#massive karn w
arvadthecursed · 1 year
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official-megumin · 1 year
I have written more fanfic lore…
The ratfolk: the ratfolk are descended from lab rats experimented on in a pre-rip world, the world was going through a third world war after the Cold War between the USA and USSR went hot. They were exposed to a super-soldier serum that boosted their intelligence and size, although the serum never went onto human trials as human civilisation was w wiped out in nuclear fire before it got that far. For the years between humanities extinction on this earth and the rip, the ratfolk lived in the irradiated ruins of human society. Most ratfolk societies have a positive view of the rip, viewing it as a necessary evil that saved them from their hellish world. Despite being small, weak and often short lived, survival is engrained in them on the genetic level, and the worst apocalypse that can be caused by fire and steel can not even come close to the ashes of nuclear fire. They were forged in a plutonium fulled furnace, the scars caused by the daggers of radiation still sting, yet they persevere.
The Drakkin (short for Drake Kin): the drakkin were not born from the rip, if the stories are to be believed that is. The drakkin story goes that a great and powerful dragon by the name of Thuul-Karn came across the ruins of a town ravaged by an enemy army, she saw that everyone was slaughtered; men, women, children, not even the livestock were spared. So she took the corpses of the townsfolk, and encased each one within a bronze egg forged by her own fire, and filled with her own blood; with the last of her strength she imbued the eggs with her magic and her life force, sacrificing herself in the process. The eggs hatched into the first drakkin, part dragon, part human. Most drakkin are wingless, covered head to toe in scales, merely echoes of their draconic origin; but once in a million, a dragonblood drakkin will hatch. Dragonblood drakkin stand 8ft tall with massive wings sprouting from their shoulders, and it is even rumoured that they even have the arcane gifts the rip gave to the dragons. Dragonbloods are rare to the point of being mythical, some drakkin believe that a dragonblood’s hatching is pre-ordained by the gods to provide the drakkin with a hero in their time of need, although the reason behind their hatching is unknown. All drakkin are innately drawn to the sky, their draconic heritage drawing them to the sky, the drakkin build their cities into the sky, constructing massive cities of spires and towers, and flight commonly shows up in myths and legends.
This can go into canon with no changes at all. I fucking love the backstory of the ratfolk, it's so good.
And the drakkin are great as well, I love the name too.
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xshow-me-some-moxie · 4 years
We’re Back...with Snacks
["Cin! Still— ah, damn it— still with us, doll?"]
{"…Yes. What isss— Happening. To us?"}
["We couldn't answer that, not really, just as in the dark as Cin when it came to this particular brand of dimensional travel. We're going back, Cin."]
{"Back. …Home?"}
["It should have been, a few weeks ago it would have been. But, a lot changed in a few weeks. Now when we thought about home it wasn't our empty cave and alimony checks we thought of, but a pair of fierce purple ({"Blue."}) …purple eyes, a wicked smile, the best natural instincts we've ever seen, and a serious need for someone to watch out for her so she didn't run herself into the ground. The only one who would miss us in our universe was Aunt May, and God knew she was the last person who needed us. May was the strongest, most independent person we knew, she would understand why we had to leave."]
{"Ssso…back. Then home. Again."}
["Yeah, Cin, we're going back."]
Going back took Noir nearly two years.
After a painful reentry to his apartment, the first thing he did was check that Carcinogen survived the transition, and when she was no worse for wear he took in his apartment and was mortified. It was a disaster. He wasn't particularly meticulous when it came to cleaning (especially because the FBI boys who stopped in more often than he liked always left the place a mess, so what was the point?), but this was bad and…extensive? It wasn't just a mess made, but things had been moved, the dust patterns different all around the room.
It was like…
Behind his mask Noir's eyes narrowed and then he was moving to his bedroom, throwing the door open. The sight he was greeted with had him scowling, nothing was where he left it. Someone had been living in his apartment. Noir was getting a headache, and that was before he found a calendar and realised that three years had gone by.
After that Noir decided to get very drunk before he figured out what to do next.
It took Noir nearly a year to get his affairs back in order after having been gone for three years. He wasn't sure how the other him had managed to inhabit his life for three years, but he'd managed to gum up the works in a spectacular manner. And while he wasn’t planning on staying in his dimension longer than he had to (or coming back, for that matter), Karn had made it clear it would take time to locate Gwen and so Noir was forced to ungum the works while he waited.
Quite a bit of the next year was spent in Loomworld, Noir doing his best to not let Carcinogen goad him into actually shooting Karn. The Master Weaver was having trouble locating Gwen and Noir had no patience for it. The only thing that kept him from pulling the trigger was the fact he knew he couldn't get back to Gwen without him…and he didn't want to deal with Billie's reaction— he was betting it would be more than his Disappointed Face.
Finally, the day came that Karn found the proper thread and informed Noir that he found Gwen. Noir spared only the time to pack three web sacks, one full of junk food that he knew his girl would appreciate, one full of his own essentials including a spare suit and his winter gear (and the recipe for egg creams which he had had to wrangle out of a bartender he knew), and the other full of lead.
Noir had assumed the trip back to Dollface's dimension wouldn't be that bad as he'd travelled via Karn's web more than once in the past, but this was different. Heat followed at his back and when he appeared on the rooftop of his building he immediately collapsed the burning getting worse despite the fact the rain was coming down in sheets.
"Aaargh!" The sound of his yell was dampened by the rain, Noir curling into a ball, fingers dragging at his shoulders and neck. His skin felt like it was on fire. Like he could feel every single one of Cin's millions of tiny legs and they were all red hot.
["Cin, why—"] "Damn it!" ["Why are we hurting us?!"]
{"NOT US. Hurtsss, Noir. Sscared."}
Writhing on the rooftop Noir realised just how much trouble he was in. If this wasn't Cin, and it wasn't him, it had to be something with this kooky bubble and since it turned him into a vampire last time he wasn't looking forward to whatever it was doing this time.
["We had never felt pain that bad—"] in his life. It was ["like we were being ripped apart from—"] the inside out. The only thing he knew for ["certain was that the source of the pain was—"]
Noir screamed as the symbiotic mass wrapped even more tightly around him— whatever was going on in this dimension was causing his body to reject the bond which made the symbiotes hug feel more like death. ["We can't take this, Cin! Too much—"] "more and we're going" ["to kill us!"] Despair was in both his voice and his thoughts, not wanting to break the bond, but it was becoming more and more clear that if they didn't they weren't going to survive.
{"…Leave alone?"}
Noir grit his teeth even as he forced his hands to pat his pockets, desperately searching for the flask he kept on his person. ["Not—"] "for lon—" ["g. We promise."] Shaking hands had finally managed to find the flask, but his fingers were trembling too violently for him to unscrew the cap. "Damn!" This time when he yelled Carcinogen yelled with him, the sound terrifyingly inhuman as dark tendrils lashed out at the rain.
["Please, Cin, if we—"] "die then Cin is" ["alone forever. No Noir."]
For a moment he thought Cin's immediate fear of being separated from him was going to outweigh her desire to keep him alive, but then three thin tendrils reached for the cap of the flask twisting it open. Noir's entire body sagged, relief mixing with the pain. ["Thank you, Cin. It won't be"] "for forever." Only until Noir figured out what the hell was going on.
As much as Noir had learned about symbiotes in the past two years he still wasn't sure if they felt emotions the same way people did, but even through the pain and the fear he felt himself get choked up and it wasn't because of the pain. ["We know, Cin. Us too."]
The cap flipped open then and Carcinogen streamed inside, ejecting the web sacks she’d been storing in her mass onto the roof next to Noir and consuming the egg cream the flask had been filled with to make room for all of her. As the last tiny spider crawled inside a black tendril snaked out of the mouth, grabbed the cap, and pulled it down, twisting it tightly closed from the inside.
As the immediate connection between them broke Peter was in a completely different kind of pain, the physical replaced with that of loss and the feeling of being utterly alone for the first time in two years. Curling himself around the flask Peter wasn't sure how long he shook before he was all cried out, but he was definitely soaked through by the time he sat up.
Now that he wasn't in massive amounts of pain (just bearable amounts, the effects of the rejected bond lingering) the man was able to take in the world around him and he realised immediately that he was no longer enhanced. He couldn't hear anything but the rain pounding on the rooftop, and when he looked at the web sacks next to them they were blurry blobs more than sacks.
["No wonder w—"] 
Peter swallowed hard, letting that train of thought go so that he didn't have to think about the fact that he was once again an 'I' instead of a 'We'.
Thankfully, despite losing Carcinogen's suit, Peter wasn't completely naked, his trench coat and fedora the same ones he had always worn. His movements were slow as he dragged the sack with his own belongings in it to him, tearing it open with some difficulty to extract his original black suit. Changing out in the rain wasn't the smartest idea he'd ever had, but he couldn't bring himself to care. 
Once he was dressed he gathered up the bags with a bit of difficulty, forgetting what it was like to move without preternatural balance and agility. He was at least able to carry the weight. He wasn't as strong as he normally was, but he'd been tall and broad even before the spider bit him and he still seemed to possess the muscles he had gained from two decades of web swinging and punching bad guys.
With Cin's flask safely tucked away in an inside pocket of his trench Peter made his way down the fire escape. Even moving slowly he nearly slipped on the wet metal twice, and it was a relief to reach his window. Jimmying the window up Noir ducked inside, immediately tripping over a hamper someone had left in front of the window, curling in on himself as he rolled, landing on his back near the middle of the living room, grimacing behind his mask, the web sacks scattered over the floor around him.
"Dang nabbit, Dollface!"
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imagine-darksiders · 6 years
W O W. As with most things, I did not intend for this to be so long. But never mind, we say. Reading this, its pretty f obvious I’ve never been kissed lmao. 
So, here’s a little oneshot in which you and Karn finally share a long awaited, much anticipated first kiss. 
