Ass - Confident Driver
Recced by @i-love-movies:   Incorrect Narcos Quotes always make me laugh and brighten my day. There are way too many great ones but these are some of my favs.
The Crush [ao3] by @the-ginger-hedge-witch​ [FIC: Javi P x ofc!reader, ~90k, E, ongoing epic series]
Author’s Summary:  After eight years in Colombia, Javier Peña is finally back home and hoping to keep his head down. Although you were fourteen and harboring a schoolgirl infatuation when he went away, you and your crush are now all grown up and it’s proving hard for Javier to ignore.
Recced by @astroboots:  It is without even an ounce of exaggeration that I tell you this might be one of my absolute favourite reads of the year, fanfiction or original, the writing is superb and breathtaking and cinematic, and I regularly reread it muttering swears about the brilliance of it and how fucking dare she all of the time.
Recced by @nicolethered:  great Javi Peña story
Don’t Look and It Won’t Hurt [ao3] by @mourningbirds1​ [FIC: Javi P x ofc, 25k, T, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Javi is a regular at an all-night diner in Texas where he makes a connection with a lonely waitress.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  Possibly my all-time favorite story that I've read. I remember binge-reading it in the bath and bawling my eyes out with how perfectly it captured everything from the characters to the setting to the emotions.  I'm sure someone has already recced it but I have to mention it again, because no list of mine would be complete without it. C is such an INCREDIBLE writer!!! Her way with words captures my attention and manages to hold it in the gentlest firm grip. And coming from someone who is so easily distracted it's not even funny, that really is saying something.  I love the way C writes Javier Peña with so much heart and depth that the show version almost seems one-dimensional by comparison. However, it's the OFC of the story that I completely fell in love with while reading this. She is so relatable and vulnerable and strong and REAL. I completely understand why Javier falls for her.
Heat [ao3] by @furious-rogue-stuff​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 602k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary: You don't expect to be pulled into a heated gravitation with Agent Javier Peña, and the more you both try to navigate your lives around each other, the clearer it becomes that your feelings go beyond the torrid desires you both are able to ignite in each other. Will the heat of your passions win out against the tribulations that threaten to pull you apart?
Recced by @nicolethered 
Insecurities by @ezrasbirdie​ [FIC: Javi P x plus-size ofc, 39k, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Charlie Ellis is the lead intelligence analyst under Javier Peña’s direction, but he doesn’t even know she exists. All she knows about Javier is what everyone else says—and rumors don’t tell the entire story. A chance meeting in the embassy courtyard brings them together, and Charlie finds herself thrust into a world she never imagined being a part of when she’s called in to help with an undercover operation.
Recced by @starlightmornings:  Insecurities is fantastic. Beautiful character development, engaging dialogue, vivid descriptions — her plus-sized OFC Charlie Ellis feels every bit as real as the gruff DEA agent who’s falling for her. 🥰💕
Learning to Live [ao3] by @wheresarizona​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 64k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  While grocery shopping, you happen across a handsome man confused by some produce. Coming to his aid leads to an invitation for drinks, and next thing you know, you're falling head over heels for Javier Peña—a good man who has trouble believing he is.  Sparks fly when you meet and ignite an insatiable need that you both try to fight for the sake of taking things slow; Javi determined to do things right by you. The problem is, the two of you only have so much self-control.  Post-Colombia and Narcos S3.
Recced by @iamskyereads:  It’s a comforting masterpiece! The amazingly tender and sophisticated relationship of Javi and Cielito grows so beautifully is the very core and heart of this story. It's got the softest Javier I have ever read, with plenty of domestic goodness, delicious smut (like tons of it!! 😵‍💫) and all around fun and adventure (hilarity included) that comes with two people finding each other in the midst of change and chaos and uncertainty of starting out.  Arizona puts her whole heart into this story and as a reader it's very joyous. Everyone GO READ!
Recced by @nicolethered:  great Javi Peña story
Recced by @juletheghoul:  a soft Javi series that is so sweet and hawt as hell. ♥️
Lie to Me [ao3] by @iamskyereads​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 57k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  A recent transfer to the DEA from the FBI makes you a target of hazing from your co-workers. Choosing to forget your bad first day at a bar puts you on a path towards meeting a new acquaintance. An expert on deception and psychological profiling, you are adept at navigating the lies that people tell to get by and how to catch them. What happens when an increasingly stressful work environment begins to test the limits of your personal life and the one man at the center of it all, Javier Peña? Afterall, everybody lies about something. But how many are you keeping from yourself? An AU of Season 3 of Narcos.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  A Narcos Season 3 AU with reader being a DEA agent, and it’s just so GOOD. It honestly feels like you’re watching the show as you read, and just all of the little details like Javier’s facial expressions or things he does when he’s nervous and stuff is just amazing. She’s crafted such an incredible story that I literally cannot wait for the next chapter. Javi’s also a little soft, and that is my absolute fav. Anyways, this is one of my favorite fics I have read this year, and I highly recommend!
New House Guest by @castleamc​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 4.1k, E, oneshot] - ART: Javi Loves His Gatita by @miranhas-art [Javi + cat]
Author’s Summary:  After getting caught in the rain to rescue a cat and getting sick, Javier has to take care of you.
Recced by anonymous:  hot and sweet fic // on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Reckless [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​  [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 3.3k,E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  two idiots who can’t keep their hands off each other.
Recced by @yespolkadotkitty
show me give me [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 2.6k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  He knows something’s different the moment you walk by his desk, stopping to hand him the report he needs for his meeting. He can’t tear his eyes away from the languid cant of your hips, the lilt of your voice and glossy red lips when you say his name —sinful like you have nothing else to do this morning but tempt him— like there’s a secret tucked down the front of your dress.  You feel the weight of his gaze burn into your backside, tingling all the way down your legs as you walk up the stairs, away from him.  The upper hand is a wonderful thing.
Recced by @astroboots:   A Javier fic that is just hng ölaskdjöalksjd and gaaaah and ooof and awoga. But also as always the heat is all the more powerful for the love and emotions that is infused in every single sentence.
You Make It Feel Like Christmas [ao3] by @fromthedeskoftheraven​ [FIC: Javi P x F reader, 2.7k, M, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  A soft, sweet, spicy Christmas visit to Javier's family home in Texas.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  A beautiful Javier Peña/f!reader story that captures the feel of a family gathering so well and gives Javier the happiness he so desperately needs and deserves. I've reread this story several times over and it's such a comfort fic for me.
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Prospect ~ Ezra
Bookshop Owner Ezra by @miranhas-art​ [ART: Ezra x F reader]
Recced by anonymous:  on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Blind Trust [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x f!reader, E, 4k,  complete]
Author’s Summary:  Could he help her find her pleasure - one armed and unable to speak? Ezra was willing to bet his reputation he could.
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
Controlled Burns and Pitch Pines by @paisley-print​ [FIC: Ezra, 0.9k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  A rambling by our favorite blonde streaked spaceman. He talks about his childhood and family - recounting his time spent with his Father in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Ezra x (literally anybody)….its mostly just him talking but there is another person there.
Recced by @i-love-movies:  very beautiful read
Hold fast to dreams [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, T, 4.3k,  oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Returned from the Green, Ezra has unfinished business.
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
Make dreams truths [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, E, 4.3k,  oneshots]
Author’s Summary:  Ezra had been a killer. Was known to be a rogue. Occasionally even a degenerate...
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
The Mirror by @littleferal​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, 2.5k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  To say this isn’t what you imagined when you first found the mirror would only be half a lie. Oh you’d known Ezra would want to take you apart slowly, but you hadn’t thought it’d be like this.
Recced by anonymous
Solisequious [ao3] by @beskarberry​ aka @lellowberry [FIC: cyborg!Ezra x F reader, Treasure Island AU, 44k, completed fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Delinquency seems to run in the Hawkins family, but so does a nose for treasure. When long lost family returns bearing ill-tidings and ill-begotten artifacts, will you follow in the footsteps of your grandfather's noble legacy, or will a charming cyborg lead you down a more unsavory path?
Recced by anonymous:   Get a load of these fics
When they disentwine [ao3] by @brandyllyn​ [FIC: Ezra x F reader, E, 4.4k,  oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Ezra returns to his tent to find you going though his things.
Recced by anonymous:  Her Ezra is either so hot it makes me pass out or so sweet my heart bursts. No in between.
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Watch Your Step by @charnelhouse​  [FIC: TF boys x ofc!reader reverse harem, mob!au, E, a freakin’ epic, ongoing]
Author’s Summary:  A grief-ridden girl is kidnapped by the inner circle of the most dangerous mob in the city - The Cardinals. She soon learns that nothing is as it seems.
Recced by @astroboots:   [A] fucking masterpiece, which if you have not heard or read it by now you must have been in a coma the past year
Triple Frontier ~ Frankie Morales 
Frankie by @poenariuniverse​  [ART: cute Frankie] 
Recced by anonymous:  Her style is so sweet and endearing that I can’t get enough!!! 😍😍😍
Recced by @i-love-movies: all of @poenariuniverse 's art. But especially this Frankie cause it was made for me. 😊
The Antichrist Wears Spiderman Bandaids by @pettyprocrastination​ [FIC IDEA: Frankie x mom ofc/F reader, headcanon/story idea] - ART: Frankie, Mom, & toddler antichrist by @miranhas-art​
Author’s Summary:  A retelling of the “child antichrist” theme but hes just a sweet little kid.
Recced by anonymous:  baby antichrist done right // on point pencil drawings with so much character!
Basic Training by @just-here-for-the-moment​ [FIC: young!Frankie x older F reader, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  It’s 1997 and Frankie Morales has just graduated with his Bachelors degree in aviation. He’s been accepted for US Army helicopter pilot training, and he’s got three weeks to kill before he ships out for basic training. One Saturday night Frankie runs into his former high school math teacher at the grocery store - and his old schoolboy crush on her reignites with a fury. She’s happy to see a former student doing well. While she never would have thought of Frankie “that way” four years ago, now she can’t deny that he’s very attractive - and available. Will they be able to navigate their mutual attraction? Will they fight their feelings or give in? And what can she possibly teach him in three weeks anyway?
Recced by @radiowallet:  It’s a young Frankie starting up a summer romance with his former math teacher and it is very much a comfort fic for me now. It’s sweet and soft and so so hot! I cannot get enough.
Between the Raindrops by @jazzelsaur​ [FIC: Frankie x ofc!reader, 136k, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  Two lives fall apart, then together.  A journey told in parts and pieces.  Frankie’s life is coming apart at the seams, when Ellie, a widow facing her own share of struggles, moves in next door. Together they find friendship, healing, and something more.
Recced by @astroboots:   The utterly emotionally devastating yet cathartic and profoundly life changing BtR had me truly feel and process grief in a way that few pieces of media has managed.
Recced by @songsformonkeys: I've had BtR saved in my drafts for the longest time, waiting for the right day to read it because I know it will completely wreck me and that I'll never be the same after I've read it.
Double or Nothing by @supernaturalgirl20​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 0.8k T, one of an ongoing(?) series of oneshots]
Author’s Summary:  You’ve just moved in with Frankie and Rosa, and one evening you and Rosa decide to surprise him.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Home by @charnelhouse​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 1.1k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  What would it be like to be married to Frankie?
Recced by @astroboots:   [A] work that I read ages ago (one of the first pieces that made me stop and my jaw drop at this woman's immeasurable talent) that still haunt me with its brilliance to this day. I will never be over the paragraph with the confetti. It is one of my favourite lines ever written and I often go back to this one, just to reread that line and marvel at the sheer fucking brilliance of it and whisper to myself "Hemingway could fucking never".  It also has one of the hottest kitchen sex scenes that I've ever read that I think about on the daily.
Homecoming verse [ao3] by @astroboots​ [FIC: Frankie x F wife!reader x Santiago, 23k, E, open-ended series]
Author’s Summary:  Santi comes home to Frankie and his wife, this time to stay. (a.k.a. The polyamorous adventures of Santiago Garcia with Frankie Morales and their wife)
Recced by @songsformonkeys:   Frankie used to be one of my least fave Pedro boys. That was before Cici brought him to life and showed me just what the appeal of him was. She then proceeded to do the same with Santiago Garcia - whom I cared nothing about before. And when she combined the two in her Homecoming verse my bisexual little poly heart pretty much exploded. It is one of my absolute favorite series and I think everyone should read it!
The Huntsman by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: huntsman Frankie x witch f!reader, fairytale AU, 5k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  He was faster than you thought, faster than he should have been, and he caught you unawares.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  Epic fairytale vibes but reader is a badass witch. I’m already hooked.
Jackpot by @katareyoudrilling​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 1.2k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  You hit the online dating lottery when you meet divorced Frankie Morales.
Recced by @radiowallet:  One of my favorite new Frankie one-shots and well, I didn’t know I had a vasectomy kink but, well, I guess actually I do. Jackpot is hot and amazing and sent me to my bunk for quite some time! I had to share it with you and the world!!!
Like a River Series [ao3] by @radiowallet​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader x Marcus Moreno, crossover, 22k, E, open-ended]
Author’s Summary:  Marcus Moreno needs help getting to an island, and he needs it done quietly. He hires an outside company, two former delta force pilots, to help get him there. Little does he know some bad intel and sudden rainstorm will change the trajectory of his life in a way he never saw coming.
Recced by @astroboots:  I am going to be self indulgent and choose LaR. Not only because it's scorching hot, with Marcus, Frankie polyamorous relationship, and emotionally gorgeous and lush. But also because this is the story that brought the two of us closer and I will always be so grateful and astounded that a piece of gorgeously written emotional smut can have such magical power!!!
midnight cravings & other starry-eyed confessions [ao3] by @keeper0fthestars [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 3k, M, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie trusts you enough to let his guard down, to be vulnerable with you. Love languages and the messy emotions that go along with that, fluff, cheesy self-indulgence. A series of soft vignettes featuring one Francisco Morales.
Recced by @astroboots:   A Frankie fic that in retrospect turned me into the Frankie freak girl I am today. Keeper must be sick to death of me pimping this one out and constantly screaming about this one, but there is not an ounce of exaggeration when I say that to this day, this is one of my favourite Frankie fics that I consider formative to my experience in this fandom. It shaped so much of my love for Frankie and my own depiction and version of Frankie and the way I write him, and I have often said that my Frankie works are essential fanfics of Keeper's Frankie.
My Brother’s Keeper by @dieterbravospr​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader (Santi’s sister), 24k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  After a bad breakup, you’re forced to bunk up with your older brother, Santi, and his friend, Frankie. Tension between you and Frankie grows heavier by the day, but Pope would never approve of Fish laying a hand on his baby sister. So he better not find out…
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Near the Water’s Edge by @paisley-print​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, long, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  After  fleeing your abusive husband, you find yourself in the small coastal town of July, North Carolina. Soon you meet Frankie Morales, Air Force Veteran and single dad. As the two of you grow closer, you begin to let go of your past and learn to love again. That is until a strange man shows up in town, and you ’re forced to choose between your safety or the safety of the people that you love. Inspired by the novel “Safe Haven” written by Nicolas Sparks.
Recced by @i-love-movies:  very beautiful read
Oblivius Series [ao3] by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: Frankie x childhood friend F reader, 44k, E, completed fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Bestfriends since you were kids but to him it was always more. In your early 20’s you make a pact that if you’re both single at 30, you’ll marry each other.
Recced by @wheresarizona:  This fic lives rent free in my brain. I think about Francis and Spills on a regular basis. It’s just so good. Best friends since high school who are too scared to give into their feelings and then Frankie gets engaged to someone else and it’s top tier. Highly recommend.
Only Angel by @j-buchanan​ [FIC: Frankie x soldier ofc (3rd person reader) x Santi, 10k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Her call sign was “Angel”. Given to her because she saved them over and over again, time after time. She was their guardian Angel. And they were her twisted, broken boys. Bound together by blood and love, will they survive one last mission? Or will the Angel finally fall from grace.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
The Party by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 2k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  No thoughts, only thots about meeting Frankie at a party you were reluctant to go to in the first place. There’s infidelity here - so if that’s not your jam no worries! Enjoy!
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
The Rusty Nail [ao3] by @need-a-fugue​ [FIC: Triple Frontier: Frankie x F reader, 10k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Frankie plans the perfect proposal, but, well, things don't quite go according to plan...
Recced by @i-love-movies:  The Rusty Nail made me cry laughing. It's so hilarious. I re-read it regularly.
Sex Worker Frankie ‘verse [ao3] by @prolix-yuy​ [FIC: sex worker Frankie x F reader, 34k, E, finished fic, open-ended series]
Author’s Summary:  Francisco "Catfish" Morales, a former sex worker at Pope's escort service, takes on a final client and is met with something unexpected.  
Recced by @astroboots:  Me back here again to recommend an absolute gem of a story.  Is this story hot as fucking lava and fire? ABSOLUTELY  But what is perhaps even more spellbinding is the very real and genuine love between reader and Frankie and the deep emotional connection that is there and we get to read about how it grows and thrives as the two decides to make a real go of the relationship.  This is such a beautiful work and it's a joy for me to recommend it to you all.
Recced by @songsformonkeys:  An absolutely incredible sexworker!Frankie series with a female reader that will have my heart forever! She writes Frankie like an absolute dream and I'm not sure that any real man will live up to the expectations that her Frankie has set for me. And the smut in this story... holy crap *fans self* 
Recced by @nicolethered
Slumber by @write-and-buried​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, 3.5, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  He’s so comfortable, so warm and soft to sleep on, it would be easy just to nap on him.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Stars Hit the Ceiling by @jazzelsaur [FIC: Frankie x F reader x Agent Whiskey – Listed under Whiskey above]
Still of the Night [ao3] by @foli-vora​ [FIC: Frankie x F reader, Signs!AU, 24k, M, complete]
Author’s Summary:  It started off in the most bizarre of ways. Crop circles. You mean the bother of cleaning up someone’s stupid prank? But then the lights come—hundreds, thousands—floating menacingly above the cities. The panic starts to settle in. You don’t let the dog outside at night anymore. Abnormal clicking filters through the aged radio perched in Frankie’s shed, and you see his frown deepen every day, dark eyes locked onto the skies more often than usual. His gun stays out of the safe. And then they call it—some poor woman on the news sits in front of the camera, eyes watery and hands shaking. She says they’re coming. She says it’s the end, that we should brace for their arrival and pray. You’ve never seen Frankie move so fast.
Recced by @astroboots:  Dear God, I still remember the first time I read part one and proceeded to stare into space, because... HOW IS ANYONE THAT GOOD?! In the span of a few thousand words, she had sucked me in and made me care so much about these characters to the point where I could not breathe because I was so scared and worried for everyone's safety... and then the horror elements kicks in and DEAR LORD I WAS NOT READY!!!It is brilliant and I just--- wow just go read it everyone.
