#maria is the most annoying healer ever
shivunin · 1 year
10 for the hurt/comfort prompt 💖
10. "It's okay to cry." (I did this for Fenris and Hawke c:) Thank you for the prompt!
(Maria Hawke/Fenris | 1,133 Words | Hurt/Comfort | CW: References to broken bones and blood)
Laugh or Cry
The first time she said it, Fenris had just taken a crushing blow to his leg on the Wounded Coast. The words had, he thought, been intended to take his mind off the pain while she healed him—though as far as he could tell, Hawke had never met a bad joke she didn’t love. 
So, while she watched the bones of his leg knit themselves back together, Hawke looked sidelong at him and said it:
“It’s alright to cry, you know.”
“What?” Fenris asked through clenched teeth. 
“It’s alright,” she said, “I wouldn’t judge you. Goodness knows I cry over the silliest things all the time. I won’t tell the others, either. Healer’s word.”
“Right,” Fenris replied doubtfully, and she winked at him. 
“Your bone density is top notch, you know. I’m sure it all fit together quite nicely before the incident with the warhammer.”
There was a horrible crack from the vicinity of his leg and Fenris gritted his teeth for the wave of pain that was sure to follow—only nothing did. Hawke raised a hand and motes of pale blue spun from it, enveloping the break. 
“You’ll be right as rain soon enough,” she said, which might have been reassuring, except she kept talking, “I used to do this for the horses in town, you know. Creatures’ll panic themselves into a heart attack if you aren’t careful.”
“Am I to believe,” Fenris said, passing a hand over his forehead to swipe away the sweat before it could drip into his eyes, “That your primary means of practice was on farm animals?”
“Hmm? Oh, no,” Hawke said, and squinted at something on his leg. 
When he moved to sit up, she set her hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him back. 
“Nothing you’ll want to see,” she said, “You know I was a smuggler for a year, yes? Far more broken bones there than back home. I only meant that horse bones are much more delicate than yours and I had them up and walking again. I’ve healed other bones, too, of course, and all manner of hurts.”
“Of course,” he muttered, and rubbed the shoulder she’d touched to dispel the sensation of her hand against the narrow strip of his bare skin. 
But of course that wasn’t the only time; if there was something Hawke loved, it was repeating a foolish joke. So several years later, during an ill-advised visit to some lowbrow theater in Lowtown, she leaned over the armrest between them and repeated it. 
“It’s okay to cry, you know,” she whispered directly into his ear. Fenris resisted the urge to lean into the words and shook his head, as if unaffected by it all. 
In truth, the actress wailing over her dead lover’s body onstage was little more than background noise. If asked, Fenris likely couldn’t have explained what the play was even about. He’d been distracted for the duration, because for some reason Hawke had chosen to come to this event in a dress Isabela had chosen for her—which meant it draped low in the front and exposed both of her shoulders to the smoky air of the theater. 
Hawke’s arms, he had realized when he’d arrived late to their group’s seats, were covered in freckles. 
He couldn’t explain why the sight of them had struck him most of all.
“I saved you the aisle seat,” she’d whispered as the lights went down, and Fenris hadn’t even thanked her. He’d just sat there, stiff as a statue, and tried very successfully not to actually turn his head and stare at her. 
His self control was better than that. 
But not when she leaned over like that to whisper in his ear and the scent of her wrapped around him like—like it had a mind of its own. So:
“It’s okay to cry, you know,” she whispered as the play reached its climax, “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Hawke,” he managed, his voice thankfully chiding instead of—of—anything else.
She laughed slightly and angled herself closer so he could hear her over the screech of violins. Against his will, his eyes dropped to her bodice. 
Fenedhis, he could see all the way past her cleavage to the swell of her stomach beneath. 
Fenris squeezed his eyes shut. 
“I know,” she said into his ear, “It’s all very touching. I’m genuinely shocked I haven’t heard you laughing at the thing since that awful bit where they drank out of the boot. Shameless.”
“Shameless,” he repeated, his voice rough even to his own ears, “I couldn’t agree more.”
And then—things changed. Fenris grew closer to her, then too close, botched things horribly, and for a long time kept a very, very careful distance between them.
But Hawke, as they all knew well, could never abandon a lost cause. 
So: here they were, later still, fighting side by side on the Wounded Coast again. Lovers, now, and not reluctant allies; and when she fell at his side in battle it hurt far more than a broken leg. 
“I will not allow it,” he growled, and raised the blade she’d given him for a blow that would have felled a dragon. 
When their foes had fallen and the others began to pick through their pockets, Fenris darted back to her side and tucked his hand beneath her neck.
“Hawke,” he said roughly, smoothing her curls away from her forehead. 
Blood had stuck them to her skin; it would be a task to get it all out later. He knew now exactly how much of a task because lately he was the one to rinse it out, to comb out anything still tangled in the strands, to ensure that she went to bed clean and safe and well. 
Maria was not even unconscious; just dazed, blinking up at the dull sky. He didn’t like the way her eyes looked, the unfocused way they wandered past his face to the clouds. After a moment, she took a breath and parted her lips. 
“Fenris?” she said. 
He frowned and leaned closer. Was there something more wrong than he’d thought? Did she need—
“It’s okay to cry, you know,” she said, her voice piteous, her eyes round and entreating, “I won’t tell anyone if you do.”
“Hawke,” he said roughly, and dipped his head to kiss her forehead over and over, speaking in between each touch, “You are an utter fool.”
“No,” she said. 
Fenris didn’t much care that he was getting her blood on his mouth—only that she was well enough to make horrible jokes.
“I’m your fool,” she finished, and he huffed. 
