#luce potter
atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Invaders from Mars (1953)
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loveboatinsanity · 2 years
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halucynator · 7 months
If my finger were to accidentally slip and write a Theodore Nott fic where he comforts you would anyone be interested 👀
wait, what did you say? it's here? oh okay thanks
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mostro-rotto · 1 year
La felicità la si può trovare anche negli attimi più tenebrosi, se solo uno si ricorda... di accendere la luce. Albus Silente
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sono-solo-un-riflesso · 9 months
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diffidentalice · 10 months
Felix Fortuna is so cute
Like who would have thought a crossfic of Fortuna and Flavia de Luce in Harry Potter would be the most endearing and heartwarming fanfic I've read!!
Absolutely nothing bad is going to happen to these characters it's all going to be ok (please for the love of god let things turn out ok)
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sheeple · 1 year
Miracles don't exist | Chapter 7: 12 Grimmault Place
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): None this chapter [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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Come to the alley behind the Three Broomsticks
─ S.B.
This is the last letter you received from Sirius before the Christmas break. You knew that he couldn't just pick you up from King's Cross Station, with his status as an escapee from Azkaban. Harry gave you a brief one-over about the situation with Sirius, Harry's parents, and a man called Wormtail.
So, that's why you stand behind said pub, snow up to your ankles. A popping sound not far from you is head and you turn your head. 
"Professor Lupin?", you ask surprised, seeing your previous DADA teacher appear from nowhere. 
He smiles softly, putting his hands in his coat pocket, "Just Remus is alright. Or Lupin. I'm no longer your teacher."
You nod, grabbing your suitcase and turn your body fully towards the man. "I assume you're the one who brings me to Sirius?"
Lupin shushes you, looking around for any onlookers. You snap your mouth shut. Lupin holds his arm out for you to take, and you do it unsurely. There is a pull on your navel and gone you are.
Not a moment later, you appear on a doorstep. As you stumble forwards, unsteady on your feet. The door swings open and you fall inside. A yelp escapes your lips and a groan once you land on your face.
Two pairs of arms help you up and steady you on your feet. Embarrassed, you wipe your hair out of your face and look at Sirius.
You've never actually met him, only read his scratchy handwriting. He is pale with his cheeks and eyes slightly sunken into and dark hair that's well trimmed. His suit is big on him and tattoos peak from under his dress shirt. He's exactly like Harry described him.
But you also see the resemblance between you and him. It's in the eyes. You both have the same eyes and look in them.
Sirius is nervous. His hands can't stay still as he sees you take him in. And he can't help to do the same. Your hair is dishevelled, but he notices it looks wild nonetheless. You're dressed in a fluffy sweater and well-tailored coat, mittens adorning your hands.
You're not sure what to say to Sirius. But thankfully you don't have to because Professor Lupin mumbles something about not leaving the house, to the both of you.
"Wait", you call out, turning to the man, "I need to do some Christmas shopping..."
Lupin sighs, pursing his lips before sighing again. "When?"
"I beg you a pardon?"
"When do you want to go shopping? I'll pick you up, bring you to wherever you want to go shopping and I want you back in a certain amount of hours."
You swallow, just understanding the level of discreetness that comes with staying with an escapee. "Wednesday? Two o'clock for four hours?"
Lupin nods and turns around, disappearing with a pop.
"Let me... take you to your room", says Sirius after a moment of silence, the both of you not knowing what to say to each other. 
As you are about to reach for your suitcase, Sirius stops you. "I've got a house elf for that. KREACHER?!" Sirius bellows the name of the poor elf, and you flinch. Sirius notices and visibly looks bad.
You wave him off. "I'm sorry, it's okay... It just reminds me of how Uncle Luce used to treat our previous house elf; Dobby. Kind creature, but skittish thanks to how my family treated him."
Sirius' brows knit as he takes your suitcase himself, leading you up the staircase of the townhouse. "Uncle Luce? You're not talking about Lucious Malfoy, are you?"
You bite your bottom lip, glancing down at the dusty dark green runner on the wooden floor. You don't dare to look up, afraid of what Sirius' expression will be. "Uncle Lucious and Aunt Narcissa Malfoy", you admit in a small voice.
Going up another set of stairs, Sirius hums. "So, you're not Cissy's kid. And there is no way they would take in Andy's. So that means you are..."
