#madness: deadspace
babymorte · 21 days
What are some of your favorite videogames? I absolutely adore the kingdom hearts series but I also loved hollow Knight, and at some point I need to beat ds3 and bloodbourne
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those photos are so cute oh my gosh!!
I haven’t played hollow knight or bloodborne cuz they’re too hard for me but i LOVE lies of p! it’s one of my favourite games of all time honestly. and don’t get me started on my love for kingdom hearts I literally just wore my roxas necklace two days ago AND i have the pumpkin head keyblade and sora’s mask from spirit halloween like i freaking love kingdom hearts kh2 and birth by sleep are two of my faves of all time too!
i was confused as to what you meant by ds3 cuz my brain immediately went to deadspace but i realise you mean dark souls yea?? I really wish i was good at those games but i love watching people play them! i loved what i played of elden ring i just needed my hand held
as far as my favourite games resident evil is my favourite series OF ALL TIME like im legit an encyclopaedia its so embarrassing and the og REmake is my favourite game of all time (REmake jill is even my main in fortnite) and then im equally obsessed with madness returns and american mcgee’s alice and sims4 (i have a love/hate relationship with it honestly its the bane of my existence). i also love layers of fear, vampire survivors, im newly obsessed with halo and infinite is my forever time waster when i have nothing to do. i also restarted dragon quest builders 2 on my switch since they took it off gamepass. but i also love retro games like crash bandicoot and spyro. OH! i also really love retro arcade games like magic sword and liquid kids and kid niki radical ninja and bubble bobble and house of the dead!
honestly i have a lot of faves it’s so hard for me to be concise
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tsurugixbuster · 1 year
favourite colour(s): Sea Green
favourite flavour(s): Bacon, eggs, steak, peach mango, apple pie, maple, brown sugar.
favourite genre(s): Sci-fi romance, Action, Hack and Slash RPG,
favourite music: I am hopelessly, passionately in love with music of all kinds. I am always listening to music. If I'm not listening to music for some odd reason, I am singing a song or whistling a tune. (when I write it out ngl i kinda sound like a disney princess BI smh)
favourite movie: Tombstone, Gladiator, 13th Warrior.
favourite series: Dragon Age, Final Fantasy VII, The Infernal Devices, and the dark hunter novels smh
last song: Seasons by Makari (I am horribly infatuated with their album hyperreal)
last movie: Ratatouille (It's the bae's favorite movie to fall asleep to)
currently reading: Some tumblr rp drafts xD (Write with me cowards)
currently watching: Nothing ironically. Just finished Bleach. Been on a big Fallout New Vegas and DA:O kick.
currently working on: this Murdering my way through tribals in Zion Valley. I might actually avoid conflict and leave at Daniel's behest (Even though Salt-Upon-Wounds really deserves the gangland execution Joshua gives him) Also running through awakening. Forgot how wild the Darkspawn get in this smh. The Mother and the Children give me mad Deadspace vibes ngl.
tagged by: @queenoftheboard
tagging: Steal it yourself. Commit internet crimes.
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I did enjoy the original Deadspace, but one of the things that stuck with me about it most over the years is how it told you very upfront and straightforward:
“Alright, the people on this ship basically went nuts, right? Started hallucinating, yeah? Seeing dead people, yeah? Talking to dead people? Having conversations with dead people, yeah? And now they all either killed themselves – get it? KILLED THEMSELVES? As in, THEY ARE NO LONGER ALIVE BECAUSE THEY WENT MAD AND KILLED THEMSELVES – or got murdered by space zombies. Now! All that being said, your girlfriend is totally not dead. Honest!”
And then attempted to pretend that her being dead (gasp!) was a twist.
Guys. Don’t insult my intelligence. I was younger and dumber, yeah, but even then don’t insult my intelligence. At least not that badly.
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insanityconflict · 3 years
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worst ever
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rhuwtf · 3 years
I would still like to visit the Van Gogh exhibit 🥺💙
But I am poor ╥﹏╥
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At Eternity's Gate , 2018
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lulubentes · 3 years
a unica coisa que a gente leva desse mundo é desgosto e algumas lembranças boas que vagueiam na nossa cabeça e aparecem quando estamos pedindo socorro.
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ellenbot · 4 years
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Madness up close. . Follow my partners @the.art.of.virtual.worlds @rosapexa @yasha0o @queen.0f.clowns . #deadspacemarker #crazywalls #longshadows #cmsroanoke #spacemadness #madness #deadspace3 #deadspace #isaacclarke #scifihorror #horrorsurvivalgame #scifi #gamecapture #instagamer #videogames #videogamephotography #virtualphotography #thecapturedcollective #gamershots3000 #gamergram #societyofvirtualphotographers #gamershots3000 #gamer #gamergirl #visceralgames https://www.instagram.com/p/CCR6r5hH_CI/?igshid=qf0xu2skr1wb
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dholwrites · 3 years
Okay. I have to ask. AHow would the boys act streaming horror games like Monstrum? Who would be the panicker and who would just be immune to jump scares?
Note: I don’t play horror games, I can watch people play them and that is as close as I will get.
I have a hard time imagining Hien and Haurchefant playing horror games. 
Clock tower
Corpse Party
Ao Oni
You can see when he starts to internally panic and stress out; his eyes growing wide and darting around the screen as he tries to move on. He would still read and talk to his viewers in his calm and soothing voice, but his words would trail out at any odd creek or subtle movement on the screen. Aymeric would let out a long and drawn-out sigh when he gets caught and dies, but jump scares rarely get to him. At least until someone comes up and tries to stick a fake knife in his side.
Resident Evil
Ao Oni
Estinien is entirely immune to jump scares, neither sudden sounds nor monsters running at the screen can make him flinch. He doesn’t make comments on what is happening in the game, not even the things he sees or hears. It doesn’t mean that he isn’t scared. A keen-eyed viewer could start to pick up the small cues and tells of the panic inside his mind. Perhaps he starts to move faster or he fumbles a bit with a lock or puzzle that nearly causes a ‘Game Over’. Estinien would never stop playing when he hits a bad ending, but he becomes more and more desperate to complete the game. 
Evil Within
Resident Evil
Thancred is quite at home in this genre with a strong preference for survival horror. He enjoys managing his resources, learning about the enemies, and doing everything he can to accomplish his mission. What gets him is when he gets lulled into a false sense of security. His ammo is fully stocked, health packs are ready and within reach, and triple-checked. All it takes is an unsuspecting zombie to show up around a corner or grab at his feet, and he ends up fumbling to put most of his bullets into its brain. Once he finally has time to collect himself, he would pretend as if that didn’t get his heart racing. 
