#matsuyama takashi
redsamuraiii · 11 months
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Heisei Ultraseven (1994) Ep 2
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videomessiah · 6 months
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Stray Dog: Kerberos Panzer Cops (1991)
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roskirambles · 7 months
Horror Movie of the Day: Ju-On (2000)
The Grudge Curse, also known as Ju-on(呪怨): A curse born of a strong grudge held by someone who died. The place of his death gathers his grudge. Anyone who comes in contact with this curse shall lose his life and a new curse is born.
Shunsuke Kobayashi is a school teacher that comes to the Saeki residence with concern. His student Toshio has been absent for a few days, so he goes in hope to ask what happened. Finding the boy heavily injured, it becomes evident something's very wrong in that house. Unfortunately for Kobashi, he doesn't realize yet how wrong that actually is.
The first feature length film in Ju-on series, this direct to video production looks the part: you can tell the budget was not very high as some the special effects or even the camera quality leave a lot to be desired. But even with those faults (or on occasion taking advantage out of them) the end result is still unsettling and quite disturbing.
Going full in media res in like many a Japanese ghost story would, it leaves many of its details implied or somewhat open to interpretation. Instead you get this collection of vignettes where things go south pretty much immediately. But as you eventually get more context, the creepier the story gets as the puzzle pieces start falling into place. With a very striking depiction of obsession and some harrowing imagery adjacent to it, if the ghosts on screen don't do it for you their backstory certainly will.
Props to the sound design, camerawork and editing help in achieving this effect. They play their cards intelligently to make the most with the least, creating some iconic bits in the process. It doesn't get the recognition it deserves as the third entry Ju-On:The Grudge (released in 2002 and the first theatrical release) eclipses it. Which is a shame because for how cheaper it was made for it's still arguably the best out of them by quite the wide margin.
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kinhagamer · 2 years
[Anime] Arknights: Prelude to Dawn
[Anime] Arknights: Prelude to Dawn
Um dos melhores games que já joguei finalmente vai virar anime \o/! Arknights tem um visual maravilhoso, jogabilidade excelente, e agora ganha sua versão anime (obrigada Yostar!). O Anime Arknights: Prelude to Dawn vai estrear na TV Tokyo em 28 de outubro deste ano. Trailers Conta do Twitter Arknights TV Animation [PRELUDE TO DAWN] The second key visual is now released.Please stay…
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takashimatsuyama · 3 months
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From project "Mirror Shows Ambivalence"
"Sin Named Dream"
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breadvidence · 6 months
I am at the halfway mark with Shoujo Cosette—ep. 26—and while my experience thus far has been distinctly Malbec-tinted (holiday season, am I right?), I do have a couple coherent thoughts. This was always going to be a harder sell for me because the intended audience is younger and I'm a curmudgeon, and indeed a few of the minor plot arcs and emotional beats have been a shrug for me. That being said, I don't think this is a bad adaptation either in the sense of watchability or its handling of the source material. Thoughts, in no particular order:
The opening credits equate Jean Valjean saving Cosette with Myriel saving Valjean and I am almost resentful to have never drawn this connection myself.
I realize it is unreasonable to complain that a children's show does not explore the behavioral and physical impacts of abuse but—yeah, I am still going to complain about that. The fact that Cosette is an ugly kid who is dishonest and a little feral prior to her being saved rarely gets drawn out in adaptations, but the loss of this aspect of her character is particularly striking when we have twelve episodes regularly turning their attention on her childhood with the Thénardiers. In Shoujo Cosette she is an unrelentingly sweet kid, which is both less interesting for me personally as a viewer and strips nuance present in the source material.
Because this is an unreasonably large Jean Valjean, I cannot shake the impression of Javert being a little man. Look at them:
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Javert is at near-perfect motorboating level. His relative size combined with the slender design and dramatically pointed facial features is giving rabid whippet.
After Javert interrogates a man at a tavern about Jean Valjean's past, the tavern owner comes tattling to M. Madeleine—to warn him, sure, but also complaining that his shop won't get any business if Javert comes around with his "intimidating face", and asking that the mayor please convey this. Valjean doesn't demur the task, and the implied encounter is a thing of beauty. This might be the most embarrassing thing to happen to any Javert, both being banned (because of his face) and his investigation being dragged into the open.
