#mam beef ok
ulubionywuja · 5 months
Bardzo chcę lubić książkę pana Leśniewskiego o Kościuszce, ale nie pomaga to, że w 70% ona nawet nie jest o nim
Widać, że autor za samym Tadkiem nie przepada, co jest ok (wolę czytać z dwóch perspektyw, pochlebnej i niepochlebnej, żeby sobie to ułożyć w całość), tylko do cholery jasnej, niech chociaż pisze o nim :') Jakbym chciała książkę o Pepim, Stasiu Poniatowskim czy kurwa innym Zabiełło TO BYM JĄ KUPIŁA. Plus imo to jest biografia ale nie, bo w połowie jestem, co się nadenerwowałam to moje, ale gdybym nie znała historii Kościuszki przed rozpoczęciem lektury, to bym jej nadal nie znała xD pamiętałabym chyba tylko to, że autor jest strasznie marudny. Informacje są podawane tak, jakby pisał je w punktach na sprawdzianie z historii.
Jak mnie to irytuje, insane. + Ummm nie wybaczę Leśniewskiemu, że nie umie poprawnie podać imienia autora swoich źródeł. Gościu mam to wszystko na półce, widzę ile razy się jebłeś
Jakby autor ma dużą wiedzę, ale ojjj no toporne pióro okropnie
Naprawdę czekam na biografię Tadka, która będzie ciekawa i dobrze zresearchowana, bo z jednej jest takie coś, z drugiej Książę Chłopów, który jest po prostu literaturą fantasy (i jakbyście nie wiedzieli, to w 1777 znali legginsy z kurwa spandexu 🥰)
Wszystko, z czego da się nauczyć czegokolwiek tak na cito (not sure czy ta pozycja na to miano zasługuje) jest niestety nudne okropnie, a to kurwa niedobrze
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nott-purrfect2 · 1 month
Moja czerwona bransoletka🎀
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Malutka, ale mi się podoba, i zawiązywałam ją jakoś 30minut...
Moje myszki się gryzą ostatnio i się martwię choć nie dochodzi do urazów 😞 są razem całkiem długo, w sumie jeden miesiąc i ostatnio robią to coraz częściej. A teraz wszystkie razem leżą w hamaku jakby nigdy nic xDD
Tak naprawdę to taka jedna gryzie całą resztę i gania je po klatce, chuj z tego, że jest najmniejsza. Zauważyłam też, że próbuje się kopulować z innymi xD. Mam je z hodowli, więc jetsem pewna, że to samice. Myślałam, że ustaliły hierarchię, ale jednak dalej to robią
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Ogółem to mam 4 myszy i klatkę ok.78, 48, 35 i sporo skrytek, że za dnia praktycznie nie widać gdzie śpią, stały dostęp do jedzenia i picia więc mają jakiś beef ze sobą po prostu
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drifftingg · 9 months
Dziś mam zajebiście wysokie białko (a niestety moja dietka cierpni na niskie białko) i powiem wam że czuje mocną różnicę - zwykle w ciagu dnia jem sniadanie na 200-250 kcal i po nim dodatkowo owoce czy coś 50-100 kcal licze to osobno mimo ze jem czasami razem bo sniadanie to coś innego niż to co jem dodakowo. Np jajka na sniadanie a potem nektarynki.
W ciagu dnia zajadam owoce, proteinowe jogurty czasami, kabanosy no rozne rzeczy potem wpada baton owocowy energetyczby po bieganiu i zwykle razem z batonem mam okolo 600-700kcal.
I wszystko konczę ok 18;30-20;00 ostatnim posilkiem z wynikiem ok 900kcal.
Dzis zjadłem beef jerky 50g - 25g bialka i 130kcal 2x 150jogurtu bakoma skyr man + 60g borówkik amerykańskiej - 120kcal + 30 kcal razy dwa = 300kcal -20 albo 30 g bialka nie pamietam
I do tego boba slimaka co razem daje 500kcal i jestem podobnie jak nie mocniej najedzony co gdy zwykle mam 700kcal.
Do tego ten skyr man pyszka, beef jerky to nie musze mowic ze pyszka tak samo bob slimak.
W takie dni i tak jem 200kcal na kolacje bo trudno mi by bylo wepchnąć więcej leczo - dlatego czasami się u mnie znajdzie 100-200 kcal na cheat posilek (choć zazwyczaj i tak jem zdrowo a nie cheat te kalorie np prazony bob i morwa albo arbuz)
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ms-indifferwnt · 3 years
I’m Cold
“I'm cold"
"Can't you give me your jacket or something?"
"Can't you accept my proposal and marry me already?"
In which Prince Donghyuck's parents are forcing him to get married and he decided to propose to the first girl he sees to shut his parents up
Genre: Prince!Lee Donghyuck x Maid!Reader, Angst, Fluff, Arranged Marriage (kinda), Slowburn
Warnings: Curse words, Suggestive (I'll add more if there are)
Notes: Chapter 4 of Im Cold. Sorry this one took longer, hope you guys enjoy
Prev / Chapter 4 / Next
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Y/n sat, legs crossed by the ankles as she tries her best to avoid eye contact with the person infront of her, granted he was busy trying to sell his proposal to the Prince but the way he stared at her made Y/n uncomfortable and kept adjusting ho she sat in order to keep her mind of the man
Donghyuck noticed how uncomfortable she was, through out the conversation he had with the man across from him and Y/n he was inching closer to Y/n in order to shield her but the man would stare at any pretty thing that would pass them by and Donghyuck was absolutely disgusted, he placed a caring and affectionate hand on Y/n's knee to catch her attention and once their eyes meet he could already see how distressed she was, pulling away to unbutton his blazer and placed it on her legs
"Get out" The Prince says to the man with an obnoxious grin, his eyes serious and harsh, making the man stop and stare at the prince in shock "Didn't you hear me?"
"B-but" the man started to defend himself and the Prince sighs and crosses his arms
"If there's one thing I don't tolerate is when people like you treat women like some kind of prize, you've been doing it to every single thing that has two legs and a pulse since we got here and it's rude, doing it to my fiance is just down right disgusting, I don't tolerate that behavior in my kingdom nor in my presence so I'm going to say it again," He says in a calm tone yet it held authority "Get out, you've wasted our time enough"
Y/n watches as the man bows and leaves, "Thank you" she whispers
The Prince looks at her with a raised eyebrow and fixed his blazer that on her legs "Next time tell me" He replies calmly to soothe the girl's frightened gaze, The Prince could be scary if he wanted to and he didn't want to scare her more than she already is "I dragged you into this mess, let me protect you when you're scared"
She nods slowly "Y-you didn't have to kick him out-"
"Were you even listening to what he said?"
She shakes her head
"Me neither"
She looks at him "Sorry?"
"I stopped listening after the first sentence, I noticed he was eyeing a couple of waitresses and I noticed you were uncomfortable but you weren't saying anything, anyway, I paid more attention to you then whatever he said," He concludes and noticed she had her head down and he hums in an attempt to get her mind off it "We should eat lunch, anything you want in particular?"
"Anything is fine"
"No seriously? Seafood, Pasta, Chicken, Beef, Pork? Anything?"
"Whatever is ok, My Prince"
"Ok, next time I will not answer you if it isn't Donghyuck. Second," He cups her cheeks so she'll look at him "Right now you're my Fiance , so do me a favor and take advantage of me yeah?"
She blushes and looks down, nodding
"Words, love" he presses
"Yes, ok"
"Yes, ok, what?"
"um?" she looks up and into his eyes "Donghyuck?"
He nods "Good girl," he approves and smiles sweetly "So lunch? made up your mind yet?"
"Yes, um Seafood?"
"ooh, there's this really good restaurant Taeyong Hyung brought me too, I'll take you there"
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"Just two more meetings," He informs and held her hand "And I promise I'll take you shopping"
"You really don't-" Y/n was cut off when she yelped in pain when the prince squeezed her hand, giving her a sweet yet warning smile she sighs and decided to get into character, making a mental note to scold the Prince "But- Its so boring, Please can we go now?"
Donghyuck looks at the man opposite them and smiles softly and apologetically "Love, just a little longer," she pouts and Donghyuck wanted to pinch her cheeks, granted he was the one who asked her be disagreeable so he can doesn't have to stay and attend this meeting, but he found her whining absolutely adorable that he might actually obey her if leaving was what she really wanted "ten minutes, then we go ok?"
She grins, Y/n and the Prince spoke about this while they ate lunch that he was not in the best mood after dealing with the man with an obnoxious grin and that he doesn't want to attend the meeting, so he developed a plan, managing to get the female to join his plan, "Alright"
After ten minutes as promised, the man bowed and apologized with the prince assuring him that it was alright and that they'll talk tomorrow
The Prince watched as the man leaves then beams at Y/n "life saver," he says and nods "I'll buy you anything you want" he promises and Y/n shakes her head "and before you decline, choose, you pick out something you like or I'll buy the whole store?"
She gasps and grabs his sleeve "Donghyuck!" she exclaimed in a scolding voice, like you would to a child but instead of the prince beibg offended or atleast shocked by the female's tone he grinned
"You," He looks at her happily "You called me by my name"
"Yes you did! Say it again, come on Y/n"
"Your Highness-"
He clicks his tongue and raises his eyebrow "Come again?"
He grins and nods "half an hour before the next meeting then shopping, ok?"
"We really don't have to"
"Well, true" He hums and orders two more hot chocolate "but its good publicity, people see me, the prince shopping with his fiance, you, and I'd get recognition and my The King and Queen would believe our love" he thanks the waiter and looks at her again, leaning in making the Prince's breath fan against hear cheek, voice quiet as he whispers "besides you need more clothes that will match with me"
"Prince Donghyuck?" A man calls from behind him and Y/n pulls away and looks to the side, a bit of pink coloring her cheeks at how they were caught
The Prince turns and smiles "Oh, you're early, please, have a seat" and the man obeyed "Can I get you anything?"
The mam shakes his head "No, thank you" His maroon suit standing out in the cafe, his whole persona made Y/n feel uneasy like something was wrong with him, she was on edge
The Prince smiles and nodded "You may start whenever you are ready"
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"By putting this new building up it will give  us more chance to meet with people outside of the kingdom" He proposes and then looks at the Prince for approval who had his eyebrows furrowed at the man's words
"And where are you proposing we build that?" He asks
Y/n looks at the Prince as he spoke, something about his tone was off, and Y/n doesn't like it
"There's this plot of land that would be absolutely perfect for it," He takes his phone out and shows the Prince where it was planned "This spot would surely get a lot of attention"
Y/n's breath caught on to her throat, "That is a neighborhood" she says in disbelief, "Where would those people live? Where would they go?"
Donghyuck looks at her and tilts his head "Are you seriously planning on building that in a place were people live? where they have claimed as their home?" he glares at the man "Y/n how do you know this neighborhood?"
She looks at the Prince only to see him calmly yet dangerously looking at the man, like a predator would, The Prince was furious, "My Grandparents live there" She answers
The prince scoffs in disbelief "There are people there, Mr. Choi Samin. What do you propose we do to them? where will you put them?"
"Well I didn't really-" He started and The Prince cuts him off
"That's enough," He says and waves him off "Thank you for your time, you may leave now"
"But, my Prince-" He starts
"I'm sorry I think I didn't make my self clear, I no longer have any business with you," He declares "I have no business with someone who would do anything for money, even when it means making hundreds of families loose their homes? You don't deserve speaking to me, to my fiance or my family, get out"
Y/n flinches and looks at the Prince in fear, one thing was known about the Prince is that he was happy-go-lucky, playful and absolutely flirty but if there is one thing that every single person in the palace avoids it the Prince getting angry, granted he doesn't get angry often but when he does he's intimidating.
Y/n grabs the Prince by the sleeves holding in to it when he makes a move to stand, she doesn't understand where she developed the courage to do that, but she did and the Prince stopped looking at her with a harsh glare only to see her e/c colored eyes staring at him in fear, he takes a breath to calm himself down, taking the female's hand with his other one to pull it away from his sleeve and place it down to his hand, to hold it, protectively and carefully, locking their fingers together as he looks at the man
"well?" The Prince asks, he was still angry, but he was calmer, Y/n helped calm him down, his thumb rubbing softly against Y/n's skin "Leave"
The man stands and bows, leaving the two of them in the cafe, The prince looks at Y/n "You ok? I scared you didn't I?"
She shakes her head "I'm ok, thank you" he keeps on watching her as she spoke "I'm definitely ok, thankyou for not approving the proposal, I don't know what my grandparents would have done, oh and the children there, I'm thankful you declined but you didn't have to get angry at a public pace your reputation might-"
But did any of that get through to the Prince? No. He wasn't listening, actually he stopped listening, he got sidetracked by watching her speak and the way her hand moves while she tells him truths, speaking of hand, he looks down, the two of them still have hands interlocked and the rubbing of his thumb against her skin still hasn't stopped, Donghyuck's cheeks grow warm, was this not affecting her? "Y/n, stop your rambling," he comments and stands tugging her along by the hand making her stop "I wanna give you something, come on"
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Leave No One Behind
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Ch 11- Mama Don’t Preach Part 1 Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: It’s Hannah’s turn to head home for a week to see her Mama, and there’s a surprise request waiting for her too. Meanwhile, back in Sudan Ari’s left holding the baby...or in this case, puppy…
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+ only)- in Part 2
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
A/N: This is a big chapter! Part 2 will be posted later this week.  