Fair warning, there’s a super vague, not very exciting mention of oral sooooo, with that said, enjoy xxx
Winter had settled over the Makers’ Realm, coating everything in sight with a glistening sheen of frost. 
Death’s victory over Achidna and Basileus had been a tremendous relief, but the battle had taken a severe toll on both you and the horseman. He took one look at your bruised shoulders and thick, dark bags beneath your usually bright eyes and decided that it was high time he visited Thane to tell him of the debt repaid. 
But when you’d stepped wearily from the portal at the Tree of Life, you'd been met with a biting wind and a harsh chill. It was a steep decline from the rather tepid temperatures of the Dead Plains. Death remained, unsurprisingly, completely unaffected by the cold. However you’d all but sprinted into town with a giggling horseman hot on your heels. “I’ve never seen you move so fast!” he’d teased. 
You were rather disenchanted to discover that not even the makers were particularly phased by the weather. 
Thane met you at the gate, exclaiming that he could hear your teeth chattering all the way from the other side of the Stonefather’s Vale. He and Death continued to exchange light-hearted pleasantries at your expense until Muria had the presence of mind to usher you inside the forge itself. Before you could retreat too far, the horseman whistled for your attention and slung you the cowl from around his neck, leaving it exposed to the elements, though you imagine he didn’t mind in the slightest. 
With a loud bang, the heavy, wooden doors snap shut, sealing off the offending winter’s wind. 
“Brrrr!” you complain loudly over the thrumming and rumbling of the maker’s forge. Rubbing at your arms furiously, you trot towards the large anvil at the  far end of the enormous cavern, easily spotting the twins, Alya and Valus, who’re reclining against the low, stone wall beside the roaring fireplace. 
The latter of the two makers perks up at the sound of your light footsteps pattering towards them. Valus elbows his sister with an eager grunt and nods his armoured head in your direction. Following her brother’s hidden gaze, Alya catches sight of you and her face splits into a welcoming grin. 
“Haha, Y/n! Didn’t think we’d be seeing you during the cold season,” she chirps, beckoning you closer to the forge’s hot fire. 
“Hey Alya, Valus. How’re things?”
The female maker rolls her massive shoulders and gives a ‘so-so’ motion with her hand. Beside her, Valus hums in agreement and bends to his knee, offering you one of his gargantuan fists. You smile up at him whilst knocking your knuckles against his sooty index finger. You’d almost forgotten that you'd taught him to fist bump. 
“So,” Alya starts, “ What brings you back here? Did’ya finally get bored of Death’s company?” 
“Oh yeah,” you reply with a grin, “It’s just one big snooze fest, hanging around with that guy.” 
The conversation flows steadily from there as you regale the makers with Death’s fight against the dead lords and your adventures in the Dead Lands beyond.
Eventually though, inevitably, your mind begins to wander to the absence of one person in particular, who’s absence you’d noticed from the moment you entered  the village. But you’re hesitant to ask, already too aware of the knowing smirks and hushed whispers that are exchanged between the makers whenever you and he are alone together, off on another uproarious adventure. It’s no secret that you harbour feelings for the youngest resident of Tri-Stone and he for you, in return.
You liked to pretend that you could still be subtle though. 
“Hey, so um...Just out of interest....W-where’s Karn?” 
Alya shares a look with her brother. “Told you so,” she smirks with a roll of her eyes. 
A swell of indignation curls in your chest and you pout defensively. “What? It’s just...so quiet, that’s all. Usually you can hear Karn from a mile away.” 
She laughs and sends you a soft wink. “Oh aye. Well, you got that right, at least. Anyone else’d be grateful for the peace and quiet. But not you. hmm?” 
As your embarrassed scowl deepens, even Valus chuckles softly beneath his metal mask. Alya cocks her hip to the side, shaking her head in amusement.    “M’only teasing you, little’un,” she scoffs, “Last we saw, he came skulking through here and headed out towards the Foundry. Seems he’s taken to bothering the Warden recently. You’ll find him out that way.” Her head tilts towards the back entrance. “Just don’t be out too long, or I’ll send Valus to fetch you.” 
The polite laugh you offer is more out of courtesy than anything else, you’re well aware that she’s deadly serious. 
“You got it, ma.” You return her wink when she raises her eyebrows at your cheeky comment. Her swatting hands chase you from the fireplace and she growls playfully. 
“G’wan with you now!” she barks, “Just keep out of trouble. And that goes for both of you!” 
Fleeing to the door, you slip through it with a snicker. 
The moment you step outside, the bitter wind hits you viciously, but you tug Death’s cowl tighter around your neck, the amount on fabric almost drowning you. 
A heavy rumble reverberates through your entire body and you glance up at the sound of your name being spoken. Smiling brightly, you tread steadily down the snowy steps before making your way over to the mammoth construct that’s still residing in his usual place behind the forge. 
“Hey Warden!” you call.
His great, heavy bulk stoops until he’s resting on one knee, shaking the ground as he thuds to it. Somehow, the stone of his jaw shifts into something suggestive of a smile and when he speaks, his voice is slow and sonorous, softened by the thick flakes of snow that have begun to fall from the scattered, darkened clouds looming overhead. 
“Greetings, little one,” he hums, “Back so soon?” 
Stale air washes over you when he exhales, smelling a lot like the forests and earth surrounding the vale. You’d always liked that about the old construct. He smelled like home. 
“It may seem soon to you, Warden, but to me, it’s been weeks! Death says that time flows erratically between the realms.” 
“The universe is....erratic,” he thrums steadily, “Not even time....can be relied upon...You must take care not to waste too much. Your life is already little enough.” 
With a grim nod, you pat his large finger which has come to rest beside you. “Hey, we can’t all be made of stone, Warden.....” You trail off when your eyes chance upon another figure, sitting about halfway across the long bridge that leads to the Foundry doors.  “...Although some of us like to think we are...” 
The Warden’s vivid, blue eyes follow yours, landing upon the new object of your focus. He rumbles knowingly and drags his head back to look down at you. “He comes to sit here often. We will exchange words...on occasion....Sometimes, he asks my opinion on the nature of...things.” 
Curiosity piqued, you raise a quizzical eyebrow up at the Old One. “Oh yeah? What kind of things?” 
“Hmmmm........The places he should venture....The choices he has and has yet....to make....You.”  
The last article nearly has you slipping over and falling onto your rear as you jolt back. “He-you....wha-?!” you stammer lamely.
The smugness that rolls off the old construct is practically tangible. 
“Oh yes....You are a frequent topic....of conversation...”
You try to still the hammering in your chest, though you imagine there’s no way the Warden can hear it, at his size. In a vain effort to keep your nervous eagerness out of your voice, you scratch at the base of your neck and shrug nonchalantly. “Really? So....ugh...ahem. What, uh..What’s he say about me?” 
The Warden’s eyes rove skyward and he hums, suspiciously. “My memory...It is not what it used to be.....” 
Staring at the underside of his jaw, you fix the construct with a deadpan expression. He chuckles lowly, “Perhaps, it would be better to ask him.” 
Unfolding your arms from your chest, you throw them into the air, wincing when the wind whips viciously at the exposed skin. “You are such a bad liar, Warden!” you scold, shaking a finger up at the grinning construct. “Who knew a construct without a tongue could be so cheeky.” In response, he merely lifts his mighty shoulders in a shrug, dislodging a flock of birds that squawk angrily as they flap off over the Foundry. 
With a huff and a shake of your head, you tuck your arms back against your side and stomp towards the bridge, growing increasingly anxious the closer you get to the lone figure. 
Your footsteps are muffled by the falling snow, as it was with the Warden’s voice, so you can’t be sure that Karn has heard you. Still, you suppose it fair to give him fair warning. Especially with the way he’s sat on the very edge of the bridge with his legs hanging precariously over the side. You note the expression on his face, from what you can see at this angle. He looks lost. Both in thought and in spirit. 
You clear your throat as loudly as you dare when you’re no more than ten feet from his back. It would seem that your assumptions had been correct. He hadn’t heard you coming at all. 
“MAKER’S BEARD!” he yelps quickly, slamming one of his monstrous hands down onto the ledge as he tilts forward in surprise. He takes a moment to steady himself before shooting an accusatory glance in your direction. “Now what’s the big idea!? Sneakin’ up on me like th-” 
The maker’s gruff voice cuts off the second his small, grey eyes land on you where you stand, small and vulnerable against the weather. He hesitates, squinting at you through the softly falling snow as though he’s not quite sure that it’s you he's seeing. “Y/n?” he murmurs. 
Biting your lip, you shuffle awkwardly, trying to keep yourself moving to ward off the chill. “Hello Karn.” 
At the sound of your voice, the young maker’s face erupts with a bright, genuine grin. “Y/N!” he exclaims, scrambling to his feet, “Oh, Stone be praised!” Without warning, he suddenly lumbers forward and reaches down for you. Before you can protest, he’s manoeuvred a hand behind your legs and scooped you up into his palm before crushing you against his chest with a hefty sigh. “Oh, thank the Stonefather,” he breathes softly, “I was afraid you weren’t coming back...” 
Despite the freezing cold temperature, you feel yourself start to warm considerably at his words. With a shy blush creeping up your face, you toss any worries to the icy wind and stretch your arms as far around his thick, muscular neck as best you can. Instant relief sweeps over you when Karn’s natural body heat seeps into your fingers and arms, causing you to cling tighter to him and bury your nose in his teal scarf, inhaling deeply. He smells a lot like Warden, all soil, cedar wood and earth after a heavy rainfall. You cringe internally when you think of how you must smell after so long without having washed, the stench of the dead and rotting flesh having sunk themselves into your clothing from your time in the Dead Lands. 
But if Karn smelled anything bad on you, he was courteous enough not to mention it. And all too soon, he pulls you away from his chest and holds you up before his beaming face. Soft plumes of white breath billow from his mouth as he excitedly takes you in and you have to resist the urge to squirm and turn away from his doting gaze. 