He stops a couple steps up from you, turning around to look at you. Truly look at you. And he sees the true resemblance. There are no words needed, you understand what he implicates.
"Why aren't you called Lestrange then?" Sirius is blunt, an abhor for his cousin clearly in his eyes.
You know it's best to lie until you know he is safe to trust. And he won't murder you. Or call someone who will. "Because Rodolphus Lestrange isn't my father. I don't know who it is. Nobody knows, only Bellatrix. And she's locked up."
It's an easy lie. One you've told many, many times. It's a lie that seems to satisfy Sirius. 
He nods and continues his trek up the stairs, you in tow. He stops at a door and opens it. The door creaks and the room behind is dark and dusty. Nobody has lived in this house for a long time. And it shows. Everything is hanging on threads, from the curtains to the cushions on the bed. Mould grows on the ceiling and some floorboards look like they are ready to cave in if you even look at them.
"It's not much, but it's the best room so far", admits Sirius sheepishly.
You turn towards your cousin and smile. "It's great. Thank you. For letting me stay here during Christmas."
Sirius gives you a small smile, "it was no problem. I like the company. I'll leave you alone to it. To unpack and such. Feel free to roam around, no room is off-limits. I only ask you to knock on the doors before entering."
You nod and Sirius takes his leave, disappearing down the creaking staircase.
Closing the door behind you, you throw your suitcase on the bed. A dust cloud pouffes up and you cough. You open the curtains and open the window as wide as it goes, letting the fresh air fill the room.
A large four-poster bed is placed in the middle of the room against the wall, and an ottoman is at the foot of the bed. A desk is under the window with a chair. On the other side of the room, next to the oaken closet, is a reading chair that would have been quite comfortable before the moths have taken over. 
The colours of the room remind you of your dorm: dark, almost black wood and dark green colours. Obviously has House Black been a proud Slytherin family.
After unpacking and somewhat un-dusting the bed, you peek your head outside of the room, listening. The house creaks and groans, as if it breathes. They say a house lives after many generations have stayed in it. 
You're out to find the bathroom, a nifty thing if you have to pee in the night. You do as Sirius has said, and knock on the first door you want to open, waiting for a second or two out of respect, before you open it slowly. Another bedroom. 
After two more doors, you've found the bathroom. It's like the rest of the house; dark, dusty, and mouldy. But the water is running and even some hot wat streams out of the faucet after a minute. So that's good.
Making your way downstairs ─ leaving the exploring to another day ─ you end up in a large formal room with a family tree as wallpaper. Some faces are blacked out, and you trace the spot above Sirius' name.
"My mother did that."
You jump up in the air and turn around to face Sirius with wide eyes, your heart beating in your throat. Sirius says nothing but comes to stand next to you, his hands in the pockets of his trousers.
"The night I ran away to stay with the Potters, my mother erased me from the family tree. She has done the same to Andy." He points to another burn mark, between your mother and your aunt. Do you have another aunt?
"Why?", is all you ask.
The answer is simple. "Andromeda married a muggle-born."
Your eyes travel around the room, seeing not many blackened portraits. Looking back to Andromeda, you spot your mother. And under her...
"That's me." You reach out and touch your portrait. It's quite nicely done. "Is it enchanted?", you question.
Sirius nods. "One of our ancestors did many, many years ago. We don't even know anymore."
He suddenly straightens his back and turns towards you. "I've made some lunch. Do you want to join me?" Sirius looks unsure.
You smile up at him heartily. "I would love to."
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry @choppedpartymuffinwinner @dianaswanda @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry
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lectorel · 6 months
Fucking around with fandom specific tropes: Harry Potter is Skull de Mort, expanded addition
(original linked here.)
Skull de Mort starts life as a game, half mockery and all spite. He's one part caricature of young Malfoy to two parts gleeful muggle counter-culture trash, wrapped up in a name and a persona designed to send Voldemort spinning in his non-existent grave.
Skull is a braggart and a coward, the embodiment of every half-baked rumor and hypocritical criticism ever aimed at Harry - selfish, self-centered, short-sighted, in love with his own ego and incapable of admitting when he’s wrong.