“As you say,” he murmured, and sat back to offer her another vial, “Drink this and stop your jokes.”
“Never,” she said with a smile, and drank it down. 
And Fenris was glad.
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teecupangel · 10 months
The Desmond can take things from his ancestors continuation that has the slightly yandere Desmond hit my brain and now I'm thinking of the AC1 story but all of Altaïr's targets are already dead by the time he gets to them with a list of their crimes and messages that read like love letters on the bodies because Desmond got it into his head this would be a good way of helping (Desmond didn't mean for the messages to be so romantic but he's not complaining about how Altaïr is already half in love with him when they meet, even if Altaïr is also annoyed about the kill stealing)
The AltDes continuation of Desmond being able to steal from his ancestors that has a slight yandere!Desmond added in.
Let’s be honest, Desmond would try to keep the letters professional but everyone who reads it (the Rafiqs, Malik, and Al Mualim) could clearly see the little bits here and there that shows how much this ‘killer’ was doing it for Altaïr’s benefit.
Hell, he’s so open about it that Altaïr believes Desmond is in love with him.
And maybe… just maybe… Altaïr hides the secret second letters that Desmond always leaves somewhere close by. Letters that are more personal and addressed directly to him.
Letters that feels like water being dripped into the dying sprout that had been severely neglected all these years because of his status in the Brotherhood and the strained relationship he has with many of his brothers.
Desmond leaves letters that makes Altaïr believe someone does care about him more than because he was an Assassin or because he was strong.
Desmond’s letters are light but genuine and they’re more candid than the ones he leaves in the scene of the murder itself. They were…
Letters from one person to another.
And they always start the same way.
My dear Altaïr…
(Which is actually a mistranslation in Desmond’s part. He was trying to write ‘Dear Altaïr’ but he writes ‘My dear Altaïr’ instead which could be unintentional or a subconscious decision on Desmond’s part)
The letters always asks how he’s doing and always reminds him to eat and rest. It could have been patronizing but Altaïr couldn’t help but feel… something more to it.
He’s still annoyed by the kill stealing but… at the same time…
This was probably the grandest ‘romantic’ gesture anyone had ever did for him.
(Smashcut back to Jerusalem Bureau, Malik shivers, feeling a disturbance in the air that makes him think… ‘aw, crap. Altaïr is doing or going to do something stupid and I’ll be the one suffering because of it’)
And because Desmond is doing everything for Altaïr (“Everything I do, I do for you, Altaïr. That much you can trust. Although I would suggest not trusting me in general.”), he’s going to screw up the timeline so badly that the Calculations would go kaput even before September 1191 hits.
Well, for one, he saved Kadar although nobody knows that because Kadar is still bedridden and healing from his wounds.
It’s actually Kadar who suggests that Desmond leaves letters explaining his actions.
Kadar was trying to help his savior because… well… it was clear Desmond was a bit lost on what to do.
Although, because Kadar was Altaïr’s number one fan, he’s also the one that pushed Desmond to address the letter directly to Altaïr and write as if he’s talking to Altaïr.
In Kadar’s defense, he was trying to make them friends. He didn’t know that Desmond isn’t really the most… uuhhh… stable at the moment.
So Desmond starts actually obsessing over Altaïr.
Enough to try and ‘fix’ things.
Well, Abbas had an accident during one of his patrols and the healers believe his leg would not recover and he’d walk with a limp for the rest of his life, his Assassin 'career' destroyed in the process.
Maria Thorpe had disappeared and Kadar had gotten a new roommate who definitely did not appreciate being kidnapped. Desmond’s “tell her the truth about the Templar Order” plan did not go as he had planned but he can’t let Maria escape now since she’d seen his face and know where he lives. Soooo… Kadar is unofficially tasked with making sure Maria doesn’t get away and try to uuuhh… do his best in converting Maria to their side. (Whether this ends as KadMar or Kadar and Maria being besties is up to you XD)
And then…
Desmond and Altaïr actually meet for the first time.
Their eyes meet and it was like the entire world simply… fell away.
Disappeared into nothing.
For nothing was more important than this moment.
They felt like they knew one another even though they had not uttered a word to each other.
They felt like this moment, this very time and place, existed so they could finally meet.
… which really didn’t have a good timing because Altaïr had barged into the room while Desmond had just killed his latest target so blood was pooling into the floor and the guards were on their way because they heard strange noises thanks to Altaïr forgetting to minimize his noise because he had been too busy staring at Desmond.
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orderoftheavengers · 4 years
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Hufflepuff Rescue
Summary: Only a true Hufflepuff could put up with a Slytherin like Tony for all those years!
House: Hufflepuff
Species: Human/Salamander hybrid (formerly Human)
Blood Status: Muggleborn (sans one possibly magic uncle)
Wand: Hazel, 10 inches, jackalope antler
Broom: the Rescue Mark-7
Patronus: Giant flaming rabbit from Hell
Specialties: Charms, practical magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts
Pepper would've made a fine Ravenclaw, but her most defining traits are Hufflepuff ones. She's a workaholic; insanely (some would say literally) loyal to her friends and employers; empathetic and sensitive; and has an almost superhuman ability to tolerate damn near anyone. The fact that she would accept whatever House the Hat chose for her only increased her candidacy for Hufflepuff.
"You're all I have too, Tony."
When Virginia Potts received her letter from Hogwarts, her Muggle family did not outright disown her; but they distanced themselves from her, and made their disdain for her magic clear. She was miserable at home, and took every extra job and class she could to stay in the magical world over the summer and holidays. (Though American, Pepper's family had recently moved to the U.K. for business related reasons.)
