#many followers. even when the oc is related to the blog content.
syn-odics · 11 months
i just have to face up to the fact that no one gives a shit about your OCs if you cant draw
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strangerthingsocweek · 5 months
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This writing challenge is to encourage even more creativity in this fandom by encouraging you to create original character(s) within the Stranger Things universe! The event will take place between February 12-17 and have daily prompts (see below).
What does this mean? Your original character (OC) should be involved in the Stranger Things universe: maybe they are related to a canon character, maybe they moved to Hawkins during the Upside Down events, maybe they met a character later on, whatever way you can make them connect is fine!
The rules are simple: Along with the above statement, the only rules are to make sure to properly tag any submissions with content warnings at the top of the post AND put any explicit material under a read more.
Please consider using this type of format for your posts:
Title rating | word count | link to ao3 if applicable cw | tags
Here are the dates and themes for the event:
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[February 12th: Introduction February 13th: Alternate Universes February 14th: Love In Every Form February 15th: Songs February 16th: 80s, 90s, Today February 17th: Favorite Tropes February 18th: Party Time]
You can take creative liberties with any prompt, but if you're worried about your idea not fitting the theme, feel free to message this blog!
A special thank you to @steves-strapcollection for introducing Tig to the Steddie fandom, and encouraging so many of us to create our own characters. This challenge would not be possible without you and your encouragement!
Please keep in mind that this is a creative exercise and overall engagement with original character-focused work may not be as high as it is with canon characters/ships. This should NOT stop you from enjoying this challenge! If anything, I hope you carry your OC(s) into your other fandom works as often as possible!
The following link is for the AO3 collection for this challenge. This will not be moderated, so please be considerate and only include submissions for this challenge in the collection. If you have a late submission, please feel free to add it to the collection when complete! Stranger Things OC Week AO3 Collection
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oneofthepowerful · 4 months
Blog 1
Hello all, I hope you are all well! Welcome to my Tubmlr blog where I share updates and ramble on about behind the scenes content related to my web-series One of the Powerful!
Now "what is One of the Powerful" you may ask? For those who don’t know, OotP is an upcoming indie semi-animated web series on YouTube!
One of the Powerful is about a world divided in two, between Powerful (who are beings with magical abilities) and Powerless (ones who possess no magic) due to a war many years ago. As a compromise to stop most of the conflict, the leaders of Powerless and Powerful decided to have their own territories.
The series follows Erin Indipend, being a Powerful raised in Powerless Territory, Erin had to supress their magic for most of their life, due to the fear of being found out. Those Powerful who are unfortunate enough to be discovered in Powerless Territory are taken away never to be seen again, what truly happens to them or who is behind this, is all unknown to the public eye. Erin eventually saves up to move away to Seaside in Powerful Territory with their friend Cassidy, who’s in a similar boat to them, for a new start, for things to be better. However, is their new life in Powerful Territory really as great as Erin thinks it will be, or is everything not as it meets the eye.
This synopsis is really just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot I have planned for the series that I am super excited to share!
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I have been developing OotP since 2020 (4 years already!!) being inspired by the many things I loved growing up - originally it was going to be a comic, however I kinda struggled with motivation as animation is more of my cup of tea, so I decided to develop this story into a semi-animated series (”semi-animated” meaning that the series will be an animatic with some animated segments due to currently being a one man animation team). And due to that, episodes may take quite a while to make, so I decided to create a blog to share what goes on behind the scenes in between the wait for episodes!!
Since this is my first post, why not introduce myself! I’m Ray, an 18 year old aspiring animator from Scotland - I love anime, video games, rock music and coffee!!
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Ever since I was a little kid, I LOVED learning how things worked, I remember opening up any electronic toy I had, trying to figure out how they functioned. XD At Primary School, I saw some of my friends were into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which I then got into myself, and adored. I vividly remember looking at behind the scenes content on YouTube of the show, and since I loved seeing how things worked, I was fascinated by seeing the process of how cartoons were made and how much went into them!
I remember being very artistic as a kid, and was always creating something! XD However, I never got into animation properly until 2022, I had tried it a few times in the past, but never got very far due to being intimidated with how time consuming it all was XD - until late 2021 when I got re-introduced to the medium by making a video project for a class I took in High School. The remainder of that year I was making a few animatics here and there and I found it really fun!! Then for a final project in the same class, I wanted to create an animated episode of my series, and creating its opening back then was really memorable for me, I had so much fun animating it! And even though I ended up scrapping the project in the end, I kept on making Oc animations in my spare time and here I am nearly two years later basically went around full circle!! It is my dream to someday become a professional animator and help create shows and movies, so OotP is great practice for that!
I hope this gives you all a little introduction to my series and myself, thank you all so much for reading, until next time!! ^^
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[Back where it all started..]
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After God knows how many years, I finally decided to make this blog return from the dead with the hope to be active in here. With that, I also reopened the "Ask & Roleplay Box", so ya'll are free to send questions and RP requests. Still, I'd like to point out a few rules which I'd be really grateful if you followed them, so there won't be any misunderstandings + we're all gonna have fun 👌🏻
[So let's get started, shall we?]
If you want to write something that's only related to roleplaying, please write "[RP] (to Giovanni / Ghetsis / Giovanni & Ghetsis)" in every request you're sending me, so I'll know that it's meant for roleplay purposes only. If you want to ask a question on the other hand, please write "[Ask] (to Giovanni / Ghetsis / Giovanni & Ghetsis)
OCs are allowed of course, same goes for already existing / canonical characters. It'd be still great to tell me your OCs name in the request, so I'll know how to call them + use the correct pronouns, etc.
I can imagine that I might perhaps get RP requests from many other people, so "Ongoing roleplays" can and most likely will be delayed in time. I don't want anybody to feel ignored or left out, so please be tolerant and respectful towards others & keep in mind that I want to give every single one of you the same amount of attention.
I only do the roleplay thing on this blog & ONLY via the ask option. I never use the direct messages here on Tumblr, so I'm just letting you know that I'm not available here for private RPs, especially not via DMs.
I'll reply the way I wish to reply and also the way how I imagine Giovanni & Ghetsis to act. I'm well aware that probably everyone of us has their own imagination of these two, so please keep in mind that I'm portraying them in my own way & the way I enjoy roleplaying as them. (Scroll down to find a list of how I imagine Giovanni & Ghetsis to act, including a few headcanons). If you may eventually not like my way of portraying them, then you're of course free to feel that way but PLEASE DO NOT use the roleplay / ask option for hate! Also PLEASE DON'T hate on other users who might enjoy this & interact with this blog! 🙏🏻
⚠️ We all know the rules & guidelines here on Tumblr. So please follow them. I DO NOT interact with people who use topics like: Racism, pedophilia, homophobia, transphobia, misogynistic or mysandric stuff, body-shaming, sexual content etc. ⚠️
I apologize if my English grammar is whack sometimes because it's not my first language 🙈
[That's all for the rules. The following are some notes about my version of Gio & Dennis Ghetsis, including their personalities and some headcanons]
Dude has class. Not only a successful and feared crime lord but also a swaggelicious Italian gentleman. Don't mistake his polite attitude for kindness, tho.
This man has a lot of patience. Like damn.. Not surprised because he hangs out with Ghetsis after all but even someone like Gio has his limits. He's not easy to anger or to annoy because he mostly either plays things down or straight forward ignores stuff that gets on his nerves but breh, Italian ranting intensifies once he snaps.
If you want to trigger him, just remind him of how often he got his butt kicked by random 10 year olds and I'm sure he'll want to see you dead sooner or later :)
Quite sarcastic & has a dry sense of humor. Definitely laughs at your misery when you struggle with the Silph Co. warp tiles in Saffron City.
Enjoys smoking cigars. Perhaps not that kind of a heavy-a$$ chainsmoker like my OC (Some of you might remember her lol) but whenever he's relaxing, he clearly does so with a cigar & a nice glass of scotch.
Biggest workaholic in history. It's 2am and you want him to go to sleep? No. He's still busy with whatever the hell he's doing (probably doing the casual evil stuff because "Mimimi, I'm SO evil, brb gotta think about more crimes to commit")
Can probably shoot someone who's hiding behind a random tree with his eyes closed because ✨ mafia boss ✨
Smug, charming bastard. He's Italian, so I'm not surprised about his intriguing vibes, lol. He can be quite flirty if he wants to be.
[LITTLE NOTE HERE: I don't mind if the asks or RPs might get a little "flirty" but PLEASE NOT DIRTY! Sure, we all may or may not have a dirty mind here and there but NO +18 & NSFW CONTENT in here 🙏🏻 I don't have a problem with some innuendos or whatever but we know Tumblr's rules: NO PORN. PERIOD.]
Just talk about a complete disaster.. I believe we all know that this guy has issues. He's clearly the one who's just here because Giovanni convinced him, yet he hates everyone & everything, including his life after the events of BW2.