Skull makes his career in pissing people off and pulling bullshit stunts, until he can send someone over the edge with a single whined complaint. A saint would try to strangle him after being locked in the same room for 15 minutes.
He is, without exaggeration, the funniest thing Harry has ever done. Skull has more fun in an afternoon than Harry had in his entire childhood before Hogwarts.
More than that, though, Skull de Mort is Luce's friend. Another prophecy child, the older brother she'd never have, her fellow confident and conspirator. When she confesses the future she's bound to, the curse that she'll bind the future arcabalano with, he doesn't turn away.
Skull is the best thing Luce has ever been able to keep.
Skull is tiny when he sleeps, bombastic personality pulled back under his skin. Luce finds it fascinating, how someone who takes up so much room is so small when still. Even sprawled across her bed, carelessly wrapped in a bathrobe and sweatpants, he's still so much smaller than when awake.
Skull would have made an excellent mafia boss, in another, poorer, life. He lies like he breathes - reflexive, thoughtless. People see what he wants them to see, whether that's the cowardly braggert of his public persona or the varying twists of his more temporary roles. Truth is a precious commodity to Skull, and he shares it only grudgingly. Their fellow sacrifices have yet to earn it from him.
Luce doesn't blame him. The weight of prophecy makes her a liar too, blandly smiling at the sacrifices laid out on the altar. She’d feel worse about it if they weren't all, as Skull so delicately put it, a bunch of ruddy wankers high on their own egos. Lal is the closest thing to innocent of the five, and she left the army to become a freelance criminal.
And they're all, to a one, completely fooled by Skull. Strongest does not correlate with any degree of observation skill, from what Luce's seen of them. Otherwise they might have noticed how often he was laughing at them.
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ronmerchant · 18 days
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Luce Potter- INVADERS FROM MARS (1953)
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goldkirk · 9 months
Autumn fun to-dos
Okay, I'm not going to get all of this done, but here's my current list to play/read/watch my way through.
Night in the Woods (replay)
Oxenfree (replay)
Oxenfree II (first time)
Beacon Pines (replay)
Animal Crossing (play more)
Wytchwood (first time)
Coffee Talk (first time)
What Happened to Edith Finch? (replay)
Brothers (first time)
Mutazione (first time)
Pumpkin Jack (first time)
Cozy Grove (play more)
Dracula (reread)
Twilight (first time)
Harry Potter 1-7 (reread)
The Witch of Blackbird Pond (first time)
Other witchy books I find
The Night Circus (first time)
Weyward (first time)
The Flavia de Luce mystery novels (reread)
The Graveyard Book (reread)
The Secret History (first time)
The Secret Life of Bats (first time)
Watcher/Buzzfeed Unsolved
Old Gods of Appalachia (a podcast, but I'm tossing it in here anyways)
Nightmare Before Christmas
Hocus Pocus
Hocus Pocus 2
Midnight Mass
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Bly Manor
Harry Potter series
The Exorcist
Gilmore Girls (maybe?)
ADDED: Over the Garden Wall (thanks for recommending it!)
I'm also open to suggestions!
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notacoward · 7 months
teaching moment || snily au
"What's that?"
Severus looked up from the letter he was holding at his best friend, Lucius, who he also lived with. The Malfoy estate was one of grandeur, a place that was renowned for its extravagant parties and beautiful landscaping. It had been around for centuries at this point, but Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were the current owners. It had been passed down through the Malfoy family for generations.
"A job," Severus said, letting him take the letter to read for himself. "What do you think?"
"Hmm," Lucius said, skimming through it. "I'm not a fan of Potter, he's got a pretty wife though. How stupid is his son that he can't even read?"
"Well, he's three, Luce. I learned to read when I was four."
"You weren't in a rich family," Lucius said, handing the letter back to him. "I assume this is his wife's idea."
"Considering the letter is signed 'Lady Lily Potter," I'd say that's a fairly safe bet."
"Bastard," Lucius said with a smirk. "You don't need the money. You'll never need the money. I don't know why you concern yourself with these little tutoring jobs here and there. Just stay with us and enjoy your life. Find some pretty bird to fuck and settle down with, and live the way you want to."