Recced by @juletheghoul:  gorgeous Signs au with Frankie that had me in literal tears
You Leave a Mark [ao3] by @alwaysbethewest​ [FIC: Frankie x Benny, 0.4k, M, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  The quiet of conversation and soft rock from the sound system are abruptly cut through by a raucous cat call, and Frankie feels his eyes widen, caught, as he looks over and finds the other guys staring at him in amusement.   “Jeeeeee-sus,” Pope crows. “You get a new girlfriend you forgot to tell us about, Francisco?”.
Recced by anonymous
Weeknights [ao3] by @frannyzooey​ Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Drabbles  [FIC: dad!Frankie x babysitter f!reader, 26k+, E, complete]
Author’s Summary:  In search of a weekly babysitter for his daughter, Frankie Morales asks the daycare if they would recommend someone. Directing him to a college nanny website, he searches through the bios one night, coming across yours: the credentials and qualifications just what he is looking for, he decides to hire you. The photo on the website grainy and outdated, he isn’t quite prepared when you show up at his door the first night - beginning a professional relationship that slowly slides into a personal one.
Recced by @nicolethered:  a great Frankie series
Triple Frontier ~ Santiago Garcia
Bunny Girl by @laters-gators​ [FIC: Santi x soldier F reader, 9.5k, E, long oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  When convinced to retrieve the money left by Frankie and his team left at the bottom of a canyon in Peru, you have to deal with the most annoying person you’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Burn by @arsonhotchner​ [FIC: Santiago x GN reader, 3.5k, M, twoshot]
Author’s Summary:  reader compromises themself for pope. for nothing.
Recced by anonymous:   A Pope x Reader fic and has some canon typical violence. I really enjoy the conflict in this one.
Don’t You Dare by @foxilayde​ [FIC: Santi x F reader, 3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  Have your cake and eat it too?? Not on Santiago Garcia's watch.
Recced by @astroboots:  The most recent one I read, that I read. and read. and re-read. Then fucking read again while I was on hiatus like Goldie Hawn in Death becomes her rewinding the VHS tape again and again and again and again until the authorities come to take me away. I don't like even have words, because my brain melted into my panties and I couldn't scoop it back up and now I can barely words. It is a brilliant fucking piece. And I am dead. That is all.
Homecoming verse by @astroboots [FIC: Frankie x F reader x Santiago – Listed under Frankie above]
Only Angel by @j-buchanan [FIC: Frankie x ofc (reader) x Santiago – Listed under Frankie above]
Ride or Die by @writefightandflightclub​ [FIC: Triple Frontier: Santiago x teammate F reader, 9.3k, E, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:  You are a member of Santi’s squad alongside: William “Ironhead” Miller; Francisco “Catfish” Morales; and, Tom “Redfly” Davis. You and Santi are old friends, but you recently blurred the lines between friends and lovers. Angsty + smutty + you might not like me after this. I APOLOGISE.
Recced by @astroboots:nbsp; The fanfic that I attribute my undying obsession with Santiago Pope Garcia to, because she wrote his character with such pathos, and humanity, flaws and warts and all and made him into real flesh and blood to me and all the complications that comes with. She lifted what was at best a flimsy cardboard character in the original script into a complicated man that I cannot help but fall in love with despite myself and I will forever thank her for her brilliance and for deciding to share it with us.
Triple Frontier ~ Miller Brothers
Sunshine State by @brewsterispunkk​ [FIC: Benny x F reader, 22k, M, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Reader has recently moved to Florida; the sunshine state. After packing up her whole life and moving across the country away from everyone she’s ever known and loved, she’s lonely. Unbearably so. Until her coworker Will Miller enters her life and changes it for the better. Now, after his friends become hers and his brother becomes her best friend, she’s faced with the inevitable: catching feelings for her best friend and the human embodiment of sunshine, Benny Miller.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
Time Changes by @tripleissue​ [FIC: Will x F reader, 2.7k, T, oneshot, sequel in progress]
Author’s Summary:  William Miller had pretty much lost faith that he was meant for love after his fiance left him, so even the slightest interest he had in Ben’s new friend was pushed down the moment he realized it, but time may be able to change things.
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite recent Triple Frontier fanfics! 🤩
You Leave a Mark by @alwaysbethewest [FIC: Frankie x Benny – Listed under Frankie above]
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TUWoMT - Javi Guitierrez
B-roll Javi Studies by @mjpens​ (aka @honestly-shite) [ART: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent: Javi G]
Recced by @astroboots:  One of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
The Grand Tour Series by @softpedropascal​ [FIC: Javi G x F reader, 19.3k, E, complete fic in an ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  You are on vacation with your best friend in Spain when you end up at a party thrown by the great Javi Gutierrez. Your friend sets her sights on him, but his sights are on you.
Recced by @nicolethered:  such a good job writing for our husband Javi G
Going the Distance by @softpedropascal [FIC: Javi G x  F reader x Dieter Bravo crossover – Listed under Dieter above ]
Sweets Series by @oonajaeadira​ [FIC: Javi G x f!reader, mostly T, ongoing series of oneshots]
Author’s Summary:  You’re the personal assistant and close friend of the head of the Gutierrez family business. He calls you his Girl Sunday and values your opinion on everything from business to fashion. You share an insatiable fondness for sweets.
Recced by @i-love-movies:   It's tooth rottingly fluffy. I'm in LOVE with her Javi.
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Pedro Pascal ~ the actor himself
The Otter King by @poenariuniverse​ [ART: Pedro Pascal]
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
South Park Pedros by @i-love-movies​ [ART: misc Pedros & Pedro characters in the South Park style]
Recced by anonymous: South Park Pedro is super cute
Pedro & Oscar Friendship by @trashcora​ [GIFSET: Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac]
Recced by anonymous:  any of them - she has so many good ones!
Celebration of World Theater Day with Pedro Pascal part 1, part 2, part 3 by @thesweetestdeclineline [INFOGRAPHIC: Pedro Pascal Live Theater Roles & Info]
Recced by anonymous:  rocks! editing on point and legitimately informative
Happy Birthday Pedro Pascal 2022 by @littlemisspascal​ [VIDEO: Pedro & misc Pedro characters]
Creator’s Summary:   Pedro Pascal Appreciation Week 5 Birthday Post. Hope he has a wonderful birthday 💗
Recced by anonymous:  [One] of my favorite artists
Boodsucking Bastards ~ Max Phillips
Domum [ao3] by @juletheghoul​ [FIC: Bloodsucking Bastards: Max Phillips x witch f!reader, 17k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  What happens when a bored vampire, meets a clever witch?
Recced by @wheresarizona:   Max Phillips and a witch!reader. This story is just so wonderful and really pulls you in, and my goodness, the smutty one shots are 🔥🔥🔥 Like 1000/10 do recommend.
The Retreat* by @starlightmornings​ [FIC: Max P x F eader, 20k, E, complete fic, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Working as Max Phillips’ executive assistant sounded like a great job until you found out how much he sucks. Literally.
Recced by @nicolethered
Calls ~ Pedro Across the Street
Good. Things. Take. Time. by @oonajaeadira​  [FIC: massage therapist P.A.T.S. x f reader, epic, E, ongoing series]
Author’s Summary:  Pedro ATS is a massage therapist with special services. Or so he claims. He gives you a three-hour session you’re both going to enjoy.
Recced by anonymous
Recced by @juletheghoul:  her series GTTT had a chokehold on me, Pedro (across the street) as a masseuse? Sign me the fuck up.
Recced by @nicolethered:  an amazing series
Casillero del Diablo ~ the Thief
Thirsty? by @lellowberry [ART: the thief, explicit]
Recced by anonymous:   Feast your eyes on this art
Game of Thrones ~ Oberyn Martell
Aphelion by @the-blind-assassin-12​ & @something-tofightfor​ [FIC: Oberyn x f reader, AU, 93k, E, in progress]
Author’s Summary:  Oberyn Martell has one goal and one goal only: making the Lannisters and their inner circle pay for the murders of his sister Elia and her two children. But what happens when instead of taking the opportunity to do so immediately … he waits a few thousand years - until the time is right?  The Lannisters aren’t in King’s Landing anymore - but neither is Oberyn, and he’s got something else in his favor: a gift from Ellaria Sand, a woman that was much more than she appeared to be at first glance.  Securing his future becomes even more important after Oberyn meets you and discovers that there’s much more to life than a thirst for vengeance … and that even though times have changed, there are people out there that approach life the same way that he’s always tried to.
Recced by anonymous:  I don’t want to spoil the surprise of what the AU is even though you find out pretty early on in the first chapter, but it’s very well written, has a ton of detail and you can tell that both writers really love the character of Oberyn. [...] I really like the other works by both writers too but this story is an especially great read. 💛💛💛
The Last of Us ~ Joel Miller
Promises at Sundown by @stealyourblorbos​ (prev @thepoisonofgod) [ART: Joel Miller]
Recced by anonymous:  May I please ask you to include this in your celebrations? [...] I must share because it is my favorite art.
We Can Be Heroes ~ Marcus Moreno
Early April Morning by @mjpens​ [ART: Marcus M x F reader for @radiowallet’s Poorly Wired Circuit]
Recced by @astroboots:  One of the loveliest people on here and not only do they create some absolutely mindblowing stuff that is pure sheer talent, but they are also so supportive of everyone else here and they deserve all of the love to be showered their way.
Like a River Series by @radiowallet​ [FIC: Frankie Morales x f reader x Marcus M – Listed under Frankie above] 
Wonder Woman 1984 ~ Maxwell Lord
When the cards all fold by @yespolkadotkitty​ [FIC: Maxwell x f!reader, 1.7k, T, oneshot]
Author’s Summary:   This is a gift for my wife songsformonkeys with her beloved Max Lo…renzano <3
Recced by @songsformonkeys: A story that she wrote for me, which I absolutely adore and keep coming back to for a reread when I need a comfort fic.
Forget Me Not by Karissa Kinword aka @krissology​ [Original Adult Romance/SciFi Novel]
Author’s Summary:  After years of forming an intimate bond with a mysterious man every time she closes her eyes to dream, a young woman, Eliza, forces herself to find a fulfilling life outside the confines of her own mind. [...]Then the two come face to face as both of their connection pods land on a transport vessel heading in the same direction  Forced into the same proximity for the duration of travel, they struggle to understand what it means for them to finally meet when the universe seems to be pulling them both in different directions. [...] Eliza is torn between the life she’s always known on the Otera with her partner, and the infinite possibility of a future with the man she knows is her soulmate.
Recced by @astroboots:  This mastermind has just released their debut novel and it is absolutely fucking delectable! A big old smooch of a recommendation for [this] brilliant masterpiece.
Thank you so much to everyone out there in this fandom (or any other) that’s writing fic, creating art, making gifs or producing any sort of fanworks and sharing them with the rest of us!  Every. Single. One. Of. You. is a Rockstar, whether you’re on this list or not!!!  Your contributions are seen and appreciated, and there quite literally would not be a fandom without you—without all of us here doing what we love together <3
@alwaysbethewest (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
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@castelamc (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@charnelhouse (writer) [mlist] [drabbles]
@clydesducktape (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@cozyhuii aka @howie-ner-cyare (artist) [art tag]
@crispychrissy (writer, gifmaker) [mlist] [ao3] [gif tag]
@dieterbravospr (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@djarinsbeskar (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@ezrasbirdie (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@flora-screeches aka @floraandfrost (writer) [mlist]
@foli-vora (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@foxilayde (writer) [mlist]
@frannyzooey (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@fromthedeskoftheraven (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@frying-panties (artist) [art tag] [commissions]
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@furious-rogue-stuff (writer) [mlist] [ao3] [ff.net]
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@ithinkwehitametaphor (writer, gifmaker) [mlist] [ao3] [gif tag]
@j-buchanan (writer) [series mlist]
@jazzelsaur (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@juletheghoul (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@just-here-for-the-moment (writer) [mlist]
@katareyoudrilling (writer) [mlist]
@katronautt (gifmaker, prev @doin-stuff) [mlist] [gif tag]
@keeper0fthestars (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@krissology (writer, author) [mlist] [ao3] [amazon] [insta]
@laters-gators (writer) [mlist]
@lellowberry aka @beskarberry, @lellowberrys-art (artist, writer) [fic mlist] [ao3] [art mlist] [shop]
@letterfromvienna (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@literallydontlook (artist) [fanfic fanart tag]
@littleferal (writer) [mlist]
@luckyraeve (artist) [art tag]
@mandelirious (writer) [mlist]
@mandoworryan (gifmaker) [gif tag]
@miranhas-art (artist) [shop]
@mourningbirds1 (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@mjpens aka @honestly-shite (artist, writer) [mlist] [ao3] [art tag] [shop]
@need-a-fugue (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@oonajaeadira (writer) [mlist]
@outercrasis (writer, prev @mandocrasis) [mlist] [ao3]
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@pettyprocrastination (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@poenariuniverse (artist) [art tag] [shop]
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@rosethornxs (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@skyshipper (gifmaker) [gif tag]
@softpedropascal (writer) [mlist] [writing tag]
@something-tofightfor (writer) [mlist]
@songsformonkeys (writer, artist) [mlist] [art tag]
@starlightmornings (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@stealyourblorbos (artist, prev @thepoisonofgod) [art tag]
@sunsyfish (artist) [art tag] [comissions]
@supernaturalgirl20 (writer) [mlist]
@the-blind-assassin-12 (writer) [mlist]
@the-ginger-hedge-witch (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@the-scandalorian (writer) [mlist]
@thesweetestdeclineline (gifmaker)
@thewayofthemandalorian (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@thirstworldproblemss (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@trashcora (gifmaker) [edits tag]
@tripleissue (writer) [mlist]
@whataperfectwasteoftime (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@wheresarizona (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
@write-and-buried (writer) [mlist]
@writefightandflightclub (writer) [mlist]
@yespolkadotkitty (writer, author) [mlist] [ao3] [amazon]
@zinzinina (writer) [mlist] [ao3]
405 notes · View notes
sirowsky · 4 months
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An Unexpected Valentine
Summary: While on a mission to check out some anomalous energy readings, Marcus somehow ends up passing through a rift in spacetime, accidentally shifting himself into an alternate reality, where all of nature is bioluminescent and humans are not the dominant species, leaving their dwindling numbers fighting for the survival of their race.
Rating: Mature/Explicit 18+ONLY Warnings: Marcus Moreno x OFC, entirely Marcus POV, smut, not exactly dubious consent but Marcus gets mildly coerced. Light angst, Missy makes a guest appearance. Word count: 2838
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There was no prelude or strange sound, no intuitive feeling warning him that he was about to leave everything known and familiar. He just took a step, and the world was gone. Replaced by a very different, and yet, breathtakingly beautiful one.
Everything glowed, from the smallest little flower to the giant trees and even the mountain tops. But these plants were all different as well. All the trees ten times the size of any normal one back home, every flower seemingly able to move at will, and no insects buzzed around them.
He had just taken all this in when there was a started gasp behind him, and he whirled around to find a woman there. Small and much too thin, as if she'd never had a good meal in her life. But still breathtakingly beautiful. Her skin glowing just like the rest of this world, and her pale grey eyes seeming to sparkle like silver glitter.
"Hello," he tried, but she didn't seem to understand it.
She did seem to grow less fearful of him at the sound, though. Carefully approaching before cautiously taking a turn around him, as if assessing him. When she got back to his front, she stopped and just stood there for a moment, staring into his eyes as if looking for unspoken secrets at the bottom of a well.
Then she suddenly grabbed his hand and started dragging him along a trampled path through the woods, holding on to him so firmly that his fingers threatened to go numb.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm following along willingly, no need to break my hand."
Again, she offered no response, and after another minute, a little house appeared at the edge of a small lake.
"Is this your place?" he asked, starting to feel dumb for expecting her to answer, but feeling equally uncomfortable in total silence.
She walked through the door, pulling him in behind her, not letting go of him until he was safely behind her as she closed and bolted the door. A quick study of the building revealed it to be old. Probably hundreds of years, yet in good condition. It was all wood and despite the age of it, it looked healthy and strong.
She kept peering through the little window in the top half of the door for a minute before seeming to decide they were safe, making him wonder what exactly she might be worried was making them unsafe...
"Is there something dangerous out there?"
Still no reply, but she turned around and met his eyes again, and this time, she looked considerably more fearful of him.
"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm Marcus," he said, pointing to himself and repeating just the name.
"Marcos..." she repeated, getting the pronunciation slightly wrong but he didn't attempt to correct her. "Halo," she continued then, pointing to herself.
She pronounced it differently than the English word halo, though. The A sounding less like cake and more like bard. He repeated it back to her, and it made her smile. But then she heard something outside and rushed to one of the windows in the back of the house.
"What is it?" he wondered while he followed her, and she seemed to understand the gist of his question at least, because she said something and then pointed to a large tree about a hundred feet away.
It took him a few beats to see what the problem was, but once he did, her fearful demeanor outside started to make a lot more sense. The tree was moving. Slowly pulling up its roots and dragging itself closer to the house. As he continued to watch, a small animal then passed in front of it, at which point, the tree used its branches to snatch it off the ground so quickly he couldn't even see it.
It was brought to the center of the crown where the largest branches then began to squeeze the little critter into a cavity, where it would presumably be trapped alive while the tree extracted its nutrients.
"Trees here eat people?" Marcus wondered aloud, mostly just because he needed to hear that sentence out loud, and then a shiver went through him. "That's absolutely terrifying."
No wonder the damned things were so much bigger here than in his own world. And it could also explain why humans here were apparently smaller than normal, since they probably couldn't find much meat to eat anymore. He wondered if perhaps even edible plants were scarce, given how starved this woman was despite living in the middle of the most thriving woodland he'd ever seen.
Halo gave him a look which clearly seemed to say that life here was always terrifying for one reason or another. Then she nodded towards a different part of the house, what he would call the living room, before starting to head there, so he followed. Once there, she opened up what resembled a whiteboard cabinet, like what teachers might have in classrooms, except there was no whiteboard inside the narrow cabinet.
Instead, there was a very large and complex map over the area, presumably one drawn by Halo herself, given that her house was at the center of it. Going by that logic, the map seemed to depict the diameter she'd been able to explore around her dwelling, and while it was extensive, there was no other human living within that area, as far as he could tell.
"You're completely alone?" he asked, pointing to himself and then to her, before gesturing to the scope of the map.
She answered by repeating the movements and then shaking her head, before motioning for him to follow, taking him to a window at the side of the house where he could see a grave outside.
"Your mother? Or father, maybe."
Somehow, he got the feeling that this woman hadn't been around many men, so he guessed that she had been raised by her mother. Tapping lightly at his arm to get his attention, she then shocked him by pointing at his groin, while saying something which sounded like a question.
What could she possibly mean by that? Was she asking if he was a man? Or if she could see his... man-parts?
"Uh... I'm sorry, I don't understand."
That seemed to make her a bit shy, but it wasn't until she started undressing that he worked out why.
"No, no, no! There's no need for that," he said while trying to stop her from untying the bra-like top she was wearing.