Cold, f*cker.. Like srsly. If you manage that he acknowledges your presence (and heaven behold if he even ends up being sorta nice to you) then you must have Arceus' blessings, because usually he only has two moods: He either treats people as if they're dead or he makes sure they ARE dead. Especially when you push his buttons.
His ego is bigger than Celesteela or other huge-a$$ Pokémon. You want a selfish, egotistical, self-centered, manipulative, arrogant & overconfident megalomaniac who believes he has no flaws at all? He's your man then.
Grumpy & easily annoyed by literally EVERYTHING. He thankfully has calmed down a lot (more or less) because Gio forced him to have anger management classes but he's still like a ticking time bomb. He may be chill but the next second he can also try to randomly strangle you for breathing in his presence.
"I HAVE NO SON!!!¡¡11"
Also sarcastic as hell & laughs at anyone who died to his (hacked) Hydreigon. Probably also that type of guy who trips people in the hallway just for fun.
Can also be surprisingly charming and intriguing but I swear to everything that's dear to me DON'T fall for it.. He knows what to say to make people believe or trust him. If he says that he cares, there's rather a 99,9% chance that he actually doesn't.
"I'm a heartless, evil wretch!" (He isn't wrong, tho lol) Totally a Tsun at some point as well
Dennis. Just DENNIS.. 🙃
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isa-ghost · 28 days
honestly I think you are so awesome and deserve all good things in life and I appreciate your role in the community sm, like I think I'd stick around even if you posted about things I know nothing about because just seeing you on the dash makes me go "omg its isa!" (even when its discourse lmao)
What The Fuck this is so sweet!! ;^; 💚💚
Worry not, I'm not leaving QSMP yet. Even if it hurts. If Phil's done, I'll likely migrate to Fit for it. Provided he streams when Phil doesn't. 😅
And I'll be damned if this stops me from completing AMFMN. Apollo has hinted during a brief reading with him that he'll kick my ass. We NEED more Phil centric fics, it's half the reason I said fuck it we ball and started AMFMN to begin with. That goblin of a deity is INVESTED in the story. I think I'd get sunburn for eternity if I left it incomplete.
And I have a perhaps therapeutic idea to write Phil coming home to the Hardcore World via Rose after departing with the kids. I think I'm gonna go for it, even if it hurts to write and I cry during doing so. :p
I'm not sure what'll become of that QSMP AU I was cooking on but I don't think I'll discontinue that before it even begins either. Additionally, I've played with the idea of just. Continuing some kind of AU storyline post-AMFMN. Like writing stuff (headcanons or short story(s)) after the events of the fic. We'll see.
I've been miserable at worst and palpably sad at best the last 2 days, and we'll see what happens during and after Phil's stream today, but.. at least for now at this good hour of 10am, I'm feeling,, better-ish. Cautiously optimistic. I don't want to leave (and I especially don't want to lose the amazing mutuals and friends I've made 😭). I'm not going anywhere.
But if you're curious, here's some other interests you'll see here besides QSMP:
I'm a Phil main first and foremost. Even if he's done on QSMP, I watch every minute of EVERY stream. Hardcore my fucking beloved. I won't hesitate to start cooking up more hardcore Phil headcanons or a fic or AU.
After Phil, I watch Sneeg second most. I also watch Hermits/Lifers & friends, Ranboo (yes hello I love Genloss), Tubbo & a bunch of others. Like I said, Death Family's end on QSMP isn't my end in QSMP, nor MCYT. :)
I barely post abt it anymore bc it's more bitter than sweet for me, but DSMP will always hold a place in my heart. I'm always down to talk about it if asked.
D&D/Critical Role/Candela Obscura (I've been dual-wielding hyperfixations on Phil & CR this whole time, you'd be getting Phil & CR primarily if I fell out of QSMP for some reason)
Related, I plan on getting into Dimension 20 sometime and I also want to watch LA/NY By Night. TTRPG enjoyers that follow me will be getting FED.
Anime!! Bungo Stray Dogs, JJK, Soul Eater, Apothecary Diaries, Frieren, and a bunch of others are my faves/current faves :)
I'm actually primarily an OC and roleplay person, it's my biggest special interest and I've been doing it for 12+ years. It's why I love mcrp so much. I'd probably post this stuff on @isas-oc-asylum and then reblog here if anyone was interested, idk. But I have an entire original world + country full of lore and characters I could talk about for eternity
I FUCKING LOVE HORROR PODCASTS. Magnus Archives & Protocol, Welcome to Night Vale, Old Gods of Appalachia!!
Veteran followers of me know I was originally a Jacksepticeye & Markiplier ego theorist blog before 2020! I have so many AUs of them and I love them still even though new content with them is slow. (I like Sanders Sides a decent amount too!)
I love talking about witchcraft!! I'm always down to infodump, answer questions, or gush about my goofy ass deity circle!! <3
Controversial (/s) but I love the Hazbin & Helluva series. I also love other indie series like Murder Drones, TADC and Lackadaisy!
I'm also slowly watching The Dragon Prince with friends!!
I've reblogged stuff plenty of times but I fucking love The Owl House & Gravity Falls
When will Arcane return from the war,,,, 😔 (soon)
I won't hesitate to plunge into the Monster Prom series deeper. Milo Belladonna and Damien LaVey my lomls I will get monsterfuckery on main I s2g
Basically... I'm a fuckin charcuterie board of interests!! Realistically, I'll still mainly be Phil/Sneeg/CR. But I'm always down to be abnormal about all that 👆🏻 and more.
If any of that interests anyone reading this, feel free to stick around. Or keep beating me with QSMP & Phil stuff in my asks. I'll still always be down to write headcanons and talk about fic stuff. I love qPhil too much to shut up forever.
And if it doesn't? Congrats, I'm also a massive shitposter. I have like 3 different tags for it. Feast your eyes upon how funny I am. It's like the one thing I'm confident in about myself, I'm fucking hilarious.
Honest Opinion Anon Asks
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
who are ur fav blogs?
Well hello there! Thanks for asking
On Tumblr, I mainly follow DL-related blogs because I'm only active in this fandom. So here goes a long list of mentions:
@ausd - Go check their work. Please. I'm not good at praising people but their art is a gem - the way they portray the diaboys, Yui, their facial expressions, the jawlines-
@besnella - My fellow ENTJ queen👑. You're incredible. Extremely kind, supportive, motivating and whenever you will mention Marion, I'll be on cloud nine. I hope my second OC and Aleksi will raise hell together. I didn't ask for it yet, but I want some music recommandations from you in the future.
@diabolicalvixen - Someone I've been silently following for a while now (online, not irl, calm down fbi guy-). I fell in love with your art work and the way you portray Ayato and Yui together 🌸💞
@dialovers-translations - Her work is ESSENTIAL. I played the games (MB, DF and LE) and I can't tell you how grateful I am that people like her gave some of their time and energy to publish translations of the games, drama cds etc. Thank you for that.
@everything-laito - Check.her.work. Her analysis, her theories, the whole Laito Hell is one glorious place for people obsessed with him and/or with anything dl-related to be honest.
@gingerall - It is amazing how much variety we have among the artists. So many different art styles and ways to portray the diaboys. It is refreshing. And your style, Oliver, is one of the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Moreover, even though Keii is not the first male oc we saw in the fandom, I'm sincerely happy that he exists. Happy and curious to know more.
@jardinsdeminuit - When her writings disappeared from AO3, I was...kind of devastated to be honest. I'd simped on Yuma for a time because of her quality writing but now some of her content is back so please check it out !
@kyouxa - Another translation goddess (+I've been following you on Instagram and girl, you're incredibly funny. I love your cat, I don't know if saying that makes me weird or anything but thanks for your hardwork🧎‍♀️)
@lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui - OMG YOU'RE SO KIND-and I love how you spam caps when you react. Awesome headcanons, wonderful ideas, stunning imagery, talking with you is a real pleasure too and thank you for being here.💞
@mariicake - Here come some obvious stuff: /Cyra is the sun, I really like her, her aesthetic warms me like a hot macchiato in winter./ Ok so, we didn't interact that much yet but I'm grateful for the interest you've taken into my work. And you are so kind omg, you and @besnella are a duo that I love seeing interact. Two queens really.
@nutaella-kookie - You already know how much I admire your work and contribution to the dl lore. You're probably one of the reasons I started this blog. You brought a breath of freshness to this fandom, your originality and so so soft aesthetics make my heart flutter. (and you're super understanding and reassuring, thanks for that too!)
