#lulu is caring for you all so he can be the most mentally ill
lu-lus-duckies · 2 months
You all need sleep and I may not be the best sleeper but here's some tips. these especially go out to @xxx-angie @nunalastor and @the-aprilfools-bitch . I will be in your closets making sure you all get good sleep >:(
rest your eyes from tv and phone. Just blue light in general. instead you could listen to music or podcasts. those are much better.
try sleeping between 2-4 PM at the latest (which means either that or EARLIER). your body produces the most melatonin (the thing you need to sleep) at those times. It will be much harder to fall asleep later than that
Take a warm bath or shower. If I didn't have a bad relationship with liquids, I would be doing this all day. the warmness helps drop your body temperature and generally lower temperatures signal to the body that it's nighttime and consequently bedtime.
no coffee if you drink some, unless you got ADHD (angie). I've heard caffeine works backwards for people with ADHD
If you grew up in a home with the TV on constantly or just generally had some noise around you in your childhood whenever you went to bed, TURN ON SOME NOISE. It is what happens with me and I can't sleep without some noise.
It would be nice if your bed was only used for sleeping, but I know that's not happening lmao
midgnight snacks disturb your sleep. try to avoid those, since your body starts metabolism during nights. it doesn't need more food to process. but if you must grab a snack, it's best to choose something that's easily digestible and maybe even increases the production of melatonin. some of these are milk (obviously), bananas, nuts, eggs, tea, vegetables and such.
Don't rely too much on meds, otherwise your body will get used to it and will depend on it for you to go to sleep. Instead you could try pavlov effecting yourself with something similar that can always be available. For example, before going to sleep, perform a certain action (I used this method in school and my version was patting myself on the head or touching my cheek with the hand opposite to it). once you've done this enough times before sleep, your brain will associate that action with sleep and you'll get a little sleepy if you do it again. This takes a long time though, A month maybe I have stopped doing this, but if nothing else works this can be an option. Though this isn't perfect lulu side rant: tried to condition myself with a ring once. was really bad with doing homework on time, so everytime I was doing homework I would switch a ring I wore to my forefinger. And this was only used for that situation. I never moved my ring to my forefinger for any reason at all. Thought this would work, but the only conditional response I got was that everytime I moved that ring to my forefinger I started thinking about homework and not really doing it.
If that doesn't work, try changing your enviorment. It doesn't have to be drastic. for example: sleep backwards. lay your head where your feet usually are and your head where your feet usually are. or maybe try sleeping on the floor. I am paranoid about sleeping in other peoples houses but this is the reason I tend to fall asleep anyway
If your lack of sleep is caused by anxiety (like intrusive thoughts or thinking about the future), try listening to a mindless podcast or a youtube video. It will help distract from your thoughts and give you something to focus your mind on, plus most content these days tend to try and turn your mind off to get that sweet sweet watchtime.
If all else fails, you can try to tire your brain out I guess. that's my method for extemely bad sleepless nights. I start reading because that's the most tiring activity I can do in bed and usually I fall asleep in the middle of it.
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lifmera · 3 months
hi hi!! hope your doing well! i’d like to ask for a romantic hazbin hotel match up! i’m gender-fluid masculine presenting and i use all pronouns, and i don’t have a gender preference! 
My MBTI is ISTP but most people perceive me as a ENTP. i am quite tall, around six feet. i have a strong sense of right and wrong and justice, and i care deeply for others, but i often act reckless and loud because i don’t want to be taken advantage of for my kindness.
i really like being around people, and i like helping others in any way i can, i can be quite selfless at times but i know when to be stern to protect myself.  i am quite social but i suffer from some mental illness, specifaclly bipolar and schizophrenia so it can make it quite hard to understand and connect with others and the world around me.
i am autistic and i often stim a lot by flapping my hands and moving my arms around. i have a lot of different interests, i really like silly things like clowns i think they are awesome and i really like fictional media, i also like collecting toys like my little pony, it makes me feel really happy!
i have a couple hobbies, i really like shopping a lot, i find it to be super fun, i also like writing and drawing, and i’m getting into software engineering! i also like listening to music, i listen to a wide range of genres but my favorites are breakcore, indie folk, glitch core and basically anything that is loud tbh 😭 
i am often disconnected mentally from the world around me, so i sometimes have psychosis and hallucinations, i take medication for it and it works well but i still have episodes sometimes, it really helps having someone to ground me back into reality.
i really like bonding over interests with others and getting people into the stuff i like, i also love listening to others talk about things they like. i have really bad memory so i often forget important things but i try my best.
best way to describe my style i guess would be older brother core 😭??? idk but basically i wear comfy oversized clothes like silly t- shirts with cats on them and pj pants with cartoon characters on them and silly character beanies. 
i really like being shown love by getting gifts and people doing actions of service for me, i kind of have trust issues so it’s hard to believe someone when it’s just words and not actions.
i am super chaotic i love saying unhinged things and just being very loud it’s very fun for me, i like jokingly threatening to eat people  😭 i also often type in all caps.
i am in a lot of obscure fandoms and i LOVE nerding out about my interests! 
sorry if this is a lot 😭 but thank you so much!!
Hi hun!! This is completely fine!!
I’ve paired you with…. ANGEL DUST!!
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When angel first met you, he definitely thought you were super attractive, and decided to hit on you!
But when he got closer to you, he really realized that he was starting to develop feelings 🩷
At first he was super drawn in by your reckless personality, but when you showed your true kind self- he fell in love.
With your sense of Justice especially… when he saw how you treated Valentino… and GENUINELY truly cared about him? It broke down his walls and let you into his heart.
He definitely introduced you to Cherri and you all became BESTIES. They would totally drag you around to parties and such and socialize ! You guys are the LIVES of the party.
If you confided in him about the mental illness and autism, he definitely would ask a BUNCH of questions to understand you more, and also try not to offend you.
He’d also try to help you through your episodes. He knows he isn’t the best comforter, but he tries. :(
If you told him your special interests he’d bolt out the door with you to do those things! Like clowns? LULU LAND!
Collectors Items? THE STORE!!!!
Angel would love to do some of your hobbies with you. Shopping? You guys are staying out ALL DAY. Writing? You better read whatever it is to him. Listening to music? SINGING YOUR HEARTS OUT!
Honestly, he’d probably judge your outfit choice, until he decided to steal your outfit one day, and realized how comfortable it is??
He totally steals ur clothes at night.
Angel would agree with you !! Actions speak louder than words, kinda why he’s at the hotel! Although he’s always pretty sexual, I think he’d be a sweetheart.
The chaotic nature is what brought him in! You guys are always having fun.
He would also LOVE TO listen to you rant 24/7. Even if he cant get into your interests, he’d try. And he’d always listen. It helps him get away from the world.
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lunaralight09 · 3 years
Could you do books that the scps might read?
Books that the SCPs might read
SCP 035 Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins Anna is shipped off to boarding school in Paris where she meets the super-charming Etienne, and that's when things get interesting. I was a squealing, giggly, mush-fest all the while through reading this book. Stephanie Perkins knows just how to turn a seemingly ordinary love story into an unputdownable read. SCP 040 Your Brain Needs a Hug: Life, Love, Mental Health, and Sandwiches Just the title of this book by Rae Earl makes us feel a little lighter. And we don’t know about you, but our brains could definitely use a hug right now. While the book is geared towards teens, we found Earl’s advice to be relevant for all ages — particularly for anyone who struggles with depression, anxiety, social media addiction, and self-esteem issues. TBH, pretty much anyone can benefit from this book! SCP 049 And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini And the Mountains Echoed is such an amazing and heartwarming read. It's about a pair of siblings that fate cruelly separates and then finally reunites. A must-read for its simple yet gripping narration and amiable characters. SCP 049-j The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain This is a French romance novella, and basically a love letter to book lovers. There's mystery, romance, and some of the most beautifully crafted sentences and paragraphs I have ever read. The ending is so sweet, even though you wonder how you ever got there so soon. SCP 053 Lulu and the Rabbit Next Door by Hilary McKay Lulu and her cousin help their neighbor Arthur learn to love and care for his (neglected) rabbit. She doesn’t want her neighbor to feel bad so she writes the rabbit little notes with helpful gifts signed from her own pet rabbit named Thumper. It’s a kind way to show Arthur how to take care of his new pet SCP 073 HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time Looking for heart-warming stories of kindness and compassion? HumanKind by Brad Aronson was made for you. But the book isn’t only full of uplifting stories that will move you to happy tears, it’s also packed with practical and actionable tips for how to be kinder in your everyday. One thing is for sure: after you put this book down, you’ll feel inspired to do something nice for someone else. And because of that, we think this is one of the best books on the planet! SCP 076 Do Unto Animals We absolutely DEVOURED this book by Tracey Stewart. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to better understand skunks and squirrels or read your pet’s body language, every page is full of compassionate wisdom about to treat animals in a way that they deserve. Also, the illustrations are absolutely beautiful — we nearly wanted to pet the pages because the animal drawings were so lovable. SCP 079 Walden (Henry David Thoreau) With the outdoorsman renaissance happening as we speak, it is nice to look back at one of the books that probably started it. Walden isn’t the bore you read back in middle school, it takes time to appreciate like a nice bottle of red. Thoreau’s masterpiece tackles so much while quietly nudging your brain into activity. It also makes you want to build a cabin SCP 096 Black Beauty by Anna Sewell Told from the perspective of the horse, this story is so beautifully written that it's easy to get lost in it's pages. I laughed and cried, as did my daughter when she read it. SCP 105 Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury Warm and fuzzy the whole way through, Dandelion Wine is by far the best story to make you feel good. Though I'm not the correct age to directly relate to the young adult story, I still felt the warm summer days and the wonder of it all. SCP 106 Catch-22 – Joseph Heller “War is hell,” is the old adage we all know, but Catch-22 looks to modify that a bit. Instead, war becomes super goddamn weird. The book follows a bomber squadron in the Second World War whose collective sanity is slowly being eroded by whatever passes for power. Throughout it all, the main character keeps trying to prove himself insane enough to be kicked out of the Navy, which is precisely why he can’t
be kicked out. Which is a catch 22 and yes, this is where the phrase comes from. It’s a great extrapolation of quirks and idiosyncrasies we see in day to day life, only this time, they’re affecting war SCP 134 (I know she don't have eyes . But there is a books for blind people) A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass A Mango-Shaped Space is about a 13-year-old girl with synesthesia (she can see, taste, and hear colors) and her journey in getting a diagnosis and accepting herself and all her differences. It's sort of a coming-of-age story, too. As someone with multiple chronic illnesses who has gone through the same process at the same age, this really was an incredible reading experience. One of my favorite quotes is "We all do the best we can, trying to keep all the balls in the air at once." I recommend it to everyone. SCP 173 Rabbit, Run (John Updike) The greatest mid-life crisis novel of all time doesn’t actually deal with a mid-life crisis at all. Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom is 26 when he decides to leave his wife and son for a new life. Of course, what that new life is, and what exactly he wants out of it isn’t clear to the reader or to Rabbit himself. It will strike a cord with all men who struggle with the idea of settling down. SCP 239 The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling SCP 682 THE WOLF AND THE WATCHMAN BY NIKLAS NATT OCH DAG If you're the kind of person that can't get enough of Scandi noir films, TV shows and literature, then Niklas Natt och Dag's The Wolf And The Watchman should be next on your reading list. Set in 18th-century Stockholm, this tale is as dark as it gets, following the titular watchman and a detective as they hunt down the killer behind a dismembered corpse that appears in a local pond. As gruesome as it is gripping, it's the perfect literary companion as the nights get longer and increasingly eerie. SCP 847 The Case Against Satan by Ray Russell Two priests are called in to examine a girl who might be possessed by the devil. The Exorcist, right? Nope, it’s Ray Russell‘s The Case Against Satan, a novel of theological horror that beat William Peter Blatty’s book to print by eight years. The Case Against Satan is as much the story of a crisis of faith as it is a supernatural tale, and readers looking for a nuanced take on both should give it a try SCP 953 THE PILLOW BOOK BY SEI SHŌNAGON If you want to learn a bit more about the Japan of the past – and also, weirdly, all of us in the present – The Pillow Book is a cult classic you should absolutely try. Sei Shōnagon was a lady-in-waiting in the court of Empress Teishi in the year 1000 and here she collects her thoughts and musings about court life. To read a woman more than 1,000 years ago being as philosophical, neurotic and scandalous as anyone is today on social media is a thrill that lasts from the start to the end. SCP 1678 Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden Absolutely moving, the struggles Sayuri faces are painted so beautifully by Arthur Golden's masterful craft that you totally empathize with her as she grows and triumphs in a world designed to see her fail. The ultimate conclusion of the novel fills me with such warmth — it's both entirely unexpected and wholeheartedly appreciated.
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kurou3gi-blog · 4 years
Everything got weird in 2019 for Ks and exo. First baek said on a show that Ks was strong and Jm didn't like him saying that. Then baek says that everything will be back to normal with the return of Ks. Why did he say that? What power Ks has to bring normality to a group practically undone by s * m. And we know that Ks is one of the members most badly treated by s * m.