But his reaction made her very sad. Confused, he watched as she once again returned to the map and started trying to explain something, gesturing to the entirety of it and then to herself. She finished by putting up one index finger. One. Alone. And suddenly he got it.
For all of her exploration, he was the only man she'd ever met. Her only chance to procreate, possibly ever.
"Halo..." he started, but didn't know how to say it. "I can't begin to imagine how lonely you are, but... this isn't how we do things in my world. If I can figure out how to get back you could come with me, and have your pick of men. Find the one who would make you happy. But I can't just do the deed and then leave you here."
However much she understood, his meaning clearly came across, because she was crying by the time he fell silent. Somehow feeling rotten about having rejected her, even though he wanted to believe he was doing the right thing, he slumped down on a chair and dropped his head in his hands.
It seemed he'd underestimated her resolve, though, because a moment later, he was being shoved back in the chair while she climbed into his lap, working frantically to undo his belt before he could stop her. His initial reaction was to snag her hands and push her back, but she was a lot stronger than he'd anticipated, getting past both his belt and the buttons of his jeans before he could get a grip on her.
But he only managed one of her hands, while the other one slipped inside his underwear and started exploring, drawing a strong reaction from his manhood. There was something mildly intoxicating about the idea of letting her do whatever she wanted. The only thing holding him back being the notion that she wasn't really acting on desire so much as desperation.
His internal debate aside, her ministrations were quickly sending his resolve south, and before he'd managed to reach a decision, she'd freed him from his briefs and started trying to lower herself onto him. But this was presumably her first time and he wasn't exactly small, especially against her petite form, so her attempts were halted by the pain it caused her to try and simply shove him in before she was ready.
Finally making his choice, Marcus stopped her by standing up, moving over to a thick rug on the middle of the floor, and lowering himself down so that he was on top of her. Then he licked his fingertips, moved his hand down underneath her small, skirt-like bottom piece, finding her naked behind it, and started working her, so she'd know that he wasn't trying to stop her.
She responded so beautifully to his touch, losing herself in the pleasure in just a few seconds. And the more aroused she got, the brighter her skin shined, even seeming to shed a light shimmer into the air, which smelled heavenly to him. Wanting to taste it, he kissed her, feeling her bewildered response before she relaxed into it, letting her tongue dance with his and seeking more whenever he tried to pull back.
She tasted even better than she smelled, driving his own arousal to its peak, so he dipped a couple of fingers into her, finding her gushing wet and eagerly pliant. Frustrated with the restraint to his movements, he then kicked off his pants before settling in over her, and starting to push into her innermost stronghold.
The sensation seemed to overwhelm her at first, making her squirm beneath him, not knowing how to respond or behave, but she soon found her own answers. Maneuvering him until he was in the perfect position to reach her best spots, clawing at his lower back to urge him on, sinking her heels into the backs of his thighs to beg for more. The language of sex, it seemed, was universal.
She came before he did, hard and intense, lasting long enough that the powerful pulsing motions of her cramping walls milked him all the way to his own completion. Spilling into her in long spurts, so strong they were borderline painful, leaving him desperately clawing at the carpet to keep from bruising her while his body spasmed.
He collapsed on top of her eventually, but it felt like it took a very long time before the climax ended. And then he stayed there, buried deep inside her, since the deed was already done and he might as well try and give her the best chance.
At some point he must've fallen asleep, because it was dark when he woke up, and he was on his side with Halo in his arms and a blanket draped over them. He couldn't remember having moved, but he had a feeling she was easily strong enough to move him around however she wanted. Not that it mattered. He pulled her a little closer and fell right back to sleep.
The next time he woke, it was still dark but she was no longer beside him. She was sitting by one of the windows looking out over the front of her house and the lake.
She answered by beckoning for him to come closer, so he reached for his pants and pulled them on, closing the buttons and the belt while he walked over to her. But once at the window, when he could see what she was looking at, he froze.
Because on the other side of the lake... was a portal. A rift, just like the one he'd been sent to investigate. It looked like little more than a strange beam of vertical rainbow colored light, just sitting midair about three feet from the ground, but it was definitely the same phenomenon.
"Come on!" he shouted excitedly, grabbing Halo's hand and pulling her along as he unbolted the door and started running towards it.
But when he reached it, she yanked free and stopped behind him.
"It's okay, it won't hurt you," he tried to explain, before he realized that she didn't look fearful.
Just sad.
"You can come with me. There are millions of people in my world, you'll never be alone," he said while pointing to them both and then counting out several times on his fingers, to help her understand.
She stepped forward, meeting his eyes while passing him, and then reaching out towards the rift. But when her hand passed through it, nothing happened. Even when she walked right through it, nothing happened.
"You're trapped here..." he realized, feeling his chest tighten at the thought that he might never see her again.
Perhaps not so much because of any stronger feelings he'd managed to develop for her in his brief visit, but just because he hated having to leave knowing she'd be all alone.
"I can't stay. I have people waiting for me at home."
She stepped away from the rift with tears in her eyes, and he couldn't blame her. As amazingly beautiful as this world was, it was clearly very hostile, and living in it by herself would never get any easier. Suddenly, Marcus found himself wishing that his seed would take, so she'd at least have someone to love.
He walked up to her and hugged her close, feeling her tremble as she fought the sorrow. Then he kissed her one more time before letting her go, and she gifted him a soft smile as he backed away.
Just as before, there was nothing to indicate the shift between worlds. It just happened. In less than a blink of an eye, the luminescent world was gone and he was back in his own, which abruptly felt too bright and too barren. So flat and tasteless against his senses.
There was no one there. No team of scientists from the Heroics organisation, so no one else had opened the rift for him from this end. A quick glance at his watch showed that to him, thirteen hours had passed, which should've been enough time for someone to miss him.
"HQ, can you hear me?" he called over the comms, and got an immediate response.
"Loud and clear, Moreno. Did you find the anomaly?"
"Yeah... Just one question. What time is it now?"
"Time? It's 11:43. Why do you ask? You hungry for lunch?"
He'd stepped into the rift at 11:29. Only minutes had passed in this world while he was in the other.
"No. I'm not hungry," he answered the technician, feeling guilty even thinking about food when Halo was probably still starving in there.
"So, dad, did you have any romantic adventures for Valentine's Day?" Missy surprised him by asking after he'd gotten home later that day and they were preparing dinner together.
"Today is Valentine's Day?" he questioned, wondering when exactly he'd stopped celebrating his late wife on this day.
His daughter just nodded in that superior way she did whenever she got to outsmart him about anything.
"Oh. Well, then I guess I did," he cryptically replied, and her eyebrows predictably hit the roof.
She was bringing vegetables to the kitchen counter where he was chopping them up, and she stopped in the middle of the floor and gaped at him, while he just smiled and winked at her.
"You went on a date and you didn't tell me?!" she dramatically argued, but he just kept smiling.
"Not a date, no. But you might have a sibling in an alternate reality now."
"What alternate reality? When did you go to an alt-..."
Marcus just waited patiently for her to work out the details, and when she did, her expression was priceless.
"Wait... I have a... That means you... Oh, GROSS, dad!!"
"Of course, that's the part you get hung up on. Not the half-sister or brother you might have."
"Why would I get hung up on that?" she calmly pondered, and then her father was the one standing with his mouth hanging open in shock.
"You-... You wouldn't mind having a bigger family?"
"Duh. More people to love is never a bad thing, isn't that what you always say?" she countered, and he didn't have any response to that beyond just grinning happily at her.
Because for the first time since losing her mother, he suddenly realized he wouldn't mind a bigger family either.
"Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart."
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Author's Note: I just wanted to write something for Valentine's Day, and this is what came to me when I looked through my image folders. Unfortunately, I'm a day late, but I forgive myself.
Hope you enjoyed it! And thank you for reading :)
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sirowsky-stories · 7 months
All Hallows Quarrel
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Sirowsky's 600 & 700 Followers Celebration
Submitted by @spishsstuff Prompt #2: What's with all the candles? Prompt #12: How did you do that? Prompt #20: Can we just go home and have sex now? Character: Marcus Moreno
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Warnings: Marcus Moreno x Female Reader. Reader has a strained relationship with her mother. Can be read as canon, in which case the ending is both happy and kinda sad, if you've seen the movie. Word Count: 825 Masterlist of the Celebration Sirowsky's Main Masterlist
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   “Uh… honey?” Marcus called out as he stepped through the front door of your shared home.
   “Yeah?” you called back from further into the house.
   “What’s with all the candles? Are we celebrating something?” he asked while taking off his shoes and hanging up his leather jacket, both of which were sounds you knew by heart.
   “It’s called All Hallows Eve. Heard of it?” you teased as you walked into the kitchen, meeting him coming from the opposite direction.
   “That’s today?”
   “Wow. You’re amazing, you know that? No one I’ve ever met is as unbothered by the passing of time as you are, my darling.    Seasons, holidays, birthdays, it all just passes you by.”
   “Hey, I have never missed your birthday, or an anniversary,” he hurriedly countered, making you snicker.
   “I’m talking about your own birthdays, Mo.”
   “Oh. Yeah, I do tend to miss those.”
   You just smiled and kissed him to welcome him home and he snagged you into one of his signature tight hugs before letting you go.    But as he pulled back, there was a confused crease to his forehead once more.
   “Why are you dressed to go out?” he noted, realizing that you were wearing a bra, which you never did at home unless you knew that you’d be leaving the house again soon.
   “Ah, yes. Help me put all the candles out, will you. I was a bit premature in lighting them, it seems, because we have to go to my mother’s house for dinner. She’s already called me like six times.”
   He chuckled at that, before heading to the bedroom to change out of his dress-shirt and into a nice Henley.    Marcus loved the relationship you had with your mother, because it was a very Italian one. You’d argue as though you were bitter enemies at times, but even so, you never parted ways without hugging or telling each other how much you loved one another.    And she always doted on her one and only son-in-law.
   When he walked back into the kitchen, you’d moved to the adjoining living room and started putting candles out, but then all the little flames suddenly went out at once, without so much as a breath having moved through the house.    Confused, you looked around and saw your husband grin knowingly where he stood, leisurely leaning against the kitchen island with his hands in his pockets.
   “How did you do that?” you asked, more than mildly impressed, because even after five years of knowing this man and two years of being married to him, he still managed to surprise you.
   “Trade secret,” was all he offered in response, so you huffed at him and then went to put your shoes on.
   “Some day you’d better tell me all these little trade secrets of yours, Mr. Moreno.”
   “When we’re grey and old, cariño. How else am I gonna keep you interested for another fifty years?” he joked while pulling his jacket back on.
   As always, your mother made a big deal of everything. That you were late, that you were casually dressed for what she considered a big occasion, that you hadn’t brought her any gifts, all of which you ignored since she hadn’t alerted you to the fact that you were expected to attend this dinner, until just over an hour earlier.    You did actually get through the meal without getting into any heated arguments, though.
   It wasn’t until she started once again nagging on you for not having a “real” job, that you couldn’t keep your mouth shut anymore.    Sure, you worked mostly from home, but it was very much a real job, and it paid much better than anything she’d ever worked with.    There was something about this need of hers to always make you feel small and unaccomplished that just got to you, sending you into a rage in no time flat.
   Marcus never tried to diffuse the situation; he knew better than to get involved. So instead, he just waited until your mother became riled up enough to leave the room, and then he got up and pulled you to your feet, wrapping his arms around you and somehow just squeezing the anger out of you.
   “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had my fill of All Hallows Eve, I think. Can we just go home and have sex now?” he asked, entirely serious, which made it both comical and comforting.
   “Yeah. This Eve done lost her Hallows,” you answered, keeping to the light tone of the moment, which your mother then managed to ruin.
   “Yes, go home and make babies!” she shouted from the kitchen, and you were just too done with her right then to go off on her again.
   “Love you, mom,” was all you replied, and then you and Marcus left, thankfully managing to restore your happy mood from before once you were alone between your sheets.
   And nine months later, Missy was born.
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Thank you, Tish! You always manage to give me fun challenges for these celebrations. I hope you enjoyed it :)
@pedrostories @harriedandharassed
25 notes · View notes
morallyinept · 4 months
Heyday Hero - A Valentine's Story - Mature!Marcus Moreno
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This is a story set in the Heyday Hero Universe. You might wanna read that one first if you haven't already.
Summary: Marcus pulls out all the stops to make your first Valentine's Day together really super!
Pairing: Mature!Marcus Moreno x Mature/CurvyF!Reader (No name of reader. It’s you, bub. However Reader is of a similar age to Marcus, who I have made 52 in this story, and Reader is more on the curvier side in body type. Otherwise a blank slate. Images for aesthetic, no reference to Reader.)
Word Count: 7.2k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I’m doing well, and then, you try to kill me.”
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/Triggers: Both Marcus & Reader have REAL bodies, and very real middle age spread/coming to terms with ageing & feeling obsolete.
Explicit: Established relationship/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/oral M & F receiving/fingering - Marcus has superpower hands⚡️/lots of kissing/schmaltzy romance/Marcus doesn't fuck, he makes love/all the flowers and pancake mush you can swallow/Marcus being the perfect, romantic fool
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Happy Valentine's Day, lovelies! 🥰 I just had to revisit these two love birds on this heart day. Love you all so much! 😘
HEYDAY HERO <- Main Story
Enjoy! 🖤
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The early morning Austin sun casts a warm glow over Marcus's garden as he ambles among the clusters of vibrant blooms swaying gently in the Texan breeze. 
Clipping blush peonies with thoughtful precision, his mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Missy and you; the two women in his life showering him with more love in abundance than he could ever wish for. 
Fragrant petals whisper to him in the gentle flurry, carrying the promise of a special day he’s woken up to. A day that, for so long, had seemed so mundane - another day ending in a Y. So pointlessly lonely. Just ordinary in his solace without a partner to share the topical mushiness with, even if it was rife with capitalist sentiment sponsored by the fat cats at Hallmark. 
Lost in contemplation as he prunes and snips at stems, Marcus's thoughts are a blend of affection and giddy anticipation, and he can’t wait to see his daughter smile as she inhales in the perfumed fragrance of the florals he’s chosen just for her.
Despite the lack of a romantic partner since the passing of his wife and Missy's mother, his Valentine’s Days since were about showering Missy with love and appreciation, something that she initially resisted, stomping into her unruly teens and it being branded “uncool” to spend time with her father fussing over her as she was reaching maturity.
But he still upheld that tradition nonetheless.
Now a headstrong woman in her thirties, she could appreciate that effort and often sought it out willingly as she would snuggle in closer to him when watching a movie together after a hard day of fighting the world’s enemies and threats, and he would smile as she fell asleep snoring into the soft cotton of his t-shirt, and subsequently leaving a patch of drool on it.
But as much as the superhero father-daughter duo loved one another, Marcus missed the companionship of a partner he could shower with hopelessly romantic sentiment and love of a more intimate kind.
That was until he met you.  
Over the course of the last six months, yours and Marcus’s relationship has bloomed and flourished, much like his garden, evolving into a softly hedonistic timeline woven with shared experiences, laughter, and genuine affection. 
Despite the exciting journey you’re both on, you both carry unspoken anxieties that occasionally cast shadows on the picturesque canvas of your budding romance.
Your dates were a delightfully regular mix of adventures - whether exploring museums, cozying up at home with a homemade dinner and a classic movie, or exploring the wonderland of nature.
And Marcus still can’t get your first meeting out of his mind. The date that solidified it all for him.
He was mesmerised by you, and still is, fearing some days he’ll wake up and realise it’s all been some wondrous dream where he subconsciously created and crafted you from the moulds of his inert loneliness. 
He glances over to the sun loungers by the pool, and his cock pulls tight in his jeans, remembering the two of you sat in one together, listening to your words as you read from your book to him, only a few days ago as the sun set into a fiery orange sky.
He can smell the scent of your skin again now as the tepid heat warmed it as he had you in his arms, basking in the dying rays as he buried himself inside of you from behind. His nose running tracks against the back of your neck as his fingers drew circles on your clit, bringing you to soaring heights without ever leaving the ground.
With the book discarded to the patio, his big hands were resting and stroking on the crinkles of your tummy skin as he whispered how beautiful you are, nipping on your earlobe as the sky blushed above you, an expansive voyeur to your lovemaking.
The gentle, yet enthusiastic, pace of your relationship allows you to savour each moment, creating a foundation of tentative understanding and trust. Yet, as the seasons change, the passage of time invokes subtle insecurities that bleed in uninvited.
It’s human nature, he supposes. Marcus, a retired superhero, whose body had once effortlessly defied gravity, now finds himself grappling with the harsh realities of ageing. The occasional ache and stiffness serve as reminders of the physical toll his heroic past has taken on him.
You, too, are confronted with your own insecurities when you stand in front of the mirror, naked after a shower, and notice things aren't as supple or as perky as they used to be. The mirage of eternal youth begins to dissipate, sands falling in the glass, replaced by the acknowledgement of lines that trace the stories of your laughter, and the gradual changes of a sinking gravity that comes with the eventual movement of time.
As the months towards his retirement from the Heroics had unfolded, Marcus began to notice the subtle changes in his body - the creaky echoes of years spent in the pursuit of justice. The once effortless movements that defined his superhero heydays were now accompanied by a quiet reminder of the toll taken on his physical form. 
Morning stiffness became a familiar companion as Marcus greeted the dawn - a stiffness of a different, less exciting kind.
The pops in his joints were like a cacophony of irritating reminders, a natural clicking chorus that played out, despite him being an unwilling conductor, as he rose from his bed. Aches manifested in areas that once bore the brunt of intense physical exertion.
His shoulders, which had once easily carried the weight of the world, now bore the imprints of past struggles. Welted, faded scars of times when he came close to exchanging his life so others could live, adorned him. White, little lines of jagged lightning against the golden skin that you would run your fingers or tongue over, bringing about a sensual healing in the layers of his marred epidermis with your explorative and worshipping ministrations.  
On some days, Marcus found himself pausing to stretch, a conscious effort to ease the tightness that settled into his muscles. The warm-up routine, once a prelude to high-flying acrobatic adventures, now became a ritual to navigate the nuances of a body shaped by years of gritty heroism.
Yet, despite the stark, physical reminders of ageing, Marcus approached each day with resilience and a quiet acceptance. The aches were not signals of defeat but rather markers of a life well-lived, a testament to the now grey hero who had faced challenges head-on and emerged with stories of grandeur etched into the fabric of his being. 
Observant and empathetic, you stood by Marcus's side as he navigated these physical aches and pains on the mornings you woke up together.
Your gentle massages and understanding glances spoke volumes, creating a space where the vulnerabilities of ageing became threads that wove you both closer together. 
He thinks back to the way your hands glide over his body and soon distract him from the aches to another ache weighing heavy between his legs. The more pleasant vareity of morning stiffness.
His ears are soon filled with your gasps and moans as he zones out under the morning sun, thinking back to mornings waking with you wrapped around him as he slipped inside you and worked you both out. 