“S’good to see you! Construct tippin’ just ain’t the same without you,” he blurts out. 
A laugh bursts from your lips at the recollection of the fond memory when you and Karn had snuck out of the village one night and made your way through Baneswood to The Nook. It had been the most wonderful, desperately needed distraction. The both of you had giggled and tittered like a pair of overzealous children all the way there, hushing each other when a construct came into view. Then you’d egged him on, quietly cheering for him as he tried, in vain, to tip the poor creature off its feet. 
You were hysterical when Karn huffed, puffed and grunted under the strain of lifting the construct’s leg, desperate to show off for his human audience. The young maker had been equally as gleeful and kept gushing at you to stop laughing because that was just making him laugh and that made his fingers weak. 
He never did get to tip a construct, but for just one wild and wayward night, Karn had almost made you forget that you weren’t at home anymore. That your family and species hadn't been obliterated. That you hadn’t been left alone on Earth without a hope.
Of course, the moment you'd stolen back through the front gates, Thane had appeared with a ferocious scowl on his face. He’d gone about scolding you and Karn fervently for your rash behaviour, although the berating was mostly directed at Karn, who looked as though he couldn’t care less. Even now, you vividly remember how he’d simply gazed down at you the entire time with a wide smile and twinkling, grey eyes. 
Your cheeks are beginning to ache with how widely your mouth is stretched. “Ha, it’s good to see you too, Karn,” you sigh. Then, “Hey, what did you mean, you didn’t think I was coming back? Have a little faith.” 
He snorts and raises a bushy brow, skepticism evident in his expression. 
“Erm, no offence, but it’s hard to picture you takin’ care of yourself when you’re shakin’ like a leaf.” His eyes glance pointedly over your body before he slowly settles himself back down on the bridge’s ledge, placing a hand at your back and tucking you closer to his torso. 
“Karn?” you say uncertainly, looking back over your shoulder through his fingers to eye the long, deadly drop below. Sitting cross-legged in his palm, you can easily feel the twitching of the maker’s robust arms as they shift, his shoulders hunching forwards until you’re almost completely shielded from the wind by his impressive bulk. 
“You’re alright,” he scoffs, then, more softly, “I’ve got you.” 
“Just...don’t drop me, okay?” 
The maker looks mildly offended by that. “Oi! Just cause I’m big, it don’t mean I’m clumsy,” he protests with a haughty harrumph. 
“You say that, but didn’t you lose your compass, helm and a dish?” 
His cheeks flush a garish red embarrassingly fast. “I did not lose them,” he snaps, “I just forgot where I left em. That’s not the same as bein’ clumsy.” 
You can’t help but laugh at the maker’s pout, but your laughter dies as Karn’s voice grows ever softer. 
“I get enough shtick from the others about accidentally hurtin’ you.” 
There’s a catch in his tone that sends a pang of discomfort straight through your heart. 
“What do you mean?” 
Karn’s eyes widen briefly, panicked that he may have revealed more than he intended, but following a moment of quiet deliberation, he sniffs and shrugs in an effort to come off as nonchalant. 
“Oh, you know. Just that Thane thinks I’m a bad influence on you. Muria’s kind, but even she thinks I’m pushing my luck and that I’ll end up dead in a dungeon somewhere. And Alya? Well, she doesn’t trust me as far as she can spit. Not since the, uh-” He softly coughs “-incident....” 
A frown tugs at your lips at the recollection of how the female maker had informed you about the time she and Valus were almost killed when Karn tried to lead them through an exceptionally deadly temple. 
“But that was an accident, right? You just made a mistake, nobody got hurt!” you protest. 
But Karn simply grimaces dismally and exhales through his nose, bathing you in warm, white air. “Aye, no one got hurt. But they did nearly die.” 
“But they didn’t! Karn, you can’t keep beating yourself up about that.” With a hesitant, numb hand, you reach out and place it against the underside of his jaw. The young maker immediately goes rigid at the gentle contact. His wide eyes flick from your arm to your face and back again whilst he gulps thickly. 
Absently, you rub at a fleck of dirt that clings to his stubble before continuing. “So you’ve made some mistakes. Who hasn’t? At least you tried to put things right. Hey, at least you were brave enough to make a mistake! The others? They tried to restore the fires of the mountain once, then gave up when they couldn’t do it. They sat around until Death came along to save the day, no disrespect to them. But if I recall-” Here, you move your hand to the tip of his nose and give it a firm tap “- you were the one we met at the Cauldron, already trying to save everyone. You were the only maker who came with me and Death into the Foundry. We’d never have made it through without you.” 
The maker’s ears droop miserably and he shakes his head, dislodging your hand from his chin. 
“I was just bein’ selfish,” he confesses, “I only wanted everyone to think I was a hero.” Karn hangs his head, drawing you further up his lap so that you’re now directly beneath his gloomy face. Once again, you’re struck by his distinct lack of confidence. The young maker’s usually bold and boastful nature has been inexplicably stripped away. You wonder if this is what he’s normally like when he’s not trying to show off. But you never imagined he’d be this....lost. 
Through the clouds, a tiny ray of sunlight struggles through, bursting upon the bridge where you sit and dribbling down the canyon as it slowly sets, drawing an end to the day. 
After watching the light for a quiet second or two, your face sets, determined.
Gradually raising both of your arms, you venture bravely up to the maker’s face. He tracks your movements warily, but doesn’t pull or lean out of reach which allows you to brush the backs of your knuckles over his rough cheeks. Karn’s brows knit together, his eyes fluttering closed with a troubled hum slipping from his mouth. 
“You know, Karn, if I’ve learned anything from this mess of a situation,” you begin, “It’s that the universe needs all the heroes it can get. Or rather, it needs people who do the right thing. Doesn’t matter what the motivation is, so long as  you at least try to be a good person.” 
Soft, grey eyes flit about your face as you subconsciously huddle even nearer to Karn’s warmth. His face has relaxed significantly, caught up in every word you’re saying to him. With his mouth hanging slightly open, he looks positively enraptured, it’s humbling. 
Clearing your throat, you tear your gaze from those eyes in favour of focusing on one of the fangs that protrudes from Karn’s lower jaw. Dimly, you register that the incisor beside the imposing tusk has been chipped. 
“Here’s the thing though, Big guy,” you murmur, “Not even good people can get it right all the time. The difference between the right decision and the wrong one isn’t always as clear-cut as people like to think. In fact, back on Earth, it was pretty common for things to go wrong for the hero before they’re allowed their happy ending...” 
After a moment of silence, Karn’s mouth closes, breaking your intent concentration on his teeth. You blink and raise your head to meet his stare once again. He peers into you with all the intensity you’ve never really been used to  receiving. Every single fibre of his being is focused solely on you and only you. 
Swallowing, you all but whimper, “Karn? For its worth, I think you’re pretty damn heroic.”
Your breath mingles with his in the crisp air, but you notice that Karn’s hitches slightly, so you elect to take advantage of his stunned stupor before your own nerve gives out. 
With an almighty inhale, you shuffle around in his palm until you’re on your knees then plant both hands firmly on the maker’s stubbly chin. Tentatively, you stretch your neck upwards and press your chilly mouth against his chapped, weather-worn upper lip. 
A shuddering breath blows your hair back, the force of the hot air billowing around your face with the maker’s gasp. You linger there for a moment or two, savouring the rush of excitement you felt when your lips met his. 
But, to your mortification, Karn doesn’t move, nor does he make a sound, which would be odd under regular circumstances. 
All of a sudden, your heart begins to pound ferociously against your ribcage, threatening to escape its confines and leap up your throat. You abruptly rip your mouth from the maker’s and cover it with both hands. ‘How could I just assume he likes me back!?’ 
“Oh my- Karn! I-I’m so so sorry! I didn’t mean to make you- That was way too forward, wasn’t it? D-do makers even....Gah!” With a horrified groan, you bury your head in your hands. “I’ll just shut up now. You can put me down wherever and I’ll just start walking. Hopefull straight off this bridge...” 
For a few, awkward moments, nothing much happens. But then, you hear a soft sigh and flinch at the sensation of something gently taking hold of your wrists. You stubbornly try to keep them in place to hide your doubtlessly crimson cheeks, but a sturdy thumb and forefinger easily pry each of your arms away from your face to reveal the concerned visage of your large friend.  
Karn doesn’t make a move to speak, instead tilting his head at you innocently with a curious smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. Still holding your wrists at bay, he nudges forwards slightly, retreats, then seems to make up his mind and slowly closes the distance between you. 
Your heart seizes as the maker’s lips push into your mouth and the side of your face, too large to properly fit. But you quickly discover that doesn’t matter. Whatever fire in your soul had been extinguished following the apocalypse was rekindled in that moment. With his kiss, fresh, new heat explodes across your body and hurtles to every last little piece of you that feels lonely. It crushes the doubt and fear you'd felt just seconds before, grinding it between Karn’s eager teeth that shove greedily at your bottom lip, silently demanding to be let in.
With a mental shrug, you oblige. 
He tastes sharp and bright all at the same time. It’s like something you’ve never tasted, but you find it so familiar. The closest conclusion you can draw is that there’s a distinct tang of cinnamon.
Obviously hesitant to cause too much damage, Karn barely moves his lips, so you take the initiative and pepper the curve of his smile with fluttering, feather-light kisses, forcing the grin even wider. It isn’t perfect by any means. It’s bumbling and awkward, the two of you trying to find the best way to map each others’ mouths. But it’s making your heart dance and you can feel his thundering just below your head, so you figure you must be doing something right. 
He’s a little eager, which gives you the impression that he hasn’t done this a lot, or at least not for a long, long time. But you actually find it quite endearing that he seems to be trying to get every inch of you in one kiss, as though he’s never going to be able to taste you again. 