**Warning full on nonsense and wrong grammar talkative**
Tbh I think all of ekso except jd are so audacious boys than most of us think they can be even esm... XD
They loved to throw the troll thing that esm say “Don’t do that!!” to us when all of them on limit break mode and extreme need to send some hints to us when eksol or some of eksol on crisis mode about ekso case XD
I still remembered how jm shouted the bitchy words out loud to blame krys once during live speech on music show when they are facing a tsunami after wave after krys left ekso a few weeks...
And how he streamed ig live and tried hard to say something to us after soo entered the military....<<But at last I think both of them changed mind on mid way...
Especially... How he say about that capitalism.... With that face mode and action XD
And think of how bh can’t keep the secret about new album songs or choreography when he on extreme hype and haul mode... Especially how he leaked about kd more than ones at free time on stage that made jd tried to do quick time event to stop his mouth XD.... 
+Don’t forget how bh tried to tease cy’s foots with his foots during ekso showtime filming... 
+How he told us about how lsm reacted to his plan...
Think of how lay try to present that he still ekso all of time... We are far, but still are one...
I think how they try to catch time to say to us like that is the one of how to show that they are deeply care in eksol like what they say all of time....
If they don’t know what most of eksol think about them in details... It’s hard to see them choose to insert some words in to those sentences...
I think they want to comfort, console and solace us to calm down... Or spoiling  for more excite by chance.... If esm still do nothing with those cases... Like if you don't do it, I will do it... With our ways that... A bit harm...
Then about “what power Ks has to bring normality to a group practically undone by s * m.”
I think soo has deep impact with ekso and eksol than most of us think he has....
Turn back to wolf pre-comeback period....
When soo got first crisis injure....
We knew he admitted hospital... 
And on that time I thought that we may probably not see him again until he leaving the hospital and we can do only waiting for esm updating... Same as what esm do most of times.
But like we see...
esm had set the hospital bed visit scene to show us about soo’s symptom condition at that time... Like they wanted to make us sure that he fine and stop us to complain them about his injure condition...
Then think of his second injure at jp concert stage...
Some jp twit acc on that time had spread the photoshop pics and claimed that those pics were secretly taking when he was receiving treatment at the hospital. And one of those acc had posted about his condition and claim that she is the nurse at that hospital....
Then... Think of ztao and ji’s injure case... 
+ His leaving rumors on early of 2019...
I knew we knew that we often hear the rumor about someone in esmtown need to go... And most of those kind of rumors just ended with esm ignored them or short announce that they just recontacted...<<Even some of them not re... Or announced with themselves that they already resigned...
But only soo leaving rumor on 2019 that made esm sent jd to solve it with extreme clear by + the explanation of soo’s contact statement to make us more sure that esm have time at least 3 years after that to put soo in quarantine with them...
Think of how many of eksol explosion that can press esm to do like these...
And about soo in other ekso members’s mind...<<I used “other members” words because I not include ji... And I think you knew why XD
I think if you knew more about soo&ekso since their pre-debut period...
You should not asked me like that...
Before that crack issue on 2016... We can see a lot of how soo take care of ekso on stages and variety shows even on bts clips and fan cam clips... 
Even china line especially lay had talked about how soo takes care of their illness and healthy...
And I don’t think those words are script if we think of how lay tried to aboard day by day for seeing soo enter the military only.... Even he too busy on that time...
Then... The one of most epic moments in my eyes...
Turn back to when lulu left ekso a few weeks and most of us worried about hunnie’s mental after none of his update....
Until we see him went out side to take dessert time with cy and soo...
Tbh I no wonder much if we see he went with only cy or 3p with kai or ztao or jm... Like we knew that cy take care of him since trainee period and how esm tried to show us how maknae line close to each other on ekso showtime...
But on that tragic time he chose to went with soo...
And it seems like a start time point to see hunnie take a break time or relax time with soo...
+How jm sent his black card to soo on ekso showtime...
+How soo omma took babies nini and hunnie to get driver's license...
I think soo knew how to crowd control with back up style...
If jm is the tank of ekso...
I think soo may carry and support of ekso...
ppl think that the top influencer just on front row...
But sometime at the back of those influencers....
The invisible influencers are leading them like an unseen mind console leader...
Hope you understand my poor eng - -”
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onelichtwolich · 4 years
stealin’ this from @forsakenpumpkin <3 i love these character sheet things
Repost, don’t reblog.
full name. chaalupa taaco. nickname. lup, obvi. taako also calls her lulu, lupala, froot lup, lu, and sis. barry also has a slew of romantic pet names. <3 gender. trans lady. height. 5′3″ age. 132 zodiac. gemini, baybee. twinz spoken languages. common, elvish, mongoose, prob could pick up just about anything if bored enough honestly. she has a proclivity towards linguistic shit like that.
hair color.  naturally blonde. she likes to put red and orange in it; sometimes dyes it black (w red and orange in it). changes it up. eye color.  green. skin tone.  tan/light brown. she’s a sun elf, baybee. accent.  nope. voice.  prone to lilting in a way very similar to her brother’s. her voice is higher, though, and has a slight rasp to it. also is very loud. she is Unapologetically Herself and she makes sure the entire world knows about it. dominant hand.  gonna say she’s ambidextrous ‘cuz i can do that. i have the power. (prefers the right, though. Taako prefers the left.) posture. sometimes also floating LMAO, when it’s not that she tends to walk p casually but upright, not at all shy or hunched over, chest out sometimes. when in more casual situations she has a tendency to Sprawl and Hang Upside Down off of things like beds and couches. scars.  i do tend to think she has a large one goin’ down her back. doesn’t get many bc of being an elf and healing p quick, but she hasn’t exactly had an easy past free of fightin’. tattoos.  she might like some red phoenix wings or smth, maybe where the scar is. birthmarks.  is this a place to mention she has freckles? probably not. they’re not the same thing, but they are all over her body. maybe has a beauty mark under her left eye. most noticeable feature(s).  well, if you’re not from a world with elves, then probably the ears. they’re v expressive. and also, y’know. she’s a lich. so in that form it’s probably that whole situation.
place of birth. her homeworld of twosun. birth weight. i dunno? healthy weight, i’d imagine. (i myself did not have a healthy weight so i have no reference LMAO). birth height. I DUNNO. manner of birth. just... a natural birth? first words. this is easy. “koko.” :D siblings. ...koko!! eheheh. she loves her twin brother taako more than anything. he’s her heart. parents. ya, she had some. parental involvement. not great. something Happened to them when the twins were both young, so young she doesn’t rly remember her parents and only remembers coming to live w her aunt and grandfather at the farm.
occupation. universe-saving astronaut, baybee! at least she was, b4 Isola. and v proud of it, so this is gonna be a hard adjustment for her. current residence.  archimedes. close friends. the whole crew. recently Undyne is the Best Friend bc of Cupid Shuffle shenanigans. ;3 relationship status. married 2 one fine nerd in denim named Barry Bluejeans. financial status. not struggling or anything, and she’ll always b grateful. driver’s license. naw. criminal record. oh yea she’s been kinda a thief ‘n’ a gambler w T before. u do what u gotta to survive. vices. they are canonically listed as “lust, gluttony,” and “pride.” she proudly guesses them before being accused and freely admits to ‘em. no guilt on her end.
sexual orientation. bisexual, baybee. romantic orientation. bi/panromantic. preferred emotional role. whispers what. what does this... mean? she likes bein’ there for her husband in whatever way she can, discovering and learning new things together, talking well into the night about stuff, supporting and holding each other through the good and bad times, makin’ music, makin’ food (on her end), just... ...he’s one of her best friends? her role is just... ...what she has w him? she’d never want for anything else. he’s the love of her life. (and she’s poly, too, ‘cuz i say so.) preferred sexual role. this i, personally, as a mun both don’t know about and don’t want to talk about. lup’s not sex-repulsed but i sure am. MOVING ON. libido. it’s healthy and she’s unashamed. what more can b said. turn on’s. denim ;D. a good brain is also sexy. a creative side and a daring side. a nice smile ‘n’ warm hugs, too. kindness. turn off’s. not a big fan of jerks in general. intolerant of cruelty towards herself or others. love language. ...hold on, i’m gonna take a quiz abt this. yup, it’s what i suspected--lup’s a Quality Time kinda gal. she’s big on just spending time w her loved ones and being in their presence, no matter what they’re doing. having experiences together is important. Physical Touch is almost tied. she’s very touchy-feely. relationship tendencies. oh, she’s very casual about it and teasing about it but she’s a Big Ol’ Romantic Sap. once Lup loves you she loves you with her entire being. she’s v passionate and v into the idea of soul mates, largely bc she found hers. she’s hesitant to commit, at first, bc she takes trust and relationships so seriously--it’s a big reason for such a slow burn--but once she does, she’s all in. she’s present with you, she’ll always show affection for you and be around you and help and protect you.
character’s theme song. i made a whole playlist of ‘em, which i won’t link to here! i think my fav example of a Lup song is “New Constellations” by Ryn Weaver, in terms of summing her up pretty well. hobbies to pass time. i’ve listed ‘em! you can find ‘em in stats. mental illnesses. PTSD for sure, yeah. physical illnesses. nope. fears. failing to protect her loved ones. failing at the mission. losing any of the people she loves forever. harming innocent people. self-confidence level. pretty dang high, LMAO. Lup does not lack in confidence; she’s been through hell to get hers and she’s holding onto it at all costs. she has moments of insecurity just like anyone, but. vulnerabilities. she has a very big heart. cares a whole lot. Taako gets exasperated with her for this, esp when it comes to risking herself for strangers, which he generally wouldn’t do (to him, it’s them vs the world; to her, it’s them for the world). her loved ones being threatened, the idea of harming people, just... she can’t stomach that.
tagged by: no one, baybee. renegade tagging: do it if u want, my friends!
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lukelxiv · 5 years
Introduction: Lukel Sol’ba
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full name.  Lukel Mizereem Sol’ba pronunciation.  Lew-kell nicknames.  Lu, Lulu, Dadkel, Sanguis, Papa height. 7′1 age. (Old as sin) Physically appears to be in his late thirties or early forties. zodiac. Capricorn. languages. He has a love for language and knows quite a few - some that aren’t even spoken in the realms of men any longer.
hair colour.  Sanguine red with streaks of pure white peppered through eye colour.  Amethyst (or white. Depends on who you’re talking to.) skin tone.  Sunkissed tan (or blackest, starless night. Again, depends on who you’re talking to). body type. Athletic and muscular. (He fills out his suits very well.) accent.  None detectable dominant hand. Ambidextrous posture.  Straight backed, shoulders squared, eyes never dipping down or away scars.  Two, one underneath each collarbone, about three inches in length. They look like the remnants of what should have been doubly fatal wounds. tattoos. All over him. Literally. Everywhere. Deep purple lines that swirl and curl over most of his body. They do not touch his face, below his elbows or below his knees. The rest is inked up. most noticeable features.  If it’s not his eerie eyes/stare, it’s his magnificent set of 6 horns. (Y’all heard me. SIX.)
place of birth.  Unknown. hometown.  Unknown. birth weight / height. Assumedly much smaller than he is currently. manner of birth.  Sweet and quiet, who always had a smile for his mama. first words.  ‘Mama’. siblings.   One sister, Elenria (deceased). parents.  He will only ever remember his mother, Anurah. parental involvement. Mother was very caring and gentle, but died when Lukel was still young. His father was an awful, awful man.
occupation.  Professional Father, Occasional Terror in the Night for The Bad People. close friends. He considers himself close to rare few people and feels like he can be himself around even fewer. Those people are: Lazne (@laznenharuya) Luke (@glowinggunmetal) Caelric (@charm-in-spades​) Synne (@synne-spades) and Enambris (@enambris) End of list. relationship status. Married. Or good as married to Luke, anyway. financial status. Incredibly wealthy driver’s license. H A H. criminal record.  Very long, very brutal and very unknown to the general public. vices. He likes to eat flowers. For science.
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sexual orientation.  Pansexual romantic orientation.    Panromantic (monogamous) preferred emotional role.  submissive | dominant | switch  |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed | unsure libido. He matches his partner. turn on’s. Neck kisses, tugging on his goatee to pull him down to a SMALLER level (looking at you, Luke), Lucien Korbinius. turn off’s. People in general, forwardness, unnecessary filthy language. love language.  Time. relationship tendencies.  He doesn’t do them well, but with Lucien it just feels natural. And forever.
hobbies to pass the time.  Clockwork tinkering, making music boxes, writing music, listening to music, reading, spending time with his children and family. mental illnesses. He would say he has none.  physical illnesses.  None. left or right brained. Mostly left. fears. Watching the people he loves die. self confidence level. Fairly high and hard won. vulnerabilities. His people. They will always be his vulnerable spot - and his most fiercely protected treasure.
Tagged by: @xiv-lucci [Thank you so much!]
Tagging: @glowinggunmetal @laznenharuya @charm-in-spades @enambris @fair-fae @unabashedrebel @ahlis-xiv @xiv-endora @sanguinesorceress @tessariel-aerlinn @thegodnameddream @favrielle-emberdusk @roemom @mai-takeda @of-shadow-and-storm @zurri-xiv @arkiela @mischiefs-mistress @ladyrivienne @the-ruby-chronicles and anyone else who wants to do this! (No, really, tag me, I wanna read about your awesome OC’s). 
