#losing face quackbur
fernlessbastard · 1 month
first time using this ask thing heh and i don’t rly know what to say, but, as a casual tntduo lover to another tntduo lover, i desperately kindly ask what are your favourite fics? dont rly mind if its suggestive/smut, id still like to show dem authors love and support. as a trade offer, ill leave some fic recs on my next ask hehe :]
anyways been following u for a while now (on insta) and id like to say ur art brings me immense joy and never fails to inspire me. hope u and your partner have a nice day! bubye !
i know this aint a prompt or idea or concept but u just seem like a cool person that i want to interact with :]
My guy, I am so sorry, but I hardly have any recommendations...
Why? Well, I went to my AO3 account, and like a solid 1/3 of my history was completely deleted - as in the works were deleted. Additionally, I haven't been reading much lately, so I have no newer titles, unfortunately. But here's the couple I have:
there's always this thing that we're becoming. Brilliantly written, genuinely gorgeous, in character, etc - it is smut though (top notch smut, though)
I'm pretty sure I enjoyed TntDuo Content I Don't Want To Attach My Username To too - also smut lmao
Agape - NOT smut, for once, but never finished lmao
There's also this fic I am completely not connected to ha ha it's called Losing Face and while it is unfinished I heard that the author is doing this like kinda rewrite kinda reimagining sort of thing where tldr it's the same concept just executed better ha haa👀👀👀
Another one is real life au - it's VERY heavy though. Like, I had to stop reading it at some point cause it was legitimately just hitting too hard. It is well written, and it's supposed to evoke those emotions, but just be VERY careful with it. VERY tldr is that it's about Schlatt - Q's abusive ex - becoming Wilbur's sugar daddy. It is VERY dead dove do not eat, and deals with SA and s-cidal ideation. The fic is called Sugar Lips, but I won't put the link here cause seriously, it's fucking heavy - and in a very realistic way, not the fantasy "eating someone's heart while they're alive" type of thing, but in a "this happens to real people in real life" type of way. Idk if you still want to read it dm me for the link but yeah, just please stay safe, guys
And then there's one work which I cannot find for the life of me - I don't know if it got deleted or something but if it wasn't, tntblr please help me find it It was about Wilbur coming to Quackity when his stitches break. Once the guy stitches him up, there's a whole scene when Wilbur has a breakdown and Quackity helps him through it. Then I believe it's kinda this sort of "montage" of how Wilbur and Q kinda grow closer, and (spoiler alert) it ends with some event during which Sapnap and Karl show up and there's arguing and at some point Wilbur and Sapnap start fighting (physically) and Wilbur ends up beating Sapnap to death. It was so well written, and it was one of the earliest fics i've read, and i haven't been able to find it for a long, long time now
Anyway send me asks about absolutely anything, don't worry about it being "right" or anything - all asks are welcome, be it HCs, prompts, ideas, or just some appreciation, sharing something you like, a question to me, etc :]
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regicidal-optimism · 3 months
You've been reblogging more stuff about female characters getting ignored by fandoms recently and I would be really curious to hear your full views on the topic.
The thing is that... look. I get it. Many fandoms do not have very many women in their canon, many of those women are treated pretty poorly by the canon or aren't given as much depth as their male peers, and if you're at all picky the pickings are kind of slim (I would love to be a fan of c!Niki, if I were able to watch six-hour vods, which I am not). It is not wrong that most works with large fandoms are really, really sexist, and the problem is not just in the fanbase!
But come the fuck on. It is not an accident that the DSMP and the MCU and BNHA, all of which are vast-majority male and the female characters are treated terribly, are megafandoms, and Revolutionary Girl Utena is eligible for yuletide. It is not wrong that if you want to see more female-character-focused fanwork you should go to Sailor Moon and not The Untamed, but it is also kind of missing the point to say that and not look at the difference in size between those fandoms. People can say "it's because the male characters are so often more interesting and have more meaningful interactions," and like, sometimes that's even true, I will be the first to tell you that quackbur has more to it than tinarose, but please compare the Clint/Coulson tag to the Utena/Anthy tag and look me in the eye and tell me that's the only thing driving the trend. With a straight face.
