jiminsfringe · 7 years
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Oh it’s just a supercut of us Supercut of us
Farewell skam, takk for alt 
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Halla! Please feel free to suggest any words and I’ll edit them into this post!
adda: verb, to add. e.g. to add a friend on fb.
ass: short for ‘altså‘, can be used quite loosely, f.x. therefore, so, well.
drita: adjective, shitfaced, pissed, hammered, basically a way of saying you’re really drunk.
dritt: adjective and noun, shit.
drittsekk: adjective and noun, literally means shit bag, could be translated as asshole.
This is quite long, so I’ll put a read more thing just under here :o)
dust: adjective and noun, idiot, idiotic, can be used quite playfully or harshly.
flink: adjective, clever, good.
garra: adjective, guaranteed.
gira: adjective, geared, f.x. to be geared up (for something).
grandis: noun, Norway’s most popular pizza, short for Pizza Grandiosa. I always thought this was a type of ice-cream! :P
gretten: adjective, grumpy, f.x. Isak can be a bit gretten.
greie: noun, a thing, literally an unspecified thing.
grei: adjective, cosy <--when describing a person. Can also be used to describe a noun (thing) as being ok, f.x. det er greit, that is okay.
gæren: adjective, crazy, mad.
herregud: like saying oh my God.
homse: adjective and noun, gay, homo. I don’t know if it’s the same in Norwegian, but in Danish, it’s not a nice word to use to describe someone as gay; it’s quite a negative word. So when calling someone gay in Danish homoseksuel is better. (fun fact)
hooke: verb, to hook up with.
jævla/ jævlig: adverb, fucking. Used to emphasis something.
keen: adjective, keen. Literally means keen (I dunno why I used it sorry).
kjekk: adjective, physically attractive, mostly used for a guy.
kjekkas: noun, a physically attractive guy.
klein: adjective, embarrasing or hungover. Klein means awkward in Norwegian. If translated, embarrassing would be pinlig, in Norwegian. (That was so embarrassing- det var så pinlig). And embarrassed would be translated to flau. (I was so embarrassed- jet var så flau). The difference is if one is talking about a situation, or how one felt during the situation. But it’s likely that slang has different meaning in different areas in a country, so maybe in Oslo, klein means embarrassing. (Thank you to @helena1205 for this edit)
konse: verb, (infinitive- å konse), to concentrate.
kos: noun, cosyness, (hygge).
kred: noun, street cred, taken from English.
kødde: verb, to kid/ take the piss, “kødder du meg”.
NKVO: slang, “Nå koser vi oss”, now we are going to enjoy ourselves/ now we are enjoying ourselves.
Olafiaklinikken: noun, a clinic in Oslo where one can get free gynecological/ urological tests.
seff: a saying, of course. Short for “selvfølgelig“.
serr: a saying, seriously?. Short for “seriøst”.
snill: adjective, kind.
I hope this is useful/ accurate! This post is supported by a post in Kosegruppa DK, I just translated it into English so you guys can have some extra help learning Norwegian words.
From, Natacha :o)
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levok · 7 years
Halla halla, Just want to say that 'Jeg er glad i deg' (to quote Chris) and that it's so fun to fangirl med dig og jeg ved ikke hvorfor jeg lige pludsligt skiftet sprog men ja, det er simpelthen så sjovt at melde med dig, og ville bare lige sige det til dig på en anden måde end at bare skrive det til dig lige direkt :o)
Aw så søt du er! Er også sykt glad i deg ❤️
Og du drømmer ikke om hvor vigtigt det er for mig, at have nogen jeg kan freake ud med. Jeg ville slet ikke kunne være i mig selv, hvis jeg skulle sidde alene med alle de følelser som Skam giver mig. 
Er virkelig glad for, at vi fandt hinanden i denne her sæson!! What a rollercoaster it has been. I can’t believe it’s over soon 😨. But we can always continue to fangirl over Tarjei and Henrik and all the other small beans’ future projects… Og så selvfølgelig dømme murica skam for hårdt når den tid kommer haha.
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punparker · 7 years
i was tagged by @coffeeshoptarjei to share my amazing (not) music library with y’all! !
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire music library to shuffle and report the first ten tracks that pop up! Then choose ten additional victims.