In that tranquil corner of the garden, surrounded by the coveted peace of nature, Marcus confronts the uncertainties, but the happiness he feels quells any of that self-doubt in an instance. 
The kitchen, the epicentre of Marcus’s world now, soon becomes a hub of activity as Marcus sets about creating a special morning feast on the day of San Valentín.
The aroma of homemade pancakes fills the air, mingling with the scents of freshly brewed coffee and tarte fruity berries. The vase of peonies adorns the table, adding a touch of colour to the special breakfast spread he’s prepared all morning with love and care.
As Missy enters the kitchen, hair damp and bedraggled, the mild surprise melting away the sleep in her battered eyes, Marcus can't help but beam.
"Happy Valentine's Day, kiddo," he says, presenting her with the hand-cut bouquet.
Missy's eyes light up with unbridled joy as she accepts the vase of flowers with a kiss on the side of his fuzzy face. "Dad, these are beautiful. Thank you."
“Only the best for my muñeca. Sit, I made you some breakfast.” (Doll.)
“You’re not having breakfast with your lovely lady?”
“We’re spending the rest of the day together. I've made plans.” His eyes light up as he says it, pouring out hot coffee.
"Sneaky." Missy smirks.
“This morning is just for you and me.”
“Makes a change not to see you two half-naked and draped all over each other. You know, these walls are paper thin.”
“Shut up.” Marcus says, evidently blushing. 
“I ought to file a complaint, I’m sure it violates some building code… loud noises.”
“Or you could just stay at your place?” He suggests with a grin.
“Pffft. That’ll never happen.”
In the days leading up to Missy and you meeting for the first time - which was inevitable really considering how often your paths had almost crossed with Missy using her key at any God given time of day - Marcus hadn’t been able to shake a lingering sense of angst. He found himself caught in the crossroads of two important relationships intermingling in his life, and the fear of you both not getting along tugged at the edges of his erratic thoughts. 
As he’d prepared the house for your official get-together, Marcus couldn't help but second guess his decision. What if you didn't hit it off? The worry gnawed at him, the uncertainty of your connection becoming a lead weight on his broad shoulders and making him feel somewhat nauseous at the prospect of facing a choice.
He tried to distract himself with preparations, arranging a small dinner, which soon became over the top due to the stress-cooking that ensued, and ensuring the atmosphere was comfortable. 
But every now and then, a wave of anxiety washed over him despite Missy reminding him that he was worrying over nothing. 
If she makes you this goofy, Dad, then I already love her… Missy'd remarked as he clattered about clumsily with pans. 
When the hour finally arrived, Marcus did his best to hide his apprehension despite his squally gut. As Missy and you exchanged greetings, he observed your interactions with a hopeful, yet anxious, heart.
The initial moments were filled with small talk, and Marcus found himself holding his breath, waiting for a sign that you were connecting, and shucking in deep breaths of oxygen when you subtly reminded him to breathe, observing him turn a shade of purple and giving his thigh a reassuring squeeze.
Of course, Marcus needn't have worried - Missy and you got on like a house on fire.
Laughter began to flow naturally, and conversations unfolded effortlessly. The tension in Marcus's shoulders eased as he witnessed his daughter and new partner finding common ground, especially in teasing him, it appeared.
Marcus smirks as he places a plate under Missy’s nose. 
“Heart-shaped, chocolate chip pancakes? You trying to woo me, Dad?”
“Just showing the love for my amazing daughter.” 
“Why, what are you after?” Smiling, she pours the raspberry syrup over the stack.
“Nothing. Just want you to know how special you are to me is all.” He mumbles quietly with pink cheeks frazzling under his thick rimmed specs.
"Your love is causing me to gain five pounds." She muses.
“What’s that?” He asks, nodding over to the skin on her shoulder now revealed as she ties back her hair.
She glances down at the rather large and angry bruise and back at her father’s concerned eyes. 
“I can handle it, Dad.” She reminds him as he visibly tenses. 
“I know. But I’m always going to worry. Even if you are a Moreno badass.” 
She laughs and then sighs, pulling her cardigan on and covering up the bruise. “Comes with the territory, right?"
He nods, sadly. "It does."
Missy picks up her fork to dig in and then hesitates. "Did you... did you ever have those days when you thought about throwing in the towel?”
Marcus nods again. “All the time.”
As Marcus reminisces about his past, memories of battles lost and wounds endured flood his mind like unwelcome guests crashing a solemn reunion. There were moments etched in his memory with the vividness of fresh lacerations - times when victory had slipped through his fingers like sand, leaving behind scars that ran deeper than mere flesh and bone.
“How did you keep going? How did you… find the strength?” She sighs and Marcus can only helplessly observe the features of her own face, young, but carrying that weight of the world is starting to age her quicker than he would like.
He remembers the deafening roar of explosions echoing in the night as he fought valiantly against insurmountable odds, only to find himself battered and broken, his spirit and pride bruised more than his body.
There were battles where the enemy's strength seemed limitless, where every blow landed with the force of a freight train, threatening to crush his resolve beneath its weight.
In the aftermath of defeat, Marcus found himself questioning everything he had once believed in. The wounds he bore were not just physical; they were a reflection of the doubts and insecurities that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.
He considered putting away his katanas many, many times, walking away from the life of a hero and leaving behind the chaos and destruction that seemed to follow in his wake.
But even in the darkest moments of despair, a flicker of hope remained - a stubborn ember that refused to be extinguished. It was the memory of those he had sworn to protect, the faces of innocence that haunted his dreams and whispered words of encouragement in the depths of his despair mid-fight.
Marcus leans over the counter on his arms and pinches a raspberry from Missy’s plate. 
“For you. I wanted to make the world a better place for you to grow up in. Safe.”
Missy smiles like a dim bulb about to burn out as she eats. “You did a pretty good job of that, Dad. I've had some big shoes to fill.”
He smiles, running his tongue around the raspberry pips now lodged in his teeth. 
“You’re doing great, kiddo.”
He reaches for another raspberry and she bats his hand away as he chuckles. 
“You know, you’re the only man who's ever gotten me flowers…” She says a few minutes later, eyeing the fluffy heads with a slight dip on her face, and Marcus can’t help but furrow his brow in unison.
Missy looks up at her father with twinkly eyes that mirror the melting chips in the pancakes. “I love you. You know that, right?” 
“Te quiero mucho, mucho.” (I love you very, very much.) He nods as they eat together. 
“I should get going-” Missy states after she finishes her plate, which only seems to be after a few hefty shovels.
“No, stay.”
“As much as I love being a third wheel, it’s Valentine’s Day.” She reminds him. 
“Hey.” Marcus takes her elbow gently. “You know this is your home, you're always welcome here, no matter what. I always want you here.”
“I know. But you guys should do the whole love thing today. Alone.” 
“What about you?” He asks, concerned at the thought of Missy sitting alone in her apartment on the most love-filled day of the year. 
“I’ll be fine.” She assures with a tight smile. “Might see if Miss Starlight or Renegade wanna hang. We can all be lonely and miserable together.” She snorts. 
A thoughtful pause follows before Marcus tentatively broaches the idea. "Have you ever thought about giving online dating a try? You know, like the dating app profile you made for me? I hear it’s all the rage these days."
Missy raises an eyebrow, a playful grin forming on her face, "Dad, are you suggesting I join the world of swipes and emojis? Because that ship has long sailed. I’m knee deep in dilfs on the regular." She grins.
Marcus chuckles nervously, "I have no idea what any of that means.”
“Probably best.”
“Well, I mean, it's one way to meet people. You might find someone who appreciates your eloquent wit and charm."
“Don’t forget the potty mouth.”
“That too,” he smiles. “I know what it’s like. Being the world’s hero leaves you somewhat… lonely. I don't want that for you.”
Missy nods contemplating. “I’ve been giving it some thought.”
“Yeah, you two seem really happy together. I guess I miss having that sometimes.”
Marcus, feigning surprise, replies, "Really? Well, I guess you can thank your old man for staying on top of the trends and leading by example."
Missy rolls her eyes playfully, "Oh, I will, Dad. You're my dating app guru now."
“Hardly.” He scoffs.
“This is true, you lucked out on round one. You didn’t get to kiss any gnarly toads or do the walk of shame.”
“The walk of shame?”
“I'll tell you about it when you’re older some day,” Missy quips with a grin. 
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There’s always a subtle restlessness, a physical awareness that manifests in the anticipation of your next meeting.
The memory of your kiss lingers on his lips, he can still taste you long after you're gone, and the mere thought of your touch again sparks a warmth that courses through his veins, burning him up from the inside.
His body has changed so much, and yet you make Marcus feel like he’s young and nubile again when the butterflies begin to flap around, and that tingle surges deliciously down the length of his cock.  
With a sense of heady excitement and a touch of mystery, Marcus decided to plan a special surprise for you for Valentine’s Day.
One that he hopes you won’t forget in a hurry. 
He arrives at your place, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, and the breath torn from his lungs as he beholds you opening the door with that gorgeous smile just for him. 
Every time he has the chance to see you again, whether for a planned date or an unexpected visit, Marcus feels a powerful surge run through him, making his fingers crackle with a pulsing intensity that makes them buzz almost uncontrollably. He doesn't bother shaking the feeling away anymore, instead he revels in it.
The moments leading up to your regular reunions are filled with a blend of eagerness and a touch of nervous anticipation, as if each meeting holds the promise of uncovering something new and extraordinary.
In those stolen glances and shared moments, Marcus discovers that missing someone can be a beautiful ache, a testament to the depth of his feelings for you, absent hearts and all that spiel. 
An ache that is soon satiated when you open the door and smile at him like he’s the only man in the world. 
His lips find yours almost instantly as you grasp onto his broad shoulders in the doorway, the pair of you almost toppling through in your desperate haste. The soft groans that escape him makes your blood throb inside your veins.
His tongue slips into the comforting home of your mouth, and you feel it over every nerve ending in your body, tingly and visceral. And not just from his crackly fingertips.
“Hey you,” you eventually manage to sigh into his plush mouth, feeling the silk of his greying beard smoothing against your cheeks. 
“Hey, mi Dulzura…” (Hey, my Sweetness) he murmurs dreamily as he plants delicate kisses along your jawline and inhales the scent of your perfume. It’s the vanilla and jasmine one he likes so much when he can smell it lingering on his pillows. 
He’s all hands and enthusiastic smooches the moment he sees you. Unable to abnegate himself away from the basic needs of touch and affection that you give back to him in equal abundance.
You can't get enough of one another. 
You feel his large hands squeeze your hips gently, and your body flares as he pulls you in closer to him, crushed right up against his stacked, warm chest as he kisses you more with a heated groan. 
Reluctantly pulling away he suggests, "How about we go on a little adventure today? I've got something special planned."
“You spoil me, Mr Moreno.” You cluck, running your hands over the soft leather jacket adorning his arms. 
“Always,” he confirms with a grin. “You look great, so beautiful,” he says, eyeing your tight jeans and pretty floral shirt combo. 
“As do you, you scrub up well.” You marvel at the jeans, leather jacket and green t-shirt he’s casually adorned in, pulling tight in all the right places. You stroke over the soft swell of his tummy as you lean in for another kiss.
He pulls something silken out of his pocket and you glance at it with raised eyebrows. “May I?”
“Kinky shenanigans planned on my doorstep?” You query as you allow him to blindfold you. “The neighbours will love that…” You giggle.
“Even better,” he whispers into your ear salaciously. 
“You hound.” You swipe out playfully to him, but miss when you can’t see anything at all now.
“Woof.” He growls, pausing to nip on your lobe and revelling in your desperate whine in response.
After a short drive through town, Marcus finally pulls up. "Trust me, you're going to love this," he assures as he guides you out of the car.
He carefully leads you along a path, each step heightening the sense of anticipation. As you walk blindly, his arm around your waist, and your hand holding tightly onto his other, you can feel his own sense of excitement as it buzzes into your skin with those pleasant tingles and crackles.
“Just a little further.” He assures as he pushes open a door and you step through to inhale a moistness in the air; a balmy heat that’s different from the outside that settles into your pores. 
“Where are we?” You question with a jaunty, excitable tinkle. For a moment, the smell reminds you of a swimming pool.
“Just wait…” You can hear him grinning. 
When you reach your destination, Marcus removes the blindfold, unveiling the breathtaking scene of the Austin botanical garden before you.
The vibrant colours, the fragrant blossoms, and the serene atmosphere creates a picturesque display that leaves you in absolute awe.
You’re surrounded by flowers in abundance, the scent of them driving you wild as they all scramble to make you smell their perfumes first. You’re even more stunned to find it all completely empty.
"Welcome to the botanical garden.” Marcus says, tucking the blindfold into his leather jacket pocket. “It’s one of my favourite places.” 
“Wow!” You smile, turning a full three-sixty as you take it all in. “You know, I’ve always been meaning to come here. I don’t know why I haven’t before…”
“I thought we could spend the day here," Marcus announces with a grin. “Look,” he points over to a small set up of a picnic on a grassy area under an intricate arch of purple orchids in the shape of a heart.
“Looks like a giant purple heart emoji.” You smile at him. 
He nods, eyebrows wiggling above his specs.
“You really know how to romance a girl,” you smile, stroking under his chin. 
“I booked this place out just for us.” His hands slide down your lower back pulling you into him. “We’re completely alone…”
“Yeah. We have the whole day here, if we want.”
“I want. Very much.” You nod and pull him forward by his lapels for a deep kiss. 
“I don’t know what to say,” you smile, cupping his cheeks and gliding your nose over his. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, mi Dulzura. Feliz Día del Corazón.” (My Sweetness. Happy Heart Day.)
He kisses you, gently nipping onto your lips as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck. 
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The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers as you stroll together along lush pathways, surrounded by an array of captivating plant life.
The Orchid Pavilion, the base for your picnic, is adorned with hanging baskets of intricate orchids, showcasing a kaleidoscope of colours - from delicate pastels to vibrant hues. 
After eating together, an array of home baked, sweet treats Marcus had prepared himself, you wander through a section adorned with curtains of exotic orchids, and Marcus can't contain his enthusiasm as he takes on the role of your personal tour guide.
A role he takes very seriously, much to your amusement. 
"Did you know orchids have a fascinating way of attracting pollinators? Some mimic the appearance and scent of certain insects to lure them in. It's nature's way of flirting, I suppose." He rambles excitedly.
You chuckle, finding Marcus's nerdy fascination endearing. "Flirting through flowers, who would've thought? Tell me more, Mr. Botanist."
You continue your fascinating journey, hand in hand, and Marcus points out a cluster of carnivorous plants. 
"These are pitcher plants. They have specialised leaves that form a pitcher-like structure to trap insects. It's like having a tiny garden predator."
“Have you got these in your garden?” You query, peering into their tube-like structures, like tiny trumpets in the grasses. He has so many of his own plants it's hard to remember them all.
“No. I do have a Venus Fly Trap though. She’s very bitey.” He nips on your neck making you yelp as he walks you forward. 
“Ah. Audrey II, of course.” You smirk. 
“Of course.” He muses. 
As you reach a serene pond surrounded by water lilies, Marcus shares another tidbit. 
"Water lilies close their flowers at night and reopen in the morning, and they…. what?” He stops to look at you quizzically, noting the expression spreading over your face. “W-why are you looking at me like that?”
You shake your head smiling, all teeth bared at him. “You're so sexy when you geek out.”
He blushes beet red and smirks. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until we get to the cacti garden. I will be insufferable.”
"Hot." You chuckle.
You meander through a section dedicated to succulents and cacti, where the desert's resilience takes centre stage. The ground is adorned with various prickly shapes and sizes, from the elegant arms of Saguaro cacti to the whimsical arrangements of succulents that seem to defy gravity as their spiky tendrils reach towards the sky. 
The sun bathes this arid landscape in a warm glow through the high glass ceilings, casting shadows that play on the pebbly, sandy ground like a dance of desert spirits conjured by mystical forces.
“You were right, it’s pretty awesome.” You say. 
“Not as awesome as you,” he whispers, kissing you again. 
A serpentine path leads you to the Aquatic Garden, where more water lilies float gracefully on the surface of a tranquil pond. Golden Koi Carp glide beneath the water, adding a splash of movement as you both sit by it chatting. 
The reflections of the surrounding greenery dance on the water, creating a mirror-like effect that seems to amplify the selection of plant species all around you. You dip your fingers into the pool, the fish swimming curiously around at a safe distance, and Marcus watches with a smile that makes his cheeks ache. 
“You like butterflies?” He asks you. 
You nod, smiling as he takes your hand and leads you to the Butterfly Conservatory, a whimsical space alive with fluttering colours of Black Swallowtails, Red Admirals and Cloudless Sulphurs.
Thousands of butterflies dance around, their delicate wings creating a haze of hues that add an extra layer of enchantment to the garden that stuns you into silent giggles at such a place.
“I wish I could fly sometimes.” You smile as the butterflies flit around, some landing on your sleeves as you admire their delicacy with a splendid awe.
You bring your arm closer to your face, your nose wrinkling in delight as the tiny butterfly shows off its wings just for you. 
“Funny you should mention that.” Marcus teases.
You eye him carefully. “What do you mean?”
“I have something else planned for you today. If you’re up for it?”
“I’m always up for it.” You smirk.
“Come on.” He takes you by the hand once more and leads you towards a garden that’s outside and full of roses in every shade of pink and red that exists on the colour scale. 
“This is stunning,” you say, slowing down as you take them all in.
Akin to being lost in the Queen of Heart’s gardens, it takes you a few minutes of wandering back through the maze of rose bushes, interwoven with clusters of pale lavender hydrangeas, to find Marcus handling some belts and clips near a device you’ve never seen before. 
“Is that what I think it is?” You question with wide eyes as you notice the large contraption hovering just a few inches above the grass, whirring silently.
It has two large circular fans and belts that lead from it to Marcus’s waist as he clips himself securely into it.
“You wanna fly?” He queries and you nod enthusiastically, feeling a surge zap through you and your toes tingle in your shoes. 
You feel him navigate a similar belt around your waist, willingly holding your arms out. He runs his nose against your neck as he does it, and you hear him groan in satisfaction as he inhales.
“Mouth watering...” He murmurs as he kisses your skin and your feel it pulse in your core as you clench around nothing. 
You watch as he clips your belt into his and tugs against it.
“Are you ready?” Marcus asks you as you step closer to him.
“No.” You giggle.
“Do you trust me?” He questions with a serious face, thumb stroking down your cheek.
You nod looking into his deep, cocoa eyes. “With my life.”
Marcus smiles at that, wrapping his hands around your waist. “I’ve got you. You’re safe, okay?"
"Okay." You nod, smiling.
"You’re not afraid of heights, are you?
“Bit late to ask me that now,” you chuckle, and so does he. "Are you going to run me through the pre-flight safety checks?"
Marcus smirks. "Hold onto me. That's it."
"Well, shit." You cling onto him as the whirring starts to get faster, the blades of grass blown out into flat circles, and you can feel the belt cinch tighter around your waist as it lifts you both off the ground. 