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 10
Translations: “Me cago en todo” For Fucks sake. “Por el amor de Dios” For the love of God “mi niña”- My Girl
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Hannah looked out of the window, taking in the familiar sights as the plane got ready to land and a few minutes later, as the wheels hit the runway and the passengers cheered she couldn't help but sigh. She was home. Just as she unfastened her seatbelt and waited for the sign signalling they could disembark, her mind wandered to the moment she had said goodbye a few hours earlier that morning. She felt a pang of sadness at the image of Simon trying to follow the truck as Ari had pulled out of the resort to drive her to the airport, a couple of hours earlier than initially planned-she may or may not have told the team her flight was a few hours earlier than it was so that her and Ari could grab a drink at a small coffee shop not far from the airport. It was hardly what one could call a ‘sweep you off your feet’ date but it was nice to get out alone, just the two of them. It had felt good that Ari and her had been able to experience a certain level of normalcy before the inevitable and emotional goodbye and promises to try not to miss each other too much.
She wandered through passport control and after picking up her bag she went out into the arrivals of Ben Gurion airport almost on autopilot but she smiled hard when she saw her Mama and, just like that, her eyes filled with tears as she hurried forward and hugged the woman tightly. After the emotional reunion they headed back to the house, Hannah's childhood family home, where she had been living with her Mama since she had left the apartment her and Andy had rented once they’d gotten married. Unable to stay there alone after his death, she’d moved home and had remained there up until the moment Ari had come into the clinic turning her whole world upside down. As her Mama opened the door Hannah smiled at the familiar décor of the hallway and let out a little, happy sigh as she stepped over the threshold. It smelt like home, it felt like home... it was home.
Hannah headed upstairs and ditched her bag in her room, thinking to herself about how the last time she’d been in here was before she left in January. Back then she’d never have guessed how things would have turned out for her so far in 1980.  She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and decided that she needed a shower so turned to grab some fresh clothes out of a drawer, and as she did so she spotted a few photos of her and Andy on the unit. She glanced at them, a soft smile on her face and then turned to look around her room at the numerous other snaps of the pair of them dotted in various places in the room. She contemplated moving them for a moment before she finally came to a decision and did just that, popping them carefully in a drawer which she slowly closed after a last, nostalgic look at Andy's handsome face. She’d loved him, there was no doubt about that. But time moved on and she was finally ready to move on with it now. Shaking those sad memories from her mind she went into the bathroom to shower and twenty minutes later she made her way down to the kitchen at the back of the house which overlooked the large communal garden they shared with 4 other homes. 
She found her Mama was stood at the stove, preparing dinner, and Hannah approached, wrapping her arms round her from behind, hugging her close. 
"Nothing like your food mama. Not that Aziz’s isn’t good because it is but, well, there’s nothing like yours." she trailed off.
Her Mama turned to look at her kissing her head. "I’m making your favourite from when you were young, mi niña."
"Beef wellington?" Hannah asked, her eyes lighting up.
Mama nodded and Hannah gave a groan. "Sammy is gonna be so jealous when I get back."
"You don’t have beef in Sudan?" the woman asked as she stirred what looked like some kind of gravy in a pot.
"Half the time I haven’t got a clue what I’m eating to be honest, other than when it’s fish. Last time we had some form of steak I think it was camel."
Mama laughed heartily.  "Your brother must be having a hard time, he’s always been the picky one."
"He’s still a pain in the ass, mama." Hannah said as she moved from her mother's frame and leaned casually against the counter.
Mama looked at Hannah spotting the crease on her brow immediately and, raising an eyebrow, she asked. "Are we still talking about food, honey?"
Hannah shrugged.  "In general, and you look just like him when you do that, stop it."
"When I do what?"
"Raise your eyebrow and look at me like that."
"Like what?" the woman, whose eyes were on the pots and pans in front of her again, asked.
Hannah groaned with frustration. "Come on Mama, you know what like."
Mama sighed and, setting the wooden spoon aside, turned to look at her daughter, her hands falling down to her hips in a typical mother stance. "The only thing I know is my daughter, who I haven’t seen in months, looks more gorgeous, relaxed and happier than when she left... In fact, more so than I’ve seen her in years. Which is ironic really considering what you’re doing out there."
Hannah blushed a little at her mum's last sentence but decided to roll with it. "Well it’s nice to be doing something mama, back in the thick of it all so to speak."
Now she saw her mother was sporting a wide smile, not a sympathetic smile but a knowing one. And Hannah knew she must have anticipated something like that, if anything her mother was clever. "Something uh?" the woman said.
Hannah looked at her blankly, not understanding what she meant, or rather not wanting to give in that easily.  "Yeah, the resort and the job."
"I know that look Hannah, You’re my daughter remember, I raised you. Something tells me it’s not simply all down to those people you’re helping." her mother baited her again.
"No…I…it’s not…" Hannah's train of thought stopped as she spotted her mum's eyes skate down her neck just before she nodded to her necklace, and instinctively she reached up to touch it. Mama smiled and whether it was at the necklace or at her sudden need to touch it for comfort, Hannah couldn't tell.   
"That’s pretty."
Hannah smiled back at her before speaking. "It was a birthday present. Along with my watch, look."
She stretched her forearm and turned her wrist slightly to show her mother the watch but the woman wasn't one to be fooled and smiled before taking her eyes off the watch and nodding back at the necklace. "What is it, some kind of bee?"
"It’s a firefly."
"I take it that it was from the only person who calls you that?" her mother asked then and Hannah flinched. She had served her mother the opportunity on a silver plate and now she felt herself growing warm again under her mom’s scrutiny, but, much to her dismay, Mrs N was not letting go. "I’ve got to admit, it was a nice surprise when Ethan told me what Ari was planning to do for your birthday."
Hannah then let out a low laugh, shaking her head at her mother’s tenacity. "Why don’t you just ask me, Mama?"
"Why would I ask when I already know?"
"And what is it that you think you know?" Hannah asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.
Her mother looked at her for a couple of seconds before delivering the final blow. "That you and Ari are together. And not for the first time."
Hannah gasped. That last part had shocked her big time, she wasn't prepared for that. "You knew about us the first time?"
Mama nodded. "I did, yes."
"How did you…?"
"Once again Hannah, I’m your mother. It was pretty obvious to my eyes that something was going on there between you two back in the day.  And then you started going out almost every night and your friends used to call asking for you, so you clearly weren’t with them. And you were glowing, at the time. Just like you did when you were with Andy, and just like you are now."
Hannah looked down shyly before speaking. "Ok, so clearly I wasn’t as good at hiding it as I thought." she snorted and then paused. "Did you know about why…" she began to ask but stopped mid-sentence as she shook her head. "Actually, it doesn’t matter."
"Why you two split up? Yeah, I do. And I was mad at your brother for weeks." her mother conceded with a sigh.
“Seems like everyone knew bar me." she muttered absent mindedly. 
"Sadly it's always like that, honey." Mama stated while rubbing her daughter's arm reassuringly before resuming her work over the stove.
"Did you know it was Andy who told him? About me and Ari I mean."
Mama snapped her head at Hannah, looking at her visibly shocked. "No, No I didn’t."
"Well it was." Hannah snorted. "Ironic huh, I married the guy that broke me up from the first man I…"
"You loved?" her mother asked, finishing the sentence for her, apparently recovered from the shocking news her beloved late son-in-law had some sneaky ways in him.
Hannah gave a little smile and nodded.
"So how did Sammy react to it this time round…not that I need to ask." Mama chuckled as she bent over to check the meat cooking in the oven.
"You know him. Made a huge fuss, punched Ari again." at that Hannah snorted. "Ari let him have the first one but the second time, well I had to stop him from ripping Sammy’s head off."
"Must have been something worth seeing. No doubt I’ll hear all about it in a few weeks when he comes home."
"No doubt you will. He seemed a little better after my birthday party, and the last mission.” Hannah bit her lip, her mind straying back to the disaster of the mission and she looked at the floor.
Her Mama gently touched her arm. "Ethan told me about the woman you helped and how her baby didn’t make it. Sweetie, that must have been awful."
"Yeah it was…" Hannah paused, frowning at her mother "Hang on, Ethan told you? When did you speak to him, mum?"
"Oh he took me out for dinner last week." she brushed her daughter's question off.
Hannah blinked at her mother’s matter of fact tone. "Ethan took you out for dinner?"
"Yes he did. We had a great time. You look surprised honey.” Her Mama’s eyes flashed with mischief “Is it that hard to believe your mother still gets it in her?"
"Oh my God…mama, that’s…ergh…"
"Hey, you’re acting like your brother now." Mama protested.
"Me cago en todo." Hanna cursed in Spanish earning, a scoff from her mother, and then she looked at her mom. "Mama…did you put out on a first date?"
"Young lady, watch your mouth." she said and Hannah laughed. "And have some respect for your mother." she paused for a moment as if considering what to say next. "Besides, what if I did? It's not like you and Ari are playing chess in that damned diving resort every night, is it?"
"OH MY GOD YOU SO DID!" Hannah exclaimed as she brought her right hand to cover her slack jawed mouth.
"Por el amor de Dios, Hannah. I’m not discussing this with you, now go wash your hands…dinner is ready."
"I just showered, why do I need to wash my hands?" Hannah offered somewhat feistily.
"You don’t, I just wanted to shut you up." 
"God, mama, how am I supposed to look Ethan in the face tomorrow?" Hannah whined as she helped her mother with the oven tray.
"Same as I’m supposed to look at Ari in his, when I know what you’ve been up to." her mum retorted.
"Oh, for..."
"Mind you, I can’t blame you mi niña, Ari is a good looking guy. If I was 30 years younger…" the woman trailed, smirking.
"Mama, STOP!"
"What, it’s true?" Mama shrugged, amused by her daughter's reaction.
Hannah just shook her head before she grinned and pointed her finger at her mother "Well hands off, he’s mine."
"I don’t doubt it, honey." her mother declared, a wide smile spreading over her gentle face.
The next morning Hannah woke up and it took her a while to remember where she was. It wasn’t the sound of the waves crashing on the beach she could hear, but car horns and traffic. She recognised almost instantly though the smell of her ma's favourite soap in the sheets, but whilst her bed was comfy and familiar it felt odd. There was something missing. No Simon, no Ari, and that meant more to her than all the commodities she could ever have in Tel Aviv.
Well maybe she could trade sleeping snuggled to Ari for being able to eat Beef Wellington once a week… She chuckled and shook her head at her own absurd thoughts. Considering she spent years sleeping alone after Andy died, it hadn’t taken her long to get used to sharing a bed again, and if she was completely honest it was unnerving how she didn’t like Ari not being there, she knew it was stupid but still. She stretched and laid still in bed for a little while more as there were no breakfast duties to get to, but she suddenly remembered she did have a meeting with Ethan at HQ. Hannah cringed at the memory of her conversation with her mother last night, groaning to herself at the thought of the pair of them having dinner and… whatever. How was she going to be able to look him in the face? Shuddering at the thought she threw back the duvet and headed for her morning shower taking her time because she could, and also because she missed decent water temperature and pressure.
After her shower Hannah got dressed and went down to have breakfast with Mama. They sat and watched a little TV, another one of the things they quickly got used to not really having much chance to do in Sudan, before the car arrived to take Hannah to Mossad HQ. Once there she went through the security checks and headed up to Ethan's office, smiling to his secretary who told her to go in. 
No sooner had she knocked lightly on the door before pulling it open, Ethan stood up from his desk, a smile on his face as he strode over and pulled her into a huge hug.
"You look well, Hannah."
"Thanks Ethan."
"Must be all that sun, sea and sand huh?" he said, pulling back to take her appearance in better.
"And life or death situations…" she smiled fondly at the man.
Ethan chuckled and directed her over to the couch where she took a seat at one side as Ethan headed out and asked his secretary to get them a coffee each. Then he closed the door and sat opposite her. They chatted for a little bit, just about how the resort was going, how everyone was, a debrief of sorts on the last mission which Hannah wasn’t all that keen on reliving, but she knew she had to. Then their coffees arrived and Hannah took the time to compose herself, the emotion of talking about what had happened to the baby girl having choked her a little. She took a sip, then eyed Ethan and smiled.
"My mom says you’ve been out on a date."
Ethan paused, his stoic stance faltering a little, then looked at Hannah. "I’ve…taken her for dinner, yes."
"Has she seen your silk robe?" she attacked again.
"How do you know about that?"
Hannah grinned at the sight of Ethan's creased brow. "Ari told me."
"Course he did." he sighed. "And that reminds me... Sarah Levinson called last week asking me when you were home." Hannah blanched at Ethan's words and he noticed. "Is there something you want to tell me?"
Hannah hesitated. She wanted to take another sip of her coffee in order to buy herself some seconds but with a swift glance she realised her cup was already empty, and that was all the confirmation Ethan needed. The experienced agent rolled his eyes at her before stating the obvious.  "I knew this would happen."
Hannah shook her head. "Why does Sarah want to know when I’m home?"
"Reading between the lines I think she wants to see you." Ethan said, his gaze never leaving Hannah's face.
"But why? I’ve met her like 5 times, if that!" Hannah sort of protested, rubbing her sweaty palms over her denim clad thighs.
 "I think that’s obvious, you’re fucking her husband." Ethan shot, bluntly.
"They’re separated Ethan. And it’s not like that. You make it sound so crass, we’re not fucking…" she trailed off, her initial offended tone dying as she spoke.
"I know." Ethan agreed, his voice softer this time and stood up and headed to his desk. He reached into the drawer for a piece of paper which he gave to Hannah once he had checked it was the one he wanted. "She requested I ask you to call."