@samsvenn - Diaboys outfits headcanons. Do have I to say more? Ok maybe a little more: this blog is something I need to dig into more attentively; but as I only read a few headcanons, I can already tell that your work is truly interesting👌
@secretarykang - I've been following you for a while now and I'm so impressed by your dedication. You diligently built Devyn, her relationships and her backstory with such patience and devotion that now, I don't like to imagine the dl world without her. Plus, you are incredibly nice and I really enjoy talking to you <3
@smonie - I hope you're doing well my dear. You are another gem in this fandom and I want you to know it. Obviously your art style is *✨️mwah✨️* but I also adore how you wrote fear, I feel like you've created such an interesting atmosphere in your writings, it's exhilarating. You are hell one good inspiration, thanks for that
@whitechocolatemochaasblog - I wanted to put you in the list because I'm curious to know more about Malorie but also about you. Your aesthetics match your name: you're a sweetheart, so warm and affable. Enjoy your time here <3
@yui--komori - The number of people who want to marry Yui is insane so I'm gonna keep quiet for now. for now.
No but seriously, you make Yui come to life and it's so nice 🥺💕
In general, I'm extremely grateful for anyone who's taking interest in this blog, anyone following it, liking the posts and rebloging them.
I probably sound like an old owl but I've been in the Diabolik Lovers fandom since ~2012 so I've had my lots of discovery and thoughts about it. I'm just very happy and grateful to see so many people keeping the fandom alive - Even though the whole franchise is a mess of toxicity and disappointment -, I'm amazed by how you, guys, transformed it into something safe. Obviously, there are bitches out there, spreading hate comments, but do we really care? Nah.
Take care,
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Hello I have a question but I was also thinking of starting a diablog but do you have any advice or tips on how to get started
hi angel, this is probably long time coming but i made some general things that really helped me so it isn't like just directed at you but something i think would help everyone!
Tips for starting a blog
Or a blog towards a central topic. The short answer is just to start posting content about them, compared to a lot of fandoms, I wouldn't say we are small but we aren’t that big. Content gets around, tag with as many things related to the diaboys as you would like for interactions, always reblog your stuff that also gets more interactions.
Why is reblogging so important? 
A lot of people underestimate the power of reblogging, Tumblr as far as I am aware has no fixed algorithm unlike a lot of social media, liking or following isn’t enough to get things out there reblogging is the best thing to spread your content across Tumblr. It’s also a great way to make mutuals by reblogging their stuff and customising your hashtags and whatnot.
Why are mutuals great?
Seems pretty obvious right? You're out here making friends who love the same things you do, so you have people to talk to, rant to, marvel over their ideas, and have them marvel over yours. But breaking it down it's a lot more useful than people realise. 
Humans are pretty sociable creatures especially when it comes to things they mutually agree on or even better mutually despise; you have picked to make a Diabolik lovers account which is perfect because any perspective you put on it will have people who agree with you due to the morally grey themes.  It’s just great to ping pong ideas with each other, or get consistent feedback. 
However, this isn’t compulsory, it is just something I quite like.
Put yourself first!
I say this a lot but it doesn’t matter what everyone’s posting, even if the ideas are similar to yours POST IT!! Everything within the fandom is superficial, it isn't real, you can put your twist on it, you can absolutely love someone else’s headcanon about it or completely disagree.  You should never feel obligated to change your creative outlet for anybody else.
Also, I only write about the diaboys, but this doesn’t mean I’m not involved in a bunch of other fandoms and forms of media from tv shows to books. You don’t have to always be diaboy centred if you don’t wish to. I encourage exploring many alternative media because often we forget just because we make content for something we aren’t obligated to, it’s something we do for enjoyment. Don’t centre all your energy on your blog, I know it’s hard. I do it a lot, but it’s not healthy. Sometimes it’s okay to sit back and just read content, sometimes  I feel like I’m falling back because I’m not churning out content as fast as everyone else is. Not true this is an old-ass anime, the only reason so many people are still here is probably because of fan-made content. Quality over quantity, enjoy what you make otherwise it will become a chore for you.
Aside from that I guess just enjoy it?
For OCs even though I haven’t publicised mine yet, I suggest starting with a mood board everyone thinks it’s a great way to get your oc out there.
Be nice! Remember it’s fiction but the people behind the blogs are real.
On this note turn off anon asks if you’re getting hate but i find that a lot more people are comfortable sending asks when anon is turned on.
Okay and stay safe internet safety and that.
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anquenin · 5 months
IMPORTANT TO NOTE. i am not affiliated with the larger baldur's gate 3 rp community, i am open to connecting with others and exploring dynamics with canon and oc characters alike, however i will not hesitate to soft block and unfollow people as i see fit. please read my rules, i want to have a good time here.
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I AM SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE that means that i will be selective of who i roleplay with, and will only thread with mutuals.
I AM A PLOT CENTERED BLOG i have too many blogs and there are specific things i want to explore with astarion, therefore there is a big focus on plotting, once we have digured out a dynamic or a timeline or have discussed our portrayals can we move on to wing some aspects of interactions.
PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME THINGS ABOUT MY PORTRAYAL i am taking into consideration many things said and shown in the game but at the end of the day this is MY portrayal and talking with me is the best way to get to know it.
I SHIP CHEMISTRY and CHEMISTRY ONLY. meaning that after a couple of interactions or even in after discussing in depth i see the possibility of a romantic tone to the relationship we can discuss that with more detail
IN LINE WITH THE RULE ABOVE. i am extremely selective when it comes to developing a romantic dynamic with astarion, as we've seen his personality is very seductive and flirty but that does not equate to him having genuine feelings towards others. this is heavily related to his trauma, hence why it is important to me that we plot before we write.
THIS BLOG WILL FEATURE A HEAVY TRIGGERING CONTENT since this blog is baldur's gate 3 based, any trigger warnings on that material may occasionally apply ( triggers will be tagged as tw blood and cw blood ). not to mention that astarion has trauma, he's been enslaved, he's got sexual trauma that results in various trauma responses that although not always present it is something that he constantly struggles with. i do not take kindly to dismissing this aspect or him and i do not take kindly to infantilizing because of his trauma.
MUN IS 18+ and in line with the above rules, astarion at a point in his character arc has a very low libido and is restructuring his relationship with sex and his body, therefore UNLESS PLOTTED there won't be any sexual encounters with people he does not consider close or even people he doesn't consider his partner.
ALSO DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF you have no intention of engaging with my portrayal and ideas, i am not here to suplement you interacting with astarion via the game.
REGARDING ASCENDED ASTARION. i will write him i will explore dynamics with him, but i will not be doing so with the only purpose of it being that it satisfies someone's weird hot sexy ideal of him. that is the BAD ENDING for astarion, he doesn't make anyone into a vampire bride or groom, he turns his partner into a spawn with the sole purpose of having power over them. that's the dynamic. there may be some nuance but again. things will need to be plotted and discussed.
IF YOUR CHARACTER HAS COMMITTED R*PE do not follow me this is a big trigger of mine, i will hardblock you. 
I WON’T TOLERATE untagged drama and callout posts, please tag them i don’t care about you reblogging or making them i just hate seeing them on my dash so any posts you do, please make sure it’s tagged so my blacklist catches it.
REGARDING CHARACTERS THAT MAY BE CONSIDER PROBLEMATIC. safe to say i do not condone their actions, but i do not mind interacting with them. if that is a problem for you this is not the blog for you.
SPECIFICALLY REGARDING CAZADOR, i have very specific ideas and themes that i might potentially want to explore, but safe to say i will be extremely selective of who i would write the dynamic with. and regardless of verse, or AU...cazador is astarion's abuser. that's it. that's the core of the dynamic for me.
FOR ANY OPINION I MIGHT HAVE ON A CHARACTER DYNAMIC you can just ask, i will headcanon and talk more about dynamics as i continue the development in this blog.
I CREATED THE GRAPHICS i use here and the psd is by supersources.
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miercolaes · 6 months
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𝙼𝙸𝙴𝚁𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙰𝙴𝚂 , an independent roleplay blog for 𝚠𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚜 , influenced by 𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 canon material and brought forth as an original character . selective , private , duplicate friendly and mutually exclusive .
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚎𝚜 unfortunate enough to be affiliated in any shape or form with this walking nightmare : eddie , janessa , caed , dean , chrissy 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎 : until mid april (~21/04/2024) activity will be sporadic. if you wish to unfollow until then, please do, i'll make sure to im you when i'll get my shit together!
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𝟣)   ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ independent and mutually exclusive blog . be fucking nice and keep your negative comments to yourself . this is a safe space for everyone , i do not discriminate . much like wednesday , i loathe everyone equally .
𝟤)   ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️triggering content will be present and tagged accordingly with the following format : trigger tw/ . morbid descriptions , death related topics and violence will be frequent on this blog and won't be tagged . if that bothers you , do not follow .
𝟥)   ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ if we follow each other , you can do about anything , even sell me to the dark lords . however if we do not follow each other , i kindly ask you to not like starter calls or expect me to continue memes , even if i do respond to them . that has nothing to do with you and your portrayal , but with my own sanity ( which i believe is rapidly deteriorating ) .
𝟦)   ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ no special formatting besides double space and small text . if you need any adjustments , please do let me know !