“Oh my God!” You clutch onto him tighter and he chuckles softly. “This is really happening!”
“Let’s go see the city.” Marcus smiles, placing a kiss on your head. 
Once a soft breeze, the wind grows more ferocious around you, your body becoming free from the reassuring surface of the world.
The wonder in your eyes grows to questionable proportions, and you’re soon completely bewildered at the fact that you're really flying.
He tips forward in a smooth motion so you’re both lying horizontal in the air when the device reaches the desired altitude.
“You ready?”
You nod eagerly as he propels forward with a simple push of his upper body, steering, as you both zoom off towards the Austin city skyline, your giggly gasps ringing in his ears.
Your eyes meet his in wonder as you grip onto him tightly. “Marcus! We’re flying!”
You feel like you’re shouting over the wind whipping against you, eyes wide and gleaming at the sight of the city approaching in a block chart of colour and twinkles of lights. 
It feels colder, but being crushed against his body keeps you warm enough. You’re too exhilarated to feel any change in body temperature. 
You brave yourself to look at the sky above sinking into an inky twilight of orange and cerise hues as the sun sets. 
“Welcome to my world,” Marcus says, nuzzling into you.
You feel his grip lessen and glance at him with alarm, but the look in his eyes convinces you he’s not going to let you fall.
He simply reaches for your hand with one of his, and you drop subtly beneath him, the belt keeping you close as he takes your other hand and you’re spread out beneath, back against his chest, arms wide as they can go as he holds them out parallel with his.
“Oh shit!” You gasp as he flies you both faster, curving and twisting around the breadth of the skyscrapers; your giddy reflection in the mirrors of the glass windows ara a blur as you pass. 
You don’t notice when he lets go of your hands, his arms around your waist instead as your own arms stay out in front of you as you rip through the air. 
“Better than the butterflies?” You hear him call.
“So much better than the butterflies!” You laugh, almost hysterically, as he loops back towards the botanical garden, after a few more laps around the city. 
As soon as you’re back on the ground in the rose garden, a wave of adrenaline surges through you, and you lunge at him with shaky limbs, almost knocking him off balance.
A melody of gasps and breathy pants puff out of your mouths as you kiss frantically through tinctured groans. The whimper in the back of his throat conveying more than words ever need to about his desire for you in this moment. 
Marcus unclips the belts, yanking them off of the both of you with a fumbling fervour, glued at the mouth with you. Clumsy kisses, teeth clashing against one anothers in your mutual haste, as you push his leather jacket down over his shoulders and his fingers eagerly untuck your shirt from your jeans. 
“That was incredible,” you gasp into his mouth, unzipping his jeans. 
“You’re incredible,” he groans as you take his swollen cock in your hand, squeezing and stroking gently as you lavish kisses over his bronzed neck. 
“Oh God,” Marcus moans.
Subtle flicks of your tongue leave him gasping, his hands running through your windswept hair as you make tracks over his chest littered with sparse, greying hairs as you both tumble to the grass and push his t-shirt up further. 
Tasting all the way down his sternum and lingering over the soft paunch of his tummy, a place you always nuzzle against, he glances down at you with a bashful smile.
Then a gentle nibble on his hips before your tongue wanders into the small, neatly trimmed thatch of hairs around the back of this thick, weeping cock. 
“Oh, please…” he whines biting down on his lip. 
You lick up from the base of him, your eyes transfixed on his as he gasps, watching you run up the full length of him to kiss the top of his leaking head gently. You stroke his thighs and he parts them further making room for you as you settle into making out with his cock. 
You’ve mastered the art of taking your time with him, enjoying the sounds that flutter out of his mouth as you take him deeper and deeper. Those unbridled whimpers as you suck fill your ears, and you swear you’ve never heard a more perfect sound escape him. 
It's when you take him all the way down is when he loses his calm, polite composure. 
“Fuck!” Marcus gasps, his head lolling back. “Mm, just like that…” 
You smirk to yourself as you feel fingers knotting in your hair and subtly tugging on it.
“Yeah… so fucking good. Oh my God… Yes.” He pants.
You let him have free reign over your body too, as he buries two fingers inside you and licks you to orgasm. His favourite place is between your legs, his second is a garden. When the two collide, it's even better.
“Marcus, please…” you pant, words tumbling from your mouth as your legs shake.
“Tell me, tell me what you want, mi Dulzura.”
“I want you inside me.”
“Right here?” You feel his buzzing fingers plunger deeper, stroking on that spot that makes your thighs shake harder as you feel the tingles ramp up. “You want me filling you up, hmm?” 
“Yeah.” You pant as he circles your clit. The heavy throb undeniable on it from the crackling in the tip of his thumb.
“That feel good?” He smirks.
You fist the grass, tearing blades from it that stick to your palms as you grasp his face, fingernails digging into his skull behind his ears as your exhale and puff into his face. 
“Oh my God, yes, Marcus!”
His glasses dig into your cheeks as you strain and wail, your breath fogging them up a little.
“Come for me. Come all over my fingers, come on.” He chants watching you, foreheads crushed together as he zaps and strokes harder inside you. 
“Come, mi Dulzura. ¡Dios mío, eres tan malditamente hermosa!” (My God, you're so damn beautiful!)
The Spanish whispers send you over the edge. “M-Marcus!” You cry out, squeezing around his fingers as your whole body shakes; tingles flooding all over and making you feel like you’re still flying, all the way up there in the pale lilac sky above you as your eyes roll back into it.
You feel him kissing over your neck, humming softly muffled words of praise and desire into your skin as your slick coats his fingers just like he wanted.
"So fucking perfect for me," Marcus croons.
“I need you.” You whisper. 
“God, I need you, too.”
His large, perfectly sculpted nose crushes into the side of your jaw as he fills you; your gasps and whines echoing around the rose garden as he slides into your utterly drenched pussy.
He loves how the stretch of you around his cock brings you to orgasm almost right away; a few gentle thrusts as you adjust to his thickness, and you’re shuddering for him, coating him in your slick before he plunders deeper with that gentle, rhythmic pounding.
He loves how you're completely insatiable for one another, despite the ravishes of age rendering your bones heavier, your paces slower.
Despite it all, you still embark on a journey of a healthy sexual appetite, even if you both have to navigate it with a little more preparedness sometimes; it still rocks your world.
He still has it, and so do you. 
“You feel so good,” You whisper to him as he nuzzles into your face. The wind of his hips into yours, hits you at the perfect angle, again and again. 
“We feel so good together,” he breathes with a smile. “Fuck, I can’t get enough of you. I don't think I’ll ever stop getting enough of you.” 
You kiss him again as he thrusts a little harder, a little faster. 
The vulnerabilities of being so exposed, so spread before him like this, revealing all the parts about yourself you’ve scrutinised scathingly in the mirror with abhorrence, fade away.
It’s all those wrinkled, stretched, sagged parts of you that he worships with his crackly fingers and tongue. He spends time appreciating them, fawning over them and lavishing them with the attention they so thoroughly deserve as he rolls with you so you’re on top now.
How you watch as your less-than-perky breasts tumble into his face as he pulls them out of your bra, but he licks and suckles at them as his cock notches against your hole and he groans out as you sit on him fully. Running his tongue around those stiff pebbles unabashed, sucking them into his mouth as you grind on him. 
“Come for me…” Marcus pants as he watches that dreamy glaze settle into your eyes as you ride him; that glittery feeling about ready to burst out of your pores as he pushes up with his hips to meet you. “Need to feel you soak me.” 
“Oh shit, I’m coming!” You shake on top of him, gasping. Head thrown back as you rock and grinning as you see stars explode across the sky above you. 
Yeah. Marcus Moreno has still got it.
“That’s it, like that. Fuck, I’m gonna come too! Fuck! Fuuuck!”
Marcus stiffens, his whole body tenses as his hips jerk, and he fills you up. Floods you until he's dripping warm and pearly out of you, all over his soft belly, as you lean upwards to kiss him some more.
Afterwards, as you both lay in the grass half dressed and satiated from the highs of flying and your lovemaking, Marcus reaches up above you both, plucking a single, red rose from the bush and hands it to you. 
You sniff the fragrant petals and smile at him with glittery eyes that wander over his face looking back at you. You run the rose head gently over his cheek and he smiles, and you think you've never seen anything more beautiful in your life.
The way he’s looking at you right now literally renders you mute and unable to breathe. 
But he's a tempest under that sweet smile.
He’s felt it for a while now, that tether between you becoming tighter, knotting into something unbreakable and deepening, but he finds himself grappling with a gnawing worry - one that whispers doubts in the quiet moments of contemplation.
He fears the weight of those three simple words that are on the cusp of his tongue: I love you. 
It wasn't that he doubted the sincerity of his emotions; rather, it was the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of how those words might alter the delicate balance of your relationship.
Is it too soon? Is it too much? Is it foolish at his age to even begin to allow himself the same giddy excitement he felt when he was much younger? Would uttering those words irrevocably change the dynamic between you, shifting the fragile equilibrium you had both carefully cultivated?
There's also the fear of rejection, of laying his heart bare only to have it met with silence or crippling hesitation. What if you might not feel the same way yet, or even at all? That his declaration of love might drive a wedge between you rather than bring you closer together causes a reaction within him that makes him physically tense.
“I can feel your heartbeat speeding up,” you say, regarding him quizzically with your hand already resting on his chest. Little fluttery pulses thrum under your fingertips.
Looking at you gazing up at him, a mixture of awe and concern, Marcus knows he has all he’s ever wanted and needed right here in his arms, and he can't deny the truth that simmers beneath the surface of his hesitations. 
He loves you with a fierceness that defies logic - defies gravity, even. A love that transcends the boundaries of time and space. And as he grapples with his fears, he knows deep down that the only way forward is to take a leap of faith, to trust in the strength of your forged connection that grows stronger between you every day. 
He decides he has to be bold. To be brave.
To be heroic. 
“I love you. I-I’m in love with you.” Marcus says softly, wrinkled almond eyes swimming with a mix of euphoria and worry. “Be my Valentine?”
You reach for him, stroking your fingers in the soft silk of his greying jawline. 
“También te quiero, Marcus.” You say, before he grazes his lips across yours. (I love you too, Marcus.)
“You learned some Spanish.” He whispers in awe, pulling his smile wide and eyes glistening behind the lenses of his specs.
“I figured I should. After all, I wanna understand all the special things you whisper in my ear.” 
“Sólo las cosas más especiales, y sucias, para ti, mi amor…” (Only the most special, and dirty, things for you, my love.)
“Yeah, I’m not fluent.” You chuckle as he kisses you, pulling you over fully onto his body where he crushes you against him. 
“Yet,” he smiles, as he sucks your bottom lip into this mouth for a deep kiss. 
“So, are we flying home, or…?” You ask.
“You’re an adrenaline junkie now,  hmm?” 
“What can I say, you’ve taken me to new heights, Mr Moreno. I might become addicted.”
“I already am.” Marcus says, nuzzling into you. 
“We should go soon, someone might find us?”
He shakes his head. “I told you, we have the whole place to ourselves, for a little while longer anyway. What do you want to do?”
You smile at him, devilishly.
“Make me fly again…” You whisper, as you feel his re-hardened cock dipping into your sticky folds. 
You push back as he slips fully inside you, hips bucking up to fill you full of him once more, and Marcus does exactly what you ask of him; he lets you fly. 
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Thank you so much for enjoying this story! I'd love to know your thoughts and would really appreciate a re-blog too so others can enjoy some Mature!Marcus Moreno. Isn't he just dreamy? Happy Valentine's Day! 🖤😘
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pedrostories · 1 year
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🎄🎁 PedroStories 2022 Secret Santa – Masterlist 🎁🎄
Thank you again for participating in PedroStories’ Secret Santa event! 💚
Special shoutout to our pinch hitters: @just-here-for-the-moment who jumped in later to help us out and @prolix-yuy & @psychedelic-ink for taking on two prompts! Thanks to you every giftee got their gifts in time! 🥰
Here you can find all the works published by the participants!
* - Mature/Explicit work
Pero Tovar
* A Fate so Cruel by @supernaturalgirl20​
* Binding Opposing Foes by @rise-my-angel​
Dieter Bravo
Dieter Bravo and the No Good, Very Bad, Awful Christmas Movie by @blueeyesatnight​
Joel Miller
* Make My Wish Come True by @oogaboogasphincter​​
Max Phillips
* Warmth by @simpingcowboy​
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Moreno x f!reader oneshot by @just-here-for-the-moment​
Marcus Pike
Where the Love Light Gleams by @the-blind-assassin-12​​
* A Future with You by @chaoticgeminate​
Javier Peña
Always Been You by @laureliciousdefinition​​
* Naughty List by @something-tofightfor​​
Silent Night by @queenofthefaceless​​
Oberyn Martell
* Winter Solstice at Winterfell by @autumnleaves1991-blog​
Simple Treasures by @prolix-yuy​
past and present loves by @mandaloresson​​
Jack Daniels
Over Ice by @haylzcyon​​
Whiskey, dark and deep by @prolix-yuy​​
lust for life – lana del rey by @agentwhiskeysgf​​
* Sweeter by @the-ginger-hedge-witch​​
Din Djarin
Flowers that Bloom in Winter by @psychedelic-ink​
An Impromptu Snow Day by @ghostofskywalker​
* Aay'han by @whiskeynwriting​​
* Sun & Moon by @taro-666​
Sweetie by @browneyes-issac​​
Simple Gifts by @writeforfandoms​
* Ner Cyar'ika Baar'ur by @misspearly1​
Revenant & * Expectations by @djarinmuse (@yourcoolauntie​)
* Magnetic Fields by @noisynaia​
* Acts of Service by @frannyzooey​
A Spell Of Winter by @meandorla​
* Stripping Away Our Armor by @flightlessangelwings​
Frankie Morales
* How about you and me by @artemiseamoon​​
* ‘tis the damn season by @psychedelic-ink​
* Speechless by @din-jarhead​
* A Pilot for Christmas by @alwaysbethewest​​
* The Beginning of the End by @miraclesabound​​
die for you in secret by @brewsterispunkk​
Near-miss by @pedrito-friskito​
Idle Hands by @pettyprocrastination​
Let It SQUALL by @grogusmum​​
* Let Me Take Care of It All by @floralpascal​​
* Run Through The Jungle by @intheorangebedroom​​
I Could Fall by @thot-of-khonshu​
​See you next year! 
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loslentesdepedrito · 5 months
Thanks to @fhatbhabie for tagging me! I had to ask for clarification because I'd never heard about the game before, and they so kindly provided me with the information.
Here are three (3) works I'd like to share. Some of these are included in my masterlist with the character's initials followed by a number, but I still don't have definitive titles for them. As always, this blog is for mature audiences, and the snippets may contain explicit content.
Title: Untitled. Character(s): Joel Miller. Marcus Moreno.  Summary: In a world filled with superheroes, Joel’s parents were once part of The Heroics, yet he never inherited any superpowers. Throughout his childhood, he felt like an outcast—a black sheep without love or acceptance—not even from his own family or Sarah’s mother. The only source of genuine love in his life is his daughter, Sarah.  You and Joel have a friends-with-benefits arrangement, and when you confess your love, he can’t accept it.
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Note: I need to revisit and revise this, as the descriptions of Sarah differ from the details in the show; they are solely derived from the game.
Title: Luz or La Loca  Character(s): Joel Miller. Summary: You've been enjoying a happy life alongside Joel and Ellie, your family. But imagine being offered the chance to undo the end of the world—to restore a world where the outbreak never happened. Would you take that opportunity? The catch is, it comes with the price of never crossing paths with Joel Miller or Ellie.
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Note: The reader does have a physical description, albeit vague, with brown skin and the nickname Luz, meaning light in Spanish. Due to this, I'm debating whether to transform the reader into a fully-fledged OC and eliminate every instance of the second-person point of view.
Regardless, edits are necessary as Maria and Sarah from the game have a distinct appearance from their counterparts in the show.
Title: Untitled  Character(s): Marcus Pike. Tim Rockford (formally Javier Peña).  Summary: After years of marriage with Marcus, he drops a bombshell: confessing to being unfaithful. Suddenly, your world is turned upside down. He's not just the father of your children and the man you thought was the love of your life; you've also sacrificed everything to support his career. Your entire existence has been devoted to raising your children, and your social circle is completely entwined with his. With no career of your own, a life with him is the only reality you've ever known.
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@mishasminion360, I loved your Max Philips piece and I'm wondering if you have anything else up your sleeve. No pressure if the answer is no!
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popcornforone · 7 months
A Marcus Moreno Fan Fic
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It’s been a while Marcus Moreno, it really has. I wanted to write him true to him being the man you deserve, & I also wanted to prove a point slightly. & I think I’ve got the tone of this just about right. But this hero is going to be just that to you.
Synopsis: As head of Marketing & PR, it’s your job to make sure all the heroics look good. You’ve asked Marcus as the leader of the heroics to come help promote the newest member of the team, but this photo shoot ends up being more than just a handful for you both.
Word count:4700
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! Abuse mental & physical to the female reader & lack of consent (not all men are like this but some vultures are) swearing, pinning, admiring flirting, kissing, PIV sex, sex at work, dirty talk, hero kink, friends colleague to sexual partners. Cum play talk & kinda cream pie.
Thanks as always for the read peoples. All feedback is welcome, on this or any of my fics. Enjoy.
You approach his office rather reluctantly, you know the second you walk through his door his face will drop. It’s taken you a good 3 years to realise it’s not actually you his face drops for, he likes you, you’ve been out for coffee, you’ve chatted, your girls are the same age & are friends at school, there may even been some flirting happening on your side to try & cheer him up a bit.You always try to make his day a little bit happier. So you know it’s not you, he enjoys your company.
But someone has to be the brand officer & head of marketing for the heroics. Someone has to. It’s your job & you’re good at it. 95 times out of 100 another heroic who loves the lime light & loves to show off that they are a hero can do this. But every now & then you need it to be Marcus. He loves a charity event or spending times with kids teaching them morals, he’s happy to do those but an advert or press, unless it’s a statement about saving the world, he’s less into. Today you need him though. There’s a new heroic & you need him to do a quick little speech & pose for the new post that’s being put up to advertise, Bill the Bulldozer.
Knock knock you sigh as you wait for him to say yes. You see him smile & then drop.
“& I thought Mondays couldn’t get any worse” Marcus sighs as he straightens his glasses.
“nice to see you too Marcus” you shut the door behind you. He’s actually in his heroic gear which means he must have been given the heads up for this or he’s about to go on a mission, swords still hanging from the wall. “I’m guessing you know why I’m here, I wish it was just a social call”. You slowly walk across to his desk, your tablet in hand ready to show him what needs to happen for the next hour.
“Our wonderful new Heroic, have you met him yet?” Marcus rolls his eyes, when he sees the posses the photographer has made him do already.
