#lucy’s illness pas de deux
citrus-cactus · 8 months
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"Lucy's Illness" coda: 20 September
"And now I have told you my news, let me ask yours. When are you to be married, and where, and who is to perform the ceremony, and what are you to wear, and is it to be a public or private wedding? Tell me all about it, dear; tell me all about everything, for there is nothing which interests you which will not be dear to me."
I know we saw Mina's letters a few days ago, but we didn't know the full story of what happened until today. Is there a more devastating phrase in Dracula than the words unopened by her? That could be up for debate, but truly, reading them for the first time last year absolutely gutted me. Farewell, sweet Lucy, from everyone who loved you with all the moods and tenses of the verb.
As always, full view recommended, with a couple of close-ups under the cut.
[Part 1] | [Part 2] | [Part 3] | [Part 4]
This is the final part of this series… for now, though I would love to draw some more excerpts from my alternate ballet version of Dracula someday!
References used for the costuming and poses. Clipart dedicated to the public domain under CC0 modified and utilized for the corner embellishments.
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rollingstonemag · 5 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/sid-haig-est-mort/
Sid Haig, acteur fétiche de Rob Zombie, est mort
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L’acteur Sid Haig, réputé pour son rôle dans La Maison des 1000 morts de Rob Zombie et pour être apparu dans les films de Quentin Tarantino ou encore George Lucas, nous a quittés 
Sid Haig, une des gueules les plus inoubliables du cinéma d’horreur (souvent classé en série z), est décédé le week-end dernier à l’âge de 80 ans. Son épouse, Susan L. Oberg, a rapporté son décès sur les réseaux sociaux, sans mentionner la cause. « Cela a été un choc pour nous tous. »
Haig est surtout connu pour avoir joué le meurtrier Capitaine Spaulding dans les films d’horreur réalisés par son ami Rob Zombie, La Maison des 1000 morts, The Devil’s Rejects, et aussi 3 From Hell, qui devrait sortir prochainement. Son apparence intimidante – il mesurait plus d’un mètre quatre-vingt-dix – et la combinaison de ses yeux globuleux et de ce sourire si particulier lui a permis de se distinguer parmi tant d’autres. Ses autres rôles notables brassent large : il apparaît dans un épisode de la série I Love Lucy, incarne Ralph dans Spider Baby (1964) et joue dans plusieurs épisodes de Mission Impossible entre 68 et 69.
Zombie a tenu à rendre hommage à Sid Haig dans deux messages d’Instagram. « Gone but not forgotten » a t-il écrit en postant une photo de l’acteur dans l’un de ses costumes les plus emblématiques. « Nous riions tous les deux de ce costume de clown minable et mal ajusté », continue Zombie. « Il a fallu quelques essais pour obtenir son look, mais nous y sommes arrivés. Qui aurait cru que ce clown fou deviendrait une figure emblématique de l’horreur ? Certainement pas les deux types sur la photo. »
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On this sad day you got to remember the good times. This photo was taken the first time me and Sid got together. It was early 2000 or perhaps even late 1999. It was at the Edith Head Costume building at Universal Studios. We were both having a good laugh at this crummy, ill-fitting clown suit. It took a few tries to get his look right, but we got there. Who knew that crazy clown would become an iconic horror figure? Certainly not the two guys in the picture. #CaptainSpaulding #sidhaig #houseof1000corpses
A post shared by RobZombieofficial (@robzombieofficial) on Sep 23, 2019 at 7:49am PDT
En dehors de l’univers de Rob Zombie, Haig était un acteur de personnage toujours bien employé – même si il n’a jamais vraiment atteint le cinéma mainstream, il ne l’a qu’effleuré – avec des apparitions dans l’univers de Batman, Star Trek, Gunsmoke, Mary Hartman, The Dukes of Hazzard, ou encore MacGyver. Il décroche un rôle dans Jackie Brown de Quentin Tarantino (1997), ce qui l’a cependant élevé au sein d’un nouveau rang à Hollywood. C’est d’ailleurs pour cela qu’il a été remarqué pour La Maison des 1000 morts, quelques années après. Il reviendra chez Tarantino à l’occasion du deuxième volume de Kill Bill.
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citrus-cactus · 9 months
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"Lucy's Illness" Pas de Deux: 7 September
“What can I do?” asked Arthur hoarsely. “Tell me, and I shall do it. My life is hers, and I would give the last drop of blood in my body for her.”
Forgive my inability to format images for Tumblr, but I wanted to pay homage to this section of Dracula (which I became extremely invested in thanks to the Dracula Daily format), by doing a little art series for September I like to call "the Dracula ballet I see in my head." For those who don't know, there's already a ballet version of Dracula (choreographed by Michael Pink) and it’s VERY good, but if someone had put me in charge I would have a) included the character of Jack Seward, so Lucy could dance with all three of her suitors (individually and together), and b) shown this part of the novel, at least metaphorically, through dance. So yeah… today’s entry becomes a romantic, yet subdued pas de deux between Lucy and Arthur… at least to me!
Full view recommended, though I included a couple of close-ups under the cut.