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gentleladyaims · 5 years
The Farewell: An In-Depth Reflection
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I was not emotionally prepared to watch this movie- I packed some tissues in my purse as always (as I am apt to shed tears over most movies- I just get super emotional!), but it was nowhere near enough. I was literally biting my tongue and trying not to sob out loud and looked like a wet blob in the theatre with tears streaming down my face!! My husband was like "Honey, are you okay?? Let me give you a hug!!"
As a young Chinese-American woman, I’ve never watched a movie that hit so close to home and felt so… relevant? I feel so seen and acknowledged seeing this story play out on the big screen. Fsor a Chinese-American woman like Lulu Wang to direct the movie I grew up in Beijing with my grandparents; my parents came to the U.S. right after I was born when my dad got an amazing scholarship to Duke. As a result, I’m super close with my grandparents and they basically raised me and instilled in me the morals/values I have today. I came to the U.S. for the first time when I was three (briefly), then permanently moved to the States when I was six. It was jarring, an entirely new environment, having to learn a foreign language, leaving the comforts of my home behind. Thankfully, my grandma came with us to leave for awhile, but my grandpa stayed back in Beijing. I missed him so much every single day. As I grew up, I’d visit my grandparents back in Beijing almost every single summer and spend my entire vacation with them. I cherish those moments so much.
All the little details in “The Farewell” are so genuine and realistic to how Chinese culture actually is. Of course, no movie is representative of everyone’s experience, however, many facets of it were reflective of my own life.
How Billi's mom seems to be very critical of her life decisions, especially regarding her career, and being snarky/making fun of Billi for pursuing an artistic path with writing. How Nai Nai is so affectionate with Billi (the opening scene when they're on the phone and she asks Billi how the weather is and if Billi's wearing a hat etc is soo hilarious and true!! My grandma always asks that and tells me "Bundle up, don't get a cold now!") and makes the funny comments about her round butt. Even the little nuance of her commenting on Billi's weight and how she doesn't seem to have lost much weight, in comparison with what Billi's mom said (a lot of Chinese people/family always seem to make unsolicited comments about people's figures/weight and just will straight up say "you're fat!" or "OMG you're too skinny!!" it's a hard dichotomy to walk and it seems no one is happy either way). When Billi gets to the hotel and the hotel clerk is asking her which is better, China or America? *Literally* I get asked that question every. single. time. and my response is the same as Billi's- "It's different!" It's like comparing bananas and chicken. Both have their pros and cons, but it seems like they're always expecting you to say one or the other. Some of my relatives definitely idealise the West/America and seem to think everyone in the U.S. is: rich, blond, gorgeous like a movie star, and happy.
The family style meals and the food!! Sooo realistic. Also how Mr. Li pours the boiling water for Nai Nai's hot water soak for her feet. I want to make a note that even the fashion/style is pretty accurate too- my grandpa totally wore the same tank top and high-waisted pants and slippers like Mr. Li, haha. Watching this movie gave me such a feeling of familiarity and belonging, like "wow, someone actually knows how it feels to be in a Chinese family and can identify with these things!!" I cried so hard when Billi had her big breakthrough moment with her mom, confessing that she never felt like she was good enough/that it was hard for her to adjust to life in America. That she felt home with her grandparents. The way her dad asks her questions like "how's your job? do you have enough money?" and little things about her daily life and Billi just brushes him off and says everything's fine. I feel that hardcore because especially when I was younger, I'd just say everything's fine to my parents as to not worry them. Why mention it if they're just going to be fearful/scared/worried/anxious? I'm learning to be more honest and open now- working on developing better communication skills is a major theme in my family (between my mom and dad too).
The comparisons between the East and the West also felt true to life. How Billi's uncle mentions the West values individualism whereas the East values community/the family unit more. I often feel struggles within myself about wanting to be a good daughter and be obedient to my parents versus my own desires and pursuing things I would like, even though it may not be things my parents want for me. I've learned that being a good daughter doesn't always equate to doing what my parents want. I've had to learn to fight for and seek out my independence and find my own self-identity, not just what my family thinks I should be/should do. I feel like in Chinese culture, the elders' opinions are always respected and thought of highly- my mom says "I've crossed these paths of life before, I have more experience/knowledge than you, I know best- just trust me." And it's like... "Yes Mom, sure that may be true, but also I need to make my own decision? And just because you've had a certain experience, doesn't mean it's true for my current life situation?" I'm also careful to tell my parents that I always respect their input, but that just because I don't follow their advice, doesn't mean I don't love them or value their opinion!!! It's been a tough thing for them (more so my mom) to grasp, but I'm glad I'm doing it, despite it being challenging.
The parts of the movie that hit me the most are Billi's moments with her grandma. And also how she has to process this huge emotional burden and her grief. I share a somewhat similar experience, but am SO happy that my grandparents didn't choose to hide anything from me. I don't know if I could've forgiven them if they did... who knows? I found out during my junior year of college that my grandpa had late-stage lymphoma. It had already progressed into his bone marrow and he was in a lot of pain- it also affect some of his mental function and cognition, unfortunately. My parents and I booked tickets right away to see him in Beijing. It was so hard to try and be positive in front of my grandma and not just cry all the time. We were reunited under the worst of circumstances- but at least we could be open about our struggles and endure it together. I couldn't imagine if it was a huge secret and I had to bear it like Billi did. The ending where Billi has to say goodbye to her grandma hit me so hard- like that is literally me every time I have to bid farewell to my Lao Lao. I try to hold in the tears until I get to the taxi and then I just break down. Even though my grandma doesn't have a terminal illness, it's just... the trip between the U.S. and China is a long and arduous one and it's hard being so far away from family, separated by miles and miles and oceans.
My heart ached for my grandpa after watching the movie. When Nai Nai was standing at her husband's grave and lamenting how he passed too soon... that's exactly what my grandma says. She's sad that my grandpa didn't get to see me graduate college, get married, get a job, etc. I will always miss my grandpa, but it's comforting to know that I got to spend my time with him at the end and that we were together, as a family.
Did anyone else feel a particular pull to this movie?? I'd love to hear thoughts, comments, etc!!
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she-is-tim · 5 years
Neighbours AU part 6 Self control
Lucas is a young, exhausted musician who just tries to relax, while Eliott is the overexcited, dubstep loving artist who lives next door.
Aka Lucas confronts his annoying neighbour who turns out to be gorgeous
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 
Saturday 17:46
Eliott was resting on the couch, smoking cigarette, not weed this time, since just accross him were sitting Lucille in the armchair. She came to check on him since he didn’t texted her after the party at all. Eliott was feeling better than ever in his life, he was dating with Lucas since a few days only, but it was just so perfect. They spent Thrusday night and Friday morning together, but then his sweet pianist had to work, so they separated. 
Now Lucas was at a concert, he was preparing for it all morning, playing soft melodies while Eliott sat on the couch in Lucas’ apartment, doodling in his sketchbook. It was such a perfect moment, Eliott wanted to stay like that forever. 
Now he was in his own apartment, far away from his lovely partner. Of course Lucas invited him, but he told him that he has a new project coming up, so he needs to work on that today to have more free time on sunday. It was a lie, obviously. He couldn’t go to crowded places like cinema, theatres, concerts, other events. It made his anxiety worse.
“What’s up with you? You look like a kid that lost his favorite toy.” Lucille said, slowly taking a sip of her beer. She looked pretty like always, wearing a white shirt with black flowers on it, tight, dark jeans, her hair was curly and shiny, her nails painted light pink. 
“Nothing.” Eliott mumbled, blowing out a big cloud of smoke. “I’m okay.”
“Eliott, I know you more than anyone. I can tell when something is bothering you.” she said seriously and put the bottle on the coffee table between them, crossing her legs and arms. Eliott sighed, putting his cigarette in the ashtray, sitting up. 
“I’m dating someone. Are you happy now?” he said annoyed, he hated how Lucille was acting around him, but he really needed this sometimes. A caring friend making sure that Eliott is not suffering alone. 
“Someone... Please tell me it’s not the guy from next door.” she said on a worrying tone, making a weird face when Eliott frowned. “For god’s sake, Eliott. Don’t you remember what happened last time you liked a guy?” her tone was a bit angry now, which made the boy angry too, he sat up, staring into his friend’s face.
“I am not your boyfriend, nor your child, Lucille.” he said seriously, his eyes were shooting sparks. “This is MY fucking life, If I wanna mess it up again, then so be it.” he said a bit louder than he wanted, but he had to make sure Lucille gets the message.
“Yeah, sure.” she said on an arrogant voice. “I’m pretty positive that he knows about your illness, your insecurities. I bet he knows well how to handle you on the bad days.” her words were like venom, crawling under Eliott’s skin, poisoning his blood. He didn’t say anything, just lit another cigarette, inhaling the hot smoke, then letting it out, closing his eyes in the process. 
“I’ll tell him, I just need time.” he said it after long minutes of silence. Lucille rolled her eyes, grabbing the beer again to drink. “What would you expect me to do?” he asked angrily. “Start the first meeting with ‘Hey, I’m Eliott, I am an illustrator, I like dubstep and oh, sometimes I have so bad anxiety attacks that I end up in hospital’?” his voice was harsh both because of his anger and the cigarette he was smoking. 
“Maybe that would be the best.” she mumbled.
“No, Lucille. I don’t want anyone to see me as a sick person and pity me for that shit! I want Lucas to like me because of me. To see the person behind the illness.” he explained, tears forming in his eyes now. He hated to be like this, having such bad anxiety, mixed with some panic attacks. He wanted to be normal, or at least just feel normal. He couldn’t have that with Lucille, that’s why they broke up, but maybe it can work with Lucas.
“I’m sorry.” Lucille said softly, putting down the empty beer bottle, grabbing Eliott’s hand softly. “I’m sure he will like you a lot. I mean you are annoying as hell, but if he stayed after hearing that terrible music you listen to every day, I’m sure nothing will scare him away.” she said softly, kissing Eliott’s cheek. The boy smiled softly, leaning his head on Lucille’s shoulder. He couldn’t wish for a better friend.
Sunday 10:34
Lucas had to crawl out of his warm bed, making sure he gets ready before his beautiful partner comes over. They were planning to have lunch together, Lucas insisted on cooking himself before Eliott could offer the same. He never ever wanted to eat anything that was made by him. He might have been a real angel, a talented artist, but he was a terrible cook.
He grabbed his phone to check on messages before going to the bathroom. He had to take a shower, brush his teeth, style his hair a little. He wanted to look perfect, since his date was basically a demigod. He only got a few messages, mostly from the boys, congratulating to the successful concert last night. They weren’t big fans of classical music, but they were there on every concert of Lucas if they could. 
From Yann: So, how are things going with you and Eliott? You gonna introduce him to us? It’s time to wake up, Lulu.
He laughed at the stupid messages from his best friend, but he had to check the other messages too, before answering. He got a message from a member of the orchestra, he ignored that, but he jumped a little when he saw the message from his mother. She rarely texted him, due to her mental state. She was taken care by a professional, but it always made Lucas feel guilty that he couldn’t take care of her on his own. She was really problematic, her delusions and breakdowns made Lucas’ teenage life harder than it should be. Now he just tried to live his life, forgetting the problem of his family.
From Mom: In my dreams I saw a creature with horns, taking you into the depths. Never follow the path of the darkness, light can’t wander off, or it will be lost forever.
Lucas sighed, he didn’t reply to that one, his mom often sent him nonsense messages like this, especially when he was younger and she didn’t get proper medications. He shook his head, focusing himself on reading the last message he got while sleeping. It was from Eliott, he sent it at 3:45. Lucas rolled his eyes, knowing that his partner were not much of a sleeper during night time. 
From Eliott: I’m looking forward to our date today.  Should I bring some alcohol? Maybe a joint?
Lucas couldn’t help but smile like an idiot, seeing Eliott’s silly and basically useless messages. They made no sense, but they showed to Lucas how much Eliott was excited and eager to meet up. It was less than 24 hours since they last met, but it felt like a lifetime to both of them.
To Eliott:  You could bring some champagne, no smoking today. I wanna enjoy this date without getting high
From Eliott:  You woke up? Good morning! 
Lucas chuckled and put down his phone now. Eliott was such a dork sometimes, but he loved that. He walked to the bathroom, taking a shower, brushing his teeth, fixing his hair. He was almost done, when he heard music, coming from the living room. He dressed up, walked there, but it was actually coming from the other side of the wall. Eliott was listening to Skrillex, at 10:50. Lucas laughed and walked to the kitchen, preparing to cook. He kinda liked this silly music now, it was fast, weird and chaotic, just like Eliott. 
He was making food to whatever music Eliott was listening to. It felt like the wall between their apartments was gone and they just stood there, in front of each other, dancing to the music like they are carefree teenagers again. Lucas had such a wide smirk on his face, it was hurting, but he couldn’t stop himself. This was the very first time he felt so free and happy, all thanks to this goofball next door. 