“No actually, I mean I’ve said hi & I’ve seen him in a training video that was put together, but nothing more than that” you smile as you a swipe your screen so Marcus can have a glimpse at what he has to say in a minute for his little speech when you take him to do this promotion. Marcus raises an eyebrow at one of the words proposed.
“Well whoever wrote this has recommended I say the word charming, they clearly have not met him yet, he needs to mature before he’s charming but then I don’t think he’ll even bother” Marcus shakes his head & downs his coffee removing his glasses & stands next to the mirror to put his contacts in.
“Why is that Marcus?” You can’t not stare at his peachy arse especially when it looks so tight in that super hero outfit.
“He’s in this for the wrong reasons, not saving the world or protecting people or being a hero” he tuts as he puts his first contact in, the first deep brown eye watering. “He is an Insta sweetheart & influencer, he will be here all of 3 years before he’s either a corporate sell out or gets bored. I’ve seen these types before” you nod in agreement when he turns around. You’ve not met him yet but you’re not going to argue with that leader of the heroics, especially as he’s just summoned his swords. You always blush when he does that in your presence. “After you miss” he says.
Marcus always walks a few steps behind you which you always think is protection from sword or a personal space issue, especially at work. But it’s none of those reasons especially today with Marcus. Your dress is backless, & halter neck & dark green, to go with your eyes. Your hair is black & sleek & in a bun with a trail so it goes down your left side. He can see the defined layers of your bare back, wondering how your boobs look so good from the front if nothings there to hold them in place. He can also see your butterfly’s tattoo that glides from your right hip to your left shoulder. It shows your growth & how you’ve grown into being yourself that took a while, the heroics are a big part of who you are, it’s more than just a job. He loves the way your hips move, the curve of your bum. He’s getting a show, something he always enjoys which isn’t always so well advertised. You can’t sense how intensely he looks at you each time you walk, but to anyone else walking the other way it’s obvious he has feelings for you.
The crew to make this advert & do the promos & photos all greet Marcus when he walks in the room. Being the leader of the heroics comes with respect. The only person currently not giving Marcus the correct amount of respect is the new Heroic. Bill is chatting the man from security, asking him if he’s free on Friday so he can show him what real power is. Marcus just waits for him to realise that everyone else has stopped or moved. Even the security guy who is being flirted with acknowledges Marcus & try’s to get Bill to do the same but he doesn’t. You can see Marcus getting frustrated at something he already hates doing, so you start to speak to save them both.
“This should be quick & painless, hopefully like all your missions people” you joke & Bill finally saunters around to see you both in the room while Marcus has some eyeliner added to his face. He’s still not acknowledged him or even nodded “as heroics we are a team be it fighting monsters & saving the world, to doing press we don’t have the patience for. We do it together & we do it for the greater good” there’s suddenly a hive of activity. This is basically your code for get this done, Marcus doesn’t have all day, which he doesn’t. You watch as everyone gets everything in place & Marcus gets ready to do a few small test photos first before doing the cheesy poses with Bill & then his little recording for the promo. You hear Marcus mumble & see him roll his eyes still not happy so you decide to go & talk to Bill, who’s now checking himself out in the tight Lycra in the mirror.
“Bill…” you start but then he interrupts before you even get to what you need to say at all.
“The Buldozer, that’s me, the greatest Heroic the world has ever seen” he tosses his flowing blonde locks which are shiny. You try not to roll your eyes, at his bad catchphrase that he just sang proudly, but it is so bad.
“Yes sir, so you’ve done other action parts for your promo for you being a new heroic &…”
“Did I look good?” He says suavely. Oh no you think, we do have a bad charmer on our hands, this is going to be an uncomfortable morning. “Because of the answer is no, I need to do it all again, everyone needs to see just how good I look” he’s flexing a bit now too, which is a huge turn off for you. You just continue your job of briefing him.
“…So we need Marcus to do a few poses & action shoots with you & then a few actual recorded bits & then we can edit them for the video” your trying to be professional but he is still trying to be an ultimate poser & he’s not doing it in the usual way. You leave him to his own little world & go & watch Marcus give his little speech to the camera about how in harmony the team are & this new member makes it an even bigger family. Even when dealing with an idiot who’s in the team, Marcus is the consummate professional. That’s why he’s leader of the heroics. Not that he ever needed to be for you, you have feelings for the man.
When the shoot is over & they have done their poses & promo video together, which took much longer than either you or Marcus hoped for due to Bills demands to watch the takes back several times, because there was a slight shadow on him at one point, you eventually sigh & go to take Marcus away so he can actually get in with his real job. Marcus is busy talking to an scientists who was looking for him, who’d come down to the shoot as it was running over, so you head over to Bill.
“Thank you Bill, that was all brilliant, you looked good in those promos. So what I was…”
“Good?!” He questions putting the mirror down, & turning to face you millimetres away from you. “The last time I looked good I was 10. Im dashing now at a minimum, I demand to redo my videos & photos.” Out the corner of your eye you see the photographer sigh & you are not having his demanding attitude, that’s not how the Heroics work.
“Well these are just for the youtube & Insta heroics account, just to tell people who you are & what to expect if they come across you as a super hero. This isn’t a Movie or HBO production where your an actor & paid thousands or…” he interrupts you again.
“How do I get paid?” He says bluntly a stern look on his face.
“I am not sure Bill you’d need to…”
“Well I know how I could be paid” he hoovers over you getting into your personal space. He stinks of cheap aftershave. The smirk is the same all of these type of men have. You are not here for that, & even if you were it wouldn’t be with him. “What’s the matter doll, am I too much a man for you to handle” his hand trails down your face & you step back. Marcus catches this moment out of the corner of his eye.
“Bill im flattered but you’re not the man for me I….”
“Then how about a quick shag in the locker room, I bet you moan at just my touch” he’s crossed the line & you can see Marcus trying to hurry up his conversation to come & intervene.
“Bill you’re not my type at all, please.”
“A woman who says no really means yes” Bill grabs your arm & pulls you close to him.
“Bill I said no…” but this doesn’t stop him from kissing you. Even if you had wanted to enjoy the kiss, it’s not a good one. You push aways from him & say loudly “let go of me”
“No one says no to me” he backhanded slaps you across the face & grabs you by the bun of your hair, yanking it. You try not to scream but noise from the shock escapes your mouth.
It then all happens so fast. Marcus is between you both screaming at him.
“The fuck do you think you’re playing at old-man” Bill shouts at Marcus.
“You need to apologise right now”Marcus demands. You’ve seen this look before, you can see the anger build up inside him at what Bill has just done to you.
“She was practically begging for it”
“No she wasn’t she said no, she did not consent”
“Well she will do one day, the cheap slut”
That’s all it takes, Marcus punches him, square in the nose, ironically taking the bulldozer down. Claret spill out of his nose.
“You bastard” he wipes his nose & leaps up to retaliate against Marcus but you step in between.
“Stop” you say. smack you feel the full affect of the super punch intended for Marcus. Your Jaw throbs, & you stumble backwards. You take the hit butter than the hero did a minute ago. Marcus then grabs him around his neck line of his super suit.
“The hell do you think you are playing at” it’s a loud screech Marcus lets out. His eyes are enraged that anyone would dare even be spiteful to you, let alone hit you once or call you derogatory names. “Your suspended as a heroic, pending an enquiry”
“WHAT!” Bill is outraged “who the fuck do you think you are old man”
“I’m Marcus Moreno, leader of the Heroics & your attitude for the entire day even before this incident has not been remotely heroic, I’m disgusted to even have your name associated with our team.” Two of the people in the photo shoot have now come rushing over & are checking you are okay. Your face stings & you can feel the bruising trying to come out already. You’re lead out of the room to go to the medical centre in HQ, standard procedure after an injury caused buy a heroic, but you really want to see how this encounter concludes. Marcus is clearly willing to defend your honour & put the newest heroic in his place. The last thing you see as you are lead out of the double doors which close, is Marcus looking like he’s ready to full on fight as he shouts. “You really dont understand a thing about being a hero, maybe you need more than a lesson in that.”
You’re sat in your office about 2hours later, holding an ice pack still on your still aching jaw, to bring the bruise out quicker. Your hair already down from its bun as it was adding to the headache that was starting. Youd filled out an incident report & had various heroics & other staff people come to visit you, word gets around fast in HQ, & other than the heroics, you are one of the most popular people who work here. You hope it’s because people like you & not just due to your job being in PR. You didn’t break anything in your scuffle but your body aches.
The door knocks twice & in walks Marcus, he has an ice pack around his own hand & he is just in his black T-shirt & tight jeans. Half of the superior hero outfit has gone but he’s not put his glasses on yet or removed his eyeliner. It draws you to those big brown eyes even more.
“Just checking in” he says as he closes the door behind him.
“Ooh Marcus your hand what did you do? Please don’t tell me…” you start. You automatically go into caring mode, concerned for your friend. You go to get up quickly & slightly move the ice pack, which makes you hiss.
“Woooo take it slows” Marcus interrupts & walks to your side of the desk & keeps you in the chair. “You got sucker punches by a super hero, that’s gonna hurt for a while” his caring eyes meet yours. You smile is soft & says so much more than thank you.
“What happened to Bill?” You ask as Marcus fully inspects your face.
“Let’s just say that the promo morning was a waste of everyone time” he says as he sighs.
“You fired him?”
“Yes. & not just because he abused you, but because of his whole attitude & behaviour, we only promoted him to make him mature & make him realise his important & prestigious being a heroic is, turns out it just inflated his ego even more” you sit there in shock but also happy about this. Happy that a man who slaps women & doesn’t know about consent is no longer in your life but also that he won’t give the heroics a bad a name.
“Will he not sue us?”
“He’s not got a leg to stand on if he even attempted it. He hit you twice &…” Marcus looks at his hand in his own ice pack.”he had a good go at trying to take me out & 2 members of security too”
“I can’t believe you stepped up to him for me Marcus” your empty hand strokes across the back of his. “You really are my hero”
“Does that make you a damsel in distress?” You both scoff at this. All heroics hate those two sentences but play up to them as a joke.
“I could be for you” you sit up & wince a bit. The force of the punch that landed may be killing your face, but it did send shock waves through your body. Every now & then a part of it aches & right now it’s your neck & back. Your hiss upsets Marcus & his hand which did have the ice pack on it trials down your back to sooth you. It sends more than just shivers down you spine from the chill. A soft moan escapes your mouth from his touch.
“Marcus” your words are soft. Those fingers going ever so slowly. Maybe your subconscious knew to put on a backless dress this morning to experience this moment. He pushes you hair to the side as his other hand rubs your shoulder too.
“Is this helping?” He says genuinely not realising you’ve been sent in a spin by his hands.
“More than you know”
“I’m glad” Marcus then stops & your sharp intake of breath shocks him.
“Don’t stop” you mumble as your head drops.
“Please keep going it was soothing” his eyes connect with yours & he can see you are desperate for more than just a back rub.
“Well you are a damsel in distress, I suppose I should make sure you’re all okay” he’s picked up that this is a different type of taking care of you. “Doesn’t the hero in these kind of stories usually get a kiss from the beautiful girl they rescued?” His eyes smoulder back at you. You are also sure by the look in his eyes that this isn’t a joke. You lean into him, eyelashes fluttering before your lips connect. The adrenaline & rush in your body takes the pain away instantly as Marcus moans into the kiss. He always wondered how this would feel & it’s better than he could ever hope for.
Few words are said. Ice packs fall to the floor from both your hands. A simple kiss is already a full make out, your mouths seemly made to embrace each other, & your can tell by the grip on your shoulder as you sit in the chair behind your desk that this can’t be stopped.
“Baby” Marcus moans eventually. His eyes wide. “I’ve longed for this”
“Same Marcus” your hands without even asking find the hem of his black tshirt & you free his abs from it. The chest of a hero. Hard & firm. You plant kisses around his belly button, the top of his happy trail, as he unbuckles & unhooks his belt.
“I want you” it’s a deep moan as his hand finds your halter neck to untie your dress. A built in bra means you are just in your knickers in seconds. “Beautiful” he whispers as your own hands tug at his trousers so they clatter on the floor.
“Condom?” You whine, he’s lifted you up & is continuing his relentless kissing. He hardly had to put in any effort to get you from your chair to against your desk. You whimper more as he pulls down your lace knickers & two fingers automatically find your clit. He’s nipping at your chin, his eyes filled with desire ready to feel himself inside you.
“Had the snip 4 years ago, im clean”
“I’m on birth control & haven’t done this in nearly 9 months with anyone” Marcus then turns you around so you’re bent over the end of the desk, kicking your legs apart.
“Fools all of them, still can’t believe your ex ran off with that Canadian girl, his loss.” You’ve not realised Marcus is now naked behind you, looking at your sex, as a few drops of precum trickle from his hardened penis.
“I want you Marcus”
“I want you more”you hear him spit on his fingers before they slide through your own arousal. You tense up & then instantly relax as he slips one inside you. The idea of Marcus spitting has made you clench around his digits. “Oooh baby, you are needy aren’t you.”
He teases you with his penis, rubbing it along your arse. The fingers leave you & find just above your clit & just the feel of his meaty length being coated in your slick has you panting.
“Please…please..pl….oooh fuck” your begging for him inside you makes him ready. It’s a slow but deep push inside you.
“Fuckkkkk” he moans with a large gasp for air, he loves the feel of you already. He’s never going to want to have sex with another woman again. “Jesus baby, your husband wanted sex else where, bastard” his hips snap & the next thrust happens. Your ability to speak has gone as you grip the desk with one hand & bite into your fist with the other, trying to keep your moans from echoing throughout the building. “I’ve wanted you for so long baby, you have no idea” & he hits the spot. That soft sweet spot. The moan you make has him pulsing inside you. No one has ever been this good so soon. The way his hands gently grip your hips as he looks down at you rocking back onto his cock. He is completely inside you. Marcus has found his rhythm & is so impressed at how well you are taking him. It turns him on more, & his pace starts to quicken.
“Oh fuck Marcus” you groan as you gasp for air, your nails now digging into the desk, feeling sexier each second that passes. Each thurst you flutter, each time you wonder how he’s that big, & how he walks around with this normally, maybe he’s a grower not a shower, you do spent most of your time looking at his bum & his deep brown eyes. You’re sure you’ve admired his bulge before but now you will make sure to check it out even if this is a one off to be never spoken about again. His left hand then leaves your hip to squeeze your own bum. Noises you didn’t know you could make fall from your lips.
“You’re doing so good girl” he moans “you take me so well, look at you.” You turn your head & see the sweaty beaming face looking down at you, teeth grinding. “Bet the pains gone away, but I want to have you so hard & make you remember this as the day where you weren’t abused by a bill the bulldozer but were bulldozed by me going balls deep. A damsel in distress? Bollocks, you’re desirable. If only all mission had this pay off… oooh god” he can feel you clamp. He licks his lips & it makes you smirk.
“Marcus, more more please harder” you moan. He puts his hand is your hair & lifts your head from the desk, the grip has you gaspin.
“More, you want more” smack, the other hand hits your arse.”like that” you gasp so he does it again “I can’t hear you”
“Yes baby” you beg. His hand that was in your hair now is under your jaw slightly gripping, not choking as he start to increase his pace.
“That’s my girl, my damsel.” His eyes are wide as you look forward. “If you’re into this I can’t wait to see what else you’re up for. Do you pretend to be all normal & then deep down you’re a slut, desperately seeking pleasure, begging to be satisfied?”
“Yes. Oh yes….. yessss” it’s almost a rallying cry as Marcus becomes rampant. Hitting the spot every time. Making you sure that the people in the office next to you can hear the moans you’re making. “So good Marcus”
“Thought so, fuck you’re tight, makes me want to fuck you for the rest of the day” the whine you make at those words has him rolling his eyes. It’s not going to be much longer before you let go.
“Whod have thought” he growls, the rhythm now faster than any dance track. “The you, shy little you, would be willing to do this, that your cunt was this good” you make a noise but words fail you completely. It’s a whimper but also one that’s high pitched & desperate to say more but you can’t. Your body trembling with each thrust.
“You gonna cum baby, you gonna soak me, you gonna thank your hero?” He snarls & smack your bum again. That’s all it takes. You scream Marcus name as you cum. Your walls flutter, your legs are complete jelly, every sensation tingling & making you feel complete as a woman. Your body jitters & he can feel the extra tension around his length which is being coated. “Oooh fuck” he firmly grips your hips as he loses his own control. His own lashing of cum painting your core. The wet noises as he slows down from his high & the state you are both making as you collectively make a mess which oozes onto the side of your desk. You have not felt that satisfied in years, even at the end of your relationship with your husband.
Marcus eventually stops his rocking in his come down & kisses the dimple at the bottom of your spine. “Oooh baby, do you know how good you were? Damn” He slips out of you & grabs a couple of tissues from your desk to sort you both out for the time being.
“Well that was not how I expected today to go Marcus” you clean yourself & your thighs. Marcus is still looming over you looking down.
“Same, but that is something I’d like to try again. If this doesn’t make what we already had awkward?” He knows he crossed the line a little, he has relationships rules for heroics about getting involved & he’s just gone against a few of them.
“Why would it Marcus?” You reply & kiss him softly. His lips feel even better than they did about 20mins ago. “I like you, I’ve liked you for a while”
“Same baby” he says before another couple of kisses trail over your jaw line & his hand grasps your still naked breasts. “Maybe we should reinstate bill for finally getting us together…”
“Never” you reply quickly “he’s not a hero, he’s fake, he’s a bulldozer because he just bullies & pushes everyone in his way to get what he wants” you notice Marcus lips part as you speak with passion about him not being allowed back.
“Do you always speak so commandingly when you know what you want? Because it’s doing something to me” He’s looking over your naked body standing in front of him as both your hands trail on his body & his continue to tease your nipples.
“Well do you want to know what I really want Marcus?” You sit back on your desk. You slowly spread your legs so Marcus can decide if he wants to continue or not.
“Desire? Passion? lust?” He puts his head next to your ear to say this, it’s smooth these words & has your heart racing already.
“I just want you Marcus, that’s all” you say in all innocence. Your eyelashes flicker as your eye contact becomes intense.
“I want you too” your hands join his on his hardening length. “Not just for now but for a while” & as his lips connect with yours & your eyes close from the most delectable kiss imaginable you feel your body tremble as Marcus makes sure this hero & his damsel enjoy more than just a super hero kiss. No more hero or normal work was done by either of you that day.
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radiowallet · 2 years
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Kinktober Day 5(?) - Breeding Kink
Main Masterlist II Kinktober Masterlist
Summary: You have some news for Marcus. Pairing: Marcus Moreno x f!reader WC: 1.4K Warnings: Mature 18+ MDNI Breeding kink, pregnancy, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected p in v sex, vaginal fingering, cream pie, slight cock warming, slightly possessive behavior, dirty talk. Just Marcus being stupidly happy about putting a baby in you. A/N: I wasn't actually planning on doing this one, but it's been collecting dust in my WIP folder for a while, and I thought it would be a good time to set it free. Technically, this started as a PWC one-shot, but it definitely reads as a stand alone. Dedicated to the one and only @magpie-to-the-morning who uttered the phrase "Put many babies in me" in regards to Mr. Moreno and Emma-- when you're right, you are so very right.