And even more there's a thing where— so, I was a mod in the @ao3topshipsbracket bracket. And femslash ships, once they were in the bracket, did really well. Like, absurdly well, like 80% of the f/f ships entered got to the top 16, and the last one was against blackbonnet which was never gonna lose in round 1. You might notice something about that number, though, which is that there were only five of them entered total, because people love to vote for femslash but they absolutely will not write it. And they won't say anything about it either! I was watching the activity feed the entire tournament, and I can tell you, for all of the "let's go lesbians" that populated our notes, nobody would say anything that was actually about the specific characters who made up their ship. I learned a lot about Naruto fandom, modding that bracket; I still know nothing about CW Supergirl, because the only thing anyone would say about it is "it has women in it". Because women are interchangeable. Because women are avatars of Being A Good Feminist. Because clicking a button is easy, and actually thinking about any specific woman and her traits and her internality is hard.
The thing is that guilt over misogyny does not actually fix misogyny. It gets you a lot of people who vote for women in polls, and who say "he's like a woman to me" about their male faves but notably don't have any canonically female characters they talk about, and who say that the only thing they care about in a fic is if it has women in it but will not ever actually say anything about any specific woman, and who never shut up about yuri but apparently yuri is everything and anything except women who have feelings about one another.
I'm tired! I'm very tired. I want people to actually give a shit about specific women and their specific traits, which do not begin and end with "woman". And, also, to stop treating women exclusively as the wingmen, advice-givers, mom figures, and accessories of men.
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keirawantstocry · 4 months
Its that time again! A more or less continuation of the c!Quackbur vampires
Cw: The suggestiveness that comes from letting your pal drinking your blood and you teasing him about it. Along with the actual blood.
(Slightly worried it might be too suggestive, so please tell me if its too much! :>)
Wilbur’s mouth meet Quackity’s neck.
All outside motions stopped, and instinctively, a tongue was licking a long strip down the column of Q’s tanned neck.
Suddenly, Wilbur’s entire body was set ablaze with hunger as one hand wrapped harshly around Quackity’s jaw, tilting it away for more access, and the other arm was hugging Q’s body to his so hard, Q knew there was no escape.
Not like he was planning too, but the inhuman strength that came from the undead always ticked the neediness checklist in this head. The way Wilbur was only a word away from devouring him, and was holding on by a skin of his teeth to not drinking Q dry.
What’s even funnier is that Wilbur hadn’t even pierced his skin yet, just shallowly breathing onto it making the rest of his body flare up in prey instinct. After all, what’s a human to a vampire?
Everything, the voice of past Wilbur spoke, doing a pretty job at taking away Quackity’s awareness of the now.
It was only after present Wilbur grips turned bruising that Quackity was brought back to reality, he’s own breathes turning heavier with the grip around his stomach tightening too hard for comfort.
“Hey, keep that up and you really won’t be getting not a thing from me.”
Wilbur’s grip relaxed, and Q smirked on how easy that was. That he had the beast wrapped around his little finger, all just for a taste.
Wilbur licked and sucked at Q’s neck, but never pierced, and he continued until Quackity was finally done teasing the older man.
“Now, what’s the magic wordddd?” Quackity mocked.
“Go fuck yourself—” Wilbur huffed out, still kissing Q’s neck and never loosening his hold around the other.
Quackity grabbed the arm wrapped around his waist, pushing it forward only an inch before he heard the other whimper.
Quackity’s glee and ego were absolutely drinking up the noises, so much so that Quackity finally decides to end the other man’s suffering and leads Wilbur to a tree.
Q lets himself get pinned to the bark, twisting so he could finally face Wilbur fully and drink up the sight of the disheveled man in front of him.
Quackity had too admit, it was a pretty picture, but he’s been teasing for too long and wouldn’t want the other to wait too long after all.