I would say this Fantine suffers more because she does not have access to sex work; for all its social vulnerability, that position at least affords her an economic advantage the Shoujo Cosette version lacks.
Was I stressed by the friendship between Cosette and Gavroche on the (correct!) assumption that her promises she would take him with her were bunk? Yeah, I'll admit to that. For one brief moment in Ep. 13 it looks as if Valjean will casually abduct two children in one day, but this is deferred under flimsy premises. The downstream effect of his taking Gavroche would have been extensive, but the show manages this moment with unusual clumsiness.
Catherine falls off a bridge in Ep. 15 and at the time I thought there was something in a "she pulled a Javert, what are the character parallels?" joke, but now that I'm sober I'm less sure.
Jean Valjean's wanted poster is a thing of beauty. Look with me.
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Suffered the brief temptation to re-brand as tumblr user JVJs_wanted_poster just to use this image as a PFP. Those deep-set eyes. That chin dimple. Imagining the equivalent of the scene in BBC 2018 where Oyelowo chews out the line "Make his jawline more... more... prognathous" except it's Takashi Matsuyama's Javert throatily growling out "Make his jawline more... more... heroic."
Oddly, this is the only adaptation I can think of which truly draws out ambivalence surrounding the convent (even weakly). Particularly when Cosette is a little girl, you get the sense of the arbitrary and unhealthy control the place exerts on its residents. Ultimately it is a place of refuge—and Jean Valjean, already a tired old man at this juncture, is entirely on board for it—but it is flawed. The show proceeds to shy away from its own implications by having one of Cosette's friends become a nun in a little outburst of religiosity which rather puzzles me.
Grown-up Éponine gets fucked over in this adaptation, at least up to Ep. 26. She has no actual arc, either in he relationship with Marius or in her conflict with her father. I did not think you could do worse by her than '58 but I think I would rather her groveling and lacking bite than whatever's going on here. The issue isn't even characterization per se—they are just so inattentive to the beats and progression of her plot that the end result is incoherent.
I blame Shoujo Cosette less for the incoherence of Gavroche's narrative. He's as much a magical being in the novel as he is a child, and the fact that he has such prominence in the anime means they're trying to build something normal out of what really isn't. They've missed the mark on making him funny or tragic, which is a loss.
Great Grantaire here? Nothing deep to say, I just enjoy him.
This Marius gets a wobbly gold star for being the only one of his kind to articulate "I shouldn't have stalked them". May I present the Valjean expression which first dissuaded him from approaching them:
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Truly intimidating. (In the universe of Shoujo Cosette there does not seem to be the same constraints of propriety keeping him from simply kicking off a conversation, making this more comedic.)
All complaints aside, this series repeatedly hits exactly the right note in the relationship between Valjean and Cosette, which is half of why I love Les Misérables—it's devoted, tender, and fucked-up. These two cannot have an honest conversation about anything important, but damned if you don't entirely believe in their love for each other.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950) Cast: Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, Masayuki Mori, Takashi Shimura, Minoru Chiaki, Kichijiro Ueda, Noriko Homma, Daisuke Kato. Screenplay: Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto, based on stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Cinematography: Kazuo Miyagawa. Production design: Takashi Matsuyama. Film editing: Akira Kurosawa. Music: Fumio Hayasaka. When I was growing up, Rashomon was one of those films like Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita (1960) and Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal (1957) that you had to have seen just to be considered culturally literate. Among other things, it's often cited as the career breakthrough of Akira Kurosawa and his frequent star, Toshiro Mifune. But if there's a key to the success of Rashomon as drama it's the performance of MIchiko Kyo in the female lead. Kyo was the star of another 1950s imported hit, Teinosuke Kinugasa's Gate of Hell (1953), and gave memorable performances for Kenji Mizoguchi in Street of Shame (1956) and especially Ugetsu (1953) as well as for Yasujiro Ozu in Floating Weeds (1959). She even crossed the Pacific to play opposite Glenn Ford and Marlon Brando (in yellowface) in the film version of The Teahouse of the August Moon (Daniel Mann, 1956). The nuances of Kyo's performance make Rashomon work; they keep us guessing whether she was the dutiful wife or the savage wanton. As I watch more and more Japanese film of the late 1940s, '50s, and '60s, it becomes clearer that this was a great period for female actors like Kyo, Setsuko Hara, Kyoko Kagawa, Kinuyo Tanaka, Isuzu Yamada, Hideko Takamine, and many others -- most of whose names are unknown to Americans today. As for Rashomon itself, while it remains essential viewing for the cinematically literate, I don't hold it in as high esteem as I do such Kurosawa/Mifune collaborations as  Drunken Angel (1948), Stray Dog (1949), Seven Samurai (1954), Throne of Blood (1957), The Lower Depths (1957), The Hidden Fortress (1958), Yojimbo (1961), Sanjuro (1962), or High and Low (1963). Rashomon feels arty and remote in ways that those don't.