G’raha Tia
Until Dawn
Angels of Death
He’s a bit jumpy whenever there is a sudden sound in the midst of pure silence or the background music slowly getting louder and louder. His ears are quite sensitive, so it’s common to see him suddenly stop mid-game to look around for noise that only he hears. It has saved his tail more than a few times, but it doesn’t help when he is so focused on the task at hand. G’raha enjoys the puzzles within the game, even if it causes him to come face first with a monster. He can become obsessed with saving and helping every NPC along his path that he ends up replaying old saves until he manages to trial and error his way through the game. 
Doki Doki Lit Club
He loves it when horror games get creative with their story and game style, especially those that add a fresh spin onto something that has been done a million times. He has more interest in the sci-fi horror genre. Cid is delighted, albeit a little worried, when he discovers that some games require you to mess around with the game files on your computer to progress through the game. He isn’t a screamer, the gross and disturbing details of a game don’t bother him. The jumpscares will startle him and cause him to take a few minutes to take his breath before he continues on, often with him grumbling about how it has to be a glitch that it caught up to him so quickly. 
Fran Bow
Spooky’s jumpscare mansion
Alphinaud is a huge scaredy cat with horror games and he does everything he can to avoid playing them. However, he still ends up playing them when Alisaie tricks him into trying out cutesy-named games with ambiguous designs. The young elezen panics at sudden noises, and movements would always cause him to squeak and scream, even when it’s just the sound of his character moving around. Pure silence unsettles him to the point of stalling, but having a little too much noise causes him to duck into the first shelter. It has happened often enough for Alisaie to compile an hour-long complication of him just screaming. 
Resident Evil
Emily wants to play
She has a love-hate relationship with horror games. Alisae gets angry enough to scream and yell when she gets caught and blames the game for cheating to find her hiding spot. That doesn’t stop her from booting up the last save and push forward until she makes it to the ending. Alisaie cracks up at the cliches and bad animations in bad horror games, but she will take the time after she finishes a game to give genuine praise and sound advice for the games she finds herself enjoying. She garners a lot of attention from developers and writers for her feedback as she does not hold back any punches when it comes to criticism. 
Ryne & Gaia
Little Nightmares
These two share the channel as they usually play multiplayer games together, horror games included. For single-player games, the girls would alternate between who is controlling the main character and who sits back and watches. Ryne is a complete scaredy-cat, you can see her physically shaking in her chair and hear it in her voice as the music starts to grow more ominous. Gaia enjoys making her scream by poking her sides when the moment feels just right. Gaia herself behaves as if nothing scares her, she charges into rooms without even checking. Her actions cause her to run into even more jump scares than Ryne. The second something rushes to her face, she lets out a short scream before dropping some very unladylike words that need to be bleeped out down the road.
Call of Cthulhu
Silent Hill
Urianger has a habit of forgetting that he is actually playing a horror game.; the elezen would immerse himself in the numerous books and notes. Any in-game lore captivates him, especially if the story is something that you would have to piece together to figure out what is happening. He would follow a plot to the end even if it’s nothing more than a side story that players aren’t meant to pay a lot of attention to. Because of his tunnel vision to find the answer, Urianger easily gets caught by bosses and monsters that lurk around the corner. A sudden grab or attack can induce a paralyzing effect on him, leaving him staring at the death animation and end screen with wide eyes for long moments.
Sidurgu & Rielle
Fatal Frame
Mad Father
At Dead of Night
The Xaela looks as if he lives and breathes horror; from the dark clothes and decor to his interest in music. It is a surprise to find out that he is secretly a scaredy-cat, who struggles to even attempt to progress the story out of fear. Rielle has to egg him into playing horror games, even ones that most people don’t even consider scary. Sid would take a few steps, stop, and force his character to face a wall so he doesn’t catch a glimpse of something that would haunt his nightmares. Only to let out a high hiss when an arm phases through the wall to grab him. Rielle has gotten so used to it that she barely moves when the screen flashes red and Sid gets a shot of pure adrenaline to get away from the monitor as fast as he can.
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malinktea · 3 years
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(Sorry I haven’t complimented you in a while I’m mad at deadspace)
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happymetalgirl · 4 years
Deadspace - A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars
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I first found out about Deadspace when the band sent me a message about a split album they had just contributed to back in 2017 called Reaching for Silence. Since then, the Australian band have released several new LPs and EPs that I have been fervently covering and mostly very enamored by, especially after a very creatively fruitful spell last year that found the band significantly darkening their already tangibly agonizing DSBM sound in a rather unexpected manner with tremendous results, first on Dirge, then on the Libido Dominandi EP, and then on The Grand Disillusionment. With the band on such an artistic hit streak, naturally I was as gutted as I was excited to see this new album from them to read in the description that this would be their final album. Perhaps the members simply wanted to end Deadspace on a high note, perhaps they’re in need of new endeavors (perhaps catalyzed by the ongoing pandemic’s ravaging of the live music industry), but either way, A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars is an excellent send-off for the band.
The band’s music had shifted from the seething, emotionally vulnerable sorrow of projects like Reaching for Silence and The Liquid Sky to the far more terrifying and oppressive darkness of Dirge and The Grand Disillusionment, and A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars does a fine job of both incorporating the band’s various styles from their earlier and latter eras as well as carrying on their natural artistic progression to a fittingly conclusive destination. The band’s final album manages to retain its demonically fearsome depressive heaviness while channeling the palpable humanness of that darkness, and the union of the two is certainly aided greatly by the more unabashed use of choral and orchestral elements to heighten the grandeur of their music even more than before.
The two-part title song is perhaps the most exemplary portion of the album of the elevation the choir vocals and strings provide to the band’s sound as the band build from somber piano and acoustic guitar into double-bass madness and eventually a huge choral climax that is just absolutely fixating and awe-inspiring.
But this is still a black metal album, a DSBM album, and the band are by no means trying to polish their edges with the inclusion of some classical orchestral instrumentation, rather the opposite. The orchestration serves so prominently to highlight and emphasize the existentialism of the stinging pain of the tortured vocal performances and the cathartic explosions of unbridled distorted guitar dissonance. And this is all made clear within the opening minutes of the album’s first track, “Finale”, whose deeply sardonic bellows and snarls somehow feel perfectly paired with the biblically proportioned blackened symphony of existential darkness. Meanwhile, the second track, “Beg for Death in Absurdum”, takes a newly choir-bolstered approach to their older, more vulnerable depressive sound for the most part, but the . The combination of the sorrowful black metal dirge and the ethereal choir is just pure catharsis and exactly what makes it possible for music about the lowest of our lows so great.
