#made it myself😌
ayo-edebiri · 6 months
I love your icon!!!
thank you <3
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southfarthing · 5 months
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happy legolas "I go to find the Sun!" day to all who celebrate
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thatswhatsushesaid · 3 months
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"zewu-jun..! 🥹"
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gentle-vers · 1 year
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To the wild and to the both of us, I confessed the longing I was dreaming of
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banancrumbs · 1 year
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brother, son, friend
very inspired on this!! fic!!! that broke my heart in many pieces and made me think of it for weeks <3
you can also look their ao3 here!
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stavromulabetaaa · 9 months
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Jim Jimenez - OFMD Season 2 Teaser
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ellivenollivander · 11 months
Sebastian teaching us The Unforgivables
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caiusthecat · 5 months
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Chrobin die cut sticker set preview and interest check! I’m so freaking excited finishing this personal project with 2023 being so full of absolute Chrobin brain rot🥺❤️ Reblogs are EXTREMELY appreciated!! Interest check under cut!
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c00kietin · 2 months
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I have a Funko Pop of Rengoku and one day decided to put a rainbow bracelet around his head :D
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hood-ex · 3 months
If I don't find a Titans friendship edit set to the "you're the only friend I need" song, I'm gonna die.
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seonghwasblr-moved · 6 months
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Look at my new friend
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sunnibits · 11 months
I literally never make edits these days but a demon just possessed me to make this (the demon was adhd)
(and yes this is not every queer tv role he’s ever played but the others aren’t as iconic so yknow)
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
So I know the internet is obsessed with babygirl Steve but I've been thinking about the opposite lately? About how Eddie would love how manly and strong and boyish Steve is. Especially after that scene in the Upside Down where Eddie is casually fawning over sweaty and dirty shirtless Steve ripping demobats apart with his bare hands. They're both gross teenage boys and Eddie likes it.
Eddie loves Steve's 5 o'clock shadow, dreams of feeling the scratch of it on his skin, the burn of it as Steve kisses his way down his body.
Dustin still keeps telling Steve he needs to tame his chest hair, shear it down a bit. Steve always refuses because the "ladies dig it" and Eddie can't help but agree that the boys dig it too. He definitely doesn't want to run his fingers through it, tangle his fingers in the strands and feel the warmth of Steves skin underneath.
Eddie loves Steve's strong jaw and broad shoulders. Thick thighs and muscled biceps. Every now and then Steve will wake up early for a jog and at the end, jog his way over to the trailer park. And Eddie gets to watch him with his hair pushed out of his face, unstyled and sweaty but still looking good. Shirt sticking to his torso with sweat. It's so gross but so good. They'll sit on the porch together, Steve drinking water; with Eddie next to him wrapped in a blanket, half asleep, drinking coffee, and thinking about how fucking good Steve looks.
He even likes how Steve will eat a bagel and get crumbs all over his kitchen floor, and then snap at Dustin for even /thinking/ about opening a packet of Doritos in his car because he will get crumbs in the seats. And the Beemer is his baby.
Idk I've just always liked the idea that Steve genuinely likes cars? We all saw him with the Toddfather. And his beemer!!! This stereotypical manly interest that he might have gotten into originally when he was little because it was something he thought his dad would like, but it turns out he actually genuinely likes. Steve will happily spend a Saturday morning washing and waxing his car. Vacuuming the carpet and cleaning the seats. And after all that he'll pop the hood and tinker with the engine. Checking the oil and other car things. And Eddie finds himself noticing the grease and oil under his fingernails that he couldn't quite remove.
And then there's the little things. How Steve will throw something into the rubbish bin or his laundry basket like a basketball from across the room. How he will yell at the TV when watching sports and the ref makes a stupid call. His dumb locker room talk with Robin where they talk about hot girls together, which is endearing as hell because he can see how much it means to Robin to be able to talk like a regular teen about hot celebs and pretty classmates.
Idk I'm just having fun thinking of Eddie fawning over how manly and hot he finds Steve. You just know he's talked about it to the Corroded Coffin boys and they just "can't relate but we'll take your word for it" Because they love and support Eddie in his big fat gay crush on Steve.