Marcus hadn’t stopped touching you since you broke the news earlier that day. He seemed incapable of moving away from you, even for a second, as if stepping away would make you and everything you built together fall away.
All throughout the evening he looked on you with awe, eyes shining glassy wet, lips parted around thankful disbelief, hands always finding you. And beneath it all, under all of his love and adoration, was a hunger, fierce and protective and snapping in time with the beat of your heart. 
A hand on your cheek, your waist, your stomach.
And you couldn’t help but wonder, curled in bed together at the end of the night, what other touches were still left to come. 
“A baby?”
You shuffle closer to Marcus between the sheets of your bed, fingers reaching out to cup his jaw and pull him close enough to feel his breath along the seam of your lips. Immediately his hands are on your waist, twisting you until you’re beneath him, his nose nuding yours playful, his smile catching in the street light filtering between the curtains.
He’s just as surprised now as he had been when you told him — a hilarious, anxiety riddled misunderstanding that led to you sharing the blessed news in a rush to calm him down— that only had Marcus bursting into tears immediately. 
“But…but we haven’t been trying. I wasn’t…do you…”
You couldn’t help but laugh, the sound mixing with your own tears. “I think your superhero sperm took my birth control as some sort of challenge.”
“But…do you want…?”
The question didn’t even have time to take up weight in the air, your lips on his answering his doubt. 
Yes. You very much want. 
“My baby?”
He says it reverently. Something like worship coloring in around his words. You know he doesn’t mean it in a possessive sort of way, but still there’s a thrill down your spine, a flare of heat sparking to life as his lips find your ear with one single word.
“Yours,” you promise, and you feel his cock jolt at the word, half hard against your hip. 
“Shit,” he groans, forehead falling forward against your own. “Our baby. My baby.”  
He doesn’t stop whispering the chant. Not once. Not even as he slips down your body, kissing every inch of skin his path crosses, until finally his lips are hovering at the apex of your sex. The air changes, the room quiet, only Marcus’s breathing left to fill your ear, the need between your legs suddenly screaming for relief. 
“Marcus,” you plead, hips arching up. 
He doesn’t hesitate, reaching up and guiding your hands to the back of his head. You tug gently, a grunt of appreciation meeting the touch, and it’s the only encouragement you need to push him towards where you ache most for contact. Marcus goes comfortably, his tongue carving deeply between your folds, again and again, drinking down every drop of arousal that pours out of you. 
His tongue swirls up and around your clit, sucking the bundle of nerves between his lips before releasing it, only to lap at you again. His face is practically buried inside of you, nose bumping again and again into your clit, tongue and teeth scraping sweetly at the folds of your weeping cunt.
You can only pull him closer, legs wrapping around his head, heels digging just below his shoulder blades. His fingers find the meat of your ass, pulling and digging, his own groans of pleasure vibrating through the waves of your pleasure.
Heat coils deep in your gut and spreads out like syrup, up your spine and down your legs, leaving you trembling beneath Marcus. You clench hard around his tongue, body shifting and shaking as you crest up and over your release, ecstasy slamming into you as he continues to drink you down. Before you’ve even begun to recover, he pulls away, just barely but it’s enough for you to whine out a pathetic cry. He shushes you, fingertips finding your clit to ease the loss. 
“Fuck, you taste sweeter, baby.”
You want to laugh, but you can’t catch your breath, his fingers still stroking softly at your clit, the last of your orgasm coursing through your system. You twist your head from side to side in protest, a frantic too soon falling from your lips. Your vision is bright white bursting black, legs shaking where they’re still wrapped around Marcus’s head. You feel him lean in, the whiskers of his beard rubbing at your overheated skin, and he hums as takes another lick between your folds, groaning audibly at the taste.
“You do. I promise.”
And then he’s climbing back up your body, kissing you long and slow and deep, the taste of yourself heavy on his tongue as it slips between your lips. You moan into the kiss, something sweet settling on your tastebuds, heady enough to have your hips bucking, the need between your legs roaring back to life. Marcus is quick to comply, happy to give to you again and again, the hard length of his cock sinking inside you.
“A baby. I put a baby inside you. Inside my pretty little wife. Fuck.”
His mouth is a runaway train, lips pressed into the curve of your neck, his words grinding out in time with each thrust of his hips. You’re already sensitive, hormones and adrenaline screaming in your veins, and without warning you already feel another wave of pleasure unfurling inside your core. Marcus doesn’t miss a single beat, slamming into you harder and harder, fingers pressing into the meat of your thighs, pushing your legs as wide as they can go. 
“Filled you with my cum. Filled you up full and you’re gonna have a baby. My baby. Gonna be so round. So beautiful.”    
Again and again, his cock punches up inside you, and you do your best to muffle your cries into the meat of his chest, another orgasm already starting to crest inside you. 
“Shhh, I know, baby. I feel you. Fuck, you feel so good. So wet. Soaked for me.” He thrusts a little hard, grinding his hips into your own, everything slicked in sweat and arousal where your bodies meet. And still, he can’t seem to stop himself, his words coming faster the closer you both get to the edge. 
“I’m close too… I promise. Gonna fill you up again. Pump my cum inside you. Fuck you full of me. Keep my cock stuffed in you. Can’t waste any of it.” 
His voice is ragged, every promise sending a fresh wave of slick out of you, your pussy clenching down hard around his cock. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know you can’t get pregnant again, but his words are like a drug, pulling you under the crashing waves, and suddenly you hear yourself begging.
“Yes, yes, please – fill me up. Fuck your cum into me. Make me keep it inside … please … Marcus-”
Your words choke off, his hips shifting, just enough to find that spot deep inside you. Everything is burning too hot too fast and you’re coming again, a sobbing gasp parting your lips. Marcus doesn’t stop, his voice growing more frantic as he chases down his own release.
“So pretty. Pretty wife fucked full of my cum. Gonna be so beautiful – fuck – I can’t wait…”
And then he’s crying out your name, face buried into your neck, tears and sweat and spit pooling on your skin, cum spilling out of him and into you. His thrusts are fast, desperate, and you feel yourself trembling as you ask for more, more and more, your fingers digging into the hard planes of his back. 
Too soon Marcus slows to a stop, every movement more shallow than the last, his weight a comforting blanket on top of you. He doesn’t pull away, even as you feel him soften, as if he’s trying to trap all of himself deep inside. You think maybe you could sleep like this, content and sated and feeling so very full. Your husband seems to agree, his warm breath marking time on the curve of your neck, his hands soothing a gentle pattern along your hips. 
Sleep is just about to find you, and him as well, you’re sure of it, but then his voice pulls you back, just enough, with one final question.
“A baby?”
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deadhumourist · 1 year
YSC: Heartbeat
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Sliding in at the last second, January's entry for Year of Science Fiction, as part of the lovely @oonajaeadira and @writeforfandoms' @yearofcreation2023! It's a microfic because this month was a beast IRL.
Pairing: GN!Reader x Marcus Moreno (Older Marcus Moreno looks like Joel, sorry not sorry! - Takes place a quite a few years after the movie)
Rating: Mature due to sci-fi themes, no spice
WC: 500+ words
Warnings: OOC Marcus, body modification, mention of operations and scars, doctors, dark themes, reader has no physical description and no pronouns. If I missed anything let me know.
Author Masterlist
He was a man with heart, once upon a time. 
He was a man who had a heart until the universe snatched her away and the acidic tendrils of grief burnt through the most powerful and most vulnerable muscle in his body.
He was a sick man. The Heroics Chief of Medicine's voice was flat and emotionless when he said: "Marcus, your ticker is on its last legs. Take it easy."
He was a man who didn't listen. He continued as if the doctor had never spoken, and fought injustice. The injustice of others and of himself without her. And the unbearable loneliness. 
He was a man who was dying. Fingertips digging into the warm, warped tarmac next to him, heart hammering in his chest, panicked, a Morse code for mercy against his sternum. 
Then it stopped. 
When Marcus awakens, the world is curiously quiet. He does not hear the blood whining in his ears or the crackle of ageing cartilage. 
And he does not feel a heartbeat. Not as strong and sure as it had always been. 
Next to his bed, you stand quietly while he orients himself. The white coat fits straight and creaseless around your shoulders, perfectly spotless. Your voice is soft and comforting when you speak, meeting his eyes evenly but kindly. 
"Marcus, we had to replace your heart."
He looks down in a panic, tries to rip the hospital gown off but you stop him, taking his hand in both of yours for a moment before setting it down.
"It will take time to heal, don't cause yourself further pain by looking."
Marcus remembers the pain of every time he looked. 
The anaesthetic means that Marcus is a raw nerve and he doesn't try to stop the unshed tears when they cascade over his cheek. You stop yourself from reaching out by gripping your clipboard until your fingertips pulsate against the white printouts pinned to the hard surface. 
You clear your throat instead. 
"It's made of titanium and doesn't beat like a normal heart, but it will be strong. You will keep living, Marcus."
He may be alive but he hasn't lived in so many years. 
Marcus turns away from you, speaking to the window.
"Everyone is gone. I’m older. I’ve done what you’ve wanted me to do.”
His voice cracks on every second syllable like he’s struggling to talk.
“I don’t want to anymore. Let me go."
Your voice takes on a steely, quiet quality. 
"You will be kept alive, Marcus. Other organs have already been created should you fall on the battlefield, we will be ready. Marcus, leader of the Heroics"
He shudders at the way you speak the last sentence like an incantation. Like a mantra that had been imprinted. 
He turns back to you. You look unperturbed and he wonders why he doesn't remember any specific details. It’s only when he sees more grey in the mirror and another scar that stretches across his hip, or underneath his navel. He has seen them heal slowly. The puckered, angry red indignance at another organic failure fade into a white, raised scar that carries no memory or sadness. He can feel himself become less with each replacement. 
"How many times?"
You look down at your hands, running your thumb over your nails.
"Five. This will be number five."
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saintedcooper · 2 years
Fic Rec Archive
AGE RESTRICTION: I've been reading fic since I was a kid. I get it. But given the hellish nature of the internet rn, minors do not interact with my posts! Please be safe out there.
Here's the deal:
This is an archive of fanworks that butter my biscuit. Includes: PPCU, MCU + Spider-Man (Andrew's version), RPF of those actors, and Julien Baker RPF (boygenius).
Yes, there is RPF here. If you don't like it, don't read it. Ditto for anything else.
I reliably tag for: pairings, characters, kinks, tropes, and actors. I less reliably tag other things.
The #readqueue tag is things I wanna read. They may or may not end up in the archive, so save anything you see that looks interesting to you.
I write, my work is clearly labeled and tagged #brit writes
This is a fun thing I do cuz I love fic, smut, and curation. But it's not perfect. Sometimes I hornily/sleepily archive and forget a tag. Some things are still in progress. So give it (and me) grace and have fun exploring!
Search the Archive 👇🏽
PSA: make sure your settings allow you to see mature content otherwise you miss all the goods!
Direct link here in case links don't work in the app.
My Work
Future Possibility - Pedro Pascal RPF
Francis (ongoing) - Frank Castle x Reader 1940s New York AU
By Universe
The world in which it takes place. Ex: MCU, Star Wars, etc. Includes AUs unceremoniously grouped in.
Star Wars (currently this is just The Mandalorian. I'm not yet a Star Wars girl, but I am 100% obsessed with hot space babe Din Djarin)
DC (currently this is just Peacemaker and light of my life Adrian Chase)
Vampire AU
Ghost (band)
By Constellation
For when you like an actor and wanna read for any of their characters. Except for Pedrito, most of these are currently just for one character. This includes RPF, which is clearly marked.
Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield - RPF
Chris Evans
Chris Evans - RPF
Freddie Stroma
Jon Bernthal
Pedro Pascal
Julien Baker - RPF
Pedro Pascal - RPF
Sebastian Stan
By Pairing
Sorted by character name, not grouped by universe or constellation
Adrian Chase x Reader (Vigilante x Reader also exists, same stuff, tho. Separated cuz comics)
Agent Whiskey x Reader
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Cardinal Copia x Reader (separate from the Papa IV tag below)
Dave York x Reader
Dieter Bravo x Reader (see also: Dieter Bravo x Plus-sized!Reader)
Din Djarin x Reader
Frank Castle x Reader
Frankie Morales x Reader (see also: Frankie Morales x Santi Garcia x Reader)
Javi Gutiérrez x Reader
Javier Peña x Reader
Loki x Reader
Maxwell Lord x Reader
Marcus Moreno x Reader
Marcus Pike x Reader
Oberyn Martell x Reader
Papa Emeritus II x Reader
Papa Emeritus III x Reader
Papa Emeritus IV x Reader
Peter Parker (TASM) x Reader
Pedro Across the Street x Reader
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader
By Kink or Trope
Breeding Kink
Daddy Kink x
Dirty Talk
Exhibition / Outdoors
Face Sitting
First Time
Getting Together
Good Girl / Praise
Loud Sex
Period Sex
Phone Sex
Pregnancy Kink
Size Kink
WIP (coming soon)
Plus-sized reader character tag (cleaning up my tags to make all of the plus-sized reader fics searchable)
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sirowsky · 11 months
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Description: Marcus finds a friend in dire need and struggles with himself over what he feels and how to say it, while he tries to help her recover. Marcus Moreno x Original Female Character named Lucy.
Rating: Mature Warnings: Mentions of violent attack, severe injuries, blood, angst, longing, Marcus POV, Lucy has issues with her scars. Word Count: 2212 Author's Masterlist
Link to Part 2
   He doesn’t stop as he reaches her door, he runs straight through it, because even though the call he’d received just minutes earlier had been quiet on her end, he just knows that something terrible has happened.    The door breaks into large chunks, some of whom are thrown inside the hallway, which is dark and empty.
   “Lucy?!” he calls out as soon as the noise dies down, but she doesn’t answer.
   He knows her house almost as well as his own and quickly searches through the bottom floor, finding nothing.    Unbiddenly, he sees all the little things along the way. The details that remind him of how kind she’s always been to him. How she babysat Missy almost every day when he was dealing with the loss of his wife, and always had a firm hug and a compassionate ear ready for him if he needed them.
   He sees his daughter’s drawings, framed and hanging on the wall following the stairs up to the second floor. Bright and colorful, they remind him of how happy she’s always made his little girl, even when she was struggling.    And as he reaches the top, there’s a small flower bench where a photo of the three of them, laughing at a silly game together, stands among the white and yellow summer blossoms, and his stomach pinches at the memory.
   He repeats her name several times while he hurries from room to room, checking her home office first, just because that’s the first door he reaches, followed by the guest bedroom before he comes to her bedroom.    The door is closed, and he rips it open, hoping with his entire being that she’ll just be in bed, fast asleep, and that everything will just be a big misunderstanding.
   But of course… it isn’t.
   For a moment, he’s frozen on the threshold, brought to a halt because his mind can’t absorb the sight at first.    The pool of blood underneath her, the way her body looks wrong because of how it’s been broken. The damage to her hands, which speaks volumes of how desperately she’s fought.    The cellphone laying by her left hand, smeared with blood from how she probably had to try several times to make a call, only reaching him eventually because of the preprogrammed sequence that all Heroics employees have in their mobile devices.
   There’s a thick red trail leading from the foot of the bed where she was left to die, to the nightstand on the left of it, where her phone would’ve been sitting in its charger, so she’d had to find the strength to crawl there.    His thoughts turn desperate and hateful as he considers how much pain she must’ve had to endure, over however long it would’ve taken her to cross even just those few feet of distance. How she would’ve cried and pleaded for someone to help her. Anyone.
   Finally, his body unlocks, and he hurries to her, but his hands betray the depths of his fear with how gingerly he touches her, terrified both of causing her more pain, but even more scared of finding her cold.    She’s not as warm as she should be, so he checks her pulse, involuntarily holding his breath while he waits to feel it. But it’s there.    And suddenly, he can’t move fast enough.
   Missy stays with him at the medical center of Heroics HQ at first. She loves her every bit as much as he does, but her recovery is going to take time, so eventually, she’s forced to return to school.    And it isn’t until she’s no longer there that he allows himself to fall apart. To let all the hurt that he’s been harboring, come out into the darkness of the night.
   It makes him scream and cry at first, and then it just sits there, in the deepest parts of him, aching so painfully that he wishes he could rip his own heart out.    Because he’s been here before.    He’d sat right here, at this ward, slowly watching his wife die while he was helpless to do anything for her, just like he’s unable to help this wonderful woman now.
   Like the true fool that he is, he hasn’t told Lucy anything of what she means to him. Not even how much he appreciates her, let alone that he loves her. Even though he’s secretly known it for years by now.    He’s told himself that it was for his daughter’s sake. That he couldn’t bring another mother figure into her life until she was ready, but that’s a bullshit excuse, because she’s been ready for a long time.
   It’s Marcus himself that isn’t. That doesn’t allow himself to go there, because it hurt too much the last time and he can’t risk that again.    But here he is. Suffering with the same exact pain that he always feared.
   He leaves the room whenever his sorrow overtakes him, so that she won’t hear how he hurts, just in case she can still hear. The doctors can’t tell him whether she can.    They tell him that she’s fighting, that the blood transfusions are helping, that her heart is strong. But they can’t say how her brain is doing.    They don’t know if she is actually there anymore.
   They’ve had to operate on her spine, because it was broken. Most likely by a boot. A thought that angers him beyond all reason every time that it pops into his head.    Her ribs and arms were broken too, but for whatever reason, that doesn’t incur his wrath in the same way as the spine.    Perhaps because it indicates that she was kicked when she was already down.
   The only thing that he can derive some manner of comfort from, is the knowledge that she wasn’t violated sexually. Because other injuries she can overcome with time, training and help, whereas that kind of violation would likely never have healed in her mind.    It gives him hope, however fragile, that he might have a chance to correct his mistake. To tell her how he feels and perhaps get to have her closer.
   But for now, he just hopes that she’ll live. If he can have that, it’ll be enough.
   It had been so easy to imagine it while he’d been sitting by her bedside. He’d come up with a dozen different scenarios and ways to go about telling her, if she would just wake up.    But then, when she eventually did, the fear returned, and he suddenly couldn’t say it.
   I love you.
   Three little words, as simple as they are infinitely complicated. As small as they are enormously powerful.    He wants her to know that he feels that way about her, but he feels greedy every time that he tries to tell her.    It’s been a year now. She’s fully recovered, so there are no excuses for him anymore.
   He passes her all the time in the halls of HQ, smiles and greets her like the friend that she is, never letting her see how dearly he wishes for more.    She looks sad, though, whenever she thinks that no one can see her. It breaks his heart every time that he catches a glimpse of that sadness, and he is overcome with the urge to purge such terrible feelings from her soul.