“Nightfire” is the one track that takes it kind of easy on the orchestral elements, and it provides a good strategic dynamic break to give the album’s flow some heterogeneity and focus on the band’s raw black metal capabilities. But the depressive orchestral glory resumes immediately on the track “Flesh Wounds Deeper Than I Once Thought”, whose absolutely gorgeous choir part even after the previous tracks’ is still astonishing.
The song “Fatigue” is perhaps the most modest on the album, especially in its use of orchestral element, but it’s certainly not a dud by any means beyond being surrounded by colossally emotive songs.
The album ends with “Into the Sea of Snakes”, which might be the most vulnerable song on the album, with the band opting for more open-hearted instrumention to contextualize the agonized screams and hideous wails and to close out the album and their career with somber farewell.
Never do the band compromise on their expressiveness of whatever it is they’re conveying at any given time, and never is it swallowed by or distracted from by the orchestral elements of the music. And never do the band shy away from the magnitude or ugliness of the depression they’re painting this portrait of through this music. It reminds me of both the unrestrained suicidal exorcisms of Leviathan and the monumentally fierce blackened grandeur of Behemoth, which are two great acts to be conjuring reminisce of in my opinion. But it’s not like the similarities to those two acts are distracting from the music by any means.
I am saddened that this is the end of Deadspace, as I really have come to love their music and personally think they deserved more recognition for their artistry, and I think that they really have ended on an upward trajectory that could have got them that recognition that they deserved (if that was indeed something they were striving for). I’ve often questioned how much my fondness for their being the first band to recognize what I’m doing with this blog and connect with me has played into building a bias of positive feelings toward their music, and I do think it’s worth acknowledging. But despite my repeated introspection, I keep coming back to actually really enjoying their music just by hearing it and not even thinking about it being them. And if my bias is that deeply internalized, then I guess I can’t do much more that acknowledge it. But all that bullshit is mostly beside the point to what I want to do here, which is celebrate the bittersweet triumph of this album and the artists behind it. A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars may not be remembered by many for the many reasons most underground albums aren’t, but for those who do get to experience it and Deadspace, it is certainly a memorable farewell for all the reasons the band clearly would intend for it to be, and a monument to all this band has accomplished artistically regardless of what they accomplished in the eyes of the industry.
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eorzeasntm · 5 years
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ENTM Tumblr Cycle 11
Round Six: Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, and Legends from Around the World
Whew, that title is a mouthful, but we wanted to ensure that everyone had a chance to pick a story that had meaning to them.  We had a tale from Japan, legends from England and Nicaragua, and a whole passel of Grimm’s tales to bring us full circle.    The judges and the community all agreed that this week’s best fairy tale cosplay was:
Ni’ko Shae for Puss in Boots
The decision to go with a vertical shot showed off those long kitty legs to perfection, and the choice of an action shot in a dungeon (since this round was free style) let the story fully come to life.  Congratulations!
Our guest judge this week was Momoko, the co-host of ENTM Instagram Cycle 2.  Thanks Momoko!  We did a full on judge swap so you can also check out my critiques for IG Cycle 2, Round Two on our Discord channel!
For the Tumblr models, your critiques for this week are below if you keep on reading.
Judge Momoko
Kota:  I love your glam for this!! It really feels like a Hollywood take on what Little Red Riding hood would wear. It’s also very very easy to tell which fairy tale you’re showcasing, so big props to you!! The apples in the opposite corner to you help to add a couple more pops of red to the overall pic and help balance it.
Yomu: I hadn’t heard of this legend before, so first off, I wanna say thank you for teaching me something!! I thought your use of the Nanamo minion was so incredibly cute and creative!! I think the lighting was just a hair harsh on her, though, and we sort of lost all of the cute pink colors on her, but I also thought how you framed the upper half of the pic with bamboo was both a clever way to stay true to the legend and keep it from having too much empty space!!(It might take me a bit to send them all out today, ‘cause I’m at work, but I promise they’ll be sent today
Haila:  This was such a fun entry!! I’d never heard of La Mocuana and had to read about it, but I loooooove monster girls and creepy folklore in general, so I’m so happy you went with it!! After reading about it, I think you fit the story to a T!! I love the expression and how it’s half-hidden, and the colors/filter really tell that you’re by yourself in a dark cave. I will say that your hair blended in a little too well with the background, but other than that, yours was so creative and fun!!
Peaceful:  How creative!! I never would of thought of doing King Arthur, but you really nailed it!! It’s extremely easy to tell which legend you’re replicating. Your picture’s colors are a little dull and faded, which halfway lends to it, but it also makes it a little muddy. However, I think you adding that soft back lighting over your shoulders easily draws the viewer’s attention back to you, which was really clever!!
Adam:  I think your choice in legend was really interesting!! There’s all sorts of aquatic-based stories, and I feel like Sinbad would be a little more difficult to convey, so props to you for choosing something challenging!! I wish I could’ve seen a more dynamic pose/more of the boat you’re standing on, but the soft muted colors in the background are such a nice combination with the yellow pop of your glam!!
Bria:  Beauty and the Beast is my favorite story!! I really liked your glams and how the colors complimented each other. However, it is a little difficult to tell exactly which fairy tale you’re emulating without the title, and it’s hard to see who the specific model in the picture is. But I also thought that your garden courtyard background was a cute way to imply that you’re at a fairy tale castle!!
Luma: Your choice for your story was way too cute!! I never would’ve thought of doing Jack and the Beanstalk, but I’m so glad that you did!! I think that your choice of environment was super cute, creative, and resourceful!! My biggest thing was that I couldn’t see your face, and your glam colors blended a little too well with your background, but I also liked how unbalanced your picture was; it really helped showcase how giant that beanstalk was!!
Ni’ko- Yours was my most favorite picture!! Your glam was so cute (going for that monotone look to match your hair and tail was a really clever way to make yourself look like a cute tabby), and the boots!! THE BOOTS!! The way that you zoomed out the camera to help elongate your legs was such a clever way to bring focus to the main part of your legend in an almost cartoony way, which I’m a big fan of. I think that your weapon choice and overall color palette is extremely well-done, too!!
Judge Ona
Haila: I learned about this folktale when I took Spanish in High School. Our teacher was pretty twisted, but that’s why everyone loved Senora. I was super excited when Kat told the judges that you did this tale, and genuinely LOVE how you captured it! She hides her face and wanders the forests driven mad by betrayal. If you aren’t the vision of mad, I don’t know what is!
I love the color palette here. Sticking with blues, and only a hint of pinks, you create an eerie vibe. With the filter appearing almost translucent over you, it creates an illusion that you are actually the translucent one.  The glamour choice is phenomenal. In the story it says she is dressed in silks, and this is extraordinarily flowy.