As Hannah took the paper from him there was a knock on the door and it swung open to reveal a short, slight, grey-haired man dressed in grey slacks and a light blue, short sleeved shirt. Hannah shoved the piece of paper in her pocket without giving much thought to what it meant and smiled at the man as he stepped into the room.
"I read those fucking reports you left on my table, Ethan, and let me tell you…"
Ethan cleared his throat and nodded to Hannah who blinked at the man, slightly amused at how angry he was despite his unassuming appearance. Ethan gestured to Hannah. "This is Hannah Horowitz. Hannah, meet Barack Isaacs, Mossad Chief."
Hannah stood up and shook his hand. "It’s a pleasure Sir to finally meet you in person."
"And you Mrs Horowitz. I’ve heard a lot about you from Ethan, and of course I knew your father. He was a good man. Taken far too soon." Isaacs said, not an ounce of anger in his voice or features now.
Hannah smiled. "Thank you Sir."
A few minutes later, after having said her goodbyes to both men who would be now no doubt be discussing the reports that had earned all those expletives from Isaacs’ part, Hannah headed down to the car and climbed in the back to head home. She watched the familiar buildings as they moved past and realised that the last time she had been in HQ was when Ethan broke the news of Andy’s death to her, in that very same office she’d been in today. She hadn’t even thought about it until now, but she remembered Isaacs calling her Mrs Horowitz and, now that she came to think of it, Ethan had introduced her to him as such. And whilst that’s what she was, the truth was she didn’t feel like it any more. She felt a little pang in her stomach at her own thoughts, a pang that she couldn’t quite place. Maybe it was guilt, she pondered, but what did she have to feel guilty about? Andy was dead. Had been for years and she had every right to move on. 
Then the car stopped at a traffic light and her eyes drifted to a shop on the corner, nothing special, it was an ordinary grocery store but she remembered her and Ari buying a bottle of wine from there for one of their many clandestine nights in at his apartment. They had snuggled up to the latest Led Zeppelin LP and made out a bit, in fact that was the first night Ari had ever made her come using his very talented fingers. And, as the car set off, Hannah realised that the memories of her so-called hidden relationship with Ari were all so vivid in her head now, especially after so many years of blocking them out. She sighed and her hand fell absentmindedly into her pocket and curled around the piece of paper with Sarah’s number written on it.
By the time she got home she had decided. She was going to call Sarah and see what she wanted. 
Ari had no idea how it had happened but Simon was missing. He’d searched the resort up and down and was currently going bananas looking for him around the beach and cursing the day he had backed Hannah up in keeping the damned dog.  He was legit shitting his pants when suddenly he heard him barking as he rounded the rocks with Max and Jake hot on his tail. Thank fuck, Ari thought. He might keep his head on his shoulders after all. He gave a sharp whistle and Simon looked up and then set off hurtling towards him. When the dog was close enough he jumped up at him and Ari caught him in his arms. "Hey, buddy calm down." Simon was whining and whimpering and licking Ari’s face as he rubbed the pup's back. "What the fuck has gotten into you?" Simon continued his little noises and nudged into Ari’s face and he glanced up at Max and Jake who were now within earshot. "You pup-napped my dog." Ari glared at them.
"It’s Hannah’s dog." Max deadpanned.
"He’s more mine than he is yours." Ari snapped, still angry at his two teammates for taking the dog without letting him know. And as that was just what he needed to appease himself, Sammy appeared, watching the exchange with an amused air.
"Only because you’re fucking his mom." Max mumbled.
Ari glared at him. "I heard that, dickhead."
"Technically he’s right." Jake quipped.
"Technically you’re an idiot." Ari bit back at Jake.
He was on edge, he was fully aware of that but there was nothing he could do about it. They had taken his fucking dog and it had almost given him a heart attack, not helping the bleak mood that had fallen over him ever since Hannah had left two days before.
"Technically?" Sammy asked and Simon growled. It was like a reflex action the dog had every time Sammy spoke.
"Never, ever take my fucking dog without my permission, you hear me?" Ari hissed glaring at Max and Jake. 
Once again he knew he was overreacting but he couldn’t help it. If anything were to happen to this dog, he'd be a dead man, plus he’d miss him too. Ari looked at them once more and then headed off, Simon held to his chest like a small child, with both his arms underneath the dog's butt supporting him, Simon’s paws on Ari’s shoulders, head looking around. He nodded to Rachel, who walked past him towards the spot on the sand where Jake, Max and Sammy were, and without saying a word he retreated to his hut.
All three men stood put for a moment watching him leave and then Max turned to Sammy. "God I can’t wait for your sister to come back, he’s being a pain in the ass."
"As grossed out as it makes me I kinda agree." Sammy acknowledged Max's comment.
"Blue balls don’t suit him." Jake groaned.
"Leave him alone you guys, he’s in love. Wait until it happens to you." Rachel, who had reached them now and was shading her eyes from the sun with the palm of her hand, warned them. All three rolled their eyes and she scoffed. "What?"
"Nothing mom." Max quipped, earning a slap round the back of his head from Rachel.
"I mean seriously though, what were you thinking taking the dog? You know he’s in charge of him and he’s been on edge since Han left. Don’t make it worse."
"See, even you recognise he’s being an insufferable bitch." Max whined.
"Yes and you’re making it worse Maxwell." Rachel looked at him.
"Whatever, I’m hungry now."
"What else is new?" Jake scoffed before stating "You were born hungry."
"All babies are born hungry, asshole." Max snapped as he started walking towards the main building.
"You’re the asshole. The Maltese asshole." Jake shouted at him, following suit.
Rachel groaned, following the bickering pair up the sand. Sammy dropped an arm around her shoulder, giving her a squeeze and she shook her head. She really needed Hannah there to help her deal with the bunch of overgrown kids. So much for the trained Mossad agents they were supposed to be.
By the time the sun had begun to set and they were sat at the table having dinner everyone had calmed down bar Ari who persisted in being a little bitch. There he was trying to eat whilst Simon was on his lap as the fucking dog wouldn’t leave him alone now. Jake and Max must have played some tricks on the pup for him to be so anxious and clingy ever since he got back to Ari. 
Sammy, in turn, was glaring at Simon as every time he spoke, the dog's lip would curl up in a snarl.
"What is your fucking problem?" Sammy snapped at the dog.
"Hey, don’t talk to him like that." Ari warned him, pointing at Sammy with a fork.
"Really, Ari?" Sammy scoffed and Simon growled again at the sound of his voice.
Ari sighed. "Si, quit it for fucks sake."
Rachel who was desperately trying to have a peaceful dinner without having to intervene, again, didn't miss the look Jake was giving at Sammy while mouthing "Si??" so she glared at the pair of them before she cleared her throat.
"We got a letter this morning, from the tourist board."
Ari turned to her "Yeah? What do they want?"
Rachel took the letter from her shorts pocket and handed it to him. She wasn't planning on playing that card, she had just shoved the letter there just in case but the boys' attitude had left her no choice.  "See for yourself."
Ari pushed Simon off his lap and took it. He unfolded it, his eyes scanning the words for a few seconds before he nodded. "They want to visit this weekend. I’ll call Madibo tomorrow morning, tell him it’s ok."
"Yeah…you checked the date?" Rachel asked.
"Yeah it says Thursday…so?" Max, Jake and Sammy exchanged glances and Ari looked around with an air of frustration.  "What?" "Hannah’s back on Thursday." Sammy reminded him, speaking quietly as if he was walking on eggshell.
"Nothing." he shook his head. "I’ll pick her up from the airport if you’re busy."
Fuck Ari thought before pausing and shaking his head. "No need. I’ll go. You don’t need me here."
"Yes we do. That letter says he wants to see you." Rachel pointed at the letter.
Ari frowned and reached for it again before groaning as she was right. "Fucks sake. What time are they coming? Maybe I can…"
Once again Rachel, the voice of reason, cut him off. "No you can’t. They’ll be here by 11. Her flight gets in just after."
Ari looked at her as if she had just slapped him on his face.
"Ari I’ll go, it’s not an issue." Sammy offered.
Ari just nodded as he didn't trust his voice to come out right at that moment. He was raging inside, his mind ticking off all the curses possible. And as such he spent the rest of the meal sulking in silence before he excused himself and went back to his hut. As far as he was concerned his evening was over. One week, one fucking week without her and he had just been denied the possibility of picking her up. Instead he would have to put up with Madibo and who knows who else from the fucking corrupted tourist board.
With Simon whining, as he had clearly detected his dad was upset, and snuggling round his head on the pillow Ari laid on her bed for what seemed like hours, contemplating what a needy bastard he’d turned into (or rather Hannah had made him into) in such a short period of time, before sleep overcame him. 
**** As Hannah made the 10 minute walk to the small Café she had arranged to meet Sarah in, the nearer she got the more nervous she was. She’d only ever met Sarah a handful of times, the last one being at her and Ari’s wedding. When she reached the café door her hands were sweating so she wiped them on her jeans and pushed the door open. As soon as she stepped in she spotted Sarah sat at a table near the back. She hadn’t changed much, was just as pretty as the last time Hannah had seen her. Striking cheekbones, deep brown eyes, light red hair. From the photo Hannah had seen of Maya which Ari kept on his nightstand she could see where the girl had gotten her looks from. She was very like her mother but had inherited Ari’s hair colour and face shape.
Sarah looked up, and gave Hannah a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as Hannah approached the table. She stood up and offered a stiff hand to Hannah, which Hannah took, the shake very business-like.
“It’s been a long time.” Sarah spoke in her deep, American accent.
“Yeah, it has.” Hannah agreed as Sarah made to sit down again. Hannah followed and took the seat opposite her, hanging her purse on the chair back. No sooner had they done that than someone was over to take their order. They both requested a coffee each and when the waitress disappeared Sarah spoke.
“Thank you for agreeing to meet me. I wasn’t sure you’d even call so..”
“Well it would have been rude not to, plus I also have a letter for Maya from Ari. Saves me posting it I suppose.” Hannah smiled and reached for her purse, retrieving the thick envelope. She handed it to Sarah.
“Ari said Maya wanted some photos of Simon- my, well, the group’s dog really and she wanted to see the resort too so-“ she nodded to the envelope “- there’s some in there for her.”  
“Thanks.” Sarah took the envelope, exchanging it for a slightly smaller one. “I also have a letter here for Ari from Maya, would you-“
“Of course.” Hannah nodded, taking it form her.
“You know she asks about you in there.” Sarah nodded to the letter “Her and Ari talked about you when he was home. He told her you picked her little beaded bag out, which for the record she still carries everywhere.”
Hannah blushed a little “I’m glad she liked it.”
“Are there any photos of you in here?” Sarah tapped the envelope and Hannah frowned, not quite sure what she was getting at.
“No.” she shook her head. But before she had chance to say anything else their coffee arrived. Both thanked the lady who set the cups down, then busied themselves adding sugar, Hannah stirring hers a little more than necessary before she broke the silence, deciding to ask the question that had been on her mind since Ethan gave her the piece of paper with the other woman’s number on it. “Sarah, why did you want to see me? We’ve hardly ever spoken before, certainly not like this.”
“Curiosity I suppose.” Sarah shrugged
“Curiosity? About what?”
“About you.”
Sarah nodded, taking a breath “Will you be honest with me Hannah?”
Hanna nodded, steeling herself as she waited for the inevitable question about whether her and Ari were back together.  She knew Ari hadn’t confirmed it to Sarah when he visited, because, well they hadn’t actually labelled what they were then, neither of them knew, but she also knew he hadn’t denied it.
“Do you love him?” Sarah asked.
“Oh…” that had surprised Hannah. She swallowed, “Sarah, I-“
“Because I know he loves you.”
Hannah took a deep breath before she shrugged “Yeah, yeah I do.”
Sarah nodded “In that case then I wish you good luck because you’re gonna need it.”
Hannah frowned and swallowed some of her coffee “What do you mean?”
“I mean when you all finish this mission and you’re not in your little fantasy reality anymore and you’re no longer his ‘bond girl’-”
“Hey, now, just wait a second-” Hannah interrupted a little tetchily but Sarah continued, ignoring her.
“-because he’ll never quit Hannah.” Sarah looked at her “-hell he wasn’t even there when Maya was born because he was stranded in some god forsaken part of Saudi Arabia.”
“He regrets that, he told me.” Hannah sighed and Sarah shrugged.
“I’m sure he does but his wife being 8 months pregnant wasn’t enough to stop him going. His own daughter since has never been enough to stop him going. This life, this sense of duty he has to those people, whilst it’s admirable it’s consuming him. And I just want you to know what you’re letting yourself in for. He dragged you back into all this, Hannah. He won’t be as easy to drag back out.”
Hannah looked at her, mouth hanging open a little as she wasn’t sure what to say. Part of her was pissed off, part of her felt guilty, and beneath it all a pang of sympathy. Ari hadn’t been a great husband or father, and Hannah knew that.
“That said, maybe he will quit for you.” Sarah continued “I mean, maybe me and Maya were simply just not enough…”
“Sarah, it wasn’t like that.” Hannah shook her head, sighing “I won’t make excuses for him being a shit husband and a lousy father because there are none to be made, and he knows that.”
“Yeah, he said all this when he came home.” Sarah gave a huff of laughter “He actually seemed different, happier almost, he was so relaxed with Maya and I get now that’s because of you.”
Hannah took a deep breath. “I kind of feel like I should be apologising for something here Sarah, I’m not sure what but-“
Sarah smiled “It isn’t your fault he’s been in love with you for the past 10 years.”