Virginia Potts was extremely skilled at charms, and her wand frequently rained excess sparks when she wielded it. Friends joked that she had the "hot-pepper wand," leading to her Hogwarts nickname Pepper. Ms. Potts was more than happy to keep this new identity, and took to using her Muggle first name only for legalities. Early into her first year, Pepper was ecstatic to get hired by a rich classmate, for a summer job at
Stark Castle
When Pepper wrote to her family explaining that she wouldn't be home for summer break, they wrote back politely implying that they preferred it that way.
Her fellow Hufflepuffs laughed, fretted, or had nervous breakdowns when they learned who Pepper was going to spend the summer working for. They all assumed that Tony Stark would either discount Pepper immediately for being a "mudblood," or would hire her only to troll her mercilessly. Neither was the case. Howard Stark himself had been a muggleborn Slytherin, who'd worked his way up the wizard social ladder from nothing, and the Starks had never bought into prejudice of any kind. (Howard worked with a female auror Peggy Carter in the '40s, and was married to a Ravenclaw named Maria; Tony's two best homeboys Happy and Rhodey were both Gryffindors.) Pepper's Muggle background actually contributed to her hiring, as Tony had an affinity for Muggle cars and food, and one of his best friends, Happy Hogan, was a Muggleborn.
Tony was, however, every bit as much of a headache as he was infamous for. But Pepper was made of much stronger stuff than even her best friends credited her for. Tony's Slytherin-to-the-max traits run amok were tempered by Pepper's Hufflepuff patience, grounded focus, and sensitivity. She established herself quickly as someone neither Tony nor his Veela dancers could screw around with, and took great pride in her job.
Things changed in forth year, when Tony was captured by Neo Death Eaters and has a magical amulet implanted in his chest.
Despite her love for her job, and the chance to see Tony Stark's bare chest, Pepper was not enthused to help change his chest amulet. ("There's puss!" "It's not puss, it's just poisoned basilisk venom mixed with phoenix tears, calm down.") She was understandably upset to find Tony working in his dungeon lab on a dangerously experimental broom, for missions that could get him killed. She reminded him, "You're all I have too, Tony." She eventually came to except Tony as a vigilante; but still freaked out when he attempted to drive a Muggle race car and set himself on fire.
Proof My Slytherin Has a Heart
....is what Pepper had magically inscribed on Tony's Christmas present: his old chest amulet, framed in two silver snakes forming a heart.
The entire school squeed at the unlikely Hufflepuff/Slytherin hookup. Fortunately, the pair did not have to face as much antagonism as a Slytherin/Non-Slyth couple in "Harry Potter's" day might have. Any negativity they did face was met with Tony's wrath. But everyone knew Stark's best friends were comprised almost entirely of non-Slytherins, and most people weren't dumb enough to hassle him about it.
Night of the Flaming Lepus
After Loki's attack on Hogwarts, Tony developed PTSD and became paranoid about protecting everyone, especially Pepper. He taught her as much Defense Against the Dark Arts as he could, but she really struggled with conjuring her Patronus. The tiny wisp she managed to squeeze from her wand resembled a very nonthreatening looking bunny.
That Christmas, Tony surprised Pepper with a giant rabbit he'd bought on the magical black market, thinking bigger = better. She didn't like it, as it had a tendency to eat chunks out of furniture, block the fireplace, and eat all of the magical plants around the Hufflepuff commonroom. They all got fed up, and Pepper magically teleported the eleven-foot rabbit down to the Slytherin commonroom, causing some awkwardness for Tony, who was already getting on his fellow Slytherins' nerves.
Shortly afterwards, the Slytherin commonroom was obliterated by Tony's enemies. Fortunately no one was killed--except, sadly, the giant rabbit.
But it lived on in spirit...
The villain who'd tried to kill Tony turned out to be Pepper's ex boyfriend, a Ravenclaw named Alderich Killian, whom she'd dated back in first year. Killian, once a regular human wizard, had transformed himself and several henchmen into Salamander hybrids, granting them fire-shooting and regeneration powers. Killian captured Pepper, and subjected her to a painful transformation that made her too part-Salamander.
While trying to rescue Pepper atop the Astronomy tower, Tony failed to catch her, and saw her seemingly plummet into an inferno below. Suffering a sudden attack of amnesia regarding Pepper's new powers, Tony thought she was dead, and in a Heroic Blue Screen of Death, went for Killian's blood. But Tony didn't have his wand or his broom with him, and was no match for the fire-breathing lizard man. 
Killian prepared for the killing blow, when he was interrupted by an a voice screaming, "Expecto Patronum!" He and Tony both turned to see Pepper, glowing red with her new Salamander powers, aiming her wand at Killian. Flames traveled up her arm to her wand, mixing with her patronus as it emerged. An eleven-foot-tall rabbit made entirely out of fire charged at Killian, barring fangs with flaming eyes straight out of "Watership Down." Killian died screaming like a teletubby, just before the bunny from Hell leaped across the roof and bit his head off.
Staring up at his lover, Tony quipped, "I got nothing."
Tony offered to cure Pepper of her condition, to which she replied, "Why in the name of Merlin's facial hair would I want to lose these kickass powers? I like being a Hot Pepper!"
Tony then apologized for the sh*t he'd put her through, and blew up all of his brooms, creating a shower of fireworks for her and Hogwarts. (And an excuse for himself to build new brooms.)
Lovers Divided Get Reunited... Then Divided Again
After going through all that hell together, it seemed nothing was going to break Pepper and Tony up. Then Tony accidentally created a super-annoying gargoyle villain that destroyed Durmstrang, and Pepper declared it time for them to "take a break." That Halloween, she went home for the first holiday in years. After half a week back in the Muggle world, Pepper remembered why she'd left, and hurried back to Hogwarts.