My only real critique is that I cannot see your entire body, and although the filter gives a spooky feel, I wish you could have found a cave entrance or a body of water or something to add to the background. Regardless of this, this shot totally encapsulates La Mocuana, and I am so glad you picked something from Nicaraguan culture.
Ni’ko: If you keep changing Ni’ko’s color I will never know who I am looking at.
However, Ni’ko, I love the choice here! I love how you did a non-human fairytale, where your race could be used to your advantage. I love how you are being showy with your pose, as Puss and Boots most definitely was. Sword up, foot pointed forward toward the front of the image and back hand outstretched as if you’re saying “is that all?”. I also LOVE that your glam looks like the humanoid version of the character we all know; it was an excellent choice to do a big jumpsuit instead of flashy armor.
The lighting is well placed, bringing the viewers eye to your face and the rapier, and the decision to battle such a big enemy was an excellent choice so as its size does not compete with you, because much of it lies just off screen from you.
My only real critique here, is that I wish you maybe had a smirk on your face instead of the blank expression here. A smirk would have conveyed that you are about to kick this monster’s behind, and you are a feline, not a knight. I still love this image and genuinely believe it is one of your strongest yet.
Peaceful: I love your choice of story. Sword in the stone, King Arthur before he was king! It’s a well-known tale, and it’s a strong story to try and cosplay. Unfortunately, you took a big chance and it didn’t quite pan out how maybe you envisioned. However, this image has many strong characteristics, and I would like to go over those for you.
First, your use of this emote or action, shows movement in your character. Bracing yourself to pull the impossible sword from solid stone. You have determination on your face and are focused on the sword. The choice of location lends to the story and is the perfect choice. I would try to avoid the large amount of deadspace in the upper right corner. I know you wanted to get Merlin in the shot, but I think you could have done without him, and closed further in on yourself.
Try next time to place a light on your face instead of the rock in the front, make sure to avoid dead space in the image, change the angle of the image so that its not an upskirt shot which often makes the physics of the clothes act funny, and be mindful of the background (that weird little purple light is very out of place. I think you have some very strong elements, and some weaker ones that you can work on for next week! Remember, you can ask Kat for advice and feedback before submitting.
Yomu: Yomu finds a tiny human in a tree and immediately believes that he may have had too much to drink.
The facial expression had me in tears. You are genuinely freaked out by what you have just found. Your emote here shows excellent action and I can feel the same startling feeling that this woodcutter is feeling! I am pretty sure anyone would feel immediate concern and confusion if they were in this situation.
I love the glamour here, as the story is Japanese in origin, the use of a Japanese style robe helps to place the story’s origin. I am a little concerned about the physics of the robe, however, as it falls slightly unnaturally. The spotlight on your minion is perfect, as the story talks of a shining girl 3 inches tall. Also, excellent choice of filter with particle. I do wish, however, there was a bit more blur to the minion, as this close of a shot lends to distortion and pixelization.
Overall this is a strong image and you do a wonderful job telling the story of the woodcutter. I would loved to have seen more of this story. Try to take into account depth of field, and physics next week. Thank you for also thinking outside of the box and giving us a story from Japan!
Judge Wulf
Bria, you and your costar’s outfits are very well color coordinated! Your location choice is also very appropriate, I feel, since that area of Idylshire gives off a very regal and proper feel. I am a bit concerned that you hair blocks your face! You’re the star of this photo, so make sure you’re the one we see the most of! Always remember: when working with a costar, make sure that they are there to support you and make you look good! That being said, I adore the chemistry between the two of you. Can’t wait to see next week’s shot!
Luma, I admire the lighting in this shot. I am a major fan of bright colors, and you’ve really made the greens, browns, and yellows all come together in this forest scene to make it look both awesome and welcoming all at once. Going with a vertical shot was also a very good choice, I believe, because it makes the “beanstalk” look much more large and imposing, and by contrast you come across much smaller! My main note is this: Since you’re kneeling down and facing away from the camera, you do kind of look a little cloaked in darkness upon first glance. This is a simple fix, though! Just make sure to light up your character a bit more! Once again, I’m really impressed by your concept this week!
Ni’ko, the story of Puss in Boots is one of those that I read over and over again as a kid, and I think you’ve captured a very nice look using the equipment and colors in game! The monster looming over you is also an amazing touch, as it makes you look small, and even more true to the tale! I’m very impressed with your shot this week, but if I had to nitpick, I’d say that it’s only a little off that you aren’t looking at the boss’s face, instead looking through them. Like I said, that’s only a small note though! Very good job this week!
 Peaceful, I instantly knew this was the story of King Arthur! Using iconic imagery to give out key details of what you’re cosplaying in a very important part of any cosplay picture, and I’m glad you’re doing that here! The picture is...very dark though. It may be just my computer monitor, but I find it pretty difficult to see your face or other details about the picture. Could this be an issue with the filter? I’ll tell you where all the darkness does work, though: in the forest behind you. The darkness gives the forest a very spooky vibe, and I’m honestly a little unnerved! For the next week, make sure your character is well lit and visible. Good luck! 
Judge Terrini
Adam: I feel underwhelmed by this shot. You're glamour does nicely call to an Arabic pirate, and there's the boat and water and distant shore but it doesn't really draw on the charm of the Legend of Sinbad. He was one of the early Swashbuckling archetypes and you seem very mellow in this pose. A more dynamic pose and angle would have been nice to see here, something swinging your sword or at least looking away from the camera would have been better to capture the sense of something more. This is a myth, a legend, so you want to capture people's imaginations like the story you're drawing from. Also watch your background composition when you go for something scenic like this. The weather condition colors everything to be rather samey and the sea and sky are both similarly rippled and plain so they come across as uninteresting to the eye. Play with angles and don't be afraid to drop things from your concept for the sake of better composition. Play with it.
Bria: This shot is very playful, and I do like the use of colors (love them blues and purples) as well as the fountain backdrop, but as a depiction of Beauty and the Beast it comes across as a reskin mashup of the Disney movie. It might have been nice if you had your guy wearing an ifrit mask or lion mask or something to up the beast factor, or perhaps went for a different scene from the story. When a competition is fierce, you've gotta push creativity to the limit and really be memorable. 
Haila: I'm not familiar with the fairy tale you're spinning here, but still, I'm entranced. The effects and colors you've chosen with this pose tug at my heart, like you're despairing inside a storm of magic, struggling and pushing onwards. This must certainly have been a moving fable, and your depiction here makes me want to know more. 
Kota: I love the colors captured in this shot, and your glamour is so cute! It's really spot on! Taking the picture by the Apple Trees in North Shroud was great to bring that touch of red into your background as well. The angle of the ground is a bit off-putting and it might be nice to have something more to the image on the ground to enhance the theme with more of a "path". There are some fences in that area too that you might have made use of to that effect. Overall, still a lovely shot.