In a bold display, you push forwards to better reach his mouth and give an experimental lick to one of his gleaming fangs, earning yourself a rumbling growl from the maker. Encouraged, your jaw stretches wider to accommodate Karn’s tongue, which nudges, prods and probes so gently, you can’t quite suppress the obscene idea of that Herculean muscle loving you in far more intimate places. 
The thought is interrupted by your irritating requirement for air. You pull away, leaving a last, lingering kiss against the skin just above his cupid’s bow. Ears twitching down, disappointedly, Karn chases your mouth, but ends up pushing his whole head into your chest and stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of you. 
“Karn!” you laugh, trying to push him off. He won’t be budged though, grinning stupidly against your belly whilst his massive shoulders heave with quiet laughter. “I take it you didn’t mind the first kiss then?” you ask. 
Shaking his head, the young maker uses the hand behind your back to press you even further into his face, a muffled, “Not at all,” reverberating through your bones. 
“Okay, well, would you mind coming out of my hoodie? The Warden’s watching.” 
Karn finally lifts his head but avoids meeting your gaze. He sports a bashful smile and a lively spark in his eyes. “I can’t believe you really kissed me,” he gushes. 
The leather of his gloves feels warmer and more malleable than ever, so you collapse back into his palm with a chuckle. “Yeah, neither can I.” 
Suddenly, Karn’s bulky fingers curl around you fractionally and he shoots you a nervous glance. “You-you don’t regret it, do you?” he croaks.
You watch as the last rays of sun finally disappear over the peaks of the valley’s mountains, already feeling the cold creep back in. Humming, you pretend to be deep in thought, tapping your chin and cruelly enjoying the way Karn’s eyes search your face imploringly. At last, you roll your eyes and bite your lip, meeting his frantic gaze. “Of course I don’t regret it,” you whisper with a grin. 
Exhaling loudly with relief, the young maker runs the tip of his forefinger down your cheek, sliding it underneath your chin and tilting your face upwards. “I must be dreamin’,” he murmurs. 
“How come?”
Karn’s eyes squeeze shut and his smile falters. “Cause people like you don’t happen to people like me.” 
 “Oh, Karn.” You smile softly and nuzzle into his glove as affectionately as you’re able. “You mustn’t say things like that. Being here with you, the other makers, even with Death. As selfish as it sounds, especially considering what happened to the rest of Earth, these have actually been some of the best months of my life! You’re the ones who don’t happen to people like me Karn. I just can’t believe I can travel across entire realms and still find people who feel so much like home.” 
As you talk, the young maker’s smile gradually returns in full, but there’s still a hint of trepidation in his voice when he asks, “What if this turns out to be a mistake?” 
“It won’t,” is your forceful reply. But then, you pause, curiously tilting your head to one side. “....But,” you ponder aloud, “even if it does turn out to be, we won’t know unless we try, right?” 
At last, Karn lets his entire body slump with relief, jostling you dangerously close to falling out of his palm and clear off the bridge. He guffaws loudly whilst you squawk with fright and entwine yourself around his fingers. Behind you, there’s the sound of a heavy door being thrown open and, upon turning to look, you both spot Valus’ armoured head poke out of it and swivel in your direction. The quiet maker raises a hand to the darkening sky, then jerks his thumb over a shoulder, indicating the warm forge behind him. 
Raising his free hand, Karn gives Valus a quick wave and shouts, “Aye! We’re comin’, we’re comin’.” He lazily lumbers to his feet, hoisting you up to his broad shoulders and depositing you there. 
With a blissful sigh, you lean against Karn’s head as he shuffles off the bridge, past the Warden and back to the shelter of the Maker’s Forge. 
“Oh, by the way, shotgun not telling Death.” 
“Ooooh no. I don’t know what that means, but there’s no way I’m tellin’ the horseman. He likes you the best anyways.” 
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blog-sportsflashes · 4 years
KKR vs CSK Sporty Jackpot Fantasy Cricket Tips, Playing XI, Pitch Report- IPL 2020- Match 21
KKR vs CSK Preview
In the 21st match of this exciting and entertaining Indian Premier League (IPL), the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) will be facing the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium in Abu Dhabi. Both the teams will be coming into this game with mixed feeling as they are back in action after witnessing contrasting results unfold in their previous matches. Kolkata are coming off after a loss to Delhi Capitals in their last match while Chennai marched off with a massive 10-wicket win over Punjab. It is expected to be a nerve-wracking and exciting contest between two quality teams as they fight for those two important points.
Match Details
Indian Premier League- Match 21
Kolkata Knight Riders vs Chennai Super Kings
Venue: Sheikh Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi
October 7, Wednesday at 7:30 PM IST
Head-to-Head: In the 23 matches played between these two teams, Chennai have had the upper hand with 14 wins and Kolkata have won 8 games while one match ended as no result.
Pitch Report: The track is likely to be the one that will be used in the clash between Mumbai Indians and Rajasthan Royals. As surfaces get used more and more, expect teams to prefer batting first.
KKR vs CSK Sporty Jackpot Team News
Kolkata Knight Riders Team News
Team Changes: They are very much likely to go ahead with an unchanged side, however, Sunil Narine might be replaced by Tom Banton.
Playing XI:
Shubman Gill, Sunil Narine, Nitish Rana, Dinesh Karthik (c)(wk), Eoin Morgan, Andre Russell, Rahul Tripathi, Pat Cummins, Shivam Mavi, Varun Chakravarthy, Kamlesh Nagarkoti.
Kolkata Knight Riders Squad
Shubman Gill, Sunil Narine, Nitish Rana, Dinesh Karthik(w/c), Eoin Morgan, Andre Russell, Pat Cummins, Shivam Mavi, Kuldeep Yadav, Varun Chakravarthy, Kamlesh Nagarkoti, Sandeep Warrier, Rahul Tripathi, Siddhesh Lad, Nikhil Naik, Chris Green, Prasidh Krishna, Lockie Ferguson, Rinku Singh, Ali Khan, Tom Banton, Manimaran Siddharth.
KKR vs CSK Sporty Jackpot Team News
Chennai Super Kings Team News
Team Changes: CSK will go with the same winning combination.
Playing XI:
Shane Watson, Ambati Rayudu, Faf du Plessis, MS Dhoni (C)(WK), Sam Curran, Kedar Jadhav, Dwayne Bravo, Ravindra Jadeja, Piyush Chawla, Shardul Thakur, Deepak Chahar.
Chennai Super Kings Squad
Murali Vijay, Shane Watson, Faf du Plessis, Ruturaj Gaikwad, Kedar Jadhav, MS Dhoni(w/c), Ravindra Jadeja, Sam Curran, Piyush Chawla, Josh Hazlewood, Deepak Chahar, Ambati Rayudu, Dwayne Bravo, Karn Sharma, Imran Tahir, Shardul Thakur, Lungi Ngidi, Monu Kumar, Mitchell Santner, Ravisrinivasan Sai Kishore, N Jagadeesan, KM Asif.
KKR vs CSK Sporty Jackpot Fantasy Picks
Kolkata Knight Riders Fantasy Picks
·       Shubman Gill: 152 runs from four matches at an average of 50.67
·       Eoin Morgan: 136 runs at an average of 68 with a strike rate of more than 150
·       Andre Russell: 4 wickets and 48 runs in three innings.
Players to Avoid
·       Sunil Narine
·       Kuldeep Yadav
Chennai Super Kings Fantasy Picks
·       Faf du Plessis: 282 runs in five matches at an average of 94 including three fifties
·       Shane Watson: Played a fabulous unbeaten knock of 83 runs in the last match.
·       Deepak Chahar- 5 wickets from five matches at an economy of 7.84.
Players to Avoid
·       Kedar Jadhav
·       Piyush Chawla
Suggested Playing XI No.1 for KKR vs CSK Sporty Jackpot Fantasy Cricket
We are backing the Kolkata Knight Riders to win this match.
Wicket-keeper- MS Dhoni
Batters – Faf du Plessis (c), Ambati Rayudu, Shane Watson, Eoin Morgan (vc), Nitish Rana, Shubman Gill
All-Rounders – Andre Russell
Bowlers – Deepak Chahar, Piyush Chawla, Varun Chakravarthy
Suggested Playing XI No.2 for KKR vs CSK Sporty Jackpot Fantasy Cricket
Wicket-keeper – Dinesh Karthik
Batters – Faf du Plessis, Ambati Rayudu, Shane Watson (c), Eoin Morgan
All-Rounders – Sam Curran, Ravindra Jadeja, Andre Russell (vc)
Bowlers – Shardul Thakur, Pat Cummins, Shivam Mavi
Suggested Playing XI No.2 for KKR vs CSK
Sporty Jackpot Fantasy Cricket
Wicket-keeper- MS Dhoni
Batters- Faf du Plessis (vc), Shubman Gill (c), Shane Watson, Eoin Morgan, Ambati Rayudu
All-Rounders- Andre Russell, Sam Curran
Bowlers- Varun Chakravarthy, Shivam Mavi, Shardul Thakur
Hope this will help you to choose your team wisely, let me know in the comments if you it was helpful to you.
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beardfulstrix · 4 years
Making the cut - ‘the Big 3′
As per my previous post, I’m giving serious consideration to ‘settling down’.  Currently, I have at least six viable, established modern decks I could pick up (rising to about 10 with a bit of creativity and making a few key purchases).  And the temptation to keep running them all in some sort of random rotation has proved too hard for me to resist thus far.
But I want to be a better player.  Part of that is just being a better player ... studying more, learning more of the cards that I don’t play with but that are features of the decks I’m facing.  Slowing down in making my decisions.  Reading my opponent’s cards more thoroughly so I understand their impact beyond just the current board state.  Acknowledging which cards in my opponent’s deck I’ll need to account for in sideboarding - and making a note so that I don’t blank when it actually comes to sideboarding.  I need to do all of these things better - because, I am not a very good Magic the Gathering player at the moment.