𝟧)  ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ this is my own interpretation of wednesday addams . while i do take inspiration from all canon sources , this demon has many personal headcanons to the point i consider her an oc . if you do not like it , please unfollow / hardblock me . if you want to discuss something with me , let's do it in private . if you don't , do whatever you must to ensure your safety and wellbeing on this hellsite ! my writing style is heavily based off of sociology and psychology , since my specialization was in deviance and criminality . in case it isn't obvious , i do not condone her behavior , but i enjoy writing from these perspectives . frequent themes are : counterculture lifestyle , discrimination , deviance , folkway , total institutions and being a recidivist , stereotypes and stigmas , cognitive dissonance , defense mechanisms , anomie .
𝟨)   ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️️️️️️️️️️️️️credits : a decade old psd named emilia which i do not take credit for , background images for pinned graphic and header from sbcoloring and jeeperscreepers80 , static overlay by jaynedits , drawing from header from cyen_art (used with their permission), gifs by gifsbyidalis & jofridapettersen, screencaps either made by me or taken from free online resources like this one
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𝟷. main : wednesday  remains  the  deadpan ,  straight-forward ,  sadistic  and  sadomasochist  goth  babe  you  know .  the  interpretation ,  however ,  gathers  all  canon  resources,  including  the  comics  in  which  wednesday  wears  colours  without  her  skin  breaking  into  hives .
𝟸. stranger things : wednesday  remains  the  same ,  she  still  has  her  psychic  abilities  although  they  don't  come  up  as  often .  instead ,  she  does  dabble  in  magic ,  particularly  black  magic .  she's  an  outcast  but  above  all ,  she's  looking  for  trouble  just  as  trouble  is  looking  for  her .
𝟹. hoegwarts : wednesday's  a  halfblood  –  her  father's  a  muggle  and  her  mother's  a  brilliant  witch .  the  sorting  hat  puts  her  in  slytherin  because  of  her  pride ,  self-respect ,  resourcefulness  and  determination .  there  wasn't  a  single  doubt  as  the  hat  was  placed  on  her  head  in  her  first  year after the catastrophies she's made at her previous school , ilvermorny .
𝟺. fantasy : wednesday  has  inherited  visions  from  her  mother  and  she  is  an  oracle .  however ,  she  is  possessed  by  an  unknown  spirit,  possibly  a  demon ,  so  expect  the  demon  to  slip  by  every  now  and  then . the  spirit  is  a  trickster  and  will  try  to  mess  with  both  wednesday  and  your  muse .  for  context ,  think  of  this  spirit  as  the  symbiote  venom ,  only  that  it's  less  funny  and  can  only  use  wednesday's  body  as  a  vessel .
𝟻. vampire diaries : the  addamses  are  considered  wizards  and  witches ,  although  the  truth  is ,  they  are  just  different .  meanwhile  it  is  interesting  to  delve  into  the  magical  potential  everyone  has  with  the  help  of  a  grimoire ,  they  do  not  have  any  special  abilities.  wednesday  is ,  therefore ,  human .  she  does  like  to  mess  up  with  others  and  pretend  she'd  curse  people ,  though .
𝟼. scream : one  branch  coming  from  the  main  verse ,  in  which  the  addams  are  living  in  woodsboro . wednesday  is  just  like  any  other  young  adult ,  only  that  she  supports  murder .  think  of  this  verse  wednesday  somewhat  as  what  morticia  could've  been  in  her  macabre  youth .  but  make  it  10x  worse  and  gore . this  verse  is  darker  than  the  others  and  wednesday  is  ultimately  a  villain  /  the  antagonist.
𝟽. detective : a  branch  from  the  main  verse ,  in  which  wednesday  becomes  a  crime  detective  after  graduation .  she  doesn't  plan  on  working  for  the  state ,  however  she  takes  the  matters  into  her  own  hands  and  she  has  become  a  private  investigator  focusing  on  crimes . wednesday  can  get  tangled  up  in  any  kind  of  business  –  from  murders  to  theft  to  heists  to  supernatural  stuff .  she  doesn't  have  any  magical  powers  besides  her  intuition  which  was  hardly  laboured  throughout  her  life .
𝟾. fear street : wednesday  and  pugsley  do  attend  the  camp  in  1976 .  they  do  escape  the  gruesome  murders  not  because  they  were  lucky  enough  to  get  on  that  bus ,  but  because  they  have  found  a  way  to  make  a  run  from  it  before the events just to  defy  what  their  parents  wanted .  this  is  considered  as  misfortune ,  wednesday  believing  she  should've  been  there  (she  wouldn't  have  survived) . the  addamses  live  in  shadyside ,  but  they  are  lucky  enough  to  have  inherited  money  from  their  ancestors ,  unlike  the  other  shadysiders ,  who  have  to  work  hard to make ends meet .
𝟿. unhinged : alternative  universe .  in  this  verse ,  wednesday  addams  has  a  different  take .  by  this  i  mean  that  she  dresses  up  normally  and  she's  a  very  bubbly  character .  however  the  dark  subjects  still  apply !  wednesday  addams  may  look  innocent ,  but  she  does  talk  about  heavy  topics and  she  doesn't  take  them  seriously . this  verse  is  probably  the  most  dangerous  wednesday  can  get ,  along with  the  scream  verse .  since  she  doesn't  acknowledge  the  severity  of  crimes ,  she  doesn't  think  twice  about  doing  something  she  shouldn't .  despite  her  appearance,  she  is  chaotically  evil.
𝟷𝟶. doppelganger : this verse is specifically made for all the other wednesday's out there , regardless of their prefered faceclaim ! how she stumbles upon your own wednesday will remain a mystery ; whether or not there is a more advanced civilization out there in the multiverse or a black hole that of course wednesday found and entered your universe is up to debate . one thing's certain though : these doppelgangers aren't always what they seem . and it is true what they say , that you are your worst enemy .
more verses to come including : arkhamore ft nightmarefuele , marvel , barbie if the fandom is resurrected at some point (we must have goth barbie)
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Disclaimer: This blog contains Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Content. Don’t Like? DO NOT FOLLOW AND INTERACT. No Minors!
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What this blog is about:
It’s a writing/fan blog for primarily Sephiroth, but I post about other characters too, time to time. I also like to reblog dark FF7 aesthetics and comment on them.
(This blog is NOT pro or anti ship) 
Inbox is always OPEN for requests, rants or chats, so always feel free to send something in. Go to character lists if you’re looking for a specific AU. 
Spoilers from the FF7 games and other FF7 related-material will be unmarked and discussed openly. So read/browse at your own risk!
What I write:
- Analyses, Angst, Fluff, and Horror (especially yandere) headcanons, scenarios, drabbles, occasional fics in the FF7 Universe. I will only do non-FF7 characters for the Dissidia AU. 
- You may request headcanons and scenarios but the prompt’s final format will be to my discretion. Please note said requests are not guaranteed and are done on my own time. Be respectful. 
- I typically write for female/gender neutral darlings, please specify what you want in a request or I’ll just default to female. I can do male darlings on a case-by-case basis (just not super confident in writing them).
- Specify what’s in your prompt/requests. (Don’t go overboard though, need room for writing to breathe, some details are just fine)
- Specify the character(s) you would like in a prompt/request, and the AU if applicable.
- I like to write posts on character’s morality, their personalities and such. Refer to my kink list below to see my favorites and other writing genres I like to dabble in.  
- The character limit for scenarios is three. The character limit for drabbles and headcanons are two (not including the reader/darling. HoS AU can be an exception to this). 
- The writings will primarily focus on reader inserts.
- I'll likely alter some (usually minor) parts of your request to fit my writing style, so don't anticipate everything to be exact.
-This blog is just a hobby for me. I NEVER want it to feel like a chore. 
- Courtesy goes a long way when requesting. Saying “Please,” “Thank You,” requesting something that hasn’t been done yet, or putting some thought/effort into your ask can definitely help with response times. Also, reblog your requests PLEASE! It’s incredibly demotivating to write something for someone and they don’t bother to appreciate it. 
- DO NOT follow me and/or interact with me if you expect me to be a writing machine, pumping out requests left and right. I don’t do that and I'd rather have five followers that appreciate and interact with my content rather than a hundred who only show up to request without bothering to say thank you or even reblog it when it’s been done. If you’re just here for the “fics/hcs”, then go somewhere else, please.  
- The amount of engagement I receive determines how active I am. If you do one or more of the following: send me asks, reblog, or engage with my content. I will love you eternally. 💜 And In return, you receive that energy back tenfold. THIS is how fandom stays alive. Many of my AUs and best works were born out of the support and engagement of genuine supporters who engaged. They were certainly not from silent or unappreciative readers. 
Why/What/When I don’t write:
- I don’t write about sensitive topics such as ableism, racism, and homophobia. The same rule applies to writing about certain health issues. It’s fine to ask questions/requests prompts like "How would X support a chronically ill darling or their darling being their caregiver when they're sick," but I prefer not to write about anything extreme. If you’re not sure, you’re always welcome to ask. I don’t bite. 
- I do not write darlings with overly specific descriptions (including OCs), yandere darlings, and suicidal darlings. 