Judge Nadede
Kota Tumet: This is a pretty good image from you this week. I knew right off the bat that you were Red Riding Hood without looking at the caption, so glamour and your setting did it’s job. I like the lighting that you have and very nice use of depth of field that you have going on there. Your composition I felt was nicely put together as well. I do find myself kinda wishing you were able to incorporate the wolf somewhere within your image as it seems like the only thing missing to make this feel truly complete. So far though, to me, this is your strongest image so far. Keep up the good work.
Yomu Kazul:  I have to admit, yours was one of two stories I actually had to look up and read. After reading “Tale of the Bamboo Cutter,” I felt that you did a good job portraying the scene of the little girl popping out from the bamboo. The composition is nicely done and having the “little girl” looking at you helped at least guide my eye up to you and then back to her with you looking right at her. I thought it was a nice touch using Nanamo minion for the little girl instead of a lala as, if I remember reading right, the little girl was just a few inches or so tall when she pops out of the bamboo. So I applaud attention to detail there. My qualm however is when zooming out to get an overall view of the image, your foreground is a bit on the bright side and going back to where your face is in the image, it’s a bit on the dark side. I would suggest try to make the light to where it is a bit brighter towards you and not so bright closer to the audience. Overall, nice work.
Luma Lee:  Luma, while I like the composition of your shot this week, the bottom part where you are at was hard for me to make out. I wouldn’t have thought Jack and the Beanstalk at all just from looking at your image because it was a bit muddled. After reading the description that you had chosen “Jack and the Beanstalk,” it made a bit more sense as to why there is an emphasis on the tree. What I’m having a problem with is that your lighting could use work, especially around your character. With you in the shadows and your outfit is the same color as your background, you blend in a bit too much. I also think a different filter would have worked in your favor as well. So far this is your best shot compositionally for me, just work on the lighting a bit more. Good job.
Adam Evershot:   While this is a nice shot for you Adam, I felt like you could have done more with the story of Sinbad. I find myself wishing that perhaps you could’ve brought in extras to help you with a “crew” of some sort or brought some part of the story to life. I do find the atmospheric lighting of your image nice, I do wish that you could have done a bit more with the lighting on your character to bring you out just a bit more. Just remember when doing a cosplay type shot to find a way to bring out the story of that character more. Overall good work.
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deadspaceaus · 6 years
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Leynir Booking and Talheim Records proudly present: Days Of Madness Tour 2019
Four Talheim Records bands touring together: Psychonaut 4 Deadspace Eyelessight Afraid of Destiny
More information about the tour and gigs coming soon.
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child-of-leviathan · 6 years
I was tagged by the pretty fuckin cool dude known as @tootentichitach, thank you!
Name- Alisha
Nickname- Bee, Lsh, Faultier (aka sloth in English, directly translated to lazy animal)
Gender- Hmmmmm............... girl or poop, you decide, OR BOTH, yes, that’s even better
Star sign- Capricorn
Height- 160 cm (yes, I’m short)
Orientation- Probably bi, though I stopped caring to label it
Nationality- The country of the schnitzels, aka Austria
Time- 15:00, aka 3PM
Favorite bands- Ne Obliviscaris, Deadspace, Wintersun, Xanthochroid, Mare Cognitum, Bron, etc
Favorite solo artists- Mare Cognitum and Bron
Last movie I watched- ???
Last show I watched- ???
Last book I read- ????????
Favorite fictional character- Hannibal Lecter from the TV series, oof, Mads is great
Favorite food- I quite love dumplings, and that one dish that I know the name of in Chinese but not in any other language
Favorite season- Autumn or Winter
Favorite flower- Lavender
Favorite animal- Wolves
Favorite color- Lavender, black, and red
Favorite song right now- Am I being forced to choose one song? Probably Mouth of Scorpions by Deadspace
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate- I drink coffee almost daily, but it’s not my favourite. Tea is gr888, and hot chocolate can kill me, I love it. So hot chocolate
Dogs or cats- Dogs but cats are great too
Dream job- Either psychological researcher or musician
Dream trip- Mainly Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Australia
Dream hair- Long???? Very long???? PleAse????????
Average hours of sleep- 9 probably
Blog created- I believe ‘twas February 2017?
Meaning behind URL- I like the word Leviathan, don’t ask me where the rest came from
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Current Music Obsessions: December 1 - 16, 2017
Sorry for being a bit late on this. Been pretty busy these last few days. ANYWAYS, I don't have as many honorable mentions this time, but I still got a lot of obsessions in general. I'm still working on purging my watch later playlist, so it's probably gonna be a while before things mellow out. Anyways, here are the honorable mentions.
Ilios - Into the Void The Dark Element - The Ghost and the Reaper Deathless Legacy - Witches' Brew Corvyx - Ready For It? (Taylor Swift cover) The Great Discord - Persona Right to the Void - Lines Concealed Reality - Hakai Tasters - Jakarta Coronatus - Mountain Sky Tragul - The Message Emptiness - Ever Heretoir - Golden Dust The Augurist Complex - Eartheater Noah Cyrus - Again feat. XXXTentacion My Dinosaur Life - One Fast Move or I'm Gone Sunflower Bean - I Was a Fool Sevdaliza - Hear My Pain Heal Distorted Harmony - Natural Selection Omnimar - Not Strong Arrayan Path - The Eleventh Mantra Wildpath - Buried Moon
Here come the many real obsessions.
1) Pussy Riot - Police State
I finally got around to checking them out last year when they dropped Make America Great Again. I knew they were a controversial band before checking them out after hearing about "free Pussy Riot" a few years ago, so it doesn't shock me to see them come out with a song centered around police brutality. It has a rather upbeat sound, but the lyrics hit you in the face. Definitely am gonna check out more of their work.
2) Cher - The Greatest Thing feat. Lady Gaga
I found this gem through Twitter and I'm so mad it never got a proper release. Two of the biggest gay icons did a song together and it never got properly released. AND IT'S SUCH A GREAT SONG. It's so good!
3) The Hardkiss - Кораблi (ПРЕМ'ЄРА)
This song has a slightly different vibe to it compared to their other songs. It feels a bit darker. I think the video also helps to sell that darker vibe. It's a great song and has a catchy chorus. I'm really digging the more prog rock direction they've been going in lately. Really looking forward to their next release.
4) Madonna - Like a Prayer
I found a new "feel good" artist for me, and it's Madonna. I never really dabbled into her music, but I decided to do so recently and I found this gem. It's so lovely and just puts me in such a positive mood. If any of you want to recommend me any other songs from her, feel free to do so.