gifs by talesfromthecrypts
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1945 03 Kawanishi N1K2-J Shiden Kai 'George' - Takayoshi Wada - box art Hasegawa
343 Naval Flying Group, 701 Sqn. 343-45 (Lt. Takashi Ochibushi)Matsuyama AB
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historyhermann · 1 year
"The Demon Girl Next Door": A Comedic Anime Worth Watching
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What if one day you woke up and were a demon? Yuko experiences this dilemma in The Demon Girl Next Door. She tries to get a hold of her new form and is tasked with defeating the local magical girl... but not everything is as it seems.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog (it will be published there on Dec. 20), and Wayback Machine. This was the thirty-ninth article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on May 18, 2022.
The Demon Girl Next Door is a supernatural and magical girl anime directed by Hiroaki Sakurai. It is based on Izumo Itō's manga parody series, is also known as "Street Corner Demon", and is filled with comedic moments from beginning to end.
As a warning, this recommendation discusses some spoilers for the first 19 episodes of The Demon Girl Next Door.
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Yuko begins transforming into her crisis management form
The Demon Girl Next Door, builds off the usual story, where someone wakes up and is different from who they were when they went to sleep. One day, Yuko Yoshida (voiced by Konomi Kohara) comes to the frightening realization that she has a tail and horns. She learns that she is the descendant of a demon cursed to live in poverty by an opposing clan.
In order to restore the clan's honor, her mother, Seiko Yoshida tasks her with defeating the local magical girl of the town, Momo Chiyoda. This is easier said than done. Yuko is assisted by her ancestor, Lilith, who is trapped in a totem, and occasionally by her sister, Ryoko Yoshida.
However, Yuko is beset with a dilemma after Momo (voiced by Akari Kito) saves her from certain death. This is made even worse when she realizes that Momo attends the same high school as her! Luckily, she is helped by her school friends Anri Sata (voiced by Sayaka Senbongi) and Sion Ogura (voiced by Ayaka Suwa). Some call her "Shamiko" or by her full name "Shadow Master Yuko."
Sion is into the occult as much as Yoshiko Tsushima in Love Live!! Sunshine! who believes she is a "fallen angel" named "Yohane" and Rie Maruyama in Cue! who calls itself a demon from hell named "Ellis."
The series shares many similarities with The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!, where a powerful demon named Jahy lives in a ratty apartment and tries to gain all of the mana crystals to restore her powers. Yuko also lives on the edge of poverty with her sister Ryoko (voiced by Hitomi Ohwada) and mother, Seiko Yoshida (voiced by Sayaka Ohara).
Similar to the aforementioned series, in The Demon Girl Next Door Yuko becomes friends with Momo and her friend from another town, Mikan Hinatsuki (voiced by Tomoyo Takayanagi). In a unique twist, Mikan has been afflicted by a "guardian spirit" that attacks whenever Mikan's heart is racing, resulting in those around her to experience calamities. This is akin to the misfortune that the magical girl faces when she uses the mana crystals in The Great Jahy.
Later in the series, it is comically revealed that Yuko and Ryoko's father, Joshua (voiced by Hideyuki Umezu) was sealed inside a cardboard citrus box by another magical girl. It turns out that the family uses this box every day to cook their meals on a hibachi!
That magical girl is named Sakura Chiyoda (voiced by Hisako Kanemoto) and the stepsister of Momo. She disappeared ten years ago after she manipulated a sacred seal to ensure she stayed in good health. It later becomes Momo, Mikan, and Yuko's mission to find her. And she does appear in one of the show's most recent episodes. Mikan, on the other hand, has a familiar named Ugallu.