- Refer to my No-No’s kink list at the end of this post for things not to send in. 
- Requests are not guaranteed. I write when I want to and IF I want to; I am not a writing machine, but a human being. 
- There is no definite timeline for when your requests will be fulfilled; this could take anywhere from minutes, hours to weeks or whenever, depending on the inbox's activity and my energy levels. Like I said, having interaction AND engagement with my content really makes me more willing to do requests.
- Do not demand me (asking and soft encouragement are fine) to continue or do a specific piece. I may do follow-ups if I feel there is enough material for me to work with and there’s enough interest in continuation.
 - Do NOT repost, translate or make any derivatives of my works whatsoever. If you want to write something based on or set within my works, please ask me first. 
- Rudeness will not be tolerated, you will be blocked immediately.
- Don’t spam like my posts. Show genuine support by at least reblogging ONE thing.
- Seriously, don’t follow this blog if you don’t like the possibility of seeing dark content showing up on your dashboard. I tag the best I can but even I can make mistakes. Also don’t follow if you’re here for the “fics”. You are not welcomed here. 
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My writing characteristics: 
- My writing has a tendency to be wordy and I will probably decline/delete requests asking me to go too out of character for someone or something.  
- When writing, I must gather my thoughts and explore them so it will take time for me to work through asks. I do not go in order of what has been received! I go with whatever inspires/captivates me the most at the moment. And don’t always expect long headcanons/scenarios or whatever you requested. If it’s all what I have to say, then that’s all. Don’t like what I said? Then click off this blog and find somewhere else. See this post for why I’m picky about what requests to take. 
- I try to keep characters close to their canon counterparts, but I also like putting them in interesting (or wacky if we’re feeling silly) situations they have not faced in canon. Of course, liberties will be taken when needed. And obviously, these writings are based on my interpretation of these characters.
- I do not prefer to use Y/N or _ in my headcanons, scenarios, and drabbles. I think it messes with the flow of my writing and it can be jarring at times. I do typically use the term “darling” to mean reader, _ or Y/N in my writings, even outside of a yandere context. I use S/O (in scenarios) sometimes!
- Whether it's headcanons, scenarios, or analyses, I pour my heart and soul into my writing. Therefore, I will only work on things that fascinate me and entertain prompts or requests only from polite anons and/or supporters. There’s little point to work on something people won’t appreciate. So now, I’m not going to waste time submitting work for the endless void to eat if I don’t enjoy writing the request. Sorry (not sorry) but certain people are why we can’t have nice things
- Refer to Masterlists to see what I’ve already written. 
Crisis Cutie Roundtable:
Head over to my about page if you care to learn about me. Discussion of morality, psychology or debating character actions is something I enjoy. You are also free to ask for my opinions on story stuff, kinks or whatever. Be respectful and keep politics (IRL or tumblr politics) out of our conversations. Any rulebreaking or assholery, you will be BLOCKED. And do not request ANYTHING in DMs.The askbox serves that purpose. I find the mass liking of my posts to be a nuisance,  please at least drop ONE reblog and/or a nice comment about the content I’ve produced. I block spam likers indiscriminately, so watch yourselves.
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Favorite Kinks: Bolded kinks are common themes in my writings. 
Dubcon (Really like the inquisitive complexity behind it)
Passionate/Romantic sex
Milk Kink
Size Difference
Body Worship
Breast Play (I love titties, big or small, and so does Sephiroth) 
Voluptuous, Petite, Slender or Lithe body types (I love darlings of various body types and so does Sephiroth) 
Monster fucking/Teratophilia/Tentacles (Monster boys and girls? Yes please.)
Mind break (Not even when it’s done sexually... The utter break of spirit, to where a new personality is formed)
Corruption (Darlings becoming as broken and rotten as their Yandere? Yes please) 
Daddy/Mommy Kink
Discipline (Darlings should be obedient... right? 😏)
No No Kinks (Don’t talk/send anything related to these to me, please):
Underage content (Zero tolerance for this. And especially do not interact with me if you are underage. I will BLOCK you) 
Gore (Blood is fine)
Excessive physical violence 
Body shaming
Weight kink
Most other things are fair game. If you’re not sure, just ask! Also, if it isn’t painfully obvious by this point, THIS BLOG CONTAINS DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT CONTENT. YOU WILL SEE DARK AND DISTURBING CONTENT ON HERE. DO NOT FOLLOW/INTERACT IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL. 
Favorite genres to write/fantasize:
Angst (Love hurts) 
Horror (Gimme all that Yandere Sephiroth content)
Fluff (Fluffy Sephiroth content is also beloved and wanted)
Alternate Universe (Exploring what if’s and who/how they would react is something I love)
Crossovers (I love parallels and character comparisons. A list of my fandoms here)
Song drabbles/reactions (I love music. It’s that simple)
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
Hey guys, on a blog related note,
Even before I started talking about my ocs openly I thought about making an oc sideblog for the sake of keeping everything neat and organized, but I know I’ve already made a few (sideblogs that is) and it doesn’t feel right to have the mutuals following so many of my alts when it could all easily go on one account. So I’ll ask y’all directly
Do y’all want the oc stuff on the main blog or an individual side blog just dedicated to ocs? I think it would be neater and there wouldn’t be much content to bring over as of right now, but I’m not sure if y’all would be up for it
Lemme know what you guys think
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mcl-alloveragain · 2 years
CHALLENGE — Creating OC using a playlist
Hello again!!! Today is something different from my usual content, but @marchiveeee (thank you btw!!!<3) has challenged me to do this and I just love this type of things, so I couldn't resist akajjsjxj
Since this blog is MCL related, let's just pretend this OC is for one of LI lololol
I also had some troubles with choosing a playlist i will shuffle, but since I'm a huge ✨Theathre Kid✨ (and because i was afraid some songs from marchiveeee would repeat itself because i have them on my playlists too ajhshwjs great music taste, honey!!!) i choose my musical playlist :p
So... Yeah, enjoy hahahha
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PEROSNALITY / Dear Theodosia — Hamilton
So, this song in general is about how much love the characters have for their kids and when you think about it this way, then our OC can appear <a bit> spoiled. And I think she is, we can make it work, I'm actually pretty spoiled myself so yeah XD But her parents had pretty high expectations of her, too
Someday, someday... You'll blow us all away
We can also make the lyric not about her, but sung by her, then we get more personality traits. Because she's a fighter, she tries her best to make this world a better place. She's an activist, I can see her fighting for gay rights, protecting our environment, she's also for sure feminist and she's just so powerful. And it all comes from the fact how much caring she is. She has so much love for other people, even strangers, and she shows it all the time. She's the mum friend.
We'll bleed and fight for you
We'll make it right for you
And the song itself is quite calm and comforting and those words can also describe her. She is your comfort person, who hugs you, listens to you and kicks ass of people who dared upset you.
JOB / We Got Work To Do — Firebringer
Is she... a..... caveman?!?! 😱
Well, unfortunately not :( But I laughed so much when I saw that song because it's both the best and the worst song I could get for this category.
But I think she's some kind of scientist! Like, this or unemployed because::
I don't really wanna do the work today
Hahha, no but for real, I'm pretty sure she's a scientist. It suits both the song and the fact her parents had high expectations of her. And the song later is about discovering new things, learning about the world.
So many wondrous here for our kind
A world of tools and knowledge left to find
BACKSTORY / You Will Be Found — Dear Evan Hansen
It's also a song I usually cry to, even tho it's actually pretty heartwarming.
Have you ever felt like nobody was there?
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?
Have you ever felt like you could disappear?
Like you could fall, and no one would hear?
We can go with the same plot that is in musical (well, not excatly the same but still) and say that one of her friends commited sui**de. But I don't really feel it, you know? I mean, it would suit her pretty much, but i don't want to make it too easy. I think she herself had problems with her mental health in the past. Maybe because of the pressure, or maybe was she bullied for being too soft? Maybe she befriended someone who was bullied (ekhm KEN) and she got in troubles because of that? Yeah, pretty much. And that was the real reason why she changed school. And in her story, Ken didn't follow her on his own, she made him do it because she didn't want to leave him there alone.
Even when the dark comes crushing through
When you need a friend to carry you
And when you're broken on the ground
You will be found
Anyways, it's all in the past. It made her stronger and even more sensitive for other's pain.
FRIENDS / Raise A Little Hell — Bonnie&Clyde
Okay, now I'm seriously concerned about our little girl.
<I also screamed because i love this song so much>
But okay, it kinda makes sense. She's the "But I can fix him!" kind of girl, so the fact her friends are...... well, the fact that her friends can be defined by this song is not that surprising.
Justice here don't fit the crime
I've been broken by the Devil
Justice is a waste of time
I won't get to heaven
Why not raise a little Hell?