He finished cooking a little after 12:17. He tried to make a healthy, but tasy meal. Unlike Eliott, he was trying not to poison his crush. He put the steamed vegetables in a bowl, the roasted chicken on a plate, the well-cooked rice was already on the table, looking delicious. He put two plates and cutlery, making sure it looked perfect like in those cooking shows. He also put wine glasses next to the plates, fighting back the urge to look for a fancy candle. That would be too much and also would make no sense, since it’s the middle of the day. 
He looked at the table victoriously, enjoying the perfection of his hard work, before looking for his phone to text Eliott. He asked him before if he had any type of food allergies, so at least he didn’t had to worry about that part when cooking. 
To Eliott:  You can come in 5 minutes, door is open
Lucas smiled and put his phone on the kitchen counter, making sure it’s on mute. He didn’t wanted to be interrupted by his friends this time. He walked to his bedroom, changing his casual clothes to a bit more fancy ones. He put on tight, navy blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He was holding a black suit for a few minutes, thinking if he should put it on or not, but he rejected the idea. They were home, he didn’t had to look so fancy.
He was so distracted by dressing up that he was still fixing his stupid shirt when the front door opened. His heart was racing as he basically ran out of the bedroom to the living room, facing with the most beautiful person on this earth. His hair seemed to be shorter, maybe he cut it himself, but it still looked perfectly chaotic. He was wearing grey jeans like always, a blue t-shirt with a raccoon on it and an opened denim shirt on top, just to make himself look like a full 3 course meal. Lucas stopped breathing for a second when Eliott smiled at him. 
“You look beautiful.” he said with a soft smile. Lucas just noticed the champagne bottle in his hand as he raised it. “I got us some drink.” he said proudly. 
“Yeah, cool.” Lucas mumbled, licking his lips, still staring at Eliott. 
“You like what you see?” he asked with a triumphant smile. He obviously enjoyed how speechless Lucas was. The boy tried to collect his tought and imaginary slapped his face a few times for making himself look like a complete idiot in front of Eliott. 
“Anyways, let’s go to the kitchen.” he said, ignoring Eliott’s question and grabbed his arm gently, leading him to the kitchen where the food was waiting for them. 
Eliott smiled brightly when he saw all the deliciousness Lucas made just for them. It made him extremely happy that someone cared for him this much. He obviously had dinner dates before, but no one’s ever done anything like this for him. He smiled at Lucas and without hesitation, planted a soft kiss on his lips.
“You are incredible.” he whispered as he pulled back from the kiss.
“I wanted to impress you.” Lucas mumbled, his cheeks turning a bit red because of the flattering words. 
“Mission complete.” Eliott smirked. “I’m gonna open this.” he said, still holding into the champagne bottle, looking for a bottle opener in the drawers. 
Lucas couldn’t believe how confidently Eliott was moving around in his apartment, like he was living here too. He liked to see him look around, then happily opening the bottle with a loud popping sound. He smirked at Lucas, walking to the table to pour champagne in the glasses.
“You know, I should be the one serving you, not the other way around.” Lucas said with a soft smile, he didn’t mean to complain, he actually enjoyed Eliott’s enthusiasm.
“I can’t just sit around and watch you do everything. You worked so hard to make this amazing food for me. I gotta thank you somehow.” he said seriously, putting down the bottle in the middle of the table.
“I think that kiss was more than enough for me.” he said smiling, walking to Eliott and stroking his face. “I never had the chance to do this for anyone actually. I’m happy that you like it.”
Eliott looked into his eyes, all kinds of emotion running through his body at the same time. He cupped Lucas’ face gently, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs, taking in all the beauty this boy had. He wanted to enjoy this moments, every single moment he got to spend with Lucas before all goes to shit, because it happens every single time. It’s just the way it is. He wasn’t normal, he was ill, problematic, not worth the effort. But right now in this blessed moment he could be normal, he could be a man in love without being afraid of what happens the next moment. 
He leant down, pressing his lips on Lucas’, starting a gentle kiss, still holding his face in his hands. Lucas slowly wrapped his arms around Eliott’s waist, pulling him closer, opening his mouth to let that curious tongue inside. Then all went wild, in the next moment, Lucas was sitting on the kitchen counter, with opened legs, Eliott standing inbetween them, kissing him deeply, while his hands were in Lucas’ hair. He had no idea when his partner put him up there, but he couldn’t care less. His fingers slowly slipped under Eliott’s shirt, touching his abs. His skin was warm and soft, his hand wandered upper, stroking Eliott’s chest now. 
The taller boy had to break the kiss to take a breath before going in for another wild, wet kiss. Their tongue were dancing uncontrollably in their joint mouth. Eliott were holding onto Lucas’ waist now, slowly pulling up his shirt to reveal his beautiful body. He couldn’t get enough of it, the nerves on his fingertips were screaming for more. 
After long minutes of making out in the kitchen, Lucas pulled back, leaning his head on the cupboard behind him, wheezing like he just ran a marathon. His heart was threatening to burst out of his chest, his hair was a mess, his cheeks were bright red, just like his swollen lips. He looked at Eliott, who basically were the same, though, his hair was always that messy. He looked even more hot with those red, wet lips.
“Fuck...” Lucas mumbled, placing a hand on his chest, like it could calm his fast heartbeats. “I wasn’t expecting this to be honest.” he said which made Eliott to laugh. He loved to see him smile and laugh, he looked genuinely happy.
“Honestly, I was surprised we got to the kitchen. I was actually planning to do this on the couch.” he said smirking, playing with Lucas’ already messy hair, while he was drawing circles on Lucas’ stomach with the other hand.
“You really have no self controll, huh?”
“Around you? Not anymore.” he said smirking, placing a kiss on Lucas’ neck now. “I was holding myself back when you first came to my apartment. It was the hardest thing i’ve ever done in my life.” he whispered as he kept kissing his neck. Lucas shivered and grabbed Eliott’s shirt, letting out a little moan. 
“You were there... on my couch... defenceless, looking so fucking gorgeous. I needed some serious control to not jump on you, making you mine right then and there.” he kept whispering on such an erotic tone that made Lucas shiver. He had goosebumps all over his body, his nerves were screaming for more. He wanted Eliott so badly.
“I would have nothing against that...” he mumbled in response to Eliott’s seducing speech. The other one smirked, biting a mark on his neck happily, while his hands were sliding up and down on Lucas’ body under his shirt. 
“I don’t wanna sounds rude, but right now I found you much more delicious than the food on that table.” he said, licking the skin on Lucas’ neck. The boy gasped, holding Eliott’s arm stronger and crossing his ankles behind Eliott to keep him close. There was no escape, not this time. 
“Enjoy your meal then.” that was all he could say, but it seemed to fire up Eliott. He pulled back just to take off Lucas’ shirt, throwing it away. His lips attacked the bare skin without warning, making Lucas moan uncontrollably. He never had such pleasure in his life before, like Eliott knew exactly where to touch and kiss him to make his body a hot, screaming mess. 
He slid his fingers into Eliott’s fluffy hair, pulling it a little as the pleasure were running through his body. His mind went blank, everything around him ceased to exist, it was only him and Eliott left on this world, holding onto each other, kissing, touching, licking. It didn’t take much time to get all of their clothes off, throwing them away in the kitchen without caring where it lands. 
Sunday 13:48
Lucas sighed, looked at the boy laying next to him. They didn’t actually remember when or how they made it to the bedroom, but now they were here, legs intertwined with each other, bodies sweaty and hot, hair messy, lips red, swollen and their eyes filled with so much emotions as they looked at each other. Lucas wrapped a hand around Eliott, placing his head on his chest softly, listening to the heartbeat that was just as fast as his own. 
“I’m pretty sure the meal got cold.” Eliott mumbled into the silence of the room, which made Lucas release a little laugh.
“Yeah, We gotta reheat it later.” he said, stroking Eliott’s stomach lazily. 
“I don’t wanna leave this bed.” Eliott said, fingers wandering into Lucas’ hair to play with his soft locks. 
“We can’t stay here forever... not even if we want to.” Lucas mumbled, kissing his chest softly. “But we will have a lot of opportunities to lay here like this again.” he said on a soft voice, looking up at Eliott, who seemed to be really excited now. 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Don’t you think so?” Lucas raised his eyebrows which made Eliott giggle.
“Of course I do. I just still can’t believe that this is real.” he explained, still giggling. Lucas loved this sound, he could listen to it forever. 
“People often do naked cuddling in bed after sex with their boyfriend, you know?” he said confidently without realizing what he just said. Eliott raised his head a little, looking into his eyes. 
“Am I your boyfriend?” he asked intrigued to get an answer. Lucas blushed and looked away. 
“I just thought that... you know... after this...” he mumbled a bit unsure, avoiding eyecontact. Eliott smirked, cupping his face gently now, placing a kiss on Lucas’ lips to make him shut up.
“Of course we are boyfriends.” he said happily which made the other boy to release a sigh of relief.
“Okay, good.” he mumbled, placing his head back down on Eliott’s chest. “We are boyfriends...” he whispered to himself, closing his eyes with a happy smile on his face. 
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ofstarsandskies · 5 years
Relationship Analyses || Star and Milla
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As per @unborderedreflection​‘s suggestion, the next subject of my Relationship Analyses is Star and Milla!
This one will be organized into Main Chapters of Xillia 2 (I.E. Chapter 8-9) as Star’s feelings do shift across the chapters, but not across every individual chapter. It’s also assumed all the Milla Character Episodes, including the Prime Milla ones, did happen in their respective places. With that, let’s get this party boat moving!
Chapter 7 -- First Meeting Star doesn’t really know how to feel about Milla while in the Fractured Dimension she’s from. By this point Star hasn’t been “trained” to emotionally remove himself from FD residents, but he does have Julius breathing down his neck who’s pretty incessant on “this is an FD, do not make the mistake of sympathizing. It will all disappear in the end”. But despite his brother’s pressure, he doesn’t adopt that mentality and makes the “mistake” of sympathizing with her when she sees her conflict with Fractured!Muzet. So much so that when Milla’s freaking out, Julius has to step in and get punched in the face in his stead. Sorry Nii-san he still loves you.
Once things settle down, although Milla is kind of harsh with him (with justification because RIP Milla’s world), Star does want to try and extend a branch to her so although he can’t fix what he’s done to her, he can try to make her feel welcome in what’s to be her new home from now on. Because if she can connect with him, the person she has a right to despise most, Milla has the chance to connect with others who’ll also make her happy.
Chapter 8 & 9 -- Bridging the Gap To say Milla’s frequent ego checks don’t affect Star at all would be a lie; at times he feels like he can’t even breathe in the same room as Milla without her disapproval. But even if she sometimes hurts his feelings (and also finally gets to punch him in the face at the Lava Caves), Star’s determination to connect with her as friends doesn’t grow weaker; if anything, it grows stronger thanks to the comparisons both the party and Milla herself make to the Prime Milla obviously demoralizing her.
It seems to work to some degree; though Milla does still bully him like at the aforementioned Lava Caves, Star gets the sense it’s not out of pure spite for him. He figures that she’s just not very good at sharing how she really feels and insults to divert away from her feelings is simply her go-to “abort mission” button. And Star knows the struggle of letting people know how you feel; he’s not really used to talking about his feelings to anyone who isn’t his big brother. The two of them may even relate on this level as Milla says F!Muzet was once kind to her, so her sister may have been the only person she shared her feelings with before meeting the party.
Chapter 10 -- It’s My Fault Star’s earlier assumption that Milla may not get subtle emotions is confirmed when Milla teases Elle about being afraid of thunder.. He knows Milla has come to like Elle very much, so her tone deaf attempts to comfort her does connect the dots he’d assumed up to this point. But there is something with Milla that begins to bother him now-- the “Ain’t Prime Milla just a pickled peach?” moments.
When Milla starts getting snippy with Leia about Spyrites, the “I wouldn’t know because I’m not her” actually does upset him because it’s a huge non-sequitur: a valid response would’ve been, “I wouldn’t know because I’ve never met her”, but she instead takes this time to steer the conversation into a self-deprecation because of her own mouthing off. To him this is a sign that these “I’m not Prime Milla” statements has long since twisted from reminders she’s not the same person so the comparisons are 0/10s to a ploy to cut herself down. His question of, “Would you want to meet the other Milla?” is his subtle way of trying to remind Milla that the fact they can meet each other means they are two separate people; you can’t “meet” yourself after all.
Fast forward to the 2nd Lulu Debacle, in other words Star’s fears realized. Because now the laws of the Prime Dimension have reinforced the idea that anything that’s considered two of the “same person” will force one of these beings out forcibly, and isn’t it just-so-convenient that out of odd specificity the Prime Milla hasn’t returned from the void? It’s basically a fully filled gasoline can to reignite the “I’m not Prime Milla” fire he’s been trying to put out, and he isn’t so daft to figure Milla herself won’t weaponize this against herself.
And the worst part of it is? He’s the one to ignite this yet again; he brought Milla with him to this dimension and made the mistake of bringing Fractured Lulu back with them. If he’d told her to stay behind, this could’ve been swept under the rug. Alas, as Milla herself has said, no use in having regrets over past actions. So Star tries to focus on the mission he’s had since the beginning: bridge the gap. If he can’t repair the comparisons, he can still create a relationship. At least that isn’t contingent on the debate.