In another parallel with The Great Jahy, for some time Yuko begins working at a cafe run by a demon tapir named Shirosawa (voiced by Takashi Matsuyama) which has a chef and waitress named Lico (voiced by Ayassa Ito). Although Yuko goes there to garner information about Sakura, she becomes poisoned by the food, which makes her a work zombie, until she is saved by her more-than-a-friend Momo.
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Mikan (left) gives Yuko (middle) a lemon while Momo (right) watches Yuko, and Yuko's ancestor sits on a nearby table
On the one hand, the series has plot lines focused on mindscapes, reminding me of scenes in The Owl House, Steven Universe, and Inside Job where characters travel inside the minds of other characters, either on purpose or by accident.
In fact, Sakura, another magical girl, helps Yuko out of her nightmare in the fifth and sixth episodes of the show's most recent season, appearing as a mirage of sorts. The audience also learns that Sakura sacrifices herself so that Yuko could live; a noble sacrifice.
This series also features main characters with cool magical transformations. This is coupled with comedy, which is integral to the show.
This is not an off-the-wall comedy like the hilarious three-season slice-of-life yuri comedy, YuruYuri, for which the protagonist complains about her lack of presence, even resulting in her becoming translucent at times. Neither is it like romantic comedies such as the currently airing Kaguya-sama: Love Is War and Love After Domination, or a recently-ended isekei comedy with transgender themes, Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout.
Instead, there is situational comedy either based around interactions between Yuko, her family and school friends, and family, or with her magical girl friends, Mikan and Momo. As a person who loves to eat sliced oranges as a snack, I have to give props to Mikan, whose family owns a fruit company, for constantly, and somehow, finding fruit. She slices up oranges and lemons and chomps on them when they hang out or brings fruit to eat while she is on the go. Are there any other characters who do this? I can't even think of one.
Even more hilarious is the fact that Mikan's hair color fits directly with her love of citrus, as it has the same color as an orange-dyed orange. It also connects with her bubbly, excitable personality and her orange-themed magical transformation.
The same can be said for Momo whose hair color is pink, a color often associated with "innocence and uncomplicated childhood", who has incredible strength and can quickly transform.
Unlike some other series, Momo has no interest in remaining a magical girl, feeling that having such power is too much responsibility for her. Yuko attempts to take advantage of this and recruit Momo as her "vassal." While Momo turns this down, she remains on friendly terms and there are hints in the season 2 introduction that she may go down that route in the future. All the while Yuko continues to declare "don't think this means you won" after Momo "defeats" Yuko in some way.
This is series is not unique in flipping generally understood values, like magical girls seen as "good" and demons as "bad." In fact, the 2017 supernatural slice-of-life and comedy anime, Gabriel DropOut, has angels act like demons, and demons act like angels. Helluva Boss has the demons act like jerks but be relatable and care about each other, while the angels are utter jerks who only care about themselves.
It is even a bit funny that Yuko's magical girl-esque transformation is called "crisis management". It gives her a somewhat scantily clad uniform akin to the lead in The Great Jahy, but it only slightly improves her abilities. This is different than Jahy, as it only helps her a little bit. Due to this, however, Momo helps train her on how to hone her abilities and improve herself. Instead of magical girls and demons fighting one another, they are both on the same side, working together for common goals.
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Image from the Season 2 opening of the two protagonists, Momo and Yuko
In the process, the series plays on the common magical girl elements, often associated with female interests like romance, femininity, and child-rearing, with cute appearances of characters resembling idol singers or princesses. When they are in their transformations, Momo, Yuko, and Mikan clearly transform into versions of themselves that seem more mature and prettier, with magical powers. However, Momo and Yuko have items that allow them to use their powers outside of their transformations.
Most powerfully, and apart from any other character in the series, Yuko has the ability to enter other people's minds. She does it often with a wand that sometimes transforms into silly items like a pen, a super-heavy trident, or anything else that does not help her in the slightest. She is also very expressive, with her demon tail telling as much about her emotions as the cat ears of Blake Belladonna in RWBY say about what she is thinking from minute to minute.
Yuko's demon features are often exploited by other characters, who hold her back by her tail, making it hard for her to move, or hold her horns like handles. This is even more painful than someone grabbing onto her tail.
I further found it funny that Yuko's younger sister, Ryoko, is more skilled with technology than her. In fact, she is just as skilled with technology as the underclassman angel Tapris in Gabriel DropOut.