5) The Hit House - The Ordinary World
I wasn't all that interested in The Evil Within when it first came out a few years ago, because the story just seemed to be boring and lackluster in the beginning, but after watching Metal Ass Gaming play the beginning of the second one, I had to give it another shot. So I watched Markiplier play it and liked it, then I watched him play the second and LOVED IT. Such a wonderful game that is unexpectedly emotional. And this is the ending theme song. It fits the game so well and I love the overall vibe of it. It has a nice atmospheric rock feel to it with a bit of a cinematic vibe.
6) Dool - The Alpha
I finally got around to listening to their new album and loved it. Such a great doomy rock album. This song is definitely one of my favorites off it. I find myself singing the chorus quite frequently because it's so catchy. I really need to check their front woman, Ryanne van Dorst's other project Elle Bandita and see how they differ.
7) The Great Discord - Gadget
The Rabbit Hole is such an epic album and is a massive improvement compared to their last release. Duende was great, but this is on some next level shit. This song alone shows how much they've grown and evolved since then. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever hear "woohoo" sung in a pretty voice in a progressive metal track, but these guys did it and it's wonderful. Definitely go give this album a listen.
8) Debler - Cuando las Estrellas dejen de Brillar feat. Ailyn (ex-Sirenia)
So this song is fucking beautiful. Ailyn and Debler's frontman's voices go so beautifully together. Not only that, but Ailyn hits some impressive whistle notes. She's pretty much the symphonic/gothic metal scene's version of Mariah Carey, but isn't a diva and is precious and needs to be protected.
9) Deadspace - The Liquid Sky
These guys actually messaged me on here about a month or so ago and I'm so glad they did. Their music is amazing. @deadspaceaus are a blackened doom metal band from Australia and their frontman has a gorgeous voice. I'm so looking forward to listening to their new album, because this song alone has me intrigued. Definitely go check them out.
10) My Propane - Before You Are Dead
This is their latest song they've released and it's epic and in your face from start to finish. I love how before the song starts, Valerio just calmly says "Ok, here we go" and then the guitars kick in and he's screaming right afterwards. I can't wait for them to release a full length album.
11) Vuur - The Fire ~ San Francisco
This is one of the standouts off their debut album. It has such an interesting vibe to it. Anekke said in a track-by-track video that the high notes she sings are to represent the sirens of firetrucks. How creative is that? I also find it slightly ironic that I got into this song just as the wildfires in SoCal were making media attention.
12) Ciara - Paint it Black (The Rolling Stones cover)
I randomly found this cover and fell in love instantly. I never expected to hear something like this from her. It's so cinematic and so dark and haunting. I love it. I honestly prefer over the original version. There's just something about this version that is so much better than the original. Maybe it's because it's so dramatic, and you guys know that I LOVE dramatic music.
13) Muna - I Know a Place
The About U album is wonderful and full of so much emotion. This song is definitely one of the more positive and upbeat ones on it. It's not one of my favorites off it, but it's definitely a great jam.
14) Elegy of Madness - Nobody Cares
Discovered this song through an acoustic version their record label shared on YT, so I decided to see if I could find a studio version and I got obsessed. It's so catchy, but it's so epic and powerful. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from them.
15) Tyminski - Southern Gothic
This is the closest I'm probably am ever going to get to listening to country music, all because it doesn't sound like mainstream country music. The only bit that sounds remotely country to me is the singer's voice. Everything else sounds like a modern pop song and I love it. Even the vibe of the song itself doesn't seem like a country song. I'm very interested in this guy and will be checking out more in the future.
16) Kari Rueslatten - Gone
Silence is the Only Sound has a very different vibe compared to To the North. It sounds a bit more positive and peaceful and not as ambient and mellow. This song is one of the least upbeat songs on the album and has more of a pop-rock-ish vibe to it. Really digging it.
17) My Indigo - My Indigo
This is Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation)'s new solo project and I'm blown away. This song is so gorgeous and lovely. I didn't expect it to be as powerful as it is. I'm always finding myself singing "my indigo" throughout the day. Definitely go check this out and I'm so excited to hear the full length album.
18) Plague of Stars - When Morning Came (live)
They shared this live video on their channel, so I checked it out and was blown away. I've been a fan of Melissa Ferlaak for a few years and this project is the heaviest and most aggressive she's been a part of. I really need to listen to their debut album already, especially since new songs are in the works.
19) Bent Knee - Terror Bird
This song got stuck in my head one day and wouldn't leave for days, all thanks to me not remembering what it was. It was actually these posts that helped me find it! It made on here a while back. It's a really great prog track and their front woman has such an interesting voice. I imagine this would be what Bjork would sound like if she made a prog album.
20) Revenience - Shamble
I rekindled my love for this song recently. It's a really great symphonic metal track with a bit of a prog-power vibe to it. I had the chorus stuck in my head for a few days after I randomly listened it, and that's how the obsession started all over again. I really need to check out more from them.
21) Starkill - All I Want for Christmas is You
MARIAH CAREY WHO? They SLEIGHED this song! I'm not a fan of the original since it's so overplayed, but this version is wonderful. Adding this onto my list of nontraditional Christmas songs I can listen to to get in the holiday spirit.
That's it for the first half of December. I wonder what other gems I'll come across this month.
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insanityconflict · 3 years
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its the sanfo
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themarginalthinker · 7 years
this is so late omg djlfsflnflF;m;a here, have some soulmates avien wingfic Jearmin indulgence. Read the first chapter here. Thank you!!!!
It had been clear skies and smooth winds for Jean, up until now. Totally fine and free. 
He was following his star, the call, the music in his heart and embedded in his soul since his birth finally singing out. The lands below him had been simply more of the gentle rolls of hills and streams and and endless seas of treetops swaying on the breeze. It had been warm rainstorms with playful eddies of air to keep Jean on his proverbial toes. Crystal nights with the Hub in his sights and the correct star clusters at each wingtip to guide him onward - just like his flock had taught him. 
The change had come like a slap to the face - worse - being knocked, as Jean was sure he was, somehow, impossibly - off course. 
The storm hadn't appeared so...deadly from where it had lain broiling on the very distant horizon. Jean, still on his perch in the warm evening and watching the sunset fire streaming from behind those onyx clouds contemplated this development with blase mind. He munched idly on a ration of waybread, wondering how much longer he'd be traveling. Where the Calling would take him, and most of all, who he'd find at the end of all this. Why he was the one the Hub plucked up from his comfortable nest and decided to fling him across the wide world while the other merely had to deal with the weeks of anxiousness, feeling their other half draw ever nearer. 