(Absolutely no pressure to do anything with this btw I'm just having Thoughts)
I was just reading this and nodding aggressively. I love babygirl Steve but I love the facets of Steve that means he can be both
Oh he’d absolutely take up an interest in cars because he thinks it would earn him points with his Dad. He’s awful to begin with, obviously, but he sticks with it and and the first time he fixes something or cleans it up and polishes it on his own he’s so proud of himself that he just keeps at it. Eventually it becomes an activity he can put all his attention on and just zone out of real life. He gets really competent and this only sends Eddie’s heart rate sky high. He sees Steve wiping his hands off on a dirty rag, flipping it onto his shoulder and squinting at eddie in the sun. Eddie’s brain shuts down, outright staring at Steve. Only reengages when Steve waves a hand infront of his face and laughs when Eddie reboots. Eddie makes sure to ask Steve for more car tips. Demonstrations really, Eddie is a visual learner.
The whole discussion with the chest hair? There’s a similar thing before they are together. Steve actually pulls Eddie into it, he was sitting in the back of the beemer while Steve and Dustin bickered up front. Eddie was half paying attention, half thinking about an unexpected cover corroded coffin were planning next week.
That all stopped when Steve directed a question to him ‘hey! Earth to Eddie! You got to back me up, chest hair is hot, right?’
Dustin squawks ‘no fair!! He’s supposed to be unbiased! No leading questions!’ He turns to face eddie in the back of the car ‘forget he said that. He’s only out for himself. Chest hairs a no, right?’
Steve is watching him in the mirror and Eddie very, very pointedly does not look at Steve’s chest (he does), looks up to catch Steve’s eye and immediately feels his face burning. It gets worse when Steve pipes up ‘come on munson, what’s your opinion, you’ve always got one.’ A smirk evident in his tone of voice, Steve is a big believer in his chest hair, and for good reason. Eddie has lost countless hours thinking about the noises Steve might make from tugging on that hair just right. Countless more hours contemplating if Steve pulls on the hair himself when he’s getting off. Before eddie can stumble much further down that path he pulls himself together, let’s put a high pitched ‘mhm! Yep! Sure!’
Dustin turns back to fave the front in disgust after firing a withering stare at eddie. Steve on the other hand just looks smug as he continues to drive, tapping on his steering wheel along to the music. Thinking to himself ‘harrington’s still got it baby’ and silently thanks his chest hair. He rubs his palm over his face as he thinks about what his next move to get Eddie might be but he catches eddue tracking his hand’s movement through the mirror. Head perking up at the rough scrape sound of dry skin on stubble. Oh this could be interesting.
Overall, Steve and Eddie are big fans of big boy manly Steve with thick forearms and a torso to match. There’s a lot of fun stuff Steve’s body allows him to do, especially once they are together. It’s mainly picking up Eddie and throwing him around, both of them are very big fans of that. But eddie makes sure to let Steve know just what his wide shoulders, thick muscled legs and identifying jaw line does to him. You know, just incase he’s forgotten
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goldengoanna · 26 days
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"hi welcome to McDonald's what can i get for you?"
"yeah can i get a deluxe quarter pounder with cheese?"
"absolutely, do you want the meal or just the sandwich?"
"uuuuuh hold on"
*fishes something out of my pocket*
"spammy what do i do?"
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*stuffs it back in my pocket*
"uhh yes please the meal would be great"
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mo-ok · 2 months
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send me through your favourite fellas and i'll see what i can do!
pls send them through my ask box, that way i can keep them forever/wont lose them 🤗
i'm infinitly more likely to draw characters from the shows i've seen, my watched list is here <3
if you want them with a specific weapon or item, let me know!!!
default they'll be suit-no-helmet, but if they're a dupe i'll stick em in an outfit variation to keep things fresh 😌😌😌
likes + reblogs appreciated <3 <3 requests will be open till i feel overwhelmed 😂😂
idk how long each one will take (or even how much interest i'll get lmao) so pls be patient with me <3
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