Chapter 11 -- The Milla I Know And so Star’s earlier grim prediction came true-- Milla weaponizes the lesson from the two Lulus. But not only does she do that, she goes beyond what he expected and tries to justify killing her as an actual decision. How to fix this becomes a literal scramble; what can he say to convey to Milla that no matter the walls she puts up, the lies that deep down he wants to get rid of her, she means something to not just Elle, but him too?
An opportunity does come: as Milla laments how she’s a failed Lord of Spirits, Star reminds her that Elle cares about her, no strings attached. Milla pins this on Julius and Star says, “He did. And Nii-san also taught me to love and protect those I care about-- am I doing a good job so far?” Of course he knows he won’t get a straight answer, but the tiny smile as she dismisses him gives him hope his feelings reached her. Too bad he never truly gets to know the answer as Milla falls into the abyss.
Chapter 12-15 -- She Was Right Ironically, Milla might have dodged several bullets having died when she did. Because if she were still around, not only would she possibly have died by Star’s hand instead in Chapter 15, but she’d also witness Star’s descent into madness.
By Chapter 14, Star has deteriorated so far that the prompt to go save Elle after Vera blocks Milla and Jude at the gate, he dismisses the call. Because now, he thinks to himself, “Nothing good will come from me continuing onward. I won’t find happiness moving forward-- but if I stop, nothing can hurt me. I can’t ruin anything else if I just stop.” But thought he does go with Jude and Milla in the end, his resolve is flimsy at best. So when moving forward requires killing his brother, it’s done. He’s done. His friends can try and drag him to Marksburg all day; he’s not budging.
Though you may say that they do actually get Star to come in the end: unfortunately for them, it was a fatal mistake. Literally. “You’ve all already taken everything from me. My life. Milla. Elle. It stops here. You won’t take Julius from me!!” And so Star kills them all, both to protect Julius and as vengeance for letting him meet and then promptly “taking away” the first people he’s considered close to him outside of Julius.
It’s only until he holds his dying brother in his arms that Star realizes his vengeance was a mistake too. He’s let those same precious people he took revenge for down: Milla wanted him to protect Elle, Elle wanted him to come save her despite saying otherwise, and he can’t act upon either of those wishes. Even if he used himself as the Bridge, Julius wasn’t in a condition to right his wrongs.
Milla had him pegged right from the beginning. He is awful. He ruined her and Elle’s lives for nothing. His excuse of “I had to do it” is gone because he never saw his cause to its end. All he has left is Julius, and even he’s going to die soon. When Julius is gone, what’s the point in living anymore? If someone tries to kill me, I should let them. I deserve to die.
Extra: Prime Milla Star doesn’t place the blame of Milla’s death on Prime Milla; she was cast into the void after confronting Chronos (who is a huge dick), she didn’t demand Rideaux summon her, and she didn’t ask that Milla be sacrificed for her to come back to the Prime Dimension. He also has no problem calling Prime Milla “Milla” as he considers it like having two friends with the same name-- the fact they’re the “Prime” and “Fractured” versions of one another is a non-entity.
In terms of his feelings towards Prime Milla, Star doesn’t hold any ill will towards her and appreciates that she makes the effort to honor the woman who gave up her existence for her and her attempts to both understand him and Elle as people when she’s never really met them in person until just recently. So funnily, her desire to be on his level actually does make Star feel closer to her than he does most of the party; one person does supersede her (excluding F!Milla naturally).
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angelicspaceprince · 6 years
Sorrow’s Hold
Author:  Anna
Title: Sorrow's Hold
Pairing: Crowley/Reader
Character/s: Crowley, mention of Cas and Jack, the Winchester bros
Warnings/Tags: Post Season 12, Crowley lives because he's my fave, depression, talks of suicide, just general poor mental health, talks of a favourite person (its a BPD thing, but I gather most people have one person they talk about their mental health to?), psychosis/hallucinations, disassociation, mood swings, anger, like some semi-intense descriptive writing, I'd avoid if you are sensitive to that due to mental illness.
Summary: Your depression takes a massive hold over you shortly after Crowley's death and without him to help you with your thoughts, you can slowly feel yourself slipping away.
Tags: saintbartine, oddone92, autoressskr,
Notes: So, had a shit day today and have been listening to 'My Heart is Broken' by Evanescence over and over, so I decided to write a fic based on it. Hope thy all enjoy!
Based off of this song.
Buy Me a Coffee
Sorrow's Hold
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‘I pull away to face the pain I close my eyes and drift away Over the fear that I will never find A way to heal my soul And I will wander 'til the end of time Torn away from you
My heart is broken Sweet sleep, my dark angel Deliver us from sorrow's hold Or from my hard heart’ – ‘My Heart is Broken’, Evanescence
  When Sam and Dean returned with Jack and no Crowley or Cas, you instantly knew something was wrong. Hell, you knew something was wrong the day before but no matter how many times you called the boys, they didn’t pick up. So, when they walked through the door, you were a nervous wreck. It took one look at Dean and Sam to know what had happened.
“What happened?”
Sam looks at Dean, clearly unsure on how to approach the subject. “What happened to my boyfriend and Wicked Wings?” You repeat, words hard and cold as stone, tears already threatening to spill over.
“Y/N….” Sam starts, hesitating and Dean just flat out refusing to talk. “Cas….he was stabbed by Lucifer before we could close the riff. And….the spell we needed required a life. Crowley, he killed himself so it’d work.” You blink as the events that took place the night before the boys went to go save the world – again – started making sense.
Crowley had insisted you stayed behind, not wanting you to be within arm’s reach of Lucifer, knowing he’d kill you in an instant. You tried to protest, you wanted to see this through to the very end and that you could handle yourself, but when he finally told you what had happened during the hell that was the months he was locked away in Hell being humiliated by Lulu himself, you decided to cut him some slack. You weren’t even suspicious when you asked him to promise you he’d return home safely and he responded with a kiss, an inside joke between the two of you about ‘sealing the deal’.
The insistence and his refusal to verbally promise to return, and the fact that he didn’t want sex he just wanted to spend time talking about your life together, stuff you had done and wanted to do, the fact that at one point you swore he was teary-eyed, but that’s not Crowley. He wouldn’t be like that, the last time he cried was when he was on the blood and you had to help him through his withdrawals.
It made sense now.
You hadn’t released that you sat down in shock and that tears were streaming. You were silent, vocal cords frozen in disbelief. “He’ll be back.” You swear, voice wobbling, giving away the fact you knew he was going to stay dead.
Sam’s hand rests on your shoulder, trying to provide you with some level of comfort. “Y/N…I’m sorry, but I don’t think he is.”
Shortly after, you snapped.
You knew it was coming, this time of year you always had a massive depressive spell that you and Crowley could track better than you could track any other part of your body. You had been preparing for it when he died, and usually he’d be there to help. He was your support, the one person you seeked approval from and the one person you seeked help from during the times like this. Eight years of this support and you were unaccustomed to go through this alone, or even setting up and preparing for all of this.
So, with the very few resources you had prepared, you locked yourself in your room and allowed yourself to slip away.
First came the tears. God, you were sure that you would have been able to fill oceans with the amount of tears you cried. You cried and cried, never leaving your bed for anything, dressed in a shirt of Crowley’s, clinging onto his pillow tightly as your tears soaked through the fabric of the black, satiny pillow case, because he refused to have any other colour. Sam and Dean would leave food and water by your door, and on occasion would bring it in when it became apparent you weren’t leaving the room to get it. They tried talking to you about hunts, about memories of Crowley, about how amazingly strong you are getting through this, but you didn’t have the strength to respond. You barely had the strength to cry, but the tears kept on coming.
You did, however, force yourself to drink water, Crowley’s voice ringing in your head to remind you that tears make you dehydrated and that’s not something you need to be.
A week of tears, only drinking water and refusing to get out of bed for anything but to pee. The boys were concerned, and rightfully so. But, they presumed once the tears were over that that’d be the end of it.
Then the zoning out happened
You’d spend hours just staring at the wall, retreating into your mind, uncontrollably. You likened it to sitting in a pool, the words you hear are jarbled but you can acknowledge words were being said. You could see everything, but it was all foggy. Thoughts were slow and hard to grasp. You just….sat there. Unable to move, unable to think, drowning in nothingness.
When Sam first saw you he freaked out. Seconds later, you felt a familiar pressure on your forehead and the feeling of someone you knew – Cas? – rummaging around your mind, hands grasping at your consciousness, trying to drag you out only for you to slip through ghost fingers.
So, they did the next best thing. They sat with you, taking shifts, leaving Netflix on as they researched beside you, helping you through the fatigue that followed you coming out of an attack. At some stage, you came out of it to see a bearded Ketch in your room, bullet wound on his shoulder as he slams a tray of food down by your feet, simply saying that Crowley wouldn’t want you to waste away before disappearing into the night. You don’t know why you like Ketch, but you like him nonetheless. So, you ate a little and drank more water.
That, thankfully, only lasted a few days. But what followed would have freaked you out, if you didn’t currently have the emotional range of a toaster.
It was almost like a ritual. You’d bring out all your weapons and line them up in order of how slowly they’d kill you, nearly going through with it with your gun or tracing lightly the words you wanted to carve onto your legs, leaving light scratches. When Dean walked in with your gun in your mouth, he flipped. You’d never seen him so pissed.
You didn’t even apologise. Just staring at him emptily, not sure why he was freaking out so badly. After all, you weren’t loved, who were you to keep living? Who’d care if you died, if anything, people would rejoice.
Sam quickly removed everything from your room that could be seen as a weapon, leaving you in a more or less empty room. So, you resolved to just laying there. Staring at the ceiling, unable to move.
Now, over a month since Crowley’s death, your brain started something new
You hadn’t been this bad for this long since childhood, for the most part your episodes would last a week, maybe two. So, when the next symptom started up, you were completely unprepared.
You were there when Sam was suffering with his visions after Cas tore down the wall in his brain, so you were certain yours would get worse. But, for the most part, it didn’t affect you as bad as Sam’s affected him.
Commanding voices telling you to change your sheets, shower, brush your hair that had been neglected for months – which, thankfully, a local hairdresser was more than happy to do for free when she saw you grabbing top quality conditioner and detangler –, to eat something other than a small apple or a piece of bread, to wash your clothes and put something clean on. The voices were never cruel, they just wanted you to get your life back together.
The only thing they did that caused you to freak out was order you to clear our Crowley’s belongings from your room.
You couldn’t.
It was too soon.
It was the only time you refused to go through with the voices instructions, compromising to instead move his stuff into your closet so it was unseen.
Images of the ghosts of your past would walk right in front of you, you’d swear you saw your deceased boyfriend next to you, but when you turned, you were alone. The sensation of hands rubbing up and down your arms, applying the right pressure to calm you, exactly the same way Crowley would during anxiety attacks would make you think ‘maybe he managed to return in spirit form’. A quick spell assured you that that was not the case.
You couldn’t sleep. Your emotions were slowly returning in full force, making up for lost time. The sensation of complete anger then crippling sadness before heart-attack inducing anxiety leaving you useless in a ball wherever you were standing made it impossible for you to even do anything. You began apologising profusely to Dean and Sam for your actions, and even met Jack. Nice kid.
But any time you saw or remembered anything about your boyfriend, you became catatonic. Just unable to move, paralysed by the tsunami of emotions flowing through you.
So, when you woke up in the middle of the night to see him standing over you, calling your name softly, you were ready to stamp down the sudden oncoming of emotions that hit you like a brick wall.
“Y/N, love. C’mon, wake up for me.” His gravely voice pulling you from your nightmares slowly. ���You were having a nightmare, pet, its not real.” You blink before laughing apathetically.
“Figures that this would be the next step.” You say, no emotion in your voice. The vision looks down at you, confused.
“My brain is a prick, you know that? And this is just cruel, giving me a vision of you to torment me? Fucking hell, I’m more messed up than I released.” You turn your body, bringing your blankets closer to you, inhaling his scent through the pillow. Only, it seems to be encompassing the room, coming from everywhere. You roll your eyes. Your brain is thorough too.
A warm hand rests on your shoulder and it takes all your strength to shrug it off, not wanting it to leave. The hand is stubborn and refuses to move. “Y/N, I’m really hear pet.” His voice sounds heartbroken, unsure. Not Crowley. “Love, I came back. I had to follow Lucifer through the rift then make my way here.” You move away, it’s painful to do so but you manage. Standing, you move to the opposite side of the room. The look in Crowley’s eyes of concern and uncertainty was foreign, but undoubtedly there. “Why did you do it?”
He slowly makes his way around the bed. “Do what?”
“Leave me? Especially now, when I was about to crash. Why didn’t you promise me to return?” Your voice wobbles as you fight back more tears. Fuck’s sake, why can’t you control yourself?
He pauses, clearly affected by your growing emotions. “I’m so sorry, love, but I had to. We had to get him away, and I couldn’t- you would have been in danger if you were there.”
“Why didn’t you tell me your plans? That you were going to gank yourself?”