The other thing I need to do is to become proficient in the decks I’m playing.  And that means narrowing my ‘go-to’ decks to the ones that I either really, genuinely enjoy playing (even if they aren’t the strongest decks in the meta), or those decks that I feel have a chance of posting a winning record, and that I have some experience in playing.
So, how to choose.  Firstly, it’s worth categorising the decks I have access to.  I’m using three categories:
1)  Fun (decks I just enjoy).  These may have win equity but I like them mainly for their play style.  Mostly, non-tier.
2)  Solid (decks that can post wins in most fields).  Usually acknowledged archetypes or decks that have free-win percentage against certain other decks.
3)  A bit of both (decks that I enjoy playing but that also are known decks with reasonable win chances)
In camp one (1) I have access to:
- Colussus Hammer combo - Eldrazi & Taxes - Death & Taxes (Mono W) - GW Hatebears - Martyr Proc (mono W) - RG Eldrazi (Eldrazi obligator) - Polymorph (transformative sideboard)
In camp two (2)
- UW control (T3feri / Narset / JTMS) - Esper control (Esper Charm / Snapcaster / Cryptic) - Jeskai Saheeli (Saheeli Rai / Felidar combo in Jeskai control shell)
In camp three (3)
- Eldrazi Tron - Mono G Tron - RG Ponza
The first thing you’ll notice is that there are no, what I’d call. ‘obvious’ choices - with maybe the exception of Tron.  What I mean is there are none of the decks that you regularly see competing in the finals of GPs or SCG-tours etc.  No ‘Humans’, or ‘Death’s Shadow’, no ‘Prime-time’ decks or ‘urza’ builds.  That’s due mainly to my bias of not wanting to play ‘tier decks’ and not being a ‘try hard’.  A strategy that I realise I’ll need to overcome if I want to develop a winning record at this game.
You’ll probably have noticed that camp 2 - those decks that are ‘good and solid’ and capable of winning, but aren’t necessarily what I’d call fun - are where I list the control strategies.  Fair to say then, that whilst I appreciate the power level of a good control deck, I don’t consider myself a control-mage.  I’m neither skilled enough to pilot, nor enjoy playing it enough as a strategy, to overcome this skill shortfall.  Safe to assume then, that control decks won’t make it into my shortlist.
Of those in camp 1, I am willing to concede that ‘Colossus Hammer’ is purely a meme deck, so won’t be in consideration.  As for the combination of ‘Taxes’ and ‘Hatebears’ decks - they are capable of winning games but they just seem to be under-powered in the current Modern meta-game and again, I’m not a skilled enough pilot to overcome that shortfall at present. (Shout-out to the taxes decks though for being the ones that taught me most about how to use the stack, and instant speed activation).
Which leaves Martyr Proc and RG Eldrazi in contention for the shortlist in Camp 1.  Both are decks that are hugely enjoyable to play.  ‘Martyr’ being a grindier play style, looking to go into the mid / late game; whilst RG Eldrazi wants to curve into threats such as TKS and Reality Smasher early, paired alongside efficiency from BBE.  All whilst having answers such as Lightning Bolt and Dismember available.
From Camp 3, I think all are reasonable choices.
Mono-G Tron (or big Tron as I call it) is basically an ever-present in Modern.  It has some great match-ups and some not-so-great match-ups.  That will always be the case, but becoming a true Tron-pilot and ‘knowing’ the deck and its match-ups, and having a solid sideboarding guide will be massively helpful in increasing its win percentages. 
Eldrazi Tron is currently right at the height of its success - posting 5-0s online with regularity, having a good deal of representation on the pro-circuit and having some success, even in the face of Amulet Titan.
Finally, my RG Ponza deck.  I have to say, I really enjoy playing Ponza.  I think ... that what I really enjoy are tempo plays.  But, proactive tempo plays, rather than the reactive ones.  For instance, gaining tempo with a Utopia Sprawl feels great.  Whereas gaining tempo through a wall of ‘nope’ in the way of counter-spells doesn’t feel great.  I don’t know why, but I guess this is why people gravitate to certain parts of the colour-pie and certain decks and archetypes.
What I also like about Ponza is that the list is customisable.  Both in terms of being able to play a suite of cards that you ‘like’ - or being able to switch up elements of the deck to respond to a changing meta-game.  Bone-crusher Giant in favour of Scavenging Ooze or vice-versa.  Three Seasoned Pyromancer ... four Seasoned Pyromancer ... no Seasoned Pyromancer.  Stapled on to this flexibility is the core of the deck that is ‘free-win’ against some decks.  Turn 2 Blood Moon, Turn 3 Stone Rain is just too good for some decks on its own.
So what do I do?  Not playing RG Eldrazi means turning my back on my Noble Hierarchs.  Not playing Eldrazi Tron means not having access to maindeck Chalice of the Void. Not playing Martyr Proc means no more full art foil (HOU) Plains ... truly the best looking card art in all of Magic. And not play Big Tron means no more turn-4 Ugins or Ulamogs.
Good choices are never easy.  And so, at least for now, I will go with:
- Martyr Proc - Ponza - G-Tron
As a triptych, I think it offers range.  A scope to adapt to changing meta.  
Tron is the deck I have most experience in piloting and the deck I know best.   It will always be good in certain situations and not in others.  Drawing the right half of its deck, knowing how to mulligan and seeing the right lines of play (when to tick Karn up, versus when to tick him down etc.) will help even in those unfavourable match-ups.
Martyr Proc is very under-rated I think.  There are some passionate aficionados, but outside of that it seems to be considered ‘meme’ more than ‘fringe’.  Of course, I’m not saying it’s a Tier deck, but with recent additions such as Ranger Captain and Winds of Abandon, it definitely has game.
My limited experience with it is that it’s great in mid-range match-ups (of which there seem to be many now).  It has reasonable answers to ‘Titan’ and ‘Valakut’, with mainboard ‘Ghost Quarter’ and ‘Fields’ - as well as the ability to bring in Mindcensors and Leylines from the board.  Plus, crucially, it’s really fun to play.  Sure, there are those games where you curve Martyr into Serra Ascendant and just win.  But there are also those games when you have to use Mistveil Plains to endlessly loop Squadron Hawks as chump blockers until you find your sweeper or have enough lands to forecast Proclamation every turn.  And now, it comes with a built in combo potential thanks to Heliod (THB).
And then Ponza.  With it’s insta-win Blood Moon potential and flex spots.  Another deck that’s really fun to pilot, whilst having the potential to be actively ‘good’ in the hands of someone skilled in its nuances.
As I finish up here, my instincts are that Martyr Proc will be my current ‘A’ choice - allowing me to capitalise on the current ‘mid-range’ prevalence at my LGS, whilst refining the card choice and becoming a better pilot.  And I’ll interchange with Tron and Ponza, to keep up my reps with alternate strategies, but also acting as a nice foil for when the folks at my LGS start to bring specific sideboard hate for Martyr Proc.
Over the next few posts, I aim to share more detail of why I like these decks - my current builds (in a kind of ‘primer’ style approach, albeit with the caveat that I’m not an expert), as well as updating on my FNM results.  I may even fire up my MTGO account again.
Thanks for reading.
Beardful Strix.
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gohealthscience · 5 years
What is Disease? full explanation according to Science | Bimari kya hoti hai, kyon hoti hai or iska ilaj kaise hota hai all detail in Hindi. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Socho ek Situation ke bare me jb hme lagta hai ki hm acha perform nhi kr rhe jo hmari daily activities hai vo achi nhi chal rhi hai. tb hm sochte hai ki Doctor ko dihakeya jaye kyon ki kush singnal ke karn jaise sar dard, pet dard jo hamare shareer me hota hai is unusal felling ko hm illness keh sakte hai. tb hum doctor k pass jate hai. hum Doctor ko apni condition btate hai ki hme kya problem hai. to Doctor hme kush Medical tests suggest krta hai. fir doctor hmare medical test report ke Result pr  ik medical condition confirm krta hai. tab hme apne Discomfort hone ka karn pta chalta hai. Hello Readers,
Bimari kya hoti hai | Definition of Disease according to Science
aab hum bimari kya hoti hai is k bare mai detail mai jante hai. Akasar humne Doctor or aam logo se yeh suna hai ki "Health is Wealth" But hm is k bare mai etna jyada nhi sochte ke iska asal meaning kya hai? Hum sochte hai ki healthy hone ka asal mtlv hai ki physically fit hona bss. But iske ilava hamare liye yeh bhi important hai ki ham mentally ( mansik tor pr) and socially bhi healthy (hamare aas pas ke mahol me comfortable) hoo. To is tarah Healthy hone asal meaning hai ki hmara socially, physically and mentally perfect hona.
Socially, Physically, Mentally
Hum akasar yeh bhi sunte aye hai ki jis ko koi bimari na ho vo healthy hota yeh b shi hai. Ek doctor rojana bahoot sare patients ka ilaj karta hai jinko koi na koi Disease (bimari) hoti hai iss liye hmari bimari ko hum se jyada doctor ko understand krna jruri hai. Hum apni khud ki bimari k liye hum khud he jimevar hote hai hamri khud ki Responsibility bnati hai ki hum Healthy rehe to hme yeh samajna jruri hai ki Bimari kitni tarah ki hoti hai.