No, seriously, someone needs to kick her ass because she's just, she cannot turn her back to someone who needs help, but sometimes she really SHOULD. I really hope she will find some better friends in future, because the ones she has right now are so gonna ruin her life 🙄
LOVE LIFE / Summer Nights — Grease
Like, sorry guys, but this time i'll stick with the story showed in musical because IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!! For context, in musical this song is singed by two main leads to their friends, picturing the same relationship from both perspectives and the boys shows off so much, lies and all those, because being in love is unmanly and he's BAD BOY. And when they meet after the song, he acts like nothing happened in between them because of his reputation.
He got friendly holding my hand
Well she got friendly down in the sand
He was sweet, just turned eighteen
Well, she was good, you know what I mean
And my first thought was to match her with HSL Castiel, but no. No, I would make a terrible mistake if i matched her with Cassie.
Because there's a <University> Nathaniel. And it's just so so so so so so....sjjajajjas how come everything makes so much sense so far?!
She and Nath dated in HSL, broke up when she went to study abroad. And when she came back, she met her high school sweetheart completely broken, a literal bad boy, she barely recognised him after all the sweet times they shared together. And of course she, the fighter, the "i can fix him" kind of girl, went for him. It was painful, but after some time they managed to find each other again.
LIVE IN... / Time Warp — The Rocky Horror Picture Show
What the hell.
Yeah, that broke my mind. Like, I have literally no idea how to make it work.
I remember doing the Time Warp
Ughhhhh so I guess I have to go with the context again. It's a party song. But the characters who are singing actually miss their home very much, as it showed at the end of the movie. So I guess she never moved out of her hometown again after she came back from the uni. She loves this place too much (wherever it is. Like, as far as i remember the city from the My Candy Love doesn't really have a name, right?).
But I have no idea tbh. But every single song before was so good for this challenge, I can live with this one being not. Hopefully the next ones will be easier skjajsjsj
CLOTHING STYLE / I know him — Hamilton
The song is sung by the King, so her clothes are probably pretty expensive. I feel like she's pretty basic, but because of her care for environment, she doesn't do fast fashion and buys only from good, expensive, planet-safe brands. The more eco the better. Song is also pretty cheerful and light, I think her clothes are, too. She probably rarely wears dark colours, she prefer white to black and all that.
HOBBIES / Waving Through a Window — Dear Evan Hansen; There! Right There! — Legally Blonde
So her hobbies are waving through a window and finding something there, right there?! Omg!!!!!! Sjajsjjsjaajja
No, all jokes aside, those are also pretty tough too match to something.
Let's start with the first song
I try to speak, but nobody can hear
So I wait around for an answer to appear
While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass
I'm waving through a window, oh
Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?
I know I mentioned at least a few times that she's an activist, but this song actually made me think about what would she do to actually help suffering teenagers. 'Cause she would. She hates bullying and she still remember how much her friend, Ken(tin), has suffered because of it. And there are some non profit organisations founded to fight with it, so maybe one of her "hobbies" would be supporting them as much as she can?? It sounds so stupid as a hobby, i know, but like, i cannot really work with that song 😫 it's not even a hobby as it, but still, she fully gives her whole heart to it, you know??? U get my thinking, right?????
Well now that I'm thinking, maybe she just doesn't really have any hobbies, because she's so focused on her job and on helping other that there's a very little time she has left for herself. It's unhealthy, but the more i think about her, the more it makes sense.
And the second song, do not laugh, but I actually almost instantly got one, extremely stupid idea about a "hobby". Well, at least for her favourite tv series. Because this girl actually love court shows. (Fun fact, i didn't know there was a name for that, i just knew two court shows that were extremely popular in my country even tho the acting in them is horrible akjajajz but i googled it and wow, it's actually a thing). But yeah, she has a thing for them... I once had, too, when I was like 6. But I don't judge (hehe, 'judge').
Wjsjsjjsjsks it's too difficult, next time i'll just do this challenge with a normal playlist because sjajsjjdjwjakkqkwbebdbejwiwksjjdjd 😫😫😫😫
We can also be just so random and say she likes hiking in the forest because in the lyrics of 1st song there's a mention of forest, and she likes sport because in the second song there's a mention of sports 🙄🙄🙄🙄 you know what, let's just be random, yeah, i give up.
When you're falling in a forest
They play peculiar sports
In shiny shirts and tiny shorts
Hope you're satisfied. (i'll never be 😫)
Now that I have all the data I can choose a name for her. She could just stay Candy, it suits her, but she also gives me a "M name" kind of vibe, like Melody (IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY IF SHE WAS A MELODY TOO SINCE SHE'S WITH NATH THO XDDD) or Maisie. Yeah, Maisie is great.
Maisie Bonnet, I would say. Well, I'm so sorry, Maisie, but I already have one OC for Nath, so I don't think I will ever write anything about you... Well, my oc for Nath does not break up with him tho, so maybe someday, if i get to write and university smut or something like that....... we'll see ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Anyway, I had so much fun I definitely try to do it sometime again!!! Thank you again, Mar!!! ❤️❤️ And I also thank everyone who even read the whole thing :")
And since i was challenged, i want to challenge someone, too!
@allyymcl hi :p of course you don't have to do it if you don't want to 👉🏻👈🏻 but i would really like to see your oc and which one of LI would they suit the best🥺
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
hi~ welcome to my blog! ♡
(if you follow or are already following, please like or interact to let me know you've read this)
☆ my carrd ☆
☆ My name is Dio, but you can call me Dora or Devin as well. Ultimately though, I prefer Dio if I don't know you irl. Bonus points if you can guess how many inspirations I had on that ;)
☆ I'm Black. Keep that in mind, always.
☆ I'm a minor. If that bothers you, feel free not to interact.
☆ My pronouns are they/them. I also use þei/þem (still pronounced they/them), but mostly jokingly. You may use she/her if we're close, but please ask beforehand! He/him is fine for jokes, but not always. And finally, never use "it/its" for me, since I personally find them to be dehumanizing. I'm a black enby, so surely you can understand why I feel that way. Any neos and whatnot are just what they are 🤷‍♀️. I'll let you know for sure if a pronoun makes me uncomfortable.
☆ I have two active sideblogs:
@dios-multiverse ~ my writing and oc sideblog
@crucible-memes-4-salem-teens ~ my sideblog based on the 1953 play The Crucible where I am head mod.
♡ Ace Attorney! I love the silly little lawyer game, so feel free to talk to me about it! I've watched playthroughs of the trilogy and am currently playing Investigations 2 as well as the TGAA duology. In addition, I've watched most of the stage plays as well as the anime and the live-action film. I have yet to watch the musicals. Plus, AA gave me my current problematic fave~
♡ Ouran High School Host Club! OHSHC is a lifelong love of mine. However, I've only watched the anime and have only read the first three volumes of the manga. Still, I don't mind spoilers, so if I come across them, I'll be okay. I don't have a *favorite* host, though I am somewhat partial to Mori-senpai.
♡ JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! This is a recent interest of mine, so I've only watched up through Part 3 (started Part 4 recently!) and have yet to read the manga for any part. Once again, I have no qualms with spoilers, so feel free.
♡ Markiplier! Once again, lifelong appreciation for him as a person and creator. One of my favorite series from him is probably his playthough of West of Loathing, though I love most of his other videos as well and find myself coming back to his channel again and again.
♡ RTGame! Another favorite youtuber of mine. I love most of his videos as well, though his Planet Coaster videos are what drew me to his channel initially. I really like his content, so I frequently watch his videos.
☆ The Crucible! Yes, that play from the 50s. It gripped me in a hyperfixation when I was in 11th grade and hasn't let go since, hence the blog! I also like other works of "classic literature", though my interest in those is a bit more tame.
♡ Percy Jackson and the Olympians! (and related franchises, such as Heroes of Olympus). Though I'm out of the "target" demographic for those books, they are still near and dear to my heart. However, (possibly controversial opinion) I don't like Jason Grace as a character. Sorry guys, but he's mid. 🤷‍♀️
♡ My Chemical Romance! This band has stuck with me since middle school and I did cry when I found out they got back together, so jot that down. Also stream Foundations of Decay.
♡ Fall Out Boy! Another lifelong love of mine. I've loved this band since before I knew it existed. It truly has been there for me from the start. Also, MANIA is a good album, you guys are just anti-black. 🤷‍♀️
♡ MALICE MIZER! I've only recently started listening to them (and the members' solo work), but so far I really like them! It feels weird to be obsessed with a band that was created and broke up went on indefinite hiatus before I was even born, but I'm used to it at this point. Like the blog description says: I experience gender envy for Mana-sama.
♡ Queen! I typically only listen to music from the 90s and 2000s, but I love Queen a lot. Like with Fall Out Boy, I liked a lot of their music before I even knew it was them, which is interesting for a number of reasons.
♡ ABBA! Another golden group from the 70s. Absolutely love them and I think it's funny how they can now say they went on a 40-year hiatus. How many of your faves can say the same?