They both stared at each other, both hungry for different things, yet knowing only the other could provide.
“Have me, until I say stop.”
Wilbur’s face disappeared as fast as light, opening his mouth and finally being able to eat what he wanted.
It hurt, of course it did, and Quackity never thinks he’ll get used to it, but the blood rushing out his neck was always a addicting feeling. The way the silky liquid dribbled down his neck, the lightheadedness that came from the rapid loss, the person stealing his life from him.
Quackity loved it all, and seeing how utterly wrecked the other became for even a drop stroked his ego higher than the stars. Even as Wilbur was losing more control, lifting Q higher off the ground and pinning him to the tree.
The moonlight didn’t reach them, but the both of them were glowing so hard, they didn’t need any light.
holy fuckign shit. grabbing my hair and trying not to scream /pos
HAVE ME????!?!?!
and do not worry i loveee suggestive stuff. cannablism as symbolism for sex oh my gosh oh my godh oh my goh ouuisdjsjkfjdkhdfjdfjdkfh hdskjhdfshj f
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fernlessbastard · 1 month
I've been following this blog for well over a year and had definitely heard you talk about "Losing Face" before, but just today, it sunk in that youre the writer of one of my favorite fics. I genuinely had no idea that the fic I loved was written by you until today when I was browsing my A03 bookmarks for the first time in ages.
Anyways, you're a lovely writer and a lovely artist. Always a pleasure to see you on my dash. Have a lovely day/night!
LMAOOOO that's funny
Yeah no I'm the author of that cluster-fuck-of-a-writing-process fic, glad you enjoyed the demo version, and I hope the actually planned out version is even better :]]]]
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fernlessbastard · 1 month
guys I need you to understand some things about the rewrite:
the reason why it got called a "rewrite" in the first place was that the core idea I intended was the same, and most importantly I really liked the idea of using that specific song and its lyrics. Now, I stopped writing LF in the first place cause I lost sight of the core idea (I didn't plan it out) and fucked up pacing and build-up, and also the new fic isn't gonna be called "losing face" for obvious reasons, so altogether it will be a completely stand-alone fic with a very similar vibe, but with an actual, properly planned out story to tell (the summary itself is like over 3k words and that's just the main storyline planned out)
While it'll probably have less chapters than LF would have had, the chapters so far are significantly longer - one of the reasons why it's taking me so much longer, I mean, hell, look at the word count comparison of both of the first chapters (left side is LF, right side is the new fic):
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idk what the tldr is i guess the lesson is that your first fanfiction ever might give you an impression that 800 words is a decent length and then you learn more and at some point write a smutty chapter that's nearly 10x that length or something y'know?
(as in obviously longer =/= better but you know what I mean - my perspective is very different now)
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fernlessbastard · 1 year
I just wanted to see some cool quackbur fanart.
And I've found it. But I wasn't prepared to read about C!Quackity and C!Wilbur's possible sex life and to find out C!Wilbur is a brat. This deal explain so much about their dynamic of Wilbur always dancing around Quackity and trying to get a reaction out of him.
Thank you. Now I'll think about it for the next week and then remember about it few months later.
Great everything. Now I have to read the fics 👀
[oh fuck I left this in my drafts for so long, shit I'm sorry--]
Pfffffffffffffffffffffftttt I'm glad I can provide satisfactory content lmao
Anyway thank you, and I hope you enjoy your stay
Also Jfc I need to finally finish the rewrite of losing face oh god
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fernlessbastard · 3 years
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guys plz it is so long it’s 2832 words I worked so hard on it--
the drawing may or may not be ralated to what happens in the fic oop--
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
I was intrigued by your top/bottom discussion and wrote this kind of ridiculous analysis. I tried to keep true to canon and not let personal bias interfere but it may have crept in. Now before you read, disclaimer: This all about the characters I just dont want to write c! Before everything.