   And still, he doesn’t dare to try. He doesn’t know if it’s because of fear of rejection, or something more complicated, but it damn near cripples him every time that he sees her and tells himself that this is the moment when he’ll say it.    His legs turn wobbly and he very nearly panics, every damned time. Coming up with some crappy excuse that lets him run and hide, instead of just doing what he should do.
   Then one day, he has to go see her about a file that she’s put together for an upcoming mission, and when he gets to her office, the door is open, so he stops on the threshold and prepares to knock on the frame.    But his hand stills when he sees her standing in front of a mirror. She has her shirt lifted to reveal the scars along her side where they had to cut her open to fix her broken ribs.
   The scars are uncomfortable to see, because of the terrible fear that he associates with them, and the images of her broken body on the floor unbiddenly fill the insides of his eyes, but he isn’t in any way repulsed by the imperfections.    Lucy, however, is looking at them with what appears to be bitter resentment, and he can’t stand to see that.
   “Hey, don’t do that to yourself,” he says as he steps into the room, completely forgetting to knock, which startles her.
   “Fuck, Marcus… Don’t sneak up on me like that,” she growls, and he instantly feels terrible.
   Because the people that hurt her had done just that. Sneaking in and jumping her, three to one, before she could even attempt to defend herself.
   “I’m sorry. I meant to knock but I forgot about it when I saw you looking at yourself like that.”
   “Like what?” she questions, and he can hear how she closes all the walls down around her, feebly trying to protect herself against any criticism, even though that isn’t what he’s doing.
   “Like you think that your scars have made you ugly,” he clarifies, and sees her recoil, as if he’d just slapped her.
   She won’t meet his eyes then, pretending to suddenly need to sort through the papers on her desk, despite them already being in perfect order.    She does it because she disagrees with him. Because she’s somehow come to believe that what’s been done to her is a stain, not just on her skin but on her soul as well, and he needs to make her see that she’s wrong.    But to do that, he needs to know where those thoughts are coming from.
   “Why would you ever think that?” he asks softly, and she stops uselessly shuffling papers around, but she still won’t look at him.
   “Because that’s what people tell me now,” she says, barely over a whisper, and he’s stunned into silence for a few seconds.
   “Who the hell told you that?” he finally demands, but not harshly.
   She’s had enough harshness in her life already, he refuses to add to it.
   “Guys…” she starts, and then hesitates before continuing. “I’ve been trying to get back to dating, but both the guys I’ve thus far gone out with… they basically said that I look like Frankenstein.”
   Marcus has to restrain himself from stepping forwards and ordering her to give him their names so that he can go and beat the shit out of those guys.    Who the fuck would say something like that to a survivor of violent trauma? Even if she hadn’t shared the causes behind the scars, there is no reason for anyone to make fun of her for them, and certainly not also tell her that they make her ugly.
   “They couldn’t be more wrong, Luce… You have to know that,” he tries, but his voice is trembling with the heat of his anger, and she can hear it, which is probably why she still won’t meet his eyes.
   Knowing that this moment is potentially the most important that he might ever share with her, he forces the fury to die down and then steps around her desk.    He does it slowly, so that she’ll have time to see him coming and back away if his presence is unwanted.    But to his intense relief, she doesn’t seem bothered by his closeness.
   “Maybe I’m biased, because I knew you before all this and have always liked you, but to me… you only look more beautiful every day,” he says, and there’s a warmth in his voice that he hasn’t heard himself use for anyone other than Missy in a very long time.
   She turns her head then, and finally looks at him, and he wants to cry at the sorrow that he sees within her, even after hearing something like that.
   “I love you.”
   The words spill seemingly of their own. No panic accompanies them, and no wobble bothers his legs.    Because he finally understands now. That his fears were never about whether she would accept his affection, but simply about allowing it to be known. Allowing the truth of his being to exist in full view of the world, where it can be judged and trampled on.    Where other people can decide that it’s ugly, just like they have her.
   She doesn’t seem to believe him, so he steps closer still, and puts his palm against her cheek, his entire body being only inches from hers now.
   “I love you,” he says, more confidently this time, so that she’ll know that it wasn’t a mere slip of the tongue. “And if you let me, I’ll show you how beautiful you are to me.    I promise, you will never doubt it, ever again.”
   He waits, watching her face anxiously, because her expression doesn’t change at all.
   He waits as the seconds tick by, for her judgement.
   Because hers is the only one that matters.
Link to Part 2
Thank you for reading and helping me celebrate! I wish you a wonderful day <3
Tagging a few people who I think might wanna read these stories: @startrekkingaroundasgard @deadhumourist @tintinn16 @suttonspuds @tanzthompson @shsoba05 @f0rever15elf @justnat15 @lowlights @dornish-queen @radiowallet @spishsstuff @harriedandharassed @i-love-movies @tiffanypooh @chaoticfestninja @insomniamamma @pedrostories
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sirowsky-stories · 2 months
The Flowers Always Know
Chapter 1 - Welcome Home
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Description: As you came home from your vacation in Europe, you knew something was wrong. Hoping it was merely jet-lag, you tried to ignore it, but that was a mistake.
**Beware! Author chooses NOT to display warnings on the individual chapters of this story. Read at your own risk!**
Author's Note: This was my third ever series, and I've learned so much as a writer since then that I wanted to take another stab at it and make these characters richer and the writing easier to follow. The original posts seem to be trapped in the past, however, so if I want to use the updated editor I have to re-post them, which means there might be a minor Marcus Moreno spam on this account for a while. Sorry about that in advance. (Not that one could ever have too much MM...)
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Word Count: 811 (133 words added) Masterlist (this story)
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   Somewhere in Egypt, a woman sits strapped to a chair. She’s clearly been tortured and is bleeding from her nose, ears and a multitude of cuts and abrasions. She’s connected to several machines by tubes as well as wires, and a dark figure moves through the shadows around her, waiting and hoping that his experiment will succeed this time.
   The sun seemed brighter than usual when you stepped out of the airport.    Normally, you loved basking in the sun, feeling that heat going all the way into your bones and seeming to soften you from the inside out. But right then, it felt so bright it was blinding. Almost as though you could feel the rays burn your skin in mere seconds, even though you knew they weren’t.
   You wanted to get away from it as quickly as possible, so you ducked into a cab, stealing it from what looked like a banker, who was just about to get in when you all but wrestled past him through the door.    You didn’t even bother apologizing as you closed it in his enraged face with a loud bang, and sank into the mercifully dimmed backseat as you gave the address of your home to the driver.
   God, what was wrong with you? When had you ever stolen anything from anyone? You let people ahead of you in the que at the grocery store, for fuck’s sake.
   Once home, you dashed inside and hurried around the house to close all the blinds and curtains. You’d never done that before, not since buying the place six years earlier, so little puffs of dust were disturbed as you roughly yanked at the fabrics, making you cough.    You had changed the curtains, of course, but you weren’t the most prolific duster of a person, so the curtain-rods had never been cleaned despite the swaps of fabrics.
   Not that you cared about the dust now either. You were more concerned with why the daylight was suddenly bothering you so much, since you weren’t a damned vampire.    With the entire house plunged into a wearisome gloom you stepped into your bathroom intending to take a shower, hoping that washing the hours of travel off your skin might make you feel less sensitive somehow.    But you stopped on the threshold, suddenly worried that even the bright light of the bathroom ceiling lamp was gonna hurt you.
   “Stop it, girl. Light doesn’t hurt you,” you admonished yourself, and then flipped the switch.
   You were relieved when the artificial light didn’t seem to bother you at all, but then you caught your reflection in the large mirror above the sink, and flinched when you almost didn’t recognize yourself.    You were pale. And not just pale but slightly grey as well, to the extent that your veins were visible through your skin. The whites of your eyes were bloodshot, and your irises seemed to be the wrong colour, turned deeper and darker than they should be.    Even your hair looked completely lifeless, and somehow, the roots had turned grey.
   Suddenly you understood why the light was bothering you so much, as you seemingly had no pigmentation left to protect you from it. But how did that even happen? And especially considering that you’d been alright less than twenty-four hours ago.    Something had happened to you in Egypt, you knew that much. But unfortunately, you had no recollection of it, and therefor couldn’t guess at the severity of it.
   You’d just woken up in a hospital the day before you were meant to leave, and the doctors had told you how you’d most likely suffered heat-stroke, since they hadn’t been able to find anything wrong with you.    You had found it strange that you seemed to be missing two whole days of time, but since the doctors had given you a clean bill of health, you’d decided not to worry about it. And yesterday, when you’d left for the airport, you’d felt fine.
   This was not fine. You were not fine. You needed to go to the hospital.    But the thought of going outside again while the sun was still up felt so distressing to you, that you decided to wait. You’d have your shower and then try and eat something while you waited for it to get dark.    But you did make a stern promise to yourself to call an ambulance if it got any worse.
   It was strange how you could look so abhorrently ill, and yet not feel all that bad. You were tired, sure, and your appetite could have been better, but you didn’t feel anything close to as bad as you looked.    Although, if you’d had any idea of just how bad things were about to get, you’d have slapped yourself silly, and gotten your scrawny fucking ass to the hospital the moment you saw your reflection.
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bluestar22x · 1 year
Second Chance Proposal
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Second Chances (Part 5): Second Chance Proposal
Summary: Marcus has questions to ask both Missy and Elena - Marcus POV
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x OFC!Elena
Rating: 18+ series, 13+ rated chapter
Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff
Word Count: 2,045
Author’s Note: We all know Missy’s the boss here but at least she’s a sweet one. I hope everyone who reads likes this one. I kinda had a rough go here.
Series Masterlist
He’d been thinking about it for a while, a couple months before he bought the delicate diamond ring hidden in his sock drawer and another month since then. Marcus had been dating Elena for almost ten months and he wanted more. He wanted to commit to her in the most official way he could. To put it simply, he wanted to marry her, and he was pretty sure if he asked she would say yes. He knew what it felt like to be loved like that (and wasn’t he lucky to experience it twice?).  
The only reason he hesitated was because of Missy. Getting engaged to Elena and asking her to move into the house wouldn’t just be an adjustment for him, it would also, arguably, be an even bigger adjustment for Missy. Missy and Elena adored each other but hanging out a few times a week was different than living with each other. The implications behind Elena becoming her stepmother were not trifle either.
So Marcus had sat on the ring and the big question for a while. But as Elena’s birthday neared, he got more conscious of it, like it was burning a hole in his drawer. Proposing to her on her thirty-third birthday would be too good of an opportunity for his romantic heart to pass up. But he knew the only way he’d get the courage to do it was if he talked to Missy about it first.
It was on the first of August, ten days before Elena’s birthday, after a Taco Tuesday supper, that Marcus sat down at the kitchen table beside Missy, who was busy reading a biography her English teacher had forced upon her class over the summer, and tried to figure out how best to start up the conversation.
Missy was bothered by his looming presence long before he could. She peered up from the book and raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“I have something…hypothetical to ask you,” he told her, letting the fingers of his right hand tap on the tabletop.
“Hypothetically, if I got married to Elena, would you be okay with that?” he inquired.
Missy’s eyes lit up. “You’re thinking of proposing to Miss Elena?”
Marcus was surprised by her excitement. “Yeah, I am. But I wanted to make sure you’d be okay with it.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked, beaming. “She’s great, and that’s an understatement.”
“I just thought,” Marcus paused, hesitated, “I just thought you’d feel like I was trying to replace your mom, and that’s not my intention.”
Missy rolled her eyes. “I’m not a little kid anymore Dad. I’m thirteen years old. And I’m the one who encouraged you to date her, remember? It’s cool. If I’m going to have a stepmother, she’d be my first choice.”
Marcus relaxed into his seat. He should have known Missy would be mature about this. She was wise beyond her years.
“I just have one condition,” Missy decided after a moment of contemplation.
Marcus arched both his brows. “Oh?” He had no idea what to expect.
“That I’m there,” she said, pointing to herself. “I’ve had a hand in this from the beginning after all.”
He chuckled, glad the condition wasn’t too serious, and lifted his hands up, feigning defeat. “Alright. Alright. I can work with that. Have you got any ideas how I should go about it?”
She sighed heavily and stared at him. “Do I have to do everything for you?”
He laughed harder. “I have some ideas!” he protested. “I just want to hear yours too.”
“Well then,” Missy mused, “I’ll finish this chapter and then we can talk. Deal?”
They shook hands and he smiled at her as she returned to her assignment. He was lucky in so many ways.
Everything was perfect, or as perfect as it could get. Marcus had reserved a table at a semiformal rooftop restaurant in the center of the city and planned with Missy what he would wear (tan slacks with a button-down navy blue shirt) and what he’d do leading up to the big question. She’d suggested a vase of Elena’s favorite flowers (African Violets) for on top of the table and the restaurant owner had been more than willing to set it up for him after finding out his plans. They’d made other accommodations he hadn’t expected as well, one being that their table was in a more secluded spot, away from prying eyes, since he knew Elena wasn’t the type for big public announcements. She preferred inmate things. It had been easy for the restaurant staff to set it up with Elena’s birthday being on a Wednesday. The restaurant wouldn’t be jam packed like it was on the weekend.
Elena by coincidence matched Marcus that night, wearing a recently bought navy blue summer dress with white floral designs to the restaurant, while Missy had picked out a cute little white dress with laced edges, despite her declaration that she was NOT a lacy dress girl (she was making an exception for the occasion). Anita might have had something to do with that. Actually, Marcus was pretty sure she did. No one could say no to his mother.
The weather had been the most unpredictable thing in the entire plan, but that was why he’d picked a restaurant that still had an overhang to cover the outdoor dining area. He needn’t have worried though, the sky that night was clear, and as they finished their meals of steak, chicken, and salad, they were witnesses to the start of a beautiful sunset, several shades of orange light streaking through a few fluffy white clouds over the hills that surrounded the city to the west.
“Sometimes I forget how beautiful this city can be,” Elena had murmured, eyes staring into the distance in an almost dream like manner as they waited for dessert.
With her distracted, Marcus decided it was the perfect moment, and he signaled for Missy to excuse herself from the table to go get their unknowing accomplice to his staged proposal (Missy’s idea).
She quickly returned with a petite red long coated Chihuahua in her arms, grinning widely. “Look who I found.”
Elena twisted around to face her and lit up with surprise. “Ginger! How’d you get her in here?”
“The restaurant owner was nice enough to give us special permission,” Marcus explained. “And your neighbor Jamie was beyond willing to bring her over when I asked her to.”
He was pretty sure Jamie had a crush on him, even though she knew he and Elena were dating. When he’d shown up at her door she’d recognized him right away, because of his occasional speeches that were broadcasted on the news channels and the picture on the shelf in Elena’s living room. She had babbled a bit about how great he and the rest of the Heroics were before agreeing to drop Ginger off at the restaurant at eight o’clock, no questions asked. He got the sense she’d probably guessed what he was planning by the way he was acting (nervous), but luckily didn’t seem to care. When you were famous, whether you be an actor or a singer or a heroic, most fans thankfully tended to be that way.
Missy handed Ginger over to Elena and the dog licked her owner on the neck, exposing her own and revealing the black box that was taped to her green collar.
“What’s this?” Elena frowned, peeling the tape off and cradling the tiny black box in the palm of her hand.
“Open it!” Missy exclaimed, not being able to contain herself.
Marcus wasn’t sure if Elena had her suspicions at that point or not, but she still looked shocked enough when she snapped the lid open and the diamond engagement ring sparkled at her.
She covered her mouth with one hand and stared over at Marcus with wide eyes. He was already sliding down onto one knee in front of her.
“Will you marry me, Elena?” he inquired, his breath a little shaky. He’d done this before, and he was pretty sure he’d get another yes, but that didn’t make him a confident man. Not when it came to moments where he had to put his heart on the line.
Elena’s eyes were glistening a bit when she nodded. “Of course I will Marcus!”
He felt all his tension disappear at the words and he grinned at her, warmth flooding his chest. At the sight of his joy, she placed the open box with the ring still inside on the table and let Ginger down gently on the floor before throwing her hands around his neck gleefully. When she pulled away slightly it was to cup one hand on the back of his head and pull him in for a long, sweet kiss. She didn’t let him go until Missy cleared her throat.
“Sorry,” Elena said, blushing as she glanced up at her.
“Don’t mind me,” Missy told her. “I just have something for you too.”
Marcus grinned again, remembering what Missy had picked out last week at the jewelry store five minutes from their house.
“Oh?” Elena pushed herself back onto her feet and Marcus followed suit.
Missy dug into a sneaky little pocket in her dress (Marcus hadn’t known dresses with pockets existed until she had shown him it) and handed a black box - slightly bigger than the first - to Elena, who was surprised for a second time that night.
“Now what’s this?” she asked, a smile playing on her lips.
“You have to look for yourself to find out,” Missy declared, gesturing for her to do so.
Elena lifted the lid up and plucked a silver bracelet out of it, examining it. “This looks like your bracelet,” she observed.
Missy gave her a curt nod and raised her arm to show off hers. “That’s because it is an identical one. I figured if you were going to marry my dad you should have one too. That way we can all communicate quickly if there is ever an emergency.”
Elena looked touched by Missy’s consideration for her. “You came up with that all by yourself?”
“She did,” Marcus confirmed. He was proud of his daughter for coming up with it first. He’d only bought Missy her bracelet after Reina had died, and he regretted not getting it before. It had been useful more than once, especially during times when carrying a phone around wasn’t convenient.
“Can I hug you Missy?” Elena inquired quietly, eyes brimming with tears.
“Sure,” she answered, flashing her a smile.
Elena leaned down and they embraced, Missy tucking her face into her hair and squeezing her tight. “I’m glad you said yes.”
Elena pulled away to look her at her face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Missy parroted, a glint in her eyes. “You’re too nice to become an evil stepmother.”
Elena snorted. “We’ll see how you feel about me a year from now.”
Missy appeared a bit horrified by the suggestion, mind probably wondering about what Elena could have planned, but she relaxed again as soon as she saw her lips quirk upward. “Ha. Ha. Good one.”
Elena winked at her and dropped down to sweep Ginger back into her arms, kissing her on the top of her head. “They even included you in this conspiracy, huh?”
Marcus laughed. “Missy’s idea.”
“Of course,” Elena said. “She probably agreed to this for Ginger.”
“She is a benefit,” Missy agreed. “So, when are you moving in with us?”
Judging by her face it was clear Elena hadn’t considered that part of the equation yet, but she didn’t look the least bit hesitant or concerned about it. “Anytime, really. Are you two ready for me to move in?”
Marcus and Missy both nodded at once and she beamed at them. “Alright then. I’ll start packing and moving things over this weekend. It’ll take a month to get out of my contract with my landlord, but that doesn’t mean I can’t move in sooner, as long as you’re good with that.” She met Missy’s eyes again.
“It is,” Missy promised her.
Marcus felt his mouth pull upward at that, grateful as ever that Missy was who she was. He wouldn’t have had this second chance without her.
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