At the same time, her ancestor, Lilith (voiced by Minami Takahashi), can be bought out of her totem into small forms which are like dolls. Hilariously, Momo can easily control her movements, angering Lilith, who is trapped inside the totem. She can only leave to occupy Yuko's body from time to time, which slightly changes Yuko's personality and even her tail in the process. Similar to many characters, she has a weakness for alcohol, which makes it easy to subdue her.
Although there is a goal for magical girls to have romance that leads to marriage, it is unlikely this would happen in The Demon Girl Next Door. No notable male characters appear in the series.  Although Yuko and Momo seem to have some feelings for each other, it is unlikely that Yuko and Momo would marry one another.
In later episodes, they will likely become even closer. After all, in the most recent episode, she became Yuko's vassal (temporarily) and came over the the "dark side", nicknamed "Darkness Peach" by Mikan, to save her from a nightmare. In an unexpected twist, she becomes a dual-class holder whose physical class is light while her spiritual class is light. They both agree to work together to protect the city.
Rather, these characters could be shown ambiguously together and walking off into the sunset akin to the end of Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times. It is even less likely that there would any possible marriage, like that hinted between office worker, Kobayashi, and a dragon girl, Tohru, in the final episode of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.
All in all, The Demon Girl Next Door is a must-see, especially for those interested in demons, magical girls, and supernatural comedies.
The series is currently streaming on HIDIVE. The next episode will air on May 26, 2022.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Journey to the West with Farts (2016) 珍遊記 珍游记
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Director: Yudai Yamaguchi
Screenwriter: Gatarô Man / Ohkawara Starring: Kenichi Matsuyama / Kana Kurashina / Junpei Mizobata / Ryounari Tayama / Takashi Sasano / more...
Genre: Comedy
Official website: chinyuuki.com
Country/Region of Manufacture: Japan
Language: Japanese
Date: 2016-02-27 (Japan)
Duration: 100 minutes
Also known as: Jane's Travel Notes -Taro とゆかいな中间たち-
IMDb: tt5263876
Type: Crossover
The monk Xuanzang (played by Cang Ke Kana) aiming at Tianzhu is on a long and arduous journey. On this day, the grandfather (played by Ryocheng Yamada) and the old lady (played by Sasano Takashi) found Xuanzang, hoping that he could seal the demon power of the bad boy Yamada Taro (played by Matsuyama Kenichi). With the power of the orb, Taro's demon power was sealed, and he was forced to follow Xuanzang on the journey of reformation. What kind of color will this troubled boy who is often naked and unscrupulously fart add to this journey? This film is adapted from the comic Taro's funny manga, and the film ranked tenth in audience satisfaction at the beginning of the first week of its debut.
Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5263876/
Link: N/A
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ARKNIGHTS - PRELUDE TO DAWN: nuovo trailer dell’anime in attesa del debutto in streaming su Crunchyroll
Il primo episodio della miniserie sarà disponibile dal 28 ottobre.
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Il nuovo cupo trailer di “ARKNIGHTS: PRELUDE TO DAWN”, diffuso giusto oggi, ci rammenta che mancano ormai solo pochi giorni al debutto della miniserie animata, ispirata al popolare videogioco mobile di Hypergryph e Studio Montagne, distribuito da Yostar.
Il primo degli 8 episodi sarà, infatti, disponibile in streaming su Crunchyroll a partire dal 28 ottobre. Come vi ho anticipato ad inizio settimana, l’anime entrerà a far parte del palinsesto simulcast della piattaforma e potremo seguirlo in lingua originale, sottotitolato in italiano. Non dimenticatevi di dare un’occhiata alla guida anime autunnale per sapere a che ora usciranno le puntate!
In produzione presso YOSTAR PICTURES (Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!, Sorairo Utility), l’adattamento sta venendo diretto da Yuki Watanabe, già regista dei promo animati e dello speciale cortometraggio chiamato “Holy Knight Light”, realizzato per festeggiare il primo anniversario del titolo.
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Ad affiancarlo, in qualità di assistente alla regia, troviamo ancora una volta Masataka Nishikawa, mentre il character design è curato da Aya Takafuji (animatrice chiave in Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia). Per quanto riguarda le musiche, invece, la colonna sonora è composta da Yuki Hayashi (Haikyu!! L’asso del volley, My Hero Academia).