Wilbur is a character who feels the need to have control all the time. This stems from his paranoia and trust issues. Since being vulnerable usually hurt. He also has a desperate need for love and attention. I feel like he would be uncomfy with or scared of the idea of bottoming and submitting because it takes away all his control. I think he's more inclined to it though, especially because how quick he is to devote his whole self to one person or thing [ie. "Dream I want to be your vassal" or lmanburg]
Quackity also appears to need control all the time but he knows what is like to compromise and not have full power. He feels abandoned by everyone he loves and uses dirty tricks to get people on his side. He probably was a bottom in his previous relationships, schlatt being the dominant guy he was, and sapnap wouldn't like receiving as much as giving. So I feel like he could bottom but wouldn't want to. It'd remind him too much of others who once loved him. Also he is more dominant, as shown by his leadership skills [he likes having people depend on him and he tries to be a good leader all the time]
Now in order for their relationship to work, Wilbur needs to trust quackity and give up some control to quackity and quackity needs to let Wilbur get close and depend on wilbur. This will be a very awkward and tense road for the both of them, since it requires them unlearning everything they've been "taught". It would probably take a big reality check for either to even start.
Theyre both lonely for different reasons, and their needs for control are a big roadblock in their relationship developing any farther than rivals. However, I believe if they learn they can love each other. In fact, if they were to be in a relationship they would probably help each other heal. They've both been hurt by very different things and their problems mirror each other. Similar enough to sympathize but different enough to be complimentary.
Anyways this is a long way of saying that Wilbur is a submissive bottom he's just scared of it and quackity is a dominant top that shows him he has no reason to be.
-asexual anon who got way to analytical about fictional block men's sex lives
Yes yes yes!! Exactly!!
That's precisely how I see it (also, obviously, this is purely about the characters) (tw: brief discussion of abuse and SA in a relationship)
I view Quackity as a switch, and more so enjoying being dominant, though he could also sub
(tw applies to this paragraph specifically) Then his relationship with Schlatt, which has been hinted to be, uh, not quite the most consensual at times, and pleasure of both parties not really being the focus of their sex life, so I'd imagine he has some trauma regarding both bottoming and subbing, and just giving up power like that
With Wilbur you captured how I feel about it exactly. He's the type of person who'd have some internalised toxic masculinity, especially considering how he'd view Techno and Phil - warriors - in contrast to himself. I'm not saying that Phil would belittle him in any way, but there's definitely something to say about a child growing up in the environment where being traditionally masculine is a relatively big part of daily life (fighting and all), no matter how loving and supportive they'd be. As he'd grow older, he'd probably feel like his preferences aren't really valid, and that he should want to be in control at all times, leading to him viewing that aspect of himself as something he should change, fight against, ect
I believe Wilbur would try to be generally dominant throughout his life, though, as we've seen time and time again, he always ends up destroying himself in the process. Despite what he tells himself, he just isn't that type of person. He can do all of it - be a top/dom, run a country, ect, - because he learnt to. But that's not really what he wants in the end.
Aside that I'd say Wilbur is a brat. He doesn't want to just submit, he wants to push the limits, playfully disobey, ect. In the end, yes, he's a sub, but he likes more to be (consensually, of course) forced into that side of the power dynamic. That type of behaviour would probably be frequently read as just wanting to be dominant, and without Wilbur himself explicitly stating what he wants, his partner(s) likely wouldn't push to discover that side of him
Quackity and Wilbur could absolutely help eachother heal, and create a safe environment in which they both feel loved and appreciated, and the stress of their daily lives disappears, and is replaced with support and affection, and they can truly be themselves, and feel good with it. Additionally, Quackity has been shown to be honestly the only person who can keep up with Wilbur's bullshit. He calls him out on it, fights with him, but doesn't condemn him, and does have the patience, and is willing to play the petty game, ultimately ending up on top (figuratively and literally lmao)... My point is that Quackity is a brat tamer and none of you can change my mind /lh but gen
As their relationship progresses and develops, and they build more trust and feel more comfortable and safe with eachother, I can absolutely see Quackity bottoming occasionally, but i don't really think he'd ever sub - as I've stated previously, I don't think he'd be particularly fond of it I'm the first place, and considering Wilbur, I just don't think they'd really end up doing it
Tldr: anon, you're based, now get off anon so that I can know who has such great takes (I fucking swear if you're the author of this thing that we're becoming--/lh/hj)
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
I'm gonna take the fruits and make a fucking smoothie, I swear--
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
Oohh, for the fic ask game, how about 1 and 11? 👀
Ok so it's technically an art ask game, not a fic one, BUT
1. how would you describe your style
Very messy, though with much attention to detail, simultaneously leaving a lot of things unsaid, and as mere doodles; semi realistic
11. show us the last thing you drew, be it a finished piece or a small doodle
I've already gotten that one, and also I've posted the doodle, BUT, I can show you what I've been writing recently kind of....