♡ BABYMETAL! While I'm not caught up on all the lore (I'm getting there, okay?) I really do like them. I'm actually a fairly new fan, having only started listening to them in 2019, right before METAL GALAXY came out. When that album came out, I obsessively listened to Night Night Burn! almost every day. It was crazy.
♡ Honorable Mentions: Greek Mythology, the novels Homegoing and Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi, too many WEBTOONs to name (though currently I'm really into Get Schooled), Waterparks, DE'WAYNE, Kero Kero Bonito, MARINA, Lil Nas X, and Paramore!
DNF (Just remember, I firmly stand with all of my marginalized family. My love for them overrides my hatred for you 100% of the time.):
× Anti-Black/Racist/Neo-Nazi. I don't tolerate that shit here. Leave me and my blogs alone.
× TERF/SWERF. Our trans siblings and sex working siblings belong in our community. If they hadn't fought for us, we wouldn't be able to live freely now.
× Homophobes. I'm not explaining this one. Just know you shouldn't care who other people want to kiss or fuck.
× Exclusionists. Ace people, Bi/Pan/Poly/Omni/etc people, and Nonbinary/Genderqueer people do not have to explain themselves to be allowed to exist in our community. I don't care if you don't understand their identities. It's not their job to teach you.
× Transmeds/whatever the hell you people are called these days. Trans people do not need to suffer for you to consider them valid.
× Anti-Semites. Idc. Y'all's hatred of Jewish people is quite literally irrational. They haven't caused any problems for you and don't secretly control the government. Don't believe everything you read.
× Islamophobes. Again. As a whole, Muslims are not causing problems for you, and if you think that, you're too far gone.
× Pedos/MAPs/NOMAPs. It's not okay or right or normal to be an adult attracted to children. I don't give a fuck. Get away from me. Even when I ultimately do become of legal age, I still don't want you fuckers around.
× Pro-ship. Idc if it's fictional. It's weird. I personally just feel like "ship and let ship" can't and never should apply to real person, pedophilic, abusive, or incestuous ships, and that's a normal opinion to have. It doesn't "squick me out" if it's straight up illegal! It disgusts me.
× AO3 simps. I use AO3! I like the platform. Its tagging system is well-organized. However, I would not put my moral character on the line for it. It's not that deep, babes. I promise. No one's going to cleanse the internet of your Destiel smuts.
× DDLG/DDLB/MDLG/MDLB. Why does other people acting in child-like manners or dressing like children arouse you? Quickly. Prove with facts and research how that doesn't make you adjacent to being a pedo. Fuck off.
Finally, I hope this blog is a safe and happy space for everyone to be in! Let's have fun together~!
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If you have been following this blog, you would have noticed content about an OC that is not included in the Legacyverse fanfics. This is because this is my (@k1ngtok1) oc, Jamie, whom @weekend-whip has been so kind as to let me insert into their universe! There’s a lot of content for him on her blog, but I’d like to make a sort of masterpost for their descriptions, content, and other do-dads regarding him so that people know who the heck this person in yellow is!
Please know that much of this information is subject to change as I continue to figure out Jamie’s place in the story.
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Jamison “Jamie” Collin Myers
He/They - unspecified gender
Demiromantic, Demisexual, Pan
Born on October 23rd, 15 at current point in the fic.
Sophomore - Same grade as Nya and Antonia
Elemental Master of Space
Here is a fic describing Jamie’s backstory before I had cemented a few of the details. It provides more depth into his character development and nightmares, but the timeline could be a bit confusing as it contradicts what I have developed now. Just remember that Jamie gets his first nightmare after Pythor is released from his tomb, which is after he had moved to Ninjago city. This all happens before his 16th birthday.
Here is a short fic depicting the move from Astor City to Ninjago City, and the subsequent loss that comes with it.
Here is a short fic I submitted to Ren’s blog as to Jesse and Jamie’s first meeting, in which Jesse is assigned to show Jamie around the school on Saturday their first day.
Here is a short fic that Ren wrote about the beginnings of their friendship, as well as some artwork I did to accompany it.
Here is a longer fic I did in response to the previous one depicting the growth in their friendship over time through flower language.
Here is a short fic that Ren wrote for my birthday about an idea we had about Jamie and her OC, Olivia!
Elemental mastery, Story, powerset, personality, and other tidbits included under the cut!
Elemental Mastery - Space
Space is an element relating to earth as a counterpart of time. It is indicative of the distance between objects or people, resulting in many of its masters being frequent victims of loss or emotional distance. It is characterized by vibrant yellow and butterflies of the same color. Space and Time elementals were known to have worked closely together in the past, as they both pertain to the fabric of reality itself.
The element of Space thrives off close emotional and physical connections between loved ones, as the distance between objects grows smaller and gravity’s pull grows stronger. Large amounts of affection, love, and happiness power this element, which could explain the reasoning behind the heartstrings that Jamie possesses (explained in the powerset portion)
Jamie grew up a happy child in Astor City and was raised by his Aunt, Uncle, and older sister Linda, as his parents were rich businessmen who traveled too often to care for children. When he was twelve, his sister had gone missing, as she had run away in confusion after discovering her true potential, as she had no clue what it meant, nor any idea of the elements.
At the age of 13, Jamie’s uncle died of cancer. Faced with multitudes of loss in their life, which is common for Space Elementals, Jamie grew very sentimental and even downright “clingy”, as they did not want to risk losing anyone else important in their life. Unfortunately, this had the opposite effect as their tight emotional hold only pushed their friends away due to his “attention-seeking” deposition.
Due to the consequences of their attachment, Jamie grew distant and guarded as a way of protecting themselves from those emotional connections, as they viewed it beneficial to prevent close relationships that would eventually lead to loss. Rather than being the happy-go-lucky figure they once were, Jamie could be described as aloof, bored, withdrawn, and even intimidating due to their resting bitch face and oddly dyed, choppy hair.
Jamie and his Aunt moved to Ninjago city before his sophomore year. Not long into the school year, Jamie experienced the first instance of a recurring nightmare in which he witnesses his sister’s demise at the hands (or more specifically, mouth) of an anacondrai general, whom we know to be the recently freed Pythor. Before the end of the dream, Linda passes her elemental abilities on to Jamie much like the Master of Ice did for Zane, which is represented in the dream as a swarm of butterflies choking him.
Upon waking up, Jamie’s eyes had become a pale yellow with white pupils, as he was now an elemental master who had yet to reach his true potential.
Jamie becomes friends with Jesse, and by proxy both of his friend groups, as the school year progresses, eventually leading the ninja to notice his eyes and potential elemental mastery.
When the ninja go to retrieve the fang blades from Pythor in the serpentine’s underground base, Jamie tags along in secret due to his curiosity as to what his friends are doing, and subsequently discovers the identities of the ninja. When he sees Lloyd, a small child in green, shouting nonsense and diving into the hole, Jamie follows and proceeds to get caught up in the ensuing fight.
During this fight, it is revealed to them that Pythor was the one who killed his sister (“She made a delectable first meal after so many years of starvation.”), Jamie is thrown into a fit of rage and reaches his true potential, as he finally finds closure as to what happened to his sister. This burst of anger ends with him jumping through one of his rifts in space (I’ll explain his powers in a bit) to a different location, where he needs to be calmed down by Jesse, who promises to explain everything and help him identify his Element, as no one has any clue what it is.
Later in the series, Jamie and Antonia set up a newsletter/blog reporting on events regarding the Ninja, Samurai, Shark army, and other occurrences relating to them. There is a possibility that they partner with a supposed third faction to make the true history of ninjago public knowledge. Olivia bugs Jamie to put shark army propaganda in it.
Even before he became a space elemental, Jamie had an ability or affliction called Heartstrings. These are metaphorical strings that connect him to people, objects, or places that he holds dear and are affected by both his emotional state regarding said connection and the physical distance between them. They act as an almost physical tug that pulls him to the object of his affections, be they platonic, romantic, or just plain fondness. These heartstrings are described almost like a harp’s melody, which can be sour, sweet, or dissonant depending on the context. Each heartstring is in constant risk of snapping due to rejection, emotional distance, or death.
Due to the element of space being defined by the distance between objects, this psychological phenomenon is caused by the elemental master’s need to close the distance between loved ones. This can be attributed as a way of locating allies or even simply a method of comforting the elemental.
Here is a short story that holds more details, as well as some cute interactions between Jamie and Linda.
Spacial awareness:
After receiving his sister’s element, Jamie develops an acute awareness of the space around him, almost in direct opposition to Jesse’s ability to surprise people. He can get overwhelmed easily by vibrations coming from the movement of objects around him, and can often be seen listening to music as a way to block them out.
Rifts and Liminal Space:
After discovering his true potential, Jamie can create rifts in the fabric of space that lead to an area between the fabrics of the universe, referred to as “liminal space”. The area exists in a vacuum without any gravitational pull, and functions similarly to the reaches of outer space, though it is tinged a vibrant yellow and white and resembles a passageway between two walls. Time works differently in this area, almost frozen compared to that of the physical plane, so any time spent in there is almost nothing outside of it.
