#macdennis smut
redhotchillibowie · 27 days
Look me dead in the eye and tell me that "You're gorgeous" by Babybird (oh the irony) does not scream Macdennis. Imagine Mac singing about Dennis getting him to hitch his knees up while pulling his legs apart. I'm actually screaming if nobody writes about this I'll do it
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placid-styles · 2 months
finally posted the first chapter of my new macden fic! its a revenge story 😈😁
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paddyspubdollars · 4 months
wrote some macdennis smut, because i had inspiration for it. it might not be the best, but i definitely tried.
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kaleidoscopeaglow · 11 months
the desire to write a serious macdennis fic vs the knowledge that it’d be easier and funnier to write them having weird gross old man sex
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charmac · 11 months
Have you ever taken a survey right after reading 8.5k words of gratuitous smut? Well, now you can!
Wait, is that a good way to advertise your new fic? Erm, um, hm. Uhh.. Heyyyy want a fic where closeted Mac hooks up with Dennis and justifies it by feminizing the shit out of him? There's nipple play...Yeah, knew that would get you.
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waywardtrek · 11 months
Read this joy-filled fic for these kinda vibes:
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macdentrash · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about the gif of them arguing that Dennis is either a bottom or a power bottom and want a fic where they fuck to figure it out. Basically want Dennis to lose though, man needs to be dicked the fuck down
😳🤭if anyone is looking for a fic to write… the people have spoken
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macdennisofficial · 11 months
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endless--rain · 22 days
I was really active on tumblr and the iasip fandom like 2014-2017, but fell off for a long time. I started writing macdennis fic again in 2022 to relieve stress and now i'm ass deep in fic writing again. I've gone by EndlessRain on A03 for over a decade. My more popular sunny fics are both macdennis, a truth pact fic called You Don't Know How Much I Love This and a vampire AU.
last year I started writing a deetress fic because as a lesbian who ships a lot of mlm I realized I never get the chance to write lesbian smut. Plus, I just loved the idea of Dee being a lesbian who struggles with comphet (sleeps with men for validation, hypercompetitive with other women, aggressively an ally) and wanted to show that. alexa play good look babe by chappell roan!
so anyway, this is my way of poking my head back out into sunny tumblr and saying what up! please read my lesbian dee fic. (but also please read ALL the tags and look at the rating because I got some hate for content that was clearly tagged soooo)
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bigmcgirlie · 1 year
i want to macdennis start a really ugly fight which turns out to be more about feelings than the whatever stupid plan they have going one and then they just start beating the shit out each other in a first-seasons way to end up in dennis kissing mac HARD and mac getting confused but agreeding to the turn of events.
actually, this sound like dennis smuts fictions. nvm.
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macdenlover · 8 months
hi! love your blog! i was wondering if you had any macden fic recommendations? or even general iasip recommendations? i remember you mentioned "wishing well" and it was such an immersive read
i’ve read so many good fics but i have the memory of a goldfish and i unfortunately could not tell u which ones with a gun to my head.
but @charmac has a macdennis sugar daddy au that has been, how do i put this, plaguing my mind as of late. 11/10 smut, characterization, and location accuracy. i’m not a big fan of au’s but this one reallyyyy got to me. here’s the link
if anyone wants to leave fic recs in the replies or rbs please do!! i wish i had it in me to save links but i always forget
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charmac · 1 year
so considering the developments in frank v russia would you ever consider adding a sex toy element to you sugar daddy au. asking for a friend.
Babe, I did it first! I’d say SD Dennis is probably plugged more often than Mac is for Johnny… Lol haha.
No, I assume you’re asking about Mac and yes, but of course. Dennis has to control train that boy, right?
Here, have something (VERY rough), since you're all so deprived:
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sunnytastic · 2 years
the funny thing about glenn reading macdennis fanfics is that most of them are smut
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malewifemanhunter · 2 years
Challenge is NOW OPEN!!! 9th August to 9th September 2022
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Heyyy everyone! The Always Sunny Drabble Blast Contest is now open for submissions :D
Anyone can enter, whether you’re a confident writer or you’ve never written anything before, if you’re new to sunnyblr or you’ve been here since Charlie Kelly crawled out of the floorboards. You can also submit anonymously! (just talk to one of the organizers for that~)
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A drabble is a VERY short fic of just 100 words (not including title, tags or authors notes). And it can be about anything you like! As long as it’s Sunny related and hits that target (give or take) then you’ve nailed it. You can even write a series of drabbles and arrange them as chapters if you want to explore your idea more, as long as they work on their own too. If you need some examples, you can find them in the collection.
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Good question! We’ll be opening a poll on September 1st for people to vote on their favourite stories, with a contest winner and runners-up, and we’re ALSO going to hand pick the winners of some very special categories. (And yes, that’s because otherwise, our beloved macdennies will swamp the votes :p)
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BEST IN SHIP: The big six, babeyyy. Macdennis, Deetress, Charden, Charmac, Chardee, Charmacden. You know the drill.
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BEST RAREPAIRS: Any relationship not in the above list :)
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BEST TEAM-UPS and FRIENDSHIPS: Non-ship based fics
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GENRE: Best fluff, humor, angst, AU, horror, smut
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HAND PICKED PERFECTION: Best Scheme, Most Sunny-ish Vibes, Best Twist, Drabble We're Most Desperate For More Of, Best Drunk/High Fic, Most In Character, Best Title, BEST SINGLE LINE, Dialogue Only, Fewest Filler Words, Best Fic In A Language Other Than English, Best Freeform/Visual Design, Best Meta, Best Crack Meta…
And finally...
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WASTE NOT WANT NOT: The real deal. The most prestigious title. That’s right, we’re talking about Most Obedient. This is the award for whoever writes the most submissions with exactly one. hundred. words. No more, no less. 
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Content: write whatever you like! Try to tag things appropriately, but we can help you figure that out if you want (dm or send an ask to us @malewifemanhunter @headgehug @officialbillhader or @lets-dont-this)
Where to post: Feel free to post your work on tumblr/anywhere else you like - it’s your work! just make sure you also submit it to the collection on Archive Of Our Own 3 so we can keep track of them all. And don't forget to tag sunny d blast!
Submitting anonymously: There are two ways you can do this. 1. Upload your fic to your Ao3 account, make it anonymous, then submit it to the collection, or 2. Send it to one of us (@malewifemanhunter @headgehug @lets-dont-this @officialbillhader) on anon and we will post it for you (although it may mess up your formatting a little to do it this way). 
But what if I dont know what to write?!: Do not worry - as well as having beta readers available we’ve also got this list of prompts! No need to stick with these (seriously, write what you wanna), but If you wanna write and the creative juices just aren’t flowing, you can take your pick from this list and just go to town
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moments when Dennis kissed Mac on the forehead, Mac and charlie have a bike race, Dennis and Charlie sing together while high, Charlie takes care of a sick Dee, the gang tries to catch a turkey for Thanksgiving, Mac and Dee want the same man, Charlie and Mac almost set fire to Mac and Dennis’s apartment while cooking, the twins (children) hate each other but they still spend their birthday together because being together with someone you hate is better than being alone, Frank swindles a street vendor and gets food for everyone in the gang, water fight turned erotic. You can take these as they are, or play around with them a bit, whatever floats your boat~
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Don't forget you have a title! With only 100 words it can really help to set the scene or the tone of your fic. And make sure you tag the fic. If you don't know how, or have any other questions, just ask one of the organizers!
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number-one-hog-hater · 3 months
I dont know how people read real books on their phone. I can't handle the vibes of reading 1984 the same way I've read uncounted macdennis smut fics.
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