She was not surprised to learn that Tony had been involved in a violent drunken Quidditch game. However, she was shocked to hear he and Rhodey were both at St. Mungo's, for physical and psychological damage respectively. Rhodey had been transformed into a merman, with Healers unable to restore his legs. Tony meanwhile had undergone an experience that would have broken far more stable people than him. Pepper did not have nice words for Steve Rogers after she learned the whole story. She did, however, have an eleven-foot-tall, hopping-mad, flaming Patronus ready for him. Rumor has it Steve grew the beard in the hopes of disguising himself from the Hell Bunny.
Pepper saw Tony emerge from the sh*t pile that was his life with a shocking new maturity. Well, mature for Tony; he was still snarking like a petulant child to Stephen Strange.  But otherwise, he was more sensible and stable than she'd ever seen him. He devoted himself to mentoring a cute little Ravenclaw with spider powers, and building more magical shields and gadgets to protect the world from Titan invaders. At graduation, Tony gave Pepper the most awkward proposal in history. She wrinkled her nose at first, but came around and said, "What the hell."
Then a new kid with a cape resembling Ming the Merciless stole Tony from Pepper, and took him for a ride on a giant flying donut.
Not An Entirely Muggle Family?
Shortly before Strange arrived to steal Pepper's boyfriend, Tony related to her what he'd seen in the crystal ball in Divination class that morning (after several eye-rolling innuendos about "balls," naturally). In the crystal, he saw them have a baby together, and named the child after Pepper's "eccentric uncle," whose name happened to be Morgan. (Note: That's canon.)  Uncle Morgan was one of the few relatives who didn't shun Pepper after her Hogwarts letter, though he was extremely strange. Pepper didn't see him perform magic, and Uncle Morgan wouldn't elaborate on the subject--or, more precisely, he would elaborate, exaggerate, and then truncate. Tony speculated that Uncle Morgan may have been a Muggleborn who'd somehow gotten himself expelled from Hogwarts.
A Hufflepuff Rescue
After the Snap, Tony and Pepper eloped, and Pepper indeed gave birth to a baby girl, who they named Morgan. Determined to protect his family, Tony built Pepper a new upgraded broom, wand, and impenetrable robes. She loved the color purple, but Tony chose royal purple and gold for other reasons as well. Sick of seeing his queen underrated and often dismissed as "Tony Stark's mudblood servant," Tony wanted to make sure no one mistook his wife's role in his life ever again. Pepper wore and wielded these accessories in the final battle against Thanos.
At one point in the fight, a man with an old-fashioned camera interrupted the battle to request that all of the females in the Hogwarts army gather at one area, and strike badass poses. The man was Denis Creevey, and explained that this photo was for the Daily Prophet's issue on Witch's History Month. The Avengers, Thanos, and all parties sighed and begrudgingly put their epic battle on hold to meet Creevey's request. Creevey then hurried off the battlefield, and the fight resumed. Weeks later, the Prophet's front page featured an undeniably smashing (somewhat literally!) moving portrait of all the witches fighting for Hogwarts, plus Deadpool in drag.
Pepper was horrified when Tony used the Infinity Wand to seemingly sacrifice himself and dust Thanos and his army. But even then, her Hufflepuff loyalty and compassion prevailed. She accepted Tony's sacrifice, and told him, "you can rest now."
She was of course, overjoyed to have her husband resurrected. She was less happy the following year, when Tony took a potion that allowed him to talk to animals, and adopted a number of very talkative exotic creatures, but that's a story for another day.
Wand, Patronus
Rabbits and jackalopes are known to be soft and maternal, yet tricksy and clever. And anyone who has seen "Watership Down" knows not to be fooled by their cuteness.
AN: A lot of people peg both Pepper and Tony as Ravenclaws, and I get it. J.K. herself would likely sort them there, if not straight into Gryffindor like most of the important characters (sigh). But I'm basing the Sorting partially on the characters' roles in the series. Pepper is brilliant, but her role is that of a loyal workaholic and empathetic lover, while Tony's is that of a genius who just. Never. Quits. Plus, the Hufflepuff/Slytherin dynamic was impossible to resist.
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kyle-valenti · 5 years
sometimes a soldier heals the doctor 2/2
also on ao3
"You and Alex seem close again," Liz told Kyle as they sat in his father's old cabin turned Alex’s home.
Rosa had gone to sleep downstairs, still unable to resurface until they found a better cover story than the debated "long lost twin" excuse, and both Liz and Kyle hadn't managed to leave after visiting her just yet. Liz looked worse for wear, more exhausted than he'd ever seen her between her three obsessions-- Rosa, her father, and working tirelessly to bring Max back to life. Still, she had a small smile on her face as she leaned against the couch and watched him. "It's good. Reminds me of when we were kids."
Kyle gave a guarded smile in return, making a deflection. "Amazing what happens when high school jocks grow up."
She rolled her eyes at him. "Don't do that. I'm serious. I'm really glad he has someone other than Rosa and I what with everything going on."
"You mean Maria betraying him for his ex?" Kyle said moodily, knowing better than to show his full anger for Liz's best friend in front of her.
Liz pursed her lips. "You can't control who you fall for, Kyle."
He didn't have a reply that wouldn't be dripping in hypocrisy, so he just huffed and looked away.
"He told me how you two worked together recently." She added, and he felt wary that she was digging for information now, even if she seemed too tired and temporarily comfortable on the couch.