1) g-friend - rough
2) infinite - request
3) day6 - you were beautiful
4) lee hi - hold my hand
5) laleh - bara få va mig själv
6) troye sivan - lost boy
7) amber - borders
8) håkan hellström - elefanten & sparven
9) kent - dom andra
10) nas - if i ruled the world (imagine that)
i’m tagging @mannentilminkardemomme , @captivatingnoora , @sunshine-evak , @prinsenimittliv , @sanas4main and @skamforfaen !!
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betchnaesheim · 7 years
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@mannentilminkardemomme ja?? Wo wirst du sein?
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sanaseva-archive · 7 years
mannentilminkardemomme replied to your photoset: taking selfies is gay culture now
Well fuck me you’re pretty (and seem pretty on the inside too bcus that’s what really counts)
imc rying thank u so much !!! ily <3 <3 <3
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luffysfakebeard · 7 years
Halla! I just saw that you reblogged my hc and put "GOD BLESS THIS" and I just wanna say GOD BLESS YOU for writing that, that literally made my night, actually no- my day aswell :D It means so much tak tak tak tak tak
it was so pure and gentle and AAAAAAAAAA I loved it so much! bless your entire soul for writing that!!!!!!
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littlespoonevan · 7 years
Halla! I read your fic 'Would you mind closing the bedroom door' and I don't usually read fics but it was so good!!!!!!!! And I really enjoyed it!! And once I started I couldn't stop, so I blame your for that :D And so I was wondering whether you took prompts? Because I can't write for schnizzle and I got this thought of what would've happened between Evak on Friday 21st October if Noora didn't come home?? Mange takk!
thank you so much, angel!! i’m really glad you enjoyed it :’) i’m not taking prompts at the minute because i’m trying to clear out the ones currently in my inbox but i’ve actually written this before!! you can read it here
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evyisaks · 7 years
mannentilminkardemomme replied to your post “I’m trying to sort out the timeline and the events for last nights...”
Gaahhh tell, tell, my mind is going mad trying to piece everything together��
Here it is:
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I hope you’re all still recovering from last night. Thank the world that Eurovision is on tonight to take my mind off all the drraaaaammaaa (quote P-Chris).
I know that 200 followers isn’t THAT many compared to some of the other main blogs, but I’m still a smol bean, and I’m proud of my 200 since I’ve only had this blog for exactly 5 weeks. If you're sat/stood/dancing around thinking ‘Hvem er hun?’ or ‘Hæ, who dis blog?’ then I dunno, good question: T’was I that made this gif and posted this video last night :o)
Now onto the good stuff:
🌟@du-er-ikkealene You, my good friend Elise, are just !!! I love fangirling with you about SKAM and Tokio Hotel and Kensington! I also love making gifs for you, even though they’re still crap :P  Best thing about you: Always knowing there’s a lovely comment from you waiting in my inbox <33
🌟@sweetevak Emotional Overload is my second favourite OTP (after Evak ofc) That conversation we had yesterday was just LIT and thank you for helping me ‘push my way through the pain’ 😂😂 Say hi to Peggy aswell. Best thing about you: The fact that we’re able to communicate our pain to each other through the constant use of caps-lock 😂
🌟@beanievaltersen I’mma write this in Danish, because I feel that it’s important to be able to communicate in our personal/own/native languages on the internet: Håber at du har haft/har en sygt fedt tur i London!! :D Kan stadig ikke komme over hvor tætte vi er lige nu. Jeg er så glad for du kom med din “Heeeeej!👋🏼 *dis me trying to become pals and talk skam theories*“ Og vores theorier er bare de bedste, no ifs no buts no coconuts 😂 Det bedste ved dig: At du skriver på Svensk! Nogen gang krøller det min hjerne! Men det er også rigtig dejligt for mig at lærer rigtig meget om Sverige og forskellen på vores kulturer. (Og så er du også en rigtig rar person at snakke med!)
🌟@br1skeby Jeg er glad for vi kom sammen fordi af en dum anon. SERIØST mange takker for i går aftes!! Det var sinssyg pænt af dig at sende de snaps <33 Og jeg kommer aldrig over din kommentar om sidste Fredags klip😂😂😂 Det bedste ved dig: LEVI!!! 😍😍😍 Og din makeup😍😍😍 Og dine kommentar nogengang altså😂😂
Infinitely big shoutout to @siwrenate @emmanette @ineverthoughtiwouldneedasideblog You guys are friggin awesome 🌟
The Bolds are those I LITERALLY couldn’t live without.