"That's not the way I want to live. We're suited to different passions, Lucius. That's not a bad thing," Severus said, reading over the letter again. It was good pay, and he'd actually be working for it, not just mooching off his best friends. He hadn't exactly intended to be supported by them for this long, it had just happened. It was hard for someone who didn't come from wealth to make a name for themselves, and though Lucius and Narcissa both had suggested they find a job for him with one of their friends, he declined. He liked to do things off his own back, with no help.
And so, he'd put his brain to the test and it ended up making him some money. Word had gotten 'round that he could teach children skills and knowledge, and many wealthy families ended up hiring him so they didn't have to go through the work. It was steady money, but some jobs were easier than others.
Lady Potter,
I hope this letter finds you well. I accept your offer. I will bring my materials and be at your estate Monday morning.
Severus Snape
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dark-elf-writes · 2 months
… a thought: Havenfall/Hatry Potter crossover where a few years after the War Harry learns he has a cousin who just lost her older sister In Havenfall, America. He heads over to take care of Grace Evans, bringing Teddy along. (He’s just quit his job, finally publically broke up with Ginny who he fake dated because the public wouldn't shut up and now she's happy living her aro/ace life and wants a break).
Grace And Texdy go to school so Harry decides a part-time job is nice. Hmm, how about the bowling alley?
like a post war MOD Harry trying to pick up the pieces when he hears about a cousin that needs him. And she’s young and she has lost so much and he is the only one she has left.
(Let it never be said that Harry didn’t have a soft spot for broken kids at the end of their ropes. Teddy was a prime example of that.)
He does try rather hard to keep his and Teddy’s secrets — not from Grace of course who took the whole magic and half werewolf thing shockingly well — but that’s a little hard when havenfall just so happens to be another alpha’s territory (not that the sheriff seems to know what to do with him and Teddy and maybe his innocent act is better than he thought if she hasn’t confronted them yet). But what no one prepared him for is that outside of England having two school aged kids who are gone most of the day is boring, and while Harry doesn’t have to work he might actually be driven to insanity if he says at home watching daytime television for one more day.
He ends up at the bowling alley after one too many warnings from Grace about Luce being “an actual demon bitch from hell, Harry I swear!” where he realizes that another werewolf is the least of his supernatural concerns in this tiny middle of nowhere town
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starandcloud · 3 months
This is where I keep all my works, they're sorted by alphabetical order and I'm working on reorganizing this.
Avatar the Last Airbender
Baldur's Gate 3
Blue Eye Samuria
Criminal Minds
Demon Slayer
Detroit: Become Human
Death's Hand
Divine Rivals
Helluva Boss
How To Train Your Dragon
Las Luces
Marauders/Harry Potter
Metal Family
Miraculous Ladybug
My Hero Academia
Percy Jackson
Resident Evil
Rise of the Guardians
Sally Face
Stranger Things
The Cruel Prince
The Kid at The Back
Vampire Knight
Y/N bs
This is all stuff that doesn't really go into a fandom, based on the title of the post anyways, and it has it's own post to help separate the two
Not Fandom based
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halucynator · 6 months
HI LUCY, it's nadinee, CAN YOU PLEASE FILL ME IN ON THE SLYTHERIN BOYS LORE 😭 i haven't been in the hp fandom since last year, and i have a few questions. like WHO IS MATTHEO RIDDLE. is it tom riddle?? or like a new character related to tom the fandom just made? i LOVE reading your mattheo fics, but i actually have no clue who the guy is 😭 and please, if you want, rant about what you love about him hahaha. thank youuu <333
hi nadine!! okay no i totally get you soo brace yourselfff
okay so mattheo riddle is a fan made character he isn't from the harry potter series people casted marcus lopez arguello from deadly class as mattheo riddle bc they find him hot (i can see why) and tysmm <333 im so glad ajshsne
okay so, mattheo has been considered to be an overprotective jealous toxic person who has a soft spot for y/n bc main character and special and stuff and he's in love with me bc i said so and he's like totally fan made like his personality in deadly class is sooo much more different than his personality in harry potter (except he isn't ACTUALLY in harry potter) and hes like said to be the son of voldermort but brother of tom riddle which doesnt make sense bc tom riddle is voldemort but it is what it is ig
and so basically we put a face to this imagination of a guy if that makes sense
okay so he's like super duper hot, if you dont agree im silently judging you (/lh). he's so toxic but also soft spot core so its fine
okay bye noww <333 ill shut up before this becomes a thirteen page esssay on how much i love him and you.
mwah <33
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pvrseide · 1 year
#𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐇𝐐: 𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬.