Finally, because it was Liz and she was the only one he had trusted in Roswell consistently throughout the years, he gave her tiny leeway. “Honestly I don’t know how he forgave me. I wouldn’t have forgiven me.”
“You’ve both been through so much,” she said, her brown eyes looking kind. “You lost your father and became a doctor and he went to war and lost a leg. That’s more sickness and death than most people have ever seen. It makes sense that you’d relate to each other now.”
“I guess.” Kyle sighed, starting to sink into the couch as well. Not unlike Liz, he was also needing a break between his long hospital shifts, visiting Rosa, and then helping Liz in the lab whenever Guerin wasn’t around. “Still seems generous. Makes me--,”
He trailed off, only barely catching himself before he revealed more emotion than he wanted, but Liz gave him a curious look. “Makes you what? You don’t look like you’re talking about guilt.”
Dryly, he reaffirmed, “Oh, I feel guilty.”
“I know.” She said, serious and intense. “I always knew you would one day. That’s not just it though. Right?”
Right , is the answer his mind screams, even if he’s unsure he can give it with or without her generous out. The silence he gave lapsed from thoughtful to guarded and she put a hand on his, squeezing tight. Liz was a firestorm of contradictions, both direct and abrasive at times, but also generous and sympathetic the next.
"Guilt drowns out everything else," he told her, making sure to signal the conversation as over by standing up. It's time to leave for bed now.
A good doctor knew which parts of truth to tell and when to best relieve family members. Kyle hadn't grasped timing on truths outside of a lab coat.
“How’s life, Valenti?” Guerin asked, with the tiniest hint of a slur and the mixed smell of alcohol and acetone on his breath. Kyle would never get over the oddness of nail polish remover being alien morphine, or the fact that Michael was probably addicted to the "drug" as well as alcohol. “Spend enough time following Alex around like a puppy?”
Kyle had expected this sooner or later, that Guerin would one day seek him out at Saturn’s Ring instead of staying at his girlfriend's bar. He had avoided bars altogether for a good month because of it.
It would be so soothing to punch the perpetually angry alien in the face, at least for the few seconds before he was hit back, but Kyle had caused enough damage in the past. Tightening his jaw to the point that his teeth are grinding, he pulled his wallet out, slapped bills on the bar, and began to walk away until Guerin held him back by the arm.
“What, you’re a doctor now and all of the sudden you’re reformed?” Michael taunted. “As if everyone is supposed to just up and pretend you’re not just as much of an asshole as I am?”
“Funny, I don't recall sleeping with my ex's best friend." Kyle snapped. Unable to stop the temptation, he added a pointed jibe. "I'll let you know if it happens. Liz being my ex and Alex-- well, you know."
He's not sure who's more surprised he didn't get punched for the implication, him or Michael, but the flicker of guilt and self loathing wrapped around hurt that crossed Michael's face seemed to win against violence.
“So you're just there to pick up the pieces, is that it? Life coming full circle.”
Kyle glared, stepping forward after angrily pulling his arm back. Antagonizing an alien with a temper wasn't wise, sure, but he'd done all sorts of stupid things since coming back to Roswell. “You must think a lot of yourself to think you or anyone else could bring Alex Manes to pieces.”
Michael shook his head, looking away. "You hurt him, Valenti, and I will make Caulfield look like a vacation for you."
"I'm not capable of hurting him," Kyle responded with a huff. "Have a nice night."
He wasn't sure if Guerin would interpret his statement correctly. It didn't really matter.
As a doctor he couldn't harm Alex under any code, sure, but Kyle didn't matter enough to Alex for him to have an effect. Not since they were children.
While Kyle had hoped he’d be lucky enough that the sleepy desert town had something better to do then spread his business, the next time Alex saw him in the bunker proved that wrong. Alex came up to him at their table full of classified old scientific journals and printed records, looking both curious and guarded. “So I heard you and Guerin had words.”
“From who?” he asked, in case it was one of their friends and he could berate them for causing him drama.
If it was, Alex wouldn’t give it up. “You know the town talks.”
Kyle inwardly groaned and tried to deflect as he physically turned back to the research in front of them. “It was just words.”
He could see Alex nod from the corner of his eye. “I was surprised. Going to tell me what it was about?”
“Nothing important.”
“Seems like it might have been important.” Alex pressed. Kyle shrugged, not wanting to get into a talk about Alex’s ex before it was even noon.  “Kyle.”
He pursed his lips, annoyed that the first name card was pulled. “I think he's just jealous.”
“He doesn't get to be jealous.” Alex snapped.
Pausing, Kyle turned to face Alex again. There wasn’t any confusion on why Guerin would be jealous, which he had almost expected. Why be jealous of something non-existent? Further, he hadn’t even rolled his eyes or huffed in disgust at the idea of his ex thinking something was there. Carefully, he said. “Yeah, I hinted at that.”
“Hinted?” Alex asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Hinted.” Kyle said, even if the sheepishness found its way to his face.
Alex chuckled a little, the corners of his mouth quirking a tiny bit through his outburst of anger. “Maybe you have grown up.”
Kyle laughed a little, only because he could see that Alex was teasing, voice smaller as he said, “Maybe.” He can’t help but tense up though, finally not too cowardly to begin an apology. “Look, Alex--,”
“I don't care about words.” Alex interrupted, shaking his head. “You've apologized with your actions, that's what matters to me.”
Kyle awkwardly nodded.
“Want to go the bar?” Alex asked, catching Kyle off guard with the 180 in mood. The smile he’s receiving is mischievous and he can only guess exactly which bar Alex wanted to go to in that sort of mood. Confirmed when he added, “I believe you said you owe me a fake make out session.”