@agrahamofhappiness @artsyeven @alter-even @bakkoush-naesheim @betchnaesheim (Awesome German Speaker btw) @bakksana @cardamom-minutes @c-ardamom @cuddlyevak @chillerhjemmeisak @dailyhenrikholm @evenbechdaily @eivseank​ @evenbechnet @eksild @evakvaltersen @evakktrash @evenbec @elli-skam (If I could double bold this blog, then I would for eternity!!) @evenbechvaltersen @evenerikkealene @folerdetdufoler @fallingevaks
@hemrikholm @hufflpuffs @incorectskamquotes @isaks-even @isakvalty @isisisak @isaksredscarf @isaksbestpillow @isaksaltereven @isofficiallyruined @isakisalittlepuppy @isakschili @isakcutie @isaknaesheiim @iloveeven @isakoeven @isakssaetre @josteninski @julieandem @kardamomme @kroppendintrengerpotet @kardemomme-kisses @kosegruppaa @koninginnen
@leoniejulie (AMAZING ARTWORK) @littlespooneven @linneaxskam @levok @loooreleii  (AMAZING ARTWORK ASWELL) @minuttet @mikaelboukhalls @minutefuerminute @nalle @norwegianfandomtrash @nanaminhae @noorasevas @psychickittenfox @pansexualmahdidisi
@skamgif @skamedits @stayinherewithyou @skamenglish @skamdaily @skamforfaen @skamfairy  @skamisako @slut4sana @skamp3translated @skamzy @skamz @skam-addiction @sanathequeen @sanas4main @sanaandthesun @sanadefensesquad @sweetsana @skamwhoops @tarjeisandvik @tarjeiandhenrik @tinyisak @tarjei-sandvik-moe @tarjeitrash @theskamgirlsdeservebetter @tarjeiholms @v-ltersen @valttersen @vildemohns @westiris @whenitisreal @xkurtcoblaine
So many more bolds than expected. Let’s root for Eurovision and World Happiness. (I’m still not buying the “This season is the last season” thing, I just can’t let it go). GOODNIGHT and SLEEP TIGHT // SOV GODT
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emmanette · 7 years
@mannentilminkardemomme asked me to answer the following questions. Send me a number if you’d like me to answer any other gif-related questions.
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made? I feel like the answer to this question might actually vary a bit, depending on when you ask me, but I think these ones would always be high on the list. So, in no particular order:
X - I didn’t have a clear idea about what I wanted to do, I just knew I wanted to make something different so I was just experimenting and eventually it turned into this, which I was happy to share. I also like that it’s quite a happy gif-set since I feel like most of mine are more on the other side of the emotional spectrum, featuring heartbreaking lyrics. 
X - (I think the Eva one is my fave but there’s also a Noora version, an Isak version and I’m going to make a Sana version as well). These have been really fun to make because I’ve had a lot of fun discussions with people on here about which people and/or important moments should be included in each character’s gif set to “summarize” what’s important to them.
X - The gifs aren’t the best (I feel like I should maybe re-make this now that tumblr has upped the file size limit because staying under the old limit was a problem when I made these) but this is a set I had an unusually clear idea about when I started making it and I think the finished result came quite close to what I first imagined and I’m still quite happy with the result. I also like using Swedish lyrics for Skam stuff, when I can (and when it fits). Even though everyone can’t understand it the Swedish lyrics sometimes just fit better than any translation would. It might sound strange but any bilingual people will know what I mean. If you’re curious though, the lyrics in this set translate to: “You have to get through shame” / “You have to get through dreams” / “You have to die a couple of times” / “Before you can live”.
19. What is your gifting process like?
The question actually says “gifting” but I assume what they mean is “gifing” or “gif-ing” or however you spell it. Anyway, I wouldn’t really say I have a particular process unless you get into the really “technical” side of gif-making (in which case the process is always 1. Making screencaps 2. Cropping and re-sizing 3. Colouring and adding any other effects). It’s different for almost every gif-set. Usually I’ll get inspired by something, often a lyric or a quote (but it coud be almost anything, like a particular scene, a colour-scheme etc.) and then I’ll think about how I could develop that idea (which sometimes takes minutes and other times days). Once I have a bit more of an idea of what I actually want to make of my idea I’ll start playing around in photoshop. Sometimes my first ideas don’t work or don’t look good so I’ll have to start over and try something different until I’m happy with the finished result.