—  🐰  —     easter season & eggs.
frases randoms y un poquito sugerentes que pueden ( o no ) emplearse en doble sentido, sacadas de discord porque todes les users son muy imaginativos.
‘  que bonitos están tus huevos.  ’
‘  adelante, puedes comerte mi huevo.  ’
‘  a ver tus huevos.  ’
‘  ¿te ayudo a pintar tu huevo?  ’
‘  ¿puedo tomarle una foto a tus huevos?  ’
‘  el conejo de pascua es muy tenebroso. ’
‘  me atraganté con un huevo  ’
‘  el que encuentra suficientes huevos se lo lleva el conejo. ’
‘  los conejos de pascua son furros encubiertos.  ’
‘  cuando dijeron que podíamos venir disfrazados, no se referían a esto.  ’
—  🌷  —     general.
‘  ¿qué ocurrió?  ’
‘  quédate conmigo toda la noche.  ’
‘  estoy hartx de mi familia.  ’
‘  todo sería más sencillo si no tuviera dinero.  ’
‘  todo sería más sencillo si tuviera dinero.  ’
‘  ¡feliz cumpleaños!  ’
‘  ¿qué planes tienes para las vacaciones?  ’
‘  necesito playa, un mojito y un buen bronceado.  ’
‘  luces fatal.  ’
‘  ¿vamos por algo de beber? yo invito.  ’
‘  me voy a marchar de parís.  ’
‘  necesito tu ayuda.  ’
‘  te necesito.  ’
‘  perdóname.  ’
‘  no esperaba verte.  ’
‘  me robaron.  ’
‘  si pudieras deshacer y volver a vivir tu último año ¿lo harías?  ’
‘  necesito un abrazo.  ’
‘  ¿te puedo abrazar?  ’
‘  confía en mí.  ’
—  🗺️  —     escenarios.
🗼 para un starter situado en la torre eiffel.
🏛️ para un starter situado en el museo de louvre.
🛍️ para un starter situado en el centro comercial.
👗 para un starter situado en un desfile de modas.
🎡 para un starter situado en la feria.
🎶 para un starter situado en un concierto.
💀 para un starter situado en un estudio de tatuajes.
🍺 para un starter situado en un club nocturno.
💼 para un starter situado en el empleo de mi personaje.
🏠 para un starter situado en la casa de mi personaje.
—  ⏰  —     extras.
ninguno de estos starters está ubicado en una línea del tiempo específica, es a libre elección de cada une y pueden jugar con ello. los marcados con un asterisco ( * ) se envían con la especificación necesaria para el starter [ por ejemplo: what if + nuestros personajes nunca terminaron / au + twilight ]. 
[ WHAT IF? + * ]: para un starter basado en un "¿qué hubiera pasado sí...?"
[ 2GEN ]: para un starter con los hijes de nuestros personajes.
[ YOUNG ]: para un starter con una versión más joven de mi personaje.
[ OLD ]: para un starter con una versión más grande de mi personaje.
[ HP ]: para un starter con nuestros personajes habitando el universo de harry potter.
[ PREGNANT ]: para un starter donde mi personaje le cuente al tuyo que está esperando un hije.
[ WEDDING ]: para un starter donde mi personaje invite al tuyo a su boda.
[ BABY ]: para un starter con nuestros personajes cuidando a un bebé.
[  PLACE ]: para un starter con nuestros personajes viviendo en otra parte del mundo.
[ AU + * ]: para un starter ubicado en cualquier universo alternativo.
disclaimer: memes exclusivos para usuaries y ex-usuaries de asieslavida, se agradece que personas ajenas al rp no den reblog.  ♡  clv is not over yet  ♡
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daenystheedreamer · 6 months
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berries i gathered at the russian fanfic website filtered for asoiaf and slash. its mostly crossover stuff and variations on theon/robb/jon and luce/mond. more than one harry potter x rhaegar. also i was skimming it untranslated in cyrillic at first and the terror i felt slowly reading out Дерек Хейл/Стайлз Стилински.... quick reenactment i was like -_- dyerek khale.. stailz... NO!! also there was an alpha tormund x omega jon #slay.
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