“You ever asked him why we weren’t at your wedding?” Sarah suddenly change the line of the conversation and Hannah looked at her, blinking “It was because he couldn’t bear to watch you marry someone else.”
“No, that’s... that’s not…”
“Ask him. He never admitted it but it was obvious. I was always second best in his eyes.”
“Ari loved you Sarah, I know he did, he’s told me.” Hannah implored “You’re the mother of his child.”
“Oh I don’t doubt he did.” Sarah smiled “Just not as much as he loved you. And here we are, he’s got you back in the end.”
At that Hannah felt the nerve twitch in her jaw, pissed at the nerve of the woman sat opposite her, blatantly trying to blame her for Ari’s attitude in their marriage. Like she was responsible for whatever he’d done over the last 8 or however many years it had been. She desperately wanted to defend Ari but couldn’t, simply because he had been an ass hole to Sarah and she wasn’t about to stick up for him when he didn’t’ deserve it, regardless of the fact she was dating him. But, she wasn’t about to sit here and take this crap from his estranged wife, especially not when Hannah had been through enough shit herself. She took a deep breath, folded her arms and arched an eyebrow. “Yeah, I guess he did. And all it took was a dead husband and a divorce huh?”
If her harsh, sarcastic tone bothered Sarah the other woman didn’t show it as she simply looked at Hannah with a small smile on her face, not a shred of anger on her face as she spoke “Well, fate has a wicked sense of humour.”
Part 2
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Meteor Shower
Fandom:  Ensemble Stars!!
Characters: Ryuseitai and Original characters
Summary: A glimpse in the life of Saya an her relationships with the mighty ‘heroes’ of Starmaker Productions
I fell into Enstars hell and i love these dorks. So take this.
This is the first of an one shot collection
Another successful day of shows was done.
The theme park was almost empty now.
She took a long sign.
That was a long day.
She better go and check on the boys.
‘Good job today!’ she said to the five boys lounging backstage.
‘Another heroic day!’ a brunet boy said. ‘Good job!’
‘Do you have to do this after every show?’ a younger brunet commented.
‘He wouldn’t be ‘Chiaki’ if he ‘didn’t’’ the cyan haired one commented.
‘Agreed on that.’ The black-haired boy agreed and the purple haired boy nodded.
She signed.
Becoming a producer was not her career choice.
But she was a business graduate and it was a job that payed.
When she joined the ES and was told that the group under her would be one based on superheroes, she was hesitant if that was her thing.
But she had managed to click with those five.
And the boys had accepted her in their team.
Chiaki always brought some cheer in her life∙ Kanata, although troublesome to look after, did have a calming effect on her, and the younger trio, Shinobu, Tetora and Midori, always tried to help her around.
He landed water and some snacks on the table.
‘Thanks’ All five said with a beat.
She needed to go make arrangements with the park owner.
They managed to arrange another show next weekend and with higher payment.
Which was better than she expected.
Man, that week was exhausting. All she wanted now was a meal and to get some sleep.
‘Lady Yamaki.’
The purple haired boy came out of the bush looking concerned, almost scaring here.
‘Shinobu, I have told you not to sneak up on others. You’ll scare someone to death.’
‘I’m sorry!’
‘It’s ok. What do you want?’
‘I was sent to check if everything is ok.’
She patted his head.
‘Everything went ok.’ She said. ‘Let’s get you and the boys back to the dorms.’
 Taking a quick meal at the ES dining hall seemed the best course of action.
She got her sketchbook from her tote bag and started doodling.
It’s always something relaxing for her.
‘Your beef steak is here!’ The dark gray-haired boy’s voice got her out of her concentration.
‘Thanks Niki!’ she said with a smile. ‘Your steak is to die for’
‘That’s great to hear Miss Yamaki!’ He said with a giant grin.
‘A nutritious Niki smile for your heart!’ He shouted doing his signature pose.
He leaned closer.
‘What are you doing there?’ he asked as he looked at her sketchbook.
‘Oh, nothing really.’ She said. ‘Just doodling.’
‘Are those Morisawa and Shinkai?’ he commented while looking at the drawing.
‘Yeah… I just felt like drawing some of their moments in today’s show’
‘That’s really good ya know!’
‘Thanks?’ she said. ‘it’s… a hobby of mine.’
‘Seriously? That is pro quality.’ He commented.
She signed.
If only he knew…
‘Well, gotta go!’ The man greeted her. ‘See ya.’
‘See ya.’
She looked at her sketches and breathed.
She would finish this, eat and leave.
She was kind of glad Chiaki had suggested the meeting to be held at a local café instead of her office in ES.
She finally did not have to wear a suit and heels.
She felt more comfortable in her long denim skirt, military shirt and sneakers.
She arrived at the recommended café earlier than the boys.
While looking at the menu, a drink caught her eye.
Or more accurately a group of drinks.
Six parfaits inspired by Tokusastu.
Red, blue, green, yellow, black, pink
She knew this part of the menu was meant for kids, but she could not help herself to think that the boys would love these.
And she might try the pink one for herself.
‘Are you ready to order miss?’ a waitress came up to her.
‘Not yet. I’m waiting for company.’
The other woman bowed and left.
She stared at the other patrons and breathed.
All the lively atmosphere and colors were giving her inspiration.
Vivid browns, yellows and greens.
A very calming combination.
The café’s bell got her out of her thoughts as he saw the familiar red and blue duo approaching her.
‘Producer!’ the brunet’s loud voice echoed.
She smiled and greet them.
‘So, where are the others?’ she asked them as they approached.
‘Their ‘job’ is running ‘late’.’
‘Yeah. They texted they will be slightly late.’
‘Alright.’ She commented. ‘Have a seat.’
Since they waited, they decided to catch up, since they rarely had time for idle chatter.
Kanata rambled about a new exhibit in the aquarium and Chiaki talked about the new movie he does stunts in.
With all the talking, the three youngest members entered the store.
‘There you guys are!’
She greeted them and pointed to their direction.
‘Sorry for the delay mam’.’ Teotra apologies.
‘Don’t sweat it. You had work anyways.’
The meeting continued uneventfully.
They talked about new projects that came in and which ones they should take up.
After everything was done, Chiaki did suggest they should take a stroll around.
She wanted to decline, but the brunet insisted to join them.
You’re part of our team! He keeps on saying.
So, she was convinced to tag along.
Soon enough, they all ended up doing their own thing.
Midori went to a store with cute items.
Tetora, Shinobu and Kanata went to get some ice cream.
And she and Chiaki kept roaming around.
As they walked his eyes sparked up when he saw the regular gacha machine store.
He gave her a pleading look as if asking for permission.
She signed and nodded.
He smiled and run inside.
He was looking at all the machines if any new hero has been added.
‘It’s you!’ A little boy shouted. ‘You’re Ryusei Red!’
She went inside to check if anything was alright.
The boy laughed.
‘Of course I am! I am the Meteor Ranger with a burning heart! The mighty ally of Justice’
The boy’s eyes sparked.
It seems a fan recognized him.
The little boy looked at her.
‘Who is she?’ he asked and pointed.
Chiaki let another boisterous laugh.
‘That, my friend, is Ryusei Pink. She is the mighty hero that helps us form the shadows, an irreplaceable member of our team.’
‘So cool!’ The little boy said with starry eyes.
She feels awkward when he introduces her like that.
‘Would you like an autograph?’ she asked the kid.
He nodded with a smile and handed his capsule over to Chiaki to sign it.
After that they continued their walk at a near park.
‘You know Chiaki, I told you it makes me awkward to introduce me like that.’
‘Nonsense! You are a part of our team so of course you are a meteor ranger too!’
She gave him a light chop on the head.
‘Just stop that!’
But despite her words there was a smile on her face, which the boy responded.
Maybe there was something nice if she was part of something.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Someone Like You-Final Chapter
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All previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 35
On the Saturday before Christmas Edith and I made Beef Wellington and served it to my two friends from school. They were coming to look at the carriage house to rent for the next school year. Jamie and I had already moved all my things to Lallybroch and I felt so weird walking through the place empty, so many memories here.
After they measured everything we all sat down to eat with doctor Lu and the girls were very complimentary. Lu kept them entertained with the medical application of hypnotherapy and Edit and I smiled watching him in his glory. The girls agreed to rent and I was happy to have arranged Edith’s next tenants so I didn’t leave her in the lurch.
The butter lovers had played until exhausted and the four of them were crashed out in Butters bed while he laid on the carpet and put his head on one of their beds. Edith got quite a laugh out of that and brought out her camera to take some pictures of our ridiculous dogs.
“I didn’t know they still developed film, Edith.”
“Of course they do and I will compare my pictures with any taken with a phone, any day.”
I hugged Edith goodbye after she loaded me up the leftovers to take home and a pecan pie she made for Jamie, his favorite. I fell into my car completely exhausted and made my way home. As I turned down our street it started to snow, big, fat flakes that stuck to the windshield and wipers. It was beautiful. I pulled over and got out to see the heavy snow falling as far as the eye could see. I marveled at the silence. I started doing this to ease my anxiety of driving in the falling snow after I got lost. Now I couldn’t stop.
I opened the kitchen door to banging and the sound of loud ripping. When I  put the food away I followed the noise and was shocked when I opened the study door. All the walls in three rooms had been pulled down and it was a big open space clear to the block wall of the house. I was thrilled at how much they accomplished today until I heard the voices of Rupert and Angus and realized they had help. That made me feel warm and fuzzy inside until Angus started telling Rupert about seeing my ass hanging off Edith’s roof. Rupert could have been super rude with his comment but he just smiled. I was already feeling embarrassed so I was grateful.
“Claire, glad ye home, we need to get started on these invitations. Grab yer favorite pen. Stormy is comin to help us.”
I was excited about seeing Stormy but the rest could hang in my opinion. Jenny had already called the guestlist for the wedding since it was a short week away, why did we need formal invitations? She insisted every invitation be handwritten as well. I would rather build a snowman with Butter and Jamie. In protest, I walked extra slow to the kitchen.
“Christ almighty, look at the snow come down. I’m callin Stormy to stay home. It’s not safe to be on the road tonight. Them boys might want to get out while they can.”
“Oh no, Jenny! You sit. I will tell them and be right back.”
When I joined Jenny again I had told each person it was snowing like crazy, gone to my room twice to look for my favorite pen, and checked on Butter. I looked at the list thrilled Jenny was almost done. I started to write an address and found myself staring out the window at the snow, pen twirling in my fingers.
“Claire yer worse than a ten-year-old. Concentrate lass and let’s get this done.”
By the time I finished my envelope, Jenny was done with the list and I launched out of my chair, throwing on my jacket, scarf, and gloves. I turned around to get Butter and he was right on my heals so I almost tripped over him. When the kitchen door closed I took a deep breath and tried to shake off my claustrophobia.
“Ok Butter, watch and learn.”
I started with a snowball and rolled it in the wet snow until it was about to my waist, then I did another but I could not lift it. Damn, I thought, the size I can lift will look like a toy snowman. I sat on the largest ball and thought about how I might do this.
“Please tell me yer not having second thoughts mo gradhag. You look like ye got the weight of the world on ye shoulders.”
“I do, it’s just too heavy. The snowman’s stomach, it’s too heavy for me, but not you! C’mon, I’ll help.”
I jumped off the snowball and crouched down to help hoist the midsection on top of where I had been sitting. Jamie pushed me away smiling and pulled the ball of snow on top of the other. I was already rolling another ball and picked it up easily to set it on top.
Jamie hugged me and pulled me into the house. We all thanked Angus and Rupert for the extra hands and they were anxious to exit our road before it became impassable. They both pointed and laughed at my snowman on the way to their vehicle. I stuck my nose in the air like I didn’t care and went upstairs to relax.
When Jamie came up later he jumped on the bed next to me and fanned out all the brochures he had collected of the islands and the fun things to do. I was so excited about the hut he rented over the water. A peer stretched 500 feet into the ocean with huts attached. Ours was on the end so it was just us and the ocean out there. It had a glass floor so we could watch the sea life underneath. We completely agreed on snorkeling daily and picked out the restaurants after reading the reviews. The rest we would figure out once we got there.
“It’s like New Orleans on steroids mo chridhe.”
It was indeed and I couldn’t wait to get there as Misses James Fraser. We just had Christmas and the wedding to get through. I should not be thinking of them as a chore but right now that is exactly how I saw it. *********************
It is the eve of my wedding and I cannot sleep. I’m having an anxiety attack and coming out of my skin from the walls closing in on me. I need Jamie like I need my lungs but Jenny insisted we separate for twenty-four hours before the wedding. She asked if I wanted to jinx my own wedding which I certainly did not. Jamie kissed me at the bottom of the stairs tonight and I almost cried the way he looked at me. Now I wander around our room feeling so weird, so displaced and I don’t understand it. I feel like I want to sob my heart out, on the night before my wedding?
I sat on the stairs with a blanket around me shivering in the cold house. It was like I was transported back in time to when I was ten years old dreading my trip back to Peru. I was going to marry the man who pulled me into his room that night and I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. So why am I blue? I crept down the stairs and laid next to Jamie on the sofa feeling his arms pull me to him immediately.
“I could hear ye pacin upstairs and hoped ye would come down here so I can tell ye how much I love ye. What’s wrong mo chridhe?”
“I don’t know. I feel anxious and sad and excited all at the same time.”
“Well, if yer like me yer missin yer parents. I know I am. My mam talked about fallin in love and having a family of my own. I would give anything for her and my da to be here.