“Would you have honestly let me leave the Bunker knowing that I was going to take my own life?”
“Well, no.” You admit softly and he shrugs.
“There you have it then.” You didn’t release he had moved to in front of you until his feet are touching yours. “Please love, look at me.” You shake your head, eyes squeezed tightly shut. “Why not?”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“It’ll hurt.” You can hear his confusion without him voicing a word. “I can’t look at you and know that you aren’t real.”
“Oh love, I’m very real.” His hand brushes against your shoulder and you yank back, sudden anger taking over your system as you begin to yell.
“Why can’t you leave me alone? I’m tired, Crowley. I’m tired of feeling, of living, of not knowing what’s going on and what’s happening, of having absolutely no fucking control of my body. I don’t want you to be here, to torment me! You left me, Crowley. You didn’t tell me shit and you knew you were going to die. And you don’t enter fuck all without knowing what’s happening. You should have told me.” You sit down on the bed, tears streaming yet again. Surely you had cried enough? Why was your body not tired enough, and how could it still be producing tears? “You should have told me.” You repeat, voice broken.
To his credit, he doesn’t try to leave you, or step back, or even react shocked. He just stands there, waiting for you to finish. “I know, I should have told you. I’m really sorry, but I’m back and in one piece.” You finally look up and stare at him.
“How do I know it’s you? Not a hallucination, not a trick from an angel or a demon.” He looks down before humming.
“Well, have you had any hallucinations recently?” You think over it.
“Only voices. Shadows. Not…not together though.” You admit. “But it could have progressed.” Crowley nods.
“Well, let’s think about this logically. What have the voices said to you?”
“They, they told me to do stuff.”
“Have I done that, pet?”
“Then why would they change?” You nod slowly. Your auditory hallucinations had been relatively consistent with their theme, not really changing besides the orders given.
“But then you could be a trick. Asmodeous is apparently good at that sort of thing, or a shapeshifter?” Crowley hums before smiling, a genuine smile that only you ever got to see.
“When we first met, it was before I met the boys. You were working a case about this idiot who sold his soul to me and you managed to get me into a devil’s trap and ward off my hellhounds, and at the same time was working on a case concerning a nest of vampires the town over. All on your own.” You smile at the memory of an insulted and annoyed Crowley glaring at you as you left him alone for a day mid-interrogation to go and deal with the vamps. “I was pissed, but you kept me there for a week. We got flirting, I would come see you to invite you for drinks-’
“Stalked.” You interrupt. “The word you are looking for is stalked.”
“It worked though, didn’t it?” You roll your eyes, letting out a watery laugh. “You agreed to one drink if it meant that I’d, and I quote, “fucked off back to hell and never bothered you again”. One drink slowly turned into this.” You smile softly.
“You’re really back, aren’t you?”
“Yes, love, I am.”
“If you ever do something that fucking stupid again, I’m killing you myself.”
“I know you will, pet.” You launch yourself at him, holding him tightly as you nearly wind him.
“I missed you.” You admit, him returning the sentiment as you snuggled in close. Seconds pass before you finally ask the question you only wanted to ask him that had been burning in your mind for days now. “Am I broken?”
He looks down at you in slight surprise. “What on earth could be broken in you, love?” You shrug.
“My heart, my soul. Me. Just generally broken.” You shrug it off. “It’s stupid.” His hand grasps at your chin and makes you look up at him.
“There is not an inch of you that is broken, you are whole and you are perfect.” He reminds you. “You are human.” That last sentence makes you feel so much better, that small reminder squashing away any feelings of uncertainty that you are, in fact, nothingness. “When was the last time you slept a full night without any disruptions?” You shrug, honestly not being able to remember. “C’mon, go to sleep. We can talk about everything else in the morning.”
He leads you to your bed, moving instantly to wrap his arms around you as he presses against your back, his warmth and familiar scent and pressure as he holds you tight calming you instantly. “I love you.” You whisper quietly.
“Love you too.” Comes the reply with a chaste kiss to your temple.
“If I wake up tomorrow and you’re gone, I’m going to find a way to murder my brain.” You hear him laugh lightly before you start to slip away into the darkness.
“I know you would.”
It took a while, but eventually sorrow’s hold let go and you were on the mend. The boys weren’t impressed with Crowley’s surprise return, but you knew one thing for certain.
Everything was going to be okay.
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Rehabilitation: Shay’s First Date (Jitters) (4/?)
Side effects may include a loss of self-identity and individuality, frequent nightmares, questioning your own existence, severe mental trauma, constant panic attacks, spontaneous crying at random moments, and a strong desire to stay with loved ones at all cost. Co-written with @violetganache42​. Takes place between Chapters 6 and 7 of Arc-V Aftermath.
Later that night, back at the Obsidian household, Shay was in the tailor room, trying to figure out what to wear for his date with Declan. He had to look nice for their dinner this evening, but he wasn't sure whether he should wear a suit or a different set of formal attire.
"DO YOU NEED HELP, MASTER SHAY?" a robot maid asked.
"Sort of," Shay answered. "Declan Akaba invited me out to dinner this evening and he said I should wear something formal."
"IS THIS A DATE?" the robot maid asked.
"Kind of..." Shay admitted. "But I see it as spending time with a fellow Duelist and a good friend."
She dashed off to the tailor room's closet where all of the Obsidians' premade outfits were nicely stored and organized in preparation for any surprise special occasions. She skimmed through Shay's collection before spotting what she was looking for and took it out of the closet. His first date outfit consisted of a long-sleeved, button-up, white shirt underneath a black vest and a black suit jacket, black pants with a black belt, and a pair of black shoes.
"Not bad," Shay remarked. "This looks pretty snazzy."
"I'm not nervous," Shay lied.
That was the problem. Shay was straight yet he didn't want to turn down the offer. He was given the advice to think of this date as spending some time with a friend and that's exactly what Declan is to him: a friend. Even if he does feel nervous and uncomfortable about it, there was no way he was going to say "no" to hanging out with someone platonically close to him.
Shay stared at his given outfit as he thought about how well the dinner will turn out. He wasn't sure what restaurant he'll be going to, but maybe as long as he takes Lulu's advice, he might have a good time. Trying his hardest to not let his nerves get the best of him, he walked over to the fitting room to get changed into his suit.
Some time later, Lulu entered the tailor room holding a light blue sundress. "Can you make some adjustments to this?" she asked the robot maid. "It feels a bit tight around my chest."
"CERTAINLY, MISTRESS LULU," the robot maid replied.
Lulu handed her sundress to the robot maid to help fix the chest area. Right as she was about to head over to the sewing section, Shay came out of the dressing room, wearing the suit that was saved for tonight.
The heiress let out a whistle. "You look pretty sharp," she remarked.
"It's for tonight," Shay explained. He still looked a bit nervous.
"Don't worry about it," Lulu reassured. "As long as you treat this date like a friendly get-together with Declan, you should be fine."
"I hope so," Shay said.
Several minutes later, Kameron drove on the streets connecting the Heartland and Paradise sections of the Original Dimension's city. He was taking his son to the restaurant where the dinner date was going to be, as seen by the GPS function from the Duel Disk's maps app currently giving out direction on how to get there. Declan had informed Shay on what restaurant they were going to shortly before they left, so knowing where they'll be eating at was pretty helpful.
Kameron noticed his son was rather quiet. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you and mother about this," Shay said. "I knew you were looking forward to me marrying Dextra Papillion. I really want to marry her, but-"
"It's alright, son," Kameron said. "I heard about how Declan Akaba helped you out when Lulu was kidnapped. He's a kind man and I know you see him as a good friend."
"So you don't mind this...date?" Shay asked.
"Of course not," Kameron answered. "I know you're only attracted to women, so this date isn't a concern."
Shay smiled at his father's response, knowing how he was looking forward to marrying Dextra and his worry about different sexualities. "Thank you for understanding, father," the heir said.
"You're welcome," Kameron replied. "Just remember to maintain your perfect image throughout the evening."
"Of course," Shay said.
With his father's opinion on tonight, Shay felt his nervousness start to ease a little. Maybe Kameron and Lulu were right; maybe he should try to view this as a friendly get-together since his arranged marriage won't be affected by it at all. There was a slight issue with this, however: he has never been on a date before and he doesn't have any experiences with them to be able to pull this off. Whenever he thinks he has an issue tackled, another one happens to pop up. Man, he felt like this was generally not his day.
After going through the roads, streets, and intersections, they made it at the restaurant and Shay was dropped off in front of the doorways.
"Hello Shay," Declan said, waiting for the Obsidian heir near the doorways. "You look rather handsome this evening."
Shay noticed his "date" had also dressed up nicely for the night by the simple navy blue suit he was wearing. "So you finally ditched that scarf of yours," he remarked.
"I'm flattered by your humor," Declan replied, a slight smile appearing on his face. "Now shall we enjoy this evening?"
"Sure," Shay answered.
The two walked into the restaurant to have them be seated at a table. It appeared it was starting to get busy yet there wasn't that much of a wait, so they were able to get themselves situated at a table that was in between the entrance and the doorway leading to the outdoor tables.
"A moonlit dinner?" Shay asked. "Isn't this a bit of a cliché?"
"I certainly don't think so," Declan answered. "It is a rather clear night and the moon is bright enough to provide natural lighting."
He was right; there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. The lunar luminescence casted its rays down on the city as the stars twinkled and sparkled in the midnight blue sky. If anything, it was one of the most beautiful clear nights they have ever seen.
"So why me?" Shay asked.
"Hmm?" Declan questioned.
"There are a lot of other guys in the city," Shay elaborated. "Why did you invite me to have dinner with you?"
"Because there was something about you that captivated me," Declan explained. "Maybe it was your deck, or your dueling strategies, or maybe it was your perfectly-coiffed hair. Regardless of why, you simply fascinated me as an individual."
Remembering the advice his father and sister gave him, Shay thanked Declan for the compliment. He does have a strong archetype, a powerful strategy, and even a nicely-combed hairstyle.
Declan picked up the provided menu. "So what would you like to have?" he asked.
Shay looked at his menu. "The lobster salad looks delicious," he remarked, knowing he hasn't ate lobster in a long time.
"Lobster?" Declan asked. “Why that?”
"I remember having it for dinner with my family before the Invasion," Shay recalled. "The robot maids always cooked it just right."
"So you really do have robot maids," Declan said.
"Of course," Shay replied. "Because of mother and father's successful business, we have robot maids taking care of the cooking, cleaning, and helping us maintain our perfect images."
"My parents never purchased any robotic servants," Declan said. "They hired actual people to help us at Leo Corporation."
"You're not worried about someone getting ill or quitting due to personal reasons?" Shay asked.
Declan responded on how that was the least of his concerns, especially regarding how he and the staff were preparing to go up against Duel Academy by studying and conjuring up Pendulum cards, hosting the Arc League Championship, and forming the Lancers. He could tell his date was more used to not having to deal with those risks at all.
"Besides, what if a robotic servant malfunctions?" Declan asked.
"Mother and father taught Lulu and I about basic mechanics in case of those emergencies," Shay answered. "Sometimes we even use that same knowledge to program new protocols into their databanks, whether it's a reminder to not mention an upcoming wedding or get away with unnecessary grooming."
Declan was confused by that last statement. "Unnecessary grooming?" he repeated.
Shay blushed slightly. "When I was younger, I hated being born into an elite environment," he explained. "I wanted to hang out with commoner kids and not worry about how I looked."
"You aren't like that now," Declan pointed out.
"Only because I grew out of that childish behavior when I got older," Shay continued. "Nowadays I appreciate my wealthy background."
If Declan was going to be honest, Shay had it easy. When he was younger, Leo left to become the head of Duel Academy to pursue his mission to fuse all four dimensions back and bring back Ray. This forced his son to become the new CEO at around 13 years old and seek assistance from Yusho, leading to his disappearance when he was scheduled to duel against the Sledgehammer.
"You are rather fortunate, Shay Obsidian," Declan said. "You spent your whole life living a luxurious life with your parents and sister."
"I know," Shay said. "But it wasn't always easy. I grew up with the constant knowledge that I would eventually take over the family company. I do love mother and father, but they pressured me to always looking my absolute best."
"That would explain your rather aggressive behavior during the Interdimensional War," Declan noted.
Shay looked a bit tensed. "I lost everything when Duel Academy attacked," he said, sounding more sad and less angry. "Mother and father were carded, our home was reduced to rubble, and ObsidianCorp was destroyed." He was unaware of a stray tear coming from his eye. "It was a miracle everything was fully restored today."
Unbeknownst to Shay, Declan spotted the tear taking shape on his eye. He reached over to the heir and gently wiped the tear away.
Shay was surprised by the sudden contact. "What was that for?" he asked.
"You seem upset about the Invasion," Declan commented. "I am terribly sorry it happened to you." His hand shifted to Shay's cheek. "I'm aware that recovering won't be easy, but you cannot let it interfere with your bright future."
Shay simply stared into Declan's purple eyes as he heard the remark being made. For someone who rarely shows emotion, his face was illustrating noticeable hints of sympathy.
"Thank you," Shay said.