Jean sighed as he felt his hunger, as small as even that vital urge had become in the face of the Call these last few days, wane as these thoughts took root.  Reiner had been near-inconsolable those last few days before Bert's arrival. He'd been fifteen, Jean a year his junior. Waiting in the topmost branches of his hometree, eyes always on the horizon day and night. Even if they knew what it was, how special Reiner was for being one of the few to experience this, his family worried. Not all who were chosen to journey succeeded. The result of a bond never properly made - severed before it was even begun and the toll that took on the one left alive...
Brow furrowing in obstinate determination, Jean tucked away the rest of the uneaten meal. He'd made it this far, with little if any problems. This may just be a quest he'd have little to report upon, a story too dull for flock-talk or festival stories to gussy up for fledglings, and he's...alright with that, he thinks. Sure, it was more exciting and captivating to hear tell of folk fighting off wvyrms - great flying scaled beasts, scourges of the air - or braving extreme elements to find their beloved, but Jean's come to realize just how close people telling those tales must have come to the edge of failing. Of leaving behind their destined, devastated mate forever without having even met them. 
Jeans stood on the thin bow, looking out over the land defiantly, looking at the miasma lurking on the horizon and finally blotting out the last of the sunlight from the land. Staring at the world, and offering a simple challenge; 
Try and stop me.
The sky was chaos incarnate. 
Jean could barely right himself - at least, find a position in the air that might have been right-side up - before a fist of wind and rain and ice slapped him in another direction, stealing the breath from his pumping lungs. His wings felt useless, like an insect drowning pitifully in a puddle. Worse. 
He didn't know where he was. He'd....he lost it. Somehow, impossibly, he'd lost his Call. 
The storm had caught him with his guard dropped. Lingering always just far enough away Jean could keep a decent eye on what stars it was blotting out from the sky and how fast. It seemed in the blink of an eye though, like a predator just waiting for something to creep by - Jean being the unlucky candidate in this case - it had reveled itself a wild thing, uncaring, violent in how Jean was pulled right into it by hot, humid updrafts nothing escaped from.  He'd been stupid....oh so stupid, and this was his punishment. 
Trying to keep his wings close to his body so as the delicate feathers wouldn't be pulled from their shafts, and perhaps try dipping to a lower altitude to escape the heart of the storm, did little. The wind just found ways to curl under his wings and lift him back up into the mess, whether he liked it or not. Rain whipped at him, needle-like and blowing all directions. Jean was soaking and wind-burned, and there was an odd lightness to how he was tossed about. Although there was obviously more pressing matters to consider, he dreaded to think about how he may have lost one of his packs. Hopefully not his knife. If he made it out of this madness in one piece, he might still need it.
A sudden chilling gust grabbed up the avien once more, throwing his ragdoll body in another direction, his neck aching with the force. And again, it was all gone in an instant. Jean blinked both sets of eyelids at the conundrum  when he was falling. 
Sodden wings and clothing, limp in exhaustion, the air currents that had ensnared him only seconds earlier abandoning their prey like he'd never been there in the first place. Taking with them, of course, the one thing keeping him in the air at all. His head spun, or maybe that was just the world around him, a smear of bleak stormy grey and flashes of scudding white. Panic, panicpanicpanic Jean mind was consumed with his immobile body, unresponsive, unable to even save himself. He couldn't find - where - the song, the Call...
Jean's feathers were useless, and as if the gale had decided it wasn't truly done with him, a blast of freezing air whipped around him as he left the deadspace. It barely caught his wings - not enough to slow his downwards spiral but enough for him to realize that pain was still a constant. 
The icy currents were little better then the squall that had spat him out. Suddenly his clothes weren't just wet, they were stiffening under the sudden change in temperature - his wingtips forming ice, creeping over the tiny barbs and fusing them together.  
Jean couldn't think properly, couldn't even right himself anymore or concentrate above the growing din of absolute terror and pain in his head and heart. The ground shifted meters below him under the dark of the storm overhead, fluid and surreal. Jean thought he was surely going mad. It had been known to happen, old fliers who'd gotten sucked into the same mess Jean had just barely survived only for the power of the storm to drive them loopy. Even now, as the avien saw his death coming towards him, the flat hills swam in swirling waves - 
Jean realized his mistake as the first breaker, white-capped and towing flows of ice with it glowing out of the darkness, narrowly skimming his primaries. He didn't have a moment to think of his new misfortune as he slid into darkness, lead waters seeing fit to send him into a new thrashing. Salty water flooded his mouth as Jean tried - for some reason, it was all useless now, he'd...lost - to find the surface. 
Wings and feathers were hardly buoyant, however. Jean couldn't even feel his fingers or toes anymore, and his arms and legs burned from being on action for so long, the arctic waters serving only to sap what little energy he had left. Everything was so dark. Dark and cold, and songless; the waves all around him his only music now, beating the avien senseless in an uncaring tempo as he surfaced only to be struck down again...
He was giving up. He could feel it, starting in his dead wings and creeping like the numbness of the bottomless water down to his useless body. Jean felt his eyes sting, and in the endless mire of pain and fear, maybe he thought, he was crying.
Though, that could just be the salt and grit of the sea. It hurt either way.  He'd never get to see their face. He'd never...never get to know their name, or who they were, or where they came from. He'd never get to hear the sound of their voice; marvel over the color of their eyes in the sunlight, or how their feathers shone under the moon. 
He'd be leaving them, all alone. 
That, perhaps, aside from the deathly water and his failing lungs and motionless limbs, dragged him down the most. He is...resigned. Jean can feeling it all leaving - no light in the darkness greets him as his eyes shut, and only ringing  fills his head. Just the turbulence of the violent waves, the slowing pounding of his heart. 
The lull of the surf is everywhere...a rhythm that Jean can't escape, can't help but listen to. Perhaps his fleeting consciousness is trying to sooth him in the end, and it works. If he wants to trick himself even more, believe his own painful fantasy, it's sort of like a song, in a way. 
The voice of death singing him to his watery grave... Jean doesn't know what he feels first. He had been fading, chest heavy and mind almost gone. Just a mess of sensations and pain and cold, dark lonesomeness - and the sudden, blaring, all-consuming song so loud, cacophonous almost in it's clarity, 
but there's - there's arms, and...movement? And, yes, air, cold, so cold and new and slapping his face and clothes and blowing away streams of water pouring out of the mess of feathers that were but a mockery of his wings on the briny sea winds. The hands - they had to be, though how he knew Jean couldn't tell you at the moment as detached as his body was from his mind - clawing at him, clutching, holding so tightly. Too much for the deathly pull of the waves, even. Jean thinks, chest aching, it felt like there was nothing that would keep him from those arms. They'd die for him, they'd kill for him...