“Yer missin yer parents tonight love?”
That did it. The sobs came and I clung to Jamie for five minutes of emotion that had been right under the surface for the past week.
“Dinna fash wee one, I’ve decided I love ye enough for me and them. I believe in heaven Sassenach and yer parents and mine will be here with us tomorrow. I believe we will feel their presence and their blessing. With all my heart I believe that mo chridhe.”
I started to get up and he held me to him asking me to stay for a few hours, then he would carry me to bed. I was so relieved I melted into him and started to relax. I felt him lift me off the couch hours later and he laid next to me in our bed until I was asleep again. Jamie was gone when I woke up and I didn’t see him until the wedding.
I fed the chickens and piled hay into their cubbies for warmth even though our heat lamp provided a toasty environment for them in the barn. I worried about Golfarb and went to look for her. She was nowhere to be found. With a pounding heart, I quickly counted the chickens and there were twenty! Golfarb was with her sisters, probably to stay warm, but I was thrilled. While the chickens ate I gathered the few eggs I found and carried them to the house. Egg production had nearly dropped off completely with the onset of winter and I was not unhappy about that.
Jenny was up stirring her maids punch when I walked into the kitchen. It is a wicked brew that includes a bottle of rum and a dozen other ingredients of which half are alcoholic. Jenny would be my only maid due to the limited space but six of our girlfriends were coming early to help decorate and drink.
“The bride is up and has her snow boots and parka on. Put them boots outside before ye track mud all over the house lass. Are ye ready to marry my brother Claire?”
“I have never been this ready for anything in my life Jenny.”
“The way yer blushin, yer gonna be a beautiful bride. But get those boots off and get in the tub, the big tub, I left ye a pre-weddin gift. Dinna tell Jamie about it cause I didna get him anything.”
I laughed and hugged Jenny before going upstairs to enjoy that amazing tub and lose myself in COCO Chanel! I jumped up and down and yelled out the door that I love Jenny more than Jamie right now. I poured it into the hot water and closed my eyes as the room filled with that magic scent. After twenty minutes of heavenly hot water, I grabbed my razor for what I hoped would be a fun surprise. I had steadily increased the width of my racing stripe for this very occasion and took my time sculpting a perfect heart. I was very happy with the way it looked and I hoped Jamie would like it or at least think it was clever. I wanted the heart right above my bud so much of my racing stripe was now gone. It felt a little bare but it looked really good. At least I thought so.
I realized that we would be swimming in the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas at this time tomorrow, and my heart rate shot up. Every single thing in my life was exciting at this moment and I felt ready to burst.
I was already packed for our trip because we were taking the red-eye tonight giving us two hours to enjoy the party before we have to leave for the airport. It seemed exceptionally odd to be packing sundresses in the middle of winter but it made me count the days to eighty-five degrees and sunshine and it was finally here.
There were all kinds of commotion downstairs and I looked out the bathroom door and saw two men bringing huge flower arrangements into the room. They were beautiful with white roses and orchids, baby’s breath and evergreen branches. I wondered where they came from because Jenny and I had not planned for those arrangements.
By the time my hair was dry Jenny was laying on our bed resting her back. She closed her eyes and announced she felt nothing otherworldly happening to her, she didn’t have a mad urge to rape Ian.
“I suspected ye were in an energy vortex like I saw on U Tube, but I feel nothin unusual so that can’t be it. I want to believe there’s hope that I will scream with a minute-long orgasm so I refuse to believe it’s ye and Jamie. Oh well, let’s start yer hair. Stormy called and she is on her way.”
“Jenny, I can start my own hair. You stay right there. Stormy can help me if I need it. Can I get you to do the Jessica Rabbit hairdo at the end? Hey, what do you think of my heart?”
“Holy shit Claire! Give me some warnin before ye expose yerself that way. I am so jealous I want to drop to the floor kicking and screaming but this baby is in the way… of everything.”
Stormy is such a great friend and she was so gentle with my hair while we gabbed about everything. I was so relaxed with her soft hands in my hair I lost track of time. Jenny woke up, looked at the clock, and turned into a house on fire. Her large brush drove into my hair pulling it into a flat iron with an intensity that snapped me out of my Stormy haze. The wedding started in one hour and Jenny still had to dress so I sat perfectly still and helped however I could. The whole time I heard banging and dragging going on downstairs and wondered what on earth was happening down there. Two of our friends did my make up with Jenny watching closely, smiling for the most part.
Jenny was touching her fingers like she was counting and mumbling. Then she announced I did not have something borrowed to get married in. I thought it a weird tradition until Jenny returned with the most sacred possession of her mother’s and we all gasped looking at them.
“I insist you where my mam’s earings Claire. You were a daughter to her, same as me. She is here today with da, I know she will feel honored that ye wear them to marry my brother.” Loops of sterling silver, so thin they moved like water and caught the light as they shimmered. They were absolutely perfect for my dress and the winter theme of the wedding. I felt my eyes well with tears and the whole room was running at me with a kleenex. I held up my hands and laughed at the startled looks.
With my hair swept up and ringlets falling at my temples and down my back, beautiful silk stockings and the tiniest beaded thong, I stepped into my shoes as Jenny chased the girls downstairs and suggested they drink her special Maids punch. The silence in the room was so wonderful for my frayed nerves. Jenny held my dress up as I had done for her and I slipped into it, suddenly transformed into a bride.
“Christ and all the saints yer a beautiful bride.” Jenny grabbed a kleenex and wiped her tears.
“I have something for you Jenny, to say thank you for being my best friend my whole life.”
I handed her a box and watched her open the special gift I spent days looking for. I decided on a delicate eighteen carrot gold bracelet with four diamonds that were a half-carrot each and superior quality. I could tell instantly that she loved it because her eyes were popping out.
“Lass, it’’s amazin how real cubic zirconian looks these days, is it nae?” She said it just above a whisper and her face was the color of a pink rose.
“Thank you for saving my life year after year with letters and hugs hello and promises goodbye. I love you so much and those are not cubic zirconian. Thank you for everything Jenny.”
She turned around and left to get dressed with a dreamy smile on her face, then she ran back in and kissed me, then gone again.
There was a quiet knock on the door and Edith peaked in. She took my hands and looked me up and down. “Well, my little mustang is a beautiful bride. I love you. Congratulations sweetheart.”
I wanted to see and feel Jamie so badly it was hard to sit still. When Jenny came back I jumped to my feet. She wore the bracelet and it shot sparkles out in every direction.”Ready lass?”
We went down the back stairs and I nearly fell over when I saw Murtagh in a tuxedo with his hair slicked back and a shiny face.
“Murtagh, you look amazing.”
“Well lassie, I dinna ken the right English words for how ye look. It might take some time.”
I giggled at that and took his arm. Robbie Mcnab, the son of a neighbor was waiting to give the signal and ran around the corner when Murtagh told him to. What seemed like seconds later the massive front door opened and Ian offered his arm to Jenny, walking her into the house. I heard the wedding music and Murtagh walked me in slowly. I lifted my eyes to Jamie’s cool, sparkling, indigo gaze and felt my heart in my throat. Murtagh kissed my cheek and handed me to my true love.
Our favorite reverend officiated the wedding and started the ceremony with the story of when we met. He spoke eloquently of seeing the love in Jamie’s eyes as he watched me that day and the way I blushed like a spring rose when he held my hand. It was so beautiful and wonderful of him to speak of it. The ceremony was beautiful too I imagine. I was too lost in Jamie’s eyes to listen but I felt soft warm fingers on my elbow and knew it was time to bless the rings. I turned slightly to smile my thanks at Jenny and realized she was too far from me to reach my elbow, In fact, no one was close enough to touch that arm. Then I heard, “you may kiss your bride.”
Jamie’s kiss was a promise of undying love that touched my soul. The reverend said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce Mister and misses Fraser." I could feel myself smiling and saw so many faces approach, hug, and speak to us. I was in a pink bubble of happiness and looked at the most beautiful decorations throughout the lower level. It was hard to take it all in and I wondered who set all this up. I looked around at all the friends I have in my life now, the people that I loved, and knew any one of them would have done it for us.
Jenny pressed a glass of juice in my hand and smiled at me with so much excitement.
“Are ye alright lass? If yer feeling faint just look at that ring on yer finger and it’s sure to wake ye up.”
I lifted my hand to see the sparkling diamonds that spanned the top half of the band. I looked at Jamie wide-eyed and he kissed me before leading me around to thank our guests for coming.
Doctor Abernathy and his wife Gail were there as was Lucy who was loving the punch she found in the kitchen. While we talked I watched people bringing trays of food from the kitchen placing them on any flat surface they could find. I was flabbergasted at the quantity and quality of the food. When I found Jenny again I asked her where all this amazing food came from.
“Mister Dunsany provided the flowers and catering, the likes of which we may never see again so eat as much as ye can, everything is delicious. Oh, Claire, he sent an envelope with yer name on it. It’s next to one of the arrangements." I found the envelope and felt dizzy when I pulled out a one thousand dollar gift certificate to the baby store in Edinburgh. How extraordinary, I thought.
Before time ran out I spoke with all of our girlfriends and gave them the date of Jenny’s surprise baby shower. All heads nodded and smiled and I promised to call them when we got back.
I laughed at the level of happiness in the room and it made me so happy.
“Sassenach, we have a minor problem. The snow is comin down heavy. It won’t impact Jenny’s Hogmanay guests, they’re used to the flatbed shuttle the neighbor provides. He makes a boatload of money from tips so he’s dancin a jig right now. We need to find a way out of here tonight or miss the plane. Can ye get changed and ready to leave? I’ll see if Angus will help.
Alarm bells were going off in my head and I quickly slipped my dress back on the hanger and changed into my jeans and a soft long-sleeve T-shirt. In ten minutes we were wading through so many people just trying to get outside. Angus was in his truck gunning the engine. I hugged Butter and reminded Jenny to feed the chickens and collect the eggs or they would eat them and we would be out of the egg business. ”And don’t forget Butter’s food is in the freezer, and have Ian check the warming light every night in the barn and …” I felt Jamie lift me up and wave us out the door.
We jumped in Angus’s huge truck, out of breath of running. It was toasty warm inside.
“My God it’s comin down, pray they don’t close the airport tonight,” he said with an evil chuckle.
They did close the airport however we were already in the air high above the swollen clouds that threatened our honeymoon. We stole kisses from each other whenever we could and curled up to sleep our way to the Bahamas.
24 hours Later
I laid on Jamie’s chest in the huge hammock that attached to our hut and hung over the water. It was so relaxing to swing and watch the crystal blue water. We had snorkeled all day and now, pleasantly exhausted, we tried to rouse each other to shower and dress for dinner. Laying in each other’s arms, watching the sunset over the water was too much of a pull so neither of us could move until it was dark.
Jamie kissed me deeply and whimpered in my ear he was hungry.
“I am not sure how we were able to do this Sassenach but we have not consummated our marriage and I am too weak with hunger to try.”
“Well, you are my favorite thing to do but the water was so amazing. Let’s go eat and remedy the situation. Oh,” I said giggling, “I have a silly surprise for you.”
“Give me my surprise Sassenach, it will give me the energy to get to the restaurant.”
“It’s not like a decoder ring or anything like that. Now I feel weird mentioning it.”
With great effort, we made it into the hut and Jamie gave into temptation and laid on the floor to watch the sea life through the glass floor. There were so many fish that were attracted to the underwater light. “It is a mystery this surprise.” He grabbed my ankle and pulled me down to the floor with him.
“I have a surprise too mo chridhe.”
Jamie stretched his arm and pulled the refrigerator door open laughing.
“Holy shit! Where did all that come from?”
"I stuffed a thermal bag with all that, zipped it up, stuffed it in another suitcase and checked it. It was still cold when I took it out. I forgot all about it." He started pulling gorgeous treats out that looked more like a piece of art than food.
“Oh my God, this is so good Jamie. This one is even better. What does that one taste like?”
At some point in our gorge-fest, Jamie picked me up and carried me to the bed nibbling on my stomach, making me giggle. I was still eating but it was getting harder because his nibbles were now warm and wet. He pulled my bikini top off and sucked on my breasts before he linked his thumbs into the bottom half and pulled them off.
“Christ Sassenach, oh my God, what a perfect wife ye are! I love it and ye so bare now.”
“Oh yea, that’s my surprise.” Jamie was rubbing his cheek over all the new skin exposed.
“It’s so much better than a decoder ring mo gradhag, he laughed. I love ye, and I’m fallin in love with yer pussy all over again.”
He opened my legs and laid on my thigh looking at me and touching places that were stealing my sanity. When I felt his warm wet tongue I was but a minute away from my explosion. I pulled Jamie up and pressed on his buttocks to push him toward me. I wanted to feel him inside me for as long as possible and like the best husband that ever lived, he made it last.
We had an amazing shower outside of our hut with the full moon shining down on us. Jamie kissed me over and over as I spread soap lather all over him. I felt like someone had given me knock out drops however and walked quickly to the bed before I passed out on my feet. I heard Jamie’s voice echo in my dream asking to see my heart again. I don’t know if I answered him or not.
My eyes opened late in the night and I heard Jamie breathing next to me. I turned my head and could see his face in the moonlight. I smiled at his serene expression and tried to fall asleep again but couldn’t. Rather than wake him I slipped my short robe on and walked outside to lay on the tiny patio in front of the hut. It was so peaceful and I ached for Jamie until I felt his hand on my hip as he laid behind me whispering lovely things in my ear.
“You’re naked Jamie.” I looked down the length of him and wanted to touch him everywhere.