Surprise doesn’t stop his ingrained inability not to flirt back. “Oh, I don't fake anything.”
“Yeah, Valenti?” Alex asked, somewhere between amused and pleased.
“Bring it, Manes.” Kyle responded, and then they were kissing without the pretense of a bar setting and Kyle could barely breathe in relief between the finality of Alex’s lips.
Kyle Valenti was a good doctor. Alex Manes was a better healer.
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radicaldreamer017 · 6 years
Finished chapter 3 and in the middle of chapter 4 (and things are getting spoilery) :
- found a few more heart to heart. It was quite funny to have Tora laments on feeling useless in battle after I benched him. Guess the game does expect you to bench him for the new character.
- I noticed how these scenes are voiced and involve several characters. In XB1, the scenes are silent and involves only two characters bonding. The voice acting is cool but I think they should have kept the two character bonding thing (group stuff is nice too… but so far, Tora has been starring in all of them… i’m afraid the game may push some characters forward more than others in these heart to heart).
- so, met Zeke (it’s Zek in french apparently) and his blade twice. He’s so over the top lol… i saw people comparing him with Bart from Xenogears, but Bart was down to earth next to him (then again, the over the top shonen humor in XB2 is quite new to Xeno… except maybe when it comes to mascot characters). Bart also had a heavy backstory and duty. That said, eye patch thing, trying to snatch your « weapon » upon the first meeting… I can see why comparaisons are made. I’m waiting to see who Zeke is beyond “comic relief guy” though.
- I don’t know if it’s just me but enemies feel quite spongey compared to previous XB games. In the first game, it was quicker and easier to beat a group of enemies. Not so much here (in fact, I’m dying a lot... and chapter 4 is pissing me off a bit because of this... too many enemies ganging up on you, all spongey... the most annoying thing is getting teleported way back and all enemies getting revived). In the first XB game, I was already going against uniques in the first 10 hours. I never bothered to beat a single one in this one and i’m past 30 hours in. Then again, I was battling uniques in XB1 because it was part of the quests and I knew they were giving capacity points too.
- I really like Uraya overall. The town gives me Skyrim (Solitude) vibe coupled with Baten Kaitos maybe (with a touch of Zora village from Breath of the Wild) ?
- speaking of this town… i’m still clueless where their king or queen even is… where’s the palace ?
- i’m starting to understand maybe why people feel frustrated when exploring in this game. It took me way too much time to understand how to get to Uraya’s main town (and I just quit yesterday playing chapter 4 because a piece of bridge fell while i was walking on it and the only path towards the next main story point I can see is blocked by blade skills i don’t have... that said, maybe this bridge will be whole again when I’ll return to the game... otherwise, that would be bullshit). I also understand why it can feel frustrating to have exploration blocked by requirements that are entirely linked to the blades you managed to get based on pure luck. But I can only encourage Monolith to explore player/environment interactions further. Maybe Zelda’s success will make their next Xeno/jrpg game a lot better on this front (I have lots of gripes about the new Zelda sure… but the way we could interact with the environment, using elements and all, wasn’t one of them).
- so far, town music is definitively more memorable/better than in XB1 (Mitsuda composed them, didn’t he ?).
- while I like towns better in this than XB1, i think it really was a mistake to take the social network thing away. It just makes townies a lot less endearing. It takes away the sense of communities the first two Xenoblade games had. It was really one of Xenoblade’s biggest strength imo.
- returning to Argentum made me realize how nice this place is. A callback to the Thames from Xenogears but with warm Ghibli aesthetics too (love the interior in the upper floors).
- the more I play Tiger Tiger, the more I like it... Dunno if it’s because I was craving for some actual mini games in the modern Xeno games (sick of the hunt/fetch routine) or because the mini game is legit nice. But locking Poppi’s entire upgrade system behind a single mini game probably sucks for anyone who hates playing it.
- I can send blades to expeditions now… between this and the pull to get blades system, the game feels very mobile gacha inspired (by the way, got a rainbow in FFBE the same day I got KOS-MOS). Not that the expedition system was invented by mobile games. It was in FF Tactics on PS1 after all. But the way the characters are sent to missions just remind me of FFBE.
- Also, people sure don’t mind giving command of their military force to a kid they just met lol (old person speaking uhuh).
- this theater thing was nice (and very Baten Kaitos looking).
- the last bosses were brutal… even being higher leveled than them… until I just switched Vandham for Tora (well see, perverted furball… you’re more useful than the big guy with the giant bird after all… crazy).
- speaking of them… I find them quite obnoxious. Maybe it’s the Nomura aesthetics… or the fact they kept wrecking my party… I did feel a bit sorry for Akhos (?) in the end though.
- Malos, or the Sephiroth school of villainy… wearing Gaignun Kukai’s face.
- Giant robot flashback… and a bonus Zohar with a pissy Mithra in it. I love how i’m trying to enjoy this game without comparing it too much to its heavy successors story wise… but the game won’t let me. Oh well…
- hi Mythra… it amused me how she went « fuck off ! I didn’t want to wake up ! I’m out ! » just after being introduced. Also, one of her lines was straight out of Xenosaga 3. As a Xenogears fan, her behavior also reminded me of the « coward ».
- Vandham’s death. I did like the character... but not enough to feel much during this scene apparently (losing the wind bird though... rude... but you get it back quickly anyway). People are not going to feel much when a character they just met dies (unless they’re known to have a close bond with the main character from the get go maybe... which is why killing Alice in Xenogears or Fiora in Xenoblade 1 felt more brutal despite happening very early... because they were introduced as the “childhood friend character/love interest/sister”). Especially if the character is a big bulky guy and the death quite cliché for this kind of character.