"You are quite welcome," Declan replied, releasing his gentle touch on Shay. "Now we should order our meals for the evening."
Shortly after their discussion ended, their waitress came out to take down their orders. "What would you both like to have this evening?" she asked.
"I'll have a lobster salad," Shay said.
Declan checked the menu for a few seconds. "The ramen soup looks delicious," he decided.
"Alright," the waitress said. "Your food will be out shortly."
The waitress headed to the kitchen to place their orders and have the chefs cook their meals. As she did so, Shay and Declan waited for their dinners and ended up talking about another topic, one that was far different than the Invasion and the Interdimensional War.
"Have you ever looked at someone and get a sudden feeling as if you met that person before?" Declan asked.
"It depends on the person," Shay answered.
"Yuya Sakaki," Declan clarified. "From the moment I laid my eyes on him, I felt...drawn to him. Kind of like he was a missing piece in my life."
"How could that be possible?" Shay asked.
"I'm not quite sure," Declan admitted. "But there was a cheerful spark in his eyes. I could have sworn I saw someone with a similar spark long ago."
He wasn't sure where he's seen him before, but it was probably back before Action Duels were announced. He remembered heading somewhere for something important when his eyes caught a glimpse on someone. This particular person seem more…introverted than usual, almost like an incident should have occurred and changed his life for the better, but this spark still remained. Within the shy and timid nature lied the energy of a happy, caring, selfless, friendly individual, as heard by the tone of his voice; one—or many people—may say that he usually comes off as adorable.
Years have passed since the dimensional split and his encounter with Yuya made him realize he had that similar spark, one that was energetic, theatrical, fun-loving, entertaining, and loves to make people smile. It often left him in deep thought when he was alone—whenever he wasn't focused on the War—about how someone like him could possess such comparable qualities. It wasn't until earlier today when he went to Duel Academy to see if he could help out with the blood separation right as ARC-V was beginning to overload. He recalled about seeing a Slifer Red girl following him to where Leo, Zarc, and Ray were, who was revealed to be Tea from a voice which sounded remotely somewhat familiar. A slight shift of his purple eyes left them locked on the same person he had spotted years ago. The spiky, tri-colored hair, the fair skin, the grown but still short body figure, but most importantly, his glazed, amethyst purple eyes. He had changed so much, and from the looks of things, it was due to Zarc's onslaught. Despite what he went through, the spark was still there. The same spark that he felt from a single glance during when he felt like he wasn't Declan Akaba.
Wait, wasn't Declan Akaba?
The grey-haired teen tensed up a bit. "Are you alright?" Shay asked, sounding concerned.
"I'm afraid not," Declan said. "Sometimes I have these memories that must have belonged to someone who is very similar to me, but isn't me at all."
"What do you mean by that?" Shay asked.
"Even I cannot answer that question," Declan admitted. "But-" His eyes widened in realization.
"Who am I?"
"You are...uh... Deck...lan. Yes, Declan. You are Declan Akaba, my beloved son."
Declan always felt like Leo wasn't the best at coming up with creative names, but he didn't mind the name that he was given. In fact, it was his earliest memory. Now that he thought about it, he did remember seeing his father looking at a deck of Duel Monsters cards and use that to give him his name, but why? Why was he really given the name "Declan" in the first place?
"Here are your meals," the waitress said. "Enjoy."
Declan snapped out of his thoughts as he noticed his ramen soup and Shay's lobster salad have been served to them. As soon as Shay ate a forkful of his salad, he let out a happy moan.
"Enjoying you dinner?" Declan asked.
Shay swallowed the food in his mouth. "I forgot how delicious lobster is," he said. "I miss the comforts of luxury."
"I can tell," Declan said. "You even look much cleaner than when I saw you this morning."
"My family and I spent the day restoring our perfect images," Shay explained. "I had my hair trimmed and I got a back massage."
"Really," Declan said. "I didn't even notice." Even though Shay was a lot cleaner, he still pretty much looks the same as he did on the night of the Invasion.
"I know I still look the same, but I really have cleaned up," Shay said. "I even received a deep tissue back mass-"
He noticed Declan was reaching up to feel his hair to see if it was cleaner, prompting him to grab his wrist. It was a natural instinct of him to do whatever it takes to preserve his perfect image; it was most likely the reason why he was sent to solitary confinement at the Facility back in the Synchro Dimension because there was no way Sector Security was going to give him a criminal mark on his face.
"My goodness," Declan said. "Are all Obsidians that obsessed with their perfect images?"
Shay sheepishly let go of Declan's wrist. "I don't like it when other people touch me," he admitted. "Mother and father raised Lulu and I with the mindset of making sure no one would muss up how we look."
Declan sipped on a spoonful of his ramen soup before speaking. "How peculiar," he remarked. "Even your sister?"
"She has a good reason why," Shay explained. "When she was younger, she wanted to have long hair similar to the ones movie actresses have. With mother's permission, she learned how to properly maintain long hair." He ate a forkful of his lobster salad after speaking.
"That would explain why she would still have long hair after Duel Academy's attack," Declan said. "With any other girl, all that hair would have been long gone after such an event."
"That's Lulu for you," Shay said. "She's probably the most stubborn girl on the planet."
He wasn't wrong; her stubbornness was one of her most defining traits and they have Ray to thank for that. Lulu was stubborn about a lot of things: wanting to have long hair, willing to help out the Resistance despite a serious spinal injury, tackling Yuri head-on in a duel, actively fighting back a brainwashing insect to save her brother, and even her boyfriend preferences. Maybe Ray herself was just as stubborn prior to the dimensional split.
Several minutes later, the two had finished their dinner. Shay's plate was clear without any traces of lobster or salad remaining while Declan ate all of the noodles and deciding if he should have the rest of the broth; it did taste scrumptious.
"Thank you for inviting me out," Shay said, reaching into his jacket pocket for his wallet. "How much was the lobster salad?"
"No need," Declan said. "I will pay for both of our meals."
Declan took out his own wallet just as the waitress came out with the bill and handed it to him. After checking what the total price was, he pulled out his debit card and brought them to her to pay for dinner. This was a dating tip Shay learned; people who set up dates are the ones who pay for all their meals. Deep down, he had almost forgot this was a date, much to his dismay.
Declan noticed Shay's slightly uncomfortable expression. "Are you feeling alright?" the grey-haired teen asked.
"Is this really a date?" Shay asked in response.
"Of course," Declan answered without a second thought. "Like I said, you're quite handsome and I have had my eyes on you for a while. Why do you ask?"
"I wanted to make sure," Shay lied, not wanting to hurt his friend's feelings.
He knew it. He knew this was a date and it is becoming clearer that Declan is gay. He had a feeling about it ever since the phone call and the latter's compliments on his handsome appearance and his well-kept hair were a dead giveaway. Despite being uncomfortable about it, Shay still kept Kameron and Lulu's advice about this being a friendly get-together instead of an actual date.
"Tell me, Shay," Declan said. "Have you ever attended a fireworks show?"
"A lot," Shay answered. "I attended numerous Heartland festivals with my family, so fireworks were always involved."
"But have you seen a Paradise City fireworks show?" Declan asked. "Because there is going to be one tonight to celebrate the restored Original Dimension."
Shay raised his eyebrows in surprised intrigue, indicating that he has never seen a fireworks show in Paradise City even though he has been there multiple times. How did Declan even found out about this?
"How do you know about that?" Shay asked.
"Because I was hoping we could attend the fireworks show after dinner," Declan explained. Was he...blushing? Why was he blushing? Does he wish to have someone accompany him when the fireworks go off?
The waitress returned with Declan's debit card. "Here you go," she said. "Thank you for visiting us. We hope to see you again."
As Declan thanked her for returning the debit card, he analyzed the receipt to see how much he paid and calculated what her tip was. He wrote down the amount he was tipping her and the sum of that and the subtotal on the receipt with a pen she had provided.
"Shall we continue with our date?" Declan asked.
"Sure..." Shay replied, still feeling uncomfortable about this being a date.
They got up from their table and headed to the front doors to leave the restaurant. Once they were outside, Declan led the way to where the fireworks were going to be held since Shay wasn't sure the place where Paradise City's fireworks shows usually take place.
"Come," Declan said, gently holding Shay's hand. "The fireworks show will take place at Heartland Park."
Shay glanced at their intertwined hands. "Why there?" he asked.
"For scenic purposes," Declan answered.
That was an odd place to watch the fireworks because that was where all of Heartland's festivities occur, so wouldn't that limit their chances of seeing the celebration? Regardless of where they were viewing it, Shay still doesn't feel anything with his hand being held by Declan's.
"But I thought it was a Paradise City fireworks show," Shay pointed out.
"True," Declan said. "But this is to celebrate the restoration of the Original Dimension. The fireworks from Paradise City are simply a lot more entertaining than the ones from Heartland."
How does he know that? He has never seen Heartland's fireworks in the entirety of his life; fortunately, Shay has seen them multiple times, so he will be the judge of that. "I'll take your word for it," he said.
They spent the next half hour taking a walk from the Paradise section to the Heartland section of the Original Dimension city, where they headed over to the park with Shay leading the way this time. Upon arriving at Heartland Park, the two noticed a lot of other people were already there. It seems the dimensions fusing back into one was a cause for celebration among everyone throughout the four dimensions.
Whether they were in the revived city or in other parts in the world, it was truly a time for rejoicing back into one after spending approximately fourteen years split apart. In Declan's case, this was a nice way to continue his date whereas Shay was more focused on checking out what makes this fireworks show more entertaining than Heartland's. The two were able to find a comfortable spot that was in between the crowd and a few scattered trees.
"What makes Paradise City fireworks better than the ones in Heartland?" Shay asked.
"Simple," Declan answered. "Yusho was in charge of the fireworks show."
Yusho? The same Yusho that founded and used to teach at Heartland Duel School? This just got interesting for Shay because that means his former teacher was the one putting together tonight's festive bash; it was definitely going to be his first one in three years.
"Ladies and gentlemen, and people not native to the former Pendulum Dimension, get ready for a spectacular fireworks show you have never seen before!"
Everyone directed their attention towards the speaker, leaving Shay and Declan a bit stunned at who was the one giving out the announcement. It was none other than Yuya Sakaki himself. Since when did he start helping out with hosting and putting together his hometown's fireworks show?
"Now before we begin, I have an important announcement to make," Yuya continued. "Ya see, me and my dad had to make some...modifications to the fireworks show." He rubbed the back of his head. "Let's just say I kinda developed a fear of loud explosions."
He quickly looked at Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri, who all knew exactly what he was referring to. After merging back into Zarc, they were all traumatized by the incident and have recently discovered prior to their separation that they are easily triggered by loud explosives because they reminded them of Supreme King Dragon Zarc and the destruction the demon-beast caused.
"I also asked my dad to remove all of the green fireworks for the sake of the girls," Yuya sheepishly added.
The Bracelet Girls, standing next to Yuya's counterparts, knew exactly why Yusho would remove those specific fireworks. Any light emitting a bright neon green tint was a trigger for them because they couldn't stop thinking about ARC-V powering up and how they were all forcefully transferred into it to help revive Ray.
"So without further ado, let the annual Sakaki Fireworks Show begin!" Yuya announced.
The audience applauded as he went back to where his family was. As the clapping subsided, fireworks started to blast off into the sky and quietly explode in a variety of images that were each colored differently and can actually move, coming off as more of a light show than a fireworks show. The show included Yuya's Performapals as Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra playing in the background, the images moving in time with the music.
The imagery of the fireworks was categorized into two groups: the Performapals that Yuya used over the years appearing and disappearing to the rhythm of the song while the monsters he recently acquired (like Tuning Magician) performing by feeling the flow of the lyrics. Everyone was blown away by what they saw, especially the Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ residence. They have never seen a performance this stunning before, so they were all thinking that this was the best one they have seen. Everything from the choreographed images to the cheery atmosphere of the selected song, which makes sense because this was a special kind of day where the people of all four dimensions can begin living with one another. Even Shay couldn't help but have his jaw drop at what he was watching, leaving Declan with a smirk on his face.
"This is incredible!" Shay exclaimed. "How...?"
"The fireworks in Paradise City are infused with Solid Vision," Declan explained. "Because of this, the enhanced technology can create various imagery that actually move."
Shay continued to stare in awe as the Performapal fireworks quietly exploded to Mr. Blue Sky. If that was the case, then why didn't Yusho introduce that during his time at Heartland? From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Lulu cuddling with Yuto and sharing a few kisses although it felt rather different to them, mostly due to them finally being back in their own bodies. The Obsidian heir then found himself thinking about how much his sister has grown; it was actually quite unbelievably fascinating to see her mature prior to the Invasion. Originally a toddler with a strong desire to have long hair like the actresses in movies and to pursue her dream of being an actress herself, she was now but a beautiful, polite, and feminine young teen who has plans to marry a noble, chivalrous gentleman whom she met months ago. He was completely okay with their arranged marriages yet he still couldn't stop thinking about how much she has grown. …It was a bit heartbreaking for him.
"Are you alright?" Declan asked.
"It feels as if it was only yesterday Lulu was a bright-eyed little girl," Shay said. "I remember when I brought her to the Heartland Spring Festival for the first time."