“I came out to lure ye back to bed but that’s not gonna happen with ye lookin at me that way.”
I pushed him onto his back and crawled to his feet placing kisses from his ankle to his knee. He was watching me and I smiled. From his knee, I kissed deep on his inner thigh letting my kisses get wetter as I got closer to his lovely balls. I pressed my face into them sucking and licking, hearing Jamie start to pant. I played with his heat until he held my hair and pushed my mouth onto him. I teased his arousal to the brink of orgasm and then backed off. When I did it the second time he pulled me off of him and spun my back to his chest locking me into position with his thighs and arms.
“Yer a wee tease Sassenach and I’m gonna punish ye for it. “
Being completely at his mercy I could do little when he pushed into me with force. I felt him so deep as he pulled my leg behind his knees opening my core to his touches and making me pant for release.
“Come for me lass,” he panted in my ear as he rammed me. “That’s a good lass, oh God Sassenach.”
I was thrown so high I barely noticed Jamie’s climax, becoming aware of his grip on me as I came back to earth. We made it back to bed and slept like the dead until morning.
For the next week, we played all day, ate sumptuous food in the evening and made love through the night. Jamie was cerebral about my new heart for the entire week. He would get very quiet and then pull me to our hut, remove the bikini, and stare at my heart. 
We walked down the beach to listen to music one night and Jamie danced slow with me. Halfway through the dance, I knew he would be pulling me out of the bar. We couldn’t get home fast enough so he pushed me into the sand in a secluded place and pulled my clothes off. I could see his neck pulsing with his hammering chest. Once he could see the heart he just touched it, almost reverently at first. It started with a kiss, additional kisses, my hands in his hair, pulling his head to my bud, panting his name, his wet tongue, my deep moans and begging for him, and then he stopped, leaving me breathless. He dressed me again and pulled me along as we ran down the beach to our hut. I laughed so hard I almost tripped but when we crossed our threshold the humor ended and Jamie rocked my world.
I had trouble sleeping again that night and finally went outside to lay in the enormous hammock. The sounds of the water under me was calming and I dozed on and off. Jamie woke me with a dozen kisses on my face and cuddled us back to sleep. Just before dawn, I felt him suck my nipple and I gasped. I saw fire in his eyes and tried to get out of the hammock but he held me there and pressed into my slick center. His kiss took my breath away and our stomachs slapped together while he pushed into me without mercy. I felt him pushing me right off the hammock but could do nothing except tell him harder and faster. When we both climaxed together I was staring down at the ocean beneath us and Jamie was holding onto to my hips gasping for breath. I told him to let go and my naked body slipped into the water just four feet under us. 
Jamie and I swam naked as the sun peaked over the horizon. It was magical. We climbed out and showered off before being caught by the fishing boats that passed each morning. 
When I woke up there was coffee and scones to fuel my excitement for another incredible day.
We packed as much as possible into every minute and I knew I would never forget our incredible honeymoon.
I felt Jamie’s kisses all over my face before he nuzzled into my hair.
“Sassenach. We’re home, time to wake up.”
I could see he just woke up himself and I was relieved he was able to rest.
Scotland looked like a winter wonderland. It had snowed again for the last three days and I was very happy to see Angus waiting for us curbside. My God it was cold. As we piled in he handed us our coats and we were homeward bound.
What awaited us at home? Let’s see, pounding, sawing, drilling, hammering and an inch of drywall dust on everything. Snarky Jenny going into her last month of pregnancy. I start the hardest semester of my nursing program tomorrow and probably cannot get down our road with all this snow. I will probably deliver our baby after second semester, during finals week, necessitating special arrangements, proctors when I can take the exams, and a letter from the Dean to allow it all.
I looked at Jamie when he whistled at the depth of snow on our slightly plowed road. In my mind, I just saw roses… everywhere. They were up and down the road, all over the white fields, blooming every color imaginable. They were even in the rooms under construction. Everyone else might see a construction disaster zone but I just saw roses. Life's challenges will have to get much harder before I dread a single moment of this beautiful existence with Jamie, and that makes me happy.
The End (for now)
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fuck-customers · 5 years
Customer: can I get a slider? Me: ok which one? Customer: the slider? Me: yes we have many sliders, roast beef, buff... Customer: the one for a dollar, the small one Me: they're all a dollar mam and the same size
168 notes · View notes
isitgintimeyet · 5 years
The Ties That Bind
Thanks for reading so far.
Gaelic translations are at the end. Apologies if they’re not correct, had to rely on internet translation!
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and encouragement.
Chapter 19: A Problem Shared
Manny: I understood "crazy old witch," "go kill yourself," then "I love you." Jay: I'll never get this; how you all yell at each other.
Gloria: That's how you know that your family loves you, when they feel free to scream at you.
- Modern Family
Geneva: Ultrasound is on 15th. 11:40. Princess Royal Maternity hospital.
Jamie: Fine. I will meet you there, coming from work.
Geneva: I will be telling people after this scan, so better tell your family before then.
Jamie: I’m going up to Lallybroch this weekend, will tell them then
Geneva: I can come with you to tell them. 
Jamie: Thanks but that’s ok. Claire is coming with me
Geneva: ok.
The weather was perfect for the journey through the Highlands, another day of blue skies and warm sunshine, thanks to an unusual but very welcome heatwave.
Jamie should have been in his element driving his favourite route home to Lallybroch. Instead he clenched the wheel with grim determination, eyes focussed on the road ahead, willing the journey to be over.
Claire was silent and did not even comment when they sailed past their customary stopping point. She realised he was best left to his own thoughts at the moment.
Jamie still hadn’t planned how to break the news to Brian, Murtagh and, God help him, Jenny. He knew none of them would be thrilled with the news, but it was Jenny’s quick temper and razor sharp tongue that he was dreading.
Claire glanced over at Jamie, noting the tension in his jaw, teeth clenched tightly together. She rubbed his arm, feeling his strong muscles through the thin shirt. His strength was obvious, but this weekend, she knew he would be relying on her to be strong for him.
Jamie smiled tightly. “The thing is, ye ken,” he spoke as if they were just continuing a conversation, rather than having spent the previous fifty minutes in silence.
“The thing is, Mam told me always tae think about my actions, and whether I would be ashamed tae tell her and Da about it. If I felt ashamed and wanted tae keep it hidden, I shouldna do it. Weel, I’m no’ exactly ashamed, but I’m no’ verra proud either. Although...”
He paused, working out how to put his thoughts into words. “...no, I am ashamed. Ashamed of no’ considerin’ the consequences of my actions, ashamed of sleepin’ wi’ a woman I dinna really care for, ashamed of conceivin’ a bairn in this way.”
Jamie picked up Claire’s hand and brought it to his lips. “But, one thing I am verra proud of is ye. And, idiot dickhead that I am, that ye still love me.”
Claire smiled. “You may be many things, James Fraser, including an idiot dickhead, but I do… I do love you.”
Claire was relieved when they turned into the driveway to Lallybroch and finally pulled up outside the house. She clambered out of the car, her legs stiff after four hours with no breaks, and headed for the side door with Jamie just behind.
Before they reached the door, Brian appeared around the side of the house, stooped over a vision in Spider-Man blue and red. Clad in a Spider-Man tracksuit, with a Spider-Man helmet perched on his head, Wee Jamie sat astride a Spider-Man tricycle, making no attempt to pedal whilst his grandad steered and pushed him forward. He rang the tricycle’s bell.
“Stop now… pease, Grandab.” He instructed his grandfather.
Wee Jamie quickly dismounted and rushed over to his uncle who scooped him up in his arms for a kiss, tickling the lad’s cheeks with his bristles. Wee Jamie pushed him away, giggling helplessly, and held his arms out to Claire. She held him tight, pretending to bang her head on the helmet he was still wearing before giving him a kiss.
“And what is all this finery ye have here, mo laochain?” Jamie asked his nephew with mock seriousness.
“‘S from Maggie. Imma big brover… a good one, aye?”
Jamie caught the eye of Jenny, who had just emerged from the house, and smirked.  
“From yer wee sister, eh?”
“Aye,” Jenny said firmly. “Because he is such a good brother and Maggie loves him.”
“And ‘afore ye say anything,” Jenny spoke to Jamie in a low voice. “It’s no’ a bribe, it’s jes’ reinforcing good behaviour towards the baby.”
“Right.” Jamie laughed and hugged his sister.
Brian abandoned the little tricycle and came over to join them.
“Ah, Claire, ‘tis good tae see ye again.” He kissed her cheek. “Murtagh has jes’ gone tae the village fer some provisions. Mrs. Crook’s no’ too well, so we have tae do some cookin’ tonight. If we pitch in together, we can manage, nae doubt… but not ye, Jamie, son. Anyway, come in, come in, and we’ll put the kettle on and mebbe a wee bit of cake. Here, Claire, gi’ the lad tae me. Ye can freshen up if ye want.”
Brian held out his arms and his grandson flung himself into them. He led the way into the kitchen.
“Where’s Ian?” Jamie asked.
“Och, Maggie had a wee accident, a wee bit o’ nappy leakage. He’s jes’ cleanin’ her up.”
Claire looked across at Jamie and nodded at him meaningfully. He blushed slightly and pushed Claire ahead of him into the house.
In Mrs. Crook’s absence, dinner had been surprisingly good, thanks to Murtagh creating his version of beef chilli, served with enough rice to feed the whole village. Now the adults all sat companionably round the kitchen table. The baby monitor, placed on the dresser, provided a background of gentle snores and snuffles from Wee Jamie and Maggie asleep upstairs.
Jenny picked up her cup of decaffeinated tea reluctantly, staring at the strong coffees and whiskies of the others with jealousy. “It’s no’ fair.” She muttered. “No alcohol, no caffeine.”
She looked at her husband accusingly.
Ian smiled. “Tell ye what. Fer the next bairn, I’ll gi’ them all up wi’ ye. Is that fair?”
“It’ll no’ be fair till we can share the pukin’ and the swellin’ and the pain too. Still I appreciate the offer. But, Ian Murray, yer daughter isna even six weeks old, and ye’re thinking about another! Gi’ me a break first, please.”
Jamie felt Claire’s hand squeezing his knee, her finger tapping against his skin repeatedly, prodding him to start his confession. He took a sip of whisky and sat back in his chair. His eyes sought hers, begging: ‘I’m no’ ready yet… let me enjoy this family moment a wee bit longer, please.’ Claire stilled her finger but her hand remained on his knee.
“Wee Jamie seems tae be gettin’ more used tae sharin’ his Mam.” Brian began. “I ken the wee gifts help, but it’s good fer him tae learn tae share his Mam, his Da, weel, all of us wi’ other bairns. Call me a sentimental old fool, but I love it when Lallybroch is filled wi’ family and bairns rather than jes’ Murtagh and me rattlin’ ‘round all these rooms. The more the merrier, I say.”
Jamie felt his cheeks start to burn. He dropped his gaze and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the bubbling sensation in his stomach. Claire squeezed his knee reassuringly as he sat up straight.
“I have something I have tae tell ye all.”
He noticed Jenny’s eyes leap straight to Claire’s left hand, wrapped around her whisky glass.
“It’s no’ about Claire and me. Weel, I suppose it is… no’ directly… I mean, it affects Claire… and me.”
Conscious of his ramblings, he paused before blurting his confession out in one breath. “I’m having a bairn. Geneva’s pregnant wi’ ma baby. I’m no’ wi’ Geneva. But I will support her with the bairn. No’ sure how yet. Claire kens all this. And, as ye’re nae doubt thinkin’ about it, ‘twas ‘afore I met Claire.”
The room was silent. Jamie looked at each of his family members in turn. Brian had closed his eyes, processing the information. Murtagh’s thick brows were drawn together in a deep frown. Ian gazed into his whisky, shaking his head slightly. Jenny, God help him, had gone white, her lips pursed together, her chest heaving, ready to let rip. Claire brought her arm up and slid it around Jamie’s shoulders, bringing him closer to her, a visible show of support.
Suddenly, a baby’s cry rang out. Jenny stood up and stared at her brother. “I have tae see tae Maggie, but this isna over, brother. I have a few things tae say tae ye.”
Claire could feel Jamie untense slightly as Jenny left the kitchen. “Weel, does naebody want tae say anything tae me, or are we tae wait fer Jenny tae gi’ me a tongue lashing?”
Brian spoke first. “Lad, I canna say I’m no’ shocked at yer news and, truth be told, a wee bit disappointed. And I have tae question what ye were thinkin’ tae be sae irresponsible. I could sit here and lambast ye fer what ye did. But lookin’ at ye, I dare say ye’ve been punishin’ yerself plenty over it. If it’s yer bairn, as ye say, and ye’re man enough tae accept responsibility, then that’s as it should be. We’ll welcome the child intae the family. Jes’ gi’ us time tae get used tae the news. But, Geneva… nah, I’ll no’ say anything about her. She’ll be my grandchild’s mother.”
“Weel, if ye willna say anythin’ aboot that, I will.” Murtagh interrupted. “Sgliùrach! Tè innleachdach! I never liked that one.”
Claire looked questioningly at Jamie who shook his head slightly.
Murtagh turned to Claire and continued. “And are ye alright, m’eudail? If yon bod ceann isna treating ye right ye tell me now. If ye stick wi’ him, it’s a lot fer ye too.”
Claire was touched by the usually gruff Murtagh’s concern. Although she didn’t understand the Gaelic words he used, she understood enough from his tone of voice and his hand reaching across the table to pat hers.