- also... did... did they bury him in a freaking concrete/stone ground ?
- I only just remembered Poppi broke at the end of the chapter. But she wasn’t that broken, it seems. They really didn’t make a big fuss about it.
- first time in forever since a character shared a bed with his obvious love interest in a Xeno game. But let’s not expect anything mature here. Mythra was just sleepwalking and happened to end up in Rex’s bed. So, yeah... the whole scene was an entire “you stupid pervert” joke you often see in harem animes (with “omg boobs in front of my face” reaction from Rex). That said, this darn hat that Dromach wears is a thing of glory. Highlight of the scene lol... Ah, and they also acknowledge Mythra/Pyra’s clothing being ridiculous in this scene.
- the whole “thievery” plotline was kind of filler. But still, I guess I’m glad those kids have a place to belong now. Guess I can see the Oliver Twist inspiration here (Takahashi said it was one of the works that made him want to make XB2). And now, the bird is back and Rex can have another 5 stars blade (though, I also managed to get Perceval for him, with a common core crystal).
- Speaking of new rare blade, I also got Boreas for Nia. But controlling Nia with him as her main blade kinda sucks. Boreas is so big that he almost takes the whole screen. But he’s a healer. That’s cool. That’s Nia’s main job.
- Muimui... I’m so glad you’re not the playable mascot character (really, even considering Tora). Seriously, this little guy is like... a nopon version of Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter (maybe it’s appriopriate, he seems shaddy). But higher pitched. And his name sounds kinda dumb, spoken out loud.
- I like Mor Ardain’s city. Reminds me of Nortune from Xenogears (too bad Mor Ardain’s Titan is a brown wasteland though... but hey, it is dying, after all).
- I really liked the cutscene introducing Mor Ardain’s “emperor”. The music was perfect, Morag and Brighid were there, I generally like child emperor/empress (like say, Larsa from FF12)... and I guess Morag is of royal blood now ?
- Tora’s background story unvealed... and I’m sure it was dramatic... but holy shit, I just wanted to laugh when seeing this small nopon holding a huge gun. Tora is like... Maria Balthasar as a male perverted Chuchu. It’s weird. Now, off to retrieve his giant rob... I mean, gothic lolita robot.
- Hot spring naked time... with convenient censor fog. I knew something like this was in ever since the first trailer. Some people managed to spot a keyword for a bath scene or something. Sigh... What should I say ? I like Persona and they did much worse with this kind of stuff. But it’s still pandering. I don’t even remember what the heck the girls were talking about (expect Poppi maybe... something about being waterproof ?).
- Second battle transition against Zeke was kind of funny. Rex gets bitchslapped by Mythra and the screen breaks, FF10 style.
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lady-ginnie · 7 years
Overwatch Questionnaire
I totally forgot I was gonna do this, oops! Here goes:
1. Who is your defense main? Junkrat
2. Who is your support main? Ana
3. Who is your offense main? Uh...Pharah, I guess.
4. Who is your tank main? D.Va, but Winston’s becoming a fast favorite.
5. Who is you MAIN main? Ana
6. Which character have you played the least? Orisa
7. Which character do you want to learn how to play? McCree
8. Which character do you dislike the most? Soldier: 76
9. Which character’s background story do you like the most? Ana’s
10. Which character’s background story do you like the least? I like them all, but I’m honestly getting tired of the “the world thought they were dead but PSYCHE! they’re not” background. Mix it up a bit, Blizzard.
11. Which map is your favorite? Eichenwalde
12. Which map is your least favorite? Dear God, Oasis.
13. What Arcade game type is your favorite? No Limits
14. What Arcade game type is your least favorite? Capture the Flag
15. Do you prefer quick play, competitive, arcade mode, or custom games? Quick Play.
16. Which map type is your favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena? Assault and Escort
17. Which map type is your least favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena? Whichever one KotH is, lol.
18. Which event map was your favorite? Junkenstein’s Revenge
19. Which event map reskin was your favorite? Christmas in King’s Row!
20. Which event was your favorite? Junkenstein’s Revenge and Uprising
21. Which event legendary skin was your favorite? SANTA TORBJORN!
22. Which event was your least favorite? Anniversary was pretty disappointing, just because of how expensive it was for things that should just be added in permanently anyway.
23. Which event legendary skin was your least favorite? Most of the skins in the Anniversary event were terrible, but special mention goes to Soldier: 76′s awful skin.
24. Which event non-legendary skin was your favorite? American McCree
25. Which event non-legendary skin was your least favorite? D.Va and Torbjorn’s Summer Games skins were...not so good.
26. Which event item do you most regret not getting? Junkrat’s Halloween RIP pose!
27. Did you beat the Uprising event on Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary? Normal, and Hard, thanks to some help from friends! ^_^
28. Do you have Sombra’s “Power Outage” achievement? YES!
29. Do you have Widowmaker’s “Smooth as Silk” achievement? YES! I got it on accident by scoring a lucky headshot while I fell off a table!
30. Do you have Lucio’s “The Floor is Lava” achievement? No, sadly.
31. Do you have Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement? Nope
32. What was the first achievement you got? Junkrat’s Roadkill acheivement
33. Did you get the “Not A Scratch,” achievement on Junkenstein’s Revenge? No. :(
34. What has been the hardest achievement to get for you? Finishing Uprising on Hard mode
35. What’s your current SR score in Competitive Mode? Haven’t finished my placements
36. What the highest you’ve been in Competitive? Gold. I suck.
37. What’s the most amount of placement matches you’ve won? 7 out of 10
38. How many gold guns do you have? None.
39. Which was the first gold gun you got? Uh...see above.
40. Whose gold gun do you currently want? Ana’s
41. What role do you usually play in Competitive? Support
42. If you don’t play Competitive, why not? Honestly, if I didn’t want Ana’s gun so badly I wouldn’t play it at all. It’s frustrating, time consuming, and not worth the effort.