Classification of Diseases
First, we Categorize them into two types
Congenital Diseases: Congenital - yeh vo bimaria hoti hai jo ya to bachpan se hi hoti ya jo inherited (viraast ) se mili hoti hai matlav bache ke parents se. Iss parkar ki bimariao ko ham congenital diseases (bimaria) khete hai. For example - aksr hum dekhte hai ki kai bacho ki body disfigured hoti hai unke body organs defective hote hai. According to a case study in india nearly 6 laks bache paida hote he or is bimari ka se affected hote hai. Iska karan hai bache mai ya parents mai inherited genetic changes (genes me privartan) ya kisi tarah ka infection. Acquired Disease: Acquired Diseases - Ye vo bimaria hoti hai jo hamari umar ke badhne ke sath hoti hai. such as typhoid, massive scale outbreak, headache and diabetes etc. Acquired diseases bhi do tarah ki hoti hai. Communicable and Non-Communicable Communicable Diseases - ye vo diseases hoti ha jo ik affected person se dosre person ko hoti hai. Directly too ye physical contact like hand shake or through droplets (sneezing/coughing) etc. Se hoti hai Or Indirectly ye water, in the air (hawa) etc ke zariye hoti hai. Air ke zariye hone ko - Air borne for ex: (ANTHRAX) khete hai isi tarah Food ke zariye jo hoti hai usee - Food borne for ex: (DIARRHOEA or DAST) Though water - Water borne for ex. (CHOLERA) An infected object like Handkerchief is called - Fomite borne for ex: (CONJUNCTIVITIS) and jo bimari insects etc ke jariye falti hai. usse Victor borne khete hai for ex (PLAGUE) Non - Communicable Diseases - Yeh bimaria ek person se dosre person ko nhi lagti. According to WHO (World Health Organization) report Non - Communicable Diseases (bimaria) ke vejha se nearly 38 million people har sal marte hai. Inn Non Communicable Diseases ke bhadne ke piche ke kai karan hai like Age, Gender, Genetics, Exposure to Pollution, Behaviours such as Smoking and Unhealthy Diet, Physical Inactivity, Hypertension and Obesity (mootapa) 😂. Or inke ilava Viruses etc. Cardiovascular Diseases like a Heart attack or stroke Cancers Respiratory Diseases like obstructed pulmonary diseases and diabetes Are four main types of Non - Communicable Diseases. Apne akser dekha hoga ki kabhi jab hum bimar hote hai sirf kuch dino ke liye but iske bad hme puri tarah se fir se recover hone ke liye kafi time ya hafte lag jate hai. To abb inki durations ke karan in diseases ko bhi two termes me divide kia ja skta hai.
Acute Diseases:
Something that is characterized by sudden onset of symptoms.
Severe in Nature
And also a shorter period of time
For Example:
Acute Leukaemia
Common cold
Heart attack
Chronic Diseases it takes weeks or long term-progressive in nature such as Chronic respiratory problems and diabetes etc. Diseases vese to bahot sare karan ki vajha se ho falti hai like unhealthy lifestyle or genetic changes. Parr ye sab mukheye tor par infection ke karan hoti hai. Orr ye infections hme hamari body me foreign entities (bahri suksham jeev) ke ane se hoti hai. Ye single-celled jeev hote hai ihne human eye se nhi dekha ja sakta kyuki ye bhoooot chote hote hai. orr ye jeev hamare planet prr billions of years se mojood hai ye jeev har jagha pe hote hai. Apke pinee vale pani mai, apke khane mai, and hawa mai jis se aap apni anmol sase 😅 le rhe ho or apki body mai bhi. Ye jeev har jagha hai (Interesting hai? 😮😜) Wait for the most important thing to note ki agar hum life me ik small habit change kr le or thodi si healthy life adopt kr le too most of this acquired diseases se ham bach sakte hai. 😊
Healthy Lifestyle
Too bas yahi tha hamara aaj ka topic see u in next topic Kya ye jeev hamare liye ache hai ya bure ikse bare mai ham next topic mai bat krege kaffi lamba ho gya nhi? 😅😜 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Agar kuch bhi acha laga ho to Share jroor kre orr agar apka koi question hai to niche comment box me puch sakte hai. So Ok bye keep Loving keep Supporting @gohealthscience #gohealthscience Thanks a Lot ! for reading visit Again.
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itsworn · 7 years
Entry Lists Released for U.S. Short Track Nationals at Bristol
The expected entry lists for Bristol Motor Speedway’s U.S. Short Track Nationals have been released.  To no one’s surprise the lists are massive, with over 500 drivers ready to attack the historic facility May 19-21.
The divisions involved are Super Late Models (co-sanctioned by CRA, CARS, and the Southern Super Series), Pro Late Models (sanctioned by CRA), Late Model Stocks (sanctioned by CARS), Modifieds (sanctioned by the National Short Track Racing Alliance), Street Stocks (sanctioned by CRA), and Sport Compacts (sanctioned by Vores Cup)
Just a few weeks ago Bristol requested the participating sanctioning bodies limit each division to a certain number of entrants.  The maximum number set by the Speedway are: 80 Super Late Models, 80 Pro/Crate Late Models, 60 Late Model Stocks, 80 Modifieds, 110 Street Stocks, and 110 Compacts.  The numbers have been exceeded in all but two divisions.
Bristol is now asking those who may not compete to contact their corresponding sanctioning bodies.
For more information visit www.bristolmotorspeedway.com
U.S. Short Track Nationals Entries as of 3/27/17
Super Late Models (CRA/CARS/Southern Super Series # DRIVER CITY ST 1 C Keith Cahela Boaz AL 1 J Cody Coughlin Delaware OH 1 S Derek Scott Franklin TX 1 Jake Crum Taylorsville NC 2 J Kyle Jones Germantown OH 2 L Robby Lyons Seminole FL 2 N Trevor Noles Fuquay-Varina NC 2 W Donnie Wilson Oklahoma City OK 4 A Dalton Armstrong Alexandria IN 4 M Rob Maynor Hartland WI 4 N TBA 4 P Kyle Plott Mareitta GA 4 R Cory Roper Baytown TX 4 X Ben Rowe Turner ME 5 B John Beale Verona WI 5 D Nathan Davis Dora AL 5 S Will Sahutske Northville MI 6 R Logan Runyon Cambridge OH 6 S Brandon Setzer Newton NC 7 C Tyler Church Concord NC 7 D Erik Darnell Huntersville NC 7 E Doug Elliott New Smyrna FL 7 G Weston Griffith Jr Crown Point IN 8 F Tate Fogleman Durham NC 8 N John Hunter Nemechek Mooresville NC 9 C Jeff Choquette Orange Park FL 9 T Jason Timmerman Hicksville OH 12 Harrison Burton Huntersville NC 14 D Chris Davidson Pearland TX 14 G Cale Gale Athens GA 14 O Connor Okrzesik Grand Bay AL 15 H Roy Hayes Concord NC 15 M Joey Miller Lakeville MN 16 Lucas Jones Mooresville NC 17 B Josh Brock Corbin KY 17 M Eddie McDonald Rowley MA 23 S Thomas Skiles Indianapolis IN 23 V Eddie VanMeter Indianapolis IN 26 B Bill Burba Germantown OH 26 P Bubba Pollard Senoia GA 26 S Chandler Smith Jasper GA 26 T Rick Turner Yorktown IN 26 X Travis Braden Wheeling WV 27 Gatlin Lance Morristown TN 29 D Spencer Davis Dawsonville GA 29 S Tommy St.John Indianapolis IN 30 Joshua James Saukville WI 34 Nolan Pope Harrisonville MO 35 Derek Ramstrom Worcester MA 41 B Brandon Johnson Mooresville NC 41 J Hunter Jack Auburn IN 41 L Nick Leitz Chesapeake VA 43 Dennis Schoenfeld Van Buren AR 45 Joey Mucciacciaro Wolcott CT 47 C Brian Campbell Wyoming MI 47 K Allen Karnes Sharpsburg GA 47 S Dakota Stroup Owensboro KY 49 Jeff Batten Nashville NC 51 G Noah Gragson Las Vegas NV 51 N Stephen Nasse Largo FL 51 O Brandon Oakley Dayton OH 51 R Cole Rouse Fort Smith AR 53 J Boris Jurkovic Manhattan IL 53 W Jerry White Concord NC 54 Matt Craig Kannapolis NC 55 TBA 56 Robert Ford Lake City FL 57 C John Coffman Live Oak FL 57 T Cole Timm Mooresville NC 58 A Tyler Ankrum Colton CA 58 F Jeff Firestine Venice FL 62 Cassten Everidge Hudson IN 66 B Logan Beardan