“I’m fine, thanks.”
Jamie looked across at Ian. “And have ye nothin’ tae add?”
Ian smiled weakly. “I dare say Jenny will have enough tae say for the pair o’ us. Good luck wi’ that.”
Everyone grew silent again, awaiting Jenny’s return. Finally, with Maggie settled, they heard her footsteps along the stone corridor. Claire felt Jamie tense once more. Jenny came and stood by Jamie, leaning against the table.
“Sae,” Jenny started, sounding surprisingly calm. “Has everyone said their piece? What’s the thoughts?”
This was obviously a rhetorical question as, poking her finger at Jamie and now sounding significantly less calm, she continued without pause.
“What were ye thinkin’ man? Tae get yer end away in a one-night stand is one thing, and I’ll let that pass for the moment, since we all know how easily men can be led by their cocks. But, tae bed her wi’ no thought fer protection, like some sort o’ desperate teenager, that is jes’ too much. And this is Geneva, ye ken what she’s like. Did ye no’ remember? Or were ye sae consumed wi’ lust, ye jes’ had tae go fer it. And bugger the consequences. ”
Jamie tried, against his own better judgement, to interrupt. “She said…”
“Ah, she said, she said. Nae doubt she said, ‘oh, it is absolutely fine. Do not worry about it James. I will take care of that.’” Jenny affected a high-pitched posh English accent in some sort of impression or caricature of Geneva. Then, mindful of the current audience, she added. “No offence, Claire.”
“None taken, Jenny.”
“Aye, but lots taken here, sister…”
“Did I ask ye, James Fraser? No?... well then… Cast yer mind back tae Rupert’s wedding. Correct me if I’m wrong, bràthair, but did I or did I no’ say to ye that I could see the way she was lookin’ at ye like ye were a catch and she meant tae reel ye in again? And that’s exactly what she’s tried tae do. Unfortunately for her, a combination of ye fallin’ fer Claire here and Geneva’s awfa personality means ye got off her hook again. But, mark me, she’ll no gi’ up tryin’.”
Jenny took a sip of her now cold cup of tea and grimaced. Ian handed her his whisky glass and she took a large gulp.
“Christ, that’s good…” She forgot herself for a moment as she savoured the taste of the whisky before getting back to the task of berating Jamie. “See what ye’ve driven me tae, Jamie, ye’ve driven me tae drink. Now I canna feed my own child for hours because of this.”
“I think ye’ll be ok with that wee bit…” Ian began, then quickly stopped as Jenny shot him a withering look.
“What I will say tae ye then, Jamie, is this. Ye have been a damn fool and an absolute arse with nae more sense than a sixteen year old trying tae get laid fer the first time. I wouldna blame Claire if she upped and left ye. Ye’ve given her a lot tae put up with. And more yet tae come, nae doubt, because I dinna think that Geneva will gi’ up so easy. She’ll try to catch ye again, this time wi’ a bairn as bait. But I will be civil tae Geneva if I have tae be, for the sake of my niece or nephew. And we will all love the bairn because, in spite of the fact of who its mother is, it will be yers.”
And with that Jenny gave Jamie a kiss on his cheek and sat down next to Ian, taking another swig of his whisky, as Murtagh gave her an exaggerated thumbs up.
Jamie lay in his bed, watching Claire potter around his bedroom. He loved how well she fitted into his life and his family. This would have been so much more difficult without her here. He felt fully relaxed for the first time in a couple of weeks. Claire rummaged in her bag for her night shirt.
“Leave that, Sassenach, please?” Jamie asked. “I dinna want ye tae wear anything. I want tae feel yer skin on mine. In the night, I love tae know there’s nothing in between us.”
Claire didn’t answer but stripped her clothes off, leaving them neatly by her bag, then walked over to join him in bed.
“Ye’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Claire. Christ… wi’ the coldest feet. There’s a heatwave in Scotland, how can yer feet still be cold?”
“It’s this house, the stone floors downstairs.” Claire laughed as she curled her legs up and manoeuvred her feet to press against Jamie’s thighs.
Jamie switched the light off and they lay curled up together in the dark. He thought that Claire had drifted off to sleep when she started to speak.
“You said you love to know there’s nothing in between us, but there still is something. You know, when we make love.” Fearful of being misunderstood, she quickly continued. “Do you want me to go on the pill?”
“I wouldna ask ye tae do that, unless ye wanted tae.”
“I do want to. I want there to be nothing in between us either, but… would you get tested, please? I’ll do it too. Although Frank and I always used condoms and I know you believe that she… er, Geneva didn’t sleep with anyone else, you can’t know for sure. So would you?”
Jamie moved to rest on top of Claire. “Aye, ye ken I’d do anything fer ye…” he whispered as he placed a trail of kisses down her body.
“...anything at all.” His voice became muffled as his mouth reached its exquisite destination.
mo laochain -  my little hero
Sgliùrach - Slut
Tè innleachdach - Scheming female
m’eudail - my dear
Bod ceann - Dickhead
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sureofcourse · 5 years
I expected many things when moving my life across the country, but this was not one of them
Having just moved interstate, I have quickly learned a thing or two.
Number one in NSW: carry a screwdriver.
But, for those who watch the news, not for the reason you might think.
There’s some debate about the top stresses in life. Depending on which article you read, it could be divorce. It could be marriage. Death of a loved one is distressing. Imprisonment isn’t a holiday. Major injury. Losing your job. Moving. All listed as the most stressful situations you can put yourself through.
Now, as I planned to move from the sunny coast of Western Australia to the big smoke of Sydney, I surprised myself in feeling relatively calm and organised in light of my divorce-imprisonment equivalent.
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Sure, I was going to miss family and friends – I had been away from Sydney for more than a decade, I now knew what a perthonality was – but the excitement of a new adventure took over and my highly systematic post-it note preparations had me feeling rather smug. Definitely no sense of stress.
I knew what I had to do. Removalist. Unpack new unit. Settle into work routine. Find a church. Find a gym. Change over car registration. Actually join ‘found’ gym. Stop telling your new colleagues why you haven’t yet joined the gym.  
You know what they say about smugness. It comes before serious sickness and needing a screwdriver during your lunch break.
Two weeks into my new job, I was throwing up on the way in, almost fainting in one of the manager’s offices, unable to eat more than chicken soup for two weeks and falling asleep as soon as I’d get home.
Not well? Not a problem. The perfect excuse to continue delaying a gym membership.
After almost three months, I’m beginning to think the removalists are not still looking for that one item they never delivered.
I can’t join a gym at the moment. I’ve got an entire company of email addresses to hunt down and send a reminder. They’ve obviously just forgotten and will get right back onto that asap.
Somehow, unpacking my bedroom is still pending. ‘For a moment’, some boxes may have ended up in the guest room and my washing routine between machine, clothesline and basket is on a good run.
Can’t find gym clothes. Can’t join until you can. It’s science.
I chose a church and now there were only two tasks to go – watching money disappear down the gym drain or the paperwork pain of transferring interstate car registration.
I was pretty proud of myself for overpaying to get a gym access pass, the car on the other hand…
If you live in any other Australian state or territory right now. Be really happy you don’t need to do the following, starting with updating your car insurance info: 
Them: “That will be double what you paid in WA, mam.”
Me: “But it’s the same car and the same driver.”
Them: “Yes, that’s right. You now live in a different place.”
Me: “Yes, I told you that. But a double what I’ve been paying kind of place?”
Them: “Certainly. Our claims department predicts you’re now twice more likely to die than before, so it is our privilege for you to pay more. Say nothing of it.”
Maybe, the conversation has a smidge of creative licence.
Me: “OK. Then double my insurance for the exact same product.”
Them, with too much lilt: “Already done, mam. And would you like a CTP quote while we’re at it?”
Another joy NSW has – separate (aka expensive) Compulsory Third Party insurance.
Me: “Sure, what will that be?”
Them: “$730.”
Say what?! Minor aneurysm. Deep breath. Sigh.
Me: “OK, sign me-“
Them: “Already done, mam. Now, do you have your blue slip.”
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Me: “I was told I need a pink slip.”
Them: “Yes, you normally need that each year but for the first registration you need a blue slip.”
Me: “And the blue slip would be-“
Them: “Double of the pink slip, mam.”
I was not going to let his chipper attitude crush me.
Them: “You will need to take your car to get a blue slip, where they will most definitely find extra problems you will need to address immediately-“
Me: “Let me guess, double the blue slip?”
Them: “That’s the attitude! Welcome to Sydney, mam.”
I am now living on the #SurvivorAu meal plan (minus the opportunity to win half a million) but I got all of the paperwork together to go and register my car at Service NSW during my lunch.  
Them: “Hi mam, how may we help you?”
Me and my smug air reunited: “I have my blue slip, my CTP, have paid my criminal insurance cost and suped up a 13-year-old vehicle that wasn’t worth the suping…and I understand I can double it all and get my rego!”
Them: “Not a problem, do you have your number plates?”
With a dramatic wave to right outside the door, I introduce the most expensive thing I now own – my car, sporting shiny WA plates!
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Them: “And, do you have a screwdriver with you?”
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Me: “I’ll come back tomorrow.”
Moving is not one of the top stresses in life.
I would now rather move to prison than register my car in NSW, which means I have a great reason to start going to the gym - I need to beef up.
***Disclaimer: the expense of this city is everything you’ve heard but the excitement and opportunities are why we find ourselves here. That and we sort of can’t afford to leave now. 
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Hiya! Is there any more of the finding Claire and Bree on the island, and then now they are going to Ireland then maybe the colonies? I hope I'm not mixing fics up.
Catch up on the Selkie Island AU:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Claire gently smoothed back the bright red curls, dampwith sweat. “Do you feel well enough for some broth?”
 “I think so,” Brianna sighed, stomach still heaving fromseasickness. “At least I haven’t thrown up today.”
 “Here.” Claire helped her daughter ease up on her elbow,and then held the wooden bowl to her lips. “Don’t drink it too fast. It won’t burnyou – but it most likely won’t taste very nice.”
 Brianna dutifully swallowed, nose wrinkled. But at leastshe was able to keep it down – much easier, now that the ship had finished passingthrough the storm.
 “The captain assures me that it will be smooth sailingfor the next two days, all the way to Galway.”
 A hand darted out from the bottom bunk – palm warm andclammy as it tightened around her knee. “Sass…enach?”
 “Can you hold the bowl, Bree?”
 As soon as the girl nodded, Claire knelt to examine herother patient. Jamie had long ago removed his shirt, gasping for breath in thehumid cabin. She watched his chest rise and fall rapidly, eyes shut tightagainst the nausea heaving in his belly.
 He smiled – just briefly – at the feel of her hand, coolagainst his forehead.
 “And you – are *you* up for some broth?”
 “What’s in it?” His words were slow – throat and lipsparched.
 “I convinced the cook to boil a beef bone – with just abit of salt. It’s more nutritious than any of the other food they’re serving onthis ship, to be honest.”
 Practiced fingers slid down his neck, checking his pulse –his lymph nodes – his temperature.
 “Aye,” he rasped. “I’ll have some. But can ye help mesit?”
 It was no small task to reach around him – breathing throughher mouth, to avoid the pungent odor of stale sweat and vomit – and wrap herarms around his shoulders, pulling toward the cabin door to provide enoughmomentum for him to sit up. But it succeeded – and he swung his legs over theside of the bunk, knuckles white as they gripped the edge of the mattress.
 She met his eyes now – red and a bit unfocused – and smiled.
 “Welcome back.”
 He snorted. “I want nothing more than to kiss ye. But Ican wait if ye’ll feed me first?”
 She kissed the tip of his nose and rose. Brianna handedher the empty bowl.
 “More please?”
 “Of course. I’ll be right back.”
 As soon as she shut the door, Brianna dangled her ownlegs over the edge of her bunk – and yipped when one of Jamie’s hands closedaround her ankle.
 “I’m so sorry, *a leannan*. Seems that ye inherited myweak stomach too.”
 “It’s OK – Mama told me that you would always getseasick, but I’ve never really spent any time on a ship before to know whetherI had it too.”
 She wiggled out of his grasp and before he knew it, shehad thumped to the cabin floor, a billow of white shift and long red hair.
 She cocked her head at him, hands on her hips. Suddenly abit shy. “I want to sit with you – would that be all right?”
 “Of course,” he breathed, not even needing to think. “I’msorry for the smell.”
 Quickly she folded herself into the berth and sat down byhis feet. “It doesn’t smell that great up there, either. I feel bad that Ihaven’t spent time with you, even though we’ve been on this boat for more thana week!”
 “Ah, weel – ye’ll find I’m much better company when I’mon dry land.”
 Brianna paused. “We’re lucky to have Mama to take care ofus.”
 Jamie reached out to find and squeeze his daughter’shand. “Aye, we are. She’s saved my life many a time – patched me up too, moretimes than I can count.”
 He turned to ruffle through the bedclothes for his shirt –but froze at the touch of Brianna’s small hand in the center of his back.
 Right on top of his scars.
 He inhaled and exhaled ten times as she traced the long-healedwelts.
 “Mama told me about your back.” Now both of her hands glidedalong the scars. “She said that a bad man did it to you.”
 “Yes,” Jamie replied, voice low. “A very bad man.”
 “I know that you were in prison, when you found us on theisland. And Mama said that you had been in prison before. But I want you to know,Da – I know that you’re not a bad man.”
 Jamie swallowed and turned now, to face the daughter hehad prayed for every single day since he learned of her existence. The daughterhe believed he would never see – never hold – never raise. Gently he took herhands – preventing her from touching the round scar on his left side, though hesaw her sharp eyes dart to it immediately.