43. What kind of theme event would you like to see in the future? Anything lore related!
44. What type of character would you like to see in the future? Talon needs a healer, yo!
45. Who needs more (or better) skins in the future? Hanzo. The only good skin that man has is his Halloween skin.
46. What country would you like a new character to come from? Uh...Italy, I guess? I dunno.
47. Favorite voice line? “You’re on my naughty list.” Ooooh, Reinhardt tell me more, love.
48. Favorite player icon? Golden Ana
49. Favorite emote? Ana’s Candy and Junkrat’s laugh emotes
50. Favorite spray? Eh, none
51.Favorite victory pose? Junkrat’s Lunar New Year pose and Reaper’s shrug pose
52. Favorite highlight intro? Junkrat’s Summer Games intro, and all of Ana’s.
53. Characters you ship the most? Ana and Reinhardt. <3 <3 <3
54. Characters you ship the least? Sorry, Gency shippers, but no. I can’t get behind that one.
55. Characters you wish had more in-game interactions? ALL OF THEM
56. Character you wish had a comic about? I’d love to see more from Lucio, honestly
57. Favorite comic released? Going Legit and Old Soldiers
58. Favorite short released? Dragons and The Last Bastion
59. Favorite new character released? Orisa is ADORABLE
60. Overwatch, Blackwatch, or Talon? Overwatch, of course.
61. Pro-Omnic or anti-Omnic? Pro-Omnic!
62. Favorite character that isn’t a playable one? (Ex: Emily, Brigitte, Gerard, Efi, etc.): Brigitte. In fact, I’d love to see more from her, honestly.
63. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) that you liked the most? Decreasing Winston’s head hitbox size. A sniper counter shouldn’t be able to be so easily sniped!
64. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) you liked the least? Removing Reaper’s healing orbs. I don’t feel the difference except now I die faster. I also don’t like the HUGE decrease to Roadhog’s damage.
65. Best ultimate? “HEROES NEVER DIE!” Seriously, that can make or break any game.
66. Worst ultimate? Widowmaker’s.
67. Most kills in game? Like...25, I think? I’m a mean D.Va.
68. Most heals in game? Well over 20,000
69. What character do you think needs a nerf? Hanzo
70. What character do you think needs a buff? Jesus, just put Roadie’s damage back up to what it was already!
71. Have you ever rage quit in the middle of a game? ...yes...
72. What’s the fastest you’ve won a game? About 40 seconds.
73. What’s the fastest you’ve lost a game? ...about 40 seconds.
74. Your best Overwatch-related story? An enemy Widowmaker main, ranked in diamond in comp, with a golden gun and over 200 hours of Widowmaker, took an entire game to give me pointers and advice, all the while totally kicking my ass. When I finally killed her, I was elated and when the game ended, she told me I was good and to keep practicing! Really made me want to play Widow more!
75. Weirdest thing that happened to you on Overwatch? Putting an enemy Roadhog to sleep before he hooks me, only for my teammates to wake him up (because OF COURSE) and the invisible hook drags me over to the Roadhog anyway. I mean, what???
76. Platform you play on? PC
77. Do you stream? ...occasionally.
78. Do you normally play solo or with friends? Friends
79. Have you made any friends because of Overwatch? YES!
80. Have you cosplayed a character from Overwatch? No, but I would love to.
81. Have you ever wrote fan fiction about Overwatch? I’m writing one now! One Man’s Treasure, Another’s Curse. People love it!
82. What’s the lowest you’ve been in Competitive? Like, low silver.
83. In “All Brawls,” if you get “Charge!” do you play Reinhardt or do you pick the Lucio role? I try for Lucio, but usually get stuck as Reinhardt (I’m a shit Reinhardt).
84. In “All Brawls,” if you get “One Shot, One Kill,” do you play Ana, Hanzo, or Widowmaker? Widowmaker, actually.
85. In “All Brawls,” if you get “This is Ilios,” do you pick Lucio or Roadhog? Lucio.
86. Team Genji or Team Hanzo? ...um...neither? In lore, team Genji. Seriously, Hanzo, why you gotta kill your brother like that, bro? In game, I hate them both. Shimada mains are the worst kinds of Overwatch players, especially to support mains like myself.
87. Be honest! Do you usually get on the payload? Yes!
88. Does your team? Not always, no. And it’s annoying.
89. What’s the longest session of Overwatch you’ve played? About 30 minutes, during the Death From Above brawl. IT WAS AWESOME.
90. No Limits, Mystery Heroes, or Total Mayhem?  Total Mayhem.
91.Most cosmetics you have for one character? I think Mercy?
92. Least cosmetics you have for one character? Orisa
93. Have you ever made your own custom game? Yup!
94. Best D.Va skin? Lunar New Year or Anniversary skins
95. Best Mercy skin? Don’t make me choose!
96. Best Tracer skin? I like the Sporty skin best, honestly
97. Zarya’s Industrial and Cybergoth skins: *Russian accent* I have no problem with these.
98. Do you want more animal character, robot characters, or human characters? Just...more characters. In general. I love the lore behind them.
99. Is there are character you’d get rid of completely? No.
100. What do you think Sombra’s real name is? I don’t know...Maria?
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