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If you squint real hard perhaps you'll be able to read the beginning 😳😳😳
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
out of curiosity: do u plan on finishing losing face? it’s SO good ungh i luvvvvv it so much 😩😩😩
Oh absolutely! It is ongoing, I've just had a lot on my plate recently, with loads of schoolwork and some significant health issues
I'm doing alright now, though, and I'll have a short break soon, so hopefully I'll be able to finally update :)
Chapter 6 is nearly ready, I'm just stuck on one scene and didn't have the chance to work through it
Anyway I'm so happy to hear that you like it❤️
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
seeing all these song asks; portrait of a female by cruel youth is my go-to writing song for TNTduo <3 probably says a lot about what I'm writing, I'll be honest.
lovingly, phantom anon :)
Oh hell yeah thank you for the recommendation
Also that sounds so fucking great I can't wait!!!!
Btw fun fact songs that relate to chapter 6 are specifically Oxytocin by Billie Eilish, and Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer, so you know..... 👀
Also beggin', kiss with a fist, and this is love (air traffic controller) work well too
Anyway missed you mate hope you're doing great ❤️ /p
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
Hey it’s anon author of “this thing that we’re becoming” on AO3 who’s classy enough to not freak out about you in my own comment section <3 can I just say that losing face was a HUGE inspiration for my tntduo dynamic and I think about your art literally daily? Seeing your user in my comments almost gave me a heart attack btw I admire your content sooo much. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 keep up the awesome work you’re so cool
*punches air*
Mate I remember swooning over black lace with my partner, just sitting there and talking about it for so long - your writing is soooo good, and holy fuck????? You know shit about BDSM?????? That's surprisingly rare??????????
The thought that you're enjoying my story? And art??? Oh my god, I'm dying/pos
If you ever wanted to like chat or something my DMS are always open 👉👈👀/gen
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
*peaks from behind a bush* 🧍‍♂️What if quackity pole danced for wilbur in losing face *hides back in bush*🚶‍♂️
I can neither confirm nor deny the fact that I may or may not have that type of thing planned out.......
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
I feel like Losing Face!Wilbur would get horny over the Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid /hj
Ok so I do see your point
The song has lines such as "don't fret" or "don't squirm", and like, losing face!Wilbur would be the first to suggest something like what's happening in that song... He would not need to be told to not fear... 👀
Jokes aside, it's a really nice song, thank you for introducing me to it :D
Oh and also LF!Wilbur would probably be horny over like any songs
He's just in general horny on main, honestly, lmao
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fernlessbastard · 3 years
I found the fic after intensely combing through ao3 (and im not even close to done) and its just. so well written. youve captured the dynamic perfectly and im literally on the edge of my seat as i wait for the next chapter. even while reading the first ones i was in the same place. you are an incredible writer. i admire you /p greatly
Yup, i'm the author of Losing Face, halloo
And thank you so much!!! you've genuinely made my day, honestly, this is so sweet <3
I'm almost done with chapter 4, it should be out by Sunday the latest for certain
I had some stuff happen that really pushed it all back, unfortunately, such as my phone getting broken, which means i probably won't be posting much art alongside the chapters, as i did previously
Anyway, thank you so much once again :)))
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