Leander TX 66 W Steve Wallace Mooresville NC 71 John VanDoorn Fruitport MI 76 Bubba Wallace Forest City NC 79 Kyle Bryant Navarre FL 81 F Jared Fryar Trinity NC 81 X TBA 83 Joey Padgett Concord NC 87 Mike Mazzagatti Clinton OH 88 Garrett Jones Mooresville NC 93 Dave Russell Clarence NY 96 Blake Jones Sevierville TN 97 Chase Purdy Huntersville NC 98 K Paul Kelly Pendergrass GA 98 M Mason Mingus Nashville TN 99 H Fred Hopkins New Castle IN 99 L Raphael Lessard St-Joseph CAN 99 O Justin Oertel Lincolnshire IL 112 Augie Grill Hayden AL 158 Daniel Webster Polk City FL 354 Chris Nash Portage MI JEGS/CRA ALL STARS TOUR # DRIVER CITY ST 0 Brandon Curron McCalla AL 1 C Cody Coughlin Delaware OH 1 D Dave Duncan Cicero IN 1 L Brandon Johnson Mooresville NC 1 S Jon Beach Watervliet MI 2 John Bolen Jasper AL 4 H Matt Hall Newport MI 4 X TBA 4 Phil Bozell Portage MI 5 C Michael Clancy Jr Ortonville MI 5 H Tyler Hufford Schoolcraft MI 5 L Eric Lee Macomb MI 6 Cody Quarrick Uniontown PA 7 B Jackson Boone Franklin TN 7 C TBA 7 D Cole Daffron Pell City AL 7 P Joey Pontbriand Norway MI 7 X TBA 8 H Hope Hornish Defiance OH 8 N John Hunter Nemechek Mooresville NC 8 T Scott Tomasik Avon IN 9 Jeff Choquette Orange Park FL 11 A Dustin Ash Las Vegas NV 11 C Stacy Crain Brentwood TN 12 B Brandon Brilliant Atlanta GA 12 L Dan Leeck Birch Run MI 14 D Corey Deuser Lanesville IN 14 H Carson Hocevar Portage MI 15 C Trey Craig Louisville KY 15 J Colt James Newton NC 15 T Kevyn Terry Citra FL 17 B Josh Brock Corbin KY 17 S Keith Sterkowitz Cedar Lake IN 20 Jack Dossey Indianapolis IN 22 Jamie Cox Dorcehster ONT 23 C Mandy Chick De Soto KS 23 G Dalton Grindle Flowery Branch GA 23 K Chris Koslek Grand Rapids MI 23 V Billy Van Meter Indianapolis IN 26 A Willie Allen Centerville TN 26 B Bill Burba Germantown OH 26 X Travis Braden Wheeling WV 27 Joe Ross Kansas City MO 28 Jack Smith Clyde OH 29 D Spencer Davis Dawsonville GA 29 K Austin Kunert Batavia IL 30 Memphis Villarreal Corpus Christi TX 32 Kent Baledge Alexandria IN 33 O Dillion Oliver Bowling Green KY 33 S Carter Stokes New Smyrna FL 40 Jordan Miller Breezewood PA 43 Justin South Leeds AL 44 Steve Laking Guelph CAN 46 Cole Williams Borden IN 47 C Brian Campbell Wyoming MI 47 S Dakota Stroup Owensboro KY 48 B Dwayne Baker Stayner CAN 48 C Kent Crane Independence MO 51 F Eddie Fatscher East Northport NY 51 N TBA 51 O Brandon Oakley Dayton OH 53 Kyle Ivey Nashville TN 54 H David Hite Apopka FL 54 T Brandon Thomson Seminole FL 56 Jerry Andrews Kalamazoo MI 66 Nate Walton Hudsonville MI 67 Ben Welch Spring Lake MI 81 Bob Varney Richmond MI 83 Andy Bozell Portage MI 88 Roger Reuse Alabaster AL 89 Bobby Reuse Alabaster AL 96 Marc Jacobs London ONT 97 I Robbie Iverness Escanaba MI 97 J Jaxson Jacobs London ONT 99 Harrison Hall Circleville OH 114 Sterling Marlin Columbia TN 127 David Strode Independence MO 145 Bill Melvin Trussville AL 407 Jason Vail Clermont FL CARS TOUR LATE MODEL STOCK CARS # NAME CITY ST 2 Paul Nogradi Knoxville, TN 2 Myatt Snider Charlotte, NC 2 Cody Haskins Marietta, GA 3 Taylor Jorgenson Stockbridge, GA 4 Mike Chambers Timberlake, NC 5 Jeremy Burns Simpsonville, SC 7 Bradley McCaskill Wendell, NC 7 Justin Crider Statesville, NC 7 Brandon Rogers Canton, NC 4 A Anthony Alfredo Mooresville, NC 8 Deac McCaskill Raleigh, NC 8 Trevor Rizzo Bluffton, SC 11 Jeff Oakley Manquin, VA 12 Ryan Wilson Randleman, NC 12 Paul Wark Winston-Salem, NC 12 Austin McDaniel Harrisburg, NC 12 Ryan Gray Raleigh, NC 14 Ryan Repko Denver, NC 15 Bryson Dennis Chuckey, TN 15 Sheflon Clay Asheville, NC 16 Colby Howard Simpsonville, SC 18 Evan Swilling Cohutta, GA 18 Ty Gibbs Huntersville, NC 21 Tim Allensworth Wallace, NC 21 Travis Swaim High Point NC 23 Zachary Dabbs Mooresville, NC 24 Kevyn Terry Citra, FL 26 Joey Trent Gray, TN 27 Tommy Lemons Troy, NC 29 Jake Ruggles Kannapolis, NC 30 Taylor Coffman Bean Station TN 32 Jerry Miracle Indian Trail NC 32 Brandon Grosso Belle Mead NJ 37 Joel Courage Dublin, CA 38 Hunter Byrd Clarksville, TN 38 J Ricky Jones Angier, NC 39 Grayson Massey Dryfork, VA 42 Craig Stallard Jenkins, KY 44 Justin Johnson Troy, NC 44 M Nate Monteith Bluff City TN 57 Justin Carroll Concord, NC 66 Austin Peters Kingsport, TN 74 Ronald Hill Rougemont, NC 77 Logan Jones Fredericksburg, VA 81 Jared Fryar Trinity, NC 87 Hayden Woods Piney Flats TN 88 Chris Davis Hillsborough, NC 88 B Josh Berry Mooresville, NC 96 Danny O’Quinn Abingdon, VA 97 Dylan Garner Yorba Linda CA 97 William Lester Lexington, NC 98 Stefan Parsons Cornelius, NC 99 Layne Riggs Bahama, NC TOP SPEED MODIFIEDS # NAME CITY ST 0 Tony Dager Grabill, IN 0 R Lucas Ripley Ulrichsville, OH 1 Wayne Jefferson Pinellas Park FL 1 Bill Prietzel West Allis WI 1 B Dan Burden North Canton OH 1 W Wayne Parker Mount Dora FL 1 W Rick Wiecorek Mount Morris MI 3 Kyle Bookmiller Riverview, FL 4 Mike Hadley Jr Greenwood, IN 5 H Bobby Heyink Eaton Rapids MI 5 Al Berry Auburn, IN 5 Greg Fullarton Howell, MI 7 S Bob Sibila Massillon, OH 7 Matt Dimit Huntington, IN 8 Scotty Tomasik Avon, IN 8 Jamie Sites Tipp City OH 9 Cory Nuttle Yoder, IN 9 N RJ Norton III Indianapolis, IN 11 Brian Nester Hamilton, IN 12 Chad Poole Springfield, OH 12 J Josh Nester Edon, OH 12 N Dave Nester Edon, OH 12 X Michael Occhipinti Dearborn, MI 13 Kevyn Terry Citra, FL 13 Kyle Purvis Marion, OH 13 M Sean McPherson Riley, MI 14 Mike Maddox Tupelo, MS 14 Tim Burkett Hamilton, IN 15 Scott Jones Marysville, OH 16 Bill Melvin Trussville, AL 16 Stephen Klinect West Salem OH 17 Chris Cotto Milton, FL 19 Andy Shutts Orient, OH 21 Ross Klingelhofer Quincy, OH 24 Buddy Gray Petoskey, MI 26 Jeff Lane Knightstown, IN 28 Dameron Taylor Indianapolis, IN 30 Y Brad Yunker Swanton, OH 30 Jonathan Martin Fort Wayne IN 31 Parker Pugh Madison, AL 31 L Chad Lemmerman Streetsboro, OH 31 Doug Meyer North Canton OH 32 D Danny McGowan Huntington, WV 33 Jason Morman Seabrook, TX 33 Jeremy Menninger Pataskala, OH 35 Evan Foster Clarkston, MI 36 Darrin Bowman Ambia, IN 39 Dave Christensen Clio, MI 40 Chris Stark Lewiston, MI 43 Billy Marcoux Goulais River Canada 44 Robert Babb Chesapeake, VA 45 Todd Gearhart Montpelier, OH 46 Doug Moff Fort Myers FL 51 Ryan Tamburro Worthington, OH 53 David Dobbins Hartville, OH 53 Z Eldon Zacek Jr Concord, NC 54 Clayton Green Marble Falls TX 57 Tim Moore Pinellas Park FL 57 N Tyler Nuckles Groveport, OH 57 Blake Rowe Ortonville, MI 58 Dan LaRocco Strongsville, OH 60 Brian Brewer Galena, OH 60 Bobby Gery Carrollton, VA 60 Sam Bigham New Franklin OH 61 Tyler Shullick Vermillion, OH 68 Stu Robinson Jr Beaverton, Canada 70 Mark Bott Port Austin MI 71 William Skaggs North Fort Myers FL 71 Johnny Brazier Hazel Green AL 71 Brett Hahne Brighton, MI 72 Gary Zink Jr Orient, OH 76 Mark Timmerman Fort Laramie OH 77 Hunter Slayton Richmond, VA 77 Kevin Doran Lebanon, OH 78 Travis Eddy Beaverton, MI 82 John Hansel Columbus, OH 82 Rick Sibila Mineral City, 84 Bubba Brooks Kalamazoo, MI 86 John Long Niles, MI 88 Travis Stepp Star City IN 88 E Ethan Mullet Hilliard, OH 93 Doug 1 Dowagiac, MI 95 Dave Stacy Enron, OH 111 George Perkins Fort Wayne IN 131 Jeff Letson Madison, AL 141 Rocky Rogers Jasper, AL TBA Mike Rush Powell, OH X Damon Breedlove Greenfield, IN CRA STREET STOCKS  # DRIVER CITY ST 00 B Bruce Burch Greenbrier TN 00 G Cliff Gaumond Midland NC 00 H Brett Hudson Owensboro KY 00 W Gordon Watson Tipp City OH 0 Ricky Young Beavercreek OH 1 D Brandon Tregembo Ray MI 1 W Jamie Whitt Wise VA 