He was rising...then dipping  and rising again, the water wasn't there anymore? Jean couldn't open his eyes even if he had the strength, didn't dare...what if he saw his own corpse bobbing along down below like a broken twig? This had to be death, at last - 
"-elp me! C'mon, I can't carry yo-"
...Death had an awfully young voice. 
Something licked at the bottoms of Jean's feet, the waters from bellow roaring up again in their agitated waves under the still-raging storm above, the tongues of the ocean desperate for their stolen meal back but whatever force held Jean kept him from succumbing to their depths again. Something so tight around his chest and so warm against his back and in his ears and heart...
"-lease! Don't! You have to stay awa-"
It is no wonder the singing of the great Hub had stopped, Jean thinks slowly as the world begins to return to the blackness of the frozen ocean.  It's voice had belonged to his savior all along.
Jean supposes it's indicative how close he was to slipping down death's throat, never mind being caught in it's jaws, when he rises back to consciousness after failing to realize he'd dropped from it in the first place. 
There was no song, but his spirit was calm.
Warm...and pain. Fuck, it's as if his whole body was waiting for him to wake up to assault him with all the worst sensations it could possibly hope to feel. His wings ached worse then the first time his flight feathers were growing in as a child, and from the sudden bloom of stinging as he dared to try and twitch them, he knew he'd likely lost and broken more then a couple important quills. He didn't go more then a few breaths without weakly fighting the urge to cough against the stickiness his chest, which he gave into more the a couple of times. His head was splitting, his body felt weak and the tips of his fingers and toes were throbbing...
But he was...alive. 
Alive and...warm, and burrowed in something incredibly heavy and soft and furry that tickled at his nose where it was pulled up under - enough to make him sneeze, suddenly. 
And someone definitely not him give a small squeak of startlement. 
"Ah! You're awake!"
Jean's eyelids grappled with their own weight as a surge of excitement and energy he knew he shouldn't possess at hearing a voice. The same voice the unknown arms from the sea sang as they carried him off. When he did manage to open his eyes, at first it was all blurred, a smear of colors like a child's painting across his vision.
Then it was...blue. 
Bluer then a clear sky in the late autumn evening, bluer then the highest, oldest mountain ice. 
Bluer then the ocean.
How young... Jean first wondered as he found himself lost in those bottomless eyes - well, that and he could feel the world around him spinning a little, so his staring probably wasn't total enamorment...and yet. He still couldn't draw himself away. He looked barely older then a boy, the honeygold hair hanging in mildly frazzled clumps framing his face and thin shoulders idly shifting long, soaring seabird wings behind him from where Jean was laid. And it seemed Jean was not the only one to be found taking too long of a first look. 
Those eyes had been looking at him like a dry riverbed takes on water, quick and darting around and filled with an endless greed of want. Blinking, it seemed to break the spell, and magically, the stranger speaks again. How damn young, Jean idly muses again, though it is soon lost under the utter shine of hearing the bell of a voice. 
"I...I was so frightened that you were gone...well. Not gone, but like - like, more sick then I could help. I'm not usually so good at these things, see. Healing people, and not from almost drowning, either. If you'd gotten anymore water in your chest, I don't think I'd have been able to....um... And you were like a deadweight all the way here, and I... I think you did stop breathing at some point..." 
Jean watches with waning strength as the boy rambles, seeing a clawed, scaly hand much like his own reach up and start anxiously combing through his hair. Suddenly the boy must realize Jean's not able to pay much attention to much more then the comforting sound of his voice rather then what's actually being said, and with another admonishment against himself and some muttering, turns swiftly from the bedridden avien. 
Jean can feel himself beginning to drift. It's like a balm to his core, just hearing the other whisper and fumble about wherever they are. The furs he's been veritably cocooned in feel like a physical weight pushing him back down with as much ease as the crushing depths of the ocean had rage. He lets his other senses tell him about what's going on - so long as he can hear that voice...
Woodsmoke, though it's different then he's ever smelled before. Something he can't put a name to within it, reminding him of the scent of the storm and the sea. Herbs, strong and spicy and mellow. The pop and hiss of droplets of something on coals from a banked fire and more muttering and fluttering. A small chill blew through Jean's hair, the tiny draft whistling a little windy moan as it passed. Jean wondered what aery they might be roosted in...A very gentle clinking pricked Jean's attention for a moment, enough to force his eyes open one more time as the shushing of feathers not his own drew near again, along with a salty, fishy smell. 
"It's just broth. I can help you sit up if you need, but you need to eat something before you go back to sleep." 
The sick avien wasn't sure if he totally conveyed his acceptance around his sluggish movements and through the thick furs, but the boy must have seen a 'yes' in all the tiny jerk of his head, and soon the world was tilting again, and after a long, nauseating moment of vertigo his kind shouldn't have to know, Jean was resting against a wall behind him with the soup pressed to his lips by gentle hands. 
Trying to use his own required coordination Jean didn't possess at current, so Jean let himself be nursed like a downed nestling. The broth was thin but oily, bits of minced fish and bitter greens slipped past and filled him more then he figured such a small bowl would have. In the middle sometime, the stranger switched it out for another of cool, cold water, and Jean was forced to heed his warnings for Jean to take it slow when he almost choked at the laugh in that voice. 
When he was finished, Jean leaned heavily against the wall, and gave the boy before him a long look with eyes burning for more rest. 
It was killing him. He needed sleep, and time, and to trust this person - his person, which he had finally found after nearly stumbling into Darkness for.
But he had to know, also. 
"Wh-" the first sound Jean had made aside from his wayward sneeze what felt like forever ago eeked out painfully, and coated with the gunk still in his chest, but with a dreadful cough which shook his poor body, he managed a full sentence. 
"Whass....what's your nayme.. 'Mm...Jean.." 
If he were in much better shape of mind he might have winced at the slurring, but another, rather frazzled part of him reminded him he did almost very nearly drown, and he was lucky to have breath to speak at all. 
The stranger just gazed down at him for a few puzzling seconds, looking for all the world like he'd never heard another person's name before, or had no idea what a name was...then he smiled. Smiled like sunlight on snow...
"Jean...that's a nice name. I think I've dreamed about that before..." he said, airily, as if he suddenly lost the conviction of his own words. Though, even in his state and feeling like he couldn't actually rest until the boy, his beloved, his Hub in the heavens told him his name there was something about hearing his own fall off those pale lips.
Reaching back up with some of that now-nearly-familiar anxiousness coming back, the threaded his dark talons through his long hair and ducked his head.  "I'm Armin. And...I suppose you're the call that's sung to me every night now, huh?" 
The sky was silent and empty, for all Jean's starsongs were here. 
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