References used for the costuming and poses. Clipart dedicated to the public domain under CC0 modified and utilized for the corner embellishments.
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citrus-cactus · 8 months
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"Lucy's Illness" Pas de Deux: 18 September
"I think I came just in the nick of time. You know you have only to tell me what to do."
Part 4 of the Dracula ballet I see in my head, featuring a much-needed visit from Quincey. We don’t deserve that brave, beautiful cowboy.
Full view recommended, though I included a close-up under the cut.
[Part 1] | [Part 2] | [Part 3]
References used for the costuming and poses. Clipart dedicated to the public domain under CC0 modified and utilized for the corner embellishments.
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citrus-cactus · 9 months
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"Lucy's Illness" Pas de Deux: 13 September
"Devils or no devils, or all the devils at once, it matters not. We must fight him all the same."
Part 3 of the Dracula ballet I see in my head. The third transfusion; Van Helsing this time. Surely now all the devilsh details putting Lucy at risk have been accounted for…?
Full view recommended, with a close-up included under the cut.
[Part 1] | [Part 2]
References used for the costuming and poses. Clipart dedicated to the public domain under CC0 modified and utilized for the corner embellishments.
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citrus-cactus · 9 months
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"Lucy's Illness" Pas de Deux: 10 September
No man knows till he experiences it, what it is to feel his own life-blood drawn away into the veins of the woman he loves…
Part 2 of the Dracula ballet I see in my head, distinct from the Michael Pink version, because this one includes Jack in all his rolled shirt-sleeves, sleep deprived glory. I’ve been wanting to draw ballet!Jack since last year, and even though I had a pretty tough time with this one, I think it turned out all right in the end.
Full view recommended, with a close-up included under the cut.
[Link to Part 1]
References used for the costuming and poses. Clipart dedicated to the public domain under CC0 modified and utilized for the corner embellishments.
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citrus-cactus · 8 months
I LOVE this series!!! Have you drawn a Dracula+Jonathan version? Or planning Dracula+Lucy/Mina version? Or Jonathan+Mina, as even if they haven't blood transfused each other, they've clung and got "stained together with vampire blood" in the process
I was holding off on answering this until the series was complete, but aaaaah thanks Anon, that’s so sweet! I’m glad you enjoyed them, and I’ve really enjoyed reading people’s’ comments and responses in the tags (<3) so I’m gonna take some time to ramble for a sec because I’ve thought a LOT about Alternate Dracula Ballet Stuff!
I didn’t necessarily have the scenes you mentioned in mind, if only because the Michael Pink ballet does SUCH a great job telling the story with the Count as the focal point (particularly Act 1 with Jonathan at the castle. I don’t think anything I could draw could possibly improve it!! Also uh… I haven’t figured out a character design for Jonathan I’m happy with yet, he’s tricky ^^;).
Following Dracula Daily last year, I became really attached to the parts of the novel that focused on Lucy, and basically everything from August onward, so that’s where my brain started going “I NEED TO SEE THESE SPECIFIC THINGS AND THERE NEED TO BE POINTE SHOES INVOLVED,” ahaha.
Because I will NOT get to all of these, here’s a list of some other book-based ballet scenes I have in my head, just to get them out there. Hopefully I can actually draw some more of them someday, even if I don’t possess the time or art skills needed to do all of them justice! Honestly though, Dracula + ballet goes together so well, and there are so many cool things you could do to tell this story through dance. If other people wanted to use these, or had other interpretations, I’d love to see the final results! BALLET ALL THE THINGS!!!
I’m sure my idealized version would accidentally end up being 5 hours long, BUT WHATEVER here’s my list:
Include the three proposals as a way to introduce Lucy and the Suitor Squad. They DO all need to dance together in a pas de quatre, too :3
Mina and Lucy dancing together in Whitby; call it “Castles in the Air.” Mr. Swales and the News Correspondent can make an appearance too, plus the sleepwalking rescue.
Mina and Jonathan pas de deux post-Transylvania: he starts out bed-ridden but eventually gains enough strength to dance with her; they get married and he gives her his journal (still important that he uses a cane for a while though!)
Because of spoilers for things that happen after September 20th, I’m gonna put the rest under a cut.
Jack and Van Helsing dance together showing their Incredible Dynamic(tm) (+ late September graveyard shenanigans??)
The Suitor Squad (ESPECIALLY ARTHUR) dances with the Bloofer Lady (it’s about the symmetry. THE PARALLELS!!!)
Big ol’ Crew of Light montage to represent them coming together, reading each other’s notes, and becoming a proper polycule friends. Lots of possibilities for interesting dance combinations here*, plus something-something October 3rd :)
Post-October 3 pas de deux between Mina and Jonathan FOR SURE. Let them be INTENSE!!!
Bring the Weird Sisters back for a showdown with VH and Mina, let it be creepy and gothic af (because at first, you’re not sure whose side Mina is even on…?) and ultimately, she gets to shotgun a vamp or two, as a treat :D
*I DO really love the Mina-Renfield pas de deux in the Michael Pink version too. I didn’t expect that combination of characters to dance together before I watched it, but it was SO GOOD!!
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