 “I canna tell ye how important it is for me to know that,Brianna.” He met her eyes – his own eyes – and felt his heart leave his chest. “Ye’reold enough to understand that this time is no’ like where ye were born. Manythings are dangerous here for you. For me, of course. But for you and yer Mam,too.”
 “I – ”
 “And dinna tell me that ye ken that, *mo chridhe*,” heinterrupted. “Ye’re a smart girl – just like yer Mam. So ye’re also smart enoughto understand that good men are sometimes punished for doing the right thing,when bad people are in charge. Aye?”
 “Aye,” she nodded. “Mama told me that you have the scarsbecause you were punished for something that you didn’t do.”
 “She’s right. And I hope ye understand that the reason weare going to Ireland is because I never, *ever* want the same to happen to ye.”
 Brianna nodded. “I understand.”
 He squeezed her hands. “I promise we will have a good lifetogether. I want to be the Da I never thought I could be for ye.”
 She launched into his arms, clinging to him tight. Hecradled her against him, fighting back tears.
 “I used to dream of ye, Bree – every morning and everyevening I would pray for ye, and yer Mam. I would think about ye, my wee bairn.Wondering if ye were safe, what ye were doing. Never…”
 She patted his shoulder. “It’s OK, Da – you don’t need totell me – ”
 “I do,” he insisted. “Ye must understand – this timehere, wi’ ye…it is my dream come true. The answer to my prayers.” He pulledback a bit to look at her again, and exchange a smile. “This is a day I neverthought I would have. So I want to make it the best for ye.”
 Three knocks at the door – then Claire entered, armsladen with a tray and two bowls of broth and a pile of what looked to be bread.Brianna thoughtfully scooted over so that she could settle between them on theberth, handing Jamie his own bowl before giving the other one to Brianna.
 “Have *you* eaten, Claire?” Jamie asked, sipping slowly.
 “I’m perfectly fine, Jamie.”
 “No you’re not,” Brianna interjected, handing her bowlback to Claire. “Da and I know what you mean when you say that. You’ve spent somuch time taking care of us – now it’s our turn to take care of you.”
 Jamie met Claire’s gaze above Brianna’s head, browsraised. She sighed, and took the bowl, and began to sip.
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starrykitchen · 4 years
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Another in the #fuckCOVID19 🖕free book recipe series posted+updated (with a shitload more detail) up on that-there reddit (and literally, one of my personal FAAAAAAAAVES🤤 we still make for catering, ourselves+on top of French fry nachos at @buttonmashla late-nights... unfortunately not at the moment😥): the Vietnamese Minced Beeftacular. Link👉👉👉 https://bit.ly/VietMincedBeef (Pics of it over the years: at our home, Chinatown, Bunker Hill lunch days and a probably not-as-successful in a banh mi🤔🤷‍♂️) SO... this dish in it’s entirety was one of our more complicated dishes to assemble during our Chinatown days and is a LOT of layers of flavor (sweet, savory, sour, crunchy, crispy, soft, rich, aromatic, refreshing and unctuous... is all I can think of at the moment 🤣), but honestly NO ONE needs to prepare all that to enjoy it. The REASON I want to share this recipe is because if you just stick to the beef ‘Meat Marination’ in the recipe, its WAAAAAAAAY simpler, super tasty and can be used for a variety of ways including as simple as... with your favorite starch of choice (over medium grain rice w/an egg is mine🙋‍♂️). Feel free to ask any questions over there and I’ll get to you ASAP.👌 If anyone decides to make the more grandiose+incredibly deeeelish version (especially using the fat from the cooked beef to stir-fry the rice 👉 👉#proMOVE 🤤)... 👍👍🙇‍♂️ Not sure how many ppl would be interested, but maybe the next recipe would be our version of the universal Vietnamese sauce of champions: Coco Rico Fish Sauce (Aka “nuoc mam” or “nuoc cham” if you will 😬) Also because it’s referenced in the recipe, and even though I posted it on Friday I’m just realizing now people might want to get that fish saaaaaauce too. Ok, it’s decided... unless someone changes my mind. 😉🙌🙌🙌 Oh, and hang in there during this quarantine everyone!🤜🤛✊ (at Banana Suit Enterprises) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pUlrFDrRm/?igshid=1vsoi4aeb89mu
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ezvietnamesecuisine · 5 years
Salad Green Bean Sprout Recipe (Salad Rau Mầm)
New Post has been published on https://ezvietnamesecuisine.com/salad-green-bean-sprout-recipe-salad-rau-mam/
Salad Green Bean Sprout Recipe (Salad Rau Mầm)
One of healthy and delicious Vietnamese Salad Recipes I want to introduce today is Salad Green Bean Sprout (Salad Rau Mầm). A little crispy from green bean sprout with beef, sweet and sour sauce is a perfect dish for your family meal, especially in this summer. Do you agree with me?  
Salad Green Bean Sprout Recipe (Salad Rau Mầm)  
Why don’t you pick up one of tasty Vietnamese Salad Recipes like this one and cook for yourself and family right now? Trust me; you will never regret about this decision. Let us start cooking right now, ok?
200g green bean sprout 200g beef Vegetable oil, salt, garlic, pepper 100g salad 2 – 3 chicken eggs Vinegar, olive oil, sugar Pickled cucumber, baby tomatoes or tuna for extra ingredient
Step 1: Clean and slice beef thinly. Marinate with ½ teaspoon salt, 1 a little vegetable oil, mix well and wait about 15 minutes. Heat the oil, add minced garlic and fry until it is fragrant. Next, add sliced beef and fry quickly with large heat in 2 – 4 minutes. Pour into clean bowl and sprinkle more pepper on face of food.  
  Step 2: Clean salad, wait to dry and slice into short pieces.  
  Step 3: Boil the eggs, peel off the cover and cut in half.  
  Step 4: Cut off the roots of green bean sprout, clean and wait to dry.  
  Step 5: Mix a little water with sugar, salt, vinegar, pepper, olive oil, season with a little sweet and sour is perfect. Here is the important step to create the flavor for one of stunning Vietnamese Salad Recipes. To increase its flavor, from my cooking experiences, you can add some sliced purple onion into this sauce.  
  Finally, your dish is basically finished. Arrange salad into plate; add boiled eggs, beef; green bean sprout on salad, pour a little sauce in step 5 and mix well. Now, you can serve it with boiled rice for your family. It is really easy for cooking right? Hope you satisfy with one of amazing Vietnamese Salad Recipes and Good Luck for your Cooking.  
  From EZ Vietnamese Cuisine Team.
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thefredizone · 7 years
all of them? ;)
Look,,,, why do any of you take me seriously i hate you thanks xxxx this is gonna be the last well formatted section i hope u know that.  @lgbtposts here u mcfuckin go
200: My crush’s name is: probs amy but im trying for that to not be the case rn199: I was born in: Blackburn, 1999.198: I am really: fuckin cool197: My cellphone company is: EE196: My eye color is: blue195: My shoe size is: I mostly wear sixes but im actually between a 4 and a 5.5194: My ring size is: i dont fuckin know i dont even know my bra size193: My height is: see above192: I am allergic to: pollen191: My 1st car was: nonexistent190: My 1st job was: in a shop189: Last book you read: fuckin hell thats a throwback and a half. Probs The Rest Of Us Just Live Here188: My bed is: warm187: My pet: dogs186: My best friend: either Katie or Beef xx185: My favorite shampoo is: not a shampoo but Snow Fairy184: Xbox or ps3: PS4183: Piggy banks are: lame182: In my pockets: washed paper and probably a lighter181: On my calendar: who the fuck has a calendar180: Marriage is: for lame-os and i want to be a lame-o one day179: Spongebob can: go away178: My mom: is boring177: The last three songs I bought were?: probs this good robots album who pays for music. 176: Last YouTube video watched: Phils new one175: How many cousins do you have? None that i know of, my mam has loads with kids so i call them cousins but theyre some other convoluted thing174: Do you have any siblings? aye173: Are your parents divorced? aye172: Are you taller than your mom? aye171: Do you play an instrument? aye170: What did you do yesterday? fuck all, pretedned to write an essay mostly. played some overwatch[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: aye168: Luck:aye167: Fate:aye166: Yourself:nah165: Aliens: i want to believe164: Heaven: aye163: Hell: of course,, thts my life ha ha ha162: God: nah161: Horoscopes: sure 160: Soul mates: totally159: Ghosts: why not158: Gay Marriage: Comme une lesbienne, je suis partial. 157: War: what is it good for156: Orbs: why not, idk what this means tho155: Magic: nah[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses153: Drunk or High: either or, never together. rn probs high152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: Cherry Red like party mcfuckin poison i love them150: Blondes or Brunettes: probs brunette149: Hot or cold: hot148: Summer or winter: summer147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples143: Curly or Straight hair: straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: Mcdonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heels: Heels138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Ugly and rich fo sure137: Coke or Pepsi: pespi136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: set me the fuck on fire134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: what the fuck are those132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk131: Small town or Big city: city130: Wal-Mart or Target: targe129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither128: Manicure or Pedicure: get away from me,, leave my nails alone127: East Coast or West Coast: east126: Your Birthday or Christmas:christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers,, but living ones. plants. 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: neither[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: use your words121: George Bush: go away120: Gay Marriage: gay119: The presidential election: fuck off118: Abortion: dont want one dont mcfuckin get one117: MySpace: dead116: Reality TV: boring115: Parents: eh114: Back stabbers: bye113: Ebay: amazons shitty cousin112: Facebook: boring but i use111: Work: kill me110: My Neighbors: named their kid the same as me fuck off shouting her name109: Gas Prices: idk i dont pay attention stop using crude oil108: Designer Clothes: i cant afford that shit107: College: cool106: Sports: not cool 105: My family: eh104: The future: *screaming at the void*
[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Rosies mam on tuesday lmao102: Last time you ate: popcorn rn101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: uh idk maybe morgan when i last saw them at lloyds?100: Cried in front of someone: probs katie during my Major Breakdown of february99: Went to a movie theater: fuckin civil war i dont go to the cinema98: Took a vacation: florida, 201497: Swam in a pool: summer 201696: Changed a diaper:never95: Got my nails done: pre-mothers wedding94: Went to a wedding:mothers wedding93: Broke a bone: never92: Got a peircing: septum in november91: Broke the law: i smoked weed a couple of weeks back90: Texted: rn[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: beef88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed and or dogs87: The last movie I saw: ¾ of the green mile86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leavers85: The thing im not looking forward to: c2 on wednesday84: People call me: kyra83: The most difficult thing to do is: live82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nah81: My zodiac sign is: aquarius80: The first person i talked to today was: Amy79: First time you had a crush: i was like, 878: The one person who i can’t hide things from: beef77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: beef rn76: Right now I am talking to: ally, morgan, amy.75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be a skience74: I have/will get a job: in science73: Tomorrow: never comes72: Today: sleep71: Next Summer: screaming70: Next Weekend: get10 smashed for leavers ayyyyy69: I have these pets: 2 dog ,, revel n jack jack 68: The worst sound in the world: poorly tuned violin being played very poorly67: The person that makes me cry the most is: amy r i p 66: People that make you happy: hannah hart, beef, keg65: Last time I cried: last night64: My friends are: fuckin lovely63: My computer is: shitty62: My School: sux61: My Car: doesnt exist60: I lose all respect for people who: are bigots59: The movie I cried at was: pride58: Your hair color is:blonde ( 4 now)57: TV shows you watch: watching through friends and yoi rn. just started futurama, putting off watching greys56: Favorite web site: dont got one55: Your dream vacation: flo rida to new york gay road trip54: The worst pain I was ever in was: brace pain 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare52: My room is: grey, green and a mess51: My favorite celebrity is: hannah hart  (ilhsm)50: Where would you like to be: somewhere sunny49: Do you want children: aye48: Ever been in love: probs idk anymore i think so47: Who’s your best friend: Beef or Keg46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Validation44: One person that you wish you could see right now: beef probs she could do with a hug43: Do you have a 5 year plan: bitch i dont even have a 5 minute plan42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nah41: Have you pre-named your children: nah. but i like Atlas40: Last person I got mad at: myself lol39: I would like to move to: canadia38: I wish I was a professional: science[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: skittles36: Vehicle: cool motorbikes35: President: obmam34: State visited: florida33: Cellphone provider: EE32: Athlete: a what now31: Actor: chris pratt30: Actress: uh probs scarjo dont come for me i love her voice in her ok29: Singer: Miley cyrus atm28: Band: mcr27: Clothing store: fuckin love asda me26: Grocery store: fuckin love aldi25: TV show: atm yoi24: Movie: Her23: Website: idk22: Animal: Tapir21: Theme park: Busch gardens or however the fcku you spell it20: Holiday: xmas19: Sport to watch: rugby18: Sport to play: a who now17: Magazine: i secretly love vogue16: Book: either wicdiv or killjoys15: Day of the week: saturday14: Beach: south shields13: Concert attended: fiatc,, i touched his butt12: Thing to cook: pasta11: Food: pasta10: Restaurant: deanos9: Radio station: kerrang8: Yankee candle scent: vanilla7: Perfume: theres an Alexander Mcqueen one that was designed to smell like sex but i love it anyway6: Flower: orchid5: Color: pink4: Talk show host: gotta say ellen for the lesbians3: Comedian: fight me i like jimmy car2: Dog breed: i love all doggos1: Did you answer all these truthfully? idk i think so
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