47. Any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs? My first piece of advice would be practice. Practice, practice, practice. Keep making gifs even if you’re not perfectly happy with how they’re turning out. And if you’re not happy with them, try to pinpoint why and try to change that for the better the next time you make a gif. For example, if you weren’t happy with how your gif was moving - try to make sure your next one is smoother, but don’t worry too much about everything else for the time being. If you weren’t happy with how the colours came out - try some different settings next time. Don’t be afraid to play around and experiment. I still do, even though I’ve made gifs for a few years now. I still learn new things and it might sound a bit cliché but every gif is different so what works for one gif might not work for another etc. Also, find people whose gifs you like and try to figure out what it is you like about them. Don’t copy other people’s ideas but use them as inspiration for when you make your own!
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evigevak · 7 years
Halla :o) Do you know if there are any google drives with the episodes from Season 1-3 without the English subtitles? takk!
Yes, check out this masterpost for s1-3 without subtitles. 
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Halla! Hope you have an amazeballs time in London land. Saw in your tags about recommendations and literally every time I go to London I just HAVE to go to Covent Garden and all the small side streets and narrow and windy passages around it!! Also, I really enjoy finding some museums or art galleries (all of which have free entry) and just look at people or just sit in the cafes there and look at people... not in a stalking manner tho hehe :o)
Ohhh this is so lovely, thank you for dropping by my inbox! Side streets and narrow windy passages, museums or art galleries, this sounds so picturesque and exactly like my kind of aesthetic, I will definitely check it out! (And I enjoy observing people as well haha let’s chalk it up to natural curiosity and fascination even for the mundane moments of humanity and leave it at that :”))
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levok · 2 years
Okay I know this is really dumb, but for some reason I stumbled upon some of my old Skam posts (omg, I was on fire back then!!)…. And it made me miss some of my old Skam mutuals so much. I know a lot of the YR fandom are crossovers from the Skam fandom, but some of the people I interacted the most with back then are just… gone? Haven’t updated their tumblr for years.
It made me super sentimental 😐 this is such a Monday Monday.
I hope you all live your best life @mannentilminkardemomme @isisisak @drrncrss @3bluenights
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elueliott · 5 years
22 questions
RULES: simply answer the following 22 q’s and then tag 22 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Tagged by @druckmatteo thank you sis!💕
Name: Sarah
Nickname: Saa 
Zodiac: Libra ♎️
Height: 173 cm / 5′ 8.11″
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw 💙
Last thing I googled: 173 to feet 😆
Favourite musician/s: Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Troye Sivan, Ed Sheeran, Bastille, Khalid, Shawn Mendes and many many more
Last song I listened to: If I can’t have you - Shawn Mendes
Song stuck in my head right now: a Danish nursery rhyme bc I was babysitting last night 🤷🏼‍♀️
Followers: 243
Following: 670
Amount of sleep: probably an average of 4-5 hours this past week... thanks uni 😴
Lucky number: 2
What I’m wearing: a black jumpsuit
Dream job: something where I use English daily & just generally a job I will enjoy & look forward to most days if not every day
Dream trip: a road trip through the US
Favorite food: Danish Christmas food (roasted duck, caramelized potatoes, brown gravy, warm red cabbage & potato chips to dip in the gravy - trust me it’s delish) 😋
Instruments: I once knew how to play some chords on guitar but that’s it
Languages: I speak Danish & English, a bit of Spanish and I understand Norwegian & Swedish most of the time (especially written)
Favorite song(s): i don’t really have like one all time fave but some of my current faves are talk - khalid & disclosure, take on the world - you me at six , someone you loved - lewis capaldi, planets - nicklas sahl, new eyes - nicklas sahl, say - ruel
Random fact: one of my first urls was something like “JB_1DFangirl” and it’s really only been downhill from there 😂
Aesthetic: High waisted pants, pastel colors, books.. my other blog pretty much sums it up
I’m just going to tag some of my faves both mutuals and not, and I’m also tagging everybody that sees this! feel free to participate if you feel like it! ☺️💕
Tagging: @isakvaltrsen  @sanabakkoushh @elenawlw @mannentilminkardemomme @mygurueskild @myisakeven
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luffysfakebeard · 7 years
  Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your...
BUSTED! Yass girl, you’re making me feel some serious 00’s vibes now :P
Busted is some classic shit man!!!!!
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