From this area, Jamie is able to open rifts to other areas that he could jump through to exit or store items that will move at the same rate that they were put in due to the lack of friction or air resistance. This means he could throw a rock in there and it would keep moving until he opened another rift to let it fly out. This is very useful for dealing with the shark army’s attacks, as he can quite literally make someone stab themselves in the back.
Unfortunately, Jamie is the only one able to freely roam, breathe, and survive comfortably in this area. The lack of air would be devastating to any other organism unless Jamie is touching it.
-To outsiders, Jamie is a stone-faced, blunt, and off-putting presence due to their lack of emotional response and oddly dyed hair. He walks through the halls with headphones in and scrolling through something on his phone. Their posture is lax and they typically do not speak unless spoken to, and even then it is short and to the point.
-Those who manage to befriend him, however, will find that he is a silently caring if not awkward person. Jamie still struggles to come to terms with others accepting his presence, much less wanting it, and so casual displays of affection, requests for help, compliments, gifts, and the like will throw him for a loop. They give out gifts to show their appreciation by leaving them where he knows the recipient will find it. He shows his affection through actions rather than words, as he still has little to no clue what he’s doing in that department, and is scared of pushing people away again. They can be very sarcastic and teasing when in a comfortable environment, which is a good sign that they trust you.
-Once that heartstring is formed, Jamie will do his damnedest to keep it safe. This leads to them being a bit rash in times of high emotion, despite their level-headedness otherwise. In their eyes, almost anything is better than another broken string. Anyone who earns his trust will have gained his unwavering loyalty to the bitter end.
-They take great joy in photography, and prided themself on capturing a photo of the ninja early in the school year before they were aware of their identities. He joins the photography club and class at Antonia’s insistence.
Random tidbits:
-Being of French (or whatever the ninjagan equivalent is) decent, he can speak the language fluently and enjoys language class as well, as he is good at picking up bits of other languages.
-Jamie is a bit clumsy despite their enhanced spatial awareness and can be found with bandaids littering their fingers, knees, chin, and other places.
-Jamie expresses his feelings through his hands a lot. He will fiddle with them when nervous or clench and unclench them at his side when angry or worked up. When smiling or laughing, they will cover their mouth with their hand to hide their dimples. They have a habit of picking at their fingernails and biting their lip when concentrating or thinking. Tapping their fingers usually indicates restlessness or anxiety.
-He has quite a green thumb thanks to his aunt, and is the only one of his friends besides Jesse capable of keeping a plant alive.
-Jamie gets frequent nightmares, often relating to his elemental mastery in some way. It’s not uncommon to see them sleeping in class after they have finished their work. The worst instance of this would be after he had first gotten his element, in which the same nightmare would occur every time he fell asleep.
-They like bugs, frogs, and many other small critters. This freaks many of his friends out. (This fondness does not include snakes for obvious reasons, and upon encountering them, as well as serpentine in general, will have an instinctual disdain and fear for the creature.)
-He writes in very sloppy cursive that only he or his aunt can decipher. He has to actively focus to write something legible.
-They like to go hiking to take scenic photos, and are decently muscled under their hoodie due to it.
-They cut their hair with safety scissors in the bathroom despite their aunt’s pleas for them to go to a barber, or at least let someone else do it for them.
-Speaking of hair, they are especially weak to head ruffles and will fall asleep very easily if their hair is played with. This is useful to know if he has been having a series of nightmares and is dead on his feet.
-He often stores pre-made or packaged food, medicine, and other random necessities inside the liminal space. It’s his real life bag of holding.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading about Jamie! He means a lot to me, and I hope you enjoyed reading about him just as much as I enjoyed writing about him.
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rice-enjoyer · 2 years
hi, it's me, rice! obligatory introduction /pinned post
most importantly, i am a young adult! let it be enough that i am in my 20s. minors can interact with me, just please not with NSFW content! if i make you uncomfortable for even a second, BLOCK, please. If YOU make ME uncomfortable, i'll just block you as well.
this blog is made for fandom thoughts, but i reblog a lot of different content. i casually reblog suggestive-, disability-related-, political- and alcohol-related content on my blog. beware.
if i do reblog content i deem mature, i use the #mature tag so you can block it if it's not for you! however, i can't promise i tag everything i reblog with every tag i use because i'm human and forgetful. want to know even more about me? weirdo (affectionate). here!
my explicitly nsfw blog is this one warning: i interact with dark content over there!
tagging system:
rice is laughing : i found something hehe funny. sometimes i am the funny.
rice is rambling : going insane over fandom stuff/fanfics/ect
rice is typing : going insane over real-life shenanigans.
rice is drawing : i made art. LOOK!!!
rice is writing : i made written content. READ!!!
rice is posting : other content that isn't art or writing. PRECIEVE!!!
rice is reblogging : look at whatever cool thing i found!
rice is replying: [name] <3 : conversation!! yay!!
rice lore lmao : irl events that formed me into the person i am! rice is talking abt ocs : blorbos originating from my head
it's the queue! : queued posts for when i want to reblog things but i know i'll be unavailable to do so live.
[new!] rice's nighly broadcast : i am going to bed. and im saying goodnight to everyone in tumblrland
i go by rice on this site, please refer to me this way. friends who have given me funny nicknames don't count of course, go ham (or... go beef...)
any lgbtqia+-phobes, pedos, misogynists, nft bros, ai anything sympahtizers ect will get blocked.
i'm experimenting with pronouns, (these might change in the future) but i prefer they/them! i refer to myself in masc terms usually and femme terms mostly ironically/jokingly.
sexuality wise im just queer. i tried out many-a labels in this life, and none fit me too well
fandoms im in: honkai star rail, genshin impact, vocaloid, fma, jjk, ride the cyclone, heathers, hazbin hotel, agents of shield (more to be added!)
english is not my native language. so uh. mistakes are going to be made, i guess...
genshin series:
written/fanfiction: unsympathetic creator sagau : not a "proper series", you can just read any post of mine, there is no timeline to follow or anything. [ON HOLD FOR NOW]
honkai star rail series:
TEXTPOSTS! part 1.(various)2.(various) 3.(sampo + kafka centered)4.(various)5.(various. again)
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theallblue · 1 year
1. Starters of all kind are welcome! I am an OC/Crossover friendly roleplaying blog and willing to roleplay with anyone that wants to RP. This is a hobby of mine that I have been doing for a few years. Hope that we have a fun time roleplaying though!
2. I will only interact with fandom related OCs in the series that I will be roleplaying in, no fandomless OCs. I’ve had too many issues with them in the past that I want to avoid unless I know the person behind the fandomless OC.
3. I am a multiship blog, I don’t force ships onto role-players if the don’t roleplay that ship or anything that deals with shipping. Feel free to poke at me about shipping!
4. Battles and angst roleplays dealing with injuries, emotions or anything that myself or anything can think of is allowed. I’m a big angst fan.
5. AUs - I am a big fan of roleplaying AUs as I find them a lot of fun. AUs can be anything from school, different careers to even fantasy roleplays. I am up for any type of role-playing as long as it follows my rules. Crossovers are allowed also from anime to movies as long as I know the series.
6. My writing style is paragraph since I like to add a lot of detail to them. I have a detailed roleplay style usually written in third person like using “Sanji” and he instead of talking in first person being words like I and so on. Spelling mistakes happen so no worries if they are made, I’m not gonna make a big deal out of it if they appear since I’ve made them before myself.
8. I am of age and when it comes to 18+ content that is only for blogs that become ones who are wanting to ship with Sanji. And blogs that I have been roleplaying with for quite awhile, it is something that I won't jump right into. This rule might change if I gain any mains.
9. Please feel free to remind me about forgotten replies or if I owe you a starter. I have a full time job to where I am working 4-5 days a week.
10. Just have fun! Main purpose on this blog is just to have fun roleplaying! I want to keep this blog drama free as possible because that doesn’t make things fun at all.
11. Do not reblog roleplays that you aren’t apart of, I will block you if you do reblog any roleplays of mine. It makes it harder for me and the other roleplayer to keep track of it. Liking is just fine, but please DO NOT REBLOG!
12. Roleplays that haven’t been answered in two months will be removed from my RP tracker unless I’m told otherwise or reason given on why RPs haven’t been answered. Just makes it easier on me instead of dealing with a cluttered mess of having a large number of inactive roleplays on the tracker.
13. Do not use me as a meme source! If you want a source go to @mkayswritings
14. I will not follow blogs that don’t trim their threads or put asks in a new post since it just clutters up my dash. I don’t like scrolling through long untrimmed threads. Sorry!
15. Personal blogs will be blocked unless their roleplay blog is a sideblog.
16. My other two roleplay blogs are @achromaticstars and @soundxofstars (Sanji was moved from this blog.)
17. I will not follow blogs that don't have rules for me to look over since I like to know how the blog owner works for the sake of roleplaying. I'm not comfortable following ruleless blogs.
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