Lulu was only as young as a preschool student when she attended her first Heartland Spring Festival. She had always wanted to go there when she was a toddler and that moment was her big chance.
"Come on, Shay!" Lulu had exclaimed, dragging him over to one of the festival booths. "I want a plush Rainbow Kuriboh!"
Shay let out a laugh. "Alright," he said. "I'll win one for you."
The booth she took him to with the Rainbow Kuriboh plush had a classic game set up: knocking down all six bottles that were stacked on top of each other. "Step right up and win a prize!" the booth owner announced.
"I'll take that challenge," Shay said, giving the man a few coins.
"Splendid!" the booth owner said. He gave Shay a small ball. "You only have one shot, so make it count!"
Using the ball he was given, Shay aimed at the stacked bottles to see where would be a good point to knock them down. He has been given private lessons to enhance his smarts and athleticism, so this was a perfect opportunity to put them in use. He chucked the ball towards the lower leftish-center section, knocking the bottom two down, which caused the upper three to fall and topple over the last standing one.
The booth owner was amazed. "Incredible!" he exclaimed. "I have never seen such precision from a boy that young! How-" He looked closely at Shay and Lulu. "Wait a minute... You're the Obsidian kids, aren't you?"
"We are," Shay answered. "And I promised my sister a Rainbow Kuriboh plush."
"Of course," the booth owner said. He gave a Rainbow Kuriboh plush to Lulu. "Here you go."
"Thank you!" Lulu happily said, hugging the plush.
She has had it ever since because she never forgot the day her brother won it for her. She always took care of it and made sure it was in good condition just in case the time comes to pass it down to her potential offspring. Shay cherished that memory for years now and still found it hard to believe that the long-haired girl cuddling with Yuto and watching the fireworks show with him was the same bright-eyed young child he took with to the Heartland Spring Festival.
"She grew up so fast," Shay said, sounding a bit sad. Here she was now, reunited with her boyfriend and family, and she can now look forward to continuing her acting lessons without any sudden interruptions. And in a few more years, she will marry Yuto and they will have kids of their own. She was growing up right before his eyes.
"At least you actually get to grow up with your younger sibling," Declan said.
"What about Riley?" Shay asked.
"Recently I discovered she had all of her previous memories retained," Declan explained. "Her not smiling wasn't because of Zarc. It was because she remembers how mother treated her. Yuya's Dueltainment only distracted her. I decided it would be better for Moon Shadow to raise her."
It was going to be weird not having Riley around Leo Corporation because Declan had developed a caring sibling bond with him/her, especially after learning Henrietta took advantage of her adopted child's trauma. He knew what his life was like, and thanks to Declan’s tutelage, Riley became a strong Duelist who helped put a stop to Zarc's madness, even if it reverted him into a baby girl. He figured having Moon Shadow raise her would be perfect since she has looked up to him and he has protected her on certain occasions. Surely, the two will come up with a plan for her new life.
"I did give Riley's deck to Moon Shadow for when she's older," Declan continued. "If all of her memories really are left intact, she'll have no trouble relearning her C/C strategies."
Despite initial hesitation, Shay gave Declan's hand a gentle squeeze. "You made the right decision," the Raidraptor user said. "Moon Shadow will make a perfect parental figure for Riley."
"Thank you for the reassurance," Declan said. Then suddenly, he pulled his hand away from Shay's. "But you can drop the act. I figured you weren't gay."
Wait, he knew all along?! How? When? Shay was more confused than relieved by this sudden revelation. If that was the case, then why did Declan even ask him out in the first place?
"If you knew, why did you ask me out?" Shay asked.
"I didn't know at first," Declan admitted. "I wasn't sure if you were that kind of person, but I did notice how handsome you are. Yey I realized you seemed uncomfortable at the restaurant, which made me come to the conclusion that my suspicions are correct."
"What suspicions?" Shay asked.
"That every handsome man is either fictional, taken, or straight," Declan answered.
Those were his suspicions? Well, he isn't entirely wrong about people having fictional crushes or learning their crushes are taken or have different sexualities. It is a thing that constantly happens.
"But at least I now know Dextra won't be disappointed," Declan said. "You're a perfect fit for her."
Shay was surprised to hear that. "How do you know Dextra?" he asked.
"Mother always invited the Papillions to family parties," Declan explained. "As a result, Dextra ended up becoming one of my closest friends."
Shay never knew Declan and Dextra were close friends with each other; it did seem interesting about how a family from the XYZ Dimension was invited to parties in the Standard/Pendulum Dimension. That must have been happening when he discovered there were four dimensions. At least he was glad to know his friend accepted him being straight and his upcoming marriage.
During the fireworks show finale, an image of Xiansheng Magician appeared and shot an arrow, causing the image to quietly explode into light purple hearts with white angel wings. Then the words 'Congratulations on your arranged marriage, Yuto!' appeared in the sky, causing the eggplant-haired teen to blush heavily.
"Yuya!" Yuto called out. "People don't celebrate arranged marriages!"
"Aw, don't be such a bummer," Lulu said. She kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. "It's probably his way of celebrating."
Yuto couldn't stop blushing at how embarrassed he was about everyone learning of him getting married to Lulu, but a smooch from her did ease him down. As for Shay, he got a slight chuckle at the finale because Yuya must have found out earlier today or prior to the blood separation. Even after the initial struggle against Duel Academy, it looked like the Obsidian siblings have bright futures ahead of them.
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pestness · 5 years
Top 10 dog breeds that live the longest
Those who have been or are guardians of dogs, know how it is normal to want our dog to be with us all our lives. Thus, it is logical that before adopting a dog, many people wonder which dogs live the longest and which dogs are least likely to suffer from diseases.
If you are thinking about adding a new member to your family, you might want to know which dogs live the longest. Thinking of you at Petsness, we wanted to present you with a list of the 10 dog breeds that have the highest longevity.
Good reading !
Which dogs live the longest?
The 10 dogs that live the longest are:
Chihuahua -> 18 to 20 years old Shiba inu -> 15 to 18 years old Border collie -> 14/17 years old Rat terrier -> 15/16 years Dachshund -> 13/17 years old Toy poodle -> 15 years old Dwarf Spitz -> 12/15 years old Jack russell terrier -> 16 years old Boykin Spaniel -> 14/16 years old Romagnan water dog -> 14/17 years
In the rest of our article The dogs that live the longest – Top 10 we will give you the maximum explanation as to the lifespan of the aforementioned dogs.
10. Romagnan water dog
Let’s start our list of dog breeds that live the longest with the Romagnol water dog which, as the name suggests, is an Italian dog. This medium-sized Italian dog with woolly fur is native to the Romagna region, where they were historically trained as waterfowl collection dogs. The years passed and this dog, in addition to the qualities mentioned above, was noted for his great ability to detect truffles.
In addition to its beauty and remarkable ease of learning, the Romagna water dog is also amazing for its life expectancy, which can easily reach 14 and 17 years. They are strong and resistant dogs who, when they receive adequate preventive medicine and live in a positive environment, do not fall ill and show great enthusiasm in daily life. They can, however, be affected by common diseases in dogs, such as hip dysplasia.
9. Boykin Spaniel
The Boykin Spaniel is a beautiful and little known representative of the very large Spaniels family. This breed of dog originated in the United States, where it was developed in South Carolina in the early twentieth century, nowadays, the Boykin Spaniel is considered the most representative dog of this state. Initially, it was set up to help hunt ducks and other water birds that proliferated at the Wateree River, so it’s an excellent swimmer!
For its remarkable adaptability, energetic character and excellent health, the Boykin Spaniel has earned its place as a companion dog and is proving to be a great companion for people of all ages and cultures. Another “advantage” of these beautiful dogs is that they will spend many years at your side because its life expectancy is estimated between 14 and 16 years.
8. Jack russell terrier
Jack russell terrier is a courageous dog with a strong personality that, despite its small size, will never go unnoticed. Curiously, it is considered that its origins are shared because it was created in the United Kingdom by Reverend Jonh Russel, but it was developed on Australian soil.
In addition to its strong, hyperactive and daring temperament, the Jack Russel Terrier is also characterized by a privileged life expectancy, being one of the dogs that lives the longest. Small and intrepid, Jack russell terriers can end up living around 16 years old, if they are in favorable conditions. Thus, and like all, they can of course suffer from some common diseases of dogs and they have predispositions to develop the following affections:
Ataxia and myelopathy of the burrow
Dislocation of knee patella
Dislocation of the lens
7. Dwarf Spitz
The Dwarf Spitz is the smallest member of the Spitz family and one of the longest living dogs in the world. Its life expectancy is estimated around 12 and 15 years, but the Spitz dwarf or Pomeranian Lulu, can live longer as long as their tutors offer them a complete and balanced diet, adequate physical and mental stimulation as well as preventive visits to the veterinarian.
It should be emphasized that these small dogs are very sensitive to the cold and can be easily affected by sudden changes in climatic conditions. To enjoy a privileged longevity, they will need to be protected against the low temperatures as well as to count on an adequate preventive medicine in order to fight the most common affections following:
Ocular problems (mainly in older dogs)
Canine hydrocephalus
Patellar dislocation
Ductus arteriosus persistentus
Sinus node dysfunction
6. Toy poodle
The Toy Poodle, also known as poodle toy or mini, is one of the longest-living dogs and one of the most popular dwarf breeds in the world. They live, on average, 15 years, but many specimens easily reach the 17 or 18 years when they receive good care throughout their life.
These small and adorable dogs have a low genetic predisposition to most common hereditary diseases in dogs and are generally in very good health. Nevertheless, they can still develop the following conditions:
Dislocation of the patella
Eye problems like glaucoma
5. Dachshund
The Dachshund, also known as Dachshund or Sausage on Legs, is one of the most popular and long-lived German dog breeds in the world. These small, intrepid and somewhat barking toy dogs can live between the ages of 13 and 17 from the moment they receive the care that will promote their health and well-being.
Despite its significant life expectancy, Dachshunds can suffer from spinal injuries and damage to the intervertebral discs … Other common diseases that can cause Dachshunds are:
Patellar dislocation
Progressive atrophy of the retina
4. Rat terrier
The Rat Terrier is a little-known American dog outside his homeland and one of the longest-living dogs. In fact, the Rat Terrier is not a breed recognized by the FCI, but it is by a body like the Amrican Kennel Club. Initially, he was trained as a hunting dog on US farms to hunt and detect rodents, to avoid damage to agricultural production and the proliferation of certain diseases that rats transmit to animals and other animals. .
Despite its small size, the terrier rat is a very muscular and energetic dog that requires a high dose of physical activity to maintain a balanced behavior. It is also distinguished for its excellent health which is characterized by a very low predisposition to develop hereditary diseases, its life expectancy is, in general, estimated around 15/16 years, reaching the age of 18 if it received throughout his life, appropriate care.
3. Border collie
Border collie is considered to be the most intelligent dog in the world according to Stanley Coren’s ranking, in addition, the border collie is a dog which, in addition, enjoys a robust health and a very great physical resistance. Its life expectancy is estimated to be between 14 and 17 years, even though they have some facility to develop health problems such as hip dysplasia, epilepsy and collie eye abnormality.
This dog breed is very special and demonstrates incredible versatility, can learn with great ease the basic and advanced orders, excel in many canine sports and as a therapy dog. Nevertheless, his training requires constancy, dedication and knowledge on dog training, so the border collie is not a recommendable dog for inexperienced tutors.
2. Shiba inu
The Shiba Inu occupies a privileged position in our list of the dogs that live the longest, even if its life expectancy is the object of controversy between the dog specialists. According to some experts, the average life expectancy of Shiba Inu is around 15 years, while others claim that Shiba Inu can easily reach 18 years or more, from the moment he receives the care he needs to lead a healthy and happy life.
In addition, these hairy animals have a very low genetic susceptibility to developing hereditary or degenerative diseases, so shiba inu is also considered to be one of the healthiest dogs in the world. Nowadays, the only diseases that have a certain recurrence in this breed of Japanese dog are hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism.
1. Chihuahua
In addition to being the smallest dog in the world, the charming and brave Chihuahua is also the dog breed that lives the longest. Its life expectancy is estimated between 15 and 18 years, but some specimens can live up to 20 years! Nevertheless, they are very sensitive to cold and abrupt climate changes, so they adapt much better to the warm and temperate climate and are dogs for whom the use of clothing in winter is absolutely mandatory.
It is also important to mention that chihuahuas can suffer from certain diseases if they do not receive adequate care:
Cleft palate
Herniated disc
Hemophilia A
Heart problems
Do crossbred dogs live longer?
Today it is common to hear that crossbred dogs live longer because they enjoy better health than purebred dogs because they have not been subjected to the selective crossing processes that have allowed the standardization of breeds. Dogs, therefore, have a greater genetic diversity and lower inbreeding rate. It is for this reason that they have a lower predisposition to developing hereditary and degenerative diseases that severely affect the majority of dog breeds.
As a result, they become sick less frequently and they live longer than the purebred dogs, if they receive the proper care.
from Petsness https://ift.tt/2RdtcGf via IFTTT https://ift.tt/2RdtcGf
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