Come era lecito aspettarsi da un gioco con all’attivo più di 200 personaggi, anche il cast della serie si preannuncia piuttosto corposo. Di seguito vi riporto i nomi confermati fino ad oggi.
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Ace: Takashi Matsuyama 
Wei Yenwu: Kouichi Yamadera 
Medic: Momo Asakura 
Guard: Chiaki Kobayashi 
Doctor: Yuki Kaida
Franka: Ai Kakuma
Dobermann: Atsumi Tanezaki
Nearl: Ayane Sakura 
Amiya: Tomoyo Kurosawa 
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Texas: Azusa Tadokoro
Hoshiguma: Kiyono Yasuno 
Exusiai: Manaka Iwami 
Meteorite: Risa Taneda
Ch'en: Shizuka Ishigami
Kal'tsit: Yoko Hikasa 
Liskarm: Yui Ishikawa
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Crownslayer: Sayaka Sembongi
Mephisto: Kohei Amasaki
Faust: Shun Horie
Talulah: Maaya Sakamoto
W: Ayana Taketatsu
Misha: Satsumi Matsuda
Skullshatterer: Risae Matsuda
La storia è costantemente in evoluzione ed espansione, quindi cerco di darvi giusto un’infarinatura generale che sono riuscito ad estrapolare sull’ambientazione.
Il gioco è ambientato in una versione futuristica, distopica e post-apocalittica del pianeta Terra, sulla quale esiste la magia e parte della popolazione manifesta caratteristiche fisiche tipiche degli animali o di creature mitologiche. A seguito di alcuni disastri naturali, chiamati Catastrofi, sulla Terra è apparso un minerale, l'originium, che ha due effetti: infetta le persone con una malattia, l'oripathy, e permette l'utilizzo della magia. Poiché il tasso di mortalità è del 100% e possiede un'alta infettività al momento della morte, non è raro incontrare ostilità nei confronti degli infetti. La Terra, similmente a quella reale, è governata da varie forze, che si sono ritrovate a formare un piano di quarantena della popolazione e contenimento della malattia su larga scala, talvolta ricorrendo anche alla violenza e spesso alla ghettizzazione degli infetti.
Il giocatore veste i panni del “Dottore”, che soffre di amnesia dopo essersi svegliato da un sonno che gli ha provocato la perdita della memoria. Il Dottore comanda una squadra di “operatori” appartenenti alla Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals, un'organizzazione medica dotata di squadre di supporto militare. Questi corpi hanno il compito di cercare una cura alla malattia e al tempo stesso di sopprimere gli attacchi da parte del Reunion Movement, una forza militare anarchica fondata da alcuni infetti, il cui obiettivo è quello di vendicare le vittime della malattia, terminate o minacciate dal governo.
Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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kunotakashi · 2 years
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『思考の達人デカルトに学ぶ むずかしい問題を考え抜く力』(光文社) 著:齋藤孝 Book: “思考の達人デカルトに学ぶ むずかしい問題を考え抜く力” Author: Takashi SAITO Writing: Aiko IMAIZUMI Illustration: Takashi KUNO Design: Atsushi NISHITARUMI / Chihiro MATSUYAMA (krran) Client: Kobunsha Jun. 2022
思考の達人デカルトに学ぶ むずかしい問題を考え抜く力 | 光文社 Open the Link >>>
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daisukeshimadaworks · 4 months
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Kenta Dedachi - Moon feat. Ryu Matsuyama Musicvideo
Director / Director of Photography : Daisuke Shimada Camera Assistant : Misato Takaki / Yuki Yoshide / Hiyori Fujimura Lighting Director : Kazuhide Toya Lighting Assistant : Eiji Suzuki / Takuro Inazawa / Akio Morita Morita Akio Stylist : Peter Gunn Sho Hair & Make : Jun Matsumoto / Yoko Matsumoto Production Manager : Rumiko Maruoka Producer : Yukiko Tsuji / Takashi Sugai
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Let’s do the repeats in 5D’s:
**Takayuki Sugou does José, Aporia, and Dr. Kogami:
**Ryou Naitou does Jean, and Ryuji Otogi:
**Taiten Kusunoki does Jin Himuro, and Don Zaloog:
**Kenji Nomura does Demack, and Housaku:
**Mika Itaou does Rally, and young Yuma:
**Yoshihisa Kawahara does Cup Noodle Man, Raphael, and Mad Dog Iruka:
**Yuuki Masuda does Breo, and Misawa:
**Ryouhei Kimura does Brave, and Taiki:
**Takahiro Hirano does Blitz, and Chousaku Manjoume:
**Takanori Hoshino does JACK ATLAS, and Honest:
**Aki Kanada does Torunka, Carly, Tokunosuke, and young Ryouga:
**Sachi Kokuryu does Sly, and Tron:
**Hidenobu Kiuchi does Saiga, Koorimaru, and Chaos Sorcerer:
**Masakazu Nemoto does Placido, and Aporia:
**Takashi Matsuyama does Mizoguchi, and Mei:
**Masami Iwasaki does Lotten, Isono, and Samejima:
**Naru Kamawato does Austin, and Tarou:
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takashimatsuyama · 5 months
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 Mini project "直感 Chokkan" started. Chokkan is intuition in Japanese. This project's theme is creation by intuition. Some short videos will release in that. Hope you will enjoy Takashi's feeling.