1 Jerry Zordan Bangor MI 2 B Jim Boyle East Windsor CT 2 F Bill Fisbie Jr. West Danby NY 2 S Paul Schloss Palm Coast FL 2 Mark Ross Jr Highland IN 3 M Jacob McElfresh Elwood IN 3 P Jeremy Pletz Dowagiac ME 03 E Kevin Eby Lenoir NC 03 S Ricky Stamber Bowling Green KY 03 W Matt Wilson Richfield OH 4 H John Heck Indianapolis IN 4 P Clynis Phillips Clintwood VA 4 X Matt Maurer Granger IN 5 B Chuck Barnes Sr Louisville KY 7 P Ryan Paul Richmond VA 6 HA Chris Harmon Brooks KY 6 HI Blake Hillard Owensboro KY 6 M Jeff Melton Concord NC 6 S Bryce Schaefer Niles MI 7 Jerry Lewis Waynetown IN 8 Brian McDonald Louisville KY 9 Jake Hinton Markle IN 10 B Dan Banker Des Moines IA 10 S Tom Stone Linden MI 11 Jimmy Kirby Indianapolis IN 14 H Aaron Abbott Reynolds Station KY 14 W Quentin White Greenwood IN 16 C T. J. Cochrane Buffalo NY 16 G Heath Helton Philpot KY 16 W Zach Westdorp Kalamazoo MI 16 Z Brandon Zachary Paw Paw MI 17 B James Brown Elkhart IN 17 PL Tim Pletz Sodus MI 17 PO David Powell Greenville IN 17 SC Bobby Schisler Cromwell IN 17 SH Stephen Shelpman Pittsburgh PA 18 Steve Bickett Whitesville KY 21 C Denver Carte Barberton OH 21 L Jeff Lane Knightstown IN 22 CR Skeeter Crum Jeffersonville IN 22 CU John Curtis Christiansburg VA 22 K James Kirby Indianapolis IN 22 L Brian Lewis Fairland IN 23 G Kenny Gibson Venice FL 23 I Larry Isenhower Greensboro NC 24 D Dennis Deese Piney Flats TN 24 W Jeremie Wiggins Elyria OH 25 B Louis Botti Irwin PA 25 C Jesse Collinge Swartz Creek MI 25 L Tory Lutz Wakarusa IN 25 R Kyle Ribble Delton MI 25 S Steven Schultz Drums PA 25 T Christopher Titcomb Amesbury MA 26 B Jeff Berg Louisville KY 26 H Jordan Hahn Wanamaker IN 27 Josh Poore Anderson IN 28 A Shawn Amor Walkerton IN 28 P Clark Perry Amherstdale WV 28 SH Jeffrey Shackelford Indianapolis IN 28 SI Dayton Sidner Pensacola FL 28 V Josh Varney Leeds ME 29 F Donny Fink Orlando FL 29 K Mason Keller Indianapolis IN 29 S Ken Schraufnagel Slinger WI 29 T Mike Todd Pleasant Hill IA 32 B David Bayens Borden IN 32 L Rich Lavallee Dixon CA 32 S Greg Schramm Wellington OH 33 Kimmie Greig Indianapolis IN 35 Bill Ashton Hopwood PA 36 Corey Hutchings Salem CT 39 Christopher Douton Waterford CT 40 G Rodney Glass Belhaven NC 40 M Toby Montgomery Vicksburg MI 40 P Royce Peters Kingsport TN 42 PE Curtis Peeples Round-o SC 42 PR Nick Pressler Buchanan MI 43 Douglas Post Radcliff KY 44 B Chuck Barnes Jr Louisville KY 44 H Scott Holbert Louisville KY 44 L Colby Lane New Castle IN 48 Eric Brown Springville NY 52 B Duke Bare Meadowview VA 52 S Bob Sibila Jr Independence OH 54 C Tony Conway Louisville KY 54 G Nathan Greene Muncie IN 55 J Phil Jenkins Greenfield IN 55 S Lee Slaton Constantine MI 56 Mike Short Auburn ME 57 Danny Adams Indianapolis IN 58 Larry Lathan Bedford KY 59 Corey Adams Indianapolis IN 64 Joe Mancuso Buffalo NY 65 Billy Williams Bowling Green KY 68 A Scott Adams Lake Ariel PA 68 S J.J. Schafer Bremen IN 68 V Trenten Vogts Churubusco IN 70 G Jeremy Gerstner Wesley Chapel FL 70 L Bob Lusetti Broadview Heights OH 71 Wayne Abner Heidrick KY 72A Bradley Abner Heidrick KY 72K Mike Abner Heidrick KY 72N TBA 74 BA Austin Baum Shepherdsville KY 74 BR Josh Brading New Albany IN 74 D Todd Duff Kingsport TN 75 K Mark Kalata Almond WI 75 W Ryan Waterman Danielson CT 76 Benny Bender Mobile AL 77 D Jason Drummond Gibsonburg OH 77 G Eric Greer Utica KY 78 F Robert Fink Sheatown PA 78 H Joe Holp Uniontown PA 79 Heath Bronkema Kalamazoo MI 83 Brandon Mefford Spiceland IN 84 Andrew Teepe Indianapolis IN 86 S Shawn Smith Louisville KY 86 W Geoff Wood Whittemore MI 88 Jeff Johnson Indianapolis IN 89 Josh Sage Piqua OH 90 Joe Quinn North Royalton OH 91 Rich Segvich Frankfort IN 95 Brian Hopkins New Castle IN 96 Donnie Woodard Charlestown IN 98 Jeff Caudell Scottsburg IN 99 Brian Bayer Birdseye IN 112 Mark Lushes Uniontown OH 131 Ron Ritcher Akron NY 311 Keith Bissinger Bloomsburg PA 333 Jonathan Ziegler Lafayette IN VORE’S COMPACTS # NAME CITY ST 0 Tom Gossar Markleville IN 0 Kamden Creek Anderson IN 1 A Mike Richardson Valparaiso IN 1 CT Chuck McDonald Groton CT 1 X Mark Mason Ft. Wayne IN 1 David Mehl Fairland IN 2 Brad Chandler Cedar Rapids IA 4 D Jamie Drook Maineville OH 4 Terry Eaton Jr Quincy OH 5 B Brett Duane Smith Richmond IN 5 JT Jesse Henry Jones IV Newport News VA 5 Lynn Waller Richland NC 6 H Billy Hillard Owensboro KY 6 Chris Jennings Richmond IN 7 P Paul Bittle South Bend IN 7 C Ron Masters Machanicsburg OH 7 Don Rufener III Uhrichsville OH 7 Steve Vore Ft. Recovery OH 8 Joe Jennings Richmond IN 9 T Nicholas Meade West Carrrolton OH 9 X Josh Richardson Ft. Wayne IN 9 Steve Vore Ft. Recovery OH 9 Wesley Ennis The Plains OH 10 Jake Albright Dover OH 11 Zachary Smizer Stafford VA 12 N Charlie Nickel Chili WI 12 James Scott Pierson Ona WV 13 Mark Jennings Centerville IN 14 Joseph Jennings Centerville IN 15 Andy Jennings Richmond IN 16 Michael Brewer Fairborn OH 17 Bill Honious Miamisburg OH 18 D Derek Davis South Bend IN 18 Gary Eaton Jr West Liberty OH 19 H John Handeland Belleville WI 19 RI Dylan Cabral Richmond RI 19 Joe Workman Milton WV 20 John Denny Erie PA 21 David Gilliland Harrison TN 22 Kevin Broski Cleveland OH 24 T Aaron Teegarden New Weston OH 24 Nicole DeVos Allendale MI 24 Cole Roelofs Dove MI 25 A Christopher Brown Cottontown TN 25 B Ben Belanger Whitefield NH 25 Tim Durfy Lockport NY 27 I Dan Irvine Valparaiso IN 27 Bo Hoelscher Riverside OH 28 BJ Honious Dayton OH 29 Josh Easto Cedar Lake IN 31 X John Isaac Davis Cookeville TN 31 JR Vester Muncie IN 33 X Thomas Kapish Mountain Top PA 33 Justin Brown Boggstown IN 35 Gary Stark Jr Ft Atkinson WI 37 Darek Morris New Castle IN 38 X Ryan Spillers Ft Wayne IN 39 Kelly Lilie Port Clinton OH 42 Johney Greer III Indianapolis IN 44 X Josh Brown Cottontown TN 44 Brooks Horseman Lebanon OH 46 Andy Manes Indianapolis IN 47 Kory Appleby Greenwood IN 49 B Derick Bradshaw Mount Washington KY 49 TBA/Hoffman Demotte IN 50 Craig Frase New Lenox IL 51 G Christopher Gammon Portland TN 51 Keith Watson Salt Rock WV 53 D Tim Dilg Cincinnati OH 53 Jr Lemasters Indianapolis IN 54 JT John Trimble Scott Depot WV 54 Chip Heintzelman Ft. Wayne IN 55 Kyle Byrd Greenfield IN 56 Sean Frederick Goodlettsville TN 57 Ricky Wilson Frankfort IL 58 Johnathan Waldrop Chesterfield VA 59 Kodi Bater Landis NC 61 Matthew Jackson New Carlisle OH 62 Mike Sabina Ft Wayne IN 63 Larry Hatfield Indianapolis IN 64 Derek Smith Clarksville IN 67 Rob Rehm Indianapolis IN 69 X Jeff Isbell Lebanon OH 69 Jeff Striegel Lanesville IN 70 Levi Hill Dayton OH 71 Trent Gossar Markleville IN 72 Bobby Sanders McCordsville IN 78 Michael Hughart Saint Albans WV 79 Todd Metz Jr Charlotte MI 81 Dalton Cox Versailles KY 82 Harvey Yoder Kenton OH 85 Phil Iliff Portland IN 87 Scott Kerley Elizabethton TN 88 X Steven Brock Elizabeth IN 88 Joshua Foltz Medway OH 91 Cameron Cruise Bradenton FL 92 TBA/Hoffman Demotte IN 93 Tim Cassidy Wayne WV 95 A Daniel Harper Portland TN 95 David Yoder Kenton OH 96 Jim Granzow Hobbart IN 97 M Matthew Morris Louisville KY 99 M Travis Lea Miller Jacksonville NC 99 Chris Clark New Haven IN 111 Devon Dixon Janesville WI 117 Ryan Hoffman Demotte IN 119 Brandon De Lacy Stunghton WI 126 Harry O’Neill Wapwallopen PA 133 Jess Drook Maineville OH 151 John Hunn Rolla MO 181 Daniel Herron Newcomerstown OH 192 Kyle Stark Marshall WI 223 Greg Garrison Bloomington IN 410 Steven Tito Drums PA
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