(Japanese 日本語)  ミニプロジェクト"直感 Chokkan"が始まりました。直感は英語でintuition。感覚的に作品を作るということをテーマにしたプロジェクトです。短い映像を中心にリリースされていきます。松山昂史の感覚を感じていただければ幸いです。
Statement by Takashi Matsuyama Concept and process are important things in contemporary art. I, too, value these things when I creat my work. But we have each habit and background in thier roots, and ideas of works are based that. Movement habit when I dance, melody which is easy to me when I sing, colour which I tend to choose. Lots of my works are started by my private things. In spite of that, my simple works which are created by my intuition, I always kept that away. One cause is a miracle which art changes my nagative feelings and broadens my world. The miracle is important meaning to live for me still now. It may be same for also this world. By the way, in this mini project, I want to relax a little, I want to do not make strong concept. By my intuition, crated music and video without meaning, dance without meaning, paint witout meaning. Gathered works without meaning, I want to find my roots from that. For nobody, without meaning.
松山昂史によるステートメント 現代アートにおいて、コンセプトやプロセスは大事なものです。私も作品を作るとき、それらを大事にしてきました。しかし、その人の癖やバックグラウンドというものが根底にはあり、それらをベースにして作品のアイディアは出来上がってきます。踊るときに出る動きの癖、自分にとって歌いやすいメロディー、選びがちな色。私の作品は、私個人のことを出発点とすることが多いです。にも関わらず、感覚的にシンプルに作ったものを遠ざけてきました。それは、自分が抱くネガティブな何かを、アートが変換して押し広げてくれた奇跡があるからかもしれません。その奇跡は今も私にとって、とても重要な生きる意味です。おそらくこの世界にとっても。ところで、この小さなプロジェクトでは、少しリラックスして、コンセプトなどは決めすぎないようにします。感覚的に何となく作った音楽や映像、何となく踊ってみて、何となく描いてみる。何となく集まったものに、自分の根源を見出せたらと思います。誰の為ともなく、何となく。
直感 Chokkan special site
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onara-collective · 2 years
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『思考の達人デカルトに学ぶ むずかしい問題を考え抜く力』(光文社) 著:齋藤孝 - - - - - - 光文社から発売中の齋藤孝さんの書籍 『思考の達人デカルトに学ぶ むずかしい問題を考え抜く力』で、 カバーと本文中のイラストを担当しました。 哲学者のデカルトが残した「ものの考え方」のルールを学び、 世の中に溢れるさまざまな問題に立ち向かう力を養おう、という一冊です。 小学生から中学生の読者を対象にした本ですが、 大人が読んでも、日々の暮らしにきっと役立てられる内容だと思います。 タイトルに使われている「デカルト」と「考え抜く力」の文字も描きました。 ////// “思考の達人デカルトに学ぶ むずかしい問題を考え抜く力” AUTHOR: SAITO TAKASHI PUBLISHED BY KOBUNSHA - - - - - - WRITING: IMAIZUMI AIKO ILLUSTRATION: KUNO TAKASHI DESIGN: NISHITARUMI ATSUSHI / MATSUYAMA CHIHIRO (krran) CLIENT: KOBUNSHA 思考の達人デカルトに学ぶ むずかしい問題を考え抜く力 | 光文社 https://www.kobunsha.com/shelf/book/isbn/9784334953133 *
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